roseinthestars457 · 3 months
:___} You’re too kind!! Thank you for such the sweet message and I’m glad you enjoyed it!!! Djsjdhdka <3
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writingouthere · 3 months
friendswithbenefits!Sukuna x reader
You go on a date with Yuuji's colleague from work and he's nice but you can't stop thinking of Sukuna, your 'friend' with benefits who has made it clear to you that the two of you are not in a relationship.
cw: possessive behavior, smut
"So then the kid and his friends tried to say that there must just be a fire somewhere."
You snort. "And what the fire just happened to smell like weed?"
You both laugh and you take another sip of your drink. It's a little milder than you usually like, but it's growing on you, kind of like your date.
His name is Yuuta and he's a teacher at the same school as Yuuji. He's cute, not much older than you and he's been polite to every member of staff you've encountered at this restaurant tonight. He teaches history to some of the older grades and it's clear he's passionate about what he does. He's spent the past half hour telling you funny stories about the kids he teaches and stories about his co-workers that have you almost choking on your drink. You've heard about a lot of the same staff members from Yuuji so they feel familiar, like you know them, even the ones you haven't actually met yet.
"Sorry, I think I've been going on for a while. I tend to ramble when I get nervous." He scratches the back of his head, the gesture self deprecating, but so charming, and you hate the guilt you feel at being charmed by it.
"I like your rambling, it's cute," you tell him and you find yourself fond of the way he blushes in response.
It's been a long time since you went on on a real date and you've missed the ritual of it. The typical questions and nerves are as banal as ever, but there were the good parts too.
The excitement of getting to know a new person, the way that over the course of the night you imagine how your life may fit with theirs. Which friends could you see them getting along with? Did he keep his apartment clean? How would he kiss you at the end of the night.
A look at his mouth had you thinking he had to be a great kisser.
"What about you? Any crazy co-workers?"
The rest of the night goes smoothly. The food is good, the drinks were lovely, he cuts himself off after his second.
Responsible. Kind. Funny.
He was everything you were looking for and yet.
And yet.
Sometimes when he laughs, you think about another man's laugh. One that's less kind, louder, and so expressive it takes over his whole face when he lets it out.
When Yuuta helps you with your coat, you can't help but imagine his face twisting up in derision at the sight.
What? Forget how to use your arms, princess?
Yuuta and you are talking about a movie you'd both seen recently and liked, and he's so perfect. But he's not yours.
"I had a great time, tonight." You both are taking the same subway home, but your stop comes up first. Your train car is empty and when Yuuta leans in to kiss you, you let him.
It's chaste, sweet and not what you're looking for tonight. The knowing smile he wears when he pulls away tells you he knows it too.
"I had a great time too, text me when you get home?" Your rejection, even an unsaid one, does nothing to change his temper towards you. It's almost a shame, you'd kind of like to see what he could be like with a little more of a spark to him.
"I will!"
You wave and step off the platform and walk home to your apartment. He'd sent you a text checking in earlier but you hadn't answered yet He hadn't sent a follow up, probably distracted. He'd gone out with Megumi and some guys from gym he trained at. He was probably well on his way to being throroughly trashed.
You turn your key in the lock and open the door to your apartment. It's dark and cold. You don't really want to spend the rest of your night alone with your thoughts. You shut the door, lock it and take out your phone. You think about sending a text to Yuuji to see where he is but then change your mind. You don't necessarily feel like sitting a sports bar on a Friday night listening to a bunch of gymbros talk about macros or their upper body circuit.
You could try texting one of your girlfriends, but then you'd have to actually have a meaningful conversation and your brain was one sharp tug away from unraveling.
You bite your lip. There was someone you'd like to see.
"This is a bad idea." You look down at your shoes. "Such a bad idea."
You find yourself outside of bad idea's apartment and your hand is knocking before you can second guess yourself.
The door swings open with your fist still poised to knock again.
"So the date didn't go too well then?"
You bring your arm down, fist still clenched. You had to at least give it to Sukuna, he was fucking consistent. He leaned against the doorway, looking comfortable with how the position allowed him to leer over you and with his choice of casual attire.
He was wearing an old tank top and sweats that looked like they were one wash away from just disintegrating. They did nothing to hide anything and you hated how you couldn't stop your gaze from going down.
"It was a nice date, actually." He hummed and looked over his nails, as if checking his cuticles.
"There's that word again." Sukuna still wasn't looking at you but his smugness filled the air like a pipe had burst that housed particularly toxic fumes. "If he was so nice," the sound came out like a hiss, "then why are you here?"
