#bec ause you know more is coming
crazysodomite · 4 months
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how it feels to be done with your assignments
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froggieluvsu · 1 year
-Ik i don’t write consistently but i’ll try to be better😄
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Heart eyes ❤️ part 1
basically, this is about sirius, slipping Amorenita into your drink because, he knew that Remus had a crush on you and the prank goes wrong. (Also there is no specific house your in i probably won’t be doing that anymore just so everyone can be able to read this but from time to time i’ll start adding what houses people are in)
You were enjoying your breakfast when Sirius came by. “Hey pumpkin”. Sirius had said. You had always hated his stupid nick names he gave you. It almost made you think he’d fancy you. But you knew that’s how “funny” Sirius was. “ You and you afwul nick names, What do you want”. you said. “Can’t a boy come to visit his favorite best friend in the world”. Ok you knew one of two things is happening . One Sirius wanted something from you. Two Sirius is drunk and on drugs because, he’s never this giddy.
Are you feeling ok? Because, you knew he wasn’t acting normal. Fine you caught me. You see that raven year 5 boy? You turned to see an awkward blonde in the corner. Yeah what about him? Well i need you to tell him if he would like to uhhh… go on a date with uhh…. Lily! You stared at Sirius confused. And why would I do that?? And doesn’t she and james have something going on anyway? You asked while looking back and forward to the blonde and Sirius.
OHH come onnn. You still owe me after that time I got you butter beer. He was right you still owed him after that time he got butter beer for you. Ughhh fine. YES thank you so much you won’t regret it. Sure you wouldn’t.
After like 5 minutes and telling the boy about lily you went back to your seat to find Remus and Sirius arguing. What are you to arguing about this time? The two boys immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at you. You were confused because Siruis had your cup in his hand. Actually you know what I don’t even want to know just give me my drink and i’ll be in my way. And without waiting for a word to come out of their mouth you took your drink from Sirius’s hand, drunk it, put the cup down, and left. And as you left Remus looked disappointed while Sirius only had a grin on his face.
A couple hours later
POV change
You felt something werid inside you during class. Like not where you had something in your stomach, but it was more like a feeling. You couldn’t explain in though. Like whenever you were with your friend group your heart beat fast, your checks heated up, and you felt like making out with the guy you realized you were in love with just now and looking into Remus amber eyes you knew you had to do it and- . Earth to (Y/n). Hello anyone in there??
Ok this is Part 1. I’m so sorry😭 i really didn’t want to have to make parts but i just couldn’t wait any longer to post this!! I’m start working on part to in a few minutes! Byeee
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libidomechanica · 3 years
“When I loue, lyke to lave to part”
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urlneverheardofit · 4 years
The Black Prince and the White Lion
I’m realizing I’ve never actually posted any of my work to this website and figured I should, so here’s a little excerpt from my latest piece. Note the most intense this portion gets is sex jokes,’the talk”(tm) Dragon edition, and a make-out session sooo yeah.
Chapter 1: The Black Prince
The Black Prince. Such an honorable title for such a hated position.
Son of a mad king,
Last of his kind.
The Black Prince had a lot stacked against him when it came to his reputation, even more so because of the madness and corruption that ran in his blood.
Still, Wrathion did his best to alleviate the concerns of his other draconic kin. After all, Neltharion was not the only dragon aspect to go mad. Malygos too followed in that path, the madness manifested differently but the Nexus War was plenty of evidence to be a testament to Malygos' fall. As well as the Aspect of Time, who had gone mad in an alternate timeline. The Earth Warder, The Spell Weaver, and The Infinite all fallen to the insanity of one kind or another.
Yet all the other dragon aspects. Hell, the entirety of Azeroth, looked at him with disdain, anger, and even fear in some cases. When Wrathion had been younger, many citizens in the major cities of Stormwind and Orgrimmar had approached him, demanding compensation for the loss of their loved ones or personal effects lost in the attack on both major cities. The attacks carried out by Deathwing. Not Wrathion.
It was a relief for him that after the death of his father, the world moved on. The mystical lands of Pandaria had been rediscovered and Wrathion had swiftly moved from his makeshift lair in Onyxia’s former lair. He hadn’t hated that place as much as he had hated Nefarian’s lair.
Nefarian’s Lair had been a place where dragons had been experimented on to create abominations to further Nefarian’s plans.
The worst part was Nefarian was Wrathion’s half-brother. United by the blood of their father, who was worse than the horrible experimenter that was Nefarian. Onyxia, the brood mother, had been bad too, helping hatch the armies that later became Deathwing’s servants. His half-siblings had chosen their lairs well. The Black Dragonflight had once been noble protectors of Azeroth and their choices in lair reflected such. Neltharion had a cave deep underground somewhere on a lost island that had served as his lair for many thousands of years. Nefarian had chosen a castle fortress carved into the side of a mountain. Onyxia had chosen a cave that spiraled down for miles and miles and whose mouth was shaped like a dragon’s toothy maw.
Wrathion, on the other hand, had not yet chosen a lair, partially because he was unsure if he would grow to be the size of his father, whose wingspan had reached more than 1,000 feet long, or if he would stop about the size Onyxia and Netharion had. That would end up helping determine Wrathion’s lair, along with the fact Wrathion had not found a good lair yet. He was still traveling and learning what he could from his sibling's lairs. Many of Nefarian’s notes and discoveries could help turn the tides against any coming threats to Azeroth, but the execution was questionable at best. Some of his studies were more interested in the differences between the dragon flights. What gave them power and such, which were much more readily useful.
Onyxia’s lair served as a place for him to learn to transform back and forth from humanoid to dragon form. It was a long and painful process at first but eventually, he learned to make his humanoid form look a little more grown than his whelp form.
Though perhaps he could see why people could be a bit intimidated, he wasn't them! It wasn't fair to judge him for the crimes of his crazed kin.
His dragon form was just a whelp still, he couldn’t lie in his true form the way he could in his humanoid. His humanoid form looked like a young male human with glowing red eyes, long curly black hair, and olive skin.
“Wrathion?” A voice said from the entrance of the tavern in Pandaria that Wrathion had taken up residence in. Wrathion jolted up from where he had been reclining before, lost in thought. An orcish woman stood in the entryway, blocking out the sunlight and whoever was behind her. He could sense their movement hear their hushed voices.
“What is it Left?” He asked calmly, Left was one of his devoted bodyguards. Left was her spy name, only Wrathion knew her identity due to security concerns. Right was his other, a human woman who was gifted in the finer manipulation of tactics and war. A true spy compared to Left’s more being an obvious bodyguard.
The tavern he had taken up residence in was a small two-story building tucked away in a nearly untravelable mountain pass, keeping it hidden and mostly safe. Part of the reason why Wrathion had chosen this place to begin with.
“Someone of high importance wishes to speak with you,” Left answered.
“Me?” Wrathion cocked his head innocently. “Send them in.”
Wrathion’s confidence fell away instantly when Left stood aside revealing the King of Stormwind standing at his door.
Chapter 2: The White Lion
This was all that was left of the horrific Deathwing? Anduin peered past the shadow of his father to look at the alleged "Black Prince" and found himself quite surprised at what he found; a boy just barely younger than him staring back at him.
"The infamous Black Prince." Anduin's father began, crossing his arms over his chest.
The boy looked up at the King, his red eyes betraying none of the his thoughts. "Black Emperor now. Thanks only to the Champions of the Alliance who were responsible for the death of my father." The boy spoke plainly, eloquently and as though he was raised among royalty, not by dragons or wolves or whatever else Anduin had imagined him growing up with.
"Are you saying you'd rather that monster was still alive today?" Varian snarled.
"Of course not." The boy looked at his long black claw-like nails, brushing them off idly. "But think of it this way, I am the Emperor of my kind and I'm not any older than the little lion cowering behind you."
Anduin flinched from being called out like that. He spoke much the way that Onyxia had many years before. Nearly the same tone of voice and mannerisms but not quite intimidating enough to pull it off entirely.
"He's what I've come to speak to you about." Varian sighed glancing at Genn Greymane, king of the Worgen, who had once been humans but now were more akin to the werewolves of legend. Graymane shrugged.
"Then speak." The boy ordered.
"Anduin here has been badly injured and is being hunted by members of the Horde. I wish to leave him in the safety of a dragon's lair." The Horde and the Allliance had been at war for generations. The Horde consisted of Orcs and Trolls and other races considered to be more ‘savage’. The Alliance was majorly humans, elves and the worgen.
The boy scoffed. "This is not my lair. My lair is far from here." Anduin thought that this was a lie but didn’t quite know why.
"Well, I need him to be somewhere safe, where he won't be found unless I come back for him."
"Yet a simple human King has found me without trouble." The boy replied evenly.
"I have..." another glance was swapped between Genn and Varian. "Very good help."
"Clearly." The dragon huffed, sending smoke curling from under his lips. "And what would I get for doing you this favor?"
Varian straightened at that. Anduin knew Varian thought he was gaining some ground. "You would earn the favor of the Alliance. Or perhaps if you'd rather. We have up to a million gold we'd be willing to part with in exchange for his guaranteed health and safety."
The dragon's red eyes glinted greedily as he considered. "I want the Favor of the Alliance and a half of that gold." He replied after a moment's thought.
"Very well." Varian nodded.
"Are you crazy?" Genn barked beside Varian. "You're basically selling your son to a dragon!"
"I cannot risk him being killed by Garrosh. You'd do the same if it was Tess."
Genn snarled but backed away, allowing his king to do as he wished. Anduin couldn't help but look up at his father concerned. He had talked with Varian about this before and had agreed to it but now that it was actually happening, anxiety twitched in the pit of his stomach. "I agree to your terms dragon. The gold will be delivered to you in payments of 5,000 a week in exchange for a letter from Anduin, and I will check, with details about how he is holding up."
"and if this stay extends longer than that allotted time?"
"We can compensate for your time."
The dragon regarded Varian carefully. "Deal." The dragon said and his eyes gleamed almost as bright as the sun and Varian hissed and stumbled away from the threshold to the quaint tavern. Despite seeming like he was in pain Varian grinned.
"Dad?" Anduin asked from behind him. "Are you okay?"
"Yes." Varian smiled down at his son. "That's exactly what I hoped would happen."
"What are you on about?" Genn asked.
"A black dragon cannot go back on a promise made that way." Varian turned to Anduin, "you will be safe here."
Varian set a hand on Anduin's shoulder, "I promise."
Chapter 3: Introductions
What the hells did I just agree to?? Wrathion scolded himself. Dragons were well known for their desire for large hoards and he had not realized how quickly it would come over him at the mention of a million gold. Thankfully, he had been at least coherent enough to take the favor of one of the world's major factions... but stupid enough to make it a pact. By the titans he wanted that gold. Not because he needed it but bec ause a dragon, especially a little one, would age faster in the presence of vast amounts of wealth, so it would fix a lot of his issues.
But what is done is done, and Wrathion now had to figure out what he was going to do with the lion's cub. He watched silently as the High King and his werewolf companion said goodbye to the lion cub, wishing him safety and so on. Eventually the High King urged his son to meet his host but wanted to stay behind just long enough to watch, make sure he had made the right choice.
The lion cub stood in the threshold of the inn where his father had been previously, yet he was much smaller than his father. Both in character and in body, he lacked the confidence and skill to be able to back himself up. He took one last nervous glance at Varian before he took a deep breath and faced Wrathion. "Son of Neltharion, I am honored you have agreed to help us in these trying times." The cub went to kneel before the dragon but he winced in pain and couldn't quite get one of his legs to work with him.
"Son of Neltharion..." Wrathion gave the boy a strange look, "did you know that or did you rehearse it?"
"I knew Deathwing's original name." The boy said proudly. "Many have forgotten it, but the Light has not forgotten what he once was."
"You're a priest."
"Yes." The boy winced again.
"Stop hurting yourself. Stand and tell me your name." Wrathion ordered, lounging his elbows back on the table which he had been sitting by and had turned around from to listen to Left.
The boy swallowed and stood shakily, another wince but once he got there, he was okay it seemed. "My name is Anduin Llane Wrynn." The boy said "May I ask yours?"
Wrathion tilted his head, no one had really asked him to introduce himself, many had just learned his name because of him addressing himself or whatnot. "Why do you wish to know, Anduin?"
Anduin swallowed and looked back to see what his father was thinking but the King and his werewolf, were gone. With a steadying breath, he answered, "I suspect you do not wish to live in your father's shadow. It is only polite to respect this wish as I do not wish to have my father's influence overshadow my own choices."
No wonder the kid had been hesitant to say that. Clearly the King loved his cub but then he was royalty. Anduin's path was paved largely by his father.
"My name is Wrathion, thank you, for taking into account what I wish to forget about my history." Wrathion was stunned almost out of feeling, this was a first, someone else asking him to be who he was without judgment of his father's actions. But he was grateful for this.
"Of course, Wrathion." The boy replied, he had a shaggy mane of blonde hair, bright blue eyes and wore gold and blue clothing that looked almost like armor without being armor. "What brings a mighty dragon to Pandaria?"
"I could ask you the same question," Wrathion replied.
"My father, he wishes to protect Pandaria from the savage influence of the Horde, from my understanding." Anduin explained, "your turn."
Wrathion smirked at that, "My turn? I am here to learn the secrets it has to offer. I am still young and I wish to expand my knowledge." It was not a lie per say, just part of the truth, much like Anduin’s had been.
"A noble pursuit." Anduin nodded. "If I may I would like to accompany you to some of these exploits it is my duty as the future king to know as much as I can before assuming the throne."
"Very well." Wrathion agreed. It would give him something to do with the kid. "Come and sit, let us play a game of Jihui. We have much to learn of each other."
Chapter 4: Cow Tipping and Stargazing
Anduin was nearly sixteen when the bell hit him. Everyone had thought he would never live to see through his first whole year of adulthood. Anduin, thank the Light, pulled through, and now all that there was to remind him of the incident was a birthday and bad leg that worked, to some extent, but sometimes if he tried to do more than walk with it, it wouldn't work or would be painful to work with. So taking a knee in front of the dragon as his father had instructed, had been difficult and the dragon had caught on.
"Are you alright?" Wrathion had asked when Anduin hesitantly took a seat across from him, relieved when no pain came.
"Yes, I am alright now," Anduin replied "it was an accident-" Anduin really meant attack but no need to stress the dragon out this quickly into their arrangement. "I am fully healed now, this leg just doesn't work with me sometimes."
"Your father knows about it?"
Wrathion nodded, his ears perked back up from where they were subtly flattened to his head, "Very well, if you need assistance with anything, let me or my guards know."
"What are their names?" Anduin asked looking at the women flanking the dragon, they were beautiful, no doubt, but they didn't really strike Anduin the way some people did.
"This is Left." Warthion signaled to the woman on his left, she was an Orcish woman with long tusks and a huge crossbow and what looked like a scimitar attached to her belt. "And this is Right." Wrathion jerked a thumb at the woman on his right, a human woman with similar gear.
"Simple enough."
"Indeed." Wrathion gave him a toothy, almost unnerving grin and thus the game of Jihui began.
Several hours of this game passed, it was quite the learning curve, and more so to try and match Wrathion move for move, but eventually, Anduin figured out some tricks to get Wrathion to feel a little too overconfident and overstep himself.
After a game, Wrathion pushed away from the table (or rather, pushed the table away from him), stretched and said: "let's go do something."
