#because i have SO MUCH NICE AUTUMN CC
cherrynwinesk · 5 months
Ok hear me out-
happy Halloween first off all
🍒: Too late for Halloween but I still want to write something scary (⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~
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As u sleep ~ Cellbit
Story g: horror (no love), not safe
Language: English/Inglés
⚠️: supernatural creatures, blood, murders, horror. This is too violent, minors or sensitive people do not read, NOT SAFE, ONLY +18, (no sex, only violence)
CC's: Cellbit, Pac mention
Reader g: Neutral reader
📝: All the content is fictitious and an attempt is made to adapt the PUBLIC personality of the cc's, that is, the personality that is shown in front of cameras, I do not know the true personality and any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence.
🍒: Hello, writing requests are always open, if you want something in particular, ask without fear. I clarify that English is not my main language, I apologize for any error and accept corrections to improve the quality of the content pt.2
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Autumn had begun and you had just arrived in the city, starting a new stage of your life after not having found a job in your hometown after graduating from university, walking through completely unfamiliar streets at noon. While waiting for the traffic light to give way to pedestrians, a black-haired boy stood next to you, looking at his cell phone, completely distracted from his surroundings. "Hey how are you!?"
You were able to recognize him, he was a classmate of yours from university that you hadn't seen in a long time, his name was Pac, you didn't have much contact with him but you remember him perfectly participating in some classes.
"Hello, very good and what are you doing here?"
And you ended up walking around while talking about how life had treated u, apparently Pac ended up working for the government courts, he lived in an apartment shared with a friend and that he was on his day off. Meanwhile, you talked to him about how you had not been able to work in your specialty, and that you had left the nest looking for other alternatives to improve your quality of life, but that for the moment you were looking for a place to stay or maybe get a roommate so that the rent of an apartment does not fall completely on your shoulders. Pac told you that he had a friend who was looking for a roommate precisely because of the rent, if you were interested he could introduce you to him and you felt a momentary relief. You accepted and he took you to the nearest hospital, with Pac's identification u were able to enter the operating room areas, you walked to the end of the hallway where there was a sign with "Morgue", you entered and the place was very cold, your arms had goosebumps the moment you enter. You passed by several desks to the end of the place where there were some huge metal refrigerators, and there was a boy, dressed in a completely white insulating suit, white latex gloves that were now red, and with this a scalpel. "Cellbit I want to introduce you to a friend" The boy turned around revealing the body on the metal table, completely open from his chest, from that distance you could not see the body well, you only saw how the skin was stretched with hooks outwards, leaving the center free to be able to work. "Hello, I'm sorry, allow me a moment," the blue eyed boy wiped off the blood a little and took off his latex gloves, "Nice to meet you, I'm Cellbit" he held out his hand to you as he introduced himself with a nice smile. "Nice to meet you, y/n." "I'm sorry you know me so dirty and working, if Pac had told me you were coming I would have kept the body. Does it make you uncomfortable?" "No, I am fine Thank you" "And what do you think of the apartments in the northern part of the city?" You looked at Pac "I haven't told him anything" he told you in response to your look. "Who said about apartments?" "Well, Pac was one of the only people I mentioned to that he was looking for a roommate and a few days later he's here introducing me to a person I didn't even know he knew." "Logical" "The place I found is cheap, it has a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, we would only share the bathroom, it is very spacious, maybe if you want to go see it before making a decision, tell me and I'll take you" And so it happened, you both agreed on a date and time to go see the available apartment, the place was good, very nice and comfortable in fact, it was spacious but not huge. You hadn't secured a job yet but from what you knew Cellbit works all day at the morgue, so maybe you would only see each other at night or in the mornings. You began the move, the apartment was already furnished so it was only necessary to have each person's personal things. In less than a week you got a job where the pay was good and you felt comfortable with the place. Your relationship with Cellbit was very good, a friendship of trust and security was immediately formed when you found in the same home, sometimes if one of the two cooked and there was a little food left over you would share it or agree to buy a burger on Saturday night. Of course, you never ate in the dining room together, most of the time Cellbit took his food to his bedroom and ate there. And you understood it, his work was very tiring and most likely he wanted his space. Because you were good friends, Cellbit gave you a special hospital pass so you could enter the morgue without any problem. So one Friday morning you agreed to go to the supermarket together to buy what they needed for the apartment. You would go that same day at night so after leaving work you went to the hospital, you went deep inside to look for your friend.
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meimi-haneoka · 5 months
Thank you Cinzia! I seriously need to check my notifications more. I didn't even realise that you had answered my ask. Loved your timeline and fanfics. I completely get what you are saying about writing fanfic. It kind of just flows out when you are that invested in a pairing. Also, that CCS in Public domain ask.... if I am not wrong, Japan seems to have a different approach to it. I mean I have seen doujinshis and light novels being sold legally featuring (and being advertised with) CCS characters. I am not sure but it seems that is legal in Japan? Not sure of all this but I assure you that I have come across some R18 doujinshis featuring Junior High aged SyaoSaku. The horror...... Also, I didn't realise that Akiho and Sakura had lived together as sisters for 5 months post Alice in Clockland. I mean, they all don't look much different (I kind of presumed that it had been just a bunch of weeks, like autumn is over and winter has begun). Frankly, they should be nearer to the heights in the final chapter of OG CCS manga if the second year is about to begin (since Sakura and Syaoran were reunited in the beginning of the second year of JHS in the OG manga). Oh well, I will just chalk it down to art style change.
Thank you so much for reading my drabbles and finally check my timeline, Aubretia!! 😁I'm glad in the end it worked for you! ✨
About the doujinshi matter, hehe, it's not that simple. From what I know, doujinshi are considered 二次創作, "derivative works", and as such technically they aren't legal, if they don't have the authorization of the author. Often fanartists who produce doujinshi also produce what we call "fan merch", like printing their art on acrylic keychains, stickers, acrylic stands and such. Those fall into the category too. However, in the industry there is an unspoken agreement that such works are "tolerated" by copyright holders as long as the price they're sold at can be proven as a mere "reimbursement of the cost" to produce such merch (like the printing cost for the doujinshi/anthologies and the manufacturing cost for other items). Basically, the fanartists don't have to earn money from this (or I guess the don't have to earn too much). Usually artists print a definite amount of copies to sell at conventions and a definite amount to sell online, so it doesn't "become too much" and attracts "too much attention" from the copyright holders. These are tolerated only because it turns into further promotion for the IP, so of course the fanartists need to know their place and not overdo it. So it's not legal, but it is common practice to "close an eye" on it (and yes, this means that there's literally anything, as you pointed out, out there).
For Akiho and Sakura living together, yeah it's more or less from 4 to 5 months! I calculated this from the fact that when the play started, they had barely changed into their winter uniform at school, and usually that happens on a set date in Japan, on October 1st. Now, in the chapter of the play (63) you can see lots of people attending the school festival, and many of them wear short sleeves, while other wear mid or long sleeves. This definitely made me think that there were still quite nice temperatures so it probably wasn't in late October but rather at the beginning of it (I even thought it might have been September and they changed uniforms early). When Kaito activated the forbidden magic, things continued exactly from where they were left off before he brought Sakura and Akiho to Clockland, so when we come back in chapter 70 it's still everything on the same day of the play. And then, when we see how things are going for them in chapter 71, we see everyone wearing the "super winter uniform", as I jokingly call it, along with coats, scarves, gloves, it's even snowing at some point! And they also say that "soon" Sakura is going to become a second year student at Tomoeda Middle school, so I had already pinpointed the month when all of this was happening as end of February. When the last chapter dropped, turns out I was right, because just 4 days after the "last battle" Akiho says she would've left Tomoeda one month later, and when we see her and Kaito on their departure day, cherry blossoms are starting to bloom, so that means that they are at the end of March. So, in short, Sakura and Akiho spent as sisters an indefinite part of October, all of November, December, January and all of February together before they realized what the heck was happening. Yeah, it's all a matter of looking around you and observing "the silent hints" (isn't all of Clear Card like that, after all?) and you can get a lot of the context. 😉👍
And oh, I absolutely don't suggest to take any of the OG manga panels as a reference for the heights and such because back then CLAMP's style was very different. They tended to make their characters so tall (and their legs so long!) especially when they had to indicate that kids had grown up. Their chins were more pointy, the shoulders wider (I always laugh when I look back to Syaoran with those wide shoulders)...yeah it was something completely different. Now Mokona sensei respects body proportions a lot more and I also have to say that the poses of her characters are more natural and not "stiff" as they were before. I also love how more expressive they've become. I do agree though that if she could make them a tiny bit taller it would be better. This is something that I've constantly "complained" about during the serialization.
Besides, I always understood that Sakura and Syaoran were in their first year at Tomoeda Middle school, at the end of the OG manga? Cause Sakura says "my brother is going to poke fun at me oversleeping even though I've become a middle schooler!" so it suggests that the change had just happened? Well, Clear Card is its sequel and it starts exactly like the last pages of volume 12, with an "extended version" of the finale, so I think that the kids being in 1st year of middle school is what CLAMP had always intended since 2000.
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thewildsorcerer · 1 year
Chili - Do you like spicy foods?
Wine - What is your opinion on alcohol? (and does it exist in your world?)
Pumpkin - What is your favorite part of Autumn? (If that exists in your world)
Butterscotch - Is there candy in the world you live in? If so, do you have a favorite one?
Daffodil - Do you like trying new things? What is something new you’d like to try?
Juniper - What is the nature like in your setting?
Pine- If camping exists in your wold, have you gone camping? did you like it? do you go often?
Seafoam - Are there bodies of water in your setting? Describe them if you can
Blue - Are you a creative person? How do you like to be creative?
Denim - What is your fashion style? cc
Ultramarine - What is your favorite aquatic creature? (if they exist)
Aegean - Would you consider yourself a wise person? who do you look to for wisdom?
Lavender - what is a smell you really like?
Eggplant - What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?
Amethyst- What is your aesthetic?
White - Do you consider yourself a good person? What’s the best thing you’ve ever done for somebody?
Ivory - Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones and how well?
Chiffon - Do you prefer a larger and cleaner environment, or a smaller and cozier one?
Alabaster - What is the most recognizable thing about you? What are people most likely to notice about you when they first meet you?
