#bitch do you want me to feel for outcasts or not
tuiyla · 1 year
that infamous ryan murphy quote about how quinn was supposed to be this unsympathetic mean girl character to me and dianna “ruined” that is crazy to me because the poor girl finds out that she’s pregnant as early as season 1 episode 4 😭 and proceeds to get knocked down by life nearly every single episode after for the remainder of the first season. dianna did play a large part in making quinn so likable and sympathetic (in the following seasons especially but even just in season 1 also) but even just her character on paper kind of makes your heart ache for her. she’s only 15/16 years old, gets pregnant under some dubious circumstances, loses so much in the process, is kicked out of her own home and disowned by her father, bounces from place to place to live until actual angel mercedes steps in, struggles with the hardships of teen pregnancy and the decision of what she wants to do while literally being 15/16 years old. and of course she makes her fair share of mistakes along the way, she’s by no means perfect. she’s a bully when we first meet her and she lies to finn about him being the father. but my god i don’t know how you couldn’t not feel bad for this child, dianna and her wonderful ability of making quinn likable to watch onscreen aside.
We're doing it we're answering asks, let's goooo
That said an ask about the infamous Ryan Murphy quote has been sitting in my inbox for about 4 months at this point oops haha, but we'll answer one at a time
Cause girl! That's what I've been saying! Like, regardless of what RM actually meant when he backhand complimented Dianna I truly believe that this bitch didn't consider how sympathetic Quinn was bound to be and he's so wrong for that. There's no way you can have a character go through as much as Quinn did, on a show like Glee that ostensibly champions the downtrodden and not have her be sympathetic. I truly believe that three male writers didn't think people would feel for Quinn as much as they did in that situation. Which is bonkers because was she cruel towards Finn? Sure, but even Beth's conception itself is so dubious like we've covered before. But even IF Quinn was just some cold-hearted calculating whore who wanted to hurt Puck and Finn and everyone around her, she's still a 16-year-old pregnant girl who gets disowned. Come on! How the fuck am I supposed to feel more for Finchel's "tragic" inter-social (i.e. high school) class relationship in the face of that. Fuck relationship drama, this girl is h o m e l e s s and pregnant.
I really feel like the message of Glee throughout Quinn's pregnancy storyline up until the point Quinncedes happens is that Quinn... had all the hardships coming. That she deserved to be knocked down a peg. Only it happened through her getting knocked up and it's super messed up that the show pretends she's anything but a victim. Who the hell cares that she's bitchy. Who the hell cares that popularity is important to her. Newsflash assholes, it's just as important to out supposed heroes. Lmao I get so mad about Quinn's treatment. And this is why I can't in good conscience get behind people who say s1 is Quinn's best and that the pregnancy storyline was done well. No it wasn't. It decentred her whenever possible and wasn't in the least bit sympathetic if not for like, a single scene in Ballad and from Home on. And, of course, if not for Dianna. RM should be grateful Dianna did her thing with Quinn cause framing your arguably most tragic character as if she had it coming just because she's a bully at 15 is not a good look. But that's a recurring thing for Glee, ain't it. The more I think about it the more I believe Quinn and Santana's treatment re: pregnancy and outing are similar.
Quinn is a walking talking, but mostly crying tragedy. It's frankly disturbing that for some time they cling to this idea of her being irredeemable when she's just a mean kid playing into the same system everyone else does, too. But she happens to be on top and schadenfreude is real, I guess. Except it really wasn't for me there was no part of me that felt any justice in what Quinn went through. And guess what? Neither did Rachel. And I don't think Rachel is meant to represent the audience's perspective when she shows Quinn kindness in season 1 but alas, she does. I don't trust no bitches who don't feel the same.
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borderlinecatboy · 2 years
Everytime I see a post talking about how older sister's have it worse and younger siblings will never experience the pain they have I loose 5 year's off my life.
1, not the trauma Olympics everyone suffers in an abusive household. 2, not every family dynamic is the same.
Yeah you got hurt but I won't let you erase mine because you were too blind to see it
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konigsblog · 17 days
Farmer Konig that finds a theif, and gives them a couple of options to work off what they owe him (different ways of getting fucked)
Farmer-König who gives you an ultimatum.
You're supposed to be the farmer's worker, an obedient little thing, eager to help him out with whatever. Your job is to harvest the fruits and vegetables from the soil, and the thought of stealing it is oh so tempting...
You can't resist. König doesn't pay you well enough, or at least not enough for you to afford a week's worth of food shopping. You feel horrible about what you're going to do, especially because König takes pride in his crops. You begin to pull fresh carrots from the ground, sneaking them into your bag, along with some sweet berries like the strawberries König uses for his desserts.
Although, König had a sneaky suspicion that you were up to no good. Of course, König is absolutely infuriated and appalled by this. He's in disbelief that he had a thief on his field, and he knew that if anyone found out about this, you'd become a social outcast. You feel ashamed, ordered into König house for a chat about your misbehaviour. König can understand your reasoning behind it, but regardless, you stole and that's not allowed.
“You can do two things for me,” König begins, fixing the glasses on his face as he leans back in his chair. “Blowjob or your pussy, what can I use?” He's blunt about what he wants. He knows exactly what he wants, and will make sure that he gets his filthy hands on you some way or another. You squirm away, attempting to offer the fruit and vegetables back instead of your precious body, your voice broken and stuttered as fear consumes you.
“There's no turning back, lamb. Be grateful I'm keeping quiet about this, Liebling.”
If you don't decide for yourself, König will. He doesn't have all day, he has a farm to run, Maus. He digs his teeth into the back of your bare nape as intimidation, forcing you into his bed where you lay there, wailing as König humps your weak body, crushing you with his bodyweight. He fucks your pussy until it's sensitive and raw, until you're flinching at the smallest touch to your overstimulated cunt, your eyes wide with disgust as you're traumatised by the painful sensation and stretch.
“Don't weep, little bitch. This is your punishment, now take it.”
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icyg4l · 2 months
PAC: How Does Your Higher Self Define Womanhood?
Hello, beautiful people. Today marks the last post of the Women’s History Month series & one of two posts made today! I am excited to continue to create content for you guys. And I am even more grateful for the support I have received as of lately. Because of this, I will continue to post creative tarot readings. So, without further ado, please pick your pile.
Left-to-Right: (1-4)
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Pile 1: Pile One, your story reminds me of the Miss Congeniality plot. Basically, Sandra Bullock plays a detective that goes undercover as a beauty pageant contestant. At first, she rejects the ideas of what it means to be a “girly girl” but eventually conforms to the standards. She viewed femininity as a sign of weakness and did not like being around other women because she felt that she had to prove herself to be tough. But she gained respect for the girls who worked in these pageants as she worked undercover because she began to acknowledge the hard work it takes to be in the pageants. By the end, she is closer to her womanhood. You have a similar story. I doubt that you’re a detective reading this but I feel as though you may have the tendency to thoroughly investigate any piece of information. To your higher self, womanhood means constantly being on the search for answers to placate the inner child wounds that lie within you. I feel like when you were younger, you may have been an outcast or a tomboy, maybe both. Because of this, you have set a lifelong quest to figure out what being a woman means to you whether it is intentional or not. Your higher self wants you to know that being a woman comes with all types of trauma, but remembering that you do not have to face it alone. You do not have to carry the burdens alone. You see, women are conditioned to be demure for the sake of keeping the peace but that’s not what works for you. Embrace the messy parts of yourself because if you don’t, life will get boring. Part of your mission is being aware of your multifaceted nature; reject conformity, embrace the abnormal, babe.
Cards Used: The Sun, 4 of Cups, 4 of Swords, 5 of Wands, Ace of Cups, The Magician, 5 of Cups, 3 of Cups, 3 of Swords.
Signs: Aquarius, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius.
extras: money getter. cash grabs. “low hanging fruit.” airhead. wallpaper. phineas and ferb. “sharon.” beetles. s.o.s. by rihanna. “tinge of an accent.” sweet. mirrors. coconut trees. hawaii. stubborn. radioactive.
Pile 2: Pile Two, there is a similar vibe that you have to Pile One, except I don’t think that you have problems with accepting your femininity. I think that you have problems with how masculines function in society. I am sensing a Lori Harvey type of energy here. This is likely related to the way that you operate when it comes to love. People tend to want to possess you so that they can show you off like a trophy. But your higher self wants you to know the difference between users and the genuine thing. I feel like you’ve developed this flighty persona to protect yourself from harm. While experiencing the many tribulations of womanhood, you have adopted the “flights over feelings” type of mindset. How has that been working out for you? No, really. Is it actually working or have you convinced yourself that it has. As a woman, your higher self thinks that womanhood is finding love in a loveless world. This isn’t necessarily about romance, but it’s just a mindset that you should adopt. It will save you from falling victim to the cycles of toxicity that plague society. It’s a cold world out here, babe but it doesn’t mean that you have to be as cold as the world. Part of your mission is forgiving yourself and those who hurt you so that you can see the beauty in the world. With this newfound sight of beauty, there comes true inner power.
Cards Used: The Devil, 7 of Discs (RX), 8 of Wands, The Hierophant, 3 of Swords, 3 of Cups, 10 of Discs, The Star, 10 of Cups (RX).
Signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo.
extras: two can play that game. all about love by bell hooks. renegade. open arms. country music lover. tony montana. archer (2009). “logan.” phoenix rising. “marcus.” ashy. corny. cerebellum. stupendous.
Pile 3: Pile Three, your higher self defines womanhood as something that is both sweet and sour. It is something that she takes for granted but it is also something that she takes pride in. It’s a strength but also a weakness. I feel like I am talking to someone who has an ingenue/youthful spirit. I channeled the character Darla from The Little Rascals but I also channeled Charlotte from Princess and the Frog. You seem to be very in tune with your inner child and there is nothing wrong with that. Your inner child is heavily protected by the teenaged version of yourself, which seems very angry. These different versions of yourself often clash with one another, which can lead to bouts of depression and confusion. Your higher self is a woman who pours into herself through movement and self-expression. You need to channel these negative energies into creativity or else you will be stifled by your own thoughts. You honestly need to get out of your head. Your higher self feels as though there is a flip side to every coin that you get. For example, if you are having period pains, it may hurt but at least you’re not pregnant! Looking on the brighter side of life is how you can be closer to your higher self.