"Like...what?" Anduin replied shuffling out from under the table as well and working some cramps out of his back. He had been having fun but it was time for a break, for his... well everything's sake.
Wrathion gave him an evil smile. "We're going to go do something you've never done before." He announced proudly.
"The... future? Aren't you a Black dragon, not a Bronze?" Anduin replied sarcastically, that wasn't that specific.
Wrathion rolled his eyes, "No, somewhere in present-day I think." Wrathion looked him over a long second, "Your outfit is terrible and horribly recognizable, let's get you something... proper."
Anduin thought about being offended but then, he never much liked this outfit either and he was talking to a dragon, who were known for their fashion sense. Well, Black Dragons maybe not so much but he'd seen portraits of Ysera and Alexstraza.
Wrathion nearly seemed to fly up the stairs located in the northern corner with how fast he moved. Anduin followed at a much slower hobble, stairs had always been hard on the injury. By the time he got up to the top, he found several rooms separated by what looked like paper walls, but Anduin knew to be much stronger and more soundproof than any parchment or paper he knew of.
At the end of a hallway of about six rooms per side of the hall, a large wooden double door was open and the light was pouring out of it. Anduin approached cautiously and heard the sounds of digging, clattering and "no-no, well maybe... no actually that's horrid," from inside. Anduin poked his head through the threshold of the door and found some of the most elegant quarters he had ever seen inside. The room was bathed in light from what looked like refined lamps, but no smell of oil so Anduin didn't know what fueled the lamp. In the back middle of the room was a massive king-sized bed with a trunk in front of it, kneeling in front of it was Wrathion and a puddle of discarded clothing.
"Everything okay?" Anduin called from the door.
"Yes yes, just... come here." Anduin approached him cautiously, once he got within sight of the dragon he held up a tunic and looked between Anduin and the clothing. "Try this one." He ordered tossing the black fabric in Anduin's general direction.
"Right here?" Anduin asked, stumbling to catch the misguided tunic.
"Unless you want to pick out your chamber." Wrathion said, "but I'll likely be coming in and out anyways, I want to see how they look before I set out with you." Wrathion met his eyes for a long second unblinking. "I won't look while you change if you don't want me to."
Anduin scooted so he was solidly behind Wrathion, so the dragon would have to turn all the way around to see him before he carefully set the shirt down on a conspicuously empty table and began to pull his decorations off, golden bordered stole came first and blue shawl followed shortly thereafter. Finally, after another few moments, his shirt came off, with a final glance to make sure Wrathion wasn't looking before he did so. Tattered across Anduin’s skin was horrid scars from where the bell had smashed him, a few from where his ribs had jutted out of his chest after the initial blow and scratches from his skirmishes with the Horde as of late.
As he pulled the black fabric of the tunic over his head, he noticed that the tunic was incredibly well made and very soft, allowing Anduin to breathe and flex but not be too loose or revealing. He even suspected there was a bit of padding to serve as a small amount of amour in it. I need to find out who this guy's tailor is! He thought absently "Oh and try these!" Wrathion called tossing a heap of clothing over at him. Anduin jumped away from them as they clattered to the floor. Lifting them up he found it also had a black bead necklace, which he put on. The other cloth object was a set of linen pants but also finely made from first brush of his fingers against it.
Another look was cast at Wrathion before Anduin dared begin the process to change into these. Seeing that the dragon was still rummaging through his trunk Anduin breathed a sigh of relief, "let me know when you're ready!" Wrathion said distantly.
Anduin's suspicions about the quality of these linen pants were correct. Just like the tunic, they fit well without crushing him and still allowed him movement.
"Are we the same size?" Anduin asked, he definitely had a similar build to Wrathion but surely not a perfect match, right?
"I don’t know, these are all enchanted to fit whoever wears them." Wrathion replied, "Can I look now?"
Anduin took a second to adjust the leather belt tossed with the rest of the clothing, "yeah you're good now."
Wrathion made a show of turning around and coming up to examine Anduin. He made several hums and noncommittal sounds that worried Anduin. "Turn around," Wrathion ordered. Anduin followed instructions and waited only a minute or so more before he had his answer. "You look good in this, well no, the belt needs to change to be black and the beads...the beads can go."
Wrathion turned and went back to the trunk and began to load all the clothing back into it, but not before pulling out the belt he was thinking of and extending a hand to indicate he wanted Anduin to hand over the items he requested. Anduin obliged and took the new belt choice. Wrathion slammed the trunk closed, flicked his wrist at it and then turned to the other prince. His red eyes glinting curiously at Anduin as he examined. "Yes, that will work." He nearly purred.
Anduin noticed he had selected another outfit as well, along with some elaborate jewelry. "You don't want me wearing that, do you?"
"You aren't nearly pretty enough to pull that off." Wrathion replied flatly, "no, I'm going to be wearing that."
"Hey!" Anduin hissed.
"I said pretty, you're plenty handsome, but it requires a certain...grace," Wrathion explained, the backhanded compliment still made Anduin's cheeks flush.
"Thanks, I think," Anduin replied and then realized a much bigger issue, "you're not going to change in here... are you?"
"This is... my chambers. So yes... I am going to change in here."
"But I'm standing right here!"
"So? You can watch if you'd like," There was a strange glint in his eyes when he said it. "Or you can walk out the door to my room."
"Oh." Anduin felt sort of stupid because of the simple solution. Hobbling out as quick as he could, jumping when he saw Left and Right standing on their respective sides of the door. Anduin had not noticed them come up the stairs, hadn't even heard them when they flanked the door. "Do you guys sleep?" He asked.
"We take shifts during the night." Right answered Left looked straight ahead.
"Which one doesn't get to sleep before Wrathion wakes up?"
"The one who isn't chatty." Left replied.
"The one whose breakfast consists entirely of coffee." Right said.
"We ready to go?" Wrathion's voice said from behind Anduin, making him jump.
"Yes." Both girls said at once.
"Where are we going?" Anduin asked again.
"You'll see," Wrathion said with a small smirk.
"Better question," Anduin continued his thought as though Wrathion hadn't said anything. "We're on a mountainside surrounded in mist, how are we getting down?"
"How did you get up?" Wrathion asked a question to reply. Nudging Anduin aside so he could squeeze past.
"Then you will be using horses to get down."
"Don't you mean 'we'?"
"I eat horses, not ride them." The dragon said pointedly. Descending the staircase with ease and Anduin noticed his new outfit nearly sparkled, he had golden bands looped around his ears in at least three places and his outfit was indeed sleek and elegant. His hair, curly and black, was released from the white turban it had been in all day and he smelled faintly of an expensive cologne that Anduin could not quite name. "Meet me at the docks."
The sun had set by the time Left, Right and Anduin made it down to the docks Wrathion had mentioned (Left and Right knew it better than he) and found Wrathion sitting on a stack of crates, "you finally made it!" He flipped his hair back behind his shoulder and slipped off the crates, landing neatly beside the group. "Leave the horses here." Left and Right slid off the horses instantly. Anduin took a second longer, wondering what they were doing here of all places he had seen a pier before.
"That's our boat," Wrathion said as a ship sailed into the harbor.
It proudly bore the Alliance flag and when it docked the caller yelled "All aboard for Stormwind City!"
Anduin shot a look at Wrathion. "I've been to my capital and my home city before!"
"I understand that," Wrathion replied. "Just... trust me." The group boarded and Anduin went to tip the deckhands a couple of silver but they all diligently refused to say that their boss paid them more than enough to help them along.
"Who's your boss?" Anduin asked a man.
"Behind you." The human replied. He seemed well educated, well-fed, ring on his finger suggested married.
Anduin turned around to see Wrathion looming behind him, not overly close, just watching Anduin interact with the crewman. "How long have you been there?" Anduin hissed.
"We are both standing on the center deck. It's not exactly a good place for private conversations." Wrathion replied.
"You own these boats?"
"How much do you pay them?"
"A gold piece a day," Wrathion replied. "For the deckhands. The better ones get two and promotion, my captain and first mates get five."
"Wow." Anduin was a little awed. "No wonder you need that half million."
"Oh no, I have plenty of 'inheritance' from my father to afford this and my stay at the tavern for more than a hundred thousand years. I am in no hurry for that. Most of your father's gold will go to my personal hoard."
Anduin took a seat in a nearby chair. "There's a difference?"
"Savings versus Spending money," Wrathion said taking a seat across from Anduin.
"Ah." Anduin looked up and saw his home city sprawled out before him. "Woah... that was fast!"
"We don't exactly have all night now do we?" Wrathion said standing again and gesturing Anduin and the guards to follow. As Anduin passed, he saw on the bow a person in light clothing, arcane power sparkling around their finger and then fading out. A portal?
"I'm beginning to realize I've never seen a proper harbor." Wrathion mused as he gazed around the harbor, "well, not one that's not fully owned by me anyways."
Anduin was surprised by that for a moment, before realizing Wrathion probably had not.
"Well, there's quite a large one here in Stormwind, I don't know if you noticed already."
Wrathion snorted to himself, the individual snort became something more of a laugh, "I'm sorry, maybe I just don't understand human speech very well but that just sounds like a really bad innuendo. Like 'hey baby, want to see my Harbor?"
Anduin choked on a laugh, giving Wrathion an amused glare. "Please never say that again."
Wrathion waggled his eyebrows playfully in response. "What, don't you want to park your boat in my harbor?" Wrathion teased.
Anduin whacked him on the shoulder, making the dragon laugh. "Shut up before I throw you into the actual harbor." Anduin threatened, getting an amused eye-roll in response.
"Yes, fine, your majesty." Anduin huffed in annoyance, and several moments of silence passed as they walked through the bustling streets of the city, the cathedral bell tolling in the distance.
"I do have to ask," Anduin began, "What's it like to be a dragon? Is changing into a human form like a druid shapeshift?" He could not help his curiosity. It was not very often one got to speak to a dragon, let alone one that didn't seem to mind a bit of prodding.
Wrathion shrugged. "In dragon form, you feel... powerful. Even when you're extraordinarily little."
"And changing into a human?"
Wrathion let out a long, tired groan. "Fuck that."
Anduin burst into a fit of surprised laughter. "Is it really that bad?"
Wrathion had a very tired, annoyed look on his face. "It's awful. I constantly feel like I need to stretch. I keep trying to use limbs I no longer have. Do you know how awful it is to suddenly be grounded when you've been able to fly on your own your whole life?"
Anduin laughed again at the exhausted sincerity in his voice. "I don't, but that sounds pretty annoying."
"It is!"
Anduin was giggling uncontrollably under his breath. He couldn't help it, the sheer exasperation the dragon was radiating was incredibly amusing for some reason.
"Do you want to go somewhere to stretch your wings?"
Wrathion grimaced. "I'd love to, but turning into a dragon, no matter how small, is a little, awkward in populated places."
Anduin raised an eyebrow. "That's why we do it somewhere that's not the city."
Wrathion mimicked his expression, but he had a slight smirk on his face. "You trying to take me somewhere more private, Prince?"
Anduin huffed and shoved him lightly, choosing to ignore the heat that rose to his face. "Shut up! You know that's not what I mean!"
Wrathion just laughed. After that, they engaged in idle banter until Anduin had followed Wrathion through the city to the main section of the city and down the main street, which was fairly quiet now, out into Elwyn Forest past the walls of the city onto a well-used dirt road that could lead to Northshire Abbey or Goldshire depending on which turn one took during a fork in the road.
There was a soft flutter beside Anduin and when the young priest turned to look Wrathion was gone and in his place was an itty bitty little baby black and red dragon. "Aww! You're so little!" Anduin exclaimed without thinking.
The dragon rolled his bright red eyes. "That's not what your dad said last night." Wrathion huffed. Flapping his little wings with surprising power, he plopped down atop Anduin's head, "onwards noble steed! To Goldshire!' Anduin rolled his eyes but even the dragon's voice had shrunk down with him so he had an adorable scaly kitten, who without a good comeback had no issue resorting to a 'your mom' joke. Well 'your dad' in this case but still. Anduin put on a show of sighing before he obliged the tiny dragon and began to wander towards the town, said dragon delighted that his plan had been a success.
He walked in silence for a while and as the signs pointing to Goldshire became more urgent Wrathion spoke again, "alright when we get there, don't say hi or introduce yourself to anyone. You're rather recognizable as it is!" Wrathion instructed as he flapped off, transforming back into a human. "Titans, this form is restraining." He grunted, his voice a normal pitch again as he stretched his shoulders. "If anyone asks, your name is Tress and you're passing through on your way to Redridge."
"Will anybody still be out?" Anduin ran a hand through his hair to put it back in place from where the dragon had ruffled it.
"Probably not but just in case."
"Okay then, what about you?"
"I'm Derrek and I'm an old friend of yours taking you out to my farmstead in Redridge," Wrathion replied without missing a beat.
"You think about this a lot?" Anduin quieted as the village came into sight.
"I had some time while I waited for the rest of you."
"Hey, were are Left and Right anyways?" Anduin inquired, suddenly realizing that he hadn't seen either of the girls since they docked in Stormwind Harbor.
"Staying out of sight. Orcs aren't particularly welcome in Stormwind."
"Touché." Anduin nodded, scanning the tree line but saw no movement.
Thankfully, when they reached the square of the tiny town that was Goldshire it was empty, all the residents or travelers having gone to sleep for the evening. "This way!" Wrathion whispered, taking off on a side road that led to a loggers camp some miles down.
"How much farther?" Anduin asked, his leg was starting to hurt.
"Not much," Wrathion promised, straying off the path and hopping over a wooden fence.
"I... can't do that." Anduin reminded Wrathion gently.
"Sure you can. I'll help." Wrathion scoffed, "give me the bad one." Anduin did so with some hesitation, but thankfully Wrathion was gentle in his hold and helped Anduin situate so he simply slid over the fence like on would slide off a horse. "There we go! See? Nothing to worry about!" He purred. Anduin nodded, he was grateful for Wrathion at least to have planned for or worked around Anduin's injury. Together they crept into a field with easily a hundred cows scattered about, deep in sleep.
Wrathion beckoned Anduin closer as he stood beside one of the massive animals. With a suppressed grin the dragon gently pushed the cow so it rolled onto its side. The animal blinked lazily at him and accepted this new change in position, curling up and resuming its rest. "Are you serious?" Anduin hissed under his breath. "You dragged me out here to bother farm animals? What's next? Pulling cat's tails?"
"We're not hurting them!" Wrathion retorted, "just try it it'll be fun!"
"I am not going cow tipping with you!" Anduin snapped and stalked off, going around the fence and finding a grassy hill and finding a place to sit. "By the Light, this is my babysitter?" He groaned into his hands, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
"Okay, okay." Wrathion's voice said as something sat next to him on the grass. "This is good too." Anduin peeked out between his fingers and saw Wrathion gazing up into the star-speckled sky. "To think, my father's wings once darkened this beautiful sky, this lush world, and tried to crush all the beauty out of it... it’s a shame. He should have been the one to most appreciate all the things there are to see in this life."
Anduin lay back into the grass, following his gaze up with Wrathion's. "I hate to ask this, but are you glad he's gone?"
"Yes," Wrathion said after a moment. "But for all the horrid things he did, he was still my father."
"I understand." Anduin nodded even though Wrathion wasn't looking at him, "I mean, I hate living in my dad's shadow, but I still love him to death and well I know he loves me. I'd be devastated if he died, even if we don't always agree on a lot of things."
