#britta johnson
lukesvangelista · 2 months
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in which luke witnesses your shot at the national championship.
warnings; none that i can think of (may upset some wisconsin fans, sorry if this is too soon)
If you could tell the hockey gods to go to hell at this moment, you would not hesitate.
March 24, 2024. Whittemore Center Arena, University of New Hampshire. The University of Wisconsin vs. The Ohio State University. 2 vs. 1. A little over eight minutes left in the game. The score? 0-0.
Despite outshooting Wisconsin throughout the entire game, you had not scored a single goal. You had had a few close chances, sliding in past Wisconsin’s defensemen a few times, but just couldn’t convert. At this point, you were thanking Raygan for her outstanding performance in goal. But most definitely not the hockey gods.
The voice of Coach Muzerall fluttered through your ears as she told you all to give it everything you got. You were sure Mark Johnson was giving the same speech to his girls at the opposing bench, but honestly, you were too nervous to care. Your eyes wandered around the arena in hopes of finding the only person who could offer any comfort at the moment — Luke.
Unfortunately, Luke had missed the past few games of the NCAA tournament — even your earlier Frozen Four game against Clarkson — because of his schedule with the Preds. Luckily for you, the team was rewarded with a complete off day after their win over Detroit last night. So Luke did the only he could think of. He bought a plane ticket to Durham as soon as he landed in Nashville, and ubered to the arena in order to see you play. You woke up to a text saying that he’d be there, and were beyond excited (and relieved).
As you skated onto the ice in preparation to resume the game, you were able to locate him about halfway up in the stands. He was on his feet, decked up in his scarlet and gray apparel, with a buckeye necklace hanging around his neck. In his hands was a sign that read ‘BUCKEYES > BUCKY’. A small smile crept its way onto your face, wondering where he would have even gotten the materials to make it, but you didn’t care. His support meant everything.
After moving your eyes off of Luke, you focused on Cayla Barnes, who was stationed off to the right of you. She gave you a quick nod, and you knew she meant business. Just as you focused your attention back on the ice, the puck had dropped, with the Badgers winning the draw.
You quickly moved into your own zone, parking yourself in front of the nearest Wisconsin player, which happened to be Britta Curl. The puck passed back and forth between a few of the players before Laila Edwards ended up taking a shot. Raygan managed to kick save it out of your zone as most of your teammates went to make a line change.
They weren’t quick enough, however. Wisconsin had managed to quickly pass the puck out of their zone to center ice, where Curl was waiting patiently with her stick. The puck fell into line perfectly as she entered your zone. You rushed back as fast as you could as you saw Raygan prepare for a wrist shot, and somehow managed to poke the puck away as you tangled up with her. This time, the puck landed right on Cayla’s stick.
Cayla quickly rushed up ice as you let out a small breath. You followed suit, backing her up in case a Wisconsin player managed to steal the puck back. It didn’t take long, however, for Cayla to find Hannah Bilka at center ice, with Joy Dunne on her tail.
You held your breath as the puck landed on Joy Dunne’s stick. If there was one person who wasn’t going to fail you, it was her. She was your team’s leading point scorer with 38 points on the year (23 of which were goals), the WCHA Rookie of the Year, and the NCAA Rookie of the Year. Almost immediately, she sent the puck flying right past McNaughton’s glove and into the goal.
Cheers erupted from the ice, bench, and stands as you were swallowed up into a team huddle by the glass. Joy excitedly made an “O-H” with her hands before embracing you all and making her way to the bench. You smiled softly and looked up at the clock — 7:13 left in the third. You skated off the ice and Stephanie Markowski took your place by center ice.
Locating Luke again, a bright smile was plastered wide across his face as he watched the replay. He had met Joy, who you embraced as a little sister, when he had come to campus to visit you earlier during the all star break. Needless to say, he was proud of her, as anyone should be. What you didn’t know, however, is just how proud he was of you. Your defensive poke-check set the scoring play into motion and here you were just over seven minutes away from winning the national championship.
Time couldn’t have passed more slowly for you as the clock wound down. Wisconsin had created many more scoring opportunities, but just couldn’t convert (you had to thank Raygan once again). You were back on the ice with two minutes to go, scrambling back into the defensive zone as the Badgers pulled McNaughton in order to gain an extra attacker. Your heart raced as you saw Casey O’Brien rush onto the ice, skating swiftly towards your goal.
You knew nothing good was going to happen if you couldn’t calm down. So, as the puck was passed to Ava Murphy, you took a deep breath and raced in front of her as she wound up for a slap shot. As she let go of the puck, you dove in front of it, the puck redirecting off of your ankle and into neutral territory.
Man, did that hurt like a motherfucker. The crowd simultaneously grimaced and cheered for you as you recollected yourself off of the ice. You swear you could hear Luke’s voice yelling your name out of the entire crowd, telling you to get up and kick ass.
The puck was quickly regathered by Caroline Harvey as she circled through neutral ice, waiting for her teammates to reenter the zone. Once completed, the puck was passed to Lacey Eden as Emma Peschel tried to poke it away, but in vain. Caroline passed it to Charla Edwards, who lined up to take a shot from the blue line. None of your teammates were guarding her, so you did what you had to do. You once again skated up and prepared your body to be hit with a hard piece of vulcanized rubber. When it did, you fell to the ground, but got right back up as cheers erupted once again.
