#bravo to the story
pinazee · 1 year
*slight spoilers for Puppet History S5 finale*
I got lost in the story and didnt remember the professor was a puppet until Ryan hugged shanes hand.
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morallyinept · 9 months
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Here, you'll find extensive lists of all my favourite Pedro Pascal Character Fics, written by all the amazingly talented writers out there. Includes fics that I am currently reading/want to read in the future.
Please show some love to the writers by re-blogging and commenting on their work. 🖤 Support Your Writers! We get these incredible stories for free! They deserve all the re-blogs.
⚠️ Please ensure you check the triggers/warnings etc... on the stories themselves as some of them may not be suitable to your own particular tastes.
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seraphinitegames · 8 months
What is it about the MC that seems to just draw Unit Bravo to them like a moth to flame? Especially their RO. Unit Bravo for the longest time seems to have worked typically alone, lived I suppose to them “mundane” lives. But it seems everything changed after meeting the MC, their lives, their personalities, wants and needs seem to have shifted. It seems the MC has had a profound effect on them all, but what is it about them that brings about this change? Or is it multiple things?
I think it's a combination of things. Definitely the MC but also the fact that meeting the MC has changed how they've always been.
Before all they did was jump from place to place and complete missions. It's not until they were forced to stop and deal with Murphy and the MC that they, well, actually got to stop :D
Now they are settled in one place, which is a first in a very long time for many of them, and they are getting to explore life again.
So yeah, it's not just the MC but the circumstances around them that have given the vampires their first chance at being settled and getting to learn to enjoy things outside of just work!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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starry-eyes-love · 26 days
Hollywood Story
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Pairing | Dieter Bravo X Curvy F!Reader (nicknamed ‘pretty little girlfriend’)
Summary | You wake up to find the Hollywood News article plastered all over the internet of Dieter kissing his co-star, Amy, while on set for the filming of his recent movie. At first, you find the article funny until you start reading the comments and see another article calling you a fat cow. Dieter puts these false rumors to rest once and for all with a funny live Instagram talk.
Note: For the text messages: bold with italic text is from Dieter, just italic text is from you, and bold and red colored text is from his agent, Kat.
A/N:  We all saw the photo that is making a lot of us feral with that kiss.  I wanted to have a funny little story that went with this.  For some reason, this screams Dieter at me in my mind.  
A huge thanks to my good friend from CAImages on Instagram for pulling this photo together at the last minute for me.  Enjoy :) 
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Warnings | 18+, language
References to body image issues for F!reader (no descriptions except that she is curvy), reference to a cast made of Dieter’s crotch, mentions of previous phone sex (but no details given besides that), Dieter being Dieter.
Word Count: 3.4K
You guys are too nice saying I’m sexy.  Who knew that the belly was sexy, huh? But you know what, you all want to fuck me and the belly, but yet none of you can say one nice fucking thing to my pretty little girlfriend.  I’ve spent all morning reading everyone’s comments online, saying how she isn’t attractive because she has curves. Fuck. You know I love those curves; they feel so good. I love making love to the woman who has those sexy curves.  So, if I’m sexy with this belly, then she can be sexy with her curves too, you know.”
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When you pulled up the app to read your morning digital copy of the newspaper, the image popped up on your home screen.  The headline read, “Dieter ends long-term relationship with girlfriend for another woman.”  You usually never cared about those articles, especially when your longtime boyfriend of 5 years was working on a movie set.  You knew that Dieter was in the process of filming a romantic love comedy, and you knew there were kissing scenes.  But this headline piqued your interest, so you clicked on it to read further.
“Sources say that these two co-stars had connected during the filming of the latest romantic movie, titled “I Want You, which stars Dieter, as a lawyer who just moved to New York City and found love with the daughter of the man he is trying to put in jail. People have spotted these two co-stars snuggling up together and having private moments late into the night after filming has wrapped. Recently, reporters caught a private moment of these two as Dieter’s co-star walked him to his car after a long day of filming. Before leaving, reporters captured a long and tender kiss that co-star Amy had given Dieter before he left.  Hollywood wonders if this is it for Dieter and his long-time girlfriend. Sources closest to Dieter say that his current relationship with his girlfriend is over with and that he is moving on, citing the reason for the split was infidelity accusations, among other things.” 
You had to laugh at the tabloid article, considering that last night, you had some of the best phone sex with your boyfriend.  You were moaning his name as you fucked yourself with a dildo that he bought you before he left to go and film this movie.  It was a cast of his hardened cock, a present for his pretty little girlfriend who missed her man dearly on these long movie shooting times when he was away from home.
Pulling up your phone's message app, you sent your boyfriend a copy of the article and some accompanying sass.
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Dieter had been lying in bed, dozing on and off this morning.  He had a late call back last night and had to shoot some nighttime scenes.  So after his long day and some nice phone sex with his pretty little girlfriend, he had to go back to work and shoot for another 3 hours.  Yesterday was a 15-hour workday, and he was exhausted.  The studio gave him a day off, saying he could rest up as the following scenes didn’t involve him. 
When Dieter heard the ding of his message app, and then another one, he figured he needed to check to make sure it wasn’t the studio telling him that they had changed their mind and that he’d still have to come in today.  When he pulled up his messages, he saw two were from you.  He stretched and sat up in bed, grabbing his glasses off the nightstand and placing them on his face so he could read what you sent.
So apparently, according to the tabloids, you are cheating on me, and our relationship is over.  By the way, it was a lovely kiss. I'm somewhat jealous that those lips on you weren’t mine.
“What the?” Dieter mumbled to himself at your message.  He clicked the link to the article and saw the picture of the kiss, of a moment playing out during a scene.  It wasn’t unheard of for paparazzi to snap photos of scenes filmed outside, especially along the roadway like yesterday. He glanced down the page and saw the quick article about the photo. As he read through the article, he cursed under his breath at the fact that the tabloids would print something so false.  He quickly typed out a reply to you and then got up and headed to the bathroom to take a piss. He needed to call his new publicist and give him a piece of his mind. He was paying good money to ensure articles like this would not appear in Hollywood, and if they did, he’d know about it ahead of time. So why did this get through without his knowledge? It blew his mind and angered him immensely.
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You were slowly sipping your morning coffee, waiting to see what your boyfriend had to say. When you heard the ding of your message app, followed by a few more, you knew he had thoroughly read it.
How do people even come up with this shit?
I need to fire my publicist.
No, you don’t need to fire your new publicist.
Are the allegations true?
What?  NO! 
Absolutely not, baby!
I'm just checking because, you know, apparently, infidelity accusations have happened, and I’m not giving you everything you need or something.
Another article cites that I have more curves, and that’s why you did it because I’m not skinny.
That’s not true, and you fucking know it.
I love your curves, baby, and I love you.
It’s just assholes thinking that they know what’s going on but don’t.
Yeah, well, I guess.
You guess? What the fuck do you mean, you guess?
Baby, that was a scene from the movie I’m shooting, a scene.
Not. The. Real. Thing
Ok, if you say so.
What, what the hell- look, I’m not even relaxed like when I kiss you.
Plus, my tongue ain’t even down her fucking throat like it is with you, baby.
I know; it’s just a lot right now. And everyone keeps asking me if the rumors are true. 
Fuck. The longer that Dieter looked online, the more he saw that it was a fucking nightmare.  People accused him of kissing his co-star, Amy, on his off times. One article even claimed that someone saw him fucking her in the ally, which was not even true.  He had to make them stop, not because they were true.  None of them were.  It was just a photo from a movie shoot that he was doing and nothing else.  His co-star was not his type; she was not someone he found attractive in the way he found you attractive.  Sure, Amy was pretty, and she had a beautiful personality, but she was not someone he’d want to be balls deep in, fucking her against the wall like he loved to do with you.  
He was glancing at all the articles, and then he came across one in particular, one that referred to you as a “fat cow,” and that was when he had enough.  He immediately dialed his publicist and gave that son of a bitch a piece of his mind.
Five minutes later, Dieter swore at his publicist, telling him this should never have happened.
“Sam, I don’t give a fuck. I am paying you to stop this shit from happening. Really? Did you stop it? I don’t think you did because I’m looking at an article right now that is referring to my girlfriend as a fat cow.  You better hope she doesn’t read this. Yeah, or you’re fired.”
But as soon as he said it, he heard the ding of a message. His heart sank when he glanced at it, tuning out his publicist's apologizing momentarily and assuring him that everything was fine.  
I can’t come down next week for that event thing anymore. Some stuff, uh, some stuff came up.
Dieter quickly texted you back, hoping that the reason the plans had changed had nothing to do with what you had seen online. 
OK, that’s fine if you don’t want to. Can I ask why there was a sudden change of heart?
I just don’t think me being in a bikini, helping kids, is the best message you want to send people.
Fuck. You must have seen the article.
Baby, why wouldn’t it be the best image?
Come on, honey, talk to me. What’s bothering you?
Nothing is bothering me; it’s just I’m overweight, and I don’t think walking around with a one-piece swimsuit and asking people to help make donations for homeless children is proper.
Baby, how is it not proper? You love that kind of stuff.
It just isn’t okay.  Plus, no one wants to see a fat cow walk around in a bathing suit.  I mean, how can people even print that?  I know I’m a little overweight, but I’m not that much overweight, I think.
Fuck, you did read that article, and it broke his heart to know this.
Look, I just don’t want to do it, ok.
Plus, you could do so much better than me, anyway.
I mean, look at her; she’s beautiful and sexy. What am I?
I’m not attractive, that’s what.  Why did you even ask me out in the first place?
I know cause I was skinny.
Okay, maybe I'm not skinny, but I wasn’t fat.
Okay, yeah, I was fat, but.
One text after another kept coming in as you derailed your self-esteem because of two dumb photos of him kissing his co-star during the middle of a scene for shooting a movie.  
Sam was still talking on the phone, but Dieter was no longer paying attention. He was more concerned about what his pretty little girlfriend was thinking. Dieter was with you because you made him laugh, and you were the love of his life. He had to make this right for you.
“Sam, I’m going to stop you right there. I’ll make this simple for you. You’re fucking fired.”  Dieter then hung up the phone and immediately texted his agent, a woman that scared the living shit out of him because she never took any shit from anyone in the world. Dieter doesn’t remember what her real name is; he’s always called her Kat because she’d claw his eyes out more than once if she had the chance with all of the shit he used to pull before meeting you.
Kat, I fired Sam, he’s a fucking idiot anyways. Please tell me you can stop this fucking shitstorm online. 
For once, remember that I DID NOTHING to start this one.
Kat had gotten back to him almost immediately, helping in the best way that Kat knew how to, taking control of the situation.
Well, Dieter, that didn’t take you long, did it? Just for the record, I fired him this morning before you called him. You were right; he was an idiot. 
I’m already taking care of the shitstorm in the media; the director is fucking furious at the accusations that came forward and is setting the record straight.  I’ll also have the production company make an official statement.
What about the article that called her a fat cow, what about that?
Seriously? Did they- oh, for fucks sake, I’ll take care of it.  I know the editor. I’ll just call him up and threaten to beat the shit out of him for publishing something like that.
Really? You’re going to beat the shit out of someone that isn’t me? Wow, talk about going soft.
Oh, don’t start, Dieter. I can still kick your ass, too.  And I may do it yet today.
But don’t worry, I’ll take care of it, but you’ll have to do damage control on the backside.   
Me? How the hell am I supposed to do that?
It’s called doing damage control with your girlfriend, Dieter. 
