#blorbo from my art gallery
feyinvestigations · 2 years
Ib remake spoilers!!!
Okay so I only got like an hour into the ib remake (I was playing between classes) but like. I think we finally got an answer as to why Garry went to the gallery. Like for years everyone has been thinking that maybe they were an artist or related to Guertena but im pretty sure the reason why is because they fucking love fish.
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astraltrickster · 1 year
Saw a post about gacha addiction earlier and I didn't want to Get Into It with the OP because I fundamentally don't disagree with them but it left me raging internally at the counterproductive approach.
Listen. Gacha addiction is real. It's fucked, the companies that pioneered the softcore gambling-lootbox-gacha model straight up bragged about how effective it was. If you have never spent money on gacha, ideally you really shouldn't start, because the only way to determine whether or not you'll get addicted to any specific thing is to fuck around and find out even if you know for a fact that in general you do or do not have an addictive personality. The most dangerous gamble to take is the first. If you DO decide to spend money anyway, you should have a comprehensive strategy in place to keep it from slowly consuming your entire budget. Also, even if you don't spend real money it can still become a problem, because it can also end up consuming all of your time - any game can do this, any hobby in general can become toxic in fact, but gacha games in particular have the FOMO factor of "I have to keep grinding so I can save enough for my blorbo's next banner". If you play gacha games - even on a free-to-play basis - you should be aware that you are taking a risk and you should be willing to admit to yourself if it's become a problem. If you find your gacha budget creeping upward despite your income not doing the same, or you find yourself regularly trying to grind out pull currency even when it's overall not fun anymore, you should take a hiatus from the game/s, and call a therapist or gambling addiction hotline if that proves to be difficult.
And if you have concerns about other people developing gacha addiction...shaming people or downplaying what they like about the games or characters helps literally no one; if anything it only sends them further into denial for your smug sense of superiority.
Thing is? Gacha games are games. Most successful ones, despite the obvious comparisons, are a lot more than just slot machines to fill out a gallery of blorbos to rotate on your screen instead of in your head. They tend to have genuinely compelling lore and characters and enjoyable gameplay - the gacha is not the game itself; it is a recruitment and power-up system in an actual game. This only becomes more true as the market becomes more competitive - like, FGO shows its age with its slow start; you can really tell it launched at a point where all one needed for success was to tie to an existing big fandom and give you a little new content with your faves, but even then the appeal was the lore and the characters far more than it ever was the summoning system, and it's kept up as time goes on, intensifying both the story and the strategy as it's come into a life of its own. Genshin Impact, at 2 years old, is as "real" of an action RPG as a Kingdom Hearts game, with intense strategy elements involved in team building. Arknights is a tower defense that I'd love to play were it not for my medical phobia because what I know of the setting and lore is some POWERFUL social commentary that is right up my alley.
I could list more examples, but it's not really the point. The point is that gacha games are real games, with real lore, and real characters. These games don't have playerbases composed exclusively of victims of predatory monetization unless you REALLY stretch the definition; in order for a game to be a good gacha game, first it does need to be a good game. It's easy to say "oh, they don't really care about the story or characters or gameplay, it's just an elaborate ad for the slot machine, it's just a cash grab" - but...even accepting that as true (which is debatable), so what? What's the difference between that and the latest big studio movie? The latest Netflix original series? The latest "conventional" "one-and-done" AAA game? Do you think the CEOs greenlit those out of nothing but the love of art and storytelling?
People are going to get attached to these stories and characters, and mocking them over it isn't ~taking a brave stand against predatory marketing strategies~, it's not ~waking people up to the fact that they've been duped~, it's just being a fucking asshole.
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bitchfitch · 16 days
every now and then someone in my family who like, doesn't know a whole lot about art as a career path and kinda assume gallery shows are the default way that works if you're not an animator for disney, will suggest I try to do a gallery show.
and Everytime that happens I'm struck with the vision of what that would realistically look like.
Blorbo art is not a gallery show, so I'd be doing my more sculptural beast and fish art, you know the shit I do when I'm not putting thought into anything. And bc I live in a rural part of Texas. I'm just Imagining a room full of weird fish and dedications to eels pigs and bulls as like. a concept. A not insignificant number of dolls. a lot of pink and black. and the sorta vibes of that. as the local art community walk through.
