#buddy's classwork
artofbuddybaker · 7 months
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A bunch of cars for week 1 of a visdev class for aesthetic development with @jettpack at Underpaint Academy.
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bbyboytommy · 1 month
Here's a little ficlet I thought of while rewatching the interaction at the helicopter hanger. This is an established Buddie!
Eddie sighs as he drops his keys in the dish by the door and kicks off his boots. "Buck? Where are you?"
There's no answer, but he can hear movement in the bedroom, so he heads there. Chris was spending the night at a friend's house, so the movement had to be Buck.
When he reaches the doorframe he sees Buck, lying facing the wall and curled in on himself a bit. Eddie frowns as he knocks on the doorframe to announce his presence, but Buck doesn't even budge.
He can tell by his breathing that the other man isn't asleep, so he makes his way over to the bed, sitting carefully on the edge near Buck's knees. "Come on Buck, please talk to me."
He sighs when there's still no response. From this angle he can see Buck staring blankly at the wall with a frown in place.
"Buck, remember what we talked about with communication? Neither of us can fix anything if we don't talk about what's bothering us."
Eddie feels a little relief course through him when this gets the other man to sit up and face him, but it's short lived since Buck's face is still obviously distressed.
"Are you gonna leave the 118?"
The question hits Eddie like a truck. He'd known Buck was upset with him, but he wasn't expecting anything like this.
He leans forward, carefully putting a hand on Buck's thigh. The relief he feels when he doesn't flinch at all is quickly drowned out by concern about what was going through Buck's head this whole time.
"Dios, baby no. Why would you think that?"
Buck looks down at his hands in his lap as he starts speaking quickly. "Just- You've been spending so much time with Tommy, and I know you were in and out of helicopters a lot in the Army- I guess I just though you might miss it and want to transfer over there."
Eddie sighs, moving to cradle his face in his hands, making Buck look at him. "I'm not going anywhere baby. I like hanging out with Tommy, but I love you and I love the 118. I wouldn't trade that for anything."
Buck bites his lip and looks down despite not being able to move his head. "Are you sure? I can deal with it if you do want to transfer. I don't like it, but you should be happy too."
Eddie frowns. "Buck, listen to me." He pauses until blue eyes meet his once again. "I am happy where I am, with you. I don't need anything else as long as I have you and Christopher, okay?"
Buck finally gives him a wobbly smile. "Well that's good, because all I need is you and Christopher too."
Eddie smiles widely and leans forward, pressing a soft, sweet kiss to his lips. He presses their foreheads together, their breath ghosting across the other's lips. "I love you, Evan."
Buck finally smiles that big smile that Eddie fell in love with, and he returns it with a softer one. "I love you too, Edmundo."
( @librarianafterdark I hope you enjoy this! If anyone else would like to be tagged in 9-1-1 ficlets, just let me know <3)
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ddollfface · 5 months
𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗮𝗳𝗮𝗯!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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"Don't bite your lips, you're so selfish. Lemme do it for you ;)"
Trigger Warnings; jealousy, Cocky!Yandere, manipulation, possessiveness, yandere behaviors, bad writing, hinting at nsfw but doesn't show anything, I had afab!reader in mind but I think it can be gn!reader too If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Just some jealousy thoughts about LoveSick!Athlete... As usually, if ya' got any requests/suggestions, then let me know!!! (I'm definitely not running out of steam lol)
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Well, you see, LoveSick!Athlete doesn't really get jealous, so to speak. I mean, of course, he does get jealous, everyone does, seeing as it's a normal human emotion. And he's not a complete robot or anything. The thing is, he's just too cocky, too confident in himself to feel it often.
It's a mixture of confidence for you and himself. He's attractive, and he knows it. He's a twenty-one, lean, athlete who can kick anyone's ass if they dared to flirt with you. Though, he never does, seeing as he doesn't see any of these men as threats. Actually, he sees it as comedy, something that makes him laugh. He really pities these guys who think they can get with you, the hottest chick on uni campus. Like, really, what does this guy think he's doing, doll? Does he really believe that a babe like you would fork up your number to anyone? Especially, a guy who's already got a bald spot?
Honestly, he's really mean about it, and sometimes you can't help but feel bad for the guys who approach you. But, come on now, they must be stupid or something to completely brush off the arm that's wrapped around you shoulder. They likely just ignored it, hoping to save their ego, somewhat. They should've just seen it coming, at least, that's how you rationalize it.
He knows you wouldn't fuck another guy for two reasons:
1. First of all, why would you? Especially, when you have the hottest guy around the block. LoveSick!Athlete loves you to death. He makes sure your needs are met. That you're never hungry, thirsty, or needy. Nope, his baby's never left hanging. He's never left you high and dry, the bedroom set aside.
2. Who would hook up with? No, really, I'm serious. LoveSick!Athlete has practically chased off all competition, all you got is him. There's not a second that you're away from him, besides the bathroom. If you got a different class than him, welp he's waiting right out the door for you, ignoring all the whispers from your classmates who gawk at the hockey player.
3. He knows you're busy, he makes sure you are, with all that classwork, trying to get through college in one piece. What a hard worker you are; he's so proud of you. You're far too caught up in your grades and semester hours to be bothered with other men, though he's made sure that he's the only one that stuck around. Don't worry, he doesn't mind your tight schedule. You can't go to a cafe, date, 'cause you have to study? That's okay, what do you want? He'll bring it to your dorm! 'Cause, y'know, he's sweet like that ;)
4. And finally, though this isn't really a separate reason, he made sure that everyone knew ya'll were together. Well, not that you know that. He told all his buddies about you, how sweet you are, and how you're such a good girlfriend. I mean, he knows you guys never made it official, but what's the problem with that? You're practically dating, in his mind. You guys text/call all the time, you go out to eat together, go to amusement parks, and so, so much more. How is that not dating? Why *wouldn't* you want to date him? You guys would be such a power couple, don't 'cha think, babe? Our babies would be so cute; I hope they have your eyes &lt;;3?"
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fairykazu · 7 months
top six things i hate about you ft. scaramouche
cw: angst, hurt/comfort, modern au, it goes from hs to college (in the order of the reasons) | mlist
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if anyone knows you, they'll know the list, the list of top five things you hate about the infamous straight-a, cocky student named scaramouche raiden. you and he go way back when he was used to be called kunikuzushi... well, actually, when he went by kabukimono. scaramouche is his new brand now. you hate how he was a sweetheart to a "badass" delinquent, hanging with the group that named itself, the "fatui". whatever that means, you just hate the aftermath of your former best friend, scaramouche.
the list might be petty but hey, it's definitely a list. the list officially started from in middle school when he began to mix with the bad crowd. his saccharine voice that used to talk sweetly to you as you two were best friends changed into something that could only be described as egotistic. whatever group he's in then, it made him think that he's the shit. when really, he was the shittiest friend in eighth grade. only a sweetheart when you two were alone but the rudest boy you'll ever meet in front of his buddies.
number one: you hate the way he talks.
scaramouche talks in such a condescending voice, it sounds too whiny and it's so annoying when he's near your ear. he always acts like he knows better than you and sometimes, you wish someone would put him in his place for the satisfying look of defeat adorned on his face.
you remember once when he saw you lose an academic event against him. after putting up his thankful facade with the staff and the audience, he walked up to you. your friends were comforting you, saying that you got second place. yes, second place to scaramouche. he said your name as one of your friends, kokomi, gave him a dirty look and the other ignored him, averting their attention to you. you looked in his way and he said something like "you snooze you lose" or something so elementary to you. regardless of if it was or not, it still pissed you off.
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number two: his smile
you couldn't even classify his smile as a smile when it's always been a smirk. like he was a doll and the only face mold he has only been a smirk. you wish you could remember when he smiled so brightly you used to engrave it into your brain and dream of scaramouche being yours. alas, he's an asshole who's only emote is to laugh like his brain has been removed and chuckle like a manic or smirk whenever something oh-so-great has happened to him.
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number three: the way he stares
you two somehow managed to be in the same two classes together each year. it's like he pays the school to sit near you too. this one time in class, miss linyang's liyuean history class, each table was a set of two and had to be coed. you were paired up with a tablemate named kazuha kaedehara. he was very cute as you could remember. but everytime you and kazuha had interacted, you could feel daggers being stared behind you. each time you turned around, it was scaramouche and he turned to his own tablemate, haypasia, pretending to be doing classwork.
during the second semester of history, you were paired up with another student, chongyun, who was a bit quiet but had amazing work ethic. each time you two was working together, chongyun would always look terrified and guess who was behind you two....
it's actually so sickening how he manages to annoy you. always stuck in your head, rent free. when you brought this up to kokomi, she laughed at you a little and asked a question that annoyed you just a little.
"name, don't you think these points are petty? are you sure it's out of pure hatred?"
you and kokomi were sitting in your bedroom while you debriefed midway through the list. she sipped on her tea quietly as you paused. are this pure hate or... wait? why are you second guessing yourself? kokomi doesn't know what happened to the two of you and why is she even asking that question? "pfft, kokomi, of course, it's a tad-"
kokomi placed her tea down on the nightstand and raised a brow.
"- petty to list these as actual reasons to hate him. but i'm defintely sure these are out of pure... uhm, hatred. nothing else."
"if you say so."
