#belter creole
forgotn1 · 8 months
I've been watching the Expanse for the first time over the last couple of weeks. Just finished episode three of season six and holy shit, it's so good. Easily one of the best sci-fi series ever produced. I'm just disappointed they didn't do the last three books and truncated the sixth season. One of this show's strengths was its pacing and how it was able to tell a compelling story while also doing incredibly deep and brilliant worldbuilding.
The Belter society is amazing, especially the Belter Creole they speak. Which was invented and fleshed out specifically for this show. I love how it parallels the poor and working class here in our world and the exploitation they face. It's brilliant how they give us so many different versions of what their fight for recognition and independence looks like, each with its own unique benefits and flaws.
I think Camina Drummer is my favorite character. I love her strength and fierce loyalty. Her and Naomi definitely dated while she was on the Behemoth. Amos is another fave. I get really strong autistic vibes from him, but a lot of it could also be how he deals with the immense trauma from his childhood. Which is also one of the most interesting and heartbreaking backstories in the show.
There's so much more I could get into to that makes it so great. Like everything that is Chrisjen Avasarala. Or Bobbie's escape on Earth and how it showed Earth wasn't all rich people day drinking. Or the freaking protomolecule! But I think I've rambled enough. lol
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“And the fear that you might leave me
I thought of tomorrow
And I wished it was Monday evening
But I knew that you
With your heart beating and your eyes shining
Would be dreaming of me
Lying with you on a Tuesday morning.”
- The Pogues
Wanted to branch away from these two on V-Day, but still wanted to craft a quick. sweet picture of Sjael and Tech kissing. Never did one before. Plus prairie grass is so soothing to draw.
Also, there’s not enough art of couples who are the exact same height—especially if the woman is a 6-foot-something giantess like Dr Drummer (or myself!).
Need some writing of these two talking and getting it on? Click on the links below!
Showxa mi dem Setara
Tenye fo mi, Teki
And basically most of Far Past the Ring.
Tagging away:
@askwenjing @amorfista @amalthiaph @autistic-artistech @auntie-venom @warsamongthestars @eyecandyeoz @eelfuneral @eclec-tech @rocicrew @that-salmonberry-punk @thecoffeelorian @ilikemymendarkandfictional @insertmeaningfulusername @isthereanechoinhere96 @perfectlywingedcrusade @sometimes-i-talk-a-lot @dukeoftheblackstar @deezlees @just-shower-thoughts @littlefeatherr @vivaislenska @cdblake1565 @nahoney22 @notavalidusername @nika6q @skellymom @clownery-and-fuckery @marymunchkiin @merkitty49
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folatefangirl · 27 days
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It really is a super cool conlang though. If I'd known The Expanse had a goddamn creole made for it, I'd have hopped on the bandwagon much sooner, sasa ke?
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alagaisia · 1 year
I love when I read a book *after* seeing an adaptation and it gives me a new appreciation for the adaptation. Season one of The Expanse follows the plot and major scenes of Leviathan Wakes remarkably closely, and the characters are exactly the same. I’m replaying scenes from the show in my mind. Conversations that weren’t in the show still read in the actors’ voices. I swear I recognized some dialogue. And the changes I did notice (such as where Miller finds Julie Mao in the end, and how the dead man’s switch comes in) made complete sense in smoothing over the transition from page to screen. Fuck Amazon and all that, but the writers and showrunnners of that show should be lauded for their attention and dedication to the source material.
I’m interested to see how that holds up in the rest of the series. I know that the actor playing Alex Kamal left the show for reasons unrelated to the character’s original arc, and I think I know that the books go on longer than the show, so I have a feeling eventually the two will split, but I’m hoping to meet a few more favorite characters before that happens :)
(other books I've read this year)
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daisychainsandbowties · 9 months
do the palmer station crew develop the antarctic winter accent
oh that’s a really interesting question. for anyone curious, here’s the academic journal article discussing a study of phonetic change over i think an 8 month period. it’s a small sample size but the premise has a firm grounding in phonology. actually the urge to also link back to this post, as a related point.
i think ava and camila notice it first, as the people who talk the most (although, if you count the fact that lilith chats to all of her little creatures almost constantly, she actually talks the most).
ava’s accent has always been a mess of different vowel sounds anyway because she went from portuguese to irish-accented english (derogatory in this case) and daytime TV spanish to german and french for a while and then to american english so she’s got. all of the vowels acting like strangers to her anyway.
but she also has an ear for this because unlike beatrice, she picked up her vast repertoire of languages out of necessity, wheras all but two of bea’s were picked up in more academic settings. so she hears beatrice in the cafeteria one morning insiting loudly (for her) that “muesli is absolutely a food”. and ava just has a ‘huh?’ moment over that ‘oo’ sound and the way it latches onto the ‘d’ (and yes, she does let out a little self-satisfied chuckle at the innuendo). it’s still beatrice, especially in the deliberateness of the ‘f’, but the vowels are faintly different.
then she hears lilith roll her eyes (this is somehow possible) before saying, “it looks like something you feed to the crows if you want them to like you.”
then cam, “aw lilith did you make friends with crows? that’s adorable.”
ava slips into the cafeteria just as lilith darts crossly out into the corridor with a blunt “ava” as what passes for politness, clutching her mug and trying to hide her blush. and that, too, catches ava off-guard; her vowel-thick name just a little bit different in lilith’s mouth.
she and cam spend weeks laughing at beatrice and lilith and their slowly-eroding accents. beatrice and ava having settled into a routine of mutual infodumping sessions during the winter months. listening to beatrice turn a bit soft in her sounds, and how it matches the way she speaks, full of quiet, reverant joy.
