#blue tufted furniture
mimi-sophie · 9 months
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Living Room New York Large elegant formal and open concept medium tone wood floor living room photo with beige walls, a standard fireplace, a brick fireplace and no tv
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The fifth-floor guest room is painted a soothing blue, as is the rest of the floor. The portrait to the right is believed to be of Isabella Stewart Gardner.
Private Palm Beach - Tropical Style, 1992
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sdupholstery · 3 months
Custom-Made Furniture In Canada By SD Upholstery
Explore our wide range of custom furniture including sofas, sectionals, beds, and more at SD Upholstery, your premier furniture store in Mississauga, Canada
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glennkotche · 9 months
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Bedroom - Transitional Bedroom Huge image of a transitional master bedroom with a beige floor, a standard fireplace, and a wood fireplace surround, and blue walls.
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roleplayerstips · 10 months
Los Angeles Enclosed
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Living room - mid-sized cottage enclosed medium tone wood floor living room idea with white walls and a standard fireplace
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fowlershow · 10 months
Shabby-chic Style Family Room - Open
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Large cottage chic open concept medium tone wood floor and brown floor family room photo with white walls, a wall-mounted tv, a standard fireplace and a tile fireplace
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manyaktranslations · 1 year
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Library Enclosed Inspiration for a large, traditional, enclosed family room library renovation with a stone fireplace, a TV stand, brown walls, and a medium-tone wood floor.
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yxminotenshi · 1 year
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Guest Bedroom
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thedreamsareripped · 1 year
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Open Living Room in New York
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zenderela · 1 year
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Santa Barbara Playroom Kids Room
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shirtlessfrank · 1 year
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Bedroom - Contemporary Bedroom
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centralseating-blog · 2 years
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Large Elegant Tufted  Back Restaurant Banquette Seating, Upholstered in Beautiful Blue Vinyl. Prezzo Italian Restaurant in London. https://tinyurl.com/Tufted-Banquette-Booth
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allthelovehes · 2 months
Hardware Store Hookup*
Summary: Y/N just broke up with her boyfriend and kicked him out, she is redecorating her apartment and the guy who works at the hardware store just has something special to him.
Pairing: Harry x reader
Word count: 4.7K
Warnings: Smut!! Protected sex tho, oral female receiving, p in v.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles @bohemianrhapsody86 @cherrylovers-world @harrys-littlefreak Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
Support my work by joining my Patreon!
A/N:  Ugh, these two are so cute and loving. Makes me wanna paint my house and find Harry at my hardware store.
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Setting down the last box of his belongings in the entryway of her apartment building. Y/N feels bittersweet. This building has been their home for the last two years, but the second she found out he cheated on her she was packing up all his shit and moving him out.
“I don't understand why you won't just listen to me! We can work this out!”
“I'm done talking to you, Michael.” She responds, her voice void of emotion. “The apartment is in my name, and I'm paying the bills, you're out.”
Michael huffs and walks around her as if he's going to leave, but turns around and comes right back. She can feel his eyes boring into her and her skin crawls. He's trying to play the victim and she can't stand it.
“Fine, you know what? Just... just fuck it, Y/N. I don't even want to live with you, you're an ugly bitch anyways. I can find someone prettier and younger to take care of me than some fat cow.”
“You're an asshole, Michael. I never want to see your face again.” She replies, opening the door and pointing outside.
“Fuck you!” He spits, picks up his boxes and leaves.
She watches as he gets into his truck and pulls out of the parking spot before she goes inside and closes the door. As soon as she locks it she collapses on the floor and bursts into tears. A year ago Michael was her knight in shining armour, her soulmate, the love of her life. Now she wants to erase his entire existence from her memory.
A couple of months pass and Y/N feels like it's finally time to transform their home into her own. The couch was a gift from her parents when they moved in together and it's not even comfortable. It's also stained and ratty and she's ready to get rid of it. She's browsing Pinterest when a couch catches her eye, it's white and has a tufted back. It looks beautiful, so she clicks on the website and begins filling her cart with things for her new interior.
Shipping the pieces takes quite some time as they get delivered by truck and they schedule an appointment with you to make sure you're home. Still, three more weeks until her furniture is supposed to be delivered, so she decides to make most of the time in between and visits the hardware store for some paint.
The hardware store is surprisingly quiet and she has the aisle to herself. There are dozens of different brands of paint and it's overwhelming, let's not even get started about all the different colour options. She has an idea in mind, something warm, inviting and calming. Something that feels like home.
“Can I help you?” A voice says behind her and she startles, almost dropping the cans of paint she picked out.
“Ah, yes! Please!” She chuckles, turning around and looking at the man behind her.
He's tall, very tall, and wearing a navy blue polo. He has a nametag, 'Harry' written across it. He's got curly, dark brown hair, and his face is handsome and symmetrical. The thing that stands out to her the most are his eyes, they're a soft green, almost grey and they remind her of the sea. His lips look soft and pouty and she can't stop staring.
“You seem lost.” Harry smirks.
“Yeah, a bit, actually.” She chuckles. “I need paint for my apartment and I don't really know how much I'm gonna need or where to start. I just wanna do my bedroom and the living room.”
