#because what porsche sees is kinn doing his duty
lilitblaukatz · 11 months
A little bit about friendship in KinnPorsche and KimChay
But mainly about KimChay.
KP presents us not only with many excellent sets of brothers and lovers, but friends too.
In the center of attention of course are these four:
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I hope your ass was hurting big time, Time
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Tae and Time, Kinn's childhood friends, and Jom and Tem, Porsche's old friends.
We see a very good and healthy thing amongst others: Kinn' and Porsche's friends become aquainted with each other. Yes, Jom and Tem don't know the whole truth, but they are bonding anyway (especially Tem, ahem).
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Jom is having a dance-off with THE Khun Tankhun by the way!
Also Yok is connecting everyone and is a good friend to Porsche.
Now I want you to look at this:
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I believe that here we have something like that too, but cut extremely short as everything about KimChay is.
I start with this guy:
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First of all I couldn't even find the name of the actor. Like he doesn't exist at all. IMDB, BL fandom, he is nowhere to be seen. It's a pity, he is quite charismatic. I don't know what to call him. A Guy? ugh.
I believe that he is somewhat a friend to Kim. He is friendly and freely nudges Kim. (One simply does not nudge Kimhant Theerapanyakul, but that is obviously not the case)
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(btw that's the moment Kim saw Chay for the first time and stopped functioning)
Chay got Kim's address from the Guy and while I don't think he really hang out at Kim's appartment, I don't think he have his address just because he is clearly on some social duty in uni either. I think he could have went there for study-related questions or something (as Kim is missing many of his classes like Porsche does, he must have maaany study-related questions and the Guy seems the type to know everything useful). The Guy also somewhat aware of where Kim generally is. I am sure he told Chay that Kim is spending a lot of time in the studio where Chay cornered Kim after his exam. Maybe Kim and the Guy jammed there one time or other.
They obviously not close - the Guy told Kim about Chay only when Kim went to classes, so they aren't talking often, but they obviousy do.
Both sets of friends I started this with told their pining fellow that they are see through him and they see lovesickness. Tae and Time talked to Kinn about Porsche after he was shot, and Jom and Tem talked to Porsche about Kinn before the kidnapping. They told them that they know each other for too long to not notice things.
Well, the Guy apparently noticed that Kim likes Chay.
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While Kim stepped behind him with that innocent look "That's your event, I'm just a guest, so it's your problem", and the Guy struggled with the issue of the lack of t-shirts, he also saw all this disaster exchange. And he nudged Kim again afterwards, smiling in that trademark smile show hosts and politicians have narrowly escaping a fiasco.
So he knows some Kimese. That can't be achieved involuntary. The guy is actively interested in Kim albeit not that much. They could be closer I guess probably if Kim was more willing.
Kim is able to make friends and he doesn't nesessarily antagonise people. Dare I say he likes to be friendly. He probably easily reaches his limit (his tower walls are too close to the patch of his enchanted forest where people are allowed to wander), but social interactions of a media person have those limits anyway.
Now to Chay's friend, Ohm.
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Ohm is very supportive: he takes Chay by the shoulders and drags him over to where Kim and the Guy stand, he knows (as Tae and Time, Jom and Tem) that Chay is heartbroken, he dyes his hair, he goes with him to the bar...
But Chay still doesn't answer him, when he's making a gift to Kim.
More importantly, Ohm doesn't know who Wik is! So Ohm probably never been to Chay's room. They probably hung out in the living room. Porsche is often absent so I don't think it's a problem. And Wik's pictures aren't concealed as the certain murder board, so no, Chay prefers to keep his room to himself, only Porsche is allowed inside.
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Chay also hasn't told Ohm about Wik at all. Wik is obviously precious to Chay, but I think it is another sign of Chay's reservedness which isn't very apparent on the first sight.
All in all, everyone needs a good friend or two at least. They will be hard to gain for Chay postcanon, but maybe when it will be in the happy end territory, he and Kim could have as many friends as they want and have them know each other and tease them mercilessly about their endless flow of love songs in each other's names.
I hc them as musicians and they will all jam together! =3 I like the guy who won the first t-shirt. The attitude! I think he will certainly pass the exams (so he will be studying alongside Chay) and probably can take mafia-related side of KimChay.
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the-wayside · 2 years
Growth is KP confronting their problems and being honest as they figure out a way to deal with them together.
I get that most people lose interest when a couple gets together but I am here for this kings/power couple era where they make dinner, and possibly my favorite part when Korn comes to visit, Kinn stands in front of Porsche this time rather than behind him. Porsche went and got Kinn from inside because he needed him, Kinn said they'd do it together, and Kinn chose to be the barrier between his father and Porsche.
That, to me, was monumental. Kinn has never defied his father that we know of. He has requested understanding and space and what he should do, but he's never actively been against his father until he discovers what he has been hiding from Porsche. Kinn is doing exactly what Korn didn't want. He's choosing love over duty. But for Kinn, his duty is to be true to his love and to protect him in this world.
He gives Porsche his gun if he's going to take revenge to show that Porsche has his support whatever his decision is. He doesn't tell Porsche what to do or even give an opinion until after Porsche has decided not to do it. Kinn knows that for family, Porsche could have done it. For the pain he and Chay suffered as kids he would have pulled the trigger. The only reason he stopped is because he wasn't going to be a person who perpetuates that violence on another innocent. He wasn't going to make another child like him or Chay.
Porsche, feeling all of Kinn's support, his love, finally breaks down. He finally lets Kinn see the depth of his pain. The grief he hides with smiles and misdirection. That's his true act of trust that we've been missing, him sharing this with Kinn.
KP as a couple hold onto one truth amongst the lies of their world: they're in love. I'm the one you love and you're the one I love. The world could burn and fall but they'd be fine because they have each other. They're a couple who does that, but their final test is can they do that when everything does actually come crashing down. When war comes and everything is threatening to break their clasped hands.
So yeah, not everyone vibes with the couple vibe but I do. I need to see Kinn and Porsche be redonkulously happy. That is my joy. The naturalness of their love, how easily they fall into each other's space like puzzle pieces. That they can make dirty, horny jokes and be each other's home. They can understand each other mind, body and soul because some way, somehow they really did find their soulmate. I love drama as much as the next bish but true love, especially for the queers, is so God dang rare, I will fight everyone over it.
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liyazaki · 2 years
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Kinn carries himself with the relaxed ease of an heir born to inherit a throne, and the singular, brutal focus required to keep it. The first time we see him, he casually shoots a man point-blank without a sideways glance (literally)- not out of necessity, but as an almost-aside power play.
Time & time again, we've watched him seamlessly transition from compassionate and thoughtful to icy calculation in the blink of an eye. He lives life on a razor’s edge and makes it all look easy…effortless, even. 
These qualities alone would make for a fascinating character, but the pièce de résistance: the more time we spend with Kinn, the more his complexity grows. 
The glowing, beaming Kinn in the forest scenes of episode six was so far removed from the man we had seen so far, he could almost pass for another person entirely. It would require an enormous amount of mental and emotional effort for most people to slip in and out of starkly-different personas like they’re a second skin, but Kinn does it on the regular.
