#because we were both biologists
cellarspider · 2 months
5/?? The pseudohistory of Prometheus
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We return to a movie I wish to send on a journey down the Kola Superdeep Borehole, Prometheus.
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And my insanity truly begins in this segment. We are only 1/10th of the way through the movie so far. Content warnings for discussion of racism in pseudoscience and historical anthropology, Spider getting hung up on logistics and space nerd stuff, and pictures of Yuri Knorozov, the most sour-faced man to ever live.
The cast sits down for a briefing. This is a scene with an easily identifiable narrative function: providing exposition to the theater audience. The act of doing a briefing makes sense. It is the last thing here that will.
We are introduced to a hologram of Peter Weyland, the financier of the expedition. The name means all sorts of Lore to the series, but what’s intensely distracting is that we seem to have caught Weyland halfway through applying his zombie makeup.
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Weyland is played by Guy Pierce. As of the filming of this movie, he was somewhere around 45 years old. Yes, they smothered this Australian in old man drag so that he could play this character. This is a baffling decision, that only gets slightly less baffling if you know the production history of the movie, which I did not at the time.
Guy Pierce was hired to play a younger Peter Weyland. There’s a promo video out there of him giving a fictional TED Talk in the not-to-distant future of next Sunday AD 2023, there were various plans for him to appear in the movie proper. None of those scenes are actually in the movie. They refused to double-cast the role for some reason. While the practical effects in the movie are generally excellent and it does make the tiniest smidge of sense that a hypercapitalist asshole would be portrayed as a literal rubber-faced movie monster, this, like many things in Prometheus, made the movie a very weird sit. One where I was increasingly less open to going along with the movie’s fiction. You are telling me that this is an actual human man. I am not buying it. He looks far less human than David, the only non-human there.
Speaking of David, Weyland calls him “the closest thing to a son I will ever have”, and then immediately says David is an inhuman lesser being, who does not appreciate the specialness of his existence because he does not have a soul.
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Which is funny, because I think you can see David’s soul leaving his body at this exact moment.
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Weyland then tries to mash in some existential weight to the movie: they might finally get an answer for “why are we here?” and all that jazz! He also tries to explain why naming a ship Prometheus is totally not like calling it Titanic II: Don’t think about the part of the myth where Prometheus is chained to a rock and has his ever-regenerating liver eaten by an eagle every day! Think about the bit where he brought fire to mankind! We’re gonna bring back that bit!
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And then the archaeologists take over the briefing, and this, THIS, is the bit where they entirely lost me. My suspension of disbelief had already been strained by multiple oddities up to this point. My skepticism about these characters in particular was already a bit elevated by their implied invocation of the ancient astronauts concept.
Turns out, only Vickers, Shaw, and Holloway know why they’re here. 
Two years away from Earth. On a massively expensive expedition that intends to make first contact with an alien culture, the first alien culture that humankind has ever found evidence of. Nobody has been briefed up until this point.
This is lunacy.
Explanations have been figured out by fans since then: this is a passion project by Weyland, an annoyance to the rest of the corporate structure that nobody else believes in. The movie eventually intimates this, through Vickers. 
Fans have thus speculated that Weyland was just quarantined off to do his little alien hunt, with no logistical support that would make it actually functional. He believed a crazy theory put forward by Shaw and Holloway, and everyone else wasn’t actually best-of-the-best, they were just whoever would take a big paycheck to do fuck-all for nearly five years of sleeping their way to and from their destination.
I am willing to consider that this was intentional. The movie possibly tries to confirm this with Mr. “I’m here for the money” Fifield, but none of the other characters have enough characterization to determine if this is the general trend.
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How could we make a story that more clearly spells this out? Maybe Millburn the biologist could encounter more of the crew talking about the payout from taking the job, or reveal that he himself has some project he needs money for. It would also chip away at the dearth of character-building dialog for most of the cast.
As a result of those deficiencies in characterization, a lot of my discussion of plot points is going to be focused around what they do, rather than why. …Except when it is about the why, at which point the main commentary will be “WHY.”
In any case: while it makes sense, I'm still not certain the film meant for this character motivation. Prometheus is just so loudly explicit with so many of its plot points that it doesn’t seem like this is the case. The movie certainly believes in the sincerity and correctness of the archaeologists, though.
Unfortunately, it also immediately tells me that they’re a couple of wingnuts. I’m not sure if it intends to, for reasons I’ll get into after I foam at the mouth for a little while.
They present a series of artifacts to the crew: Egyptian, Mayan, Akkadian, Sumerian, Hittite, Hawaiian, and their Scottish cave painting. All of them feature “men worshiping giant beings”, who are pointing to what stargazer nerds call an asterism: a pattern of stars. Shaw and Holloway believe that these are aliens that engineered humans into their current state. Shaw literally says “it’s what I choose to believe” as the entirety of their justification for this.
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Again: I knew the movie wanted me to take this as truth, within its universe. That’s the implicit deal the movie has made with the audience, this is truth. You are supposed to be contemplating the "whys" of it all. But the movie had also smacked me in the brain so many times in the past five minutes, that I, like Millburn the Biologist, was ready to call bullshit.
I appreciate him for doing so, and it shows he could have been a smart character, but sadly, he is in Prometheus.
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Because he is a fictional biologist and I am an actual biologist, I will expand on his argument, as I descend into ranting for the rest of the post.
Millburn objects on the basis of evolutionary history, which the movie only partially succeeds in papering over: the implication is that evolution on Earth was directed with the deterministic outcome of creating something like humans.
This opens up a whole new can of worms that the movie doesn’t get into–when exactly did this engineering start? When great apes evolved? When mammals did? Tetrapods? Skeletons? DNA itself? After all, we know the aliens, now dubbed Engineers by the archaeologists, have DNA. Did they seed all life on Earth? How did they evolve? Our last universal common ancestor is believed to have already been using DNA 3-4 billion years ago, evolving out of a likely RNA-based genetic standard. Hominins diverged from other apes around 15-25 million years ago. What sort of culture would undertake a project that required at least 15 million years on the extreme low end?
All excellent questions! The movie is not concerned with them. I am, and that is part of why this movie still lives in a special, awful place in my head.
This isn’t actually what made me become actively hostile toward the archaeologists, though. What managed that, well! It was their archaeology. Anybody who had an Ancient Egypt Phase in their childhood should be able to articulate multiple reasons why the academic community would’ve laughed these guys out of the building.
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Bigness in ancient egyptian art does not indicate literal size. It indicates importance. In fact, the artifacts the movie uses exclusively come from artistic traditions which feature hierarchical or non-literal scale. Do the Engineers turn out to actually be eight feet tall? Yes! Am I still annoyed by this? ABSOLUTELY.
You know what else is a big problem? Many of the cultures they reference here had written language! A LOT of written language! They include Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mayan art in their evidence, all of which not only wrote a LOT of things down, but had a habit of annotating a lot of their art with labels to tell you what was going on! You can actually see some on the props they used in this scene!
Beyond that, they had very prescribed formal styles, where you can follow the action entirely through gestures, held objects, attendant symbols, and clothing! If all these cultures, as implied, had actual, direct contact with aliens, recorded in the art presented here, we would know what they were told.
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Skipping ahead of the movie for a minute: the Engineers were apparently not telling humans “we’re here in these stars, come find us”, they were telling humans “settle the fuck down or this is where the hurt’s going to come from”. 
Here's the thing. Ancient peoples weren't stupid. They wouldn't just not talk about this. If giant aliens came down from the sky and gave them a stern talking-to that contradicted their religion, that would be a big deal. And these characters specifically say the Engineers are being "worshiped" in these images! They're apparently taking onboard what's being said!
It is certainly possible for information to be lost. Over long time scales, that's unfortunately the rule, rather than the exception. But again: half the artifacts have writing on them!
I chose to believe that Shaw and Holloway simply did not attempt to read any available translations of attendant texts, and they were thus cursed for their foolishness by the ghosts of Mayan Studies pioneer Yuri Knorozov and EgyptologistJean-François Champollion, and the still-extant spirit of Assyriologist Irving Finkel.
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Knorozov knows your sins against Mayan Studies. Knorozov is a vengeful god. Chapollion and Finkel are likewise very cross.
Two last things stood out to me in the theater. One of them was extremely petty but tied into some very serious issues with pseudoscience, and the other one was not.
Pettiness first: the asterism shown in the artifacts is a pattern of six stars. The movie wants you to believe that it is very spooky that the only asterism that precisely matches this pattern are six stars that are too faint to see with the naked eye. This is laughable, both because the asterism is so generic-looking that I can think of several very visible asterisms that are good matches for the pattern, but it also recapitulates a bunch of really fucking annoying shit from pseudoscientific bullshit. 
First: Pseudoscience and pseudohistory likes to make a big deal out of the fact that every culture has stories about the stars. Why? 
The sky is very important to every culture’s mythology, because every culture can see the sky. Like, that’s literally it. People can see the sky. They tell stories about it. There’s not much to do at night except look at the sky, when even keeping a fire lit can be an expensive prospect. It is not even the least bit weird when multiple cultures–all of them in the northern hemisphere in this case!–have stories about the same stars.
Second: Cultures vary in their ability to faithfully reproduce celestial landmarks in art and align their architecture is variable, and not as exact as modern techniques can manage. Pseudoscience will claim that they are exact, when it fits their pre-existing theory, or fudge the difference if they want something to fit their claims.
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(This is a photoshopped image, by the way.)
Were the stone age temples of Malta secretly aligned with a particular star that foretold the doom of Atlantis, precisely tracking its location through the sky over thousands of years of Earth’s axial wobbling? No! They were roughly aligned with the sun. Sunlight is important when you don’t have electric lights. Were the Great Pyramids of Giza laid out ten thousand years ago to match the layout of the stars in Orion’s Belt, according to the designs of a legendary lost race of highly advanced non-African people? Were they tapping into the Earth’s magnetic field to generate energy? No! They were aligned with the cardinal directions, and they got them a bit wrong! 
