#because what people argue about online literally does not matter
frocio · 2 years
i still remember clearly one of my first interactions at pride with a 40-something member of the lgbt community. I asked him if I could take a picture of him with the bear flag (because I was really happy to see it irl for the first time!) and he asked, "are you feeling like a she-bear a little bit?"
and being gay almost exclusively online back then aside from maybe two friends, I was shocked by that question. me? a 19 years old kid who thought themselves to be cis and bi? I was basically the polar opposite of what a bear is.
but now, six years later, I see it. I'm fat, I'm hairy, I'm shamelessly a dyke, I'm masc. yes I'm butch, but fuck it, I'm also a she-bear. that guy was right. I hope he's doing alright and he knows he's changed my view on labels forever.
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henchman21hasapussy · 6 months
my patronizing attitude towards non-transguys and transfems a couple years back was misinformed and something ive started to really work on and excise from my brain, that any group of trans ppl is inherently better than another
Then i see another transmasc go on about transmisandry and how oppressed trans men are by "transmisandry deniers" and i feel like the joker
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 257
Now Danny loves space. He loves everything about it, to the point his core quite literally is space. And he’s also a baby ghost, even if he could argue he’s not in human form. But see, being baby has an honestly great consequence once it’s noticed- despite the Observants’ best attempts at hiding it, the assholes. 
Of course he would be far more worried- and even a bit pissed- if his caretaker wasn’t who it was. Look, he’d never met Clockwork’s siblings before, but apparently everyone was really against Clockwork himself adopting. 
But Clockwork as his uncle is fine. Besides, his caretaker is Space! Space itself is holding him, cooing gentle words in the sounds of the very cosmos. And they’re huge, like parts of their body going through portals so they can fit outside Long-Now sized big- and apparently Clockwork can get just as big and they can get even bigger- 
Okay, he needs to take a breath- even if he doesn’t need to breathe- to stop his squealing because holy Realms this is so cool. 
Space is awesome! And he’s getting so much more rest than he did in Amity- and even if Space sort of shrugged at the idea of school at first, they did help him set up online schooling. So there’s that, and it’s just the start! 
He gets to learn so much about space and it’s honestly kind of… nice? To be taken care of? And he can do whatever he needs for his Core and Obsession with only a few interruptions to take care of his living needs. Erm, sort of living needs? 
But even that gets turned into a bit of play or even a lesson too! He’s honestly having such a good time right now! He’s learning so much about spaaace! And dimensions! And interdimensional portals and- oops! No one saw that. 
Ahem- But he’s learning so much about space and getting to explore other dimensions with Cosmos! And sure he no longer looks as human as he once did and all that, but he’s seen so many people who also don’t look human that does it really matter? 
Of course it doesn’t, and he matches his sort-of-dad! Even though the streaks of color in their hair are more of a brown-red like they’re literally bleeding out the cosmos around them instead of it fading to void and space like his own. But still! They match and it’s fun! 
And they’re going to go on another trip from the in-between to one of the dimension realities! He’s going to start a game of tag this time he thinks! But no cheating with portals or bending space! Tag! 
Look, the Justice League? Not paid enough for this. In fact, technically not paid at all due to being volunteers (not that it stopped them from finding money in their accounts) but still. 
There is some sort of figure… being… thing… zooming around the asteroid belt, about the size of Earth itself. Let them repeat themselves. A planet-sized creature (are those hands or paws? Tail or simply its body stretching? Hair or the Abyss-) is currently darting around the asteroid belt like a child running through grass. 
That is, without noticing or caring if something bug-sized might be crushed. And they are very much bug sized, as the governments are concerned about. Like really concerned about. Like talking about trying to nuke the entity if it wanders closer sort of concerned. 
Which they are all very concerned and very much like, against. Because it isn’t seeming to notice the asteroids it’s knocking into their area. It’s like… not a space whale or eel or anything like that but also is something like that. 
And they would also maybe like to see if they can attempt to talk it down first maybe and-
That creature is the baby. And mama just arrived, stretching across the entire galaxy, from them to Pluto and beyond, like something took the cosmos and shaped it like clay into some sort of form. Like reality itself has wandered into their galaxy with what they are suddenly realizing must be a very young child. 
Shit, they really have to make sure no one tries to piss either of these things off-
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ardourie · 1 month
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ok cool ig im name dropping then, u are literally making up headcanons about me based on fucking nothing, i didn’t exclusively focus on the flaws of white trans people over cis white people if u actually read anything i posted instead of believing anons randomly accusing me of things you’d see my only issue is white people like YOU because you are white
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watering down the impact of racism and pretending that it isn’t as harmful when coming from queer people as if being queer is an inherently purifying or redeemable action, this website is overwhelmingly trans, our circles are majority trans, getting into disagreements with trans people on here is going to happen bc of how many queer people there are on this platform, if the only people you claim i harassed are users like ratliker i don’t want to fucking hear it, i’ve been having people call me a terf for years bc of standing up to her racism and black genocide denial, every single fucking time someone on here does something racist and a brown person points it out ppl around you run to call them transphobic, like ur doing right now! the second sentence of her post literally says i deserve to be called a terf for just talking about the racism happening on the poll, she said that HERSELF
i said hussie has done racist acts and has racism in their comic, that doesn’t make hussie evil or fans of it evil it just means we should actually acknowledge its there and not have viral post going around claiming that none of what hussie did was that bad bc they’re trans and if ur bothered by it ur automatically transphobic, as if that isn’t an incredibly fucked up thing to say, bc u said that urself on ur blog multiple times, here’s my original and ONLY post that made someone go and tell plaidos i sent death threats when that wasn’t remotely what i was saying
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plaidos posted this ask that immediately had ppl in my inbox calling me a terf and bigot for harassing a trans girl (hussie) and saying im a horrible person for sending death threats when i NEVER did that, had no reason to, and hussie isn’t even ON tumblr to do that
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she also stated that she meant i “started” the death threats instead of sending them which is still a fucking lie bc the poll that i was referencing was posted FOUR days ago and has ppl fighting and talking about death threats about hussie before i even knew it fucking existed, and she would know bc she was arguing under the post four days ago HERSELF
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how did i start death threats on a post i didnt find out about until 4 days after people were fighting under it? how the fuck does that work?
she then went on to slip up and reveal that she subconsciously thinks the queer community is only white bc when ppl complain about white queers they r complaining about latent racism, bc brown people exist in ur community and acting like poc criticizing white people (who will always be white no matter the other identities they have) means u hate queers is racist as hell
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shit like THIS is what hussie was doing on a constant basis
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these are just two examples you could google “homestuck racism” and find much more my only point that i ever made is that it’s insensitive and fucked up to act like anyone who doesn’t like or even hates homestuck for its racism is a transphobe or evil instead possibly someone deeply affected by hussies racism, and plaidos was under the original poll post i referenced arguing with black people calling them liars for saying hussie is racist and has antiblackness in his work:
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if you recognize hussie is racist and has racism in their work why the fuck are you arguing with black people about that fact? why are you pretending people are lying and making up rumors when hussies racism has been a known fact for a literal decade at this point, hussie was quite literally responsible for a boom in antiblack racism online in the early internet you cannot be so dense as to not acknowledge this, and i want to clarify im literally a homestuck fan, homestuck meant so much to me as a kid, and bc of that i know that online spaces for homestuck treated black people like absolute shit for complaining about the racism, i was bullied and harassed so much for even being upset at characters in the comic using the n word or mocking black people, im criticizing it bc i care about it being such a large phenomenon responsible for the normalization of my oppression.