“Well, first, let's start by picking out a colour. Do you have an idea of what you want?”
“Oh, um, yeah!” She smiles, grabbing her phone and showing him her Pinterest board. “Something like this.”
“Ah, I see. A warm colour, that's good. And what are you painting over?”
“Well, right now it's a cream colour.” She explains, following him through the aisles as he looks at paint cards.
“Okay, so we'll probably want to stick with a neutral colour for the living room, because the natural light changes a lot. Here.” He hands her a warm yellow coloured paint card, “This one would look great, it's warm and it will compliment the furniture.”
“I love it.”
“And your bedroom, we'll do something more daring, because that's more of a personal space.” Harry smirks at her. “I think something darker to add some mystery, but with a pop of colour would look great, like maybe a navy wall with a bright coloured accent piece.”
“I have a yellow throw I'm planning on using. That's good contrasting colour, right?”
“Yes! Exactly! You can use the yellow throw to really add some warmth, especially during winter, and the blue to contrast that and create some depth.”
“That sounds great.” She smiles, her excitement growing. Harry is charming and his excitement for her project is contagious. “I can't wait.”
“Let's head over to the paint mixer, yeah?”
They walk towards the back of the store, where the mixing area is located. During their walk Harry asks her what her more about the wall sizes so he knows how much she'll need. She tells him everything he needs to know and Harry gets to work. The heavy paint buckets cause his muscles to flex and his biceps bulge. He's definitely a looker and she can't help but blush and tries to turn her attention elsewhere.
“There we go.” He smiles. “Let's go get some painting supplies and we'll ring you up, yeah?”
“How are you planning on doing this?”
“The painting.” He chuckles. “Are you planning on doing it yourself or are you hiring a painter?”
“Oh, I'll do it myself, it's only the two rooms, right? I can handle that.”
“You can, absolutely.” Harry grins. “You're brave. Most women hire painters to do that sort of thing, or their boyfriends.”
“Oh, well, I don't have a boyfriend. I guess I'm just doing this all myself.”
“That's admirable. I wish more women were like you, not afraid of getting their hands dirty. You're going to be fine.”
“I hope so.”
“Trust me, you'll do great. And if you need any advice you know where to find me. I'll be glad to help.”
“Thank you, Harry.” She says. Harry loves that she calls him by his name that she clearly read off his name tag. “I appreciate it.”
“It's my pleasure, darling. Let's get you checked out.” Harry gives her a small wink and they head to the counter. He helps her lift all the heavy items onto the conveyor belt so his colleague can scan them. He normally wouldn't give this much attention to a customer, but he's drawn to her, she's different.
Y/N notices him staring as they load her purchases onto the conveyor belt and it makes her blush. She can't help but look at him and the way his lips move as he talks. They look soft and she can't help but imagine what kissing him would be like.
“Will that be all, miss?” His colleague asks, snapping her out of her daydream.
“Um, yes. Yes, thank you.” She smiles, handing her her debit card.
“I'll bring these to your car.” Harry says, lifting two buckets of paint and carrying them outside.
“Oh, thank you!” She smiles, grabbing the other bucket and following him. She knows he's giving her some kind of special treatment as he shouldn't be doing this, but she isn't complaining. She's not complaining at all.
He sets down the buckets next to her car, and she unlocks the trunk so he can place them inside. He turns around and looks at her. He wants to say something, anything, to her, but he doesn't know what.
“Do you have a card or something? So I can contact you if I have any questions?” She speaks up, feeling brave.
“Oh, yeah, of course.” Harry grins, reaching behind him and pulling out a small note block. He scribbles down his name, phone number and writes hardware store employee underneath as if it's an official business card. He rips off the piece of paper and hands it over with a goofy grin on his face. “Here you go.”
“Thank you, Harry.” She chuckles. “I'm Y/N, by the way.”
“It's lovely to meet you, Y/N.”
“Likewise.” She grins. “Well, I have to get going. I still have to buy a few more things.”
“Of course.” He nods. “Good luck.”
“Thank you.” She smiles, getting into her car and driving off.
As soon as she's out of sight, Harry lets out a sigh and heads back into the hardware store.
“Hey, mate.” His colleague says. “What was that all about?”
“What was what about?”
“Don't act stupid. I've never seen you give special attention to a customer.”
“Shut up.” Harry chuckles, walking towards the back room. “It was nothing, I was just being nice.”
Harry sighs, rolling his eyes as he starts to put away some equipment. He has no idea why he's so intrigued by her, she was just a normal customer, right? He thinks back to the way she blushed when he spoke, and the way she fiddled with her hands. Maybe he's just imagining things, but he's definitely got a soft spot for her. ***
She's spent the last few days painting the walls of her bedroom, as a darker colour needs multiple layers and drying times. It's finally time to paint the living room and she's excited. She's picked out the perfect colour and the weather is cooperating so she can leave the windows open.
She's put on her favourite music and has a cup of tea next to her as she paints. Her hair is up in a messy bun and she's wearing sweatpants and a sports bra. She's enjoying herself, and the room looks great so far. The colour is a bit darker than what she expected but she doesn't hate it. It's warm, and inviting and she's happy.