There is a museum. in a nearby town. that is dedicated to Just cowboy art, not the cool gay cowboy art that's about the plight of the working man, the cowboy art that's about glorifying the violence of the western expansion. And that is the taste profile of the local art community in that same town, there is full wall mural of that in the library. and this snobby upper mid/low upper class wine mom and polo shirt cowboy ass art community being confronted with brief moments of clarity in this room. A Guadalupe bass or some kind of catfish that they recognize as an animal from their world, and then they turn around, and it's this thing.
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that is staring slack jawed and vacant eyed back at them.
that image is almost enough to make me want to trick a gallery into letting me display my critter art.
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ceapa-mica · 4 months
A Relationship with Grand Admiral Thrawn 💖 - a headcanon
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I can't stop writing! 😄 Thrawn's my newest blorbo and it's so refreshing and a pleasure to write for him.
Reader is gender neutral.
🔞 This will be a bit NSFW 🔞
I dedicate this one to @thrawnsboots
May you never recover from this one hehehe
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So, you made a certain emotionally constipated blue Grand Admiral fall in love with you? Congratulations! 🎉 Good for you!
Now let's get into this headcanon of what you can expect in a relationship with Thrawn. 💙
Secrecy. As long as you're not engaged or something your relationship will remain behind closed doors. Thrawn values his privacy and wants to keep you safe from people who might want to harm him through you.
Keeping a secret like that aboard the Chimera is still impossible though. So eventually your relationship will become the biggest open secret on the ISD.
The crew is grateful since you impact Thrawn’s mood in a positive way.
Outside of his quarters you both will keep a professional distance.
Thrawn is a busy man, but he takes as much time as he can to spend with you, whether it’s having sex in his quarters or traveling to worlds in nearby star systems he's familiar with, showing you the Galaxy.
Every date with Thrawn is special. Visiting restaurants, hours spent in art galleries and museums, or a simple picnic in a beautiful landscape. He makes sure it never gets dull, is open for suggestions for the next date, and you will have so many meaningful in depth conversations together.
Those dates can become irregular at times given his busy schedule.
When it's just the two of you, he always shows you the love and appreciation you deserve.
As your relationship progresses he teaches you phrases in Cheunh and Sy Bisti.
Thrawn’s love language consists of acts of service, gift giving and words of affirmation.
Seriously, this man spoils you, he treats you just like you deserve.
Keep in mind he treats you like everyone else at your workplace though! Safe for glancing your way every so often when no one else is looking.
I hope you don't mind a partner who's super enthusiastic about art, because oh boy, Thrawn could talk about art for hours!
He has never been in a relationship before. When he joined the Empire, falling in love wasn't in the cards for him. He didn't expect it would happen…until you came into his life.
Your long time compatibility with Thrawn depends on what your own personal goals are.
Let's say you want to be at this man’s side for the rest of your life, I see engagement and marriage in your future, if you're up to it.
As a Chiss, Thrawn is a man of tradition. He won't share you with anyone. That's unheard of where he comes from.
Being in the Imperial Navy during a Galaxy wide war complicates things, but he's determined to keep Imperial affairs away from his private life, that includes your relationship as well.
Thrawn can become a bit jealous in situations where another man gets flirty with you, but never in a toxic way. He trusts you to make the right decision and remain faithful.
He will remind you in the bedroom what you would lose if you weren’t. In other words, he ruins you for any other man.
Tbh I picture a relationship with him as healthy, he doesn't seem to be a man who disrespects his partner y’know.
From a partner, Thrawn needs someone who's competent and just… gets him. He's different, not due to being an alien, I’m talking about his mind. (He's autistically coded)
If you put a serious effort in understanding him, show genuine interest in who he really is, not just as a Grand Admiral or because of his abilities, but as a person, with all his flaws, and you still love and accept him the way he is, this man is yours for life!
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Stay tuned for the engagement headcanon coming soon!
Feel free to add to this headcanon! 💙
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gffa · 7 months
what order would you recommend reading the batman comics in? also where do you find the comics?
