#before they decide to uhhh get hitched :)
shadow0-1 · 2 months
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Along for the ride
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Sungchan First Date (Reaction)
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i’m going to put this into a reader x sungchan scenario. and since i don’t know much about him this will be loosely based on his venus sign in astrology. i hope that you bear with me on this one : )
he is definitely going to pull out all the stops for a date! even if it’s the first one. going with a the best tried and true idea he’s decided your typical movie date is the best option. something he’s thought about and planned long before he laid eyes on you. contemplating what type of movie people are interested in nowadays, the best theater, even the safest easiest route to take to get to the movies — he’s thought about it all!
now, after meeting you he can finally put his master plan into action. having talked to you about where your taste lies in cinema, he’s found the perfect movie that both of you can enjoy. telling you that he’ll meet you at the theater approximately fifteen minutes before the movie starts — he’s already went and purchased the tickets and even some popcorn. once you’ve arrived and protested about him paying for things — you settle on your drink of choice, and head inside.
the movie portion of your date could not have gone smoother. seeing you smile and laugh while talking about your favorite scenes has him beaming from ear to ear. but, he’s not going to just take you to see a movie and call it a day, no! what he’s got up his sleeve next will for sure keep this heart soaring feeling going.
picking a cute restaurant he opens the door for you, pulls out your chair, and tells you to pick anything you’d like — again you try to get him to agree to go dutch, not wanting to appear as if you’re the type to want a man to pay for everything — yet, somehow you’re convinced that it’s his treat. his master plan can’t be deterred even if you did look adorable with the pout on your face when you tried to state why you should pay for your own meal. this moment, this day rather, is his moment to impress you and show you how you deserve to be treated.
with the meal already settled, you eat your food happily and enjoy some light conversation in between bites. of course, just like sungchan had figured, everything went off without a hitch — the way you’re clinging to his arm indicating how much fun you’re having.
and just when you think the date is winding down — the sun slowly setting on a perfect day, sungchan suggests a stroll through the park. flabbergasted you ask if he’s sure? saying of course, he places a hand over yours to ensure you don’t leave his side. shocked you wonder how he has the ability to keep winning you over. a movie, an early dinner, and now a stroll in the park?! how did you end up as the female lead in a romance movie?!
but this has been the plan from the moment sungchan first realized his feelings for you. after getting to know you a little, seeing how beautiful you are, how kind you are to others — how could he not treat you like royalty after asking you out? the conversations you both shared were sure proof signs that you were the person for him. the one he wanted to shower in affection. so, in true sungchan fashion, and a little advice from his female friends (mom especially) — he’s put together the ultimate date! just for you.
strolling hand in hand through the park, talking about anything and everything under the sun you’ve realized you’ve already fallen for him. there’s no way that you couldn’t have. as you pass families, other couples, and the occasional four-legged friends — you’ve secretly concocted a plan to show him how much you appreciated this date and him.
waiting until you’re nearing the entrance of the park to stop him you slow your steps down gaining his attention.
“uhhh…sungchan,” you teeter back and forth. “i just want to say thank you for today. you’ve really outdone anything i could have ever dreamed of.”
“i’m glad you had a great time,” he smiles down at you.
“i don’t know what your feelings are, but i really want to pay it forward. so,” you gulp deeply before smiling brightly. “will you go on a second date with me?”
bursting with insurmountable joy he keeps on a good poker face while watching you fidget back and forth. how did he end up so lucky? how could he have possibly found such a wonderful person?
chuckling on the inside he decides to have a little fun with you. squinting he quirks a brow. “isn’t that supposed to be my line?” he asks.
“i want to show you the same kind of respect and adoration you showed me. so, will you go out with me again?” you reaffirm while trying not to pass out with anticipation.
pausing for a moment his hand goes under his chin in contemplation. looking at him your heart pounds in your chest. did he not have a great time too? should you have made more of an effort to treat him to something? feeling the back of your neck grow clammy you wait on his response.
“exactly what would this second date entail?”
“uhhh…maybe we can go to the arcade and have some fun? a little friendly competition before going to dinner?” you suggest.
“a little competition, huh?” he cracks a smile. “well…how can i say no to that?!”
grabbing your hand he pulls you into a giant bear hug. relief washes over you the moment he agrees — relaxing in his embrace he pulls back far enough to peer down at you.
“i won’t go easy on you.” he teases.
“i’d expect no less. thank you for such a wonderful day, sungchan.” you burry your face into his chest.
“it was my pleasure.” he bends down placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
ahhhh this was so hard to do lol but i hope you enjoyed it. also, sorry this took me ages to do. i kept going back and forth in my head on how to do this lol
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toughaqua777 · 1 year
I Just Had an Idea
Well, multiple ideas and thoughts that go together. Put under Keep Reading because long post again. But just in case, TL;DR: Russo’s clone appeared earlier than we think, Russo’s been absent since the meeting on the spaceship, and Mr. B lookin’ a little sus ngl
I believe that Russo’s clone (who from here on out I will refer to as “Ruse”) was made before Russo was kidnapped. In fact, Russo went missing while still on the spaceship to the lobby. Hear me out.
In the trailer for Season 3, we cut to the three hosts while on the spaceship, and as we know, they’re debating how they were gonna do all the challenges and whatnot. After Mr. B makes contact (and eventually disconnects), Russo seems pretty delighted about the concept that Mr. B put forth about the Bits:
“Wait, guys, this is great! Yeah, the Season 3 final battle we made got destroyed with the new lobby and we weren’t sure what we were gonna do with the grand prize items, but now we have a reason to earn them!”
But at some point, when you talk to Russo(?), he says this:
“Why is everyone looking for bits of our instruments? That has to be impossible to find! You’re all wasting your time if you ask me!”
A little contrary, isn’t it?
And keep in-mind, the Bits are used to create tools for Battlers to assist with dealing with whoever/whatever caused the incident at the concert. It’s only natural if someone who didn’t want the tools to be made would want to deter others from finding them, right?
“But wait,” you might ask, “That was AFTER at least one match-up in the tournament already happened! Maybe Russo got replaced after that!” And you’d have a point!
But recall what happened on the spaceship.
After Sabrina announces that they’ve almost arrived at the old lobby, the spaceship takes massive damage out of nowhere. We never learn what exactly caused that, do we? And after everyone scrambles around doing tasks for a bit, an emergency meeting is called...also out of nowhere. No, seriously, no one knows who/what called it. And the following takes place:
DJ: “Wait, if everyone’s here, why are we having an emergency meeting?”
Russo(?): “Uhhh, must’ve been a false alarm.”
And that’s it, basically. He dismisses the meeting shortly afterwards.
Basically, my idea is that the damage to the ship was caused by something--or rather, someone--penetrating the ship and infiltrating it. This causes everyone to scramble to complete tasks, including the hosts. With everyone separated, it would be the perfect time for someone to strike.
This is where Ruse comes in.
He goes on to find Russo and attack him, nabbing the latter’s sword so he can’t fight back. In a panic, Russo rushes to activate the emergency meeting...but it’s too late for him. Ruse grabs him and either locks him away elsewhere on the ship, or straight-up throws him out. Remember, Russo (or rather Ruse) is the last person to enter the room, and he arrives somewhat late in comparison to the other two hosts, so him doing all of this beforehand is entirely possible.
Either way, Ruse’s intention? To kill Russo and take his place so everything else went without a hitch.
But obviously, whether by a miracle in getting thrown out, a miracle in the crashing of the spaceship, or in somehow escaping the locked room he was in before crashing, Russo survives. Probably not unscathed (physically or mentally), but he survives.
Because of everything that had just gone down, Russo decides that he needs to figure out where Ruse came from, who or what he was created by, his creator’s goal, etc. But not wanting to endanger anyone (and not wanting to cause panic and delay/cancel Season 3 as a whole), he lays low for a while.
That doesn’t stop him from leaving clues behind nor does it stop him from helping from the sidelines. What do I mean by this?
Well, think about it: The mystery lobby was likely made by JP and Netpunk as a whole, right? Why would they deliberately leave behind methods of powering up the tools made by the Bits if they didn’t want them to be found (if Ruse deterring others from finding them is any indication)? They wouldn’t. It wouldn’t make sense. But it wasn’t Mr. B either; he says himself that he has no idea how to power the tools. So who would at least try to develop methods of doing so without making it too obvious (making them challenging to do both as a test to which Battler would be capable of helping and to avoid suspicion from JP & Netpunk)?
Russo was also the one who would write the message on the wall that DJ and the Battlers would find: “DON’T TRUST RUSSO, TRUST ME!” It was Russo trying to lay the hint that Ruse wasn’t him! However, when DJ confronted who he thought was Russo about it, he was dismissed.
But in reality, it made Ruse realize something: Russo was still alive.
This is why “Russo” vanished afterwards; not only to keep tabs on the development of the final battle, but to hunt down Russo!
That said, Ruse probably didn’t inform JP about this. He probably wanted JP to believe the development of the final battle was going without a hitch and/or he thought he could deal with Russo himself.
Meanwhile, Russo’s still gathering intel and as a result he, I believe, got himself a JP disguise. This is possible thanks to the Skin Changer in the lobby that allows us Battlers to look like the competitors & the hosts, or at least it utilized the same tech. He did this to get more intel on Netpunk that he wasn’t able to obtain otherwise. By infiltrating the very source of the issue, he could figure out more.
This disguise was so perfect, it even tricked his counterpart. Recall the “Everything is in place!!” short. That was Ruse we saw with JP...or rather, Russo disguised as JP. The facade fades, however, as soon as the real JP’s voice is heard over the intercom, forcing Russo to take what he could get at the time and bail out. We never hear the disguised person talk, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
After a while (whether Ruse went to chase after him after the short or not), the two confront each other. Whatever happened then, it ends with Ruse being defeated (possibly even killed), and Russo taking his sword back and moving forward to save his friends from an untimely fate. Perhaps he even sent whatever intel he had to JParty in case something went down (like falling lost through the Metaverse) so he could move-in to pull a last-minute save.
I understand that this whole thing still has holes, but I think I can fill a few of them.
1) Why did JP & Netpunk allow the Bit tools to be made at all?
Perhaps it was overconfidence; JP may have believed that even if the tools were powered, no one would be able to stop them. They also could’ve known that they wouldn’t be powered just by being made, which would make Russo developing ways they could be all the more impactful.
2) How would Ruse be made at all?
Well, how was “The Great Woman” made? She was a clone of Sabrina that didn’t come out right. The tech probably isn’t perfect. That said, Ruse might’ve been more accurate to Russo due to having a more physical basis. That basis, I believe, is the Russo Plush. No, I’m not kidding. It’s available in the shop in the lobby and it’s the spitting image of the man in-question. That’s a stretch though.
So, as an alternative...
Well, we need to talk about a certain someone: Mr. Boringsworth.
OK, listen. Mr. B was kidnapped by JP early on, being forced to make the artificial sun and build the spaceship that would be used to go to it. And remember the short I mentioned earlier: Ruse stated that Mr. B was the one who set-up the subway to not work until a certain time. Also, he was likely released after making the sun so he could make the spaceship in the concert lobby (I mean, how else was he gonna make that thing?). And since the hosts knew about it, this part’s no secret.
But one would think that, after being released, he would’ve said something to warn the hosts. Or better yet, just didn’t make the spaceship at all.
So, what if he’s still in-danger? What if he’s being forced to do more? What if he already has done more?
For all we know, he probably has a lot of intel on the hosts in-general; he could’ve provided the info needed to help make the clones, even if the tech to make said clones is flawed. I doubt he’d do so willingly, unless he was under threat of...something. He stated that he “didn’t have a choice” to make the sun and spaceship, but maybe he was being threatened with death?
Or heck, maybe even blackmail?
We don’t actually know much about the guy when you think about it. He’s clearly very intelligent; in Season 2, he gave off the impression that he was a teacher of sorts, but now? He’s a mechanical genius; a spaceship, personal tools utilizing powerful Bits, an artificial sun with an extremely strong gravitational pull...for all we know, he even made the swords of the hosts!
But that only makes me wonder...Who is he, exactly? What’s his background? Maybe he’s just smart. But maybe there’s more to it.
Just who are you, Mr. B?
ANYWAY, thanks for coming to my infodump lol
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iluvcvnnie · 3 years
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warnings: very nsfw towards the end, cursing, eating out
pairing: misa amane x fem!reader
dni if under 16
wc: 1k+
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It was a casual boring monday afternoon for you in school. Your chin rested on your left hand as you listened to your teacher give some boring lecture on who knows what. You constantly stare at the clock while the minute hand moves as slow as ever. You take a deep breath and sigh very loudly causing your teacher to turn around and face you. “Shit” you mutter under your breath. Luckily the bell rings just in time for the class to be excused.Your teacher looked pretty tired so they didn’t even bother asking you to stay after class. 
You quickly grab your backpack then dash out of the door. The hallways are always crowded with students which always irritates you since you don't like being this close to so many people. Plus the constant shoving you have to deal with when people run in the hall to meet up with their friends.
You continue to walk at a fast pace which gets you closer and closer to the exit. A grin plasters on your face once you see the sun shining outside that door. You’re so close to exiting the place you hate the most until you feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket. Since your locker is near the exit of your school you walk to it and pull your phone out. The brightness on your phone illuminates your face, making you lower it since it hurts your eyes. Who the hell turned my brightness up this high. Then you remembered that it was your girlfriend who did it since she always complains about how low it is.
Once you lowered your brightness you scrolled down to read the notification you got. It’s a text message from your girlfriend.
m: guess who has practice afterschoooool
y/n: practice?
m: y/n you seriously forgot
y/n: babe i’m kidding you know that i could never forget that you made the cheer team :)
m: i knowwww
m: anyways since it is my first day, you wanna stop by and come visit me afterwards???
m: i know you find the football team and the cheerleaders annoying buuuut
y/n: well i don’t find ALL of the cheerleaders annoying
m: really?! Who do you like
y/n: you, just you lol
y/n: but of course i’ll come and support you <3
m: aaaand you’ll get to see me in my uniform.
m: i know how much you likeeee it
You bite your lip remembering the times misa had sent you seductive photos of her in the cheer uniform. Taking photos of her thighs while in her mini skirt texting you: “wish you were here.” Or the selfies in the crop shirt positioning the phone at her breast. Fuck I can’t be thinking about this right now.
m: babe?
y/n: um yeah i’ll be there!
You quickly turn the opposite way from the exit and walk towards the football field. Your school is a decent size but it’s your senior here so you pretty much know your way around the whole place. You pushed multiple doors and walked down multiple staircases until you finally reached the bleachers.
The sun began burning your forehead which made you instantly regret coming to this practice. But it’s for misa so of course you’re showing up. She’s had the most positive impact on you ever since you moved to this school. Before you two got into a relationship you two were close friends, basically best friends. Always there for each other. You told each other everything and both comforted each other. 
Your feelings began to grow stronger for her everyday. It wasn’t until she had confessed her feelings first that gave you courage to ask her out. So here you are 1 year later and still together. Now you're sitting on a steaming hot bleacher bench getting ready to watch your girlfriend at cheerleader practice.
