#betsy walker
geekcavepodcast · 10 months
Snoopy Presents: One-of-a-Kind Marcie Trailer
Marcie stars in new Peanuts special. Marcie loves helping her friends in her own subtle way. After being suddenly thrust into the spotlight, she struggles to cope with the new expectations foisted on her. After some advice and introspection, Marcie learns that she can still make a difference for her friends and her school, she's just going to do it her own unique way.
Snoopy Presents: One-of-a-Kind Marcie is directed by Raymond S. Persi from a screenplay by Betsy Walters.
Snoopy Presents: One-of-a-Kind Marcie premieres on August 18, 2023, on Apple TV+.
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otdiaftg · 2 months
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The King's Men - Epilogue
Day: Saturday, April 27th / 28th* Time: 3:10 AM EST
Neil waits off to one side while the others file out, knowing Andrew will be the last to leave. Wymack knows better than to stick around and follows his Foxes down the hall. Andrew brings Neil's duffel to him. Neil takes it but drops it off to one side. Andrew studies it for a moment, then shrugs out of his own bag and puts a hand to the wall near Neil's head. "Your close calls are getting old," Andrew says. "I thought you knew how to run." Neil affects confusion. "I thought you told me to stop running." "Survival tip: no one likes a smart mouth." "Except you," Neil reminds him. A year ago Neil had been a scared nobody, hating himself for signing the Foxes' contract and counting down days until he moved in with Wymack. Tonight he is the starting striker for the first-ranked team in the NCAA. In two years he'll be captain, and in four he'll graduate from Palmetto State. Neil will find a professional team first and then fight tooth and nail to make the cut for Court. Neil can already imagine the weight of an Olympics medal around his neck. He doesn't even care what color it is so long as it is his. Better than that bright future is what he already has: a court that will always be home, a family who'll never give up on him, and Andrew, who for once hasn't wasted their time denying that this thing between them might actually mean something to both of them. Neil didn't even notice the silence at first, too distracted by his dizzying thoughts. Now he can't help but smile and pull Andrew in. This is everything he wanted, everything he needed, and Neil is never letting go.
Art commissioned and used with permission by the incredible @hamrikaa!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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rabidfoxes · 18 days
thinking about the possible interactions we could get between neil and jeremy with neil's "overly nice people are unsettling and have something to hide" mentality and between andrew and jeremy with andrew's history of getting along well with and respecting kind people who choose to be good in spite of all the bad things life throws at them (renee, betsy, wymack)
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detectivebambam · 1 month
hey hey welcome back
i know you love these I'm back with more
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outlawssweetheart · 1 year
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So real.
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hmmm-shesucks · 8 months
Once the foxes become more comfortable with each other, they begin to nag. Mostly little things, usually humorous things. They nag on Nicky for being too forward sometimes. They nag on Neil for his horrible life habits. They nag on Dan for her mother henning. They nag on Kevin for everything. It's fun, it's what families do. They all just pick on each other for fun.
It takes a little longer for them to feel comfortable nagging Andrew though, which, is understandable, but one of the first things they start picking on him for is his lack of communication in general. He NEVER talks. They just want him to participate sometimes.
Renee and Neil find this funny because Andrew talks A LOT just not around the foxes. He's not comfortable.
See, Andrew is fucking weird. Everyone knows this, but the foxes think he's weird in a “mysterious, murder you in your sleep, was totally the kid everyone thought was going to shoot up the school” kind of weird.
Andrew is not that kind of weird. He's a different breed entirely. He plans out how he'd survive the apocalypse, any of them. He is constantly fighting back the most wild intrusive thoughts. He is 24/7 existential crisis. His head is a wild fucking place.
But he is trying. Making progress. Trying to be more open and approachable, as Bee says. So he talks. Out Loud.
And the foxes hate him.
In the most monotonous voice ever
“Do you ever feel like your bones are dirty? Like, I could totally strip my meat suit and just give my ribs a good bleaching.”
“If that light fell out of the ceiling it would kill at least three of you and seriously injure the rest of us.”
“Nothing is stopping me from buying five ice cream flavors at once, but I'm learning self-control and Bee would be disappointed.”