“Let’s go, Y/N!” Quinn Kuntz yelled from the bench, and you struggled to skate, but the puck had bounced right back to Edwards. Instead of trying to move around you, she wound up for another slap shot, but that one didn’t get past you either. The puck once again hit your body as you blocked the shot, falling to the ice once again. Finally, Emma was able to clear the zone as the puck raced towards the other end of the ice.
At that moment, you used your stick to propel you towards the bench. You knew you weren’t seriously injured — you’d just have a few bad bruises here and there — but your body hurt like a bitch from taking all of those shots. You were greeted with pats on the back from all your teammates on the bench as Hannah jumped back on in your place. You smiled softly as a response, focusing on the jumbotron to see the time left in the game.
One minute. If you could hold off Wisconsin for one minute, you would be a national champion. You watched anxiously as your teammates tried to clear the zone towards the now empty net of Wisconsin, but to no avail. Finally, Joy had managed to send it down the length of the ice, which forced a quick line change. You hopped on the ice with around 30 seconds left and made your way into the defensive zone yet again.
Since McNaughton was pulled, the Badgers had an extra attacker, which made it harder to defend your goal than usual. You weren’t going to give up that easily, however. The puck was passed back in forth between the six Badgers on the ice, each one of them waiting for the perfect shot. The clock wound down as the puck finally landed on Sophie Hegleson’s stick.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. You could hear nothing as you once again forced yourself to skate in front of her, knowing that this goal would change the trajectory of the game. Your teammates were counting on you, so you were going to give it your all. You braced yourself for impact as the puck hit your back, your body sacrificing itself for the win exactly as the buzzer went off.
The game was over. You were officially a national champion. The sounds of your teammates yelling filled your ears as you let your body collapse to the ice, both in pain and in shock. You took your helmet off to gather yourself as a small smile made its way across your face. You had done it.
Emma skated over to you and pulled you up off of the ice, and you both rushed over to join the dog pile of your teammates on top of Raygan. Although you couldn’t see him, Luke was smiling down at you, a look of immense pride present on his face. He fumbled with the buckeye necklace hanging around his neck as he couldn’t contain his excitement, knowing that you were a national champion.
After you all had settled down and received your medals (but not before shaking hands and congratulating Wisconsin on their tremendous effort), you were allowed to bring family members and friends onto the ice to take pictures. As Luke made his way onto the ice, you excitedly skated over to him, and his arms were wide open to catch you. You smiled widely, your eyes shining brightly, “I did it, Luke. I really did it.”
He cupped your face with his hands, nodding his head in agreement, “You did it, my love. I’m so fucking proud of you.”
You smiled brightly up at him again, your eyes swelling with tears. Luke pulled you into another hug, gently kissing the top of your head, “Go celebrate with your teammates. I’ll be right here waiting for you when you’re done.” He reassured, giving you a soft smile as he wiped away some stray tears that had fallen with the pads of his thumbs. You nodded, skating over and joining Joy. When you were finally given the trophy after she did, you hoisted it high up into the air, ready to show it off to the entire world.
After all, it’s always been Ohio against the world.
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liked by lukevangelista, kentjohnson.13, and others
youruser: ohio against the world ❤️🩶
view top comments
lukevangelista: BUCK YEAH 🌰
lukevangelista: THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND
maxmccuee: gross
lukevangelista: my girlfriend just won a national championship, what did yours do?
maxmccuee: go fuck yourself evangelista
youruser: hey now let’s stop arguing (and max i’m the only one who gets to do that with my boyfriend ☺️)
luca.fantilli: OH MY GOD
user1: y/n’s iconic lmfao
user2: LUCA 😭😭
quinnkuntz: yeah, we did that
matthewknies: how are your shins
youruser: i’m not sure you wanna know
matthewknies: fair enough have a good day
colemcward: buckeyes > badgers
_alexturcotte: cole that’s not nice
colemcward: truth hurts buddy, but keep your head up! i’m sure it’ll get better soon 😚
joyv_dunne: HELL YEAH
emmapeschel: always been ohio against the world!!!
kentjohnson.13: check the record books
youruser: hey kj you might want to focus on your 24-50 record first!
kentjohnson.13: it’s actually 24-38-12, thank you very much
youruser: so we’re actually the only team bringing honor to cbus rn, but if you keep it up maybe you can too!!
lhughes_06: HOLY SHIT
adamfantilli: unfortunately can’t argue with that so pipe down kj
kentjohnson.13: okay i’m sorry
user3: pls y/n is so funny 💀
youruser: …surprise?
lukevangelista: something about our friendship being firm idrk
user5: i wanna be y/n when i grow up
ncaaicehockey: honestly same
user6: ncaa what are you doing here 💀
_connorbedard: congrats!!!
alex.vlasic: connor’s big social media debut folks! be nice to him he’s a little shy
youruser: okay let’s take bets, if connor sees his shadow (these comments) it’s six more weeks of his social media hiatus, but if he doesn’t then we’re all blessed by his presence
youruser: (thanks connor)
nickmoldenhaur: six more weeks of winter for sure 😔
user7: i didn’t realize how funny y/n actually is she’s hilarious
brandtclarke55: nah i’m hopeful for an early spring
_connorbedard: you guys are mean
brandtclarke55: …soooo does that count as an early spring or no?
a/n; hope you all enjoy!!! i had fun with this one (also not sure why two of my imagines have revolved around ohio state but this was convenient hahaha), thanks so much for reading!!