You turned around to scan your surroundings. All you saw were a bunch of guys who you assumed were on the football team supporting their girlfriends. You began hoping that this practice ends soon so then one of the guys doesn’t try to start a conversation with you.
Finally you spot a group of cheerleaders run out onto the bright green football field. You quickly spotted misa and her bright smile as she conversed with the other girls. The sun shines on her golden locks as you watch her begin to stretch. The sun is like misa’s spotlight causing her skin to shine bright.
Your eyes scan all over her body as she stands up to continue stretching. Her eyes swiftly find yours. She smirks once she notices you checking her out. She decides to tease you, curious on what your reaction will be.
She steadily turns around then begins to bend over. She starts to reach down to touch her toes. She does this flawlessly while looking incredibly sexy while doing so. Misa is super flexible so all the stretches come easy to her.
Her pink laced underwear starts to show, making you clench your thighs together. She notices how flustered you are, causing her to smirk. “Oh fuck you” you mouth. She chuckles then brings herself back up standing straight. Luckily none of the guys were on the bleachers anymore since they had to go to practice.
You grin then shake your head. After a few more stretches they began to start their routine. It has been a few hours since you’ve been sitting on the bleachers. Honestly the time went by fast. After misa did that last jump in the air and landed it perfectly. The coach blew the whistle which meant that practice was over.
Misa jogged over to you while her high ponytail swayed left and right. Before you could say anything, Misa cups your face then places a delicate kiss on your lips. The kiss lasts for a good ten seconds. Until it sadly breaks apart. Your favorite taste of misa’s lip gloss lingers on your lips. You and misa both grab your backpacks then you wrap your arm around her waists as you both walk into the parking lot.
“Soooo how was practice?” Misa turns her head at you with a blank facial expression. “Uhhh you were there.” “You know what I mean, was it fun?” “Honestly, no.” “No?!” “It was ok but not fun.” “Oh.” “It would have been fun if my girlfriend stopped eye fucking me on the bleachers and just fucked me on the field.” “In front of everyone.” You whisper in her ear. Her breath hitches “Yeah…”
“How about I fuck you right now?” “In the car?” “Yeah” You both quickly enter the car while the tension is rising.
Misa quickly straddles you then begins to place soft sloppy kisses all over your neck. Your breath starts to hitch as you already feel your core heat up. Your hands begin to roam all over her body. Your hands move under her skirt and start to fondle her ass while her body rocks back and forth on your thighs. Misa begins to slowly unbutton your top, revealing your bra. Once you help her unclasp it she begins to plant kisses all over your exposed breasts. Her lips quickly latch on to your nipple which makes you bite your lip.
You feel her warm tongue swirl onto your erect bud. While she sucks on your right nipple her left hand fondles your left tit. She squeezes it a bit too hard causing you to let out a moan. You mumble multiple profanities aloud while Misa is still sucking your tits. After she sucks on your breast. She gets off of you and lowers herself to the floor. Her head is between your knees while she goes in to start kissing your inner thighs. You then feel her warm tongue slide up and down your clothed area. “Such a pretty girl for me.” You feel her voice vibrate all throughout your core.
“Gonna eat you out so good huh?” You feel her fingers remove your underwear as she begins to slowly suck on your clit. She places her face deeper in between your thighs as you feel misa lick up all of your juices. Once she gives one last lick a load of cum shoots out onto her face. “Sorry…” You both laugh a little bit as she wipes it off then licks it with her fingers. Misa gets back up and straddles you again.
You figure it’s time to please her since she worked so hard today. Your hand goes under her mini skirt as you feel the wetness between her legs. “Fuck, baby your soaked.” Misa unlatches her mouth from your nipple as her hips begin to rock faster once you insert a digit inside of her. Your finger begins to pump faster and faster and she lets out elicit moans.
Your eyes are both half lidded while misa tits bounce up and down. The cheer uniform shirt makes her tits almost fall out at times. This is one of those times. She doesn’t even take the shirt off, they just fall out. “Fuck your tits are so pretty babe.” “You're so beautiful you know that right?” Misa just nodds her head while you finger fuck her. You mutter praises after praises until Misa cums all over your hand.
Her head falls onto your shoulder as you place delicate kisses on her forehead. “I love you so much baby.” Misa, being too tired to speak, mumbles an “I love you more” while placing a kiss on your shoulder. You both fall asleep in the parking lot while Misa is still straddling on top of you with your arms wrapped around her waist.
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witchyweasley · 3 years
Unfinished Business ~ Ron Weasley
Pairing: gamer! gamer!Ron Weasley x fem!Reader
Summary: Ron has been gaming with his friends for too long, so you take matters into your own hands.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: smut, 18+ themes, exhibition (?), oral,
“Ron you’ve been playing for hours, I thought you said you’d be done in 20 minutes?” I sighed, flipping over on the bed behind his gaming set up. The dual screens flashed different things, one being a chat room, the other was the game.
“I will, we just have to do this before we can get off,” Ron said, not taking his eyes away from the screen.
“That was 2 hours ago, I thought we’d spend some time together tonight since it’s the first night off I’ve had in ages,” I whined. The lace set I had slipped on after my shower to surprise Ron with was now itchy and uncomfortable, these things aren’t meant to be worn this long.
“Just a minute babe,” he said, his eyes still glued to the screens in front of him. I decided to try something after another 10 minutes of keyboard clicking and him talking to the boys over headset.
Making sure his camera was off, I quietly stripped out of the sleep set I had on, finally revealing the lacy set. I threw my shorts over at Ron, landing right on his shoulder.
“What the-, oh bloody hell,” he said as he turned around and saw me in his favorite set.
“Hey,” I said, walking over to him. I heard him mute his mic quickly.
“How long have you been wearing that…” he asked, his eyes fixed on my hips as they swayed.
“Long enough, but go ahead and play your game, I know you promised them you’d finish this game,” I said, kneeling down in front of him.
“What are you- oh fuck,” he moaned out as my hands palmed his erection through his pants.
“Go ahead and keep playing. I can hear them asking you where you are,” I winked as I released his dick from the confines of his pants, pumping it slowly and feeling him get even harder.
“Hey guys, sorry about that. I uhhh, I just had to get some water.” He said as he unmuted himself, watching me in disbelief as I licked up his length before swirling my tongue around his tip, collecting any pre-cum.
He let out a low groan as I took as much of him in my mouth as I could, but quickly covered it up with a cough when he remembered his friends could hear him.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just a tickle in my throat, haha,” he rushed out in response to the boy’s questions.
I bobbed my head and hollowed my cheeks as I took more of his length in my mouth, swirling my tongue on the tip as I reached the top. His hand pushed my hair into a makeshift ponytail, lightly pulling on my hair the way I like.
I looked up at him and found his head dropped back and mouth open as he tried to hold back his moans. Right as he started to buck his hips up, I released him from my mouth and sat back on my heels.
“How’s the game going babe?” I smirked, pumping his length in my hand as I look up at him.
“...tell her we say hi!” I heard Harry say over headset.
“Actually, why don’t you tell her yourself. Here you go babe, the boys want to talk to you,” Ron smirked, pulling the headset off and placing it on me.
“Hey…” I said slowly, confused at the smirk on Ron’s face. Ron stood me up and swiftly switched so that I was in the chair and he was kneeling on the ground.
“Hey! How have you been?” Harry responded.
“I’ve been...great!” I breathed out as Ron’s hands slid up and pushed my legs up so they would rest on the arms of the chair. My breathing hitched as his thumb brushed over my clothed clit, rubbing agonizingly slow circles.
“How’s work? I heard you’ve been pretty busy lately,” Dean asked me.
“Oh um, yeah! Quidditch season is always busy at the hospital…” I said quickly, trying not to moan as Ron’s finger pushed the lingerie aside so he could swipe his tongue through my folds.
“Are you okay? It sounds like you’re out of breath?” Neville asked, sounding a bit worried. I bit my lip and let out a sigh as Ron swirled his tongue around my clit.
“Yeah! Yeah! I um…. I just got done working out,” I lied, bucking my hips up as Ron continued lapping up my juices.
“I didn’t know you worked out! Do you want a gym buddy? Ginny keeps trying to recruit me for it, but I don’t think I can handle that,” Harry laughed.
“That’s...that’s a good idea, but- I only just started and I think she would kick my ass,” I stumbled as Ron sat back and used his thumb to circle over my clit, smirking when I stumbled on a word.
After swiping his tongue through my pussy for a final time, Ron held my hands and pulled me up, holding me tight as his lips attached to my neck. If it weren’t for the tight grip on my waist, I’d be a puddle on the floor right now. He flipped me around so that I was facing the monitor and his back was pressed up against mine.
“Hey boys, do you mind if she plays a round while I go grab a snack really quick?” Ron said into the mic of the headset.
“Sure! You know what you’re doing, right?” Dean asked me.
“Uh, yeah… I’ve watched Ron play it enough, I think I can figure it out,” I said, a bit confused as to what Ron’s plan was.
As the next round started, he pressed his hand to the middle of my shoulder blades and pushed me down so that I was bent over in front of the desk. His hands smacked my ass lightly a couple times before he pulled the lingerie aside again and swiped the head of his cock through.
“Oh fuck,” I said quietly as he slowly pushed into me, filling me inch by inch.
“You alright?” Harry asked.
“Yeah, I-uh, I just fell off something, that’s all,” I said.
“I hate when I do that, it’s the worst,” Neville chimed in.
I stumbled through the game as I tried to focus on something other than the way Ron’s cock was stretching me out right now. His pace was slow and steady, fully taking himself out before slowly sheathing himself back into me.
“Hmmm, is there any way to go faster?” I asked the boys, but hoping that Ron caught onto my message.
“If you press the CTRL key, you should run faster,” Harry said. I barely heard him though because Ron thankfully did catch on. He pounded into me at a much better pace, causing my tits to bounce out of the low-cut lingerie and my breathing to pick back up again. His hand snaked around to toy with one of my nipples as his other one guided my hips back onto him. It took everything in me not to scream with pleasure as he hit all the right spots.
I accidentally let out a loud whine as I came on Ron’s cock, causing the boys to ask questions.
“I died,” I quickly said to cover up the noise.
“You lasted longer than I did, I died a while ago,” Dean said.
Ron was panting as he continued pounding me, trying not to make too much noise. It wasn’t long before me pulled out and finished on the small of my back. He pressed a couple kisses to my back before heading to our bathroom to grab a towel.
“Not that we don’t love playing with you, but is Ron back yet? I feel like this is the longest he’s taken to get a snack,” Harry said once the round was over.
“Ah-ha, here he is! Thanks for letting me play you guys, I’ll let you all talk to Ron,” I said as Ron came in with a towel. He cleaned me up as the boys said their Chorus of goodbye’s before I put the headset back on him.
Ron immediately muted the mic and pressed a hot kiss to my lips, “That was quite possibly the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, holy fuck.”
“Oh you’re not off the hook yet. We have some lost time to make up from earlier,” I smirked before pressing a kiss to his lips and crawling onto our bed.
“Hey guys, so it looks like I’ve gotta head off here. There’s some, um, unfinished business that I need to take care of,” Ron said before logging off and pouncing on top of me, attacking me with kisses and love.
Tag list: If you want to be added just shoot me a message!
@a-malfoy @amityyyjade @amourtentiaa @dracos-apple01 @georgeswh0re @lim-bus @partr1dge @weasleywhore07 @willowestelle
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uygmoeb · 3 years
a kitty-incidence? i think not pt.1
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suddenly your cat is a better match-maker than any dating app you've ever used
pairing:: choi soobin x gn!reader
genre:: shy soobin, uhhh fluff(ig)
word count:: 1k
notes:: this is just the introductory part and a bit shorter than i wanted but much better things are to come!! ♡
It was late and growing cold when you made it to your apartment. You unlocked the door with frozen fingers, shame on you for forgetting gloves at the start of winter. The door swung open after a moment of struggle and a sigh escaped you as the warmth from inside hit. You shrugged off your coat once the door was closed and looked down as you felt something bump into your legs.
"Hi Blue, destroy anything while I was gone?" you bent down to pet your cat who began to purr loudly as she continued to rub into your legs. "I bet you're hungry, come on."
After feeding her, you went to get out of work clothes and think about food for yourself. You couldn't cook well, and even if you could you didn't have much to cook with. So delivery it was.
Once you'd pulled on a shirt, you opened your phone to decide what to order. Why was choosing what to eat always so difficult? You went to sit on the couch as you finished deciding and placed the order. Blue came to sit in your lap shortly once you'd settled and you mindlessly began petting her with the tv on in the background. There was a knock at the door which scared her and she jumped up out of your lap in an instant, you laughed and shook your head as you went to the door to get your food.
As the door opened just a crack, Blue darted out and onto the sidewalk.
Just my luck
You scrambled to put on shoes and set the food inside the door. You didn't have a chance to put on your coat as you rushed after your cat.
"When I catch that cat, she's in so much trouble." you muttered as you sprinted down the street after her. The one white paw was all you could really see in the dim lighting as you chased her block after block, ignoring all the people who turned to look at you.
As soon as you thought you couldn't keep running much longer, you turned a corner onto a well lit street and half way down the sidewalk a man had your cat in his arms.
You jogged towards him as he brought Blue close to his face and pet her happily. You could almost hear her purring from the street corner.
"Blue! How could you?" you said as you stopped in front of them. You were panting heavily and your heart was pounding. Well, there was your workout for the week.
"Oh, so she's yours? Seems like a troublemaker." the man laughed and looked at you then. Your breath hitched in your throat as you met his eyes. This had to be the most attractive man you'd ever seen. With his bright smile and dimples, on top of the dark eyes and styled hair, he definitely rivaled every other man you'd ever had a crush on.
"I- what? Oh, yeah! She is, though she's never run away like that before." you found it increasingly hard to speak as you stared at him. How handsome he was just slapped you in the face.
"Such a cutie though." he laughed as he subtly eyed you up and down while he pet her with one hand. You just nodded wordlessly and waited for him to be done petting her so you could go back home. As much as you tried to ignore it, it was freezing outside and the wind had picked up.
He noticed your shivering and gave Blue one last pet between the ears before holding her out to you. You held out your arms quickly and, as cliché as it was, when his hand touched yours, you both froze.
The tension grew in that single moment and even the cold couldn't quite reach you anymore. He broke eye contact and touch first as he shook his head before withdrawing his hands to put them in his pockets.
"Thank you for grabbing her." you said quietly as your gaze fell to the ground which was so much easier than looking that man in the face. You heard him laugh again.
"No problem, just get home safe. With her." he blurted the last part out quickly, as if it was an afterthought. You could do nothing but nod again as you looked at him one last time.
You turned to start home and when you were almost around the corner you heard the hurried footsteps behind you.
"Hey, wait." you turned again to find him walking quickly towards you. You tilted your head and gave him a puzzled look as he stopped in front of you. His face grew red and you caught him fidgeting with his hands.
"Can I- uh- get your number?"
"Yeah, sure." you said slowly with shock in your tone. There was no way this was real. But somehow, it very much was. You watched as his face lit up and he was grinning again. He took his phone out of his pocket and you took it one handed to put your number in.