"What order would you recommend reading the Batman comics in?" only has one answer and that answer is for me to immediately burst into tears. Okay, this list is designed around what I think is most likely to get you into comics and having a good time, if you're enjoying the kind of posts that appear on this blog: - Nightwing 2016, you can start from issue #1 and just keep reading (well, once you hit the Ric Grayson arc, you can skim if you want) because it's a fun, light-hearted series that's just very easy to read and is my comfort series in a lot of ways. I enjoy Dick Grayson's character, it does a lot of work to establish him in his own city, but also touches on his relationships with his family, and I think is a great starting place. You can start with Better Than Batman, Back to Bludhaven, Nightwing Must Die, Blockbuster, Raptor's Revenge, The Untouchable, The Bleeding Edge, Knight Terrors (not to be confused with the 2023 event of the same name!), Burnback, The Gray Son Legacy, The Joker War, Fear State Then there's something of a 'soft reboot' where the volume numbering starts over (but issue #s keep going) with: Leaping into the Light, Get Grayson, The Battle for Blüdhaven's Heart - Robin & Batman (2022), a beautifully illustrated series from the early days of Bruce and Dick, where Bruce is not exactly the world's greatest parent, but he's trying, there's an amazingly emotionally satisfying hug, and it shows what a delightful hurricane child Dick Grayson was. - "The Murder Club" is just one story out of many in Batman: Urban Legends but it's a fantastic one, with beautiful art and a story that's about Thomas and Martha Wayne traveling forward in time to see what's become of their son, and they don't necessarily approve--until Dick and Damian are basically impossible to ignore and they see what Bruce is fighting for. For more general Batman stories (rather than ones focused on my Blorbo), I'm enjoying: - The Court of Owls [vol. 1][vol. 2] by Scott Snyder, which is a solid case story and introduces the Court of Owls, which I genuinely like as a relatively recent addition to Batman's rogues gallery! - Batman 2016 is a bit of a controversial pick, because not everyone enjoys the authors writing for this series, but I've had a blast with a lot of Tom King's writing, personally. I especially enjoyed a lot of the run-up to the Bruce/Selina wedding with Rebirth book 3 (there's a double date with Bruce/Selina and Clark/Lois that's just a silly, fun good time!), The Rules of Engagement, Bride or Burglar, The Wedding, and Cold Days. I wasn't really a big Bruce/Selina shipper before those issues, but they really won me over because I love a good hot mess of a couple that have a bunch of thorny issues between them, that Selina loves Bruce not as some mythic figure but as the dumbass guy she loves, and then some bonus quality content with Bruce's kids, especially once the wedding falls apart and he's in such a bad place and Dick Grayson is so good at stabilizing Bruce that it's unreal. (You can also read Preludes to the Wedding in around here, if nothing else the Dick + Hush one was really, really fun! Clark and Dick take Bruce to Batburger for his bachelor's party because they're horrible people who think they're funny, and it's DELIGHTFUL.) - Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022) by Mark Waid is also more light-hearted, but is so much fun, the characters banter with each other, but you can see their genuine friendship and how it became to be one of foundational relationships in both their lives, and plus Dan Mora's art is always TOP NOTCH. (Plus, volume 2 is out as well.)
I limited myself to anything from the 2016 reboot ("Rebirth") because I think that's easiest to draw someone in and these are the starting places that I would enjoy, though, they do assume a fair amount of pre-knowledge about Batman characters, like personally I enjoyed Batman & Robin Eternal but I don't think it's a good starting point for what the comics are actually like. As always, if someone has a good suggestion for a newer fan, I'd love to hear them! Especially since I tend to be Nightwing-focused, that's where my area of expertise is, if you have some good Tim or Jason or Damian recs, feel free! Though, in general, I think you can pick up almost any trade paperback and it'll be designed to be read without too much confusion, so just find a character you think you'll like and jump in! :D (p.s. I'm linking to Hoopla pages because, if you have a library card with your local library, you can use it to sign in to Hoopla!)