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Note: there are plenty of brilliant meta posts out there analyzing the decisions Kinn makes, the way he leads, etc., so I won’t be delving into that here. When I’m trying to understand why a character acts the way they do or anticipate what they might do next, I always go back to back to the beginning- both in the literal sense (their past), but also to the fundamental building blocks of who they are. I won’t be going into any theories here, either (Jesus, Mor; WTF are you even writing, then?).
My goal here is to establish a baseline of what makes Kinn, Kinn, because everything else- his choices, his mistakes, his strengths and weaknesses- all flow from it. I'm also fascinated by why Porsche appeals to Kinn in this fundamental, elemental sort of way, which ties back big-time to that character baseline.
You are waiting inside your father’s shadow.  -Wale Ayinla, Portrait of a Boy with Grief
Always deferential to his father, Kinn takes his duty as the obedient heir apparent very seriously. This undoubtedly comes just as much from the drive to fulfill his obligations to his family- and keep them safe by extension- as it does from a baser, fundamental need for love and approval. In Kinn’s world, both are irrevocably tied up in the harsh realities of being a part of Bangkok’s strongest mafia family. 
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All three Theerapanyakul brothers were born into a bloody, no-win game. There is no opt-out option, no alternative to this life they're in. There is no room for flawed, human sons with needs and desires and concerns and hurts- well, not the heir, anyway. Work-life separation can’t exist here, and forget any expectation of autonomy: in this world, choosing any other kind of life is tantamount to betrayal. 
In almost every conversation Kinn and Korn have, the focus remains the same: the family- the mafia family- always comes first. When conversations take the rare turn toward the personal, Korn always redirects the focus back to the business, painting a picture of a father-son relationship based not on unconditional love and acceptance, but on performance, strategy and success.
Caring equals vulnerability. Never show either. -Malorie Blackman, Knife Edge
Constantly playing chess both literally and figuratively, Korn is such an intelligent strategist, I’m sure he’s only too aware of the softer, sensitive Kinn underneath the persona- a fact that he’ll undoubtedly use to his advantage at some point. Korn knows how his son ticks, and I can see him trying to use that knowledge to keep Kinn exactly where he wants him: firmly under his thumb. 
Case in point: Korn pressing a finger into the metaphorical wound in reminding Kinn of how things turned out the last time he fell in love.
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Like the saying goes, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them.” No scene gives us as much insight into Korn than the conversation he and Kinn have at the dining room table.
Kinn is so fresh out of the hospital that he’s still hooked up to a machine monitoring his vitals. Korn briefly acknowledges his injuries before getting to the task at hand: giving Kinn a history lesson in how his love for Kinn’s mother distracted him from his goals, and by inference, from what’s really important. 
She wants you to be a god.  -Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
At the end of his speech, Korn hands Kinn a piece of an apple, telling him to come back to his family- that they’re waiting for him. Kinn hesitates before casting his gaze downwards, then taking and eating the apple with silent resignation.
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There are so many symbolic interpretations here, but the heart of it is that this is far from a sentimental, fatherly request: Korn is asking Kinn to rise above the “distractions” he couldn’t, above the joys essential to the human experience.
To elevate himself beyond common humanity and essentially 'become a god' (meant in the literal sense in the quote's source material, but too good of a quote not to use here). Be everything his brothers could not, or would not. Take on the mantle. Earn the love. 
Kinn is motivated by familial duty beyond his father, too. Tankhun's kidnapping likely created little ripples of trauma in the family that went well beyond him- and there’s no way it was dealt with in a healthy way- or more likely, dealt with or acknowledged at all.
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At some point, Kinn- the middle child- stepped up and took on the burden of leadership that was meant for Tankhun. While we don't have the full story yet (if we ever will), he probably did it with zero complaints. The only moment when we get a hint at how much the his role weighs on him- and the fairness of him having to bear it- is in his (micro) confession in the woods with Porsche.
Left to his own devices in the shadow of Korn's expectations, Kinn would never able to fully step into whoever he could be (or may have been)- all in this insidiously-intelligent way that masquerades as freedom. The epitome of the gilded cage. Is it any wonder Korn seems to consider love & human connection the ultimate threat?
You wanted to be in love again. To feel that feeling where a man you hardly know gazes into your eyes & seems to be the only human being who ever understood the real you.  -Nancy Horan, Loving Frank  Kiss me & you’ll see how important I am.  -Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals
Before Porsche enters the picture, Kinn is getting by on whatever scraps of pseudo-affection he can get (read: booty calls kept at a careful emotional distance) while pouring himself into his responsibilities to escape the pain of the past. In public, he's all princely grace, ease and power personified. In private, he's hurting but he's an island, and it shows.
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From an outside perspective, Porsche is the polar opposite of Kinn and the life he leads. When Kinn looks at Porsche, though? Like a mirror*, I think he sees the truest version of himself reflected back: bright, filled with joy and laughter and life. The man he would've liked to have been always, not just in small moments hidden away from judgmental eyes, and a life that doesn’t allow for anything less than absolute strength and perfection.
*I've mentioned many times how Porsche is like mirror in that he reflects back whatever he's given (or not given). I think the analogy applies to Kinn's experience beautifully, just in a completely different way.
The first time we see Kinn smile- and I mean, really smile- was with Porsche on the dance floor. He felt comfortable enough in Porsche’s presence to drop the facade and allow himself to get carried away in pure, simple joy. When Kinn leaned in to kiss Porsche on the dock, he moved toward him like he was a magnet- a flower stretching toward the sun. And who wouldn't after meeting someone who personified everything you wanted to be while simultaneously being so incredibly easy to love?
It is perhaps when our lives are at their most problematic that we are likely to be most receptive to beautiful things. -Alain de Botton
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Despite every logical reason why he shouldn’t have gotten involved with Porsche, of all people- who drove him borderline insane in the beginning, to boot- shadows can only resist the sunlight for so long, or all the life and new possibilities its warmth brings with it. 
I think this is the unique appeal of Porsche to Kinn: when he sees Porsche smile that megawatt grin or throw his head back with full-body, unrestrained laughter, he doesn’t just see the best parts of himself. A hope for more- for just one more taste of this delicious, new sort of life- starts to grow there, too.
I see you, beneath the surface. I see your untamable wild. I see you… You are seen. You are seen. You are seen. And my god- you are beautiful. -Jeanette LeBlanc
We all crave the feeling of being truly seen, romantically or otherwise- to have someone intrinsically know us, who easily sees through our all niceties and public-facing facades to the soul underneath. Porsche does this for Kinn just by virtue of being himself. And for a man who’s had to be everything but himself his whole life? That’s everything.
In a world where dropping your guard could mean death, just being in Porsche’s presence must feel a little like freedom to Kinn. Porsche is likely one of the realest, most straightforward people Kinn’s ever encountered: he can’t be bought, he doesn’t need or want anything from Kinn, and he’s violently (affectionate) himself at all times. That kind of unapologetic authenticity would be pretty attractive to most of us, let alone to a man with a past and upbringing like Kinn’s.
The Kinn we meet in episode 1 seemed to be carrying the world on his shoulders- like he's already lived several lives, all of them filled with constant danger and betrayal. Porsche having a tattoo of the symbolic representation of resurrection- of life after death- couldn’t illustrate just how much he means to Kinn more beautifully.