Wrathion's eyes slowly drifted to Anduin, "was this bargain your father struck his idea?"
"No." Anduin replied, "It was mine."
"Why sell yourself to a total stranger?"
"I..." Anduin thought for a long time, "I hated having to look over my shoulder, having my life be on the line because of Garrosh. After my injury, I knew I could not fight off Garrosh, even if there had been any chance at all it was taken from me, I can't even run from him now. My family has had a few run-ins with the Black Dragonflight, and none of them good, but I knew you weren't like them and I wanted to try again."
"Did he fight your choice?"
"Yes, for a while." Anduin toyed with the soft fabric of his new clothing, "but he came to see that it was the best option we had."
"I see," Wrathion said and the conversation fell to silence. After a while, Wrathion stood up, "Come on. Let's go home."
Chapter 5: Fire!
Wrathion helped Anduin up with no trouble before they set off for Stormwind Harbor again.
The walk was quiet for the most part until Anduin's head perked up. "Hey, do you smell smoke?"
"It's probably-" Wrathion took a big sniff of air, it did smell like smoke and he wasn't breathing smoke or fire at all. "Me..." Wrathion trailed off and with some relief shifted into his dragon form and flapped above the treeline. Stormwind slept soundly but behind him, Goldshire had a bright light of orange around it. Wrathion landed again, transforming back into a human. "Goldshire has a fire going... a big one."
Anduin's eyes went wide, "shit, Goldshire might be on fire!" He realized and took off in the way the boys had just come from, limping because of his leg.
"What if it's not on fire? Then you've strained yourself for no reason!" Wrathion growled catching up in a single bound.
"That is a sacrifice I am willing to make to ensure the safety of my people." Anduin spat back. "If you're not with me I'll meet you at the boat if you are with me shut up and do something!"
Wrathion stared blankly at Anduin for what felt like an hour but was only a few seconds. "Fine. What do you want me to do?"
"You're a dragon, you should know how best to combat fire!"
"But I don't!" Wrathion complained.
"Than go get people out! You're faster than me!" Anduin's blue eyes shimmered harshly. Wrathion nodded numbly and took off in the direction of Goldshire. Left, Right I need someone to watch Anduin! He thought, touching an emerald on one of his rings.
Understood. Left replied.
Wrathion arrived in a horrible scene. The entire village of Goldshire was engulfed in flame, people were running everywhere, screaming, crying and among the chaos was...orcs
Left stay hidden, they won't differentiate between you and the enemy.
"Come out come out little prince..." One snarled in the guttural language that was Orcish. With a growl, Wrathion lept into the inn, hoping he had avoided detection. He touched the emerald again, They're after Anduin! Watch out for an ambush! Wrathion pushed off the crumbling wall and raced out of the inn, now that he had sent his message. It wasn't these people's fault the orcs were after Anduin and the attack pissed Wrathion off. They were hardly better than Wrathion’s father!
With a roar, Wrathion leaped on one of the Orcs and tore at him with sharp claws and teeth. Despite blood springing to the wounds it wasn't as effective as any of his draconic abilities might be, but his dragon form was just a bit too small to be useful in combat yet. He inhaled deeply as he saw a second orc approaching. With a snarl, he pushed off the first and as the orc stumbled to its feet in front of its friend, Wrathion unleashed his fire breath on both opponents.
While still recovering his breath Wrathion looked around. There were more orcs, no surprise but then he realized he had backed himself against the forge and two more were much too close for any of the athletic trickery he had been using. Wrathion snarled bravely at the swords that were pointed at him, he would breathe again but that wasn't something he could do twice in a row and remain standing. Plus it didn't help the burning village situation. A flash of light blinded the dragon for a second but then it faded and in its wake, Wrathion saw Anduin, light flaring in his palm and snarl bared.
"You alright?" Anduin asked keeping an eye out for more threats.
"Yes, thanks to you." Wrathion replied.
"Go get people out of these buildings! I'll deal with the orcs!" A crossbow bolt shot dangerously close to both of the boys but flew past and slammed into the skull of another orc. Both turning to see the source of this shot. Left appeared out of the shadows just long enough to take the shot before vanishing among them again. With a slight nod in her direction, Wrathion darted over to the inn once more. Wrathion didn't mind the smoke and fire that had begun to devour the building if anything he was rather comfortable in it, but he knew humans were rather... flammable. He finally caught his breath searched the basement first, the chef and innkeeper huddled behind a barrel of mead.
"Let's get you out of here friends!" Wrathion said as soon as he got far enough down the stairs to see the pair.
"The guests!" The Innkeep choked out, he had inhaled a lot of the smoke it seemed. "Some are still up there!"
Wrathion narrowed his eyes. "You," He turned to the chef, "get you both out." He gazed back at the Innkeep, "I'll get them if I can alright?" The Innkeep nodded slowly as the chef helped him to his feet. "Find the man with blonde hair outside, he'll help you."
With that, the dragon zipped back up the basement stairs and rounded the corner and leaped over the banister to get to the upstairs. A part of the roof collapsed in front of the dragon, who flung himself backward to get out of the way and nearly stumbled back down a step or two. A fire couldn't hurt the dragon but a falling log sure could.
With a huge inhale the dragon breathed in the flame, held it for a second and then let it out as a small breath before he surged over the log and finished his ascent to the upper level. One of the two rooms was blocked off by smoldering wood pieces. The other was still mostly intact. A glance over the easily accessible room revealed nothing but he felt a tugging at his pant leg. A little girl gripped him desperately. "It's okay. I'll help you out." Wrathion promised the tiny human. She nodded and carefully came out of hiding. "Where are your parents?"
"I..I don't know." The little girl whimpered.
"Alright, I'll keep looking, but let's get you out." Wrathion slowed his pace painfully to guide the little girl to the door and directing her to Anduin before he flew up the stairs again. Inhaling the flames again he began to claw at the rubble blocking the other door. He loosened the rocks as best as he could, soon he felt another set of hands working the wood. A glance over revealed Anduin kneeling beside him helping Wrathion clear some of the smaller rubble pieces so the stronger dragon could dislodge the bigger pieces. Around Anduin was a light glow of a protective bubble that Wrathion assumed was to protect the boy from the smoke. Soon the pair broke through and in the room was a small family. Father, mother, and a little boy. "Are you alright?" Both boys asked.
The little boy coughed and the parents looked frightened, having been carefully navigating the crumbling floor. "Where's Heather?" The father asked
"Outside." Anduin replied, "we'll help you out."
The family carefully gathered themselves and lead the way out with Anduin and Wrathion in tow. "How'd it go with the orcs?" Wrathion asked quietly.
"We were able to drive them off."
"Well besides Left and Right and anything you may think about humans, many humans do not like seeing their homes invaded and will fight to defend it."
"Any casualties on this side?" Anduin asked, glancing into the other room hesitantly. Looking relieved when he saw nothing.
"Lots of inhaled smoke but nothing a priest can't reverse I don't think."
"Thank the Light." Anduin's shoulders drooped. He suddenly looked exhausted. "Let's go home."
Wrathion couldn't agree more.
Chapter 6: Brave Face
Anduin and Wrathion had come to the agreement on the way home that Wrathion's room was only about half full and could hold another person if they were comfortable with one another, and they had decided they were, so Anduin had moved all the stuff the pack mule he had been left with to the large room at the end of the upstairs hall. The furnishings would not change, as Anduin hadn't brought any save a chest of personal belongings, so Anduin got the wardrobe against the eastern wall of the suddenly giant room.
The north wall was where the beds rested. Wrathions was about a nightstand's length away from the western wall and Anduin tucked his bed, which he had borrowed from an unoccupied room, all the way in the Northeastern corner. Against the foot of Wrathion's bed was his trunk of clothing and on the southern wall was the conspicuously empty table which had two chairs sitting at it. At the foot on Anduin's bed was a similar chest but it contained all manner of study materials and things to do, books to read and wooden weapons to spar with. After moving in Anduin had decided to take a bath in the hot pool just under the back balcony of the inn. The same back balcony that was connected to Wrathion and Anduin's room, it had a rocking chair on it and it was a well-loved rocking chair at that. Aside from that, he was ecstatic to be able to bathe after a long day of smoke and fire.
Anduin hadn't seen much of Wrathion since he had started moving in his stuff, save Wrathion taking long enough to clean out the wardrobe so Anduin could use it. Anduin hadn't really been worried about it until he got out to the hot pool, set his towel on a rock, stripped out of the odd clothes and slithered into the water and leaned back on the staircase leading down into the water. The warmth felt nice on his leg, well it felt nice, everywhere to be quite frank. Relaxed, Anduin began to sing a little tune,
"It's not fair to be alo--ah!" He nearly jumped out of the water when he realized the bright red light he had passed over without noticing were eyes, not lights. "How long have you been watching me?" He demanded from the dragon, who looked a little bit too smug that he had caught Anduin singing. Anduin's cheeks flushed a little, and then a lot when he realized that he was equally as exposed as Wrathion was, nothing but water obscuring visions of things Anduin did not want to see and did not want to be seen. Don't be stupid he probably doesn't even have anything because this human form is just a disguise. Wrathion purred softly, "Not long." he said, "though you haven't been here very long either so I suppose my point is invalid." His black curls even longer as he brushed them out with a wooden comb. "Don't worry I was just getting out when you walked out here so I decided to wait."
"To watch me?" Anduin narrowed his eyes.
"No so I wouldn't be streaking in front of you." Wrathion rolled his bright red eyes. well maybe he does have- Anduin shook his head to clear that thought before he finished it.
"Just go, I'll close my eyes."
"No need," Wrathion said shifting into a dragon and fluttering away behind a rock opposite Anduin's, which was a little more than hip height so Wrathion changed back, dried himself off, grabbed his discarded clothing and fluttered away to the balcony.
Anduin sighed and finished bathing quickly, he heard howls up in the mountains and it reminded him too much of the orcs who had attacked Goldshire. Where they part of the Horde?
Anduin didn't know but didn't think his father would be pleased either way. He heaved himself out of the warm water, tying his towel around his waist and grabbed his clothes before heading upstairs. Right stood from the table Wrathion had been sitting at when Varian had approached and followed the boy up but stopped at the door threshold while Anduin continued past the threshold. Anduin did not see Wrathion and took the opportunity to dress in his nightclothes and then took a step out onto the cool balcony. Wrathion gently rocked in his chair and seemed to be reading. Wrathion was in fuzzy night clothes and seemed to be at peace with his surroundings, his book open in his lap and him focusing intently on it instead of glancing around like he was being watched like he normally did. "Wrathion?" Anduin whispered gently. The dragon looked up at him sleepily. "Let's come in for the night. It's cold out here."
"Alright." Wrathion agreed without the reluctance Anduin had expected. He stood and followed Anduin back into the tavern. Anduin plopped down on his bed, happy to feel something soft underneath him for the first time all day. While Wrathion slipped under his covers more methodically.
Anduin had expected them to go to sleep not long after that, but they ended up talking for many many hours despite the madness of the day.
"Did you see that Night Elf girl?" Anduin asked excitedly.
"No." Wrathion replied calmly.
"Oh come on you can't tell me she wasn't the prettiest thing you've ever seen!"
"She wasn't."
"So you admit you saw her?!"
"Yes, but I didn't notice her. It takes a lot to get a dragon to notice someone in that way."
"Well I noticed her!" Anduin retorted.
"I think you noticed the curves of a tree you lonely priest." Wrathion teased, his voice held no malice and honestly Anduin had seen him eyeing up some people too, though he'd deny it Anduin was sure.
"Would you two shut up and go to sleep?" Right snapped poking her head in the room.
"Sorry!" Anduin squeaked. Shifting so he lay down and closed his eyes to sleep.
Something was making one side of his pillow heavier than the other. Anduin tried to shove it off but to no avail. Blinking open his eyes he saw... a dragon whelp. He nearly jumped out of his skin. "Light! What are you doing over here?" He hissed.
"I..." the dragon looked embarrassed. "I don't know. You just seemed... cold. You were shivering." Wrathion explained in the softest voice he could.
The dragon was admittedly warm. Anduin was about to send the dragon away anyways when he realized something. He has no friends or family... he must be so lonely. Poor guy, being so brave around everyone and just taking everyone's doubts and expectations to become his father but... he has nothing for himself. I think we have more common ground than either of us assumed. "No, it's okay," Anduin said catching the dragon and settling him on the sheets. Looks like we both need each other. Thank you Light, for bringing me to a place I can finally help someone else.
Chapter 7: Accord
Wrathion woke up later than Anduin, he knew it the second he regained consciousness. The bed next to him was cold, save the heat emanating from his breath. He shifted into his human form and stretching before sliding off the bed.
Something about him felt... off, not wrong per se just, strange. A quick reworking of his disguise revealed nothing, save maybe his facial hair becoming a slight bit more prominent than before. Then there must be something wrong with me instead he noted. With a small sigh of anxiety, he shifted back into his true form.
Suddenly the space between him, the bed, the trunk, and the dresser was much too small and getting smaller. With a startled snarl Wrathion shifted back and scooted away from anything nearby. Proportions were normal again. What is happening to me? He hissed to himself and tried again. This time the world got smaller but he didn't hit anything right off. He examined himself after taking a second to realize he wasn't hovering in the air like he normally did. Instead his front paws and back were both strong enough and long enough to touch the ground at the same time and balance him. He wondered briefly if dragons had a puberty stage of their adolescence but pushed the thought aside as curiosity overtook anything else. He reached up a forepaw and went to touch his head and promptly prodded himself with sharp horns. Setting the paw down, not minding the sting of being jabbed, he stretched his wings. As he did so he got a satisfactory little woosh of air beneath their power and size. Though he did quickly realize as he spread his wings to their capacity that he was knocking books off their shelves and pushing aside furniture.
One last thing he could test here in the tavern. He took a deep breath in and roared with all his strength. The noise echoed through the nearby mountains and shook the building with its power. He felt rather smug and then quickly realized that the fact the tavern floor was holding up a dragon, albeit the size of a Polar Bear, up without complaint. He did admire how large he had gotten, from the size of a kitten to the size of a bear was a massive change to happen overnight. Much less all the other stuff.
Wrathion was finally a drake!
A head popped around the corner, blue eyes peered into the bedroom, "Wrathion?" Anduin asked, "the staff are worried about you."
"Yeah, it's me." He purred taking a seat, his head nearly touching the roof. Even his voice held exponentially more power than it had before. "Everything's fine."
"Wow!" Anduin smiled at him, "You're way bigger now than when I got up this morning!"
Wrathion cocked his head at him, "How big was I?"
"Maybe the size of a komodo dragon, " Anduin replied, measuring with his hands as he made his way over to his friend. He reached out to touch the obsidian colored scales but quickly restrained himself. "Sorry-uh may I? I've never actually felt a dragon's scale before."
Wrathion did the dragon equivalent of a shrug. "Sure." Anduin made a pleased noise and very gently reached out and set a hand of the dragon's flank. The contact surprised Wrathion, it was warm and soft and incredibly... exciting for lack of a better word. Anduin stroked Wrathion's side like one would pet a cat and to some degree, Wrathion was annoyed at the gentleness Anduin showed him but a much larger part of him wanted him to keep doing so forever, each touch sending more and more shocks to the excitement pooling in his chest. Wrathion felt something twitch in his belly and shook Anduin off, "That's enough." He tried to say gently despite the rising panic. Anduin, clearly without thinking glanced down to the dragon's underbelly and, seeming to regret his decision quickly looked back up at Wrathion's face instead. Before he could process what Anduin had seen a cold thought washed over him. "Shit. I'm late for the Accord." He snarled.