You didn't answer and when it was clear you weren't going to, Sukuna finally looked up at you.
"I'll tell you why you're here, you know, if you're curious." He stood up to his full height and grabbed your arm, pulling you close to him. When you were right next to each other, he grabbed your chin, pulling you up as he bent down so you were face to face.
His breath smelled like the ginger tea he always had before bed. It was spicy, familiar, it made your hands clench with the urge to hold him.
"You're here because that nice boy wasn't going to fuck you right and that's what you want isn't it," his hand cupped your face, his breath warm on your cheek as he cursed in your ear, "to get fucked?"
You couldn't help yourself from shivering and you nodded as he began to press kisses down your neck. Pulling down the neckline of your dress, probably stretching it, ruining it, and you don't even care, you just want his hands on you.
"Use your words, baby. Tell me is that why you came here? You needed to get fucked right and you knew that I was the only one who could do that for you, isn't that right?" He ends his words with a bite to your collarbone that stops your legs from working right.
You wrap your arms around his neck, your hands going into his soft hair that you know he uses conditioner on and you hate how just the smell of him sends a pulse to your core. That the familiarness of him is just as sexy as his words.
Something about the feel of him in your hands, his words in your ears, his teeth against your neck, it's the same dance you two have done dozens of times and it just keeps getting better. How are you supposed to be satisfied with someone else and when no one else has ever touched you like this, like they know every place that makes you weak, like they were put on this earth just to unmake you?
"Tell me," his words are more urgent now but he doesn't wait for you to answer, pulling you into his apartment and pushing you up against the door after he slams it so hard you're worried the hinges may have snapped. "Tell me, tell me princess. Tell me I'm the only one who can get you like this, the only one who can see you like this."
It's too possessive, too overwhelming. If your mind was still in working order, you may point out these are claims too heavy for a casual hookup. That he was not your boyfriend, or your husband, or anything to you and yet you found yourself nodding anyway.
"Just you, just you Sukuna." For a second he almost seems to freeze and you worry that you said something wrong despite him starting this. That worry is ripped from you when he smashes his mouth to yours, the force of it almost painful. It's an abrupt departure from the other kiss you'd gotten tonight and you wonder if the taste of another man on you fuels him as he starts to pull at your clothes.
You're both barely undressed, only removing what needs to be removed to get him inside you, when he presses his cock against your cunt. It's so hot and you'll never get over how good he fills you, how right it feels when he's inside you and Sukuna finally lets go of your mouth when you let out a moan you're sure they can hear in the hallway. You can feel his grin against your throat and you don't even mind as he settles in you, making you almost uncomfortably full.
"Yeah, does that feel good? Like how my cock feels in you?" You don't answer him, not really capable of speech. He hums and pulls out of you just enough for you to feel it when he thrusts back in. You've fucked countless times, it's not even your first time fucking against the front door, which should embarrass you a little more, but something feels different.
Something feels different as Sukuna proceeds to fuck you hard, but somehow gentle, the beat between each thrust calculated for you to get overwhelmed by the feel of him to the point of it being too much just for him to pull away from you, but never fully leave you.
The kisses you exchange are sloppy, more a pressing of mouths together than real kissing and yet it's perfect and he's perfect and you could have tried this with the nice young man you'd gone on a date with tonight, who you're currently forgetting the name of, but what was the point? How could you try and find anyone to take Sukuna's place when he had carved it out himself inside you.
After you've both cum and you feel too tired to even attempt to collect your clothing or your dignity so you can leave, Sukuna lifts you up and carries you to his bedroom. The routine the two of you had previously established was off and you weren't sure what to do about it. You tried not to think about it as he carried you to the bathroom and cleaned you off or as he pulled an old t-shirt over your head. You tried not to think about it even more when he tucked you into bed.
He slid into the bed behind you and pulled you into his arms and you weren't sure how much more you could take before you could ignore it anymore.
He pressed his lips against the back of your neck, his arms tight around you. "Don't do that again."
"Dm mat?" Your words are muddled by sleepiness and the comforter that smells like him that you've pressed to your face.
"Don't go on dates with other guys."
It's not fair, he couldn't ask that of you and you shouldn't let him.
You grab his hands in yours and thread your fingers through them.
"In the morning."
You'll talk about this in the morning, about how you need boundaries and space and maybe this arrangement needs to end. Sukuna hums and presses closer to you, you can feel his lips in your hair.
The both of you can get on the same page in the morning.
Just a little something. Maybe this is a series now? Does the tense change partway through, yes. Does it change in fact multiple times, yes. Idk.