not going over the homestuck racism workshop thing bc u ppl r being purposefully obtuse and i already talked about it here
if you don’t believe me, please go ask the people accusing me of these things for screenshots of me sending death threats, ask them to show that i have no transfem friends, ask them to show it bc every fucking time theirs never any proof, stop believing ask u read about me with no proof stop believing rumors, put urself in the shoes of others, would you want hundreds of ppl sharing post saying you did something you didn’t fucking do with no proof? ask yourself why you don’t see many black people speak out on racism on here and ask urself if maybe it might correlate to how we get demonized for it, if you think callout culture is bad why participate in it in a way where you don’t even have photo evidence backing for what your sharing
lastly, u people keep going on and on about the company i keep but are the same ones cropping out the trans girls im friends with and constantly talking to on my blog, you did it with the last situation regarding aaron bushnell you did it with the previous pregnancy callout, yall literally accuse every trans girl around me of being self hating or theyfabs, random trans women who simply shared my opinion have been harassed and accused of being sock puppets, i have a whole post about that in my pinned, but u don’t care, it’s easier to make me a scape goat and deflect criticisms of racism despite you being white and unaffected than it is to simply go “yeah some people are gonna hate media that has racism in it and that isn’t indicative of anything other than hating racism” your fucking white, can we be serious right now, you published ask saying i was sending death threats to hussie when that never happened and accused me of starting the anger on a poll i never reblogged that a bunch of my trans girl mutuals were complaining about 16 hours ago, so which is it? transfem opinions matter to you or they don’t? bc it seems like u just pick a fucking choose which girls to listen to and like randomly going after black people for not liking antiblack racism
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that-ari-blogger · 3 months
On Grim Spectacle and Greatest Fears
There's a reason Enchanting Grom Fright is beloved by fans of the Owl House, not only is it just a plain old good story, it's also a phenomenal queer story.
But why is that so, and what makes it so important? That's what this post is about.
And if you're wondering whether I'm going to talk about @moringmark in this post, you bet I am.
Let me explain.
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If you look at online discourse, there is a lot of discussion about "good representation" and that is certainly an interesting discussion, but I don't think there is much explanation as to why representation is important in the first place. It is a good thing, we all know this, but why?
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One word: Normalisation. Representation of varying identities, cultures, and ethnicities is important because it takes apart the implicit bias inherent in society.
The generic individual in western society is white, male, and straight, and while there is nothing wrong with these character traits, this means that anything added to that template becomes a statement. It becomes an important metaphor for the story which doesn't get applied to someone with the three characteristics I mentioned earlier.
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For example, there is a question in analysis of what a character being gay does for a story, where a character being perceived as straight doesn't get that level of scrutiny.
This is a problem for a number of reasons, most notably it abnormalizes certain traits that a large proportion of society (myself included) exhibit, effectively othering those people as a result.
Representation does the opposite of this, it allows real people who are not the generic individual to be treated with the same level of respect and for audience members who don't usually see themselves in media to find characters like themselves, to see their own stories reflected in fiction.
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I think the best reason for representation actually comes from Ordinary, by Joriah Kwame, the sequel to Little Miss Perfect. This song, written explicitly from Luz Noceda's perspective, says this:
"The characters I read never act or look like me I can't depend on them to lead me through the right door"
Stories are a way of learning about the world and yourself, and in stories with extremely low representation for marginalised people, that lesson is pretty clear.
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@jameswoodall has a video essay on YouTube titled How Much Representation Is Enough. In it Woodall discusses the benefits of representation through a queer lens, and argues about the end goal thusly:
"It's not about achieving a certain percentage. It's about making that percentage stop mattering. When queer representation is no longer noteworthy. When queer inclusion is so naturally assumed that nobody feels the need to count anymore. When even if we did put queer rep in every story, nobody would bat an eyelid. Because we have just as much right to be there as anyone else."
So, let's talk about Grom.
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Meromorphic is a channel with a two-hour long video about The Owl House as a whole, and while there is a lot in that video that I disagree with (as is the nature of media analysis) it is comprehensive and fascinating, and I would recommend giving it a watch.
However, I am not bringing up that video to talk about its points, instead, I would like to shamelessly steal borrow a term from it: Magic Literalism. In this context, it means when a piece of media uses magic to make physical an intangible concept. In this case, it turns fear into a monster, that being Grom.
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When Grom looks into Luz, she sees Luz's mother, and she sees Luz's fear of disappointment. She sees that Luz has a secret that she hasn't told her mother in case she breaks her heart. It's literally about the Boiling Isles, but there's something written between the lines here.
It is possible to read this as Luz's fear of coming out to her mother, and by "it's possible", I mean that this is how I read this.
Coming out is terrifying, even if you have supportive parents, it's still asking people to accept a part of you, and that comes with risk, because if they don't accept you, what do you do?
That's what I think Luz is afraid of.
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Amity, on the other hand, is afraid of getting rejected in a similar way, although hers is more direct. Amity is scared of falling in love and not being loved back.
As a side not, I think it's a really cool detail that of Odalia's many flaws, homophobia isn't one. As in, Amity isn't afraid of coming out to her parents, and when she makes passing remarks about having a girlfriend to her mother and father, their surprise is that it's with Luz, not with another girl. Bellos kind of keeps this going, and the message with that is clear. Homophobia is too low, even for these villains.
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Anyway, Amity's experience with Grom is the other side of being queer, the romantic part. I am aware that romance isn't something everyone experiences, but when you do, especially when you are queer, confessing your feelings for someone is terrifying.
So, Amity avoids the question and doesn't really confront it directly at all. Even at the end of the episode, she has everything thrust upon her and still doesn't confess. Luz does the same thing with her mother. Fear is a powerful force, and I would argue that the best time to deal with it is when you are ready, not before.
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I really like the scene in the forest. The light gives the two a feeling of warmth and safety, and it wards of the night. Once again, it's Luz giving hope to those around her, and here it is in a more personal sense. Light, do not falter.
The colour palate of the scene (that warm light) conveys that these two people are comfortable in each other's presence and can talk freely around each other. They are already in love; someone just needs to say it.
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However, there is another side to Grometheus that also factors into being queer. When Amity explains the event, the art style changes into this style that I want to call classical, even though it probably isn't (art nerds, rise up in the replies and tell me what this is please). But she also directly calls the Grom event a tradition.
"Every year it tries to break out and a student has to defeat it before it invades town. Ever the optimist, Bump holds a party and calls it tradition."