"Yah! Hurry up, Soobin!" your attention snapped to two guys further down the street who had turned to look at you both. You saved your contact and held his phone out to him which he took with that grin still on his face. He made no move to walk away and you smiled slightly.
"I think your friends are getting impatient." you pointed out and his eyes widened at the mention of his friends. As if he'd completely forgotten about them while looking at you. You couldn't help but laugh as he spun around and started jogging away from you.
You watched as he began to leave but before he disappeared, he turned and gave you a big smile and wave. You waved back to him with a smile of your own before looking down at Blue. You pet her head as you started the walk home with her in your arms purring.
"Who knew you were such a match-maker, huh?"
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
I. Be My First
Shiny & New Masterlist
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader
Words: 4546 (welp)
Warnings: Awkward convos. Oral sex (female receiving). Slight overstimulation. Penetrative, Unprotected sex (wrap the shlong before you king kong my dudes). 
A/N: This is all because @pastel-0-princess​ decided to whore around on my blog and tell me that Pedro would probably help out a friend lose her virginity. Blame (or thank) her. Also, this was supposed to be a short drabble but what the fuck?? Not sorry yall. So not sorry. And this isn’t beta’d. Please let me know how I’m doing in the comments my dudes :)
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You were spiraling down. There was no doubt about it. It's not like this was ever a huge deal but now that everyone was sharing their best and worst one-night stands, you couldn't not think about it. You were thankful, though, that no one asked you about your obviously non-existent experiences because that would have been awkward. As the night went on, you got quieter and less enthusiastic about finally being able to hang out with everyone. It didn't help either that this fucking pandemic made it harder to start dating, let alone remotely get with anyone for a night. You wanted to have sex but not to the point where you might get the stupid virus from some asshole who would probably lie just to get laid.
So busy drinking your fourth, no, maybe fifth glass of wine, you didn't realize that everyone already went home and it was just you left. You zoned out again, staring at the clock ticking on the wall as you continued to think of your lack of experience, not noticing the weight falling on the couch next to you until there a nudge to your side.
"Huh what?" You turned around and saw Pedro eyeing you suspiciously, blinking at him in confusion until he took the glass of wine from you and placed it on the table.
"You've been quiet all day long. What's going on with you?" You hated how worried he sounded.
"What're you talking about?" You tried to play stupid, hoping he would just drop it because this was not the kind of chat you wanted to have, especially with someone like him.
God. Not him.
"Sweetheart, don't pull that shit with me. It works on friends your age but it doesn't work on me. The fuck is going on?" He raised an eyebrow at you and you hated how intimidating he suddenly looked when not an hour ago, he was laughing at the most childish jokes ever.
"I'm not young!!" You thought he said something about you being young to him but you didn't pay it any mind, leaning forward to take the wine again. He pulled you back by your shoulder, scooting closer to you and taking your hand in his before he started tracing down your fingers.
"All jokes aside, you know you can tell me anything right? I can keep a secret."
"I know you can...you work for Disney." You smiled when he laughed at the comment, feeling goosebumps erupt on your skin the more he touched you.
"Hermosa..." It was more of a warning than an endearment and you rolled your eyes before hiding your face between his shoulder and the couch.
"Pedro, it's so embarrassing and you're going to think I'm stupid." You mumbled into the cushions and felt him laugh at you before trying to move away.
"Never. Everyone's going through something and it might not be a big deal for me but it's totally fine if it is for you. Come on, tell me. I've never seen you like this and I want to help out. Please." It was the last plea that pushed you to tell him and you hoped that he wouldn't laugh at you.
"It's...ugh, it's just that...everyone was talking about their best and worst experiences in bed and I- I felt like...god damn it. Can you let this go please?"
"No, tell me." He was adamant, never once breaking eye contact. Had he not been rubbing your hands, you would chickened out.
"I felt a little left out...a little I don't know, ridiculous." You looked away from him and stared at his hands, feeling something strange in the pit of your stomach when you saw how much larger his were than yours.
"I've- I've never had...you know." You whispered the confession and prayed that he didn't hear you, that this was all a really awkward dream and you'd wake up any moment.
"You've never had sex before?" Pedro's voice squeaked a little and you dropped his hands, attempting to stand up and move away from him. But he was pulling you back to the couch, not bothering to get you off of him when you fell across his lap.
"Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to react that way. It's just...I find that a little weird." Pedro's grip tightened around you when you tried to move off of him again.
"Ugh see this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you anything. Please can we just drop it." You rubbed your face and didn't dare look at him, afraid to find something hurtful in his eyes.
"No no sweetheart that's not...god, I didn't fucking mean it that way. I- listen. I'm not going to lie, I've known you for a while now and I find that hard to believe." Pedro's voice was overwhelmingly soothing and you peeked through your fingers to look at him and try to see if he was just pulling you leg.
"Well, you're this really smart, successful, pretty young thing and- it doesn't add up sweetheart. Are you waiting for marriage or something?" You could tell he was choosing his words so you didn't misunderstand him again, the expression on his face more inviting and calming than you originally thought. Come to think of it, this conversation wasn't as awkward as you thought it would be.
"No. There was never a time for it you know. And...and no one was ever interested."
"Now I know for sure that's a fucking lie." Pedro took his glasses off and threw them on the table before meeting your gaze. He saw the look you were giving him and shook his head in annoyance. "Sweetheart, I've seen tons of people flirting with you whenever we go out."
"Uhhh, you might need to get new prescriptions because I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
"Goddamn, and here I thought you were never interested...you were just clueless." You smacked his chest when he whispered the teasing comment, unable to hold back from giggling when he threw you back and laid on top of you.
It was quiet for a few moments and your smile faltered when you noticed the way his eyes shifted to your lips before meeting your eyes again.
"P-pedro..." You whispered his name, mustering up all the courage in the world before asking him what has been on your mind since the beginning of this little chat.
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"Can you...would you- could you be my first?" The question was out now and there was no taking it back. You hoped this wouldn't ruin whatever friendship you had because losing him would break you.
Your stomach dropped when he sat up and moved away from you.
"I- oh god...Pedro please, forget I said anything. Fuck fuck, I don't know what came over me and-"
"Stop." One word from him and you instantly grew quiet. He finally turned to look at you and you swore his eyes were more dilated than a few seconds ago.
"You drank a lot tonight and-"
"Please spare me the fucking excuses. I'm a big girl Pedro you can tell me if you don't want to fuck me. But don't start with the bullshit-" He was on you in the blink of an eye, pushing you into his couch and settling between your thighs. Your eyes widened in surprise as soon as you felt his hard cock rubbing deliciously at your heated core.
"The mouth you got on you...filthy little girl." He smiled when your breath hitched and before you could respond, Pedro leaned down and captured your lips with his in a soft kiss. You didn't dare move let alone try to fight his dominance. He pressed his lips harder against yours and you parted them as soon as he bucked his hips into you. A moan rose from throat as soon as Pedro snuck his tongue into your mouth and swirled it around your tongue.
His grip tightened around your wrists, and you felt your panties dampen the harder he pushed against you. Pedro was pleased with the soft sounds you were making, pulling away for a second to catch his breath.
"Is this okay sweetheart?" Pedro asked as he licked and nipped at your jaw, biting down a little harshly when you didn't respond to him right away.
"Y-yeah...yes. It's good. So good. You feel...oh fuck." You couldn't care less about your lack of coherence but from the sounds of it, Pedro enjoyed the effect he was having on you immensely.
"Please...oh god, Pedro-" You managed to loosen one hand from his grasp, digging it into his back when you felt him move against you.
"Come on." Pedro rolled off of you and stood up, pulling you along with you and waiting until you could stand properly on your feet before pushing you through the living room.
"What- where are we-"
"I'm not about to fuck you on my couch querida...the first time you have sex will be in a proper bed. You deserve that at the very least...and so much more." He squeezed your waist and you swore beneath your breath, wondering how this man could still be single.
You felt out of place when he walked you into his room. But as you looked around, you realized that the style and the colors were totally him. He left you standing in front of his bed and your eyes followed him around as he turned on the three lamps around the room. The bed was cloaked with the dim lights and you thanked God that he didn't turn on the ceiling lights.
Pedro must have noticed your nervousness because he took your hands in his and kissed both of them.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to baby? We could forget we ever had this conversation and you can just sleep over in the other room." His voice was soothing and you found it difficult to look away from his lips as he continued to whisper his assurances to you.
"I- I'm just nervous. You're probably really experienced and I'm going to be bad at this and then you're not going to talk to me anymore and-" You started mumbling again and bit your lower lip nervously when Pedro let go of your hands and grabbed your neck.
"Stop stop stop. Please. I need you to breathe, okay. You're going to be fine, and I'm going to take my time with you. I'll take care of you baby I promise. We'll take it nice and slow, and if you want to stop at any point, you tell me. I'm going to trust you to tell me if it gets too much okay?"
"I'll get you ready for me baby don't worry." Pedro noticed the way you gulped at the pet name and he couldn't hold back from smiling mischievously at you. "Do you like it when I call you 'baby'?" He asked as he walked you back until your legs hit the edge of his bed.
"Goddamn baby, the way you're looking at me...I'm so fucking hard for you right now. Knowing that I get to be the first to touch this body...kiss it...mark it...pleasure every inch of it. You've no idea the things I want to do to you. So sweet, so fucking innocent." His words shot straight to your cunt and you felt adrenaline rush through your veins the lower his hands moved.
"May I?" Pedro pulled at the edge of your shirt and you nodded in approval, not trusting your voice to speak any time soon.
"You're doing so good baby...so so good." His voice was hoarse and you sighed when he finally lifted the shirt and threw it away. Pedro didn't waste any time, grabbing the button of your pants and asking you once again if he could take them off.
He smiled at you before he unzipped your pants and rolled them down your legs, kneeling down in the process to help you take them off. You've kept your hands to yourself all this time but as soon as you felt his stubble brush your inner thigh, you leaned forward and grabbed his shoulders to support your weight, afraid you'd fall from how intimate the gesture felt.
Pedro trailed his lips across your hips, leaving a wet kiss at the center of your stomach before standing up again.
"Baby...you're shaking." He snaked his hands across your back and pulled you into his chest, nuzzling in the crook of your neck and breathing in deeply. You wrapped your arms around his neck and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.
"It's because it's you..."
At the response, Pedro pulled away and tilted his head to the side, the reaction making you smile nervously before resting your forehead against his chest.
"What do you mean?"
"You- you must know of the effect you have on people." You prayed he didn't read between the lines because it would make things way more emotional and you weren't sure if you could deal with that right now.
"You mean this effect?" Without warning, Pedro unwrapped one arm from around you, pushing the palm of his hand against your cunt and rubbing your wet panties until he felt your knees almost give out.
"P-pedro....fuck, oh god. Don't stop, please...feels so good." You threw your head back and choked on air when you felt his teeth dig into your neck as he continued to put more pressure on your pussy. "You're so wet for me baby...could smell how much this sweet, innocent cunt wants me. Mierda, and those damn noises. Go on baby, moan for me. Moan for me...tell me how much you want me."
"Yes, yes...please. Want more, n-need more Pedro. Please just-"
"Fucking hell...I need to taste you. Will you let me put my mouth on this pretty cunt? Please baby...wanna pleasure you." You weren't sure who sounded more desperate and you held onto Pedro as he lowered you down on his bed. You barely managed to open your eyes when you felt his weight lift off of you and you watched as he took his shirt off before aggressively pulling down his jeans. Your eyes widened when you saw the impressive bulge on his boxer briefs.
"Don't worry baby, I'll get you nice and wet for me." He winked at you right as pushed open your thighs and you said nothing as he slowly rolled down your panties. You watched as he eyed them for a few seconds before throwing them to the floor.
"Aren't you the prettiest thing in the world." You heart skipped a beat every time he moaned those sweet words to you and it wasn't until he lowered himself down and kissed just below your belly that you finally snapped back to reality.
"Fuck...you're killing me Y/N. Knowing I'm the first guy to touch this pussy makes me so fucking hard for you." Pedro rubbed softly at your slit and he licked his lower lip when he saw slick seeping out of your cunt and wetting his fingers. Looking at you one last time, he made sure you were holding his gaze before he leaned forward and licked a long stripe across your outer lips.
"Oh fffuck..Pedro-"
"That's it...scream for me baby. Let me hear what I do to you." He growled and bit your inner thigh before diving back in, tongue swirling around your engorged clit until your back arched off the bed. Forcing yourself to pay more attention to him, you opened your eyes and looked down, feeling your stomach erupt with butterflies when you saw the feral look he had in his eyes as he ate you out. His gaze never faltered and he continued to stare at you as he slowly pushed two fingers into your wet pussy. You combed your fingers through his hair and pulled, almost coming right then and there when you felt his hand squeeze your waist and pull you impossibly closer to his mouth. He pushed his fingers until you could feel the palm of his hand, releasing a deep breath when he began to move them in and out of you.
"Pedro...pedro- you're...oh god, y-your tongue- I...I'm-"
He somehow knew what you were trying to ask for, pushing down on one of your thighs to make more room for him as he leaned forward and took your clit between his teeth, sucking harshly on it and passing his fingers roughly against your inner walls until he felt you shaking under his touch. You pulled off the bed completely, scratching his head and begging him for more as you came on his lips. He didn't slow down, continuing to assault your cunt and rub his mustache against your slit until you fell back on the bed and pleaded for him to give you a moment of respite.
But something snapped in him and before he knew it, he was kissing his way up your body as he began to push his fingers in and out of you at a rough pace. You bit into his pillow when you felt a second orgasm creeping up on you, losing all sense of time when Pedro pushed down your bra and spat on your hardened peak before pinching it between his teeth.
Your legs began to shake, and you screamed his name over and over again like a prayer as he brought you to your release once more. You dug your nails into his neck and pulled him up to you, smashing your lips with his and tasting yourself just as he began to slow down his touches.
By the time you collected your thoughts, Pedro was leaning on his elbow next to you and drawing patterns across your skin. You didn't know when exactly he managed to take off your bra and you didn't care.
"How was that baby?" Pedro cooed at you, massaging and dipping his fingers into the curves of your skin until you looked at him.
"L-like you don't know...oh fuck, I think I blacked out for a hot second." You rubbed at your forehead and blinked a few times to clear your sight.
"That good huh?" You could hear the smirk in his voice and rolled over to hide in his chest. Pedro leaned down and began to kiss down your jaw, making you sigh heavily against him before you wrapped your arms around his back and brought him flush to you. You felt something hard nudge at your thighs and giggled when he bucked his hips against you some more.
"Pedro...I- I want to taste you." You pleaded with him, hoping he'd teach you how to pleasure him.
"Nuh uh...tonight's about you baby." He replied immediately, continuing to leave a trail of wet kisses across your heated skin.
"But I want to-" You whined at him, yelping in surprise when you felt his teeth dig into the top of your breasts.
"Sweetheart, I'm not sure I'm going to last if I feel those pretty lips wrapped around my cock." It was such a blunt confession and you felt your cunt flutter around nothing at the thought of having this much of an effect on this man.