After a few hours her back and arms start hurting, so she decides to take a break. She grabs her phone and takes a picture of the wall and posts it in the family group chat.
She scrolls through her Instagram feed when she suddenly remembers the card that Harry gave her. She pulls it out of her pocket and enters his number in her contacts. She debates on whether or not she should send him a message, but decides to do it anyway.
Y/N Hey Harry, it's Y/N, the girl from the hardware store. I've finished my bedroom and I'm doing the living room now. The colour looks amazing, thanks again for helping me pick it out.
She sends the text and immediately puts her phone down. She can't believe she just did that. Did she sound desperate? Did she sound too eager? Is he going to reply? She's got no clue, and it's killing her.
“Get a grip, Y/N.” She whispers to herself. She shakes her head and grabs her cup of tea, taking a sip. She looks back at her wall and sighs, she's got a long day ahead of her.
The sun is slowly starting to set, and Y/N has just finished the wall. Her hair is still up in a bun and she's sweaty, but she's happy with the result. The walls look amazing, the colour is beautiful and she can't wait to show her parents tomorrow.
Her phone vibrates, and she grabs it to check the notification. It's a text from Harry.
Harry I'm so glad to hear that, love! I bet the colour looks lovely with the sun setting right now.
She can't believe he called her 'love' in a text, it's insane. He barely even knows her. But his message is sweet and cute and she's smiling like an idiot.
Y/N You'll have to come and check it out for yourself.
She stares at her phone screen for what feels like an eternity. She can't believe she just flirted with him. She's not even sure if he's single, and if he is, does he like her? He could be interested in someone else, or he could even be straight for all she knows.
Harry Are you inviting me over?
Y/N I'm not stopping you.
Her heart is pounding and her hands are shaking. She's definitely overstepping, but she's hoping it won't scare him off.
Harry I leave work in about 10 minutes. What's your address?
Y/N Oh, it's 27B, Parkview Apartments.
Harry Be there in 20.
She can't believe he's actually coming over. She runs over to her bathroom and quickly brushes her hair and her teeth. Her apartment is a mess, and she's not wearing any makeup. She looks terrible and he's going to be here any second.
“Calm down.” She whispers to herself.
She walks out of the bathroom and starts cleaning up the living room. There are paint supplies everywhere, and she wants the place to look at least a little presentable.
A few minutes later she hears the doorbell and her heart almost leaps out of her chest.
“Coming!” She yells, rushing over to the front door and opening it.
“Hey.” Harry grins.
“Hi.” She smiles. “Please, come in.”
Harry steps inside and closes the door behind him. She looks stunning, despite the fact that she's wearing sweatpants and a messy bun, which makes him feel a little overdressed.
“Your apartment looks nice.”
“Thank you.” She replies, closing the window. “It's a bit of a mess right now, but I'm working on it.”
“Don't worry about it, I understand.”
“Um, would you like something to drink? Some water or beer or something?”
“A beer would be great, thanks.”
“Alright.” She nods, walking over to the fridge and pulling out two cold beers.
Harry sits down on the couch and watches her. She's got a few paint stains on her pants and her sports bra and he finds it endearing. He can tell that she's trying hard, and he's definitely charmed by her.
“Here you go.” She smiles, handing him a beer.
“Cheers.” He says, clinking his bottle against hers.
“To your apartment looking better than ever.”
“Cheers.” She smiles. “And to the man who helped make that possible.”
They both take a sip and stare at each other for a few seconds. Y/N has a feeling that something might happen, but she's not sure if it's the right thing.
“So.” Harry starts, clearing his throat. “What are you going to do now that the painting is done?”
“Oh, well, I'm still planning on doing a few other things.”
“Mhm. I've ordered a new couch, and I'm thinking of getting a new rug.” She answers before Harry moves closer to her.
“So, you don't mind getting this couch a little dirty?” He asks her. Harry is blunt, but he feels the way she's looking at her. It's almost as if she's undressing him with her eyes, he can see the desire sparkling in them.
“Dirty how?”
“You know what I mean, love.” Harry smirks, taking another swig from his beer. Y/N doesn't know what has gotten into her. Normally she's not like this, not at all, but she wants him, badly. She's been craving him since the moment she saw him, and she's tired of denying herself.
“Yes.” She whispers. Harry doesn't reply, instead, he leans in and captures her lips with his own. The kiss is intense, full of lust and hunger. Y/N has been waiting for this and she's not going to waste the opportunity. The last couple of months with Michael have been stale, she's been missing this exciting feeling deep within her.
Harry pulls her closer and kisses her harder, his hands wandering over her body. Y/N moans into the kiss and straddles him. He grabs her hips and pushes her down on him, creating delicious friction between them. Y/N can feel him growing harder and his bulge pressing against her core. She wants him, and she wants him now. Harry breaks the kiss, and Y/N whimpers at the loss.
“You're a very good kisser.” He murmurs. “Are you always this good, or am I just lucky?”
“I don't know, maybe you're just lucky.” She teases, grinding down on his cock.