I’m sorry for her. No woman or person deserves that horrible humiliation. Take care of her; she’s going to need some reassurance.
Dieter looked at Kat’s last message and couldn’t agree more.  But he didn’t know what he could do to help calm your nerves. As he sat there thinking, he devised an idea that he thought would work. It should take some heat off you and even the playing field.
Dieter pulled his phone out, clicked on the Instagram app, then hit the live button.
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You had been drowning in your mind at all the negative comments about your weight, about how people couldn’t believe someone like Dieter would ever be with you, etc. You had spent all morning immersing yourself in these articles and comments, working yourself up into a horrible frenzy of anxiousness and despair.  
You were curled up on the couch, attempting to watch your favorite TV program, missing Dieter, when you heard the ding at the live notification of your Instagram.  The only person you followed like that was Dieter, so you were surprised that he was going live, especially on a day like today.  You quickly pulled out your phone and hit the notification so you could watch and see what was happening.  Dieter already had over 5,000 people watching. So you knew you could hide and not say anything just to see what was happening.
“Hi, it’s me, Dieter…right. Listen. I’m sorry, I’m trying not to care, but it’s hard. It’s hard to see negative comments about the person I love, people calling her unattractive because she doesn’t have a flat stomach like my co-star does.  But you know what, I don’t have a flat stomach either.”
Dieter then stood up, removed his T-shirt and sweatpants, and sat in his boxers, his belly slightly hanging over them.
“So, do you guys want to have sex with me like this?”
After Dieter watched the notifications in the chat coming in of Yes in one way or another, he knew he had the audience right where he wanted them.
“Yeah, I know. Thanks, and wow. You guys are too nice saying I’m sexy.  Who knew that the belly was sexy, huh? But you know what, you all want to fuck me and the belly, but yet none of you can say one nice fucking thing to my pretty little girlfriend.  I’ve spent all morning reading everyone’s comments online, saying how she isn’t attractive because she has curves. Fuck. You know I love those curves; they feel so good. I love making love to the woman who has those sexy curves.  So, if I’m sexy with this belly, then she can be sexy with her curves too, you know.”
“I eat a KitKat every day, either from my mini bar or home. And then, in the morning, there’s always a new KitKat cause my girl knows I love them. And you know what, you don’t know me.  Nobody knows me, the real me, and that’s okay. But my girl, she does; she knows me for the real me, not the Hollywood me.  Like, after we have sex, I always ask her, ‘How do I know in the morning you’re not gonna sell the stuff I unloaded in you to the sperm bank?’ I think about stuff like that when I’m with her, and I tell her.”
“We also have conversations like what happens if your shit, like your literal shit, was alive. That scares me sometimes late at night, and I talk with my girlfriend about it. I go, ‘So, you know when I shit, I don’t watch myself shit. You should never watch yourself shit.  You should just wipe, flush, and then move on.’ We have conversations like that. And then when I have diarrhea and vomiting from food poisoning, I yell for her to hold my hair back because I don’t want the chance of getting vomit in my hair, even if it’s short.”
As you sat back, you watched your boyfriend talk crazy, like you do sometimes late at night. You knew that Dieter never said these things out loud except with you. You didn’t judge him, but the world isn’t always easy on everyone.
“Why do I say these crazy things? Well, if you’re going to judge the most beautiful woman in the world, and she IS the most beautiful woman to me, then you’ll see who I am without the mask of fame. She sees me for the real me and loves me for it. So, if you still love me and all of this crazy shit I do in life, then love her too, cause if you don’t, I won’t be making movies any longer.  I never want to read statements of me cheating on a woman that I’ve had to pinch myself every day in the balls to make sure that I’m not dreaming.  She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and if you guys can’t realize that, then I’m done making movies.  So yeah, goodbye, I guess, until you all fix this issue and stop shaming women or men who don’t fit a perfect image. And stop writing false stories, or this will be the last story you all write of me because I sure as hell won't keep fucking going if all I read are lies about me anymore. I love you all, but seriously, goodbye until you straighten out.”
You then heard him fart on camera and then ended the live right after that. You sat there with tears at how he publicly defended you, even though you never asked him to.  You quickly called him up to thank him.
“You know you didn’t have to say anything, D.”
“I know, but I did. I also thought that I saw you online watching.”  Dieter’s voice echoed like he was in a cave or a large room.
“Where are you? Your voice is echoing.”
“Bathroom,” was all he said, and then you heard it, a fart that echoed.
“Dieter, what-”
“Look, I haven’t taken my morning shit yet, babe.  I’ve had to deal with all this bullshit first, and I can’t hold it anymore, so yeah.”
“It's okay, D, you know I love you. Look, I'll let you go and-”
“No, babe, talk to me. I have nothing else I'm doing while sitting here. You feel a little better?”
“Yeah, a little bit. I mean, you didn't have to say those things about quitting and potentially fuck up your career.”
“Baby, I didn't fuck up my career. And even if I did, I don't care. I love you, and your happiness is just as important to me, if not more, than my career. I care about you, and I’m pissed off that people would say those horrible things about you, the most beautiful woman in my life. My pretty little girlfriend, I love you.”
The two of you talked for an hour until the production company called. They told Dieter that they were postponing shooting more scenes for a few more days until they could figure out the logistics of keeping privacy for more intimate shoots in the future. 
That was fine because it allowed Dieter to fly home to you for a few days. All was peaceful until Dieter got a message from the production company a few days later stating that scenes would begin shooting again next week. As Dieter was packing back up to leave, he received a message from his agent, Kat.
Dieter, you jackass, that’s not what I meant by damage control. You know what, fine, do it your way.  But don’t cry when the little stunt you pulled online results in you getting fired or not being offered any more movie roles.  
Dieter knew that Kat was blowing steam because he had received three tentative movie offers for comedic roles since his online speech.  When he asked Kat what she thought, she was honest with him.
Dieter, you know you can just go fuck yourself, right?
And for what it’s worth, I’m happy you made your girlfriend feel better. You really are a great guy.
To HER, that is.  Now start making my job a little easier, not harder, or so help me, God, I’ll rip your head clean off.  And I'm not talking about the one on the top of your neck. Lord knows you don't need that head anymore cause you don’t ever think with it. I'm talking about the other one.
Dieter laughed hard and knew Kat’s threats were just that, threats.  She has saved his ass more times than he cared to admit.  Yes, this stunt he pulled could have been a huge problem, but he didn’t care.  He’s weathered those harsh storms of his career in the past.  That’s why he paid Kat the big bucks, to help him get out of those shit storms.  But this stunt was for you, to get the negative attention off you. And to make you laugh more, which is what he did in the end.  The only thing that mattered to Dieter was that his pretty little girlfriend was safe, warm, and happy.  Everything in Hollywood was always so fake, except for you and the love that Dieter had for you, that wasn't fake. Dieter loved you more than anything: real, soulmate-type, passionate love. And to him, that was the only story ever worth writing about. 
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rhoorl · 10 months
Working Title Masterlist
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Series Complete | Main Masterlist
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC Belle
Rating: Mature, 18+
Series Summary: Your best friend is an up-and-coming actress, and you've been her personal hair and makeup artist for years. A sought-after part in a new series sends the two of you to Hawaii for a shoot for a few months. Also on the cast is Dieter Bravo, an actor you've loved for years. A spark develops, but both of you have been hurt in the past. Will both of you be able to overcome your pasts for the future you've dreamed of?
Warnings: This one is a slow burn. Dieter is a bit canon-divergent in this, but there are some references made to events in The Bubble. He is almost five years sober, although there are allusions to his past. Throughout the series, there are allusions to cheating and toxic relationships, drug/alcohol (including a reference to a past overdose), and consensual adult sexual situations. There are warnings before every chapter but if you have any questions please reach out!
Note: Hi, I'm Jess! This is the first fic I've ever written/posted publicly. I received so much love and support throughout this process and I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21
Dieter's Morning (This is a companion to Chapter 6, read that one first)
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flannelepicurean · 10 months
Mmm-hay, returning to this very crucial "Samurai Bravo" issue:
Jack is a little unnerved by sushi restaurants in Johnny's neck of the woods, especially when he finds out that they all serve raw salmon. He is both a little flattered and a little horrified by the whole experience of Johnny taking him to one, and the adventure ends with Jack insisting that Johnny come over so he can make him some real food.
Johnny proves to be incredibly adept with chopsticks. And he's really enthusiastic about how much he enjoys everything. And Jack feels...something? He smiles a lot.
Johnny really butchers his first, "Domo air-a-gatto," but he's sincere. And that first, crisp, "Hey. Kanpai, good buddy," makes Jack swoon a little, for reasons he does not fully understand yet.
Johnny helps with the dishes. He does a lot of dancing during the process. Mostly with his butt, but also his shoulders. Everything comes out sparkling.
At the end of the night, when they part ways, Johnny's like, "Okay, how do you feel about corndogs? 'Cause there's this place down at the beach that's got great curly fries, too..." And Jack's like, "Uh...you...want to keep doing...this?" And Johnny's like, "...Well, yeah. You just made me a crazy awesome dinner, and our first...uhhh...was a bust." [POSE] "This town's got a lot to prove," [POSE], "and I'm gonna show you a good time."
Jack has an absolute attack of the vapors, but maintains his composure. They agree to go to the beach together in the near future.
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 3 months
something in the orange - two
a Dieter Bravo x ofc!Ava in another life AU
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pairing - Dieter & Ava
word count - 1500ish
warnings - this was supposed to be more angsty, but Dieter wasn't really having it, so besides a mention of Ava's grandfather being a controlling ass, I can't really think of much? brief mention of a 3rd party buying drugs, implied past drug use, Dieter gets a dumb tattoo, lol let me know if I missed anything....oh, not a warning really but this chapter does feature Benjamin Miller as a very special guest star lol
authors note - I don't know what I'm doing, I never know what I'm doing, I don't know what the actual point of this story is from day to day, I just like to take my characters out and play with them, lol, so thanks as always to @wildemaven & @trulybetty for listening to me ramble on about all this silly stuff 💕
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“There's an idiot next door getting a hippo tattooed on his ankle,” Liza announces as she breezes into the store exactly at three.
“Oh, shit!” Ava exclaims, gathering her things and slinging her bag over her shoulder as she heads for the door.
Dieter. She forgot about Dieter.
“That's my idiot. Probably. I'll explain later,” she calls over her shoulder as she leaves and crashes directly into six foot two inches of lean muscle and boyish charm.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Benny. She forgot about Benny too. Benny is….she doesn't really know what Benny is. A friend. Sometimes a lover. Right now, possibly another potential headache.
“Hey beautiful, where's the fire?” He laughs down at her, hands going to her waist to steady her.
“Apparently, the fire is next door at your shop.”
“What? Hollywood? Yeah, he's with Will. Came in and asked if he could sketch his own design and have it inked.”
“Jesus frickin Christ,” Ava mutters, letting Benny pull her closer and hiding her face against his chest. “And you let him? How is this my life?”
“So that's your guy, huh? He doesn't seem that bad.���
“He's not my guy, he's a pain in my ass. And he really can be that bad.”
“Does he know that? Because he hasn't shut up about you,” Benny laughs, looking over towards the shop. “And he's watching us right now. Wanna make him jealous?”
“Is this an excuse to get me to kiss you, Benjamin Miller?” Ava asks, raising her head and narrowing her eyes at him.
“Depends,” He shrugs, a mischievous grin stealing across his face and his blue eyes twinkling. “Is it working?”