"The what?" Anduin asked seeming relieved at the change in subjects.
"The Accord, listen we have to go but basically it's an annual meeting between all the Dragon Aspects." Wrathion considered for a moment, "and I don't have time to horse you all the way down to the pier."
Anduin flushed a deep red color suddenly. "Well, maybe you're big enough now that I can... ride on your back?"
Wrathion caught the possible innuendo but had no time to respond to it. "Yes yes fine." He growled and crouched down so Anduin could carefully wriggle himself up onto the curve of Wrathion's back. He seemed almost giddy with getting to ride a dragon. This slightly annoyed Wrathion, he was not some mount to be collected in some adventure's journal. He didn't think that's what Anduin planned to do and again had no time to consider it.
"Are you two okay?" Right asked poking her head into the doorframe.
"Yeah, we're going to the Accord," Wrathion replied.
"We'll meet you there."
"Thanks!" Wrathion nodded approval and began to plod out onto the balcony. Anduin ducked to avoid hitting the doorframe as Wrathion squeezed through it with only some amount of trouble. With a sharp breath, Wrathion leaped off the banister, spread his wings and flew he soared into the sky with a few powerful beats of his wings. Anduin squeaked as Wrathion leaped and tried to do a little trick, but was still trying to figure out his body first. After his liftoff, Wrathion did his best to simply glide down the mountainside but would keep some distance between his underbelly and the treeline below.
"Woo!" Anduin cheered from atop him, Wrathion roared in agreement and together they went soaring down the mountain shouting and roaring all the way.
The landing was the hardest part. Wrathion tried his best to be gentle as he touched down, so as not to jostle Anduin off over his head if he could manage.
Unfortunately Anduin did get knocked off and was sent flying. Fortunately grabbing onto something as he went. Unfortunately, it was Wrathion's neck. Wrathion stumbled but was able to right himself before falling over completely. "Sorry!" He called back at the boy clinging onto him for dear life.
"Scared the Light out of me dude!" Anduin growled as he regained his balance. Wrathion shifted back into a human, which suddenly felt oddly comfortable. There was an awkward pause before Anduin let go of Wrathion and went over to take a seat on the grass. "Next time. We're going to need a saddle."
"Next time?" Wrathion replied. "Is there going to be a next time?"
Anduin smiled broadly at him then, which caught Wrathion by surprise, "that was the most fun I've had since like forever ago!" Anduin looked... very small then, like an 8-year-old child rather than a grown man to become king one day. It tugged at something inside Wrathion that he couldn't quite name.
It was probably nothing. Wrathion decided, he was just hormonal.
"Wrathion?" Anduin's voice brought Wrathion back to the now.
"Sorry what were you saying?" Wrathion asked meeting gentle blue eyes.
"I was asking if it would be okay if we did some more practice with the flight." Anduin said patiently.
"Yes that'd be fine." Wrathion said, voice cracking as he fought off a surge of emotion that swelled up inside him. He offered a hand to Anduin to help him up. Anduin took it and heaved himself up, their fingers staying within brushing distance for a few seconds too long and even when they separated they walked much closer together than they had previously. Anduin following Wrathion closely as the latter stepped onto the boat to Northrend.
The temperature dropped significantly after that. Wrathion looked up and knew he was in Dragonblight. The graveyard of dragons including the father of dragons, Galakrond.
Chapter 8: Wrymrest
Anduin had visited Northrend on a number of occasions. He had never liked it much. Not for any reason other than he hated the cold, especially since he was more used to more temperate conditions. Wrathion seemed to have no such reservations as he stepped off the boat and on to the dock, easing his way to actual land before he transformed into a dragon again, crouching so again Anduin could clamor up onto the dragon.
Anduin squawked as Wrathion took off. He wasn't so concerned with the idea of flying, he had ridden griffins before, it was the fact that Wrathion had a greater than human intelligence and as a result was not as conscientious of his flight posture and might not fully understand that dropping Anduin from this heigh, while maybe an entertaining prank among dragons would be a death sentence to Anduin.
Despite his concerns, the pair arrived without incident. Though Anduin did come out of his thoughts as the ground got closer. "Try landing on all four feet when you land," Anduin suggested, might as well try it, see if it worked.
Wrathion didn't reply and Anduin began to worry the dragon hadn't heard or was offended at the comment but Wrathion did as he was asked and they landed with a gentle thump. Anduin still got knocked into the air a few inches because of gravity's effect on him.
Sliding down off the back of Wrathion, Anduin looked up and found that he was the closest to Wyrmrest Temple than he had ever been.
The tower loomed over him into the icy sky. The building, from Anduin's understanding, had four levels. The topmost level served as the roof and was where the battle with Deathwing and Ultraxion, Deathwing's experiment that had gone right, had taken place. Above the bones of Galakrond, Deathwing had taken a mighty blow thanks to the orc shaman Thrall, who had wielded the artifact/weapon the Dragon Soul. The Dragon Soul had been a powerful artifact created by the Dragon Aspects and had, ironically, been the idea of Neltharion. The weapon later disassembled Deathwing into nothing but atoms.
That battle had stretched as far as the Malestrom in the middle of the sea separating Kalimdor and The Eastern Kingdoms but it had begun here at Wrymrest Temple.
The next floor down was where the commander of the Wyrmrest defenders, Lord Afrasastrasz, resided, it also served as a war room if the need arose.
The level under that was the common sector, generally, this was as much of Wyrmrest Temple that mortals got to lay eyes on. Though that was no to downplay its beauty in and of itself.
The bottom floor, half-buried beneath the ice, was the room that severed as the portal room for the dragons. All five Dragonflights had a Portal to their respective realms. And the realms, as far as Anduin knew never having been through any of the portals, were as follows: The Black Dragonflight's realm was in the heart of an active volcano, though it lay abandoned now that the Black Dragonflight had all but been wiped out, with its last remaining member staying in Pandaria for the time being.
The Red Dragonflight got a cherry tree grove that had once been ransacked by Deathwing's forces but had since recovered splendidly.
The Green Dragonflight got the Emerald Dream. The realm where all dreams, wishes, and hopes, were real, but also so were all the nightmares and fear, the Green Dragons spent their time trying to control the balance between the two. It is said that once one falls asleep the mind wanders the Emerald Dream until one wakes.
The Blue Dragonflight resided in the Realm known as the Eye of Eternity, which was the home of magic in its purest form. After the Nexus War most if the Blue Dragonflight went extinct, but those that remained studied there.
Last but not least was the Bronze Dragonflight's home in the Caverns of Time, which were located on the continent of Kalimdor. The Caverns of Time were where the Bronze Dragonflight guarded the time ways dutifully and protected all that had happened, no matter how bad, for it all served a greater purpose.
This chamber also apparently served as the council room for the Aspects since Wrathion plodded off down the icy chasm floor into the room. The room was circular in shape and on the edges of the room were the portals. More to the center of the room were five large circular platforms surrounding a collum if starlight, not harsh enough to be blinding but enough to illuminate the dragons placed on all the platforms but one. The second the boys entered, all eyes fell onto Wrathion. Anduin just happened to be in the perfect spot to notice the nervous tail-flick Wrathion gave before stepping up onto the vacant platform that was part of the circle of other Dragonflights.
Across from Wrathion, was Kalecgos, the Spell Weaver, Anduin had met him before but only in his human form. As a half-elf, Kalec had blue hair and eyes and spoke elegantly but now as a dragon at least ten times larger than Wrathion, he looked much more imposing. His horns alone were the size of three Anduin's, the latter feeling rather small in comparison suddenly, at only five and a half feet tall.
Next to Kalecgos was the Green Dragon Ysera, the Dreamer, she was about a head taller than Kalcegos and floating between her horns was upside down golden crescent with divets gave it a glaive like appearance.
Next to her was a crimson dragon about a Ysera and a half tall, her horns and claws heavily adorned in jewels and other decorations. Alexstraza the Life-Binder in the flesh.
Closest to Wrathion was a Ysera sized Bronze Dragon, Nozdormu the Infinite, sometimes called Nozdormu the Timeless stood proud beside his decorated companions.
Besides each Aspect were two smaller dragons, one on either side of the same color of their respective Aspect. Except Wrathion. Wrathion's only companion was a human.
"What doesss a mortal want with the affairssss of dragonss?" Nozdormu asked, golden eyes glinting as he recognized the human taking a spot besides Wrathion's flank.
"Wrathion!" Alexstraza thundered, "You show up late and you bring a mortal with you?" She hissed.
"Mighty Dragon Aspects," Anduin bowed as deep as he could without aggravating his leg, and to hide his body trembling, "I meant no disrespect by my presence." He explained smoothly.
"This one's father and I arranged an agreement that requires him to remain by my side at all times." Wrathion explained, "I am to protect the Prince of Humans."
Alexstraza blinked at him a few times. "But you still brought a mortal-"
"Let the mortal thing go." Kalecgos snarled, "he already explained why the mortal is here."
Alexstraza glared at Kalecgos. "Very well." She hissed reluctantly. "Nozdormu, who is to speak first today?"
Nozdormu tilted his head. "Wrathion speaksss firssst. Kalecgossss next year."
Wrathion with a small intake of breath looked up at the other dragons in attendance. "Now that the rest of the Corrupted Black Dragonflight has been eradicated, I wish to take my place as the Black Aspect." He said his voice strained but not out of anxiety like his tail swishes were.
Alexstraza laughed, "You will not hold that title if I have any say in it." She snarled. Wrathion Wrathion away violently. Even his cool expression could not hide the hurt from the verbal blow.
"Sister," Ysera snapped from besides Alexstraza. "This is not Deathwing."
"So what? His child is nearly as bad!"
"Alexstraza," Kalecgos began, "You have to let this go, Wrathion is not to be blamed for his father's sins."
"You want me to let go of the rape, torture and murder of my children?" Alexstraza howled in rage and fury, eyes lighting on fire and turned of the Spell Weaver.
Kalecgos was unfazed. "Of course not." As he said that, something occurred to Anduin, the first being they were speaking Common instead of Draconic, why include the human in on the conversation? The second thing Anduin noticed was that while Alexstraza may be the Queen of Dragons her Aspect companions had no problem voicing their opinions around her.
"If I may," Anduin couldn't help but pipe up, standing as tall as he could, hiding his shaking hands behind his back. He had just interrupted borderline gods. All eyes turned to him. As much as Kalecgos was sticking up for Wrathion, Anduin hated to see the dragons fight. "Yesterday, a fire broke out in a town we were visiting. While Wrathion could not be hurt by the fire he went to great lengths to ensure the safety of everyone affected. I believe that given the proper guidance and mentorships from great beings such as yourself and being taught that he is better than his father, he will shape up the way you wish him to, rather than the way you fear he will."
Alexstraza leaned so she met Anduin at eye level. All the malice and fear in her gaze was gone. "Will you vouch for the drake in question?" She asked gently.
Anduin reached up and set a hand on her snout. "Absolutely, we all can help guide him. Azeroth needs a Earth Warder and Wrathion is a solid choice."
"Prove that Rheastrasza's sacrifices were not in vain." Kalecgos spoke.
Alexstraza looked between her friends. She turned to Nozdormu, "what about you?"
"I had to forgive myssself for a future of my fall to the madness that will never come to be. Thisss one deserves the sssame forgivenesssss."
Alexstraza nodded. "Very well, Wrathion, step forward."
Wrathion, clearly hiding his excitement behind cool red eyes, stepped onto a central ring filled with sparkling stars. "Although we may not be the Titans, we have the power to proclaim a new Aspect in the event that one falls. I, Alexstraza will see to it that this Drake becomes everything that his father chose not to be. Kalecgos, present your gifts."
Anduin had the cold realization that he was about to witness the ascension of a God yet something kept him from moving at all so as to give the gods some privacy. Yet it felt like he glued to the floor
Kalecgos stepped into the circle with Wrathion. "We have no ability to grant you the power we were disrupted by the titans, not alone but together we all may impart our wisdom and wishes onto you, granting you the power you will need to lead what is left of your kin," Kalecgos said. "My gift, as the youngest Aspect prior to you, is perseverance, strength, and wisdom. May it guide you during the seasons ahead." The dragons, with Kalecgos having to crouch almost to reach butted heads affectionately. Both muttering small words inaudible and in Draconic before Kalecgos stepped away.
Ysera came next; "before we became the Aspects, Alexstraza, Nozdormu, Neltharion, Malygos and myself all had to face trials. But never did we face them alone. My gifts to you are friendship, love, and hope. May you surround yourself in friends and family who care about you as deeply as you care about them." Again soft words and a headbutt was exchanged before Ysera stepped back.
Anduin suddenly noticed Ysera didn't need to crouch as much to reach Wrathion's level. He had about doubled in size since his exchange with Kalecgos.
Anduin watched as he grew in size again before Nozdormu stepped forward. "In my own time, I have sssseen timelines where the world was destroyed and rebuilt many times. With my gift I give you patience, judgment and justice. Sssome times it takes patience to see the correct course of action. Yet sssome ssssituations require immediate action. It is up to you to decide what to do and when to do it."
Nozdormu had to crouch down the least so far. They were also close enough now that Anduin could make out what they were saying. He understood some basic Draconic as part of the princely work he had studied many languages, Draconic being one. "May the future bring you fortune." Nozdormu purred.
"And you, brother." Wrathion replied. Anduin suspected the other exchanges had been similar.
Alexstraza stepped forward. "I'll admit I have my concerns, and yet, so did the titans when appointing us as Aspects. With my gift, I bestow to you Clarity, Loyalty, and the love of a mother. May you always think of the struggles of another before yourself and feel the wrath of a mother directed at those who threaten the ones you hold close." Alexstraza had to lean down more than the others only because of her size compared to Wrathion, not because he stopped growing.
Alexstraza, to Anduin's shock and awe, turned to Anduin, "The one who vouches for new Aspect may provide a gift if you wish."
"If not, he isss a fully functional Assspect now. You will not harm him by refusing." Nozdormu added.
"I think I can do something." Anduin said taking Alexstraza's place. "With my gifts, I wish to bestow you with Curiosity, Mercy and Trust. May you forever know that your friends are true to you and share your excitement for life's new adventures." Wrathion smiled and bowed his head to meet Anduins outstretched hand.
"Thank you." Wrathion whispered in Common.
"I am just happy I can give something valuable."
"You have given more than enough."
"Wrathion!" Alexstraza announced from her pedestal, "henceforth you shall be known as Wrathion the Earth Warder. May you always respect Azeroth for all the beauties it has to offer." She smiled at him, "welcome to the Aspects."
Chapter 9: Ascension
"Welcome to the Aspects." Alexstraza purred. Before Wrathion could respond, Wrathion's vision went black.
"Anduin." The white-and-gray wolfman that had accompanied King Wrynn to the Tavern in the Mists addressed a slightly older Anduin, just a handful of years from his present form. "We need to talk."
"Sure Genn. What is it you need?" Anduin looked up from where he had been studying a map of an unknown region intently. The white brick walls decorated with blue implied the exchange was taking place in Stormwind Keep. "What happened at Broken Shore?" The prince continued.
"We were decimated." Genn snarled, "our losses were monstrous."
