#brotherhood of assassins are force users here
auroramoon-draws16 · 3 months
Assassin’s Creed x Star Wars (again)
I can’t stop imagining Desmond running a bar somewhere, that doubles as an Assassin Bureau, and having some Star Wars character(s) walk in.
Mando (Din), Obi-Wan, Anakin, the clones, the rebels, anybody
Just- they walk in, they ask him for some info or a drink, some bitches square up (a target or a gang or something) a fight breaks out and Des is like “can you guys take this outside? That’s gonna be hell to repair” and they keep fighting, so he sighs, walks around the counter and drags them out himself.
Alternatively, he ends the fight in a couple of seconds, no issue.
Another scenario:
Desmond is hunting down a target, and it’s someone the Jedi are either arresting or escorting or guarding, so Des is just “damn, okay” and takes out the target before disappearing without anyone seeing his face (helmet/mask thing with the hood ofc)
(Also for the horny folks: Desmond sleeps with a character, because yes, in an alley, over the counter, clenching the sheets, wherever and however you want. My first thought is an Obi-Wan one-night-stand, because it’s mf Kenobi, but you can pick whoever you want)
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tabletopinfinities · 5 years
Mage: the Ascension
Reality is a lie. The truth is magic. Open your eyes and Awaken.
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What’s the premise?
It’s our modern world, but magic is real. Technology is just a different form of magic. Other forms of magic were driven underground and are harder to conjure up, because consensus belief shapes reality, and people these days find it easier to believe in, say, cars and guns than they do fireballs or flying carpets. Oh, and also there’s a war on for control over reality itself.
You see, a long time ago (circa the 13th century to be precise), a group of mages got tired of wizards being able to throw fireballs willy-nilly, summon up demons, and generally make life a pain for everyone. They wanted to bring order to the world and tame and control magic for the good of all. Of course, they would be the ones in charge of this new world order. These guys would become the Technocracy, the all-seeing, all-powerful architects of consensus reality. Using advanced hypertechnology beyond mundane comprehension, they’re trying to wipe out magic for good and make the world safe for Sleepers - the mundane masses that have no idea that magic even exists.
Fighting on the side of magical freedom is the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions. Formed in response to the Technocracy, each Tradition represents a particular form of magical practice. In brief, they are: wizards, druids, priests, shamans, martial artists, hippies, assassins, mad scientists, and hackers. They don’t always get along with each other, but they band together to fight the Technocracy and try and bring “real” magic back into the world. So far, they’re still losing, but the fight is far from over.
In between these guys are a wide range of other independent magical societies and solo mages, everything from goths (well, it is a White Wolf game) to ancient African sorcerer-kings. There’s also the Nephandi, who are evil mages who serve demons and other beings beyond our world. They just want to drag the world down into Hell (and they might be the ones truly winning, in the end). There’s the Marauders, who are mages who’ve lost their grip on reality so bad that they actually warp reality around themselves. And there are whole other realms of supernatural weirdness to explore, including crossing over with the other World of Darkness games (Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Wraith: the Oblivion, etc).
You’d like it if you’re into: Harry Potter, The Matrix, The Magicians, The Invisibles, Mr. Robot
Why do you recommend it?
Lots of games have you playing as magic-users and casting spells. This one lets you do it however you want to. The magic system is almost totally freeform, meaning that rather than being locked to a list of spells you figure out what you want your spell to do and how you want that effect to appear. This means you can make whatever kind of character you want, from the classic wizard archetype to cyberpunk technomancers to priestesses of forgotten goddesses whose sacred gun shoots bullets that sprout into roses. The only limit is your imagination (and your dice rolls).
The setting reflects that limitlessness. It’s a clash between high tech and high magic that can fit all your wild ideas inside it. If you want to have a journey through the realms of faerie one session and then invade an orbital cyborg factory the next, you can do that all with the same characters. I love settings that let you pit genres against each other like that, and Mage is among the most flexible of them.
Finally - Mage is a game about personal discovery that encourages you to make your own personal discoveries. It asks you to explore what it really means to control reality - and maybe see if you can apply that to your own reality. Especially with the 20th Anniversary Edition, which is one of the most welcoming, hopeful RPG sourcebooks I’ve ever read.
What are the rules like?
The Storyteller System that powers the World of Darkness games is pretty straightforward - roll a bunch of d10s, see how many dice beat the difficulty number, subtract the number of 1s you rolled from that, and the result is the number of successes you got, which tells you how well you did at what you were trying to do. Roll too many 1s and you get a critical failure. It lets you describe a more evocative set of outcomes than systems like D&D where you simply succeed or fail.
Combat is fairly realistic, with guns and all being about as lethal as you’d expect - although of course there are various magical weapons and defenses to complicate things.
The bulk of the system rules is devoted, of course, to magic. Here’s where the game both shines and gets bogged down. You get to come up with spells for your character with effects based on how skilled they are in the various spheres of magic, with flavor filtered through their particular magical style. It’s a twist that really lets you feel like you’re working with reality-changing magic. Want to cast a basic fireball? Sure. Want to represent that as an Atlantean plasma gun or God smiting your enemies with a pillar of flame? Go for it. Want to use magic to grow a snail to giant size and then send it an hour into the past to destroy your enemies before they caught up with you? That is definitely something you can try and do in this game, although that one might require a lot of successes.
The catch is that if you don’t do what consensus reality expects, e.g., growing a snail to giant size in front of a street full of onlookers, the universe is likely to smack you down with the force of Paradox. That’s what keeps reality cohesive and stops mages from battling it out in the streets. Push the universe too far and it starts pushing back, in the form of bad luck, spontaneous human combustion, or, in extreme cases, popping you out of reality altogether for a little bit (or maybe forever). Paradox might even manifest as a physical spirit to haunt you. This applies to Technocrats as much as it does to Tradition mages, because the masses aren’t ready to accept giant robots or cyber-tooth tigers just yet. In fact, there might be pockets of reality where magic works and technology doesn’t… go to an Amish community and heal them with laying on hands versus a fancy tricorder and see which one attracts more Paradox.
The tradeoff for such flexibility is that it becomes a bit time-consuming to figure out what your character’s capable of, how well they’ll have to roll to pull it off, and what it looks like within the rules. Most complicated spells require proficiency in a few different spheres, e.g., Correspondence to do stuff at long range, Prime to create something out of nothing, or Time to bind a spell to a certain duration. Once you’ve got a firmer grasp on the systems and a few standardized “rote” spells in your pocket you start to get the hang of it though.
What’s my character like?
Starting as a neophyte mage, you’ll be capable of basic spells in a couple of Spheres, but you won’t be able to change reality in major ways. You get to choose whether you’re better at Physical, Social, or Mental attributes, and put points into different skills. You’ll get some Backgrounds, which represent the resources your character has - allies, a familiar, access to arcane libraries, magic artifacts, etc. You’ll also decide what your character’s exterior Demeanor and inner Nature are, as well as the Essence of their enlightened soul. These are, sort of, your character’s alignment, and roleplaying in accordance with them will let you regain Willpower, which you can use to reroll dice (among other things). Finally, you’ll decide what the trappings of your character’s magic are and what instruments and rituals they use as foci for their different Spheres.
Those spheres of magic, in case you were wondering, are Mind, Prime (manipulating Quintessence, the raw force of magic), Time, Spirit, Entropy (which covers both death and probability), Forces (fire, wind, energy, etc.), Matter, Life, and Correspondence (travel, distance, and connection).
Most characters also belong to some particular faction, which shapes what Spheres they’re skilled in. Each of the Traditions corresponds to one of the nine Spheres, but most factions get a choice between two or three appropriate Spheres to receive a bonus. I’m listing the factions out in the 20th Anniversary Edition; there are a few other factions from older editions lurking in the corners of the world, but these are the big players.
Akashic Brotherhood (Mind): Asian martial artists and spiritualists devoted to mastery of the self and harmony with the universe. They practice Do, which is the primal martial art from which all others descend.
Celestial Chorus (Prime): Monotheists who believe that all should be harmonized under the pure unity of the One and its beautiful Song.
Cult of Ecstasy (Time): Hedonistic hippies who embrace altered consciousness through drugs, sex, meditation, music, pain, dance, and all that other good stuff.
Dreamspeakers (Spirit): African and Native American spirit-talkers and medicine men who, honestly, sort of got folded together by the rest of the Traditions so they could put all the brown-skinned mages in one place. They’re dedicated to restoring the health of the spirit world and thus also our own.
Euthanatos (Entropy): Ancient Greek and Indian (and elsewhere) cultists devoted to maintaining the great wheel of reincarnation by ensuring that everything dies at its proper time. Essentially, they’re death-worshipping assassins with a strict moral code.
Order of Hermes (Forces): These are they guys who probably come to mind when you think of a mage, all complicated spell components and dusty books and Enochian incantations. Haughty and pedantic, and sort of the de facto leadership of the Traditions. They’re the ones who founded the whole thing, after all.
Sons of Ether (Matter): Mad scientists, steampunks, and pulp explorers, each with their own crackpot theories that they vigorously defend. Formerly a part of the Technocracy, they got kicked out for clinging to outmoded forms of science. But they’ll show them all.
Verbena (Life): Pagan, druid, and witch types who believe in the power of nature and the old ways. They think technology has made the modern world too soft and that struggle and sacrifice are part of the natural order - sometimes very literal sacrifice.
Virtual Adepts (Correspondence): The newest members of the Traditions, this bunch of hackers left the Technocracy to go their own way - spurred on by one of their founders, Alan Turing, martyring himself to create the Internet (really!). Anarchists and tricksters who can hack reality as well as they can hack computers, the Adepts spend a lot of time hanging out in the Digital Web, the magical version of cyberspace.
Iteration X: The engineers and efficiency experts of the Technocracy, Iteration X believes in a grand vision of mechanized perfection. They specialize in robotics, weapons, and cybernetics. Ultimately, they want to merge man with machine - even if that doesn’t align with the goals of the rest of the Technocracy.
New World Order: The NWO are the ones running the Technocracy - and thus the world. Illuminati and panopticon rolled into one, their legions of men in black specialize in surveillance, media manipulation, and “social conditioning,” all of which they use to advance their vision of a controlled and productive reality.
Progenitors: The biologists. Cloning, genetic engineering, and controlled evolution are all at their command. They research new medicine and biotechnology for the benefit of all mankind, though sometimes their methodology is a little extreme.
Syndicate: The money men. Actually, they literally invented money. A healthy mix of thugs and Gordon Gekko types, the Syndicate controls the world’s corporations (and quite a few extralegal organizations) to fund the rest of the Technocracy and get rich in the process. Their “magic” focuses on self-discipline, psychology, and manipulating the raw Primal Utility of the universe like an Econ textbook come to life.
Void Engineers: Exploring the worlds beyond ours - and defending humanity from the threats that live there. The Void Engineers are the most out-there (literally) Convention of the Technocracy, the most unorthodox and also the most willing to work with mages and other “reality deviants” as necessary. They specialize in Spirit magic - although to them, it’s “Dimensional Science.” Their spaceships scout the outer reaches of the universe and beyond, carrying contingents of power-armored marines ready to blast anything dangerous.
The Disparate Alliance:
Once scattered, separate magical traditions and organizations, in recent times these “disparates” have banded together to maintain power separate from the Traditions or the Technocracy.
Ahl-i-Batin: Once a part of the Traditions, sitting where the Virtual Adepts do now on the seat of Correspondence, the “subtle ones” believe in a grand unity of all things, influenced by Islamic mysticism. These days they work in secret, observing and acting only when necessary. They hold a particular hatred of the Nephandi and will always act to stop them.
Bata’a: Vodouists and other African-diaspora Loa worshippers who derive their magic from respectful agreement with the spirits. Largely an informal group, they have a wide membership across the world.
Children of Knowledge: The descendants of the Solificati, an ancient group of alchemists that was once a Tradition, the Children of Knowledge use their alchemical knowledge to purify base souls into golden souls. Sometimes that process involves designer psychotropic drugs - the Children actually invented LSD.
