#beliv pill
yaoibattlepass · 1 month
If the bruins lose im finishing deep cleaning my room tomorrow
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the dream would be a 15hour week workday at a low stress job not that far from home but not too close it feels intimate to your home, a small mangable appartment that wont fall apartwith furnishings i like,bills that arnt stress inducing in a way that make me think about money all the time, and just chill and do my hobbies when im not doing all the other things people have to do in their adult to not be that sad life like cook and clean and talk to people
#would be cool to publish and stuff#but again dont want to turn my hobbies into somthing more stress inducing then perfecting my craft already does#cant belive the dream is the bere minimum#25 hours a week max#but still its really just the bere minimum#oh to live the bere minimum#life always finds a way to make things difficult#and it would be cool to be able to get rid of some of the more consistent stuff like money stress and work stress#so when there are more difficult things to worry about its not pilled up on the stuff thats day to day#i know some people like having alot to do but that is not me#but yeah feel free to make this your dream too i think its ok to just want to exist stress free enough to properly enjoy the mundane#cuz the mundane is pretty neat#and everyone acts like its this terrible thing but it happens everyday#the sun sets the sun rises but i still get excited when i get a good view#want to enjoy that without worrying about everything i have to work for to become successful#i think we are alowed to not want to work for things we dont care about that much just for the bere minimum of existence#would be totally diffrent if it got u up there but#it doesnt?#but im totally chill if giving like 25%-50% gave me just enough#not saying that would be how much i care just now much energy i give#and honestly alot of work can come out of that much energy#giving your 100% is stupid and uderrated and your 100% will become worse and worse#ofc still fine to do it but all the time is crazy people still gotta use some of that energy to live life outside of the hustle#offical hustle hate post
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Why should I keep trying ? We all know it's not worth it, so why should I ? I don't eat, I don't sleep, I hurt my body, I destroy my mind, so why ? You say it's okay, but they all do. Things won't get better, you lie a lot, you're lying again. Those feelings, why do they stay deep inside my stomach ? I wish you could hurt me. Destroy what's left, please yourself. You said it yourself, you like hearing me cry. But it's not just you, it's everything. I can't keep going, you know ?
She said we'll be happy, I'm the one who suggested that, and she said yes, but is it even possible to go ? Can years of abuse be fixed so easily ? It's not worth it, it's never worth it.
Some people try to help but there's no point, yet I still find myself eating enough to survive, I look at the road before crossing... Is my body trying ? Or my mind ? On the surface, I just want to end it.
If I ended it, I could tell everyone how I actually feel... Maybe they'd be happy to get a little note from me before I die. I don't think they'd care much anyway.
"If you're reading this, I'm gone"... What a blessing. I took meds tonight, I'm doing my best. You said it yourself.
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bunn-iiii · 3 months
hey guys (said with the most wobbly, I am going through hell voice you've ever heard)
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A Secret History, otherwise known as what the fuck Richard
(the last few bullet points will be talking about CSA so if that triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, don't read this)
Hi pookies, sorry for being awol, I've been prepping for finals, as well as annotating a secret history, and I had some thoughts I felt like sharing.
first of all fuck Henry
Bunny being the one to say " to live forever" is the definition of being doomed by the narritive
there is no version of the story where bunny lives, and by him being the one who says that, is in a way a challenge to Henrey
Richard opens the book by claiming to be a good liar, and in every situation where he lies he does it horribly is the funniest thing ever
Henry was a budding serial killer, and I think that by the simple fact of giving poor Charles those pills
I also don't think Bunny was as bad as the group made him out to be. Richard is obviously a self-admitted unreliable narrator, but I really don't think Bunny was as bad as they were making him out to be
sure he was probably really annoying, but the week before his death I don't think he was being purposely antagonistic but acting afraid
and in a sense when Richard found out about the murder, that was bunny signing his death certificate.
i think Henry was always going to kill Bunny, he was just waiting for a good enough excuse
when Jullian left Henry started decompensating like a serial killer, and that's why he lost control when talking to Charles
and while it is clearly the best choice to send Fransis to the police, Henry tells Charles to go because Charles is easy to manipulate
i think Fransis is obviously disalutioned by Henry from the beginning of the book, while Charles and Richard were still drinking the Kool-aid
Camilla is obviously romantisized by Richard, and I think that in all reality he probably viewed women in a simmular way Bunny did
in Camilla's descriptions she is often barefoot, and he makes note to mention that during the act of the murder she wasn't present
he also compares most women to Marion a person he thinks is too stupid and girly
people forget how physically imposing henry is, by Richard describing him it almost infantilizes him, in a way.
he is physically imposing which made him look odd, but he lifted camila with great ease, and lifts weight despite is limp
i think he hurt camilla by pulling out her hair, and hurting her wrist
i feel bad for bunny because while he was teetering over the edge he must have been so afraid
richard and henry could have been the same under slightly different circumsances
camilla is not as oblivious to things as people belive she is, obviously she is a victim, but the narrative implies that she is for lack of a better term, not completely innocent
she is a victim of her circumstances, but not completely innocent
richard clings to the group because they are every thing he wanted to
henry killed himself to achieve some fucked up version of godhood.
fransis is the most complex character because by the end of the book we feel bad for him despite taking advantage of 2 of the other characters in the book
he is also clearly in love with Charles but yk
okay so i think its pretty clear that Charles is a CSA victim
he very clearly has an eating disorder, and a alcohol problem which Fransis exacerbates by getting him drunk and hooking up with him frequently
not only that but he is really dependent on his friendships and is constantly paranoid that they are talking about him, but needs constant reassurance like a child
but also when bunny is making digs at the group, he starts talking about the preversions of the catholic church, i don't think that group cared, nor do i belive that any of them are particularly religious, but I do belive that Bunny was making a dig about Charles being molested by a preist
and if that's the case than his ultimate outcome makes the most sense,
that also makes sense why he would frequently sleep with camilla and fransis
feel free to message me so we can chat about it... this book has recently become my greatest obsession, or we can chat in the comments.