Hazel - What kind of folklore/myths/stories are told in your family/community?
Iron - Have you ever used a weapon? Do you own one? If so what is it?
color questions
” wow that’s— thats a lot of questions.. you really want to know that much about me? sure, then i guess i can answer your questions
i mean, i don't hate spicy food, and i can handle my spice pretty well. like if you give me it, ill eat it but im probably not gonna order it at taverns and places like that.. do you guys even have taverns here? or.. is it restaurants.. ah..
now alcohol i can get behind, i always get something if theres a bar nearby-- flirt with a bartender, charm them if i have to, and get some free drinks. i like anything you put in front of me but sometimes i stray for something fruity. its nice to have something sweet in my drink
i don't know if i have a favorite part of autumn, but i guess i do like it when i can just explore the pretty forest when we're docked somewhere.
yes there is candy, but i don't have a favorite one. i never really had much candy growing up and don't usually buy it. but i heard there's a guy here who gets to leave for a moment, maybe he could get me some candy??
i mean, i literally (unwillingly) left royal life and became a pirate-- so i would say that i'm open to trying new things. something new i'd like to try? uh.. you know maybe going on a car ride with someone, them driving of course.. it seems fun.
oh the nature is gorgeous in my world, especially in the fae realm-- but i don't really go there. but there are just some places that i could just stay for hours.
camping does exist, but i don't usually do it. we usually sleep on the ship or in an inn.. so i really don't know if i would like it or not
there.. there are definitely bodies of water where i'm from. i've.. spent time down there before. its gorgeous, and much similar to what i've seen is here too. but it feels much more.. magical.
i like to think i'm a creative person. i sketch from time to time, and i love to write things down but other than that.. but writing is something i really liked to do
my fashion style. hmm.. i guess i would have to say i usually dress like a pirate, since i am one? my old style was a red tank top and dark blue pants with two belts. i also wore a long brown coat and my brown finger less gloves. but now i've been wearing dark green swim trunks and this mesh see-through top.
i love all of the aquatic animals, i don't think i could choose. except dolphins, because fuck dolphins.
uh.. i mean i'm fairly wise? nothing too special but growing up i spent a lot of time with books, so between me and my brother i would say i'm book smart and wise. but he's smart as well. though.. though i can be pretty fucking stupid sometimes.
the smell of dashie's cooking definitely. shes the cook on our ship and holy crap guys i wish you could taste her cooking. she tells you stories if you hang out while shes cooking.. and honestly we don't know if they're true or not. but i believe they are
oh god.. i've eaten a lot of foods, and most of them from dashie as i said before. but id have to say it was at this one tavern and it was called owl bear steak-- which had mushroom sauce and a steamed beak. it was.. interesting to say the least
my aesthetic? well, besides all the pirate stuff i guess you could say my aesthetic is brooding magical guy. oh you should've seen me the first month my brother went missing. it was that but intesified
..i dont know. i dont really like this question. ive murdered others and ive stolen before, but does that really make me bad? with the life ive lived and how my world operates does that truly make me a bad person? but i give my brother the life he wants, even if it wasn't my first choice. but i wouldnt tell him that, and i think that makes it a good thing because then he won't feel guilty.
i do not know or play any instruments
smaller and cozier. i share the captains quarters with my brother, and its decent sized but its cozy and i like it.
hmm.. well if we were talking about my usual form then i would have to say probably my hair or my eyes. but with this form.. oh. i would probably also have to say my hair-- people seem to really like it.
is it bad to say that i dont actually know any myths or folklore about my hometown? i was book smart yes but.. i actually didn't pay much attention in class.. i didnt really care. so im sorry to say i cant answer this one
i do have a weapon. i could never learn the sword as much as Varian tried to help. i usually rely on my magic when i fight but i also do have a crossbow. i wish i had one here but it seems that id have to be a .. militant to hold a weapon. and you guys dont even have crossbows, which is a bummer
i hope i answered your questions to your satisfaction i.. its weird talking so much about my life to strangers "
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florentinja · 2 years
new advent calendar
I really wanted to make an advent calendar with animated GIFs again, out of tradition :-) and because I still like GIFs so much. But this year I haven't tried any new tool, explored or practised any animation technique or watched any tutorial. In fact, I haven't made a single animation all year.
I was on the road a lot, I walked a lot and I took a lot of photos, really a lot. So in the autumn I started to put some of my old drawings on photos, I also really like collages. Then I  began to draw a little bit again and to think about movements. One thing led to another, and a little bit to my own surprise here is an advent calendar again.
Regarding tools and software I used nothing changed much. Because I travelled so much and I travelled light my tablet became more important, but I still don’t know how to animate without access to my computer and my pen display.
Tools: Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 lite, Wacom Cintiq 16
Software: Autodesk Sketchbook, Photoshop CC, Tahoma2D
Some of the photos I used for the backgrounds were not taken by me. I was lucky again and had a very beautiful cooperation. That's just the most fun! (I hadn't thought of badgers before :-) ) The working process was quite different this year, the starting point was always a photo and the drawings and animations more or less accompany it.
So my most important tool was my new camera I only got  this year as a gift :-). It’s a Ricoh GR Digital IV (from 2011 maybe). One of the nice things about this camera is that the photos usually don't need any editing. That was very unusual for me and at the same time a lot of fun.
It starts on 1 December with an animated GIF every day until 24 December. As always, I share the GIFs primarily with friends and family via messenger and, as always, I have uploaded them to the queue here. (The tumblr queue is so nice and helpful).
See you in the woods, it will be dark! 
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Hi! :3 I'm new to the acotar fandom, and I'm addicted to your blog!
I just want to talk a little about theories for the next book (I'm sorry if that came up a lot and was discussed already). I just watched an interview where they asked SJM "Will Azriel get his own book in the future?" and she answered "I can't confirm anything officially right now, but once you get to the end of ACOSF, I think you'll know who the next book is about." - to me, her answer in this context is def a subtle confirmation that his book is next (Also the bonus chapter was in his POV). But if I think about acosf the person who has been the most set up to me is not even Az, but Gwyn :D and Eris tbh! So I think the next book will def feature some Autumn court drama. I also feel like the Valkyre storyline is not over yet, and there is a possibility of a civil war in Illyria.
But I also liked your theories about how Elucien could be the next book, and I agree that it would be a breath of fresh air tbh. Nesta's book was heavy dealing with mental health issues and healing, and I feel like Az's journey will be similar and a little dark. But at the same time, since Elain is the last Archeron sister, it would also make sense to me to end the spinoff series (for now) with her book.
I also read that cc3 will set up acotar5 plot-wise, and I have mixed feelings. I did not read cc yet (I read a lot of spoilers though, I don't mind them) and I wasn't planning to, but I probably will because acotar5 is still 5000 lightyears away and I'm losing my mind *sigh* but I'm a bit intimidated about this crossover. What gives me hope that SJM said that she wants to make sure that the books are understandable on their own even if you don't read the other series, so maybe it will be the same like the bonus chapters - relevant but at the same time, not that much.
Anyways, sorry if this was long and made little sense (English is not my first language and I tend to overcomplicate my sentences haha), I'd just like to hear your thoughts. :3
Have a nice day!
Your message was very understandable!!
English is my first language and I still overcomplicate my sentences 😂 If that was the only interview SJM had ever done than I think I'd be under the impression that Az was going to be the next book. She sounded excited to tell his story, she drew a lot of attention to his Bonus Chapter and she did comment on thinking it was obvious who the next story was about. But SJM has given other interviews and that adds a few layers to the whole mystery. Around the time SJM first signed on for the spin-offs, she spoke about how she was surprised to find the sisters would have journey's of their own. She spoke of how the second Nesta and Cassian sat down at the table together she knew they were it for one another. She spoke about how Elain had her HEA ripped away, how Lucien had always been one of her favorites and she spoke on how originally Nesta and Lucien were going to be mates until she realized they would be terrible together and that Elain was the one who surprised both she and Lucien. She mentioned that she knew who the first two spin-offs would be about but was holding off on the third as she was deciding between a few different pairings. She also said she had already done research for Elain's book and wrote about it in special edition of ACOFAS. So if those had been the only interviews we ever got, I think it would be safe to assume Nesta and Elain were the ones getting the first two books as she barely spoke of Az, she had mentioned the sisters had journeys of their own, and we knew there was the big mystery of whether Elain would accept her mating bond. After that, SJM got very tight lipped at Bloomsbury's request. So now, would she really be going against Bloomsbury to declare "I thought it was obvious" while answering a question about Az when she's said she's not allowed to spoil it? Could she simply be throwing us off by acting like it's Az's book when in reality it will be Elain's? Or could she be telling us the truth without saying the actual words? As far as CC3 setting up ACOTAR plotwise, from the interview I watched where she said that, I believe she only meant that with the arrival of Bryce in Prythian, it will now cause the characters of ACOTAR to wonder who else can enter their world. So I think it's less about the CC gang and what happens in CC3 and more to do with who else we're going to see enter into Prythian in later ACOTAR books. My theory on that is that some of the Asteri (Valg?) will find their way back to the world they originally came from and that will result in a major battle between the Fae / humans (that support the fae/human alliance) and the Asteri / Human Queens / Fae that are trying to take over more of the human lands / humans that are against the fae / human alliance. That's just my take on it though! She might have meant something totally different. 😁 Thank you for your message!
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writingsbychlo · 2 years
MARRY ME NOW!!!! 😭😭😭💗💗💗🥺🥺🥺
It's exactly my thoughts. Gwyn and azriel can be great friends and even have a relationship and I think that will help him a lot, Gwyn is so nice and adorable, she brings light wherever she goes. s I feel like Az needs a friend like that and it would be more of a discovery relationship for both sides since gwyn is also so young. And also, if you analyze SJM's writing,she hardly leaves just one relationship for each person, normally a character has a previous relationship before having a fixed one. We can analyze this in TOG and also CC. I would like to see gwyriel together, I think it would be a healing dynamic for both of them. I think Elain and Lucien would be cute 😭 He's just as peaceful as she is, they would get along so well together. And Lucien is so respectful, I feel like he would do her good, and help her discover herself, have more presence and stand up for herself. I'm also neutral about her, I'd like to see more of her, I'd like to know what she thinks and what she wants. She's so powerful, but we've seen so little about her. Azriel is kind of a tough guy, he's so stagnant but shadows and holds on so much, I wanted someone to diaper him, and we could see his thoughts, emotions and actions.