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Naomi getting a chest tattoo and purple hair due when she goes back to the belters??? Love it
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margbarcisforever · 2 years
would it be embarrassing to get a tattoo of the OPA symbol and/or the phrase “tenye wa chesh gutt”
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alas-poor-cesario · 3 months
Fandom: Pacific Rim
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb
Characters: Hermann Gottlieb, Newton Geiszler
Additional Tags: gratuitous use of conlangs, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Mando'a Language (Star Wars), Mando'a Pet Names (Star Wars), Lang Belta, Belter Creole (The Expanse)
Summary: Hermann wakes after the events of Pacific Rim 1, looking for Newt. A small interlude between our favourite nerds.</p><p>Written as a Valentine's Day present for one of my favourite nerds.
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doolallymagpie · 9 months
ah, (SPEAKING BELTER CREOLE), my nemesis
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incognitajones · 1 year
@ladytharen tagged me!
Relationship status: my marriage is old enough to drink in the States
Favorite color: anything in that blue-grey spectrum from pale lilac to deep stormcloud 
Song stuck in your head: Hall & Oates (thanks to the hockey game on TV)
Favorite food: we just picked up our bi-monthly order of home-made perogies, so let’s go with that
Last song played: Hurricane
Dream trip: somewhere on the coast, either Vancouver Island or Newfoundland 
Last thing I Googled: Belter creole for an Expanse WIP
No-pressure tagging: @minim-calibre @grimm-lynn @luciechat @ninelanterns and anyone else who wants!
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 months
January 10: The Expanse 1x01
After hearing much about it on tumblr for years, I have finally started watching The Expanse. I really know almost nothing about this show other than that people I follow have said good things about it for years so I had high expectations but not specific ones.
I like it so far, though I don’t have too many thoughts, because I’m definitely still getting my bearings. There is a lot going on all the time. I hope there’s some exposition later though it sort of strikes me as the sort of show that just throws details at you and expects you to keep up with all of them and put them all together; in other words, you do have the information you need to make sense of everything but it won’t be slowed down or spoon fed to you in any way, which I do respect because I think it shows the creators’ confidence in the complexity but also durability of their own story. You have to know your story very well to give out information broad enough to keep it comprehensible, but not bogged down in excessive exposition. And by durability I mean that when a person rewatches, it still holds together. It wasn’t just making sense at the time because it was making all the right sounds and you didn’t know any better.
I really like the world building in this first episode. I always get a little wary when something starts out with a lot of details in text on a screen, just because it’s an extreme exposition shortcut, but after that there was a lot of work done to actually… build up the world, the details, the lived experience in at least a couple of these various locations they’ve just thrown out at us. I really liked the decision to start with the Belters and to have their situation explained by one of their own in a protest: blatant exposition, but powerful and intriguing. The amount of thought given to their culture was really impressive; I’m tentatively optimistic about the creole (I also get wary around conlangs especially stuff like ‘futuristic slang’ and so on but this felt organic to me) and I loved the physical differences between them and Earth people. Like I have literally never thought about that but we do know that the human body was not made for space so of course living there for a long time, like your whole life, or for generations, AND in a state of constant poverty/exploitation is going to create people who look noticeably different. The aesthetic of the Belter society was definitely cribbed from Bladerunner in my opinion. It wasn’t the most blatant c&p but there were some strong parallels. No judgment though because why mess with the best. I really liked the way the apartments were designed.
So far I don’t really have opinions on any of the characters, mostly because I just haven’t had enough time with them yet. As I said, a lot happens in under an hour and I was mostly trying to keep up with the world building (the slang, the locations, the political situation, etc.) and then after that at least sort of follow along with the plot. Plus most of the characters who get major screen time are pretty clear archetypes: the rather corrupt but morally salvageable detective; the brash young man fighting against his destiny to be a hero, etc. I’m ready to learn more about them but I don’t have favorites or strong opinions about anyone yet.
I feel very optimistic and intrigued but I definitely couldn’t marathon this one. I think one episode a week is the right pace, enough time to let things settle and not get exhausted.
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Here’s to all of us whose hearts were shattered by that line from ‘Plan 99’.
But here’s how some psychologists recommend dealing with tragic events: putting your own creative spin on them.
I’ve found, for me, is taking words and quotes that hurt or upset me, and rewriting them in my own way. Especially if the meaning can be changed.*
In this case, “When have we ever followed orders?” isn’t uttered by Tech, resigned but heroic.
It’s said by Sjael Drummer near the end of Far Past the Ring. It’s now defiant, independent, and hawking a loogie right in the face of adversity.