Hell, if we want to play at that game, I found a decent match for the asterism in Stellarium's Egyptian constellation set. Just flip this 90 degrees clockwise and you'll see I'm totally right. Aliens confirmed.
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I know the movie is trying to tell me that all the asterisms in the art are precise matches for each other and are thus impossible to explain without intercultural contact (or aliens!!), but it is also showing me that they are not that precise. So, it’s just showing me stars. At least in some of them. Their little charcoal lad from the Isle of Skye may be throwing fruit at his audience.
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In fact, there's a further, probably unintentional link to pseudohistorical claims in the artifacts presented: the Maya artifact shown does not actually depict a "giant figure" being worshiped, in fact, it shows one instantly recognizable, known figure in Classical Maya history: It is an altered version of the ornately carved coffin lid of Kʼinich Janaab Pakal I (24 March 603 - 29 August 683), with the top quarter of the carving replaced with a star pattern that looks nothing like the ones on the other artifacts.
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The carving shows Pakal in the pose of an infant, entering into death and being reborn. It is packed full of so many symbolic elements that can be easily recognized by those more familiar with the Classical Maya than I am.
Conspiracy theorist Erich von Däniken thought that it showed Pakal rocketing away on a spaceship. Däniken proposed this because he didn't understand the cultural symbolism, but he had seen pictures of astronauts before.
And on that note, 2,400 words into this rant, we get to the actually bad shit. Unfortunately, it ties into the issue I had with the premise to begin with: the real-world context of pseudoscientific claims of ancient alien contact. Specifically, the racism.
We’re going to unspool this more near the end of the movie, because there was further behind the scenes I was not aware of when I first saw Prometheus, and it just compounds this stuff. 
So, when I went on my first tangent on how unpleasant ancient alien theories are, one thing I highlighted is that the further from Western Civilization you get, the more these theories presuppose that fellow humans are incapable of building great works or imagining interesting things. No, they had to be guided, and explicitly shown things that they copied down to the best of their limited capability.
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The only european example of alien contact they show is from the Upper Paleolithic, 37,000 years ago. All the examples around the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia range from 5,500-3,700 years ago. The examples from the Classical Maya and Hawaiʻi are from 620 and 680 CE. 
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During this period, Tang Dynasty merchants were creating the first paper money as the famous female emperor Wu Zetian was on her way to the throne. The Prophet Muhammad went to al-Aqsa mosque, and we’re only eight years before the birth of Charlemagne’s grandfather. We’re no longer talking ancient, it’s just old.
I want to emphasize that the movie is presenting these not as depictions of myths that have been passed down–though there are more problems with that I’ll get into shortly–these are implied to be contemporary depictions of events witnessed by the artists, who were quite possibly instructed by the Engineers to record a precise pattern of stars. An equivalency is being drawn between stone age Europe, bronze age Africa and the Middle East, and a couple of startlingly recent Mesoamerican and Polynesian cultures. 
But let’s be generous. Maybe these aren’t supposed to be contemporary accounts in these two outlier cases: the movie’s script will certainly indicate later that they have no idea what they’ve implied here. Perhaps these are story traditions that were handed down from the Olmecs and Melanesian precursors of the first to sail to Hawaiʻi. 
Unfortunately, this just recapitulates a different racist trope: that European and more “developed” civilizations invented so much cool and comfortable material culture and philosophy that they forgot the Mystical Religious Truths of the old ways, which were preserved only in Primitive Lands and among Uneducated Peoples, where they never found anything better to do with their time. Oh, if only we had heeded the warnings from those spiritually attuned non-white people!
(Look, I only remember Devil (2010), which has 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, because M Night Shyamalan wrote and produced it, and this was two years after The Happening came out, so I watched it out of morbid curiosity. It's not as unbelievably bad as The Happening, but as shown in the clip above, the spiritually attuned latino security guard Ramirez attributes toast landing jelly side down to Satan. That is an actual thing that happens in the movie. He is proven right.)
But let's be even more generous: someone probably realized that they'd focused near-exclusively on Middle Eastern cultures, and wanted to throw in a couple from elsewhere. Sitting here, having seen the movie in full, this is the most likely option: their inclusion creates a contradiction with a later scene, and was thus probably not checked for consistency. These cultures were thrown in as a bit of background flavor. I list this last, because in the theater, there was no way to know this at the time.
That answer's still not great. Still leaves us in the same position, where Europeans are pretty much given their own agency, while other cultures need to be led.
Oh, and to anyone else who’s made it this far and knows the production history of Prometheus: don’t worry! I know what Ridley Scott told that one interviewer, about a contact between a less-ancient European power and the Engineers. I’m saving that one. I like to save that one, because strategic deployment of that quote made some of my IRL friends scream.
Next time: the Prometheus descends to an alien world, and I descend further into madness. I am going to drag you all down with me.
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(Pictured: Yuri Knorozov, and my present mood.)
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Citations for alt text ramblings:
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benoitblanc · 2 years
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saekkas · 8 months
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summary: your beloved son is a tiny, warmer version of your husband, itoshi rin, clingy and talkative without a care in the world. rin thinks you gave birth to a devil, one that won't let him spend time with you alone.
tags: 1.2k wc | f!reader | established relationship (they're married) | they have a kid in this | aged up characters | pro-athlete rin | kissing (nothing too suggestive), uncle sae makes an appearance
notes: happy birthday to rin itoshi q(≧▽≦q) also shout out to @okkalo because apparently great minds think alike
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"black or red?" you mumble, eyes raking down your own reflection in the mirror. "what would he like better?"
at 5 pm on the third friday of every month, you always run into the same problem: date night. itoshi rin, your wonderful and adoring husband of five years, has kept the tradition of taking you out for a romantic dinner and drive throughout the city.
it started on your first anniversary when he surprised you by planning a date at a five-star restaurant that's always fully booked. back then, you were both still fresh out of college with no money to your names and you always wondered how he paid for the cheque.
fast forward years later, with your job as a top marine biologist and his as a renowned soccer player, your college romance seems so far away and yet, it's only bloomed into something far beautiful.
"dad says he likes both!"
you turn around at the words, a grin spreading across your face as you watch your bundle of joy run into the room. his legs are wobbly, and his hair is a dark mess on top of his head but the sight of him barreling straight towards you never fails to warm your heart.
"hello, my prince" you mumble, letting him bury his head into your neck. his hair tickles your skin, and you chuckle when he leaves a kiss on your collarbone. "did you have fun with your dad?"
"yeah! he bought ice cream then we went to the park to play soccer!"
he pulls away from you, bright teal eyes roaming over your face, staring as if he hasn't seen you for years when, in reality, it's only been a few hours. your beloved son is a tiny, warmer version of your husband, clingy and talkative without a care in the world.
"and then we-"
"alright, squirt. time for you to leave."
speak of the devil and he shall appear.
your head snaps towards the bedroom door, your grin melting into a soft smile as your husband steps into the room. rin wears a white fitted undershirt, obviously having changed whilst you were busy with your son.
rin moves, pressing a kiss to your cheek, one your son playfully blanches at, before trying to tug the small carbon copy of himself to where his brother stands at the door.
keyword: trying.
"but i haven't finished talking to mom!" your son whines, tugging his hand out of rin's. he trudges back to you, happily wrapping his arms around your leg, poking his tongue out at your husband. "go away!"
rin grunts, walking over towards you with a growing scowl on his face. "your mom and i have a date. sae's waiting to take you outside."
"well, uncle sae can wait!" the miniature devil in disguise tightens his grip on your leg, shooting a glare at rin before showing you his best puppy eyes. "i wanna be with mom."
"uncle sae can wait, i can't."
sometimes you wonder why the two halves of your heart can never get along.
they bicker, much like how rin used to with sae. whether it's in the morning, afternoon, or night, they'd find a reason to keep on getting on each other's nerves.
you'd be lying if you said it didn't amuse you, especially when you know that their hardheadedness stem from their love of you.
"well you should learn how to be more patient, papa!"
"she's my wife, you little squirt."
you laugh when rin finally reaches you, wrapping his arms around your waist, almost too territorial as he grabs his son's head, moving him away from you like pulling a toy from a claw machine.
"well, she's my mama too!" his small carbon copy huffs, slapping rin's hand away, all the while shooting him a glare. "you're so annoying!"
"okay, okay, that's enough," you sigh out, pressing a kiss to rin's cheek before pushing him away gently, crouching until you're eye level with your son.
you can see rin's disgruntled face in the corner of your eye. "your dad and i have a date tonight, sweetie. will you let us go, hm? i'll cook your favorite meal when you get back from uncle sae's. how about that?"
you watch him hesitate, twitching in his spot, occasionally throwing glances at his dad before he finally says, "i want that and kisses! cuddles too!"
you wonder where he learned to be such a good negotiator.
"okay," you mumble, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead before rin takes his hand, practically dragging your son to the front door where his brother stands, waiting with an amused smile. "be a good boy, okay?"
"wait, one more thing!" your little boy lurches out of rin's grip and you have to silence your laugh with a hand on your mouth, eyes crinkling in amusement at the fiery glare rin shoots him.
your son moves in, placing a kiss on your cheek before whispering cheekily, "you should make dad sleep on the couch tonight."
rin calls his name, muttering what you're sure to be curses under his breath, and you watch as your son moves towards him. only to completely disregard the hand rin has outstretched in favor of sae's.
sae nods his head towards you, one you copy before waving when he takes your son into his car for a weekend away.
"finally alone," your husband mutters, his tone deep and gruff. you can see the tension melt away from his shoulders when you wrap your arms around his shoulders, clinging to his frame. "i can't believe you gave birth to a little devil."
rin has always been touchy. it's a fact he's proven time and time again, ranging from your first date until this very moment of when he glides his hand through your hair, playfully tugging at your strands.
"you look beautiful," he mumbles, moving to nuzzle his face into your neck. he trails kisses down the column of your neck, and you sigh, having already experienced the sensation, albeit, a more innocent version, only minutes ago. "ready to leave?"