Cards Used: 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Page of Swords, Justice, 4 of Cups, Ace of Cups, Ace of Discs, 5 of Wands, The Hanged Man.
Signs: Leo, Pisces, Aries, Gemini.
extras: janet jackson. “i’m da man.” we will rock you. parties. diva. elle magazine. shapely. “how’d you figure?” honest answers only. maya angelou. glorilla. lola bunny. fatigue. body aches. deodorant. small bowls. annual. prayers. mark on the cheek. boot camp. “your highness.” shredded cheese. livelihood.
Pile 4: And last but not least, Pile Four. I feel like you are well sought after in the most lusty way possible. This has its perks, but lately, you feel like it has more cons than anything. I feel like you’re someone who always seems to feel isolated because of this. As a result, your higher self views womanhood as foreign. The amount of power that you hold as a woman is beyond explanation. There are so many ways that you can present yourself, Pile Four. I don’t think you have realized your true potential. Yes, you have gone through trauma because people assumed that you could handle the weight of the world but this means nothing to your spirit. Wake up! Don’t you realize how unique you are? Pile Four, womanhood can really only be defined by you, not by anyone else. The prioritization of yourself will help you make a name for yourself. You could be in your 20s, tired and just wanting a change. Well, your higher self wants you to know that change will come once you begin to change the narrative yourself. If you believe something about yourself that was told to you by someone else, then it means that you’re easily moldable. Being a woman means rising to the top even through the facings of opposition. You are a fighter. So the question is: when are you going to jump in the ring and fight for your sense of self, Pile Four.
Cards Used: Ace of Cups, Queen of Wands, 3 of Discs, Knight of Discs, Ten of Swords, 4 of Discs, The Hermit, Queen of Swords, 9 of Discs.
Signs: Gemini, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo.
extras: “tart.” “fresh out the shower.” burgundy. melons. net worth. SWer. dollar bills. illegal documents. molly. friendless. stoned. be your own boss. cake baker. sister, sister. wiseman. silly goose. fall. saturn.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 9 months
Yandere! Stereotypical! Emo x Stereotypical! Popular bitch! Reader
Okay, so this is a songfic... NSFW at it's most, a lime at it's least.
Not the songfic that has lyrics on them, but fics that are heavily inspired by songs. And this time, it's Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica.
I'm not that knowledgable with Emos to be fair... I'm only doing it in a way where the fic reads like a stereotypical late 90's and early 20's teen flick! I think. I hope.
Also, the bitch here means someone who sleeps around quite a lot, and not the mean type. Just wanna put that out there.
So, I do apologize if I offended someone ಥ‿ಥ
Like any song fic, I recommend listening to Emo Boy while reading.
Yandere! Emo name: Ashton
TW: stereotypical Emo, stereotypical popular bitch
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Ashton always had a fascination with the Emo lifestyle. He loved the music associated with it, especially the people indulging in the lifestyle. He loved how emotional and in tune they are with their emotions and is not afraid to show who they are.
When the got the opportunity to study senior high school in a small yet lively town, he knew he had to grab it.
And when he finally got out of the grasps of his conservative family, he felt free.
No more people calling him demon worshipper, finally (although, now that he thinks about it, aren't the goths the one being called demon worshippers?)
So with black skinny jeans, long, dark black hair that covered his eyes, rings, piercings, chains, sneakers, and a graphic tee shirt, he knew he was ready.
But what he didn't expect was being ostracized by being Emo.
But then, don't people like him always get bullied?
With a grumble while sitting on his chair, all alone, he gripped his pen while in the middle of writing a poem.
"Nobody understands me." Ashton muttered, his dark eyes a stormy grey.
This school he's in is filled with stereotypes, he just realized. Mean Jocks and Cheerleaders, two faced popular bitches, pushover nerds, slobbery otakus, social outcasts... He wonders if his life is a real life teen flick.
So rather than dive into the complicated social hierarchy, he just sits in his seat, reading and listening to MCR and P!ATD just like a true stereotype.
His life filled with such deep melancholy as he trudged in this hormone filled prison that he calls a school.
Hmm. He should write that in his journal.
But then he woke up in his bedroom, his hair having a cowlick he can't put down.
Okay... That's weird.
Then, when he tried to tease and straighten his hair, it won't budge, forcing him to let it stay wavy/curly and covet his eyes just like that.
Then, his favorite graphic tee was eaten by rats...
And his sneakers were accidentally bleached...
Then, as if the day was mocking him, it was really sunny and hot, smiling and cooking him in his dark ensemble.
"What the fuck..."
He suddenly felt a foreboding dread inside of him.
When he got in the school and sat down at his seat at the back, he heard whispers of a new person transferring to this school.
The talk of the town, y/n, was now being speculated which clique they will belong in.
And when they rolled in a pink rover, the school crowd knew they're going to be in the popular rich kids.
Immediately, you integrated into the clique like it was a natural thing to do.
With your quite the revealing clothes, your bimbo/himbo like personality, and your knack for bedding people if you wanted, you got into the social hierarchy just like that. Labeled as the slut, you paraded around the school with that title with your newfound friends.
Trendy, social, quite the airhead, yet charming in your own right, and such a seductive figure too. Nobody can resist your charms.
Not even Ashton.
He tried to fight back the attraction he had with you, and your fashionable pink fit, and fluttery eyelashes.
But he can't.
The hierarchy said no, and his brain also says no.
Yet his heart sings yes.
And he always follows his feelings and his heart.
It was small efforts at first. Poems, love letters filled with such romantic words.
All slipped in your locker, in a cute pink envelop and a sweet sampaguita smell on it.
You knew who it was from, and you loved it.
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"Are you really interested in that Emo boy in the HUMSS department?" One of your friends asked, sipping on a disguised flask of alcohol.
You and your friends are in the rooftop, hanging out and skipping classes. Gossip flies out of your mouths and recent "relationships."
"Yeah I am. He's cute and funny... And him being soooo in touch with his emotions is soooo hot." You said, a typical valley accent on your tone.
You twirled your hair and bit your lip, a hot feeling in your body.
You really don't know why you're so attracted to him.
"I just really want to see and feel how good in bed he is." You nonchalantly added, fanning yourself a bit.
Your other friends grimaced a bit.
"... Really? But he's so..."
"And so complicated with his words."
"He's also always alone and listens to those sad emo bands."
You huffed and cocked your hips to the side.
"Hey! He's emotional and deep!" You rolled your eyes. "Besides, I just want to fuck him. I mean, I haven't been with an emo boy."
You thought back to how Ashton walks away from you in those tightest skinny jeans, his ass round and his legs toned.
You wondered really as to why you're so... Desperate to fuck him. Because most of the time, other people are the ones who want to fuck you.
Frustration welled up inside you as you groaned.
"Yeah I truly wonder why myself." You grumbled.
You grabbed the letter from your back pocket, reading Ashton's poem for you.
I burn for you. Your lips so tantalizing, So pillowy and so sacred. It's something I, so lowly am I, Cannot dream of locking with mine. I do not need to know if you're the devil, Tantalizing as you are, Or the deity you claim to be in my dreams, Bringing retribution to my dark and dreary life. Your body so tempting, I want to embrace and bury myself within you. I want to claim and mark you as my own, My bleeding heart corrupting your alluring self. But I know I can't. So I only look at you with starry eyes, As you shine the most beautiful in a pedestal that I molded in your visage.
You understood the poem a bit, and it irritated you.
"What do you mean you'll not pursue me?!" You yelled, gripping the letter. "I can't believe he'll confess like this and not... Go for me?!"
Your friends chuckled and read the poem and was surprised to see how whimsical this confession of lusty attraction is.
"Wow... Okay, I give you my blessing to bed him." One of your friends said and you rolled your eyes and snatching the poem away from him.
"I know. And I'm trying." You spat out. "I need a stress reliever. Let's go shopping."
What you didn't know is that Ashton is listening to your confession, and is fighting the urge to take you then and there.
He smirked and tried to calm his fast beating heart as he slowly unbuckled his pants, lust filling him as he continued to replay your confession of wanting to fuck him.
Maybe next poem will be an invitation to his house.
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The sound of bed creaking filled the dark room, along with the pants and moans of two people indulging in the desire of flesh.
"Hmm fuck... Ashton..."
"Y/n you're so tight..."
You moaned as Ashton continued to thrust inside of you, his throat audibly clearing as sweat trickled down his throat.
Your eyes trailed down his body, loving the feeling of being under this man.
The hot and damp air encased the two of you, giving a secure and secret paradise, away from the prying eyes.
"Harder Ashton!" Your raspy voice demanded, gripping his arm as he pushed your thighs to the sides of your torso, bending your back as he went deeper, faster, and harder.
"God you make me feral..." Ashton groaned out, feeling your walls squeeze around him stubbornly, not wanting to let go as he pushed you into a mating press in an animalistic need to bury himself deep within you.
The bed creaked violently, accompanying the orchestra of your moans and groans as you both desperately reached your high, and when he spilled inside of you, you knew that you wanted more.
So you kissed him on the lips deeply, interlocking your tongue with his as you both worked into getting into it again.
Yet, as Ashton smirked and gripped your thigh once more, ready to go, a stray perfume bottle rolled under the bed from the movement, a label on the bottle printed "love potion" on it.
A sweet smell of sampaguita permeating as a drop fell on the floor, glowing.
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So if you don't get it, Ashton sprays the love potion on the poems he gives you, making you irrationally desperate for him as he is for you xx.
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Jake x Neytiri x Na’vi!Reader
Summary: One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. ___ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right?
Warnings: Angst, Pregnancy, Implications of death, Abuse Word count: 2.2k
A/N: Guys tumblr is not letting me reply to any comments! I promise I do see them. I just can’t respond :(
Taglist: @itsyoboysparkel @dumb-fawkin-bitch @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fanboyluvr @mooniequeen @berrybluez @bajadotcom @alwaysinwritersblock @pandoragalora @perfectprofessorloverapricot @lvrcpid @answer-the-sirens @phantomalex14 @neteyamforlife @bat1212 @sadforeversblog @ducks118 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @1800imgay @soushswag @honeybxes @lola-bunn1 @alldaysdreamers @doggodorime @theesexystallion @quaritchlvr @annamarieisbae @wallpaintt @zatarias-pandora @daoyus @ambria @simp-erformarvelwomen @simpliheavenli @tojidilfs @automaticwizardnerd @lexasaurs634 @symptoms-of-moonlight @avtprint @deviismynamewritingismygame @sunrays404 @tsireyassgurl @xx-kaitlyn-trixx-xx @that-one-daydreamer @yeosxxx
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The bonfire was bright and the cheers were loud, Na’vi yipping and shouting their congrats. Neytiri just announced to her clan that she was with child, their Olo’eyktan’s child. Of course the Omaticaya was happy, who wouldn’t be. Any child was a blessing from Eywa.