“Currently having a manic episode. Should I A.) call Bee, tell her I'm not doing too great, and talk about my symptoms and how to best cope? B.) find the nearest mall and spend every dime I have in less than thirty minutes. Or C.) go apeshit and try to fight anyone and everyone who looks at me in a less-than-kind way. Children included.
*stage whisper* there's a secret fourth option but I'm saving it for later ;) (pronounced Semicolon left facing open parentheses. Yes he says this out loud)”
disappears for less than five minutes and comes back with three furrbies and a corndog, one that is obviously not from the mall's food court.
He's so fucking weird. Like, weirder than Neil, and it's awful (so good dude, the foxes eat it up)
And it's not the manic Andrew on meds. It's just Andrew. He's still Andrew. He's still quiet most of the time and he is still grumpy and apathetic, but he's also comfortable enoughto just blurt random shit out and have fun watching everyone figure out how to respond. He's found safety in his new family and he can openly be who he is without fear of judgment or rejection. He's happy in a way he's never felt nor ever thought he'd get to experience. He's just Andrew.
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heartstringgs · 16 days
If I had a nickel for everytime one of the Minyard twins used a racquet to save someone they love, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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owlarchimedes · 14 days
I don't get why some people think Andrew wouldn't get along with Jeremy? Look at how he treats kind people, kind people who've gone through their own hardships but in the end chose to "be a bad person trying very hard to be a good person" (Renee, Wymack) or just people who are always kind and try to help (Bee, and Abby to an extent).
The point is Andrew would take one look at captain sunshine and just know he'd get along with him (even if he doesn't show it in a traditional way)
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foxes-today · 3 months
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Inside Neil’s phone
Kandreil pt 1 2
It’s ‘not’ date night and Neil is enjoying himself
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lokislittlelad · 1 year
Wymack and Abby might be the only parents who truly don't have favourites. That being said Bee's is Andrew and we all know it.
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kazoo-the-demjin · 1 year
Neil, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
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otdiaftg · 2 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Seventeen (19)
Day: Friday, April 26th / 27th* Time: 7:05 PM EST
"You two could at least say hello," Wymack says, somewhat aggrieved. "There's no point," Kevin says. "All they are is a distraction." "It's called a support network. Look it up." "Thea is watching from South tonight," Kevin says, looking to the elevated VIP box. It is too far away and too high up for Neil to make out any faces, but there is a small crowd gathered at the windowed walls already. Knowing the Court is here to watch them play sends a chill through Neil's veins. Kevin drags his stare back to Wymack's face and says, "and my father comes to all of my games. That is enough." On Wymack's other side, Abby's gaze softens. Wymack's jaw works for a moment before he can say in an even tone, "Your mother would be proud of you." "Not just of me," Kevin says in a rare bout of humanity.
Art used with permission by Kevinkevinson. Thank you @kevinkevinson!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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murdockbuckley · 9 days
thinking about riko just doing fucking stick and poke IV on neil whilst he's in the nest and it looking absolutely shit and it's nowhere near deep enough so by the time they're playing the raven's it's so faded it looks like it disappeared unless you look close enough but riko thinks he paid to get it removed and then he was murdered before he found out he just sucks at stick and pokes
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rachelmoffat01 · 8 months
sometimes i forget the foxes aren’t real and aftg didn’t actually happen and i can’t just look neil josten up and sit down for the night to watch an exy match between the foxes and ravens or trojans
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detectivebambam · 1 month
mad cuz i forgot to change the username thing but i don't want to redo them just ignore it
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aftgsecretsnowflake · 14 days
AFTG Secret Snowflake
Hi! Welcome to the AFTG secret snowflake, a fandom event that would run throughout the fall and start posting in December
Essentially if there’s enough interest for the event people would fill out a form that signs them up to give and receive a piece of fan work. Participants will fill out what they are willing to create for and what they want to receive (pairings, themes, tropes, fic, art, playlists, edits, etc) and being assigned someone to create for and be assigned to someone who will create something for them
Secret snowflakes are to be kept a secret until posting would start sometime in December. Participants are encouraged to have anon on and to engage with their secret snowflake through anon asks, getting to know them and also utilizing it to refine what they are creating for their partner if they choose to do so.
Sign ups would likely start in early fall with the period to create these works being October-November and posting occurring throughout the month of December
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