bonefall · 7 months
whats the botte?
Battle Of The True Eclipse! The BB version of the Great Battle at the end of OotS.
It's in contrast to the Battle of the FALSE Eclipse in BB!Po3. That first battle was a mere preview given by Sol. Instead of the eclipse ending that battle, it's the tipping point to a full war.
BOTFE: Brackenfur's death. The catalyst to Hollyleaf's downward spiral. NO LONGER causes Blackstar to lose faith; that happens towards the end of OotS. Occurs in Po3.
BOTTE: Battle versus the Dark Forest. Huge bloodbath. This allowed the demons to attack but only on this one night. Occurs in OotS.
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sexynetra · 3 months
Guess who wrote a fic loosely based on this video 🤭
Thank you @thecollectionsof for encouraging me <333
“You trust me, don’t you?” Dawn smiled hopefully — a dazzling grin that had Amanda’s brain shorting out.
She did trust Dawn. More than she trusted anyone in the world.
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quasi-normalcy · 6 months
So when I was about 13 years old, we kept our computer in our basement, which is a place that I otherwise would not want to be. Not just because of children's natural fear of basements, but because my family's house was slowly sinking into the clay and the basement had already flooded many times and consequently always had a stubbornly persistent scent of mould to it. But our computer was there, and I liked playing games, and so I would spend long hours down there.
Anyways, I remember one time I was playing Birth of the Federation, and I really wanted to form an alliance with the Romulans. And I kept contacting them over and over each turn, trying to sweeten the pot a bit more until they agreed (I think that I was playing as the Federation or the Ferengi). And finally, I got this diplomatic message from them that was like: "If you continue to pester us with this, we will consider our friendship to be in abeyance," or words to that effect. And I was struck by this, because like...I had played *many* games of BotF before that, and I have never received such a message; I played several games after, and I never saw it again. I have asked around and looked online and I've never seen any record of such a message in the game's diplomacy text. But it is, admittedly, completely in character for the Romulans to say. And to this day, I have no idea whether this actually happened, whether it was a dream, or whether I was perhaps hallucinating from all of the mould spores I was inhaling. I also recall being very sickly and stupid when I was in junior high, and in retrospect, I wonder how much of that was just the hours that I regularly inhaling unfiltered mould while playing on the computer.
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bread-making-vikings · 2 months
I'm looking forward to getting to forge of darkness but ngl the path to ascendancy books are taking too much of the mystery away from the malazan series - like it's cool to see kellanved and dancer goof about but it feels like it's just checking off names people recognise, even when it contradicts stuff we know about Whiskeyjack and Dujek (for example) just to have them be there at the start?? I'd much rather each book skip ahead a decade or something, and focus on stuff we barely even heard about before, not just "oh you remember that really cool thing we hinted at? yeah here it is laid out pretty prosaically".
Idk if it's Ian Esslemont, bc from the two (2) of his empire books I've read I really enjoy his writing style and think it meshes well, but they're just kinda draining a lot of the magic out. Things like the Tiste Edur and K'chain Che'malle are talked about as slightly niche but common knowledge, and it's just a bit lame?
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
After the Fire ~ Chapter Forty-Four
Summary: Following the Battle of the Five Armies, a grievously wounded Thorin is brought back to the kingdom of Erebor, which is still mostly in ruins. Although he’s survived the wounds he received at the end of Azog’s blade, his recovery is far from complete. Grief, regret, anger, all are making his journey that much more difficult and the physical recovery isn’t quite the most difficult challenge he faces.
Jasna Stoneham is no stranger to loss, as she is a survivor of Smaug’s wrath upon Esgaroth. When she is asked to help the dwarves healers of Erebor, her instinct is to say no, but she needs the job, and so agrees to it. However, no one told her that of all the patients, she would be responsible for the king himself, Thorin Oakenshield. 
Unfortunately, the road to recovery isn’t necessary a smooth one, but if there’s one thing Thorin will learn, it’s that Jasna is just as stubborn as he is and for every step back he takes, she is there to push him three steps forward. And Jasna will soon find out that there is a gentle, softer side to the dwarf king, one that very few people have ever seen and one he fights to keep hidden from her as well. But like his recovery, that is also easier said than done. 