I try to deny Azris, but that would be too involving 😏❤️‍🔥 The biggest reach with the autumn fire 🥵🥵 Or they could become enemies to friends, that would be funny
GIRL 🥹🤍 honestly I love lucien & elain so much i feel like they really would just be SO good for each other like DAMN. but i really do love lucien too like i just wanna be his best friend and y’all are gonna discover that in my writing okay there’s gonna be a lot of best friend!lucien because in my head, we would be besties
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simper-fi · 4 years
Tagged by @mikexx2​ for my Top 7 albums, thank you!! <3 <3 <3
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shamelessly copy & pasted from my sideblog :D
“Kid A” - Radiohead / “Kveikur” - Sigur Rós / “Runaround Sue” - Dion / “Vespertine” - Björk / “Technique” - New Order / “3-D The Catalogue” - Kraftwerk / “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge” - My Chemical Romance
FUN FACT! I’ve seen all of these artists live :D
I noticed a lot of people have already done this so I won’t tag anyone else, but I LOVE music memes, so feel free to say I tagged you if you want to do it! Be well, everyone <3
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madeofcc · 3 years
November update !
Hey dear followers and welcome to the new souls who starts following me recently. You’re all a blessing and I hope you’ll enjoy my content.
As usual in the beginning of a month, here’s a little update of what’s happening and what happened/ will happen during October/November . There’s two update : one about my life in general and the other about my blog and content.
Check below if you want to know
This time I’ll start with the life update as I have more to say on this ^^
Life update : My favourite month of the year just ended few hours ago and October this year was pretty nice, though a bit surprising.  As usual, the spooky halloween vibes filled me with joy and the colours of this season makes me feel comfortable. It’s also finally the season in which I can finally wear my clothes, as I’m totally a autumn/winter person (though I love summer, it’s just my body who can’t dea with global warming in general XD).
I also signed up for 2 more months at work so I’ll have a job ‘til the end of the year which is awesome but also frustrating because I love everyone there and I really feel good but I know that this is temporary and I’m already stressing a bit about being unemployed again in January but anyway ... We also got more work from usual because it’s the end of the year and I do extra hours to support the team (not everydays though, but still). So considering this and adding all the daily task I need to do at home (cooking, cleaning, stretching to stay healthy and all ...) I barely go out even though I finally have the money to do some stuffs XD I decided to use some extra money this weekend because I really needed to relax a little so I went to see the last Wes Anderson movie : The French Dispatch (Not my favourite of him even though it’s still beautifull and a good tribute to France, its depressed part and its colours, with an awesome cast ) and bought the Uni pack because I got it very cheap (around 7€ which is almost the price I pay for my break lunch when I work so I didn’t hesitated a lot).
Now I just need some time to actually test and play it (I only got into the CAS yet and let’s say that I was surprised to noticed two things : 1 : This pack has one of the best CAS for everyday outfit - 2 : I already had most of the outfit because of cc creators XD ). I saw some things around the Buy/Build but not everything yet, I’ll discover it fully when I’ll play it. That’s why I’m announcing .... That I’m taking a little break from posting after ASG is done ! Don’t worry though, I’ll still be around liking all your stuff and commenting/reblog but I won’t post much content except from some edits and maybe the Asami gameplay. So I guess now it’s time to talk about the blog as I already started.
Blog Update : So, if you didn’t read the life part, know that I’m taking a break from story telling after Another Side is ending. As usual, my plans couldn’t have been made in time (the story was supposed to end this week but I still have more to tell) so I want to end it the way I wanted through November, without the stress of daily content. That way the chapters will be longer and should be better (I hope so). I hope you, dear reader, won’t mind it and will still follow the story like you did before. We’re coming to the final part of it so a lot of revelations and twists are coming ! What are your thoughts so far by the way ? Do you like the story ? Who is your favourite character ? What do you think happened to Bella ? Don’t hesitate to share all your thoughts through the comments or my ask/dm’s, I always love to see people reacting to my stories ^^
About Simblreen, this year has been one of the best and it has also been fun to noticed that some exclusive creators still kept exclusive while the free ones did their best and way far more in terms of quality and content ! Thank you all so so much for all the amazing sims/ cc / buy / build / edits / little games / stories you have created for this event. You really did an amazing work, and some are already iconic (I think I’ll die for those Skeleton dress and Desert Boots by @xldkx​ ) so again, thank you all so so much for making this community a better place for a lot of us :) I have to admit that I got a little overwhelmed the first week so I decided to wait for the treats to be public even though I loved everything that I got from everyone >< Did you noticed we were trending ? No ? You were also to shock by the world on fire because of Harry fucking styles wearing another little girl dress like they’ve never seen a man wearing a dress before ? Well, now you know :p This community rocks !
Going back to my regular content now . I still have more treats to come ! As I told you, I want to share the cast of ASG so more characters will be available and I’ll include the link directly in the chapter so you all could find it. So far, you can find : Alex on the Main page of the story / Cass’ at the end of Chapter 13 / Malick on Chapter 14 (sentence : Malick? Are you still there ?)/ The Goths (2000′s version) will be public. There’s 4 characters left though, but I will update this post later when the story will end.
As I said earlier, when ASG ends, I’ll take a little break and have planned to come back with Destiny Harbour season 2 in 2022. Between November and December, I think I will try to actually play the game a little and discover the Uni pack that I bought especially to make Destiny a lawyer. So I hesitating between playing the pack with the DH crew, Asami or a new family ... I actually still didn’t really play with the DH characters and wanted to do it when the story will be over but we’ll see. For now I need to focus on ASG and not the possible fun I might later playing ^^ I also need an external harddrive so I can finally have more storage capicity on my computer to finally learn how to make my own poses and why not try to make a render once ?!  But again, we’ll see ...
And I think that’s all :) It was longer than I thought. I hope that you all had a great October month and if you’re new, know that Simblreen lasts all year long on my page so I also hope you all had a great Simblreen this year :D
Take very good care of you and if you need anything I’m here. Thank you all so so much ♥
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
simblr asks v2
here are my answers! find the questions here.
i wrote soo much ahaha. like however much you think i wrote, i wrote more than that. imo everything i write is gold though
1. are you going to buy the new pack (cottage living) when it comes out? no, it looks really nice but i legit never ever buy packs at launch, especially cause this one is a expansion and it will probably go on sale at some point
2. do you p*rate your dlc or buy it legitimately? buy it legitimately 👌
3. what’s your favorite world? brindleton bay, it gives like seaside cottage vibes. willow creek is good but it’s boring. 
4. if you use a queue, how many posts per day do you set it as? 3 or 4. i used to do like 12 lmaoo what even was wrong with me
5. do you watch sims on youtube? yes, i watch mainly malixa, oshinsims, and msgryphi
6. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (dream home decorator) those sectional couches look good! but honestly im kinda annoyed because now it’s even harder to have all the items filled in when i place lots from the gallery. like i’m just saying like a lot of builds will use that pack probably and if i don’t get it then i can’t really use builds/save files 
7. how many packs/kits do you own? lemme count
expansion: all - 10/10 game: 5/10 stuff: 9/18 kits: none xo
24/38 - 63%
8. what’s your origin id? is it the same as your url? 🤗 it’s in my title, it’s celeschul. it doesn’t look that nice in my title but i use celeschul in my package files and i’m guessing people search things like, “celeschul penny hair” or something like that in order to find my cc- so i keep it in there so the search results are easier. i do want to change it though..
but no it’s also not the same! well i mean it’s the username i use for cc. my origin id used to be an0nymousghost but i changed it. i wonder if anyone’s taken that one?
9. is your simblr your sideblog or main blog? main blog ✌️ my old blog @stardze​ is a main blog as well.
my old old simblr was a sideblog but it had like 1 follower and it literally a bot so i don’t think that counts. i have a multifandom sideblog though 
10. do you have a cc finds blog? i wish. i was thinking bout it earlier and that would be sooo neat but sometimes i download stuff that doesn’t have a tumblr post attached to it, and also it’s stressful to keep up with so nah
11. are you wcif friendly? yes sir. in fact i bring the trouble of wcifs onto myself but doing them even when nobody asked.
12. what’s your favorite sized household to play with? (ex. 1 sim, 4 sims) gonna have to think on this one, honestly 1 sim is really fun and stuff goes by so fast. doing stuff with astrid when she was on her own, it was much more efficient. 
for families, i haven’t done that in a while actually. 5, 2 parents and 3 kids is cute tho. why did i write this this is honestly such a hard question
13. if you have c&d, do you play with pets? i feel like i haven’t played with cats and dogs in forever. honestly i just have no paitence. noelle fae was supposed to get a cat (there’s a food bowl + cat bed in her house) but when summer vacation started, the amount of time i spent playing ts4 decreased a lot. (this doesn’t really make sense, i have a lot more time. honestly it just has to do with my recent obsession with a certain anime/manga and some other personal thing)
i did random nightmares in may though and i had pets frequently. g5 didn’t because sofia scarlett lived in an apartment, but g2/3/4 had cici, and g1 had all the cats. but that was back in march so it’s been a while.
14. what lifespan do you use? i really want to do aging off but then i feel like it drags on. but aging legit stresses me out, sometimes i just want to sit down and do some cas stuff but i only have 2 hours in real time and there’s like 4 days left till one of my sims’ birthdays. 