Perhaps tradition, at least in the Boiling Isles, isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Perhaps there is an issue with seeing a problem and instead of trying to fix it, stalling it and making a spectacle out of achieving nothing. Maybe there is an issue with willingly putting children in danger for the drama of it. Maybe the fact that certain sports are just the audience enjoying people getting life threatening injuries might be an issue. I'm just throwing ideas out at this point.
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If we link Grom with fear, there is the idea that fear spreads from schools and it is the role of the students, as decreed by the adults, to contain it. See the plot of Footloose for an example of this, or certain places in the real world today, where fear of the other (mainly bigotry) takes the form of arguments about schoolbooks.
This is a valid reading, but I'd like to go a bit wild with my interpretation and talk about @moringmark's comics.
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Chapter three of A Little Hint of Blue is a brilliant piece of storytelling that actually characterises Bosha a ton. It carries the theme of fear over to both Skara and Bosha, but it shows them in real time. Skara is scared that Bosha won't let her spend time with... (*checks notes*)... Fledermaus?
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She has good reason for this, Bosha is overprotective to the point of toxicity and runs on her own fear. Bosha's hierarchical worldview comes from a place of fear as well, she's afraid of being out of control, and a really subtle thing that gets done in this comic is the association of Bosha with fire.
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It doesn't really get done in the original series, but Bosha and fire are such a neat thematic paring. They both consume, they both try to reach out, and fire is heavily associated with strong emotions, like anger and fear.
Bosha tries to control everything in the same way she controls her flames, but as it turns out, people aren't fire. People, when they are free, don't immediately destroy things, and a lot of people actually benefit from that freedom. Most notably, artists and musicians, like Skara.
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Grom Factor also deals with the subject matter, but from a slightly different perspective.
First up, the most obvious, at least to me. Enna saves the town but it outcast in the process because what she is scares people, despite her heroism, she is not accepted. The metaphor isn't perfect and reading it as a one-to-one analogy is a detriment to the story. For example, the reason for Enna being outcast is because of a curse, and queer people are generally not magically cursed to be queer, they are born that way.
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But, there is also the idea of Luz's fear as an adult being the exact same as when she was a child. She is scared of disappointing people, specifically her family and her daughter. This means that she is acutely aware of Ayzee's own mirror of that, and this line is spectacular:
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"Make yourself proud"
It's ok to be afraid of what others think, that's part of being human (or a witch, or a demon. It's part of being sentient), but in the end, the only person who you have to make proud, is yourself.
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Final Thoughts
I've been dying to talk about the Moringmark comics, and I do plan on talking about them more, but that will happen when I get there. I will do more gushing about their serious artistic and storytelling skill when that happens, so buckle up.
Enchanting Grom Fright is one of my favourite episodes of the series as a whole, and its a testament to the writing of it that there is more that I am yet to cover, and more that I am discovering as I watch it. For example, the storyline with Gus and King is a big part of the episode, but I didn't mention it because it wasn't really relevant to my main point, and the whole thing with the dance is stellar.
Next week, I am looking at Wing It Like Witches, so stick around if that interests you.
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xenomorphicdna · 6 months
So what goes into managing an iterator?
Because when you think about it, managing a massive semiorganic sentient ai that you depend on for practically everything, might not be easy.
While iterators aren't brought online as children per se, from broadcasts in game we can assume that young iterators probably start out fairly stubborn with their thinking. And while iterators are far more complex and developed than our current good ol' chat algorithms, I think that trying to tell a machine designed to not make any errors, that it is wrong, may come with at least a bit of back and forth arguing.
There'd be a lot that would go into managing a machine as is, even more into one with feelings and opinions.
I believe the ashy green pearl mentions how there's a parental relationship between iterators and ancients (this might not apply to all ancients and iterators but for the sake of the argument I'm going to keep going with this). It also mentions how it's important to keep good relations with their iterator - they are reliant on them after all.
Booting an iterator up and instantly expecting them to perform perfectly how you need them too may not be entirely accurate. Perhaps more mechanical tasks are good from the get-go but more social tasks would certainly require behaviours that would have to be learned. There would have to be someone to teach them that emotional maturity and social skills.
So, going back to what does it take to manage an iterator. I think it's a lot of things, a large team effort of multiple people of different specialties.
Alright let's talk about the food chain here now ey?
Iterator administrators would rank at the top. The administrator title would probably be assigned to two or three house councillors. The role would come with being the voice for whatever iterator matters the public would need to know. They probably make decisions of, hey this important thing needs to be done by our iterator. But I doubt they have any real knowledge on the iterator ins and outs.
That would go to the people just below, the chief technicians, mechanics, programmers, architects, the folks that manage the more machine parts of an iterator. But of course iterators aren't all metal, they're semi organic too. So there would be those who specialise in the biological parts of iterators. And there would be psychologists as well to make sure our beloved machines with feelings are doing ok.
I'm not exactly sure where the common trope of ancients being horrible heartless assholes to iterators comes from. I certainly didn't get that impression from the texts. ?
I think the iterators were certainly respectable members of the community. I think many people cared about them too. The whole ashy green pearl talk about how they have parental obligations. They say how the discourse about five pebbles' construction displeases him. They literally say, hey stop being mean to our iterator, and go in to defend him. Even tho pebbles didn't exactly find the discourse upsetting, they still wouldn't tolerate insults at their iterator. You can't tell me that the ancients - even those at the top - didn't care.
Iterators were created as gifts to word. Five pebbles received drawings from kids. They had sky-sail festivals.
Moon did state her general dislike of her citizens, she calls them parasites with opinions. But I cannot imagine managing an entire city would be easy, and even despite that, she still calls them her parents. They were flawed, yes, but clearly there was enough love there for Moon to apologize.
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spacelazarwolf · 9 months
on your post talking about why white transmascs self identify as TME, I also think it’s worth noting that a lot of them probably… do experience transmisogyny and just don’t label it as such. i think the TME/TMA binary and the way it’s presented with no nuance means most people who blindly accept it don’t actually know what transmisogyny is and have no idea whether or not they actually experience it. they just see the people pushing the binary call transmascs TME and put themselves into that category by the assumption they automatically don’t experience transmisogyny because in the push for TME/TMA everything what transmisogyny actually is just never gets communicated. (coming from an intersex person with NCAH who is speaking from direct experience. I did this)
it really bums me out bc like. we should not be sitting here arguing over who "can" experience transmisogyny. it literally does not matter who the internet decides "can" experience transmisogyny, bc it's gonna happen anyway. so many internet discussions are entirely focused around identities and definitions and online dynamics and spaces that we just like. completely forget the real world exists, where we have little to no control over what happens to us. i keep getting anons that are like "well if someone is racist/antisemitic to a white person/gentile does that mean they've experienced racism/antisemtism??????" and like?????????? literally, definitionally, legally yes?????????????????
the entire point of specifying in legislation about protecting people from discrimination and hate crimes that it doesn't matter if the victim doesn't fall under the definition of (for example) disabled if the person who discriminated against them or committed a hate crime against them did so because they thought they were disabled. if we insist that to experience transmisogyny/transphobia/racism/antisemitism/ableism/etc that you have to be a certain identity, that is setting an incredibly dangerous precedent that i'm sure a lot of bigots would love to turn into legislation. because can you imagine how hard it would be to prove you're "actually trans" to a jury of transphobes? or "actually disabled" to a judge that doesn't think your disability counts as a disability? so like. other than just being fucking ridiculous, it is just an incredibly dangerous line of thinking.