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smilingformoney · 2 years
ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags
tagged by @halfblood-princes-crown
1. Harry Potter - Severus Snape
2. Doctor Who - Rose Tyler
3. Star Wars - Luke Skywalker
4. DC - Kara Danvers/Supergirl
5. MCU - Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
6. A Song of Ice and Fire - Tyrion Lannister
7. Agents of SHIELD - Daisy Johnson/Quake
8. Community - Britta Perry
9. Lost - Claire Littleton
10. Fringe - Olivia Dunham
Tags: @sevsnapes @zephahhhh @sapphiremouse @thearithmancyprof @monster-energies @montrasity @somesnapefan2 @moonlightdancer26 @acupnoodle @severusish
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smiletimeisrunningout · 2 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
here on smiletimeisrunningout but also previous blogs:
Emma since before 2012. Though she kinda counts like more than one muse considering she has several main universes and then adaptations to other shows lol
on my multi savingthrcw but they are all either severely canon divergent or even alternate universe versions or ocs, with only a few exceptions:
Sarah Walker (Chuck) (closest to canon)
Jenny II (Doctor Who)
Stella (oc)
Terra from (ff6)
AU Jemma Simmons (Agents of SHIELD)
Kate Austen (Lost)
Ana Lucia Cortez (Lost)
the Book and Tvshow versions of Alina Starkov (Grishaverse) (may sorta be put on hiatus soon because I didn't write them as soon as I added them and I feel I'm forgetting how I meant to write them lol)
Ellie Bartowski (Chuck) (like Sarah she's close to canon but has canon divergent verses)
Alex McHugh (Chuck) (like Ellie)
Solona Amell (DAO) modded player's character
Neria Surana (DAO), player's character
Lily Tabris (DAO) same as Neria
Ellana Lavellan (DAI) player's character
Lex (BG3) player's character
Tauriel (The Hobbit)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Bad Wolfed version
Emma Swan but nearly closed (OUAT)
Clarke Griffin (The 100)
(But will not write for sure because I don't have a grasp of 'historical' English language and I could never write the correct dialogue for them, and I'm not going to butcher canon characters making them speak in an unjustified modern way)
Penelope Featherington (Bridgerton)
Young Queen Charlotte (from Bridgerton universe)
Mary Woodhull (Turn WS)
Yennefer (The Witcher)
(But I will not write because I don't think I can channel them properly)
Inej Ghafa (Shadow and Bone tvshow)
Parker (Leverage)
Claire Littleton (Lost)
Daisy Johnson (AoS)
(And I might write)
ocs I'm picturing in my head
Bucky Barnes (MCU) around 2012 when characterization didn't really matter and we were tremendously ooc but having fun
Ruby and Belle from OUAT, same as Bucky
Maria Hill/Robin Scherbatski as mentioned above
oc inspired by Lara Croft
other versions of canon Emma Swan (OUAT)
Snow White and her mother Eva (OUAT)
Elizabeth Swann (POTC)
canon Jemma Simmons and more canon divergent versions with their own (surprisingly long lived) blogs
Britta Perry (Community)
Lily Evans (HP)
more that I have forgotten
my oc Ada
tagged by: @honorhearted and @pagetreader tagging: @retrograderesemblance @writtenxbeginnings @annastrxng @hqlfbloods @trcstme @serpcntes @gccdstories @forthewinn and anyone who wants to jump in!
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Lady Liandrin MacBeth Juliet MacIntosh John-Ross Croft Annchi ‘Angie’ Croft Morgana Addams Angeline ‘Angel’ Verna Lane Eulalie Tamerlane Poe
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thoraway125 · 2 years
almost every song Sara Quin has recommended
A Playlist
A Flock Of Seagulls- I Ran
Again Me!- Boyfriend
AHOHNI- Drone Bomb Me
Alex Lahey- You Don’t Think You Like People Like Me
Allison Crutchfield- Dean’s Room
Allison Weiss- Runaway
All Of This- Perera Elsewhere
ALMA- Chasing Heights
Alycia Keys- Try Sleeping with A Broken Heart
Ani DiFranco
Annie Lennox
An Horse
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion  
ASTR- Operate
Atari Teenage Riot
A Tribe Called Red- R.E.D
Austra- I Love You More Than You Love Yourself Babes in Toyland
Bancks- Gemini Feed
Baybee- Jay Som
Beach House- Sparks, Lemon Glow
Bebe Rexha- Meant to Be
Bec Sandridge- In the Fog, in the Flame
Ben Folds
Betty Who- You Can Cry Tomorrow
Beyonce- Lemonade
Bikini Kill
Billy Idol- Mony Mony 
Bleached- Wednesday Night Melody, Can You Deal?, Flipside
Bleachers- Don’t Take The Money
BLK- My Hood - Stormzy
Blood Orange- You're Not Good Enough, It Is What It Is 
