#because they are that love for each other idc
kawataslvr · 2 days
Hello :]
First time sending a request but can I please ask for a nurse! Male reader with aizawa please? This is a pretty cliche trope but I was thinking of reader being recovery girls grandson/son and was hoping one with aizawa? Or is it too big of an age gap since aizawa is already in his 30's I think? The reader will already be an adult but would still be quite young since he's still recovery girl's apprenticeship. Headcannons or even a little drabble, I'd you don't want to or can't please feel free to ignore this! I really like your writing and I hope the best for you on your writing journey ^^
Love .ᐟ
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“𝜗𝜚 ﹐, ; ⟡”
note : aizawa has to be one of my favorites in mha tbh, had to do a few re-writes for this ngl
p.s: male reader, age gap, so like 10 years apart or so since reader is in his early 20’s (23/24), nurse reader, blood mentioned, pre-established relationship. pure fluff tbh, hcs + one shot
used: M/N (my/male name)
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ıllı ᵎᵎ ₊ ⊹ # HCS
- spends money on you like crazy, idc idc he likes to spoil his s/o
- not into pda, but when you’re alone he’ll become clingy asl
- looks you in the eyes directly while he’s talking to you, paying attention to every single word no matter how “useless” it might be for him.
ıllı ᵎᵎ ₊ ⊹ # one shot
working as recovery girls apprentice and dating the “cruelest” teacher in UA was certainly a weird mix, you were kind while.. well your partner spoke for himself. how you two even got together was a complete mystery to the students and staff, you didn’t really mind though. even if the number of students who got sent to you and recovery girls way were all mainly from Aizawa’s class.. especially a certain green hair boy.
you were sitting in the nurses office waiting , the school day was about to end and you actually had a good day— sure , a few visits here and there from Izuku who which you now labeled “broken bones”, other than luckily it was pretty empty today.
“after school hours” started, something you only knew because Aizawa came into your office , recovery girl always left earlier than you so you and Aizawa got a little alone time before you headed back— he held you closely to him in a tight hug from behind startling you out of surprise.
“hey shota.” he kissed you on the top of the head, caressing your hair softly. “missed you, M/N.” you giggled softly, turned around and kissed the top of his head. he kissed you on the forehead in return. “lets go back to the dorm.. m’ tired.” he nuzzled into your neck giving you soft kisses. on your way out you two tried to not get seen by any students or staff, people in general. Aizawa was usually not one for public display of affection, but he was too caught up at the moment, lost in you.
you two arrived at your shared room, acting like a highschool couple, or like newly weds if you will.
cuddling up on the shared mattress and ending up falling asleep cuddled up to each other, the expensive sheets rustling under the two of you.
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devastatinglygreen · 2 days
You're not worried about the Lady Whistledown angst?
like, idk what to tell people, the trailer is misleading because that's what trailers do.
people who read the book know there's a whole plot that makes their relationship stronger after the LW confrontation.
the queen is not going to do anything drastic to penelope. that's not how this works.
colin worrying about penelope is literally like, the back half of the book, it's a whole thing. that man is can't see straight in love. people are weird about colin being like my purpose is penelope but whatever idc i am here for it. they did that for me.
people are also weird about penelope maybe not continuing LW but also, that's a product of penelope's unhappiness and loneliness. you can't girlboss her into wanting to do it if she doesn't. you don't know what she wants yet and the trailer is definitely trying to lead you into thinking something other than what i think is happening.
i think some people think they get married before he knows. but no. there's been enough spoilers to know that's not true.
that man is so happy to be married to her even with the drama, he can't control his worry and fear for her tho, like, that is...like. he's dramatic. he made up a whole fake lover she might be seeing in the book in less than, what? a minute? he was terrified at the thought that she might have married someone else while engaged to him and i'm pretty sure he had her naked or near naked on his bed at the time. we're just going to have to let him worry and be mad and they'll work it out, they love each other too much not to.
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deerlottie · 3 days
Fluffy alphabet for shauna x reader, please? :)
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im sorry anon theres no way i could've done all of them IM SORRY but i did these <3 not proofread also..