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Wallflower 44 (Ending 2)
Warnings: age gap, creepin’, slow burn, stepdad-adjacent, possible noncon/dubcon, abuse, violence, self-harm, manipulation, panic attack, dissociation, gaslighting, miscarriage.
Character: silverfox!Thor
Your mother meets a new man, but he doesn’t seem very interested in her.
Note: let me know if you want a loki ending and I'lldo one if I get a decent response.
<3 Another erratic drabble series. Appreciate any and all feedback. Love you all. And I didn’t expect this chapter to go this way or to be a bit longer than usual.
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You stare at the bottle of the pills. 'Take these until they're all done, until it passes.' When the doctor told you what was happening to you, you didn't belive him.
It couldn't be. It. A baby. Was anyhow. Now, a miscarriage. There's no way you could be pregnant. Or could have been.
You stand in the sterile hallways. The bustle of the hospital rushes around you. The doctors and nurses are onto their next patients. You're forgotten, just like you always were.
A shiver runs through you as your mind echoes the soft noise of water, the ripples rolling from the plunge of his hand, his fingers between your legs, the sensation bubbling in you. What he told you never happened. What you never knew he did.
You take a breath and hide the pills you have to go. You want it to end. You want to leave this place and act like you were never here.
You follow the signs to the waiting room and find Thrud in a chair, elbow on the armrest, head tilted against it. As you approach she looks up and yawns. She gives a gentle smile.
"You're okay?" She stands. 
You nod. She stares at you. Expectant. Waiting for you to say more.
"So?" She prompts.
"We can go."
Her face falls, "that it? You're not going to tell what's wrong?"
"Anemic," you lie, "it's why I'm bleeding so heavy. Said I have to take pills are whatever."
"Oh. Okay, my mom had that after she got her IUD out," she says, reaching to gently touch your shoulder, "I'm glad it wasn't anything serious."
"Me too," you force a smile, "I just wanna get home and sleep."
"Yeah, mood," she sighs and jingles her keys, "we'll take it easy tomorrow."
"Sounds good to me," you walk with her towards the doors.
You can't tell her the truth. It doesn't matter. Even if she believed you, even if you could prove any of it. It's not a big deal. Besides, you should tell him first. The father. Her father.
Thrud falls asleep first. You knew she would. You're wide awake despite the frailness in your bones, the draining suck on your energy as you feel the life bleeding from you. You wait until she's snoring to move, slowly, watching her closely.
You get out of the bed and cross the room on your toes. You go into the bathroom and take out the bottle of pills from behind the toilet where you hid them. You put them back in your pocket and sidle you.
You slip on your sandals and creep through the shadows. You let yourself out the front door, shutting it carefully behind you. It's eerily dark as you descend the steps to even ground.
You watch the moon, finding your way to the villa not far from Thrud's. Your stomach churns as you look at the dark windows. You're not their for a fight, you have none left. You're there for the truth. For an end.
Your mother was always right. You're nothing more than a burden, but Thor was the only person to ever make you feel like you weren't. 
You climb onto the porch and knock. You wait out there, alone, a breeze swirling around you. You raise your hand to knock again but the door opens, just a crack as an umbrous figure looks out at you.
"Kitten," Thor's voice grits in his throat as he flicks on the indoor light, illuminating his large figure as he lets the door open further, "what are you–"
You hold up a finger against your lips. His brow furrows and he snaps his mouth shut. His confusion is obvious as he watches you speechlessly.
He nods and steps back, waving you inside. You trake the wordless invitation and enter. He shuts the door and trails you. 
You glance around. Theres is no good place to do this. There is no good way to say it.
You face him and take a breath.
"I just got back from the hospital," you state flatly.
"The hosp–"
You show your palm, begging. You need him to let you speak. He quiets and bows his head, eyes boring into you.
You pick your lip, searching for an explanation. You don't want to go over it all again; the bleeding, the pain, the fear, the exam, the doctor.
"I lost our baby," the words tumble out and stiff silence rises between you.
"That– that isn't–"
"I'm not mad."
"Kitten, I didn't."
"Thor," you say crisply, "I said I'm not mad. I'll only be mad if you keep lying to me."
He presses his lips together. His throat constricts. A tinge of red touches his cheeks. He drops his head and pushes back his silver hair from his face.
He comes close and offers his hand. You take it and let him guide you through the archway to the sitting room. He leads you to the couch and lowers you with him.
"I… it is only because I love you," he says, "I never meant to hurt you–"
Your throat locks up so tight and your eyes sting. You put your other hand over his knuckles and squeeze. You suck in a breath sharply. 
You can't go back to your mother and you never could be on your own. 
"If…" you begin. "If I hadn't lost it…" you choke, grip tightening on his hand as you tremble, "would you have taken care of it? The baby?"
"Of course, kitten, of course," he chants as he lifts his head, "I would. I would. I only ever wanted to take care of you. It's all I've ever done."
You meet his gaze. His eyes are blue and misty. You're not really sad about the baby but he is. You see the pain in him. You feel it.
"I swear," he quavers.
"Okay?" His eyes are wide and afraid.  