Hollow Ones: A ragtag group of goths, punks, and other weirdos and misfits who seek to bring capital-R Romance back to the world, a la the era of Shelley and Byron. They spend a lot of time looking fashionable in the club scene, but also sheltering other mages who don’t have a place to belong. Their magic tends to be a patchwork of various styles and tools.
Kopa Loei: The descendants of Hawaiian and other Polynesian wizard-priests, dedicated to preserving their arts and native lands against the predations of ha’ole influence.
Ngoma: Powerful wizards of ancient Africa who took offense to being lumped in en masse with the Dreamspeakers at the first meeting of the Traditions, and went their own way. Decimated by imperialism and slavery that nearly destroyed their ancient ways, the surviving Ngoma seek out positions of power and respect in mortal society while also establishing schools to revive their art.
Orphans: A catch-all term for any mage that doesn’t belong to a particular faction, this can include deeply idiosyncratic self-taught mages, small groups who follow a particular paradigm together, or even defectors from one of the major factions. Quite often, they might not even be aware of larger magical society.
Sisters of Hippolyta: Tracing their descent from the ancient Amazons, the Hippolytoi largely live in separate enclaves from the rest of society. They dedicate themselves to worshipping the Divine Feminine, striving towards world peace, and liberating oppressed peoples of all types. Their magic focuses around pagan medicine-work.
Taftani: Middle Eastern mages who are masters of creating magical artifacts, as well as binding djinni to their will. They believe in a dualistic universe of Truth and Lies, and that working vulgar magic and exposing people to the Truth that magic is real is a moral good.
Templar Knights: Yes, those Templars, now existing as a secretive paramilitary order. Formerly (and largely still) male-only, the Templars fight evil and await the return of Christ, when they will become His army.
Wu Lung: Ancient Chinese sorcerers (and longstanding enemies of the Akashic Brotherhood) who wielded great wealth and power before the Cultural Revolution drove them out of China. Having adapted to the modern world, they seek to regain their power and lead a rebirth of traditional Chinese magic and culture.
What’s the campaign like?
Most games focus on mages of different Traditions coming together as a cabal (or Technocratic Conventions as an Amalgam), but where it goes from there is up to you. Really, it could be like anything you can imagine. You could be trying to use your magic to change the world for the better while avoiding the attention of the Technocracy, playing as the Technocracy trying to stop mages who are using their powers carelessly, dealing with magical politics, or even ignoring all of that and going on mystical quests in otherworldly realms (or, for technomancers, exploring strange dimensions in your spaceship).
Cabals can pool their resources into making a magical Sanctum that serves as a base of power, a place to safely work magic, and a source of Quintessence for magical fuel. You can upgrade it in numerous ways, from defenses to libraries, and maintaining a sanctum and its role in the local magical community can be a storyline in its own right.
As your characters increase their magical skills, they’ll be guided along spiritual journeys by their Avatar - the Awakened essence of their soul that allows them to perform magic. One by one, they cast aside their tools and embrace the truth that it is they themselves that are the source of magic. Eventually, they might even achieve Ascension - whatever that is.
The classic Mage campaign strikes a balance between the magical and the mundane, high fantasy and sci-fi action contrasted against personal dramas and worldly problems. The central themes of the game are power, morality, and belief. As a mage, you can change reality to suit your will. What do you do with that power? What if reality doesn’t want to be changed? Is it right to force your viewpoint on others? Despite all your power, you’re still just one person, and the universe is stacked against you. What do you do?
What books should I get?
The 20th Anniversary Edition, or M20, is the edition I’d recommend, published in recent years as the result of a Kickstarter (which, full disclosure, I backed, although it’s not as though I get anything out of promoting it). It advances the timeline past the apocalyptic Revised setting into something brighter and more hopeful - while also providing tools and advice to play with other eras or flavors of Mage if you want. Getting physical copies of it can be a little pricey though, so if you want something physical on a budget you might look at getting used copies of the other editions - they float around pretty frequently for about $10-$40. PDFs and print-on-demand copies of most books are available on Drivethrurpg as well. Each of the older editions are fine in their own right (although be advised that the further back you go, the less balanced the magic system is). 1st Edition is very clear-cut good Traditions versus evil Technocracy. 2nd Edition muddies that morality and fleshes out the Technocracy and other factions. Revised Edition does away with a lot of the weirder elements of prior editions and presents a grimmer vision of the world where the Technocracy has more or less won, Paradox is a much harsher force, the other worlds are mostly cut off and very difficult to travel to, and the world in general is plunging towards apocalypse (and the end of the original game line). There’s also Mage: the Sorcerer’s Crusade, which presents the world in a medieval/Renaissance setting at the beginning of the Ascension War, and Dark Ages: Mage, which takes the setting into medieval times.
M20 has a separate book going into further detail on the magic system. It’s called, appropriately enough, How Do You DO That? and I’d recommend it if you’re looking to get into M20, as it provides rules guidelines for a wide range of common spell effects that goes more in-depth than the core rules. There are two other M20 books published to date. The Book of Secrets contains more character options, expanded rules (including creating magical items), a closer look at magical paradigms, and other assorted information. Gods and Monsters has an assortment of NPCs, spirits, and, well, monsters.
The Tradition/Convention books detail each of the respective factions and were reprinted for multiple eras (note that all the Revised Convention Books except for Iteration X were PDF-only though). For Revised, there were also the Guides to the Traditions/Technocracy. If you’re thinking about focusing your campaign around a particular faction or playing a character of that faction, I’d recommend picking one of those books up for more detail and inspiration. The various Disparate Crafts never got their own dedicated books for the most part, but some of them are detailed in various sourcebooks across editions, such as the Book of Crafts.
The Book of Worlds and Horizon present the different Umbral realms and otherworldly magical/technological sanctuaries you can travel to. Much of these setting details have been superseded (or in the case of Horizon, destroyed entirely), but if you want your campaign to lean on the weirder high fantasy end it’ll give you a lot to play with.
Ascension was the book that ended the old product line, presenting several different world-ending scenarios - one of which is pretty much the canon ending to the Mage story (at least until M20 came along) and the others being alternate ways to cap out a chronicle, like the Nephandi winning, aliens showing up to drain magic from the world, or just a giant asteroid hitting Earth. While you probably don’t want to start your campaign out that way, it’s an interesting read that gives ideas for an epic campaign ending.
Note that Mage: the Awakening, while very similar, is a completely separate game that’s part of the new World of Darkness (now also known as the Chronicles of Darkness) that rebooted the product line with a different setting.
What equipment do I need?
As with all Storyteller games, Mage uses d10s exclusively. About 6 per character is the most you’ll need on average to start out with. Having extra space beyond the character sheet to write down spells is a good idea.
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tes-trash-blog · 5 years
Literally no one asked, but here’s a (relatively) short, mostly comprehensive list of my OCs:
Walks-Among-Adders: That’s not their birth name, but it’s a name they enjoy given their profession. They hunt Daedra, have an easygoing nature (for the most part), and they write often to their parents back in Black Marsh. One time they interrupted a ritual to summon Molag Bal by stabbing the Avatar of Coldharbour in the nuts. Somewhere in their 30s, and they don’t intend on settling down anytime soon. Travels with Cra’Shova; they’re damn near inseparable. Deep, dark green scales that fade to a lighter green on their torso and belly, two horns on each side of their head, and gold eyes that always have a joke behind them. Taller and more lithe than your average Argonian, and they’re very proud of their body. Prefers light armor.
Cra’Shova: An Alfiq with no fucks to give. She likes long walks on warm sands and scratching the moons out of anyone who tries to pet her. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more able magic user, and harder pressed to find someone who so thoroughly enjoys screwing with people. Travels alongside Adders because she enjoys their company and they know how to have a good time. No one really knows how old she is, but she has great-grandchildren. Used to be tawny with dark bengal stripes, but age has made her more white and grey. Sharp, witty green eyes.
Varulv Daywalker: A former werewolf, Varulv found a cure and a new life in the College of Winterhold. There he discovered his passion for magic and a genuine interest in history and theory. He has since become one of the premier experts on the Daedra. Mid-40s and a divorcee; his partner wanted to keep the wolf blood, and they separated over it. Onmund had a crush on him, but Varulv very politely turned him down. Eventually becomes Arch-Mage. Taller than average Nord, built like a bear and with a thick beard. Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
Ushnar: Just Ushnar. Don’t ask for his last name, as his clan only knows him as Dura. He left his clan to avoid a life of strict gender roles, and what would have been expected of him in that life. He has since carved out a life for himself, and has become an able warrior. Late 30s, and has a passing friendship with Adders. Briefly was involved with the Companions, but didn’t like how they only seemed to care about gold and glory. Went to the College to seek magical assistance for his transition. Strong build with deep black eyes and hair that’s always in a tight topknot. After his time with the College, he feels at ease in his body. Prefers heavy armor.
Amayn Moorfield: A mostly unassuming Breton who’s taken up with the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. Has a crush on both Delvin and Vex. She makes a boast to try and impress both of them, and long story short, ends up gouging Mercer’s eyes out in a Dwemer ruin. Occasionally runs an assassination mission with Babette, and they make a girls’ day of it. The only person in Tamriel shorter than Cicero. Late 20s, stressed, and well dressed. Brown hair and eyes, soft in body, has a cute smile. Survives the betrayal at the Falkreath Sanctuary; she was out with Babette, grabbing ingredients for a celebratory dinner.
Imerae Orrawyn: A lifelong soldier in the Falmeri Army. A Snow Prince loyalist, she claimed the lives of at least a dozen Companions before the Battle of the Moesring, where her Prince met his end. In a desperate bid to save the Snow Prince and undo the events of the Return, she stole an Elder Scroll from the Dwemer. It didn’t go as planned. Technically over 4,000 years old, but it’s hard to tell her “actual” age. Skin as white as her hair, narrow build, and a strange face. Pale grey eyes and a wretched scar across the right side of her face, a reminder of Wuuthrad’s dreaded swing. Was forged into a Dragonborn in the currents of time.
Rulan Lolanir: A young Thalmor scout who ends up way over his head after an encounter with the last known Snow Elf in Nirn. From the Lilandril province, he was mostly raised by his mother, a winemaker. His father was a traveling merchant who was killed by an anti-Dominion rebel group in Skyrim. Shy, awkward, and suffers from impostor syndrome. He is a compassionate sort, and honestly thinks the Aldmeri Dominion is trying to do good. He’s wrong of course. Early 20s. Gold-green eyes and light brown hair, a narrow build but is strong enough. Can’t grow a mustache to save his life. Small scar on his chin from when he was a boy.
Valano Faleni: Rulan’s partner and tutor of sorts for the young scout. The great nephew of Athellor, the one who brought the Snow Prince’s armor from Solstheim. One of the few in Tamriel who can read Dwemeri, Falmeri, and Ayleidoon. A calm, cheery smile on his face hides a great deal. He sometimes speaks of his son, a shy boy who was taken prisoner by a Nord squadron during the Great War. By the time their outpost was broken, his boy was shattered and spent his last breaths begging for death. Somewhere in his hundreds. Pale gold eyes and white hair, taller than average and thin. Knows exactly what the Dominion is about, and wholeheartedly supports their means and their ends.
Clesdia: Born in Hammerfell and a traveler of Tamriel, she is my least fleshed out character as she is meant to be my first TES VI hero and I know next to nothing about the game. She is an expert swordswoman, and takes Sword Singing very literally.
She sings, is what I’m getting at. Dual wields scimitars, and to watch her martial combat is almost like watching a dance. Fancies herself an artist, and her blades are her muses. Dark skin and tightly braided hair, with bright eyes and a sharp face. Has a scar on her left cheek from her first duel to the death. Average height for a Redguard woman, with strong legs and arms. Gymnast build, wears silks under her armor because she likes how it feels.
