illarian-rambling · 3 months
@somethingclevermahogony and some other folks I think tagged me in this, so thanks!
OC Incorrect Quote Tag
Use this link and generate some incorrect quotes
I'll tag @bread-roses-and-chrome @elsie-writes @autism-purgatory @bluewritesbadly @cssnder (I want to see your incredibly gothic characters do this silly fluff especially) @whatwewrotepodcast and YOU :)
Twenari: A person can really hear themselves think out here.
Twenari’s mind: Did you leave the stove on? The front door unlocked!? WILL YOU DIE ALONE!?
Twenari: Well, that was a mistake.
Izjik: I type how I think.
Sepo: Odd that you type at all then.
Djek: What happened to Sepo?
Twenari: They died.
Djek: They what?
Twenari: They died, but they’re okay.
Djek: …Can you please clarify?
Sepo: Clarification is for the weak.
Djek: Hostage or not, sometimes it’s nice being held.
Izjik: Are you okay.
Djek: Are you this rude to everyone?!
Sepo: Yup.
Sepo: Don't think you're special.
Mashal: Why are we friends?
Astra: Poor decisions on your part.
Astra: How do I make a date really romantic?
Ivander: Be mysterious.
Astra: Okay!
*later, while on a date with Mashal*
Mashal: So where are we going?
Astra: None of your fucking business.
Mashal: Can I get a waffle?
Ivander and Astra: *fighting and yelling at each other*
Mashal: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Mashal: Damn, the power went out.
Astra: Don’t worry, I got this.
Astra: *stomps foot*
Mashal: What-?
Astra: *Sketchers light up*
Astra: Sweet dog you got there.
Police: Yes, this is our new drug sniffing dog.
Astra: Still training huh?
Police: What do you mean?
Astra: Never mind.
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rjcopeseethemald · 1 month
Roast Your OCs In Title Form
This is a new one from and it sounds fun as hell! Thanks to @moonandris for including me in the inaugural tag!
Rules: Cynically call out any number of your original characters for their basic archetypical traits and how those relate to their role in the plot, in the form of a title!
Here are the main (and some other major) characters from my nigh-completed first volume of Atomancers!
Lia: Bookish But Rebellious Teenage Girl Discovers Magic, Immediately Wants To Become A Terrorist With It
Lioko: Teenage Guy Would Definitely Play Hearts Of Iron IV If It Existed
Hydrogen: Silly Little Elemental Being Who Took A Nap For 12,000 Years Is Shocked To Discover That 12,000 Years Of History Occurred Without Them
Miilo: The Off-Page Adventures Of Dollar Store Luffy
Kalena: Girl(Union)Boss Does Well Enough I Guess, Before She Realizes She Skipped The Gaslight And Gatekeep Parts
Sandrine: Genderbent Admiral Thrawn Is This Close To Realizing That The System Is The Problem, Becomes A Fascist Anyway
Always love a good new tag game! I'm passing this one on to @melpomene-grey, @verba-writing, @agirlandherquill, @late-to-the-fandom, @bluewritesbadly, @stajorathefallen, @writingamongther0ses, and of course, anyone else who's interested!
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mjparkerwriting · 3 months
OC in Three
Thanks for the tag @darkangel319!
Rules: find three pictures that fit your OC
Here are 3 images that best fit my girl Bellamy from UTBS! I kinda want to do more characters now.
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Gently tagging: @bluewritesbadly @marsh0mallows99th @lukas-wrld and @jasminewalkerauthor
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drchenquill · 5 days
Find the word Tag
Thank you @bookish-karina for the tag!
My words are: gentle, pretend, stars, secret
Leroy made his presence known and gave him a gentle smile. "Forgive him, he doesn't mean it. We just want some information, and we think you can give it to us. Are you okay with that?" His voice was so gentle that even I would have nodded to him. I saw something in the doctor's eyes for a moment. Irritation, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.
Just for the record, a relationship between vampires is more meaningful and deeper than those of humans, who pretend to love each other, just so they can end up in someone else’s bed.
As night fell, I quietly made my way without saying anything to the others, since it should have been a quick thing. The street was dimly lit with lamps so high you almost thought they were trying to reach for the stars.
Tagging, with no pressure, @bluewritesbadly , @taranorma , @theink-stainedfolk and open tag~
Your words are: Fame, greed, gold, shine
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surroundedbypearls · 3 months
Get To Know Me Tag
Thanks for tagging me @faeriecinna
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
I was rewatching The Legend of Korra recently, I definitely cried there at some point. Probably at the closing scene of season 3.