Bob Marley
Body- Julia Jacklin 
Bone thugs and Harmony
Bon Jovi- wanted dead or alive, you give love a bad name 
Britta Phillips- Mistress America
Broken Social Scene- Hug of Thunder, Almost Crimes Bruce Springsteen- Im on Fire, Dancing in the Dark, The River, Live 1975-85 (this particular version https://youtu.be/gg3DleXrT-o) Bryan Adams
Bjork- I've seen it all 
Buck 65- Square Two
Carrie Brownstein
Caribou- Can’t Do Without You
Cassie- Me & U
Chairlift- Romeo
Charli XCX- Track 10
Charlotte Day Wilson- Work
Chloe x Halle0 Drop
Christine and The Queens- iT, Saint Claude 
Chris Walla
Classixx- Borderline
City and Colour
Cold Specks
Collide- Krasnoyarsk
Corey Hart- Sunglasses At Night
Couer de Pirate
Cyndi Lauper- The Goonies Are Good Enough, Time After Time
Cypress Hill
Dallas Green
Death Cab for Cutie 
Debbie Wiseman- Wolf Hall
DEDE- Faultline (Single Edit)
Deradoorian- A Beautiful Woman
DIANA- Confession, Perpetual Surrender
Dinosaur Jr
DJDS- Trees On Fire
Dolly Parton
Drake- No Tellin Dream- Love/Hate
Diana- Perpetual Surrender
Electrelane - Rock It to the Moon, no shouts no calls
Empress Of- How Do You DO It
Emylia Argan
Eugene Francis Jnr
Everything but the Girl
Fatima Al Qadiri- Hip Hop Spa, Szechuan
Feist- Pleasure album
Fever Ray- Mustn’t Hurry
First Aid Kit
FKA Twigs- Good To Love
Four Tet
Francis and the Lights- May I Have This Dance
Frankie Cosmos- Sinister, Accommodation 
Frank Ocean Thinking About You
Friends- I'm His Girl 
FUN Fugazi
Future Islands- Ran
George Hill
Gilligan Moss- It Felt Right
Girlpool- Chinatown
Glass Animals
Gogol Bordello 
Green Day
Grimes- Flesh Without Blood
Grizzly Bear
HAIM- Want You Back
Halsey- Now Or Never
Hank Williams
Hannah Georgas- Don’t Go, Needed Me
Hayley Kiyoko- Girls Like Girls
Holly Miranda
Hot Hot Heat
IDER- Face On
Jack Johnson
James Ilha
Jamie xx- Girl
Japanese Breakfast- Machinist
Jeremih- Pass Dat
Joanna Newsom - Have One On Me 
John Hopkins- I remember
Johnny Cash
Joni Mitchell
John Hopkins- Abandon Window, I remember
Jonathan Coulton
Justin Bieber- Purpose, Runaway Love Justin Timberlake-  FutureSex/LoveSounds Kaki King
Kate Bush
Katy Perry- Chained To The Rhythm
Kathryn Bostic- Love Theme
Kelela- Rewind- Sporting Life Remix
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid - The Exchange Session, Vol. 2
Kelly Lee Owens- Birds
K.Flay- Black Wave
Kid Cudi- The Commander
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid - The Exchange Session, Vol. 2
Kimya Dawson- So Nice So Smart
Kinnie Starr
KT Tunstall- Hard Girls
Kygo- It Ain’t Me (with Selena Gomez)
Kylie Minogue
Lapsley- Hurt Me
LCD Soundsystem- Tonite
Leonard Cohen- Came So Far For Beauty
Leo Kalyan- Fucked Up
Led Zeppelin
Light Asylum- Shallow Tears
Lily Allen 
Lorde- Green Light
Lou Reed- Satellite of Love
Lower Dens- To Die in LA, Real Thing
Lucius- My Heart Got Caught On Your Sleeve 
Lupa J- Numb
Neil Young
New Found Glory
New Kids on the Block
New Order
New Skin- Torres
No Shouts No Calls
Nick Jonas- Jealous
Nicolas Jaar- No
Night Terrors
Nothing to be Frightened of by Julian Barnes
Now Now
Madonna- Holiday
Majid Jordan (ft Drake)- My Love
Mapei- Don’t Wait
Mariah Carey
Matthew Dear
Melissa Etheridge
Mica Levi- Death
Michelle Branch- Hopeless Romantic
Mike Elizondo
Milli Vanilli - Blame It On the Rain
Miriam Culter- Ethel Main Title
Montaigne- Because I Love You
Moonriser- I’m Not Something Special
Moses Sumney- Doomed
Mother Mother
MUNA- Winterbreak, I Know A Place, About You album
Mykki Blanco- Loner
My Bloody Valentine
My Midnight Heart
My So Called Life
Paramore- After Laughter, Told You So
Passion Pit
Paul Williams
Porches- Anymore, Be Apart
Partner Band- In Search of Lost Time
Patsy Cline
Pattern Against User 
Perera Elsewhere- All of This
Perfume Genius- Slip Away
Phantogram- Answer 
Pheonix- J-Boy
Phil Collins- Groovy Kind of Love
Post Pavillon
Prince- I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man, Little Red  Corvette
PWR BTTM- I Wanna Boi
Q Tip
Rachel Cantu
Rachel Portman- Vianne Sets Up Shop
Ra Ra Riot
RAY BLK- My Hood
REM- Sweetness
Ria Mae- Ooh Love
Richard Marx- Right here waiting
Rihanna- Russian Roulette, Umbrella, Higher, Love On The Brain
Robyn- Do it Again, Love is free (moon boots remix) 
Rolling Stones
Röysksopp- Something in my Heart
Rufus Wainwright
Ruth B- If This is Love Ryan Adams
Samphaaa- Process Album 
Sample- Blood on Me
Shamir- If It Wasn’t True 
Sharon Van Etten- Everytime The Sun Comes Up
Serena Ryder- Electric Love
Shura- What’s It Gonna Be?