15. if you own a lot of packs, how many of them have you actually played through? just so everyone is aware this question was made for me
i feel like eps require a specific save made for testing them out, but the only save i’ve ever made for an ep is noelle fae’s get famous save. 
that is literally a lie - i made a save for island living with one of my 100bc kids, maisie acapella. i did actually post it on tumblr BUT then i deleted all the posts BUT i reblogged them on my alt account BUT i privated my alt account so i honestly forgot about it
i have never played through discover university or watched anyone do it on youtube, i’ve read gerbits’ story about it so i think i’m pretty qualified. i’ve always wanted to do one with periwinkle acapella but i never got around to it
another ep i know nothing about is get to work
i tried doing a eco life playthrough but i hadn’t watched any videos and i was like..what is going on. so i quit lolx d ;;;;; i mentioned it but the whimsy stories legacy was the first time i had played with the eco lifestyle features so technically i think i know what im doing
i got outdoor retreat literally on monday of this week so i haven’t played through it yet. 
jungle adventure i still don’t know what’s going on. i remember last year before i bought the pack i was brainstorming, and wanted to do a ja playthrough with luna and cedar, who are a couple who i did a random legacy with and it was all queued to post when i deleted everything (if you’re wondering why, it’s because my queue was literally 200+ posts). except this time i didn’t save them to my sideblog so i lost them. 
i still havent had a restaurant in dine out 
also never did the vet thing from cats and dogs
i have no idea what that rock climbing thing is from snowy escape but i did most of the other stuff because rn g5
city living i did through psc stage 5 and also it was the first pack i bought anyways
the rest of them are either stuff packs or i ended up playing them through casual gameplay (seasons, parenthood)
16. what do you do as you play sims? (ex. listen to music) i listen to music most of the time, or listen to commentary youtube videos because i am an alpha chad. i also used to talk with my friends on voice call but i don’t do that anymore 🥲
17. which sims challenges have you tried? random legacy, whimsy stories, perfect sim challenge, 100 baby, legacy (just the plain get-to-10-gens one), random nightmares, berry zodiac, astrology legacy, apocalypse
i feel like im forgetting some.. honestly most of the stuff i did before simblr was either 100 baby (i love that challenge) or random saves that lasted for 2 seconds. 
18. do you like the new(ish) hair swatches? nah. 
i do appreciate that most cc hairs have a true (ish) black, thank god! and the fact that the hair update is what inspired me to update and fix a bunch of hairs with different issues is pretty nice. but will i use them? no. 
plus it takes up like 5 gb? depending on how many packs you have.
19. post the latest screenshot you took 📸
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i live in cas
20. what is the cc/ingame hair that looks the most like your own? i think that dream home decorator side part hair looks a lot like my hair. honestly i havent see much like my hair but that one is kinda-? close
21. who is your favorite sim of yours and what is their story? noelle and alari fae i think! 
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link to post
noelle is blonde and has blue-grey eyes. she wears purple contacts pretty often though (because she wants to 😌)
alari has light brown hair that is kinda curly, and she’s got pretty vibrant blue eyes. 
they’re sisters, alari is 3 years older than noelle. noelle was 19 and alari was 22 when they got spotted
they worked as models when they were young adults. their jobs involved dyeing their hair blue/pink, and they would model like clothes and stuff. anyways, they were pretty successful. like not ultra famous but they had enough money to not work for the rest of their lives. 
their modeling group was made of 4 girls, the others were named paisley autumn and they were green and red, respectively. some things are: 
paisley and alari started dating during this 
autumn was a single mother to a little girl named destiny
noelle dated many people during this but never ended up finding the one <3
when their contract ended after like 6 years, paisley and alari went to go live together and noelle decided to get into acting. so thats when get famous playthrough started!
there’s more but basically they’re like oc’s with sims on the side. xoxo
22. if you use cc, are there any cc creators that you have like ALL of their items? this is such a good question! i hoard hair very heavily (my folder is 11gb) i so i have like 97% from most of the popular hair creators. 
i think i had legitimately EVERYTHING from simstrouble though, i went through multiple times to check and i also have all of her retired stuff. 
i have everything from ridgeport i think-? because of the fact that she uploaded all her stuff in one big zip. 
i think that’s it.. for a long time i also had everything by clumsyalienn, but then i ended up deleting it and only keeping my faves. 
and looking at my collection, maybe ah00b? i might be missing a couple but i at least have like 99%.
23. what’s one pack you think is underrated? dine out, it’s laggy af yes but it’s such a nice thing for my sims to do. 
24. what are your favorite sims stories/legacies? melons by gerbits always and forever
this question was inspired by this ask anyways so 
25. if you could change one small thing about ts4, what would it be? most of my suggestions are pretty complex but literally just - when you add tray files, they appear at the top. my life would be so much easier
this took me literal hours to answer
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Indefinite Hiatus.
To anyone reading this, I ask that you respectfully do not reblog this post, as it is very personal, thank you. That being said, the post is long, I’m a writer, what do you expect? But there were so many things I needed to get of my chest, whether anyone reads it all or not, simply doesn’t matter. I had to speak it all out, in order to move on. I will as such hide it under a cut, in case anyone should be curious why I am going on hiatus. Which I don’t usually do, I tend to just take off for a couple of days when things bother me enough to leave. But I thought this time I had to make an announcement, as it is quite possible I am simply just done with this place, and wont be returning. I simply don’t know at the moment, and none of what I write in this post, is written as a form of attention seeking, nor a way for me to get people to show me attention or beg me to stay. If I’m going, I’m going, and there’s nothing anyone can say that would make me stay. I simply make the announcement out of the respect for the few followers I still have some respect for. I wont just up and leave with no word when there’s people on here I still care about. So to be abundantly clear. This is a hiatus. I might be back. I might not be back. Only time will tell. I may some days hang around to check up on cc, you may even see me reply a person here and there, and not reply others. This isn’t anything personal towards anyone. I am simply a person who constantly bend over backwards for everyone else, then push myself repeatedly aside. And I am officially done with it. From now on if you see me online, on any sort of platform, I will not feel bad in any sort of way for not being available, simply because I am online. From now on I will only engage in things that resonate with me, when they resonate with me. Anything else steals my peace. And I no longer want to allow that. I might be gone a couple days, I might be gone a month. Maybe you wont ever see me return, and that’s that. I will take the time I need, even if that means for good. I will no longer put others before my own well being. I might even come by to reblog this post a few times, simply for the fact that I spent many hours, weighing my words, trying to make them as polite, yet clear as possible. I spent lots of time and energy on this, so if I during my hiatus come by to reblog it, it’s not a way to seek attention, or more likes/comments. It’s simply that I made a large effort, and I want as many of my followers to read this, so there’s no confusion as to why I am suddenly gone. If you want me to clarify further than that/you’re curious what finally made a “kind” person give up, it’s all below the cut:
I’ve been sitting on this for a couple days. Debating on whether I should say something or not. But I’ve come to the conclusion that I want to be as transparent as possible, in hopes that, it may, help someone else avoid being in a similar situation. Maybe someone will learn something along these lines of words I so carefully have put together. Preventing someone else from getting hurt. One can hope. And I also hope by speaking up, I can release the negativity I have been carrying, and set it free. Preventing it from weighing me further down. A few days ago, I entered one of my oldest characters, Odette, into a model casting, for Billsims. An experience that should have been fun and enjoyable, but instead resulted in making the decision to pull Odette out of the casting, to avoid Billsims potentially getting in trouble. You see, on the application info post, Billsims mentioned that it would be nice if a bit of info would be written about the sim we would enter, but it wasn’t a must. I decided, as a writer, to write a bit about my character, cause you betcha, as soon as someone mentions they might want a few words about a character of mine, -and my words start spilling like iced tea on a hot summers day! So I added the basic info I thought Odette herself would find important. Among that, I mentioned she’s a ‘Romanian Gypsy’. I did this to best clarify what Ethnicity she has, and what she classifies herself as. If I had simply written ‘Roma/Romani’, many people might not have understood what was meant. And I wanted to be as clear as possible about her, plus the word Gypsy, is simply what she has chosen for herself. I furthermore added she’s a proud woman, and a Pagan. Surprise surprise, someone didn’t like this info, and decided it was okay to point that out on my application post.  I still don’t understand some people’s need to constantly nitpick at anything they see online, specially in public, and specially when it comes to people simply having a hobby, enjoying said hobby peacefully, without harming anyone. Now, the post is still up on my blog, the comments are still there. Anyone is free to go have a look if they wish to know exactly what was said. But that being said, I hope and would like to think my followers are old enough to not attack anyone. Please. It wont solve anything. I also ask that no one bother Billsims about the matter, he was perfectly wonderful about it all, and had no issue with neither me, nor Odette. I was the one who decided to pull her out of the casting, in order to protect him, he even told me I was more than welcome to enter someone else. I decided against that however, to protect my peace. Something a very wise person told me to do. Thank you. I stopped replying to the person after my first reply, simply cause I saw no reason to engage in a debate that would lead nowhere. It seemed as if they already had a rather twisted view of me or my character or what was going on, quite possible a mix of it all? So I let them stay in their belief. Trying to convince them otherwise seemed like a tedious task, I had no energy to take on. And I instead went for advice from a trusted person, and enjoyed a long peaceful and uplifting conversation, rather than a fruitless quarrel with someone that was already so sure I was out there doing all sorts of harmful things through my character. I suppose the person commenting wasn’t a follower of mine, and if they were, I cannot imagine them to be a longtime follower. You see, I am aware Gypsy by now is often seen as a ‘slur word’, as this person was trying to educate me. I do not write something into my characters without making at least some sort of research first. Had this person been a long term follower, they would have known, I rarely ever use that word. As a matter of fact, not so long ago, I posted the bio of another character, Gabriella, she was also listed as ‘Romanian Gypsy’. So is the rest of the Lupei clan that both Odette and Gabriella belong to. They have always been listed as such. Ever since I started on Simblr 5 years ago. No one has ever commented on it before. And when I posted Gabriella’s bio earlier this Autumn, I was even met with surprise that I have Roma characters. So it seems, even long term followers hadn’t noticed. Which must mean, I am certainly not a person spreading the word around. It’s not the first time, I have had to get ‘whipped over the back of my head with a wet newspaper,’ by someone who thought I needed some schooling. I have had that experience twice before. So 3 times in total the 5 years I’ve been here. What a rebel I must be, since I have had to be corrected so many times. Once for having many gay characters in Polyamorous relationships. Once for having twins/blood related