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lottiesquidhugs · 11 months
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kimbs at tha gymbs
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napszemuvegbe · 3 months
120 ora
Utoljara szerintem valamikor 2017 (?) kornyeken csinaltam meg utoljara, hogy 120 oran keresztul (hetfo-pentek) semmilyen kaloriat nem vittem be, csak vizet/teat ittam. Illetve annyit megengedtem magamnak, hogy napi 1-2 ek. utifu maghejat vizzel bevittem.
A hetfo tok normalisan telt, este meg edzeni is voltam
Kedden eleg ehes voltam, estere elmult, cserebe 6 korul le kellett fekudnom egy orara pihenni
Szerdara elmult az ehseg, este tarsasoztunk, 11 korul lefekudtem aludni (a szokasos 1 helyett)
Csutortokon magamtol felkeltem 7 korul, egesz nap nagyon porogtem, de aznap is korabban fekudtem le (11 utan egy kicsivel)
Penteken megint csak felkeltem magamtol 7 korul, delutanra viszont elkezdtem megehezni. Este elmentem a gymbe labnapot tartani. Alapvetoen tok jol ment, nem ereztem magam faradtnak.
Igazibol a legnehezebb nem is az ehseg, hanem az unalom. Az ember megszokja hogy szokott enni, helyette most kenyszeresen vizet ittam, ami azert nem a legizgalmasabb dolog. Szerintem normal korulmenyek kozott jo ha 2 liter vizet iszok egy nap, most szerintem volt 3-4 is.
A masik dolog a kave hianya volt (amit egyebkent lehetett volna inni, de feketen nem szeretem), de szerencsere nem voltak fejfajos elvonasi tunetek. En a kedd esti bealvast tudom be a kave hianyanak.
Elegedett vagyok, a merleg 104-rol ment le 98-ra, ennek kb a fele lehet valos fogyas.
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Gym | Gym name | Logo | Slogan | Professional Designer
Gym, choosing Gym's name, slogan, domain, and logo design.
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By choosing a distinctive and unique gym name. Also, you want to create your own website.
Click here to enter the gym products page, and there are discounts of more than 30%
We will help you choose the right domain for your business. Which will help your business achieve great success.
And if you are a fan of slogans. And you want your business to have a distinctive slogan. Don't worry, choosing your business slogan is very easy for us.
Finally, designing the logo is one of the easiest things we do. Which makes your business unique.
Choose the gym's business name.
There are many names for this work. Today, we chose that the name of your gym is composed of one name and a few letters. 
To help its users and ease the customer's ticket. 
The Gym name is 
Are you seeing it? It is simple and easy to remember the name.
Gym Domain
Now you want to create a website through which you want to publish sports pictures. 
Or tips, or even to tell people about the appointments. And also tell them the prices and trainers available to you. 
We will provide you with more than one domain name available for immediate use.
Click here to enter the gym products page, and there are discounts of more than 30%
You can choose the most suitable, easiest, and best for you with ease. 
You will find it, including the.com domain, if you want to stand out. Also, these domains can be used to profit from the Internet.
Domains Name
Click here to enter the gym products page, and there are discounts of more than 30%
Business Slogan
Now is the time to choose a logo for your business. Here, we always focus on choosing a slogan based on the simplicity of the words.
And to have understandable and clear words for the customer. Also, we try not to make the slogan too long.
This is so that the customer does not get tired of it and loves it more. 
Feel the magic of the gym.
Logo for a gym
There is no successful business without a distinctive logo. Look at the largest and even the smallest companies.
They all have distinctive logos for their work. We always choose colors in harmony. Our designs are very simple.
Click here to enter the gym products page, and there are discounts of more than 30%
Don't overuse colors. We can make a written logo or one with pictures. Or any type of logo you want, we can design it for you with ease.
The Logo
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This was our work for today: choosing a name, domain, slogan, and logo design for the gym.
You can take the idea and design it for your project with ease.
Click here to enter the gym products page, and there are discounts of more than 30%
But if you want something else with other specifications. Or do you want a different logo, name, or slogan? Send us a message, and you will find that we have everything that pleases and impresses you.
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xflertx · 3 years
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Seattle. WA.
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August 10, 2019, Week in Review
Well, I can't complain too much about the week just ending. (Then again, if I did what good would it do?)
Sunday I took a rest day, and then Monday was a 7 mile bicycle ride and a weight session at the YMCA. Tuesday I worked a double shift, and then Wednesday was another seven miles on the bike and another weight session.