"hm? who are you and what have you done to my husband?" you chuckle, giggling when he retaliates to your words by nipping on your skin. you move your hand, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "i'm kidding. you know i love it when you're all clingy and kissy."
he places one final kiss on your neck before pulling away, his eyes taking you in. "stunning," the words leave his lips as a breathy whisper, and you smile at the hazed look in his eyes.
he looks breathtakingly handsome with his hair gelled back and his undershirt wrapped tightly around his frame. you help him pull on his tuxedo, neatly pressed by your own hands only a few hours earlier, as he recounts his day out with your son.
and finally, you watch, amused when he takes off your ring and his, setting them both on your vanity drawer.
"shall we?" the words are muffled against your ring finger, the limb feeling oddly bare. rin kisses every single one of your knuckles before pressing one final kiss to your palm, his lips warm and soft.
"we shall."
he intertwines your fingers, tugging you out of your home and into his car, ready to take sweep you off your feet, just like he once did all those years ago when he made you his.
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blackopals-world · 6 months
Idia: I just don't understand. What's the use? Why should I take these?
Nurse!Yuu: the medication will help you improve your mood. At the moment you aren't producing enough dopamine. You might see improvement on your outlook on life.
Idia: Easy for you to say. After all you have a great life as is. Perfect family, friends, and life.
Nurse!Yuu: I never claimed that.
Idia: But it's so obvious. You and your siblings are all in the medical field and all your friends are so important.
Nurse!Yuu: That's true. But we all have our own battles we fight.
Idia: Like what?
Nurse!Yuu: Well let's start with my fellow doctors. Marin Biologist!Yuu has separation anxiety. It's not their fault. They just don't like being alone. Vet!Yuu has insomnia. They both had stressful upbringings which only heightened these issues.
Idia: That's not too bad.
Nurse!Yuu: Chef!Yuu suffers from severe phobias related to mushrooms, certain fish, and snakes because they are afraid of poisons. Because they were poisoned as a child. Theater kid!Yuu has panic attacks. You can probably guess why.
Nurse!Yuu: Onsen!Yuu has body dysmorphia and a fear of being seen as masculine. She has been through alot and worries about her transition.
Idia: (anyone can look at her and can see a woman)
Nurse!Yuu: Maid!Yuu as OCD. Not the cleaning kind. They have to do many rituals to get through the day like open cabinets 4 times and turn the lights on and off 7 times. It causes alot of stress for them. Delivery!Yuu is a selective mute. It stems from having delayed speech development.
Idia: I didn't know.
Nurse!Yuu: the list goes on Dancer!Yuu vertigo, vitiligo which causes them anxiety. Special Forces!Yuu, PTSD obviously. Disciplinary Officer!Yuu, misophonia. Jester!Yuu-
Idia:Let me guess, ADHD
Nurse!Yuu:Bipolar II, they are actually going though alot right now and I would like you to take this seriously. This is not a joke.
Idia: I fell like I was set up for that one.
Nurse!Yuu: You weren't. How about your partner Otaku!Yuu?
Idia: I know already. Dyslexia, and they hate when people talk about it.
Nurse!Yuu: They also have depression. Just like you Idia. I'm just trying to get to see that everyone is going through something. If I hadn't gotten permission from everyone to tell you this I doubt you'd understand.
Idia: and what about you? What's wrong with you?
Nurse!Yuu: Easy. I'm a workaholic. It's destroys so many of my interpersonal relationships and prevents me from forming meaningful connections due to my mimd being focused only on my job. Even as said job drains the life out of me.
Idia: You said that way too cheerfully.
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mbappebby · 2 months
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Sometimes you just need your brother || Pt.1
Summary: in which max's little sister finally feels free from her home life and max is there to support her straight away.
Makayla Verstappen (OC) x f1 grid
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Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 123,828 others
makaylaverstappen: study & new friends🦈💗
view all 1,183 comments
user12 Prettyyy😍
user61 Sharks are your new friends ?!
user81 Future marine biologist here !!
user62 The aesthetic✨
maxverstappen1 If u die, it’s your own fault!
makaylaverstappen wow, thanks bro
maxverstappen1 welcome Mack :)
user15 I love their relationship🥰
user61 Max and Kayla >>
user29 🥰🥰
user33 Max💀😭
landonorris How are you not scared ??
makaylaverstappen Nothing to be scared about!
landonorris It’s sharks!!
user19 Lando😭
user44 The fact that she’s 16 and so many people wouldn’t want to do what she’s doing🤣
Everyone knows what Jos Verstappen was like treating Max Verstappen growing up. Everyone saw that Max didn’t see his mother Sophie and his sister Victoria much due to him always travelling around the world.
When they got divorce, Jos went off and got married again and had more children who became Max and Victoria’s step siblings.
Max couldn’t say he had a favourite siblings, but when it came to Makayla Verstappen, her and Max got very close despite the big age gap.
Makayla Verstappen is a 16 year old, she has all her focus on her studies to hopefully achieve her dream of becoming a marine biologist.
If her father let her, that is..
Jos’s relationship with Makayla wasn’t good, they both argued all the time just because of the career Makayla wanted to have wasn’t good enough according to him.
They were always having an argument, like right now.
“Why can’t you just accept it’s the career I want to have!” Makayla said. “It’s not good enough Makayla, what good in the world does a marine biologist do?” Jos shouted.
“Mhm I don’t know! Making fucking looking after the animals and the planet?” Makayla shouted at him, something that she never had to courage to ever do until now.
“Don’t you dare shout at me, you know what will happen if you do that again? You’ll be out of this house” Jos spat has her. “I don’t wanna be there anyways!” Makayla said.
“Go then, I won’t care you are always in your bedroom all day everyday anyways!” Jos replied. “So, this is what you are doing? Kicking out a 16 year old!” Makayla exclaimed.
“Yes” Jos replied as Makayla just stared at him as he walked into the kitchen. She slowly made her way up to her bedroom to start packing a suitcase. After a few hours she had everything packed.
She was finally free.
Something that Max Verstappen wasn’t expected was to see his 16 year old sister the other side of this door, with a suitcase and a sad look on her face.
“Mack, how’d you get here?” Max asked her softly as helped her into his apartment and pulled her into a hug. The girl could see quite a few drivers there so she buried her head into his chest.
“C’mon, talk to us we won’t be able to help you otherwise” Daniel said as he walked over to the two siblings. “He kicked me out..” Makayla mumbled and all the drivers faces fell.
All that Max felt was anger, why in the world would his father kick out his daughter who is only 16 years old? He pulled out of the hug and went to go find his phone.
“Max! Don’t do anything please!” Makayla said as he tried to go after him but she was pulled into a hug by Lando. “Let him calm down,” Lando whispered.
Daniel went after Max to try to calm him down, Makayla had been led towards to couch and started to have a small chat with the drivers.
“Wait! What happens if I get put into care?! I’m not a legal adult!” Makayla exclaimed as Max appeared back into the room and wrapped his arms around his sister.
“Everything is going to be alright, I’ll get it all sorted out I promise you..” Max told her as he left a kiss on her forehead.
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Would you write something about joining oscar piastri on his great barrier reef trip he did recently? I love the way you write ❤️
Note: thank you 🫶
"You first, love", Oscar helped you up the step into the helicopter so you could have a view of the whole reef before diving to see up close.
"Hold my hand, please?", you asked, never really enjoying flying on helicopters but when Oscar mentioned the activity, you couldn't pull yourself not to go just because of that. It would be an amazing opportunity - maybe the only one - to see it so you just took some deep breaths and felt the safety from having your boyfriend there, eventually begging to ask questions once you were up there to distract yourself and learn more about the cause, "is that all bleaching then?", you pointed, "yes, when they turn that colour, they can no longer be a home to any of the wild life - other plants, fishes", one of the biologists explained.
When you got back to the ground, everyone who was going to dive had to put on a scuba suit, Oscar helping you with yours since you were struggling to pull it up from your thighs on your own, "thanks, Osc", you said as you zipped your suit all the way up, your boobs a little squashed but nothing you couldn't deal with, "hey!", you yelped soflty as your boyfriend groped your butt, "I'm sorry, it was right there and you look really hot in this", he reasoned.
"Is this a good time for me to tell you that I used to pretend I was the little mermaid whenever I had the chance to swim on my holidays? I would purposely use these bands to keep my knees together so I could pretend I had a tail", you spoke out as you braided your hair so it wouldn't get in the way, "you can't really run away now - until we get to shore anyway", you mused.
"Don't be silly - it's quite endearing actually", he smiled, kissing the top of your head and helping you put on the goggles before you both jumped into the water.
"It was so beautiful", you gasped once you came back up, climbing into the boat again, "all the little fishes, just doing about their life in the corals, the colours are so beautiful! It's a shame because I saw a few of the dead ones", you pouted as the team started explaining the interventions they do and how they've been working to prevent and protect this wonder, "it's really beautiful, isn't it?", Oscar mumbled, kissing the side of your head, "Thank you for inviting me", you smiled.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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lvrslvt3 · 9 months
ALWAYS | c.cameron
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pairings : camcameron x reader
summary : cam needs comfort after a breakup with readers best friend, bellly.
warnings : none
notes : we need more camcameron content, i also need some ideas on what to write for him 🤭
your bike lay silently discarded beside the familiar one, forgotten as you finally spot the boy you came here to search for sat alone on the rocks. he was too busy looking out the sea that he didn’t even turn around at the sound of your shoes scuffing the ground beneath you.
so in turn for his silence you didn’t speak up either, but instead took the uncomfortable seat beside him on the blanket he had thrown down. you ignored the blunt feeling underneath you and instead stared out at the water.
“you’re here?” his tone showed genuine shock at your presence — even though he had asked for it. you turned to meet his gaze, expecting sadness but there was no traces of the feeling anywhere on him.
he was your cameron. the awkward, slightly nerdy, boy that you had liked since you met a few summers ago when you came to visit cousins like you always had. back at the age when you no longer wanted to hang out with your family so instead made friends with the future marine biologist.