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number four: you hate it when he lies
before the identity changes, you remember how his mother lost her twin sister, miss makoto. how that situation of his life has been flipped upside down and how that affected how he treated you. not pinning this hatred on his mother, of course. but you wish things were different.
or at least, there could been a universe you two were still buddy-buddy despite it all. when you asked him what happened, he told you everything was fine in a sweetish voice, so you believed him. even though, you knew it was a lie. you tried to coax the truth out of him, but he never broke it to you.
only when you asked his stepmother, yae miko, she told you the truth out and plain. however, she only told you because she believed you were his girlfriend, and you deserved the reason why he started to ghost you. but you two?
it kind of makes you laugh a little that she believed you two were together. kind of stupid, isn't it? by the time you found out, it was too late. scaramouche ghosted you for a newer crowd and it was fine. you didn't really need him anyway.
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number five: you hate it when he's not around
as much you didn't want it to, your routine wasn't the same without him. his presence lingered in the school hallways, in your house, near your bed and next to you. you could only live off of glimpses of him in school and sometimes looking at your archived posts on instagram. sometimes when the thoughts get to you, you go through series of denial again. but you managed to stop yourself from actually sending a text to scaramouche or contacting ever.
you settled for less of him in your life because that's what he has given you. but was it worth it? you don't want to second guess it because if you do, regret would seep into you and linger in your brain until you rot to death.
well, kokomi was right. none of these are out of hatred. there isn't just five reasons you hate him, there's a sixth which was:
number six: you hate it that you don't actually hate him, just miss him
school was over and the summer has started, maybe, it's time to get over this. your group of friends suggested that you should get out more often. during the school year, you were swamped with your job at the cat's tail, studying and responsibilities were piled up. eventually you did fell for their nagging and had a one day off, you spent it with kokomi, yelan and kaeya. in the mall, debriefing sessions and just overall, quality time. however, yelan brought up the fact she was invited to a party hosted by the infamous itto. but you knew if it was hosted by itto, it's likely to seen scaramouche again. not like you couldn't handle it, it's just that... yeah, you couldn't handle seeing his face again. in the tevyat uni, you could because it was school. but out of school, it's over.
yelan saw the look of your face fall as she sighed, "name, you need to get out more. just because the one who could not be named is going to be there doesn't mean you shouldn't know."
kaeya agreed with yelan, "why are you letting a man get in way in fun?" you knew this is how your friends were going to gang up on you. kokomi added, "and we haven't seen you outside of your dorms or even videocalls. please, name, we could have so much fun at the party."
you replied, "just give me three reasons to go." the three of them made eye contact with each other just before blabbering out reasons why you should go.
"you could stop stalking him on instagram!"
"okay, low blow, yelan." you huffed.
"you could finally pull a guy!"
"hanging out with us, the gang???"
"talking to people face to face instead of text to text?" "you keep reposting sad shit on tiktok, it's not healthy to surround yourself with that negativity."
you won't lie some of these things do hurt to hear and they're right. you should go out. it doesn't help being depressed everyday when you only got two months of the summer left. "alright alright. i'll come."
they celebrate with a cheer as you were thinking if you would regret this decision.
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you already regret it and the emotion settled on your shoulder. you're at the party, in a corner, and somehow, your friends who preached being by your side disappeared into the crowd who was raving to the music. you were left alone, holding a red solo cup. since it was actually shinbou and yelan's house, not itto's, you knew your way around the house. you saw people making out half-hazardly in the hallways, you winced at the sight of that as you made it out to upstairs, near yelan's beloved koi fish tank. a familiar face saw you, you nearly flinched at the indigo eyes but alas, it wasn't him. it was venti, already tipsy, holding an empty bottle in hand.
"aha! name, i knew you would be there." he said, walking to you, holding onto your shoulder for balance. "c'mere, do you wanna play a party game? you don't have to, of course, but you look a little bored here, standing near..." he paused to look at the pinky and blue colored fish and a white pearlescent fish. "mimi and gojo. woah, how sad was yelan when she was watching jjk?"
venti wasn't a bad person but you knew he was heavily associated with scaramouche. you didn't really want to see him even though your friends encouraged him to face him because he's just a man or something. you ignored the offer for the game and replied with a short answer, "yeah, she was really sad about the anime."
he nodded as he took a tiny swing of the bottle before realizing the bottle was actually empty. he changed the subject back to the game, "anywoo, are you joining us in seven minutes in heaven? or speculating?"
you knew that he wouldn't give up on the offer. he's quite stubborn. you gave in, "the latter."
"alright, follow me." he gave you a cheeky smile.
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you saw familiar faces like kazuha and he waved at you. you smiled back. the rest of the people sitting in the circle didn't look familiar to you. venti laughed, "whoops, guys, this is name and name, this is xiao, the star twins, aether and lumine, yoimiya, nilou, albedo and so-and-so!" he placed the green tinted bottle down in the center of the circle, "we are playing spin the bottle."
you glanced at each person in the circle. xiao looked like he was forced to be there. lumine looked indifferent to the situation while aether was giggly... tipsy? you weren't sure why venti said so-and-so but you're sure scaramouche wouldn't play a game like this. after a couple of rounds, only some of the people came out disheveled while the others were just getting to know each other. you feel like this game might be a set up, but you brushed it aside. feeling the fomo get to you, you joined the game. venti cheered as you laugh a little. it was your turn to spin, and you landed on...
the guy venti called so and so. something is wrong, you thought, as venti pushed you two into a random room together and locked it from the inside. you flickered the lights on and the other person in the room looked in your direction. you two were on the opposite sides, the gap between you guys could be compared with the sun and planet uranus. you couldn't make it out who it was in the room with you as he wore clothes that covered any features of him. you just know who it is from the bottom of your heart, "scaramouche."
he chuckled just the way you hate it. how it gets stuck in your head and forever played in your head, how it picked at you. how irritating. "took you long enough, name."
"you're not the type to play this game." you replied, your voice was not warm like it was before outside of this room. it was cold like when you lashed out on him long time ago. he doesn't reply for a while until he took off his mask and retorted, "how would you know? we haven't talked in a while."
"'a while'? it was highschool. that's more than just a while."
he huffed, "whatever."
"'whatever'!" you mimicked his voice. "you're the same guy in highschool."
you noticed how your words pricked at him. you saw the look on his face before, he's riled up. you've seen this face on him before but never as expressive as this. he grunted, "i've changed." you let out a sarcastic laugh, "yeah right."
the room was silent. you were sure these seven minutes might go on for decades now. you were waiting for the time to be over. he broke the ice, "you know what? why are you always pissed to see me?"
"you think i'm stupid? why do you always annoyed when our eyes meet or whatever."
"you seriously don't remember?" you're in disbelief. how does this asshole not remember anything? is this how he lives life blissfully.
he rolled his eyes as you clenched your fist. you will knock out his eyes out first before he utters some bullshit excuse. "i remember that you betrayed me first."
his sentence made you confused. betrayed him first? what kind of drugs is he on? baffled, you questioned,
he doesn't even flinch but just looked at you with the same face you gave him earlier, "you broke the promise."
"well, you ghosted me and never explained why!" you replied. the gap between you and the indigo haired male slowly got lessen. he opened his mouth until he noticed that you were agitated. he closed it and inhaled. "okay, i'll tell you why i did that and i'll tell you about he promise. don't try to figure out what it is. it was pretty stupid."
"your... emotions aren't stupid, scaramouche."
"it's fine. i ghosted you because i didn't want you to see me at my weakest and i thought you deserved better than me."
"i don't understand."
"i didn't understand it either but i guess... nevermind."
"what???" he changed the subject before you could interject. "the promise was to be together. i guess, you didn't break the promise. i did. i'm sorry for what i did. i think..."
"you think?" you motioned with your hand to tell him to get to the point.
"i think i have feelings for you, name."
"wait what?" were you really getting a confession from your ex best friend right now? if he was really someone you hated, then why were you flustered? "repeat that again?"
"i have feelings for you." you reached for the phone in your backpocket and asked him to repeat it. he saw your phone and refused to tell it again. you wanted to laugh. but you couldn't. your feelings are all over the place and even though, you knew in your heart, you like him back. that kokomi was right. you never hated him and only said so to protect yourself. you couldn't bring yourself to forgive him.
"as much as i accept your feelings, i can't." you noticed how scaramouche looked like a sad, wet cat. "but if we become friends again and iiff one thing leads to another." he interuppted you and smiled. but not in his weird smirking way but in his sweet way, "i understand."
the sweet moment between you two ended as soon as venti knocked on the door, "that's very sweet that you two finally made up but get out, it's been longer than seven minutes!"
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lemonmaid · 2 months
Bake Sale
Due to Girl Scout season, (and me buying boxes) I just got an idea, so here yall go! (03. 16. 2023)
'So... hot'
(Name) could only think about how HOT Ramshackle was right now. Thanks to that useless crow of a man, Ramshackle was the only dorm without an AC unit or any type of fan. It's the middle of summer vacation and there is no airflow through the dorm.
"(Name) pleassseee do something about this heat, I think Grim is about to die".
"Wow, I bet you regret skipping Crewl's classes now" chuckled Deuce.
"We are both in summer school, shut up Deuce".
All the mirrors going into the dorms were locked up tight for the summer, leaving all the students who needed to catch up stay in Ramshackle, which was not alot of students.
"Listen guys, if I had the money I would totally buy a unit but I have no money or a job right now".
"UGH" Ace yelled, "why can we just go to the beach or sneak into Savanaclaw's pool!". Ace marched towards the windows and began opening all the ones in the living room.
"Because what teacher will gives us a pass to go relax when you three are supposed to being doing your homework and classwork you missed!". (Name) was getting overwhelmed, they knew they should've taken Leona's or Malleus's offer on staying with either of them during summer break.