She grins back at him and loops her arms around his neck. “Fine. One kiss.”
“I better make it a good one then.”
“So that guy, huh?” Dieter asks as he and Ava walk to her place.
“Don't start, Dee.”
“What? I didn't say anything. He's hot. If, ya know, that whole blonde Adonis thing is what you're into.”
“He's a friend.”
“You kiss all your friends like that?” Dieter scoffs.
“Can we not with the jealousy?”
“I come to visit my wife–”
“That was annulled,” Ava laughs, playfully shoving his shoulder.
“I come to visit my wife,” he says again, louder this time. “And she's having a literal rom-com moment in a semi tropical paradise, what with the kissing and the twirling and everything. I think I'm entitled to a little bit of jealousy.”
“Okay, fine, if you want to be like that, husband, how are things with Anika?”
“Low blow, Ava. Low blow. Didn't Drew tell you? She left me for Kate.”
“What? No! Aww, she was cute. I liked her. Completely wrong for you, but I liked her.”
“What?” Dieter gasps, mock offended. “Why would you say that?”
She's not me.
That's Ava's immediate thought and one she's not about to voice so she just shrugs.
“She's too serious, too focused. And you're….not really. You're chaos and impulse. Like wandering off to get a hippo tattoo,” she laughs, gesturing at his still rolled up pant leg.
“But look,” he says, stopping to prop his foot up on a nearby bench. “It says ‘I hippopotamiss you’. Ya know, in case you ever wonder. It's right there. Permanently.”
Ava stares down at the little hippo on the inside of his ankle and has to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. It's cute and ridiculous and exactly the kind of dumb stunt she should expect from him.
“Touching, Dee, really. Because I spend so much time with you. And your ankles.”
That earns her another grin and what she knows is supposed to be a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.
“Aww, babycakes, you could spend as much time with any part of me as you want.”
She grabs his hand to get him moving again and gives it a squeeze before lacing her fingers with his and continuing their walk.
“I'll keep that in mind.”
“Jesus, Ava, you live here?” Dieter asks, looking at the tiny camper she's led him to. “You couldn't have rented a nicer one? Maybe one built in this century? We had trailers bigger than this on set when we were kids….”
“Shut up, we did not,” she laughs, bouncing up the stairs and unlocking the door. “It's cozy. I have everything I need.”
“This can't even be safe in hurricane season. It's like a million year old camper in a questionable RV park.”
“Okay one, it's not a questionable park, it's very safe. And two, I usually pack up Lucy and head north.”
“Another relic,” Dieter snorts, referring to Ava's twenty year old Honda Element parked outside. “This is comfy though. I could sleep,” he adds, sprawling out on the sofa while Ava putters around the tiny kitchen.
“No, get up. Come to the table. Eat something and then you can take a nap if you want to.”
“You can cook?” He asks, sitting up and moving to the table as requested, eyeing Ava skeptically.
“No,” she grins. “But I can make you a sandwich.”
Dieter wakes up a couple hours later with a post-it note stuck to his forehead, Ava's familiar scribble stating if she's not there, he'll know where to find her.
He doesn't really, but he knows all he has to do is go outside, look around and then head towards the sunset. She'll be wherever she can find the best view.
He makes use of her pitiful excuse for a bathroom and then ventures outside, wandering around until he finds a little picnic area and Ava sitting on top of a table, arms behind her supporting her weight as she watches the sun starting its descent into the ocean.
“Where do you go?” He asks as he joins her. “When you pack up and go North, where do you go?”
“Wherever I want. Sometimes I make a vacation of it and go on a road trip. Sometimes I just hunker down somewhere until it's safe to come back. Why?”
“I dunno, just curious. There's so much I don't know about you now. So much I guessed wrong.”
“What do you mean?” Ava asks, bringing one leg up onto the table and turning to face him. “Guessed wrong about what?”
“I guess I didn't realize you had, like, a whole life here. When Drew told me where you were, I just assumed you were drinking margaritas and laying around, doing the beach bum thing or whatever,” he shrugs. “And then he said you were working at a gas station….”
“The gas station gig is temporary,” Ava laughs. “The owners are friends and they just had a baby. I was between things, so I'm helping out.”
“See- you've never stayed anywhere long enough to have friends before, to be part of the community or whatever, it's different. Not what I expected. So what do you do when you're not working at a gas station?”
“I've done a little bit of everything - tour guide, hostess, waitress, movie concessions, bartender, barista.”
Dieter shakes his head in disbelief. “You’re so fucking smart, Ava. You could've done anything…"
“I just wanted a normal life.”
“Babycakes, this isn't exactly normal,” Dieter laughs softly.
“Maybe not,” she agrees. “But it's not in the spotlight either and I don't have to answer to anyone but myself.”
“Don't you ever miss it?” He leaves the underlying ‘don't you ever miss me, ever miss us’ unspoken. “I understand why you felt like you had to leave, I do. I know you felt like Conrad was controlling your whole life….”
“Because he was controlling my whole life, Dee. He had it all scripted out. When we'd get married again, for real and very publicly. When I’d ideally start popping out your babies. The types of roles I'd take. The most important one, of course, being your arm candy while you talked about whatever your next big thing was going to be.”
“That’s not fair, Ava. You know I never would've gone along with that shit- not if you were uncomfortable with it. Besides, you had a solid career. Steady work. You were America's sweetheart.”
“No, I was America's quirky best friend. Bailey was America's sweetheart.”
“I don't want to talk about Bailey.”
“You never want to talk about Bailey.”
“She stole my Oscar! She literally broke into my house and stole my Oscar and sold it to buy coke!”
*You got it back,” Ava laughs.
“Whatever,” he grumbles. “I hope she's freezing her ass off up there in Canada shooting all those damn Hallmark Christmas movies.”
“So I shouldn't tell her you said hi the next time I talk to her?”
“You can tell her to kiss my flat ass.”
“Okay, okay, no more talk about Bailey,” Ava says, turning to scoot closer to him so she can rest her head on his shoulder. “Just be quiet and watch the sunset. And then I'll let you treat me to dinner somewhere.”
“You stole all my money earlier,” Dieter reminds her and Ava shrugs.
“Just the cash. You still have your credit cards.”
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aquaquadrant · 3 months
"bravo is so entitled for assuming that tangos life would be his" "bravo is so annoying for barging in there and ruining everything" SHUT UP!!! hate when people hate on bravo. like put yourself in his shoes for a minute. he just went into a portal thinking he was joining this server of absolute legends. and then he was in, quite literally, hell. he probably didn't even get to have that one last look at the sun, he didn't even appreciate what he had, before it was all gone. do you know how crazy that would make you? do you have any idea how absolutely insane you could go? and, mind you, he has no idea who tango is or what conditions he was living in. he just knows they swapped places. like it is no surprise that he gets to double life and guesses that that life was supposed to be his, that soulmate was supposed to be his, those friends were supposed to be his — because he has no other information???!!!! and all he sees is this guy who looks like him but /wrong/ and he's living the life that he, for all intents and purposes, should have had. would you not be furious? really, would you not be furious?
woah there pardner, that’s a lot of heat to bring to the person who created bravo. i’m not sure if this is directed at me, or the anon from that last ask i answered, or any of the many readers who’ve been leaving comments along those lines in the tags/reblogs of the fic? and maybe i’m just misreading the tone here and ur just asking rhetorically, but uh, here’s the thing.
i do know how insane those circumstances could make someone, cuz i wrote it. of course bravo has the right to be furious for what happened to him. it’s a horrible, tragic thing. it was never supposed to be unreasonable that he made the choices he did, especially with atlas’s deliberate manipulation muddying the waters. and as far as bravo knew for those latter five years in hels, tango was directly responsible for all of it. that’s more than enough of a basis to build a grudge. maybe even enough of a grudge to overlook the torture that tango had been put thru, after he discovered the old farm (remember, he was under no false pretenses that tango would be returned back to the farm. atlas made that very clear).
that is, up until they actually meet. until bravo finds out, 100% for certain, that tango never intentionally stranded him in hels, never knowingly swapped their lives. it was- as far as they know- a random glitch of fate. now, tango did have his suspicions after learning about helsknight and chose not to come forward, so in that regard he cost bravo a few extra years in hels that could’ve been avoided otherwise. so in that, bravo’s anger is absolutely justified.
but the thing is, tango is sorry for it. he admits his mistake and apologizes. and it’s not that bravo doesn’t believe him in that moment- he just doesn’t care. he’s still completely fine with sentencing tango back to that endless lifetime of suffering, as ‘payback’ for ‘stealing his life.’ all while still claiming to be ‘better’ than tango despite choosing not to show forgiveness and mercy.
that’s where the limit is for many readers. that moment is what prompted a lot of those “how dare bravo” reactions. not to mention that a lot of bravo’s perceptions of the situation are deeply embedded in bigotry: he’s the ‘better’ fit for hermitcraft and ‘better’ partner for jimmy bc he’s an overworlder and not a mob hybrid. he deserves ‘better’ than being stuck in hels- as if none of the other hels residents deserve better simply bc they were born there. in bravo’s eyes, bc tango is a hels and a mob hybrid, he is inherently an evil monster, even though bravo’s witnessed true humanity from him and has chosen not to show the same. it’s bigotry and a superiority complex and hypocrisy all wrapped up in one, poisoning what would’ve otherwise been a fairly reasonable and justified (if a bit clouded by anger) reaction to his circumstances.
so i think that’s where the thoughts of entitlement or annoyance or frustration with bravo’s character stem from- if i’ve been interpreting the comments accurately, that is. and that’s more or less what my intention was with his character in the first place.
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its-to-the-death · 12 days
Glasses Swag Sequel Preliminary Round #10
Only one will make it into the bracket!
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chuckletons · 4 months
i'd assume not everyone knows but like. do not ask what van partible's thoughts on carl are. do not ask anything involving the retool. not on twitter, not on here through someone else. not only is it personal but i know too much about johnny bravo's production history and that sounds like the worst possible idea to me given what he Has said publicly
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morallyinept · 8 months
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Welcome to my Pedro Pascal Character Writing Masterlist.
©️ All my writing is protected by an officially registered copyright. I do not give you permission to copy, redistribute, translate, plagiarise, post elsewhere or feed my work into AI software.
Enjoy rummaging around here. I hope you find something you'll like! 🖤
Scoville Smut Ratings🌶️
See my specific Pedro Boy character lists below 👇🏻
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Ezra Masterlist
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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Dieter Bravo Masterlist
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Frankie Morales Masterlist
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Javier Peña Masterlist
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Marcus Pike Masterlist
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Marcus Moreno Masterlist
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Dave York Masterlist
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Lucien Flores Masterlist
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Max Phillips Masterlist
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Agent Whiskey Masterlist
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Javi Gutierrez Masterlist
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Detective Tim Rockford Masterlist
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Din Djarin Masterlist
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Pero Tovar Masterlist
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Fancy a small read? My GIFLETS™️ are 500 words or less, and feature a variety of the Pedro Boys, including smut, fluff & a mix of F! & GN! Readers.
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Multi Series & Collections Masterlist A mixture of Pedro Boys in story collections.
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My Pedro Boy Rambles Masterlist Includes themed cocktails, head canons & fun with the Pedro Boys.