He's scared of losing you. Someone like him, someone so big, so strong, is scared. Because of you. He wants you. No one's ever wanted you.
"Next time," your voice rises thin and quaky, "I want to be awake. I want to… feel you. I want to feel your love."
He brings his hand to your chin, "I should've never…"
"You never asked," you whisper.
He quiets. He dips his chin and slides his hand around your neck and pulls you into his embrace. He nestles you against his chest. You grab onto his shirt, clinging tight, and let the world roll over you.
You sob as his other hand untangles from yours. He rubs your back as your tears spill out. Tears you can't hold back or claim. Tears of anger, grief, fear, helplessness. Tears of surrender.
"You're okay, kitten," he coos, "we will know next time. We will be better, won't we?"
You clasp onto him. Next time? If that's what he wants. If that's what you have to do. You'll be whatever he wants you be, as long as he wants you.
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itsmeelenoryayy · 25 days
This is kind if a rant post but i just have to get this off my chest what ive seen in the creepypasta/marble hornets fandom is how much some people write Tim/masky as like this very toxic and rude person who just dosent gives a shit about anyone and thats where you can really see who acually watched marble hornets and who didn't i get it not some people acually have the time the watch the whole thing but hey am here to help with that and talk about his caracter a bit
So Tim basicly grew up in a mental hospital and took medication for a long time he had seizures hallucinations and just really bad stuff honesly and hes been tormented by the Operator from a very young age and the hospital he was staying at as a kid burnt down but he goes back to the place pretty offen (he even haves a panic attack and halucinates that the Operator is there wich was honesly way too realistic and scary) he and Brian are frends but Masky and Hoobie are NOT frends Hoobie does everything in his powers to work aginst the Operator and aginst Tim, Hoobie even takes away Tims medication once and we can see him having a seizure (wich was also very scary pls give this man a break)
Now that we kinda got his backstory out of the way lets talk about his personality he comes off as very rude and sassy to people at first and he just seems to hate when people try to get closer to him wich let me tell you something thats a trauma respons my dear people who ware treated badly and got blamed for everything in ther childhood offen push people away in order not to hurt them since Tim blames himself for everything that hapened to Alex Brian and Jay (wich something i do not belive to be true) hes like those people who would rather have you hate him then be disapointed in him but if you somehow manage to spend more time with him you can kinda see how caring he can be its hard to see it but i still see it in him he cares very deeply for the people he loves (he literally give half of the pills he had to Jay when thats basicly what keeps Tim alive and away from a possible seizure) even tho he pushes everyone away he hates begin alone and on his own but i think if you know him enough he will finaly show his true caring self even if he lets somebody get somewhat close to himself he does some things that he wievs as "the best for them" but ends up accidentaly hurting people while trying to protect them he also smokes i forgot to say that
Now for the caracter of Masky we don't acually know much about him we never acually hear anyone calling him Masky in mh i don't know if the creators said it or its a fandom thing hes very agressive but still somewhat smart and hes not on anyones side but dosent nececarrly works aginst the Operator hes very agressive and we never acually hear him talk i like that headcannon that Hoobie is selectively mute and i think that Masky isint hes just an asshole and sees no reason to speak
Also a random fun fact about his caracter he can play the fucking banjo and he haves something what Alex calls "the music room" wich is just a room with instruments pluss one of the creators said that all of them have myspace account wich is super cool i would wanna see what Tims Myspace account looks like
Yeah thats it let me know if i sould add anything also there is this creator rabbit or rib who i think portraits him very well go check her content out shes very awsomesauce i hope that helped byeee
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justarandomcharlie · 9 months
Fuck it
Q!PACTW Headcanons
Why? Because I can't sleep and it's already 2 in the morning In my fucking country :)
Pac had broke his prosthesis more than once and it was not an accident
I belive that he still can't get over the fact that he doesn't have a "normal leg" simply because he wasn’t born without a leg, nor he suffered an accident, no, a crazy man had eaten his leg, and his prosthetic is an proof of that, so in his worst moments, he just breaks it in a point where it is unrecognisable, but in the end, he or Mike always have to re-fix it.
After Mike and Richa's disappearance, Pac actually gave up on trying to get better, because why would he get better if no one was there to actually make him fell better on the inside
Pac on the Happy Pills arc actually used more of the pills than forever trying to find an cure, and I belive that this arc is going to bite in hiss ass later, because cucurucho is going to check on him and forever sooner or later, and when he discovers that they aren't using the pills, the shit is going to hit the fan, and also, I belive that he used to grind some of the pills so he could smoke it or well... sniff it, so the effect of the medicine would last longer
Pac has lots of cuts on his whole body, LOTS OF THEM. Some are from the jail, and some he did himself, but most of them are on his arms, that's why he (most of the time) uses clothes that covers his arms
Pac is asexual, but is mostly because in prison, he learned that sex is only an exchange of favours, so an relationship for him is mostly based on trust and love rather than lust
He not only has PTSD from prison, but also he develop an type of schizophrenia from all of his trauma called Hebephrenic schizophrenia, where the person is typified by shallow and inappropriate emotional responses, foolish or bizarre behaviour, false beliefs (delusions), and false perceptions (hallucinations). Witch in my opinion, matches his character perfectly.
If you guys want more, lemme know in the comments plz
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asshlyyyy · 2 years
Baby Impending (Austin Butler x Reader)
This is the first request I ever recieved on the acount and I can’t belive it took this long to write it... I am so sorry to the person who requested this, and I’m sorry for those who have been waiting to read it! I forgot to mention quite a bit of things you mentioned in your ask, which I apoligize for... but I am really happy with this outcome! I hope you enjoy it!