"(Nammmmmmeeeeee)" Grim cried, "please do something about this heat", Grim fell to the floor.
"Fine, let me figure something out".
"Yay!!" The three cried.
(Name) walked out the campus kitchen, carrying two buckets of ice with them back to Ramshackle.
The ice was already melting.
'How the hell are we going to live in a magical world and not have any ice magic or spells?'.
As they made their way inside the Dorm they started opening windows, turning on the fans to on the highest settings, on cheap fan on its back with the bucket of ice holding its weight.
'Finally'. (Name) took in the cold breeze that filled the room. Grim came running down the hall putting his fatass in front of the semi broken fan. "Ahhhhhhh finally! Took you way to long henchman".
(Name) rolled their eyes, "Now that's done, I think I'm going to get a sweet treat." The word 'treat' summoned all three braincells.
"What are you gettin".
"Can I have soommme?".
"Can I help?".
'Jesus Christ' (Name) sighed, "I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to bake...."
Ace and Grimm groaned, throwing themselves back onto the "cold" ground.
Deuce looked confused, "I'm sorry perfect, why are you going to bake when it's-"
"Fucking thousands degrees out-" Ace interrupted.
Deuce glared.
"You guys don't have to help with anything, I was kinda of planning on doing this for myself...". (Name) walked away towards the kitchen.
"Nonono, I'll help you perfect!!" Deuce ran after (Name).
(Name) opened the cupboard, 'thin mints orrrrrrrrrr, hmm, wait samoas?'.
(Name) looked over at Deuce, "Deuce, one or two?".
"Um one?"
"Thin mints it is".
Aced let out a moan.
"Damn buddy that's like your 10th one...".
Ace had tears in his eyes,"it's.. so... good".
(Name) gave the three a look; hunched over the counter, all groaning in happiness.
"Are these from your world perfect?".
(Name) nodded, "Yeah, there's actually-".
"Don't care make more!".
"Hench man please!"
(Name) looked at Ace and Grimm in shocked, "you know a simple please would do... also Grimm can you even have chocolate?".
Ace rolled his eyes, "the little shit ate rocks for the past year-". His comment made Duece hit him on the back of the head.
"Anyways, Perfect, do you think we can take some to lunch tomorrow?".
"Sure, I'll probably be baking all tomorrow... nothing else to do".
"Oi oi crabby~ whatcha got there?".
Instinctively Ace put the brown lunch bag towards his chest, "none of your-"
"HEYYY!!". Grimm screeched
"Sh sh baby seal, let me just borrow your bag."
Grimm beated his paws on Floyd's stomach, "No! You can't have that! (Name) made those specially for me!!" He whined.
"Oh~ Shrimy made these?". Floyd popped a cookie in his mouth.
The world stopped for a minute, Floyd giving the three a lead stare. "Uh, you good bro?". Ace went to put his hand on Floyd's shoulder only to be bitten by said eel.
Floyd stole the bag of cookies and made a dash for the door.
"MY TREATS!!" Grimm wailed.
(Name) hummed as they baked their third round of cookies, the last batch being Samoas now they were working on peanut butter. 'I guess always baking with Trey was worth the lessons-'
Que their front door being broken in with two distressed students.
'There goes my peaceful afternoon'.
(Name) grabbed the first aid kit to help Ace, letting the two whine and nag about their day.
Grim plopped himself on (Name)'s lap, "So.... can you give us more cookies?".
"Sure, just don't let anyone take them this time."
The next day at lunch was... eventful...
"NO! $50!".
"MAKE IT $90!".
It was like watching a pack of hyenas swarm a prey, three pairs of eyes watched from a distance.
"So... it's just cookies?". Azul observed the growing hysteria with a careful eye.
Jade snickered, "I think it's more than cookies sir~"
Azul grabbed a cookie from Floyd's bag, observing before taking a nibble.
Jade laughed, "so? What's the verdict-".
"Schedule a meeting with the perfect."
"FLOYD PUT ME DOWN!!". (Name) was hunched over Floyd's shoulder.
Azul took a deep breath, "Floyd put the perfect down-".
Azul felt a migraine forming, rubbing his temples. "So... perfect". Azul forced a smile.
"I'm not making a dea-".
"Listen! What about a business partnership? With your cookies-".
"There will be money, 50/50".
"I already-"
"And! I'll ask threaten the headmaster to give your.... Ramshackle upgrades".
'It's so much hotter than the inside of Ramshackle'. (Name) was miserable, sitting at a stand in Port Town trying to sell cookies, THEIR cookies. Luckily, that ocean breeze was... somewhat frequent.
"Hggnnngg Henchman I'm bored.... let's dip".
(Name) rolled their eyes, "You got us into this mess...".
"Ha! How was I supposed to know Azul was also in summer school!". Grim threw himself under the table.
"How's business perfect?~".
(Name) gave Jade a glare, "I'm miserable - it's too hot for this shit."
Floyd blew a raspberry, "Well! We have something to cheer you up-"
"A gun?"
Grim came up from the table, "AH! It's me!".
(Name) looked at the two confused, "a cardboard cut out of Grim?".
The cutout was... interesting, depicting Grim in a hat and... boots.
'Is there a puss and-'
Jade smiled softly, "Azul said it could help drive in business having a mascot~".
4/13/2024 I kinda gave up towards the end... this has been sitting in drafts for a year.... I cant figure out how to end this but Perfect gets a pool in Ramshackle in my head so :)
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acerikus · 6 months
*clenches teeth* in my heart, in the deltarune universe there's a cute little farming town east of Hometown where most of the produce is delivered from. Starlo works at the farm there with his parents (though he has dreams of getting into theatre, heavily encouraged by all his old high school buddies), but the farm is pretty big and there's a lot of heavy machinery to operate there, and he knows his parents need the help as they're getting fairly old.
Martlet is a car mechanic and also Berdly's 'cool' aunt. She drops by hometown occasionally to help with deliveries or help out when there's trouble on the road. She loudly makes herself known whenever she sees Berdly around and it mortifies him - Snowy and Monster Teen never let him live it down.
Ceroba and Kanako also live there. Ceroba used to be a delivery driver, but quit around the time Chujin died and stopped going to hometown. She makes a lot of handmade crafts with Kanako that they sell online instead now. Kanako is just about reaching college age, but she isn't planning to go as of now because she doesn't want to leave Ceroba alone at home.
Dalv is absolutely one of Toriel's old college buddies. They got up to shenanigans back in the day. He's got a pretty successful music career and doesn't stay in one place for too long, but frequently sends letters to the dreemurrs and holidays.
Clover is one of Asriel's friends at college, possibly alongside Chara :') They both goof off constantly and Chara has to try to push them both back on track so they don't fall behind with classwork 😤
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nishipostitz · 10 months
how jujutsu kaisen men get their first kiss
tw! geto x gojo, fluff, crack, kissing?¿ 😭 choso’s brothers mentioned. not taken seriously. not really an x reader or x anyone
starring!!! gojo, yuuji, megumi, and choso
it was in his second year of high school, there was this pretty annoying fan girl following gojo all around and begging him to date her. one day gojo was fed up and whisked up a plan to get rid of the fan girl for good. “i swear gojo i do not want to be doing this. youre stinky, too!” but gojo was not gonna let up. so he offered geto something ans he agreed to the plan. the plan was; have geto let down his hair and just sit nice on the bench. gojo would write a note and tell the fan girl to meet him under the cherry blossoms. so when the girl arrived, she would see gojo and geto kissing and get the hint “oh this man is taken”. but to geto’s dismay, the bench’s legs were a little unleveled so when gojo say down, geto slid down the bench and they actually kissed. lets say they both cried after that. but geto cried harder 😭
he was only in elementary and he was just playing on the playground with his buddies. and suddenly, this really nice girl in his class came up to him and started hanging out with him. yuuji’s really nice so he let her play with him and his buds. when recess was over, they went to their desks to start working on classwork again. the girl gave him a lil peck on the lips and ran away. yuuji was so surprised what had happened and started crying because A) it was his first kiss and B) he didn’t know her that well and he wanted to save his first kiss to someone he actually cared for. so yuuji was a sobbing mess for the rest of class until megumi knocked him out with a textbook saying “i gave him a real reason to cry” he loves him.
he would rather admit his first kiss was with his demon dogs than admit he never kissed a real human before. poor baby 😔
choso was keeping me entertained with his idea. so basically, he gave away his first kiss to a curse because it threatened him “kiss me now or your younger brothers get it” and without a second thought he kissed the curse. the curse didn’t even want a kiss. it only wanted to eliminate his brothers, but who knew he loved his brothers so much 🤷‍♀️ i love choso jail me
hopefully the gojo one was funny bc i got the idea before my nap and .. hehe
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nasty-quillz · 9 months
Aiza/Shin/Han: Enchanted Fleshlight
....I found this in my notebook y'all. I don't remember what I was doing or how it was suppose to end, but I do no it had to be during one of my dark content kicks.
Premise: Y/n and Shinso adopted by Aizawa. Aizawa using Quirked Fleshlight to fuck you in class while you do group work with Sero and Shinso. Pseudo incest and public sex/voyeurism.(Cant remember if I made AU a College or not, but everyone is 18+)
Aizawa Sensei is a bastard. Hundred percent  an absolute bastard.
Because as he sits at his desk, droning on about the day's classwork, you feel the thick head of his dick nudging at your entrance.
He has the nerve to lean his face on one hand as if he’s tired, while the other one is no doubt teasing the enchanted fleshlight you got him, under his desk.