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Destiny & Deliverance: Chapter 1
Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC
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Series Rating: Explicit (18+)
Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with high functioning anxiety, depression, and mild PTSD. Everything is looking up for her. She is a highly respected consultant for a major LA firm, has her best friend, Lauren, by her side, and is on her path to healing. Everything changes when she meets a handsome and broken stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor, with a heart-breaking past. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives. 
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, alcohol use, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter Quote: “Why the hell do I keep doing this to myself? I hate it.”
I sat preparing for my latest virtual meeting to discuss the final report that I had sent to the company I was currently working with. I work as a Technical and Organizational Consultant for one of the largest consulting firms in LA. While I loved what I did, I hated the people part of my job. People could be combative or downright insulting when they didn’t like what I had to say about their company or their role. For someone with high functioning anxiety, these meetings could be literal torture. After reading through my report for the third time that morning, I sat back in my chair staring at the wall, unblinking. My right hand was sitting just below my collarbone with fingers lightly tapping on the curve of my shoulder. It was one of my many nervous habits. Outwardly it just appeared that I was deep in thought. On the inside, I was working myself up to a mild internal panic attack that never had any obvious signs to the casual observer. I could feel my chest tightening and my heart was starting to pick up pace. I took a deep breath and tried to relax a little. 
My phone buzzed on the table. It was a text message from my best friend, Lauren.
LAUREN: I swear the nerve of some people. I had a lady criticizing everything I said during my stained-glass workshop this morning. Like, why are you even here if you know how to do it already?!?! Respectfully ma’am, please go back to your bridge. What a ducking troll. Anyway, long story short, I’m done early. I’ll be there soon with coffee.
LAUREN: Damn you autocorrect. Let me be angry! 
I laughed to myself. She was such a nut. 
ME: Lol! Can’t wait to hear all the gory details of how that worked out for her. Come on in. I’m about to jump on this virtual meeting so I can get yelled at. 
LAUREN: Engage bitch mode. You’ll be fine and they will regret their existence. 
ME: Don’t worry, you know my face is in perpetual bitch mode anyway and I can’t seem to fix it. At least I have that going for me. 
LAUREN: I am happy you are finally embracing it. 
I set my phone back down and joined the meeting. I could always tell who was going to be the problem as soon as we got started. This time it would be one of the division heads, Mr. Smith. He wasn’t fully engaged with the small talk and pleasantries while we waited for everyone to join. He looked agitated and fidgety. I had a feeling he would be a problem when I was on-site for the visit. He didn’t like all the questions and was reluctant to provide details on his processes. Once everyone joined, we immediately dove into the report and discussions about ways to improve the company. 
Lauren walked in just as we were getting to the part I was dreading. She set my coffee to the side of my laptop and sat opposite me at the table, scrolling through her phone. Intently listening to the drama unfold. 
Mr. Smith interrupted me as I began going over my findings for his area.
“Sorry, to interrupt…,” I could feel the tension form in my jaw. I could only imagine what my face looked like. He continued, “I don’t really think this is necessary. I’ve got everything figured out with logistics and it seems to be working pretty well. I don’t understand how making all these changes and getting some fancy software is going to do anything but cause more issues. If we are trying to save money, how is spending more money going to solve whatever perceived problems you think we have? I am not even sure why we wasted the money for you to tell us things we could have figured out ourselves.” 
I hear Lauren mutter, “oh he is about to find out” as she shakes her head from across the table. 
I took a deep breath and slowly bobbed my head up and down. Everyone on the call was completely silent. The owner of the company, Will Stevens, looked completely mortified. 
I smiled, “Mr. Smith, I don’t feel the need to explain why I’m qualified to do what I do and I’m not going to. What I will come back with are facts. This company currently has a 1.5 star rating for shipping times. When you have companies regularly shipping within 2 business days, don’t you think up to 2 weeks for your items to ship is a little excessive? That isn’t going to keep customers coming back. Furthermore, there are a high number of complaints indicating that part of your customer’s orders arrived incomplete, or no order arrived at all. There are also a high number of complaints relating to poor packaging and items arriving broken. Now, forgive me if I am wrong, but the logistics of these issues is your area, correct?” 
Mr. Smith sat there wide eyed and gave a slight nod. Clearly my point was being made. I could see Lauren in my periphery pumping her fist in the air and trying so hard to keep her laughing quiet. 
“Now, your current method of using spreadsheets in a share drive that everyone has access to is a little antiquated and doesn’t properly track orders. Not to mention the human error that goes into everyone accessing and editing that spreadsheet. That may have been doable when the company was small and just getting started, but not now. You have expanded too much. Add all that to manually requesting each shipping label online from the carrier resulting in incorrect address entry and you are failing before you even get started. If you use custom software that handles all this it will cut out a lot of the steps, increase shipping time and accuracy of orders, while also automating a lot of the steps. Therefore, increasing overall productivity and customer satisfaction and leading to more sales. This is only a small piece of the puzzle. All divisions need to be better streamlined in different ways, so they work better as a unit. Quite frankly, your division needs the most work in order for all the others to fall in line as they need to. Now, do you have any further questions you would like addressed Mr. Smith?”
Multiple staff members were clearly trying to stifle a laugh, including the business owner. Mr. Smith sat with his mouth agape for a brief moment before responding with, “No, I think that covers it.” Then he proceeded to turn off his camera and eventually left the meeting as we worked through some strategies and plans for moving forward. As soon as I logged off and closed my computer, I let out a shaky breath. I needed a drink after that one. In my mind, I immediately started running through everything I had said, second guessing myself. What if I was wrong about something? Should I have been so blunt in my response? 
Lauren pulled me out of my thoughts. “And that my dear is why you are so badass. The nerve of that guy! I bet he won’t talk down to anyone like that ever again. Maybe he can hook up with the troll lady from this morning. I think they were made for each other!” She said and laughed at her own joke. 
I stared at her for a minute. “Why the hell do I keep doing this to myself? I hate it.”
“Because you make a shit ton of money and you’re good at it.” Lauren says with conviction. 
I rub my face with both hands and look up at her through my fingers, “I don’t know what I want to do anymore. I just feel lost. I think I’m hitting my mid-life crisis. This is not where I saw myself at 38 years old.”
Lauren looked at me with concern, “you absolutely cannot be talking like that. You are my life advisor and supposed to have your shit together.” Her look quickly changed to amusement. She was trying to cheer me up. 
“I’m sure once things settle down with the divorce and everything, you’ll figure it out. You’ve just had a lot of changes recently and need time to adjust.” 
“The divorce is final. It’s done. As of Monday,” I said with a deadpan look.
“Oh. Well, that’s good! Right? Now you don’t have to have anything to do with that asshat anymore.” 
“Yeah, I guess. I just don’t know myself anymore. He really fucked me up. I don’t know how to be on my own. I mean, we had been together since college. I basically molded myself and my life around that asshole. I just don’t know where to start.” 
I got up and poured myself a very large glass of wine, which had become routine as of late. Lauren stared at me disapprovingly. 
“It’s a little early in the day for that, don't you think? Maybe stick with the coffee.” 
“Coffee doesn’t have the desired effect. Besides, I might need to lay off the caffeine. I can’t sleep as it is. I’m not even sure how I’m functional if I’m being honest. I think my anxiety may be getting worse too. I’m fairly certain I almost had an actual panic attack the other day because I couldn’t handle picking out clothes for work. Who fucking does that? I’m literally second guessing everything I do.” 
“Don’t be too hard on yourself. This is all on him. I just wished you had been open with me about the way he was treating you sooner. Maybe I could have talked some sense into you years ago. I feel like I’ve been such a shitty friend because I didn’t even realize what was actually happening. I’m sorry I didn’t.”
“Lauren, stop that. You didn’t know because I didn’t want you to. I was really good at hiding it. That part is on me.” 
Lauren had been my saving grace the last six months. We had been best friends since high school, and she was literally the only one I had left. I lost touch with most of them when I married Justin, which was by design as I realized many years later. Everyone else that came into my life after that was his friend first. They got me by default and dropped me as soon as I filed for divorce. I was starting over in all aspects of my life and it was terrifying and depressing. Luckily, I had Lauren to help me through everything and keep me sane. 
My phone rang. It was my boss, Aubrey, calling. Most likely to see how the meeting went this morning. Aubrey and I had a long history and tended to be pretty blunt with each other. She was a little older than me, but not much. I had been her TA back when she used to teach college courses. We became close and I looked to her as a mentor in my early years. I was one of the first people she brought on board when she opened her own consulting firm. 
I moved the phone to my ear as I answered. 
“Hey, I was just about to…” she cut me off before I could finish the sentence, “so I heard your meeting went well.”
It was a statement. I couldn’t read much from her tone, but I didn’t think she was mad. 
“Yeah, I mean, you know, the usual stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“I just got off the phone with Will. He says he has a job opening. He joked about hiring you full time.” 
The phone was loud enough that Lauren could hear the conversation. She started to chuckle. I rolled my eyes at her and started pacing around the kitchen. 
“Well, I’m sorry to hear he is down an employee. Did he say who?” I said with thick sarcasm. 
“A Mr. Smith I believe. Apparently, he turned in his resignation as soon as your meeting was over. He refuses to learn new software. Will said it saved him the trouble of firing his ass, so that made his day.” 
“Well, I’m happy to be of service then, I guess,” I said flatly. She laughed at my tone. 
“Well, now that you’re wrapping up that account, I would like to talk to you about the next one. I know it’s kind of last minute and completely out of your service area, but I need my best one on this. It’s a big contract and without saying too much to cause some bias inclinations on your part, they possibly have some issues that I don’t trust anyone else to handle. I need someone who won’t be bullied into submission or be afraid to say what they are thinking to the CEO.” 
“So, is the CEO on board with this? Or…? I’m not following.”
“Yes, the CEO is one hundred percent on board. He is actually an old college friend and trusts that I will send my best to handle it. He has suspicions about some things, which I have asked him to not discuss with you at all, by the way. I made it clear that you do not like knowing personal suspicions before your evaluation.” 
“Ok. This sounds like it’s gonna be a blast. That’s sarcasm by the way in case you missed it.” I sighed heavily, “So, out of my service area…where is it exactly?” 
“It’s in New York. I’ve had your flight scheduled for Sunday. First class, I might add. You will be there until the following Friday.” 
“Waaaait a minute! New York?!?! That’s WAY out of my service area and you know I hate flying. That’s literally the farthest away from where I’m currently at. No way. I’m not doing it.” 
“You took that well. Can’t wait for the updates. I’ll have the details sent over and I will talk to you next week.” Then she hung up. 
I pulled the phone away from my ear, staring at it in utter shock. “Fucking bitch. Did that really just happen?”
Lauren ran over to me with a concerned look on her face and turned me toward her, “What’s wrong?!?!”
“I guess I’m going to New York.” 
“I thought you didn’t have to go anywhere you couldn’t drive to?”
“Apparently, it’s a special account. I knew it, I am going to lose my shit.” 
“Well, maybe while you’re there, you can find a hottie to entertain you. I think getting laid would do you some good. Seriously, how long has it been?”
I gave her an annoyed look and sat back down at the table. “We are not talking about my sex life right now and that is out of the question. A man is the last thing I need right now.”
“I’m not saying you gotta keep him. It’s just for a night, or three.” She shrugged and smiled at me. 
“You are so ridiculous. As your life advisor, I totally do not approve of that type of behavior. Is that the shit you're doing these days?”
Lauren feigned shock that I would even suggest such a thing. 