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you) she just loves that you're always there for her no matter what. even when she has her moments where she's shut off and acting a little mean because she's jealous or whatever, ur still there letting her know that you're not leaving her stubborn ass and you love her. you know how to mitigate the situation when she's too stubborn to admit she's wrong or talk to you about it.
body (what’s her favorite body part of yours) she loves your hands!!! she’ll find herself staring at them when you’re doing something simple like wringing them together mindlessly and she get heart eyes. she loves to nibble on them :3
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle) shauna is the little spoon IDC TALK WITH THE WALL. she likes when you crush her with your body weight and just needs to be held >__<
dates (what’s her ideal date) for adult!shauna - tbh she's perfectly fine with staying in and drinking beers and watching jeopardy with you! you dont have to take her out somewhere fancy but sometimes she likes being shown off by you so maybe a dinner date every couple months!! for teen!shauna - also likes being shown off but i think she'd really love a stargazing/picnic date!! going to the park around sunset and eating your favorite meal she prepared you :3 tugging you in for a cuddle while asking if you know any constellations and she'll gladly listen to you yap about it until you both fall asleep.
family (does she want one) if you’re dating adult!shauna, i think she’s good😭 it’s not a No but she’d prefer a pet fish or something... teen!shauna absolutely wants one tho!!! she has a whole section of her journal filled with possible baby names and one day she rips the piece of paper off and slides it under your door because she's too scared to give it you face to face. she's smiling so hard when you open the door and just say "yes."
holding hands (does she like to hold hands) she loves it!!! she’ll have the coldest, meanest look on her face while ur holding hands but inside she’s all warm and fuzzy feeling and will pout if you do something as simple as pull away to itch at your face.
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt) she’d yell at you for being a dumbass depending on the injury, but ofc is still worried. and if she found out that someone caused you harm? oh they’re legit dead.
kisses (how does she like to kiss you) hard and passionate. her lips are rough in contrast to your soft ones, but she takes her time kissing you while also trying to devour you.
love (what’s her love language) touches!!!! she's not the best at voicing her feelings and she wishes she was better but sometimes all she can do is silently pull you into a hug and you know that's her way of saying "i love you, i'm here for you." :(
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like) a tangled mess of limbs because you always have to be touching each other. you'll go to bed together holding each other tight and when you wake up, she's slanted and her feet are almost hanging off the bed and she's gripping your sides like her life depends on it 😭
pet names (what does she like to call you) just a simple “baby” or a nickname for you. sometimes a "sweetie" will slip out.
secrets (how open is she with you) not that open tbh! she’s always favoring the journal over telling you but she’s trying to work on it. you always know when something is up tho because she's not that good at lying to you.
time (how long did it take her to confess) teen!shauna took almost three years 😭 you were on the soccer team with her and she's always admired you from afar but was too scared to say anything. and then the whole plane crash happened, and it was even harder to try and ignore you and her feelings and you two got closer after jackie died and maybe you shared a couple of kisses. it didn't mean anything tho, or at least that's what she told herself and started to distance herself again once she realized that she was in love with you. blah blah blah you get guys rescued and you don't hear from shauna or any of them for a while until almost a year later you get this message from shauna basically confessing and she wants to meet up again before she goes back to brown...
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mimikoolover · 1 day
Hi! I’m about to dump a little ramble here I hope that’s okay :)
I’m fairly new to bts and have only in the last six months started to catch up on everything and then started observing the fandom. I have to say, the one thing that’s left me completely baffled about this fandom as an outsider is the way jimin and jungkook’s bond is treated.
I was prepared for seeing appreciation for all the different friendship-dynamics between the members, and I have seen that and it’s beautiful. Jimin is my bias so I like seeing his bonds with everyone. But the general difference in energy surrounding jikook compared to the other friendships is wild to me.