"Fuck...okay. I'm ready...I'm ready for you. Please, wanna feel you inside me Pedro. Wanna feel this cock in my pussy.  Please." You grew impatient, almost clawing at his smooth skin the longer he took to give you what you wanted, what you craved for.
"I got you hermosa, I got you...relax for me." Pedro mouthed at your jaw and you hated how good it felt to have his mustache skimming over your skin.
He momentarily pulled away from you, pushing down his boxers and kicking them off before returning to rest between your thighs. You looked down for a second and saw how hard and thick he was, unable to mask your nervousness when the head of his cock nudged at your entrance.
"Fuck...you're so- so big. What if you don't fit?" Pedro was sure you weren't aware of the effect you were having on him just by saying those few words. It was almost as if his brain switched off and let the caveman side of him take over.
"Mierda...you keep talking like that and I might just cum before we get started. Shit...it'll fit baby, it'll fit. You've been such a good girl for me...don't you want to know what it feels like being filled up?" You nodded immediately, grabbing his hand when you felt him move off of you.
"I'm just grabbing a condom Y/N."
"Wait- is it...I mean, you know I obviously don't have anything. If- I want to feel you, without anything...if you're clean that is, and you don't mind. Or maybe you do? Fuck, what am I asking right now, I-" Pedro fell back against you and shut you up with his lips, rubbing your arms up and down until you melted into the sheets.
"There's nothing I want more than to fuck you raw baby...I'm as clean as a whistle. Are you sure though?" Pedro reassured you, and you
"Yes. Y-yes. I am, I- I want to feel you...every inch of you." You were frantic in your answer, hoping he wasn't too turned off by your over-excitement.
"Jesus fucking Christ okay...you're killing me sweetheart. Are you ready for me querida?" Pedro asked and you felt him slip one hand between the two of you right before he rubbed your wet slit with the head of his cock. He was painfully hard and hot and you whimpered at the thought of knowing what was about to happen.
With that one word, Pedro pecked you on the lips and kept close to you as he slowly pushed into your pussy. You furrowed your eyebrows at the painful intrusion, shutting your eyes and pushing your head back to focus on feeling him.
"Fuck..fffuck- you're so goddamn tight baby. Relax for me, go no...breathe and relax your muscles for me. Let me in Y/N...let me in. Shit, so tight and wet and warm around my dick. That's it...you feel so good sweetheart." Pedro continued to whisper sweet words against your skin, waiting until you finally relaxed your muscles around him before snapping his hips forward and sheathing himself completely inside you.
You felt the breathe get knocked out of you for a moment right before his lips met yours in an intimate kiss. He didn't move and you swore you could feel his muscles buzz with energy. But fuck if it wasn't the sexiest thing ever knowing that he was holding back for your sake. He kept you in his arms and hissed when you clenched around him.
"Pedro...move, I- I need to feel you move. Please." He couldn't deny you such a request even if he tried, not when you were begging him to take his pleasure from you. Slowly, Pedro pulled back and thrust in again, and you moaned his name as he set a soft pace. You could feel every ridge and vein of his cock passing against your tight walls, the head of his dick hitting that spot inside you that made you see stars. Neither of you said anything as he held himself up and pushed into you over and over again. You threw your hands around his neck and watched as he lost himself in you. The man was more handsome than ever with sweat dripping down his forehead and his hair sticking out in all places. His bronze skin was damp and shined in the dim light of the room, and you wondered if he really didn't know of the effect he had on people.
To know that you were the one bringing him this much pleasure twisted your chest with pride and you shut your eyes to enjoy feeling him move against you.
"Tightest fucking cunt ever...you feel so good baby. So so good, squeezing the fuck out of me. Shit shit, I'm- god damn it I'm already close." He picked up the pace, finding the sounds of his skin slapping against yours way sexier than it should be. Looking down, Pedro watched as your lips parted and your eyes shut in ecstasy.
What a sight.
"C-cum for me Pedro." You groaned, about to reach down to rub at your clit when Pedro beat you to it. As soon as you felt his thumb violently push against the hardened nub, you were coming around his cock, cunt fluttering around him as he continued to fuck into you. Pedro swore and yelled into the night air, throwing his head back and continuing to rub at where you were joined until he felt the familiar pressure growing in his balls.
"Inside ple-" You didn't have to finish your words, sighing heavily as you felt an unfamiliar warmth fill you up. Pedro fell against you, breathing harshly into the crook of your neck as he came in hot strings of cum and filled your pussy. You were shaking beneath him, pulling him closer as he moaned and licked at your flushed skin until he came down from his high.
The two of you spent a couple of minutes basking in pleasure and you hissed when he finally pulled out and rolled to the side. His eyes never once left you and he waited until your breathing was back to normal before standing up and walking to his bathroom. Your thoughts almost ran away with you but you saw him come out of the bathroom with a damp cloth and felt your heart rest immediately.
"Here, let me do that." You tried to take the small towel from him but he shook his head and asked you to rest back. As softly as possible so as to not hurt you, Pedro dabbed the skin between your thighs with immense focus, avoiding any part of your skin that made you hiss when he passed over it. When he was done, he got up and threw the towel in the laundry basket before slithering back into the bed and pulling you into his arms.
You didn't question once, knowing that if he was uncomfortable with this, he would definitely tell you.
"So...how was it?" Pedro asked after a while, looking down at you with a huge smile on his face.
"I'm pretty sure this was probably the best sex I'll ever have," you didn't shy away from telling him the truth, frowning when he laughed and rolled his eyes at you.
"I'm serious...I highly doubt every guy out there will ever prioritize my pleasure, let alone be this careful with me." He leaned back against his chest and began to draw patterns on his soft belly.
"I didn't hurt you?" Pedro asked again and you shook your head against him before kissing his side.
"No...you were perfect." You smiled when you saw his dimples appear at your admission.
"So were you..."
"Thank you...for all of this."
"Thank you for trusting me with this...now come on, you need to get some rest." He pulled the covers on top of you and kissed your forehead before shutting off the nightstand lamp.
"Night Pedro."
"Good night baby."
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Tagging some peeps that might be interested: @pastel-0-princess​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @libbymouse​ @its--fandom--darling​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​ @princess76179​ @cheekygeek05​ @miraclesoflove​  @sleep-tight1​ @bananer62​  @mothandpidgeon​
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1kook · 4 years
skirt chasers - drabble iii
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this a skirt chasers drabble in case u couldn't tell uhhh here’s i and ii lol
summary; “I think the alcohol broke my amygdala. Your epidermis looks pretty today— did you use that toner I told you about?” warnings; alcohol mention, tit sucking, unprotected sex, use of the pull out method, uhh making out??? ratings; mature (18+) misc; educational abolitionist!jungkook, drunk jk, mentions of throwing up lol, jk is an anatomy frEAK, more skirts, more jk has questionable kinks wc; like barely 2k
notes; i wrote this in like 40 mins bc i couldn't stop thinking about STIMBO jk from skirt chasers and how cool he is enjoy xxxx also i barely rmr shit from anatomy bc it was the worst course of my life so pls bear with me
His first mistake is getting drinks with the boys. You like to think you know your boyfriend pretty well, know what he’s good at, where he excels, where he thrives, and well. Drinking doesn’t rank too high on the list.
Jimin calls a little past midnight. “Kook’s on the table,” he slurs into the phone, too loud and too sloppy for a Wednesday night phonecall.
“Ha?” you mumble back, rubbing your eyes until you see stars. The room is dark, practically spinning from how out of it you are. Chaeyoung is dead asleep in her room, so even whispering feels like a crime. “Where are you guys?”
Some bar on the south side of town, that strip where all the newly turned twenty-one year olds go to get wasted. Jungkook’s supposed to be studying for some big exam he has on Friday— at least, that’s what he told you —so it takes a few minutes of convincing on Jimin’s part until you’re shrugging your coat on, blindly navigating through your apartment for your keys and wallet. You briefly consider taking an Uber, but ultimately decide you’d rather get stabbed to death on a public bus so at least your family can sue the city afterwards.
Jungkook is indeed on the table, except the table has long since tipped over. So now he’s just sprawled across some dirty bar floor, puppy-soft head of curls spilling over his forehead. He’s so cute, so adorable. You want to kill him. “Up,” you command, channeling the strength of twelve football players to haul your beefy boyfriend off the ground.
“Baby,” he beams, looking at you but not actually looking at you. “I think the alcohol broke my amygdala. Your epidermis looks pretty today— did you use that toner I told you about?”
You don’t even know what that means, can’t even question him, because then Jin is angrily yelling at you to cover his tab. You pay with a stiff middle finger, flail the three dollars in your wallet at him, before sweeping away your poor damsel in distress. “You’re supposed to be studying,” you huff, can’t even be mad when he stops to throw up in a bush outside the bar. You’re so embarrassed, pretend you don’t know him as you pull up the bus times on your phone.
He’s huffy by the time you get on the bus, sniffling against your neck as he cries about his common hepatic portal vein thing— you don’t fucking know.
Chaeyoung isn’t too impressed with you when you bring him home, dump him on the couch while she steals your AirPods from your room. “Explain yourself,” you demand, and his head rolls back.
“I hate school,” he complains, slaps a hand down against his forehead. You’re certain he’s concussed himself this time. Then he’s bending over, head held between his hands. “Wanna cry.”
You sigh, kneeling in front of him. “You’re almost done,” you comfort him, hand on the back of his head. He’s so sweaty, and smells like all his friends colognes at the same time. “You’re smart, baby, you can do this.”
Your words have the opposite effect, because then he’s rocking forward childishly, nearly rams your skulls together and kills you. He’s reached the point of his insobriety where he’s too sad and huffy to think, sadly leaning against your shoulder as if that’ll somehow solve all his problems. You doubt it will, but there’s really nothing much you can when Jungkook reaches this point, so you settle on softly patting the back of his head until the fool is fucking snoring against you.
Chaeyoung blesses you with her divine retribution the next morning by using up the last of your body wash, and then you’re left to deal with a hungover Jungkook on a Thursday morning. You’re pretty sure he had a class that morning, but he wakes up too late for you to even try to convince him to still go, and then he’s moping on your couch in last night’s clothes. You’re getting ready for your internship, blouse half buttoned, pencil skirt wiggled up to your waist.
“Abolish exams,” he mutters, numbly staring at the ceiling as you wipe his face with a cleansing towelette. He doesn’t seem remotely interested in the shower or the pancakes you made, which lets you know this is a much more serious issue than just a drunken episode. “Aren’t they stupid?” You nod. “Sure, test me on every damn thing we’re learning right now as if science isn’t always changing and I’ll have to keep learning anyway.”
He looks over at you, under-eye bags absolutely horrendous. “Tests are stupid,” you agree, and it seems to be exactly what he wants to hear as he sinks into your arms, face buried in your chest. “Too stupid for smarty-pants Jeon Jungkook.”
Jungkook groans, flops over you on the couch all smelly and gross. “They test you for memorization and not comprehension,” he adds, finally wiggling out of his stinky clothes.
With Jungkook, you can never tell where things are going. One minute he’s cursing the education system and the next he’s kissing along your neck in his rambling fury. “As if I these materials will somehow become nonexistent once I’m working,” he huffs, hands on your thighs. Your breath hitches in your throat, fingers digging into his biceps as he mindlessly kisses down the valley between your breasts. “Shit’s so fucking stupid,” he spits, bunching your skirt around your waist.
“I’m just trying to be a fuckin’ pediatrician, for fuck’s sake,” he growls, hastily undoes the front buttons on your blouse. Your black bra comes into view, heart pounding in your chest as Jungkook makes quick work of reaching behind and undoing it, pushing it away, and cupping your breasts in his palms. He guides one of your legs around his waist, tucks it around him as he gets to work raining down kisses on your tits. “So pretty, doll,” he murmurs, pretty pink lips leaving smooches down your chest.
You bite down on your lip, watch through hazy eyes as those big doe eyes flick up at you, tongue swirling around your nipple. “N— Not tired anymore?” you pant, hands in his hair. It’s still dry and knotted from last night’s adventures, but you don’t mind. Not when Jungkook’s hard cock is flush against your thigh.
“Nah,” he confirms, rolling his hips forward against your core. Oh he was horny horny this morning. Or was he angry horny? You don’t care, either way you were winning. “I serenaded you last night, y’know?”
You snort, but it morphs into a whimper when he captures your rock hard nipple between his perfect teeth. “Not a serenade,” you whimper, fingernails running along his scalp, “if I’m not there.”
Jungkook leans back, lets you breathe for a second as he unbuckles the front of his pants, jeans pulled down around his thighs. And of course he’s hard as fuck by now; this was Jeon Jungkook you were dealing with. He could get it up and going in two seconds flat at the mere sight of your collarbones. “You were there,” he insists, capturing your hand in his all romantic like until you’re flustered and shaking him off. He levels you with a cheesy grin, presses your palm against his chest. “Here.”
You gag. “That’s disgusting.”
Jungkook laughs, all squeaky and airy because he’s never given a fuck about looking cool in front of you. His next words only prove your point. “Why? Don’t like being nestled against my left lung and esophagus, all sexy like?”
You roll your eyes, tug your panties aside to give him a full view of what his dorky anatomical talk has done to you. “Dick me down or go away,” you say, pointer finger nudging his chin up when he stares too long
He snaps his teeth at you, almost bites your finger, the fuckin’ weirdo. “Sassy today,” he teases, presses the tip of his cock against you. Both of you groan, watch as he glides himself up and down your folds, angry mushroom head pushing against your clit. “Always so wet for me,” he mumbles shakily, eyes zeroed in on your wet folds and how slick they feel against him. “Didn’t stretch you out again.”
“Yo— You’re mean about that anyway,” you pant, pulling him closer by those firm ass cheeks of his. “I can tell when you’re using me as a reference model.”
Jungkook gasps as if he’s genuinely scandalized by your claim, follows your wordless command and finally lines himself up with your quivering entrance. “I’m a hands-on learner,” he offers, his cheeky smile still on his face until he finally sinks into you and his features twist up all pretty. “Your pussy’s just so pretty, baby,” he grunts, hand on your hip.
Your face feels warm, from the pleasure that rolls over your body and the vulgarity of his words. “Shush now,” you say, try to sound strict and in command, but he’s got his other hand cupping your jaw, looking at you like you’re a goddess and not some dorky college student in their even dorkier internship uniform.
“Temptress,” he mumbles, pushes past your clenching lips until he’s flush against you, your walls spasming around his cock because he just feels so good. “Tried to sneak past me in that tiny skirt.” He draws back, lets his swollen head catch at the entrance before sliding back in, pace slow and sensual, too intimate for some random Thursday morning. “Little doll just needs to be fucked in the morning, doesn’t she?” A pitiful whimper catches in your throat, eyes rolling to the back of your head with every glide of his dick back inside of you.
“N- Not my fault you have naughty eyes,” you whimper, hand coming up to bite at your knuckles as Jungkook continues to fuck you so sweetly. “Fuck.”
Jungkook ducks over you, wavy hair tickling your forehead as his hot breath fans across you. Smells like the mouthwash you made him take and hints of last night’s alcohol. “Can’t help it,” he husks, capturing your lips in his. Sloppy and wet, tongue clashing with yours as he guides you along, hips slowing to rhythmic ruts that have you moaning after each roll.