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aimbutmiss · 4 months
I'm so tired of going on tiktok and twitter and seeing people thirst over Bonnie and seeing people argue in the comments. This shouldn't even be an argument, it should not be as controversial as people are making it.
She's twelve. That's that.
The whole execution of the character is off from the get go. I'm not saying the idea itself is creepy, because it's not. It's actually very creative and can be used to aid in your storytelling, to paint a better picture of your character. The idea of a child being able to age shift is unique, and it fits Bonnie's character, ties in with how she had to grow up too quick. That's good storytelling. And I also get that One Piece has an art style, and all grown female characters are drawn a certain way.
However, that does not mean you have to constantly put her, a literal child, in sexualising situations. Why does she need to be almost naked in a scene? What does portraying her in that light add to the story? It's not just the weird creepy fans that are the problem, it's also toei animation for taking it too far. (She's not as bad in the manga I believe, but I might be wrong so correct me if so) And oda is, I'm guessing, okay with this portrayal. It's all very disappointing.
Either way, no matter what kind of fucked up fantasy the studio is pushing, you should not be gloating about how hot Bonnie is and how sensitive people are. She acts like a child, she is a child, so who cares if it's just fictional? Why would I think your fucked up mind set would not also go for real life??? Y'all got some real confidence, spewing your bullshit online without repercussions.
Also I saw someone's take of making it about culture and I do not like what that is implying at all. You're saying Japan's culture is pedophilia?? That we are disrespectful and we're pushing our western ideals on the anime industry??? So it seems everyone has lost their critical thinking skills. Some things are universal, common fucking sense. Pedophilia is bad. Period. What are you trying to argue? What are you trying to defend? You disgust me.
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megaderping · 11 months
Late night SALT activated...
Disclaimer: This post is mainly about really aggressive/hostile fans. Disliking stuff is totally valid and curating one’s online experience is important, but... I’m very strongly convinced that the majority of people who vehemently hate Goro Akechi or Shuake to a really hostile degree either haven’t played Royal, haven’t moved on from base game, haven’t maxed his confidant, or really lack reading comprehension. ‘cause disliking a ship or a character? Super valid! Everyone has their preferences and comfort zones. I would never shame someone who genuinely just... doesn’t vibe with it, finds it uncomfortable, and wishes to avoid content or posts w/ the character or pairing. I also completely understand the frustration of wanting Goro content that isn’t ship-focused, since sometimes fandoms can make a pairing consume a character in fanworks (though I’d argue you can have the pair and still give him agency outside of it, at the end of the day, there will always be people who just don’t want it). But when I see factually incorrect arguments like, “Joker and Akechi hate each other,” I just go... “Did we play the same game?” The game where Joker’s greatest wish was to see Akechi again. The game where Morgana outright states that Akechi doesn’t really hate Joker and Akechi himself laments that they didn’t meet years earlier, and if they had, how they could’ve been friends. A game where it’s made very clear that despite the stupidity of going with the revenge plan with Shido and the lives taken along the way, there was still a disgusting power imbalance with Shido, a grown man in politics, effectively molding a broken teenager into being a hitman... And even the betrayal toward the PT- I feel like Akechi’s offer to have Joker join him was genuine as a sort of last ditch effort to get him out of that situation. The SIU director notes how the plan is way too callous even for Akechi, and after it happens, Akechi tries to downplay the dangers of the PT to Shido, suggesting a part of him, even if only a small one, does feel some remorse.
There’s this messy complexity to Akechi and his relationship with Joker and the PT... and people try to strip it of all of its complexities to make it a bland, black and white matter, and it sucks. It feels like those kinds of people want to turn Akechi into a hatesink when Shido is literally right there. And Kamoshida, and Okumura, and many other awful adults in P5. It’s weird how little flak they get by comparison? And I’m biased- Akechi was a character I developed an attachment to as I reached third sem and his character just came together for me. But it’s so freaking annoying to try and search up art of the character or ship on sites like twitter only to find the worst takes possible. Folks gotta separate their personal feelings from the feelings of the characters. The actual canon interactions and relationships are infinitely more compelling than “Joker/the Phantom Thieves all hate Akechi.” I much prefer what the game presents us- with characters like Haru and Futaba not forgiving him, but still sympathizing with his situation and (perhaps reluctantly) being willing to work with him when it’s absolutely necessary. The friction is just so compelling, because even if he’s a tragic person, his actions still robbed them of loved ones. ...but also, President Okumura requested many shutdowns himself and was an awful person, which also adds to the messy complexity for poor Haru.
Anyway, this is just a late night ramble because I went to find fanart and found annoying tweets. Argh.
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prettyprettypurin · 1 year
Not to bring up queer discourse because it is truly rancid and unproductive most of the time but the way people will be like ‘gender is not real’ and then simultaneously believe that sexuality is strict and fits in a neat little box is so absurdly silly to me like… ppl say all the time “lesbians can be attracted to women and “”””woman aligned””” non-binary people” what the hell does the even mean. Truly. Cause I don’t think there’s any other way to interpret that aside from “non-binary people that LOOK like women to me and I therefore see as women” which is so weird and invalidating honestly.
Like let’s all be honest here if you saw a non-binary trans man who doesn’t plan to transition out on the street and thought they were attractive your not gonna know unless you actually pursue them, and if you did, do you seriously want me to believe that there’s a little switch that would go off in your head once you found out how they saw themselves and you’d go “EWWW this CREATURE has been touched by MANHOOD” and poof you’d suddenly no longer think they’re hot. Like do you really expect me to believe that because I don’t. You can recognize their personal identity and NOT see them as a woman or “woman aligned” person and still think they’re hot.
Besides even if this hypothetical person WAS in the middle of or post transition… where is the line between trans/non-binary men and non-binary he/him transmasc butch lesbians. Would you like to get in front of the class and point to it on the board??? Cause IF there is one that thing is about as thin as a strand of silk. Now don’t get me wrong, this is NOT to say that there is *no* difference between these two identities and I completely understand that plenty of trans men do not want to be lumped in with lesbians for the very obvious reason of feeling like that inherently misgenders them, but there are also plenty that ARE fine with it because of their personal relationship with their gender, and let’s be real a significant portion of them have been in the lesbian community for years anyway and it is their safe space and very much their home and they are also aware of how they are viewed by society/outside their own perspective of themselves (which as much at it sucks, is also an aspect that is unfortunately important in gender/sexuality conversations even if everyone wishes it wasn’t).
