daily I love my boyfried
i lov my boyfied
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@futturmangamez is the boyfiend
me on the right
bonfiend on the left
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illberevolutionary · 27 days
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sleepboysummer · 4 months
he is a man but he is my princess.
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heleytip · 2 years
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🤎 #bloqueiras #beautiful #boyfrend https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLNw8wukT7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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margoritamargo · 2 months
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friendoftheknife · 10 months
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Hello everybody, thank you for your support! I thought about opening a patreon page, but my full-time job won't allow me to post there everyday :С Next best thing seems to be redbubble, where I will be able to list prints of my arts. What do you think? Would you support your favourite artist on redbubble? If you've ever used it, what is your feedback as a seller/buyer?
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0l-unreliable · 11 months
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sometimes you break into the home of an evil corporate empire to kill the head honcho and instead, you find her big sad (and hot) prisoner. That's the game of life babey
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hungharrington · 6 months
how would our husband be if we were upset cause we failed a class (…bio…), and we’ve never failed anything in our life and we are DISTRESSED!!!
babe! your husband, your stevie is initially as devastated if not more devastated than you because he knows, more than anyone, just how damn hard you work!!! there would be a series of him pacing and tugging on his hair, with some strongly worded mutterings about the absolute unfairness of your professor because his baby is smart!!! how could they do this to you!?!?!
and then the moment he realises he isn't helping at all bcos you're curled in on yourself on the couch not saying a word, steve rushes over, crouched before you on his knees and trying to coax your face out with a little, "hey, hey, hey, woah, everything's alright," and his big hands cradle your face and his heart droops when he sees your eyes are all shiny and you're clearly distressed over this -- "all those things are still true honey, you're still so so clever," and he kisses the tip of your nose and catches the first tear the streaks down your cheek and his heart just aches.
"you're still my smart girl, you know?" he murmurs with a soft smile, trying anything to get you to look a little less miserable, to get the tears to stop. "i-- fuck, i couldn't have done half of those things you did for that course. you'll get it next time round, okay?" and he nods along, his brows all scrunched in the middle in his concern -- only relaxing a bit when you nod along faintly, your face rocking in his hands. the tears seem to have slowed.
"okay," you sniffle a bit. "okay, yeah. i know you're right," and then you sniffle again and poke him in the chest with a hard jab- "and you could do all those things, if you wanted to, by the way." cos damn if you'll let your boyfriend talk down on himself, even if he's doing it to make you feel better!! and steve smiles, wipes his thumbs across your cheeks so gently to soothe you and goes, "alright, i'll believe you if you promise not to be too harsh on yourself for this."
and okay, he's got you there! so when you give a little nod, the furrow between his brow finally relaxes and he kisses you so sweet and tender and soft that you feel a little bit of your stress melt away because of it. when he pulls back and scans over your face again, his chocolate eyes filled with adoration, he's finally satisfied with what he sees and he nudges your nose with his own, "and try not to dwell on it too much, yeah?" he hums, then a cheeky smile tugs on his mouth. "i'll be happy to provide a distraction if you'd like." and well, when steve says that you know exactly what he means....
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oopkae · 5 months
I remembered the first time when I learned about Hideduo.
I was on TikTok looking at qsmp hashtag and i stumbled upon a fitpac edit (it was about the TE AMO moment) that was made in August 26th.
That made me realize how long the slow but has been going on and how long I've been shipping them.
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gragam · 1 year
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he they again yay
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uhukalon · 8 months
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a gloomy night. would it be like this if Ren couldn't resist?
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fiolect · 1 year
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Jily! celebrity au!!!!
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momolady · 2 years
The Sandman
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We return to Miror and Princess Alice. With help from the Sandman, Alice plans on waging war on her awful stepmother. But there is hesitance in her war even if she knows she is just.
Part One
Female Main Character x Male Monsters (all cis, poly)
Pleasance had given birth to a boy. The news spread like wildfire all across Miror. When it reached me, I was already aware. I knew it in my bones, so once Dee and Dum delivered it to me, I was not surprised.
“This changes nothing,” I told them. “We keep moving forward.”
“This will make it harder to claim your legitimacy, Alice.” Dee was trying to be the voice of reason. “There are those who will say because he’s-”
I turned sharply and glared him down. “Because what?”
“Because he has a penis,” Dum spoke in a soft tone.
I sighed heavily and dropped my shoulders. I rubbed my face between my palms. “Yes, Dum. That’s the crux of the problem.”
Dee narrowed his eyes upon his brother who just stared back. “It’s ridiculous, yes,” Dum continued. “But you surviving death is also....” He hesitated and made a face. “A tad bit ridiculous. So they sort of even out to be the same, you know? People will follow you for being a goddess, others will go along with what exists because of your brother.”
That struck me hard through the heart and my gut began to churn. I had never thought of the creature that Pleasance would give birth to as a sibling. It never even crossed my mind. He would be my father’s son though, and as such, also my brother.
“What’s wrong?” Dee came close.
“I just had a bad thought,” I murmured. “I need to talk to Somnus. Excuse me.” I left their side and went out. Somnus never lingered long with the camp. He always drifted away somewhere else. I never knew where to find him, yet I always did find him.
I climbed a hill and I could smell him in the breeze. Standing next to a tree, I looked out over the countryside that expanded before us. Tea Country was beautiful and full of nature and life. It was becoming the epicenter of all the tea in the world.
“Your kingdom is much more than people, but it’s a kingdom because of people.” Somnus lay stretched out in the tree above me. He was combing his fingers through his long, shimmering hair, and his eyes focused far beyond the horizon I could see.
“I have a brother.” It sounded so simple, but it was also difficult to comprehend.
Somnus’ eyes shut and his long, pale lashes lay against his glistening cheeks. “Yes. I know. His name is Pepper.”
I frowned at what a stupid name that was. “Pepper?”
“Yes, Pepper.” Somnus’ eyes opened again and he looked down upon me. “What is the problem, Alice?”
“He’s my brother,” I stated again. “He’s family and I-”
Somnus came down from the tree, stretching out his legs that seemed too long for his body. He landed before me and stood, gazing out upon the land as I fretted over this detail. He moved with such elegance and ease it made me jealous.
“He’s your main obstacle in taking back what is yours. What is there to be concerned over?” His pale eyes fell upon me.
