#but I don’t know if I’m brave enough
story-book-sillies · 25 days
The pain of wanting to make an ageresona or agere oc so you can do art trades and commission art for them because there are so many great Agere artists out there, but not being able to do it because you’re a secret regressor and you’re scared of your friends recognizing your art and finding you out.
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newlesbianprideflag · 7 hours
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The Ace of Pentacles is a powerful card that represents new beginnings, opportunities, and the manifestation of abundance and prosperity.
started the day before it’s due, as I do all things in life, I am nonetheless really happy to submit my card for the @dnptarot project!! thanks so much for setting this all up, it’s been so fun :D
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coredrill · 3 months
so like. how many times do you think smith has heard isami say he doesn’t trust bravern and then tried really hard to change that when he becomes bravern only to wind up with the same outcome every single time
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Owl House Mutuals + anyone interested in watching TOH, my cartoon watch server has finally gotten to TOH on our list of shows to watch!!! We’re starting the series next Sunday!! AHHHH!!!!!
I’d love to have some more people join!
This server is preferred 18+ and we watch 3 episodes every Sunday at 5:00 pm central standard time. Please feel free to join! Here’s the link: https://discord.gg/ZpTFEwHB
No pressure at all, just tagging some people off the top of my head who could possibly be interested (so that this doesn’t get buried on the dash)
@coffee-n-sleep @unniebeans @probablyhuntersmom @polyhexian @childlikegoblinqueen @professionalprocrastinator597 @c0smicfrontier @thefreewillagency @zyrafowe-sny @oh-cramity-its-amity @uhhhhh I’m definitely forgetting some people so please join anyway if you’d like!
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bakubunny · 5 months
I would straight up ask #1-25 for both Emet and Thancred, cause I'm freaking curious but I won't get greedy- #1-10 for tragic white-haired ffxiv man of your choice (>ᴗ•)
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saved this one for last bc i knew i'd spend a ton of time on it willingly. i'll answer as many as i can for both because why not? gonna start with thancred x wol z’hana because that (self ship) doesn't stray too far outside of canon unlike the soul bond au, and i’ll post emet-selch x wol separately. fair warning tho, i'm not great at writing thancred... hence why there's so little of him in my works... but here we go! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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1. Do you get jealous or protective over your partner?
z'hana: i did get a little jealous in the beginning, but now that i know him well, not really. and i only get protective when he's overworking himself. thancred: me, jealous? never. and perhaps i might be more protective if she hadn't already bested me in combat more than once, but i'll never shy away from a fight to keep her safe. (lies. he gets v. jealous.)
2. What are your pet names for each other?
z'hana: babe, darling, sweetheart, handsome, honey thancred: the ones i can share, or the ones i can’t?… (cue glare from z’hana as he grins.) darling, love/my love, sweetheart.
3. What is your idea of a perfect date?
z'hana: i quite enjoy traveling with him. i still remember the time he whisked me away for an evening on scion gil right under tataru’s nose…. she was not happy, but it was an excellent night nonetheless. thancred: i don’t ask for much…. a home cooked meal and the love of my life.
4. What are your names saved in each other phones?
z'hana: thancred thancred: z’hana
5. Do you like cuddling? Why or why not?
z'hana: i enjoy it a lot, but too much and it’s overbearing. thancred: i would agree, i’m much the same.
6. What do you think the others love language is?
z'hana: physical touch thancred: physical touch
7. What’s the one trait about each other that annoys you the most?
z'hana: he still tries to brush things off with bravado and charm, even after multiple years together. thancred: she’s the most stubborn woman i’ve ever met, right after y’stola…. don’t tell her i said that.
8. Coffee or Tea?
z'hana: coffee thancred: coffee
9. What was your first impressions of each other?
z'hana: he was attractive, perhaps a little over confident. thancred: she was pretty. a competent ally.
10. What attracted you to each other?
z'hana: over time, it was our friendship…. it certainly didn’t hurt that he’s a sight for sore eyes. thancred: i should say her tenacity.
11. When did you know you were in love?
z'hana: probably at some point during our time on the first…. it just sort of happened for me. he went from a friend i used to share a bed with to someone i didn’t want to be without. thancred: my time on the first without her there made me realize i’d been a bit of an idiot. once we were reunited, i made a promise to myself that i’d never leave her again if i could help it… though we all know how that turned out in the final days.
13. What's the most noticeable physical attribute of your s/o to you?
z'hana: his back or his smile, i can’t decide. thancred: will i earn another glare if i say her thighs?
14. Spicy: Favorite sexual position?
z'hana: oh gosh, haha. i don’t know, missionary is nice, i suppose? (lies.) thancred: *eyeroll and a grin* she prefers modified doggy or prone bone, but i quite enjoy when she’s on top.
15. Who’s clingier?
z'hana: i am, hands down. thancred: z’hana.