“you called me.” you shrugged as if that was the perfect explanation, because to you it was, “are you okay? i know you liked belly..” you trailed off, unsure on how to start this inevitable awkward conversation.
belly didn’t know about your crush on cam, and if she did she would have never went on that date with him in the first place, but she had, so now you had to deal with the consequences of your two best friends dating and now then being broke up.
cam shrugged in response. “i guess. it’s just… it didn’t really feel serious, y’know?” he glanced from the sea back towards you, “i liked her but there was always something in the way of fully committing myself to her, and it wasn’t just conrad.” he spoke with his hands.
you hummed to let him know you understood. after knowing cam for so long you knew that he only did relationships if the other person was willing to commit as deeply as he did, if not then it wasn’t really enough for him. not that he had any serious relationships before.
“i just feel like i’m never gonna find the right person.” cam finished off his small ramble. he looked down at the water below and as he did so one hand came up to scratch the back of his head - messing up his curly hair that had already been disturbed by the early morning wind.
“well, i don’t believe in never.” you tilted your head at him with a smile that he matched. he was beaming at you and it seemed to light up the whole area around the both of you, like you had your own bubble of happiness in that moment that nothing or no one could break.
“i don’t believe in always.” he retorted with a tilt of his own head. you shrugged before countering his silly argument, “well, opposites attract, don’t they?” you didn’t mean for your innocent words to have such a reaction, but they had.
cameron’s eyes narrowed on you in a way that you hadn’t seen before, or maybe you had in your dreams. it ignited a reaction in your brain and body that covered your body in goosebumps. camcameron was the man of your dreams, and he didn’t even have a clue.
“never.” he raised a brow, still looking down at you. his hair was a slight mess from a mixture of him playing with it and the weather, and in the bright morning sunlight of cousins he looked even more handsome and human that you’d ever seen him before.
“always.” you argued back — your breath catching in your throat when you spoke as you realised how close the two of you really were now that you were both facing each other fully instead of stealing glances.
cam chuckled, glancing down at your lips for such a short moment that you almost missed it if you weren’t studying him with your eyes. “promise me you’ll always remember me.” he said after a moment of tension filled silence between the pair of you.
“i thought you don’t believe in always.” your voice had accidentally grown quiet. you were afraid to speak up as if he would wake up from a trance and run away, or that you would wake up and this would all really be a dream.
“i believe in promises,” he quickly countered back while bringing a hand up to move a hair that had flown infront of your face to the back of your ear, “and i believe in you, in us.” he added in afterwards.
you shook your head, moving backwards just the slightest so his hand would fall. “don’t make me promise that,” you spoke without thinking of the consequences, “people only ask you to remember them if they’re leaving.”
you shook your head once again in protest, staring down at the space inbetween you and cameron for a moment before finally meeting his eyes. the sadness was there this time. “please don’t ask me to remember that.”
the boy shook his head and took your face in his hands once more, but this time he used both. “i will never leave you, okay?” he raised both of his eyebrows to get his point across, so you would know he wasn’t lying.
you nodded. you didn’t trust yourself to answer him audibly. you weren’t expecting this when he called you after him and belly had just broken up. you would’ve never expected this in a million years but it was really happening.
cam cameron was leaning in, and when your lips met you were instantly obsessed with the sensation. it felt like being dipped in gold, or diving into an ocean and your being swept up so nothing really matters anymore except this kiss. not belly, or conrad or anybody else. just you two together.
this moment. these lips. his hands that laid firmly against each side of your waist and squeezed you tightly so you wouldn’t leave his desperate grasp. it was enough, anything with cam cameron was, but you wanted more. this was the only thing that mattered and you wanted all of it.
your hands ran through his hair, messing it up more, as you leaned closer until you could feel his body pressed against yours. you reeled him in until he would be yours, always.
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Dungeon Menshi spoilers:
It is interesting how in Dungeon Meshi, history of the Golden kingdom is a circle. A power fuel kingdom appearing out of nowhere, lead by a tallman in the world dominated by the long living races. Dergal and his ancestors even have some similarities in look to Laios. As well as Thistle and Marcille being elven court mages, with the fear of loosing their new family because of lifespan difference. And Laios court advisors (Kabru) being cautious of long living races plots the same way that court advisors didn't wanted for the Dergal father to have an adult elven mage in fear of them influencing the king in a wrong way. In general both Laios and Marcille are characters that do not fit their current society. Marcille uses dark arts, now forbidden yet once openly practiced magic, as well as her life span is closer to elves from centuries ago. And Laios while we can't say he would fit better in, in the past, well what about future? His fascination with monsters can remind us of cryptid lovers or even our days biologist! Humans in the past weren't studying animals and if someone would have this kind of hobby they would find it quiet strang I think.
I think this is also part of Dungeon teachings. In the end Marcille and Laios as well as Chilchuck (someone that really fits in the current world.), Senshi and Izutsumi (both not really belonging in the now, yet they don't fit into past and future either.) bring back an ancient kingdom and save the world. It is the fusion of what was is and will be that helps in this task, that helps to creat a better tomorrow. We can not reject the past, we need to learn from it (like Marcille learned from tragedy of Thistle life) and bring the best parts from it with us. We also need to be brave enough to break conventions and typical ways of thinking (As Laios monster fascination and his overthinking of their traits were the key to defeating the Winged Lion). But we can not forget those people of now and those that do not fit (As relationships with and skill set of Chilchuck, Senshi and Izutsumi helped to keep Laios and Marcille grounded and break the Lions hold on them). In the end it will help us to creat a better tomorrow.
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isthedogawolfdog · 8 months
I just saw a reel on Instagram, which I absolutely refuse to link because I don’t want to give it more views so I attached a recording of some of the more relevant parts above, but basically this woman (who I assume was a photographer due to the cameras and such) was in the middle of the Arctic doing who knows what. She starts off the video saying something “incredible” happened, and the footage then cuts to her being surrounded by roughly 13 wild wolves. Yeah, you read that right. Due to the poor quality that is my recording, I’ll try and break down what’s happening to the best of my ability.
Throughout the video you can see that the wolves seem not quite quite laid back, but aren’t scared. The wolf closest to the camera at roughly seven seconds in is regarding them with a look that kinda says “hey, what’s this?”.* All the wolves are either walking along on their path, or taking a closer look, not necessarily circling the two individuals but definitely keeping an eye on them. This is probably due to them not seeing people at all prior to this experience. Now, I know that might sound odd, but some areas in the Arctic or places super far north in general have wolves that just haven’t seen people. There was a documentary (which I forget the name of) that covered researchers interacting with a pack who hadn’t seen people. There was also a book (Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat) published a while ago that dealt with a pack similarly. When described, the behavior in both the book and documentary kinda reminds me of the wolves in this video.
A quick look at the animals tells me these people aren’t in any real danger, however, should the wolves get more curious and get closer things could probably get a bit tricky. Wolves being naturally neophobic, attacks on humans from healthy wild wolves are slim to none these days. Plus, you really shouldn’t interact with wild animals no matter what they’re acting like. Preferably these people would’ve tried scaring them away the second they saw them approaching (acting aggressive, maintaining eye contact, and whatever you do, don’t run!), but instead, we had to have a Disney princess moment.
In the extremely rare chance that the wolves had seen these people as food, we would be seeing more quicker movement, heads below their shoulders**, various behaviors to test and see whether the people were fit enough for a snack, etc. though this is not the case here. So why, might you be wondering, is this bad if the wolves aren’t hunting the people and the people aren’t interacting with the wolves?
Well, you should never, never, interact with wild animals like this, which if you’ve been following my blog for a while now you probably already know. These wolves, if they so happen to see people again, now associate people with something they can get close to without them getting hurt, which works great if you want a cool selfie, but isn’t good if you are a park ranger, a worried parent, or any other person in a position of authority really, let alone if you have a gun. Historically, if a wild animal (especially a wolf!) gets too close to people, they get shot. It doesn’t matter if the animal was exhibiting dangerous behavior or not, people can’t risk it. Basically, wolf getting closer to people and realizing they can do it without problems = them trying again at a time where things are different and people think “oh no, big and wolf!” and kill it.
I’m not sure how the encounter ended, but later footage shows the wolves farther away rallying as a group, so I assume everything went okayish despite the obvious errors. TL:DR, these people are endangering these animals with their need for a cool video, don’t be a Disney princess, and stay away from wild animals even if they look friendly.
*the wolf closest to the camera has its ears kinda flat and to the side, this is called airplane ears by some biologists (yes seriously) and it is a sign of uncertainty.
**fun fact: theories vary, but some have guessed that prey animals can tell whether a wolf is hunting from whether or not their heads are below their shoulders or not! This would explain why we see videos of wolves calmly walking passed a herd of elk while they stay rested, and why other times the elk will bolt as soon as they see the predator.
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thepotentialof2007 · 11 months
Twenty thousand years ago, someone dropped a deer-tooth pendant in a cave in southwestern Siberia, where it lay until archaeologists excavated it in 2019. Now, researchers have caught a glimpse of its last wearer. After years of effort, Elena Essel, a graduate student at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (EVA), developed a way to extract DNA embedded in an artifact’s porous surface by sweat and skin cells. Her team’s analysis of the ornament, reported this week in Nature, shows it once adorned a woman whose ancestry lay far east of the cave.
“It’s the first time to my knowledge that we have a nondestructive way to extract DNA from Paleolithic artifacts,” says co-author Marie Soressi, an archaeologist at Leiden University. The technique promises a window into how, and by whom, ancient ornaments and tools were used. Human DNA gleaned from their surfaces could offer “new insight into cultural practices and social structure in ancient populations,” says evolutionary biologist Beth Shapiro of the University of California, Santa Cruz.
The EVA team found some of the ancient DNA came from wapiti, the species of elk whose tooth was used to make it. But some DNA was from a female modern human; its sequence revealed she was most closely related to people of the Maltinsko-buretskaya culture, known to have lived 2000 kilometers farther east near Lake Baikal—and who are among the ancestors of Siberians, Native Americans, and Bronze Age steppe herders. By comparing the DNA from both the woman and the elk with other ancient samples, the researchers dated the pendant to between 19,000 and 25,000 years ago.