When we hold each other in the darkness, it doesn't make the darkness go away. The bad things are still out there. The nightmares still walking. When we hold each other we feel not safe, but better… For just a moment or two, the darkness doesn't seem so bad. -Neil Gaiman
Kinn in love is practically lit from within, radiating childlike joy. The more Kinn and Porsche find meaning and connection with each other, the more we see the truest, most fundamental version of Kinn emerge- and it’s a beautiful thing.
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There’s nothing performative in the least between them; no metric of perfection Kinn needs to meet first to earn and keep Porsche’s affection. The tender, kind, softer side of Kinn isn’t just seen by Porsche, but celebrated. 
There's some sad poetry here, too- in Kinn experiencing carefree happiness like this possibly for the first time (or for the first time in a long time), if only his world were different.
While the grim realities of Kinn’s world probably never completely disappear when he’s with Porsche, his love makes the darkness more bearable- worth the struggle, even. The world lifts off his shoulders for a minute, and for the first time in probably a good long while, he’s Kinn- just Kinn.
I know you’ll speak no truth at this time. I’m to be guided solely by your silence, your eyes & the inaudible appeals of your heart.  -Suman Pokhrel
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Kinn has been brutally betrayed in the past: his struggle (Porsche’s, too) will be in letting himself go and allowing himself to trust. That sounds pedestrian enough- who doesn’t struggle in some way or another in letting other people in?- but this is going to require a monumental amount of vulnerability for a man in Kinn’s position. 
It’s the equivalent of a lion going against his every instinct to willingly expose his throat, only to then show you exactly where to make the killing cut. He’s had a lifetime’s worth of lessons taught to him by his father, his environment and his own lived experience, all working against this fragile, beautiful new connection he’s found.
With everything Kinn stands to lose- and the losses and heartbreak he’s survived to get here- the fact that he can love and hope at all is a testament to his incredible inner strength.
It also makes his every surrender to Porsche’s love- big and small- that much more meaningful.
(I'm sure I could've wrapped this up more poignantly somehow, but I'm 8+ cumulative hours in at this point & now the flu** is trying to kill me, so. hope you got something out what feels like a giant nothing burger to me at this point 🙃)
**edit: that flu? she was COVID. I feel like one of those fan fic writers that apologizes in the notes for being late on posting the chapter because they gave birth or something, except I, uh- finished this while hacking up a lung? ignore me; I have a fever)
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ae-azile · 3 months
3. 8. and 22.
(for ask game)
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you have seen on Tumblr: 
There have been many bad takes on Tumblr (and on social media in general). But I suppose when it comes to this show, it's any time I see someone express their views on a character in a manner that obviously puts other fans’ analyses down. Like, it isn’t the fact they view a character differently. It's the fact that they feel the need to belittle a different interpretation to make their point. If you need that, is it a great take? 
I won't get into specifics, because the few I have seen this from do actually have interesting takes. It's just the way they feel the need to write them passive aggressively. This seems to mainly happen with Kim meta, but I occasionally see it with Vegas meta too. 
8. Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about: 
Bahaha, I wrote myself into a corner with the response to question 3! 😂 I guess I am going to go with Korn and Gun. Both are viewed with a lot of hate, and rightfully so. But I also think they are products of their environment and have a lot of layers to them. And overall - at least from what we have witnessed solely in the show - I feel like Gun is more redeemable than Korn, despite Korn being a better father. Can't forgive him for what he did to Namphueng, Pat, Porsche, and Chay. He literally destroyed a family. I think Gun being under the impression they were all dead, losing the mother of his children, and likely being abused himself was what made him abusive. While I have no doubts Korn also carries a lot of trauma that plays into who he became, I also feel like his worst actions can't be viewed with any compassion like Gun's potentially could. Don't get me wrong, perpetuating the abuse cycle is NOT okay or excusable. But unfortunately, it can potentially be a reality that abuse victims who don't have help, resources, or healthy outlets end up re-enacting. There is an explanation for his worst crimes. There is no explanation for Korn's, nor will he ever offer a truthful one.
22. My favorite part of canon everyone else ignores: 
I don't know if everyone ignores it, but I love that Arm is working multiple guard positions? Boy does surveillance, builds and distributes weapons, designs high tech spy gear, and goes on missions with Kinn (which is sort of dumb in hindsight because he is one of the main people holding that compound together). On top of that, he was the first one to tend to Big when he was shot, implying he has some medic or strong first aid knowledge, led the clean up crew after Tawan set off the bomb, and then built bombs of his own for the attack on the compound later on. 
He does all of this, and still manages to be a guard to Tankhun, who is likely the safest yet most emotionally demanding family member. And he seems committed to that position. I am sure Arm could easily be removed from Tankhun's team. He has plenty of other work demands, and he better be the highest paid guard other than Chan. Yet he chooses to stay with Khun along with all of those duties. Hm. Love that for him though. 
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atlasshrugd · 2 years
something i’ve noticed is that while kinn is the one who likes to initiate conversations and hash things out, porsche is the one who likes to give verbal affirmation once the relationship is established. for example. he would say things like “last night was amazing,” “he is jealous that we are in love,” “you look great,” “smile, that’s when you’re cutest,” “you are really adorable,” “feels so good,” “so kind,” etc. most of these lil comments kinn doesn’t comment back, he usually just agrees or smiles. this is interesting bc porsche seems to put more weight on words of affirmation and acts of service (see: porsche always fixing kinn’s hair, being his bodyguard etc.), while kinn puts more weight on physical touch and quality time (see: kinn kissing him when he says “you never trust me” in ep 10, mutual masturbation scene / staying handcuffed to porsche in the woods etc.) as ways of expressing love/giving reassurance. 
let me elaborate:
kinn often initiates conversations (see: asking porsche if he is okay multiple times, “are we good now?”) to clear the air — because his way of thinking is efficient and organized. porsche often avoids these confrontations and would prefer to forgive and forget (see: kinn apologizing for “that night” multiple times in the woods but porsche not really wanting to talk about it). this is because porsche is not used to talking about his feelings (i.e. not having parents to talk to, not wanting to burden porchay, having to put feelings aside to get things done etc.) or having them be important/listened to. 
so, porsche uses words of affirmation to establish feelings because he was so starved of that for most of his life. mirroring this, kinn is also not used to verbal affirmation from loved ones. so when porsche offers this — he often doesn’t know how to respond, but is pleasantly surprised. 
porsche also uses acts of service to express love, as no one has ever taken care of him. he takes care and protects the people he loves, often sacrificing his own feelings. mirroring this, nobody has sacrificed for kinn, either. he has always been the one making the sacrifices (inheriting the mafia job despite being the middle child, putting aside his love life and freedom to do a job he doesn’t want), and nobody has ever cared for him beyond what he can do for them (his father, his people, tawan). 
so when porsche performs acts of service, (such as taking him out on a date/carefully planning, fixing his hair, coming back to save him, offering to cut off his hand, etc.) — this is completely new to kinn. he is used to people doing things for him out of obligation and duty. but with porsche, he rarely does anything he doesn’t want to do. he does these things for kinn by his own choice.