"That... is not what we anticipated. Heavy resistance I take it?" Anduin tilted his head in concern. "Where is my father?"
"I... that's what I needed to discuss with you." Genn swallowed and glanced around as if looking for someone else to take this responsibility from him. "King Varian Wrynn... is dead."
Anduin stared blankly at Greymane, his jaw tightening. "Excuse me?" His eyes narrowed and his voice was dangerously quiet.
"He died to protect what was left of the attack force. I only survived because of his sacrifice." Graymane continued.
Anduin looked at the floor. "There was only supposed to be limited casualties, that's what Wrathion promised us."
"Well, maybe Wrathion was wrong!" Genn snapped, deep blue eyes flaring in anger. He took a moment to collect himself, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted, I know you deeply respect the Black dragon but he was wrong about this and our army was destroyed because of him."
Anduin hissed his face contorted as he tried to control his emotions. "This is the legion's fault, not Wrathion's!" He shouted back.
"He abandoned you Anduin, whatever thing you had with him is over now!" Genn was clearly not fond of Wrathion and Wrathion supposed that was fair, but he had no intention of leading Varian into a trap. He had no quarrel with the human king and even less so with Anduin.
Anduin sighed heavily and hid his face behind his hands. "Leave me now Graymane, we'll worry about coronation some other time."
Genn went quiet then. Setting a hand on Anduin's shoulder. "I am sorry." He murmured. "I lost someone close to me too today."
"This is hard for everyone but I need to process." Genn hesitated for a second too long, causing Anduin's patience to thin. "Leave!" He demanded. Genn's ears flattened and he backed away and closed to door.
Now alone Anduin let out a sob.
Wrathion was jerked back into reality nearly violently. He felt that he was in human form, and laying on the floor of Wyrmrest temple he supposed. He felt a gentle soft pulsing beside him and cracked open an eye to look around.
Anduin crouched beside him, light dancing around his palm, causing the warm pulsing through his body. He looked gravely concerned. Wrathion, remembering his vision flinched away. "I'm sorry." He mumbled even though nothing had happened since his vision had begun. The other Aspects watched him calmly. "He wakes mortal," Nozdormu said somewhere to Wrathion's side. Anduin, reluctantly, stood and backed away.
"The ascension to an Aspect triggers powerful visions for the new Aspect, it helps guide them where nothing else could," Alexstraza explained. "His vision was deeply emotional it seems."
"What makes you say that?" Wrathion hissed from the floor as he pushed himself up into a sitting position.
"Wrathion! You're okay!" Anduin cheered and threw his arms around Wrathion's neck. "I was so worried I had hurt you by accident." He breathed so only Wrathion could hear his confession. Wrathion flushed a little, butterflies erupting in his belly from the simple act of being this close to Anduin. To feel his cold arms against the skin of Wrathion's neck. He nuzzled warmly into Anduin, grateful that his vision could still be prevented.
"I'm sorry," Wrathion said again. His gut-wrenching with the pain of knowing he had caused Anduin so much distress. Even if it was far in the future. "I'm so sorry."
Anduin chuckled, much to Wrathion's surprise, "So long as you're okay, no hard feelings!" He said with such a childlike excitement Wrathion couldn't help but smile back at the young human. He felt better the butterflies still gnawing at his stomach but the dread seemed to evaporate. Wrathion wanted to lean in and... he wasn't really sure what, he had no words for it. Dragons rarely expressed affections through words or small actions. Between dragons, such emotions were usually communicated through pheromones or large deeds and favors.
Anduin seemed to understand though, "Later." He promised, "when we don't have gods staring at us." Wrathion grinned at him, something about Anduin's acknowledgment of Wrathion's feelings and requited them was a pleasant comfort. One that warmed his whole chest and fuzzed away his thoughts, and the sting of the vision.
Once Wrathion took his place again, the meeting continued and while Wrathion stopped paying attention to the others at some point, he got a chance to plan what he would do now that he was and Aspect.
Well, for one thing, he was going to pick out a lair for himself and connect the Wyrmrest portal to it. That would be way better than living inside a volcano, he hated that place. After that, he wasn't really sure. He hadn't thought Alexstraza would say yes to his proposal in the first place so he hadn't gotten his hopes up. Maybe he would check in with Magni.
Magni was the literal champion of Azeroth, he had been a dwarf named Magni Bronzebeard before he had become made of diamond to protect all of the world for the rest of eternity. As Earth Warder Wrathion and Magni needed to get along at least well enough to get their jobs done.
The meeting ended before he could plot anything else. He went to walk out and let Anduin climb on outside but Kalecgos beat him and padded beside him. "Wrathion? May I have a moment?" The Spell Weaver asked.
"After everything you've done for me today, you may have as many as you need," Wrathion replied, stopping to speak with the Blue dragon. Anduin paused beside Wrathion and waited patiently.
"Forgive me for the intrusion," Kalecgos began. "I have been studying the growth cycles of dragons, more specifically, black dragons and I noticed you seemed... uncomfortable in your own scales. This leads me to believe that you have developed significantly since we last met in a very short amount of time."
"Okay..." Wrathion tilted his head at Kalecgos.
"I believe that because of how large Deathwing got, both physically and how far spread his name was, dragons grow based on what feelings they stir inside the hearts of others."
"What do you mean?" Wrathion blinked slowly at the older dragon.
"I mean, that because everyone ever feared Deathwing, he became massive as he fed off of that. However, the rest of us Aspects are not as widely known by the mortal population and a majority of our body size is because of our respect for each other. Recently, you came in contact with a group of humans that feel very strongly about you, and then you received the respect of the other Aspects making you multiply in size today."
Wrathion nodded, "Makes more sense than the gold theory anyways." Wrathion replied, "why are you telling me this?"
"Well, as with mortals going through adolescence, it helps to know why your body is reacting the way it is."
"Are you telling me I hit puberty?" Wrathion half-joked. Kalecgos seriously could not be implying that, right?
"Well you are grown it's more of a physical change than a psychological one," Kalecgos replied with a shrug of sorts. "But that's all I wanted to speak with you about. Congratulations on your accession!"
Wrathion stared after the Blue with a mix of shock and irritation. Weird thing to tell a new aspect. Especially since he was larger the Spell Weaver now, if only just. "Well... that's awkward." Anduin spoke from besides Wrathion.
"Seriously." Wrathion agreed. "Weird dude."
"I think he's trying to be nice but isn't sure what to do with you," Anduin replied, climbing on as Wrathion crouched. "Onwards, noble steed! To the Tavern!" Anduin echoed Wrathion's statement from before. Wrathion rolled his eyes but with a powerful beat of his wings he was airborne and taking off towards home.
Chapter 10: Confession
The rest of the evening for Anduin had gone by peacefully. He had spent most of it reading his tome of holy studies on Wrathion's fluffy reading chair on the balcony. A thick leather-bound book full of spells for Anduin to learn and to start practicing lay in his lap. Little did the instructor who assigned him the work know, Anduin had already mastered most of the techniques enclosed within. The art of using the Light had always come easily to the young human. Nonetheless, Anduin had dutifully spent a few hours studying.
Wrathion, on the other hand, looked borderline distressed all evening. Pacing between the same three rooms for at least an hour. Leaning on the banister and staring out into the sunset for less than thirty seconds before he was pacing again. At first, Anduin had taken it for residual excitement from the ceremony earlier that morning but the sun had long since set and Anduin had taken his studying into the room for the night, Wrathion was still wearing footprints into the wooden floor. Spending as much time as he could in human form Anduin had noticed.
Anduin tried to stay diligent in his study but now that he rested propped up on an elbow under the warm covers of his bed Wrathion was much more in view and Anduin couldn't help but watch how the dragon moved. His hair was all over the place thanks to how many times Wrathion had run his hand through the black curls. His red eyes were nearly dull with how much raw emotion he had endured during the day. Anduin understood. More than Wrathion could ever know. Anduin had always had a knack for understanding the struggles of others. Depending on how strong the emotions were Anduin could focus on that person's words or actions and feel as though he was walking beside them through their emotional journey. A bonus for his priestly duties but not required, and sometimes it bit him in the ass.
When Anduin's mother had died, Anduin had felt the pain twice over, once for his own grief and then again because of his father's pain.
Wrathion's struggle was so intense the emotional waves washed over Anduin without the priest having to focus at all, however, without Anduin's attention all he got was a jumbled mess so distorted that he couldn't even tell what was useful information and what wasn't. Though he suspected Wrathion was equally as incoherent. "Wrathion." Anduin said finally, setting his tome on the trunk at the foot of the bed, "come here."
"Can't. Sit. Still." Wrathion bit out like words were hard for him.
"I know, but I can help," Anduin assured him. Wrathion looked strangely at the priest but willed himself over to the side of Anduin's bed. "Sit down." Anduin gestured to a spot beside him, "and face me." Wrathion followed instructions and gazed at Anduin with an expression Anduin couldn't quite place. Something akin to hunger was the closest he could get to describing it.
"What makes you think you can help me?" Wrathion asked. "I don't mean to be like mean or anything I'm just curious."
"Priests are known to bring peace to those who have been through unimaginable strife. I am trained to help alleviate what ails you." Anduin replied, his voice soft. "Just relax, and tell me anything that comes to mind."
Wrathion grunted as though he was better than ranting but quickly fell to it. "I don't expect you to believe me but I have always wanted to take my father's place as Earth Warder but now that I have it... quite frankly, I'm scared out of my wits."
"What are you scared of?"
"Becoming my father. I literally have the weight of the whole world on my shoulders and I'm afraid I'm going to be what everyone thinks I will become."
Anduin smiled at his friend, "Not everyone believes that of you. I would not have vouched for you had I thought that to be your path." Wrathion gave Anduin a rather vulnerable expression in reply. One Anduin had not thought Wrathion capable of. He always seemed so calm and apathetic about everything.
Wrathion swallowed thickly, "no one ever has before." He whispered. "Thank you for giving me a chance."
"The fact you are worrying about not becoming Deathwing proves already that you are better than him."
"I suppose." Wrathion yawned and shook himself back into his standard poker face. "But I have more immediate problems I guess. The world is not in any immediate danger I'll know when it is. My other concern is more of a question than a problem."
"Well you mortal types seem to be obsessed about choosing gay or straight but why do I have to pick? Why can't I like both?"
Anduin understood that one, more than just his empathy he understood. "I'm with you. My father and the Worgen king are trying to set me up with girls. They're perfectly nice mind you, they just don't strike my fancy. Genn and my dad keep telling me we just haven't found 'the one' but I'm beginning to doubt I will."
"See that's the problem with being royalty, you're parents not only control everything but their shadow hangs over you forever no matter what you do!"
"Unless your name is Arthas." Anduin chided.
Arthas Menethil used to be a human paladin, and heir to the Lordaeron throne. Until the young paladin began to take a dark path. Once beloved by his kingdom Arthas, upon discovering of a plague outbreak in a city known as Stratholme, decided that the best course of action would be to slay all the inhabitants of the city to prevent the spread of the plague. He had later gone on to become the Lich King. Leader of the undead armies collectively called the Scourge. His father had all but been forgotten in the horrific wake of death in his son's actions. Though Arthas had been put down when Anduin was still relatively young.
"He doesn't count!" Wrathion purred. "He only outmatched his father because of a mass genocide! Neither of us is going down that route I hope."
Anduin smiled and pawed at his friend's black jacket. "I think you'd better keep an eye on me!" Anduin announced.
"You aren't going to-"
"I'm a known heartbreaker!" Anduin interrupted Wrathion's thought. Trying to lighten the mood some.
"Don't lie! You cant even walk up to anybody without getting nervous!" Wrathion retorted catching Anduin's hand in his own paws, having transformed just enough to not be holding Anduin's hand, to which the latter was slightly disappointed, but not enough to be stabbing the human with talons or scales.
Anduin smirked, pouncing lightly on the lithe male. "Yeah well, you talk a big game for someone who can't get another in bed with him!"
"Not true!" Wrathion slipped out of Anduin's grip and wrestled the taller boy into the mattress with surprising strength. Especially given how deliberate he had been so as not to hurt his play mate's bad leg.
Anduin wondered if Wrathion had ever had someone to do something as childish as play fight or to spend all night talking about whatever came to mind.
The soft gaze from the dragon implied no. Though Anduin hadn't really either, he had his dad but it was different to have a friend or sibling to share passions with on a level adults had a hard time understanding. "Oh? Now I'm curious, who have you ever taken to bed?" Anduin said finally.
"You." Wrathion puffed his chest proudly.
Anduin flushed a bright red at that. "Not the same!" Anduin hissed avoiding the dragon's eyes.
"For now." Wrathion purred, Anduin rolled his eyes but internally scolded himself for being so transparent about how he felt about Wrathion. Despite Wrathion being another man, a black dragon, kin of Onyxia who had delighted in emotionally tormenting Anduin and Varian, and Wrathion being on par with a god, Anduin was beginning to foster something of a crush on the Black Prince.
Despite Wrathion's flirting Anduin couldn't gauge how the dragon actually felt about him in return. The pair stared at one another for a nearly awkwardly long time. "May I do something totally insane?"
Wrathion tilted his head in confusion. "Sure." He agreed. "I do believe you told me you had something for me when away from prying eyes. I think we're away from anyone else."
Anduin grinned from ear to ear than. "Yes, I do." He leaned forward, much the same way that Wrathion had earlier and pressed their lips together.
Wrathion took a second to process what was happening but quickly began to follow Anduin's lead. As Wrathion returned the kiss, Anduin, despite his concerns about how quickly he had developed such strong feelings in such a short amount of time, forgot all of the things that were going on outside of the room or all the things he had to worry about. In that long moment, everything felt right with the world. Wrathion quickly grew impatient with the gentle nature of the exchange and began to experiment with his limits. Pressing down on Anduin just enough to get the human to lay back and allow Wrathion to loom over him like a predator about to deal the killing blow to prey.
But no pain came, instead, only more kisses and hushed laughs as the pair tried to figure out what they were trying to do. Wrathion's breathing and adjusting causing their bodies to press together, not in any weird way yet but just enough to excite Anduin from how new and different everything was. Every nerve he had was on fire and they were still fully clothed and not even doing anything that Anduin could get in trouble for. Sure he wasn't encouraged to go around kissing boys but he had no strict rule forbidding it. Anything farther than that though, if he was found out, while not likely still very possible Anduin let something slip he wasn't supposed, to his dad would be furious.
Either way, the boys had no real idea of what they were doing and thus wouldn't get very far short of one having something in mind to try.
It mattered not though because the door creaked open, causing Wrathion to roll away from Anduin, attempting to catch his breath before the intruder could see anything. "Will you two go to sleep?!" Left hissed from the doorway, "settle your differences tomorrow!" The door closed surprisingly softly after that leaving Wrathion and Anduin in the dark again.
"Well, I suppose that means we should split up for the night." Wrathion mused darkly.
"Aw, we don't have to! You can stay over here if you want." Anduin complained, trying to be quiet so as not to incur Left's wrath.
"I'll bother you all night," Wrathion replied going to stand up.
"No, you won't. Trust me." Anduin pawed sleepily at the dragon who sighed and took a seat on Anduin's unoccupied side of the bed.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." With that Wrathion settled down into the sheets, "and thanks, for vouching for me today. That means a lot more than you realize." and before Anduin could even react was snoring away. Anduin laughed to himself at how quickly Wrathion had dozed off, it had been a really long day for him it seemed. Anduin rolled over and closed his eyes allowing sleep to claim him.