Summary: In Dale, Thorin grows jealous of the attention Bard pays to Jasna…
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x ofc Jasna Stoneham
Characters: Jasna, Thorin, Óin, Bard, Sigrid
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,785
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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“Miss—er—Yer Majesty? Might I have a word with ye?”
Jasna rolled her eyes. “Óin, please, for the last time, Jasna is fine.”
“Oh, I couldn’t be so bold.”
“You can and you will if you wish me to answer you.” She turned toward him, hands on her hips. “I promise you, I don't mind. Thorin won’t mind. Neither one of us will mind, so please… use my name?”
He smiled then. “I have your final grades.”
Her belly did a slow flip and her mouth went dry. “Do I want to know?”
“Ye are now officially qualified to see and treat any body that comes through that door, whether Narnerra or I are here or not. Well done, Mrs. Durin.”
She smiled and without thinking, wrapped Óin in a tight embrace. “Thank you!”
“Thank you? Why are ye thanking me?” he carefully untangled from her and held out the long stiff envelope in his hand. “Ye did all of this yerself, you know. I told ye how ye had gift. Perhaps now ye’ll believe me?”
She took the envelope, her hands shaking as she opened it and her eyes filled with tears at the certificate proclaiming her as a healer. “Oh, I don't know… it still seems too good to be true.”
“Ye’ll still need to just run things by us, let us look over yer work when ye finish, but I daresay, there will be need for that for only a short while. Ye’ve done excellent work and I am as proud of ye as if ye were my own daughter.”
She hugged him again. “You have no idea what that means to me to hear, Óin. I know you w-w-w-weren’t exactly th-th-thrilled to have me here last winter.”
“I admit, I was hesitant but we needed a body. And I am not too proud to admit I was wrong about ye. We are lucky to have ye. Just as Thorin is.”
“Would you mind if I went to tell him?”
Óin offered up a long look. “Yer the Queen, Yer Majesty. I think it safe to say ye outrank me.”
“Is he giving you a hard time, mesmel?” Thorin asked as he came into the infirmary. “Because if he is—”
“He’s not at all. In fact, he’s doing the opposite and killing me with respect.”
“As he should.” Thorin winked.
“Oh, no. Not you, too.”
“What is this?” He reached for the envelope, which she let him take, and as he slid the parchment from it, he smiled and nodded. “I can hardly say I’m surprise, amrâlimê. You are good at what you do.”
“I guess perhaps I am.”
He reached for her, drawing her into his arms. “You are. Now, I’m on my way to Dale, and while I hope to be back before sundown, it’s entirely possible the bowman will have me there far longer.”
“I can go with you, if you like. He doesn’t seem to give me any trouble.”
“That’s because yer far prettier than this old goat,” Óin broke in.
“Oh, that’s not nice, nor is it true.”
“It most definitely is true,” Thorin told her, grinning as he eased an arm about her waist. “You’re absolutely prettier than I am. And if you wish to come with me, I’d love the company. Let me just tell Dwalin and we’ll be on our way.”
“Did you have a chance to speak with Mr. Baggins before he left?”
“I did and he was a little hesitant at first,” Thorin admitted somewhat sheepishly, “but then invited us to pay him a call, should we find ourselves in the Shire.”
Jasna frowned. “That isn’t very encouraging.”
“No, it isn’t. And I don't suppose I might fault him, but at the same time…”
She sighed softly. “We don't have to visit the Shire. I’d rather not make him uncomfortable.”
“He has no cause to be uncomfortable. He and I were but friends.”
“Well, that’s how you saw it. He, however, saw it differently. It would be as if you and Shael had come to pay my mother a visit.”
“But, mesmel, Bilbo and I were not lovers.”
“I know that. But he still is in love with you and it does not matter that you have never felt the same way toward him.”
A pained look crept across his face. “Perhaps then we should avoid the Shire. At least for now. In time, his feelings might change.”