But there was one particular Na’vi that was the epitome of doom and gloom.
___ sat near the happy couple, they did not save a space for her to sit down with them so she resorted to sitting off to the side behind a few clan members. In the shadows.
She was happy that her old friend will become a mother, but she just wished that she could genuinely express that happiness. Instead her ears were pinned back and her tail swished in agitation, barely touching the food in front of her and thinking of what Neytiri had said to her earlier in the day.
‘It is not ours to care for’
Her eyes watered, feeling sick to her stomach. Her future child did not deserve that. She herself did not deserve this. Or maybe she did, what happened to Sylwanin was something she would never forget, if only she was there to be a hero and save her, if the older Na’vi were alive would everything be different? Would Neytiri and Jake have a better opinion on her?
Would they then actually love her as their mate?
“What are you doing over here” a man walked up to her, blue skin shining in the light and iridescent freckles twinkling. “Why are you not with your mates? Eh?” he sat down next to her, taking note of the full leaf of food in front of her and frowning.
“It is nothing Rawtsìn, nothing you should be concerned about” ___ shrugged and put on a false smile, eyes betraying her true feelings. The man put a hand on her shoulder, warm from the light of the fire.
“You are my friend, of course I will be worried” he frowned at her, rubbing soothing circles, if the woman did not want to say then he would not push, but he cared for her. ___ stayed silent and shook her head, indicating that she would stay silent about it, this is not the time nor place for a heart to heart. “Perhaps I can lift your spirits?” his eyes held a cheekiness, mirth seeping into the yellow irises.
___ lifted the skin about her eyes, questioning “what did you have in mind?” whatever it was she wasn’t sure she would like it. Without saying anything Rawtsìn lifted her onto her feet and took her hand, dragging her towards the fire where there were Na’vi dancing. The movements and sways enchanting to watch. “Rawtsìn! You know I am no dancer!”
He chuckled and paused his steps “what are you talking about skxawng? You are the most amazing dancer I know!” he started walking again, finding an opening and jumping right in, dragging ___ to twist and turn to the beat of the drums, their noises guiding their steps.
___ giggled, starting to copy his movements, jumping to the rhythm and feeling the flow of energy through her body. Ok, Rawtsìn might be right, she was good at dancing. Her body was enchanting in the light of the fire, and only a fool would deny her beauty as the light reflected off if her.
The man stared at her with wide yellow eyes, taking in her first genuine smile tonight, glad he was able to inflict it onto her. He grabbed her arms and spun her around, making themselves partners and going closer towards the fire to avoid the dancing Na’vi surrounding them who went in circles. ___ laughed as he stumbled from a small rock, grinning at his silliness, finally finding peace in the night.
“Tse’a? You are fantastic at dancing! Do not deny I am right” he joined her on her laughter. ___ agreeing and slapping his arm in jest. But a sudden figure behind the man made her drop her hand and her ears point down. Noticing her sudden quietness he turned around, seeing Jake Sully stomping towards them. The men did the quick motion of ‘I see you’ out of respect for one another before the Olo’eyktan started talking.
“Rawtsìn, tsunslu oe kämunge peyä?” the older man did not give an opening for an answer and forcefully took ___’s hand, dragging her out from the crowd with a scowl on his face, freshly made dreads swinging from his steps.
___ glanced back at her friend in a quick apology, the man in question nodding in understanding, going back to dancing around the fire.
After walking a safe enough distance from the clan, Jake stopped his steps and threw the woman onto the floor in front of him, glaring. “What the hell do you think you’re doing huh?! What is wrong with you?!” confused and hurt, ___ just stared up into his angry eyes, taking a fist full of the grass beneath her, trying to quell her shaking.
“I do not know what you mean” she shook, doe eyes going from his face and towards the ground, trying to focus on her breathing.
Jake huffed and pointed at her “you’ll speak English when I’m talking to you!” he then pointed back at the fire a few ways away from them “you danced with that man in front of the clan! You two got very fucking close to each other! What the hell were you thinking?! You know that everyone would see you as a whore! A disgrace! Is that what you want to be associated as?! You’ll ruin mine and Neytiri’s reputation, our image to our people!”
___’s ears fell down at what he was saying, it took a while for her to process it all in her head, she was never Grace’s top student, but she learnt enough to know that he was angry at her, angry at the fact that she danced with Rawtsìn. “He is my friend. I dance with him because I want to”
“So you’re willing to disrespect me?! Disrespect Neytiri?! My kid?! Just for the sake of your selfishness?!”
“I am not disrespecting anyone! I dance because I want to! With who I want to! Because I can!”
___ did not expect to feel a sting on her cheek, her head whipped to the side sharply and her breath hitched. She slowly brought her hand up to her cheek, her fingers shaking as she went to touch her face. “This is what your disobedience to me will do! Your selfishness! I never want to see you up doing that again! You hear me?!” he crouched down onto the balls of his feet, grabbing her face harshly and urging her to look into his eyes. “Do. You. Hear. Me?”
“Yes” she whimpered. Jake let go of her face, standing up and glaring at her form on her knees. Neytiri told him of her hatred towards the Na’vi, of how she let her sister die at the hands of the skypeople, how she ran like a coward. He already formed a dislike for her, but now it’s grown tenfold. Why would she do that to Neytiri? Why would she do that to Sylwanin? Her people?
His thoughts then went back to the reason why he took her away from the party, how could she risk their image like that? If the clan saw her with another man at such a distance they would question them. They would question their loyalty to the great mother and disregard them as leaders. Everything he’s worked for during the first war, the safety he’s given them.. it would be for nothing. His family would be shunned.
Jake turned and walked off, ears twitching at the soft cries of the woman behind him.
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___ laid on the floor on the opposite end of the hut, deciding not to sleep anywhere near the hammock that her mates would be in. She was sure that they appreciated it too. Her back faced the couple as they slept, Jake’s arm wrapped around Neytiri and hand splayed on her stomach, their soft snores carrying out through the early hours of the morning.
She couldn’t sleep, not after the events of the evening. She was worried that if she did, she would face even more consequences in the morning. Never in her life has she been treated like this, even when her friend died Neytiri wasn’t so harsh over the two years. Tolerating her for the sake of clan hood. But now that they’re mated, the Tsakarem has been treating her much worse than expected.
Her eyes opened and she glanced at the opening, looking out towards the forest that surrounded them. Bringing up a hand to wipe at her tears that fell all through the night. It was almost morning and she had hardly slept. Why was he so angry at her for dancing with her friend? It was harmless fun.
But Jake has forbidden her to speak so closely like that to anyone in the future, and not to dance ever as punishment. A large part of her culture has been taken away from her, she felt empty and disappointed with herself. Why could she not be more smarter? If she was this would not have happened.
Sitting up ___ decided to start her day early, gathering a basket and leaving her home she climbed down the tree and walked across the floor. Going through the shrubbery and out further from the camp, looking out for fruit bushes.
A rustle to the left of her caught her attention, her tail flicked in interest and slight worry. She had a knife on her, but it was no good against a large predator. She stalked closer, footsteps light and careful. As she neared the spot the sound came from she let out a little shriek as a small pale ball ran right into her lower leg.
Dropping the empty basket she held, ___ stepped back alarmed, what was this strange creature? Upon closer inspection she saw a mask covering its face, like the ones the humans wear. The creature was much smaller than the humans though, with hardly any clothes on save for a strange, soft white fabric covering it’s lower half.
“Spider! Come back!” a human came out and caught this ‘Spider’ lifting it up and onto his hip, shaking his head in scolding. He took notice of the Na’vi in front of him and stood straighter, looking up at her and making the motions of ‘I see you’. ___ recognised this man, his name was Norm, a skyperson who helped in the war and Jake’s close friend. Remembering this information she became weary, if he was friends with their Olo’eyktan then who knows how he would act towards her. “I am so sorry for this kid, he is a bit of a trouble maker”
“He is a child?” ___ squatted and looked at the boy a bit closer, seeing the same features as any humans but much smaller, he was even tinier than Na’vi babies.
“Srane. I realise that you all may not have seen human babies before. This is Miles, we call him Spider. I was uh- just taking him outside to see Pandora, he’s old enough to run around now” the baby in his arms clapped his hands and giggled, pointing at the tall lady and making grabby hands.
“Up?” he said in the softest voice, ___ could not help but coo. Human or not, she has a soft spot for all children. After getting permission from Norm, she held the child in her arms, giggling as he played with her braids.
“He is small”
“Very. But he is fast, and energetic. We always have to keep an eye on him back at the lab” the man pointed a thumb in the direction of where they came from, not far from the spot they are in now. “We were just gonna collect some stuff around the forest…do you-do you want to help?” Norm asked out, nervous. He knew who she was from the ceremony last night, but he didn’t expect to see her so close. She was very pretty.
Suddenly Jake’s words rushed back to her and she immediately put Spider back in Norm’s arms, the little boy frowning at the loss of the woman. “Oe-Oe sweylu ke” she stuttered, picking up her basket and standing up “I hope to see you soon, may Eywa bless you and the boy”. She turned around and scurried off after hearing the man’s goodbyes and seeing Spider’s small little waves.
She could not stay and make new friends, especially with him. What if this was all a trick, and when they were done he would tell Jake and she would be smacked again? Touching her face where the hand hit her cheek she sighed, it was lucky that it did not bruise and only looked a little purple, like a permanent blush on her face.
___ walked towards another part of the forest, already feeling a sense of loneliness come over her. She could not trust anyone anymore, not take part in rituals and traditions, what where she supposed to do now? She felt useless and alone.
She just wanted this all to stop.
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Both of Them?
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[pairings]: wenclair x normie!reader
[summary]: You realize you have fallen for not one, but two outcasts. What are you gonna do now?