A few drawn-out thrusts later and you’re coming, body so sensitive this early in the morning, and it certainly doesn’t help that Jungkook looks like that (sweaty and worn, dark eyes watching you writhe beneath him). Surprisingly, it takes him a few more rushed thrusts before he follows, barely managing to pull out in time before his sparkling cum is splattering over your tummy and the skirt bunched around it. “No,” you whine, melting into the couch. “Jeon, this is my only one,” you complain, rubbing a hand over your eyes as if that’ll somehow make your legs work again enough to push him off.
Jungkook says nothing as he tucks himself back into his boxers, chest heaving from exertion as he crashes back onto the couch. “Liar,” he responds after a moment, out of breath and half asleep again. He’s still technically hungover. Hand lazily drawing circles on your knee as you sit up, wiggling your skirt back down. He gives you this indecipherable look. “I hid the other one under your dresser.”
You smack his arm. “Why the hell would you—“
He tackles you back into the couch, presses the stain into your skirt. It must feel gross against his naked tummy, but Jungkook doesn’t seem to care. “Makes me too horny,” he announces, pout pressed against your neck. “I had a teacher fantasy the other day. Did I tell you?” You roll your eyes, resigning yourself to this new life squashed beneath your boyfriend. “You were my high school anatomy teacher and I failed, so you made me stay after school for supplemental lessons—“
“That’s an abuse of power,” you point out, back to carding your hands through his now sweaty and greasy hair. “And you would never fail an anatomy class, that’s literally your comfort area of study.”
“Listen,” he stresses, lifts his head until he’s peering at you with these humongous Bambi eyes. “You spanked me and—“
“Go get my skirt.”
Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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sugar-sweets-fanfic · 3 years
Andrea × Fem!Escort
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word count - 1,526
WARNING - (NO MINORS PLS), escorts, sex, no protection, fluff
Prompt - You are an escort that is being followed around by a lost puppy, Andrea. He constantly pays you just to talk and loves your attention. After he really wins you over with his violin skills you decide to win him over with your own skills
     This young man has been bothering you for months. Always following you like a puppy. You assumed he was there for the reason most men were there. But, it was as if he didn't know what your occupation was. Even though he did pay to spend time with you. Being in a place with paper thin walls, you can definitely hear moans from the other rooms. 
      Perhaps he was being a gentleman? Or maybe he was just blindly crushing on you. But, that felt too big headed to think of. You just kept going along with it. Unsure how to stop this weird constant encounter with him. However, before you could even think of a way to stop it. Boom, he was in your motel room again. Though this time he brought along his violin. Which was new to you. Andrea hushed your questioning lips. Soon playing a special little piece he wrote. 
     As you sit there, in the middle of the bed. Wearing a laced up turquoise bra and silk shorts to match. You keep your hands folded in your lap as you listen attentively. Your eyes sort of glisten with emotion from how beautifully he played. Once he finished you quickly make sure you look put together. Not wanting to show how much the piece moved you. 
"You're quite the player."
"Thank you.. I hope you don't mind me writing more songs just for you. I..—You uhhh.. What do you call it…inspirować.." Andrea mumbled in an awkwardly frustrated tone. Unable to find the perfect words to use. 
"I-In..spiro..wac?" You question. 
"Heh.. W-Well you make me want to write more pieces to play."
"ah! So I inspire you?"
"Yes! Inspire.. inspirować!" Andrea smiled brightly. 
     Fuck, why was he so sweet to you? Today especially, it bothered you. You wanted to know what he wanted. So better ask now before this overwhelming feeling of frustration ended. "Why? Why are you so nice? I mean.. You don't wanna fuck me? So why be here?"
     Spontaneously, his face grew flush with nerves. "Because I like you a lot.. And I don't need to— do such things to show you my feelings." He shrugged shyly. Hoping it didn't sound too sappy to you. Since you were so rough around the edges. Still, he couldn't help but adore that about you. 
     Now was your turn to blush. His answer made you fall quiet. You still sit there, not moving an inch. There was a way you wanted to show him appreciation. Which was the thing you were best at. Something you felt pretty proud of. Lifting your hand up slowly. Along with the other, to unclip your bra from the front. Revealing your small yet full breasts. Causing Andrea to nearly drop his violin. He quickly averted his eyes as he put away his instrument. 
"W-What are you doing?" He asked in a flustered manner. 
"You've stopped by here everyday for a month. Paying just to talk and now play me music? I wanna give you something special." You smirk. 
"But.. I, I don't want you for your body…I want you.. For you."
"I know.. That's why I wanna have sex with you. Not for the money.. Because I like you a lot." You say as you crawl over to the edge of the bed. 
     He glanced over his shoulder at you. As you beckon him with a few curls of your index finger. Sitting up on your knees as he slowly approaches you. He did his best to keep eye contact with you. Which you found rather sweet. But the mischievous part of you wanted to toy with him a bit. 
"Hey, eyes down here." You point to your chest as you giggle. 
Andrea chuckled shyly as he looked away. "I'm n-not used to this.." 
"Wait, are you a virgin, baby? Because I'm happy to pop that cherry of yours."
      Andrea's eyes slightly widen at your words. As his gaze connected to yours and he nodded. He really never had done anything like this before. So you help him start by reaching over and grabbing his hands. Moving them up to her breasts. Making him cup the soft of her chest. Andrea kept his eyes on yours. When you let go of his hands. They stay up against your chest. Gaining a nice firm grip, squeezing them gently. 
"Mmh..That's it baby. Now let me get a good taste of those lips." You mumble in a hushed tone. 
     You reach up and cup his face. Andrea leaned in along with you. Your lips met and the two exchanged soft kisses. Which soon turns to heavy deep smooches. Filling the room with kissing sounds. Andrea starts massaging your breasts. Earning some sweet muffled moans from you. Which excited the young man more. His kisses start to trail down your neck. You smirk to yourself as he grows more frisky. 
"That's it.. Just follow your instincts." You sigh softly against his ear. 
     Andrea paused for a moment. His hands leave your chest as he pulls back. Cocking his head to the side with a faint smile. Biting his bottom lip as he looks you up and down. "Could you lay on your back, for me?" 
Your eyes light up with excitement. "Yes, baby. I sure will, just— only for you, Andrea."
     Those words hit him hard as he did only want you. Having you all to himself would make him very happy. As those happy thoughts flowed through his mind. He began to remove his pants. The sound of his belt becoming unbuckled got you throbbing. Your hips slightly shift as you pull off your silky shorts. So you were fully nude now. Ready for him whenever he was ready. 
     Andrea blushed at the sight of you. His eyes glued to your core. It looked to be soft and had a nice pastel pink tint to it. The way it glistens lets him know how wet you really were. Making his stiffening shaft harden more. As it starts to stand up on its own. Causing his boxers to protrude significantly. 
"Make me yours baby.. Fuck me with that passion you used to make that song for me." You demand in a hushed tone. 
His brow creased as he lightly shook his head. "I want to make love to you my sweetheart..that's the only passion I have for you, Piękno."
     You practically felt your heart skip a beat. You weren't sure what that foreign word meant. Though, you figured it was definitely something sweet. So you didn't dare question it. All you wanted now was for him to be inside of you. Laying there with your arms extended towards him. He leaned down into your embrace. As he pulled his boxers down enough to free his erection. 
     Andrea tried to simply use his hips to guide himself inside of you. However, you assisted him with your hand. Soon you felt his hardened appendage fill you nicely. A deep gasp was released by your lover. He whimpered at how warm and wet you felt around his girth. Shyly hiding his face against the side of your neck. 
"Feels nice, huh? Don't be shy..go on and start fuc—making love t..to me." You murmured. 
     Feeling sort of timid by using such a word. The usual guys you slept with were so rough. They liked using the term 'fuck' and liked to do it straight away. This was all so new to you. However, you really were enjoying it. 
     A moment later, Andrea did as you instructed. He began to pump his hips slowly against you. As your thighs caged his hips. You moan softly at each hump. Your hands grip the back of his shirt tightly. Andrea's arms wrap snug around your torso. You closed your eyes as you listened to his soft cries of pleasure. It was the thing that nearly turned you on the most. They were so adorable to you, you smiled lightly. 
"Mmm f-fuahh..fuck. Harder.. Please.." You purr in pleasure. 
      Almost instantly he moved his hips faster. Making the bed creak with all the movement that was going on. His cries grew louder as he grew closer to cumming. You could feel the way his cock throbbed. So you decided to throw in some nice tight kegels to add some new sensations for him. 
"Oh w-wow! You're g-gonna make me— ah! I-I need to pull ou…"
      You wrap your legs tightly around his waist. Keeping his pelvis connected to your. "Cum in me…"
     You could barely finish your sentence before you felt a warm rush. His breath hitched in your ear. His arms squeeze around you, but soon loosened. As his orgasm fell and he could finally start to pant. Andrea pulled back to look you in the eye. You were caught off guard by his sad expression. 
"What's wrong?" 
"You didn't.. Get off?"
You sigh in a lighthearted manner and give him a warm smile. As you brush your fingers through his hair. "Shh, it's okay baby. You'll have many more chances to make me cum..but for now get some rest, love."
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heythere-mel · 3 years
Frankie Morales x f!reader
Summary: Your niece comes over to spend the night, as your thoughts of you and Frankie being parents come to the surface.
W/C: 1.3K+
Warnings: none really. This is fluff af, with just a quick euphemism to spice. Tío Frankie being adorable comes with his own warning.
A/N: hey y’all, I’m back on my soft Frankie bullshit (did I ever really leave tho?) with another quick oneshot purely based on my niece staying over with me and her bed hogging ways. Thanks once again to @icanbeyourjedi for literally going back and forth with me over all the soft Frankie thoughts, especially this one that hit me at 6AM today. Also sorry if this is formatted terribly again, literally done on my phone, hahaha. Please enjoy 🥰
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The last Saturdays of the month were always reserved for you and your niece to have sleepovers. She loved going over to your place because you were quote “the fun tía” always allowing her to stay up a little later than normal, building forts in the living room, and eating all the sugary treats she couldn’t have much of back home. This didn’t change either after you and Frankie decided to move in together. He practically was a big kid at heart so he didn’t mind getting a chance to partake in the little things such as these. Plus, seeing the bond he was creating with her made you think of the future with him, and maybe even doing all of this with your own kids some day...
Frantic rings from your doorbell signaled the child’s arrival. Opening the door to greet her, “Hi ti-“ she looked passed you with eyes wide and mouth agape as she nearly trampled you when she caught sight of the massive blanket fort that had taken up the entire living room. Frankie had been up super early saying he wanted to surprise her, grabbing every spare sheet and pillow he could possibly find in your little home. From under it all, you see that familiar hat and scruffy face finally pop out of the ‘doorway.’
“Hi small fry!”
“Tío Frankie!” As she ran to him, engulfing him in a big hug.
Did she just call him tío? Had she called him that before? Frankie had been in your life for the better part of a couple years now so you didn’t feel it necessary to correct her. Your heart nearly bursts right there.
“Did you build this?!” her little mind obviously blown at the construction of it all.
“Sure did! Do you like it?”
“It’s only the coolest thing EVER!”
Frankie’s chest swelled with pride as he took her little hand into his, leading her inside to give the grand tour.
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The night went off without a hitch. You had ordered her favorite pizza, had all the ice cream with extra toppings, (Frankie couldn’t decide what to get so grabbed all the candy toppings possible because she “had to have options.”) and you were now settling in to watch her favorite movie, The Princess and the Frog, snuggled with her and about 10 of her favorite plushies in tow, the Baby Yoda plush being her new favorite.
Getting later into the night you and Frankie were trying to see how the both of you would fit into this fort to sleep alongside her, most of the room being taken up by the oversized stuffed animals.
“Tía, you and Tío Frankie don’t have to stay here with me. I am a big girl now!”
“Oh, uhhh, are you sure about that bub? We can find a way to make room.”
“Yeah! I’m 6 now! Duh!” as she stifled out a yawn.
Always the independent one. “Okay then. We’ll be right in the next room if you do decide you need us, okay?”
“Okay.” She softly murmured quietly starting to slip into sleep.
After one final check to see if she was tucked in alright and making sure to have her little night light plugged in, you start heading to your bedroom when you turn back to see Frankie bending down to give her a soft little kiss on the forehead and a whispered, “goodnight small fry.” Your heart couldn’t have been any more full at the moment.
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Everything had gone smoothly, until about midnight when you felt something, or more someone tugging at your oversized tshirt. You slowly open your eyes only to bolt out of your sleep when you are met with the silhouette of your niece staring directly at you. Frankie springing up at the same time to see what was going on, instinctively starting to shield you with his body at the “threat.”
“Holy shit! I mean, shoot! You scared me bub!”
She said she couldn’t sleep and if it was alright to get into bed with the two of you. Obliging, you make room in the middle for her, making sure she was tucked in again as it took no time at all before small snores once again begin to emanate the room.
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Slap! A small arm hit you directly in the face as you turn to try and move the child back over. Frankie wasn’t fairing any better as he had a small foot in his lower back. Each of you had both been relinquished to the edges of the bed clinging for dear life.
“Whose idea was it again to let her up here?” you groaned.
“She’s sleeping diagonally. How is that even comfortable?!” Frankie stated, now completely sliding out of the bed and staring down at the small girl who now overtook his half of the mattress.
“Here, let me scoot her over a bit. Maybe I can make room for the both of us.”
After a little adjusting, and even a failed attempt at trying to swaddle her to prevent future flailing limbs, you were left with a small space to share as the two of you lie on your sides facing each other, exhaustion starting to kick in.
Your leg was propped up on Frankie’s hip, trying anything to get into a comfortable position when you let out a defeated huff.
“Babe just, here let me.” Frankie taps your thigh signaling you to sit up as best you could with the child so close, as he maneuvered his way on to his back. “Okay you can lay down now.” as he pats his chest, beckoning you to him.
“Frankie, I’m not gonna put my full weight on you, you won’t be comfortable.”
“It’s not like we haven’t been in this position before.” cocking his eyebrow up with a playful smirk.
You huff out a short laugh as a playful “Francisco!” leaves your lips.
“Ven cariño.” as he gently pulls you to his chest.
You situate yourself wrapping your arms around his soft middle, your head falling into the crook of his neck, while his strong arms and broad shoulders encase you as you both let out a relaxed sigh at the closeness.
“This is nice.” you whisper.
“Told you.”
You bring your left hand up to play with some of the curls at the nape of his neck, him running his warm hand up and down your spine.
“Plus, I see this as great practice for when we have kids.”
You slowed the motion of your hand through his hair and slowly leaned up to face him.
“Y-you want to have children with me Frankie?”
The two of you hadn’t really had the “children” discussion yet. Having just moved in together you were taking things slowly. But knowing he was obviously having thoughts about it as well and how he had been so good with your niece, it further cemented the idea in your mind.
“Well, yeah of course.” as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“I mean, when the time is right and all, you know? If you’d want that.” he quickly added.
You gently lean down to capture his lips in a chaste kiss, pouring all the tender love and emotion you were feeling in that moment into it.