(see: porsche trying to “seduce” kinn by pretending he’s sick so kinn can look after him. this is an example of what porsche sees as love. taking care of someone.)
in return, kinn performs acts of service for porsche. he lets go of porsche in the woods, takes the bullet for him, gives his lucky gun to him, lets him borrow his phone to call porchay, gives him his own phone, pushes porsche out of the way of a bullet and cleans his wound, etc.
in contrast, kinn uses physical touch to anchor and communicate his feelings because he was touch starved for most of his life. the only touch he got was from callboys, and it wasn’t exactly loving or gentle. because he is so used to the trivialities of words, he often resorts to touch to speak louder. porsche responds to this bc he is equally touch-starved and lacked physical affection all his life.
additionally, kinn also uses quality time as a way to express love. he doesn’t take off the handcuffs because he knows he can only get this time with porsche if they are stuck together away from everything else. “we know each other so much better this way.” kinn decides to make it up to porsche by going over to his house and forcing himself to awkwardly sit with him and his drunk friends for hours. “if i didn’t care about you, why am i sitting here?” (see: kinn not being annoyed with all of porsche’s trivial demands on their date, instead looking fond. bc he doesn’t care how he spends time with porsche. as long as he is with porsche, he is happy.)
back to my original point. kinn likes to initiate conversations and gets straight to the point, especially when checking in on porsche. (e.g. “what now? [about us]” “are you okay with it? [kissing]” “are you okay? [after first time]” “are you good now?” etc.). this could be because he realises words of affirmation are important for porsche’s way of identifying love to himself. but where porsche affirms with compliments and revealing comments, kinn affirms by reassurance (see: “promise you will return to me no matter what” / “i promise.” / “return the gun, and yourself.”) — these reinforcements are short but important, quick and efficient (just like kinn’s mind). 
anyway damn. i just find it interesting how their languages of love differ yet they begin to incorporate and integrate the others’ into them — and how they respond to the other in their own language. this is their mode of communication. perhaps others won’t understand, but they do. and that’s what matters.
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scrapimmortal · 2 years
On Kinn’s ending
I have seen people say that this was a sad ending or a “false happy ending” for his character arc, and I’m going to try and express why I very much disagree with that.
It’s true. Kinn didn’t choose this life. As the second child, he had dreams once. Dreams that are now ironically being lived by Kim. But I want to emphasize one thing clearly: when Tankhun had his incident, that path became lost to him permanently. He can’t leave his family behind and he would never do anything to hurt them (like faking his own death to escape). Sure he thought about staying lost in the forest, but it was just that. A thought. (Will get back to his feelings in the forest in a bit.) He has a complicated and unhealthy relationship with his father, sure, but he does love him. And he loves Tankhun. He cares about his people. So he can’t just vanish. But that has always been Kinn’s tragedy. And it was never going to magically go away. The irrevocable fact that he lost his childhood dreams for good. And as much as it makes my heart hurt, I like that about him. That he cares about his family. That he’s a responsible person.
Now, I think that looking at Kinn in his role as head of the family and going “poor boo boo doesn’t want to do this, he hates every second of it :((((” is a major disservice to his character and strips away several layers from him. You see, I’m not convinced that he 100% hates it. He’s just too good at it. It’s the way he holds himself, the way he talks, the look in his eyes. On some level, I think he likes the power and authority.
So let’s look at his arc this season. You see, I don’t think that Kinn’s issue with his job was ever the murder or violence or any of that stuff. What I mean is, I don’t think he’s bothered by a guilty conscience at all. He grew up in it. The thing that was slowly eating him alive about his position was the loneliness. The lack of balance in a hard world. The not being able to trust anyone. Not having anyone to be himself with. Kinn closed himself off from everyone around him, had sex without feelings whenever he felt the urge, and became a hard man. Because that time he opened himself up to someone, he got hurt. He got hurt, and his family was put in danger. His people were put in danger. So Kinn decided, never again. He locked his heart away, and became the facade of cold mafia leader. And he was so lonely. Starved for tenderness.
Then comes Porsche. And Porsche basically turns his world upside down. His carefully crafted exterior doesn’t take long to crack. And after a rollercoaster of a first month, Kinn drops his guard completely in the forest. There we finally see the real Kinn at his most pure. No obligations. No one to pretend for. The two of them talk about their dreams and grow close, and a part of Kinn never wants to go back. Part of him doesn’t want to be found. Part of him wants to run away with Porsche in that moment when he lets him go. But again, he can’t. It was never an option.
So they go back, and Kinn realises that he took a part of the forest back with him. He can still be himself. With Porsche. He can be his dorky, cheesy, loving, soft self with Porsche. He learns that it was never about a place. He has found his freedom in Porsche. He can have softness in a hard world. He learns to let himself be cared for. He learns to trust. He learns to balance his duties and his love. All with ups and downs. And he grows so much.
As for their vacation at Porsche's place in episode 12, I don't think Kinn truly believed it'd be forever. I think he understands how much his dad needs him as head of the family, and he was using this to get Korn to make it up to Porsche in some way. And Kinn was willing to stay away from home for as long as it took to make it happen. It doesn't much matter to Kinn where he is or for how long, as his happiness isn't tied to a place.
Kinn will always have to bear the burden of his responsibility. But he won’t have to do it alone anymore. Porsche is by his side now. And no, not under him because he’s “minor family” head. They were very clearly in stating that they’d become one. They’ll do this together, side by side. Orchestrated by Korn or not, I think it’s beautiful. Because he’s underestimating them. He doesn’t understand how deep their bond really is. And Kinn has been slipping from his grasp. Throughout the season, we saw Kinn not listening to him, going against him. Choosing Porsche over him.
Kinn and Porsche have each other’s backs, and I think they can take on the whole world together. And Kinn will never be lonely again.
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hael987 · 2 years
I’m so very tired of people saying nonsense about KinnPorsche the series and trying to bring it down.
I cannot stress enough how much the show means to me. Firstly because I’m enjoying it but more importantly because of what it’s showing, what it’s bringing into the world.
As Mile and Apo have continually been saying the series is showing love is love, we’re no different than the cishets. It’s telling queer people that they’re deserving of such detailed stories too. We also deserve stories that delve deeper than the superficial.
Let us have our complex characters. The morally grey or even morally black. The unclear, contrasting motives. Let us see healthy and unhealthy relationships. Fluff and action and torture. Let us have it all for once.
When we’re finally getting the variety we deserve, stop trying to restrict us back into boxes. It’s light, but it’s not superficial. It’s dark but it’s not gritty, there’s always some beauty to be found whether it be in the storyline itself or the shots.
Fair enough if it’s not to your personal taste/you personally don’t like it but to say such media shouldn’t be out there is wrong.
We get a story full of various kinds of love. Discovery and growth that’s flawed and rocky, an uneven and complicated path. A show that finally explores multitudes. A show through which I can finally feel connections to my own queer experiences but it’s subtle enough it’s not overwhelming and the story is varied enough with action, mafia plots and fluff that it’s enjoyable for the wider audience too.
We’re given NC scenes that feel beautiful, emotional, real and not fetishised. The joy and elation we get to see from them existing together. We’re given NC scenes that are dubious and darker. It doesn’t focus on just one aspect, we get it all. Layered and detailed for once.