And then to further complicate the matter there’s amab non-binary people, who people just LOVE to treat as “basically men” or “tainted” or some kind of other nasty terf crap. The point that I’m trying to make is that people seem to have a FUNDAMENTAL misunderstanding of what non-binary means, it’s quite literally NOT binary and while SOME peoples identities are going to clearly and neatly fit in boxes, many will not. No one is telling you that you HAVE to be attracted to these people or that you yourself ever will be but sometimes people that identify as lesbians are going to be because human beings and real life are messy and every second you waste arguing online with someone about their personal identity (who you are NEVER going to be able to convince to change by the way in case you haven’t figured out how that works yet) is a second that you could be using to do literally *anything* actually productive for your community.
To quote Kourtney Kardashian, “Kim, there’s people that are dying.”
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who-is-page · 2 years
I know is-the-owl-video-cute is calling my system (and Agro, and Poppy, and Rani, and now a minor, and even more people than that) zoophiles, but
a) I'm not a zoophile by its most literal definition since I don't experience attraction towards real life animals and, in addition to that, I also don't find the term one to be even remotely or theoretically applicable to myself for my forays into furry art: so that accusation is entirely wrong no matter how you slice it as I both don't meet the definition and would never/have never called myself such,
b) it's worth pointing out that I've done more anti-bestiality work online in alterhuman spaces than Owlvid ever has, even if you just take the widespread use of my Beware against a known pro-bestiality forum and it's administration into account and additionally the anti-bestiality and the anti- """zoosexual""" policies I created and implemented in the online spaces I admin and moderate for, so my anti-bestiality stance is already very well-known and established, and
c) if "People experience bad thoughts but that does not mean they do bad things, and stats seem to support this; if we ostracize people for things they've never done and automatically equate them to the people who have done those things, abusers have and will take advantage of individuals in especially vulnerable positions; we have to hold people responsible for their actions, not their feelings," is considered a controversial opinion that makes someone a "zoophile," then I feel like we've kind of fucking lost the plot here.
There's a lot of nuance to be had in this conversation beyond that, don't get me wrong: if someone identifies as no-contact but still interacts actively in the pro-contact zeta community and supports it, that's still an action they should be held accountable for. If someone is promoting "zoosexuality" as a sexual orientation (and especially if they're arguing that it's somehow a queer identity), even if they do not identify as a zoophile, that is once again an action they should be held accountable for. If someone is trying to make "zootherian" spaces that are "contact-neutral," that is an action they should be held accountable for. If someone hosts a major alterhuman event or community and allows pro-bestiality individuals to interact or attend or hold important positions in the space, that is an action they should be held accountable for.
But when people like Owlvid divide the lines into quite literal "if you have ever even so much as had a whisper of these thoughts you're a literal animal rapist" vs "everyone else," you see any sort of accountability completely thrown to the wayside. You entirely lose the nuance of any of the above, because people like Owlvid do not actually give a shit about long-lasting community effects. They don't care about the zeta community forming from their exact rhetoric, they don't care that their "if you have Bad Feelings then you can never, ever be a therian!" perspectives are a part of what led bestialists to come up with the idea for """zootherian""" as a term, and they certainly don't care that equating zoophilic thoughts with actual bestiality makes it incredibly easy for people who have actually had sexual contact with their pets, missing stairs like LycanTheory, to hide amidst individuals who have never done more than own a Bad Dragon horse dildo.
We need to toss this black-and-white language and perspective for feelings and thoughts we don't like. It is demonstrably dangerous for our community to have at all, and we've seen the consequences of it occur in real time. And, fucking shit, it doesn't make us "zoophiles" to do so. In acknowledging that these feelings can and do occur in individuals and not immediately throwing people who have those feelings to the wolves (no pun intended), it's going to result in less people feeling ostracized and turning to or getting picked up by others who will encourage them to do harm. Instead, this acknowledgement will result in more individuals being encouraged to seek IRL help and support if they find that they're having difficulties due to their thoughts and feelings. It'll result in individuals learning healthier ways to approach such feelings, useful outlets and different focuses, instead of just trying to bottle it up and ignore it and inevitably making everything worse for themselves.
After all, when we tell people, "This is a personal moral failing. You ARE your feelings and thoughts, regardless of your actions," is it really any surprise when they end up believing us and when that makes everything spiral to hell? The solution seems pretty obvious to me: don't fucking tell people that.
And this type of approach should be extended to all problematic feelings, mind you, not just what we're talking about here. Individuals who get murderous or violent thoughts, or who get cannibalistic urges, or who have to wrestle with extreme hunting instincts aimed at pets and other non-food animals, also aren't inherently a danger and shouldn't be treated as such.
The idea of an innate sin or corruption that permanently mars someone isn't real. It does not exist. There is nothing in this world that people involuntarily experience that automatically makes them an evil person. There is no elect, you are not configured by destiny to either be a Good Person or a Bad Person. And hiding behind that culturally Christian idea is fucking useless, and only serves to try and hide one's own insecurities and flaws, because absolutely no one is always and eternally perfect in their thoughts and feelings. People can always choose to be good, because being good is always a choice. Stop trying to take that choice away from someone.
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femininemenon · 2 months
from a never seen poor things anon, what do you hate about poor things? (ive heard its ableist...)
ok so before i get into anything, i would like to state that it was made by cis men (directed by a greek cis man, written by a scottish and an australian cis man). if it was done by cis women, i would still side eye it though. also, emma stone was a producer, so technically she had a say in just how much she showed of herself (the practicality of it you can argue but that would make this like an entire essay long).
what i can say, without spoilers, is that the movie reads like the study of "liberation" in the white feminist sense through white men's lense. if that's your thing (or choice feminism) then maybe you can put through yourself this. the writing is very much tony mcnamara (from "the great"; i knew it was him before i even looked at the credits) so if you miss his style of dialogue, then you will definitely enjoy at least that. the aesthetic is nice and you can tell that it took a lot of hard work, but also you have to tolerate a fisheye lense shot like every five minutes.
if you don't mind spoilers, then you can click "read more" - although i don't think i'm saying anything that hasn't been said before
i have to put out another disclaimer: i don't think you should only depict topics in a "HEY THIS IS A BAD THING!" manner or that you can only portray morally correct things, so i don't think this movie would have irritated me so much IF we had movies that dealt with similar topics in a more honest, more radical view (but like who am i kidding it's hollywood) or if people didn't hail this as barbie for ao3 like ???????????????? i mean i guess you lot are right about the white feminism…
the story begins with a pregnant woman killing herself (victoria, also played by emma stone) because she simply cannot tolerate the fetus/the idea of being a mother. the movie also implies that she was impregnated against her will by her husband. then doctor godwin baxter (willem dafoe) uses her for his "experiment" and he says, out of mercy, doesn't revive her but instead puts the baby's brain into the pregnant woman's and so bella baxter is born. this read as punishment for wanting to end a pregnancy (even though i'm sure it wasn't meant to) and that is just a really triggering to me. when bella learns of this later, it doesn't exactly have much of an effect on her though so all is jolly! not a single thing to ponder over! not the fact that her mom didn't want her and she killed herself, noooope. has no effect on her whatsoever!