characters dating each other, and was as result accused of saying incest is right and spreading it as if everyone should be doing it. Which I never did, and never would. We have Game Of Thrones doing that already. First of, I simply don’t agree with that. I don’t think incest is right. However, I also don’t think it is wrong, if the people involved love each other and can make it work. And yes, that is possible. The person getting their panties in a twist over River and Jackall being a couple, did mention they had experienced incest close hand, so I do wanna defend them, and give them their space to be outraged, since I could understand it was a trigger for them. However, I cannot prevent everyone’s triggers, nor is it my job to do so. It is up to you to avoid your triggers, and to find a way to deal with them, so when someone does trigger you, you can handle yourself the best way possible. The whole world is never gonna wrap you in cotton. You need to wrap yourself. It took me no more than 2 minutes to find a very informative Wiki article about how incest IN FACT can be between two consensual adults, which the individual claimed could NEVER exist. Furthermore it can happen between two consensual adults whom happen to love each other just as dearly as two people in a completely “normal” relationship can. Two minutes research was all it took. Imagine if people would do just a minimum effort of research BEFORE they start attacking other people. Imagine a world like that. By all means, if I were out there on the street corners of the world, with pamphlets promoting incest, drag me to a side and slap me. That aint cool. But I am just over here, in my quiet little corner, doing my own thing, which btw you are more than allowed to disagree with, but don’t come knocking on my door with your disagreement. The very few posts I have ever shown of my incestuous couples, have all been very tasteful. And although it is mentioned on each characters bio, whom they are in a relationship with, I think it’s been years since I last even posted a pic of any of said people. I have posted far worse things, and no one ever mate as much as a squeak about it. Still, you are allowed to disagree, I just wish you would handle it in a better way than schooling everyone who does something you mildly (or even strongly) disagree with, and save the schooling for the real issues such as child pornography, Nazi’s, global warming, racism, whether people should wear a mask or not, and any sort of abuse/bullying. Here’s three alternatives I welcome on the other hand: 1. Scroll on. (I have talked with several of my long term followers, and they have confirmed they don’t always agree with the things I post, but they follow anyway, because they enjoy the majority of what I post, and the rest they simply scroll past. It doesn’t ruin their day, or their enjoyment of following my blog in general.) 2. Unfollow. You are always more than welcome to unfollow A-NY-THING on social media, if you do not like what you are seeing. When you subscribe to something/someone, the moment you no longer enjoy what you are seeing, you always have the chance of unfollowing. It’s not a permanent subscription for the rest of your life. Nor a chance for you to try to change what others are posting about. Specially as long as it isn’t harming anyone. 3. Block. The button exist on the vast majority of social media for a reason. Use it if you believe something or someone is so bad that it/they steal your sunshine. Block block block, and move away from it. If you keep hanging onto something you have blocked, what’s the point really? You’re still allowing it to affect you. Move on. And for the umpteenth time, even if my characters does something/say something/engage in something, doesn’t necessarily have to mean I agree with them/their choices/their lifestyle. With some things I do, others I don’t. I’m a writer. I enjoy writing things that challenges me, and challenges the reader. I simply don’t find joy in writing the typical white picket fence story where everyone fits into society, and everything is butterflies and Dandelions. But at the same time, I also don’t run around nitpicking at the people who do enjoy writing or reading these types of stories. The thing is, it’s fiction, right? I’m not writing about real life characters. So I ask you, do you believe every piece of fiction you have ever read? Does Lord Of The Rings or Harry Potter align with real life? If you can say no to that, then why on earth are you so dead sure that the fiction I write align with reality? For the last time, I do NOT agree with incest. For my characters, which btw doesn’t end at just River and Jackall, I do believe in it, simply for the circumstances of how the relationships happened. But you would have to read my whole story to finally understand it all. But I am not cramming it down your throat, specially if you have already made it clear you disagree. To that I once again want to add, my story is nowhere public, so I am really not in any way educating anyone on incest or ‘Gypsies’ or polyamory or anything else. I think polyamory is cool for the people who enjoy it. Have I personally ever been in a poly relationship? No. But I am at the belief people can do with their private life what they wish, as long as they aren’t harming anyone and everyone involved agrees. And to get back to what this post originally was intended to be about, the matter on Odette’s post, I have a few last things I need to say before I put the matter to rest: I'm not representing all of Romani, when I speak for my character(s). I never once mentioned this is how all Romani is. So if that’s what you read, that is on you and the words you add to mine, not my actual words or intention. I'm simply allowing my character and her family to be whatever they want to be, and call themselves however they see fit. As long as they are good kind people, it shouldn't matter much what they call themselves, as long as they don't use slur words for others. I never once claimed that all Romani is Pagan. Odette is. Her father or twin brother, isn't. Odette comes from a mixed background, and is as such a mix herself. And how beautiful is that? Wouldn't it be a shame, if we were only ever allowed to be just one thing in this life? I am not out here educating people on Romani culture, I am not calling people Gypsy in real life, nor do I do it online. In fact I don't call anyone anything in real life, cause people's skin tones simply doesn't matter that much to me. We are all just shades. No shade is more important than the other. We are all decaying plant food. Really. Odette has proudly chosen this word for herself, just as her family before her has been proud to do so. I have in no way portrayed my characters in the meaning of any sort of slur word. They are all highly intelligent well educated people. Odette is under education as a nurse. Her father is a well known and well respected doctor. Furthermore, they are all shape-shifters, whom can shift into very large wolves. Odette’s father being the Alpha. Wait, does that mean I am calling all Romani werewolves? It’s fiction. I am not standing on some stool somewhere preaching to anyone. I’m just me and my characters. I keep it between them and I 99% of the time. My roomie has a friend whom proudly calls herself a Gypsy. She has family whom proudly call themselves Gypsies. So not everyone views this word as bad. And yes there are real life people out there, who sees the word as positive and call themselves by it. Are you going to run after them too, and dictate what they are allowed to call themselves? Or is that only reserved for Simblr’s you disagree with? You simply can’t box up a whole minority like that and claim the word is always offensive and no one is allowed to use a specific word to describe themselves. Furthermore: Mixed background/ethnicity/religious beliefs/spiritual beliefs is a thing in the real world too, not something I made up over night to harm anyone. 'Gypsy' has never been said as a slur word coming from me, it was never ill-intended, and never will be, just like gay never will be said as a slur or ill-intention coming from me. Yet gay is also a word that has quite often been used as a slur. And still is. So, should we stop using it all together? No. It can be said in good intention, and in bad, it all depends on the person using the word. And people should surely be allowed to call themselves gay, shouldn’t they? Never have any of my Romani characters been portrayed in a bad light. (Or gay characters for that matter, but that's not what the subject is about)   And if they ever would be portrayed in a bad light, it would certainly have nothing to do with them being Romani. I personally see no point in that. My story and my characters are a source of joy for me, I have no intention of bringing racism into it. Now, we can agree that the word Gypsy is by now used as a slur, but it wasn't originally a slur, and once again, I do believe a person is allowed to call themselves whatever they may wish. Odette and her family wouldn't call other people Gypsies, unless they knew they were okay with it, and proud. Added to that, I do not believe a word can be racist or a slur in itself. A word is just a word. A string of consonants and vowels tied together to create a sound. It's the person using the word, who gives it ill-intentions, not the word itself, unless it was deliberately created with the only intention of hurting. Which as far as I am aware, wasn't the origin of the word Gypsy. 'Roma (Gypsies) originated in the Punjab region of northern India as a nomadic people and entered Europe between the eighth and tenth centuries C.E. They were called "Gypsies" because Europeans mistakenly believed they came from Egypt. This minority is made up of distinct groups called "tribes" or "nations." Most of the Roma in Germany and the countries occupied by Germany during World War II belonged to the Sinti and Roma family groupings. Both groups spoke dialects of a common language called Romani, based on Sanskrit (the classical language of India). The term "Roma" has come to include both the Sinti and Roma groupings, though some Roma prefer being known as "Gypsies." ' - Source: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/roma-gypsies-in-prewar-europe So to really boil this whole thing down to the bone, so hopefully this wont ever be an issue again: I do not use the word Gypsy in my day to day life. By creating a character who addresses herself as Gypsy AND also happens to be a Pagan, I do NOT in any way indicate that all ‘Gypsies’ are Pagans. I simply state that my character is. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not agree with incest in real life, though I do believe people are allowed to do with their private life as they see fit, as long as they aren’t harming others, and everyone involved is agreeing. I do not promote Poly relationships. Although once again, I’m a firm believer that people are allowed to do with their private life as they see fit yadda yadda... I do not promote being gay or any other sort of sexuality for that matter. Not that I have ever been accused of that, but I wanted to cover it anyway, cause who knows, it might be the next one I should get corrected for. I have a few times mentioned being trans, that was also not in any way a promotion. I do not promote Necrophilia. And here I really must snort. Some years ago (on an old blog, not this one) some very dear followers of mine, gently persuaded me to make some rather graphic pictures of my character Raven, literally f*ck*ng some corpses. It was posted in October as some satirical Halloween-ish post, as far as I remember, and was started from a simple question of, IF, it could be done in ts3? I was then challenged to do it. I did. People clapped. I’m sure others cried. But to my surprise my follower numbers didn’t drop, they increased? No one came running to ‘teach me a lesson’. No one came around to tell me what my demon was allowed to do or not. He was free to do whatever/whomever he wanted. And that’s the thing. There’s so many things in my story, and about my characters, that you don’t know. Cause I don’t post it out there for everyone to see. Cause I am not trying to promote a thing. I am simply here to challenge myself, and along that line challenge the few people I ever trusted to be my readers. You see, I don’t write for the numbers, meaning I don’t write a story that is meant to have a large following. I write for me, cause it is one of the only things that has ever helped me get through life, and fight some of my inner demons, to fight complications, to fight grief, to cope with all sorts of personal things I’m going through, and to have a place to escape to when life is too scary. I write for the content, the depth, for me, not for the fame, not for likes, not for anyone else. This is mine, and I don’t promote it on any scale, I keep 99% of it in private, and the rest I do air in public I air on a very minimal scale. If you decide to get offended about the fact that I drizzled a specific word once on a post, and a handful of times on my personal bios, well, that’s on you. It’s not a word I am out there spreading like a wildfire. People that has followed me for years never saw it