Chapter 11: Nozdormu
Wrathion had no idea what to do now. Not only had Anduin confirmed that he shared Wrathion's affections for the other, but he had also taken the first move. As odd as he found the experience Wrathion had liked the intimacy and closeness with the human.
Which posed a number of problems because Wrathion was a dragon, not a mortal.
Not wanting to leave his questions unanswered and his wants swept under the rug he hefted himself up from Anduin's side before the sun rose the next morning and took off from the balcony, shifting into his true form during the jump and flapped powerful wings in an attempt to gain some height. He was still getting used to how large he had gotten. Before he got far from the tavern he noticed a small group of black shadows moving across the dry plains at the base of the mountains. Deciding to see if breakfast had come to him Wrathion swooped down to get a closer look.
To his surprise, he found an Alliance war party. Royal guards escorting the King himself to the base of the mountain. All of the human's eyes were on Wrathion as he descended to the ground in front of the party. "King Wrynn." Wrathion greeted, not feeling any need to bow before a mortal king.
Varian apparently felt the same about a dragon. "Greetings." Varian nodded politely at the dragon. "Forgive me for the intrusion, but I wished to do my first weekly report with Anduin in person."
It has not been a week.
Instead of commenting on this, Wrathion nodded, "Very well, though I request you forgive me for not being a very good host, I was just going to collect a meal before fetching Anduin and taking him with me to a meeting I must attend." Wrathion lied easily, he had been planning on going alone to this 'meeting' but this worked well as an excuse not to bring Anduin. "Though because of your visit I will entrust his safety with you and grant you some privacy." Wrathion continued. "Once you arrive at the tavern speak to the human woman with red hair, she will help you rouse the prince and ensure additional safety should you need it."
"Thank you." Varian nodded, listening intently. "When will you return?"
"No later than sundown." Wrathion estimated. Even if he wasn't finished with his mission by then he could make a pit stop for the night and continue his task in the morning.
"Very well. I will expect to see you then." Varian said Wrathion nodded and pushed off the earth again and floated above the human patrol who gazed up at him in awe, save Varian, as they passed under him. Many of the guards were young Wrathion noted, hardly older than Anduin so he supposed none had seen a true dragon before. Though he did notice wolfman and a man with short red hair beside Varian who only spared Wrathion the cautious glance. Once they had passed Wrathion beat his wings and went soaring across the land. He did manage to snatch a wild oxen herd for breakfast before he began his flight to Southern Kalimdor.
Wrathion, now that he was big enough to fly long distances in a timely and safe manner, found it silly to take the boats if he was going alone, despite the near-instant translocation the ships provided, it was infinitely more rewarding, and only a slight bit longer, to fly. Plus he got to fill up on fish as he went.
It was maybe an hour before he felt the heat of Kalimdor wash over his scales. It took only a moment more before he saw the small huddle of mountains the marked the home of the Bronze Dragonflight. He landed in the center of a ruined clearing. Clock towers lay scattered half-buried in the sand in the small mesa that was hidden in the center of the mountains. Which in no way gave away their depth.
"Halt!" A voice called from beside Wrathion. Begrudgingly, he followed instructions, he knew his flight had a reputation for destruction so to stop a black dragon was not totally uncalled for. That and most dragons of separate flights were questioned before being granted entry, for safety's sake. A smaller Bronze Drake glided over to the intruder calmly. She looked younger than Wrathion in body but her eyes revealed her age was well beyond that. "What brings you to the Caverns of Time?" The Drake asked.
"I am to speak with Nozdormu." Wrathion replied evenly.
"Is he expecting you?"
"I don't believe Aspects have to book appointments with one another." Wrathion retorted. He did like being able to fall back on that to help him appear more confident than he felt.
The Drake blinked at him a few times. "Very well. You'll find him in the heart of the mountain." With a single beat of her wings she was out of his way, returning to circle her route above the mesa.
"Thank you." Wrathion grunted and glided through the narrow archway into the Caverns. The descent went down for miles and was heavily decorated with stars and otherworldly things. Finally rounding the corner from one of the main twisting tunnels Wrathion flew into a clearing. This one had hallways branching off it at random intervals. In it's center was a huge circular platform with a massive working golden hourglass centered on it. Sitting in front of the hourglass was the huge bronze Aspect. He sat, making him nearly as tall as the hourglass which reached the roof of the cavern many miles up from the floor. Had he been standing on two paws the Aspect would be large enough to burst through the roof of this chamber and into the mountain itself. With Dragons generally about halfing their height when they moved from sitting to four paws and doubling their height moving from sitting to standing on two paws.
Golden eyes flicked up to the newcomer as soon as Wrathion entered. "Wrathion." Nozdormu tilted his head at the young Aspect. "What brings you to the Cavernsss of Time ssso sssoon?"
"I seek an auidence with you if you have some time."
"Time isss a mortal concept." Nozdormu replied. "Ssso long as I draw breath, I will have time."
Wrathion took a second to process his words. "I see." Wrathion eyed the other bronze dragons around the room. "Is there anywhere we can go that will be more private? It is not a conversation I wish to have in front of strangers."
The Bronze Aspect nodded, and the world went golden for a second before they were in a completely empty version of the Cavern. Nozdormu stretched his wings idely. "I do not sssense a dire disturbance with the mortals for another ssseveral ssseasons. What bothers you so?"
"I wanted to ask you to glimpse into the future for me."
"While I understand what you are asking of me, what isss it you ssseek?"
"I want to pursue a relationship with a mortal and I need you're advice on how to get the best probable outcome."
Nozdormu stared at Wrathion for a while. "Well, you know as well as I do what you will have to do to thisss 'mortal'. You will be responsible, at least in hisss mind, for the death of hisss father."
"Is there any way I can avoid that?"
"Not that I can sssee." Nozdormu replied gently, his voice dropping in volume. "I know thisss is going to be hard for you to accept but I advise you to leave the idea of a mortal consort behind."
"Mortalsss do not have the lifespan we do. They will die a thousand timesss over before we even begin to feel age. They cannot escape time."
"Time is a social construct made by mortals!" Wrathion echoed.
"But it isss one that will claim you're friend in what, to you, is a blink of an eye." Nozdormu growled, with no malice in his voice, he was just trying to get through to Wrathion. "He will die before you can truly begin to love him."
Chapter 12: Kalecgos
Wrathion left the Caverns of Time more uneasy than he had arrived. Nozdormu spoke sense of course but surely there had to be a way for it to work for everyone?
Who can I ask for such a specific question? He growled to himself flying in a random direction to try and get the wind to soothe him and cool his head.
It wasn't until Wrathion felt the stinging cold of Winterspring that the dragon realized exactly who he needed to speak to. Kalecgos was very much in a romantic relationship with a human named Jaina Proudmoore. Who in turn was also a powerful spell caster.
With newfound determination Wrathion flew to the continent of Northrend reaching the Nexus, entrance to The Eye of Eternity, within the hour. Again he was stopped at the entrance but this time by a huge male. One Wrathion recognized from the Accord the day before. This one had been one of Kalecgos' companions the day before. Senegos was his name Wrathion believed. "State your business." The dragon ordered sleepily.
"I wish to speak to the Spell-Weaver."
"He is expecting you in the Eye of Eternity." The dragon replied, wandering away.
Once Wrathion arrived at a tiny blue orb in the center of a floating circular platform he placed his paw on it and blinked. Opening his eyes into space void of anything but stars and a blue and white platform under him. Kalecgos stood before him as well. "Wrathion." The greeting was friendly. "I figured you'd have some questions."
"Not about what you'd expect." Wrathion replied.
"You would be surprised about what I expected you to come to me about." Kalecgos smiled toothily at him. The dragon beckoned him forward, pushing off the ledge and gliding off into space.
Wrathion followed, despite his uncertainty about Kalecgos, which was mostly due to their last conversation. It felt good to soar through space. It looked endless but the air was crisp and cool and he began to see that stars in the sky were networks of platforms and studios. Some proved to be lairs as the pair flew past and others still were full of tomes and ink and parchment. "I'll race you to the farthest platform over there." Wrathion challenged the older dragon. Among creatures so magnificent as Wyrms and even as primitive as Proto-Drakes, racing was a fun competition that the extremes of either species could take part in just as easily as anyone else.
"You challenge me in my own realm?" Kalecgos laughed. "Good luck!" Wrathion beat his wings with intent now that Kalecgos had accepted his challenge and set off towards the platform. He could hear Kalecgos catching up behind him and pushed harder.
Just as Wrathion made it to the platform the other blue dragon swept forward and touched down first. "That's cheating!" Wrathion growled, amused that Kalecgos would have lost had it not been for his familiarity with the area.
"No it's not!" The Blue replied, "it would have been cheating had I froze you!"
Wrathion smiled. "True enough I suppose."
The pair set off again and flew in silence for a long while. "You have questions regarding your mortal companion. What is it you wish to know?" Kalecgos broke the silence finally.
Wrathion was surprised at Kalecgos' foresight. He explained to the Blue the situation he had with Anduin and while he was sure Kalecgos knew most of it already judging by his knowledge of Wrathion's mission, Kalecgos listened to him. "Nozdormu told me that because mortals age much faster than dragons, that it wasn't worth investing time and effort into."
"Well, on some level, he's right. But because of how short-lived they are, mortals love much more fiercely than say another dragon." Kalecgos said, "and besides many mortals can live past their average amount of years thanks to advancements in magic and technology. Khadgar is thought to be, somewhere in Outland, over a thousand years old. So it is not to say they are doomed to die young. High prophet Velen was fully grown when the Burning Legion attacked Argus and still lives thousands of years later to tell about it.
"But Velen is a Draenei, they can live for a quarter of a millennium." Wrathion pointed out.
"But more importantly, he's a priest and he takes care of himself and those around him." Kalecgos said, "some Draenei waste away before they reach 100 because of the negligence of themselves much the way humans do."
"What does Anduin being a priest have to do with it?"
"Priests can bring even the old and sickly back into their stronger days, extremely powerful ones can undo the damage done by time if the need arises."
"You think Anduin is that powerful?"
"I think he has the potential to be." Kalecgos thought for a moment before he spoke again, "and if you are getting into it and are worried about it I do know of something that can help perhaps."
"What is it?"
"If a time comes when you are ready to be Anduin's mate then I shall tell you."
Wrathion shot a glance at Kalecgos. "Mate?"
"Humans, in particular, tend to be fond of monogamy. They do not like to share their prizes." Kalecgos explained, "Anduin if he is invested in this as well, is in it for a mate and partner, not someone he loves to sleep around as he pleases."
"We can't even reproduce together what do you mean mate?" Wrathion tried to keep the barb out of his voice but he wasn't sure what Kalec was getting at.
"Humans generally share their lives with their partner, unlike us who have a small harem of consorts, they tend to stay with their partners whether they can reproduce together or not." Wrathion turned this information over in his head a few times. "Besides humans and dragons both are incredibly sexual creatures, whether or not you can bear offspring is irrelevant that the act of mating is something that is likely to happen."
"Wait how...?" Wrathion was struggling to picture that. "We don't have... I'm a dragon and-"
"You would need to stay in human form but yes, it could work." Wrathion still must have looked as confused as he felt because Kalecgos continued, "do you know how humans reproduce?"
"They-" Wrathion scoured his brain. He had never really thought to care about information such as mortal mating rituals before. "The same thing we do, just on a smaller scale?"
Kalecgos shrugged. "Sort of. But they don't do eggs. Now think about how that happens and try and figure out how that would work between two males."
Wrathion had an image rush into his mind. One that shocked him nearly out of the air. Anduin was- "Sounds really painful." Wrathion grunted trying to hide the weird mesh of emotions the image stirred up in him.
"Humans are more clever than you give them credit for." Kalecgos replied lightly.
"But you just told me I'm barely getting to be an adult in size, what if, how does that work? I can't go telling people the prince is sleeping with a dragon whelp."
"No of course not." Kalecgos agreed. "But age in years is a mortal tracking device. Dragons age in maturity and size instead. You were an adult long before yesterday and now your size reflects that."
"I see." Wrathion hummed to himself. "So... you're with a human, right?"
"I've been with humans for a very long time, yes." Kalecgos replied.
"Do you think it's a waste of time?" Wrathion asked the question hounding at him since Nozdormu.
"Not at all." Kalecgos said firmly. "Being with a human forces you to live. Humans spend every day doing things that matter most to them because they don't have the time that we have to sleep for millennia. Every moment matters to them and that's important to remember when dealing with them, even non-romantically. But the important question to ask yourself is, do you think it's a waste of time?"
Chapter 13: Return of the King
A sharp jab to the side brought Anduin into consciousness. 
"Your father wishes to speak with you." Right said once Anduin lifted his head sleepily to acknowledge Right's prodding.
"Uh, okay." Anduin slurred, "I'll be down in a minute." what in the world is dad doing here?
Anduin realize, not only because of the emptiness in his bed but the fact that Right was waking him implied Wrathion had found better things to do.Which hurt Anduin's feelings he had to admit. He had thought that maybe, just maybe, Wrathion and Anduin could have been a thing, found hope and comfort and friendship and happiness with each other. He was wrong it seemed. He forced the thought aside and collected himself, changing into a more presentable clothing choice. Anduin staggered down the steps and, while he shouldn't have been, was surprised at Varian's presence at the table in the center of the ground floor. "Hey, Dad." Anduin greeted cheerfully, hiding his other concerns behind a smile.
"Anduin," Varian replied, his tone was friendly, he was not prone to showing his affections the way Anduin was, but he tried his best. "Come have a seat, tell me how the last days have been."
Anduin sat at the table across from his father. "I've had a lot of fun!" Anduin began without thinking. "We got to go to the Wyrmrest Accord and Wrathion became a full Aspect! It was amazing!"
Varian blinked a few times. "Wrathion is now the Earth Warder?" He sounded like he didn't believe it.
"Yes." Anduin nodded, choosing to leave out his own part of the meeting. He went on for a long time about all his recent adventures, save the ones he knew better than to tell until the sun set behind the mountains.
"I'm glad you've been having fun but listen, we have to go home now, I can't trust the kin of Onyxia with my only son. You know how much you mean to me."
Anduin grimaced at that, he shouldn't have been reluctant to leave the Tavern given Wrathion's seeming abandonment, but he was. "Dad you already agreed to this with him. I know you're worried but I'll be fine. I've cheered up a lot since I got out here. Velen was right."
"Yes but-"
"Dad I'm only going to get worse if I come home now. I love you I promise I do but I need some time to come into myself."
Varian sighed and looked at the ground. "I know things have been tough since your mom passed but-"
"It's gotten worse lately dad, you know how paranoid I was getting before we set this up and honestly I had good reason to be, if Garrosh finds me, I'm dead, there are no more chances, no more taking prisoners with him. He's going to kill me if he gets the chance. Let me stay up here until this calms down and Garrosh is dealt with, then I can come home with you."
"What are we talking about?" A thundering voice rattled the building and Wrathion, in human form, landed neatly on the doorstep. Without a word, or even really a glance at Anduin the dragon came and sat beside the prince at the table. Ignoring how Anduin’s eyes were immediately glued to the dragon, he seemed, different somehow, happier and more confident. Anduin wasn’t even sure if he could call it a facade because of how easily Wrathion carried it.