Elfo: No one knows where Elfo came from, or if he’s even an Elf. Clad in armor from top to bottom, no one has ever seen his face, but this strange amnesiac is an unstoppable force. Even with all his strength and weird luck in battle, he’s never taken a life. Stormcloaks hate him, the Imperials fear him, and the Thalmor can’t get a hold of this enigmatic idiot even when he walks straight into a trap. Paralysis magic does nothing to him, and swords break should they impact him. The only thing about him that can be hurt is his feelings. Tall, very tall, wears exclusively heavy plate, and cries when he sees a dragon in flight.
Hermaeus Mora himself tried to delve into Elfo’s mind to reveal his secrets and unlock the mystery. The Daedric Prince of Knowledge found a blueberry muffin.
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blogsight485 · 3 years
League Of Legend For Mac Os X
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Download and install League of Legends for the North America server. Play for free today. Below, you'll find the minimum system requirements for running League of Legends on PCs and Macs. If your setup meets only the minimum requirements. League of Legends for Mac OS X 10.10 freeware download. The download should start automatically in a few seconds. If it doesn't, click here to start the download process manually. Would you like to receive announcements about new League of Legends for Mac OS X.
League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBAs to arrive on Mac, with thousands of players battling each other across the globe every day. However, Mac players do suffer from one disadvantage when compared to their Windows or Linux friends — smooth performance. Macs have fewer game-oriented video cards in the beginner to intermediate models, which could mean lower frames per second (FPS) rate for many players.
You can be sure that in the middle of a gank, solo fight, or rax, every frame counts. Smooth performance can be the difference between landing a stun, using an item, or helping your teammates in a split-second. When the stakes are high, don’t let slow performance and lag drag you down.
Why Is League Of Legends Slow On My Mac?
League of Legends is one of the easier MOBAs to run thanks to a lightweight graphics engine and a smart team of engineers at Riot games. However, the load on your Mac can become fairly high as the match progresses. Champions level up and have more skills. They earn more money and have more items. In a late-game group fight, your Mac is processing so many actions at once that it can bog down the framerate. On top of this, your internet connection has to send all of this data to the server and back so that everyone is on the same page.
Between the infamous League of Legends slow motion bug and even some issues with League of Legends slow updates, optimizing your Mac is more important than ever to winning your next game.
1. Disable shadows
One of the most demanding graphical components in the League of Legends engine is the shadow processing engine. It renders the shadow of every champion, tree, and blade of grass on the map, which then have to respond to the conditions around them, such as spells and changing light. To speed up League of Legends, the game stores most of the shadow assets and states in your video RAM (VRAM). The more VRAM you have, up to approximately 2 GB, the smoother your FPS. But disabling shadows completely in the Video options can increase your FPS and also give you extra visibility on the map (with fewer distracting shadows). To access the Video options, simply press Esc and then select Video. While you’re in there, try setting the overall graphics quality to Very Low.
2. Close all other apps
League of Legends on Mac plays better when there are no other apps using valuable RAM and resources in the background. Common culprits include Dropbox, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Google Drive. By closing these apps before you play, you’re making more RAM and processing power available to speed up League of Legends. To identify and close any resource-hogging apps, simply:
Launch Activity Monitor from Applications.
Switch tabs to Memory and make a note of the apps at the top of the list.
Switch tabs to CPU and see what’s taking up processing power.
Quit all the apps you don’t need by selecting them and choosing Force Quit icon in the top-left corner.
If closing these apps didn’t seem to make an impact on speeding up your League of Legends, try restarting your Mac first for a clean wipe of RAM usage.
3. Repair corrupt game files
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League of Legends, like other MOBAs, is updated very frequently for new champions, items, bug fixes, or balances. Over time, your game files can become corrupt due to an error in processing the new files upon each update. Occasionally, this can lead to FPS problems and slow performance. Thankfully, League of Legends has a built-in repair function that will fix any corrupted files:
Run League of Legends.
Click on the gear in the top right corner of the window.
Click Initiate Full Repair.
Wait for the repair function (it can take from 5 minutes to over 30 minutes depending on the corrupted files).
If in doubt, you can always try reinstalling League of Legends entirely so that fresh new files are pulled from the install.
4. Remove resource-heavy and temp files
While there are some good tips for speeding up League of Legends FPS in the game settings, there are some optimizations that can only be done inside macOS. With use, your Mac becomes full with all kinds of files you don’t need that still consume your processor’s speed. But how do you find them?
A popular trick used by pro gamers is to fire up an automatic optimization tool like CleanMyMac X, which finds the files that slow you down so you can focus on landing that next stun.
Using CleanMyMac X is easy — just fire up its Optimization module:
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Download CleanMyMac X (free trial available).
Choose Optimization in the left-side panel and click View All Items.
Disable unneeded files or remove them completely.
Besides, feel free to use other scans from CleanMyMac X that have to do with System Junk, iTunes Junk, or Malware Removal. Just hit Scan and CleanMyMac X will do all the work for you.
Now you’re ready to get back to the game! Remember to repeat the optimization process from time to time, whether you’re doing it manually or using a more convenient and thorough one-click solution from CleanMyMac X.
League Of Legends For Mac Os
League of Legends is a MOBA where two teams of 5 players battle each other as they destroy towers in an attempt to blow up the opposition’s nexus.
Over 140 champions
League of Legends is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) that has a highly competitive environment.
Mac Os X Download
League of Legends is entirely free to download and play. You'll only have to pay for cosmetic skins and champions. Riot Points let you purchase these elements. However, Blue essence only buys champions. You'll have to earn and use skin shards to unlock skins for characters.
LoL’s gameplay is highly competitive, even when you’re playing a non-ranked match. The thrill is the main reason that this game becomes addictive. You’ll keep playing to try and master your lane and character.
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Once you’ve played through the tutorial, you’ll have the ability to spend your blue essence and choose from over 140 different champions. All characters have a playstyle and their lane. However, most heroes can be played in any role if you have enough skill.
Due to its complexity and competitiveness, the game’s community is mostly toxic.
Where can you run this program?
League of Legends is available for Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher, as well as Windows 7 and up.
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Is there a better alternative?
League Of Legends Download Mac
No. League is a great MOBA, but Dota 2 is another software program that lets you pick any hero from the moment you join the game. Smite is another MOBA with heroes that pull from world mythology, but it’s not as popular as League or Dota 2.
Our take
LoL is a fun MOBA that’s extremely competitive. However, this competitive nature turns the player base toxic and requires you to mute the chat if it becomes too much.
Should you download it?
Yes. If you enjoy competitive games or want a team-based title, then League of Legends is for you.
They are some complaints I think you should know if you are thinking about getting this. First let’s start with the pros: The campaign mode was fun. It is also fun collecting all the info on the buildings and enemies. Assassin's creed brotherhood mac. Also, collecting new items and powers (like sticky bombs) for my assassin is fun.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Xbox Game Pass: New Games for April 2021 Revealed
Xbox Game Pass is Microsoft’s subscription service for Xbox One owners. It’s designed to be like a “Netflix for games,” where you pay a simple monthly rate and get access to loads of games for download. It’s not to be confused with the Xbox Live Gold membership, which gives users a selection of free games each month.
There has been a huge surge in popularity and profile for Xbox Game Pass since its launch, mainly due to the diverse list of games and first-party exlusives on the service. In fact, Microsoft drops new releases from its own internal studios onto the service on day one! Sea of Thieves was the first example of this, followed by State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3. Since then, the service has seen the day one launch of several other high-profile Xbox exclusives, including Gears 5, The Outer Worlds, and Halo: Reach on the Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Membership to Xbox Game Pass will set you back $9.99 per month. You can now also get an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription for $1 for the first month and $14.99 every month after that. The subscription includes an Xbox Live Gold membership as well as all of the games offered on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC. Plus, with cloud support, you can play a selection of Xbox Game Pass titles on your Android phone. And now you even get access to titles on EA Play, the third-party publisher’s own on-demand service.
New games are added each month to Xbox Game Pass. Here are the games coming in March and April, plus all of the new Bethesda games available on the service starting on March 12 (with descriptions courtesy of the Xbox team) :
Xbox Game Pass: Games for April 2021
Outriders (Cloud and Console) – April 1
Outriders brings intense action and deep role-playing to Xbox Game Pass! Developed by People Can Fly, veterans of the shooter genre, Outriders presents a journey of survival across a savage planet, which can be tackled in both single player and 1-3 player co-op.
MLB The Show 21 (Cloud and Console) – April 20
MLB The Show 21 rockets the franchise onto the next generation of video game consoles with a huge range of improvements, enhancements, and optimizations that make The Show the ultimate Major League Baseball experience. Thousands of new animations, revolutionary innovation on gameplay, and an all-new Stadium Creator let you own The Show like never before.
NHL 21 (Console) EA Play – Coming in April
Carve your path to superstardom in an expanded Be A Pro mode and go down as one of the league’s greatest. On the ice, change up your attack with all new moves, dekes, dangles, and evasive maneuvers, inspired by the league’s most groundbreaking innovators.
Xbox Game Pass: Bethesda Games
Dishonored Definitive Edition (Console, PC, Cloud)
This complete compilation includes Dishonored, winner of over 100 Game of Year awards, as well as all of its additional content – Dunwall City Trials, The Knife of Dunwall, The Brigmore Witches and Void Walker’s Arsenal.
Dishonored 2 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Reprise your role as a supernatural assassin in Dishonored 2 – the next chapter in the award-winning saga by Arkane Studios. Play your way in a world where mysticism and industry collide. How will you combine your character’s unique set of powers, weapons and gadgets to eliminate your enemies?
DOOM (1993) (Console, PC, Cloud)
Doom introduced millions of gamers to the fast-paced, white-knuckle, demon-slaying action the franchise is known for. Relive the birth of the first-person shooter and experience the demon-blasting fun that popularized the genre. Doom includes Episode IV: Thy Flesh Consumed, with 9 additional action-packed levels and split-screen 4-player deathmatch and co-op.
DOOM II (Console, PC, Cloud)
Bring your trusty Super Shotgun and an arsenal of classic Doom weapons to bear against deadlier demons and the infamous boss, the Icon of Sin. Doom II includes The Master Levels for Doom II with 20 additional levels, as well as split-screen 4 player co-op and multiplayer.
DOOM 3 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Battle your way through a demon-infested facility before entering the abyss to battle Hell’s mightiest warrior – and put an end to the invasion. Doom 3 includes both campaign expansions – Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Mission.
DOOM 64 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Battle armies of demons in your crusade to hunt down the Mother Demon and stop Hell’s invasion. As you fight through more than 30 action-packed levels, be on the lookout for enhanced weapons and secrets to help you put an end to the demonic threat.
DOOM Eternal (Console, PC, Cloud)
Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity. Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power in Doom Eternal – the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat. The only thing they fear… is you.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Console, PC)
An epic, open-ended single-player RPG, Morrowind allows you to play any kind of character imaginable. You can choose to follow the main storyline and find the source of the evil blight that plagues the land, or set off on your own to explore strange locations and develop your character.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Console, PC)
Step inside the most richly detailed and vibrant game-world ever created. With a powerful combination of freeform gameplay and unprecedented graphics, you can unravel the main quest at your own pace or explore the vast world and find your own challenges.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (Console, PC, Cloud)
Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year Awards, the Skyrim Special Edition includes the game and add-ons with all-new features like remastered art and effects, volumetric god rays, dynamic depth of field, and more. Also bring the power of mods to consoles. New quests, environments, characters, dialogue, armor, weapons and more – with Mods, there are no limits to what you can experience.
The Elder Scrolls Online (Cloud, Console)
Experience the award-winning story in a persistent Elder Scrolls world. Embark on an adventure that lets you play your way, go anywhere at any level. Battle, craft, steal, siege, explore and more.