[warnings]: swearing, author is unexperienced
You were never the person who was into relationships, if you ever were in one, it never lasted long. You always either got bored or the affection was too much for you to handle.
So when you started to feel butterflies in your stomach every time you saw a certain raven-haired girl come into the library of Jericho, claiming that there are no books left in the school library that she is interested in, you were freaking out.
You didn't want for her to turn out like the other people you had liked, they always ended up to be heart-broken or just simply didn't like you back.
And just when you thought that you would never have to see her again, because she hadn't been to the library in nearly a month, she shows up again with a bubbly, blonde-haired girl by her side.
At first you were jealous, but then one day Enid ( you heard Wednesday say her name once or twice) noticed and decided to talk to you, which included talking to Wednesday.
You three quickly became bestfriends, even though she never showed it, Wednesday cared about you too. And what started with you all being friends it ended in you falling for both of them.
You felt guilty, but you really should have seen it coming. You were known to have crushes on your friends and you didn't know why. Not all of them at once and almost never from you group of friends, just a not so close one. They ever only lasted around 8 months or a year, if you didn't confess.
So when after all the Crackstone shit, you still had strong feeling for both of them, you decided to tell one of your closest friend.
" You what?! " She shouted after you told her. " Wait, wait. Let me get this straight, you fell for an outcast? " you nod " And then, that outcast got a girlfriend? " you nodded slowly " Then you fell for that outcast too?! "
" Yep, that's what happened "
" Bitch, i don't know how you did that, but okay. " She said after a moment of silence.
" what do you think i should do? " you asked.
" you should definitely tell them, see what happens. " She said, sitting down on her bed.
" Okay. if you say so" You say hesitantly before sitting down next to her. Getting ready to watch a movie.
Considering you were a 'normie' you never got the chance to hang out in Wednesday and Enid's dorm. But one day Enid had asked you to sneak into their dorm so you all could have a movie night and you agreed.
To say that they forgot about it was kind of an understatement. When you climbed up onto their balcony and tried to get in through the window as quietly as possible you didn't expect to see Enid and Wednesday kissing furiously on Enid's bed. You were practically frozen to the spot. You didn't know what to do. When you slowly came back to reality, you saw that they had yet to notice you. You quickly went back out onto the balcony and climbed back down from it.
" Hey! " You heard a voice behind you.
You slowly turned around to see a boy in a beanie and a girl with black hair and glasses ( which she took off pretty quickly) " Who are you and what are you doing here? " The girl shouted over the sound of the heavy rain, that you hadn't even taken notice of.
" H-Hey, i mean no harm! I-i just came here to-to see a friend of mine " You smiled awkwardly at them while wrapping your arms around yourself.
" Friend of Wednesday or Enid? " The boy asked.
" Both?"
" Both?! " The girl chuckled slightly under her breath " okay, then come with us. It's freezing out here." She slowly took you arm and started walking inside.
" YN " You say quietly.
" Huh? "
" My name, YN" You repeated.
" oohh, well I'm Yoko and this is Ajax "
" So, you a normie? " Ajax asked you as you all arrived to, what you assumed, their dorm (just pretend they are roommates ).
"uh, yeah. I know Wednesday and Enid from the public library in Jericho, "you said after you went inside with them.
" and what did you want in their dorm? " Ajax asked as he sat down on his bed and signaled for you to copy him.
"well, uh they invited me over for a movie night, but i guess it's canceled now" you say as you blush slightly.
" Why - " Ajax said before he was cut off by Yoko slapping the back of his head " Aw, why did you do that? "
She just rolled her eyes and shrugged " you are just really dumb sometimes " she says as she had now changed clothes and looked ready to go somewhere " I'm staying at Divina's tonight. You can sleep in my bed. "
" Why would you let a stranger sleep in your bed? "you asked, blinking a couple of times.
" Any friend of Enid's is my friend too " Smiled at you before walking out and closing the door behind her.
" Well, if that's the saying then here " Ajax handed you some clothes " you can use these are mine and clean " He grinned proudly.
You took the clothes and went to change in the Bathroom. After you changed you went to Yoko's bed and laid down, feeling a little uncomfortable sleeping in someone else's bed " Good night " you heard Ajax say from the other side of the room and looked over, seeing him just sitting in the corner of his bed, wrapped in his blanket with his phone in his hand as he turned of the lamp on his bedside table.
" Night "
pt. 2?
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look i know todd coward cares next to nothing for actual humans but transgenderism in elder scrolls is For Me, a Man with Removable Bits, and my love of this franchise
Here we goes
Argonians can just talk to a tree and get immediate top/bottom surgery. First of all, we knew the Gender Fluid came from nature, humans have been making herbaceous pastes and fluids for centuries that help block estrogen/testosterone. Second, lucky bitches. Where the Hist at can I get an amen
Orcs probably have the wise woman do their hormone potions and then the surgery when needed. I personally like to think Grar the big and bulky is like ‘take this paralysis sleep mixture and then we will remove the organ you deem unworthy.’ Malacath is god of the outcast, and of the strong and worthy, and who would understand that more than a trans Orc?
Altmer just use the Alteration/Restoration school. Their plentiful magicka means they can use some form of Transmute spell to remove bits and Restoration to heal afterwards. Likely takes way more skill and only highly trained mages may do the Transition Spells but it would be funny if i just *skyrim spell noise* grow peepee
Bosmer do a mix of Altmer and Argonian shit, but in a different way. Herbs and potions for the hormone blocking, and ancient forest magic to make things get off the bod. Hircine can and has killed others who hunt the trans Bosmer, for to hunt prey that is already weak is dishonorable to him. (Yeah, OOC for Hircine, but it’s my treat)
Dunmer call upon spells, potions, and the Daedra. Azura warped their body in appearance as a curse, so logically, she could do it again for the removal of tiddy. Doesn’t mean she would, though, so the Dunmer call upon Telvanni wizards to help out with the grueling and difficult magic of gender affirmation. Hey, maybe Neloth will grant you two dicks instead of one for research purposes. Go grandpa go
Khajiit would just…do really problematic surgery in a back alley with nothing but skooma and moon sugar to help them brave the pain. I don’t know how they would do trans shit, it’s a cat with dick barbs. I don’t want those.
All the human races can’t do spells as well, nor can they brew potions with utmost care, but dammit, they want to feel whole, so the try every way they can. Wise women in Morthal, mages in taverns, the College of Winterhold, and every other method under the sun. I’d be bitten by a vampire to go get their magic skills and make myself feel me if i could, but nah that doesn’t exist.
I am glad i live in a state where gender-affirming medical care is still possible, and where trans children have no need to worry about hiding themselves until they turn 18. For the rest of my brothers and sisters, I can’t tell you how sorry I am and how i wail for you. We’ll have our win, we’re still fighting, and we’re still here. I love you guys.
Stay frosty in Dawnstar my bitches
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
A People Eater's Worse Nightmare
Yandere Parasite/Shapeshifter + G.N Reader blurb
Summary: They love you. What the fuck's wrong with them.
Warnings: Mentions of cannibalism
A nice big house. Large group of friends.
Yeah- this life was great.
Framed pictures of loved ones on the wall, freezer stocked full of meat. Beer cans on the coffee table and blood stains in the carpet. Such accomities made this place fitting to be their perfect home.
Shame they couldn't stick around.
[Hey, Dude! Last night was killer. You on for Sunday?]
The homeowner shoots a dismissive reply, sinking deeper into the revels of their catch present in the murky waters they reside. It was far too easy this time. A homebody with loose ties to numerous people turned the life of the party and friend group after a trip out of town. "Taking a new approach on life." And all that other horseshit that left people none the wiser to the horrors committed behind locked doors.
It was paradise, but too much of a good thing was bad for anyone's health. Getting to caught up in prey's daily life could make one sloppy. How people managed to miss those tiny spots of macroon in the rug or the smell that lingered was beyond them, but maybe that's just how primitive those claimed to be the top of the chain were. They needed to move ship, and fast.
A new message pops up on the screen, from a number simply marked with a heart.
[I had a really nice time with you last night. I hope we can meet up again soon.]
There it was. The other issue with being human. With how many lives they have under their belt, they've done this song and dance many times before. They've been married and divorced. Slept with numerous people in one night, and had committed friend with benefits deals. They could've made excuses for it all, but there was a side of them that longed for connect. An amalgamation of the feelings the one before them held and their own urges. There was many partners before this one and there would be plenty after.
So why can't they hit send?
[Hey, Y/n. Some stuff came up with my folks so I'll be out of town for a while. I'll hit you up when I get back.
A passage excuse. One that could potentially throw off their temporary mate if they were the type to overthink. For some reason, that got under their skin. Freaky. Maybe it's because they never managed to get them in the sack - or call them by their real name.
It's cool - By morning those feelings will be gone and they'll move onto the next. Just one more night and the homeowner would go back from social outcast turned devil worshipper - to a beast a little closer to home.
As their head sinks under the water, the homeowner just can't get that smile out of their head.
The parasite groans as it pull itself out of the bathtub. Hangovers were a bitch no matter what breed you were. It drags its heavy body off the floor and picks up the homeowner's phone. There's a missed message on screen. Their body suddenly feels lighter
[Hi. I saw you read my message, and I'm not trying to push things, but I wanted to invite you to breakfast if you were free.]
[Sure thing, Sweetheart. Just send me the locale]
The parasite hums to itself and it walks in front of the mirror, thinking about what to wear for its date with its partner. They open the cabinet to grab that perfume you said was nice on your second date-
What. What the fuck?
Ink slams the door shut; whiplash cracking the mirror. They stare at the exposed muscle structure of their skin, narrow eyes large as tennis balls. They - were themselves again, but they still as they did masquerading as that whiny little bitch. Their heart smiled in tune seeing that message, and their guts bubbled in anticipation for being beside the one to make them feel this way. They feel sick.
"What did you do to me. What did you do-"
Ink scrolls through the texts you've sent and photos you've taken together. You had to've done something. Poisoned them with some fucked up chemical. Snuck a part of yourself in their food to make them crave you so god damn bad.
Their search leaves them with nothing but a swollen heart and rage filled mind. They punch the mirror. Angry at the world, they still want nothing more than to see your disgustingly pretty face again.