“They might, true.” Even as she said it, though, Jasna did not believe it. Somehow, she had the feeling Thorin was far more difficult to get over than he imagined himself to be. “I would like to see Rivendell, though.”
“And you shall. Rivendell and Mirkwood. And hopefully no spiders.”
Jasna tucked her arm through Thorin’s as they made their way along Dale’s main street. It was a beautiful day, although the summer’s heat crept in early and reminded her of why she preferred the colder months overall. But, autumn was only a short time off and then winter would return and she smiled, thinking of the leather bracelet she’d bought to give Thorin the day she and Narnerra ventured into Dale.
She glanced up at him. That day had ended so terribly and when she’d left Erebor that night, she was positive she would never see it—or Thorin—again. But the universe had a way of righting itself and now there she was, with him.
“What’s on your mind?” 
His murmured question jolted her from her reverie. “I beg your pardon?”
“You looked up at me with a very serious expression. Am I in trouble?”
“Should you be?”
“I should hope not, but I’ve learned in dealing with my sister, women don't always tell you right away.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’ve much to learn about women, you know. Trust me, if you’ve angered me, I will definitely l-l-let you know.”
“I wonder if I should be glad or dread it.”
“I think it safe to say you will eventually find out.”
He chuckled as they made their way up the steps of the Provincial House and he rapped the brass knocker against the door. “I wonder if the older daughter will be her usual warm and friendly self to me?”
“Thorin, she’s not necessarily out of line to be upset with you.”
He offered up a long look. “Perhaps she needs to learn to let the past lie.”
Jasna gave his arm a squeeze. She certainly didn't want to fight with him, even if she understood exactly why Sigrid refused to warm up to him. 
The door opened and Jasna bit back a smile as Sigrid said, “Miss Jasna! It’s wonderful to see you! How are you?”
“I’m good, Miss Sigrid, and how are you?”
“I’m fine. Da is in a bit of a mood, but otherwise nothing much changes here.” She slid her gaze to Thorin and her smile faded. “Good afternoon, Your Majesty.”
“Good afternoon, Miss Sigrid. I have a meeting today with your father and I hope neither of you minds that Her Majesty has come with me.”
“Of course not. We like her.”
From the corner of her eye, Jasna saw Thorin’s jaw tighten, and she cleared her throat, “Might we come in?”
“Oh, of course.” Sigrid stepped back to allow them room, then called, “Da! The King and Queen of Erebor are here!”
The Queen of Erebor. Jasna’s belly fluttered at the sound of it. She wondered if she would ever get used to hearing in in reference to herself. Somehow, she didn't think so. 
“Ah, Thorin, Miss Jasna,” Bard smiled as he came down the main staircase, “or would you prefer I call you Your Majesty?”
She laughed, shaking her head. “Don’t you dare, Bard. I hear enough of th-that in Erebor from Narnerra and Óin.”
“They respect you, mesmel,” Thorin said, his voice low.
“I understand that and appreciate it,” she told him, shaking her head, “but I’ve assured them it’s quite all right to use my given name as they always did.”
“They won’t, though.”
“I’ve noticed.”
 Bard looked from her to Thorin and back. “I’m sure they wish you to know they respect you.”
“I know they do. But it sounds so strange still.”
“You’ve only been the Queen a day,” Bard reminded her with with a chuckle, “it won’t always sound so strange.”
Sigrid looked from her father to Thorin. “Shall I fetch coffee or tea?”
“Tea would be lovely, Sigrid,” Bard replied with a nod. “And we’ll be in my office. Miss—Your Majesty, will you be joining us?”
“If you wouldn’t mind having me.”
“Of course not.” Bard glanced at Thorin. “I would be more surprised if you didn't wish to sit in with us. I know how your mind works.”
“Do you?” Thorin replied slowly. “For I am still learning.”
“Well, Jasna and I go back to childhood almost.”
“Almost.” Jasna replied with a grin. “You are still older than me.”
“Only by a few years. Not enough to matter.”
Sigrid smiled. “Wait, you knew Da when he was my age?”
Jasna nodded. “Oh, I did, indeed. And he was a tr-tr-troublemaker.”