Description: Reader is pregnant during filming for her and Austin’s movie. After the movie wraps up, the reader throws one last party to bid farewell to her costars and to all the lovely people who helped on the film. This is where they tell everyone that they are expecting.
Requested by @a-bolanos​, check out the ask here!
Pairing: Austin Butler x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, baby talk?, fluff, cuteness, most likely spelling and grammatical errors.
Word Count: 2.4k 
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Being an actor/actress has its ups and downs. Sure, you get to become a new character and play a role, but on the other hand... you become a target. Rather it's from fans, casting directors, assistants, etc. They wanted to pull every ounce of information out of you. You knew being a childhood actor would pretty much throw away any sense of privacy you had... well... that was until you became older.
You were able to hold a close grip on your privacy. Keeping away from all types of social media. Staying out of the public eye. To be fair, you spent most of your time at home, and you had no regret. When you were filming for a very popular tv show... Zoey 101 you met Austin Butler. Your current boyfriend. He was much like you where you wanted to keep your life private. He showed you his ways and you appreciated all the help.
The two of you have been together since, okay maybe... let's add some context to that. You met Austin back in 2008 during the filming of Zoey 101. You two didn't start dating until 2010. You guys have been in a pretty long relationship now, and neither one of you wanted to get married at the moment. Sure, you've been together for more than 10 years, but you two felt no need to get married... just yet. Then, one afternoon... the two of you received the most shocking news of your lives.
You held your eyes closed as you waited for those painful five minutes to pass. It seemed like hours... five long painful hours. Of course, that was just your brain talking. You kept glancing at your phone to watch the timer tick down. It was eating you alive, but... you didn't want the timer to end. You wanted it to continue forever... you didn't want it to happen. Not to mention you had to start filming for a movie soon!
As the time went off you clicked tapped the turn-off button. You looked over at the counter where the test laid and picked it up. One line... come on... just show one line.
Two lines...Of course, it was fucking two lines! Right when you had such a big role coming up! FUCK!
You tossed the test to the side and closed your eyes in hopes to stop any waterworks from happening. Of course, they didn't help and probably made it worse. Tears started to form and find their way out of your lids. You clenched the sink counter and sunk yourself lower to the ground. You let out a sob and whimpered. You couldn't believe this happened. I mean... hell, you two knew how to do safe sex. You took the pill! Austin always wore a condom no matter what- Hell were you two even ready to be parents?
There was a soft knock at the door and you jointed up straight. You sucked in a breath and wiped away your tears. Sure, it's probably easiest to tell Austin now... but you didn't even know what to do... you should tell him, right? Of course, you should tell him but right now? 
"Honey, are you all right in there?" You heard Austin's voice on the other side of the door. You took a deep breath and prayed that your voice didn't let you down. 
"Y-yeah." God fucking dammit! Of course, your voice would do that to you. It always did no matter what. It was how Austin knew something was always bothering you.
"Can I come in?" You nodded slowly, but after realizing he couldn't see you... you gave out a verbal answer. The door soon opened and Austin walked in. His dirty blond hair all messy. He walked over to you, wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you back against his chest.
"What's wrong?" You let out a light sigh and motioned towards the test. Austin looked over and picked it up. You heard his breathing hitch as he noticed it also. The two lines... the cross... clearly indicating that you were indeed pregnant.
"Oh- I mean... we got this... we got this." He said softly and held you close. You took a deep breath and let the tears fall. You were scared, Austin was scared... you both were entirely scared. What if you two were going to be bad parents? I mean... come on... You two aren't ready for this. Both of your careers were really popping off. Austin was filming Elvis soon, and you were... well now you had to take a break because you were pregnant.
"Do these look okay?" You asked Austin as you handed him an invitation. Austin took it out of your hands and looked it over.
"What's this for?" He asked in return, turning his gaze towards you.
"For our pregnancy announcement, and gender reveal. With the cast members since we're wrapping up today." You reminded him. You didn't take offense to him not remembering. Everything was all over the place since you found out you were pregnant.
"Right," he nodded and looked over the invite again. He nodded and hand you the invite back. "They're amazing."
"Really?" You asked with a small smile.
"Always," he smiled and kissed your cheek. "Did you want me to hand out some?" 
"Yes please," you nodded and split the invitations in half. 
The list wasn't that long. You were only going to invite the people that you two knew and were friends with. You weren't going to invite some of the people that worked on set that neither of you talked to. Plus, since you and Austin held such private lives, you didn't want the world to know that you two were expecting a baby. So, you invited those whom you trusted. Ones who wouldn't go behind your back to record or take pictures to post all over social media.
Once the final call was set out, the two of you went your separate ways. You finished recording your shots yesterday. Austin had to do a few more, and then it was a wrap. You were extremely thankful that you were still allowed to be apart of this movie. Some things had to be changed obviously... like your character was changed to being pregnant... but it all worked out. No one suspected anything.
With a short kiss goodbye, you guys went your separate ways. You hit the rounds where your closest friends were and handed them the invite. Some commented on your still wearing your pregnancy belly... boy if only they knew... but you were able to make up a cover story. It did take quite longer than imagined when handing out the invites... mostly due to the plot being so huge and everyone just being everywhere. You had to take a couple of breaks... which you aren't happy about but... you still got it done. 
So, once you got back to the trailer you plopped down on the couch and closed your eyes for a much-needed nap. Being pregnant was no joke. You felt bad not being able to do much, but Austin always told you that it didn't matter. You were using a lot of energy. Not to mention, you were doubling everything. It got rough at some moments, but it was all worth it.