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absolutebl · 3 months
Top 10 Best BLs on iQIYI
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Love For Love's Sake
Korea 2024
This isekai KBL is about a man who must win a game by convincing a reserved teen outcast to fall in love with him. Of course, that teen represents himself and his own unhappiness. Like many queer narratives, this show is actually about self worth, trust, and found family, and it is VERY on the nose. But I don’t expect subtlety from my BL and I enjoyed it's truly lovely redemption arc and earnest performances. While I found the narrative a touch disjointed with overworked filming angles and poorer than average captions, this is certainly much better than early KBL in terms of consistency of tone, script, and immersion. Highly rewatchable and charming, which counts for a lot.
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Korea 2022
It’s a tiny bit dark and a tiny bit bittersweet, almost too honest to a university experience and first love for BL, but if you want your mind ever-so-slightly messed with and your intimacy hellishly sweet, this BL will do it for you in a coldly distant manner, while bitch slapping you with self worth issues. I wasn’t into it at first, but the leads are solid and by ep 5 it got really good, becoming a narrative about self discovery meets understanding and accepting others people’s flaws without hurting them. Ultimately we witnessed two characters maturing because of each other and their mutual affection, without that affection becoming the conflict point. Instead, tension was built around other aspects of identity, popularity, and self-worth. While production values were a touch lower than usual for Korea, Blueming included decent kisses and other forms of intimacy and a satisfying ending plus there’s judicious and very elegant use of tropes, this is a great BL.
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Laws of Attraction
Thai 2023
This is a great gay suspense thriller with several solid couples, fun plot, killer characters, queer rep, and a happy ending. Charn may be my favorite lead character in all BL. However, this show is not entirely BL, more on the fringe, like Manner of Death. There are several "singing incidents" and this pair is a little weak in the chemistry arena, but it's tons of fun. All the triggers tho.
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Love Tractor
Korea 2023
Most of this country-set BL had me feral for the beautiful broken city boy and his hot young farmer. Hyung romance, puppy/cat pairing, open frankness meets jaded reserve, language play, water hose frolicking, only one bed, just all my favorite tropes. This show was basically a light-weight Restart After Come Back Home and I’m not even slightly mad about that. But (and you knew there was a “but” coming) something about the cringe of the final 2 eps and the impermanence of the ending (both of which highlight the fact that ultimately these 2 are I’ll-suited: too different and too far apart) left me with the feeling that they probably won’t last as a couple. However, in this case, rare for me, I forgive it this finale for my love of the rest.
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Unintentional Love Story
Korea 2023
A boy who just lost his job due to faked corruption charges accidentally discovers his ex-boss's favorite artist, now a recluse. Evil manager offers him his job back if he can convince the artist to rejoin society. Instead, they fall in love. I found the artist a bit stiff and reserved but Gongchan (maknae of B1A4) is a fucking GIFT - he carried this show (which I do not expect from the idol element). He was luminous with extraordinarily expressive eyes, just drown in the emoting abyss. The external conflict, social tension and pressure is complex and beautifully executed, plus Korea gave us legit side dishes (NOT a love triangle, hally-fucking-luya).
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Bon Appetit
Korea 2023
Romance between an office worker the man from his past next door who cooks well. It was very sweet and cute tale of food as love in the All the Liquors family of KBL. I’m not wild about it, I did enjoy it, I was happy to have it show up on my dash, but ultimately it will simply become one of the KBL crowd.
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My Only 12%
Thai 2022
Y-novel adaptation (author Afterday - Bad Buddy) and strong little BL romance (tailor made for SantaEarth) about holding onto first love and childhood, but it’s buried under waffling family drama and formless side characters so that it took a lot of digging to get to - still I recommend it for the killer softly domestic couple chemistry.
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A Breeze of Love
Korea 2023
Tsundere insomniac grump reunited with his sunshine jock ex (human sleeping pill) who now hates him. Basketball is also involved. While the simplicity of a reunion plot makes this more cohesive than most KBLs, it is a tad stiff and slow, never managing to lift itself out of "pretty and pretty enjoyable" - I liked it but I don’t think I’m going to remember much about it.
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Between Us
Thai 2023
Featuring the hugely popular side characters from 2019′s Until We Meet Again, WinTeam, adaptation of the y-novel Hemp Rope. It’s a serviceable series about hot swimmers flirting and dealing with family drama in a sweetly earnest manner, but ultimately it squanders the talent in play. I would’ve preferred a cleaner narrative arc, less angst and more plot, fewer couples, and a shorter series. That said, there’s nothing objectively wrong, sub-standard, or off-putting about this show. And it has lots of consent and other good qualities. It’s fine.
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Dear Doctor I'm Coming for Your Soul
Thai 2022
This is a romance between a doctor trying to save his patients and a reaper who is both his enemy and (eventual) lover (basically the genius premise of a gay Doom at Your Service). High concept looks good on you, Thailand. It’s lovely to see KarnNat back on screen together and they are still great, and Karn is just as painfully beautiful as ever. I enjoyed this one more than it’s ending deserved, and the best I can say is that it’s not strictly HEA but if you’re okay with Life: Love on the Line, you’ll be okay with this BL.
This list updated Spring 2024, not responsible for cool stuff that aired on iQIYI (or was taken off the platform) after that date. Some stuff on iQIYI is also on other platforms and if I loved it, I listed it there not here.
This is part of a series continued here:
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jadewolf22 · 30 days
Agent Outcast Pt. 1
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Fem!OC (Arania Northfire) x Larissa Weems 
Warnings: none for this part
Word Count: 999 
A/n: This is an old series I wrote over a year ago on my old account. Figured I'd repost what I have done so far and if people seem to like it I'll try to finish it.
Two weeks . . .  
That’s how long you had to choose a subject for Dr. Snow before Adrien gave him Larissa. Everyday you began to regret your decision more; your decision to agree to take this job, your decision to act upon your feelings for Larissa, your decision to join the Night Wolves those seventeen years ago, all of it. You didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t tell anyone; if Adrien had managed to find out what you were doing with Larissa he would certainly know if you told anyone. The only way to keep Adrien away from Larissa was to choose a student, but you couldn’t bring yourself to give a child to a sadistic man like Dr. Snow; You were stuck. Man, did karma love being a bitch to you.  
As the days grew fewer and fewer your stress was beginning to show. You were temperamental and jumpy, even violent at times, your magic doing nothing to help as it reacted with your emotions. Larissa knew something was wrong and Adrien knew you were stalling, neither of which was a good thing. If you told Larissa she would throw you out of the school and Adrien would kill you, if you ran Adrien would harm Larissa; to say that you were screwed would be an understatement.  
“Ari?” a soft, angelic voice called, pulling you from your thoughts. You turned from the window to find Larissa watching you from her spot on the couch, “Are you alright?” “I’m fine,” you said, shrugging your shoulders, “just a little tired.” “We both know this isn’t exhaustion, Ari,” Larissa said, standing, “You’ve been acting odd lately.” 
“I’m just stressed.” you said, looking out the window again as Larissa walked over to you. 
“Stressed about what?” Larissa pressed, gently grabbing your shoulder and turning you so that you could look at her. 
“Nothing.” you lied. Larissa narrowed her eyes, raising an eyebrow at you, indicating she didn’t believe you, so you added, “Nothing you need to worry about . . . Just some personal stuff. I can handle it.” 
This seemed to satisfy Larissa as she smiled, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead before returning to the couch and continuing her book. You silently released a breath you’d been holding, grabbing your jacket off of her desk.  
“I’m going into town. Have an errand to run.” you said, kissing the top of Larissa’s head as you walked towards the door, “Do you want anything?” “Just a coffee if you stop by the Weathervane.” Larissa smirked. 
“Double shot of espresso, two pumps of chocolate, right?” you asked, slipping your jacket on.  
Larissa nodded and you smiled, blowing her a kiss goodbye before stepping out of her office, walking down to tha main floor and out to your car.  
The ten minute drive to Jericho was, normally, very calming, but it seemed as if nothing could soothe the bundle of nerves forming in your stomach. Adrien and Dr. Snow were growing restless and, with only a week left, you were out of options. You drove straight through Jerico until you came to the abandoned warehouse just outside of town. You saw Adrien waiting for you so you parked, pocketing your switchblade before stepping out of your car.  
“I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show, Ari!” Adrien called as you walked up to him, “You had me worried!” 
“My bad.” you said flatly, your face void of emotion, “I don’t have a name, Adrien; I’m going to need this final week.” 
“The doc’s getting impatient,” Adrien warned in a soft tone, “He’s beginning to wonder if it would’ve been better for us to send Cassie . . . And I’m beginning to agree with him–” “I can do this job,” you insisted coldly, “There’s just too many options–” “More like, you don’t like any of the options.” Adrein growled, stepping forward so the two of you were nose to nose. Your body froze as he leaned forward, whispering in your ear, “Don’t forget . . . if you don’t give me a name by next Sunday the doc’ll be taking that pretty blonde of yours–” 
“Touch her and it’ll be the last thing you ever do!” you snarled, shoving Adrien away from you, “After this job, I’m out; you and the Night Wolves are out of my life.” “We’ll see,” Adrien hissed, rubbing his chest where you’d shoved him, “You’d best get going, Ari; you clock’s ticking.” 
“It’s Arania,” you growled, turning, slipping back into your car and driving off at an unsafe speed. 
You drove back into town and stopped at the Weathervane, deciding coffee would do you some good.  
“Evening, Miss. Northfire!” the barista shouted as you walked in, “Chie frappuccino, no whip, add caramel?” 
“Yes, please . . . As well as a double shot of espresso with two pumps of chocolate and two pumpkin spice muffins; to go, please.” you said, returning the barista's friendly smile. “$18.92, please.” 
You paid, stepping over to the pick up counter, talking with the barista as he worked.  
“So, what brought you into town? I saw you drive by earlier.” 
“ . . . Had to drop something off for a friend.” you lied as the barista handed you your coffee, “He lives just outside of town . . .” 
“So, how’s it going with the Nevermore Principal?” the barista asked with a snarky smile. 
You didn’t answer immediately, choking on your coffee as you processed what he’d just asked.  
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you said dumbly as the barista handed you Larissa’s coffee. 