16. What do you two find to be the most attractive about one another?
z'hana: his loyalty, pragmatism, dedication…. he’s steady, whereas i can be a bit high strung and fickle. thancred: i’m going to sound like i’ve gone soft when i say this, but it’s her kindness and strength.
18. PDA? Yes or No?
z'hana: i prefer it, yes. but subtle things, hand holding, maybe a hand on my back or an arm around my shoulder. thancred: early on, we never did. once the rest of our friends (tataru) found us out, we started to be more open about it.
19. How often do you say I love you?
z'hana: frequently. all the time. thancred: i say it when the moment is right.
21. Out of the two of you, who would be the one to kill / get rid of the spider?
z'hana: he is. i hate them. thancred: i am.
22. Spicy What is your secret to getting the other in the mood?
z'hana: oh, you know. *nervous laughter* now that we’re not preventing a world ending calamity, he’s not difficult to get going. perhaps a certain look or turn of phrase. thancred: a kiss or a gentle touch. i’m sure you can figure it out from there.
23. Would you rather never kiss again or go a year without sex?
z'hana: a year without sex. it would be a challenge, but manageable so long as i can kiss him whenever i like. thancred: my drive for intimacy is quite high…. i’ll make the smart decision and defer to her.
24. Would you consider yourself lucky to have found each other ?
z'hana: yes. how could i not? thancred: unbelievably so. in truth, without her, i’d have succumbed to my desire for liquor… though we don’t speak of those days much anymore.
25. What is something your s/o does that cheers you up instantly?
z'hana: he’s quite charming, i’ll give him that; he never fails to make me smile in that regard. thancred: she’s very silly from time to time. her playfulness always brightens my day.
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copepodkisser5000 · 7 months
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i go by Synth online. i probably count as a “tumblr old” (been here since 2011, and i’m even older than the source material my f/o comes from). i’m one of these 🏳️‍🌈. i do a lot of arts n crafts, and have commissions open. i’m bad at writing about me.
this is my main selfship sideblog- my main blog and the one i'll follow you from is @leadendeath, mostly furry-oriented but personal too, and if you want more general spunch.b0p-related goodness, i’m over at @1percentevil. if you already know me from those places, you are absolutely fine to follow/interact/whatever. i’m only joking when i call myself cringe or embarrassing :))) i’m unnecessarily self-conscious about every action i’ve ever done ever and i gotta get over it somehow.
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This isn’t a faq, more like a “things you might be wondering about”:
“What does your url mean?” -the species plankton are called copepods. yay for having a pre-existing interest in marine bio. the 5000 doesn’t mean anything, i just thought it looks cool. and vaguely technological.
“Plankton is already married…” -anyone who loves Plankton, i also love by extension. That includes Karen! luckily i like computers and robots too very much :)
“So are you okay with sharing him?” -See above. Yes! He needs all the love.
“Anniversary?” -23/7/23. i already knew him from years back, but really reconnected with him when i heard a certain song… it was love at first listen. i’ve had few and far between f/os in the past, and every time it was the same “fall for them hard and fast” situation.
“F/O list?” -just the one guy is all i need. :)
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Now here’s where i’ll infodump about my s/i…… eventually lol. When I get round to getting a few sketches I’ve done out of “WIP purgatory”, I’ll post about it under the #🦈 tag. I’m a shark, his best(/only…) customer, then shoulder to cry on, then we progress to more… lil dweeb latches on to the first guy who truly doesn’t consider him a loser. i could be talking about either of them there…
❗i now have a toyhouse page for it! backstory and more here❗
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blinkie cred
One little thing which i've started putting on all my "about" pages: i've never stated what i would like people to tag for in all my time on tumblr, but i'm making a change for that now. Please tag #cats and #scars for me, i would appreciate it immensely. i'll tag for anything you'd like too! <3
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cashweasel · 9 months
What if Valen and Ms Valen were twins? The world would never be able to function. The chaos they'd cause, but also all of us would do whatever they said because... them! (Just a random thought from the day)
Goddd one valen is already a Force,, two of them would be a nightmare 😂 (although they Can and will be very fun sometimes loll),, they’re enablers to each other and headaches to everyone else kskdjjffk and yeah it’s double the hotness but good luck if they both like you you’re in danger💀
I held onto this ask for a while and then decided yknow what? I should draw about it so I did (ft gideon, their bf, bff and favorite victim kakdjfjfj rip💀💀)
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pebblezone · 1 year
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Rocking. Rocking and rolling.