till recently. Which should really speak loud of how little that word has ever come from me. I’m a respectable person. I do my best to respect everyone around me. At any time. Even when people don’t deserve an ounce of my respect. But that does not mean I should be weighed down with the burden of never offending anyone, cause then I might as well never speak again. Fact is, now more than ever, people are so offended by almost anything they can come across on social media. Jumping to conclusions here and there, when all they could do is simply ask, before getting offended and as a result decide to school or attack everyone around them. For no one to ever get offended again, we should all log out, and never sign in again. Why does it have to go to these extremes where no one can speak a word any longer, cause everything is an offense, a trigger, a slur? So I stay here in my little corner, doing me, doing my characters the way I like them. It is up to you to agree or disagree. You are free. But don’t come at me expecting I’ll change a thing for you. Cause you will only get disappointed. These people and their story is my way to cope with life, and as long as I am not out there shouting slur words at people or promoting certain ways of lifestyle, or deliberately harming anyone in any form of way, I cannot see why I shouldn’t be allowed. Just as you are allowed to do your own coping. Just as you are always allowed to scroll on, unfollow or even block things/people, you disagree with. Odette stays the way she is. So does the rest of my characters. It wont ever change because someone disagrees. The only way my characters change, is by character development, which mostly they decide for themselves. And I simply don’t see it in the cards that Odette will wake up and not feel Gypsy or stop using that word to describe herself, cause she personally sees nothing negative in it. Nor will she stop being Pagan because her mixed religion/background is making you uncomfortable. There’s plenty Christians out there, with Jesus or Bible quotes tattooed on them, yet Leviticus 19:28 say: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord. Interpret that the way you want it. But allow my character to do her religion the way SHE sees fit, simply for the fact that I am sure you want the same respect. I will not ever change my characters or my story for anyone but myself. You can express your dislike from here and until you get tired of repeating yourself, you can unfollow, you can block, you can even report me and get my posts taken down. You can even take it as far as getting my blog shut down. It wont make a difference. My story has been written for 6 years, some characters was written even longer than that. The story is over 200 book-length-chapters, close to 300 as a matter of fact. If I should change anything for a person I don’t even know, it would be almost 300 chapters I would have to reread and rewrite. Would you do that for some person that came by a post of yours, disagreeing with the way you portrait your own original character? If your answer is yes, I truly feel sorry for you. Lastly I want to say, try to be kind. Try to breath before you go and attack someones way of doing their own thing. Before you accuse someone of portraying something a certain way, maybe take a look at the persons previous work. Is it a one time thing, or is it a reoccurring matter? It may just be an itsy bitsy thing that you are blowing out of proportions, sorta like entering a conversation you know nothing about and then start correcting people left and right. It makes little to no sense, and in most cases, even if you might be meaning well, you end up doing more harm than good. Like in this case. You didn’t get to teach someone something they didn’t already know. You didn’t stop someones inappropriate behavior. What you did on the other hand, was extinguishing someones last spark. Their last will to keep going. You take that to the bank now, and be proud of yourself. Was it worth it? You can always accuse and assume. You’re free to do just that. But maybe in the future, try to replace accuse and assume with politely asking if your ‘concern’ is valid or not. Try to be mindful, try to be kind, try to consider that maybe the person you are about to put on the school bench/attack/bully or whatever you are about to do, is fighting an invisible battle you know nothing about. Maybe you are going to be the last straw for them. So try to weigh it all, is your righteous crusade worth it? Is it worth it to spill your two cents on a possible harmless matter, just so you can feel you fought a righteous battle and took someone ‘evil’ down, whom in fact were just trying their best to survive, by doing the one thing that helps them through it all, in their own little corner, harming no one. You know, there are tons of people like that out there. Making someone online feel so absolutely useless/worthless that they end up taking their own lives. Then blame the victims for it. Now, I might be a pretty strong person, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be at the end of my rope, and you simply don’t know. Do you? Thank you for taking your time to extinguish my last spark.
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maxismatchccworld · 5 years
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Hey you lovely Simmers! As you already know, every month I feature a new creator for the Sims 4.😊 Today I would like to introduce you to Renora and her blog Renorasims. I only knew her from the Sims 4 and was surprised to find out that she actually started as a builder. 👀
I’m Renora a CC creator for TS4 and if you told me 3 years ago I would be a creator, let a alone be featured in anything like this spotlight I would’ve not believed you. At all. Thank you Kerstin for this opportunity!
Like a lot of simmers I started playing from the very first installment ts1. Around the age of 8/9. I fell head over heals for such a colorful game with (back then) limitless ways to be creative. Building was my true love. I can still feel the feeling of anticipation I felt when ts2 was announced, sheer joy. To this date i still love most of the animations that came with that game so much. the subtle details are marvelous. With ts3 I became familiar with custom content/mods and simblr, as a downloader. I was dead set on making the game run as smoothly as possible which was kind of a big task with ts3. When Create a World (CAW) was released I only became more submerged into the game. Creating a world with all the stuff I would like to have in it was a dream come true for me (my tireless need to customize each detail hehe).
Then ts4 dropped, I definitely needed time to adjust (like… most people I guess XD) but after 1,5 year I started enjoying the game, I created a tumblr and started with stories and reblogging CC. The more I played the more I missed stuff I needed for my game and then s4s came around the corner… I spend days/weeks on their site trying to master the art of creating, starting with plain recolors and after that super simple mesh edits / frankenmeshes. Gradually I expanded my skills more and more and it became clear I mostly love creating CAS CC. Especially clothing. I have a Pinterest (duhh) where I get most of my inspo from + suggestions on Patreon, etc. Sometimes I run into someone with a cute top/outfit that i’ll try to remember once I get home. However I still enjoy doing BUY CC too!
One of the most important things imo is to remember when creating CC, as a beginner or expert, not to give up. I think I learned the most from just tirelessly trying to troubleshoot stuff myself but I’d also like to thank my dear dear friend Inga who’s my rock when i’m down or out of ideas on how to solve something myself.
From a young age I’ve battled anxiety/depression but this game (and creating CC) somehow gave me a sense of control/stress relief by being able to master most aspects of the game and being able to express my creativity. which sounds a bit like a control freak, I know, haha! XD. The franchise has lifted my spirit a lot of times when I was down.
When i’m creating CC I often(!) listen to the soundtracks of previous installments of the game and remember that warm feeling I had when I was playing for hours with a warm blanket, nice cup of tea on a rainy autumn day.
BUY CC favorite
Since I didn’t make as much BUY cc as CAS cc, this was a bit easier; that would be by far(!) the Revised BroHill Kitchen & Recolors! They took me foreverrrrrr and I still use them so much because they fit my game style very well. Kitchens are a nightmare to make imo but i’m super proud/glad I made them.
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CAS CC favorite(s)
fav’s because I cannot decide… I just tried but I can’t decide which ones I love most. probably due to the 156 cas files/creations I’ve made so far XD I’m a disaster when it comes to choosing anything in life so haha. Here’s a few of them though.
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Hope you guys liked reading it! <3 Feel free to drop by on my blog or website, As mentioned above there is sooo much more! All of it free and no malicious ads, etc.
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katatty · 4 years
meet the simmer - TS2 Edition
I was tagged to do this by @mrslandgraab - thank you!
Your name: Kat!
Languages you speak: Just English, and extremely low-level GCSE French :(
Are you a mermaid?: Sure! I live in a coastal town & was a huge mermaid & dolphin girl as a kid, even had an underwater/dolphin themed bedroom. These days my vibe is more witch-y than mermaid-y, but I’m down with being any kinda cool fantasy lady, haha
Your play style: It’s a mix, yeah! I tend to play with a lot of structure (rounds, challenges, etc.) but keep the rules pretty loose & optimise more for storytelling than anything. It varies a lot between saves and sometimes even between families, haha.
Your Simself picture: Gosh, I haven’t played with a simself in forever... here’s one from 2015, lmao:
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She doesn’t really look anything like me since I wasn’t the best at faces in those days, and my style has definitely changed in the last 5 years (although the hair isn’t all that different) so maybe I’ll make a new one, just for fun?
Stories or gameplay, builds, look books, edits or CC: Gameplay & builds, mostly!
Your favorite age state: Young Adults, university is my favourite! :D
Your favorite season: Spring or Autumn - I like that nice in-between weather and the feeling of the world chaning...
Your favorite holiday: Christmas, definitely! It can be kind of a stressful holiday but it gives me such a strong feeling of community and love, with family, friends, hell even on simblr! It’s the only time of year I really get together with my extended family. I also love the food, the decorations, the lights, Christmas pantos, classic films on TV, ghost stories... it’s got it all, imo!
How was your day?: So far so good! It’s been a weekend of having absolutely no plans (courtesy of corvid-19, heh) and just kinda relaxing. It’s a worrying time in a way but it’s also been nice to not have to worry about cramming as much as possible into the weekend & just being, yknow?
Your favorite career: I like running a OFB career the best but other than that... maybe crime, haha?
Your favorite aspiration: Knowledge & Pleasure!
Your favorite EP, GP and SP: Probably Mansion & Garden, I can’t live without all that gorgeous garden decoration & the cool archetectural details! For EP, hmmm, maybe university? University is my favourite part of the game, I think :)
How old is your simblr?: Apparently it dates back to August 2014 so, gosh, about 6 years??????????
Have you WooHooed?: Haha, serious question? Yeah
Your favorite skill: Creativity, probably! Although really its the hidden skills linked to it that I like, painting& music proficiancy, etc.
The size of your mods folder: 28GB >.< no comments on this please lmao, I know how bad it is & I hate it
Your 3 favorite mods: Going to cheat and say all the occult stuff by @midgethetree, the simological school/prison mods, & @hexagonal-bipyramid‘s traits project!
Your interests (other than Sims): Writing, D&D (I’m a newbie DM currently running Curse of Strahd for my IRL friends), anime, reading, drawing, tarot, fashion (I like ‘alternative’ style but lean more into witchy/granny/mori stuff than the ‘edgy’ look), witchcraft/occult stuff in general, knitting, embroidery... the last 2 are very new hobbies I’m still getting the hang of! 
Your favorite Sim (picture if possible): Chosing one is always basically impossible for me so I’m gonna go ahead and post a few favorites...
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Which Sims games have you played (including mobile games)?:Definitely TS2 is the one I’ve played the most of, but I’ve also played all the other mainline games... TS1 was only at friend’s houses, never got into TS4, but I have played a lot of TS3.
We never had a PC as a kid so I’ve played looooooads of the console ones. On the PS2 The Sims, Bustin’ Out, Sims 2, The Urbz (the best one.) Also the Sims 2 DS game & PSP games. Those are both pretty great. I also played the Sims 3 Wii game which was fucking terrible, haha.