I pressed my lips into a firm line. “Will I have to hurt him?” I asked.
Somnus placed his hand upon my head and stroked down my hair. “You’re worried about blood that is shared and spilled.”
This filled my heart with dread. “He’s my brother. Isn’t there some way I could spare him? It’s Pleasance I despise.”
Somnus knew something I didn’t. He would never tell though, that I knew already. “If he lives, he will always be used to question your legitimacy.”
I had been so ready to hate this child as much as their mother. Now I felt sorry for him. “I will have to hurt him then?”
Somnus placed his hand upon my shoulder and turned me to look back over the lush countryside of Tea Country. “Only you can answer that question. When the time comes, I believe you will know.”
“I don’t like your riddles or your mystery, Somnus,” I huffed.
He chuckled softly and his palm upon my back pushed ever so slightly. “Why do you trust me so, Alice?”
The question seemed so strange. “Because the twins do.”
“Is that all it will take for you? Because the twins say so?” Somnus’ hand left me. He walked away from me so his back faced me. “I am genuine in my curiosity when I ask you this. Why do you trust me?”
“You took care of the twins, you saved them.” I stopped and hesitated with continuing on. “You’re very wise and-”
“Wisdom can come to the just and the wicked.” Somnus tilted his head up and his long hair fell from his shoulder and draped down his back.
I scowled, tensing up my jaw. “Why are you asking this now when we have come so far? We have followers. Pleasance knows about us. Why are you questioning me like this now?”
Somnus extended a hand out. “Those with influence will be questioned all the time. That is why I am asking you to question me, Alice. Do I not have influence over you?” Shimmering particles rose and collected in his palm. They moved like sand in water; rising, falling, dancing as a glow grew between them.
The answer was obvious. “Yes.”
Somnus cupped both hands around the glow. He faced me again and his eyes glowed from behind. “Think, Alice. For once, think for yourself.”
“I have! I-” My breath stuck sharp in my chest. I started thinking, and as far back as I could remember I had always followed whatever I was told. My father. My tutors. The twins. And now-
I furrowed my brow as I looked at Somnus.
Somnus took a step closer to me. “What do you know about me?”
“You raised the twins, kept them alive,” I murmured. I swallowed painfully and though I wanted to turn my eyes away, I kept them focused upon Somnus. “You have them dig up dead bodies for you.”
“Based on those things alone, would you trust me?”
“Somnus,” my voice caught in my throat.
Somnus smiled at me, he bent down and placed his forehead against mine. “I want to help you. I want you to think for yourself, rather than going along with everyone else. You are going to be a monarch, the beginning of an epic dynasty. Your history should be carved by you.”
My breath shuddered as I tried to speak. “I want to trust you.”
Somnus took my hands and placed inside them a large pearl. “A pearl of wisdom for when you need it most.”
I rolled the sphere around in my hand. The light shone off it in blues and pinks, sometimes a dash of yellow. “What do I do with it?”
“Whatever you want,” Somnus chuckled.
I watched the pearl for a moment as I rolled it back and forth between palms. “Somnus, what are you?”
A smile spread across his face. “That, dear Alice, is a long story.” He placed his palm against my back and walked me back down the hill. “And one I cannot quite tell you yet.”
Come dawn, we moved the camp. Although we had plans to cut through Tea Country, I felt in my gut that we should avoid it all together, and go a little further south which would take us partly through Tulgey Wood.
“We had a plan,” Dee said in a stern voice. “Tea Country will get us there faster. Not to mention the terrain is much smoother.”
“Just because it is easier doesn’t mean we should,” I stated as calmly as possible.
Dee furrowed his brow. “But you said yesterday-”
“I changed my mind. I thought about it, and I think this way will be better. Less people will see us. It will not be expected. And I think overall it will be safer for everyone with us.”
“Tulgey Wood, Alice!” Dee fussed.
“Only a small portion of it.” I stood, signaling my mind was made up and would not be changed. “Am I your goddess?”
Dee’s shoulders slouched. “Yes, you are.”
“Then trust me.” I gave him a kiss upon the cheek, then left to go deliver the change of course.
During the journey Dee and Dum flanked either side of me. Somnus always traveled in the rear, far away from us near the front. We were coming close to where we would enter Tulgey Wood and I could sense that Dum and Dee were worried.
“It won’t be the most awful thing we do,” I assured them. “In fact, I will promise that, should anything happen, I will take every bit of responsibility.”
“Your safety is what matters,” Dee scoffed.
I smiled down at him from my horse. “To me, it’s yours.”
His cheeks blushed and he looked away.
“You both have spent a lot of time with Somnus, right?” I asked. This question had been building inside me since my talk with Somnus.
“Yeah, ever since we were little,” Dum answered.
“He’s so mysterious to me,” I murmured. “I was hoping you both could share a little about him with me.”
Dee sighed. “Like what?”
I shook my head. “I’m not sure where to begin.”
“He’s always been mysterious. That’s just who he is, I think,” Dum sounded confident. “I mean, he raised us, kept us safe. I think he’s kind, but he also has us dig up dead bodies. So I can only speak from my experiences.”
At least Dum put it in a sort of balanced way.
“He’s never been open about his past,” Dee continued. “I’m not sure who or what exactly he was, or even is. I just know that, for me, he’s admirable for his intelligence and concern for life. But that could be a fault to others.”
“He never talks about himself?” I was surprised. “Not even with the two of you?”
“I know he likes scones and chamomile tea,” Dum sounded excited. “But then again, those are also some of my favorites. So he could just be eating what I like to make me happy.” he then snapped his fingers. “He’s very nice to people he likes.”
Dee chuckled and shook his head. “I think Somnus just likes being alone. Even when he raised us, not much was spoken of aside from us. Even grave robbing was a huge question mark aside from his research.”
We came to the trees and the breath of the caravan was held. The air felt tight around us as we began to enter. Shadows clung to our forms and eyes peered from unseen corners. I reached up to my neck where I hung the pearl. I rolled it around my fingertips and breathed slowly and even.
“It’ll be alright, we are just in a small portion of the wood. Nothing can hurt us. Nothing will try.” I murmured this over and over to myself. I then glanced forward and before us there was an oasis in the dark forest. There was a clearing of trees, perhaps made by fire or man. Sunlight shone in bright and warm, and within it, life sprung up thick and lush. The colorful flora spread out, extending towards the very edges of the dark wood.