Simple Minds- All The Things She Said
Sinead O’Connor
Siya- Automatic
Smashing Pumpkins- Siamese Dream
Snailmail- Thinning
SNAP!- Rhythm Is A Dancer - 7” Edit
SOHN- Hard Liquor
Solange- Mad
Spoon- They Way We Get By
Steel Train
Stevie Nicks
St. Vincent, Actor
Taylor Swift- 1989
Teenage Fanclub
The Bangles
The Beaches
The Black Keys
The Courtneys
The Cranberries- Dreams on My So Called Life
The Dream- Love Hate, Love vs Money
The Enemy- Bigger Cages, Longer Chains 
The Jezabels- Hurt Me
The Killers
The Lemon Twigs
The New Pornographers
Theophilus London
The Pretenders- 500 Miles The Police- Roxanne- I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man, Little Red Corvette The Ramones
The Reason
The Regrettes- Hey Now
The Rentals- The Man With Two Brains
The Replacements
The Smiths
The White Stripes
The xx- xx (2009), Say Something Loving
Thingamajig- Miya Folick 
Tracy Chapman- Fast Car
Tom Petty
Tom Cochrane
Tony Bennet
Too Attached 
Tove Styrke- Say My Name
Tragically Hip
Tribe Called Quest
U2 - Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horse
Us- Empress of
Vagabon- Fear & Force
Vector Xing- Bubble King
Vanbot- Collide, Krasnoyarsk, Not That Kind, Moscow Veckatimest Vivek Shraya- Part Time Woman
VHS or Beta
Violent Femmes 
Warpaint- Whiteout
Waxahatchee- Silver
When I’m with Him- Empress of
White Lung- Hungry. Kiss Me When I Bleed
Whitney houston- I look to you, million dollar bill, I will always love you
Wrabel- Bloodstain
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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Fourteen things I noted about CR2E89 “Lingering Wounds” (noTalks Machina just yet) :
The return of Gail !! I love Gail so much.
Beau : "I have a list of things that I would like to research, but I don't want to Caleb this, either." (Liam salutes) (I'm so happy, I love that joke in Community where they use Britta's name as a verb)
Ok so wait, let me get this straight : there is 3 beacons ?? One was in Zadash and was stolen back by the Kryn soldier and then stolen by the Mighty Nein and then given back to the Dynasty. One was in Felderwin being studied on by Yeza, and the whereabouts of this beacon are unkown. One was really discovered a few weeks back in Pride's Call. So... the Assembly is giving a beacon back, knowing full well they have another one in advance ???? THOSE FUCKERS !! THIS IS THE CATCH !!
Beau : "That fucking chair !..." Travis, jokingly : "Can we scry that chair, do we know where it is now ?" Matt : "You can scry the location..." Sam, entering the joke : "It has to be on the same plane of existence, though. What if it's in... the chair dimension ?" Taliesin, quietly, making the greatest pun I've ever heard this campaign : "The Ottoman Empire."
Jester, to Beau : "Are you avoiding me ?" Beau : "No !" Jester : "Because we've been here and I haven't hardly seen you at all and I think I know why." Me and Sam and the rest of the world, seeing romantic angst likes sharks see blood in the water : "ooooooooohhh here we FUCKING GO"
That conversation was like : fear of your crush discovering the crush you have on her ! angst ! angry flute noise from Caduceus in the corner ! more angst ! I've been syping on your dad and catfishing him !! Molly was a god ! Molly was NOT a god ! Here have some tarot cards ! angry flute noise !!
Oh man the scene with Astrid. No words, just feelings. Also for some reason, the detail that stayed with me was the fact that Caleb is responsible for one of her burnt scars...
Sam and Laura were hoping for some BONING (their faces !!)
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I love the minor crisis that happened every once in a while on the background of some other scenes, whether it be Marisha and Liam discussing, Sam and Laura doodling and giggling, etc. etc. This time, Laura realizes that one of the stones of her ring is gone ! She pouts in the most adorable way at Travis.
Wait, the Wildmother is a lesbian ???????? ... in retrospect of course she is.
"Is the Traveler a fuckboi" LIAM !! This line made me laugh so much I probably scared my neighbours. Bonus point for Matt quietly saying "Eat your heart out, Zeus !"
Beau destroyed her opponent, Fjord got destroyed by his opponent. AND YASHA DESTROYED OUR HEARTS.
Like the moment Ashley looked at Matt and said she wasn't going to rage, I knew something was up. There was an intent there, that was clear. Near the end, I somehow thought 'maybe now she will rage !' but no, and I admire Ashley so much. Bold choices makes for a great moment. Sometimes it's not about winning. Sometimes it's about doing a great scene. Like Liam said, "Ashley Johnson, you crazy motherfucker"
Meanwhile, Nott is just robbing the hat store nearby. I love this parallel so much. Also I miss the Honey Heist crew of bears with hats.
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weaveadream · 2 months
2023 Reading Survey (better late than never)
How many books did you read: 22
How many pages did you read: 8,734
What was the oldest book you read?: A Morbid Taste for Bones by Ellis Peters (1977)
Longest book you read: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (663 pages)
Shortest book you read: The Word in the Wilderness by Malcolm Guite (174 pages)
Favorite book published in 2023: I think Fourth Wing and Iron Flame were the only books I read published in 2023. I ate them up!
Favorite book not published in 2021: I really loved Piranesi by Susanna Clark and Transformed by Birth by Britta Bushnell, both published in 2020.
A book that lived up to the hype: The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik, the final Scholomance book!
A book that did NOT live up to the hype: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Book that felt like the biggest accomplishment: probably The Name of the Wind (662 pages and meandering)
Favorite character: Brother Cadfael in the Ellis Peters books and of course Chief Inspector Armand Gamache
Least favorite character: Hmm probably the 2D villians in Foundryside and Shorefall by Robert Jackson Brown: Cresades and his construct Valeria.  