The paper has come out just in time for a new field season, Essel says. She has a request for colleagues as they unearth new artifacts: “Please, please, please wear gloves and face masks if you want to look at the DNA of the people who were making these things and using them.”
In theory, such analyses are most promising for artefacts made from animal bones or teeth, not only because they are porous and thereby conducive to the penetration of body fluids (for example, sweat, blood or saliva) but also because they contain hydroxyapatite, which is known to adsorb DNA and reduce its degradation by hydrolysis and nuclease activity. Ancient bones and teeth may therefore function as a trap not only for DNA that is released within an organism during its lifetime and subsequent decomposition but also for exogenous DNA that enters the matrix post-mortem through microbial colonization or handling by humans.
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DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06035-2
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Call Sign: Sharky (Platonic)
Part 1, part 2 part 4 part 5
Sorry if parts repeat like some people noticed. There’s not much I can do about it and it seems to be a glitch with the keep reading line. My posts are long and I don’t wanna clog people’s pages so y’all will have to deal with it
Also thank you all for your support!.
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The topic of your Call sign is often ones that’s discussed with confusion with 141
Each time you were asked you’d come up with a new story something like “dad was a marine biologist”, “I was raised by sharks sharkboy style and was taken in by the military” or “I just wouldn’t shut up about them”
It leaves all them confused and silently curious
Call signs most of the time have meaning to them
Now some can certainly be stupid or embarrassing but they get them for a reason and Sharky is a specific one
One that came with you when you had found yourself transferred over to 141
One that came with you when you had found yourself transferred over to 141
One that came with you when you had found yourself transferred over to 141
One that came with you when you had found yourself transferred over to 141
One that came with you when you had found yourself transferred over to 141
Which had meant that only you and your past squadron knew that meaning
And meant ghost, Soap and Gaz we’re clueless as to getting it except from you
Price is not it the same situation as them, partially because he knew your past captain
In fact he’s good mates with him, they had used to serve together before climbing both their ways up the ranks
Even got your recommendation from him
But when he decided to ask the question of your Codename he didn’t really expect that it had more than what meets the eye
“Your wondering about their Codename?.” He questions looking over to Price whom sits beside him at the bar. Price nods, making his old friend laugh a bit and add “I’ll have to give some context first before we get to that point”.
“Context of what?”
“Oh, of when they first joined”
When you had first joined you were much different to how you were now
You were a shy little thing, less confident to how you were now. Downright afraid of the others on your team
There was a very clear and tall wall you put between yourself and everyone else no matter how they tried to reach through to you
It took a long while but after some time one of them had gotten through to you
Salamander, but everyone at the time called him Sal for short
He was an a older soldier, mid-50’s with a wife and kid
It’s that reason why he was able to connect to you, having experience with a child of his own
He showed you the ropes, helping bridge that gap between you and the others
You began to open up more, talking in hushed mumbled before they evolved to full on discussions
You knew a lot of weird and obscure facts, stuff most of them hadn’t known about
You specifically talked quite a bit about marine life since a few of them were ex-navy and you thought that would be funny
It admittedly was especially when you joke that “you’d think they’d teach you about this stuff when your at sea” and “maybe I’m more navy than you guys”
It was nice, you were opening up and some had even began trying to debate each other over call signs for you
They weren’t really sure what to give you yet but it was the mission that finalized it
“The mission?”
“Yeah…the mission. What gave me their name”
The mission was ok at first, that’s the main thing you remember about it
No initial panic just clear waters both figuratively and literally as your footsteps crunch down on golden yellow sand
But then like a nuke dropping everything went to shit
It’s blurry to your mind what had initially happened but you ended up hiding behind some washed up driftwood
Sal was beside you clutching his neck as you did your best to keep him from bleeding out
The shrapnel lodged in his neck was too deep, blood pouring through your fingers as you pleaded with him to hang on
Your vision was blurred by tears as you watched the life drain from him
He often talked about his wife, his kid, and yet he now laid here beside you. Forgotten in the sand as your hands shook
Something came over you, that primal urge that every living creature had in times of peril
The urge to survive no matter what
Your adrenaline was running high, the pops of gunshots making it worse along with the red that began dying the once yellow sand
Your breath is getting quicker as you begin to see red
And then you can’t remember what happened other than the overwhelming feeling of panic and the urge to protect
When the haze over your mind cleared the pungent taste of iron filled your mouth and clogged your nose
You feel shaky, almost as if your entire body was hollow
taking a step back you almost trip over something, making you stumble a bit as you look down to see the dead face of the enemy staring back
Pure terror is twisted on his once moving face that bows stuck in the perpetual horror he died while feeling
Your attention is drawn away when you hear your captains voice, it cuts through the static that muffled the crashing waves and squawking pelicans that sounded so distant
His hand is on your shoulder, his eyes staring down at you with worry as blood dribbled down from your lips
Your dazed and confused. Eyes wide and pupils blown out
“Captain what happened. Why do I taste blood?” It’s such a simple question but it shakes him to his core, you sound so afraid. Like a kid
You are a kid compared to them but this just makes it more obvious
The remaining part of the squadron both injured and tired watch on as their captain talks to you gently
Your shaking like a leaf, blood drenching you as he draped an arm over your shoulder and walked you towards them
You don’t stare at your teammates though, you instead stare at the once blue water that was turned scarlet red
Off in the distance you see the distinct shape of a fin or two poke out from the water
The crashing of the waves felt louder despite the fact you walked farther and farther away
Rolling in and retracting back out in a cycle
You notice near a body in the sand two fingers, discarded and bloodied and a memory flashes in your mind
The enemy, captain, scuffle, bite, spit out, kill, safe, move on
It now explains the blood that isn’t your own that you spit out
You fill in the blanks about what happened by asking your teammates afterwards who are nervous to answer
Seemingly afraid to send you into a panic attack after learning what had happened
Apparently you went apeshit on the enemy, to the point the team did barely anything as you did the brunt of the work
You used your pistol, when you ran out of ammo you used the empty gun and your knife
At some point one had grabbed the captain, was about to put a bullet through his head before you intervened
The human jaw despite how weak it is compared to the bite of something like a dog or a big cat, it’s much more powerful than we give it credit for
Exerting up to Around 125 kg of force or 162 lbs per square inch
Usually something like this doesn’t happen much considering you’d have to get through skin, tissue and tendon but you had done it via your adrenaline
You bitt off the guy’s fingers, not one but two and then spat them out
You then killed him, his body dropping down to the sand just like his fingers did
It’s what earned you your nickname Sharky
You see
Shark attacks are much less common as one would think compared to how their portrayed in the media. Sure, they do happen but it’s less likely for one to be lethal
Your more likely to be killed by a deer or mosquito than a shark
They usually attack when provoked or when confused after mistaking a human for a seal
They dislike our flavour, so after an attack they usually discard us after the initial bite
Much like how rare a lethal shark attack actually is in comparison to other animal related deaths it’s rare that someone can bite off someone’s finger
And like a shark you spat it out
Thus your clever nickname given to you by your teammate Kansas after remembering your ramblings of the aquatic sea creature
“It just kinda stuck after that” he says taking a sip of his beer before placing it down onto the countertop, his thumb circles it’s rim as he looks down into the gold liquid. “Their a good kid. Their happy right?” It comes out as somewhat hoarse, he’s more choked up than he’d like to admit.
“Yeah, their happy. Hasn’t been a day I hadn’t woken up to find them with a shit eatin grin”
“Good. Funny how they’ve brightened up from such a shy kid.”
He pulls back from his chair, placing down his cash plus a small tip for the bartender who accepts it eagerly
“Good to see you again Price. I’ll keep in contact” just as he’s about to leave he adds one more thing “ps, they write about you a lot”
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syre-stane16 · 3 months
Do Dendro Vision Holders Deserve Their Element?
What is Dendro?
associated with knowledge/wisdom in genshin, dendro is a form of florakinesis [technically}.
Plants-> trees-> paper->books->knowledge.
healing traits can be due medicinal propertied of certain plants.
and with plants association to life, nurturing.
this element feels pretty self explanatory to me which is good when you compare it to how hard electro was for me.
lets begin with the f2p guarantee...
Despite her past, Collie is a kind soul. the healing trait works here because she IS healing. She's gotten far and we cured her of eleazar, but she needs to heal mentally as well, and I wish the best to her.
her being experimented on could also be seen as the corruption of the thirst for knowledge.
knowledgable in his field.
has medicinal knowledge so healing.
parent, so nurturing. [He and Cyno are totes Collei's adoptive dads and I'm here for it.'
Parent= nurturing.
knowledgeable in his field.
pharmacist so healing.....that and he's a healer in game
treats his patients decently which makes them feel at ease.
Yao Yao
Nurturing and Healing.
kind of a weak character to me, I feel she was made just to pad the dendro elemental users.
though I guess I don't mind a few simpler characters here and there.
i.... she... she's ignorant to the world outside of inazuma... so maybe... she's...getting rid of the ignorance with experience?
hush! those two are together for reason.
Kaveh and alhaightam is definitely knowledgable.
while Kaveh may have the specialised knowledge needed for his field, Alhaitham's desire to learn about the world gives him a wider scope of knowledge, and he's constantly learning.
common misconception I noticed is that Kaveh is the Idealist in the relationship. They both are heavy idealists and they live with their ideals to the max.
Kaveh is empathetic and uses his heart for decisions to the point of self sabotage, while Alhaitham leans too far into logic.
They may represent the two factors of the pursuit of knowledge.
which is why while those two are opposites to each other, they're also strangely compatible.
look, I like my emotional messes dating put-together logicians, but those two are in such extremes I didn't get the ship for a bit. I don't know how they work well together as characters but I'm not gonna analyse that relationship.
so yeah.
dendro is the latest element introduced so it's characters are sparse. and there are some that really may not have good justifications.
honestly nothing else to say..... goodbye, I'll work on pyro.
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nostraightheadcanons · 2 months
What would a Genre Swap between DJ Subatomic Supernova and SAYU be like?
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Introducing D33P S3A and SGR! The genre swaps between Sayu & DJ Subatomic Supernova!