“Da?” Sigrid stared up at him. “Are you serious, Miss Jasna?”
“Very much so, yes.”
“I was not nearly as bad as she likes to make it seem,” Bard broke in with a low chuckle. “In fact, you should only know what I could tell you about her.”
Thorin cleared his throat. “If we might…”
“Oh, right.” A hint of color showed along Bard’s cheekbones. “Of course. Right in here.”
Jasna bit the inside of her cheek as Thorin marched into the room ahead of her. If she didn't know any better, she’d swear he was jealous of Bard. Which was funny, really, as surely he couldn't think there had been anything between her and Bard. He knew for a fact he was the first, and only, man she’d ever been with.
So why would he be jealous?
And yet, he couldn’t look at Bard without a glare and Jasna knew Thorin well enough to recognize the tension in his jaw, the tension in his broad shoulders. He looked over at her and when she smiled, his eyes softened and she didn't know if it was intentional or not, but his hand came to rest atop hers, his thick fingers tightening slightly.
“So, are the first inspections ready to begin?” Thorin asked, his thumb brushing along the side of her hand.
“Yes and no.”
“Yes and no? How is that even possible?”
“Some of them are, but some are not. The pilings have been set, and are ready, but the contractor ran out of lumber before finished the docks and walkways.”
“Ran out?” Thorin shook his head. “You mean to tell me, the man whose job it is to know how much lumber he needed to build what he knew needed budding, didn’t know how much he needed?”
“Yes and no.”
Thorin scowled. “Again with the yes and no.”
“You and I need to pay Mr. Walters a visit. I have a feeling one of his men is trying to pad his coffers by pretending to run short on supplies. He has a yard here, in the northern part of the city, and I think that is where we will find his surplus.”
“So, you hired a man who in turn is attempting to cheat me?”
Jasna winced at the cold undertone of Thorin’s deep voice. “Thorin, I doubt Bard—” she began.
Bard interrupted her. “No, I hired a man who I’ve dealt with before, but who has hired an overseer for this project. The overseer is the one I think is trying to swindle us.”
“Us?” Thorin let out a thoroughly humorless laugh. “What us, Bard? I am the one being swindled. Erebor’s coffers are the ones being stolen from. If this man is stealing from me, I most assuredly wish to speak to him. Now.”
Bard’s eyes widened. “Now?”
“Yes, now. Should I wait for him to steal even more from me?” Thorin pushed back his chair and got to his feet. “So, shall we?”
“Very well.”
Jasna watched them both stand. “If you don't mind, I think I will stay here. Perhaps Miss Sigrid might catch me up on the gossip that I’ve missed, being in Erebor all this time.”
“Of course,” Bard said warmly, smiling as he added, “Make yourself at home, as always. Miss Jasna.”
Jasna didn't miss the way Thorin’s jaw tightened, and she held her breath as she waited for him to say something. But, instead, he just looked from Bard to her, and leaned over to capture her lips in a kiss that went from light to deep in the blink of an eye. He slid an arm about her waist, bending her back slightly as his lips parted and his tongue swept along hers to steal the breath from her lungs. 
When he finally drew back, he smiled, his eyes soft as they held hers. “Behave, mesmel.”
“You as well. Make no trouble, Thorin.”
“I promise nothing. Especially if this man is truly trying to steal from me. I will not take kindly to it, you understand.”
She glanced at the sword on his back and offered up a silent prayer he didn't think to draw it on anyone. “I mean with Bard, too.”
“The Bowman would do well to watch his tongue where you are concerned. He seems a bit too friendly for my liking.”
“I’ve known Bard most of my life, Thorin. You’ve nothing to worry about.”
“Be that as it may, he is a bit too friendly for my liking.”
In the doorway, Bard paused as if he’d heard them whispering about him, and turned. “Are you coming, Thorin?”
“Yes, yes.” Thorin bent and brushed her lips once more, his kiss not quite as deep as before. “Do not gossip too much.”
“Go. And try not to hurt anyone in the process.”
“I promise nothing.”
“I admit, I am surprised you didn't send one of the others in your stead.”