They struggle to be together but it’s not because they’re queer, it’s because their lives are complicated and messy. It’s the casual normalising of it, shifting the focus to the people rather than focusing it on the sexuality.
Their words of support interspersed throughout the entire show. Telling us we’re supposed to be here. We’re seen. The effort Mile underwent to get this story out there, the improvements all the actors and BOC made to make the story better, less homophobic. How they changed part of Porsche’s storyline from internalised homophobia and that consequential struggle into something far more beautiful and relevant: an exploration of his quintessential self and his roles in life, his journey of self worth and happiness. How valid that makes one feel to watch such a series.
Chay setting out on his youthful love. Porsche only having his first dating experience in his adulthood. Tankhun feeling unsafe when he leaves his sphere, his use of fashion as a shield. Kinn’s struggle of duty vs heart. Pete and Vegas beginning to remove their masks. These stories, it’s all reminiscent of the very real queer experience. The differing journeys. The sex scenes, the fluff, the darker side. These multitudes symbolise the variety and varying paths of what the queer experience can entail.
The nod, the acknowledgement that there are so many differing queer experiences and stories to be told without reducing the focus to be solely on the sexuality. That queer people are people — as flawed, as varied, as complex as everyone else. Queer people don’t just have to exist one way or fit your ideals. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable to see, it’s the reality of existence.
Every single one of these points is why the show is important, necessary even.
I’m not claiming it’s the first show to do so, but I would say it’s the first show to express it so fully — it’s in every single inch of it. Stop trying to bring it down.
If you don’t like it that’s fine, it’s not for you. It’s for me. It’s for me and everyone like me that finally feels represented and loved and shown that we’re allowed to be complex. That we exist on equal ground and deserve to have equally complex media. That like our queer selves, the queer media we have shouldn’t be restricted to certain boxes.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Kinn Being The Dom Of Kinnporsche Ep 9-10 Part Four
This is a companion piece to the amazing @iffervescent whose Porsches counter piece can be found here. Anything that I question might not be Dom, might just be a norm move with dominate traits, will not be added to this.
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There really wasn't a lot of Dom moments from Kinn in episode 9 other than what the amazing iff will be covering in her piece. In the hopes of not covering the same thing and well she does it so much better, please read this episode there. So instead we'll take a moment to appreciate the true King in ep 9.
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Okay, now that we've fulfilled our admiration duties, let's move on to episode 10. It starts off with a bang. Guns in each others faces. Porsche asking for trust and Kinn gives it to him. He has a plan, he knows Vegas and Tawan are in this together but he needs to show his sub trust. So he lets him go. We could argue that it was a bf thing. We could but a bf would have started explaining and communicating, Kinn acted as a Dom. He showed he didn't trust Porsche in a a monumental way, so now he needs to prove he does in a monumental way.
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The next moment isn't necessarily more Dom than lover but it sure is fucking sweet. Kinn immediately checking on Porsche, making him his priority. After Tawan kills himself, Kinn is straight away grabbing Porsche to drag him to safety with him.
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Let's talk about the smoking. While it could come off as a bad Dom move, I'm not counting it because they are mafia. Kinn knew Porsche quit smoking for him, so by him starting a lite and passing it to Porsche. He's telling Porsche it's okay.
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"I think it's about time you apologized" words that will for sure set of your brat and oh did it work. Porsche sets off on the offense and Kinn guides him right where he wants him to go. Take a moment to note that while Kinn brings out some degrading, Porsche is completely unbothered by it because it was light and in a joking manner. He is the one that dictates what is and isn't allowed. With the use of the degrading Kinn was able to walk Porsche back in the direction he wanted and it led to gentle correction. Once he sees that Porsche gets it, he rewards. They move on. Sometimes all that is needed is just acknowledgment of the mistake.
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As a side moment. I want to point out the duality of this scene and the Kinnporsche scene on the balcony. Does anyone remember what that moment meant and why I gushed about it? It's an apology. So literally Vegas apologized to Tawan before shooting and "killing" him.
And that is the conclusion of these two episodes. It wasn't a lot but as iffy says, they all can't be a cage scene. Which is valid. Hope you enjoyed 💜💜💜 As usual, a big thank you to iffy for doing these with me, It's always more fun with you.
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miss-ingno · 2 years
Vegas’ love language is acts of service.
It makes sense when you consider his history. His abusive father kept telling him: this is how you can make me proud. This is how you prove you’re not a disappointment. This is how you can earn my love. It was a lie.
So Vegas tries his best. He tries so hard to be a good heir, a worthy son. He does his best to fulfill his duties and goes way beyond: the whole plot with Tawan, if Gun truly had no idea of what was going on (which I kinda doubt), was Vegas taking his father’s command to keep an eye on Porsche to it’s logical conclusion: Porsche is a way to get back at the main family, sowing discontent between him and Kinn will put the main family off-balance. It’s not that Vegas wants Porsche -- he just wants Kinn to lose him.
It was the same with Tawan, after all.
The thing is, if it had gone off without a hitch? If Pete hadn’t destroyed everything he’s been working on? His father still would have hit him. This is why Pete’s parallel of winning a boxing match is so important: it didn’t save him from the abuse. If Vegas had won over Kinn like that, had achieved what Gun never did, he would still be beaten.
Vegas offered his father all of his service, doing everything that was expected of him, because acts of service are his love language. And Vegas, as so many other abused kids, loves his father.
But it also shows in his interactions with Pete. The food, obviously, is a big one. But it’s also the way he cares: patching Pete up after his wounds got inflamed, the devoted worship during their first time (so careful to watch Pete and see if he likes it, keep an eye out for any discomfort. Wanting it to be good for Pete), unchaining him and letting him go even as he pleads for Pete to stay. The apology in the alley.
It might be a stretch to include their “you’re the only one allowed to kill me” thing, but even there it’s in the undertones: if all I can do for you is to die at your hand (so that you may be safe, so that your loyalty is proven to the main family, so that you may live) then that’s what I’ll do.
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kinnbig · 1 year
darcey do you ever think about the fact that big had to watch kinn fall in love with someone who wasn't him TWICE do you ever think about how much he must have yearned for him how he was always SO close to kinn but never able to really touch him or have him in the way he wanted he was always just in his orbit never his centre of gravity do you ever think about how despite all of that he still died to make sure that kinn never had to go through the pain of losing his love because he knew that it would destroy a fundamental piece of kinn that maybe only big saw was still there in him until porsche came along and unearthed it. do you ever think about 'because you want to die for love, you always have,' and the fact that, in the end, that's exactly what he died for without an ounce of hesitation. do you ever think about: "how do you love?" "like a fist. like a knife." because that's EXACTLY how big loved. like a fist. like a knife. like it was worth both living and dying for to keep safe.
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vikki do you ever think about big jumping in front of a bullet meant for a man he hates, because he knows that kinn would choose to save porsche over him in a heartbeat? do you think about big spending his whole life believing that he'd die for kinn one day, knowing that it was his duty, but also, deep down, his wish; and then ultimately dying not to save kinn's life but to save the life of the man kinn chose, the man he'd watched kinn fall in love with, the man who had come in without warning and taken everything from him; his job, his respect, his love? because he knows that's what would make kinn the happiest?
do you ever think about nodt saying that big had grown up with kinn? do you think about big and kinn knowing each other as children, seeing each other at their best and their worst and their most honest, about big watching porsche bring out a side to kinn that big thought had died with tawan?
do you think about how, in the end, it isn't even a question? big and porsche are both bodyguards. big has no obligation to sacrifice himself for porsche. big doesn't even like porsche, but porsche makes kinn happy in a way big knows he'll never be able to, and big resents him for it, of course he does, but he dies for him anyway. because there's never a question of who kinn would choose.