I was prepared to see tinhat type shippers who try to prove two members are romantically/sexually involved and will die on that hill, because there’s always those in every fandom. (and ofc I’ve seen those here too with several different pairings and I don’t necessarily have a problem with it unless they’re being completely inappropriate or harassing them or people in their life or whatever, you do you in fan spaces I guess), but what I was NOT prepared for is seeing jikook biased fans and shippers(?)supporters(?) spending more time defending the fact that they are even close AT ALL, than they do trying to prove an alleged romance. When to me as an outsider it’s incredibly obvious they have been/are one of the closest duos in the group and love each other dearly. Why is that not just accepted as fact? Why are people so hell bent on downplaying that reducing them to purely fan service? Of course they do fan service, all of them do, all groups like that do, but two things can exist at once. It’s super easy to detect when band members are acting close on camera but aren’t actually close, believe me I’ve seen it before, and jikook are definitely not that.
So why??
Some patterns I’ve obseobserved:
- Solo stans love rivalry. JM and JK are the most popular/stand out the most and have the most success with solo songs etc, therefore their fans simply have to dislike the other and see them as competition, -> can’t appreciate them together
- People dislike shippers who see them as something more than friends so much that it “ruined” their bond for them and they can’t appreciate their interactions because of it. (Childish if you ask me, never let what other fans say affect how you feel about the people you follow)
- They’re tinhat taekookers (nothing more to say here lol)
- They’re homophobic and/or jealous and can’t stand some of their flirtyness/jokes/other gay shit they do lol (but it seems to be mostly okay if it’s other pairs, only these two bringing out such a strong anti reaction… which I think is rooted in a few different things but that could be a whole other ramble so)
- They take out negative feelings about perceived mistreatment/favoritism/questionable career moves/believing one is better than the other etc on JM andJK to the point of not wanting to see them together. And I’m not saying some of those concerns can’t be valid, but letting it drive you to dislike one of them so much you can’t appreciate their bond is wild.
- They just don’t like one of them or both for whatever reason, which sure whatever not everyone’s gonna vibe with everyone. Who fans vibe with or not isn’t gonna change the fact that they clearly vibe with each other though, spewing negativity is pointless.
I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this if you have the time! Why do you think they’re so “controversial”?
Oh also for the record, I’m firmly in the “idc what they have just love them” camp. I can see why some think there’s feelings/attraction there, I can also see why some think it’s simply close friendship/found family/mutual admiration. That’s not the point here though.
first of all i hope you've been having loads of fun becoming a fan, i wish i could go back to the time when i first discovered bts🥹💜
i think the reason is all of what you've said but i have to add one more which is taekookers actively spreading proganda about jikook hating each other. that is a massive one i fear. from what i hear the first group most people come across when they become fans tends to be taekookers (i suppose the reason is that many people get drawn in by tae or jk) and tkkers are super hardcore when it comes to spreading pure hatred towards jimin and jikook. the biggest tkker accounts on twitter and youtube are hardcore haters of jimin and jikook and they come up with wild theories about how jikook hate each other.
i think they do that because they want to pre-empt people looking at jikook and seeing that they're close then questioning if jikook are in fact closer to eo than taekook, which wouldn't bode well for tkkers. once people are brainwashed any ridiculous theory will fly because they already want to believe that jikook hate each other.
whatever jimin or jk do alone or together, tkkers' first reaction is to relate it to proving that jikook don't get along. it's obsessive and frankly so ridiculous. for example apparently jungkook took a trip to japan with eunwoo last year. tkkers' first reaction was that this proves that jikook aren't dating and they're not special because jimin wasn't the only person jungkook 'took to' japan. which is lowkey funny to me coming from tkkers because it's not like jk went with tae. by their logic wouldn't they find it weird that jk travels with someone who's not tae?😭but this is just an example of how far tkkers take their hate and jikook could do literally anything in the world, it would still mean that they hate each other. they didn't have to connect jk and eunwoo's trip to jikook but they still did because they're obsessed and they can't stop talking about how much they think jikook hate each other.
solos are very loud these days but from what i've seen they don't tend to focus on jikook's relationship (or their faves' relationship with other members in general) more than just spew hate towards the members. it's not very ship-specific i don't think. undoubtedly some of them dislike jikook's bond because they don't want them to be close but it's more coming from misguided hate towards either of them than anything actually related to what jikook say/do.