Co designed and drawn By Mod R and Mod Nine We came up with a few things regarding them both! Read below because it gets a bit lengthy
- Sayu is no longer a virtual mermaid but a runaway alien from a planet far out of the Milky Way, she crashed landed onto the outskirts of vinyl city in her escape pod where a group of teens found her during their annual stargazing trip. (the sayu crew!) they found a mysterious lump of brightly coloured pink and blue goo inside this mysterious pod and when Tila was the first to open the hatch the goo formed to resemble someone like her. (The hair, the baggy clothes etc) The only sounds she could make at the time were her own alien language and the word Pi. The crew later named her Pisces taking inspo from the constellation - The SGR crew run a radio station that focuses on space exploration and are a Nu Disco band named SGR. (Which means Soft Gamma ray but later was changed to Star Girl Radio) The crew end up housing Pisces and try and hide the fact they have a literal wanted alien with them. She soon turns into their mascot and the lead singer for their band. Tila taught her to sing and they both sing lead. Whilst Dodo / Sofa / Remi add their own respective styles to the music. So their music is a whole mix of flavours that culminate into one groovy intergalactic disco. They’re the charters of Cast Tech; They only found out Pisces could groove once she was messing with the turntables in their studio and her goo like hands got stuck on some records on the deck. Cue impromptu groove session - The SGR crew have a way more prominent roll and influence here; They help make Cast Tech into a hub for citizens that a bit more out of this world that they let on. If you get my drift. - Personality wise she’s more than she lets on; though bubbly and curious about this new found world around her she’s actually pretty smart and strategic. She’s helping SGR build new tech and devices and is low-key their mechanic at times. Being an alien has its advantages when it comes to tech. Although music is a new addition she isn’t familiar with. She’s a bit quirky, loud and kind of out there but she means well - Mod Nine
D33P S3A: - Personality wise he still follows the canon djss arrogance. In this version D33p S3a might be more ignorant than arrogant, caring about himself and his work more than being better. Ignoring a lot that doesnt benefit or impact himself directly. This would also explain why he is the last on the leaderboard and not caring about it. - He will boast about sea and it's creatures, calling bbj amoebas and plankton's on many instances. Instead of space manipulation, he is capable of manipulating water. The ability to change size still retains and is using it in the boss battle through the phases, just like djss. - His battle goes from the shore where you meet him up into deep deep waters. In each and every phase the background gets darker and harder to beat, up until the final phase where everything seems to be almost pitch dark, safe for some visuals to fight. D33p s3as jacket seems to be have some glowing details, putting him into the spotlight. (It also seems to be reversible and have webbed hands) - His occupation is marine biologist, a well known and respected one. He spent majority of his life learning about sea. His occupation as an artist was just a side hobby, that gotten out of hand and landed him in this position. He uses the status that came with it to fund his research - Mod R
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Child without love
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Summary: Namor finds a marine biologist with the powers to control water and deep knowledge of the sea and is intrigued.
Word count: 1.3
Tags: Smut in later chapters (no minors allowed), "water-bender" reader x Namor after the events from Wakanda forever, possessive Namor, mutant reader, talk of climate change, asphyxiation, the deep sea being a bit scary, war, violence, harsh language, Wakanda forever spoilers, the usage of y/n, sexual tension
Ps. I hope everybody's doing ok. I'm sorry for being late but I had two assignments due as well as a date. As usual, I accept any constructive criticisms in the comments
Chapter 3
Zyanya woke me up gently and pulled me toward a small pool of water. She started taking off my dress and I aided her. Last night left me drained and I think she noticed that. Every time she touched me or said something she did it as slowly as possible. It was as though if she spoke too loudly or felt me too roughly I’d break. I still don’t know how to answer him. I am well aware of the environmental and ethical issues my world has but these are ideals forced on us by colonial and capitalistic structures. We're forced to live this way by those who seek to uphold these values and those in power. I slipped into the pool while Zyanya lingered further away, keeping a watchful eye.
I, like many others, have thought of the positive effects of human disappearance. So much pain we've caused not only to the planet but also to ourselves. But it wasn't always this way, there have been thousands of civilizations that have lived in tune with nature and been part of its ecosystem. Surely there must be a way to go back but how? How do you convince a system based on greed and an exploitative hierarchy to allow resources to cultivate organically and only take what is needed? I sighed. I am not angry at his proposal. It makes sense but I'm worried about what that makes me if I were to agree? Many innocents will die and who am I to pass that judgment?
A splash emerged from another pool much further away and shortly after footsteps appeared and began to get closer and closer. I suddenly became acutely aware of my lack of clothes and slouched in the water as an attempt to cover myself up. Two figures emerged both were blue women like Zyanya but one had more adornments and a shawl whilst the other had a dress similar to Zyanyas. The more adorned woman spoke quick and sternly but not in a demeaning way. I'm sure what they were saying to one another but afterward, she turned to me and spoke to the other who then said.
"Ku'kulkan will meet you tonight. He urges you to have an answer by then. We have several guards in the area. Any attempt to escape with be dealt with harshly."
Then she left. The woman who spoke explained further.
"That was our general Namora and I am your translator, Izel. I may help ask Zyanya questions and give answers. I will not always be around but when I am, do ask what you need"
"Thank you" I answered.
The rest of the bath was filled with silence. After getting dressed I had breakfast whilst Izel and Zyanya were talking amongst themselves. Curious about their anatomy and how they came to be underwater, I asked Izel about it. She explained that due to a specific herb that was consumed by their ancestors as an attempt to run from colonizers, they develop breathing in water but it also meant that their skin would turn blue in the air and that they could no longer live on the surface without breathing equipment.
"Why does Ku'kulkan not have the same issues as you?" I asked and to that giggled slightly.
"Because he is not mortal in the way you and I are. He was blessed by the gods to have both sky, land, and water. He has seen us through all these years and will continue to do so till the sunsets of the last day."
I had a hard time wrapping my head around that. He must be a mutant like I thought but one whose mutation was wrought on by this herb. Prolonged life must be one of his mutations. I understand how they can view him as a god. He is captivating. The way he looked at me yesterday almost made me agree to any of his demands.
After wandering the cave. I noticed that Namora was indeed telling the truth. There were many guards all around. Escaping was not a viable option. Even if I did escape I don't know how far underwater I am. I sighed and went back to I went back to the pool and took a deep breath. Allowing the breath to mimic the movement of the water. Then I allowed my hands to do the same. When felt in total control I began pushing and pulling to my own rhythm trying to get the water to move as I see fit. Slowly it began to take shape like a small snake moving in a circle above the surface of the water. The bigger it got the harder it was to control but I needed more. I needed to feel more of it so I pushed my boundaries further and further until-
"You have already begun training."
And just like that my concentration broke and the water lost its shape and splash back into the pool. When I turned I saw both Zyanya and Izel buying slightly to him. He stood looking straight at me and I felt it again, that pull. He was drenched likely from swimming and the blue iridescence from the glow worms made him look divine. He said something to the girls and then proceeded to take my hand and began walking. I didn't struggle, I simply followed his lead and was overly focused by the feeling of his hand on mine. It is significantly bigger and callous and if you had asked me I wouldn't admit it but a part of me wanted it elsewhere. We walked into the cabin and he closed the curtains. I sat down on the chair in front of him. He began to wipe himself with a blanket not breaking eye contact with me.
"You´re answer?"
I gulped and felt my dress cling to my skin a little too tightly. "I- I am willing to help." And with that, his muscles soften. Just a little, which made me even more anxious for what I am about to say " But only if we allow people to surrender." He instantly tenses up again. I continued.
"There are people like yours who did not get away. People who are still struggling because of all that has happened. How is it fair to rob them of a chance to live like your people do? "
"I cannot guarantee that they will not try to exploit or harm what my people have worked so hard to build." He said bluntly.
"But can you truly call it a just cause if you're going to commit genocide on innocent people?"
"So you would have me do nothing?!" I felt his anger rise causing alarms to ring in my head,
"N-no. Not nothing. Just keep yourself open to aiding the innocent."
He stood quietly for a moment, thinking.
"Alright. I will consider sparing people. Only if you follow my every command without question."
I nodded. I knew this was the closest I could get to an ethical solution but it still felt wrong. He moved to my side and put his hand on mine.
"Thank you"
As the word fell out his lips I allowed my thought to wander too close to fantasy. He looked into my eyes as if searching for something. His hand moved to my face, slowly pulling me closer. I closed my eyes, leaning in. After a few moments, I felt his hand move away and I opened my eyes once again. He had turned away from me and before I could say anything he interrupted with.
"You can leave now. I expect you to train diligently"
Confused I left. It felt cold without his touch. I wonder what did I do to push him away? Or why did I allow him to draw me in so easily?
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mossy-petrichor · 8 months
Hey! I read you're a bug enthusiast and biologist, so I was wandering...
if you were studying the plague beetles with Julian, what would your theories on the beetles be?
Knowing what we know now? The beetles are hematophagous and a host for the bacteria that causes the red plague, and they infect humans by injecting their bodily fluids (ie. saliva, excrements or hemolymph) into blood after opening a wound by biting, much like chagas disease or malaria. Humans are another host for the bacteria which spreads through blood.
Julian got the plague without being bitten because his body absorbed the beetle's fluids and allowed the microbes to get into his circulatory system, much like tapeworm eggs do if you consume infected meat.
Edit: like @agnes-neko-shipper added, it's likely the beetle's fluids got into Julian's bloodstream through a cut in his digestive track (considering it's a pretty big bug) instead of through digestion
Edit ii: there definitely was magic involved! Both for the beetles and for the bacteria. No normal microbe would cause hemorrhage to be that bright red
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rougepancake · 11 months
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Jotaro Kujo x Afab!Reader
Not proofread because we face the consequences of our actions here 💪
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, angst with a happy ending, soft Joot, soft dom!Jotaro, both of you are hurting inside, slightly inexperienced Jotaro, fingering, soft sex, slightly ooc Joot but I did my best (he is really hard to write for)
Summary: He loved your cousin just as you did, however you can’t bring yourself to do the same for him. You could both easily comfort one another, yet you hate him so. It adds a painful irony to your whole ordeal that you’re not too fond of.