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silviakundera · 1 year
BBC Merlin and Kinnporsche: My Thesis
Kinn/Arthur was raised as the heir of a powerful dynasty that is a dubiously moral leech on society (thai mob/british monarcy).
Near everyone wants him dead.
Porsche/Merlin is selected by King(pin) Daddy to be Kinn/Arthur's servant. Power dynamics make it very hard to say no.
At first Arthur/Kinn uses the power imbalance to be a raging asshole. He gets better. (ok Arthur struggles with this a bit longer)(but to be fair, outside of fic Arthur is also not getting frequent orgasms from his bodyguard manservant)
Porsche/Merlin never becomes great at his official bodyguard manservant job. Being a manservant wasn't his dream career, it's something that 'happened' to him. Stays disrespectful, sassy forever. A survivor who retains an assertive personality & won't bow by route to hierarchy.
Kinn/Arthur would obviously be happier and more well adjusted if he could abandon what he has been raised to see as his "birthright" and live like a normal commoner, but in canon it's too central to his identity for him to leave it all behind.
For Arthur/Kinn, part of pull of Merlin/Porsche is in how he demonstrates & encourages the possibility of embracing levity, unfiltered thought & body, personal expression even when living a life of duty. With Merlin/Porsche beside him, he can uphold his responsibilies but not have to coldly perform every aspect of his life. The prospect of trust & loyalty with someone whom you can be imperfect & impulsive with.
Merlin and Porsche ultimately get caught up in the cycle of violence inherent in the Pendragon/Theerapanyakun dynasty and end up with blood on their hands. After developing an emotional connection to the heir, they resign themselves to the practice of killing the enemies of the royal family.
Porsche/Merlin is Destined to be Arthur/Kinn's #2 - at end of arc, grows into being his "right hand" and most trusted person.
There is a whole segment of fanfic where Merlin/Porsche (1) never gets hooked into being a lacky of the mob/monarchy OR (2) he breaks away mid-canon to have a separate life away from serving the royal family.
Major flashback past reveal is about one of their moms, a secret King(pin) Daddy was keeping from them
Ultimate big bad showdown is between family. (Gun/Vegas, Morgana) Beloved minor charcters bite it in the chaos.
King(pin) Daddy does sketchy shit because of powerplays & personal obsessions that get people killed.
King(pin) Daddy tried to murder & exiled Merlin's dad/at min an accessory to the murder to Porsche's dad.
Porsche and Merlin figure out the dad is trash but ultimately don't have the heart to kill him and would never be able to ask his son to do it. Strategy: wait for the old man to die
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HOWEVER. KP:ts did not kill Kinn on Christmas. So they are actually completely different.
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fishy-xp · 2 years
Macau Theerapanyakul - a character study (pt. 6)
safety, security and sleep - the minor family's hierarchy of needs
ft. vegaspete
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this meta post is brought to you by this post by ta (macau's actor) as i realised 2/4 appearances of macau, we see him sleeping.
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first things first, let me introduce to you maslow's hierarchy of needs. maslow was this old guy who made a pyramid about the needs that dictate human behaviour (shown below).
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if we were to apply the hierarchy to the members of the minor family (minor family being macau, pete and vegas cuz fuck gun, ain't none of my homies respect gun), it becomes quite obvious that their psychological needs aren't being met, that being love, intimacy and self-esteem. much of this lack of satisfaction stems from poor parental father figures and absent mothers. pete is probably the furthest up the hierarchy as it appears being a bodyguard offers him his basic needs. he also seems to have stable relationships with arm, pol and porsche. whether pete feels respected and accomplished as a bodyguard is a question for him to answer, but personally, i don't think he does. the ridigity of his position is exactly what is stopping him from reaching self-actualisation as pete has been made to serve for the majority of his life and has never managed to branch out and actually find what fulfills himself.
vegas, our favourite pathetic problem child, is just a mess of loneliness and self-esteem issues. his father is an abusive piece of shit and whilst he may have a positive relationship with macau, there is still a level of responsibilty and burden he carries as an older sibling. he's constantly belittled by his father and the wider mafia society, recognised as secondary to kinn and the major family. being compared like that your whole life and having every single motivation dervied from the sole goal of usurping your older cousin but not being able to draws away from vegas' own needs in forming relationships on his own that aren't purely advantageous or transactional. it also takes away from vegas' ability to base his sense of self-worth on the things he's accompished and instead, he bases it on the things kinn's accomplished.
ta explains that macau has low self esteem in his character story, that he feels mediocre and average. and this can easily be inferred from his age compared to the other members of his family as well as being 1) in the minor family and 2) being the second son of the minor family. macau has no position worthy of anything to give him a sense of self-worth and confidence. other than his relationship with vegas, macau has zero bitches (he could have porchay if beoncloud weren't hellbent on killing off or uncanonizing ghostships) and again, his father is gun lmao. pete and vegas are older, and are trained in arms and combat. they are able to defend themselves. macau on the other hand, doesn't appear to be as skilled, as evidenced by when he tried to throw hands at porsche and immediately fell into the pond like the bitch baby he is, so perhaps he doesn't satisfy the safety needs to an extent.
i argue that the fractured positioning of each of the minor family at various stages of the hierarchy stunts each of them in reaching self-actualisation. in order to break through and move up in the pyramid, requires a breaking down of the rigid pathways that have landed them where they are and are stimultaneously hindering them from going further. in doing so, they must return to meeting their basic needs, take a step back to take three steps forward.
the running theme of food between vegaspete begin with pete rejecting or resisting vegas' attempts at feeding him because he understands that food to vegas is a means of submission and manipulation. but slowly they both begin to break down each other's preconceptions of their needs, vegas with his father and pete with his expectations of perfection and duty. vegas actually puts effort into cooking for pete for no reason simply than to feed pete (vegas pulls the ultimate give your child a plate of cut fruit after destroying their livelihoods power move) and pete eats as soon as he realises vegas isn't trying to get anything out of him (and that it's not poisoned lol). once this basic need of food is met, they ascend the hierarchy almost immediately, pete potentially reaches self-actualisation by way of first discovering the darkness that's been dormant within him until vegas manages to sink his claws in and pull it to the surface, and second, giving into that dark desire. vegas has someone that understands him, or is at least trying to. someone who chooses him and is willing to stay with him and comfort him. someone who sees him as his own person rather than a shadow to kinn. this food will sustain them as they sustain each other.
but old habits die hard. they go back to their old ways, their own understanding of needs and methods of achieving them. vegas still seeks the approval of his father, still craves that intimacy, and believes beating kinn will satisfy his self-esteem needs. pete goes back to the major family because he believes in duty and loyalty, his self-esteem is derived from serving others at the expense of suffocating himself and his individuality/desires inside that damn suit.