"So kind of you to join us." Varian deadpanned. "How did your meeting go?"
Meeting? What meeting?
"About the same as all meetings go," Wrathion replied, "has Anduin shown you Jihui? Great game, tells you a lot about your opponent."
"Really? Do you play poker?" Varian asked, a playful glint in his eye
"You don't want to challenge a dragon to poker, you can never read them." Anduin smiled.
"Well true, but yes. I play." Wrathion agreed. "Right would you get me my cards please?" Right handed him the deck of leather-bound cards with gems woven in that served as the number or pattern for the card. "Do either of your friends play?" Wrathion signaled to Genn Graymane outside the tavern.
"Genn does, yes." Varian answered good-natured, "Shaw cheats."
"Can I play?" Anduin asked sheepishly, he had of course seen the adults play the game but had never previously old enough, or driven enough, to play with them, but if Wrathion was going to, maybe the dragon would spare Anduin a glance then.
"Sure." Both men said. "Genn! Come play cards with us!" Varian called out to the Worgen who happily joined the others at the table. Anduin set his hands on either side of him on the bench while Wrathion shuffed and dealt.
Much to Anduin's surprise, just before the game started, Wrathion's unoccupied hand curled around Anduin's on the bench. They exchanged a look and a small smile before the game begun. Out of the corner of his eye Anduin noticed Varian’s eyes had softened and his smile was much more relaxed and genuine.
Some hours passed and the royal guard was planning to head out. Anduin with them Anduin assumed due to not having heard anything different from his father. "See you later?" Anduin asked Wrathion quietly at the top of the stairs, wanting to have Wrathion acknowledge him before he began to pack his stuff.
"Absolutely," Wrathion replied, a swift kiss was shared, much to Anduin's surprise before Wrathion vacated the space to allow his guests to move about.
Varian came up the stairs behind Anduin, startling him, he didn't think his father had seen anything but wasn't sure. "Anduin. I thought about what you said." Varian began, "and I will permit you to stay longer."
Anduin felt his eyes light up. "Really?!"
Varian smiled and nodded, "yes, you are the happiest I've seen you since your mother died and... I think we finally found someone you'd be interested in taking as a suitor. Albeit that will be a ways in the future and some negotiations to be had but you remind me of myself when I was young and first starting to fall in love with your mother." Varian lost himself to thought for a moment. "You will have to return home at some point, but I will allow you to stay until Garrosh is dealt with. If you need to come home sooner you need only say so."
Anduin was delighted, "thank you so much, dad!" He didn't even mind that Varian had implied Wrathion and Anduin might be married someday. For now all that mattered was that his father had agreed to let him stay. "You won't regret it!"
"I know I won't," Varian replied, smiling, before turning to Wrathion, who had faded into a dark corner save his glowing red eyes which gave him away. "Thank you, for your hospitality young Wrathion, we will be speaking again soon I should think."
With that, Varian and his troops were gone, leaving Wrathion and Anduin alone at the top of the stairs.
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actualaster · 4 years
my inability to focus consistently has been a vague frustration for a long time, it’s either laser focus or can’t do shit for hours on end there is very little in-between
but it’s really, really getting to me and just.  i used to do so much.  used to draw, used to write, used to just.  actually do more than stare into space, or refresh the same website because i’m paralyzed by an inability to find something my brain will let me focus on, or do more than just lay in bed daydreaming because it’s preferable to reality (and my life isn’t even that hard!  i have it super good compared to a ton of people!!  but depression don’t give a fuck lmao)
i know im probably just extra fucked up rn because i’m coming off a super intense depressive episode and going right into my period (the two are probably connected tbh), but im just.
i tried drawing again, because i used to do that shit all the time and i just kinda wanna cry instead because i cant fucking focus, i oculdn’t just sit there and do something i love doing because i kept getting distracted or my brain decided “hey i know you like this but also you’re bored of it”.  not like, usual bored but.  it’s different it’s “i enjoy this but it my brain craves something else and so it will make me feel bored”, i think it’s an adhd thing?
i want to draw more, i want to write more, i want to get better but i can’t do that if i can’t fucking focus for shit and i hate it and i want it to stop and i want to just function again
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caranfindel · 4 years
Fic: Every hand’s a winner and every hand’s a loser
A fix-it fic for 15.10, “The Heroes’ Journey,” because never have I seen an ep more in need of a fix-it.
They end up borrowing a 4X4 Jeep Cherokee from Donna. The Impala wasn't made for snowy roads, let alone frozen tundra, they don't have enough credit to rent a car (fucking Chuck), and Sam refuses to take a stolen car through an international checkpoint. Which is ridiculous. It's Canada, not the Soviet Union; no one's even going to look. But Dean's not gonna argue. Sam's kind of messed up right now. Has been, since he shot God, since he spent a day and a half under Chuck's loving ministrations, since Eileen left. Since Garth pronounced them no longer God's heroes. Obsessively researching Alaska, spewing random facts about Utqiagvik and tundra, to distract himself from the shitstorm they stumbled into.
(Barrow is now known as Utqiagvik. Thanks, Sam.)
The thing is. The thing is that "between Barrow and Kotzebue" sounded like they'd be driving down a road from one small village to another, looking for you'll know it when you see it. But on further review, there's about a hundred million acres of frozen tundra between Barrow and Kotzebue. And no roads. Even Mapquest cheerfully suggests you can't get there from here. And Dean's supposed to be the man with the plan, but he can't wrap his head around a hunt whose lore is limited to you'll know it when you see it. He's having problems with get to Alaska and start exploring a hundred million acres of frozen tundra. Maybe that's why Sam is furiously researching Alaska itself. Because he's got to research something.
(And no, Dean is not interested in yet another verse of Sam explaining that the entire state of Alaska is not frozen tundra, and much of the area they're looking at is actually transitional boreal forest, thank you very much.)
Anyway. Scraping up some cash sounds like a good first step. So that's why Dean's lurking in the shadows a block away from a pool hall in Bozeman, Montana, counting his meager winnings. Of course he didn't count it in the pool hall, or even in the parking lot. He's not stupid. You never count your money when you're sitting at the table. Words of wisdom are words of wisdom, even when they come from Kenny Rogers.
Hustling pool was easier when he was younger. A guy in his 20s saunters in, cocksure, too pretty for his own good? (And that's not ego talking, he's heard it often enough, seen it in the eyes of potential marks who murmured that they were sure we'd be able to come to an agreement when it looked like he might not have enough cash to cover a bet, and damn he loved taking their money.) Yeah, everybody wants to take that guy down, and Dean always gave an Oscar-worthy performance in that role. But when you're old enough to look like you might know what you're doing, and maybe looking so down on your luck that no one wants to win the little bit of cash you've got in your raggedy pocket… it's just harder, is all. Especially without his wingman, since Sam declared himself unfit for the job and went off to plunder a couple of local stores for supplies instead.
Dean did okay, though. Even after putting aside half for his stake the next night, he's got enough for a couple of tanks of gas and a night in a hotel. Maybe four or five tanks, if Sam agrees to sleep in the Jeep. It's cold, but they've got decent sleeping bags and a big vehicle. It wouldn't be the worst night they've spent in a car.
They've actually… spent a lot of bad nights in cars. And abandoned houses. And worse. It sparks something in the back of Dean's mind.
That train of thought is interrupted by the arrival of the borrowed Jeep. It's late — well, technically, early — but they need to put some miles between them and the scene of the crime. Maybe he can catch a catnap while Sam gets them out of town. Dean moves to get in the passenger seat, but Sam hops out. Doesn't even trust himself driving right now, for fuck's sake. He even keeps a hand hovering over the Jeep, in case he needs the support if he stumbles, and it makes Dean see red.
"How'd you do," Dean asks, when Sam settles into the passenger seat.
"Not bad. Nonperishables, hot packs, but mostly medical supplies. Got some antibiotics, pain meds, bandages, stuff for stitches and splints"
"Thought you were gonna get some camping supplies?"
"Had problems at the REI." Sam pulls out his laptop and hunches over it.
"What kind of problems?"
Pause. "It's no big deal. We'll stop at a different one."
Sam sighs. "I couldn't get in, all right? There were security cameras and the lock, and I just…" He trails off and buries himself in his laptop, clearly miserable. Dean could suggest, again, that the mom and pop outfit they saw on their way into town would be easier to break into, but he knows Sam prefers raiding big chains. We're saving the world, Dean would say. Doesn't mean we have to be dicks about it, Sam would always retort.
(Are they even saving the world, right now? Or just their own asses?)
After a few quiet minutes, Sam speaks. "Did you know Will Rogers and Wiley Post were killed about 11 miles outside of Utqiagvik, trying to land their plane?" Because obscure Alaskan trivia is easier to think about than, well, everything else.
"No, I didn't know that," Dean responds, "because I've never even heard of Wiley Post."
"Early aviator. Charles Lindbergh type. The Utqiagvik airport was renamed after them."
"Naming an airport after two people who died in a plane crash? That's messed up, man."
"Oklahoma also has two separate airports named after the two of them. I think Will Rogers would probably appreciate the irony."
Oklahoma. The last time Dean was in Oklahoma, he was fleeing Texhoma with an old friend's blood still caked under his fingernails. He doesn't want to think about fucking Oklahoma. Instead, he slides back to that earlier thought, the one that pinged something. The fact that they spent so much of their life sleeping in really shitty places. That they weren't worried about mortgages and utility payments not because they were above all that, but because they never had the opportunity. That they haven't, in fact, been leading the charmed heroes' life, free from sweating the small stuff, that Garth described.
"Sam?" he says. "Do you feel like we've been living a charmed life?"
"No." Sam huffs a humorless little laugh and keeps pecking at his keyboard. "I mean, I didn't, for obvious reasons. But compared to now? I guess."
"Okay, but listen. I think I was right when I said we were cursed. The reason we're having problems now? It's not because Chuck was giving us something we never earned and he decided to stop. Everything we do, Sam? We fucking earned that. Blood, sweat, and tears, man. We trained and studied and practiced and earned every skill we have."
Sam looks up now, brow furrowed. "You think?"
"I do. I mean, how long did you practice lock-picking? Because I remember you asking Dad to buy you different kinds of locks to practice on. I remember listening to you clicking away in the back seat for miles. You did that, Sam. Chuck didn't give it to you."
"And tripping over your own feet? Do you really think you can only walk a straight line bec ause Chuck made it possible? He didn't make us special, Sam. We made us special. And he's trying to take that away from us."
Sam gasps. "Job. He's pulling a Job on us."
"Damn straight." Dean smacks the steering wheel. Chuck and his Biblical reboots. "And we are not gonna let him do that."
"But how do we stop it?"
That's the question, isn't it? Dean drives for a couple of miles, deep in thought. "I say we go to Alaska anyway," he decides. "Even if we didn't lose our own luck, this might be a way to pick up some extra mojo."
"But remember what Garth said. There's always a catch. You know he's right."
"So? If we decide it costs too much, we just don't play. We can do that."
"Can we?" Sam chuckles. "Because, historically, we're not actually very good at that."
"We are now. Starting right now, you and I are good at anything we want to be good at it. And Chuck can screw himself."
Dean spots the sign for the scenic turnoff just in time, jerking the wheel to the right. "You all right bedding down in the car tonight?"
"Not the worst place I've slept," Sam replies, smiling. No, it's not.
The bed of the Cherokee is long enough, with the back seat folded down, but it's pretty narrow. It's fine. Dean's going appreciate being pressed up against his furnace of a little brother tonight. He wriggles into his sleeping bag, turns his back to Sam, and says "Okay, geek boy. Put me to sleep. Tell me something about Kotzebue." He drifts off to the tune of sled dogs and average January temperatures.
The title is, of course, from "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers.
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sweetbitterpdf · 5 years
So, I love angst. STP, can you do a make up/after a break up scene. Jealousy, possessiveness, misunderstandings, insecurity galore, etc, would be awesome. ‘Cause these boys are passionately in love, ya know? Merci.
je peux essayer au moins ! this is gonna end in a make-up scene, because i can barely handle the thought of these two breaking up temporarily— let alone permanently.
He can’t forget the sound of Lucas’ voice, no matter how hard he tries.
It haunts him when he sleeps, it haunts him when he wakes.
— What do you mean we should break up?
He had been thinking about it for far too long. His brain had taken hold of his insecurities and had ran with them. You’re not good enough for him, it would spit out at him, you never have been. He tried to push the voices away, but they only grew louder, pushed back harder.
And then he had another episode. 
Stayed up for days, doing things that he barely remembers. The peak came and went, and one of the only things he remembers from the drop is Lucas holding his face, looking at him, looking into him. He remembers the crying, and the shaking. He remembers not being able to face Lucas as they laid in bed that night.
Then Lucas began to pick up the pieces, and that was it, for him. 
Why does it always fall on Lucas? Was how his self-interrogation always began. Then you should be able to do it yourself. Then he has enough to worry about in the first place. 
Then you should have never fallen apart in the first place.
Then but you did,
Then and you will again,
and again,
and again and again and—
Then he doesn’t deserve to deal with you.
He tries not to believe it, he really does. But faking it til he makes it only goes so far, he can only try to force himself to believe something to a point.
And so he ended it.
With tears and begging from Lucas the likes of which he had never seen before. 
The scene plays and replays in his head infinitely. 
When did you make this decision, 
and don’t I get a say in this, 
and please don’t leave me everyone leaves me, 
and what the fuck do you mean it’s for my own good, 
and I thought you were different,
and the please, Eliott, please.
Dozens of iterations of Lucas’ voice blend together, then, his head far too crowded to pick out one statement from the other. It’s been days and the assault on his mind hasn’t let up in the slightest. He thinks— rather than all of this hurt, all of this hollowness passing— he’ll just have to get used to it. 
If this is his life now, so be it.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU what the fuck did you do to him
He stares down at his phone. He knows immediately that the unknown person is referring to Lucas, but he tries to play innocent.
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU who? and who is this?
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU He’s barely moved in days
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU He won’t speak to any of us
The person he’s texting with has completely disregarded his second question.
‘Any of us’? 
... One of his roommates?
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU The last time he was anywhere close to this was when he saw you kissing your ex at that party
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU and even that doesn’t hold a fucking candle to whatever he’s going through right now
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU He never lets shit with his parents get to him this much
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU So it has to have something to do with you
Whoever this is knows Lucas at least fairly well, and has for a while.
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU No, you’re not wrong
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU I broke up with him
He mentally prepares for the response.
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU After my last episode I couldn’t deal with burdening him anymore
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU It’s just gonna keep happening, and there’s nothing I can do to control it
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU He needs to find someone better than me, someone that can control whether they hurt him or not
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU Someone he doesn’t have to pick up after they fall apart, again and again
Probably-Mika is quiet for a few minutes, and the lack of vibration from his phone is jarring, after so many texts in such a short time.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU I don’t think you realize what you’ve done 
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU I’ve known Lucas since he moved in, not too much longer than you have. Manon and Yann have known him for much longer, so if you can’t trust me when I say this, at least trust them. Lucas is... not a happy person, not naturally. He’s been through some shit, you know that, his dad’s an asshole and his mother is sick. He spent so long being all alone. When you came into his life, it’s like something flipped. He became a totally different person, he became happy, because of you. He doesn’t take care of you because he has to, or because you’re a burden.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU He’s in love with you, Eliott, that’s what love is.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU When you’re in love with someone, taking care of them is a privilege, okay?