however i will say i think solo stans' bs do affect jikookers/people who would be a fan of both of them and more and more people are 'choosing sides' which to me is really sad...it was definitely a case in the past that most jikookers biased jimin but now the majority of those people have become solos or if they don't say that they've become solos, they displayed very extreme anti reactions to jungkook which is why i have half of jikookers on tumblr blocked😭
there's also a big issue with tkkers harassing people who post positively about jikook especially if it's someone who's a 'non shipper', for example they made numerous 'non shipper' youtubers delete positive reactions to jikook videos or flooded their comments saying that jikook hate each other. 'non shippers' like anyone else don't want to be harassed so many just choose to not talk about jikook i guess.
i've not really been in fandom spaces this year like i was in the past and what became apparent to me is that a lot of drama is just on twitter which is almost like its own bubble. if you look outside of twitter i think the majority of bts fans bias either jimin or jungkook and a lot of those people don't have an issue with their friendship. i see a lot of people get chimmy and kooky keychains together for example and i think outside of twitter a lot of people will be enjoying jikook's travel show.
a reason why i kind of 'left' twitter is because i realised that jikookers focus on the negativity around jikook a lot both from tkkers and solos. i think perhaps there's a tendency for jikookers to highlight the negative bc we want to protect jikook and react strongly to hate but i think this can skew how we think people view jikook if we are focusing on the negative so much. i mean i completely understand it but i think this is also why there's so many solos in the fandom in general, we want to protect the members so much so that we end up focusing on the hate which will then start to seem really extreme and people get more and more passionate towards defending whoever they think deserves it most and end up resenting other members because of their fans' behaviour.
i'm kind of down about bts fandom in general these days because it seems to be in shambles. a good thing though is that years of tkkers and solos didn't seem to affect jikook's bond at all which i didn't think it would. i'd love to say that i think things will get better and people will start to appreciate jikook's friendship but i just don't see it happening😭maybe i should become more hopeful if we are getting people like you with common sense becoming fans!
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likeafairytale · 5 months
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I've never known anybody like you, I've never dreamed of nobody like you.
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morgansplace · 22 days
oh thank fucking god it's not raindrop or some shit like that 😭
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Michael Sheen playing Aziraphale as cockhungry as possible VS the Good Omens fandom and Neil Gaiman and the Lord himself screaming for Aziraphale to be asexual
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Usopp's constant negativity and anxiety are something useful and "positive" at the end of the day (eg: fight against Perona) because he doesn't necessarily need to change his views, he just needs to trust himself and his abilities more and he just uses what he has at the moment which is, you know, negativity. It is not something positive but it does keep him safe from danger and he will end up being proud of himself and stronger than he could ever imagine, but that doesn't mean he'll stop being negative. It's just another personality trait a lot of people have, and Usopp using it for his advantage is something great, I feel. He takes pride in being like that. He's loud and shameless about it.
Unlike Sanji, who dwells on his negativity on his own. Quietly. And lets it consume him without having any power over it. His self-sabotaging and self-sacrificing behavior often comes from a place of giving up out of fear of others getting hurt to save him because that's pretty much his core fear. Being a burden/Not being able to save the people he cares about from himself and his past. It's not something the manga shows that much in comparison to Usopp's negativity, but Sanji's pessimistic views are pretty much one of the reasons why WCI happens and why he puts himself in the worst situation in Wano.
And I think (this is why I'm writing all of this) that they're perfect for each other because Usopp could show him that being afraid and negative isn't something so bad. After all, at least Usopp is aware that if he can't do something, the crew will help him out no matter what. Usopp's negative, yes, but it's alright because he doesn't go through it on his own. Even if he does look shameless and "selfish" when desperately asking for help (he isn't, by the way. It's actually pretty reasonable to act like that). Sanji needs to learn to ask for help shamelessly too and he needs to stop putting all the weight of the world's negativity on his shoulders. They need to carry it together.