He paired you off for group projects and you remained in your seat, with shaking legs as Hitoshi and Hanta moved to your desk., with their chairs.
“Hey Y/n! You ready for this project,” Hanta asked as he sat in his chair backwards.
“I hope so. If we tank this, Sensei is gonna take it outta my ass in training,” Hitoshi smirks at you as he says it, knowing you’re aware of exactly how.
Just as you go to say you got them, Aizawa chose that moment to push into the gushy hold of the fleshlight, punching the air out of your lungs. Hanta and Hitoshi looked at you, but went back to sketching out ideas.
You tried to give an air of attentiveness, but you look over to where the yellow sleeping bag peaks out behind his desk and gives away nothing. You clenched your jaw at the pleasure of his minute thrusting, pussy spasming around him.
“Fuck.” The whimper is whispered as it drags its way from behind your teeth. Sensei always filled you so good and it made  you adjust yourself in your seat..
You were pulled from your distraction by Hitoshi and Hanta.
“Okay so our Designated villain is… Bakugo.”
You groaned. “Come the fuck on.” 
“Yep,” Hitoshi said, popping the “P”.
“”How the fuck am I meant to paralyze when he moves that fast?!”
Hanta pats your shoulder. “It’s ok, we can take him.”
You nodded, “Okay show me the plan.”
For the next several minutes you fall into your classwork and the thrumming feeling of Aizawa’s become a pleasant background feeling when you’d periodically clench around him. Your panties were soaked and you knew there’d be a wet spot if you stood up.
When Hanta was distracted talking to Hitoshi, you rocked your hips forward in your seat, forcing him deeper into your sloppy hole. Aizawa twitched minutely behind his desk and you bite your lip and exhale through your nose. You thought it went unnoticed, but Hanta turned to look at you.
You okay, Y/n?” 
You opened your mouth to answer, but Hitoshi’s phone went off. You watched as he looked at it and thin purple eyebrows raised to his hairline as he smirked over at you.
It didn’t slip past Hanta. 
“Shinsou, Buddy what’s up?”
Hitoshi started chuckling and you could tell from the look in his eyes you were fucked.
He glances at Hanta, “You wanna have some fun Sero?”
Sero looked at his friend interest piqued. “Yeah?”
Hitoshi looked back at you and Hanta followed.
Without any warning Aizawa started beating your shit up. 
His fist moved the pocket pussy roughly across his dick and the feeling made your eyes cross as your hands scramble to grip onto the desk
You were so wet that you could hear the gooey sound of your pussy in the loud din of talking from the rest of your friends. 
That fact stood for your two friends sitting with you as well, unfortunately.
“Holy shit,” came the lanky boy’s disbelieving whisper.
“How’s Daddy feel, Babygirl,” Hitoshi asked, chuckling at your distressed pleasure.
You glared at him, but it failed when Aizawa hit the spot that made your mouth drop open in a silent moan. “Nii-san, he feels so fucking good,” you whispered, gasping into your hand to muffle it.
Hitoshi looked at Hanta. “Look at my pretty lil’ sister enjoying using her pussy. Bet it’s real slick from getting fucked in front of our whole class.”
You shuddered, hating how your foster brother knew how much of an exhibitionist you were.
“I mean look at Sero. He’s rock hard just watching you fall apart on Daddy’s dick. Bet he’d nut right here if he saw the way it’s hollowing your pussy out. Just slick dripping walls twitching around the fat dripping shape of his dick.”
Hanta groaned, feeling his own dick twitch in his pants. “Fuckin’ Hell, Shinsou.” He pressed the heel of his pal  against his straining erection. “You’re fucking filthy.”
He just grinned that demented smile, as he slipped his hand under the desk. Strong calloused digits ran up bronzed thighs as you spread them.  He slipped them into your soaked panties and slicked his fingers in your mess.
He never took his eyes off of Hanta. “So what do you say, Sero? Don’t you wanna know what she look like creaming on Daddy’s dick.?” 
Just as Hitoshi asked the question, his phone screen lit up with a single word.
Hitoshi answers on his  headphones and listened briefly before taking out one earbud and passing it to Hanta.
The taller young man took it. “H—Hello?”
“Hanta.” Aizawa’s sex voice is something that is long imagined amongst their class in the late hours of the night, but hearing it made him whimper. 
“Yes Sir?”
“You want a taste of my Babygirl, I’ve seen how you look at her..” In the background the slick sound of Aizawa fucking the fake pussy could be heard. It sent a thrill down his spine.
“Watch Hitoshi and I get her off, and You can have all the fun you want.”
Hanta’s breath hitched as he thought of you on your knees in front of him, balls in your mouth and cum on your face.
“Yes Sir.”
“Good boy.”
Hanta’s dick jumped in his pants at the man’s words and his mind reeled with thoughts of getting the man to praise him again.
Shinsou's devious grin interrupted his train of thought.
“Let’s get this show started.”
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petermlx · 9 months
Peter as a dad
Going off of canon (movie wise) and off of personal headcanons that I’ve seen, I’d say that Peter would be a really good dad.
He grew up with a younger sister (as seen in DoFP. Whether that’s Wanda or Lorna or a completely different kid is up to you) and in the same movie, we’ve seen that his mother drinks alcohol. So there’s a high chance pointing to the fact that Peter’s mother might’ve been too drunk to raise either of her kids.
So Peter, with both of his parents absent in his childhood, would swear to himself that he’d raise his sister better than their mother ever could.
And he’d get good at it. He’d probably even steal a book on parenting just to make sure he was going about things the right way, one of the few things he’s ever done by the book.
And as he and his sister gets older (she looks to be around 7 or 8 in DoFP and Peter’s probably in his late teens at the same time) he’d do other things too. Like go with her for parent-teacher conferences and back to school nights. Peter would go trick-or-treating with her on Halloween and would play dress up with her.
So I’d imagine that even after she’s all grown up and in high school or college and Peter’s moved into the mansion after Apocalypse, all of those parental instincts would just stick. He’s spent practically his entire life being his sister’s ‘dad’, he wouldn’t just forget all of that.
In the beginning, Peter definitely wouldn’t realize that he was even doing it. Like, he’d read bedtime stories to the students that wouldn’t be able to sleep or he’d make snacks for some of the students. He’d help the students with their classwork (even if he didn’t understand half of it) and would watch them whenever they went outside to play or practice with their mutations.
And then Peter would realize what he was doing and would double-down on it. His parental instincts weren’t something he was ashamed of and he sure as hell wasn’t ashamed to admit that he cares for the little rascals of Charles’s school.
And then those instincts would bleed into his friendships with the older mutants. At first it would be simple stuff like making snacks for them when they said they were hungry in between meals. Or he would help patch them up after training or missions even though they had Hank to do that. And then it would evolve into little comments like-
“Hank, you gotta sleep more, man. How are you expected to be our great engineer if you can’t even see straight?”
“C’mon, Charles, we were all teenagers once. Let them go to the mall. If it makes you feel better, I’ll be sure to watch over them.”
And then it would evolve into different, more serious comments such as-
“Scott! Don’t do that, you’re gonna bust your head open!
“Kurt, buddy, I know your tail is strong but you can’t just go around picking everything slightly heavy up with it. You might drop it and I don’t think our good doctor here is well-versed in the ways of literal tail bones.”
“Jubs, I understand that you want a ‘hot summer bod’, your words not mine, but you really have to eat more than that. It isn’t healthy to cut back on food just because you want to get skinny. Here, have some more food and I’ll teach you later how to get a hot bod like mine.”
At first, the X-Men definitely don’t realize what’s going on, they just think that Peter is being protective over them because of Apocalypse (though that wouldn’t explain the things he’s said to the older mutants who are more than capable of taking care of themselves). But then, for whatever reason, Peter’s little sister comes to the mansion.
And all of a sudden the others are watching from an entirely different perspective on how Peter acts with others. He’s questioning his sister about her school while he’s making her a snack and how she’s doing and if anybody is giving her any trouble. And she kinda laughs while rolling her eyes and answers with a “No, Dad. Nobody’s giving me trouble,” and it’s not exactly said sarcastically as most little siblings would be with their older siblings.
And the others would analyze Peter’s behaviour with them and then would have that collective thought of ‘Oh. Peter acts like a dad to us’.
After that realization, the others would start to be more welcoming towards Peter’s words of advice and caution, even though it felt like he was babying them from time to time.
I’m just saying that with his family, biological or not, Peter would act like a total dad.
(I feel very strongly about this, if you couldn’t tell.)
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highfiveheroes · 20 days
🌨️, ✨, and 🌱 for kipperlilly! from this ask game
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
🌱 - Share one of this oc’s early memories.