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pollenallergie · 1 year
Billisms Pt. 2
Some more headcanons about my favorite blorbo. Enjoy. <3
Side note: a bitch is running out of not-sad Billy Knight gifs so pls accept this up-close JQ gif instead (using an up-close gif bc Billy’s hair isn’t as curly as JQ’s)
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Not only is Billy practically a grandmother trapped in a 26-year-old man’s body, he quite literally has a posse of elderly people (mostly elderly ladies) that he meets with once a week at the local community centre for a knitting circle. Although, occasionally, the group will switch things up by having Billy lead/instruct a paint night instead of doing their usual knitting and gossiping. His favourites of the group are Evelyn and Auggie. Evelyn is an 82-year-old who’s originally from Newcastle, and she’s one of Billy’s favourites because she’s quiet and doesn’t easily trust others, but once she opens up to you, she’s incredibly kind, although she’s also a bit of spitfire. Auggie is a 70-something-year-old native Londoner who tells the greatest stories, most of which occurred before he settled down with his husband Hugh, and who always carries around a bag of sweets to snack on throughout the day; Billy is the only person in the whole group who Auggie willingly shares his sweets with. <3
You and Billy tend to seek comfort using your foreheads… Let me explain… When you’ve had a rough day, you’ll come up to Billy and rest your forehead against his back or shoulder. When Billy’s not feeling well, he’ll come up to you, gently grab one of your hands, and hold it to his forehead so that the heat of your warm palm can soothe the pressure in his head. When either of you is having a bad mental health day and desperately need some reassurance and consolation, you’ll rest your foreheads against each other, breathing in each other’s air in deep, grounding breaths as you relish in the closeness. It’s something you’ve always done since you were a kid, and within the first few months of your relationship with Billy, he’d swiftly picked up that habit from you. <3
You like to bring Billy along with you to shop for clothes and makeup so that he can use his profound knowledge of colour theory and his artist’s eye to help you pick out the products and clothing items that will best compliment your features, your skin tone, your eye colour, the colour of your hair, etc. Then, afterward, you reward him for his complaint-less cooperation by letting him drag you along with him to do whatever it is that he wants to do; visit an art gallery or museum, go to his favourite bakery so that he can get some spiced chai and eat his weight in delightful little desserts, go shopping at the nearest craft store so he can stock up on yarn and art supplies, grab lunch at his favourite Vietnamese restaurant, walk around the Chelsea Physic Garden and marvel at all of the beautiful fauna, anything his lovely heart desires. <3
You and Billy adopted a cat shortly after moving in together. The little fella is seven years old, has a permanent resting bitch face, and is named Dennis after ‘Dennis the Menace’ because he’s a mischievous little guy. Despite his serious attitude problems, Billy loves that little guy more than life itself. Truthfully, Dennis is more so Billy’s cat than yours because he really only loves Billy, or at least, Billy’s the only one Dennis loves unconditionally. Don’t get me wrong, Dennis likes you a whole lot, he thinks you’re pretty great, but he definitely only loves you some of the time. Dennis loves you when you scritch his little chin, when you sneak him extra treats, and when you indulge his desire to be carried around like a human infant constantly. However, his love for you fades when you try to give him his antidepressants (yes, your cat is on antidepressants… he’s a little guy with big emotions), when you reprimand him for trying to hop up onto the counters and the kitchen table, when you move a little too much in your sleep, thereby interrupting his essential 12-hour-long nap, etc. Billy, however, can do no wrong in Dennis’s eyes. The way Dennis sees it, Billy is his biological mother, gender and species incompatibilities aside, while you are only his step-parent. <3
Billy’s the kind of partner that enjoys slow dancing with you in your kitchen, listening to slow, easy music whilst you both wait for your dinner — an impressive roast that Billy had been working on all evening with you as his sous chef — to finish cooking in the oven. <3
It’s like his brother’s ex-wife, Dawn, said, Billy’s “a sweet boy.” He’s always been a sweet boy. When he was little, before his mum passed, the ladies in the village used to think Billy was just darling, always doling out compliments and offering to help out in any way he could. His teachers always liked him, too; they said he was incredibly mild-mannered and bright. Really, the only people who’d never liked him were his father and his older brother, Jimmy. They had no empathy, no compassion. When Billy was having a rough time emotionally and mentally, they were quick to write him off as a burden or, worse, to punish him for something entirely out of his control. All their violence and vitriol only made things worse, made him more troubled, made the voices louder, made him more timid and uncertain, and made him more skittish. However, the wickedness of his father and brother could never dull his sparkle, could never rob him of his kindness, could never turn his warm, tender heart to cold stone. Even after all the horrors he’s endured at their hands, Billy’s