so the premise of the entire thing is that we watch this baby grow in a grown woman's body. the movie is in b&w for a while because babies don't see color (about 4 months but we are never given a scale of her age) but her sexualization begins here already: one of whom she is betrothed to (so she never leaves the mansion) is max mccandles (ramy youssef) who also calls her the R slur (00:07:29,792 --> 00:07:31,625 "What a very pretty [R-slur]") and then duncan wedderburn (mark ruffalo). i'm not sure why that slur is resurfacing online and offline but i find it very disturbing, no matter what excuse people try to use. use any other word, literally. there is the question of adults who (if i'm not using correct terms, feel free to tell me) are cognitively challenged. is this meant to say something about them? does the movie not even want to entertain that people like bella in this stage exist and live their lives?
i feel like i've only yapped about the plot SORRY. the rest of the story is bella learning more about the world, mostly through sex save for one philosophical stage on a boat (where we meet the one man who does not sexualize her! hurray! harry astley, played by jerrod carmichael). i don't think the sex scenes were like too explicit (i'm sure hbo had done way worse back in its day…) as people say they are. do i think it was necessary for the story? not really. yes, sometimes children are aware of sexual things but they should be educated (to prevent predators) and not engaged in such acitvities. as she was not educated, predators crawl over her like duncan. but it doesn't read like that, not to me. i think they tried to portray her as a willing participant and for you not to even question whether she wants it or not, and rather as "female empowerment" like okay…
and then comes the paris part (sex work/prostitution) which can be read in many ways. bella learns more through sex paid for by strange men, duncan slutshames her and she leaves duncan, decides to be a doctor. a lot of progress is made in this part and there are some good lines but one line just… meh (01:43:23,292 --> 01:43:25,583 We are our own means of production.) so that's something to keep in mind.
anyway, shenanigans ensue, she ends up back where victoria escaped from and the husband wants to also keep her in the house and impregnate her. maybe something about how you cannot escape the system meant to encage you? no idea. in the end, she doesn't kill the man but rather replaces his brain with a dog's. is this meant to read as revenge? against the husband or against the doctor? who knows. the doctor dies but at that point i was just sooo over it. in the end, bella takes over her first prison, the mansion, as she is now its mistress, but what does that say exactly? the system is good as is, any change will just land us in worse places and we just have to make our space in it?
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weebsinstash · 2 years
God so actually to try and get my mind off of things, another idea I had for Rich Yandere Douchebag who maybe for convenience i will call Elliot from now on? I like to go back and forth with setting and tone between him secretly being nobility or him just being a rich but powerful guy, and I think Reader would be so absolutely fucked if he was a tech-based CEO. You think he's in his office trading stocks or whatever the fuck it is he does but he's just watching security cameras of you. There are times when he's not even at home and he's in his corporate office and he can just, pull out his phone and access that security feed, making sure his little bunny is safe and sound
I can only imagine if uh, if Reader had issues similar to mine, where you spend way too much time on your phone, not just playing games or anything, but willingly torturing yourself by, say, exposing yourself to the constant negative news cycle, engaging with politics talk in the comments section, arguing with trolls and stressing yourself out. You're beefing with some conservative in a comments section and suddenly??? The app crashes??? And won't open again??? Which is weird because Elliot gave you this phone so it should work perfectly? And the app refuses to open until later that day and by that time you've calmed down and was able to move on to something else
I can only IMAGINE if Reader began getting harassed or pressured into a conversation or stayed in a conversation that was extremely uncomfortable (you know like uh what I did the other day 💀) and Elliot is just watching from his end FREAKING OUT like WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP or if this complete stranger began to be sexual with you and you won't stand your ground. He'll shut off your phone remotely if he has to. It's to protect you. He loves you but you're a little silly and let your emotions get too caught up in your head sometimes. He's helping you because he knows what's best for you, obviously :)
I can only imagine it coming to a head when he begins to not only disapprove of your constantly online habits, but also becoming dangerously possessive of you and jealous of anyone you interacted with. Oh, so he's your BOYFRIEND but you're posting things to your "secret" blog that he doesn't even know about? Can you EVEN IMAGINE if he goes to spy on you and your newest blog post is a thread with your followers about how you're wondering if you should break up with him and every single reply is basically going "holy fuck do you really not see all these red flags, throw the whole man away"
You're just minding your business at his home, and you're so upset you're shaking as you furiously type out a reply to someone who said the most ignorant pathetic shit you've ever read, and Elliot suddenly barges in, storms up to you, and snatches your phone right out of your hand as he begins to scold you. Why are you doing this to yourself? These people and their problems don't matter! Why are you watching videos about problems in other countries that don't affect you? Who cares what that politician said about 'women shouldn't have rights'? Who cares if an online personality you like is being bullied for a stupid reason? Why do you care about anything that doesn't directly involve you or him?
And like he vaguely has a point but he says it in such a douchebag "other people are insignificant, you Aren't Like Them, the things you care about are stupid" kind of way that you just. He can see the instant offense in your expression the moment he starts speaking, the anger, and you just blow up on him, just listing things off about him, pointing out that of course he doesn't care, he barely has empathy for other people at all, he thinks he's so much better than everyone because of his success and money, he probably funds some of the politicians who are literally ruining people's lives because they then pass laws that benefit him personally and financially, and as if he isn't infuriated by your rebellion enough, you hit him with: "I don't even want to be with you anymore, you fucking stuck-up asshole!"
Elliot instantly smashes your phone into the marble floor, expression like stone as you begin to try and back away from him, eyes flitting to the door, like you're about to try and run away from him. And he's having none of it, blocking the path out into the hallway, trapping you as you begin to shake and cry because oh my god is he going to kill you???
And he takes your reaction and your tears and your fear as just a sign that you're just too stressed out, that these vermin are ruining you. His poor lovely partner is just having a rough time and it's got you so constantly on edge that you're even acting out on him, and he KNOWS you love him! you're just finding too many bad influences, too many bad actors trying to manipulate you, he's afraid. Well that all stops now. You already live in his house, so it isn't hard at all for him to keep you there, is it? Can't have you running off to get into any more trouble, to buy another phone, to hang out with those awful plebian "friends" of yours who are telling you to leave him.
He's going to get you all better, he promises. You just need some time to unplug and be with him. Only him. Constantly, only with him. After all, he should be spending lots of time with his future spouse, after all 🥰 all you need to do is spend some time with him and you'll forget all about everything else...
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russilton · 5 months
sorry but im asking this as a genuine question and not to be snarky or anything. doesn't george get a shit ton of hate? people are always nasty to him on all social media platforms but especially on the merc insta page, i know it may not matter that much but its pretty widespread online bullying. as a george fan i am happy if that's the case but also curious why you think he doesn't get as much hate as verstappen because it seems close ngl.