“I think I’d like that.” trying hard to contain your growing smile.
“Plus, I know we’d have the cutest kids ever!” he blurted out.
You buried your head into his chest with a muffled laugh, then looking back up in total agreeance.
“Oh, THE cutest!”
Your hushed laughter calmed as you go back to simply embracing each other, allowing the woes of slumber to catch up to you, finally being lulled to sleep by Frankie’s heartbeat falling into rhythm with yours and a tiny hand reaching out to touch your entwined arms, also wanting to be just as close.
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yuta-nakamots · 3 years
up from here - w.lc
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Pairing - Boyfriend!Lucas x Fem!Reader
Genre - Smut, Fluff, Established Relationship!AU
Warnings - oral (male receiving), public blowjob, oral creampie
Summary - Lucas is weird, to say the least. Even his dreams are weird but that won’t stop you from loving him and making sure that he knows that he is loved. 
Word Count - 1.3k
A/N - I can’t believe I really dreamt about Lucas asking me if I would love him if he were a bee gOD
Written for the Dreams Unfold Event hosted by @neosmutcollective​​. Check out the masterlist here.
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It was finally summer break and you had been lucky enough to schedule a short vacation for you and your boyfriend Lucas between his graduation and your impending doom at summer school. He wasn’t too picky about where you guys went so you decided to bring him home for a bit, especially since you knew how much your parents loved him.
About three hours into the flight you had left your seat next to a sleeping Lucas to go to the restroom and as you sat down and buckled yourself back in, you noticed him tossing and turning next to you with a frown on his face, which he had been doing for quite some time now. You decided to end his misery by shaking him awake, causing him to groggily open his eyes with evident confusion as he tried to figure out where he was.
When he caught your gaze his eyebrows immediately raised, “babe you still love me right?” He blurted.
“Lucas, be quiet,” you shushed, his voice a little too loud for the quiet airplane, “yes, I still love you. Why wouldn’t I?”
He let out a breath he wasn’t even aware that he was holding. “I dreamt that I became a bee and that you didn’t love me anymore,” you had to fight back the urge to laugh, “it was like the complete opposite of the bee movie!”
You placed a hand on his thigh to calm his excitement, “I’ll love you even if you became a bee.”
“Really?” He asked, slightly squirming under your grip. “You’d still love me?”
“Of course,” you assured him, “would you still love me if I were a bee?”
He paused for a second, “yes...but, there would also be some issues.” You were just the tiniest bit hurt at this. You had told him that you’d undoubtedly love him if he were no longer human yet he has the nerve to say that he’d only love you conditionally.
“Issues with what?” You asked.
“With uhhh,” his eyes darted from your eyes to your lips, then down to the hand on his thigh before he grabbed it and brought it under the blanket that was covering him, placing it on his crotch where you could feel his arousal. “With stuff like this.”
Your eyes widened as you processed what was happening, “Lucas,” you exclaimed in shock, “you can’t possibly be turned on by the thought of one of us being a bee.”
“I’m not! It’s just that, well, when I was a bee, you had locked me out from your bedroom window and all I could do was watch as you changed your clothes,” you gave him a playful squeeze, making his voice falter, “a-and I couldn’t touch you, I couldn’t kiss you, I couldn’t tell you how beautiful you are, and it was so upsetting.”
“Aww, you poor thing,” you cooed, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek as you traced the outline of his pulsing cock through the layers of his clothing.
“Please, please, please help me,” he begged, “I wanna cum so badly.”
“Babe, I’m not letting you fuck me on a plane,” you stated.
One of his hands traveled under the blanket, covering yours that was resting on his crotch. “I don’t have to be inside you, just this is enough,” he sighed out as he began guiding your hand up and down his clothed length. “Please?”
You nodded slowly, as if you were weighing your options, “and what’s in it for me?”
“I’ll fuck you so hard the next time we do it, I promise,” he blurted out.
“Mmm, I don’t think that’s enough…”
“I’ll buy your meals for a day,” when he saw that you still weren’t all that excited, “okay how about two?”
“Deal. But I get to choose where we eat,” you told him, at which he senselessly agreed, just wanting to get his release.
You started by teasing the head of his dick, running a finger up and down the sensitive area as if you were tickling it. Just that alone was enough to get Lucas to shudder in his seat. Satisfied at the reaction he gave, you decided to do a little more for him, pressing your palm lightly on the tip of his member and running it down ever so slowly then cupping the base of his cock and balls at the end. “More,” he pleaded weakly, and you gladly obliged upon seeing how good he was behaving.
Pulling the waistband of his sweatpants down, wanting to take your time, you distracted him with kisses to his neck and jaw. You inserted your hand into his pants, doing the same motions you did before except now there were fewer layers between your hand and his throbbing length.
His breath hitched when you finally snuck your fingers past the elastic of his underwear, allowing your skin to meet his and feeling the heat from his dick spread through your hand. Lucas turned to kiss you, effectively muting the sounds he made as you began spreading his precum from the head of his member, running a finger around it and enjoying the way your boyfriend fell apart from your touch.
You started to slowly pump your hand up and down his veiny cock, its weight and thickness feeling so satisfying to hold. Feeling him twitch in your grasp, you loosened your grip, not wanting your fun to end so soon, drawing a quiet whine from your boyfriend. “Please let me cum,” he begged, breaking away from your kiss and looking up at you with his cute expression, as if he were a puppy that needed his owner to take care of him.
When your motions finally picked up in speed, you felt the strong muscles of his thighs clench while he shallowly rutted into your hand. “Fuck, can I cum in your mouth?” He asked, brows furrowed in concentration, his hands scrunching up the fabric of the blanket on his lap.
You sat up, quickly checking to make sure no one was watching the two of you and no flight attendants would be coming by. Seeing that the coast was clear, you turned back to him, “fine but make quick.”
“Yes, thank you,” he sighed out as you lowered your mouth onto his length, your saliva coating it while he continued to rock into your warmth. You didn’t even have the chance to tease him with your tongue since he began desperately thrusting into your lips, fucking your mouth like he would your pussy.
You felt his dick twitching once more, hungrily chasing its release so you placed a hand onto his lower abdomen to keep his hips down as a safety precaution, and not a moment too soon. Lucas lets out a strained moan the moment he begins spilling his load into your mouth, its bitter and salty taste coating your tongue.
He continued to shallowly thrust into you, riding out his high though a shiver went through his body as you swallowed around his length then swirled your tongue around its head to clean him up. Lucas let out a heavy breath of relief, his body going limp when you finally pulled away from his now sensitive cock. You let him recover while doing your best to take care of him, tucking him back into his underwear and readjusting his sweats, neatly tying back together the strings that had gotten loose.
At last, when you were straightening out the blanket to cover your boyfriend’s large frame, he had enough strength to say “thanks, love you.”
“Love you too, bee boy,” you playfully remarked, patting his firm chest as he dozed off once more.
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hournites · 3 years
can i get uhhh number 30 🧐🤪
Hournite + Marry me ❤️
The excitement was in the warm June air and the bubbles of sparkling cider handed out by the faculty. The giggles of Yolanda and Courtney as they posed for pictures as their blue graduation gowns flapped in the breeze. The sweetness was in the flowers Jennie had ordered for all of them, and the words they wrote in their classmates yearbooks. Classmates who never really knew Yolanda, Beth, Courtney and Rick, but who were nevertheless saved. The girls in cocktail dresses clung to their gowns with their new diploma envelopes as they milled and chatted at the field outside the school.
The big white tent with the catering service was a little further out. Rick intended to go there and get Beth a plate of food and sparkling soda, but that plan slipped to the wayside once the ceremony ended.
It was too hard to part from her. Too hard to not fall into the infectious giddiness, too hard not to smile and touch and spin her around in circles and laugh with their hearts full.
Beth’s valedictorian stole laid over her shoulders, Rick used it to tug her forward gently and kiss her. Then kiss her and kiss her and kiss her in a truly inherently needy way Rick could never find it in himself to deny.
Her parents spoke to Yolanda’s as they eyed them. Rick broke the latest kiss in the succession of fifty to wipe the smudged lipstick from the corner of her mouth. Beth did the same, the dark plum color staining his cheek. His eyes were as electric as Beth’s were bright.
“We're really here,” he breathed at last, finally putting into words the gigantic feelings he had grappled with since he woke up that morning. Getting rid of Blue Valley high was like ripping off a bandaid that needed to be trashed for far too long. The past five years were unbelievable. Some of it them the worst years of Rick’s life, some of them were more than the best.
“We're really here,” Beth echoed, with love. “But I always knew we would. We were always meant for bigger things than this school, and I don’t just mean the JSA.”
In her heels, she only needed to strain enough to latch onto the back of his neck, veering Rick down so he could kiss her again as he said he loved her and she said it back. And he did love her, and would continue to and never would stop. It was so clear.
“Beth?” He kissed her cheek, her neck.
She was playful and shoved him away, finally remembering her parents were still nearby, not that it would salvage their reputation. “Mmmh?”
Rick held her face, thumbs resting on the apples of her cheeks and looked at her with a sudden intensity. Beth quieted, soaking it in. Her eyes went soft, she reached her hand up and stroked his cheek also.
“I’m going to ask you something a little crazy.”
But Beth was used to Rick’s type of crazy. “Alright…But if we’re about to search for Grundy again, at least let me change out of this dress.”
“No, no, no,” Rick shook his head at her. “Nothing like that.” He looked down at the ground and found himself smiling again. Beth would follow him across the world to find Grundy again, wouldn't she? He slid his hands from her face, down her arms and then to her hands. With a squeeze as his heart pounded, he took a step back and bent down in front of her.
“Marry me.”
Beth giggled. It bubbled out of her, and it took a shy glance down at her sparkly shoes then up again before her features settled into a look of curiosity. “You’re not kidding, are you?”
“No,” Rick said. He almost was when the thought first slipped into his mind, but now they were the most certain he’s ever been. “I'm always going to love you. We should get married.”
“You don’t have a ring?”
“No, but I can get one. And I’ll ask again.” He paused, acknowledging her lack of direct answer. “If you want me to.”
Beth kissed him deeply and heartfelt and Rick knew. He knew so vividly, he felt it in his bones. This was going to happen.
“I want you to,” she decided. “Okay, yes, let’s get married!”
“For real?” Rick laughed. “We’re getting married?”
He picked her up and spun her around as his mind did the same. Already, he was planning. “My mom’s ring is still at our house, I’ll get it tomorrow and if you don’t like it we’ll get you a new one.”
Beth wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling like crazy. She kissed him again and Rick got so incredibly lost in it, he almost stumbled over their flowers and Beth’s mountain of plaques.
"Rick! Beth!" Courtney ran up to them, yanking at Beth’s arm. “Stop making out for two seconds we need to take group pictures!”
She froze with a confused smile when they both beamed at her. “…What’s going on?”
Rick let her down and Beth launched herself at Courtney. “Rick asked me to marry him!”
Courtney’s eyes went wide as saucers as she glanced between the two of them a hundred times, her mouth agape with shock.
“What?” she yelled. “What! What? Are you serious? Shut up!? Are you serious?”
Rick slippped his arms around Beth’s waist from behind, peppering her cheek and neck with kisses as she squealed. He had never smiled so hard. “Yeah, we’re serious.”
“Oh my god!” Courtney screamed across the field at Yolanda and Jennie. “Rick and Beth are getting married!”
“What?” Yolanda nearly tripped. She shoved her flowers at Alex and sprinted over, tackling the three into a hug. “Are you crazy?”
“A little bit!” Rick yelled.
Jennie got there too, pulling strands of hair out of her mouth, “A wedding? When? Where? Do you need a planner? I love weddings! I have to call Todd!"
Pat jogged over. "What seems to be the commotion?"
Rick looked at Beth who looked back. Courtney danced with excitement tackling Yolanda and Jennie in another hug.
"A JSA wedding!" Court shook Pat's hand. "You should officiate!"
"I beg your pardon?"
Mike, who had been sitting nearby on the grass in his good pants, eating, swallowed down his bite of cookie to elaborate for his father. "I believe Rick and Beth are getting hitched." He stood up and nudged Rick's side with raised eyebrows. "I'm your best man, right?"
Pat's mouth opened then closed. Then opened again. Rick had Beth up in his arms as they twirled around once more, completely enamoured with each other and their new future and their new beginnings and their shared young love.
Pat sighed and excused himself to find the Chapels to do damage control. "I should've seen this coming."
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eternalmx · 3 years
god damn. | im changkyun
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genre: smut;; angst
warnings : public sex. unprotected sex;; please be safe <3
wc | 1713
{2:02𝓪𝓶} All the bodies on the dance floor as she watched him from the bar. The green light illuminating his facial features. The smoke escaping his lips as his eyes finally met hers. He made his way over to her standing by the bar. Her black dress glowing green from the lights.
"I'm surprised to see you here" he said, sitting on a bar stool and putting his legs on either sided of her legs. She looked down at his legs as she leaned against the bar waiting for her drink.
"Why is that?" she asked, rolling her eyes at him.
"Because when we were together you never liked this type of atmosphere." Changkyun said, raising an eyebrow at you when the bartender gave her her drink.
"Thank you!" she said happily. Sending the bartender warm friendly smile.
"Get a room" he said, annoyed. Hip lips touching the tip of his beer bottle as he took a big gulp.
"What wrong with you?" she asked, looking at him after downing her drink.
"You're flirting with the bartender to get me mad? Pretty low of you" he said, hands touching her skin softly. Her breath hitched at the sudden contact but refusing to give him the pleasure.
"Are you jealous?" she asked, moving in closer to him.
"Jealous of what? Him? Ha. Not a chance" he said, taking another sip of his drink. His fingers softly grazing the exposed skin of her thigh, the result of her dress being short.
"I think he's kinda hot actually" she said, clearing her throat to distract herself from his hand softly playing with the hem of her dress.
"We both know he wouldn't compare. He can't take care of you like I can" he said, scooting closer to the edge of the stool so her thigh was pressed against his growing erection.
"You're bluffing. You're jealous. " she said, body frozen as his hand squeezed at her thigh. She was thankful everyone was too busy getting wasted and dancing to pay attention to them. she was also thankfully the bar was high enough so his wandering hands were hidden from view to anyone.
"Mmmhh..." he took another sip of his drink, licking his lips he said, "I am jealous. I can't take you right here , right now. I know you'd love that wouldn't you?" he asked. His hand pushing under her dress to trace the outline of her lace underwear.
"K-kyun" she moaned softly, hips pushing into the bar counter as his fingers softly rubbed circles against her clit.
"Look at you, so wet for me. In a room full of people and only I can get you like this. Do you want me to stop?" Changkyun asked, hands switching between slow and fast motions. Her eyes fluttering shut as soft moans escaped her lips. She shook her head no as she felt a familiar knot tighten in her stomach.
"Don't stop" she said, hips moving slowly to increase the pressure of his fingers rubbing against her.
"You're so eager for me to make you cum, should I let you?" he asked, his fingers teasing her folds and pushing thrusting a finger into her. A low groan escaping her lips as her hand grabbed at his wrist softly holding his hand so she can get herself off.