Favorite couple/OTP: Violet and Xaden duh. But also, Louise Penny writes Jean-Guy and Gamache’s friendship and love story with all the high drama and emotion of a romance. They are my OTP too.
Book that you pushed the most people to read: probably Transformed by Birth by Britta Bushnell.
Favorite book cover: Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett
What book made you cry the most: Attached to God by Krispin Mayfield and Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson
What book made you laugh the most: Hmmm I’m not sure. Maybe the Scholomance books?
Favorite book you re-read this year: No re-reads this year!
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ivankellydressage · 2 years
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Big chap safely home to a happy owner. Britta Johnson at Mountain View Farm. #younghorse #hanoverian #americanhanoveriansociety #dressage #mountainvistafarm (at Britta Johnston at Mountain Vista Farm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTtcz0Jhsb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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documentcrumbs · 2 years
Reading Log (August, 2022)
Short Stories
Ponies by Kij Johnson
Animorphs #1: The Invasion by K. A. Applegate
Blackwater by Jeannette Arroyo
Brain Camp by Susan Kim
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngochi Adichie
Sheets by Brenna Thummler
Ship It by Britta Lundin
The Liminal Zone by Junji Ito
The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers
Where Darkness Blooms by Hannah Andrea
A Work for Artifice by Marge Piercy
Home is so sad by Philip Larkin
The Secret by Denise Levertov
Failure: A Love Story by Philip Dawkins
Essays & Articles
Abuse of VFX Artists Is Ruining the Movies by Linda Codega
The Occupation of Alcatraz Island: Roots of American Indian Activism by Troy Johnson
What’s So Bad About Scrappy-Doo? A Defense of History’s Most Hated Cartoon Dog by William Fischer
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flipjack · 2 years
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littleweirdplatypus · 4 years
15. Talk about something good or exciting that has happened to you this year
Low key hard to remember because it's been a LONG year but other than making new friends, I would honestly say that finding new TV shows has been one of the most exciting parts of my year. I've particularly taken a liking to Community and New Girl. Plus, I've fallen in love with Phineas and Ferb all over again so it's been nice revisiting my childhood. Thanks for the ask!
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Hey there!  Fuckin’ Record Reviews returns from its extended 2019 Tumblr dead mall hiatus in anticipation of its yearly celebration of the worthiest contemporary combustible sonic art 2019 had to offer, which will be published tomorrow, 1/1/20. But while you wait, feast on this:     
“Galaxie’s ability to take the most obvious ‘rock’ objects/chords (like, say, open G) and make then sound like they fucking invented them is downright mindboggling, and the manner in which they’ve mapped out their own little shimmering universe to crawl around in is one of the real treats of the last year.”
GALAXIE 500 review by JIMMY JOHNSON, Editor
FORCED EXPOSURE #15 page 83 Summer 1989
As is taught in elementary schools across the United States these days, GALAXIE 500 broke up in 1991 around the same time as the Soviet Union. In the 30 years since Jimmy Johnson wrote this fuckin’ record review, a few things have happened: 
DEAN WAREHAM formed LUNA in 1991, who wrapped up activities in 2005, but then reformed around 2015.  The band will be touring the USA and Canada in 2020!
Dean also consolidated forces with ex-Luna bandmate Britta Phillips for DEAN & BRITTA. One of the things they do is write soundtracks for well regarded movies like The Squid and the Whale.  Dean can be found in 2019 at deanwareham.com.
GALAXIE 500 drummer DAMON KRUKOWSKI and bassist NAOMI YANG  joined with FRR heroes WAYNE ROGERS and KATE BIGGAR to form MAGIC HOUR (1993-1996), but have made excellent dream pie recordings as DAMON & NAOMI since 1992.  They also operate Exact Change Press, which “...publishes books of experimental literature with an emphasis on Surrealism, Dada, Pataphysics, and other nineteenth and twentieth century avant-garde art movements.”
Today can be found in 2019 at the Galaxie 500 bandcamp page, among other places.
Speaking of Wayne Rogers and Kate Biggar, we gotta give a shout out to our award winning 2015 post about their pre-Magic Hour band, the amazing CRYSTALIZED MOVEMENTS: GOD-BLESSED ZONK ROCK: THE STORY OF CRYSTALIZED MOVEMENTS IN FOUR PARTS, which was an authorized 21st century celebration of  the band’s interview in Leslie Gaffney’s  POPWATCH #4 (1993). 
FORCED EXPOSURE? Editor JIMMY JOHNSON and General Manager KRISTIN ANDERSON still operate the most reliable online source of worthwhile music on Planet Earth at https://www.forcedexposure.com/. They got things to sell ya! Kristin was just profiled and interviewed in late 2019 at Women In Vinyl. 
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
Hi i'm looking for light hearted wlw ya books with not a lot of drama one character being masculine presenting would be great but totally not necessary I just want something cute
*coughs in the general direction of my upcoming YA, Home Field Advantage*
Sorry, had something stuck in my throat. (Not a lot of YA with masc-presenting halves of couples, especially in books that are relatively lighthearted.) Truly, none of these are the fluffiest of the fluff, but I'll mention the others I know that are on the lighter end of the spectrum, which are Girl Mans Up by M-E Girard, Like Other Girls by Britta Lundin, and The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum (lightly speculative).