“Mmm.” Harry hums, leaning forward and kissing her again. This time, the kiss is even more passionate. Y/N wraps her arms around his neck and deepens the kiss, running her fingers through his hair. She pulls on it and Harry groans, his hands moving to her ass and squeezing it.
“Fuck, you feel good.” He mutters against her lips, squeezing her ass again.
“You too.” She mumbles, leaning down and kissing his neck. Harry groans as she starts sucking on his skin, leaving a trail of love bites. He knows that they'll be visible tomorrow and that his colleagues will have a field day. But he doesn't care, he loves it. He loves the fact that he's been claimed by her.
He spins her full body around in his lap, so her back is flush against his chest and his face is buried in the crook of her neck. His hands move up her stomach and under her sports bra. He cups her breasts and pinches her nipples between his fingers, making her whimper.
“You're so beautiful.” He mumbles, his lips pressed against her neck. She places her hands on his knees and grinds down on his cock, loving the feeling of him underneath her.
“Fuck.” Harry groans, thrusting his hips up, meeting her movements. “You're so fucking hot, you know that?”
“I'm aware of the effect I have on you.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirks, pulling her hair and forcing her to expose her neck.
“Yeah.” She reaches behind her to unclasp her sports bra and lets it fall to the floor.
“Fuck, look at you.” Harry grunts, grabbing her breast and squeezing it. Y/N throws her head back and moans. “Look at these perfect tits.”
He continues to massage her breast, teasing her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Y/N arches her back, pushing her breast further into his hand.
“That feels so good.” She whines.
“Mhm.” He hums, licking a stripe up her neck. He loves the way her skin tastes, sweet and salty. He can't get enough. He sucks on her earlobe, one of his hands sliding down her body and slipping into her pants. He finds her clit, and two of his fingers circle it, making her gasp.
“Oh god.”
“Do you like that?” He asks her, continuing his movements because he already knows the answer.
“You're so wet, baby.” Harry smirks
“Mmm.” She whimpers, grinding her hips into his fingers.
“I can't wait to be inside you.” He growls, his fingers dipping lower and sliding into her.
“Fuck.” She hisses, her nails digging into his legs.
“That's it, baby, let me hear you.” Harry grunts, pumping his fingers in and out of her. He curls them and hits the perfect spot, making her cry out in pleasure. Her walls are spongey and tight around him, making him impatient. But the thought of feeling her come all over his hand is more than enough for him to keep focussed. He wants her to leak all over his hand, to make a mess for him and only him.
“Oh fuck, please, more.” She whines, her thighs trembling. She's never felt this way before, the way he touches her, the way he makes her feel is intoxicating. She loves how she's still half-clothed, and yet, he's managed to make her feel exposed. She's not ashamed of the noises she's making, but she's definitely enjoying the way he's making her feel.
“More what, baby?” Harry asks, his lips grazing her ear moaning softly to send shivers running down her spine.
“More of you.”
“Oh, I'll give you more, baby. Just be patient.”
“Yes.” She cries out, feeling her orgasm approaching. She knows it's close, and she wants it, badly. Her hips start grinding down on his hand, her movements becoming faster and less controlled. Harry continues to pump his fingers into her, his thumb rubbing her clit, making her body shake.
“Oh, fuck.” She gasps, her walls tightening around him. She comes, squirting all over his hand. Harry moans, his dick twitching as he feels her squirt.
“Holy fuck.” Harry moans, watching the mess she's made. “That's so fucking hot.”
“Mmm.” He hums, as he picks her up and roughly lies her down on her back. He grabs the waistband of her now completely soaked sweatpants and pull them down her legs, throwing them to the side. He does the same with her panties. He gets rid of his own shirt, revealing his toned body. Y/N is taken aback, he's got some tattoos, which is not something she expected. But it suits him, and it's hot.
“Look at you, such a pretty pussy.” He hums, admiring her dripping wet cunt. She's glistening and his mouth waters at the sight.
“Stop staring.” She chuckles.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” He laughs. “Would you prefer if I did this?”
“Do what- fuck!” Y/N exclaims, as Harry suddenly leans down and sucks her clit between his lips. He places his big hands on the inside of her thighs to keep her legs nice and open for him. He is relentless, his tongue licking a strip up her cunt, making her squirm and cry out. He laps up her juices, enjoying every second of it.
“Fuck, Harry!”
“That's it, baby.” Harry groans, sending vibrations through her body. She's gripping the couch, her knuckles turning white. It's an overwhelming feeling to have him eat her out so eagerly right after she came all over his hand. She doesn't know how much more she can take.
When she first met him, she never would have guessed Harry would have been this skilled. The way his tongue moves along her pussy, his lips sucking and licking her clit and the way his fingers dig into her thighs is making her dizzy. She knows she's going to come soon, and she's not sure if she's ready for that.
“Mmhmm, yes.” She moans, her back arching. She grabs a fistful of his hair and holds on to it, pushing his head further down. He takes it as a sign and doubles his efforts, his tongue moving even faster and deeper.
“Oh fuck, yes, right there!” She cries out, her toes curling as her orgasm hits her. It's intense and makes her see stars. Her whole body trembles as her muscles contract, and her mind goes blank.