“Everyone in town knows the two of you are a thing,” the barista chuckled, “Plus, a double shot of espresso add two pumps of chocolate is her regular drink.”  
“Okay, okay, you got me–” you said, suddenly remembering the barista's first statement, “The whole town knows?! How?!” 
“People see you together all the time. The way you two act around each other makes it kinda obvious.” the barista said, handing you a small brown bag before turning to help the next customer.  
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months
I'm thinking about season one Steve, again. He never gave me the preppy popular vibe to me. I knew people like Tommy and Carol in high school. They weren't popular. They were outcasts who sat away from other people and exhibited gross weird behavior like propping their nasty feet up on the table. In season one, they mention that the game is about to start, but if Tommy and Steve were on the team, shouldn't they already be ready, you know? Maybe it was a different game. Did they ever actually say that he was on the basketball team, or is that something we just assumed? I know they said he was on the swim team. And I know that they showed him playing basketball in season 2, but that didn't necessarily mean he was on the team.
Anyway, I think because Steve was rich with good hair, nice clothes, and good with the ladies that people thought he was this asshole jock who bullied people. I mean, occasionally, he would show up to parties and show off his keg king skills, but for the most part, I think he was as much a loner as Jonathan was. He had two friends, and that was it. People called him king, and so with that title came the expectations of knowing everyone. Everyone wanted his attention, even Robin, but they never even bothered to try to get to know him. They just put that ball into his court. For the most part, though, I think he was this dorky outcast who just wanted to goof off with his friends and wanted so badly to stop feeling lonely even when he was around other people. I think he stopped feeling lonely when Dustin came into his life. Anyway, I just think what people know about Steve is just assumptions that they made about him like they made about Eddie. I like that in season 4 that Eddie admitted he made that assumption about Steve, that he was wrong, and that he told Steve that he was a good dude. It's why I love Steddie so goddamn much. Not even Robin said it out loud. I mean, I love platonic Stobin, but I hated it when she said that he was such an asshole for not paying attention to her in class. I mean, I get that she was jealous because of Tammy, but come on, does that mean just because he was popular that he has to know everyone in the goddamn school? In a way, though. I do like it because it shows that Robin isn't perfect, and I think later she sort of realizes it in the bathroom, but I don't think she ever apologized out loud for making that assumption about Steve like everyone else does. She also did say that people like her also wanted his attention. There was just something about Steve. I mean, yeah, he is a bitch but I love that about him but then again so is Robin, so is Eddie. I think that's why I always have them hanging out because, in a way, they're so much better for him than Tommy and Carol ever were. There's not this expectation of being perfect or being popular and Steve can be as bitchy as he wants with them because they'll bitch right back. It's their love language. To sum it up, Steve was an outcast in his own way. He just had a big house, rich parents, and women wanting to be with him. And I'm just really tired of Steve having to keep apologize for that. He apologized for the theater thing and what he said to Jonathan, and then he risked his life for them. He has nothing to apologize for anymore. People keep making him do that in fanfictions too, and it's so annoying. There needs to be a Steve Harrington apology tour in season 5 where everyone apologizes to him instead of the other way around.
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wandering-feather · 11 months
Jealous Morticia
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Larissa Weems x Fem Reader. Mentions of past Larissa and Morticia. 
Morticia doesn’t like Larissa’s wife and she has no issue with letting her wife know how she feels. 
Morticia is bitch in this even though like her. 
Warnings: smut, scissoring, fingering, Morticia being a bitch. Angst, hurt/comfort. Some fluff. 
Also I’m working with a beta and hopefully get my work cleaned up. 
You sat in your classroom waiting for your last parent to show up. You look at the name: Morticia Adams and you frown. That’s all you needed, your wife’s ex to be alone in a room with you. You thought about quickly calling Larissa to come, but you didn’t want her to deal with Morticia’s insults. Larissa had told you about her and Morticia's relationship. 
You  could hear the noise of someone's heels heading towards your door. You took a deep breath and watched Morticia basically float into the room. You took a few moments to catch your surroundings and stood up. 
“Mrs Addams, I’m glad you made it. I was wondering if something might have happened,“ you said smiling at her. She didn’t return the smile and you took a step back. 
“Sorry, Gomez and I got carried away,” she said and you grimaced. 
“Well Wednesday is a wonderful student. I mean she has many pranks but she's so ....”
Mortica looks at you with a smirk interrupting you, “Mrs Weems I’m not here to talk about my daughter. I of course know how great she is. I want to know what’s your plans with Larissa” 
Your face turned into shock. How could she have the nerve to talk to you about your relationship with your wife? “Mrs Addams I really feel that is none of your business.” 
Mortica scowled and shook her head, “she’s my friend and I care for her. And with the last normie who almost killed my daughter and even Larissa I will take no chances.”
You took a deep breath.” I have no intention to hurt the students. I also would never do anything wrong to Larissa. She is the love of my life.”
“Well Larissa is about working the relationships between normies and outcast I guess marrying a normie would help that out”
You had enough. You go to grab your papers shoving them and your computer into your bag
“Larissa had the hugest crush on me in school, sometimes I would give into her desires” you stop and look at her shaking your head. 
“Larissa and I have no secrets. Mrs Addams in the future when we need to discuss anything about Wednesday that is all I will be discussing. I would also rather not be alone with you.” 
You could hear a noise at the door and was about to say something when you saw Wednesday standing there.  
You had no idea how long she was standing there. Mortica walked over to her daughter who would not let touch her. You grab your bag heading for the door addressing Wednesday. 
“Wednesday if you do need anything please don’t hesitate to ask.”
You walk out of the room and can hear Wednesday yelling at her mother but you drowned it out. 
The tears began to fall. You quickly headed to your quarters you shared with Larissa. You used the side door so you didn’t have to go through Larissa’s office and let her see how upset you were. 
Stepping into the shared room you quickly undressed. You felt so useless. What if Mortica was right? What if you were just part of a game? You grabbed a pair of sweats and a tank top putting it on. You looked at yourself in the mirror. There is no one as beautiful as Larissa. What does she even see in you? After all these years of working on loving yourself that woman tore it all down. You washed your face putting your hair into a messy bun. You walked into bed and did not care how early it was. That’s when the sobs began and you hugged yourself as you cried to sleep. 
Wednesday had been standing at the door to your class loitering and she moved out of the way to let you through. When she saw you were out of her sight she stepped in the room and looked at her mom who had a smug look on her face. 
“Was that even a necessary mother? You were “roommates” many years ago. Principal Weems has moved on and I can’t even look at you right now.” She stormed out of the room with a determined look. She needed to head to Principles Weems office and let her know what her mother did. She smiled lightly hoping Weems would knock her out
Wednesday didn’t even bother to knock on the door and barged in Larissa’s office. 
“Principal Weems, we have a problem.” She looked over to see two people who must be parents looking at her while Principle Weems looked like she could kill. 
“Ms. Addams, I'm a little busy right now. We can discuss this later.” 
“Mrs Weems had a meeting with my mother who said some nasty things.”
Larissa stood up, “if you could please excuse me and we will need to reschedule I have some things to attend to.” 
She walked them towards the door and shut the door and looked at Wednesday. 
“What happened?” She asked. 
“Well they didn’t know I was standing there at first but she asked what her intentions were with you. That the last normie who worked here almost got me and you killed. Oh and you had a huge crush on her and she would sometimes give into your desires. Oh and you married her for normie and outcast relationships.” Wednesday said bluntly.
Larissa’s face showed so much rage it made Wednesday scared but just a little. She took some deep breaths. She was going to kill Morticia. 
“Where is Morticia right now?” She asked.
“I’m not sure I ran off after I told her off. But Mrs Weems seemed to be headed towards this area.”
“Thank you Wednesday you can be excused and don’t repeat this even to Enid.” She said as Wednesday left her office. 
Larissa is hoping you are in your shared quarters. She walks towards the door that connects her office to the quarters. 
Larissa opened the door and walked towards your room stepping inside. She could tell you were buried under the covers. She quickly took her shoes off and jacket laying it over the chair. Walking to your side of the bed she pulls the blanket down slightly and her heart breaks. Your face was puffy from crying and you were holding her pillow. 
She took a piece of your hair that fell out of your bun and tucked it behind your ear. You began to stir and your eyes fluttered open to see Larissa standing above you and you smiled the best you could. You didn’t want her to know what happened. You sat up and leaned in for a kiss which she gladly returned. 
“How was your day? Any parents drive you insane?” You ask and you could have sworn you saw a flash of anger in her eyes. 
“It wasn’t that bad. How were your meetings?”  Of course she already knew but she didn’t want to pressure you. 
You sighed and began to pick at the comforter. “It went well. Well until my last meeting with Mortica Addams who had no desire to talk about her daughter. But she has plenty to say about our relationship.” You looked away from her ashamed that you let her get to you like this. 
Larissa places her hand on your cheek and gently directs you to look at her. “Wednesday came to see me about it. She heard everything. And none of it’s true.”
You looked into her eyes and knew she was telling you the truth. You smile and nod letting her know you were doing better. She stood up and you whined at the loss of contact. Larissa reached her hand out for yours. 
“Let’s take a shower and just wash this horrible day away.” 
You smiled and took her hand as she led you to the bathroom. Once inside she turned the water on and then began to undress you and smiles at you. “You’re so beautiful darling. I love you so much.” She kisses your lips.
You reach behind her to unzip her dress and let fall to pool at her feet. “And so are you Larissa.” You finished undressing each other and Larissa helped you in the shower. You both just stood under the water feeling it running against your skin. You began to kiss and run your hands all over each other. Next Larissa cleaned you with your favorite soap and turning around you did the same thing for her. Once the water turned cold you and Larissa stepped out  and you both wrapped yourself in towels. You pull your hair down and look in the mirror. It was a mess.  
Larissa laughs lightly, “here let me help you brush your hair.” She picks up the brush and lightly brushes it out getting all the tangles out. “See all better now.” She smiles, running her fingers through your soft locks. 
“My turn.” You said as Larissa looked at you confused. You reached up and began removing the pins from her hair. Her hair fell down her back and you ran your fingers through it. 
“I love it when you take my hair down.” She smiles and kisses your lips. 