Oh sorry anon that must be me not being clear enough; which, when I’m being a grumbly fuck does happen- I ABSOLUTELY think George receives a truly heinous amount of hate, I’ve caught strays just being his fan, I’ve been there in the comments, I’ve seen it with people I talk about F1 with IRL. He in no way deserves the hate he gets and so much of it is unfair and arguably sparked by the likes of redbull and max.
What I was trying to say is that WHILE George and Max both receive hate- that doesn’t make them comparable. It’s harder to see these days but you still can’t go into lewis’ comments without seeing racist and homophobic remarks made by BOTS people have set up because they’re so dedicated to demeaning Lewis and Merc- but you wouldn’t ever try and lump Lewis and Max in together because they both receive hate would you?
I would argue that these days Max has frankly earned a lot of the hate he receives. He has cheated, he has demeaned other drivers and fans, he has shouted slurs and refused to apologise, he admits to purposefully hitting other drivers and breaking rules, he apologises for bigots and brings his convicted woman beating father into the paddock. He has practically tunnelled into the earths core rather than attempt to go over the bar of human decency.
George’s hate is unfair and almost always biased as all hell. Yes he’s cocky and god sometimes it would be helpful if he rephrased his radios- but he is allowed to be terse going 200 miles per hour when he later clarifies himself later and most importantly- follows those views with genuine heartfelt intent. George pushes rules but doesn’t break them unless it’s to point out how other drivers have been allowed to do so without penalty. Some of the people hating him do it to defend Lewis- a guy who clearly adores George and doesn’t need defending like that. The other large amount are redbull fans who haven’t taken his staunch dislike of them with any class.
THAT is the problem I was complaining about under my other post- to conflate the hate max and George get is to remove context from it- the hate has VASTLY different reasoning. It acts like the hate max gets is just part of the game and not valid criticism of all the shit he’s done.
Hate is apart of the sport, you’ll never get rid of all of it- but George gets lambasted for mistakes he apologised for and for pointing out the flaws in a system that allow max to get away with murder. Max gets hate because it’s literally being pointed out by JOURNALISTS that he is allowed to get away with doing whatever he wants and the rules are cut open to allow it
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yarnpenguin · 7 months
Autism & Gullibility
I need to talk about this:
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Not for the obvious reasons (does my uterus do this? if it doesn't, is it because I have PCOS or because I'm non-binary?) (but also because she used "ie" when she should have used "eg"). No, I want to talk about this because I don't believe it. And I'm autistic. And because I feel a strong need to unpack why my disbelief and my autism are giving me thoughts about this at 11 am on a Thursday.
For a while now, I've been keenly aware of people not-so-quietly working to infantilise autistic people. In politics, it's largely related to trans people and transition; the vocal 'phobes with large platforms of various stripes talk about the number of trans people who are autistic, and talk about how we can't be allowed to transition because we're gullible and believe everything and thus fall for the "trans agenda" because we're helpless little children all our lives.
Online, I saw things like people arguing that it was wrong to ship Critical Role's Jester with anyone because she's "autistic-coded" and therefore too childlike and thus it would make her (fictional) romantic partner and the people who ship them together PDF files. This has also happened with other characters that fans have declared to be "autistic-coded". I've also seen discussion about whether or not dating an autistic person IRL makes one a PDF file because we're so childlike and innocent and it's easy to take advantage of us.
And. No? No. Fuck off. Fuck right off with that and when you've reached your fucking off destination please continue fucking off into the sun. I'm 41 years old. If another adult human lost their goddamn mind and wanted to kiss me, it doesn't make them a child predator. It makes them an adult attracted (improbably, with me as the subject) to another adult.
The infantilisation of autistic adults sometimes puts a focus on our interests (which are deemed childish, which is another rant I may have at another time) but usually I see people bringing up that we're naïve, that we're gullible, that we're easily lied to, that we believe everything.
I'm not self-ID'd. I've got an official diagnosis. And I do not, for one instant, believe what Naomi Wolf has said in that screenshot. It sounds not only improbable to me, but literally impossible. She's lying. She's making stuff up. She's spreading literal disinformation. And I know that, all the way to my bones.
However, several weeks ago, I had an instance where my mum lied to me and I believed her (we live together because of our health problems; neither of us is capable of full independence). She put two full boxes of ice cream bars on a far counter in the kitchen then got distracted doing something else. So I grabbed the boxes to put them in the freezer. She told me to stop. I wanted to help; I asked her what she was doing with them. She told me she was going to put them in the garbage. I didn't understand why--they seemed fine--but she sounded immensely sincere so I carried the boxes to the sink so the bars could melt. (She then yelled at me to stop. She was going to take them out of the boxes and put them in a freezer bag so they'd take up less space.)
There's a reason why I believed her. People throw out food. People throw out perfectly good food. Plus there was her tone--she was very matter-of-fact about it. This can happen to me a lot IRL--if someone says something that seems plausible in a flat enough tone, well, I don't have any reason to disbelieve them. Why would someone who cares about me lie to me?
(There's also things like "Did you know gullible isn't in the dictionary?" "...Really?" "[insert howls of laughter at the gullible dipshit]" - for me, at least, that "really?" indicates that I'm not actually believing you, I require more information, and if I ever hear anybody say "... Really?" to something I've said, I interpret it as a cue to expand further.)
I generally find I don't believe something that sounds implausible to me, no matter the tone. We had a neighbour for years who had this very loud car that he would allow to sit beside our house and idle for at least 10 minutes every time he was going to drive it. Eventually my mum was so annoyed she confronted him about it, and he told her that it was "because the car is old" and the "engine needed to warm up", no matter the weather. The car couldn't have pre-dated the 1990s. I didn't believe him. By the same token, if someone waltzed up to me on a clear, sunny day and announced that the sky is pink, I sure as hell wouldn't believe that, either.
We can't read tone on the internet, that's true, unless we're watching a video. But I can't be convinced of just anything. I couldn't be convinced that Ancient Rome wasn't a thing, I couldn't be convinced that Helen Keller was a fraud. And Wolf ain't convincing me that the uteri of vaccinated people give unvaccinated cis women menstrual cramps. It brings up too many questions. Did these 60 women turn to the women around them and ask if they'd been vaccinated? Did they ask the hotel staff the vaccination status of whomever stayed in the hotel room before them? Why don't vaccinated men give them cramps? Or do they and she just left that out?
Being autistic doesn't make me a naïve fool, floating through the world believing every little thing that's whispered in my ear. It means I struggle to read tone. It means that I want to trust people--I especially want to trust people I'm supposed to be able to trust, so when they deadpan at me or speak matter-of-factly that they're going to throw away food, I believe that, and will act accordingly.
It's really, really hard to convince me of something that sounds out of the ordinary or wildly weird. I don't believe conspiracy theories. I don't believe everything I'm told or everything I read, and it's way easier for me to disbelieve stuff I see online. I do, in fact, fully and thoroughly grasp the difference between fiction and reality (and boy howdy is that ever another rant for another day).