until they meet again by that poolside. both broken and desperate, ready to tear it all down and start all over once again at the bottom - "because i'm hungry"
for macau, we have him meeting the basic need of 'rest'. macau is trying to keep up with the rest of the family, in being a force of power, respect and prestige. in meeting the expectations of his father. the compound he lives in is not a home, it's a institution where people come and go. it's a place where people are armed to the teeth and there's a torture dungeon in the basement. it's a place where his father stalks the halls, turning his ring inwards and macau can only hope he doesn't stop outside his door. macau hears the screaming, the pleading, the gunfire, the beatings. macau hears everything. he's not safe here. macau probably gets barely any sleep in the compound and even if he does, it's riddled with nightmares and being awoken by the slightest of sounds. he only seems to manage to rest in the presence of his brother, someone who can fulfill his love/affection needs and in places of security and safety, such as the temple and hospital.
the epilogue scene in ep 14 shows another restart for the minor family. pete draws back the blind to reveal sunlight, bathing the room in light and warmth. pete mentions he bought food for a sleeping macau. pete reassures vegas that even if he doesn't have anything left, his heart wants vegas, just vegas. vegas tells pete that he is his most important person. macau gains a new friend/brother in the form of pete and welcomes pete into the family. the big pile on at the ends shows them surrounded by people who allow them to be themselves, who love them and who will protect them. they are gifted with a promising new start - a chance to climb the hierarchy together and with each other.
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[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7]
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daltoneering · 2 years
Fire, Water and Smoke Imagery in ep 14
Over 8000 words of thoughts on the fire and water imagery in this series and now we're finally here... honestly I have spent far too many hours of my life thinking about swimming pools and cigarettes, I'll be glad for a break 😂 (actually no I won't, I'm gonna miss doing these so much!)
Let's get into it.
A callback to Porsche's phoenix, and a visual of the memory he was telling Kinn about in episode 4: to grow up and become the phoenix, and take care of himself and Chay. Porsche has held onto the freedom of being true to himself throughout, and has shown that same freedom to Kinn, allowing him to become his full self. By the end of the episode Porsche is reborn into a new version of himself, one that rules by Kinn's side: freed by their love for each other.
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This shot of Gun/Kun/Kan victory smoking is almost perfectly match cut with Porsche tipping his head back in distress in the previous scene. It's a clear indication and contrast of how they are both feeling—Porsche falling apart because he has no idea what's going on or what the truth is, and Gun sitting happy in his pre-conceived victory.
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Gosh RIP Daddy Chan!!! Going out in style still doing his duty to the end by warning Kinn that the minor family were coming, and lighting up a smoke to see him over to the other side. The ultimate comfort cigarette.
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The pool that Vegas "dies" next to is yet another new swimming pool in the main family complex. I'm actually really glad that they didn't go with the main central one, as too much of its meaning is caught up in Korn and Kinn, and instead gave VP their own pool. They're covered in the reflections from the pool for almost all of their dialogue, and when Vegas falls (depending on which shot you look at) he's almost in the water. I've often posited that water/swimming pools have to do with the main family, and I wonder if this isn't something about the inescapability of Vegas' demise while still in that shadow—or watery reflection—of that main family.
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I don't have masses of thoughts on Kim smoking but as it is my duty to report each time a character does—he's clearly thinking of Chay.
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Ahhh, my beautiful episode 1 callback. The same boat. The same river. The same section of river and buildings in the background. KP on equal footing. The lights on the water throwing back to their first kiss.
And still surrounded by the water. Still surrounded by the huge mafia expanse of it. More in the heart of it, in fact, than ever. And I have to be honest—I wasn't sure it was going to end up like this. There is a part of me that wonders (hopes?) that if we do get a s2, they will be able to get away from that huge expanse of still, reflective water—get away from the leadership of it all and experience some of the quiet, loving life together that they have both dreamed of.
But is true freedom like that fully attainable, for people with so much in their pasts and such deep devotion to their families? Right now, I don't think it matters, because they have each other. They have promised themselves to each other. Mafia bosses or not, that's never going to change, and now matter where they are or how much water is surrounding them, they'll be holding on tight to each other.
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And so we end up here: with the victor, and his two poor fish, kept in separate tanks trying to fight each other till someone ends up dead. Korn is still very much playing the long game. He is still very much scheming. And while he may be sitting pretty for now, I don't think the Porsche we know and love is going to allow him to remain there for long... especially not if Nampheung is the final key to the puzzle.
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To read the other 8000 words of fire/water/smoking meta throughout all the episodes, you can check out my masterpost google doc [some of the earlier stuff and probably intro still needs updating], or the individual episode write-ups I've been posting here on tumblr since ep 9.
Mirrors and reflections in this episode
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tobeornottotc · 2 years
So do you think vegas was attracted to Pete from the start & just had manipulating Porsche on his mind to do anything about it ??
Yeh I think both Vegas and Pete have been very attracted to each other for a while I would say Pete more but once Pete was in his vicinity yeah Vegas was hooked by him too, and he acted on it, he made it known, he played around with it, and he wanted to use the attraction to amuse and keep him distracted, however yeah Vegas's focus was always on his father's love and ambition to succeed and take over Kinn and become the head mafia family instead, to bring his father to victory and to make his father stop hurting him. That's the focus for him in the show, to make his father stop hurting both him and his brother, and Vegas has been obsessed with that and Porsche was one of the keys as it's one of the jobs his father gave him to do, and we know his past with that that he always fails doing that (hedgehogs) and he gets berated and abused for it, so I think Vegas had no choice but to have Porsche only on his mind, and not to focus on anything that was going to ruin his plans, because again Vegas may be attracted to Pete but he was always being there ruining his plans, trying to stop him from eating with them in episode 5, spying on him and then ruining and exposing everything after ep 10, so Vegas was always on edge with Pete because his loyalty to Korn/Kinn made him an enemy hence why he always switches or becomes brutal each time he thinks Pete shows that loyalty which is what made him snap in episode 13, and go back to calling him a pet. So yeah essentially Vegas has been wanting and attracted to Pete from the start but he doesn't have time or energy to put into the things that do intrigue or interest him unless they force themselves to get his attention and that's what Pete's spying does, it opens up that door a potential/risk to his plans and so he starts to then act on that need to touch, see or seduce him, and we see that happen immediately after episode 6. With Pete, same but different, Pete's own thing is loyalty and need to be seen as the good guy, his legacy and reputation being honest and cool, however he also knows and has been into Vegas from probably the moment he knew of him, I think people don't get this cause it's very subtext but show Pete is into Vegas pre the spying and he is attracted to him and wanting him he's always seen and noticed him and just left it at that, he gets nervous, and crush like when he's near him and I really am suspicious about why they keep letting him see VegasPorsche moments, will this build up to something in episode 13? cause most changes have been to do with that, him always seeing VegasPorsche work together, flirt, or escape. It's interesting. Pete regressed immediately after he acted on his attraction because he got chained back up and his fear of being used by his enemy was stark and real and he also felt the safe house wasn't permanent or healthy to stay in, this is all to do with that need for his duty and obligation and his reputation to be good, and that's what broke him. That's how Pete survives though his own issues, and Vegas on the other survives his by focusing on pleasing his father which is why it's refreshing to see them move from regression to growth at the end of episode 13, without fully knowing where the other one is at. Man I love them
Thanks anon, hope this long winded answer helped, yes they both are attracted but their survival adaptabilities are in the way and it's making them miscommunicate and misunderstand and hurt each other, and it's been what's been holding them back from acting on it. Episode 13 finally exposed those things and showed them they want each other more... so we'll see where they go from there cause now it's time for Pete to tackle his loyalty and duty issues. And Vegas to truly cut away from his father that will be powerful indeed. Hope you have a good day anon.