She heads to the bedroom sitting down and putting lotion on her legs. When you stepped out of the bathroom and almost fainted at the sight of your wife rubbing her legs. She catches your eyes and smirks. You turn around to grab your face cream when you feel a towel land on your head. You pulled it off and turned to see Larissa sitting up on the bed with her legs spread apart. You smile and drop your own towel and climb in bed crawling up to in between her legs. But before you could latch your mouth to her sweet spot she gently grabs you by the shoulders pulling you up. You give her a confusing look as she turns you around setting you between her legs. 
“Larissa, what are you doing? I thought you wanted to make love?”  
Larissa smiled and spread your legs. “That's exactly what we are doing. I'm going to make love to you.” 
You smile as you feel your wife’s hands travel down your chest and stomach. You could feel yourself getting wetter in anticipation. You moan at the feeling of her fingers along your folds. “Oh god Larissa that feels so good please I need you inside me.” 
Larissa wasted no time and she slid two fingers inside you while kissing on your shoulders. 
“Oh God Larissa that…. feels amazing please faster.” You cried out. She again complied with your request and your loud moans began to fill the room. 
“I love you so much darling.” She said marking your shoulder. You let your head fall back. 
A thought crossed your mind. You wanted to feel her when you came. You grabbed her wrist and pulled it letting her fingers slide out of you. You took her fingers and sucked all your juices off. You turned around and looked at Larissa seeing her confused expression, maybe even a little hurt. 
“Don’t worry Larissa, we are not done yet. I want to be as close to you as possible when we finish.” You took one of your legs and tucked it under one of hers and you then placed your other leg over hers. You smile up at her biting your lip. You can see that it registered on Larissa’s face what you wanted. She placed her hand on your waist and pulled you towards her. When your cores touch you both moan loudly. You raise up to kiss her lips passionately as you begin to work your hips against each other. Your hands were in Larissa’s hair. Larissa kept one hand on your hip to steady you and her arm was wrapped around your waist to hold you up. 
“I love darling, you're so beautiful.” She began to kiss on your face “you’re my life and I will never let anything happen to you.” She cried out when you hit the right spot. 
“Larissa cum for me. I want to feel you writhing” Larissa began to grind harder and before you knew it you felt your coil snap and your body shook all over as you came. You wrapped your arm around her neck letting your head fall back. You screamed “oh god yes Larissa.”
Larissa smiled and knew herself was about to become undone. She grinds against you and then she feels the warmth spread from her stomach to all over her body. “Oh darling oh that feels amazing” she began to kiss your face. “I love you so much”
You smiled up at her with droopy eyes and ran your hands through her hair. 
“I love you too Larissa.” You yawned you were always tired after love making
Larissa rolled you over to your side of the bed and wrapped her arms around you from behind. 
“I love you too sleep darling tomorrow parents are leaving and we can have peace.” 
You hummed at her response as sleep took over. 
A couple of hours later Larissa was awakened by a knock at her office door. Looking at the clock she frowned. It was 1am who could that be. Checking to make sure you were still asleep she crawls out of bed and grabs her robe tying it as she walks into her office. She opens the door to find Morticia standing there. 
“Morticia it’s 1 in the morning. My wife is sleeping.” Larissa said annoyed. 
Morticia scoffed at that, “yeah your wife she’s something” she sat in a chair.
Larissa knew Morticia’s insults could be harsh and was becoming annoyed. 
“Morticia if your are here to insult my wife more, you can just leave.” Larissa puts some distance between the two.
“I see she came running to you about our meeting.”
“No it was your daughter.” Larissa couldn't help smiling at Morticia’s surprised face. 
“Larissa, is it true? Everyone knows how you want better relations between outcasts and normies. Is that why you married her?” 
Larissa found herself shaking from rage. “You will not speak about my wife like that ever again. Why do you even hate her?” Larissa wanted to slap her. 
Morticia’s face dropped and she looked at Larissa, “Wednesday doesn’t like anyone and all I hear is Mrs Weems is my favorite teacher. She listens to me. My own daughter would rather spend time with her teacher than her own mother.” 
Larissa felt bad for her but she could not excuse the way she treated her wife. “Morticia going about and doing what you’re doing is not going to help the situation. I don’t want you around my wife. I think you should leave tonight” 
Morticia nodded and stood up. She stopped like she was going to say something but decided against it and left the room. Larissa locked the door and headed back to your bed. Of course you were still asleep. Which she was thankful she didn’t want you in the same room as Morticia. She removed her robe climbing in bed and wrapped her arms around you. She would be damned if Mortica or anyone hurt you.
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farity · 3 months
Sorrow, part 11
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The moment Aemond saw Ser Criston's face, he felt fear invading every part of him.
"Where is my wife?"
"My prince, I walked inside-"
"WHERE IS MY WIFE!" Aemond shouted, standing up, fists on the desk.
Criston, eyes defeated, simply said. "Rhaenyra has princess Elyse."
* * * * *
It was dark in her cell. Nothing as horrible as the dungeons her late husband had thrown her in occasionally, but still, a cell was a cell, even without rats.
She saw someone approaching and curled herself against the corner.
"He took my son, and now he's taken my husband," came Rhaenyra's soft voice. "It is too much to bear," she added, voice breaking. "That family has taken everything from me." She stared at Elyse for a few moments, than turned back and left.
Elyse could not imagine, of course, the losses that Rhaenyra had endured. She was supposed to be queen, until she wasn't, and she had lost her father, her baby, her son, and her husband in quick succession.
It was enough to drive anyone to madness.
She just hoped that she could reunite with Aemond before Rhaenyra gave in to her rage.
A servant came in, sliding a tray under the bars, and as much as Elyse wondered if it was poisoned, she was so hungry that she dove in. It was dry bread, ale, and some kind of slop, but she'd eaten worse, and less, in her old life, so she ate everything, figuring she would be needing her strength from then on.
* * * * *
"Aemond, you cannot go to Dragonstone, it is precisely what she wants." Alicent placed her hand on her son's arm, and found him pulling away from her touch.
"I understand not caring for your spouse is what we do in this family, but once again, I take a different road, mother." He was donning armor, letting his personal servant adjust the ties and clasps. "I will kill that bitch once and for all."
Alicent looked down It was never supposed to happen this way. Aegon was destined to be king and it was supposed to be a golden, glorious reign. Now he was bed-ridden, his mind dulled and his legs destroyed, his beautiful face half burned. Helaena didn't seem to care much, always having been in a world of her own, but she did love her children and that meant a lot to Alicent.
Aemond, who had been an outcast for so long within his own family, and was now cursed as a kinslayer, wore Aegon's crown and his impetuousness had now landed him a wife.
Alicent had spoken to her maester before this all happened. She would have him examine Elyse, find out if the young woman was telling the truth about being unable to bear children.
* * * * *
It was difficult to sleep with only your arm for a pillow. Not that she hadn't done it before, but between the cold that seeped in, the worry about what would happen to her and Aemond, and every little noise making her jump, Elyse couldn't get more than a few minutes' rest at a time.
Rhaenyra had not come back in a long time. Neither had anyone else, and she was hungry again. She'd found a bucket in the corner to relieve herself in but felt grubby and sticky and if she got out of this place she would spent a long time in the nearest body of water, washing off the filth that surrounded her.
Had it all been a dream? Her time with Aemond? The soft words, the loving touches, would she ever feel them again, or was she destined to die, forgotten to all, in this hell hole? Would she ever feel his arms around her, his lips on hers, the weight of him pressing her into their bed? She could almost feel his hair on his fingertips if she closed her eyes. She would not forget. She would endure, and she would find her way back to him.
* * * * *
Vhagar raged, her anger echoing that of her rider's. Aemond guided the great dragon over the home of his half-sister, heard the answering roar of Syrax. He could not risk an attack without knowing where Elyse was, and so he landed by the great doors of Dragonstone and made his way inside.
There were no guards, no one between him and the figure that sat on the throne, the crown of Jaeherys atop her head.
"I have been waiting for you, brother."
"Where is my wife?"
"It is time for you to answer for your many sins."
Aemond gritted his teeth at her tone. "There shall be plenty of time for that in the seven hells that await me, sister. Now, I want my wife brought to me."
Rhaenyra stood, took the few steps down from the dais until she was but a few feet from him. "You took my son from me, my sweet boy," she said quietly, "and now you have taken my husband."
"And his whore," Aemond snarled. "I thought you'd be grateful for that."
"I loved him!"
"Clearly, it wasn't mutual."
Rhaenyra turned to the side. "Guard!"
As Aemond watched, a guard walked in from a side door, holding Elyse's arm. She looked terrified, pale, but when she looked at him she managed a small smile.
"Wife," he said, "I am here to take you home."
"I am delighted to hear that, husband."
The guard stopped far enough from Aemond that he clenched his fists at his side, wanting nothing more than to grab Elyse.
"It is due to my mercy that your wife lives, Aemond, mercy you do not deserve for you had none for mine. But my mercy is not limitless, and-"
"Your wretch of a son should have been punished for what he did to me," Aemond snapped, "but you were too busy pretending your bastards were true, pretending calling them as they were was worse than Luke taking my eye. This is all our father's fault."
"Father's biggest mistake was marrying Alicent," Rhaenyra countered. "He had an heir, there was no need for more children. But now I present you with a choice, brother."
Aemond said nothing, his eye darting between his sister and his wife. Elyse looked at him, her hands clasped together as the guard continued to hold her arm.
"Bend the knee. Pledge your loyalty and your dragon to me, and I will give you your wife back."
"No, Aemond."
He turned to Elyse, who was shaking her head.
"Do not do it."
"Be quiet," Rhaenyra spat, "or I shall cut your pretty head from your body!"
Aemond lunged at his sister, and froze when he saw the guard put a blade to Elyse's throat. He would tear Rhaenyra to pieces with his bare hands if she dared harm his wife. It was time to end this charade, he thought.
"Wait," he said, and took a step back.
A moment later, the guard made a gurgling sound and Elyse screamed.
Rhaenyra turned, and saw Ser Criston Cole step around the dying guard, pulling his blade out of the back of the man's neck. "You're safe, princess," he said, and Elyse ran to Aemond.
"Don't bother, princess," Ser Criston said to Rhaenyra, "they're all dead. You really should hire a better quality of soldier."
* * * * *
While Cole and his men secured Dragonstone, Aemond kept his arms around Elyse, kissing her hair while she simply pressed herself against him.