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It was raining, funny enough. Just like it did in the movies. It always rained when the main character was in tears.
It hurt to sit there and watch, unable to say or do anything. You were his cousin, after all. The two of you had grown up together, thick as thieves. Yet you had nothing to say at his funeral.
And it wasn’t because you didn’t want to.
It’s because you couldn’t.
You couldn’t bring yourself to walk up there and speak about what a wonderful young man he was in front of his friends and the rest of your shared family. You were already in so much pain from the whole event, as was everyone else.
How could they not?
The death of a young man who had such a wonderful life ahead of him. A young man who was loved by all and loved everyone. A young man who was unafraid to stand up for his beliefs.
It was soul crushing.
So there you sat, in the back of the group next to some of his friends who didn’t know you all that well, but comforted you nonetheless. They had heard of you. You were practically his best friend, like a sibling to him in ways that people didn’t understand.
You were seventeen.
Seventeen year olds shouldn’t experience this type of pain.
Seventeen year olds shouldn’t lose their lives to some supposed vampire that had a hundred year old grudge.
It just shouldn’t happen.
It’s not right.
You felt the tears slide down your cheeks as you sat and listened to the speakers.
It’s unjust.
After the service, you ran into the friend that you had heard oh so much about. The one who’s name had been mentioned on many phone calls and written on various letters.
Jotaro Kujo.
“So you’re y/n.”
And those three words stuck with you until college.
It took you all you had to refrain from crying like a child in front of him, but he said nothing as you broke down before him. It was as if he understood, as if he felt your pain to some extent. But he kept to himself.
“So you’re y/n.”
The words echoed in your head, repeating over and over on a never ending cycle. Kakyoin talked about you whilst on his travels. He told his friends all about you and how you loved him like a brother. He loved you. He loved you so much that he bothered his newfound friends with your name. He loved you so much that he wrote to you at every town he stopped at, even calling if he could. He loved you so much.
And it hurt.
Because seventeen year olds aren’t supposed to lose their best friends to tragic and violent situations.
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“Hey y/n! What classes do you have?” Your friend asked enthusiastically, running up to you and grabbing your arm excitedly. You shrugged and continued to walk on, pulling out the piece of paper from the pocket of your skirt.
“It’s just what I wanted.” You say simply and head to your dormitory, which was right in the center of the college campus, large and glorified as if to say ‘we want the best for our students’.
“And what would that be silly?” You roll your eyes, unable to hold in the frustrated groan that escapes you.
“What do you think? Marine Biochemistry, Biological Oceanography, Invertebrate Zoology, and Physics.” You huff and walk into the lobby of your dormitory. It’s a coed dorm, since the school believes that it makes socializing easier for students.
However it just increases the std rate.
“I really don’t understand what made you want to become a marine biologist.” Your friend huffs as you fumble with the keys to your room. It’s not like she’d understand anyways.
“I find it interesting, that’s all.” You sigh and open the door, dropping your back to the floor with a sigh. Classes start tomorrow, so you’d better get a good nights rest. “Just like how you wanted to become a Zoologist.” You look over your shoulder. “Now scram, I’ve got a busy day ahead of me.”
“Yeah yeah whatever. Call me if you need anything y/n.”
And like that, you were left alone in your new room.
Supposedly you had a roommate, but they never showed, so you had the room to yourself, which was quite nice. However, you did have neighbors. Which you didn’t really mind as long as they weren’t loud.
But you hadn’t even seen them yet, so you couldn’t gauge anything until they showed their faces.
So here you were, stumbling around tiredly to find the kitchen in your new apartment-like dorm room. It was swanky, really. Almost too fancy to be considered a college dorm room.
Once you got something to eat, you plopped onto the couch and went to sleep, too lazy to head to your bedroom and sleep properly. The television ran loudly in the background, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care about anything anymore, and if you did, it was something serious.
To you at least.
Your alarm forced you awake, ruining your mood entirely. You wanted to wake up well rested and ready for the day ahead, not the other way around.
“Shut the hell up.” You grumbled as you tripped your way over to your bedroom, slamming your alarm clock to the floor before hopping in the shower.
A mediocre schedule for a mediocre person. Nothing too out of the ordinary for someone who really didn’t do that much.
After a quick, far from healthy, breakfast, you headed down and began to walk around the campus blindly. It was beautiful and well kept, with students chatting and smiling practically everywhere you looked. The atmosphere was one of youth and happiness, one that would make someone in their forties shiver in nostalgic remembrance.
You ran a hand through your hair as you walked, trying to get your thoughts together before you went to class. The last thing you wanted to do was show up looking like a mess when you’ve wanted nothing but to make an impression on your instructors.
“Hey watch where you’re going” An all too familiar voice says behind you, forcing you to stop dead in your tracks. He’s not talking to you, or is he? You can’t really tell- but you have to turn around to look at him.
“Jotaro..?” You whisper, looking at him with surprise. He looks at you, sneering in slight disgust as if he doesn’t remember you.
It really is him, standing at 6’5 in all his buff glory. You haven’t seen him in at least three years, and can’t help but be surprised at how much he’s changed. It has you in slight awe, but you push it back and continue on with your day.
“Punk.” You hear him grumble as you walk, which sets off something in you.
The next thing you know, you’re face to face with him, glaring at him as you speak.
“Listen here, Mr. Kujo. I may be many things, but I am no punk.” You growl, taking a step back and placing a cocky hand on your hip. He may have seen you at your worst, but you weren’t about to let him think you were weak. You’re just as strong as he is and you’re willing to give him hell as long as it gets your point across.
“Get out of my face, bitch.” He scoffs, pushing past you effortlessly. It only pisses you off more, but you bite your tongue, figuring you’ll have plenty of chances to get back at him.
And boy were you right.
There he is, front and center in the lecture hall for your Marine Biochemistry class. He looked bored, as if he had better things to do than attend the classes that he most likely picked out for himself.
It seemed like he followed you for the rest of the day, because everywhere you went, he was there. All of your classes, all of your little hiding spots on campus.
There was just no escaping him.
And it’s not like he was purposefully trying to agitate you- it was just one coincidence after another.
“What do you want?” He raised an eyebrow at you, scowling as you walked over to the vending machines.
“What does it look like, Kujo?” Your tone was laced with sarcasm, your words like knives that failed to affect him.
“Shut up.”
“You’re the one who asked.”
“I said shut up!” He raised his voice slightly, his fist slamming into the wall beside him and leaving a slight indent in its wake. There was an unnerving amount of power behind it.
“Fine, whatever.” With a heavy sigh, you got what you came for and left, shooting him a glare before you headed back to your dorm for the night.
Funny enough, it turns out that Jotaro Kujo himself was one of your neighbors. Which utterly enraged you.
He’s everywhere! What kind of cruelty is this?!?
There really no escaping him. And coincidentally enough, you were both seemingly on the same track as far as careers. You couldn’t stop yourself from wondering why he chose this path, but it was none of your business. Clearly he wanted nothing to do with you, and you felt the same about him.
It’s not like you wanted to talk to him, but if you ever got the chance, you’d ask him about your cousin. You had to. He was there when he died, and you wanted to know how he was on his travels. Of course, it’s been a couple years since he passed, so it would probably be hard to just talk about it with him.
The sound of your phone reading pulled you from your thoughts, leaving you to face reality once again.
You took a second to process what she said before putting the phone back to your ear.
“What happened..?”
“Really? Describe him to me.” You were beginning to return her energy, feeling slight excitement for her. However, you were slightly concerned given that she claims it was love at first sight.
“Oh yeah! He’s really tall and has curly black hair, but he covers it with a ha-“
You’ve never hung up on a person so fast.
You’d make it up to her, of course, but you just needed to collect your thoughts. Oh if she only knew.
Jotaro Kujo was NOT the guy for her.
You began to pace around your living room, your hands waving around frantically as you spoke to yourself. If anyone were to walk in on you in this very moment, they’d assume you were mental.
“What the hell was that?” It came from next door, where Jotaro was staying. You couldn’t hear anything after that, even if you pressed your ear against the wall. Reluctantly, you decided to go over there and check on him.
You knocked on his door and he opened it, a large red mark forming on his cheek and a dark look in his eyes. You couldn’t help but admire how strong he looked in this moment. Like he had been fighting for everything his whole life…
“What do you want?” His tone was harsh, his grip on the doorway a clear sign that you should run away. Never look back. Maybe even never interact with him ever again. He was purposefully trying to intimidate you.
But you had a problem with backing down.
“I’m trying to sleep, Kujo.” You scoffed, using the lie to cover up your curiosity. “Then I heard some noise coming from here.” You raised a brow and crossed your arms, looking into his eyes with a challenging glare. “Does the brute need assisted living to survive?”
“Shut up.”
“Didn’t you have a roommate? Don’t tell me you killed them or something.” You rolled your eyes. It was too late to back down, so why not continue?
“That’s none of your business.”
“Oh so you did?” You could feel a smirk forming on your lips. “Is that what that noise was? You should have said so sooner, I would have left you alone.” Your tone was lazy, feigning a carefree attitude as you taunted him. It was a risky move, but you knew you’d make it out alive.
He may be an asshole, but like everyone else, he has a soft spot. You just had to figure out what it was and use it to your advantage.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jotaro practically growled, leaning down and getting in your face as he spoke.
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” You retorted, standing up on your tiptoes so your foreheads were almost touching.
“You’re just as annoying as your cousin said.”
You froze. So he did remember you. And he was using Kakyoin as leverage to get you to leave him be.
What a low blow.
Without thinking, you curled your hand into a fist and punched him right in the gut. He took a step back, his eyes shining with anger before he returned the favor, punching you in the face with an ungodly amount of force.
You stumbled back, rubbing your cheek with a hurt sigh. There really was no winning.
“Whatever. Just don’t keep me up tonight.” You grumbled before heading back to your room. You had seen it. The purple being that appeared behind him. It had looked at you with such curiosity, unlike the glare that Jotaro had been giving you.