“Jesus, you taste so good.” Harry groans, as he carefully licks her clean. He gets up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Harry catches his breath and he looks down at the sweet girl in front of him. She is completely wrecked, and he's not even done with her yet.
“You okay?”
“Good.” He smiles, standing up and removing his pants and boxers. His cock is hard and leaking precum. He's long and thick, and Y/N can't wait to have it inside of her.
“Fuck.” She mumbles at the sight, a bit too loud. She's certain Harry heard her even though she didn't intend for him to hear it.
“What's that, love?” Harry grins, his cock throbbing.
“No, I want to hear you say it.” He insists, his eyes locked on hers.
“You're big.”
“And hard.”
“For you.”
“Fuck me.”
“Your wish is my command, love.” Harry laughs. He grabs his wallet from his pants and pulls out a condom, ripping the package open and sliding the condom down his shaft.
“Come here.” She tells him. He obeys and walks towards her, getting down on his knees in front of the couch. He leans forward and kisses her passionately, his hands cupping her face. He slowly pulls away, his eyes locking with hers.
“You're beautiful.” He murmurs.
“I bet you say that to all the girls who need help at the hardware store.” She teases.
“Oh, shut up.” He laughs, kissing her again. He positions himself, his tip pressing against her entrance. He can't wait to feel her, to be inside of her. Y/N's breathing heavily, her heart racing. He teases her by slowly pushing his tip up and down her folds before slowly pushing it into her. Just the tiniest bit to make her all needy and whiney.
“Patience, baby.” He whispers, his lips inches from hers. He keeps teasing her, his tip rubbing her clit. Y/N moans and her hips buck, trying to get him to push his dick inside of her. But he makes sure to not give in to her desires just yet. He pushes back into her, a little bit further this time, his tip disappearing inside her. But he doesn't go any further, and Y/N lets out a frustrated grunt.
“What's the matter, love?” He smirks, his hand slowly trailing up her stomach and resting on her breast. As he rubs his cock on her clit, his hand squeezes her breast and he starts sucking on her neck.
“You know exactly what's wrong, you fucking tease.”
“Oh, do I?” He chuckles, his hand squeezing her breast again, this time a little bit rougher.
“Yes.” She moans, arching her back. “Please, Harry, stop teasing me.”
“Alright.” He whispers, his lips brushing against her ear. He slowly thrusts into her, filling her up completely. He stills his hips, letting her adjust to his size. She moans, her hands resting on his hips, urging him to move. He complies and begins to rock his hips, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in.
“Fuck.” Harry groans, his pace increasing. Y/N's walls tighten around him and her nails dig into his hips, as she tries to pull him even deeper.
“That's it, baby.” He growls, his cock sliding in and out of her easily. “You feel so good, baby. So fucking good.”
“You're so big.” She gasps, her eyes closed and her mouth agape. He groans, his hips slamming into her. His fingers find her clit, and he starts rubbing her. Y/N whimpers, her toes curling as his fingers and his cock bring her closer to the edge.
“Yes, baby.” Harry grunts, his free hand cupping her breast, his fingers tweaking her nipple. It's sending sparks of pleasure throughout her body.
“Oh god, fuck!” Y/N moans, her hips bucking, and her walls tightening around him. “Fuck, I'm gonna come.”
“Oh, baby.” He whispers, his voice dripping with lust.
“Shit.” Y/N gasps, her eyes flying open as her third orgasm washes over her. Her whole body is trembling, her muscles contracting. Harry feels her clench around his cock, and he knows that it won't be long before he comes too.
“Fuck.” He grunts, his thrusts getting sloppier. He curses under his breath as he pulls his cock out of her. He quickly rips the condom off and strokes his cock, coming all over her stomach.
They're both catching their breaths, both still riding their high. They look at each other and share a laugh.
“I've made a mess.”
“It's okay, my couch was a mess to begin with. We just made it messier.”
“Fair point.” He chuckles, leaning in and kissing her. “This was...fun.”
“Yeah, it was.” She says, her fingers running through his curls.
“How about we go and get cleaned up in the shower and then we can have a proper drink?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Y/N's never had a one-night stand like this. Normally they are rushed and messy. This was different. It was sensual, erotic, and passionate. And she didn't feel bad about it. It felt natural like she was meant to do this. Like she was supposed to have a fling with the hot guy at the hardware store. She's never believed in fate, but maybe this is what it feels like.