still the sweetest man you’ve ever known. He’s sweet in more than just that classic, chivalrous way. Sure, he holds doors open for you, cooks for you, walks on the side of the pavement that’s closest to the street whenever the two of you walk to places together, constantly tells you how pretty you are and how much he loves you, etc. However, he also does much, much more than that. For example, Billy buys you a bouquet of flowers from the supermarket every single time he goes shopping for groceries. In fact, that’s something he started doing long before he even moved in with you. Billy would go to the supermarket or a nearby corner shop to stock up on groceries for him and his flatmate. On the way back to his flat, he would make a quick (truly not all that quick, as your flat was usually a bit out of the way) trip to your place to drop off a lovely bouquet that he’d bought for you and to check in on you. Also, on nights when it’s his turn to make dinner, Billy has you talk about what you’re studying in your courses at the moment (for my fellow university babes) or a project that you’re working on at your job whilst he cooks because he knows that you best absorb information and retain it long term when you teach it to others. I could go on and on about all the sweet things Billy does for you, but instead, I’ll just offer you one last example: He lets you cry when you need to. Billy doesn’t try to quiet you or to dry your tears; he holds you and lets you cry, lets you sob as loud as you need to, and lets you get it all out. He doesn’t try to talk you through it; he knows that’s not what you need. So, he just holds you. Whenever you try to put on a brave face and reign in your emotions, Billy will even encourage you to cry (gently and kindly, of course); he’ll remind you how good it is for you to let it out, how natural and valid it is to feel the way you’re feeling, and how it’ll likely make you feel much better if you face these intense emotions head on instead of repressing them. <3
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Hai welcome to my hell
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You can call me Luvin, TVcat, Tamari (plsplspls use this one it will make me really happy), Sofanthiel (same thing with this one too),any swear words, idc. Mutuals have perms to call me Chiip :]
Pronouns are He/it/they/spark/beep/boop, and any other neos :]
♫︎ anything is chill really, as long as its not she/her or any feminine aligned surnames n stuff
Uhh more stuff:
♫︎ Robotkin
♫︎ Wolfkin
♫︎ Zeraora fictionkin
♫︎ Tamari fictionkin
♫︎ Inv/Enot fictionkin
♫︎ im a furry
♫︎ i am a minor
♫︎ my birthday is febuary 1st
♫︎ Timezone is EST.
Fandoms im in:
♫︎ Ghost and pals
♫︎ Vocaloid
♫︎ Murder Drones
♫︎ Rain World
♫︎ Omori [havent played the game yet but still]
♫︎ Project Sekai
♫︎ The Amazing Digital Circus
♫︎ Wings of Fire
♫︎ Warrior Cats
♫︎ Parties Are For Losers
♫︎ Pokemon
I will update the list as we go :]
I take art requests! It might take a while for me to get to yours though cuz art block is a bitch lol
My fursonas name is Luvin and they use the same pronouns as me
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Username changed from tvcat0w0 -> chiipeatsbatteries175 -> tamarieatsbatteries175
My discord user is luluvin_ (for just in case if that KOSA bullshit does end up passing)
My tags:
Art- #Sillyart
My brothers art tag- #Watermelons Gallery
Reblogs (though i tend to forget to use this tag)- #sillyreblog
Text posts- #Chiip is a huge bug enthusiast
Text posts from 2023- #sillytalking
Vents- #Not so silly sillytalking
Asks- #answering the sillies
Extra tag for when people infodump/show me about their blorbos- #blorbo storage
Real life photos- #Tamari irl
Pictures of my cat- #kevin the sea pickle 🐈
My warrior cats oc fanclans tag- #Chiips silly fanclans
Rando facts about me:
♫︎ My favorite songs are Reckless Battery Burns, End-World Normopathy both by Ghost and Pals, and !!! by Zer0h :D
♫︎ my favorite color is green
♫︎ my irl friend calls me pookie bear [i think it would be quite funny of people called me this on here too /silly]
Please tag me in things you think i would might like, and i am also 100% open to talk to :] dms are open :D
I almost forgot my sideblogs: @cattingyourfavs , @ittybitty-azlyn , @just-kevin-things , @the-spinner-that-spins-things , @where-is-tamari-now , @that-thing-luvin , @chiipsimportantblog , @tamari-official , and @invwuzhere
If you have any questions, just ask! Pleeease :]
A really epik post
I have a youtube channel! But for personal comfort reasons, i will not be sharing it :P it is mainly alterhuman focused tho
More info here:
Homophobes, terfs, pedos, zoos, anti-furs, anti-alterhuman/therian, kink and nsfw blogs, Pro Israel, and anything similar shall not interact with my blog.
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All user boxes made by me
K thanks for reading look at teto now
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kaibacorpstocksplit · 10 months
Kaiba for the ask thing 🩵🤍
First impression: Childhood hero. The model for everything I love in a character. Baby's first blorbo. Most iconic character of all time. Everyone needs to be nice to him and I will lay here thinking about everyone being nice to him until I fall asleep.
Impression now: Perhaps one of the greatest characters of all time. Unironically. Richly and wonderfully written, angry and self-destructive and doesn't always have the right "feelings" because the story respects that he's a struggling, heavily burdened teenager. Still the character nearest and dearest to my heart. Everyone needs to be nice to him.