“Absolutely not. I am not that type of girl. I am looking for a serious relationship. I just haven’t had any luck with that. The dating pool around here is sooo ridiculous. The last guy I thought might be decent, gave me a belt buckle as a gift on our last date. Initially I thought it was a neat and unique gift, but I think it was just his weird way of saying he wanted to get into my pants. So, I dropped him real quick.”
I gave her a blank stare for a few seconds, then doubled over in laughter. Tears started to pour out of my eyes, and I was gasping for air. Because of the serious way she said it and the look on her face, I absolutely lost it. 
Lauren stood there with her hands on her hips giving me a sour look. 
“He seriously gave you a belt buckle?!?!” I said through laughter. Once I calmed down a bit, I asked, “what the hell did it look like? I hope it was at least expensive.” 
“I don’t know. It was gold, oval, and bulky. Very tacky. Not something I would ever actually use. I don’t even wear stuff like that.” 
“Well, thanks for the laugh. I needed that,” I said as I chuckled. 
She huffed then sat back down across from me with her elbows propped on the table. 
“That’s enough about me. Back to you. Seriously, if you find a guy to waste some time with while you are there, go for it. Please don’t spend the whole week working. At least get out and explore the city or something.”
“I never have time for any of that when I am doing visits. I’ll have a lot of stuff to review. You know that. This seems like an important contract too. I need to focus. At least it will be a decent distraction and get me away from here for a bit. Maybe it will do me some good.” 
“Well, when you get back, we are doing something fun. I don’t know what, but it’s happening. I will plan a girl’s day for us.” 
“Greaaat. I can’t wait.” Lauren looked offended and I laughed. “Well, I guess our lazy Friday evening has been ruined. I need to pack and prep,” I said as I downed my glass of wine. 
“I’ll help you pack. I’ve got to make sure you’re looking hot.” 
I rolled my eyes at her as I got up and started walking to my bedroom. “Stop that shit. I’m going to work, not looking for a one-night stand.” 
Lauren followed behind me as she laughed. “Hey, you never know what destiny might bring your way. Don’t knock it.”
She spent the next several hours helping me pack and picking out my clothes for the week. I am pretty sure she snuck some unnecessary items into the suitcase, but either way, I was thankful for her help. It was less decisions I had to make and then question later. 
I spent Saturday prepping and reviewing the documents that had been sent in advance. They were pretty thorough, containing organizational charts, job descriptions, operations manuals, financial processing details…the list goes on. Pretty much anything I might need, they sent. At least they had it all on paper and I wouldn’t have to document as much during the on-site visit. That was a relief. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so I wasn’t sure what the big deal was with this one. 
On Sunday, I was a bundle of nerves. I hardly slept any and was dreading the five-hour flight from LA to New York. I was actually wishing I had talked to my doctor about some anti-anxiety medication. She had offered it in the past, but I declined because I hate taking any kind of medications unless I absolutely had to. I have been determined to deal with things without being medicated. I also tend to have weird reactions to meds. I really could have used it at that moment though because I absolutely hate flying. I had a large glass of wine before the Uber picked me up in hopes it would help me relax. I’m not sure it made much of an impact. I was a hot mess throughout the whole boarding process. A/N: Don't worry, Dieter makes an appearance in the next chapter.
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sirowsky-stories · 7 months
Like Father, Like Son
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Sirowsky's 600 & 700 Followers Celebration
Submitted by @yourstrulylightstar283 Prompt #5: Why are you covered in sparkly pink dust? Character: Dieter Bravo
Rating: Teen Warnings: Dieter Bravo x Original Female Character Gabriela, plus his son Mateo. Pure fluff! (I haven't seen the movie, so this is a lose interpretation of the character. Also, this fic is not overtly Halloween themed.) Word Count: 650 Masterlist of the Celebration Sirowsky's Main Masterlist
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   He’s supposed to be watching his wife’s niece being celebrated, he knows that. It’s her Quinceañera. But when his beloved Gabriela is wearing a gorgeous summer dress, sitting in the bright sun with her tanned skin glistening from the heat and her dark curls falling protectively over her bare shoulders, he really can’t be blamed for having trouble looking at anything but her.
   He had never imagined that he could have this. That someone like her, who is well educated, who owns her own business, who has friends in all the highest places, this woman who could have anyone in the world, would have chosen him.    The life he’d led up until the point they’d met hadn’t been bad. Not at all. He’d chosen to live exactly as he’d wanted, refusing to apologize for the pleasures he’d enjoyed or the overall chaos that he’d seemed to thrive so effortlessly in.
   But in Gabi, he’d discovered so many new things, so many wonderful layers of life that he’d never thought existed outside of the silver screen. And suddenly, all the things that had always seemed so important had faded into the background, making room for all this instead.    Family and friendships that last and can be depended on. People he can trust completely.
   “Hey, Dee,” a voice whispers in his ear, and he recognizes it as his brother-in-law before he’s even turned around. “Mateo needs you.”
   “Is he okay?” Dieter asks, immediately concerned.
   “Yeah, just come with me.”
   The man leads him into the house where the younger kids are being prepared to take part in a surprise dance routine to delight the girl of the day, and where Dee’s three-year-old son is practicing his twirling skills.    He walks up to the boy and kneels in front of him, finding the kid smiling and giggling, so at least there really isn’t anything wrong.
   “What’s going on, mijo?” he asks, smiling along as Mateo’s joy infects him.
   But instead of answering, the boy puts his arms out in front of his chest, with his little fists closed and upturned, as if preparing to hand his father something.
   “What do you have there?” Dieter inquires with a playful tone, and the kid giggles even harder as he opens his hands and blows hard at them.
   A cloud of pink glitter hits his father in the face, over the shoulders and down his chest, and the boy collapses in a laughing fit.
   “Ay, mijo…” Dee smiles after blinking the worst of it out of his eyes. “Do I look pretty?” he asks then, and Mateo nods while still rolling on the floor, pleased with himself for this flawless execution of a glitter prank.
   He leans over the boy and shakes his clothes to share the sparkling goodness, earning even more laughter in return, before his mother-in-law calls for Mateo to come back to the group and get ready, because they’re about to give the birthday girl her surprise.
   “I love you, mijo,” Dieter says, hugging his son before he runs off to join the others.
   He throws his father a kiss as he falls into their ranks, and it feels as though his heart might crack open right there where he stands, as his love for this child overflows once more.    Returning outside so that he won’t miss the performance, he takes a seat next to Gabi, who chuckles warmly at the sight of her husband.
   “Why are you covered in sparkly pink dust?” she asks in a hushed voice, and he smiles.
   “Because our son is the sweetest little boy there is, my love.”
   She just hums at that, but when the children emerge from the house, succeeding in surprising the birthday girl who squeals in excitement, and Gabriela sees that her son is covered in the same stuff, she laughs and lovingly shakes her head.
   “Those are my boys, alright.”
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Thank you @yourstrulylightstar283 for helping me celebrate, and I hope that this is at least something like what you imagined. I tried not to go into specifics about the Quinceanera since I don't know what it entails, and chose to focus on Dieter instead :)
@pedrostories @harriedandharassed
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rhoorl · 9 months
Working Title | Chapter 9
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC Belle
Rating: Mature, 18+, for the love of all things please don’t engage if you are a minor ok? 
Word Count: 6.2k (A longer one from me, but I added in some Dieter POV).
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Chapter 9 on AO3
Chapter Summary: More first-day shenanigans from the set. Also, news of Dieter and Belle’s date is starting to make the rounds.
Chapter Warnings: This one gets a little angsty at times but then there’s fluff because it’s me and I can’t help myself, especially with Dieter. There is also swearing (again, it’s me) and allusions to body insecurity and a past toxic relationship (aka Ryan sucks, booo!). There's also a brief discussion of fan culture, especially online.
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“I hope you have a great first day. I’ll see you a little bit later?”
I don’t want her to leave. I knew our time this morning would be too short.
For someone with an addictive personality, Dieter had grown to recognize the tipping point when something became a craving. And that’s how he felt about Belle – he craved her. Her presence, her smile, her laugh. But unlike his previous vices, being around her made him feel better, stronger…complete.
“Thanks, and yea I’ll see you around …8?” 
“Something like that,” Dieter leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek even though all he wanted to do was wrap her up in his arms and pin her against the counter again. “I’ll see you soon.”
He was grateful that both of his scenes today were with Indy and Sam, which meant he would have some time to see Belle so they could hang out together on set. He watched her as she walked down the hallway to the elevator. His eyes slowly scanned from the top of her head, down to her shoulders, her back, the curves of her ass, her thighs. His hands twitched at his sides, remembering how she felt and imagining how soft her skin must be.
His brows furrowed slightly as he recalled how she tensed up when he tried to move his hand up her shirt. It broke his heart a bit for her. To him, she was so beautiful, and he wanted her to see herself the way he saw her. He was willing to do whatever it took, hoping she could get to a point where she felt comfortable enough with him to share the parts of her past that had obviously left their scars. He wanted to know everything about her, even though it scared him knowing she’d want him to reciprocate as well.  
The elevator dinged, pulling him out of his thoughts and he looked up just in time to see Belle getting in. They locked eyes and he gave her a small two-finger wave, already counting down the minutes until he could see her again. Closing the door he heard his phone ring. 
Well, she’s calling bright and early. 
"Hey, Lizzie. Mornin," he rubbed his face to shake the thought of Belle out so he could concentrate on whatever Liz was calling about.
"Morning sunshine. Glad I caught you. Wanted to give you a heads-up that I'm about to board the plane. I stop in Honolulu first and then I’ll hop on another plane over to you. Should be there by the time you wrap today."
"Cool, sounds good. Wanna get dinner tonight?"
"You sure? I don't want to cockblock any plans you may have. Surely you have something planned to celebrate the first day of shooting. Especially to follow up from yesterday?" She teased.
Liz knew about Dieter and Belle’s date to the coffee farm followed by dinner because photos had reached some of the fan accounts online. Her heart always skipped a beat whenever she would get alerts or notifications about Dieter, even to this day. But in this case, it made her smile. He looked so peaceful and relaxed in the candid shots that were snapped, with his boyish grin and eyes sparkling and crinkled in genuine laughter. She was amazed at the effect Belle had on Dieter after just a couple of days.
“Wait, how do you-”
“There’s photos Dee…”
He sighed, “Ugh, I swear I couldn’t even tell, I should have warned her…”
“Dee, I know Indy isn’t like a huge celebrity, but I’m sure she’s been recognized before out with Belle. She has to know that you’ll attract attention wherever you go.”
Dieter remembered the question Belle asked him the day before at dinner. It dragged up his protective side – he was okay with being in the public eye, but he didn’t want to assume she would be comfortable with the attention. He started to spiral, wondering if she was checking her social media or if someone had sent her a photo asking questions. He just hoped she didn’t read the comments. He didn’t read them himself, not anymore. He used to love interacting with fans, but the nasty comments always cut through to him and were what he’d end up remembering. It was easier for him to just ignore it all.
“I know, I just…ugh you know how I get with this shit you know? I wish I would have known, we could have talked about it this morn-" He paused, not meaning to divulge the last bit. 
"Oh, already having sleepovers, are we?" He could practically hear her smirk.
"No, it wasn't like that Lizzie. She stopped by this morning for coffee."
"That's it? Actually, wait no, don't answer that," she chuckled. "So, things’re going okay then?"
"Which thing…?"
"Well, I know you have the script memorized backward and forwards and you’re going to kick ass today. I mean with Belle, duh! How's it going with you two?"
"G-good, I think. I… we've kissed…a couple of times."