You plopped down onto your bed and continued to think. What was that thing? Was that what Kakyoin was talking about? Was that a Stand? If that’s the case then how could you see it..? From what you remember Kakyoin saying, only other Stand users could see them… but as far as you knew, you didn’t have a stand. What brought this on? What was going on…
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He’s avoided you since that night, ignoring your existence like it was nothing. But you didn’t mind. It’s not like you cared. How could you?
He was a good for nothing punk.
Yeah. Just a good for nothing punk…
“Y/n l/n for this project, you’ll be paired with Jotaro Kujo. I expect both of you to get along great since you two are both the highest scoring in the class.” Your professor wrote your names on the chalkboard, turning around to confirm that the both of you had heard him.
You wanted to stand up from your seat and shout in disbelief, to tell him that such a thing was simply outrageous. This project was going to go to shit! All because your professor was oblivious!
“Your assignment over the break is to observe and collect data on these types of fish.” He wrote down the species on the board, the chalk echoing in your ears. Dread overwhelmed you. “Be prepared, you’re going to end up spending quite a lot of time together.”
The bell rang.
“Alright everyone, I’ll see you in about three weeks. Don’t forget about your projects! They’re test grades!”
You grabbed your things and rushed out of the room, desperate for some fresh air. You rounded a corner and slid down the wall, bringing your knees to your chest as you thought.
“How stupid! Going based off of grades?! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of!” You mumbled to yourself, groaning in frustration.
“That’s one thing we can agree on.” The all too familiar voice reached your ears, causing you to laugh bitterly.
“I don’t wanna hear it from you.” You sneered.
“Oh shut up. Just come back to my family’s place. It’s right on the water.” He left no room for you to argue and walked away, heading back to the dormitory. Why his place? Your family had a cabin out by the ocean so why his? Oh well… you’d fight with him later.
Right now you needed to get packing.
Or something like that.
Either way, you and Jotaro were going to be getting real close real fast.
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“So where is this cabin exactly?” Jotaro leaned back into the seat of your car, his arms crossed and his hat covering his eyes.
“Oh shut up. We’re almost there.” You rolled your eyes. It’s been a while since you’ve been to the cabin, but from what you remember, there’s enough stuff to support two people living in it for three weeks.
The car rounded a curve and a beautiful view of the beach came into sight, the waves lapping at the sand gorgeously as the wind swayed the greenery. The cabin could be seen located off to the side, hidden behind the trees.
“See. We’re practically here already.” You smirked. It took a lot of convincing, but you managed to bring him out here instead of having to stay with his family. That was the last thing you wanted.
“Yeah whatever.” He huffed and turned away from you, his eyes fixated on the ocean that seemed to be mere meters away.
You parked off to the side and hopped out of the car, taking the keys and stuffing them in your pocket as you walked towards the trunk of the vehicle.
“Let me get your shit.” Jotaro now stood behind you, his chest pressed against your back as he reached for your bags. Once he got ahold of them, he pulled away like it was nothing, leaving you to stand there, face flushed and heart pounding.
What had come over you?
Slowly, you headed back to the cabin, leaving your shoes by the door and looking around. Damn, it’s been taken care of quite well since the last time you visited.
“Right. It’s getting late. Do you want anything for dinner?” You looked at him. He was sitting on the couch, his eyes closed and his head resting on the cushion behind him. His hat had fallen off, revealing his messy locks. You could’ve sworn you heard him snoring.
Had he fallen asleep? Oh well. You’d make yourself something and leave him leftovers in the fridge in case he woke up.
Surprisingly enough, he happened to wake up while you were cooking, his eyes watching you closely. It looked like he had something to say, but couldn’t get it out.
“Do you want any? If not I’ll leave it in the fridge for you.” You looked over your shoulder and saw him look away, turning his body to avoid your gaze.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“Right..” You sighed and finished cooking, sitting at the table and eating in silence. Jotaro had since turned on the television, watching Bubblegum Crisis intently.
Which was odd given that it was directed towards a female audience.
“Priss is my favorite character.” You sighed, standing up from the table and walking over to the couch. You leaned on it, your face nearing his. “It’s a shame that the series wasn’t a hit. Maybe then they would’ve had more episodes instead of having the A.D. Police.” You could practically feel Jotaro’s surprise as you talked. Clearly he hadn’t expected you to have similar interests as him.
“My favorite character is Nene.” He turned to look at you, observing you. “And the A.D. Police isn’t bad, but they could have definitely had more episodes of Bubblegum Crisis.” His tone was the same as always, uninterested and bored, but you knew he was excited.
“Bubblegum Crisis vaguely reminds me of Project A-Ko. But only vaguely.” You hopped over the back of the couch and sat down beside him, picking his hat up off the floor and handing it to him. “I wonder if they’ll turn it into a movie franchise.” You trailed off, pursing your lips in thought.
“I..” Jotaro stopped himself, shifting slightly before looking back at the television. “I actually like Appleseed. It was good for its time.”
“Ranma 1/2.”
“Demon City Shinjuku.”
“Castle in the Sky.”
“Mobile Suit Gundam!”
The two of you had said it at the same time, turning to look each other in the eyes excitedly. However, you both quickly looked away once you realized you were supposed to hate each other.
“I uh… I own a copy of Mobile Suit Gundam’s first season... If you wanna watch it, that is.” You trailed off awkwardly, embarrassed by the sudden enthusiasm he brought out in you.
“Yeah… why not… I grew up watching Mobile Suit Gundam.” He sounded just as awkward as you did, which was weird since he didn’t really show his emotions.
You got up slowly and put in the cassette, pressing play and skipping through the previews before returning to the couch. Jotaro cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. It was dark outside. The clock read 11:34 pm. You probably should have gone to bed sooner, but you didn’t overly feel safe just falling asleep in the presence of a man you’re supposed to hate.
The intro to the show began playing and you could have sworn that you saw Jotaro’s eyes light up. It was nice, actually. To have someone to geek out with.
But it felt weird.
“Kakyoin never said you were annoying.” Jotaro said out of the blue, his eyes still fixated on the television. The words made you freeze, and you could feel tears forming in your eyes. But why? Why were you crying? Because you were right?
No. That wasn’t.
“He…” You swallowed back the lump that was forming in your throat. “He always had wonderful things to say about you.”
It was Jotaro’s turn to freeze, his eyes widening slightly as he sat in silence. It turns out he missed your cousin just as much as you did.
“Did he now…” He sighed, slowly turning to look at you. That expression of his was unreadable, but you couldn’t mistake that look in his eyes.
You nodded, a smile forming on your lips. It was soft, like the way you touched his cheek. Gentle, in the sense that he was allowing himself to show the slightest bit of emotion whilst around you, which made you feel slightly better about your teary state.
“You know…” He leaned into your touch slightly, avoiding your gentle gaze. “I remember that day…” It felt like he was leaning in, his face ever so slightly getting closer to your own. You could feel your heart rate increase and see the light glint in his eyes.
It was all so surreal.
“I wanted nothing more than to hug you.” He admitted, his arms wrapping around your body slowly. He pulled your body close to his own and rested his head on your shoulder, as if to apologize for not hugging you that day. “I felt so bad… it’s my fault… all of them… it’s my fault…”
Tears slid down your cheeks now, his words slowly sinking in. That’s it. He blamed himself. For everything. He shouldn’t but he does. It makes sense as to why he wanted nothing to do with you. Because he felt guilty, that’s all.
He went through all of that at the rough age of seventeen. The age when you were worrying about boys and college, he was worrying if he was going to make it to see another day.
And for what?
That stupid vampire that Kakyoin told you about. It seems like it had been years ago, like a distant memory that you could only relive through daydreams. He told you everything, actually, just in case he did happen to die. He wanted you to be informed. It was risky for him as is, but you knew everything. From knowing about Stands to what happened in Egypt. You knew it all.
Slowly, you returned his embrace, rubbing his back gently. You could feel him tense up, but he made no effort to stop you.
“He said you were his best friend.” The both of you whispered at the same time, which resulted in you biting back a sob. Jotaro leaned back so he could look at you, and without hesitation, he leaned in and began kissing the tears off of your cheeks.
“Jotaro. You’ve said my name before, so say it now.” He stopped himself, his lips hovering just above yours as he stared into your eyes. “P…Please.” It was almost as if he had trouble saying the word, like he was embarrassed to sound so… desperate.
“Jotaro…” You breathed out, your fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck, your face flushed and your heart pounding so loud you could’ve sworn that he was able to hear it. And there it was again- the purple being from before- peeking out over his shoulder to look at you.
However, you paid it no mind as Jotaro pulled you in for a tender kiss. Before you knew it, your back was pressed against the plush cushions of the couch and you were trapped in between his arms.
His eyes studied yours, his knee between your legs, just barely touching your clothed cunt. His breathing was slightly erratic, his hair falling into his face as he leaned in for another, much more heated kiss.
It was all a blur- your lips on his, your clothes being thrown to the floor, your hands moving against his bare back. It was like both of you craved the warmth of another person. Like you both wanted to feel something again.
Your hands explored the other’s bodies as you made out, Jotaro’s hand slowly finding its way to your slick lips. He hesitated slightly before running a finger along it, causing you to shiver. He proceeded to do that, seemingly unsure of what to do.
But once he found your clit, it was over for you.
Within seconds you were reduced to a moaning mess, unable to say nothing but his name. Then, he experimentally dipped a finger into your cunt, freezing when your body tensed.
You reassured him that it was alright and he continued to finger you, watching you intently.
One thing led to another and he was balls deep inside of you, thrusting at a slow and loving pace. It was like he wanted this moment to last forever, for fear that you would vanish like everyone else in his life.
However- you loved it. The way he groaned when you clenched around him, how he looked at you, the way his voice cracked slightly when he moaned your name. He was so unbelievably beautiful. And he thought the same thing about you.
You were both totally enamored by one another, too busy thinking of the other to be able to think properly.
Be thankful you’ve got three weeks to do that project, because you’re not gonna be up to doing anything but him any time soon.
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