Favorite moment: Aside from all of them, Castle Gambit really was so iconic, and though it was more weighty in the manga I still think the heaviness carried over even to the anime. Makes me sad how misinterpreted it gets because it's this horrible culmination of all of Kaiba's fears all at once as he believes he's moments from losing literally everything he has (and so has no problem staking his life to win). Also "nice outfit, dork."
Idea for a story: Seto and Mokuba make a neat little art exhibition together. I love artist Mokuba and while I don't see Seto himself as super creative, I think it'd be neat if he brought Mokuba's stuff to life in Solid Vision, like a big interactive gallery.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think he's ever going to be the friendly, well-adjusted, "fully recovered" Seto Kaiba people want him to be, and that's fine. I think he can by happy and alright even with the damage.
Favorite relationship: I only ever want to read about the Kaiba brothers. I never get tired of the Kaiba brothers. They are the most important.
Favorite headcanon: I can never decide if it's funnier if Kaiba has naturally green hair and dyes it brown, or if he dyed his hair green on purpose.
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sarielsnowings · 1 year
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I have so much OC content now.
So many silly little doodles.
And Tumblr's ephemeral TL is essentially handing me the opportunity to dump it all on here.
I take no responsibility for what you might find here. If you want a pretty and curated art gallery go to my Instagram (or even better, my portfolio).
You've been warned 💜
Anyway here's an old blorbo from a Halloween one-shot all grown up and ready for a new campaign. He works at the city council and runs on coffee, cigarettes and spite. Please fill in your forms correctly, he'll appreciate it. Thanks.
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bokutosmochi · 1 year
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status: CLOSED
greetings from bokutosmochi!
as head confectioner of bokutosmochi, i would like to give thanks to all seven hundred followers of our beloved company as well as every person who supports our content by liking, commenting, and reblogging our works.
a time for celebration
in order to celebrate this wonderful milestone, we have decided to hold the A DATE WITH U event where you are given a chance to go on a date with your beloved blorbo.
tagging the moots: @rxmera​ @sandwichbokuroo​ @jxbsbokuto​ @semisgroupie​ @falloutkeiji @rosesandtoshi @krystalgaia @kemakoshume @jotatetsuken @roses-flyingin-sky @lushiyo @munsonsins @yuujispinkhair @r-oronoa @romiyaro @sukunastoy @xshinigamikittenx @utahimeow @portfolio-of-dreams @tetsuswhores @boyfrwenz @alterbubs @tiddieluvr @toji-bunny-girl @nyaaaaanma @evanescentlight @margoswrld @jujutsukatsuki @aizumie @keigosmelody 
click read more if interested
send in a character of your choice from the following fandoms: haikyuu!!, jujutsu kaisen, and obey me!, as well as a treat of your choice and i will write a drabble based on your input.
i will accept fourteen requests, and hopefully will post them from february first to the fourteenth aka valentine's day
in order to join, submit your request through my ask box. request must include blorbo of your choice, an icy treat, whether sfw (excluding angst/no comfort) or nsfw [if none is chosen, i'll just go with what i think would be best], whether fem or gn reader, and triggers you would want me to avoid (although i am not writing any dark content for this event)
request template: hi mochi! can i please join your a date with u event? i think ice cream bites with gojo satoru would be fun. sfw + gn!reader, no trigger to be mindful of, but please make it fluffy, thank you!
one request per person!
icy treat can only be repeated twice [i'll inform you if what you chose has already been requested twice], but there are no character repeat limits.