Thorin glanced over at Bard as they made their way down Oak Street, toward the northeastern corner of Dale, where the lumber yards were located. “Why?”
“Well, your wedding was but a day ago.”
“And my bride understands that some things will not wait. Not even for a king. Or especially for a king.”
“Why am I not surprised?”
“What is your interest in Jasna?” Thorin asked bluntly, stepping before him and halting him with a hand to the man’s chest. 
Bard seemed a bit surprised by the question, stopping suddenly, his eyes wide. “I beg your pardon?”
“I believe I was quite clear, bowman. What is your interest in my wife?”
“She is but a friend, Thorin. An old, dear friend, is all. Why?”
“You just seem to be quite at ease with her and I am not at all certain I care for it.”
“So, she is not allowed to have friends?”
“Friends?” Thorin snorted without thinking. “Am I to believe you have women friends, Bard? I’ve not seen you with any other than Jasna.”
“Just because you’ve not seen it, does not mean they don’t exist, my friend. And you’ve seen me with Jasna but once. And if I recall, you had another woman with you, didn't you?”
Thorin’s gut tightened at the quiet confidence in Bard’s low voice. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing.” Bard shook his head and shrugged at the same time. “But I think it odd that you seem to be all right with having women as friends, but your wife is not afforded the same.”
“She can have all of the women friends she wishes.”
“You know what I mean.”
Thorin stared at him. “Miss Whitbow and I are friends and have been since we were much younger, and Jasna knows this. Miss Whitbow is also very nearly betrothed to my nephew. Unless things have changed, you are still unattached, are you not?”
“I am, yes.”
“So, again, I’ll ask you—what is your interest any my wife?”
“That of a friend alone, Thorin.”
“Good. You would be wise to keep it at that.”
“So I gathered,” Bard replied dryly. Then, he gestured on down the road. “Might we continue?”
Thorin bobbed his head, but as Bard moved on ahead of him, he continued to glare at the bowman’s back. Somehow, he didn't trust the man where Jasna was concerned. The sooner Esgaroth was rebuilt, the sooner Thorin would have no need to deal with Bard and the happier they’d probably both be.
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y0uc4n7kn0w · 1 year
It's the 2022 Recap, past resolutions and what we have planned for 2023!
Hey readers and Satelittes! We have a lot of plans this year to expand in a greater way than we have before! So let’s get into it! We watched 48% of the anime that came out this year… But hey, we watched more anime is total then we did last year! A lot of the series that released were continnuous seasons of shows we don’t watch or shows we don’t care for. Most liked Blog posts 2021 Recap,…
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spiltcocoamix · 2 years
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Hey all! Making a post to say I am Making Progress and Taking Names on actually making Back of the Fleet a real thing!(tm). Current plan is to finish up to chapter 3, and then start posting, so have some highlight panels from that chapter!
Over the summer I took a comics course that was extremely helpful in teaching me panel composition and really making sure I get across sequencing, so Im very happy about the direction the comic is taking!
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taiadominique · 2 years
Trying New Things, Remembering Old Writing Advice
Trying New Things, Remembering Old Writing Advice
Quarterly Goal Update // October 24th, 2022 As you know, I chose Blood of the Fallen as my focus for fall quarter. I am rewriting the first draft for the indefinite future, and I decided to try some new things, like writing a prologue. After reading Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, I rediscovered my fondness for prologues and epilogues. The first ten chapters of any manuscript are always…
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nikuttek · 7 months
i probably don't have any finnish speaking bagginshield followers but goddd........ "sinun vaikka hajoat" by happoradio is such a botf bagginshield song
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gregoftom · 11 months
I love Greg, but if I was Tom I would have teared the bitch to pieces with my teeth if I saw him having a ball of a time with the fascists, after having agreed to go to prison for him. He did the same thing with boar on the floor and the proposal of a business open relationship afterwards. Which in retrospect is very fucking crazy. Dude had to stand in an empty pool and got pissed on, but still didn't talk because of a little 'pls 🥺' only for Greg to break-up and blackmail him. Love them, fr.