OHHHH WHAT HAVE YOU UNLOCKED. hello hello yes good little miss kipperlilly copperkettle the love of my LIFE.
a day free from responsibilities is going to be basically impossible for her. even if she doesn’t have class, even if she doesn’t have a plan to answer to, any of that—she doesn’t like being still. HOWEVER i do think she’d find some book she’s been wanting to read, annotate the hell out of it, and write basically an essay on it just for herself to post on her tumblr or something. like she completely bodies the fantasy equivalient of to kill a mockingbird and spends several hours analyzing the choices made and doing research etc. the rest of the rat grinders will never understand why she gives herself classwork for fun but she does and she likes it and it keeps her occupied like a dog with one of those treat puzzles, so it’s fine.
she tries to find pleasure in a lot of things, even though she’s always angry about something. i think she gets happy when she sees like, the dow is going up, or there’s going to be one of those wrestling performances coming to town. it’s like, little stuff that she likes, but she never makes a big deal out of it. but what really warms her heart is when someone else brings one of those things to her. like ivy casually reminding her about the wrestling show. oisin giving her a new highlighter because she dried out the last one in her book marathon. buddy sending her a link to a limited edition copy of a book she’s been talking about for ages. stuff like that. (to be known is to be loved right?) (no, she doesn’t ever really do it for other people, thanks for asking)
her family is like. So Normal. right. i think there’s a little memory of a two foot tall kipperlilly running around their nice suburban home, chasing a little dog, laughing, and her hair is in pigtails and her shoes are just a little bit too big but her mom got them for her to wear and she likes her mom and she’s a good kid, so she didn’t even step in the mud today with them! and the puppy barks, and she trips a little, and before she can even cry her mom picks her up and takes care of kissing her knee so it doesn’t hurt anymore, and she looks up at the TV and she sees some adventuring party up there and stops and stares and says "mommy, i wanna be like that when i’m a big kid!" and her mom tells her she can do anything she wants, so she can be!
and then kipperlilly turns out. Like That. anyway
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Truth and lies
This Dazai x reader fic idea was given to me by an anon, and can I just say... that they are a genius.
TW: Mentions of death, suicide, slight mentions of bullying, drinking, guns, kind of dark content, Dazai is lowkey a yandere, idk if I characterized him good enough
The image is not mine. It belongs to it’s original owner
Hopefully I wrote this well. Also the title may not be that relevant to the fic.
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Every person that you had met have told you that your ability was a gift.
After all, who wouldn’t want the ability to know when someone was lying or not? And being able to see the truth? You just had to mention what your ability would do and all the government forces would be scrambling to recruit you.
However, your ability was nothing but a curse.
Ever since you were a child, you weren’t afraid to call out anyone who was lying about anything. This made you unpopular among your classmates, since the majority of them always lied to skip homework or school. It wasn’t long before they started calling you names and teasing you that you were the ‘teacher’s pet’. You’d find hateful notes in your locker, a lot of your stuff stolen, and nobody really willing to hang out with you at breaktimes. And those were just the least of how they treated you.
It had gotten to the point where you had started skipping out on school. When your mother found out, she was naturally furious and demanded an answer from you. Scared, you found yourself lying that you had already done all the classwork and homework beforehand, so you had nothing to do in the lessons that you skipped out on.
It struck like lightning.
Pain seized your chest, so sudden and so severe you thought that you were having a heart attack. You had fallen to the ground, clutching your chest, unable to breathe and think as the pain spread all throughout your body. Liquid rushed up your throat, spilling out of your mouth in great ruby streams, while your vision was dulling by the minute.
You very nearly died that day if it weren’t for the doctor with a cancelling ability.
This was the curse; in exchange for being able to see the truth, the cost of telling one lie was death.
Oh, how cruel it was. You had spent the day in your room, numb and trying to accept the fact that you always had to tell the truth, no matter how dangerous it was. Several times, you had even attempted to end yourself, but every single time something had stayed your hand. It didn’t mean that you were never rushed to the hospital in a critical state though.
You kept on pushing on. You graduated school with top marks, and you also got accepted into an elite university. After some searching around for a job, you were finally accepted into the Armed Detective Agency.
Your ability helped you solve cases very quickly, and you soon became a well-respected detective, although you weren’t on par with Ranpo. People appreciated your honesty, and soon you found yourself being drinking buddies with nearly everyone in the Agency. Well, apart from one person himself.
Dazai Osamu. 22 years old, 182cm tall. He was a suicidal maniac, and a crazy one at that.
He initially took an interest in you when you had managed to solve an incredibly difficult case when Ranpo was away. That interest soon turned into curiosity when you told him the reason was because of your ability, the ability to detect lies and see truth itself. Even when you were an expert at reading people, you were never able to tell if Dazai was lying or not, partly because of his ability and partly because he was able to hide his emotions really well.
Dazai had approached you first, with the simple question of asking for your assistance on a mission. You agreed, and the mission went smoothly, but something about the man interested you. His charming, funny personality was just a mask to hide the demon within. You found yourself approaching him a lot more, and making small talk with him to try to get to know him better.
Small conversations soon turned into lengthy discussions, and the bond between you two strengthened from colleagues to good friends. With every conversation, you seemed closer to Dazai, sometimes even entrusting him with secrets that you never told your parents. He listened to everything without judging, and in return he told you stories that would still amuse you for the rest of your days.
It was one particular night, when you showed up drunk at his place, that your mask fell. Everything came pouring out, how you were bullied at school, your many attempts to suicide, even your deepest darkest secret: how your ability would kill you if you ever lied. Dazai didn’t say anything. He only hugged you to his chest while you cried, ranting about how twisted and unfair the world was.
It was then that this new emotion surfaced in him. It was light at the start, but over time it grew deeper, blossoming in his chest, enveloping him with such yearning every time he looked at you. Was it love? No, it was too strong to be love. But whatever it was, whether it be obsession or desire, Dazai knew that he had to have you to himself, and protect you from everything that would potentially harm you.
But Dazai wouldn’t force a relationship onto you, oh no. The last thing he wanted was to make you upset, and for someone as sad and as broken as you, a relationship would be the last thing that you wanted. Not until you were healed and fully trusted him.
Dazai eventually persuaded you to tell him the names of every single person that had bullied you or did you wrong. Afterwards, he managed to find out their locations. And even when he didn’t kill them, Dazai had other techniques to let those idiots know their place. Nobody ever bothered you again, something that you realised and that you were thankful for. You never questioned it however.
Over the months, you had grown to be very close with Dazai. You always went to him for comfort, and each time he would hug you and give you words of advice that worked very well. He became your only comfort, a foundation you could turn to whenever you needed help. 
And the fact that you went to him and only him alone made Dazai’s desire for you grow all the more stronger.
However, it was such a tragedy that when life seemed to be good, something bad always lurked around the corner.
It all went wrong. How could it all go so wrong?
It was just a simple mission. Solve this murder case and arrest the criminal. You were paired up with Dazai, since the case was a bit more complex than the other ones you had solved. Deep down, you were glad that the chocolate-haired detective was chosen to go with you, since whenever he was around, you felt calm and relaxed.
The case was a bit of a tricky one, however, due to Dazai’s intelligence and your ability, the murderer was found, and most coincidentally it was the policeman at the crime scene. You were about to arrest him when in a move too fast to see, he pulled out a gun and shot at you.
You stood glued to the ground, unable to move as the supersonic bullet streaked towards you. Your life flashed before your eyes. Although it was an unhappy and awful life, there were some moments and people that you appreciated.
Such as Dazai.
Such as Dazai, who took the bullet for you at the last second. Such as Dazai, who collapsed into your arms, bleeding heavily from the bullet wound. Such as Dazai, who had held you and comforted you and cheered you up every single time you felt down.
Such as Dazai, whose life was draining away by the second.
You finally reacted, your hands going to his chest, wrapping your jacket around his wound and pressing down on it as hard as you can. The blood seeped through, staining your hands and spilling onto the ground in a matter of seconds. You barely remembered taking out your phone and calling an ambulance, alongside with the Agency. Your senses were disoriented, everything was in a fuzz. The only hope you had was that he would survive the surgery, and slowly but surely make a recovery.
After what seemed like an eternity, the surgery door finally opened, and Yosano stepped out, looking grim. You immediately stood up and rushed towards her, practically begging her to tell you the news. It was the sad and pitiful look that she gave you which caused you to freeze in your tracks.
“He survived the surgery, however, he doesn’t have much longer to live. He’s already lost a lot of blood, and he might die in the next few minutes.” You stood there, frozen, as Yosano delivered her prognosis. The doctor’s eyes were soft, and all around you the Agency members gave you the same looks too. Pity and sympathy.
“He wishes to see you though.” Your head snapped up so fast that you almost got whiplash. Without waiting to hear any more, you pushed past her and almost ran into the infirmary.
On the bed lay Dazai, hooked up to different types of machines that tried their best to prolong his life. His skin was pale, even paler than what a vampire’s skin would be. A heap of bandages was wrapped around his chest, yet it only stopped the bleeding, never healing the wound.
How ironic, that the suicidal maniac was finally meeting his end. And at the hands of someone that wasn’t a beautiful lady, or someone that he loved.
Dazai’s eyes flickered open. His chocolate pupils looked at you, those same pupils that you had looked at all those times for comfort. A storm of emotions raged in your heart.
After all this time, your feelings for Dazai were unclear, and they still were. There were some instances where you thought you felt something else for him, but each time it would go away.
One wrong answer, and you would be joining him in a double death. 
But perhaps, it wouldn’t be that bad afterall.
Dazai’s mouth moved, making the faintest of sounds, but each word you heard loud and clear.
“Y/N... do you love me?”
Your eyes widened. 
You swallowed, and opened your mouth slowly, those ever-so-watchful brown eyes fixed on you.
You answer him.
@ashthemadwriter​ @nekokinax​ @pianotross​ @pixyys​ @the-mourning-stars​ @fi-nn-losofia​ @i-just-like-goats​
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artofbuddybaker · 6 months
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And now for the big finale of work from the visdev class with @jettpack at Underpaint Academy! Here are the finalized versions of the revisions requested. The revisions will all have their own separate posts so as to not make this one too long.
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vexinghearts · 2 months
hey buddy how are you? ☺️
I'm pretty okay. I've been getting my classwork done and I am so extremely proud of my grades right now it's not funny /hj
How are you?