You woke to your body being shaken lightly. You let out a hum and opened your eyes spotting Austin. You smiled and rubbed your eyes. 
"Hey, honey, you tired?" He asked and picked up your legs before sitting down next to you.
"Mhm," You nodded and moved so that you were laying on your back. Austin placed your legs back over his lap and rubbed your calves lightly.
"We can leave if you want. We got all our stuff moved out yesterday." He suggested. The two of you spent the past few days taking your personal items out of your shared trailer and it was a job... of course, Austin didn't let you do too much heavy lifting. 
"That sounds nice." You hummed softly. 
"Yeah?" He chuckled lightly, "so you could sleep in our own bed?"
"Yes," you nodded with a smile. He shook his head but held a smile just as you did. 
So, you two made your way off the lot. After turning in a few items of course. You two were surely off on that road back to your shared house. The party was early tomorrow considering so many people had to catch planes to fly back to their own homes. You also knew that... Austin will probably not let you help much. You'll definitely find a way to sneak into helping. 
The next day came way quicker than expected. You were being woken up by Austin and soon were pulled out of bed. Your house was already filled with people setting up the part. Decorations were going out into the backyard, food was being made for guests. Austin was down helping everything and honest... you could go for a big breakfast right now, and that's what you did. 
One of the nice ladies catering offered to make you some breakfast, and lord were you thankful. It was simple food, but it tasted amazing! No offense to your boyfriend's cooking, but it was amazing. It didn't take long until Austin noticed you were awake. He walked over to you and pressed a kiss to your head as you were munching away on your eggs.
"Good morning, Honey. You excited for today?" He asked as he pulled out the chair from beside you. You nodded and swallowed your food before speaking.
"I'm excited to find out the sex." You smiled softly. In all honestly, it didn't bother you. You couldn't care less about the sex, but you were still so excited to find out.
"So am I," Austin smiled in agreement. "Yet, I'm also excited to tell our friends and family."
That's right... you guys didn't even tell your families. You forgot about that part. You knew your sister would be overly upset, but once the guests started to arrive and see the decorations... they could most likely put two and two together. You did feel a bit guilty for not telling your family members, but your mother loved to share everything on Facebook. So, it was best that she didn't know.
"I almost forgot we didn't tell our family," you pointed out as you bit a piece of bacon.
"Yeah, same. I only remembered when I was handing out invitations. I texted our families once I was free." He said. So, he was the one who remembered to invite them? That's good.
"When does the party start again?" You asked, already forgetting the time you both agreed on. Pregnancy brain was really getting to you now.
"'Bout elven. I don't know how many people will show, but," he shrugged. You nodded and decided it was best to finish your breakfast and get ready. 
After you got dressed into a sundress that clearly showed off your bump, you made your way back downstairs where you could hear soft music playing. You smiled and made your way outside to look at everything, and it was everything you could have imagined and much more. There were pink and blue cupcakes... two little chalkboards where you could write your predictions. You walked over towards them and spotted Austin's name already down. 
He voted for a girl and you couldn't help but smile. You picked up your marker and wrote your name next to Austin's. A little girl would be nice... Especially if she was blond and had blue eyes. You just wanted a mini Austin if you were being honest. 
"Look at this gorgeous girl," you heard Austin's voice behind you. You let out a chuckle and closed the marker before turning to look at him.
"Hi, Austin," you smiled.
"Hi Honey," he replied and looked past you. He smiled once he saw that you wrote your name under girl as well. "I really like this dress. How come you've been hiding it from me?"
"Because I bought it for this party." You giggled and walked away, going to look at the other decorations. You guys didn't ask to bring gifts, mostly because no one would've known... so you had replaced that spot with a goody bag station. Inside were a few baby-themed items and a copy of your ultrasound. 
Before you knew it, friends and family were showing up and were... already excited. Rather it was because they noticed you first, or if it was the decorations that gave it all away. They were all so happy for you and Austin, and felt bad that they didn't notice earlier... and that they didn't bring anything.
"Uh, if we can have your attention." You called everyone over. Austin stood next to you with an arm wrapped around your waist.
"As I'm sure many of you have figured out by now... we are pregnant." You smiled brightly. "And well... it was quite a surprise. We appreciate each and every one of you showing up today. If you haven't already put in your guesses... please do so now. The reveal will be soon, once Ashley gets everything ready."
Ashley was the only one who knew about you being pregnant. She was also the person you went to when you had questions, considering she had a daughter of her own. You were also thankful that she was keeping this whole thing in secret. Of course, she shared with her husband, but she's been keeping it hush-hush per our request.
"Before the gender reveal... I want to do something first." Austin spoke. You looked over at him confused. What did he want to do-
"Y/n, y/l/n," Austin began as he grabbed your hand, and lowered himself down on one knee. You let out a gasp and felt your eyes water up. Goddamn pregnancy hormones, not now!
"We've been together for such a long time... and we've never felt the need to get married before all this... but... I knew from the moment I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I never thought we would have a kid so early on, but... it's better late than never, and... I just knew you're going to make the perfect mom... bride... wife... that is if you'll have me of course." Austin cleared his throat and pulled out a ring box, flipping it open. So this is why he hired photographers...
"Will you marry me?" You nodded unable to speak. Austin smiled wide and stood up and was quick to pull you in for a kiss. Everyone around you clapped, all happy for you both. Elvis slid the ring on your finger and you finally got a close look at it. It was very simple, an oval-cut rainbow moonstone gem in the middle. It was absolutely beautiful and just looking at it... it brought the waterworks back. Not like you stopped crying anyways. 