Liz whistled into the phone. "Well, of course you have. You've given her the eyes, right? Sure you have, wait don't answer that…Something else is up, what is it?"
Dieter sighed, after so many years together, Liz was part mom, part friend, and part therapist all rolled up in one. She was one of the only people he felt comfortable enough with to confide in and share his true feelings. "I don't know, I feel like she's putting up a wall or something."
"Well, have you talked to her about it?"
"I don't want to force it. I don't know…it feels like I could be poking at some bad memories or something and I don't want her to have to deal with that unless she wants to. And now with people taking photos of us, ugh, I don’t want her to get freaked out."
"Oh my sweet, always overthinking everything Dieter. You realize it's only been like what two days? Is this day three?"
"I can't keep count anymore," he chuckled. "It hasn't been long at all but it also feels sometimes like I've known her forev-" 
He hears Liz's flight get called to board as she cuts him off. "Look Dee, I'm sure she has to be a little freaked out that it's you you know? Despite the photos, I’d imagine she’s going to be more nervous about how it might look to everyone on set. Just talk to her, okay? Gotta go see you soon!"
"Yeah, I will. Have a safe flight, Lizzie."
As he hung up the phone he thought about what Liz said. It hadn’t occurred to him how the other members of the cast and crew may treat Belle after finding out how close she and Dieter were starting to become. The last thing he wanted was for her to be negatively affected, especially career-wise. He wanted them to stay in a little bubble, just the two of them, without the looks and whispers from people trying to sneak photos of them. Unfortunately, their little bubble was bursted by the start of production. Sure, they’d still see each other every day, but things had to remain professional on set. At least, that’s what he tried telling himself, knowing that if he thought with his dick it would be an entirely different situation.
Getting involved with someone in the cast or on the crew was not new to Dieter. He had calmed down in recent years, thanks to his sobriety. But previously? He’d ask pretty much anyone with a pulse if they wanted to fuck him. Unfortunately, there were still people who either didn’t know he had changed or, possibly worse, didn’t believe it.
Aubrey was one of those people. She had worked on a few of his recent projects. She was always friendly, but she became increasingly more and more flirty with each shoot. It all came to a head during pre-production in LA a few weeks ago. She asked him to go out for drinks, which he quickly refused. It was almost as if getting denied emboldened her even more. Ten years ago, he would have already had his way with her on every surface in his suite, on set, and in a few other places around the resort. But, ever since he saw Belle in the lobby of the studio those weeks ago, he felt like there was a magnet pulling him to her. He wanted to know everything about her and she felt … special.  
A knock at his door snapped him out of his thoughts. It was Danny who had stopped by with breakfast, ready to go over Dieter’s schedule for the day.
"Think there's a chance I can get hair and makeup done earlier?” Dieter asked as he took a bite of the breakfast sandwich. 
"Uh…maybe. Why? D’you miss Belle that much?”
Dieter rubbed the back of his neck, shaking his head as he downed his orange juice. Danny tried to not break out in a giant smile, but it warmed his heart to see his boss act this way. He'd seen Dieter smitten before, but never like this. 
"You really like her huh?'
"Yeah, I really do, Dan. She's just…I dunno, I just really like being around her…Hey, did the flowers get sorted?"
"Yup, all good and should be in the trailer as we speak. I think she- I mean, they will all like it." He smirked. "Ok, well let me get down to see Mare to ask about coming earlier. I'll text you."
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DANNY: You’re good to come down whenever boss.
Once that message came in, Dieter wasted no time grabbing his phone and script so he could rush to set. As he approached the makeup trailer, he felt butterflies in his stomach, excited to not only see Belle again but to see her in her element. Upon opening the door, his eyes were greeted with a sight that conjured up a dream he had last night.
Belle was on all fours underneath the table, struggling to unplug something. But Dieter couldn't concentrate on anything else other than her. Frankly, if he had been asked about the color of his own shirt he wouldn’t have been able to confidently answer it. 
Fuuuck. Okay, think about…baseball. Or running. Or puppies. Something, anything, to not fucking pop a boner in here like a goddamn teenager.
“Oh hey, Dee” he heard Meredith call over.
Belle must have been startled by his presence, wincing as she jumped suddenly, bumping her head on the table.
“You good, Belle? The fucking table came out of nowhere didn’t it?” Meredith teased. 
“Ha ha, very funny,” Belle grumbled as she crawled back from out underneath the table, rubbing the top of her head. As she looked in the mirror, her eyes met Dieter’s. His attempts to think innocent thoughts were not working, a particularly vivid image crossed his mind, bringing a smirk to his face.
Meredith forgot something and rushed out of the trailer. Honestly, Dieter didn’t really hear what she said, knowing that he had an opportunity to talk with Belle. He casually closed the gap between the door and her station, picking up and examining some of the products she laid out, knowing her eyes were on him. As he walked closer, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “For the record, volleyball shorts have now moved up my list of demands.”
Before he could say anything else, Meredith walked in and he moved back to her station. He was trying to stay present in his conversation with Meredith. Sitting in her chair was always a good time for him, she was funny and always gave him great advice. Still, he couldn’t help but glance over to Belle, watching her work.
She had a younger stylist with her, maybe an intern or an apprentice, he wasn’t quite sure. He marveled at how patient Belle was with the girl, graciously answering questions and showing off different techniques. It was turning him on to see her work – she was so knowledgeable and talented. For as flustered and nervous as she had been around him, she transformed into a confident, capable woman armed with makeup brushes and cans of various sprays. He didn’t think he could be more attracted to her, but yet he was.
He could feel Meredith looking at him in the mirror, a knowing smile on her face.
“What’s so funny Mare?”
“Oh, nothing funny Dee. Just…you seem happy.”
He looked down, rubbing his hands over his thighs. “Yeah, you can say that.”
Meredith already saw the photos of Dieter and Belle from yesterday – news travels fast on a set. That coupled with the flowers and their hidden meanings, she knew he had it bad for her lead stylist. Normally, this would sound alarms. She wasn’t the biggest fan of members of her staff being involved with the cast, she thought it sent the wrong message. But this situation felt different. Because of her history with Dieter, knowing the strides he had made over the years, she knew he wasn’t just looking for a hookup. And although she didn’t know Belle very well yet, she seemed like a sweet girl who would be a good influence on Dieter.
She made a mental note to ask him what his intentions were later today when they weren’t surrounded by other stylists and eavesdroppers. Instead, she decided to change the subject to the photoshoot she was set to work on tomorrow.
“So, we still good for tomorrow? Liz texted me the schedule before her plane took off.”
“Yeah…um about that. How would you feel if um…you…are you sure you want to leave set for a whole day? We just started filming and I know what a control freak you are. You ok with leaving? I don’t mind if you need to send someone else.” His hand was gripping and palming the arms of his chair.
Meredith thought it was cute he was trying to be sly when she knew exactly what he was after. She was going to make him say it.
“What are you suggesting Dee?”
“Um…” he squinted, biting his lip. “Just saying, if you wanted to send someone in your place you don’t have to worry about me. I’m good with whatever.”
“OK, you have someone in mind?” She stopped fixing his hair, staring at him in the mirror as a corner of her mouth turned up.
He nodded.
“You going to make me say it, then?” she started to chuckle, glancing over at Belle in the mirror.
Again, Dieter nodded.
“So let me get this straight. You are graciously letting me stay on set tomorrow and instead are pulling my number two off set to spend the day with you?”
“Uh…” his eyes widened.
“I’m just fucking with you Dee, that’s perfectly fine,” she chuckled. “She’s super talented and I think she’ll enjoy that assignment a lot more than I would have,” she leaned in, talking lower and giving him a wink in the mirror.
“Cool, then it’s settled. Thank you for being so…accommodating,” he winked right back.
She was just about finished up when Dieter looked over and saw Belle applying a prosthetic to an extra, her assistant hovering beside her taking in every movement Belle made.
She’s such a badass.
“Ok, Dee, you’re all set,” Meredith gave a slight squeeze to Dieter’s shoulders, indicating that he could get up. 
Belle had tilted the extra’s chair back so she was standing in Dieter’s direct path out of the cramped trailer. As he got closer he put a hand to her lower back so he could get around her.
“‘Scuse me, gotta get right by you.” He felt a wave of relief wash over him when he didn’t feel her tense at his touch.
“Oh, sure, ha-have a great day.”
“You ladies have a great day too,” he winked.
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Your face hurt by how much you were smiling. You felt so much pride seeing Indy in front of the camera and kicking ass. She was hitting all of her marks and delivering a great performance. As you stood behind the monitors watching Indy and Sam run through another take, you couldn’t help but think about all the late nights spent with your best friend crying on your shoulder, heartbroken that she was passed over again for a part. The last decade wasn’t always the easiest, but it brought you both to this set.
“They’re doing great, I think we’ll be able to wrap this scene up ahead of schedule,” you overhear one of the crew members say.
The first scene of the shoot was a quick walk and talk between Indy and Sam. It was also the first time you had seen them interact in front of the camera. Their chemistry was undeniable and you knew the audience would love them together. 
You felt your phone buzz, cursing yourself that you didn’t put it on silent, but you wanted to make sure you were available in case Meredith needed you. You smiled when you saw it was Dieter and quickly unlocked your phone.
DIETER: How’s your head?
Umm what?
DIETER: Shit, I realize how that may sound lol I meant when you bumped your head earlier. In the makeup trailer?
You breathed a sigh, chuckling a bit at yourself for where your mind immediately went.
BELLE: Oh. Honestly, it’s a miracle I’m able to continue, but here I am. 🙂
DIETER: I knew you were a badass 😉
DIETER: Meredith doesn’t need a worker’s comp claim on the first day…
BELLE: Lol. I’d hate to do that to her. Can’t have multiple divas running around this set.
DIETER: Ouch! 😉
DIETER: Speaking of, I made a demand already. 
BELLE: About what? Your trailer too small?
DIETER: No, it’s actually quite spacious. You should come check it out sometime…
You blushed at the implication, grinning to yourself at this exchange. Staring at your phone rather than his beautiful brown eyes made it easier to come up with some flirty banter. 
DIETER: I actually want to talk to you about it … my demand. You have lunch plans? Danny said we are taking lunch after my first scene wraps.
BELLE: Nope, no plans. 
DIETER: Cool. Tell Sam and Indy to hurry up so I can get called to set.
BELLE: Haha, I’ll see what I can do. 🙂 
BELLE: Oh, I meant to tell you, the flowers were beautiful. We all loved them! 
DIETER: I'm happy to hear that. It was a very special arrangement.
“Cut! Can we get hair and makeup for some quick touchups?” you heard the assistant director yell out, making you tuck your phone away in your bag and rush over to Indy and Sam, careful to not trip over any of the cords.
“Hey!” you whispered to Indy as you approached her, blotting sheet in hand. “You’re doing amazing!”
“You think so?” She raised her eyebrows, with a big grin on her face.
“Absolutely! I heard them say that they’re probably going to be ahead of schedule, that you both are going to need less takes than they thought!”
Indy let out a big exhale, relieved to hear that she was doing well. You start to pull out a few items from your kit to touch up her makeup and tame some flyaways.
“Hey Belle, think you could check my hair when you're done?” you heard Sam behind you.
“Absolutely. But Sam, you’re killing me with how often you’re touching your hair!” You teased him.
“Sorry, I…can’t help it when I get nervous,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
You finish up with Indy and run your fingers through Sam’s hair, taming it and getting it back in place with a quick spritz of hairspray.