The Evil Within (Console, PC, Cloud)
Experience a disturbing reality as you try to break free from warped machinations. With limited resources at your disposal, you’ll fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action. Defeat insurmountable terror and experience the ultimate thrill by discovering The Evil Within.
Fallout 4 (Console, PC, Cloud)
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Fallout 76 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Steel Dawn is the first chapter in the new Brotherhood of Steel questline, free for Fallout 76 players. Visit settlements populated with new NPCs and unlock powerful weapons and armor from the Brotherhood arsenal. Join in their mission to rebuild society and aid in securing valuable technology.
Fallout: New Vegas (Console)
Welcome to New Vegas. It’s the kind of town where you dig your own grave prior to being shot in the head… and that’s before things really get ugly. It’s a town of dreamers and desperados being torn apart by warring factions vying for complete control of this desert oasis.
Prey (Console, PC, Cloud)
Good morning, Morgan. Prey joins the Xbox Game Pass library, taking you from the comfort of your home to the treacherous depths of space. As Morgan Yu, you’ll have to use your wits, weapons and strange powers to fight the alien threat that has overtaken the Talos I space station. Explore the station, upgrade your skills and abilities, and uncover the secrets of Talos I and the dangers within.
RAGE 2 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Dive headfirst into a dystopian world devoid of society, law, and order. Rage 2 brings together two studio powerhouses – Avalanche Studios, masters of open world insanity, and id Software, creators of the first-person shooter – to deliver a carnival of carnage where you can go anywhere, shoot anything, and explode everything.
Wolfenstein: The New Order (Console, PC, Cloud)
Wolfenstein sends players across Europe on a personal mission to bring down the fascist war machine. With the help of a small group of resistance fighters, infiltrate their most heavily guarded facilities, battle high-tech legions, and take control of super-weapons that have conquered the earth – and beyond.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (Console, PC, Cloud)
The year is 1946 and the Nazis are on the brink of winning World War II. In an effort to turn the tide in the allies’ favor, B.J. Blazkowicz must embark on an epic, two-part mission deep within Bavaria…
Wolfenstein: Youngblood (Console, PC, Cloud)
Set 19 years after the events of Wolfenstein II, BJ Blazkowicz’s twin daughters, Jess and Soph Blazkowicz — after years of training from their battle-hardened father — are forced into action. Team up with a friend to level up, explore, and complete missions to unlock abilities that compliment your playstyle.
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The post Xbox Game Pass: New Games for April 2021 Revealed appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3e8utqM
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schraubd · 6 years
David's Personal Top Ten Video Games
This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. It is a personal list, reflecting the games that have stuck with me the most over the years. I'm not enough of a gamer to claim it is anything comprehensive, and it has a strong bias to the sorts of genres that I like. Nonetheless, I'd stack these games against any that have been made in my lifetime. Anyway, without further adieu ....
Honorable Mentions:
Portal 2: How can a game with virtually no “dialogue” (if that means conversations between two characters) have some of the best spoken lines in all video game history? I have both the original and a capella versions of the Turret Opera on my iTunes (yes, I have “Still Alive” as well).
Railroad Tycoon II: A brilliant simulator that makes you actually feel like a turn-of-the-century robber baron (by far, the game is most fun to play when set in the late 19th century). If every man goes through his “trains!” phase, this was mine. As in real life, I am not good at playing the stock market.
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Robot dinosaurs! Incredibly, Horizon: Zero Dawn takes a core concept that sounds like word association from an over-caffeinated twelve-year boy and makes an entirely serious game about it—and it works. It works so well, in fact, that I loved it despite the fact that the plot and entire world-building background centers around my single greatest phobia (no, not that—being alive for the extinction of humanity).
10. Sid Meier’s Gettysburg: I find it odd that very few games have sought to replicate Gettysburg’s spin on an RTS—focusing combat around regiments rather than individual units and prioritizing morale over raw numbers. But the thing I like best about Gettysburg—and sadly it’s mostly unique too—is in how it concentrates on controlling territory (and terrain). Many RTS games, for me, might as well have a blank screen over 80% of the map between my base and my opponent’s base. You build up your force, and then try to swarm your opponent before he or she swarms you. But in Gettysburg, the goal of missions is not “wipe out your opposition”. It’s to capture and hold a ridge, or dig in and hold an exposed farmhouse.
My only critiques are that I want this game to be bigger. I want it to encompass dozens of map spanning the entirety of the Civil War. I want to be able memorize even more obscure Union and Confederate generals and wonder if they really were “mediocre” or if that was just a game balance decision. The random battle generator is okay, but this game screams for user-created expansions which I’ve never been able to find.
9. Crimson Skies: A pulpy fun flight simulator taking place in an alternate history 1930s where America has fractured and Zeppelin travel rules the day. The game doesn’t hesitate to lean into its concept (phrases like “broad” and “floozy” abound), and it does a great job world-building in a relatively short period of time. Somehow, I could meet an enemy “ace” for the first time in the middle of a mission and yet still feel like we had a history of epic dogfights together of which this was only the latest. Meanwhile, each of the locations the game takes you to (Hawaii, the Pacific Northwest, Hollywood, the Rocky Mountains, and New York City) are a blast and a half.
A sequel, High Road to Revenge, was released on Xbox and leaned a little too hard into the arcade-y elements (power-ups, automatic evasive maneuvers with the press of a button, and so on). But the original PC game was just right—planes flew exactly like how someone who knows nothing about planes thinks planes fly, which is just perfect. You felt like an ace pilot because of your skill (even though behind the hood the game is really holding your hand). Piloting a gyrocopter through half-built New York City skyscrapers, or a prototype single-engine through the Hollywood "O", is great. Doing it to evade local security, then doing a loop and turning both guns on them -- well, that's the cat's meow.
8. Mass Effect (Trilogy and Andromeda): As far as I’m concerned, the definitive space opera (even muscling out Halo). Fabulous voice acting (listening to Martin Sheen play evil Jed Bartlett is one of the great joys of my life) and memorable plot lines pair with a morality system that at least inches away from “basically decent person or utter asshole.” The universe feels genuinely alive, like there’s an ecosystem and civilization that you’re very much apart, but also moves in your absence.
I can’t really separate out the core trilogy games from one another (each sequel seemed to simultaneously step slightly forward and back), which is not I think an uncommon position. What may be more uncommon is that I think Andromeda stands right in there with the core series. Yes, it was disappointing that it took us to a brand new galaxy and only gave us two new species (while eliminating many of the more backgrounded Milky Way aliens). But I was much more disappointed that there will be no DLC or sequels to continue the story and tie up loose ends.
7. N and N++: There can’t be any serious controversy that N is the greatest Flash game ever made. While Flash demands simplicity, N is not so much simple as it is elegant. It is the perfect balance of speed and control, thoughtfulness and twitch-trigger reflexes, serene relaxation and butt-clenching tension. Once you master the floaty physics and the unique enemy styles, you will truly feel like a ninja—stripped to its core essence and deprived of all the usual but unnecessary bells and whistles. A virtually unlimited supply of levels guarantees you endless gameplay.
And so it is unsurprising that N was one of the rare flash games that made a successful jump to a full true game (in the form of N++), one that has a strong claim on being the greatest platformer ever made. The developers were wise not to disturb the basic formula: run, jump, and slide around a level, dodge obstacles and traps that will kill you instantly, reach the exit. Repeat ad infinitum. But N++ adds just a splash of additional flavors and spices into the mix. A perfect trip-trance soundtrack that sets the mood perfectly (and may single-handedly stave off keyboard-smashing frustration). A few new enemy types that deepen the game without ruining its austere grace. And perhaps most importantly, it adds a bunch of extra, semi-secret challenges (which can be used to unlock still more levels) waiting for the very best-of-best players.
Of all the games on this list, I might be in absolute terms “best” at N++ (there are a non-trivial number of levels in the game where I have a top 100 or even top 10 score on the global leaderboards). And yet there is not the slightest chance that I will ever perfect this game, or even come close to it. Nor is there any chance I will become permanently sick of it. A simple concept, executed brilliantly. The perfect N++ level is also the perfect description of the game.
6. Final Fantasy IX: The question was never whether a Final Fantasy game would make this list, only which one. I’ve long had a soft-spot for FFIX, which I feel is often overlooked inside the series (in part because even on release it seemed players were already looking ahead to the Playstation 2). Yet it’s hard to find fault in Final Fantasy IX as an emblem of a straight-forward JRPG. It has a moving story, fun gameplay, beautiful music, loads of quests to do and places to explore, a fabulous supporting cast (Vivi might be my favorite Final Fantasy character ever written), and a lead character you don’t want to punch (*cough* Final Fantasy X).
Final Fantasy IX is often described as “nostalgic”, and despite the fact that it was only the second game in the series I had ever played, I got that feeling instantly. Try listening to the soundtrack for “Frontier Village Dali” without feeling a little melancholic. You don’t even have to have played. But I recommend that you do.
For the record, my ranking of Final Fantasy games that I’ve played goes: IX, VII, XII, XV, X, XIII.
5. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood: One difficulty in judging games within a series is how to compare an earlier game which still had some rough edges but represented a quantum leap forward versus a later game which didn’t do anything super-novel but tweaked the formula to perfection. That, in a nutshell, is the difference between Assassin’s Creed II and Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. Now, for me, this is an easy call for idiosyncratic reasons—I played AC:B before AC II, and so I experienced the former as both the perfected model and the quantum leap forward as compared to the original game. But I respect that for those who played the series in order, this is a harder call.
What should be easy for anyone is to agree that together, Assassin’s Creed II and Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood represented the AC series reaching its full potential. Ezio continues to be the best protagonist the series has seen to date. Renaissance Italy likewise is the ideal setting for both AC’s vertical and horizontal platforming elements and its shadowy-conspiracy/secret-history plotline. As a franchise, Assassin’s Creed really launched the parkour/open-world exploration genre, and Brotherhood was the first game where every single element of what that genre could be came together. Other more recent games have been tons of fun (Black Flag and Syndicate are I think highlights), but these two games are the reason this series is so iconic.
4. Might and Magic VI: The same problem posed by AC2 versus Brotherhood emerges with Might and Magic VI and VII—except here, I did play them in order. Like the previous entry, I do think that VII ultimately improves upon the formula set out in Might and Magic VI. It’s more versatile, has more replay value, a touch more balanced (and that’s not getting into ArcoMage) … all in all, probably a better technical game.
But Might and Magic VI is for me iconic—it may well be the first RPG I’ve ever truly loved (and given the way this list is stacked in that direction, that’s saying a lot). Virtually all the things that characterize what I love in games today, it had in at least skeletal form. Open world exploration? Check: It was the first game where I felt like I was a true pathfinder—meticulously crawling over every corner of the map to find each obscure bandit’s cave and goblin fortress. To this day I still have the lay of the land in Enroth basically memorized. Overly detailed worldbuilding text to read? Absolutely: my obsessive-streak came out in reading every single artifact description, conversational option, and quest backgrounder (it is canon that Enroth, and the entire planet it resides upon, was blown up in a magical explosion—a fact I’m still resentful towards 3DO for long after it disappeared into bankruptcy). Slight genre-bending? The splash of Sci-Fi onto the fantasy setting was delightful to discover for someone who had never played any of the prior entries in the series. And some of the music—well, the White Cap theme is a thing of beauty, and on my computer “Adagio in G Minor for Strings and Organ” is still listed as “Church Dungeon Music.”
3. Heroes of Might and Magic III: If comparing earlier, more revolutionary games against newer more polished ones presents a problem in the Assassin’s Creed and Might and Magic series, it presents no trouble at all in Heroes of Might & Magic. That’s because the third installation in the series both represented a huge jump forward from what came before and is unquestionably the best entry in the overall sequence.
Sure, some of the expansions are a bit goofy, but they still work—sharpshooters and enchanters are massively overpowered, but they’re generally used in missions that would otherwise be impossible. But the main campaign is fabulous—a surprisingly intricate and interwoven plot that bridges Might and Magic VI and VII compliments outstanding strategy gameplay. And that doesn’t even get into the acre of standalone maps provided, plus countless more available on the web thanks to a map editor so intuitive, even I can use it (I’m terrible with map editors).