So now, I get to the actual point of this: there are always, always, two conversations happening when it comes to autism and autistic people. There's the conversation that autistic people have about ourselves. Then there's the conversation that allistic people have about us. They don't include us. Ever. They want to talk about us, make decisions for us, make up rules about us. But they never, ever want to talk to us--or, more importantly, with us; or, even more importantly, listen to us when we tell them about our lives and epxeriences.
Whether it's real life or fucking shipping fictional characters, the allistics make declarations about us and what we're like and what we need.
And they never, ever actually ask us what our lives are like, how we experience the world, how they can work with us, what we want, what we need. It'd be too difficult.
If you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person. Ask us about our supposed "gullibility" and let us explain what's actually going on. Let us speak and be okay with it when we contradict you when you pass edicts--of consequence or not--about us. We're people with autonomy. Many of us are adults. Probably most of us are adults, given the sheer number of adult years humans live compared to child years.
No, we don't see the world the same way you do. Yes, the world is often very difficult for us to navigate.
But guess whose fault that is.
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rjalker · 25 days
actually yes I am giving this its own post.
April 2024:
Sapphic-boy said some bullshit in the notes of this post defending sexual harassment.
I responded in a reblog with:
I'm putting this in a reblog instead of the replies because I don't want it to get lost and I don't feel like putting up with an arbitrary character limit.
People in the notes of this post are insisting that insults like "suck my dick" aren't sexual harassment or rape threats.
People, I know the internet just loves to normalize sexual harassment and other kinds of abuse, but it is 2024. You people literally cannot go around saying that telling someone to suck your dick is not sexual harassment.
That is literally the fucking definition of sexual harassment.
The entire point of telling someone to suck your dick as an insult is to literally sexually humiliate and degrade them. That's the entire point. That's why you say it.
That's literal sexual harassment.
No, it does not become magically okay because you're trans and you're doing it to "own the TERFs". Sexual harassment is always bad, no matter who's doing it or who the victim is. And yes, when you tell people to suck your dick as an insult, they are literally the victim to your sexual harassment, no matter who else they are or why you don't like them.
It is 2024. You people are adults. You are literally required to know how not to sexually harass people. And if you are arguing that telling someone as an insult to suck your dick isn't sexual harassment, you've failed step 1. You are literally sexually harassing people and now you're defending it.
You are not making the world a safer place for victims by normalizing sexual harassment like this. You do not get a free pass to sexually harass people because you're trans and you think you're progressive and you have good reasons for hating the person you're sexually harassing.
Yes, it is in fact, literally, sexual harassment and a rape threat to tell someone to suck your dick as an insult. The only reason you think it's not is because you're the one doing it so you think it's fine now.
Just because you're on the internet and not in a dark alleyway does not mean blatant sexual harassment stops being blatant sexual harassment.
Just because TERFs are the first ones to call you out for blatant sexual harassment doesn't mean your behavior is actually perfectly fine and not sexual harassment. That's literally fucking not how this works.
If the entire fucking point of your insult is to sexually humiliate or degrade or threaten someone? Guess the fuck what? That's sexual harassment!
Telling someone to suck your dick as an insult is literal sexual harassment! It is a rape threat! The only reason you think it's not is because you and your friends have normalized it and desensitized yourselves to it!
This kind of behavior is not fucking okay, no matter who you are or what your politics are or how progressive you think you are!
It is 2024. You people have all got to learn how to not sexually harass people. This is getting absurd. None of you would pass even the most basic fucking How Not To Sexually Harass Your Coworkers computer course at a minimum wage job.
Stop sexually harassing people if you call yourself progressive. Stop telling people to suck your dick as an insult if you call yourself progressive. Sexual harassment is always bad, no ifs, ands, or buts about it! Yes, even if you're trans! Yes, even if you're doing it to bigots!
Stop defending blatant sexual harassment 2k24! I shouldn't have to keep saying this shit to people who claim they're progressive and care about other people!
Watch some basic fucking How Not To Sexually Harass people videos! Go fucking find the websites that explain the concept of sexual harassment to children! Go do literally anything except double down on sexually harassing people!
Just because you are online does not make sexual harassment any less horrible! Just because you don't like the person doesn't mean it's okay to sexually harass them!
Morals are still supposed to fucking exist no matter who they're applied to! That the entire fucking point of them!
Sexual harassment is bad! Telling people to suck your dick as an insult is sexual harassment is bad! This is not a fucking difficult concept and I shouldn't keep having to explain it to adults who should know how to not sexually harass people by now!
If you think this reblog is derailing the original point of the post, then maybe next time don't defend literal sexual harassment in the notes of the post and make me have to see it when I was just looking for TERFs to block -.-
Please just fucking stop defending sexual harassment. This is not something I should have to ask people who claim to care about others.
Sapphic-boy responded with, on April 11th 2024:
Suck my dick.
and said stuff in the tags or whatever about me "not surviving in the real world" if I actually know how to recognize sexual harassment in its most basic, blatant form.
Sarcasm: Because you know, grown adults responding to criticism of bad behavior like 12 year olds who say slurs for fun or like any middle aged Republican man is definitely showing how progressive you are. End sarcasm.
No, seriously, people, you are adults and you think you're progressive but then when you're told that what you're doing is literally the definition of sexual harassment, you decide to react the exact same way any random shitbag Republican would?
Seriously? And you call yourself progressive? You think you're a good person? But your response to being told what you're doing is the definition of sexual harassment is to now do it on purpose, knowing exactly what you're doing?
This is the exact same reactionary shit you claim to hate conservatives for! Why do you think it magically becomes okay when you do it?
And, I hate to break it to all you fucking creeps, but just because you and your creepy friend groups have desensitized eachother to how horrible sexual harassment is, does not in fact magically make sexual harassment okay. If you think telling people "suck my dick" is, and I quote "the normiest insult ever"...
that's not a defense of your behavior, that's a condemnation of you and everyone you hang out with who encourages this kind of blatantly horrible behavior.
Sexual harassment is still sexual harassment whether it's being said in a scary dark alley or over the internet. You do not get a free pass to sexually harass people for any reason, and if you and your friends have become so desensitized to how horrific your behavior is that you literally are now incapable of even admitting that telling people to suck your dick as an insult is sexual harassment...
You need serious fucking help. You people are adults. No one should be having to hold you hand and explain to you that the most basic form of sexual harassment is in fact sexual harassment and is inexcusable and bad no matter who's doing it or why you dislike the person you're doing it to.
No, it doesn't matter that TERFs sexually harass trans people all the time. The entire fucking point of morals is that if you have them, you treat other people with basic respect even if they don't return the favor. TERFs sexually harassing trans people does not make it magically okay for trans people to sexually harass others. That's not how this fucking works. That's not how anything works.
Especially if you then turn around to sexually harass other trans people the exact same way. Now your argument that 'it's okay when it's TERFs' doesn't even apply, so you just need to admit you enjoy sexually harassing people more than you do having the most basic fucking morals.
Literally go and research how to not sexually harass people. It is your moral fucking responsability to not sexually harass people.
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