Do you have kids?
What sports do you/have you played?
In school I played basketball and hockey, but haven't done it since! I'm not very sporty.
Do you use sarcasm?
Of course, it's a part of my dialect
What's the first thing you notice about somebody?
Idk, maybe their clothes or their teeth
Eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings for sure, I don't love scary things!
Any talents?
I used to be okay at drawing but haven't practised in forever. I'm also decent at baking or cooking!
Where were you born?
Writing, reading, playing video games (sometimes, I'm v behind as usual)
Any pets?
3 menaces cats!
5'7", I think??
Favorite subject?
It was always English and art!
Dream job?
To be a published author, probably
I'm tagging @thatndginger, @quilloftheclouds, @bluewritesbadly and @squarebracket-trickster, no pressure!
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
hello! do you wanna talk about your nano project? cause it sounds absolutely amazing and I am totally intrigued, so I am always available if your wonderful mind wants to rant about it lol
Yes!!! sure!! i am in the process of procrastinating that very WIP and this is an enabler, thank u
so i Will be spoiling things but like. in a very vague way that doesn't really spoil anything because u have no context. anyway
I got the idea in July, because i thought "hm gay dark academia romance with a serial killer in the background". then, being the aromantic bastard i am, the serial killer became the main plotline and the romance became the side plot (still gay. duh). THEN because i'm physically unable to write something without fantasy, i added a Creature, and they're what i'll be rambling about! (wow what a concise intro)
the Creature is a monster made of the collective souls of a bunch of people who died in the 10s, 20s, and 30s in the town. They didn't die because of war shit (well kinda); they died because even tho the mayor was a fukkin billionaire in 30s-equivalents, he did nothing to help. not one thing. 80% of the town starved to death in those decades. The people's anger, resentment, and wishes for revenge manifested in a 15-foot shadow creature that eats people's heads off and drips blood wherever it walks, because why would i ever design a Creature that isnt exceedingly fucked up? not all the lost, stuck souls actually wanna be there, but they are, because death sucks sometimes <3
The Creature (as i shall call it) teams up with the descendant of the mayor, the serial killer, who's just an exceedingly arrogant white teenaged boy who wants attention (its actually more complicated than that but thats another thing). they kill like 6 people and eventually the Creature eats the serial killer. I will not say what happens to the Creature (for now), that's for me to know and everyone else to find out
btw: the Creature's coping mechanism of "murder the rich people who are STILL screwing over everyone else (mayor's descendant)" is very valid. HOWEVER it's method of "kill a bunch of teenagers to get through that path" is exceedingly fucked up and i frown upon that.
that's all my tired brain can think up right now, but feel free to ask more questions!! i thrive off attention!!
thank u and have a good day
(taglist bc this seems relevant: @stormharbors, @the-gay-lady-of-ravenclaw-tower)
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brynwrites · 4 years
Bro I’ve reread OBP so many times now but it will never get old. My love for it grows each time
I know this was probably from like ten years ago, but THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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oc-aestheticc · 4 years
Hello! Would you make a moodboard for my oc Evgeni? He's a Knight and fiercely protective of his chosen sister. He's also madly in love with a nerd boy. He has red hair and so pale skin. He's also really into sword fighting.
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Their oc, Evgeni!
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Hello! Congrats on the milestone! I was wondering if I could get a graphic edit on my wip: The Monster of the Oak? I have a wip page, and I kind of want to see what you would do with the information there :) Have fun with it
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here you go!
hope you enjoy it! thanks for following me! 💕
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drowsy-quill · 4 years
I completely missed this yesterday! But here you go (In bulletpoint format)
During the Nebraska Breakup Sam..
-stays at the motel.
-heavily debates about going after Fern
-Calls Nyx and Helena
-Talks to them for a while
-Decides to tell Fern the whole truth about the prophecy
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pixel-writes · 4 years
hii and thank you!! here is the last sentence i wrote in Blood and Bronze, the original sentence + the translation
-Vamos. Tem algumas pessoas que você tem que conhecer. - Ele se apoiou em Aura, ficando em pé com alguma dificuldade. - A propósito, meu nome é Francis.
“Let’s go. There are a few people you gotta meet.” He leaned on Aura, getting up with certain difficulty. - By the way, my name is Francis.