Propose a crazy scheme: Bring back round robin legacies where a different simmer plays each generation
Best part of simblr: The community spirit is great, everyone is always eager to help each other and the level of creativity is just wow
Worst part of simblr:Sometimes I miss how much people commented in the old LJ days - without “threads” in comments it’s much harder to build friendships on Tumblr without going out of your way to message people, which is always a bit intimidating! 
What other games you play?: I don’t play that many other games because I like the Sims 2 so much, but me and my boyfriend generally play through a couple of games together each year... mostly the Zelda and Final Fantasy series. I also play 00s era Sonic games weekly with one of my friends, haha. They are kind of crappy in a lot of ways but hold so much charm for me, I just love them... in general I like visual novels, mysteries, puzzles, adventures & anything with a good story. Not so big on anything very large and open-world, or first-person.
Other favourites include Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Harvest Moon (had to quit this one cold turkey lmao), TWEWY, the 999 games & Phoenix Wright.
Other websites or accounts (Origin, Twitter, etc.): I’m on discord! katatty #9742
Are you single?: Nope, been in a relationship for the last 5 years & we’re very happy. We moved in together last summer!
Tagging @strangetomato, @moocha-muses, @nostalgiasimmer & @simhealing​ - if you’re up for it!
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cantseemtohide · 4 years
Simmer - ‘Get to Know’
Thank you @burnedparadisesimblr and @myverycoolnickname for the tag 😊 I cut out a lot of questions that I can’t be arsed to answer so if you want the full list you can see it here 👍
Your name: Sam
Languages you speak: English, did a bit of Spanish at school but probably not even to just about muddling through on holiday standard. Your play style: I just play the game how it is.
Your favorite age state: I don’t have a favourite although because I usually play with premade sims that probably tends towards young adults more often. Toddlers maybe have the most purely fun gameplay. The way the game is so narrowly focused on young adults is a bit annoying although I’m sure it makes commercial sense (and the cc that gets made follows that pattern so it’s even more obviously the case). Your favorite season: I like them all and think they did a really good job with the Seasons pack but if I had to pick I’d say Autumn is my favourite. It looks gorgeous in some of the worlds and I like the rain. But overall I just like how the seasons shape and give direction to my gameplay, there’s not enough of that in the game.
Your favorite career: I suppose I’d pick the acting career but I’m not too interested in any of them tbh. I’ve never completed a career in the game.
Your favorite aspiration: not really bothered about aspirations, sometimes I cheat to give sims the reward traits from them for character reasons but otherwise I pretty much completely ignore them. Your favorite EP, SP or GP: City Living is the best expansion pack, it has the best world and the best gameplay. The CAS stuff is good, the build stuff is great and it just feels more lively than anything else in the game. StrangerVille or Dine Out are my favourite game packs. I was really surprised how much I liked StrangerVille as I didn’t think I would, and I just love restaurant lots so Dine Out has to be up there. As for stuff packs, Vintage Glamour is great and so is Movie Hangout.
Your favorite skill: Singing is actually quite fun to level up but they’re mostly kind of a dull chore and I pretty much ignore them. Don’t think I’ve ever maxed a skill for an adult sim. The size of your mods folder: Nowt in there
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): The Bheedas are my favourite definitely, couldn’t pick one of them.
Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Only TS4
Best part of simblr: It’s nice sharing a hobby and getting to know other simmers 👍 Worst part of simblr: Probably the worst part of simblr is really more to do with tumblr which is how much of a source of anxiety it seems to be for a lot of people, and that’s something deliberately provoked by the structure of the site and is fundamental to its business model. Forums were much better in that way, more of a level playing field, and I don’t remember any forum I ever used having anything like the levels of anxiety that are a permanent fixture here. What other games you play: I’m not too much into video/pc games but I do have a Nintendo Switch which I play a bit. Luigi’s Mansion is the best on that.
I’ll tag @dragonflydaydreamer @simsfvr @dynastiasims @weicyn @thereesespiece @biffybobs @flethro @seraphicsimblr @alittledaylight @opheliavilla @intoxicatedsims @mdianasims
As always feel free to ignore if you’ve already done this or prefer not to!
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littlemicrocosims · 4 years
“Get to know”!
By @cupcakegnome
I was tagged by @hystericallytragicsimmer​!! Thanks Sarah! :)
It’s a long ‘get to know’ so putting under a read more for people that CBA with me <3
Your Name: Elisabeth, with an S!
Languages you speak: First language English, but I have a degree in French and Italian. I used to speak German too but it’s pretty rusty these days, it’s been a few years!
Are you a mermaid: .......no
Your play style: Very gameplay centric - I love a good story but I often get so carried away with the legacy aspect of it I forget what story I was telling! Plus I don’t like forcing stories. I love a bit of wackiness in my game, it’s not very gritty. 
Your selfsim picture: Accurate. Except my hair isn’t that good. 
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: Mostly gameplay and when I have the energy/willpower, story! I’ve never been a very good builder and I usually prefer to just play!
Your favorite age state: Prooobably young adult/adult just because you get to see how well they’ve grown up (if they were born in game) and that’s when the bulk of the living happens!
Your favorite season: Autumn for suuuure. I’m not into pumpkin spice lattes but I’m all about that soft autumnal aesthetic. 
Your favorite holiday: Easter. HEAR ME OUT, my dad’s a priest so it’s all the family time and celebrating of christmas without the intense pressure! No-one in the office is going to be arguing about who gets easter time off, plus it’s always at the weekend. Plus, CHOCOLATE. NEED I CONTINUE?
How was your day: Oh, lord. Let’s not go there. I just spent an hour trying to memorise different varieties of life insurance, so I think that tells you all you need to know. 
Your favorite career:  There’s still a few that I’ve not played through, weirdly. I kinda like all the entertainment outfits because it’s just basic wacky sims and I love it. Makes me feel like a kid again.
Your favorite aspiration: Faaaaamilyyyyyyy!!! It me
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Okay this is too hard!!! This is super obscure but back when I wasn’t allowed sims (look how well that turned out, MUM, NOW I HAVE A KINDA OLD BLOG DEDICATED TO IT) I used to go on the sims 2 website and play the Celebration Stuff minigame. It was just decorating a room but it made me love celebration stuff.
How old is your simblr: 5 (?) years now? Time flies!!
Have you woohooed: A lady never woohoos and tells! I’m just a woman though. Yeah, I woohooed. *eyebrow wiggle*
Your favorite skill: I mean creativity is the big money maker, but logic brings alien babies... sooo... it’s a tie?
The size of your mods folder: 2.69GB, apparently!
Your 3 favorite mods: For sims 2, the dawn/dusk lighting mod, ACR is always hilarious when you think you have a nice loyal family and then you see one on a community lot and BOOM! affair! andddd... quality of life wise, that more awesome than you mod that stops sims endlessly stomping on bugs. Cannot live without it.
Your interests (other than sims): Obviously other video games, but I actually spend a lot of time making cards. I have an instagram for them so if you are into that kinda thing go check out cardsbybizzy on insta! 
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): I really don’t have a favourite right now - it depends on who I’ve been playing. I nearly cried irl when [redacted] died, though. (wait... did I post that yet? I didn’t post that yet!!)
Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Okay. So. TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS Medieval, Bustin Out, Life Stories, Pet Stories, Castaway Stories, Freeplay.... Did you know there’s a “Sims Stories” skill on Alexa? DID YOU!? I DID. AND YES. I PLAYED IT.
Propose a crazy scheme: What if we all just stopped sending anon hate and tearing each other down? No? Too crazy? I hate seeing people get brought down by it again and again. It’s a game. (A thumping good’un I’d wager.)
Best part of simblr: Seeing other people’s awesome posts and getting inspired! This community is so endlessly creative and I’m always in awe of it. 
Worst part of simblr: The constant. Negativity. I mostly just unfollow when I see endless whinging but it’s hard to avoid completely. 
What other games you play: Overwatch, Witcher 3, Skyrim, Animal Crossing (MARCH 20 2020 HIT ME UP)... it varies a lot! I’ve actually been playing Kim kardashian hollywood lately. Don’t @ me. 
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): Origin ID is bella16rose, i don’t tweet, I don’t facebook, yaddayaddayadda.
Are you single: Nope! I got lucky enough to meet the love of my life a few years back now and he even knows about my dorky little sims blog. That’s how much he loves me.
Tagging: @monets-pixels​ @amixofpixels​ @rollo-rolls​ @tragicpixel​ @muses-circle​ @starburstshores​ @pancakebobs​... I feel like loads people have been tagged already so if not please TAG URSELF! I promised to be more active so HERE WE GO!
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creativetrashcans · 4 years
Simmer - Get To Know
By @cupcakegnome
Tagged: @ talemagne
Your name: Lonely Chiwawa (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish and kinda English 
Are you a mermaid: No not really... can barely swim tbh
Your play style: mmmh i like most things, creating sims, builidng is so much fun too, also challenges mmh stories no tho i cant write em LOL rip 
Your Selfsim picture: 
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: Challenges, builds and some other things coming heh
Your favorite age state: Teen or young adult
Your favorite season: Winter!!! i feel it has a lot to do and the snow is soooo pretty 
Your favorite holiday: Only played harvest fest so far... in sims BUT irl i like Christmas 
How was your day: It was chill and nice, even went outside wew
Your favorite career: Painter...........................maybe?
Your favorite aspiration: Soulmate
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Seasons 
How old is your simblr: Less than a year i think 
Have you woohooed: Yes, many times
Your favorite skill: Cooking, parenting and painting
The size of your Mods folder: 37,7 GB
Your 3 favorite mods: uhhhh hahaha impossible to choose
Your interests (other than sims): Drawing, make up and nails, mmh minecraft old anime and series too 
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Maybe not my favourite Sim of all time because we got so many! But this is our version of Franky form One Piece. Before starting any project just for fun we made him and I always felt so proud of how he turned out. Not only he looks very attractive, i also feel its a good representation of how a human him would look like.