JASJAKSJAKJSAS yeah i'll be honest that hurt me too.
it's kind of crazy the way that greg reacted then compared to now and you make a good point - twice tom makes these big proposals of love and twice it's kind of thrown back in his face. this is something he's used to so it makes sense that he goes off and pelts bottles at greg. you can kind of understand tom, LOL.
but he keeps pursuing him! like a lovesick little bitch! it's so..... A. there are probably multiple reasons why greg reacts the way he does to tom at the start; 1. he thinks that's the way this world works having observed the family acting that way [tom even praises him for the blackmail, in the end greg is mostly satisfied with being treated better and respected and being given a sense of belonging. tom knows just how to seduce him right back in] 2. he's not sure, like i was when i first watched boar on the floor, just how long these kinds of gestures could and would last so he doesn't take it quite so seriously hence trying to leave after [also up to that point tom had been uh. pretty mean to him!! and he gravitates towards niceness, it's only then i guess that he managed to pluck up the courage to ask to leave bc tom had this sudden burst of kindness and greg felt like he could leave without getting Killed lol.] 3. he's just being selfish - he takes these gestures and runs with them, esp the getting out of jail free card. he's like, oh thanks! then thoughtlessly celebrates his freedom with a bunch of. dudes. anyway.
BUT THEN LATE S3-4?????!?! WTF HAPPENED HASKJASAS this bitch was like minnesotan dick got me acting unwise. "prove it" shut the hell up slut!!! tom can't even react properly cuz he's like HUH?????? i thought you didn't even like me back!!!!! and it's just so fucking fun bc it pairs up very nicely with how much tom acts like a schoolboy around greg. these mfs be acting like high school idiots and it's so entertaining. it's like i said somewhere else on a post; one of them will take steps forward while the other steps back. the nero sporus scene was greg's "oh!" moment, i think. that was the moment he was like, oh wait, this is for real? bc ever since then he's been glued to tom's side and in the latest s4 episodes been singing his song like hey hi i'm greg of tom, i'm tom's mistress, how is everybody, hi mr president did you know i love that country boy. also i am here. like he mentioned himself second!! not exactly a huge thing like botf, but it's still a gesture! just a shame tom wasn't there to see it; maybe it'll be addressed in some way in the finale or he'll bear witness to greg doing the same thing for him in kind and we'll either get a break up as a response [touche greg] or... not?? which!!!!! A but i'm kind of expecting something within the former range. but i don't think it'll be an easy decision for tom and tbh, i'll take that. it at least means greg is important to him.
something happened between s3 and 4; they became friends, the trust grew, they must have spent a lot of time together. the disgusting brothers [which atp could just be them fucking each other and calling it disgusting bc they're fucking dumb and internally homophobic] bullshit, which sounds like something some idiot frat bros would come up with. "DIGUSTIBUS" GREG U WANNA FUCK THAT SENIOR CITIZEN SO BAD IT MAKES U LOOK STUPID. like. we had tom acting like that, now it's greg's turn. the scales tipped the other way and now tom is like. whadda hell... he likes it for sure we can see it here and there. but he's taking the step back now. i just think that's interesting!
ANYWAY SORRY I MADE THIS INTO A HUGE POST LOL but the point is. i also love them fr and tom should've [redacted] whenever greg was a little unappreciative asshole.
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bonefall · 11 months
im sorry but it took me forever to figure out what BOTTE meant fjahfhsb i thought it was a new slang for like. something similar to meaning of banger 😭
not your fault it’s Mine dhahfhsh. I often mix up the acronym TPB and TNP bc I’m simply illiterate </3
sorry to be off topic i just thought it was Funny
MAN I was sitting there like, "should i say BOTTE or should i write it all out. shoot, i mean, i've been talking about this for a while, SURELY I can write BOTTE and people will know?"
But for everyone else who hasn't figured it out and is too afraid to ask;
BOTTE means Battle of the True Eclipse, because in BB there is a Battle of the False Eclipse (BOTFE) where Brackenfur dies in Po3, and a Battle of the True Eclipse (BOTTE) that happens at the end of OoTS.