After taking a few pictures with the photographers you two were back in the front ready for the main event. Ashley handed you both a cannon that hopefully had confetti in it and not power or smoke. A smile was plastered on your face, and you already felt your eyes start to water up once again. You haven't cried so much in one day.
"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!!!!!"
You and Austin both popped the canons and the sky filled with pink specks of confetti. You gasped and felt Austin pull you close. You were having a little baby girl... a sweet little girl. You buried your face against Austin's chest, crying out tears or happiness. Your life was surely fulfilled... and you couldn't be happier. 
You were getting married and having a baby girl.
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Want to join my taglist? // Let me know If I spelt any wrong! There were a good amount of people I couldn’t tag, so please let me know if something is wrong.
Taglist:  @mirandastuckinthe80s, @mommy-maia, @slutforblueeyes, @alligator-person, @diorxmimi, @anangelwhodidntfall, @pumkiinpasties, @djconde58, @starryhazee, @21bruhs, @girlblogger2002, @dollfaceyourfear, @smbonilla2002, @homebodybirkin2003, @pandora-journey, @hsstylesrings, @jeonggukschris, @4everrmore, @bewitched-tales, @thelaziest10, @butlersluvbot, @curatedbyemily, @lovingly-unlovingme, @starlight-jpg, @omegellenlouise, @gyomei-tiddies, @Chlobug07, @wandawiccan60, @re3kin, @passengerjett, @neepo, @emilykolchivans, @gothantoinette, @ilovemuppets, @hangmanswhore, @theinvibislecapricorn, @hariestyles1, @annamarie16, @holliemahady, @misacc08, @Brighteyesscum, @marchingicenotes7, @callthedarknessdown, @domaniquessidehoe, @gay-af-satan, @skinnypantsmcgee, @sassyblazecloud, @lovelyney, @Sharkslayersblog, @billysway, @nuo0n​, @coldonexx​, @adoreyouusugar​, @aliciaelle47​, @raefoxiegirl​, @cobra-kaii​, @rylee-durhxm​, @bob-the-tomato, @crabat-the-queen​, @naveyelise, @austinbutlersgirlfriend​, @iluvnerds69, @hopefulinlove​, @Tylerdurdenisme, @laperceval​, @xcallmetaniax​, @londonalozzy​, @mslizziesblog​, @rosemochaaesthetic-blog, @bxbylexi23, @gloomynigvts​, @persephones-blood-iris, @milaa24, @randompointlessbeauty​, @BubblyYork, @jazmin2211​, @kittenlittle24​, @moonbird1507​, @bobthefishiesworld​, @cevans-winchester​, @noorreads​, @idc123sworld​, @hauntedarchivesx​, @Luna4mnoon, @imagineslut01, @Kayleealicej, @amiets2​, @loveisalover
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whosmarii · 4 months
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Maybe the only way you can learn about your powers is with shock therapy. You didn't even know the extent they have. So S.H.I.E.L.D decided to send you on a mission they belived not to be Avenger typa deanger, they were wrong. Marc Spector case seems to be much more profound and obscure that it appears.
*This chapter is just a preface (it literally says prologue lol) so take that into account,
*Reader is fem and already has a name (you are Nefer dear), but you can like completely ignore that name and use yours.
It is 4am. You usually wake up at that hour, the training is beyond all bearing and you already state that you'll never use pills to the stress cause by it.
" You have to be able to control your brain on your own Nefer, if not, you'll have to be put down." That's what Nicholas Fury told you when S.H.I.E.L.D take you in. You think just like him, what it's going to be of you if your wellbeing depends on a pharmacist with a chemical engineering degree who just wants to capitalize on your suffering so that you buy more of his Lorazepam.
Anyways, he wasn't refering to that when he said that sentence. Nicholas meant that you need to be able to control your powers, so you can finally be a confirmed Avenger.
It's frustrating, seeing everyone around you having a symbiosis with their supernatural abilities. Even Peter with just 15 years did it in less than a week. But you couldn't do it in 19 years, not even when 5 of those years consisted on studying your might, a fucking failure.
In fact, if it weren't for Tony, Bruce and their test, today you would still not know the label of your powers. Apparently you can somehow work with Love and beauty but we don't exactly know the dimension of this. You always suspected it tho.
"Denisse could you take care of Nefertiti for a few minutes, please?" Said Carmela, Nefertitis mother, leaving the living room leaving no place for a response. "Aren't you the most cute girl hm?" said aunt Denisse looking right at the baby of 1 year old in front of her. The little girl stretched her arms to try and touch her belly. "Oh, you like my t-shirt? look it has color pink! you like color pink right Nefi?" Nefertiti smiled at her, trying to say something but failing because of her lack of speaking ability, still she managed to mumble some words, or an attempt of them. "baba- babs-bybybyby" "Baba? papa? you want your daddy? your dada? i'll go find him baby" baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. That was the word. baby, baby, baby, baby. "baba- babababa- byyy-baaaa by- baby-baby-baby" the child yelled the word alone in the living room. Of course the sound alerted the whole family making everyone run towars the living room, just to find Nefer repeting the word baby with her eyes closed. "I can't belive this... Anton, get the camera! Nefer is saying her first word!!!" said the mother of the little girl to her husband, kneeling in front of her to praise her for her intelligence. Meanwhile aunt Denisse remaind standing in the doorframe with a frown on her face. Nefertiti's first word was baby and she was uncontrollably saying it, now with her eyes open looking right on hers. A few seconds later Carmela notice the weird behavior, she thought that maybe Denisse or her husband were making silly faces and movements so her baby would look at them. But when she looks backwards the only thing she sees is her sister touching her belly. "Baby in here?" mutters Denisse while pointing at her belly. Nefertitis smile gets bigger and she starts nodding with her head. Silence. Silence. Silence. Silence. "Are you pregnant..?" "Yes."