Like- There's just something so personal in Usopp going "Yes! I am scared. Frightened even. Please, help!" because he might not like that part of him and he's trying to be stronger and more independent every day, but he acknowledges that things can go south and his reaction is very fight or flight but pretty mostly flight to be safe. While Sanji's response is always to fight because he refuses to let others know he needs help in case something happens to them (and also because he feels ashamed of feeling weak). Usopp shares the responsibility and accepts that he's kind of a loser sometimes but Sanji refuses to do so.
This is just a thought about Sanji learning that being a coward and asking for help isn't bad because they're meant to do stuff like that, and Usopp growing to be stronger and independent but not necessarily stop being pessimistic because sometimes you just... Are like that. Sometimes you're scared. Sometimes you have anxiety. And that's alright. You can be strong anyway.
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wade-winston-wilson · 3 months
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Never wanted love Just a fancy car Now I'm waiting by the phone Like I'm sitting in an airport bar You had some tricks up your sleeve Takes one to know one You're a cowboy like me
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selenadem · 1 year
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Some Kagetsu/Zelkov from last months
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littleseasalt · 9 months
insaneduo breathe if you agree
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cruesuffix · 6 days
fuck that fanon shit it’s all canon to me
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kimwexlersponytail · 2 years
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The only thing that kept me going was knowing you were here.
#bcsedit#better call saul#mcwexler#jimmy x kim#kim wexler#jimmy mcgill#been seeing a lot of people saying that they don't deserve a happy ending after everything and though i get why that's being said#i disagree with the idea that they must be punished by the narrative in the form of an absolutely devastating end where they both die or#are broken down even further because they're Bad People and they Deserve It...their relationship is the heart of the show and#i don't believe that the writers spent over half a decade building this relationship up just to leave everything hanging in the balance#we can argue all day about jimmy and kim being Good or Bad but they love each other. they do. and bcs is a love story#do i believe that they're going to live happily ever after and get a fairytale ending? no of course not but i don't see a doom and gloom end#for them either. narratively speaking jimmy has been in prison all this time and who knows what kim has been up to all this time#i just don't think it would be narratively satisfying if the ending was about punishing them i really don't#i think it's going to be bittersweet for sure but there's no doubt in my mind that it'll be full of heart....#but god all of the takes about jimmy not deserving to meet up with kim in the gene timeline are just making me root for it even harder#and i really hope the world turns back to color the moment he sees her and idc how many people think it's cheesy <3#and you know what someday maybe they'll finally get their house.#mine
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confusedcheeseparrot · 11 months
I haven't seen Ruby Gillman Teenage kraken but from what I've heard they really should've made grandma an evil racist because really? You're not only going to show her "twist" in the trailers but you're also going to commit to it and not subvert expectations. It would've been so smart to make the racism taught by old people and caused by the war because racism is sometimes caused by war also old people are usually real racist.
The answer was staring you down in the face because conflict between family and friends would've been really interesting because it kinda would've made the movie have a good racism allegory which is really hard to find (Elemental is cute but not good with the race allegory) also about some learned hatred that is passed on because the movie would’ve been real nice if it was about two unlikely friends with the mermaid being scared to show the Ruby any vulnerability because she's a pretty mermaid with her bioluminescence being what she actually looks like and Ruby being absolutely isolated from any underwater life getting accommodated to by the mermaid.
But instead we got "EW mermaids R Evil because they're pretty and popular BUtt not Ruby Because She's not like Those biMbos She's absolutely spEcial and Did We meNtIoN That tHeY ShoULD toTes figHT to tHe deAtH" it's real black and white morality that could've really expanded on what it had with some dashes of complexity that could've really added more intrigue, mystery and suspense by adding some unreliable information, search for the truth and hiding a friendship with someone your loved ones disapprove of. Of course the reveal would be kickass.
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smoshmonker · 10 months
talking abt the sleepover story in 2015 :’)
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hydrangeyes · 6 months
I really do love how the fandom has their ship but man do I wanna see a bit more of the rivals to codependent to lovers route more
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