BOTTE = Canon's Great Battle
BOTFE = Canon's Eclipse Battle
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litaeque · 1 year
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"[namt] i luve tou so muck 💖💖🌹💞💝😍😍"
Ahito sayds cutitly wihle blsushing [nare] gigbbels az rhey blusihes kickcied askito ans fartz at him
"i luw u too adito 🥺🥺🥺"
[name] said cutyly as thjy botf farted eaxhother𖼜𖼜
@akiitos hi kat even tho we just met a few hours ago have this gift 🎁🌹
If im being honest i don't know what im doing anymore
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mastomysowner · 10 months
In episode 22, where Guts' famous campfire of dreams quote comes from, Guts and Casca were surrounded by hundreds of little lights in the sky and on the ground. Guts was pondering about how everyone out there had their own hopes and dreams, no matter how small, and they were ready to stake their lives on them.
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In episode 90, after the sacrifice, there is only one large light source in the starless sky - like Griffith's dream that devoured all the others.
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Earlier, in episode 17, Griffith was shown to be somber at the thought that it was his dream that killed a 10-year-old boy. But it should not be forgotten that if he refused to take him in, this boy who wanted to become a soldier would simply join another group of mercenaries.
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Episode 77 further reveals Griffith's way of thinking: all those who fought under his banner did so because they wanted to become a permanent part of his domain and were all about his dream. Almost all of Ubik & Conrad's gaslighting revolved around this. For Griffith, the BotF's exploits were just a sad, bloody, and dirty path to get where he wanted to go (whereas the Band of the Falcon ended the century-long conflict), and the only way to make it not be in vain is to metaphorically take the dead band members to the castle.
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It honestly never occured to him that it wasn't all about him. Apparently, when he closes his eyes, it becomes dark for everyone.
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thecreedsmaxim · 1 year
I'm thinking about Laxus vs Hades; Mashima really had Laxus appear from buttfuck nowhere ALL THE WAY TO TENROU ISLAND (somehow) to fight Hades, and lose a fight that lasted like one chapter, literally only so he could give Natsu a power-up 😭 Erza even commented saying "Was Laxus always this strong?" implying he was even stronger than he was at BOFT, but he still didnt even last five minutes against Hades. But Natsu, who could barely stand, somehow used LAXUS' LIGHTNING (which I still think sharing powers is an incredibly cool concept for dragon slayers, that was awesome) to defeat Hades with some help from the others. At that point just make etherion fall from the sky, it would've made more sense 😭 Mashima really just needed a way to get Laxus to X791, huh? Not to complain too much over seeing my boy laxus, but he couldve given more of an explaination for Laxus being there other than coincidence (or Makarov kinda subconsciously calling to him, which didn't amount to anything). And the way all of them were super concerned about Laxus because he gave all his magic power to Natsu, taking Hades' attack with no defenses, but he turned out to be perfectly ok with zero consequences whatsoever. I love Fairy Tail so, so, so much but if you think too hard about it, sometimes it really falls flat. Probably one of my favorite fights in the series, though. The way Laxus moves and utilized his speed was much more satisfying than his brute strength in BOTF (not saying that that's bad, I love how dynamic Laxus is as a fighter). Also, loved the moment where he was questioning whether he's allowed to get angry about Makarov being hurt because he's no longer a member of Fairy Tail. The look on Erza's face was so sad. If I could expand on ANYTHING during Laxus' exile, it would be that. Ok rant is over for now
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I was confused for a moment with the time travel ask, before I realized they were entirely correct: both BotF and MLB have a combination of Temporal Overwrite and Destabilization Paradox time travel (I have a post explaining these terms (shameless plug)). The tough part is that they have both mental time travel (Snake) and physical (Rabbit), which can muddy the temporal waters in an Alternate Universe Split type multiverse.
Because: does every rewind of a Snake user split off into its own universe? Because Adrien-as-Aspik made a lot in that case.
Yeah it's. It's a Thing.
(Personally my usage of it is that Time can overlap on each other and a 'branch' can reconnect with itself. The Snake overlaps itself so much only leading to a few alternate outcomes rather than one for each)
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