Your mother would always tell you that story. How did you know your aunt was pregnant? no one knows, no, actually you do now. You guess that it is one of your abilities. You don't exacly know how the fuck could could you use that for an Avenger mission but at least you knew it was your thing.
Your family also told you storys about how you would talk about couples that weren't actually together and years later got married. At first everyone thought that maybe you could see the future but that wasn't it.
Or about the many times people would do what you told them to do just because you were the prettiest girl they ever saw. And i'm talking about an extreme dimension. People doing ilegal things on autopilot just because a pretty 7 year old girl told them to.
Bruce says that you have some type of higher intelligence when it comes to femenine aspects like fertility and love and that you clearly have some type of absolute beauty that if you learn how to use, it could be very powerful.
But for now, you are useless. You can't be on Avengers missions if you don't know when are your powers going to strike and in who are they going to strike. That's why you have to wake up at 4 am every day to train your powers. That's what you been doing for the last 5 years.
And that definitly has to change now.
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xoxolilyy · 5 months
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I belive in king kylie supremacy 👑👑
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stressedbisexualtm · 8 months
For anyone that didn't catch Wilbur's stream today: when he checked the mailbox in front of tallulah towers looking for clues on where Llulah is, he noticed he had a letter from the federation. It basically said that Lovejoy is funding the federation, and they're proud of Wilbur. It also had a picture attached of a painted drawing of the Brazilian cargo ship on fire, in the same style Lovejoy's album covers have all been lately. I noticed this during the stream, but didn't have much time to think about it. However, a user on twitter pointed out that there's gotta be some deeper meaning there, which lead me to look back on Lovejoy's recent releases.
First up: Call Me What You Like - A single released by Lovejoy very early in the year (february or march I think, but idk for sure) whose album cover depicts a plane crashing toward the ground, on fire. I, like any good sleuth, immediately connected it to the French plane. The French crashed into the island via plane, and I do belive it was on fire before they hit the ground. The thing that made me jump the most was that this was, as far as I remember, released before the qsmp had even STARTED, much less when the French joined the server. Another small detail I noticed that might not be important is that Quackity appears in the music video as well as cc's not affiliated with the qsmp and people I could not identify any of the times I watched it (probably just background actors, but my brain's working overtime anyway).
Next up: Wake Up & It's Over - Lovejoy's latest EP, which includes the single Call Me What You Like. It's album cover depicts a train on fire, heading sideways off of its tracks. This reminded me of the first trains on the island - the ones that brought the initial English and Spanish speakers to the island. There was never a problem with them crashing or being set on fire as far as I remember, but it could be poetic. Another thought I had was about the create mod. For the past month or so, about since the eggs left I think, people have been experimenting with the create mod more - mostly using trains, actually. This could be a future event occurring with all the trains people have been building, something going wrong or some crazy angsty lore, idk. Again, it could be more of a symbol or an omen, but with cmwyl and the picture the federation gave q!bur I don't think it is. Another very obvious possibility is that it represents new members joining, like the other two do.
Third, and final: Normal People Things - Lovejoy's latest single, released just a week or two ago. The cover image for this song depicts a car crashing into the side of a house, the car very clearly on fire. I don't know if it's worth mentioning, but the other three covers all seem to take place during the day, but Normal People Things looks like it's happening during a sunrise/sunset (likely the latter). This cover is one I'm not really sure what to do with. It obviously follows the pattern of the others, so it's gotta fit in somewhere, I just don't know where. Nothing like that has ever happened to the players so we can be sure it's a future event. I'm not sure if it represents new players joining or just something the residents will have to deal with. (This last bit that I'm about to talk about is a huge stretch, but I've seen crazier connections.) As I was looking at all of the album covers, I thought a little bit more about the lyrics in npt. It reminds me of the happy pills arc, where Forever was taking pills and going a little insane. Here are a few of the lyrics:
Panic attack,/Backing track
Background hum/Of the cerebellum
What a blessing/To meet someone like you
With eyes as dead as mine, it's fine/It's normal people things to lie here in silence
Spending days in/Self-medicating
Lost too much weight/Unpleasant aftertaste
We look the same/Play different games
This is probably the biggest leap I have ever made when theorizing, and it's most likely wrong, so don't judge me too harshly for it lol. I've probably got something with the covers, though, so I'm gonna be keeping my eyes out for that, and JESUS this is so COOL
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7vvch · 2 years
Hoodie/Brian Thomas headcanons
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First off without his mask he is handsome, hazel eyes, light brown hair and pretty tall around 6'0
As Hoodie he tends to be serious, and actually really smart and manipulative
Hoodie always makes the plans for missions and how to do them and then he and Masky manage to finish the mission
Brian seems to be "nice" and "sweet" guy so people wouldnt assume that he is doing some shady stuff *cough cough* being Slendermans proxy and killing for entity
But as Hoodie he is just cold and rarely takes bs from others
He can be scary when he is like that especially with his height (I'm 5'6 and his height is actually scaring me-)
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Especially in fights, he is probably most sadistic from all of them, he wouldnt mind to have some fun with his victims before they yk die
So dont mess around with this dude unless you want your nose broken or have bruises basically all over yourself
Toby learned his lession on the hard way :,)
As Brian he actually has his own home, and even a car and "nice" personallity so its easy for him to fit in normal people too just like Toby
You wouldnt even suspect a thing is wrong with him until you would saw gun and mask in his car :)
He does hang out with Masky/Tim when he can, friendship what can I say
He doesnt smoke, but he tends to drink sometimes
And he takes Masky's pills
Well steals them
While Masky listens to grungy songs I see both Hoodie and Brian to listen to phonk and sometimes old songs
I just imagine him driving car while listening to phonk songs
Something like Harakiri, Afterlife, NGT..