After they run through one more take, you hear the assistant director call for one final take before wrapping. You felt Dieter before you saw him, turning around to see him walking towards you. He looked so handsome in his suit, his glasses folded in one hand, his script in the other. He was smiling, his eyes crinkling up in that adorable way that made you swoon.
“Hey,” he mouthed to you and you gave a little wave as he came to stand next to you.
You both watched Indy and Sam through the monitor, Dieter inching his way closer to you, leaning an arm against the chair you were standing in front of.
“And cut! Print, we’re moving on!” The assistant director shouted as the crew milled about, resetting for the next scene.
“Showtime,” Dieter whispered to you, giving a wink.
You had a lot of fun watching Sam and Indy, but adding Dieter to the mix was entirely different. He was so effortless in his performance, changing up slight microexpressions with each take, which no doubt gave the editors many options to choose from. In between takes, Dieter gave his full attention to Indy or Sam answering their questions, or taking direction from the writers. When he wasn’t in serious actor mode, he showed off his goofy side, making jokes or dancing to keep the mood light. Everyone was all smiles.
The morning was going by quickly and you were ready for lunch. It had been such a busy morning, you never really ate a proper breakfast. Earlier, Sam snuck you a granola bar he had nabbed from the craft services table after hearing your stomach grumble between takes. 
“So, you had quite the day yesterday didn’t you?” You heard a shrill voice next to you, trying your hardest to not roll your eyes once it registered that the voice belonged to Aubrey.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, you haven’t seen?” She handed over her phone, which was opened to an Instagram account that had several photos from the day before – photos of you and Dieter at the coffee farm, laughing as you were trying samples, and candids from your dinner. You felt a bit violated, you hadn’t even realized anyone had been taking photos of you other than the two people who asked for a selfie with Dieter.
As you scrolled through you happened to click on a photo which brought up the comments. You could see there were more than 300 comments on this post alone, although only a couple were displayed. You told yourself not to look, but you couldn’t help yourself, curiosity and a little bit of masochism reigning supreme.
Anyone know who the girl is?
Doesn’t seem like his usual type.
Ugh she’s so lucky! 
She’s a little … bigger … than his last girl, right?
Woof, Dieter must really be desperate these days
Your stomach dropped and it felt like a WWE wrestler just punched you in the gut. You could feel your face getting red and you just wanted to run away before the frustrated tears started.
“Um…I…have to go to the bathroom,” you gave the phone back to Aubrey who had a smug smile on her face.
You wanted to bust out into a full sprint, just to put distance between yourself and everyone else, but you knew you had to be more discreet. Instead, you made a beeline back towards the makeup trailer. Indy took notice of your abrupt departure, craning her neck to see where you were going. 
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“Where’s she running off to?” Sam asked Indy, prompting Dieter to look up and see Belle scurrying away. He happened to glance over at Aubrey who was smirking as she propped her phone against her chin.
What the fuck did she say to her? 
“Hey, are we good here?” Dieter asked the assistant director.
“Nah, let’s do one more, then I think we’re good.”
Dieter let out an annoyed sigh, he was itching to run after Belle. She was clearly upset and he didn’t want her to be alone. Seeing Aubrey with a phone only sounded the alarm bells in his head that she may have seen the photos.
Indy could sense a change in his energy, his jaw tensed and he got quiet. The last take wasn’t their best, but the director actually preferred the grumpiness Dieter added to the performance, not realizing it was Dieter who was doing a poor job of masking his real-life frustration.
“We good now?” He asked a bit more sternly than before.
“Yea, what’s the rush, you trying to be the first one to lunch?”
Dieter didn’t hear the rest of what the man had to say, rushing off in the direction he saw Belle go.
Where’d you go, baby?
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You rushed past the sets, keeping your head down to avoid talking with anyone. When you made it to the makeup trailer, you collapsed into a chair, putting your head in your hands to try and breathe, tears streaming down your face.
This went on for several minutes and you felt your pulse start to slow and your breathing evened out enough for you to sit up and stare at yourself in the mirror, not realizing how much time was passing by.
A soft knock on the door pulled you out of your thoughts. “Yea?” you croaked out as you frantically tried to wipe your tears.
The door opened and you saw a fluffy mop of hair. “Hey…uh…are you ok?”
You could feel the tears coming back and couldn’t trust your voice so you just shook your head side to side, looking down.
“Oh, sweetheart come here,” in a few strides Dieter was over to you, kneeling in front of your chair, taking your hands in his. You kept your gaze down, trying to avoid his eyes for fear of erupting into a full-out sob. “Hey, can you look at me,” he lightly lifted your chin to meet his eyes.
That’s when the damn broke. Seeing his concern. The fact that he sought you out to check on you and comfort you made the tears flow freely. He stood up and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, rubbing your back as you cried into his stomach. He kissed the top of your head, bringing one hand to cradle the back of your head, scratching your scalp.
“I- I’m sorry…I sniff sorry, I don’t want to ruin your shirt.”
“Shh that’s ok, there's extras.” He continued to comfort you, just letting you cry it out. After you slowed down and were able to get your breathing under control he cleared his throat, “You don’t have to tell me, but I really want to know what upset you. Wanna talk about it?”
You nodded and he pulled back as he wiped your tears with his thumbs before moving to caress your cheeks. 
“S-sorry, just a lot of shit kinda came together at the same time,” you continued to sniff.
“Stop saying you’re sorry,” he said firmly searching your face. “Just break it down, one thing at a time.”
“I…I just feel like…so stupid for letting Aubrey get to me.”
He sighed, “Ugh, what did she do?”
“Well, I guess nothing necessarily. What she showed me just triggered some shit I guess.”
He grabbed a foldout chair and brought it to sit in front of you, taking your hand in his, rubbing circles with his thumbs.
You sat quietly together for a moment before you finally whispered, “Why me?”
“Why me? You could literally spend time with anyone on this set, Aubrey included, why me?” 
He looked confused, pulling his hands back and rubbing them down his face. "Baby, I could ask you the same question…I told you this morning. I…really like you. I like being around you. I like how comfortable I feel around you, relaxed even, which is saying something for me…" his big brown eyes looked up at you as if he wanted to say more, but stopped.
“People took photos of us yesterday.”
“I saw, I wanted to talk to you about that, actually.” He cleared his throat. “How do you feel about it?”
“Ha, which part?” you sniffled.
He looked down. “Being seen with me.” 
“Being seen with you? I feel like it’s the opposite Dieter.” You shook her head, trying to fight back more tears.
“Are you serious? I’m with a beautiful, funny, smart woman who’s fucking great at her job. The only red flag I’ve seen so far is that you like pineapple on your pizza,” he smiled, hopeful you’d laugh, which you did. 
“I don’t know if your fans agree.”
He sighed, “You read the comments didn’t you?” You nodded. “You can’t do that shit, honestly, it’s not worth it. For all of the wonderful, loving comments out there, the only ones that end up sticking are the shitty ones. I haven’t read them, what did they say?”
You took a deep breath, hoping you’d be able to keep it together. “Just that I’m not your usual type, that that I’m-” You couldn’t make it, starting to cry again.
Dieter once again got up to hug you before grabbing your face to look at him. “Listen, I know it hasn’t been long, but I really really like you Belle. You’re special. And I want to show you how special you are if you’ll let me. You’re the one in control here, baby, I'll do whatever you ask of me.”
He was so sincere and Indy’s earlier comment echoed in your head He doesn’t like her, he likes you, remember? So many emotions were running through your head, but all you wanted was comfort. For him to make you feel good. His puppy dog eyes weren’t helping matters either. So, you pushed all of your negative self-talk and thoughts aside, and let your body take over.
You crashed into him, wanting to feel his lips on yours. He was caught off guard, not kissing you back at first, but it only took a few seconds before his hand was in your hair. You opened your mouth, inviting his tongue to explore, which he eagerly did. He guided you to stand up, taking you with him as he moved you back toward the counter. He led the way with his hand to make sure the counter didn’t catch you off guard.
“Get on the counter," he panted in your ear, which made your panties instantly get soaked.
You shuffled to get yourself up as he positioned himself to stand in between your legs. He gripped your thighs, lifting underneath one of your knees as he pushed himself even closer to you. 
You tugged on his tie as you brought him in for another kiss, which elicited a moan from him. You felt him getting harder, prompting you to take his suit jacket off. He let it fall to the floor as you moved both hands to rest on the back of his neck, lightly scratching and gripping his curls. 
For his part, he kept his hands where they were – one cradling the back of your head, the other gripping your thigh so hard you knew it would leave a bruise, but you didn’t even care. 
There was a frenzy to your kiss, trying to tell each other how you felt by your actions rather than with words. Dieter kissed up and down your neck, remembering how much you liked it from earlier this morning. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your throat as he sucked ever so lightly under your ear. When his lips came back to yours to kiss again, you decided to give his bottom lip a little bite, hearing a low growl from the back of his throat.
You hadn’t really thought this through when you started – you weren’t sure how far you wanted to take things, fully aware that anyone could walk in at any second. Seeking out this type of physical comfort was not typical for you. It brought up thoughts of Ryan. A man, who never really comforted you; he never so much as gave you a hug after your dog died. But Dieter was different. He radiated empathy and warmth and you just wanted to be wrapped up in him. Your mind shut off as your body continued to take over. Moving your hands down his neck to his chest, making your way to his waist, untucking his shirt, and reaching for his belt. 
This time, it was Dieter who put a stop to things, pulling back slightly. He cradled your face with both of his hands, putting his forehead against yours as he caught his breath.
"I thought I told you earlier I don't like to feel rushed," he smiled as he kissed the tip of your nose followed by your forehead. His kisses were so tender, a departure from the hurried pace from just a few moments ago. 
The realization of what just happened hit you and you felt the anxiety and insecurity seeping back in after blocking it out.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” His concern was etched all over his face.
“Sorry, I- I mean, I didn’t mean to just…attack you like that,” you shook your head, looking down.
“Baby, you can literally jump me anytime you want,” Dieter smirked, which made the corners of your mouth turn. “But seriously…I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re nothing other than beautiful kiss sexy kiss and special. You hear me?”
You blushed, shaking your head at him.
“Look, I’ve been doing this for like 20 years…before there was any social media. Those were the days,” he chuckled. “Anyway, I’ve had to develop a tough skin over the years which resulted in mostly avoiding it all. Honestly, Liz controls a lot of what I post these days since there’s promotional stuff I need to do. I don’t even want to be tempted by looking at it. I can only imagine the type of shit Indy must get.”
“Yea, she’s gotten some really shitty stuff too,” you offered.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I can’t protect you from it. But don’t for one second believe any of that shit or take it to heart. I like spending time with you Belle, hell that’s why I asked Meredith if you could come do the photoshoot tomorrow instead of her.”
“Wait, what?” You had been freaking out about having to play Meredith all day on set tomorrow, it was giving you a lot of anxiety to have that much responsibility. 
“Yeah, I…uh…surprise! That was my demand,” he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I thought it would be fun. Spend the day together. Although I’ll warn you, Liz will be there,” he let out another nervous laugh. “Plus, I think it will be good for you to make some connections. This photographer knows a ton of people.”
You didn’t know what to say. You were shocked and flattered that he thought of you. 
“Wow, that’s awesome. Y-yea, I would love to do that. That is if you trust me with your hair.”
“Baby, I trust you with a lot more than my hair,” he rubbed his hands up and down your arms.