I slid down from my horse and walked towards it. I knelt down before the oasis, plucking a single clover from the edge. The leaves of the clover held a radiance to them that shone even in the dark. I stood back up, walking into the oasis where the world smelled like honey.
“My, my,” a soft voice laughed. “What a strange flower you are.”
I turned and saw a massive sunflower to my right. I could see the underbelly of its brilliant yellow petals. It was so massive in size I felt as though I could lay in its center and be comfortable.
“Hello? Is someone here?”
Dee and Dum came towards me, stepping into the oasis where suddenly, the colors on their skin illuminated.
The sunflower tilted down, revealing a smiling face in the center. “It has been a while since I last saw a flower as strange as you.” The sunflower’s leaves reached out like hands and touched my face. “But how warm you are.”
“Alice!” Dee hissed.
I stared into the sunflower’s face and smiled. “I’m afraid I am not a flower.”
The sunflower recoiled. “Are you a weed?”
“No. I promise. My name is Alice, I’m a girl.” I then took my canteen from my belt. “Can I offer you some water?”
The sunflower marveled for a moment. “You can bring water? Like the clouds?”
Flowers started turning and rising up, revealing small, pretty faces that peered from inside the petals.
I spilled some of my canteen upon the ground and the sunflower’s petals rippled and fluffed. “I don’t have much with me now. But I am happy to share.”
“What wonderful water it is!” The sunflower sighed. “Girls like you must all be so wonderful!”
I chuckled softly. “Most of us.” I then saw Somnus from the corner of my eye. He stepped inside the oasis then knelt down. Flowers came to him, reaching out for him with vines and leaves.
“Father!” the sunflowers exclaimed.
Dee and Dum exchanged surprised looks before they focused on Somnus below them. Somnus was smiling, greeting the flowers who reached for him. “Thank you, Alice, for bringing us here.” He smiled up at me. “It has been a long time.”
“It has.” The sunflower bent down to see Somnus. “What has been keeping you?”
“I forget how time works,” Somnus chuckled. He reached up and held the sunflower in his palm. “But look how big you’ve become! You’ve exceeded all my studies.”
“This was a study too?” Dee asked.
“Oh yes,” Somnus rose. “In my search to preserve life, I was able to make this garden. The soil in Tulgey Wood has never been touched by man, so it is fertile and magic. It was the perfect place to watch life grow and spread anew.”
The sunflower inched closer. “We’ve been waiting for you, father. You told us we would have a special purpose upon your return.”
“That’s right. I do have a special request for you all.” He smiled up at the sunflower. “Would you like to join us?”
The sunflower looked worried. “But we cannot leave our garden.”
“Yes, you can,” Somnus said gently. “Simply rise from the earth, like a second blossoming. I know you can do it.”
I watched Somnus with a keen eye. He said he could dream, and within his dreams he could see different paths. He had seen this before, and I was growing aware of how he was gently directing all this time.
“You knew I’d bring us here,” I said hushed.
Somnus nodded. “You only needed to choose for yourself.”
The sunflower fretted, but it began to grow, inching its way from the ground. The leaves coiled together, forming arms and hands that pressed against the ground. The sunflower plucked itself from the ground, rising and standing as tall, or even taller, than Pleasence herself. The sunflower shuddered and looked around in fright.
“It’s alright, love.” Somnus approached them. “Breathe deep and enjoy this freedom.”
Around us, other flowers began to rise from the ground. A white rose took my hand and bloomed into the world. Dee and Dum each helped a flower grow and pluck from the ground. New life had sprung, rebirth from Somnus’ work.
“It’s a miracle,” I whispered.
“It’s life,” Somnus beamed with pride as he watched the flowers bloom and pluck. He clutched his hands over his chest. “Pure, beautiful life.”
The flowers gathered around us, waiting for Somnus’ next command. The sunflower knelt down on the ground just to be at eye level. Somnus then waved his hand out to me. “From now on, my flowers, this is the one you will listen to. She is your goddess, your eternal mother. From here on out, you are hers.”
The flowers all turned, looking at me with a wide expression. The sunflower stood and picked me up off the ground.
“What’s going on?” Dee snipped but Somnus held him back.
The sunflower held me close, hugging me then letting me sit in their arms. The rest of the flowers lifted their new arms up towards me and they started to sing. The light of the oasis grew brighter and warmer. The glow stretched out beyond the wood to where people all around Miror could see.
The sunflower set me down amongst the flowers who crowded around to hug me and touch me. I smiled upon them and held my hands out. “I promise you all, I will care for you. I will give you water, and see your blossoms never fade.”
Dee looked to Somnus with a serious glare. “An army of flowers?”
“What a perfect vision for a goddess. Prim, demure, and romantic. There will be no questions now.” He returned Dee’s glare with a knowing look. “Trust me. This will work.”
Because of Somnus’ words, I called them my Prim Army, or just my Prim for short. It suited for many reasons, especially since most were once primroses. They led us from the wood, taking us back out along a path just as the sun was beginning to set. As they stood outside from the wood for the very first time, it began to rain.
“Oh, mother! Thank you!” A rose gasped. The flowers rushed out, running and dancing in the rain.
Dum and Dee came to stand beside me as I took in the sight. “Life,” Dum murmured.
“So he wasn’t just playing around. He has some results.” Dee’s brow was still furrowed.
“It’s beautiful,” I whispered. I then turned. “We have to hurry and set up camp. Come now!” I started guiding the rest of the caravan as we set up camp. It continued to rain lightly, and the flowers circled the camp like a ring. They were protecting us, while also making us seem beautiful.
I saw a world made up of endless ocean. The water rested peacefully, sometimes stirring with life below the surface. There were bubbles that rose from the bottom of the vast sea, giving way to the only sign of life it had. Then, as if out of curiosity, the ocean eased back, revealing a patch of land. Further and further away the water retreated until it had decided it had gone far enough. The first piece of land had been made.
After days of drying in the sun, greenery began to grow. It peaked from the earth, hinting at what lush life it would form. A few more days went by, and the beach which the water lapped upon was soft and smooth. The sand shimmered pink and gold in the sunlight. Along this first shore something began to move. It rested in the exact center, bulging the earth and sand as it rose. A human figure was birthed from the earth, staring out amongst the world with wide eyes. Their small fragile body hobbled along the beach, falling into the water. The ocean urged them up, pushing them closer to the green that was growing.