It’s a tragic line from Star Wars that’s now a shout of fortitude from The Expanse.
Writing it out made it seem like something Klaes Ashford would say, or Camina Drummer, right before knocking someone out an airlock. 100% ungovernable Beltalowda.
Now? I smile every time I see it. Tenye wah chesh gut!
Hell, Camina Drummer says a version of it in the new Telltale game: "The Inners may control everything, but they cannot control the Belt."
Take something that makes you sad, and make it yours.
And yes, Sjael, like most Belters in the fic, has her new helmet designed to look like Tech’s. He’s become an accidental fashion icon!
Belters have also started painting their helmets like the clones. In Sjael’s case, she has Ojibwe style greenery that hints at her work with organic sweeteners—she has strawberries, blueberries, and vanilla orchids on the vines!
Tagging my Far Past the Ring readers here: @skellymom @eyecandyeoz @sued134 @cdblake1565 @moosethren @ilikemymendarkandfictional @techs-stitches @supremechancellorrex @amalthiaph
* = Example, my trashy ex Nick said “We won’t be together, the end”, via text when he dumped me.
When he crawled back to me a year later begging for a second chance, sending him a message WITH THAT IN IT was amazing!
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rocicrew · 1 year
brr brr roci as a cluster au
naomi and amos don't realize it right away. they've always been a level of in sync with one another. a simple glance was enough communication before. so what if they now have an inkling to what the other wants to do. hand over the tool before the other asks for it. they just know each other really well. (neither of them wants to dig deeper anyway)
they all get shitty country songs (sorry alex) stuck in their heads without a clue to why. sure alex's listens to that sometimes but he's always on the bridge with his headphones, there's no way that's connected.
holden wonders why he's able to understand belter gestures, and follow along passing conversations that are full in belter creole. all those years in space and he'd never actually learned it properly, he's pretty sure that's what caused him to lose a pair of pants on ceres and walk all the way to his hotel room with just a towel.
naomi goes straight for the coffee one morning without realizing it even as she's taking her first sips. it's when amos questions it (no tea today boss?) that she notices and covers it up with how she was feeling extra tired.
alex has gone through military training alright, but he's never been a violent person. quite the opposite, he's the person that diffused fights not started them. but lately his right hook keeps feeling itchy every time something or someone gets on his nerves.
while they're docked on ceres, amos goes straight past the noodles place he usually gets his decent station meal after months on the float to the red kibble kiosk he heard naomi talk about once, or so he thinks. he doesn't think anything of it. he's in the mood for something spicy and that's that.
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
LINGUISTICS AGHGHGHGHGHGHGH i love languages so much i actually have a book on conlangs that is so interesting... speaking of which have you checked out/tried to make a conlang before? theyre so fun :O:O
I ALSO LOVE LANGUAGES!! I keep thinking of myself as like...a language novice, but I'm about to start learning a fourth foreign (to me) languages so I think at this point I maybe. Am not a newbie. Sure, I'm not natively fluent in them all (and I have forgotten like all the french), but the fact is I've studied several languages in like a serious academic way.
Anyway! My experience with conlangs is more limited, but they are on my radar! I've never tried to make my own, but the 2 I'd probably start with learning are Belter Creole and Toki Pona.
Belter was created for The Expanse series (book and show), so while it's not the most expansive I'd be fun to learn a phenomenal book series' language! well, one of their languages.
And Toki Pona is the smallest language, which means you have to change how you think and communicate to get your ideas across with such non-specific words. And that sort of language experiment I think would be fascinating to try. I've actually got this learning resource saved to my bookmarks, I just haven't gotten to learning it yet.
My interests do tend to run towards naturally developed languages given the culture and history tied to them, but I'm not opposed to dabbling in conlangs! They are a part of language and I love language as a whole
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50/50 Touches
putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up
Josephus Miller x reader
Word Count: 289
“Shut up!” you hissed despite the laugh that was dancing on the fringes of your voice. 
Before you, Miller was grinning like a madman, looking far too smug in the face of the fact that gang enforcers were actively trying to find the pair of you. “What’s the matter, sweetheart? Can’t handle the heat?”
You rolled your eyes at the terrible joke. Your current hideout was by some generator that was currently pumping so much heat into the tiny space that you could feel the sweat rolling down your back. “Do you wanna get the shit kicked out of us?”
“Oh, come on! They’ll never--”
The entirely too close sound of footsteps made you slap your hand over his mouth to shut him up. All of your attention was fixated on the possible threat right up until you felt his hands creep to your hips. Your eyes snapped to his, and you could just tell by the crinkle at the corner of his eyes that he was grinning beneath your hand.
The sound of a particularly thickly accented voice speaking Belter Creole drifted through the air, but thankfully it sounded like they were moving away rather than closer.
Then you felt a kiss against your palm, and you suddenly lost grasp on all protests you might have had. They just slipped from your mind along with your worry. One of his hands came up to your wrist to gently move the obstruction to his mouth but not before pressing another kiss to the skin of your hand.
“How’s about we head on home, quick as we can?”
You leaned forward slightly so that your lips grazed his. “I think you’ve got the right idea.”
“Then what’re we waiting for?”
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