As a result of all of this, Heroes III is maybe the only game on this list that can compete with N++ regarding infinite replayability. This is fortunate, because—given the fact that Heroes III was a full-budget release and was not supposed to be “simple”—it ages incredibly well. Even the graphics hold up (no need for that remastered remake—which doesn’t even include the expansions!).
2. Witcher III: As you may have noticed, this list has a strong bias towards RPGs. My preference is toward “Western” RPGs (which have a go-anywhere/do-anything exploration mentality) compared to “Japanese” RPGs (which are more linear and story-driven), but Witcher III does an incredible job of synthesizing the best of both. It has a huge open world to explore, one that feels alive and dynamic—but there is also an incredibly rich story filled with deep, well-written characters (of which Geralt—the player character—is but one).
Gameplay-wise, Witcher III really hits the perfect balance. I simultaneously felt like the biggest bad-ass in the room, but also like a single slip in concentration or bit of overconfidence and my corpse would unceremoniously end up at the bottom of whatever cave I was in. But Witcher III particularly stands out in how it subverts certain common RPG tropes. You are a hero, but you’re not particularly well-liked. You’re a powerful warrior, but you’re still ultimately treated as a pawn in larger political machinations. Your interventions do not always save the day, and sometimes don’t even make things better. If a mission starts with a villager worrying that their beloved has gone missing, nine times out of ten that person has been devoured by a monster well before you ever get there. While many games claim to place the hero in difficult moral dilemmas, Witcher III is a rare case of following through (some games might give you the choice to let a trio of witches eat a group of kids whom you recently played hide-and-seek with, but few make it so that might actually be the more moral of the options in front of you). There’s even a quest where you help a knight rescue a lady in distress from a curse, then lecture him that he’s not entitled to her romantic attention as a reward (talk about a timely intervention in the video game genre!). Over and over again, the game reinforces the message that being really powerful and doing “the right thing” isn’t enough to fix a fundamentally broken system.
Most impressive is the emotional impact that Witcher III dishes out. Sometimes this is a result of rich character development that pays off over the course of the entire game (as in “The Last Wish” quest). But sometimes it shows up in even relatively minor sidequests—the epilogue of the “Black Pearl” quest was one of the more brutal emotional gut-punches I’ve experienced in a video game. Ultimately, this was a game where one always felt like each character was a person—they were imperfect, they had their own interests, hopes, dreams, strengths and foibles, and while you were a little better with a sword and gifted with some preternatural abilities, you were still only one player in a much bigger narrative. As a result, Witcher III might well be, in my estimation, the perfect RPG.
Oh, and Gwent is ludicrously addictive. Let’s not forget that.
1. TIE Fighter: I don’t think this list has a particularly “modern” bias. Still, there’s something impressive about the number one game on this list also being the oldest by some measure. TIE Fighter originally came out in 1994, and the definitive Collector’s Edition was released in 1995. It is, to this day, one of the best games ever made. And that’s not a retrospective assessment. Star Wars: Tie Fighter holds up even played right now.
For starters, it is one of the few elements of the Star Wars universe to get the Empire right. I’m not saying that the Empire is the real protagonist of the series. I am saying that they wouldn’t view themselves as evil—as much as naming spacecraft “Executor” and “Death Star” might suggest otherwise. TIE Fighter is quite self-assured in presenting you as being a force for law and order in the galaxy, battling not just seditious rebels but pirates, smugglers, and other anarchic forces that threaten to tear civilized life apart.
Let’s start with something often overlooked in TIE Fighter: the music. It’s probably the only context that the phrase “kick-ass MIDI soundtrack” makes sense. But that’s not even the half of it. The iMuse system dynamically and seamlessly arranges the musical cues to reflect what’s going on around you in the mission—you can literally follow important mission updates (e.g., a wingman being shot down, or reinforcements arriving) simply by the way the melody shifts. I’m not sure I’ve ever encountered anything quite like it since. To this day, the number that accompanies an incoming enemy capital ship fills me with exhilarated dread.
Gameplay-wise, TIE Fighter is almost shockingly rich. The core mission requirements are challenging, but by no means out of reach. But embedded in each level are a series of secondary and secret bonus objectives. These unlock a parallel plot of the Emperor’s Secret Order—but always present a brutal risk/reward calculus. That’s not unrelated to the fact that you’re often flying, well, TIE fighters (not noted for their durability)—but the challenge extends well beyond physical peril. TIE Fighter actually gives you an “invincibility” option if you want it, and yet even with it on some of the later missions and bonus objectives will strain every piloting skill you’ve ever developed.
Most importantly, the secret objectives usually are more involved than “blow up everything in sight.” They reward initiative and exploration. Maybe your primary mission objective is to destroy a rebel space station. But just before it goes down, you spot an escape shuttle fleeing the station. Take it out? Maybe—but maybe the occupants are VIPs best taken alive. So you switch to ion cannons and disable it for capture. Yet that extra time you just spent has given the rebels enough breathing room to summon reinforcements—now an enemy cruiser is bearing down on you. Take out its missile launchers and clear path for bombers while praying that your own Star Destroyer will arrive soon to back you up. All on the fly. All while dogfighting starfighters, dodging mines, giving your wingmen orders … it’s insanely, beautifully chaotic.
Did I mention this is all happening in 1995? 90% of games released today don’t have that kind of depth or spontaneity. In terms of playability, replayability, and just plain fun, TIE Fighter stands alone, and unchallenged.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/2HbDTEl
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
Tumblr media
       In all your years, you’ve never really fit in with anyone. Not the humans, not the fae. Not anyone. With no connection to your own people, you weren’t exactly known or cared for. Not that it stopped you from existing in defiance of it. You survived because you could. 
     For most of your life, you were alone. Solitary creature to avoid the brutality of your kin; to avoid the shackles they wanted to bind you in. To keep your freedom. You were born with no connection to the hive mind and left to die. They did not care for you. & you certainly didn’t care for them. Until your magic manifested, no one sought you out without it being to harm you. Til you gained your magic, no creature came to you in a manner of peace. & when it did, a being - old, ancient, respected - came to you. It offered to teach you the ways of marking your kin, of the delicate workings of a blade & needle. And ink. 
     It gave you your own markings, ones that matched its own. Took you in as not a child but as an apprentice. It still showed you no care, but you were its. & that’s all that mattered. 
   All anyone cared about: You had been redeemed.
  But the shackles of learning, the weight of what it meant to be marked, & the way people still looked at you. It all drove you mad, and you lashed out. The path of your exit left an impact on the world around it. The wake of your departure tore apart the foundation of your people, not that you knew, or cared. All you knew was the pain that was on your chest, your lungs burning and the blood pooling in your mouth. 
    There was no plan. There was no direction. And as such, you ended up with the giants. Gentle guardians of the border who fed you and did not misjudge you immediately. You spent years in their realm till you got bored & wanted to see the rest of the universe had to offer. & this landed you, eventually, in the realm of mortals. 
   You had only heard stories, from travelers between realms, about the realm of humans. But their stories were understatements of the beauty. Of the life within the realm. It was fascinating and exciting, thrilling. And you loved every second. 
   You still do, really. After millennia’s spent on the planet, you’ve grown to appreciate it all. Never really settling down. You were still an outcast, for the most part. Your features scared most mortals for a long time, even if you shifted your skin from pale grey to pale white, you couldn’t hide your eyes. But, you still enjoyed your time. 
   Still enjoyed finding the few like you, or the mortals that wanted to know magic. You used your magic to make a name for yourself, master of inks and markings for even the immortals whose bodies rejected most inks. It was your specialty. 
    For once you were free to use your magic. To control your life & use it how you wanted. Never did you think freedom would find you here but, it had. And gods do you love it. 
Name: Igne ( Ih-ng-uh │ ing-a )  Nicknames: Iggy. Inky. Titles: n/a Age: ‘who the fuck cares, dude?’ ( well over 10,000) Birthday: n/a Gender: non-binary ( they/she ) Sexuality: lesbian │ demiromantic Birthplace: Svartalfheimr Residence: everywhere Relatives:               Unknown father.                Unknown mother.                Unknown siblings.
Height: 6′2″ Weight: 140lbs Character’s body build: athletic, mildly toned. Eye Color: black sclera, right eye’s a bright red, left is a bright purple Hair Color: block Hairstyle: shaved sides, top usually slicked back or just wild.  Complexion and skin tone: pale as heck Scars: multiple facial scars. circular design branding’s on their face & body.  Mannerisms: Very relaxed at all times. Usually has a small smile on their face. Tends to deliver sentences very deadpan or monotone. Usual Body Posture: loose, slouched. while sitting they usually perch on the back of chairs, or have their feet on the chair. standing is casual and uncaring.  Tattoos: ngl i’m lazy and not gonna list all of them. but all the ones their fc, ruby rose, has except the portraits. Class/race: Dark Elf
Powers & Abilities:
Elven Based Abilities:  
Ink Manipulation:  User can create, shape and manipulate ink, including moving ink, change the color, consistency/viscosity between solid and liquid, etc., even if the ink is printed/written/tattooed. They can write/scribe/tattoo without tools by manipulating ink.
Superhuman strength, stamina, durability, longevity, healing factor - can be enhanced by magic.
Heightened senses, excellent nightvision and sense of smell. Can smell pheromones.
Telekinesis- a somewhat advanced level.
Hivemind: is connected telepathically and tele-empathically with all dark elves
Lunar empowerment
Extremely stealthy, expert at throwing knives and archery, skilled combatant, extensive knowledge in different poisons and venom
Highly trained in old spells that manipulate the elements.
Offensive Magic:
Magic Attacks
Magic Combat
Power Absorption
Defensive Magic:
Force-Field Generation
Healing Magical
Energy Absorption
Miscellaneous Abilities
Elemental Manipulation
Magic Aura
Magic Detection
Magic Generation
Magical Constructs
Magical Energy Manipulation
Magically Enhanced Physiology
Potion Creation - for various purposes (i.e. explosive, healing)
Long Ago: Tag    Literally anything from pre-earth shit to like iunno 1950′s? or something who knows. old crap. 
Future: Tag    for them times i’m feeling like wow i bet they’re chillin in space like ‘lmao look at that rock it looks like a dick.’ do they have to be in space? nah. but ya know. Future Things. 
Inquisition Related:
   •  Companion: Tag     Ancient elf fuck who would fight the creators with a spoon in a denny’s parking lot. Probably a sick af arcane warrior or reaver tbh. Fckn who knows maybe an assassin i unno. they like stabbing things tho so. Also still trained in giving tattoos to dalish and stuff. 
 •    Inquisitor: Tag   #fucked applies really well here ngl. Nah, they’re a chill inquisitor who sides with the mages just because like. fuck the chantry? very chill and relaxed tho. doesn’t give a fuck about the whole orlesian bullshit either god. ruthless af too tho lmaoooo. choppin off ppls heads like they’re nothing. always does it themselves too. Ready to brawl w/ everyone. Still ancient and Tired. Knows what it is ya know. just gives solas a look like bro really?
DC:  Tag    ink fucker who probably isn’t a villain but defo a lawbreaker and gives ZERO fucks about it. 
Fallout: Tag   Primarily Fallout  4.       ghoul fuck? synth fuck? who knows. they’re living in some building by/in goodneighbor. doin tattoos and sellin drugs. good with a shotgun and good with knives.
Overwatch:  Tag   dps string bean always ready to brawl. has some connection to both talon & overwatch. what is it? no one knows!! they’re an enigma that has their side bc they don’t care lm ao. 
Mass Effect Trilogy:  Tag    your average asari ( probably or maybe human? drell?) assassin w/ biotics and a knack for shotguns and swords. defo recruitable in me1. probably flirts w/ fuckin fem!shep. only romancable for a fem!shep. 