The first born of the world stood there in awe of all that surrounded them. They knelt upon the ground, running their hands along the earth and the newly grown grass. Crawling on their hands and feet, they explored more of their new home. Trees had grown overnight, rising as tall as the sky. Their limbs provided shade and shelter. They also provided the firstborn with their meals.
As the first born grew and used their legs to walk, they built for themselves a home. They also found that by molding the sand on the beach, they could create things. Breathing into them, the first born realized they could create life.
I stood on that beach watching them make a cat, a couple of birds. I was sure that I was dreaming, following beside this firstborn during their first days on earth. I saw them grow and thrive, and now they sat on the beach where they were born, bringing more life into the world.
They started building something much bigger one day. They would form the head and limbs, then tear it down. They would then build up a torso and legs, but they would just tear it down again. I could feel their frustration turning into anger. The firstborn pounded their fists into the ground. They kicked and screamed, unable to recreate what they saw in their mind. They stopped at the water’s edge, which flowed around their legs as if to comfort them.
I walked closer, standing beside them as they cried. They then looked up, gazing at me with pale almost empty eyes. They went dark, turning to mirrors in which I could see myself. I woke up then, gasping once as I came to. The air around me was cold, but the bed I shared with Dee and Dum was warm.
Sitting up in bed I rubbed my eyes and tried to regain my sense of belonging. I had existed in that new world for what felt like decades, and it was only a few hours of dreaming. I snuck out of bed, going to the door of the tent and peering out at the world. The Prim smelled sweet upon the chilled breeze, and everything laid still. I then saw a glow weaving through the tents and I stepped out to meet Somnus in the center.
I had never seen him after sunset. He always made sure to leave just after dinner was served. He stood there naked with only his long shimmering hair to cover him. His body was glowing bright. His skin twinkled, not like stars but something much more earthly. He didn’t acknowledge me, but he swooped his hair away from his face as if he knew I was there. His eyes were closed, so I wondered if he was sleepwalking.
I approached him silently, coming up beside him and taking his hand. He gripped me in return, holding me tight and with no sign of letting go. He tilted his head towards me, resting his cheek upon the top of my head. I tried to lead him back to my tent, but he was unmovable. He was set like a stone where he stood, heavy and rigid.
Sighing softly, I kept hold of his hand and leaned into him. I wanted to speak to him about my dream, but right now it felt as if there were no words left in the world. This was a world of silence and moonlight where no one spoke, they only touched. Somnus then walked, keeping my hand held tight. I followed him leaving the camp and down through tall grass. He took me to the center of that field and he tilted his chin up towards the sky. Pearl-like tears began falling from his eyes, coating his lashes then flaking away into the air.
Before I could wipe the tears away, he knelt down upon the ground. I stood beside him, placing my hand upon his back. I curled my fingers through his soft hair, and as they combed through, his hair became silky sand in my palm. As the sand ran between my fingers, I thought that I was dreaming again.
Somnus lifted his head again with his eyes opened. His eyes reflected the stars and the vast universe that laid beyond them. I still felt as though words were useless, so I kissed his forehead and his eyes shut again. More tears spilled down his high cheeks as he took a deep breath.
“Thank you,” he said upon exhale. More tears splashed down his face and he sniffled. His bottom lip quivered as he started to fully wake. “I was having a nightmare.”
“I’m sorry. Are you alright?” I knelt beside him and used my sleeve to wipe his face. He flinched at my touch then placed himself in its path.
“I’ll be alright. But this is why I try to stay away from the camp.” He moved his long hair over his lap. “The closer I get to her, the more my body reacts.”
I held my breath at the word. “Her?”
Somnus lowered his gaze and his long lashes touched upon his cheek. “This is not a topic I like to speak about.”
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to.”
“But it will come to light once we reach her.” Somnus took hold of my hand. A sad smile crossed his face as he looked at me. “You remind me of her at least. It makes me feel safe.”
I wanted to ask him more about this ‘her’ and who she was. I bit back my tongue, knowing it would do no good to pry at him. “I had a strange dream myself.”
“I know, I saw you there.”
I furrowed my brow at him. “You saw me?”
Somnus’ smile was small and sweet. Something about it seemed like it wasn’t fully there either. “On the beach.”
“Yeah,” I whispered. “I was...how did you…”
Somnus chuckled. “I thought I had been seeing things that day, but it really was you who was there.”
“The firstborn, that was you?”
He once again tilted his eyes up towards the sky, watching the universe beyond Miror go by. He saw things in a way I would never understand, nor could I comprehend.
“I’m sure it’s hard for you to take in or even understand. That’s why I don’t enjoy talking about it. There’s no one in this world who understands, who could even begin to wrap their minds around the world and how I came to be.” Somnus placed my hand upon his chest, holding it there preciously. “I don’t want them to look at me and try to fit history in their hands. I prefer to let them be free of that.”
“Then you created Miror,” I gasped.
“No, no,” he chuckled. “Don’t jump ahead, Alice.” he cupped my face in his hand. “Miror created me. Miror existed long before I did, long before most things in this universe did. I just happened to be the first thing that breathed on its land.”
“I saw you create though.” I took his hands, lacing my fingers through his. “I saw you mold creatures from the sand.”
Somnus nodded. “I did. But only because Miror gave me that power. I couldn’t create what I wanted most though.”
His frustration and anger upon the beach as he destroyed body after body he tried to sculpt. “Another,” I whispered.
Somnus put his forehead against mine. “I didn’t have that power. Not until I met her. Together, we created so much life.”
I waited for him to tell me from his own lips. I still did not want to pry.
“Miror didn’t create her, she came from another world.” Somnus pulled me into his arms, hugging me close. “She was small and beautiful, and so full of wonder. But she was not made like me and she-” He held me tighter as his voice choked.
“Somnus,” I cooed.
“Through her, I was able to finally make life. A life all my own. My daughter.” He shuddered as he pulled away from me, collapsing his face between his hands. “And then my sons, and another daughter. And then Miror brought more souls for them. Peter and Dorothy, and Wendy, and Arthur-” His breath hitched. “Miror provided for them the same way they brought me here. And from them-” His eyes gazed through the distance, and in them, I saw the sun begin to rise.