I'm not counting Thursday as an exercise day, even if I did go to the mall with my two older grandchildren and did a lot of walking with them. (Not to mention getting them back to school items -- I might not have lost a lot of weight but my wallet sure did!) Then Friday was a bicycle ride to the bank and back for another seven miles. Today was awfully humiod, but I biked to the Y to close out the week with one last weight training session.
I find myself wishing this miserable bump or bruise or hematoma or whatever this is on my right elbow would hurry up and heal. It hasn't affected the range of motion, but it hurts a fair amount and makes it near impossible for me to do arm curls. I'm hopeful this coming week will see even more improvement.
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roseinthestars457 · 1 year
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Today’s chapter of give you my best shot got me in the mood for the edgy boy :> have some doodles (close ups under cut)
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toadgodbait · 5 years
Remember when I used to make content? Haha me too haha
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istripper-fan · 3 years
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#blonde #bikini #lingerie #gymb #fit #girlfriend #boobsofinstagram #summer https://www.instagram.com/p/CNMp7jEFEEp/?igshid=qvmjssd6d6jf
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painthewall · 7 years
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lovergirl · 2 years
I don't want to go to the gymb bc i hate friendships formed in the gym it feels too sweaty
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magikus-miccentyu · 3 years
Holnap új gymbe megyek, a John Harris Fitnessre esett a választásom.
Mivel az off peak bérlet jóval olcsóbb (89 euro), és azokban az órákban, amikor így nem mehetek, nem is tudnék, mert én akkor még javában dolgozom, szuper jól járok az árával.
Van benne Spa, medence, csoportos óra, személyi edzés, day pass családtagnak/barátnak, és csak fél órányira van tőlünk. (Van közelebb másik gym, de ott semmi nincs.)
Jó volna kicsit formába lendülni. Holnap kezdek.
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sronti · 2 years
Quality of life improvement:
Vettem spotify kompatibilis órát, így már nem kell telefont vinnem a gymbe.
Szerintem a kutyasétáltatásnál is otthon fogom hagyni, egy kicsit túl sok az információ mostanában.
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omgbuchbinder · 3 years
fb Anti negatív - Baranyai Barna
Asszonykával új lakásba költözünk, és a keresgélés alatt megtanultunk albérletül beszélni. Kering már a neten pár magyar-magyar ingatlanszótár, de úgy érzem érdemes ezeket kiegészíteni pár új bejegyzéssel. Íme:
A közelben számos kirándulási lehetőség: az első csemege ABC 27 percre van. Busszal.
Kiváló közlekedés: a nappaliban áll meg a 17-es vili, de legalábbis úgy hallatszik.
Budapest kulturális vérkeringésének közepén: behánynak az angol legénybúcsúsok az ablakon. Akkor is, ha a harmadikon laksz.
Parkolás az utcán lehetséges: ha előtte megverekszel a Mercis nővel, a Transporteres csávóval és a szemközti Pitbull Gymbe érkezőkkel a helyért.
Zöld környezet: valahogy kinőtt a vasbetonból a gaz a második emeleti gangon.
Polgári lakás: villanykörtét csak kosaras emelővel lehet cserélni.
Stúdiólakás: a retyóról eléred a hűtőajtót.
Nagyvárosi életérzés: besárgult a szoci falicsempe a konyhában.
Élénk lakóközösség: alattad kurelnak, feletted rendszeresen esőtáncot járnak, a melletted lakó, tág pupillájú sráchoz minden este más vendég érkezik, a földszinti ukrán családban pedig valamiért mindenki férfi, kétméteres és Igor.
Csendes lakóközösség: leverik a veséd a járókerettel, ha túl hangosan pislantasz és belerondítasz vele az M1 híradóba.
Egyedi megoldások: padlószőnyeget raktunk a konyhába, nem tudjuk miért, lol.
Egymásba fonódó terek: csak a nappaliba tudtuk besuvasztani a kádat, de valamiért ettől csak még drágább lett a lakás, mert *dizájn*. Ja, és a hálószobaajtót nem tudod becsukni, mert rossz méretet rendeltünk belőle.
Cozy/hygge: vettünk bele IKEA páfrányt meg szeretetillatú gyertyát.
Alacsony rezsi: az az egy csumpi villanyrezsó, ami be van szerelve, nem fogyaszt sokat, pláne, hogy a jobb oldali nem is működik.
Kilátás a parlamentre: ha kilógatsz egy partvisra szigszalagozott trabanttükröt az ablakon, látod a csúcsdíszt.
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norcalrebel54 · 3 years
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Gymb Smokin
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