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krikeymate · 1 year
@wabitham For you I will try and think about Amber and Tara. I started writing this and then you posted this, and I gotta say I agree with what you've written.
I decided to put a read more for a ramble, and add a summary of Amber and her relationship with Tara up here.
Amber is protective and possessive: once she determines she wants something or that something is hers, it's hers. Tara is one of those somethings.
Amber hates Sam because Tara still loves her despite hurting her, when Amber is the one who has been there for her.
Amber becomes Tara's person once Sam leaves. She pretty much relies on Amber for her entire emotional fulfilment, and Amber loves the feeling of power it gives her.
Amber has never been a people person, but she knows the world is easier with connections, and that it makes Tara happy, so hence the friendship group she associates with.
The year after her dad leaves is super hard on Tara, she ends up getting held back a year, much to her frustration. She was already older than her classmates, and now she's even older. Not to mention the embarrassment of being held back, of everyone whispering about you and staring at you all the time. It's like everyone knew what was going on in her life except her.
Amber has always been studious & mature for her age; she's at the top of her classes. When Tara is put into her grade, Amber is asked to help her assimilate back into the school environment and help her with her classwork. Everyone knows that they're already familiar with one another, and it's expected that that's what Tara needs in these trying times, a familiar face.
Amber doesn't think much of Tara at first, she doesn't really think much of anyone. People are just annoyances she has to deal with. She likes that Tara does what she says, even though she's older and people let her get away with things they wouldn't let others get away with. She's used that to her advantage sometimes, Tara would do anything for a smile and a compliment, Amber realises. She stops demanding her parents get her dog a month after being saddled with Tara.
It's just after Christmas, 4 months after receiving the role of Tara's tutor and buddy when The Incident happens and Amber begins to see Tara in a whole new light. She realises there's an anger inside of her, just like Amber, and it feels important to the girl somehow. She decides that Tara is no longer an obligation, she's hers.
So Amber becomes protective, possessive some (their friendship group) might say. Tara doesn't mind, so the others only grumble about it jokingly.
Amber hates Sam. Sam doesn't deserve the love and adoration her Tara heaps on her. Amber is the one who's always there, who sees her sadness and her tears. Amber is the one to hold her hand and cheer her up and help her with her school work and scare away the bullies. Sam is too busy getting drunk and fucking her way through every teenage boy in Woodsboro.
And Tara? She's needy. She's emotional and weak and she didn't realise how much she needed her sister until she wasn't really there any more. Then the world sends her Amber. Amber who couldn't stand her at first; carrying a dismissiveness that reminds her of her own mother. But it didn't matter, because she let Tara tag along and come home with her after school and she helped her with her homework even though it had to be frustrating for her sometimes. Tara just didn't want to be alone.
Skipping forward.
Sam leaves and Amber is all Tara has. She has her other friends sure, but they don't know her like Amber... or Sam. They don't fill her with comfort and radiate safety, they don't protect her like them. They don't love her like them. But Sam left and so she clings to Amber, and Amber doesn't push her away. She revels in it. Tara adores her and she takes advantage of it, curious; Tara's not unwilling, embarrassed, to curious to learn, to practise. She doesn't date though, Amber won't have that, she scares anyone who might try away. Amber doesn't share.
Years pass. She moves into the old Macher house. She develops a new obsession. She remembers the little secret Tara's mother once revealed to her. It consumes her. She speaks to people online about it, to others just like her who share her passion and her thoughts. She can't speak about things like this with Tara, Tara's too sensitive, Tara likes characters and stories and happy endings. They don't share this love.
She meets Richie. She let's it slip that she knows Billy Loomis' daughter. He makes a suggestion, she makes a suggestion. Before they know it they've got a plan and they've committed to carrying it out.
Amber pries when Tara's half asleep: have you talked to Sam lately? Do you ever wonder where she ended up, what she's been doing? Does she ever plan to come home? Tara reveals she knows where Sam is, she's been stalking her social media ever since she left, she never reaches out (if Sam wanted her in her life she would contact her, she would come home, Tara thinks). That's a surprise to Amber. Tara's never kept a secret from her. Of course it would be Sam's fault.
She tells Richie, and he begins his part of the plan. It takes him 2 months before Sam will even give him the time of day, another 2 before she ever opens up to him. They bond over shitty families and legacies left behind by their fathers and being disappointments, both of them skirting around the details. Until one day he catches Sam on Instagram, looking at a specific account. She reveals she has a little sister. He waits until she's drunk next, to bring up her little sister. He pries, and she talks about the little sister she loves so much who she abandoned. How much Tara must hate her. He asks if she would ever go back - not a chance - not even for your little sister? I would do anything for her. Even go back? Even go back.
It hurt Amber, doing what she did to Tara. But it had to be done. It irritates her and fills her with pride in equal measure when she fights back. Unfortunately, it means she gets a little more hurt than she intended. She shouldn't have fought back if she didn't want her leg broken. This was about Sam.
"This will all be over soon," she says as closes the cupboard door. She could convince Tara to keep her mouth shut, to say it was the robed and masked figure who tied her up and locked her away, that she didn't know who the Ghostfaces were. After all, once Sam is gone, Amber really will be the only one she has. But first Tara has to see. She wants her to see, to know she's all she has left. Tara's a good girl, she'll do as she's told.
It wasn't supposed to go down like this. Sam wasn't supposed to untie her.
Fuck Sam Carpenter.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 1 year
wondering when I'm coming back
My first Hualian fic! For a twist on a modern AU that I'm calling the Lady and the Tramp AU because I think I'm funny and @minky-for-short lets me get away with far too much. Happy Christmas my lovely friend, thank you for introducing me to mxtx and so many other things I love and brightening up my days!
Please reblog and comment over on Ao3 if you enjoyed this!
Xie Lian lives a privileged life. He's the top student at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, his family runs one of the most profitable businesses in the city and he lives in a house that's better called a mansion.
And all Xie Lian lives for is the nights where he's stolen away.
Of all the many, many rooms in his parents’ sprawling manor, Xie Lian’s favorite was his own bedroom. Not exactly strange for a college aged young man, he supposed, but his reasons were. 
After all, where the family house was lavishly decorated, very little without an edge in gold or jade, or a swathe of silk or fine, supple leather, Xie Lian’s room was sparse. There were just a few posters of cheesy bands he’d liked as a kid but could bear to take down, some pennants of teams he’s played for in high school and was currently playing for at university, a trans pride flag he’d put up in a rush of rebelliousness though that was tucked in where it couldn’t be seen from the window. Apart from that, it was sparse and cramped compared to other rooms he could have chosen, most of the space given over to Ruoye’s vivarium. 
But that was precisely what Xie Lian loved about his room. Though it wasn’t what made it his favorite place in the Xianle house. 
That was the thick, solid door he could firmly close and put the rest of his life on the other side. 
He did just that, feeling like he could breathe a little easier the moment the lock clicked into place. Xie Lian took a moment, back pressed against the door, feeling muscles he’d been holding tense all day finally ease, feeling the buzz of stress in his brain wind down to blessed silence. Another day done. The perfect, flawless son of the Xianle Corporation could go to bed.
Now he was just Xie Lian, he dropped his bag, heavy with classwork, on his desk, and started shrugging out of his jacket. He left the equally expensive, equally uncomfortable jeans and shirt on the floor, eagerly wriggling into just an oversized jumper and leggings. The sweater came down to the scuffed knees and his old slippers were dog eared but no one could see him right now so he didn’t have to care what he looked like. He let his hair loose from it’s tie, shaking it around his shoulders and collapsing onto his bed with a sigh of relief. 
Hearing his noisy, clattering arrival, a tiny white head poked out of the log house, buried in the leaves of the vivarium. Ruoye slithered eagerly up to the glass, tongue flickering in welcome. 
Xie Lian grinned, shuffling to the very edge of the bed so he could reach across and put a gentle finger on the glass of the tank, “Hey buddy. Sorry I’m so late getting back, orchestra practice ran over.”
Fortunately, his little albino snake was very forgiving, just happy to see his master home. 
Xie Lian smiled warmly, “Look what I snuck you from the kitchen…” he reached down to rescue a tiny quail egg from the pocket of his jacket, holding it out in front of Ruoye, “Only ‘cos you’re such a good boy, of course.”
Ruoye’s tongue flickered happily as he curled around his treat, Xie Lian relaxing too. For a moment, all he wanted was to close his eyes and take a nap after another long day of classes where he had to get every answer right, of spending getting his homework and extra credit assignments done going from one lecture hall to the next because he’d have no other time, another exhausting lunch with his father meeting an endless stream of business associates who’d still look at him like he shouldn’t be here, like he should still be home sewing with his mother and wearing the wrong name. Orchestra was at least fun, he enjoyed playing even if he didn’t enjoy having to turn it into yet another competition, where he had to be the best, where he had to be the flawless Xian family heir. 
Thinking of it all like that, in a long list that seemed to have no end, one he’d have to get up and keep unraveling the next day, Xie Lian wanted to either cry or fall asleep to avoid it. But there was something he wanted even more. 
And just that moment, almost as if the universe heard him and decided he needed a break, Xie Lian got it, in the form of a soft knocking at his bedroom window. 
There was another reason why Xie Lian’s room was his favorite in the whole house and that was the enormous tree that grew just outside his window. He’d always loved listening to the birds that nested in it, watching each year’s new clutch of eggs grow and take wing. He found the light tap of its branches against the glass comforting in the middle of the night, he loved the shapes its shadow made on the wall. 