“So all lives in Miror and Pirlipat and the North-” I touched his face. “They all are alive because of you.” I gasped in awe and then jolted in alarm. “You should be the real ruler! Not me!”
Somnus pushed my hand away. “I am not a mortal like everyone else. I am not human nor a being that deserves to rule. I do not understand the plight, so I could not provide just leadership. But you, my sweet Alice, you could. And you will.” Somnus smiled at me. “Be proud of who you are and where you are in this world. It is not a mistake. It has a purpose.”
I felt tears well up in my eyes. I sniffled and nodded my head. “What was her name?”
Somnus’ smile was solemn but sweet. “She was the first Alice. But far from the last.”
“Oh,” I breathed.
Somnus then kissed my forehead. “Her and all my children are buried where the castle now lies.” He stood, offering me his hand to also help me to my feet. “The closer I get to that place, the more and more my dreams take turns. I do not see them so much as I follow them. And I often find myself walking naked and spouting rather cryptic things. I often frighten or terrify people.”
I held his hand tight. “I’ll take you back before everyone wakes.”
“Thank you.” Somnus and I went back to where he had gone to sleep. His clothes lay neatly under a tree and there is sand coating the ground where he laid. We stood there and went quiet again, Somnus looked out towards the horizon as the sun came up brilliant and bloody red.
“I want to rest when this is over, I think I have dreamed enough.” He sat down and I took a seat beside him. Somnus leaned back against the tree and cut his eyes around the world. I could only see the horizon, but his eyes could see eternity. “I want to wait for her.”
I held my breath. “Will Alice be coming back.”
“I saw her in my dreams. I know I will see her again.” His smile was soft and so sweet. “It won’t be long. I’ve already waited through most of it. But once I know Miror is safe, I will leave it to you, my dear Alice.” He cupped my hand in both of his. “I trust you.”
I leaned against his shoulder. “I’ll miss you.”
“I know what that feels like all too well,” Somnus whispered against my hair. “Luckily, you will not be alone through it. I made sure you would be happy and taken care of for all your days. I know Dee and Dum will always be by your side.”
It was a comfort to know, but the idea of Somnus going away already had grief settling upon my heart. The knowledge of his origins and what he meant to all of Miror helped me to understand him and love him all the more.
The City of Hearts had been my home all my life. Upon my return, though, I didn’t feel the same joy I used to as a child. The castle was once this wonderful place for me, but now, seeing the red towers along the horizon made my stomach sink with stones.
“It’s quiet,” Dee murmured.
Dum nodded in agreement. “Shockingly so.”
“I thought for sure she would have this place crawling with soldiers.” Dee was standing before me while Dum had my back. Even if it was quiet, they weren’t taking any chances.
“Should we send someone in?” Dum suggested. “I could fly out.”
I shook my head, already turning down that idea. “I’m not risking that. There could be soldiers, but she could have them hidden in the city.”
One of the Prim came running up to our side and smiled. “I can send in some vines, mother!”
I looked down at the little Morning Glory, their sweet face surrounded by a bright blue bonnet. “Can you send your vines far in? I won’t allow you to get too close to the city.”
Morning Glory shook their head. “I can send them very far in, mother! I can even get up really high.”
I nodded. “Alright then. Dee, take them to a safe spot and watch over them while they send out their vines. Dum and I will go back to the camp to talk to the others.”
Dee nodded. “Yes, Alice.” He then stooped down, taking the hand of the Morning Glory.
The little Prim looked up at me and waved. “I’ll make you proud, mother!”
I smiled at them. “You already have.”
“You’ve been so quiet,” Dum said to me as we walked back to camp. “Dee told me not to ask, so I haven’t. But I can’t bear it any longer. I love you, and I don’t like seeing you this way.”
I stopped to kiss him, standing on my toes to reach him. I then smoothed his blue scarf along his chest and placed my hand over his heart. Dum was always more honest about his feelings, and he wanted that from others. “I haven’t been home in so long, I’m scared.” I confessed. I fidgeted with the ends of his scarf. “This was my home, and I thought I would be relieved to finally get here but-”
Dum cupped his hands around my face. “It’s not home, is it?”
His eyes were so soft and gentle upon me, it made my heart ache. “It’s all memories now. I don’t know how to feel. I still love this place, I don’t want any harm to come to it. But I know this could mean-” As I was about to speak the word, there was a loud explosion in the distance. Dum and I quickly turned on our heels and ran back the way we came. There was smoke on the horizon and, as we stepped out, I saw that the City of Hearts was billowing with smoke.
Dee was running towards us, holding the Morning Glory in his arms. “What happened?” I rushed to meet them. “Are you alright?”
The Morning Glory was whimpering and whining in Dee’s arms, wrapped up in his cloak. As I opened the cloak, I saw one of their arms was singed and blackened. I took the Morning Glory into my own embrace, hugging them dearly.
“The whole city is booby trapped,” Dee snarled. His eyes looked vicious and his mouth was held in such a way I could see all the sharp teeth in his mouth.
“Calm yourself,” I coaxed him. “You’re no good when you get this way.” I hug the Morning Glory close to my chest. “We need to get back to the camp.”
Dee thrust his arm behind him towards the City. “But there are still people down there! They’re using their own people as traps!”
My breath caught in my chest, hung there by a sharp hook. “That’s...that’s wicked!”
Dee was still bristling. He was breathing hard and Dum was trying to comfort him. “I bet there are soldiers stationed in the city too. Now that one of their traps has gone off, I’ll bet they’ll be on the defensive when we return.”
“What good will getting worked up like that do?” Somnus came walking up the path. He focused out on the distance and his eyes turned to smoke.
“He’s scared. We all are now.” I checked back on the Morning Glory whose bonnet was closed around their face.
“The city is beset with traps,” Somnus kept his tone soft for Dee’s sake. “And the people are trapped in their homes.” Somnus took a deep breath. “How awful.” He looked at me and took the Morning Glory from my arms.
Dum looked to Somnus for the answer, a small smile on his face. “What do we do now, Professor?”
Somnus shook his head.  “This isn’t for me to decide. This is for Alice.”
I frowned, dropping my hands down as Somnus took the Prim from me. “It’s dangerous, for everyone. Not just us. But this also involves the civilians in the city.” The city laid out before the castle was like a maze. The castle wouldn’t be touched, and I bet all inside were safe and secure from whatever was placed in the city.
“If I could go in alone-” I murmured.