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
general!kiba’s surprise when you initiate sex for the first time. watching him train that day had you thinking all sorts of thoughts about him, his speed, the way he moved so effortlessly. so gracefully. the way he manhandled his troops when they were sparring. has him growing desperately hard when you sit on his lap and whine about how bad you want him when you go to your room for the night. let’s you fuck him. which is an entirely new experience. let’s you set the pace as you bounce up and down on his- *gets yanked off stage by comically large cane*
- 🐀
18+ fem!reader / royalty AU
series masterlist
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he tries so hard to let you have control.
but goddammit, it's hard. it's really fucking hard to just watch you ride his cock and hold you by the hips so that you can try and take him better, deeper, and simply do... nothing.
he watches your face as you straddle his lap and hold the tightest grip he's ever felt from you on his shoulders. he's reclining in the armchair that's positioned in one corner of your shared bedroom; the one that's big enough for you to sink your knees in now that you're riding him, and that he sometimes just plops on to people watch whilst they tend to their chores in the courtyard below.
feeling how soft the cushioning is underneath him as you slowly bounce up and down, kiba thinks it's borderline bizarre. he still isn't quite used to owning a house this big and with so many riches stored inside it, even less to having a literal princess, blue blood coursing her veins and everything, sitting on his dick.
but he certainly won't complain about it.
no, the pay is too good to grumble about, even if he has to risk his life to acquire it from time to time. the expensive furniture, limitless supply of food and drink and comfort are all worth it, too. so he watches in silence. continues to sit in his brand new armchair like he's a king lounging on his throne, despite the fact that that's what your father's job is supposed to be.
and as for the king's daughter, well... the general just finds you adorable. the pace he's let you decide on is slow; careful. he wants to go faster, to take you in the usual fashion he prefers, which is in a much rougher way than this. wishes to ravage you until there'd be nothing left of you and he'd simply pass out from exhaustion right after and wake up in the morning feeling like his soul isn't stuck inside his body quite right. but alas, he can see that you're struggling, so he remains dormant.
and it's evident, your struggle. you've only taken a little more than half of his length and sweat already covers your brow in a layer so thick that it makes your skin gleam. one sleeve of your nightgown hangs loosely off of your shoulder, revealing your collarbone, which he's since littered with small bruises and bite marks, as well as the curve of your breast.
there are plenty of them, the love bites, because you've been at it for a long while. he's never been a patient man, but the moon that now sits high in the starry sky and drapes you both in its gentle light, can serve as his witness that he's still letting you do your thing.
though, his patience has pretty much run out by now.
because god, you're still so tight even after all this time; almost unbearably so. he knows it's because of the fact you're overthinking this entire thing, but the way your pussy squeezes him whenever he pushes into you by another inch makes him want to bare his teeth to the world and growl like an animal. to lift his hips and ram himself into you until you'd be so full of him that your little hole wouldn't even be able to leak a single droplet of his cum.
but he can't cum yet. silvery strings of your arousal and the saliva he's spat between you to make the job easier for you, now bridge the narrow gap between your bodies the moment your clit finally kisses the tuft of dark hair below his waist. he looks down at the contact and sure enough; there's a prominent ring of milky slick around the base of his cock when your hips stutter and you try to go back.
it's a small victory you've just achieved, albeit terribly short-lived for his taste, he thinks.
he supposes he understands the reason as to why; it's only been a short while since he's taken your virginity, after all. your most intimate parts are still sensitive, and the deep angle the position provides, as well as the way his thick cockhead now strokes some inner part of you that feels soft and awfully tender - too tender - proves to be something that greatly overwhelms you.
he holds you in it, however, the position. with his hands still on your hips, his grip suddenly turns tenacious and his knuckles flash stark white as he fights against you to keep you exactly where you are. it seems like he's done playing your game.
"hold still," he says, his voice slightly breathless but firmly gruff. it's the same assertive tone he uses when he's talking to his soldiers.
and it's also the same tone he spoke in whilst he'd been on the training grounds earlier today; shirtless, golden skin dewy from sweat, body moving effortlessly despite its great size. his jaw had been set, and you definitely noticed a rather intense look flare up in his dark eyes when he'd spotted you watching. even his presence alone had become more intimidating in mere seconds.
perhaps it had been because of the focus, or the pesky need to impress that tends to gnaw on him as of late. nevertheless, he looked just about ready to crush the skull of the unlucky rookie who'd had the balls to take him on either way.
and lucky him, it seems that he did actually manage to impress you by the end of the sparring session, because you're here now; doing this. you've offered yourself to him by taking charge right after you'd kissed him passionately by stepping onto your tippy-toes and pulling him in close. until he was groaning into your sweet mouth and grabbing greedy handfuls of your ass right over the nightgown.
you couldn't help yourself. something about the way he looked so graceful whilst fighting and teaching the younger men had lit some wicked urge inside you which you just couldn't ignore from how ceaselessly it kept clawing at the walls of your mind. the way he fights is like a dance, despite that he's made it clear to you that he won't and never will spin you around the ballroom of your father's castle.
he's just so-
you mewl, your body squirming as if trying to get away from him when he lifts his hips up to test out your newly-updated limits and abruptly breaks your train of thought. a pout forms as you say, "th-that hurts."
"it'll pass," he tries to console you coarsely. his throat feels like it's on fire, god you just feel so good. "just... ah, just give it a moment."
your whining fills the room in an instant at the way he brushes you off, and it grows louder by the second. his eyes want to roll into the back of his head from the sensation of being entirely inside you at long last. meanwhile, your own want to nearly pop out of your fucking sockets because of the overbearing fullness he makes you endure.
minutes pass; long minutes spent by panting and exchanging messy kisses. you listen to his request as you stay still and try to cockwarm him, as he calls it. he's deep in your belly, throbbing and growing even bigger, hotter. it makes your pulse skyrocket, especially when he readjusts on the armchair and eases his grip.
the tip of his nose bumps against your chin as he makes you tip your head back so that he can kiss your throat. his tongue is warm as he licks the sweat off your skin. the amount of salt that he tastes now only makes him feel guilty for straining your body to its limits like this.