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illarian-rambling · 19 days
Thanks for the tags @shellyscribbles @dyrewrites and @diabolical-blue! I'm consolidating these into one tag, even though two were 7 sentence games and one was 6, because lordy do I have a lot of tags to catch up on. I'll split the difference :]
6.5 Sentence Tag!
Pulled from Mortal God
Her friend’s eyes flared. “So this is about the money?”
“It always has been,” she snapped back. “I pulled you outta the muck ’cause I thought I could make a pretty sum offa’ ya. My parents have been workin’ a debtors’ farm since before I was born, Mashal. Every coin I save goes to payin’ off their contracts. Now, I get your reservations—they’re fully understandable—but I ain’t leavin’ this place empty-handed.”
The ice that had begun to enter Mashal’s expression
And there we go, six and a half sentences! I'll tag @bluewritesbadly @elsie-writes @melpomene-grey @ramwritblr and anyone else who wants to play :)
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rjcopeseethemald · 2 months
Find the Word Tag 2: Atomic Boogaloo
I was invited into this one by @oh-no-another-idea (purposefully this time!). I was challenged to find the words ocean, tear, sob, and swim, and for that, I'll pull from Atomancers volume 1 again (because I have nothing else going on).
Even before the boat made port, Lioko could tell Kagak had transformed overnight. At every jetty and marina, there stood at least five Masters-at-Arms—Navy military police. At the pier, where a small ocean liner was docked, there were at least a dozen; plus a few Marines.
Tear, sob, and swim:
It took until [the ride home] for the wave of terrible malaise to finally hit. That was a gunfight. Lioko wasn’t reading about it off a page or looking at it on some old historical war map. That was a real, actual gunfight. The world began to swim and churn around, and for a moment, he lost track of where the canoe was going. He then looked behind himself to see Lia, nearly sobbing, with her face in both hands. He asked, “You alright?”, not even sure what his own answer to that would be. “We could’ve died, Lio’,” his sister replied, wiping away tears. “But I feel like such a coward for even saying that..."
I'll extend this one to @late-to-the-fandom, @apolline-lucy, @bluewritesbadly, and of course, anyone else who might be interested! New words are revolt, react, make, and break.
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meltedmercury · 5 years
omg do i really seem that mature 
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drchenquill · 5 days
OC interview tag~
Thanks for the tag @agirlandherquill!!!
I'll go with Elias from "A Beast's Greed"
Were you named after anyone?
"I highly doubt that my parents gave much thought to what they wanted to name me. They wanted me, but they didn't really want me, if that makes any sense. Anyways, my name lacks that kind of emotional depth."
When was the last time you cried?
"A rather personal question, I must say. I guess you want to know when was the last time I cried tears of sadness, but I will tell you my last tears of joy. On my 23rd birthday. My now husband proposed to me that day and I have never cried as much as I did that day."
Do you have any kids?
"I do. My little Maxi. He is a five year old wood elf boy that we found. The moment we saw him, we knew he would be a big part of our little family."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"Occasionally, yes. I try to tone it down though."
What is the first thing you notice about people?
"I look for any sign that they're not human. Eye color or shape. Nails, pointy ears, anything that tells me what I'm dealing with."
What is your eye colour?
"Ice blue."
Scary movies or happy endings?
"Happy endings, but I don't mind a scary story once in a while."
Any special talents?
"I'm a quick learner. Although it's not a talent if I was forced to become like that..."
Where were you born?
"In an old village that I doubt even has a name. My house was at the edge of the village, at the beginning of a huge field where my parents used to work."
Do you have any pets?
"Pets? No. But I have a lot of farm animals that have become as attached to me as I have to them, so maybe those count as pets."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I don't have time for sports. I have a farm and a child to take care of. Baldrian, my husband, helps a lot, but he also has a job. Maybe I can count playing with Maxi as sport, because he is a bundle of energy."
How tall are you?
"I would consider myself avarage height, standing at a good 5'9", but I look small next to my husband."
What was your favourite subject in school?
"Well, this is a subject I would rather not touch on. Sorry."
What is your dream job?
"To work on a farm. I love being around animals, they calm me down. Luckily, I'm able to actually live my dream job."
Tagging with no pressure, @just-emis-blog , @theink-stainedfolk , @bluewritesbadly , @sshawthorne and open tag~
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syanara · 6 years
Hey @bluewritesbadly, remember the drawing I posted a couple days ago?
It escalated.
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If it looked weird that's because I had to turn up the resolution and sharpness because if not the light pencil drawing wouldn't be visible, and it simultaneously made it grainy, so yeah
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