“That’s stupid!” Dee snapped. “You can’t go in alone. I wouldn’t even consider it! You’re too important and it’s just-” He was getting more and more worked up. I went to him, putting my arms around him to comfort him. Dee held me back, tighter than I’d ever felt before.
“I can’t risk losing you. This is my fight.”
Dee constricted even tighter. “No. Where you go, I go.”
“We go,” Dum corrected. “If we can fly over the city and into the castle, maybe-” He hesitated, looking conflicted about that plan. He turned to Somnus who was comforting the Morning Glory and then he nodded. “It’s risky, maybe even stupid, but if we can get inside the castle, just the three of us, we can do something.”
“It sounds like you’re ready then.” Somnus then walked away with the Morning Glory, going back towards the camp.
“He can’t be serious,” Dum whispered, awed that his mentor accepted such an idea. “He can’t, right?” He asked me.
I held an arm open for Dum, letting him join in the hug. “It’s extremely risky, but with the way the city is set, we have no way of being able to get in without a lot of casualties, both civilians and our own. If we get inside, maybe, just maybe, we can find a way to get the city cleared.”
“Are you ready?” Dee whispered.
“No,” I scoffed. “But what choice do we have?”
Dee and Dum shifted, growing their wings that would take us over the city. I held onto Dee, clinging to his legs as we flew. Below, I could see people huddled in the street, afraid to move or another explosion would set off.
I’m uncertain if we were spotted, but when we landed on the castle walls, I was shocked by how quiet everything was.
“This is ridiculous. Do they really have all their forces set out in the city?” Dee sniffed.
Dum looked over the edge as his wings folded back into his arms. “They didn’t expect us here. So they probably put all their hopes on stopping us before we reached the castle.”
“Pleasance and her court are formidable, but she was always one for brute force over planning.” I looked down the length of the wall to the door that led inside. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I don’t know what will happen in here, but promise me you’ll keep each other safe.”
“We’re keeping you safe!” Dee snapped.
Dum nodded in agreement with his brother. “You’re what’s important here, Alice. All of this is for you.”
I smiled. “I only say that because I love you both so much.”
“We love you,” they say in unison.
I kissed them both before we went inside. I still knew the castle like the back of my hand. I was able to get us down from the tower and to the main floors with ease. To my shock, we had not passed a single guard on the way down.
“They really didn’t expect us to fly,” Dee laughed.
“I doubt they expect me to really be a goddess,” I murmured. In my mind I was traveling down every hall, opening each door, and remembering what was inside. I was tracking my father and where he could be at this time of day. I was following Pleasance and her routine. Now that there was a baby, there was the chance that my room was now a nursery.
“I know where to go,” I said. “I want you two to follow my directions exactly. Go down another flight, turn left, then go to the fifth door on the right. My father should be in there. If he is, I want you to bring him back here as soon as possible.”
“You want us to leave your side?” Dee gasped.
“Do what I say!” I went down the hall while Dee and Dum forced themselves down the hallway to the stairs.
My room wasn’t far from where I stood. As I walked that hall I was brought back to so many memories. I could remember playing with my mother here. I remember finding my father collapsed in tears just before my door the day my mother died. I stood before my door with my hand hovered above the handle.
Inside I hear a baby whimper. I opened the door and let myself in. I was shocked by the change. Everything was as white as snow with blood droplets here and there. There were toys strewn across the floor, giant stuffed animals, great big blocks. There was a massive crib in the back with a lone nurse standing over it. The nurse turned and saw me, letting out a terrified gasp in alarm.
“Stay where you are,” I told her. “Be still and quiet.”
“You really are alive!” The nurse gaped in awe. She fell to her knees as I approached the crib. I had to stand on a step stool to look inside. Certainly enough, there he was, my baby brother. He was whining and cooing and very, very large for an infant. He looked up at me with my father’s eyes and reached out his hands. He had Pleasance’s big head and dark hair, but he looked so much like my father. Our father.
“So, you’re Pepper.” I reached into the crib, struggling some with how much he weighed. I grunted with the weight, but Pepper seemed to enjoy being held.
“What are you going to do to him?” The nurse wept.
“I told you to be quiet,” I snarled at her. I took my brother from his nursery, leaving the room and going into the hall. As I did, I saw Dee and Dum at the end with my father in hand. He looked up and he stepped forward. His mouth hung open as he gazed at me. His eyes went wide and filled to the brim with tears.
“Alice,” he whispered.
I wasn’t sure what to say to him. I could only look while both of us held tears in our eyes. Pepper whined and I scooped him up in my arms.
“I thought I’d lost you,” my father breathed. “I thought the stories were-” He shuddered as the tears fell.
I had so much I wanted to say to him, but I needed to stay on task. “Where is she?”
“I-I don’t know,” my father answered shakily. “Last I knew, she told me to go nap. She was sending all the soldiers out into the city.”
“All of them?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” he shook his head again. “As I said, I tried to listen, but she sent me to go take a nap.”
I let out a heavy sigh. “But where was she?”
“The great hall.”
I handed Pepper to him then took out my sword. My father gasped in alarm, holding his son and turning from me.
“I won’t hurt him, but I need you to follow me.” I stood behind him and placed my sword at his back. “I’m sorry, but I have to do this.”
My father clutched Pepper close, checking on him in his arms. “It’s been so long, Alice. This is how you want it to be?”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered to him. “The whole city is being used. It’s you or them.”
His back stiffened and he nodded. “I may not be the ruler I should be, but I am still king.” He walked ahead, leading us through the castle until we reached the great hall. Dee and Dum threw open the door and, as I walked inside, I put my arm around my father so my sword was at his neck.
Pleasance rose from the table with her people at her side. Jukel was there and he recoiled in fear behind her.
“What is the meaning of this?” Pleasance snarled. “Release them at once!”
I stared her down, keeping my hand steady as the sword pressed to my father’s throat. “If you come close to me, I’ll kill them both.”
Her eyes went red as she gazed upon me. Her lip curled up over her teeth, showing off strange, jagged shapes. “You miserable-”
I bared my teeth at her back. “Call off the troops in the city and remove all the traps. Let the civilians go and you’ll have them back.”
“If I do that-” She snarled.
“It’s either your child or yourself, Pleasance. Give up now and I’ll let you see him grow from the dungeon. If not, I’m sure we can fit a coffin to fit you both.” I pressed the sword closer to my father’s neck, enough that he jerked in fear.