"ride it," he urges you softly. unlike before, his voice is a mere coo now. "when you're ready."
"how?" you ask, swallowing hard. you sink your nails into his shoulders again as if readying yourself for the ache, but when you roll your hips to test it out, it's almost gone.
"however you want," he mumbles, smiling faintly at the little gasp you let out when you repeat the same movement for a second time. his face is nearly buried in your tits from how closely you cling onto him. he could die as a happy man like this, truly. "just fuck yourself on my cock until you cum... i am at your disposal."
heat sears your face because of his lewd language and the way he offers himself to you so freely. you doubt you'll ever get used to it, but it's nice to know that you've got the big bad war general wrapped around your finger. "...but i don't know how."
he chuckles at your sudden timidness. "i'll help you."
and just like that, his hands guide you to a slow, sensual rhythm again. up and down, up and down, up and down - you're taking him entirely this time. pride washes over you despite the loud squelching noises the wetness that you emit now causes, especially when he grunts out a quiet, "good girl... good lil' princess."
and when his thumb circles your clit, it's like heaven opens up just to swallow you whole.
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obm-avenquire · 1 year
devildom ambience - solomon’s room
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•  The clocks are almost never synced up. You have no idea how he manages to keep track of them all, each unlabelled and seemingly always operating on a different time, repurposed as stop watches and timers and then back to keeping track of time zones across the realms.
• His room smells a little different every time you visit. There's always a faint smoky undertone, mixed with parchment and the old yellowing books that fill his bookshelves. Still, it's almost always overshadowed with whatever chemical he played with last - thankfully he keeps the more unpleasant and dangerous ones (sulphur, mercury, the hundreds of unnamed plants and substances he makes use of-) contained, both out of consideration for you and to Simeon who despairs at the mess and clutter that no amount of cleaning is ever enough for.
•  You run one hand across the deep button tufted leather, sleek and red, and less comfortable to sit on than you had initially expected. Not uncomfortable, per say, but there's a grounded firmness only found in unused furniture. (Solomon later confesses later that you are, in fact, the only one to really use it. Solomon is rarely one to rest, and he'd picked whatever he thought might seem welcoming for guests. He doesn't get many.)
•  Crackling fire, bubbling, simmering liquids, concentrated fluids that drip-    drip-    drip-     down into empty glass.
• He lets you help, sometimes, when he can trust that he can keep you safe, guiding you through the specifics bit by bit, shaving thin curls of some gnarled root into cauldrons, cutting up plants and peeling rough skin off strange fruits. It's an arduous and particular process, and Solomon ever-lighthearted, becomes remarkably critical, picking and choosing at each ingredient and transferring each piece to its proper place.
•  He always has something new to show you, even when he invites you to hideaway in his room from everyone else provided you 'don't expect him to be a good host', he just can't help but get...distracted. Boyish, eager for feedback and admittedly needy, he can only spend so much time tinkering before he feels the need to show off just a little. Once, silently tapping your shoulder to show you dried, ashy seed pod heads on twirled stalks, pouring bright blue kernels into the mortar. He picks up the pestle - just as old and well-loved as its partner - and carefully, carefully, splitting the seed in two, and you watch as it crackles and pops, keening like a firework as it sputters multicoloured sparks and flickers of light.
•  They'd offered to soundproof his room when he'd first joined - an offer he appreciated, but not one he ever accepted. The artificial silence that came with that sort of thing gave him headaches, he'd said. Listening faintly through the walls of the Purgatory Hall, you can't help but just...find it more homely. Footsteps in the hallway, students bickering outside the darkened windows, little things like that, and - on days where you're lucky - faint singing. His temporary home is alive.
•  He shows you pointed crystal growths along the shed skins of strange creatures, glass-like teeth from the maws of sand dragons and the green, moss tangled furs of rain deers. Clay and ochre and blood and ichor, though he spares you his most unpleasant ingredients, he can't help but want to revel in sharing it with you, ever fascinated by the unending resource of learning, creation without exchange, or loss.
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leaderpinhead · 3 months
Grim - Walk Another's Path
Prompt: Bodyswap Notes: This went a little longer than expected (which is one of the reasons I didn't finish it in February like I wanted to ;-;), so I'm only posting the first section here with a link to where I've posted the full fic on AO3. I still wanted to show it here because this was written for a prompt challenge I found on here. Full fic can be found here!
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Grim snarled and paced back and forth around the bedroom. Every few steps resulted in him slapping his cheeks to make sure he was awake. The slight sting said that, yes, he was indeed awake and not experiencing a nightmare. 
The smoothness of his cheeks was also causing his rising panic. “I can’t believe this is happening! This is all Ace’s fault! I can’t believe he threw that whatchamacallit into our cauldron yesterday.” 