Mass Effect: Andromeda: Tag   iunno their species but w/e they’re a mutual party in most things and would hook ryder up w/ some sick ink and also blast the hell out of the kett. 
Elder Scrolls: Tag   dark elvesss dark elf! DARK ELF!! former dark brotherhood, how’d you leave? who the fuck is gonna stop me from leavin bub. honestly tho really sneaky. good w/ locks. probably now in the thieves guild? doesn’t like killin ppl unless they have to. 
The Raven Cycle:  Tag     Crossover with their normal verse.    Sort of a drifter in the town. chills out w/ revas a lot. Likes the dreampack over gangsey l mao. but ya know. they’re their for moral supporter and mild protection really. also bc they’re old as balls and probably know a bunch of magic shit to help
IC • about • isms • face • aesthetics • abilities • tunes
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airoasis · 5 years
MimbleWimble simplified (better Scalability and Privacy than Bitcoin today)
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/mimblewimble-simplified-better-scalability-and-privacy-than-bitcoin-today/
MimbleWimble simplified (better Scalability and Privacy than Bitcoin today)
Hey Cryptogang Welcome to a different LamboLife video. Blockstreams Andrew Poelstra says Mimblewimble would exchange Bitcoin. Its extra scalable and exclusive. Thats daring in poor health dice up the Mimble protocol and verify how useful it particularly is. Unwell additionally evaluate it to similar applied sciences. Lets start. It all began with when an nameless cryptographer via the identify of Tom Elvis Jedusor showed up at a bitcoin study channel. This identify is genuinely French for Tom Riddle, which was the real identify of Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter sequence. Now he posted a link to a whitepaper known as Mimblewimble.In the beginning, no person noticed it, but as quickly as they learn it, they realized this was a quite giant deal! This cryptographic protocol, that used to be left by using a ghost, had the skills revolutionize the way bitcoin works. Theres some Harry Potter trivia in the whitepaper. Apparently now we have a fanboy here. Mimblewimble is absolutely a spell in Harry Potter, that ties the targets tongue robbing him of his capability to converse obviously. As a consequence, the source of peoples misconception that Mimblewimble is in general just a privateness protocol, however thats now not precisely right. It is peculiarly a scaling solution and secondarily a privateness solution. Thats due to the fact the scaling advantage is higher than the privacy benefit in Mimblewimbles case.So how does Mimblewimble scale? To start with, theres specific approaches of scaling. Lets discover them first. The blockchain conceptually appears like this: a series of blocks that represents a history of transactions. Bitcoin plans to scale through offloading most of its trasactions offchain with its 2nd layer, the Lightning community. For my part, that is the most effective scaling solution and is in most cases above any others. Unluckily, in these days it is nonetheless unstable and might have an extended approach to go before its capable for mass adoption. Bitcoin money however, has an immediate resolution by means of growing the block measurement. But theres additionally a third alternative. Which is to compress the transaction information. Thats what Mimblewimble does. Alternatively of constructing bigger a blocker, it makes the contents within smaller. You see, BTC has accelerated its blocksize earlier than, however the community has agreed that doing this without end is catastrophic. Why? Take a look at this graph. The fee of develop of Bitcoins blockchain shouldn’t be linear, its exponential. Presently now we have about 200000 megabytes; or 200 gigs, which is the amount of difficult force area you have to established your own full node, supplied that your hardware has ample bandwidth aid and computing vigour.As time goes via and historical past unfolds, storing this history turns into more and more stressful; because the memory quintessential to retailer the data in every block also needs to expand, as well as the computing energy wanted to validate them. If all we do is expand the blocksize endlessly, we are practically stopping the common man from being able to run a full node, due to the fact that of the excessive fees required to set it up. And thus, permit mining cartels and monopolies to have various influence, hurting decentralization. Bitcoin money is doing this block dimension develop just a little conservatively, however Bitcoin SV went all out, which is most likely insane. Now whats intriguing with Mimblewimble, is that it permits Bitcoins transaction historical past to be compacted and swiftly validated with normal computing hardware even after a long time of chain operation. The outcome? A faster and extra scalable blockchain! You might actually start up a full node in your clever telephone, and just about immediately synchronize your full node to the blockchain.Mimblewimbles privacy aspects are derived from distinctive cryptographic innovations. For simplicitys sake unwell best incorporate the major components. First is confidential Transactions. This allows the senders to encrypt the quantity of crypto they need to ship utilizing what you call blinding motives. Again for simplicity, blinding reasons are comfortably random numbers that mess up the inputs and outputs and make it appear complicated for an outside observer. So in this scenario, handiest the sender and receiver are conscious of the amount. Nonetheless, 0.33 events can still make sure that the transaction is valid, by way of evaluating the number of inputs and outputs; but as far as they’re can see, its simply uniform random things went in, and uniform random things went out.And if both inputs and outputs are the same, then the transaction is legitimate. This process ensures that no bitcoins have been constituted of nothing. But, this isn’t adequate. There is the possibility of an omniscient observersomeone who has the assets to do a graph analysis of Mimbles transaction historical past, feel CIA or a chinese hacker army. If that’s the case, they might still discover some information you dont need them to grasp. Fortunate for us, Mimble additionally leverages another cryptographic innovation referred to as CoinJoin. Coinjoin is a mechanism through which transactions sent by means of a couple of spenders are combined to type a single transaction. Now for the reason that of this, its problematic for an outsider to examine which fee was once intended for whom, including even more confusion and misdirection So now you probably questioning.How will we ensure that nobody is cheating? What form of consensus model does Mimble have? Good, it’s particularly exceptional from Bitcoins consensus mechanism. You see, with Bitcoins Proof-of-work algorithm, its extra intricate; the whole blockchain have got to be downloaded, the historical past of a transaction outputs must be analysed; all to ensure validity. This takes up numerous time, and is quite tough to scale, for that reason, the need for a 2d layer resolution like Lightning.However with Mimble, theres a easier technique to preserve the integrity of the process. Mimblewimble blocks only encompass a list of inputs, a record of outputs, and signature information. This offers tremendous area savings in blocks, in view that other transaction information not need to be stored, handiest inputs and outputs. And via subtracting the complete inputs from the complete outputs, that is to say guaranteeing that the change is zero, the blockchain is validated, on account that no new coins had been created out of skinny air. With innovation, theres continually matters that have to be extended on. In any other case, there wouldnt be growth. Mimblewimble has probably the most nice privacy aspects, but its not really best.Even with all its privateness ways, Mimble will not be one hundred percent anonymous. Theres nonetheless the very small threat that some whale or multi million buck organization can override your anonymity, will have to they desperately wish to. However its no longer some thing thats relatively anticipated to happen customarily or ever relatively. You see, the privateness and scalability aspects of Mimble are intertwined. The more it could scale, the extra users it could possibly control. And the extra customers, the improved the privacy. Weve already situated that private transactions are usually not sufficient. And coinjoin needs more transaction quantity to be strong.With low transaction volume, its no longer too complex to circumvent Coinjoins privateness. In poor health use Assassins Creed as an analogy here so its more fun. Within the AC franchise, The Assassins have Three major ideas, which can be 1. Stay your blade from the flesh of the harmless. 2. Under no circumstances compromise the brotherhood and 3. Hide in simple sight, which is what well focal point on. What this almost means is that as an assassin, one will have to recognize the right way to combo within the crowd; to turn out to be anonymous.The key phrase here is crowd. If you want to be hidden, you must get lost. You cant be the one individual in a area carrying a hood. Thats now not serving to you in any way. The Templars will freaking kill you. Scaling drives privacy in virtually every science. Comfortably put, the larger the gang, the less difficult to get lost. And that applies primarily to Mimblewimble, afterall, it is one among Bitcoins scaling resolution. Regrettably its now not fairly there but. This has something to do with what you name rangeproofs. Variety Proofs are present in all cryptocurrencies with exclusive Transactions such Monero or Zcash. Its no longer simply Mimble. Variety Proofs are primary considering that it prevents the blockchain from having poor outputs.You dont want a poor Bitcoin, or a bad Monero. So this Rangeproofs is critical for Mimblewimble to work competently. But rangeproofs are also hefty to confirm, atleast for in these days. Theyre working on it, undoubtedly, but, lowering the timeframe for verification, as good as the scale of this rangeproofs, is whatever that they need to handle, before Mimble could reach a level where customers can readily, run a full node on their smartphone. Its known as bulletproofs, but were not gonna speak about that correct now. Also, Mimblewimble does now not support scripting. Scripting is implemented in Bitcoin, and its very useful. It makes it possible for developed points comparable to multisignature, cozy pass-chain trading, excessive frequency trading, and lots of different tricky stuff.However, Mimble has particularly evolved crypto magic to work around this. Many smart contracts in Bitcoin that require a script may also be accomplished utilising the residences of what we call Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Its not and in most cases in no way gonna be as excellent as having a Bitcoin Script although. Additionally, you cant easily merge the Mimble protocol with Bitcoin. Its no longer really an targeted fit. However, you can put into effect it as a sidechain or make a brand new implementation. Mimblewimble is a protocol similar to Bitcoin. Now Bitcoin has 2 predominant implementations. Bitcoin Core for BTC and Bitcoin ABC for Bitcoin money. Both use the equal protocol however they are one of a kind implementations. Mimble has 2 implementations known as Grin and Beam. Both went live sometime in January. The most important change between Grin and BEAM is their general group or governance procedure.BEAMs governance mannequin is extra manufacturer-like structured, while Grin is extra of an open-supply neighborhood with contributors independently engaged on the task by way of donations. Honestly I lean towards Grin extra, being open supply and community-pushed and all but Im also partial to Beams VC-funded startup method. Im intently keeping an eye fixed on both. But I nonetheless dont any of those is a alternative for Bitcoin. They are their possess thing. Damn it feels good to be in crypto. Thats it for todays video. Thanks for staring at. Im so blissful to finally add this. It took particularly a even as to completely clutch how it works hopefully my time was once valued at it and also you discovered some thing from me.In the event you loved be sure to like and if you happen to havent already, subscribe. See you on the flipside! .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
MimbleWimble simplified (better Scalability and Privacy than Bitcoin today)
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/mimblewimble-simplified-better-scalability-and-privacy-than-bitcoin-today/
MimbleWimble simplified (better Scalability and Privacy than Bitcoin today)
Hey Cryptogang Welcome to a different LamboLife video. Blockstreams Andrew Poelstra says Mimblewimble would exchange Bitcoin. Its extra scalable and exclusive. Thats daring in poor health dice up the Mimble protocol and verify how useful it particularly is. Unwell additionally evaluate it to similar applied sciences. Lets start. It all began with when an nameless cryptographer via the identify of Tom Elvis Jedusor showed up at a bitcoin study channel. This identify is genuinely French for Tom Riddle, which was the real identify of Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter sequence. Now he posted a link to a whitepaper known as Mimblewimble.In the beginning, no person noticed it, but as quickly as they learn it, they realized this was a quite giant deal! This cryptographic protocol, that used to be left by using a ghost, had the skills revolutionize the way bitcoin works. Theres some Harry Potter trivia in the whitepaper. Apparently now we have a fanboy here. Mimblewimble is absolutely a spell in Harry Potter, that ties the targets tongue robbing him of his capability to converse obviously. As a consequence, the source of peoples misconception that Mimblewimble is in general just a privateness protocol, however thats now not precisely right. It is peculiarly a scaling solution and secondarily a privateness solution. Thats due to the fact the scaling advantage is higher than the privacy benefit in Mimblewimbles case.So how does Mimblewimble scale? To start with, theres specific approaches of scaling. Lets discover them first. The blockchain conceptually appears like this: a series of blocks that represents a history of transactions. Bitcoin plans to scale through offloading most of its trasactions offchain with its 2nd layer, the Lightning community. For my part, that is the most effective scaling solution and is in most cases above any others. Unluckily, in these days it is nonetheless unstable and might have an extended approach to go before its capable for mass adoption. Bitcoin money however, has an immediate resolution by means of growing the block measurement. But theres additionally a third alternative. Which is to compress the transaction information. Thats what Mimblewimble does. Alternatively of constructing bigger a blocker, it makes the contents within smaller. You see, BTC has accelerated its blocksize earlier than, however the community has agreed that doing this without end is catastrophic. Why? Take a look at this graph. The fee of develop of Bitcoins blockchain shouldn’t be linear, its exponential. Presently now we have about 200000 megabytes; or 200 gigs, which is the amount of difficult force area you have to established your own full node, supplied that your hardware has ample bandwidth aid and computing vigour.As time goes via and historical past unfolds, storing this history turns into more and more stressful; because the memory quintessential to retailer the data in every block also needs to expand, as well as the computing energy wanted to validate them. If all we do is expand the blocksize endlessly, we are practically stopping the common man from being able to run a full node, due to the fact that of the excessive fees required to set it up. And thus, permit mining cartels and monopolies to have various influence, hurting decentralization. Bitcoin money is doing this block dimension develop just a little conservatively, however Bitcoin SV went all out, which is most likely insane. Now whats intriguing with Mimblewimble, is that it permits Bitcoins transaction historical past to be compacted and swiftly validated with normal computing hardware even after a long time of chain operation. The outcome? A faster and extra scalable blockchain! You might actually start up a full node in your clever telephone, and just about immediately synchronize your full node to the blockchain.Mimblewimbles privacy aspects are derived from distinctive cryptographic innovations. For simplicitys sake unwell best incorporate the major components. First is confidential Transactions. This allows the senders to encrypt the quantity of crypto they need to ship utilizing what you call blinding motives. Again for simplicity, blinding reasons are comfortably random numbers that mess up the inputs and outputs and make it appear complicated for an outside observer. So in this scenario, handiest the sender and receiver are conscious of the amount. Nonetheless, 0.33 events can still make sure that the transaction is valid, by way of evaluating the number of inputs and