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4 
Propose a crazy scheme: People being nice always and world being in peace and not dying in gud old climate change
Best part of simblr: seeing how other people enjoy the sims and how they play also them aesthetic 
Worst part of simblr: mmhhhhhhhh lack of comunication between players i don’t feel much sense of community here at least now... i actually suck at comunicating so..... dunno
What other games you play: Minecarft recently but not much into games actually
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..):  
Twitter --> https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Intagram --> https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Instagram --> https://www.instagram.com/elia_clco/
My side tumblr --> https://generationtrashcan.tumblr.com/
Are you single: Nuuuupe
Your name: Lively Worm (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish and some English.
Are you a mermaid: Nope, I’m a worm.
Your play style: I love building houses and decorating them, dressing sims and doing their makeup.
Your Selfsim picture:
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I do gameplays, challenges and buildings.
Your favorite age state: I think it’s young adult because I can explore more.
Your favorite season: Autumn, because of the beautiful colors.
Your favorite holiday: I don’t know yet, I haven’t explored all of them.
How was your day: It’s 15:40h and I’m hungry, I want to eat soon.
Your favorite career: Musician.
Your favorite aspiration: Musical genius, unsurprisingly.
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Pets and vampires.
How old is your simblr: Less than a year.
Have you woohooed: ¬_¬
Your favorite skill: I don’t know, maybe the singing skill?
The size of your Mods folder: 29,9 GB.
Your 3 favorite mods: I can’t choose. There are so many so good!
Your interests (other than sims): Singing, drawing, anime, manga and kpop.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Why?? I can’t choooooseeee, I love most of them! Okey, after a lot of thought I’ve chosen Una, Usopp’s daughter from our 100 Baby Challenge, because the three of us love her and I love drawing her!! She’s really charming and she’s grown up really well. I relate to her because she also loves drawing and vampires.
We posted some drawings of her on twitter and insta!
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4. And some PS game I don’t remember.
Propose a crazy scheme: Making people learn expectatives are bad and judging others hurts everyone involved.
Best part of simblr: I can share our art and tell many stories with interesting sims.
Worst part of simblr: The lack of comunication.
What other games you play: Kingdom Hearts, Hollow Knight, The Last of Us... mostly play station games.
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): 
Common Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Common Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makaru_walker/
Are you single: No, I’m Turtle’s.
Your name: Lazy Turtle (she/her)
Languages you speak: Catalan, Spanish, English and some basic French.
Are you a mermaid: Pretty sure I’m not.
Your play style: Starting projects and never getting past the building process is a playstyle? I usually like to have some objective though, instead of just playing aimlessly.
Your Selfsim picture:
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: I find stories pretty awkward to portray on Sims, and fashion and decoration were never my strong point. So I stick to challenges, both found and created.
Your favorite age state: Depends on what for. Young adults are the easiest to manage and have more options, but toddlers are the most challenging on a Baby Challenge.
Your favorite season: Autumn, always. Its colors are just beautiful.
Your favorite holiday: Haven’t played them all yet, so I can’t say.
How was your day: (Tumblr erased all my hard work on this thing, but the day I first wrote it I had my blood taken so not great). Today, I discovered the extent of human stupidity in mass hysteria situations. Never seen a supermarket so empty of food before.
Your favorite career: Hypotetically, writer. But I haven’t played as one yet so I can’t confirm.
Your favorite aspiration: Big Happy Family’s been pretty fun for our matriarch, but I still have many more to explore. (I can say it’s not the kid’s mobility one. Stupid mecanography.)
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Probably Seasons so far.
How old is your simblr: Less than a year.
Have you woohooed: Uh.
Your favorite skill: Uhhh... No idea.
The size of your Mods folder:  29,9 GB. Worm and I share a game and a mods folder, but Chiwawa dumps her messily organized mods on us from time to time.
Your 3 favorite mods: Wow nope.
Your interests (other than sims): Mostly writing and reading (I’m the main writer of this tumblr, btw), but also videogames, anime and k-pop.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite sim of all time, I have far too many sims I love for different reasons, but this one was specially hard to get right so we feel particularly proud.
His name is Carles Serra, and he’s a parental figure for two of the MCs of the story we’re working on. He’s a math and ethics teacher on a very exclusive highschool, and he needed to have both a very refined and snobbish air and this inevitable awkwardness all math teachers seem to have. Plus, he has to deal with teenage drama all through the story, so I feel like he needs a lot of love. And maybe some vacation.
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): Sims 2, 3 and 4. And I think I once tried to make a sim on a terrible PS2 version or something.
Propose a crazy scheme: Mandatory therapy for teens so everyone learns empathy and management of one’s emotions would be pretty neat.
Best part of simblr: Sharing our common passion with others in a free and creative way, probably.
Worst part of simblr: The lack of interaction, I guess. I had only ever been in a very small fandom here on tumblr before, and compared to the closeness of that comunity, I feel like simblr is... very scattered.
What other games you play: Play Station ones, mostly. Whatever gives me a compelling story.
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..):
Common Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativetrashc1
Common Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creativetrashcans/
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/ALazyTurtle1
Are you single: I’ve been dating Worm for years now.
We will tag: @hellobreadsims
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verosims · 4 years
Get to know the simmer
tagged by @bunsim​, thank you! :3
Your name: Caitlin
Languages you speak: English and semi-fluent Japanese
Are you a mermaid?: Maybe... I like mermaids, but I don’t think I’d want to be one
Your play style: At the moment it’s maxi’s match for TS2 and TS4, but I like alpha for TS3. I enjoy all styles and experiment a lot. I think I’ve finally settled on a style for TS4 that I like. 
Your Simself picture:
Uhhh I don’t have a simself, at least not anymore. The last time I made one was in TS2 12+ years ago. 
Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or CC: For me it’s definitely gameplay + building/decorating. I’m crap at screenshots and editing so that rules out pretty much everything else lol. Maybe one day I’d like to do stories since writing is a hobby of mine, buuut I’m not sure how that would translate into sims storytelling. 
Your favourite age state: Depends 100% on the game, but I really love toddlers and children... just not in TS4. Toddlers are fun, but kids are so boring because there’s not much to do. :/
Your favourite season: AUTUMN. I love winter IRL, but I feel like autumn is a nice balance between summer and winter in game. I love the seasonal colours and it just feels so cozy.
Your favourite holiday: Christmas! I’m admittedly get very much into it, love decorating the tree, making a yummy meal, just being with family, etc. For sims... I guess birthdays since I get very attached to my sims and seeing them grow up is always sweet. :’)
How was your day?: Eh. Can’t complain but I’m in a bit of a slump and not feeling very creative at the moment. Also very burnt out from playing World of Warcraft because there’s too much I need to keep on top of (and I just kinda want to play other games but I can’t ;_;)
Your favourite career: Medicine. I have multiple sims in medicine so... it’s always been the career that sticks out to me and one I’ve always enjoyed. Imagine my disappointment when TS4 released without it lol.
Your favourite aspiration: Family/Knowledge! Hard tie. I used to ALWAYS pick family when I was younger, because it was the ‘easiest’ aspiration for me to play when I loved doing legacies. However knowledge is my fav with all the expansions because of the supernatural stuff. ;)
Your favourite EP, GP and SP: 
Sims 1 - MAKIN’ MAGIC. Hands down. Best expansion. The amount of time I’d spend writing down spells and grinding for magical ingredients... especially that kid charm that allowed children to age up (that was practically a MUST) it was just so much fun.
Sims 2 - Apartment Life. For the solid reason that you can create mini-neighbourhoods by having an apartment lot and it brings some realism to the game. But honestly, all TS2 expansions are 10/10. Love them all.
Sims 3 - Love supernatural. Not everyone’s favourite, but I really enjoy playing supernaturals and this expansion just gave me what I needed. I really enjoyed fairies in particular. Hated the zombies tho. Sad they didn’t really get a proper occult state. 
Sims 4 - Honestly, all of them are very mediocre and I don’t have a favourite. :/
How old is your simblr?: I have no idea. I started my tumblr when it was still in beta, so however long ago that was. It would have been before ‘simblr’ was a thing and people were still on forums, because I only made a simblr as a place to post gameplay pics for myself since it was private for so long.
Have you WooHooed?: I’m ace so hell no lol.
Your favourite skill: I don’t know why but painting stands out to me. :3
The size of your mods folder: 
Oh boy.
TS2 - 9.82gb
TS3 - 14.2gb
TS4 - 28.8gb (lmfao)
Your 3 favourite mods: Any mods that enable more realistic gameplay, like romance, more bills, puberty, etc. Just adds more flavor to the game. :)
Your interests (other than Sims): Video games, writing and reading. I love anime and donghua and I hoard collect figurines and merch. I also have a rattery that takes up a lot of my time. I love my rats a lot. :3
Your favourite Sim (picture if possible): 
I have a lot of favs, but I guess the Specht siblings since they were the family I primarily played in TS2 and I’ve recreated them in all the Sims games. :)
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Sorry for the stupidly big portraits.
Which Sims games have you played (including mobile games)?: Sims 1, Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, Sims 1 & 2 on PS2, Sims 2 Castaway, Sims 2 Life Stories, Sims 2 Castaway on PSP and MySims on Nintendo. Also played a Sim mobile game at one point but I can’t remember what it was?
Propose a crazy scheme: EA actually giving a shit about their game lol. The 20th anniversary speaks for itself. 
Best part of simblr: Just that it’s still so active across ALL games and people still make CC and mods and in general, people are so welcoming and nice. Just seeing the community together is so great and I love being able to like/reblog something without commenting because I’m extremely shy and introverted. That’s something I struggled with on forums. :( 
Worst part of simblr: People who think it’s a popularity contest. I mean yeah, it’s nice to get notes but I’ve always just posted my gameplay for myself. I can’t help but roll my eyes whenever I see people who get on average 20+ notes complain about not getting notes lol. I think that’s died down a bit but I still see it happen and I just have to wonder if people are here for sims or if they’re here for internet clout. 
What other games you play?: World of Warcraft, Pokemon, Overwatch, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, 7 Days to Die, My Time at Portia, Zelda... a lot of games but those are the main ones. :)
Other websites or accounts (Origin, Twitter, etc.): I don’t really use social media much.
Are you single?: Yep
I’ll tag @moo-re​, @polk-la-dots​, @teekalu​, @valpre​, @katmk36​ and @crescendemon​ if you’d like to do this. Sorry if you’ve already been tagged!
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