But more than all that, he loved how it was the perfect height for his boyfriend to climb up and steal him out of the house without anyone seeing, like a princess being rescued from a tower. 
Not that Xie Lian had known he’d need that. But now he did, he couldn’t be more grateful.
“San Lang!” he sat bolt upright, diving for the window and throwing it open eagerly.
The younger man perched casually on the branch only grinned easily, like they were bumping into each other on a park bench rather than three storeys up in the air. 
“You kept me waiting tonight, gege,” he hummed, though there was no reproach in his voice, just fondness as he leaned across the gap to kiss him softly. 
“I didn’t know you were coming,” Xie Lain murmured against his lips, not willing to pull away just yet though he laid a steadying hand on his chest, “Careful, don’t fall…”
“Have I ever fallen, gege?” his dark haired lover smiled, though he did sit further back on the branch, not wanting to worry him, “Sorry to show up unannounced, I didn’t know if I’d get the time. But things were slow at work, I figured the place could handle itself for a while and I just really wanted to see you…”
Xie Lian softened, his steadying hand sliding up to play with the beads in his San Lang’s crooked ponytail, “I’m glad you did. I really wanted to see you too.”
Perceptive as ever, San Lang’s one eye narrowed slightly at his tone, his own voice softening, “Bad day, Lian?”
It always mystified Xie Lian, how so many people, basically everyone apart from his closest friends, believed in the front he put up without question. Even his own parents couldn’t see the smile and the perfect grades and the eagerness to please for what it really was. A mask. And one that was getting heavier by the day. 
But from the first moment he’d met San Lang, stumbling across him being cornered in an alleyway by three other guys, holding his own as best he could but only saved from a savage beating by Xie Lian’s intervention, it had been like he’d understood. Like something had tied them together in that moment, two young men from such different backgrounds but with the same threads running through them. Being with him was like finally having his head break above water so he could pull in air. 
“Aren’t they all bad days?” he felt the smile on his lips wobbling. 
Immediately, San Lang shifted closer, the dappled moonlight and shadow playing on his face, making him look otherworldly for a moment, “Do you want to talk about it? I’m here, darling…”
Xie Lian hesitated before shaking his head softly, “No. I want to get out of here.”
His lover’s grin was lopsided but sure, an anchor Xie Lian could cling to and did so gratefully. 
“Then let me give you a hand with that, gege.”
The escape was simple and not something they hadn’t done before bit still, Xie Lian’s heart was in his throat for the whole swift climb down the tree and the race through the shadows that grew like moss along the walls of his mother’s garden, keeping them well out of sight of the house’s light. His fingers shook as he typed in the code for the back gate, his other hand firmly gripped in San Lang’s. Only when they were down the lane, safely shut inside his car, did he take a full breath. 
San Lang threw him a smile as he kicked the car into gear. It was an old thing, built up from scrap by San Lang himself, so it took a few turns of the key and the engine growled like something threatening. But once it got going, it was fast, easily slipping between the expensive estate houses and away into the night, putting the Xianle House far in the distance which was all Xie Lian cared about. 
“Where to?” San Lang asked, once they were out of the estates and heading towards the city, “Loud or quiet?”
Xie Lian pressed his forehead to the window, finding the cold glass and the rumble running through it comforting. He knew they could go to where San Lang worked, to the Ghost City casino, lose themselves in noise and crowds and flashing lights. Xie Lian liked it there, it was a completely different world to the one he knew, raucous and dizzying, even if he didn’t take part in any of it. Neither did San Lang, for that matter, not when he had his boyfriend with him. 
Though Xie Lian had heard rumors of what his San Lang got up to when he wasn’t there. When he was Hua Cheng. 
“Quiet,” Xie Lian murmured, with a grateful smile. He’d had enough of the noise. 
San Lang smiled at him, “Sounds good, gege.”
Xie Lian snorted, “Pretty rich of you to call me that. You’re only three years younger than me.”
That made him laugh, making the streetlights wink off the piercing in his lip, “That’s not why I call you gege. I call you that because you like it.”
Xie Lian blushed delicately, not feeling silly about the distinctly goofy smile on his face, “I do…”
San Lang winked and reached over, resting a hand lightly on his knee. The touch wasn’t wanting or expectant, just comforting, a grounding presence between the two of them. Just closeness for its own sake. The thought kept that smile pinned to Xie Lian’s face as they turned into the outskirts. 
They always went to the same place when they wanted quiet. The city sat in the bowl of a valley, twinkling in its grasp like a strange geode of many colours had grown up out of the rock. That left many secluded bluffs and cliffs where you could park and see the whole of the city spread out under you, all shadow pierced by blinking squares of light as night fell. 
It was beautiful, Xie Lian always thought so, when you looked at it like this. The distance helped. 
He perched on the bonnet of San Lang’s car, breathing deeply and just enjoying the presence of his boyfriend next to him, eventually just resting against him fully, head tucked into the curve of his shoulder. He felt San Lang chuckle, winding an arm around him to draw him closer in. 
Out here under the moonlight, Xie Lian could see him clearly. Long, black hair in a ponytail he never bothered to fix, tied with beads that chattered when he moved, the drawn back hair showing ears that looked more metal than flesh with all the piercings they held. The ink of tattoos peeked up from under the shoulders and sleeves of jacket, snaking down his long, clever hands adorned with rings and nail polish. Xie Lian knew them all, he could trace their paths under his clothing on memory alone. For all he held him gently and made him laugh, Xie Lian knew how his boyfriend looked to others, red and dangerous like a colourfully poisonous snake. 
In short, San Lang looked like the kind of young man who’d need to climb a tree to avoid his lover’s parents. Especially parents like Xie Lian’s. 
Xie Lian used to think that was why he liked him so much, what had drawn him to San Lang when usually the fear of his parents’ reaction would keep him far away. It was certainly the opinion of his friends, that this secret prince in the tower act was Xie Lian’s first big act of rebellion. Like never having tasted sugar and then waking up in a candy store, as Mu Quing put it, a little bluntly. 
But Xie Lian wasn’t so sure how. He thought there was something deeper between him and San Lang. 
“What are you thinking about, gege?” 
Xie Lian smiled, tilting his head and pressing a kiss to the hollow of his neck, “Honestly…I’m thinking about how there’s probably no one around for miles and you’ve got a pretty spacious back seat?”
The grin his boyfriend gave him made a shiver run fine his spine, even in the warm night. 
It felt like the most natural thing in the world when their lips met, as Xie Lian leaned back against the hood and let San Lang bracket him securely with his strong arms, his present warmth. He felt the cool of his boyfriend’s tongue piercing as their mouths fell open, the amber scent of his perfume mixing with the fresh scent of pine and night air. Anything still left tense now unwound as they kissed, a small whimper escaping Xie Lian whenever their lips parted, like he just couldn’t bear it. 
So he stole as many kisses as he could as San Lang drew him off the hood, pulling him into the back seat. Fortunately here Xie Lian could press even closer, straddling his lap, holding his face in his hands so his thumbs could trace the hard lines of his jaw. A shiver ran down Xie Lian’s spine as he felt San Lang harden against him, straining at the fabric of his trousers. Feeling a dizzying thrill, he pressed their hips together closer, grinding down, drawing a hungry growl from his love. 
“Teasing me, gege?” His fingers grasped Xie Lian’s waist tightly. 
“It’s not teasing if I’m actually going to make good on it,” Xie Lian grinned, nipping at his lip gently. 
To prove it, he wriggled his leggings down just enough, moving tightly in the cramped space. San Lang purred appreciatively, hands slipping down his curves, one thumb lightly circling his dick where it was already aching needily in that soft patch of down between his thighs.
“You’re so beautiful…” he groaned and never once did Xie Lian doubt him. 
He trembled at the touch with a high, sweet moan. All he wanted to do was lean into that pressure, chase down his release, but he wasn’t about to leave his rescuer wanting. Bracing himself on one hand, he reached down and forced his shaking fingers to undo San Lang’s buttons, the chains he wore around his waist clinking softly as he drew the fabric down and let his erection free. 
Xie Lian doubted people would be surprised to find that Hua Cheng had the cock to match his smug attitude and brash appearance. But he knew that he had nothing to fear from his San Lang, he was always gentle and careful, mindful of the inexperience and uncertainty his gege had come to him with. Even now, with the two of them panting and aching with want, he held Xie Lian’s hips, making sure he sank down on his length gradually and breathing deeply for his love to match him. 
“Oh gods…” Xie Lian felt every nerve ending in him spark, face pressed to his lover’s neck, clinging on like he’d be swept away in it all if he wasn’t careful.
Knowing they didn’t have as much time as they’d like, that they never did, San Lang started to roll his hips up into Xie Lian’s heat. It was complete bliss, each deep, powerful thrust pulling him further into himself, into a body he could love so easily and a headspace he could call home. Xie Lian felt himself growing, soaring, rather than shrinking. He cried out loud, he let his hair tumble into disarray, he felt sweat run down his spine and his cheeks flush and his voice break and he just didn’t care. It didn’t matter. It was just the two of them and he could trust San Lang with himself. 
He had to switch his bracing hand to the ceiling of the car, with how heavily San Lang was fucking into him he was in danger of hitting his head. He could feel his peak coming, far too soon for his liking but he just couldn’t hang on, his body chasing it down even as his heart wanted to stay in this moment forever. 
“I…I can’t…San Lang…” he tried to make his muscles obey so he could speak but there was a new electricity seizing him. 