outputs; but as far as they’re can see, its simply uniform random things went in, and uniform random things went out.And if both inputs and outputs are the same, then the transaction is legitimate. This process ensures that no bitcoins have been constituted of nothing. But, this isn’t adequate. There is the possibility of an omniscient observersomeone who has the assets to do a graph analysis of Mimbles transaction historical past, feel CIA or a chinese hacker army. If that’s the case, they might still discover some information you dont need them to grasp. Fortunate for us, Mimble additionally leverages another cryptographic innovation referred to as CoinJoin. Coinjoin is a mechanism through which transactions sent by means of a couple of spenders are combined to type a single transaction. Now for the reason that of this, its problematic for an outsider to examine which fee was once intended for whom, including even more confusion and misdirection So now you probably questioning.How will we ensure that nobody is cheating? What form of consensus model does Mimble have? Good, it’s particularly exceptional from Bitcoins consensus mechanism. You see, with Bitcoins Proof-of-work algorithm, its extra intricate; the whole blockchain have got to be downloaded, the historical past of a transaction outputs must be analysed; all to ensure validity. This takes up numerous time, and is quite tough to scale, for that reason, the need for a 2d layer resolution like Lightning.However with Mimble, theres a easier technique to preserve the integrity of the process. Mimblewimble blocks only encompass a list of inputs, a record of outputs, and signature information. This offers tremendous area savings in blocks, in view that other transaction information not need to be stored, handiest inputs and outputs. And via subtracting the complete inputs from the complete outputs, that is to say guaranteeing that the change is zero, the blockchain is validated, on account that no new coins had been created out of skinny air. With innovation, theres continually matters that have to be extended on. In any other case, there wouldnt be growth. Mimblewimble has probably the most nice privacy aspects, but its not really best.Even with all its privateness ways, Mimble will not be one hundred percent anonymous. Theres nonetheless the very small threat that some whale or multi million buck organization can override your anonymity, will have to they desperately wish to. However its no longer some thing thats relatively anticipated to happen customarily or ever relatively. You see, the privateness and scalability aspects of Mimble are intertwined. The more it could scale, the extra users it could possibly control. And the extra customers, the improved the privacy. Weve already situated that private transactions are usually not sufficient. And coinjoin needs more transaction quantity to be strong.With low transaction volume, its no longer too complex to circumvent Coinjoins privateness. In poor health use Assassins Creed as an analogy here so its more fun. Within the AC franchise, The Assassins have Three major ideas, which can be 1. Stay your blade from the flesh of the harmless. 2. Under no circumstances compromise the brotherhood and 3. Hide in simple sight, which is what well focal point on. What this almost means is that as an assassin, one will have to recognize the right way to combo within the crowd; to turn out to be anonymous.The key phrase here is crowd. If you want to be hidden, you must get lost. You cant be the one individual in a area carrying a hood. Thats now not serving to you in any way. The Templars will freaking kill you. Scaling drives privacy in virtually every science. Comfortably put, the larger the gang, the less difficult to get lost. And that applies primarily to Mimblewimble, afterall, it is one among Bitcoins scaling resolution. Regrettably its now not fairly there but. This has something to do with what you name rangeproofs. Variety Proofs are present in all cryptocurrencies with exclusive Transactions such Monero or Zcash. Its no longer simply Mimble. Variety Proofs are primary considering that it prevents the blockchain from having poor outputs.You dont want a poor Bitcoin, or a bad Monero. So this Rangeproofs is critical for Mimblewimble to work competently. But rangeproofs are also hefty to confirm, atleast for in these days. Theyre working on it, undoubtedly, but, lowering the timeframe for verification, as good as the scale of this rangeproofs, is whatever that they need to handle, before Mimble could reach a level where customers can readily, run a full node on their smartphone. Its known as bulletproofs, but were not gonna speak about that correct now. Also, Mimblewimble does now not support scripting. Scripting is implemented in Bitcoin, and its very useful. It makes it possible for developed points comparable to multisignature, cozy pass-chain trading, excessive frequency trading, and lots of different tricky stuff.However, Mimble has particularly evolved crypto magic to work around this. Many smart contracts in Bitcoin that require a script may also be accomplished utilising the residences of what we call Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Its not and in most cases in no way gonna be as excellent as having a Bitcoin Script although. Additionally, you cant easily merge the Mimble protocol with Bitcoin. Its no longer really an targeted fit. However, you can put into effect it as a sidechain or make a brand new implementation. Mimblewimble is a protocol similar to Bitcoin. Now Bitcoin has 2 predominant implementations. Bitcoin Core for BTC and Bitcoin ABC for Bitcoin money. Both use the equal protocol however they are one of a kind implementations. Mimble has 2 implementations known as Grin and Beam. Both went live sometime in January. The most important change between Grin and BEAM is their general group or governance procedure.BEAMs governance mannequin is extra manufacturer-like structured, while Grin is extra of an open-supply neighborhood with contributors independently engaged on the task by way of donations. Honestly I lean towards Grin extra, being open supply and community-pushed and all but Im also partial to Beams VC-funded startup method. Im intently keeping an eye fixed on both. But I nonetheless dont any of those is a alternative for Bitcoin. They are their possess thing. Damn it feels good to be in crypto. Thats it for todays video. Thanks for staring at. Im so blissful to finally add this. It took particularly a even as to completely clutch how it works hopefully my time was once valued at it and also you discovered some thing from me.In the event you loved be sure to like and if you happen to havent already, subscribe. See you on the flipside! .
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10 best upcoming Android games: Fortnite, Project Cars, Harry Potter and more PUBG Mobile, Tekken Mobile, and Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition are just a few of the great Android titles released this year. We expect to see many more in the near future from well-known developers like Ubisoft, Telltale Games, and Niantic Labs. Here are the 10 upcoming Android games we’re most excited about, in different categories like adventure, action, and racing. 1. Fortnite: Battle Royale Fortnite is a free to play third-person shooter battle royale game. It gathers together up to 100 unarmed players and drops them onto an island littered with randomly generated guns, ammo, and equipment. From there, players hunt for loot in abandoned buildings, take each other down, and build shelters and towers, all while racing to avoid the circular “storm.” The eye of the storm — where the game takes place — gets smaller as the game goes on, gradually making parts of the island uninhabitable and forcing players into increasingly closer quarters. Fortnite is one of the biggest games in the world right now. Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world right now, currently available on PC, Mac, Xbox One, PS4, and iOS. It supports cross-play, allowing PC gamers to join console and mobile gamers to take on other squads. The game isn’t available on Android yet but will be soon. In early March, Epic Games announced it will be ready “in a few months.” While you wait, you can check out a few alternatives like PUBG Mobile and Rules of Survival. 2. Westworld Westworld Mobile Westworld is an upcoming Android game based on HBO’s hit TV series of the same name. You assume the role of a trainee granted access to the official Delos Park Training Simulation (DPTS), developed to help you learn all aspects of park operations and Host maintenance. Part of the job is to build, optimize, and unlock park locations including Sweetwater, Escalante, and Las Mudas. You also have to manufacture, collect, as well as upgrade over 170 AI hosts and match them with guests to satisfy their desires. There’s no word on when Westworld will be released, but the game is already listed on the Play Store. Users can pre-register to get notified when it becomes available. The title will be free to play, with in-app purchases available to speed up your progress. Pre-register 3. Jurassic World Alive This is an augmented reality (AR) title much like Niantic’s Pokemon GO. It lets you collect and interact with dinosaurs around you. The premise of the game is that you’re a new member of the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG) on a mission to save these gigantic creatures from a second extinction. You can track dinosaurs with a drone and collect DNA samples required to level up and create hybrids in your lab. You can also assemble the perfect dinosaur strike team and take on dangerous threats in real-time PvP battles. The game allows you to explore the world around you with location-based technology, discover dinosaurs on a map, earn rewards like in-game currency and battery life for your drone, and much more. Jurassic World Alive is set to launch on Android this spring, although an exact date isn’t known, though it will probably be out by the time the film Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom releases on June 8. You can pre-register for the game on the Play Store to try it out as soon as it becomes available. Pre-register 4. Project Cars GO Project Cars, a popular racing game released on Xbox One, PS4, and PC, is getting a mobile spin-off. Called Project Cars GO, it will come with loads of exotic cars and tons of customization options, just like the PC and console version. Project Cars is known for offering an authentic racing experience, and the mobile version promises just that. The game has sold over two million copies worldwide so far and is one of the best of its kind in my opinion. Read next: 15 best racing games for Android Gamevil and Slightly Mad Studios are developing the game, but there’s no word on the release date. Slightly Mad Studios CEO Ian Bell said racing fans will be “stomping the gas pedal and burning rubber very soon,” which makes us think it won’t be long until Project Cars GO makes its debut. When it does, it will give all the other titles on our list of best upcoming Android games a run for their money. 5. Hello Neighbor Hello Neighbor is a horror game split into three acts. In the first one, you step into the shoes of a child investigating the house of a suspicious neighbor who has something locked in his basement. You have to sneak through the house and figure out what the creepy dude is up to. If he catches you — and he will — you’ll end up back in your house having to start all over again. Editor's Pick 10 best Android horror games When we first wrote this article a few years ago, the horror games genre wasn't great. There were a few good ones. However, the quality deteriorated quickly after that. The last couple of years have … The game has Pixar-style graphics and can be quite challenging. Your neighbor will set up cameras and bear traps where you last entered the house to make it harder for you to complete the mission. He’ll also analyze your movements and find shortcuts to take you down faster. This keeps the gameplay exciting and tense, even as you attempt to break in for the thousandth time. Hello Neighbor launches on Android July 27. You’ll be able to play the first act for free, while the other two will be available as in-app purchases. A limited beta for the game kicks off soon, allowing you to try it out before its official release — sign up below. Become a beta tester 6. Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Developed by Ubisoft, Assassin’s Creed Rebellion is a strategy game with RPG elements. It takes place in Spain, where you control a fortress of the Assassin Brotherhood, leading a team of assassins. You can build new rooms in the fortress, make new equipment, and even create medicine. You can also team up with more than 40 characters including Ezio, Shao Jun, and Aguilar, train and upgrade them, and send them on missions throughout the country. These missions can get you DNA fragments which can unlock new assassins, resources for better equipment, and more. The free-to-play title has already soft-launched in a few countries including New Zealand and the Philippines. Unfortunately, there’s no word on when it will be available globally. 7. Oddmar This platforming game stars a lazy, selfish Viking called Oddmar who is on a mission to burn down a forest. If he fails, he may be kicked out of his tribe. Yikes! Magic mushrooms give Oddmar special powers. The game features 24 levels riddled with traps and other obstacles. There are various magic mushrooms available which give Oddmar special powers, allowing him to more easily overcome challenges. The game looks like a lot of fun and has gorgeous graphics. Check it out in the short trailer above. Oddmar is already available on iOS and has received great reviews so far. It’s not the cheapest game you can get, as it will set you back $5. The price will likely be the same once the title hits Android devices, although this hasn’t been confirmed yet. An exact release date remains a mystery for now. 8. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Pokemon Go developer Niantic Labs’s new title is Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. The upcoming AR game is being developed in partnership with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Players will “learn spells, explore their real world neighborhoods and cities to discover [and] fight legendary beasts, and team up with others to take down powerful enemies.” Read next: 10 best AR games for Android No other details are known about the game at this point. Based on the success of the company’s previous titles and the popularity of Harry Potter, it could be one of the best upcoming Android games of the year. We don’t have an exact release date yet, but you can sign up on the game’s official website to get notified when it launches. Sign up 9. The Walking Dead: The Final Season The fourth and final season of the extremely popular The Walking Dead series will be released sometime this year too. Developer Telltale hasn’t shared a lot of details about the game, but it did mention Clementine will be in the lead role. The third season — A New Frontier — ended with Clementine going out to look for AJ. In the last season, the story will revolve around what happens when she finds him. According to the developer, players will also be able to shape Clementine’s future by making decisions about who she wants to be, who she wants to be with, and more. Unfortunately, we don’t know when exactly the game will be released. To learn more about it, check out Telltale’s summer update video above. 10. PayDay: Crime War Already a popular first-person shooter on PC and consoles, Payday is coming to Android. Payday Crime War is a multiplayer, team-based PvP title where two teams go head to head. One team takes on the role of criminals trying to perform a robbery. The other team steps into the shoes of a SWAT team trying to prevent the crime. Editor's Pick 10 best FPS games for Android FPS games (first person shooters) are among the most exciting game genres out there. It is one of the most popular genres ever. Additionally, a variety of high-value games have come from it, including Halo, … Up to eight players can take part in a match, which can take place in different locations. As you progress through the game, you can get new weapons and additional abilities to step up your game. Developer Overkill Software has set up a website for the upcoming game, claiming it’s coming soon. An exact date has not been shared with the public yet. These are the some of best upcoming Android games to keep an eye out for, although we’re sure plenty of other interesting titles will make their debut this year. Have we missed any major ones? Let us know in the comments! , via Android Authority http://bit.ly/2FgCtUE
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Xbox Game Pass: New Games for March and April 2021 Revealed
Xbox Game Pass is Microsoft’s subscription service for Xbox One owners. It’s designed to be like a “Netflix for games,” where you pay a simple monthly rate and get access to loads of games for download. It’s not to be confused with the Xbox Live Gold membership, which gives users a selection of free games each month.