"Were you harmed?"
"No," she replied, "other than keeping me from you, no." She pulled back, her fingers ghosting along the planes of his face. "I'm sorry I smell," she smiled weakly.
Aemond shook his head. "I have you back," he pressed his lips to hers. "I will make her pay for daring to lay a hand on you."
"Can we go home?" she asked, and as much as Aemond wanted to do just that, he had unfinished business with Rhaenyra.
He brushed his lips against hers again. "Soon, wife. Stay with Ser Criston." He felt the momentary panic as she gripped him tightly, but then she stepped back, and let him go.
"Ser Criston," he said as he walked to where his sister sat on the steps of the dais, his men on each side of her. "With your life."
"My prince," Cole said simply, and nodded.
Aemond walked toward Rhaenyra, taking his time.
"It is time for you to answer for your many sins."
* * * * * *
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Tears Of Blood
Neteyam Sully x Human Reader
Prt 1. Prt 2
Summary: neteyam pov of 'tears of gold'
Warning: reader death
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Neteyam/3rd person pov
This place was sickening I hate the people I hate the food generally I hate this place all together it made me and my family feel like outcasts and I hated it, Yn be came more distant since we came here and it's partly my fault.
I've been pressured by my dad to hang out with other na'vis and when ever I suggested she come hangout with us they laugh in my face and started speaking bad at her and I guess that I started doing it as well.
"You forgot me again" she murmured I sucked in a breath as I sat next to her "oh sorry" I whispered as it fell into silence ever since the move she's become distant and I don't really blame her I'm being a complete jerk to her.
"What happened to u-" she asked but was interrupted by nyx one of the girls that spoke absolute crap but was kinda the 'leader' of the group.
"Come on neteyam" nyx called but I didn't want to go I sighed heavily as I got up walking away not looking back because of how guilty I'm feeling 'i'll make it up to her...... eventually'.
I hung out with them till eclipse before heading home but yn still wasn't back "neteyam please go find her" mom asked as she prepared dinner.
I nodded and started to head to the shore a bit aways from the village where she likes to collect rocks and shells when I got there she was staring off into the dark horizon the light from the moon and water illuminating her face perfectly
She looked stunning I gently smiled to myself she was perfect but I quickly cleared by throat "mom's look for you" I said watching her closely "she's not my mom" she snapped making my breath hitch.
I quickly moved beside her "what's wrong" I asked my voice filled with concern "I don't belong here neteyam" she murmured as tears started rolling down her cheeks my heart clenching at the sight "i-i" I tried to speak but just didn't know what to say.
"You were really the only one that felt like family now your a stranger to" she cried my heart breaking and burning with sadness "I want to go home" she whaled I froze for a second.
How could see not see that this is her home with me "but you are home" I murmured holding back from wiping her tears I didn't deserve to touch her or hold her.
"It isn't and never was" she spat cradling herself into her knees "don't think like that" I whispered but came up with an idea that could cheer her up "how about we hang out tomorrow the whole day" I smiled "ok".
I chuckled at her "come on mom's made dinner" I murmured helping her help and we quietly chatted as we went back home and having a nice prepared meal before going to bed 'just like old times'.
I woke up to someone shaking me awake "what the hell" I whispered opening my eyes which widened as I saw nyx with a finger to her lips before gesturing me to follow her I quickly looked at yn who was fast asleep.
'I won't be that long' so I quietly got up and followed her "what do you want nyx" I asked as we walked over to the small group of na'vis "nothing special" she grinned "we just wanted to show you something" one of the boys laughed.
"And what is that" I snapped "wow neteyam you really wanna get back to that demon so bad" nyx snorted making the others laugh too "no I don't" I muttered.
"Then why do you hang out with her" she asked scrunching up her nose in disgust "I feel bad for her" my heart ached with each word" I really do or I'll just leave her in the dust".
A clash of buckets made me turn around and my eyes widened it was yn I opened my mouth to speak and explain myself but she just shook her head before running off.
"Surves the little demon right for eavesdropping on us" nyx laughed and I finally lost it "she's not a demon" I shouted making them jump I turned to them with a glare "she is my friend".
"Dam nete chill out" nyx rolled her eyes walking up to me but I pushed her away "no you chill out you bitch" I snapped making the boys push me away from her.
"Aww does little neteyam have a crush on her" one of the boys teased I quickly punched him making him fall and the others quickly scattered because they knew they couldn't face me.
The only one who stayed was nyx I turned to her "and don't ever call me nete again" I snapped before walking away to find yn but I couldn't "sir" I murmured walking up to my dad.
"Yes neteyam" he asked turning to me with a smile but it was quickly wiped away after I explained what happened "where is she" dad murmured his eyes filled with worry and sadness.
"I don't know" I whimpered my heart clenching with each horrible thought that came to mind "neytiri, guys let's go" he called and we started searching "you dumb fuck" lo'ak muttered.
We searched around the village some more before heading to the shore "what the hell is wrong with you" dad muttered "I don't know" it was the truth I really don't know what happened or why I said those things.
"Ma jake look" mom pointed at faded human foot prints "let's go" he said as we started running down the shore and only stopped when it reached a wall of rocks and the foot prints stopped.
"Let's go around" mom said and they went beside them but I stood frozen staring up 'she would climb' I thought and looking for a spot to climb it was quite easy but it hurt your fingers as you held on.
I started climbing rock to rock kinda enjoying myself I looked forward and saw her "yn" I yelled out happy that I found her but I startled her making her fall.
"Fuck fuck fuck" she yelled out and I quickly ran to her side "yn" I asked hurriedly my eyes widening as I saw a crack in her mask that kept getting bigger "fuck yn where's your spare" I muttered my hands ran over her body trying to find her spare one.
"I don't have one" she murmured trying to keep calm "dad over here" I yelled out I felt as if I was gonna be sick "I-I can't neteyam" she whispered as a single tear ran down her face.
"No no please" I pleaded cradling her body in my arms "I'm so sorry" I whispered my voice cracking as I started to cry she shakily lifted up a hand to my face.
"I love you neteyam" my heart finally broke as her hand began to fall but I quickly caught it and brought it back up to my face holding it against my cheek.
"No don't do this I need you" I yelled out rocking her body back and forth "goodbye" she whispered before her mask completely shattered "no" I whaled my body shaking with sadness "please" I cried settling her body down carefully.
"I'm so sorry" I whispered removing the broken mask "I love you to" I murmured before laying a kiss on her lips
"but I fucked up".
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Tw: lesbophobia, bullying, petty bitching about the Mean Girls remake and a subset of OG movie fans:
I Know. I KNOW its a me thing. But I saw a post that broke containment about the new Mean Girls movie how OMG REGINA CANONICALLY SINGS ABOUT GETTING GIRLS IN THE END SONG and my first response was "oh god, really?"
Look, I was never wild about the whole "Regina George was secretly closeted and that's why she picked on Janis to distract from her own feelings and save herself" fan theory but at least it was JUST a fan theory. And I know the original movie ending where it turns out Janis isn't even really gay, she was Lebanese and Regina got confused, and see she dances with a boy at the end, it's all okay she wasn't ACTUALLY a dyke!!!! - yeah I rolled my eyes too. Yeah, that was dumb and a coward's move, but idk. At least the movie itself, even if it copped out at the end by not risking having two of the protagonists be ACTUALLY gay in a teen movie...at least it seems aware that homophobic bullying is bad??
The original movie, whatever else you can say about it, or how it handled that issue or any others...at least tried to take that shit seriously. Janis was an outcast years after middle school who flinches at the idea of Damian telling anyone new about what Regina said about her for fear any new friends would abandon her immediately over it. Even Regina herself (blithely, callously, of course, but it's meant to be that) admits that the bullying Janis got as a result of Regina spreading those rumors about her made Janis break down, cut her hair and have to leave school temporarily over the rumors. Regina said that. Herself. With no remorse but she said it. The movie is a comedy, but it doesn't shy away from how brutal bullying of all forms can be. That's kind of the whole point of the goddamn movie.
But idk if the fans of this theory haven't experienced that much bullying themselves or its just a coping mechanism I can't relate to...that theory of "oh Regina's a closet case homophobe poor thing" just completely (to me) softens the whole thing, these fans do it to by making Regina in a sense, another victim. They may not intend it that way, but in the few times I've seen a Mean Girls post and my nostalgia got me scrolling a bit I've stumbled on this. Seen it in various places online and it always made me want to hiss like a wet cat because it's always like "omg poor Regina comphet sucks <333" and. Hork. Im sorry, hork.
Sorry, but I spent too much time BEING on the receiving end of that shit in middle school, getting called names and treated like an actual disease up until I moved to high school with mostly a whole new set of people over the fact someone spread rumors I was a lesbian, to feel anything but frustration over that. Yeah. I was Janis. I'll admit I can't be "objective" here. I never did any of the shit she does in Mean Girls in revenge, I never had the power or inclination, it wasn't a former friend who started it, but yeah I'm biased because that character was me. I know what it was like to be her because I lived it. And yeah, it kind of sucked!!! Did get better, but yeah. Was what it was.
It's a big part of why I've never liked the trope in popular culture that the loudest homophobic bullies are actually closet cases. It's not that "right wing politician caught soliciting blowjobs" has never been a headline but come on. Most of the people who trash queer people do it because they just hate us. Its trivializing of homophobic harassment to act like that's 1) a good explanation for most cases 2) much less an excuse and that's how it can be used. It'd be one thing if a self-hating person's mindset was like. Actually explored with depth and nuance as part of a story. But otherwise, nah. Miss my formerly lowkey traumatized teenage ass with that dismissive cliched shit.
So even the idea that the movie might be lending any kind of weight to that theory about Regina, however subtle or subtextual, that is??? Yeah funny lol, such iconic, very Representation. Fucking bite me. My lesbian ass is tuning right the fuck out. I'm not paying movie ticket prices to see this, if I'm gonna basically get the sort of person who would've made my life hell as a preteen and tween get turned into One Of Us with the expectation that's going to make me freak out with joy. Even if allegedly they did actually make Janis a lesbian (which, good for them if they did).
Of course, it could just be fans blowing something out of proportion but. Like y'all are not making me want to see this movie MORE and I was at best lukewarm on it having never seen the musical and being lowkey burnt out on the idea of yet another remake.
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