HAIKYUU!!: hinata shoyo, kageyama tobio, oikawa toru, iwaizumi hajime, wakatoshi ushijima, tendo satori, semi eita, bokuto kotaro, kuroo tetsuro, kozume kenma, miya atsumu, suna rintaro
JUJUTSU KAISEN: itadori yuji, kugisaki nobara, maki zenin, gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji
OBEY ME!: mammon (i don't have a good grip on the other characters yet, and i had to uninstall it 😭😭)
ICE CREAM BITES: ice cream shop date
ROOT BEER FLOAT: arcade date
ICE CREAM CREPE: art gallery date
TAIYAKI: pottery class date
ROLLED ICE CREAM: painting date
DRINKABLE ICE CREAM: aquarium date
PIE ALA MODE: dinner date
GIANT DIPPIN DOTS: baking date
day one: THE JELLYFISH AND THE PIRANHA drinkable ice cream for miya atsumu
day two: CREAMY STICKY ice cream bites for fushiguro toji
day three: MEMENTO MORI ice cream crepe for zenin maki
day four: A HEART MADE OF CLAY taiyaki for tendo satori
day five: PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER astronaut ice cream for mammon
day six: UNDENIABLY YOURS ice cream bites for kozume kenma
day seven: GET INTO IT YUH root beer float for geto suguru
day eight: I'M LOOKING RIGHT AT OTHER HALF OF ME ice cream sandwich for bokuto kotaro
day nine: PAINT ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS rolled ice cream with gojo satoru
day ten: HOW TO: HAVE MAMMON COOK FOR YOU pie ala mode for mammon
day eleven: THE CINEMA'S EMOTIONAL IMPACT astronaut ice cream with itadori yuji
day twelve: MILES UP SHORE WITH A PADDLE root beer float with gojo satoru
day thirteen: TEASE pie ala mode for nanami kento
day fourteen: SNOW FROSTED BLONDE HAIR giant dippin dots for nanami kento
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thehavster · 2 years
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HEY I’m so glad y’all seem to like Jinryn, I can’t stop drawing him recently, he is just the blorbo of all blorbos. Some info about him: - he is 3′0 tall - is kind of a slut - has committed a murder - likes to cook Basically the epitome of “Manipulate, Mansplain, Malewife” but add a little “Manslaughter” in there If you guys are ever interested, you should check out all my of the art my friends have made of him on his toyhouse!! Plus check out all of the other cool characters from the same campaign :D Jinryn: https://toyhou.se/12047314.jinryn
His Gallery: https://toyhou.se/12047314.jinryn/gallery
Friend’s characters:
Merit (Tiefling): https://toyhou.se/12091120.merit Hera (Shifter): https://toyhou.se/13616250.hera-chirsk Ten (Half-orc): https://toyhou.se/12155277.ten Eira (Drow): https://toyhou.se/12011722.eira
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feyinvestigations · 2 years
triple a games may have millions of dollar spent on writing their stories and creating complex emotional threads, but nothing will ever get to me as much as garry's final lines in the ib bad endings
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captain--comet · 1 year
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[ID: Digitally drawn image of a Golden Retriever, done in a 'splotchy' style, with splotches of color done in place of shading. It's standing and facing the left, while the angle shows the dog's whole side. The dog has a guide harness on, front loop bracing against it's chest while the other tucks behind the front legs and over the dog's back. The harness has an extended handle on it. The dog's eyes are looking off to the side, seemingly behind it, rather than forwards or at the viewer. End ID] Did I seriously just make more art of Cheesecake? Yes. Yes I did. I just love them so much AGAGGAGA!! I've only known Cheesecake for two days but I already believe they're Eclipse in disguise and would give the world to them!! Once again, Cheesecake comes from @dca-fanart-gallery - Come get your dog. They're establishing themself as my new blorbo and I didn't agree to this /j /lh
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juspeczyk · 9 months
btw since this is My HouseTM here's a list of blorbos from my brain. i've been burnt the fuck out on art this year but by god these ocs are still kicking and someday i'll make more art about them. pwease do send me asks or something about them cause i really would love to make stuff for them i just don't have the executive function to decide what rn
fantasy daydreaming child -> fantasy ttrpg adult pipeline. polycule of magical girl superheroes in college + their social circle. main cast is siobhan-therese (goth, english major), talia (jock, journalism and/or sports medicine), drew (alt girl, taking a gap year), and rowan (granola girl, probably majoring in environmental science or something that will save the earth). the main four are a magical girl group who have to balance saving the world with college and 20something social dramas. also features lilah (siobhan-therese and talia's ex who is a total mean girl but still secretly has feelings for them both), wyllow (an even alt-er alt girl who is drew's "apprentice" but nobody really knows what that means), syd (lichrally just sidney from scream, she got adopted by the group because they were like oh she is such a poor little meow meow) and talia's younger sister who i haven't decided on a name for yet.