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xcziel · 2 years
i think one of the things that attract porsche to kinn is just that kinn is independent of him
like, he's not responsible for kinn - *to* him for the purpose of performing his job, but not *for* him the way he is for porschay and seemingly his friends also
he can be the vulnerable one, he can cast aside the yoke of responsibility because he knows kinn can take care of himself, but also is capable of taking on the responsibility and also sharing and trading it back to porsche along with his own vulnerability
(i fully maintain that *nothing* would have happened if kinn hadn't kissed porsche on the pier - things only progressed bc porsche *remembered* that, was turning it over in his head, was thinking about what it *meant* even before he was drugged - for porsche the fact that kinn made a move, that kinn *liked* him, was the tipping point. if kinn had just made a pass, tried groping him or something, acted like one of the people from the bar, porsche wouldn't have been fascinated he would've likely blanked it just like he blanked vegas' attempts, just ignored it)
so then i started thinking about the parallels between kinn and, of all people, yok. because they're both tacitly porsche's "boss" but his relationship with her is definitely not one of subservience.
we see that yok is actually porsche's only real adult confidante - he doesn't go to her just because it's his first time dating a man - i can't imagine him asking say, jom, for serious love advice in any context. something about the fact that yok is technically his employer frees porsche from feeling like he has to be the dependable reliable one.
if something happened to yok or the bar of course he would want to help out, he might even feel obligated if it were something that happened during his shift or because of him, but it wouldn't be his *responsibility* - he would trust yok to be able to take care of whatever she needed to do. and the same goes for his relationship with kinn - if porsche wants to care for kinn, look out for him, it's either professional concern, bc it is still his job, just like the bar was, or it's because he *chooses* to.
he's not protecting kinn out of responsibility or filial duty the way he protects porschay - he knows kinn is a big boy who has his own resources and handles himself quite well, he doesn't need porsche for *that* no matter how good porsche is.
i just find it so interesting that the two people porsche seems almost to regard as equals and as *adult* (not pals that essentially follow his lead) friends are both his "boss" - it's like it gives him a freedom to not be the one making all the decisions.
see how quickly he takes yok's advice when he doesn't know what to do, and the same with kinn when he's at a loss. only with kinn they trade the decision-making back and forth: when kinn doesn't know how to fish, teacher porsche shows up. when kinn has a plan that makes sense (no matter how rarely), porsche easily follows.
another example is pete: he's more or less porsche's equal for real, he's not a 'follower' and porsche does ask him questions - but he doesn't just accept pete's answers, we always see him thinking them over.
he would never just blindly accept pete's instructions the way he does someone who he regards as having some (any) real sway over him. that's determined by the the value that he, porsche, has assigned to them, authority he mentally has allowed.
i'd say in terms of porsche's regard, khun korn probably ranks right around pete in terms of how seriously he values their words. even though korn could destroy porsche with a snap of his fingers it's clear where porsche's respect lies and korn is well behind kinn (and probably tankhun) in porsche's eyes, so it's not just *a* boss that porsche is willing to listen to or obey, it's someone that *porsche* has delineated as both trustworthy *and* responsible enough that he doesn't feel beholden to their welfare except is a way he chooses to be.
it's just really cool to see all these small less obvious parallels in the show, like how vegas is the dark parallel of kinn
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lily292 · 1 year
Temptation Tuesday
Tagged by @adanima, first time I’ve ever been tagged before so thank you!!
Rules: share something about an idea you have/something that’s speaking to you/an au you’d like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
First, I would like to clarify for anyone who checks my tumblr for ao3 updates that I’m being kept away from my WIPs because I’m in the middle of finals and I will be back to updating fics when it’s over.
Second, most of the AUs I post in my tumblr are not on ao3 solely because I do intend to write most if not all of them at some point including my babytrapping AU which exploded today for some reason (chapter 1 is already halfway done).
In terms of ideas I have but haven’t fleshed out yet:
Pete gives in and lets Vegas give into his family urge to atticwife. This is very directly connected to my belief that Pete left Vegas at the safehouse for 2 reasons: loyalty and because Vegas failed to convey that he loved him. It's also connected to my inherent dislike for leaving my house. Pete's lived basically half his life stuck in the Main House with Tankhun. You can't convince me that Pete wouldn't be perfectly fine being an attic wife. It's just his pesky sense of duty and also because Vegas screwed up and made him think he was an emotional punching bag instead of the love of his life that he left.
more Pete and Porsche being friends. I don't think there's a concrete timeline of events. Theoretically, it seems like it could be interpreted that everything happened right after another but also it's more juicy to think that there were time skips. More fleshing out their friendship. What chaos did they get into during this time?
Porsche not immediately getting over the whole Tawan storyline. I'm still salty over this. Up until this point, I actually believed that Chay would be Porsche's one hard line in the sand. And not only did Kinn pull the I trust no one (whether he meant it or not, the mere fact that he didn't tell Porsche his plan in advance is telling enough), but his whole thing with the ex (which I would also hold a grudge for) put Chay in danger. I still can't believe KinnPorsche basically went back to happy couple in 2.5 seconds.
KimChay: I've seen plenty of posts that Chay is very bold. Also, too nonchalant about the whole my brother joined the mafia thing. AU where Chay actually got isekied into KinnPorsche but also never actually watched it, just witnessed parts of it on Tumblr and knows the basics and some random things but does not really know how the show goes.
the alternate version of my Switch fic on ao3 where instead of precanon Pete switching places with his postcanon self, it's Vegas.
actually, I would also like a KimChay version of a Switch too. This is why Chay is so bold. It would make so much sense.
soulmate AU. I'm always a sucker for a soulmate AU and also love at first sight. But PetePorsche platonic soulmates. Porsche avoiding Vegas not because of Kinn but because Pete has had a crush on him for ages. Porsche telling Kinn that he's dumping him if Pete doesn't like him. Pete deciding that since he's more senior and has more vacation days saved up, he'll spend a few with Chay who should go meet his grandma. Tankhun delighted that two of his squad are soulmates and letting the two become more and more chaotic as they realize how much they can get away with because Tankhun will protect them.
more Tankhun squad shenanigans. Arm, Pol, Pete are ride and die. Porsche is learning but he'll get there. The shenanigans they get up to which Tankhun allows and enables.
I'm going to end this here because the longer I think about it, the more ideas I'm getting. I always love when people interact with me on Tumblr so thank you @adanima who I think of very fondly as the first person to ever interact with me on my first Tumblr post.
I've also never tagged anyone before so other people I've interacted with on Tumblr, you are my go to default: @dramaloverrants and @sweatyflytrap. Also @chalkrevelations who I'm pretty sure is responsible for blowing up my Babytrapping AU again today.
(No pressure though)
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