(Change my mind these big dudes on that song cover are Masky, Hoodie and Toby, ngl its actually scary how big they are lmao)
Just like Masky I dont really see him reaching out for relationship unless you just want to have fun and be friends with benefits then sure thing
Though its hard for him to fully trust anyone its almost impossible to become his friend
BUT if you do seem to catch his eye, good luck you will need it
While Toby and Masky are fighting about the leader of the group thing we all know the leader is Hoodie
They just refuse to belive so
But the reason is Hoodie is smart, intelligent and doesnt fight over such thing like that, he is just there like *poker face*
And what makes him leader is that he doesnt take bs from no one not even Masky, if youre on mission do it right or dont do it at all
That is why he has beaten Toby too many times
Okayyyy so here are another one of my headcanons, hope u like them, and if u want send requests :,)
Also my dms are opend for everyone so if you wanna be friends we can talk :)
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yacnelgs · 6 months
Im asking this here because i dont find any answers and im kinda desesperate
TW alchohol, drugs? Idk
Why any substances make an efect on me, its not like i've ever taken something "hard" like idk cocaine? But no matter how much alcohol i take i never feel drunk and if i mix it with benzos its the same.
Im someone who stays almost always stupidly sober, the kind of person who only drinks in christmas or new year. So no its not like my body us used to it, i find about this a few days ago in a party (its a miracle me going to one) afer drinking a botle of ron and only feeling at much a little dizzy(and it was meybe my desrealization)
And for pills its the same, idk why i tried to take those (an impulsive thing prephaps because im not prescribed with, in this case, clonazepam o valium)
Its makes sense on why others 0D atemps didnt work(one time when i was a teen my doctor and my parents didnt belived me because if i actually taked that much pills i "should have slept at least for a day".
Soo ugh is this,, bad???? I hate doctors so i really dont want to go to one
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redflagsandbanners · 2 years
Nancy or Robin taking care of the other while sick? <3
"Stop. Stop. Oh, god, who even are you right now?"
The high pitch whine is enough to have Robin laughing. Adoration overwhelms the entirety of Robin’s being at the sight in front of her.
"Don't go", Nancy looks at her through wet, stuffed eyes, as if Robin is getting shipped off to war.
"If you get me sick, Wheeler, I swear to god -"
Nancy groans a miserable sound. Laughing again, Robin leans in to press a lingering kiss on her girlfriend’s forehead. The skin is burning up underneath her lips.
"It's impossible to belive you're the same person fighting monsters with bare hands".
"Don't make fun of the dying people, Robin".
Nancy starts to cough, shaking and clinging the blanket tighter around her shoulders. When the fit is over, Nancy knocks her head on the rough edge of the couch arm and groans again.
"Cuddle me".
"Cruel woman".
Robin chuckles, working hard on not spilling the medicine from the spoon's curve. She hovers her palm underneath, to be sure an utter catastrophe won't happen on their couch in case she spills the yellowish thick liquid on the jorney from the coffee table to Nancy's mouth.
A waxy drop falls off anyway, getting caught in her palm. Robin's proud of herself.
"My mom always cuddled me when sick".
She damn nearly spills the whole thing. "Did you just compare me to your mom?"
"Just saying your bedside manner needs work".
"You do not get to bicker with me right now, Nance! Oh, my god. After this I'm breaking up with you. Open up".
Nancy doesn't open up. Nancy twists her face in a tearful-about-to-cry pout.
"Oh, Jesus. You're a baby".
"You ain't gonna make this up with pet names".
"I'm insulting you!"
The pout deepens. Robin's hands are shaking and she knows she will spill the medicine.
Change of tactics.
Robin's tactical like that.
"Alright, if you take everything now with no more whining, I will cuddle you. As the big spoon!"
"No", Nancy looks more defeated by the change in the cuddle system than the fever. "I want to hold you".
"I'm not your mom and I'm also not your teddy bear. These are the terms, Wheeler. Take it or leave it".
Thankfully, Nancy folds forward and takes the spoon in, gulping down the bitter liquid and flinching. Robin passes her the tea right after, blowing on the hot surface for her to take a sip and get rid of the taste. Another pill goes down soon after and a warm compress is readied, carefully pressed against Nancy's forehead for a few minutes.
When the worse of the fever goes down, Robin nudges her. "Scoot".
As soon as she buries her burning face in the crook of Robin's neck, Nancy sighs in deep, exhausted relief.
Her entire body slacks in the cocoon Robin has created with the blankets and her own body. As sleep drifts through her again, Nancy's hands catch a weak hold of the thin t-shirt her girlfriend is wearing. Before falling asleep, she feels Robin press a long kiss on the top of her hair, arms tightening protectively around her back.
"Love you", she hears but is too tired to say it back. Barely manages to brush her lips on the relieving cool skin of Robin's neck as a reply.
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dr-reversebeartrap · 29 days
aurghhh im glad somebody else sees the vision bc that song is sooo apprentice coded "youll never make me leave ill wear this on my sleeve you wanna follow something give me a better cause to lead just give me what i need give me a reason to belive" 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
No but for real so jigsaw cult victims coded… I think my friend had a Vision for another revenge song maybe deathwish or never told you 🔥🔥🔥
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