superhero universe that started as a chemistry project when i was in high school where we had to like, anthropomorphize a certain element in order to learn about the periodic table, so of COURSE i made it gay and comics. includes the above magical girls and another group of supers in college, except these ones are more sciencey. main character is nicki walton (can change her flesh into a superdense metallic substance, kind of like how emma frost can become a diamond) and her co-supers valentina foster-nguyen (half alien, can shoot sparkle rays and stuff), basira baz/the all-seeing girl (psychic/teleporter), silver star (haven't decided on a name yet, he's basically ghost rider but a cowboy instead of a biker), and liz doe (ghost girl who is also a toxic slime girl, can become intangible like kitty pryde, started as a villain but turned good cause she fell in love with nicki). she has a whole rogues gallery but the main villain is adam huxley, nicki's old lab partner who tried to kill her but instead gave her superpowers.
juno and milos. started as a college project in my comics class and has never left. root of my dnd homebrew world. she's a hunter turned knight, he's a cursed prince, they're in love, she kills his dad, it's a whole thing. i am perpetually trying to write a graphic novel about it.
gary stu vamp boy. his name is matthew monroe and he used to be vegan 😔 he got briefly mildly famous for accidentally filming his own attack where he was "mauled by a rabid dog", then "mistakenly" pronounced dead and buried "alive", then managed to crawl out of his own grave. he now works as the night manager of the local video store and has a big fixer-upper house where all the local cryptids crash. his best friend is a butch werewolf.
edmund fredericks. he's definitely not an axe murderer! probably exists as a historical figure in matthew's universe.
colette coupe. caricature of evil french ladies. eviscerated her husband but he managed to slit her throat before fully dying and now they're both ghosts who thrive on drama. somehow they ended up in matthew's house (idk cursed item or something) and they all despise each other.
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nebulardrip · 7 months
Mikkel (ssss), Nana Alba, Nepeta, Aiden (sbg), Ashlyn (sbg), Yeong-Gi (ily), Barbie (barbie)
Oh man these are such good choices.
Go grocery shopping with
Mikkel! I wanted to wait and not immediately put him here, but tbh I feel like I'd enjoy grocery shopping with him the most somehow. Plus I'd be pretty helpful (I hope) and not be a nuisance. If we're immersive and he's speaking Danish as he would irl, then I'd get to hear him in his native tongue and hopefully decipher what he says LOL. Maybe he'll let me hug him and he'll hug me back because imagine getting hugged by Mikkel (i'm imagining it).
2. Have lunch with
Barbie! I can tell her how obsessed I am with her work in Princess and the Pauper and that she should convince Mattel to do more fairy tale adaptations (especially the abandoned Sleeping Beauty project) in the classic animated Barbie style.
3. Have coffee with
Nepeta because we'd both get tea and probably have something (pastry, sandwich) with it as well, and she'd be nice to talk to.
4. Go thrift shopping with
Nana because she'd definitely be experienced in such places, and she'd be so much fun to do that kind of shopping with! I don't normally like to linger too much when shopping for clothes, but I think she'd make it more bearable. Plus it's what she deserves!!!!
5. Explore a museum/art gallery/aquarium with
Yeong-gi/Nol(an)! He'd be fun to explore these places with, and he needs a break from life (me too scoob). And maybe Dieter (my blorbo!!!) will tag along too, and I can hug Dieter and we can all have fun. (I guess Soushi can come too, but I'm not super attached to him lol)
6. Go the library/bookstore with
Ashlyn because it's the most likely to be a nice, quiet environment for her to be in, and we can take as long as we each like just wandering around whether we end up buying/borrowing something or not.
7. Have as a plus-one at a wedding
Aiden. I'd have someone I could talk to (assuming I don't know the people there well, he'd still be fun to have even if I did know them), and he'd definitely be entertaining to have around at a wedding.
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alexagirlie · 5 months
For the artist ask: 1,2,3,4,5
1. Do you prefer traditional drawing, or digital? Pffft I do both, I do my sketch and outline traditionally then I colour and do any background work digitally. I would say I probably prefer digital? I would like to one day transition to doing everything digitally but I'm anxious about change.
2. How long have you been drawing? I don't remember a time before I started drawing so somewhere in the ball part of 30 years. There was definitely a gap of about 5 years in my twenties where I was barely drawing tho.
3. How many classes have you taken? Stuff in highschool which I didn't take nearly seriously enough then I did one year of college level art courses but it wasn't for me.
4. Do you have a DeviantArt, personal website, or art blog? I had a DA way back in the day, now I would say my pillowfort account? It has the most easily accessible gallery and I can post both the sfw and nsfw art there.
5. What’s your favorite thing to draw? Looking at my history one would assume the blorbos from my shows but in actuality I like drawing pretty ladies in pretty clothes best. (Blorbos second)
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