"P-please" she said through whimpers, as the bartender made his rounds back to their side of the bar.
"Another round?" he asked, flashing his pearly whites at her.
"Uhhh... y-yes please" she moaned through her words as changkyun slipped another digit into her. His fingers pumping slowly but deeply enough to hit all her sweet spots.
"Do you think he can make you feel this good" Changkyun asked, his lips pressing against her neck. Hot breath running along her neck. The smell of alcohol and his musky rose perfume smelt like heaven to her. Her hand trailing down his chest to his hard bulge pressing against his leather pants.
"I'm close" she moaned, as his fingers thrusted in and out of her occasionally rubbing her clit. She let out a loud moan as she felt her high come crashing over her. Her legs shaking as his arms wrapped around her waist to help her stay on her feet.
He turned her around to face him. His thighs on either side of her legs as he grabbed her face roughly. He pressed his lips into her. Tongues fighting for dominance as his hands grabbed her hips tightly. Pulling her body flat against his he bit her lip softly earning a moan from her.
"Dance for me" he said, pulling away from the kiss and pushing her hair back. Her appearance was completely unreal. She looked beautiful. Hair a little messy, her dress resting dangerously high on her thighs. He was tempted to pull it down a bit but decided against it because he knew that is why she broke up with him His possessiveness got out of hand.
He watched her as she walked to the dance floor only a few inches away. Her hands fixing her hair shyly. She looked around and took a deep breath. Her hands running up her body as her hips began to sway to the music. He winked at her as he took the last few sips of his beer and leaned against the bar with his elbows propped up against the bar.
The green lights, the dance floor filled with smoke. His eyes never leaving hers. Watching her hands run up and down her body and hips moving slowly to the music. the curves of her body in her dress making his erection more prominent through his leather pants. He motioned for her to come back to the bar but by the time she reached him he spun her around so her back side was pressed against him.
"God damn it, you make me so hard" he said, his hands on her waist motioning for her to start swaying to the music again. She obeyed. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she felt the fabric on his pants against her still sensitive bud.
"C'mon baby, keep moving just like that" he said, lowly in her ear. Licking and nipping at all her weak spots. His lips running along her neck leaving marks up and down her neck. Her back side pressing up against his cock through his pants creating the friction he wanted. He groaned in her ear causing her to grow more confident in herself. His hand wrapped around her waist as her hips pressed harder against him as he sat on the bar stool.
"F-fuck" Changkyun moaned in her ear. He softly bit at the skin on her neck as she moaned softly from the pleasure.
"K-kyun" she moaned lowly, as his grip on her waisted grew tighter. He hummed on her neck sending shivers through her body.
"Me too" he moaned, clenching his thigh underneath her as he felt his cock twitch in his pants. She cried out his name lowly as she reached her high from the second time tonight. The sounds escaping her lips sending him over the edge as he felt the wet spot grow on his underwear.
"You're unreal" he whispered in her ear as they both caught their breaths as he stood up grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the bathroom.
"Let's get you cleaned up" Changkyun said, kissing her swollen lips roughly as she looked at him through hooded eyes.
In the bathroom she took in her appearance as changkyun wet a piece of tissue and kneeled down as he softly placed it against her thighs to clean her off. He placed soft kisses along her thigh. His red jacket open and his tattoos were showing. Her hand softly grazed over them as his tattooed hands held her legs in place. He looked up at her running his tongue against her inner thigh. Her hand grabbing a fist full of his hair and soft whimpers leaving her mouth.
"Please" she asked, hip moving forward as he let out a low laugh. His hands a beautiful contrast against her unmarked skin. He pushed her black dress up and it bunched at her hips. He placed kisses against her clothed clit making her breath hitch. The echo of the music still being played in the club filling the bathroom as he pulled her panties down and licked her folds teasingly. Her back pressed against the cold tile wall of the bathroom. Back arching as his tongue worked it's magic against her. Her high approaching faster than before. She softly reached down and pulled Changkyun up off his knees.
"Please fuck me" she said, his lips glistening from her wetness. He kissed her roughly as her hands unbuckled his pants. Pushing them down so they bunched at his ankles. Her hands slipping past his boxers and taking his length in her hand. Her thumb smearing the pre cum against his tip causing him to bite down on her lip roughly. His hand making it's way to her throat slowly applying pressure as his finger rubbed her clit harshly.
Changkyun's hands wrapped against her as he lifter her up and positioned himself against her entrance. her legs wrapping around his waist. The room filling with their moans as he pushed himself into her. He gave her a second to adjust to his size before pulling back out completely and thrusting into her. His thrust getting deepers and longer as her hips movies against his to create more friction.
"Fuck, you feel so good around me baby" he said. His lips attaching to her neck for what felt like the 100th time that night. The lewd noises of his thrust against her wetness barely audible due to the music.
"I-im so close" She moaned as her hips stilled and her muscles contracted. His dick twitched in her as her wall clenched around him making him moan out her name from pleasure. a few more thrust and they both reached their highs together. She pulled him in for a kiss swallow each other moans as their movements stilled. They stayed there for a second. Breaths in sync as he pressed his forehead to hers.
"I've missed you so much" he said.
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free-pancakes · 3 years
continuing levihan marvel au drabbles bc... yeah i'm hooked oops
and uhhh there will definitely be a part 2 to this shortly [edit: part 2 here]
(but here's the other marvel drabble from @snudootchaikovsky's ask)
“Moblit! Take it and go!”
Moblit hesitated as he stood overhead, leaning over the railing of the abandoned warehouse. Sparks flew from the blasts of a struggle down below.
“No, I’ll come help you!” He yelled, but Hange shook her head adamantly.
“I’ll hold him off as best as I can, but you have to tell Erwin! You’re the only one that can warn everyone else! Now, go!” Hange yelled back as she ran back to the battle.
Moblit wiped the tears from his eyes, and started to run, climbing stairs as fast as he could, listening to the sounds of arrows zipping through the air, metal hitting metal. Before he turned into the corridor, he looked back and felt his heart fill with regret—Zeke held his scepter and pointed it at Hange’s chest. Her bow and bag of arrows hit the metal grates on the floor with a clatter that seemed to echo for miles—nothing but silence left once the echoes stopped. Her eyes went blank, the familiar light they all knew, gone.
“Goddammit,” Moblit whispered to himself. But he knew the only chance he had of saving Hange was if he made it back safely. So, he grit his teeth, and sprinted as fast as he could, leaving her behind.
The smacking of fist to jaw echoed throughout the abandoned building. Another punch to cheek sounded— Levi coughed out blood as a hand grabbed his collar, pushing him to hang over the railing of the top floor of the building. Levi tensed his body against the chair he was tied and handcuffed to as Porco threatened to throw him down to his death. But none of this fazed Levi—he maintained his resting glare, which visibly frustrated Porco.
“Porco, I think you should answer this,” said Reiner. Still gripping Levi, he beckoned for the phone, putting it up to his ear.
“I need to speak with Agent Ackerman. We have weaponed aircrafts within a half mile radius and will take out your men in an instant if you decide otherwise.”
Porco’s stomach dropped in a panic, so he pulled Levi back up securely onto the floor and placed the phone by his ear with a grumble.
Levi held the phone, using his cheek to press it onto his shoulder to keep it in place. “Erwin, this better be good. I’m getting all the info i need from this moron,” Levi muttered as he nodded towards Porco.
Porco looked nervously at both Reiner and Bertholdt. “Wh-What?? I’m not giving you all the info??”
Levi rolled his eyes. “Erwin—it can wait, seriously—“
He paused to make sure Levi was listening.
“...Agent Zoe has been compromised.”
Levi froze.
His breath hitched—he felt like he was about to vomit, and sensed anguish brewing within him.
“...I’ll rendezvous with you within the hour.”
He dropped the phone, hitting the floor with a clatter, and he hurled his body forward, flipping to land on the chair he sat on, smashing it to pieces. The three guys ran towards him but they were goners from the start.
Levi kicked the broke chair pieces as he wriggled free. Still handcuffed he dodged their blows with ease, leaving them all knocked out on the floor in a matter of minutes. He fished the key from Porco’s pocket, and picked it up with his mouth, tossing it back to his hand with a swing of his head, undoing the handcuffs and freeing his hands. He stole his handgun back from Reiner’s pocket, and ran, practically flying down the stairs as he slid down its railings.
Rage and panic clouded his senses and nothing but the image of his closest comrade remained clear in his mind. He was ready to obliterate whoever did this to Hange. And he was ready to sock Erwin in the face for risking putting on her on clearly a much too dangerous mission without him, and pummel whoever was assigned on the task with her and left her behind.
Levi spit out a loose tooth from his mouth, and narrowed his eyes as he hopped onto one of the enemy motorcycles, hot-wiring it for himself. His blood was boiling, attempts to calm himself futile as he rode back to a checkpoint so he could fly back to headquarters.
As he promised, he made it back within the hour, and walked into HQ. Soon enough, he was facing Erwin, his blue eyes unwavering as he stared back at Levi, and Moblit beside him, clearly injured, a pained look in his eyes as he was making efforts not to make eye contact with Levi—he was likely on the mission with Hange.
His hands balled into fists in response, the thought of Hange possibly being hurt in his mind—he couldn’t remember much of what happened next, other than Agents Ral and Bozado desperately trying to separate him from Erwin and Moblit, and a fresh, residual ache in his knuckles.
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slashmebois · 4 years
“Mmmmmay I request slasher boys (I really really want HoW boys, but you can add anyone!) getting a bj from their s/o who just keeps sucking them even after they've already came? They just overstimulate them!”
 Gonna make these short-ish because I’m unfortunately very busy currently but I hope these are to your liking!!
It’s late at night and Bo isn’t home yet, you bite your nails and stare at the clock, concerned about how late dinner will be. He finally walks in, breaking your thoughts.
“You took your sweet time” there’s an edge to your voice that you fail to hide, a result of your imagination taking you to dark places and reasons for why he wouldn’t be home yet.
He sighs throwing his arms in the air, “What? A man can’t get home a little late. D’you see the fuckers that came into town today? That guy was built like a fuckin’ truck”
You try to let it go but you’re kinda mad, “well, I didn’t know whether to cook or not so we don’t have any dinner.” You state it matter of fact, trying not to glare holes in him.
He stares at you, before barking out a harsh laugh, “What the fuck is this? You gotta problem with me?” he starts taking large steps towards you and stops barely an inch from your face, bending his neck to get right in your face.
You see the furious look in his eyes, but decide stupidly to push past the fear, “I’m just saying. I can’t start dinner if I don’t know when the fuck you’ll be home. Next time give me a head up, or is that too fucking much to ask asshole”
Well now you’ve done it. There’s a tense moment before his hand whips up to grab your face, smooshing it in his wide hands.
“Okay sweetheart I’ll give you your fucking dinner. Hell, should shut that preeetty mouth of yours up”, you can feel your blood running like ice through your veins.
He leans in close to breathe down your ear, “Get on your fucking knees and beg for it before I decide on a worse punishment”
You don’t need asking twice, having been on the receiving ends of those ‘worse’ punishments. You clatter down and look up at him, unbuttoning his jeans, “please daddy, please can you fill my mouth up with your cock”
He grins like a shark, “That’s a good start. Make it good and I won’t take this further”
You pull out his cock and rub your hands over it, giving him kitten licks on his tip.
“Fuck I love how your hands look wrapped round my cock. They can’t even reach all the way round huh?”
You open your mouth wide, sticking your tongue out, waiting for him to take charge- you know he likes to take charge.
“That’s a good little slut” he purrs before slowly inching his cock all the way into your mouth, making a guttural sound as his balls reach your face and you reach you tongue out to lick at them.
The kitchen tiles are cold against your knees, but you barely notice, your focus directly on the panting man in front of you. The sounds of Bo’s loud groans fill the room alongside the lewd noises your mouth and tongue make as you slide them along his shaft.
“Fuck, god. That…uhhh…that feels so good doll. Don’t stop”
His hand is gripped tight in your hair, making you wince as he tries to stop himself taking control. All he really wants to do is fuck your throat raw but he knows better than to draw your ire. The last time you had held out on sex for a month, leaving him with only his hand as solace.
You’re taking long deep mouthfuls of his cock, hollowing out your cheeks and lavishing your tongue around the girth of it as his head hits the back of your throat, before pulling back and teasing his weeping tip with languish flicks of your tongue.
“Fuu…fuck. I’m gonna fucking cum soon. Tell me what you want baby. Hmm? You want daddy’s cum down your throat”
You smile sweetly up at him, hoping he’ll leave the punishment at this “please daddy, please give me your delicious cum. I want to taste it, I want it inside me” you savour how his eyes roll back before his grip on your head forces his cock back down your throat.
You can feel how his dick makes your throat bulge out, and his thrusts become more and more erratic. Just when you think you’re about to pass out from the lack of oxygen you feel the telltale twitches.
“You fucking want it so bad you little cumslut. Ungggghhh, take it”
His hot seed spills out into the back of your throat, coating it. There’s a lull as Bo comes down from his high, his breathing slowing and the glaze in his eyes lifting.
It’s then that a wicked thought hits you, your mind only slightly focused on revenge. You swallow his cum with his cock still in your mouth causing him to yelp. Then you start to run your tongue along the veins on his cock, causing him to yelp, “Fuck. Ahh-ah, that feels too good”
You ignore his pleas, figuring he’ll rip your head off his length if it’s really too much for him.
You suck on his throbbing red tip, as he judders his hips against you- unsure if he wants more or less. You keep bobbing your head along until he’s a mess of expletives and tears barely able to form sentences. His hands can’t seem to decide where they want to be until finally they manage to pull you off him.
Panting he gives you a dark look, “I’d suggest you start running before I catch my breath again”.
You had been messing around painting together, dabbing small fingerprints on the corner of Vincent’s easel when he wasn’t looking. Before long he had noticed the giggles coming from you each time he turned away and was onto your game- waiting for you to be distracted yourself before tackling you to the ground. From there it had turned into some light wrestling as you tried and failed to overpower him, being easily trapped again each time. It was easy to forget how strong he was…and it was amazing how turned on that made you.
“Vinnyyyy, let go. I didn’t do anything”
His mask-less face pulls into a lopsided jovial smile and he shakes his head at you knowingly, his eyes darting from your own eyes, down your body and back.
You try to squirm from under him, figuring if strength wasn’t on your side then maybe you could use your smaller size to your advantage. You quickly stop as you hear a groan from Vinny and feel his growing excitement against your stomach. You gasp and still, looking him straight in the eyes, a staring test ensuing. You’re the first to look away, his eyes blazing into your own- all hints of jesting gone from his features. You can feel the blush heating your face and pray he doesn’t notice. But he does.
Moving his grip on one of your arms to your hair he pulls you to his mouth, kissing you deeply and grunting into your mouth as he ruts against your stomach. You knew that if you didn’t act quickly you would skip the foreplay entirely in favour of getting pounded into the ground by him. Reaching your hand down you easily find his cock and rub your hand over it through his clothing, causing him to groan into your mouth again.