Anyway! Focusing on the more lighthearted part, try She Gets the Girl by Rachael Lippincott and Alyson Derrick, You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson, Dating Sarah Cooper by Siera Maley, Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi, Some Girls Do by Jennifer Dugan, She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen, Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar, Love & Other Natural Disasters by Misa Sugiura, and once again self-promoting, Cool for the Summer.
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pa-tr0-clus · 3 years
LGBTQ+ book recc master-list:
(Cause the last time I did this was in 2018 and a LOT of great queer books have been published since then)
1) The lies we tell ourselves by Robin Talley
2) Girl <3 Girl by Lucy Sutcliffe
3) As I descended by Robin Talley
4) Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson
5) Our own private universe by Robin Talley
6) Paper Girls by Brian K Vaughan
7) Giant days by Allison, Sarin, Fleming, and Cogar
8) Princess Princess by Katie O’Neill
9) Goldie Vance by Hope Larson
10) CREMA by Johnnie Christmas
11) High class homos by Momozerii
12) You should see me in a crown by Leah Johnson
14) Laura Dean keeps breaking up with me by Mariko Tamaki
15) Love Frankie by Jacqueline Wilson
16) Girl from the sea by Molly Ostertag
17) Hani and Ishu’s guide to fake dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
18) The good girls by Claire Eliza Bartlett
19) The love curse of Melody McIntyre
20) Always human by Ari North
21) Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
22) I think I love you by Audriane Desombre
23) Tell me again how a crush should feel by Sara Farizan
24) Who I was with her by Nita Tyndall
25) She drives me crazy by Kelly Quindlen
26) Some girls do by Jennifer Dugan
27) Trouble girls by Julia Lynn Rubin
28) Royals duology by Rachel Hawkins
29) Patience and Esther by Sarah Winifred Searle
30) Margot & me by Juno Dawson
31) The henna wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
1) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
2) Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
3) Simon VS the homosapiens agenda by Becky Allbertalli
4) Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green
5) I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson
6) Hold me closer by David Levithan
7) Two boys kissing by David Levithan
8) Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe (+ unreleased sequel) by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
9) Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
10) The raven king by Maggie Stiefvater
11) Blood bank by Silb
12) Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman
13) Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman
14) Openly Straight by Bill Konisberg
15) Honestly Ben by Bill Konisberg
16) The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
17) Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
18) Any way the wind blows by Rainbow Rowell
19) Date me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye
20) Sonnet by Emily Cheeseman
21) Castle Swimmer by Wendy Lian Martin
22) Tripping over you by Owen White
23) Starfighter by Hamlet Machine
24) Long Exposure by Kam Heyward
25) Obliviously in love by Jiaoski
26) I’ll be home for Christmas by Mason Denver
27) Liebestrasse by Greg Lockard
28) Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
29) Always raining here by Bell
30) I was born for this by Alice Oseman
31) Red white and royal blue by Casey McQuiston
32) The gravity of us by Phil Stamper
33) They both die at the end by Adam Silvera
34) Dreamer trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater
35) If this gets out by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich
36) Fifteen hundred miles from the sun by Jonny Garza Villa
37) You spin me right round by David Valdes
38) As far as you’ll take me by Phil Stamper
39) Darius the great is not okay (+ sequel) by Adib Khorram
1) Leah on the offbeat by Becky Albertalli
2) Odd one out by Nic Stone
3) We are young by Cat Clarke
4) Brightsiders by Jen Wilde
5) Everyday by David Levithan
6) Paris Syndrome by Lisa Walker
7) Beneath the citadel by Destiny Soria
8) Ship it by Britta Lundin
9) Home and away by Candice Montgomery
10) Ink Mistress by Audrey Coulthurst
11) Reign of the fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh
12) The Gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue by Mackenzi Lee
13) The gentleman’s guide to getting lucky by Mackenzi Lee
14) The doctors are out by Blauerozen
15) Fence by C. S. Pacat
16) Be more chill by Joe Tracz
1) George by Alex Gino
2) The art of being normal by Lisa Williamson
3) The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan
4) What we left behind by Robin Talley
5) Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
6) If I was your girl by Meredith Russo
7) Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart
8) I am J by Cris Beam
9) Symtoms of being human by Jeff Garvin
10) A + E 4ever by I. Merey
11) All I am by Chaaistheanswer
12) The weight of them by Noelle Stevenson
13) Dream Daddy vol 2 by Lee C.A.
14) Fluidum by Layla E.