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inkykeiji · 9 months
i keep reading that lil story u shared and that’s just so heartbreakingly cute(?) idk,, i’m sending him good vibes
aw anon!!! 🥺🥺🥺 this is really sweet :(( i understand what you mean! it’s stuck with me for years, especially the way he said it like the ‘i can’t—i can’t take you out just yet’ was so,,, honestly i don’t even have a word to describe it. really earnest, maybe? not desperate or begging but a genuine hey, i’m getting out of here soon and i’d really love to take you on a date the moment i can. i dunno, it was really endearing! i really do wanna write something inspired by it 🥺 i sincerely hope he’s doing wonderful <3
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afieldinengland · 1 year
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mrsdulac · 1 year
okay so I’m looking into VC characters and I hope I’m just reading too much into it but they better not give the David Talbot body swap situation to Daniel in the show
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floral-hex · 1 year
Made some coffee because I need the boost
Going to go shave off my beard next because I like the occasional clear cut before growing it back and also no one ever sees me so it won’t matter how baby faced I am for the next week.
Going to stupidly retry buspirone later tonight. If you’ve followed my “lore” (and I’m sorry if you have), the last time I tried it over a few days, it only gave me extra anxiety and made me feel hot and incredibly uncomfortable. Maybe that was a fluke. Maybe it was interacting with the antidepressants I had just upped my dose of. Regardless, we’ll give it another shot and if it goes bad again, I’ll just take a couple benadryls, conk out, and not worry about them again.
Okay, I love you.
#my anxiety has just been nasty lately#I’m working on the logical mental part of that but a good chunk of my anxiety & depression is due to unchangable health problems#so for those worries I can’t reason away I’m relying on medication#and I think I’m ‘brave’ (or foolish) enough to give buspar another shot#i don’t want to take a benzo or anything tonight#I took 2 klonopins last night and that seemed pretty nice but I don’t want to make that a habit#especially since doctors don’t want to prescribe them unless really really necessary#so for tonight I’ve got my second cup of coffee and I’m working on distracting myself#gonna shave off this gross beard and if I could I’d cut off my long hair#my hair is too long!#I know that’s blasphemous to say but dang it’s getting to be a bit much#also my therapist said I need to apply for jobs before our next meeting#I don’t want to (fingers crossed) get a job interview just to roll in with this gross hair#NOT THAT HAIR IS GROSS! I love you hairy people!#but I’m bad at trimming facial hair and I haven’t had a haircut in… half a year? more?#so I’m all split ends and uneven trims#and I sweat easily so I need to chop some of this all off before it gets too hot#why am I writing all of this? it’s not pertinent or important or exciting or#so anyway how are you doing?#I need more mutuals who spend ungodly amounts of time on this app#not to talk to. I suck at talking. I just like seeing people on here. doing their thing. being alive. interacting with them. it’s nice.#okay this is enough rambling#ok i love you take it sleazy#you can ignore this#text
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Immediately after leaving a party with my family members: “I’d love to talk later if possible?”
5 hours later: radio silence
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dogkin · 2 years
I am witnessing an inability to do things I haven’t had before. I can’t lift myself off this couch, I just can’t. I can’t do the dishes, and they’ve been piling up for a week. I get worried and stressed and that might be enough to make me do them but I can barely do them of my own volition anymore. When I do wash them, there’s pain in my abdomen nearly every single time. Every time I do something barely physical to do with the dishes I get to hurting and have to bend over and just whimper sometimes to get through with it.
I lose interest in things quickly now, I haven’t finished so many series and games.. gaming and watching stuff is fun but I get stressed when I think that my parents will be mad at me. I’m getting thinner, I can feel my ribs now. They ache sometimes. My body feels fatigued because of this occasionally, and I feel sick and nauseous when I don’t eat but I can’t make myself eat. If there’s not anything of interest I just won’t eat. And maybe even then. I lose and have lost interest in most things I used to love eating. There are only a few select foods I crave now. Eating isn’t enjoyable like it used to be. It’s just a task.
I wait the days away for something to happen, for it to get better all on its own like it used to. That time doesn’t come. I refrain from asking my parents for help because they didn’t help me last time so why should they listen to me now. I have to restrain myself from looking at things that would bother me as a form of self harm. But I’d never really self harm, not physically at least.
I want things to get better, but I’m making no effort for that to happen and it just keeps getting worse. I keep getting sadder again, I’m relapsing and I’m getting thinner. I’m just going day by day, meal by meal, hour by hour, and minute by minute. Waiting for the times when I’m happy, trying to distract myself when I’m sad, and trying to just keep my mind off of how I’m not improving. Nothings getting better. And I’m losing the strength to help myself.
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vikos-world · 1 year
I have so many ocs that I made because of my friend
most of them being my hero and I have 4 little demon slayers
i wish I wasn’t such a wimp and I could post them more, I have toyhouse so I’ll probably do so there
but I also have a demon oc that’s 100% my own named Clemmy:3 I think people would like him
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thesungod · 1 year
the problem is that at the end of the day i wanted to be a doctor but i don’t have the self discipline confidence academic capability courage and memory to go through medicine and residency and i’ll do physical therapy which is cool and i like it a lot but i wanted to be a doctor and i’m scared i’ll always be partially unsatisfied. maybe i should have changed field all together to numb the pain rather than choosing a career where i literally work with and see doctors all day. but i wanted to not starve lmao
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