Your phone buzzing brought an abrupt halt to your moment. You checked your phone and it was Indy?
INDY: Color?
It was another one of your code words whenever one of you needed a moment to themselves. Since you didn’t need her to come rushing to you, you texted her back “green” so she knew everything was fine. In doing so, you looked at the time, realizing that lunch was probably going to end soon. That thought made your stomach grumble.
“Hey, let’s grab some lunch, yeah?” Dieter offered you his hand to get off the counter.
He tucked his shirt back in and put his jacket on as you smoothed your hair and checked your face in the mirror, giving yourself a quick touch-up, thanks to the endless supply of makeup at your disposal.
“So, does like everyone know?” You asked before you both left the safety of the makeup trailer.
Dieter rubbed the back of his neck, “Ah, y-yea. I think so. Is…is that ok? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable at work. I can ignore you when we’re on set if you want, but I really don’t want to do that.”
“I want to talk to Meredith first if that’s cool,” Dieter eagerly nodded. “And like, maybe we don’t like…make out in front of everyone like Indy and Sam,” you laughed. “But I don’t want to avoid you on set…I don’t think I could even if I tried.”
“Me neither. And I’m good with that.” He gave you a mischievous look. “But, since once we walk out this door, I won’t be able to do this for a while…” 
He cut himself off as he brought you in for another kiss. This one gave you goosebumps with the passion and gratitude you felt from Dieter. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. And honestly, it felt like a little bit had been lifted off of yours too. While there were still things you wanted to talk to him about, to share about your past, knowing how much you meant to him made your heart sing. 
“You’re going to mess up my makeup and yours,” you giggled as you pulled away from him.
He rubbed a thumb across his lip. “Well, I’m lucky that you can always touch me up,” he winked.
“Oh my goodness,” you laughed, rolling your eyes. “C’mon, let’s get out there. I’m starving and if Indy doesn’t see me within the next five minutes she’s going to come in here like a tornado.”
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N: I hope you liked the little bit from Dieter’s perspective from the beginning. I realized it had been a while since we were with him like that.
As always, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my little story. With this one being my first fic ever, it’s super special to me. I appreciate all of the kind comments, reblogs, and likes …it makes my day!
Tag list: @musings-of-a-rose / @legendary-pink-dot / @bitchwitch1981 / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @gracie7209 / @amneris21 / @pastelnap / @maryfanson / @sunnywithachanceofjavi / @sin-djarin / @winchestergypsy90 / @for-a-longlongtime /@harriedandharrassed / @titlee78 / @midnightraain / @poodlebae
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palighost · 1 month
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 6 months
Southern Inhospitality
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Pairing - Dieter Bravo x ofc!Ava
Word Count - 1.7K
Warnings - God, I don't even know. Mentions of food, mentions of tense family gatherings and insecurities, just general Thanksgiving family gathering vibes....oh and also, hopefully Rhett & Scarlett don't mind I borrowed a few lines
Author's Note - this takes place like a year or two in the future of where Dieter and Ava currently are in the main story but it's pretty spoiler free. Big big thanks to @tinytinymenace for sending me this prompt for a first sentence fic thing. And to @wildemaven and @trulybetty as usual for cheerleading me through this lol! 💕
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As he stepped on the escalator and descended into the arrivals terminal, he thought to himself, "this is the dumbest idea I've ever had."
Okay, maybe not the dumbest. He's Dieter Bravo, he's done a lot of dumb shit in his life. But this probably ranks right up there.
And Ava hadn't exactly invited him but when they'd talked the previous evening, she had said she missed him and that was pretty much the same thing right?
Besides, she'd sounded so miserable back in her family's clutches, it was like his duty or whatever to sweep in and rescue her. The last time she sounded that withdrawn- well, he doesn't like to think about it, but he'll be damned if they ever repeat it. Time for him to step up and white knight this shit.
He's starting to second guess the whole idea though as the Uber makes its way up the long oak lined drive, the massive magnolia tree taking up the majority of the front yard coming into view before the actual house does.
"Goddamn," he whispers to himself as the car comes to a halt in front of a true southern plantation house- fucking columns, gleaming black shutters, coach lights, rocking chairs and all.
What the hell has he gotten himself into he wonders as grabs his bag from the Uber and makes his way up the steps to the imposing front door and ringing the bell.
He's halfway expecting the door to be answered by a housekeeper or a butler or some shit and is surprised when it swings open to reveal a pre-teen boy in perfectly pressed khakis and a polo.
"Yeah?" The kid says nonchalantly, more interested in the phone in his hand than the actual guest at the door and Dieter catches a glimpse of chipped glitter nail polish as the boy's fingers fly over the keys.
"I'm looking for Ava. Ava Greene? Is this the right place?" He asks, sliding his Ray-Bans down his nose and trying to peer behind the kid into the house. "Or like the right fucking century? They know the south lost right?"
The kid looks up at Dieter and flashes him a mischievous grin and suddenly Dieter sees the family resemblance. At least he knows he's at the right house. Must be one of Drew's spawn.
"The news of the fall of the Confederacy has not yet reached the man of the house. We fear, due to his advanced age and frail condition, such a staggering blow may cause him to expire."
Dieter snorts out a laugh and the kid smiles even wider. "Welcome to Oak Hill," he says with a dramatic bow. "Please, do step inside and join us on this day when we celebrate the most problematic of American holidays."
"Harry! Who's at the door? You didn't let the Jehovah's Witnesses in again, did you??" Ava's voice comes from somewhere further in the house and Dieter finds himself automatically stepping inside as if drawn to her.
"They're actually here for you," Harry calls over his shoulder. "Something about how you've been living in sin with a cad and a scoundrel."
"Haha," Ava laughs. "Very funny, smart ass. Seriously, who's here?"
"Seriously, it's for you. Come see."
The tapping of heels on hardwood flooring comes closer and Dieter thinks maybe he's stepped not only into the wrong century but also into a completely alternate reality- Ava- his messy, wonderful, Converse wearing Ava, in heels?
His gaze starts at her feet as she comes into view and hot damn, she really is wearing a killer pair of pumps, then some long swirly plaid skirt he doesn't have a name for, crisp white button up, pearls at her ears and throat, hair pulled back in a complicated looking up-do.
"Harry, everyone I know is already here...." And then she catches sight of him standing behind Harry and he grins at the surprised expression on her face. "Dieter-- what are you doing here? What about your meeting?"
"I rescheduled. I should've never agreed anyway," he shrugs, reaching out to pull her into his arms and she goes willingly. "I shouldn't have let you come here by yourself."
"I told you it was fine, that'd I'd be fine," she says as she wraps her arms around him and leans into him. "I'm mostly fine."
"You're not fine, look at you," Dieter laughs, pulling away enough to hook a finger in the vee of her shirt, accidentally on purpose undoing one more tiny button and sneaking a peak. "You have a bra on. I didn't even know you owned one."
Ava snorts out a laugh and melts back into him, tucking her face into his neck and nipping at the skin there. "Behave, Bravo. We're amongst civilized company here."
"I'll try, but you do look like every sexy librarian fantasy I've ever had," Dieter whispers into her ear, hands sliding down her back to rest on the curve of her ass.
"You're an idiot," Ava whispers back, holding on to him a little bit tighter. "But I'm so glad you're here."
"Take your sunglasses off," Ava says as they walk hand in hand towards the family room.
"We're inside. Pretend you're a normal person and take your sunglasses off."
"But why?"
"Are you high?"
"What? No!"
"Then take them off. Please do not make this any worse than it already will be. When we go in for dinner, sit up straight, keep your elbows off the table, mind your manners and take your sunglasses off."
And with that warning, she escorts him into the belly of the beast.
"We'll have one more guest for dinner," Ava announces to the room. "Most of you have already met Dieter, but I'll leave you to get reacquainted and set another place at the table."
"Play nice," Ava grins, leaning in to kiss his cheek and giving his hand a quick squeeze before scurrying out of the room like the traitor she is.
He can do this. He can. He's an Oscar winning actor for fucks sake. How bad can one family dinner possibly be?
Three hours later he's hating himself for putting that thought into the universe. Turns out it can be so, so incredibly bad.
Dinner itself was fine, delicious even- the turkey was moist, the potatoes were smooth and buttery, the pumpkin cheesecake was downright sinful.
But the conversation has been downright atrocious. If someone had given Conrad Greene a list of topics not to talk about at a family gathering, he's tried his damnedest to hit every single one of them.
He's watched Ava's mother masterfully try to steer them into safer conversational waters time and time again, he's listened to all the praise of Drew and the newspaper he can stomach while Ava's own accomplishments get brushed off as inconsequential and she withdraws farther and farther into herself. Even Harry is not exempt from his great grandfather's ire and he watches the bright eyed kid who'd met him at the door deflate like an old party balloon.
Dieter has always thought his own childhood was shitty, but it's nothing compared to this. Sure, he may have never known his dad and his mom may have ditched him, but between his grandparents and Ms. Rose, he'd never once felt anything less than accepted for exactly who he was. Or pressured to be someone he wasn't.
By the time the table is cleared and after dinner coffees are served, his back is starting to hurt from the damned uncomfortable dining chairs, his jaw hurts from clenching his teeth and his fucking knee hurts from how often Ava has dug her nails in to stop him from saying something he most likely shouldn't.
And he's had about enough. Of all of it.
"Are you staying here?" He leans in to ask Ava.
"No," she shakes her head. "I've been staying at Drew's."
"Great. Did you drive here separately?"
"Yeah, Harry wanted to ride in your Porsche."
"Even better. We're leaving," he announces, pushing his chair back from the table.
"We're leaving, Ava. Say your goodbyes and grab your things."
Ava leads Dieter up the side stairs and into the little loft apartment over Drew's garage where she used to live and where she's been staying for the last few days.
"I'm sorry. It didn't....it wasn't always like that," she says as she kicks off her heels. It's the first thing she's said since they left her grandfather's house and Dieter's heart aches for her.
"Ava, honey, you don't have anything to be sorry for. None of that shit is your fault. He's a bitter old man with fucked up ideas of how the world should work."
"Growing up....before my grandmother died....it was different. She tempered him I guess," she shrugs, taking off her pearls and tucking them safely in a little velvet pouch she puts in her make up bag.
"What was she like?" He asks, coming up behind her at the bathroom counter, beginning to hunt for and remove all the pins keeping her hair pulled back.
"She liked to cook and work in her garden, and take Drew and I bargain shopping. She was always smiling or laughing. A little bit mischievous. People gravitated to her. She would've liked you a lot."
"You think so?"
"I do," Ava smiles softly at him, meeting his eyes in the mirror. "I wish she would've gotten to know Harry, she would've gotten a kick out of him."
"He's a pretty cool kid," Dieter grins. "Clever, quick-witted. You sure he's not actually yours?"
"Positive," Ava laughs, spinning to face him. "But I did spend a lot of time with him when he was younger. Guess I rubbed off on him."
"Hey, that's not a bad thing, you know that, right? You're incredibly brilliant, Ava. It's their loss if they can't see it."
"I know. I'm working on it...."
"And, you know what else?" he grins, cupping her face in his hands and adopting a ridiculous southern accent. "You deserve to be kissed and often and by someone who knows how."
"And I suppose you think you're the proper person?"
"I might be....if the right moment ever came."
"What about now, Rhett?"
"Thanks not your line, Scarlett."
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
"That's not your line either."
"Hey, Bravo....shut up and kiss me already."
And he does.
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