You pull away for air, determined to do the thing you haven’t found the chance to do with him yet, “Let me taste you Vinny” you whisper in his ear and you feel him shudder against you in anticipation, his hand coming up to grip your throat lightly as he turns to kiss you again.
He stands and pulls you up by the neck to your knees, you salivate at the thought of his cock fucking your sweet mouth. Quickly you help to strip down his dungarees and gasp as his cock springs free, the tip engorged and oozing precum. He stops, unsure of himself in this moment and you gladly take charge, leaning forward to lick a line from his balls to the head of his cock, he makes an appreciative noise and throws his head back.
His hand moves from your throat across to your cheek stroking it gently, as you take him in whole, slowly inching your way down him until his cock is filling your whole throat. You repeat the movement a few times earning you a plethora of sounds from the large man, before you speed up your movements, circling your tongue around him and using your hands to work the areas your mouth struggles to reach.
He finally looks down at you, panting and signs as best he can ‘your mouth is killing me’, you grin around his cock and wickedly take the tip only sucking hard as he yelps and grabs at your hair, making your scalpel scream in pain. An idea strikes you and you pull off his cock, leaving him slightly confused before you stand and pull him to the table, draping yourself backwards across it and opening your mouth wide to waggle your tongue at him.
His eyes widen, and he swallows, licking his lip before stepping forward and guiding his cock to your waiting mouth. He starts slowly but quickly gains momentum as he’s spurred on by the bulge his length makes in your throat.
Growling he signs sloppily ‘where do you want it’ and you realise he’s close. You sign back ‘shower me’ and he feels his soul ascend as he pulls out and paints your face and swollen lips with his cum.
He has to grip the table for support, trying to regain his senses after witnessing what he thinks may be his finest piece of art yet. You inch your way over to his semi-hard cock and guide it back into your mouth, causing him to moan and huff, his hand grasping at your throat again. He’s never experienced this before and bucks forward, the pleasure too much to handle.
‘your mouth. Too much. Fuck.’
You giggle and release him from the purgatory of overstimulation.
He sighs in relief and reaches up to wipe a thumb across your mouth, before rubbing the cum onto your tongue.
‘I think I found my new favourite activity baby’
It had been a nice day so Lester had offered to take you on a ride through the country. Something about the way the sunlight reflected off your pretty features had him gulping and shifting in an attempt to hide his growing arousal. Being you though, you had noticed and cocked an eyebrow at him.
“What you looking at, gorgeous?”
“You, Lester”
His breathing hitches, “now why would you wanna do that. I’m nothing much to look at” he replies, those confusing feelings he gets around you swelling up like a wave.
You reach your hand towards his leg, running it from his knee up towards his groin. He nearly swerves in his efforts to stop the car, but once he’s flicked the engine off he’s scrambling to pull you to him. You meet in a clash of lips, tongue, and teeth. He keeps you there, stealing your breath like a drowning man, only pulling away once your lips are thoroughly swollen
He looks you dead in the eye, “This ain’t a dream right?”
You can’t help but giggle before you shake your head no, “I’ll prove it to you”
Your hands unbutton his trousers and you shove them down with a little help from his lifted hips.
He’s already hard as a rock, and you take a moment to feel all of him as you whisper in his ear, “your cock makes me so hungry Lester, can I taste it? Please Les?”
“Ohh god, please yes” he’s distinctly aware of the painful erection that he’s convinced only you can mend.
You kiss him hard again before trailing kisses across his collarbone and then down his chest, to his navel and finally to his leaking member. You kiss it the same way you’ve dreamed of kissing his mouth- slow, sensually and with your tongue. His whimpers reach your ears, and you glance upward to find that adorably he has his hand covering his face. You take that hands and bring it to your mouth, sucking on his fingers slowly. He makes little gasps as you do.
“Watch me baby, watch me Les”
He nods, unable to do anything else at this point. You lower yourself again but this time you take more of him into your mouth and suck hard, moving your mouth further and further onto him with each bob of your head.
When you reach his balls you swallow around his member and he cries out, “Fuu…oh my god. Y/N please, I need…oh my god”
You set a fast pace, using your hands to stimulate his balls. The forest is filled with the sounds of Lester and you are living for it, his own pleasure fuelling the slickness between your legs. You make do with rubbing your legs together for now. Lester must have noticed though, he reaches his hand under you to grasp at your chest. Your moan vibrates his cock and he sucks through his teeth. He rubs your nipple between his fingers, working it to a peak and flicking at it.
You can barely believe you’re finally doing the thing that has fuelled your solo sessions. You try to show it in your actions, trying to show Lester how much you worship him and his cock. You push yourself to your limits, allowing his large size to stretch your throat- gagging around him before coming up to suck greedy breaths of air into your deprived lungs.
With the pace you set it isn’t long before Lester’s breath turns ragged and he bucks up into your mouth, the only warning before his seed spills into your warm and wet maw. You’d be mad at the lack of warning but hell, it might be his first time.
“Fuck. Where the fuck they teach you how to do that?” he groans.
You’re about to answer when there’s a call from outside the car.
“Hey, you” A male voice calls out. Lester pushes at you protectively and you kneel in the small foothold of his truck.
“H-hey there sir, what can I do for you?” he manages, fumbling to button his trousers.
He allows you to take the material when you reach up, thinking you’ll button his trousers. What he doesn’t expect is to fill your mouth stretch around his spent dick and he jolts up slightly.
“You okay?” the other guy asks, before shaking his head, “look, I need some help. My car broke down.”
Lester is bursting, trying to hold himself together as he responds, “Uh..Uhhh yeah, I’m mm, I’m all good. You uhnn, you sound like you need a mechanic. You head down that trail and past the flooded area then ohhh, uh, then you’ll find Bo. Just uh, just ask for him” he is sweating from the pure effort of getting the words out as you overstimulate him, his cock leaking precum in a desperate effort to make it less painful.
The guy simple nods and dismisses the weird guy in the truck as being socially anxious. He walks off to his certain death, as Lester finally manages to rip your head off him.
“Hey now, that was just mean”
You smile up at him, wiping your mouth, “Sorry Les, you just taste so good”
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ezrasarm · 3 years
Roommates Part 3: KO
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: drunk reader, Santiago is a bad influence, drink responsibly kids! That’s all I think?
A/N: I know it’s been a long wait but the next part is finally here! Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy it!
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Frankie had been gone for a while. He had excused himself to go to the bathroom almost twenty minutes ago and Benny was bound to go on soon. You didn’t want him to miss the fight and get in trouble is what you’d excused the nag in your gut urging you to seek him out as when you were about to go looking for him. You knew he would get an earful if he missed even a second because you were the one in the hot seat last time when you missed a whole fight after being called into work last minute. 
Pope seemed to find you first, shoving a drink in your hand as you peered over his shoulder, expecting Frankie to be close in tow. “You don’t have to sound quite so disappointed you got me instead.” Santiago teased you when you not so subtly asked where he was.
“You know that’s not what I meant.” You assured him with a roll of your eyes, giving him a nudge to the shoulder and a thank you for the drink. But if you were being honest, you’d been with Pope all day and had hardly seen Frankie all week. You were beginning to wonder if something was wrong. “He’s right over there. Ran into an old high school classmate and they’re catching up by the bar.” Santiago said with a directed nod of his head and you followed his line of sight over to where you could see the familiar silhouette, corduroy jacket and baseball cap and all, stooped a little with his arms folded over his chest and talking to some woman you’d never seen before. 
You weren’t sure what the feeling that twisted in your stomach was or why it decided to rear its head right now but you found yourself feeling slightly defensive when you turned back to Santiago with eyebrows raised. For some reason, you hadn’t been expecting a she and you couldn’t tell why that threw you off so much. Frankie could talk to whoever he pleased, it was none of your business but you still found yourself downing just about half your drink in one go to try and drown whatever feeling it was that had begun growing in your belly.
“That was fast.” Santiago remarked, giving you a skeptical look as he glanced between you and the almost empty cup in your hand, “You alright?” He asked.
“Yeah, fine! It’s just been a while since I let loose. Thought I might let myself have some fun tonight.” You shrugged.
He glanced back up in Frankie’s direction and eyed you for a second, taking a moment to consider it, “Can’t argue with that,” he nodded before downing his own drink as though it were a challenge. 
You had lost track of how many beers you and Santiago had snuck behind Will’s back who was too busy to play baby sitter tonight as he usually did. Drinking with him had certainly done its job to distract you. You had almost forgotten all about the fact that your best friend had decided to spend the evening talking to some stranger instead of you. God what had gotten into you? You were not the jealous type and you didn’t like how it felt-
You didn’t have time to consider that thought any further before you had run straight into the man of the hour himself on your way back from the bar.
“Shit, sorry- Oh hey!” You exclaimed, having miraculously avoiding throwing your drinks all over both of you with those dumb plastic cups they gave you here.
“Woah, you alright there?” Frankie asks, throwing an arm out to stabilize you. “I swear, I left you alone for ten min- okay an hour and a half and- how many of those have you had?” He asks, noticing the slight wobble to your balance and slur to your speech as you introduced yourself and shook the hand of the woman he had been talking to.
“Uhhh good question,” you ponder for a moment before shrugging “Santi and I found out that if you’re a girl alone at an MMA fight you can get a lot of free drinks so we’ve made it our mission to find out exactly how many.” You explain, shooting a wink and a slight salute over to Pope who was still standing, waiting by your seats.
“And have you gotten an answer yet?” Frankie asks, slightly amused but also positive that he would be making sure this was your last drink of the night when you stumbled slightly over nothing and he had to wrap an arm around you for support.
“It appears there is no limit.” You say proudly, missing the fond look in his eye when he shakes his head with a soft and slightly disbelieving smile.
“Cheryl, this is my uh, roommate.” Frankie says gesturing towards you.
“What, are you embarrassed of me or something’? I’d say we’re a little bit more than that.” You interject. You had meant friends but from the look on her face she appeared to have taken it another way and for some reason or another you felt no need to correct her.
“Oh well uh, it’s nice to meet you.” She says politely although clearly thrown slightly by your quite obvious inebriation. 
“Nice to meet you too, Carol!” You declare happily and you mean it, it’s interesting to see the kinds of people Frankie went to high school with but you really weren’t in much state to be particularly conversational at the moment.
“From Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, standing six foot three, weighing in at a hundred and ninety five pounds, I bring you… Ben Miller!” The announcer blares over the booming speakers, pulling you from your conversation. You and Frankie are quick to give Benny your support, you perhaps a little more enthusiastically in your less inhibited state as he and Will walked into the arena and the crowd roared to life.
“Well we should get back. I’ll never hear the end of it if I miss any of this and I’ve gotta make sure these two don’t get into any more trouble,” Frankie explains, “But it was nice catching up with you.” He says and Carol- Cheryl? One of those- nods.
“Yeah, I hope to see you around again sometime.” She says. She’s hardly turned to walk away before you’re wiggling your eyebrows suggestively at Frankie on your way over to Pope and Will.
“You realize she was hitting on you, right?” You asked when Frankie turned back to you, a teasing smile on your lips despite the rising feeling of inadequacy you felt from having stood within a two-meter radius of the gorgeous woman. 
“What? No! She was just-” Frankie cuts himself off after considering it for a moment. “...huh.” He says, eyebrows rising in slight surprise when he looks over his shoulder at the woman who he had already lost in the throngs of people. “I’m sure she was just being polite.”
“You’re too hard on yourself! She was checking you out!” You exclaim defensively, more for his own self esteem than anything else.
“...Me?” He gives you a skeptical look. 
“Yeah, why not you? You’ve got this sort of je ne ce quoi about you. The ladies dig it.” You say with a goofy grin and Frankie can’t help but burst out laughing. 
“That so? What about you?” He asks. For a millisecond your heart stops in your chest. Could he read your mind? Did he know about the thoughts that had just slipped to the forefront? The jealousy? The little bit of longing? It was the alcohol talking you were sure. You would never want to jeopardize your friendship by allowing yourself to picture him as anything more than that but for a flash of a second it hadn’t seemed like such a bad idea.
“Oh, I dig it too.” You say, nudging him in the gut teasingly. What you didn’t see was the way Frankie’s breath had hitched at the slightest inkling of you expressing interest in him, even if he knew you were just joking around. “I bet if you asked you could get her number.” You say and he’s snapped quite violently out of his trance. 
He didn’t want her number. He wanted you.
“Nah, she’s not really my type.” Is the response he settles for, his attention resettling on the fight in an attempt to drown out the feeling of disappointment he wasn’t sure he knew how to hide. He knew it wasn’t fair on you but the slightest hint of jealousy might have been nice to hear and instead you were giving him a rousing endorsement to go after someone he didn’t even like all that much.
“Are you kidding? Pardon the pun, but she was a knockout!” You exclaim just in time to watch Benny take a rather jarring blow to the jaw.
“Meh,” Frankie shrugs and you can’t help the yelp of surprise that escapes you.
“If she’s ‘meh’ then what am I?” You exclaim and Frankie’s jaw just about hits the ground at the fact that you could even think to ask him such a question. You were just about perfect to him in every way imaginable.
He doesn’t get the chance to tell you when the crowd roars to life as Benny finds himself making a comeback and you’re practically jumping out of your seat to bolster your support for your friend.
“You should go get her number.” You suggest when you sit back down, a little confused as to why. Perhaps you were overcompensating for your wave of jealousy earlier but there was still something in you screaming for you to stop acting like you were so okay with it. Because if the way you had reacted earlier and your current state of inebriation was any inclination, you clearly weren’t, but your mind was in no place to put those pieces together at the moment.
“Why is everyone trying to set me up all of a sudden?” Frankie scoffs playfully trying to shrug off your suggestion. “First Pope, now you,” He stops himself hoping you haven’t realized he’s probably said too much.
“Who was Santiago trying to set you up with?” You ask. Just the question he didn’t want to answer, especially not right now, not like this. He’s quite literally saved by the bell announcing the end of the match and when you look up Benny’s opponent is unconscious in front of him. A KO and you’d both missed it. You wouldn’t be getting out of that one too easily. You’re whisked away in post win festivities before you can even think to get an answer from Frankie.
He thinks you’ve forgotten about the conversation completely until he’s gotten you and Pope both wrangled into the car on your way back to the apartment and you pipe up from where he thought you had passed out the moment he had you strapped in. 
“So what’s Francisco Morales’ type?” you ask groggily, clearly not ready to give him a break yet and he laughs as he peers into the rearview to make sure Pope is still asleep before he even considers giving you an answer. 
“What makes you think I have a type?” He counters fruitlessly in hopes that he can at least attempt finding a suitable answer.
“Well you said Carol-”
“-wasn’t your type so I’m assuming that means you have a type.” You prod him, your eyes still shut as you leaned back in the passenger seat.
“Well… I’d say my type would be someone who is smart, funny, supportive, all those wonderful things,” He explains, feeling a little more at ease when he looks over to see your breaths have shallowed slightly and your head has lulled against the window. “Has a good sense of humour, makes me smile, is fiercely loyal to her friends,” he goes on, “can be a complete dork if she wants to be, has no idea how beautiful she is,” he adds “and has me completely and utterly wrapped around her finger.” He mutters to himself when he looks back up at the road with a sigh.
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