A light huff came from the bed. “That whatchamacallit was a bundle of dandelions, and it did absolutely nothing but cause enough smoke to earn us a five-page essay from Professor Crewel on the importance of lab safety. Which is due today.” 
Grim spun on his heel to face his minion. He didn’t account for his new gangly limbs and noodley torso, which nearly sent him spiraling into the wardrobe. He snarled and batted at the piece of furniture like it had purposefully leapt into his path. Once he had effectively put the wardrobe in its place, he spun to face his minion. 
Except it wasn’t his minion he saw, but himself. At least, a doppelgänger of himself. He’d never known his own face could contort into the same deadpan expression his human usually wore when she was tired of tiptoeing around the sensibilities of every boy on campus. She walked a small circle in the center of the bed like a fawn finding its legs for the first time. She wobbled just enough to make Grim offended. “How do you explain all this then? Last I checked, I was still in my own body when I went to bed last night!” 
It was weird hearing Yuu’s voice when he spoke. Almost as weird as his own voice, from his own body, but definitely not him speaking. “That’s an even stronger argument for why it wasn’t the botched potion. Some potions can be slow acting, particularly ones distributed in a gaseous state, but in order for that to be the cause of our current dilemma, we would have had to be repeatedly exposed to—.” 
Grim threw up his hands to cover his ears. His paws—fingers—found soft tufts of hair. Right, human ears were on the sides of their heads. His hands slipped down his head until they found the fleshy lobes. “I don’t wanna listen to your science talk this early in the morning! I’m having a crisis!” 
Yuu sighed. She edged closer to the side of the bed and glanced down at the floor. She backtracked to the center of the mattress. “My point is, this isn’t Ace’s fault. This is your fault.” 
Grim sputtered. “My fault? How’s this my fault?” 
“Who was the one reading spells he didn’t understand before bed last night?” Yuu snapped back. The blue fire of her ears wavered when her ears flattened against the top of her head. Her head? His head! This was becoming so confusing. “I told you to wait until your next tutor session with Riddle, but did you want to listen? No. Because the Great Grim can do no wrong. Now we’re stuck in each other's bodies for Seven knows how long!” 
It was Grim’s turn to flatten his ears against his head. At least, he would if he didn’t have these already flat ears! “I knew what I was doing!” 
“You couldn’t even pronounce the words on the page!” Yuu stomped around the mattress until she reached the nightstand sitting beside the bed. She awkwardly stretched across the small gap between the two pieces of furniture and pawed the worn book closer to her. Her tiny grunts of effort were almost insulting. “How do you manage to hold a pen in your paws? I can’t even grip the edge of this book!” 
Her efforts made him snicker now. “Do you understand my greatness now? I’ve mastered living amongst humans in ways you’ll never understand!” 
“If you wanna brag about holding a pen, then go right ahead.” Grim sputtered at Yuu’s lack of awe. She balanced on the tiptoes of her back paws while she flipped through the book. She smacked a paw against one page. “This is the spell you used! Mark this page so we can show it to the headmage.” 
“Crowley?” Grim questioned, but he moved across the room to do as he was told. He still felt a bit wobbly, but he became surer in his stride with each step. Maybe being human wasn’t so bad. “Why we gotta show him? Wouldn’t it be easier to take it to Crewel?” 
“Professor Crewel specializes in potions and alchemy,” Yuu argued. She jumped back into the center of the mattress as soon as he marked the page. Grim tucked the book under his arm and waited for Yuu to jump down from the bed. “As irresponsible as the headmage acts, no one on campus is going to argue he’s not a powerful mage. If anyone can break whatever spell you did, he would be our best bet.” 
Grim grudgingly agreed and continued to wait for Yuu to jump down. She did the odd circling again, coming close enough to the edge to peek over before jerking back to the center of the mattress. After the third or fourth time of her doing the same thing, Grim finally snapped, “Would you quit wasting time and just jump down already?” 
“It’s too high!” Grim gaped at the whiny pitch escaping his body. He’d never made that sound before! And he didn’t go around stomping like a big baby either! “How do you do this everyday? I could break an ankle jumping from this height!” 
“It’s not high at all!” Grim argued. He gestured between the top of the bed and the top of his—Yuu's—hips. He knew of Yuu’s extreme fear of heights, but this was ridiculous! “It’s barely taller than half your body size.” 
“Which is twice the size of you!” Yuu hopped away from the center of the mattress and closer to him. Grim sputtered when she lifted her arms up to him. “Put me on the floor.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because I’m not about to treat my body like it’s a baby!” 
“I’m not asking you to burp me. Just put me on the floor!” 
“Just jump!” 
“That’s like telling me to jump from the highest tower on campus!” 
They went back and forth just long enough to attract the attention of the curious dust bunnies living in Ramshackle Dorm. In the end, Grim grudgingly lifted Yuu off the bed and placed her feet on the floor. His efforts were rewarded when he watched her tackle the staircase, the ghosts of Ramshackle joining in on his snickering as they watched Yuu slowly crawl backwards down the stairs. 
He completely ignored her snickering at him when he tripped halfway down the staircase because of her weak ankles. 
Follow this link for the rest of the fic!
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