Pleasance took a step closer. She rounded the table and came towards me. Her size was intimidating, but I was going to back down. The closer she came, she started to change. Her arms looked strange, her neck seemed to be growing. Her eyes shifted, bulging from her skull.
Dee jolted in alarm, standing before me as Pleasance suddenly lashed out. She swiped Dee to the side, falling on all fours as a tail burst from her dress.
“Jabberwocky!” Dum gasped in alarm.
“Dad!” I threw him and Pepper back as Pleasance charged us. She stepped on me, pinning me to the ground, swiping Dum away with her massive tail.
“I should have killed you myself!” Pleasance stomped down hard on my chest, knocking the wind from me. I couldn’t breathe, I choked and wheezed as I tried to fight. Dee flew into Pleasance’s face, knocking her off balance and allowing me to roll away. I scrambled to find my sword, but it had been knocked away in that first struggle.
Pleasance’s men and Jukel had all run from the room, which was now being destroyed by Pleasance’s massive size. I rushed over to my dad and Pepper, checking on them as they huddled in the corner.
“No! Get back!” He shoved me away. “What were you thinking making her mad?”
“What were you thinking marrying a Jabberwocky!” I snapped back at him.
“I didn’t know she was a Jabberwocky when I married her!” He huffed back at me. He cradled Pepper close.
I took a dagger I kept in my boot out. “Well, it explains a few things!” I then stood back up to fight. Already, Dee and Dum had surrounded her. They were pecking and clawing as she tried to swipe them down from the air. Jabberwocky were strange and horrible beasts. They were said to have come from the deepest, darkest parts of the Tulgey Wood. And if I could remember my scary stories correctly, their eyes were extremely sensitive.
I rushed forward, evading Plesance’s swiping tail and her claws. I struck her palm with the dagger then grabbed hold of her arm as she rose it to strike. I hopped onto her back and drove the dagger in there. Pleasance screamed horribly and she began to thrash about wildly. I held on as tightly as I could, driving the dagger into her again. She thrust herself into the wall, dragging me along. She then shoved through the window and that’s when I lost my grip. Pleasance flung me, sending me out over the city.
“Go on, Goddess!” She roared with laughter. “Save yourself!”
Dee was diving towards me, but I was falling too fast. The air whipped and cut across my skin. I had never felt such terror before, even when Jukel had tried to kill me. I stretched out my hands to reach Dee, but I knew it was hopeless.
My fingertips began to glow. I stopped falling and floated there in the air. Everything was still and quiet. I grabbed Dee’s hand as he came close and he became illuminated in light. His dark wings shuddered, releasing feathers into the air. Glitter fell all around us and down onto the city. I felt Somnus behind me even though he wasn’t there. He pushed me forward into Dee’s arms. I looked down upon the city, seeing gaping faces watching me. To them, there was no doubt I was a goddess now.
Pleasance recoiled back into the castle. When Dee and I floated back inside, she was carrying away Pepper, who was screaming. My father laid on the ground, but Dum was tending to him. I took my father into my arms and he looked up at me.
“My child-” He whispered. “So it is true.”
I heard Pepper screaming so I left to find him and his mother. I found my sword in the hallway and I took it into my hand. I found Pleasance in the throne room, holding Pepper close to her. She screamed at me as I entered.
“Let him go,” I commanded her with a quiet voice.
Pleasance spat at me. “You’re no goddess! I refuse to believe such a thing!”
“Give me the child. I don’t want to kill you, Pleasance.” I held my hand out. “But I will if I have to.”
Pepper was screaming and Pleasance held him tighter.
I had known all this time what I wanted to do. Now, I couldn’t find in my heart to do it. I hated her. I hated what she was doing even now. But Pepper’s crying clawed at my heart.
“Come now.�� Somnus placed his hands upon my shoulders. “You have a fork in the road before you. Which path will you take?”
“I can’t-” My voice choked in my throat. “I can’t, I just-” I turned to Somnus to look at his eyes, hoping I’d see an answer there. But in the mirror-like surface, I only saw myself. “This doesn’t feel like a choice, Somnus.”
“Life or death,” he whispered to me. “Those are always the choices.” His fingers slipped down my arm.
I walked up to Pleasance and held my arms open. “Give me the baby, now.”
“I would rather we both die than-” Blood splattered upon my face and I lost my breath. Pleasance was still, her mouth wide open. Her final breath spilled out but she remained standing. I whipped around, seeing Dum with a crossbow in his hand. He dropped it and ran to me.
Somnus took Pepper as Pleasance began to crumble. Dum held me in his arms and took me away from that room.
The City of Hearts was cleared. The soldiers removed the traps, and the civilians were taken out until it was safe. The castle was searched and all of Pleasance’s loyal subjects were dealt with. Jukel had escaped during the main fight, but we were continuing the search for him.
I became queen, and took my rightful place as the ruler of Miror. Dee and Dum remained at my side, becoming my kings. The world was a blur before me, I couldn’t take it all in as I liked. I thought this moment would be wonderful, but there was a bitterness that came with it.
I couldn’t find sleep easily anymore, even with Dee and Dum beside me. I roamed the castle alone, feeling like a ghost in my own home. One evening, I saw a glow in the courtyard and I followed it. In the garden, I found Somnus knelt upon the ground. My heart surged and I knew the day had come.
“Aren’t you going to say goodbye?”
Somnus looked up from the ground and smiled at me. “So much is happening already. I didn’t want to take up more of your time.”
I knelt down beside him. “But what about Dee and Dum?”
“They will understand. They have you now.” Somnus pet my hand. “Besides, it’s my time. I’m so very tired, Alice.”
“I know,” I whispered. My heart was heavy and I already couldn’t bear the burden I was under. I started weeping uncontrollably and Somnus placed his hand atop my head. “You care so much. That is why I waited for you. You will be grand, Alice. I promise.”
I clung to his hand, wanting him to stay.
“I am not needed anymore. Not for a long time anyways.” He kissed my forehead and the ground opened. Ocean water lapped from below and Somnus dipped his feet inside. “You will see me in your dreams.”
I let go of his hand. “It won’t be the same.”
Somnus smiled. “It won’t matter.” He slipped into the water, vanishing from sight. I gasped and tried to reach for him, but the earth sealed shut again.