There has been a huge surge in popularity and profile for Xbox Game Pass since its launch, mainly due to the diverse list of games and first-party exlusives on the service. In fact, Microsoft drops new releases from its own internal studios onto the service on day one! Sea of Thieves was the first example of this, followed by State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3. Since then, the service has seen the day one launch of several other high-profile Xbox exclusives, including Gears 5, The Outer Worlds, and Halo: Reach on the Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Membership to Xbox Game Pass will set you back $9.99 per month. You can now also get an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription for $1 for the first month and $14.99 every month after that. The subscription includes an Xbox Live Gold membership as well as all of the games offered on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC. Plus, with cloud support, you can play a selection of Xbox Game Pass titles on your Android phone. And now you even get access to titles on EA Play, the third-party publisher’s own on-demand service.
New games are added each month to Xbox Game Pass. Here are the games coming in March and April, plus all of the new Bethesda games available on the service starting on March 12 (with descriptions courtesy of the Xbox team) :
Xbox Game Pass: Bethesda Games
Dishonored Definitive Edition (Console, PC, Cloud)
This complete compilation includes Dishonored, winner of over 100 Game of Year awards, as well as all of its additional content – Dunwall City Trials, The Knife of Dunwall, The Brigmore Witches and Void Walker’s Arsenal.
Dishonored 2 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Reprise your role as a supernatural assassin in Dishonored 2 – the next chapter in the award-winning saga by Arkane Studios. Play your way in a world where mysticism and industry collide. How will you combine your character’s unique set of powers, weapons and gadgets to eliminate your enemies?
DOOM (1993) (Console, PC, Cloud)
Doom introduced millions of gamers to the fast-paced, white-knuckle, demon-slaying action the franchise is known for. Relive the birth of the first-person shooter and experience the demon-blasting fun that popularized the genre. Doom includes Episode IV: Thy Flesh Consumed, with 9 additional action-packed levels and split-screen 4-player deathmatch and co-op.
DOOM II (Console, PC, Cloud)
Bring your trusty Super Shotgun and an arsenal of classic Doom weapons to bear against deadlier demons and the infamous boss, the Icon of Sin. Doom II includes The Master Levels for Doom II with 20 additional levels, as well as split-screen 4 player co-op and multiplayer.
DOOM 3 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Battle your way through a demon-infested facility before entering the abyss to battle Hell’s mightiest warrior – and put an end to the invasion. Doom 3 includes both campaign expansions – Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Mission.
DOOM 64 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Battle armies of demons in your crusade to hunt down the Mother Demon and stop Hell’s invasion. As you fight through more than 30 action-packed levels, be on the lookout for enhanced weapons and secrets to help you put an end to the demonic threat.
DOOM Eternal (Console, PC, Cloud)
Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity. Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power in Doom Eternal – the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat. The only thing they fear… is you.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Console, PC)
An epic, open-ended single-player RPG, Morrowind allows you to play any kind of character imaginable. You can choose to follow the main storyline and find the source of the evil blight that plagues the land, or set off on your own to explore strange locations and develop your character.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Console, PC)
Step inside the most richly detailed and vibrant game-world ever created. With a powerful combination of freeform gameplay and unprecedented graphics, you can unravel the main quest at your own pace or explore the vast world and find your own challenges.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (Console, PC, Cloud)
Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year Awards, the Skyrim Special Edition includes the game and add-ons with all-new features like remastered art and effects, volumetric god rays, dynamic depth of field, and more. Also bring the power of mods to consoles. New quests, environments, characters, dialogue, armor, weapons and more – with Mods, there are no limits to what you can experience.
The Elder Scrolls Online (Cloud, Console)
Experience the award-winning story in a persistent Elder Scrolls world. Embark on an adventure that lets you play your way, go anywhere at any level. Battle, craft, steal, siege, explore and more.
The Evil Within (Console, PC, Cloud)
Experience a disturbing reality as you try to break free from warped machinations. With limited resources at your disposal, you’ll fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action. Defeat insurmountable terror and experience the ultimate thrill by discovering The Evil Within.
Fallout 4 (Console, PC, Cloud)
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Fallout 76 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Steel Dawn is the first chapter in the new Brotherhood of Steel questline, free for Fallout 76 players. Visit settlements populated with new NPCs and unlock powerful weapons and armor from the Brotherhood arsenal. Join in their mission to rebuild society and aid in securing valuable technology.
Fallout: New Vegas (Console)
Welcome to New Vegas. It’s the kind of town where you dig your own grave prior to being shot in the head… and that’s before things really get ugly. It’s a town of dreamers and desperados being torn apart by warring factions vying for complete control of this desert oasis.
Prey (Console, PC, Cloud)
Good morning, Morgan. Prey joins the Xbox Game Pass library, taking you from the comfort of your home to the treacherous depths of space. As Morgan Yu, you’ll have to use your wits, weapons and strange powers to fight the alien threat that has overtaken the Talos I space station. Explore the station, upgrade your skills and abilities, and uncover the secrets of Talos I and the dangers within.
RAGE 2 (Console, PC, Cloud)
Dive headfirst into a dystopian world devoid of society, law, and order. Rage 2 brings together two studio powerhouses – Avalanche Studios, masters of open world insanity, and id Software, creators of the first-person shooter – to deliver a carnival of carnage where you can go anywhere, shoot anything, and explode everything.
Wolfenstein: The New Order (Console, PC, Cloud)
Wolfenstein sends players across Europe on a personal mission to bring down the fascist war machine. With the help of a small group of resistance fighters, infiltrate their most heavily guarded facilities, battle high-tech legions, and take control of super-weapons that have conquered the earth – and beyond.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (Console, PC, Cloud)
The year is 1946 and the Nazis are on the brink of winning World War II. In an effort to turn the tide in the allies’ favor, B.J. Blazkowicz must embark on an epic, two-part mission deep within Bavaria…
Wolfenstein: Youngblood (Console, PC, Cloud)
Set 19 years after the events of Wolfenstein II, BJ Blazkowicz’s twin daughters, Jess and Soph Blazkowicz — after years of training from their battle-hardened father — are forced into action. Team up with a friend to level up, explore, and complete missions to unlock abilities that compliment your playstyle.
Xbox Game Pass: Games for March 2021
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Madden NFL 21 (Console) EA Play – March 3
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members can now go all out as Madden NFL 21 joins The Play List with EA Play. Packed with fresh new features and innovative gameplay enhancements, Madden NFL 21 delivers new levels of ingenuity and control developed to inspire creativity on and off the field. Active members can play as much as they want, whenever they want, plus score 3 Gold Team Fantasy MUT Packs every month!
Football Manager 2021 (PC) – March 4
Manage the club you love and compete for the biggest prizes in the game as you cement your legacy as one of the managerial greats. Dropped into a living and breathing footballing world, you’ll sign wonderkids and develop them to their full potential by crafting a tactical strategy designed to play to their strengths. With more than 2,000 clubs waiting for you to lead them to glory, where will you take your first step towards managerial greatness?
Football Manager 2021 Xbox Edition (Console and PC) – March 4
Experience the drama and excitement of the world’s most popular football management simulation as it returns to the biggest stage. Take in the spectacle of matchdays in the 3D match engine or use the “Instant Result” option to skip straight to the full-time whistle and speed up your progress through the season. Alternatively, go head-to-head against your mates for the ultimate bragging rights in one of several online modes.
NBA 2K21 (Cloud and Console) – March 4
NBA 2K21 continues to push the boundaries as the most authentic, realistic basketball video game experience. Enjoy best-in-class gameplay and one-of-a-kind immersion into all facets of NBA basketball and basketball culture. Ascend from high school to college ball on your way to the League in MyCareer, or build your greatest collection of the latest NBA stars and legendary ballers in MyTeam to compete against other ferocious collectors around the world. Jump in now and find out why in NBA 2K21, everything is game.
Star Wars: Squadrons (Console) EA Play – Coming in March
Master the art of starfighter combat in the authentic piloting experience Star Wars: Squadrons. Feel the adrenaline of first-person multiplayer space dogfights alongside your squadron and buckle up in a thrilling Star Wars story.
Xbox Game Pass: Games for April 2021
NHL 21 (Console) EA Play – Coming in April
Carve your path to superstardom in an expanded Be A Pro mode and go down as one of the league’s greatest. On the ice, change up your attack with all new moves, dekes, dangles and evasive maneuvers, inspired by the league’s most groundbreaking innovators.
The post Xbox Game Pass: New Games for March and April 2021 Revealed appeared first on Den of Geek.
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