But San Lang seemed to understand, moaning and wrapping him in his arms, “Come for me…my prince…”
Xie Lian wasn’t going to deny his love anything. His release hit him hard, everything disappearing in a wash of bliss, only San Lang’s arms around him and his heat in him meaning anything. They fell too soon, crashing back to the cramped interior of the car, now stifling and misted with their heavy breaths. The high was so dizzying that the tumblr down was enough to bring tears to Xie Lian’s eyelashes. 
Before he could stop himself, before he could throw his guards up, he was shaking against San Lang, the tears bleeding into the fabric of his boyfriend's shirt. 
San Lang didn’t seem surprised, only moving to hold him tighter, “It’s okay…gege, it’s okay, I’m here.”
“But you’ll have to go,” the words were heavy, miserable, Xie Lian cringing at how he sounded like a small child having their comfort blanket taken away. He should be better, he should be stronger…
But San Lang kissed the side of his head, smoothed his damp hair, “I know, gege, I wish I didn’t have to. It’s okay to be upset, it’s okay to cry. It’s only me here.”
The simple fact of that, that for once he didn’t have to be strong, he could let himself feel hurt and scared and upset, that shattered the last of his resolve. He cried into San Lang’s shoulder, barely noticing as his love gently shifted them so they slid apart, so he could hold him close in his lap and rock him. He just gave into the ache for a while, knowing San Lang was there to keep him together. 
Eventually Xie Lian felt lighter, the sobs breaking down into shuddering gasps and raspy breathing that San Lang guided him to slow and deepen. 
“Sorry,” Xie Lian mumbled, rubbing at his eyes with the sleeves of his sweater. 
“You’ve nothing to be sorry for,” San Lang said firmly, kissing his cheek.
His unfailing kindness helped Xie Lian find a smile, “Not even for ruining your shirt?”
San Lang grinned, “Not even for that. As long as I can help you, gege, that’s all I want to do when we’re together.”
He gave a damp laugh, “What did I do to deserve you, San Lang?”
“You didn’t have to do anything, Lian,” he answered so plainly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “You were just yourself.”
Xie Lian let himself go through the motions of cleaning up, rearranging himself, making himself presentable again so they could drive back. The goodbye was coming and, even though it would only be for a short while, a couple of days before San Lang could come steal him away again, he knew it would hurt. 
They pulled up in the shadowy alley where San Lang always parked, out of sight of any neighbours.
“Well…” Xie Lian sounded as if he was trying to convince himself, “I should get going.”
San Lang’s dark eyes glittered in the low light, a thoughtful expression coming over what little of his face Xie Lian could make out, his brain filling in what he couldn’t. 
“Give me your hand, gege.”
Xie Lian did, feeling rather than seeing as San Lang tied something around his wrist. He brought his hand into the light and gave a soft gasp as he saw the red thread San Lang always wore on one finger tied there. 
“It might be a little obvious to wear it on your hand but like this, you can push it under your sleeve and no one will be any the wiser.”
“San Lang…” he breathed, unable to take his eyes off that simple red string, so humble but meaning so much. 
There was more he wanted to say. More he wanted to tell San Lang, Hua Cheng, whichever of them wanted to listen. Words that had been pressing against his ribs for a long time, like three birds beating their wings against the bars of a cage. But he couldn’t let them go, he just couldn’t. 
How could he ask San Lang to bear the weight of those words when he couldn’t promise they had a future?
Blissfully unaware, San Lang smiled and kissed his cheek, “You’re stronger than you know, gege. I’ll see you soon.”
“I’ll see you soon,” Xie Lian smiled for him, holding on to those words tightly. 
He clung to them the way he’d clung to San Lang’s hand on his swift return through the gate, across the lawn, up the tree and through his window. The heavy lock clicked into place behind him, putting the world where he could be with San Lang and be himself firmly on the other side. He felt his heart sink at that sound. 
Ruoye came slithering out of his house again, blinking his ink drop eyes up at Xie Lian. He opened up the vivarium and reached in, letting his snake climb up and curl protectively around his wrist, getting comfort from the pressure. 
“Thanks, buddy,” he murmured, running his finger gently down the length of him as he went and laid back down on his bed with a sigh. 
As Xie Lian stroked Ruoye that single thread of bright crimson caught his eye and, despite it all, he smiled. He thought about him being stronger than he knew. He thought about the relief that came after tears. He thought about dark eyes and their strange warmth, strong arms around him, a rough, infectious laugh. 
Xie Lian thought about how his bedroom was his favorite place in his parent’s manor. 
But there was a whole world out there he was growing to love too. 
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revivemyreverie · 9 months
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Chapter 13
Cane chokes in disbelief. 
Cane: B-but dad, you said you were going to stop the park festivities the moment we walked in-
Mayor Kappel: I did that so you wouldn’t complain as we walked here. Now let this old man enjoy some fun, and go do something on your own. 
Mayor Kappel: Now, as for the fine gentleman who invited me, Mr. Peterson, this is quite the event you’ve set up. 
Pat: Don’t hand me the credit, give it to the kid sewing this kite, and the one you said was carrying some old junk a few nights ago. 
Mayor Kappel: …I guess I should apologize to that child. After all, it looks like he’s made good use of that old merry-go-round. 
Pat: And the mini coaster too, I hope. He made that thing in under 3 days. 
Mayor Kappel: Did he now? Well, I might have to hire him as an architect when he’s older. He’d be a much better employee than the “designers” my nephew commissioned. 
Winston: Good luck with that. As far as I know, Zackery is going down a much more creative route. Just ask Madam Roostia about it! 
Winston: Actually, now that I mention it… where is she? 
Somewhere else, on the tallest building of the tiny village, a familiar matriarch stands upon the rooftop, umbrella in hand. 
?: It’s been a while since I’ve done this. But then again, no park get-together is perfect without the right weather! 
Quickly, she lifts her umbrella towards the sky. Like a sea being slashed in two, the clouds fade as a bright and blue sky spreads throughout the town. For the park-goers, they find themselves shocked to see such a clear sky. A wind picks up, and Gale’s kite goes flying. 
Winston: Waaa! Hold on tight to that kite! 
Gale: I got it! I got it!!
Other children, some with their own kites, head out on the field themselves to play around in the new-found sun. Finally finding a sense of calmness in this world of chaos, you and Grim share a smile. This is definitely a memory you’ll find yourself looking back on with happiness. 
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Lotsie: So it sounds like your trip ended pretty well!
Winston: Oh, you had to be there to see it, Lotsie! It was like the ending to one of our plays; a perfect final! 
Lotsie: Maybe next time I’ll come by, a get-together in that old town sounds like something in a dream~.
Saturn: Ooh! Take me too! I gotta make up for not being able to go to my best buddy’s hometown.
Zackery: MUAHAHAHA! Everyone shall be invited to my totally evil town! Well, if my mom agrees to house more people in the orphanage, that is. 
Saturn: I’m sure she’ll let us, as long as none of us are on the police’s radar, right Pat?
Pat: Hah, Sure. 
The group all chuckles to Pat’s bluntness, before Lotsie gets up from his seat.
Lotsie: Looks like we lost track of time~. I gotta get to bed or else I might wake up late for class. 
Pat: Lotsie, wait–
Lotsie: Yes?
Pat:... Nevermind, I just had a question about classwork, it can wait.
Lotsie: If that's what you say! Just come by my class tomorrow and I’ll help you. You got me my stuff after all!
Lotsie leaves, allowing the younger students to chatter amongst each other. Pat, however, remains quiet as he ruminates on his own experience at the town.
Mayor Kappel: Sorry to bring you all that trouble, young one. I didn’t realize how stubborn I’ve been about this town until now. 
Mayor Kappel: But if you are who you say who you are, and mean what you truly say, then who am I to stop you? But please, if you really know my best friend’s son… send him back home. If not for my sake, then that old house. 
Pat: …I’ll make sure to. 
Mayor Kappel: Now get going, this party doesn’t look like its moving anywhere. 
Pat sneaks out of the hangout without a complaint from his underclassmen. Traveling through the now-sunny town, the 3rd year is surprised at how quickly he could find the house now. That, and how dilapidated it was.  Stepping onto the creaking patio, Pat inserted Lotsie’s key into the rusted handle. With a click, the door opens, revealing an even sadder image inside the house. Sheets laid upon several pieces of furniture, and items not covered were caked in a thick layer of dust. 
Pat: Jeez… if the sun didn’t come out today, I probably wouldn’t be able to find my way around this place…
As instructed by Lotsie’s request, Pat walked up to the second level of the house, past the hallway and into the last door: Lotsie’s room. Opening it revealed a mess worse than the house itself. Clothes and papers are thrown around the room, as if its owner was in a rush.  Despite his bravery beginning to waver, Pat pushed onwards towards the bed. Looking under, he pulled out the thing he left school for; the thing his best friend so dearly needed: A simple, metal pocket watch.  Looking over it, Pat noticed an odd engraving on its backing. Before further investigating, however, Pat’s eye caught the corner of a photo beneath the bed. Curiosity winning him over, the 3rd year plucked the picture from its place. 
Pat: …!
Shocked by the image, Pat quickly put the item back, before leaving the house, watch in hand.  Back at the dorm, as the first years chatted amongst each-other, Pat became lost in thought. 
Pat: Of course, I could just play it down to it being his father and them bearing similar appearances, or him getting his father’s hat as a keepsake, but it still makes no sense that the picture dated from almost 50 years ago.
Pat: Just… Why did the boy in the picture look like Lotsie..?
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