I went back into the castle and to the high tower where my father and Pepper were being kept. I still had not made up my mind with what to do with Pepper. But for some strange reason, I found comfort in the child.
“You look just like your mother,” my father said.
“I wish I was more like her,” I murmured.
“Your mother was kind, but she did not have the fight inside her like you do.” He reached out, touching my cheek. “I am glad that you do.”
I looked down into Pepper’s crib, watching him sleep. “What do you think I should do?” I asked him. “I can’t keep a Jabberwocky in the palace. It’s far too dangerous.”
“Where he goes, I go, just remember that,” My father said.
I kept them in the tower, unable to make up my mind. Somnus’ absence was felt, but it went unnoticed. It felt strange, as if the whole of Miror was complete but empty at the same time. I grew happy as time went on. I ruled as the Goddess Queen of Miror. I gave birth to my children and the future of Miror. I had twin daughters, and after them another set of twin girls. I raised Pepper alongside them, and he grew to be one of my most loyal and powerful knights. But I hid everything from him and I carried that guilt with me all my life.
“Mother Alice,” Pepper would call me. He stood so tall and handsome, he made me proud each time I saw him. “It’s time for the wedding.”
“I know, my darling.” I reached and took his hand. “I was just having a walk.”
“Is everything alright?” Pepper knelt before me so we could see eye to eye.
“My children are getting married, I could not be happier. They are marrying a fine young man who I am proud to have in my family. Yet I cannot help but feel sad that in a way, they are leaving me.”
“Why?” Pepper asked.
I smiled. “Long ago there was someone I knew, someone I loved like family. He was old and tired, it was his time. But I loved him so much it still hurts to this day. You know what’s right for the ones you love, but it is still very difficult to let go.”
Pepper took my hand and stood. “I’m sorry about your friend, Mother Alice.”
I pet his large hand. “It has been okay for a long time. But thank you.” I walked beside him down the hall to the wedding. Eventually, Pepper would marry too and I would feel that same joy and sadness. Each time my thoughts would turn to Somnus. More than ever I understood how he felt about the world. I knew exactly how he felt about life and preserving it. Although, I still don’t know what he did with those dead bodies. I chose not to think about it.
I was not old when I stepped down from the throne, but I was ready to leave it behind. My firstborn daughters took over, ruling side by side as queens with their husband. They ruled better than I did, creating an era that far surpassed my expectations. With their assistance, Pirlipat grew into its own kingdom, and their sisters became Queens there.
I grew old and weary, which was not what Goddesses did. I saw my grandchildren born. I even saw the birth of my great-grandchildren. All the while, I waited for the day I could dream of Somnus again.
I loved Dee and Dum for the rest of my life. Like Somnus told me, they made my life wonderful and magical. They were great fathers, adoring husbands. And the day they died was the day I knew my death was coming. After the funeral, my grandchildren doted on me, but I removed myself and went to the garden the Prim had made for me.
I sat where Somnus had slipped away and I took a deep breath. Before me, the ground opened and water splashed from below. A hand reached out, and despite the pain in my body, I took it and fell into the water. Somnus smiled at me, swimming with me until Dee and Dum took me away.
My family would find me in the garden, and they would say the Goddess went away. But she would come back.
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star-mum · 9 months
Okay OP nation I have some (maybe controversial) statements about the Straw Hats and I need y’all to listEN FIRST OKAY- HEAR ME OUT
Boyfriend: Zoro and Franky
Husband: Usopp and Sanji
Girlfriend: Nami
Wife: Robin
Luffy: Aroace king
#DO YOU SEE THE VISION ????#like I am a Certified Zoro Girlie but thats not a husband... he has Boyfriend written all over him#I cant call him husband in my head - ‘oh that’s my Husband Zoro’ - ew no - 'thats my BOYFRIEND Zoro' - yes !#Franky is just cool and sensitive like that -> the boyfren to defeat all boyfrends -> i'd fall hard and fast -> like embarrassingly so#SANJI OH MY GOD !!! THE FIRST MAN WHO DARED TO MALEWIFE#and of course anime he has a couple red flags but I always put those on ‘annoying anime trope’ rather than accepting thats a part of him (C#(OPLA IS HERE TO PROVE THAT) shit like in canon they kinda set him up as this totally uncool Wannabe Casanova (which he is !!)#but he’s also just effortlessly charming ???? me at 7 y/o watching his intro for the very first time ??? a goner !!! -> me at 20 yo watchin#GOD !! USOPP !! THE MAN ! THE KING ! THE LEGEND -> I have ALWAYS been an Usopp girlie -> cause im always right and i love to win#y’all gonna give a pathetic cowardly little man with huge dreams and an even bigger heart who ALWAYS stands up for whats right#DESPITE BEING SCARED ???? I’m in the chapel baby lets do this 👰🏻 -> also his tiddies are always out ??? DUNGAREES WITH NO SHIRT !! WHATS NO#risking his life fighting an incredibly powerful and scary pirate for an entire village who didn’t treat him fairly and DIDNT BELIEVE HIM#him going to a place he was Not Welcomed and constantly mistreated at only to tell a DYING girl incredibly fun stories and keep her company#cause he saw his mom go through the same thing as a kid ? -> i love him yall 🥺#NAMI !!! thats Girlfriend with a capital G -> shes pretty greedy and a little bit (very) mean -> i love her sm i want her to rule my life#RO !! BIN !! the crush I have on that woman is honestly embarrassing -> she is THE wife -> do not be mistaken#i dont really see Luffy wanting a romantic relationship but that’s not gonna stop me from reading fanfic about him ; p#i had to edit this and glue some tags together so they'd all fit -> thats why theres so many arrows -> I have Thoughts okay -> let me live#one piece#opla#one piece live action#straw hats
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margoritamargo · 3 months
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friendoftheknife · 1 year
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AU where the Hargrove family moves to a quiet and conservative city of Hawkins. Neil is happy with his son being a pious boy who devotes his time to singing in a local choir and reading the Bible. That is, until one day when the priest's dishevelled nephew decides to visit the church after touring the country with his metal band.
prompt by my beautiful wife: not-on-my-stopwatch Billy looks more like a 17-year-old Billy here. And Eddie… Eddie is just a puppy with heart eyes. Thank you for all the tags you leave under our work, it's very nice and always warms my heart <:3
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