15) Magical boy by The Kao
16) The passing playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
17) Sasha Masha by Agnes Borinsky
18) The deep and dark blue by Niki Smith
19) Cemetary boys by Aiden Thomas
20) All boys arent blue by George M. Johnson
21) Detransition, baby by Torrey Peters
22) Felix ever after by Kacen Callender
1) Dear Evan Hansen the novel by Val Emmich (Connor describes his sexuality as something fluid)
2) The lady’s guide to petticoats and piracy by Mackenzi Lee (Felicity is implied aro/ace) (sequel to the gentleman’s guide but I’m not sure it can be read as a stand-alone)
3) The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan
4) The Trials Of Apollo series by Rick Riordan
5) How they met and other stories by David Levithan
6) Deadpool comics (pansexual)
7) Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
8) Final Draft by Riley Redgate (pansexual)
9) Lets talk about love by Claire Kahn (ace/biromantic)
10) Lost on plant earth by Magdalene Visaggio
11) Youth by Curt Pires
12) The backstagers by James Tynion IV
13) Loveless by Alice Oseman (aro/ace)
14) Six of crows (+sequel) by Leigh Bardugo
15) Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
16) How they met and other stories by David Levithan
17) Rock and riot by Chelsey Furedi
18) Kiss number 8 by Colleen A.F. Venable
19) This is how you lose the time war
20) Upright women wanted by Sarah Gailey
21) The wicker king by K. Ancrum
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ajmichalka · 2 years
hi there! so i was going through your "books read in 2021" series (all of your edits are super pretty!!) and i was thinking, would you mind telling me what were your favorite reads? absolutely loved how you kept the whole list very sapphic ♥︎
thank you!!! I am extremely behind on making those (and honestly don't know if I'll keep up with them unfortunately) and I've actually read 50+ at this point
these are my 5 star reads so far this year: The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur, The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun, Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales, Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth, One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston, Rise to the Sun by Leah Johnson, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, Like Other Girls by Britta Lundin, Payback’s a Witch by Lana Harper, The 2000s Mad Me Gay: Essays on Pop Culture by Grace Perry, and The Heartbreak Bakery by A.R. Capetta
those first three are def my absolute faves of the year. Priory is probably my favorite book of all time and I just finished re-reading Written in the Stars a couple days ago (I also loved Hang the Moon which is the second in the series and can't wait for Count Your Lucky Stars), and The Charm Offensive hit me like a ton of bricks in the best possible way (I'm also obsessed with its structure)
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letsreadwomen · 3 years
books for baby gays
gather round queer kiddos, for this book rec of stories featuring wlw of all designations, where happy things happen and bad things do not (nearly as much). I’ve aimed for happy endings and not too much tragedy or pain over the course of these stories, but (unfortunately) haven’t read all of them so do let me know if any mistakes slipped through.
This list is heavy on the fiction because I’m mainly aiming to provide some solace and warmth. Where there is some overlap between categories (e.g. coming out after uni and the what comes next section, or if you’re looking for escapism then the background-to-no romance section might also be useful) I have only included a book under one or the other, not duplicated.
All links direct through to the Storygraph, which includes reader-sourced content warnings on all titles so do make sure to check those out as well (and if you want you can follow me here). Now, have at it!
Coming out and of age
At middle school / primary school / roughly under age 12
Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee
Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter To The World by Ashley Herring Blake
The House You Pass On The Way by Jacqueline Woodson
Princess Princess Ever After by Katie O’Neill (graphic novel)
At high school
You Should See Me In A Crown by Leah Johnson
Keeping You A Secret by Julie Anne Peters
Annie On My Mind by Nancy Garden
The Gallery Of Unfinished Girls by Lauren Karcz
Georgia Peaches And Other Forbidden Fruit by Jaye Robin Brown
Leah On The Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Style by Chelsea M. Cameron
Hot Dog Girl by Jennifer Dugan
Tell Me Again How A Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan
Amelia Westlake Was Never Here by Erin Gough
Our Own Private Universe by Robin Talley
At uni
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi
Learning Curves by Ceillie Simkiss
Outside / after school
Like Water by Rebecca Podos
The Princess And The Fangirl by Ashey Poston
Ship It by Britta Lundin
Juliet Takes A Breath by Gabby Rivera
Coming out after uni
The London Of Us by Clare Lydon
Breaking Character by Lee Winter
Knit One, Girl Two by Shira Glassman
Out And Proud by Lisa Young (directs to Bella Books)
What comes after the big come out
Everything Leads To You by Nina LeCour
Double Exposure by Chelsea Cameron
A Hidden Hope by Laura Ambrose
Seriously... I’m Kidding by Ellen DeGeneres (non fiction)
Happy Accidents by Jane Lynch (non fiction)
Escapism (i.e. genre fiction where queerphobia isn’t a thing)
Of Fire And Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
The Seafarer’s Kiss by Julia Ember
Belle Revolte by Linsey Miller
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker with Wendy Xu (graphic novel)
Passing Strange by Ellen Klages
The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta
Ash by Malinda Lo
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
Crier’s War by Nina Varela
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski
Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
An Accident Of Stars by Foz Meadows
The Art Of Saving The World by Corinne Duyvis
Water Witch: The Deceiver’s Grave by Nene Adams
Romance & identity take a back seat
The Black Veins by Ashia Monet
Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy
Lumberjanes by Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Walters with Brooklyn A. Allen (graphic novel)
Princeless: Raven The Pirate Princess by Rosy Higgins (graphic novel)
Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown
Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan le Fanu, edited by Carmen Maria Machado
Annie On My Mind by Nancy Garden
Villette by Charlotte Bronte
The how tos and histories
How We Get Free: Black Feminism And The Combahee River Collective, edited by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Sapphistries: A Global History Of Love Between Women by Leila J. Rupp
Overshare: Love, Laughs, Sexuality And Secrets by Rosie Spaughton and Rose Wllen Dix
Rewriting The Rules: An Anti-Self Help Guide To Love, Sex And Relationships by Meg-John Barker
Coming Out Stories: Personal Experiences Of Coming Out From Across The LGBTQ+ Spectrum, edited by Emma Goswell and Sam Walker
Further reading
Definitely make sure to check out @bellabooks​, publisher of wlw stories!
@bookriot​‘s Queer Women’s History Reads and Books About LGBT History, but make sure to poke around the whole website
Gay’s The Word bookshop: based in London but ships worldwide, I’m mainly including it here because it has an excellent filter system with settings for category and identity to help you find the books you want to read
All of @biandlesbianliterature really, but especially the Coming Out Later In Life book list
The books section over at Autostraddle is really everything I ever wanted
All of the LAMBDA nominees ever, and you can filter them by various aspects!
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