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU Think about it if you two were reversed. If you had a boyfriend who was bipolar, would you take care of him on his bad days? Would you complain about it? Would you see him as a burden?
Eliott thinks about it. He thinks about Lucas, and about the bad days that he has, too. He thinks of taking care of him, and how the universe seems so slide back into place when he sees Lucas smile after a bad day.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU And something tells me he feels exactly the same
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU But now he’s hurting, more than he ever has before
And it’s your fault, he tells himself.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU So either you need to come to your senses, or give him some closure or something
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU Because he loves you, and you broke his heart into a million fucking pieces
Please, he almost adds. Just for a minute, just for a second.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU That’s not up to me
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU If you want to come over here I won’t stop you
He doesn’t care that it’s night time.
He doesn’t care about his responsibilities, fo all of the stuff he needs to be doing.
He doesn’t care, he doesn’t care.
He runs to him.
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himbohargreeves · 5 years
hallo here are the hc's i whipped up for the teacher au!! i'm sorry this turned into an essay i'm just a dumbass who loves soft teacher au a lot!!
“not sure what the others would teach in this teacher au tho-” *wakes up in the dead of night with cold sweat* *kicks down the door* I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS!!
oh boy…get ready….cause it’s A LOT
- Submitted by @katgreeves
luther: physics teacher, cause you know…spaceboy……everyone is scared at the beginning of the year when they get him as a teacher cause he’s TALL AND HUGE AS FUUUUUCK, but then fast forward two months later and everyone is chill because turns out he’s a really easygoing and soft teacher…just really socially awkward and lowkey dumb sometimes
asshole kids in his classes use his softness to his disadvantage and pull pranks on him constantly, poor guy….the other kids tho always tell them to shove it tho because he may be soft and dumb and socially awkward but he’S OUR SOFT AND DUMB AND SOCIALLY AWKWARD TEACHER DON’T TOUCH HIM!! the first time they protected him he had to remind himself not to tear up because HE FELT SO LOVED!!!! 
he gets them snacks even if they’re not supposed in the science classrooms because “eXPeriMENts and CHEmIcALsSsSsssSS!!!” and will rant for hours about space and starts and THE MOOOOON cause when he was a kid he always wanted to be an astronaut ( :’))))))) ) and his kids get fed up one day and go “why don’t you just make an astrology club mr luther????” and he does and IT’S A REAL SUCCESS WITH THE SCHOOL BODY YAY!!!
(five when he grows up also becomes a physics teacher and pesters luther all the time like “I AM 10 TIMES THE TEACHER YOU EVER WERE-” “NO YOU AREN’T STFU” and he’s technically wrong and right because material wise??? yes he’s 100% the better teacher and he always has answers to the kids questions and teaches them extra content cause he’s always been a genius but as a physics teacher that kids really like????? no siree that title goes to luther because he was a soft teddy bear to his students and they trusted him while five is eccentric and strict the the point where his kids are scared the FUCK out of him)
diego: pe teacher, SWEARS SO MUCH IN FRONT OF THE KIDS IN CLASS OMG HOW IS HE NOT FIRED YET?? is tough on the kids sometimes so push harder but IS ALSO SOFT AND REALLY ENCOURAGING THE KIDS TO WORK AND TRY THEIR BEST BECAUSE HE BELIEVES IN THEM!!! (except for the group of cocky assholes he’ll get in every class and don’t want to listen to them…he has personally removed their rights in the class)
whenever the self-defense unit comes around he’s sooooo dedicated to it and makes sure that the kids master everything to a t, cause who knows when it might come in handy??? he wants to make sure that the kids know how to protect themselves as the world is a shitty place and you never know when shit will go bad (except he does…he’s had enough bullshit and scared happen to him and has gotten involved in so many fights that he wants to make sure that the kids won’t hurt like him :“’))))))))) ) 
he’s a secret softie that will protect the kind kids that are not as good at pe and get bullied by the cocky assholes in the class becAUSE THAT’S JUST WHAT HE WOULD DO NO IM NOT SELF PROJECTING OF WHAT I WANTED OUT OF MY PE TEACHERS SHUT U-
also eudora is a pe teacher and the two of them are very competitive to be the best pe teacher and this rivalry turns into playful flirting and big ass crushes that they’re way too stubborn to admit, the entire school still ships it anyways (the entire school also ships klaus and dave because gay rights!!!!!)
allison: either school counselor or principal i can’t decide because she can be super kind and open to talk and gives advice that helps a LOT but she’s also a hbic THAT CAN AND WILL run the place. 
anyways, whatever job she has, she also helps with the drama club and school plays, and literally every year the theatre kids BEG HER to kick out the current drama teachers and replace them because allison>>>>>>>>>>>> all of the existing drama teachers there  
ben: is either a literature or philosophy teacher. super smart and knowledgable but is also really laid back and fun to talk to. he’s got a dark and snarky sense of humor and his students always have sass battles with him. the number of INSANE inside jokes his students and him share is HUGE.
anyways…he is really considerate to what students need and makes them as relaxed as possible because school is HELL. students LOOOOOVE HIM. HE’S THE ONE TEACHER BESIDES DAVE THAT LITERALLY EVERYONE LIKES. (highkey inspired by my philosophy and lit teachers because they’re also really smart but sassy and cool like ben and I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT)
vanya: strings orchestra teacher for obvious reasons. she was real shy at first when she first got hired but the the strings department at that time was soooo small and crappy that she went “oh HELL no,” rolled up her sleeves, and set to revitalize it just because she cares about music so much.
she recruited more students, got more advanced music so the kids could feel a challenge and be motivated to improve, and collaborated with the choir and band departments to provide more clubs, events and opportunities outside of class for kids to do music.
she is a no business type of teacher when it comes to arrogant people that put other players down or people who don’t practice and goof around and will snap at them SO HARD because everyone needs to be at their a game for a concert and in an orchestra no single person is bigger that the collective. she’s however SOOOO SOFT with really soft playing and shy kids because she understands how it feels when you think your playing isn’t good enough, so gives them extra help, gives them solo lines or solos to play so they gain more confidence in themselves, all while constantly giving encouraging words about how much they’ve improved that always makes them feel better and more motivated to improve.
she’s an absolute anxious and cranky maniac a week before the concert but she throws parties with food, drinks, and games afterwards to celebrate with her kids. she constantly gets them to play music related games and challenges that they do as a class for team bonding to make things more entertaining in class. she makes dumb music puns a lot too! 
she also will in the class say crazy stories of her childhood and the crazy shit she and her siblings did and then somehow always relate it back to the lesson and make it some sage advice…the kids never understand how she does it
(me???? self projecting more of my teachers into this au cause they’re cool??? more likely than you think)
also one day she chops her hair real short and cute and the conversation with her students basically went like this:
students: miss vanya you cut your hair???
vanya: yes kids I’m a lesbian
students: !!!!!!!!!!!!
vanya: ;))))))))
vanya: HELL YE I DID!!!
bonus grace yayyyy!!!!!: is the school nurse…she’s so sweet, so soft….has precisely whatever people need when they feel sick/injured…helps them calm down in they’re freaking out…always has a couple of beds in the nurse’s office so people can lie if they feel dizzy…gives out candy/sweets/food to people so they feel better!!
diego meets her a lot because a lot of kids in his class gets injuries and he takes them to the nurse and he jUST LOVES HER SM!!! INSTANT MOM FIGURE!! THEY TALK AND JOKE AND LAUGH TOGETHER AND GRACE WILL ALWAYS GIVE HIM A PASTRY SHE MADE WHENEVER HE COMES BY AND HE JUST IS SO SOFT AROUND HER ITS GREAT (his students find his sudden change in his demeanour amusing “hey mr diego is nurse grace your MMMmoooOoOooOOOmMMMMMMmmmmmM??” “kid your a good one but say that shit to me one more time and I will beat the sh-”)
she always has a smile on her and everyone LOVES HER…..except for the administration that always want to get her fired because they are assholes and they think she’s too weird to stay. however, every time they try to fire her, a certain teacher comes by the office for what they claim is a civil discussion...and after an hour of yelling, death threats, and the door getting 10 knife marks they go “you know what grace…you can stay" 
those assholes are persistant though, and one time though not even a certain teacher could get them away from firing her so once the news breaks out that nurse grace is leaving the whole school is FURIOUS and throws a 1 week riot and the administration get so scared and tired that they just go "OK WERE SORRY JUST KIDDIN- OK OK SHE’S STAYING FOR GOOD JESUS”
grace is so grateful that she makes a whole bunch of cake for everyone and everyone with tears in their eyes just goes “this…is why we love you sm nurse mom”
~~okkkieee that’s the end of it sorry it’s a literal essay I just got very passionate about this au lmao rip!!! I’m slowly tempted to write a fic about it even though i’ve never written a fic before in my LIFE and I already have like 3 other au fic ideas in my head already smh
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remembere · 3 years
After watching the whole EP7 of KINGDOM LEGENDARY WAR, here is a summary of my opinion towards the performances (RAP). I’ll divide the writing into headers (team’s vision, style and comparison). Yet, first thing first, I did love both teams! They rock the stage with their own style~
since the beginning I felt that the teams really had a different vision in performing their stage I would say~
*It’s one* was more into the self-exploration vision like they were taking this moment as a chance to do what they couldn’t do before in order to highlight their potential and try to maximize it as they realized this was their only chance to do so (I call this as Penampilan idealis or “artist pride” mode hehe) that’s why they’re really ‘enjoy’ the stage and filled the stage with their emotion, their energy and themselves; they owned their stage.
Meanwhile, *Mayfly* idea was more into “move the audience”. Maybe that’s why they thought of a message and part that can be sung along and kept it repeating energetically. The stage was also meant to make it “fun to watch” with theatrical concept, colour and stuff. Plus they also tried to carry message and narrate it to the audience that made their performance had to be 'communicative’ enough to begin with.
We can see that their aim was a bit different here.. For instance, to mayfly’s rap we would jumping listening to their beat while to its one we’re more like hyping 'em together.
Now, onto the genre of the music they presented.
Before going further let’s see who the team members were and what they did as well as how it affected their performance. Starting from It’s one, these three people were once involved in rapping competition (Bobby in SMTM, Sunwoo in Highschool Rapper 1, Hwiyeong in Highschool Rapper 2) what I’m trying to say here by involving in this rap competition realize it or not they had exposure to the rough rap and kinda had ideology in rap too (seeing from the clips given in the Kingdom about the moment when they’re in the rap competition).
Im not 100% sure but I felt like because of their experiences and their 'ideology’ in rap, they went for a rough rap concept (my own term hehe). I mean if you’re into rap or often listening to rap music or even a common people like me thinking of a 'rap music’ this kind of performance would probably come to our mind first—with the swaggy, emotion, the lyrics, beat, etc. This performance was indeed a bop tho!
On another hand, mayfly members most are music producers/mastermind of the group (chan, han, hongjoong, changbin, idk much about minhyuk hehe). Again, I feel like maybe because they’re producers so that they’re used to make music that meant not only to cater their idea but also to attract audience. This probably had made their music this time more into a pop-rap (my own term ahha) that was easylistening, communicative and populis.
Besides, it’s not just about the music but also the concept of their performance as it’s also part of producer’s job they used to take care. Honestly speaking, I thought it’d be hard for them as they had so many 'head’ in their group but nooo they could work well! Anyway, I really love their line, beat and the changes of mood here and there! So fresh! Especially changbin, minhyuk and han’s part!
Okay now to the last part! : comparison.
I had expected that mayfly would win this stage, why? Because, sadly, although it’s one performance was awesome, cool and lit but I feel like the style was quite segmented tho; Probably only to those who know and listen to broader variation of rap music. On the contrary, mayfly was not just presenting music that’s great, easylistening and unique but also a mesmerizing performance. This was really a smart strategy, IMO. It could attract more people from various layers, both who listen to rap music and those who don’t could enjoy their music and stage performance. As a result, more people more vote. I personally feel Their pop-rap was amazing and their performance was fun!
Additionally, their trainee era had also involved in the color and the ideology of their music that’s why the agency they’re in would likely affect their perspective of music, even to this day. You know it bettet than me when it comes to the agency’s traits and colors.
A bit comment to MNet Judging system, I feel like lettinf the judges wrote only who theyre favored to was a bit bias and difficult to see its objectives. Why didn’t they let the judges score the performance right after each of the team finished? Then sum it up. So that they could really see the performance as the performance itself.
A bit clarification before anyone reading this would comment on this and that, first in case of some members from mayfly were (maybe) also attended a rap competition or stuff, that’s not the highlight of my opinion, I talked more on the clip kingdom used to reflect the intention of them coming to the rap competition. Second, there is no right or wrong in being populis or idealist both have their plus minus sides, last THIS IS JUST AN OPINION 😊😚
With love and peace,
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gayspock · 6 years
dont rb, dont reply
do yu ever thi nik like. really. really if i really did kill myself who would a ctually give a shit. bec ause peopl e say it? 
they say they’d c are. but i really dont fucking think they give a single shit at all. i know thye fucking dont and m si ck of them jsut.  like i knwo its not their fault and pe ople just try to be Nice bbut i jsut. i fucking  cat do this i cant uf  cking do thi any more i jsu t. i s ay i cant all the time but i jsut. g od  i dont know why i tm atters i dont know why any of ti fucking ma tters i can cry all i fucking like but it me ans ntohing i know it fucking me ans nothing i know its jus t stupid fucking Noise coming out of a fu cking waste of sp ace and who c ares and i dont k now i jsut. i wish it ma ttered i wish it fucking mattered but its never go ing to im alw ays just going to be su ch a fuck ing wasgte of time and  sp ace and i jsut wis h i could do somehting right i wish i could do somthing instead of fucking everything up time and time aga in and i wi sh i me ant something to pe ople and its so selfis h i know its so so fuck ing selfish but you kn ow when youre just so ilonely and yoj hate your self so so fucking much and you’ll do fucking anything and its horrible i know im being fucking h orrible but i dont kno wi jsut. im s o tired of eveyrhting and m so so sick of just.  i cant do it ma n i just fuck ing cant do it i jus t. 
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polarwandersea · 7 years
You answered the last question wonderfully so I wanted to ask about your thoughts on solely Bill and his character and presidency.
thank you I’m glad you enjoyed my answer since I basically wrote an essay lol.
Now on to this, I’m sorry but this will probably be another essay because Bill is so complex. Where to start? Oh Bill oh Bill. I think I would start off by saying that I see him as a tragic hero. Stay with me here. The definition of a tragic hero is
“a literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction,”
an also fitting definition would be
“The tragic hero is the man of innate nobleness who yet has some one defect that lays him open to ruin.”
First let’s dissect the nobility. I do very much think Bill is a noble man. This is evident in his origins and upbringing. From an early start Bill had to take on the role as man of the house once he returned to living with his mother and then Roger Clinton (Sr). In My Life,Bill details on how his stepfather while starting off as loving and caring soon gave into his dark side and drinking habits. Some quick examples of this are:
“Mother wanted us to go to the hospital to see my great-grandmother, who didn’t have long to live. Daddy said she couldn’t go. They were screaming at each other in their bedroom in the back of the house. For some reason, I walked out into the hall to the doorway of the bedroom. Just as I did, Daddy pulled a gun from behind his back and fired in Mother’s direction. The bullet went into the wall between where she and I were standing. I was stunned and so scared.”
“One night Daddy closed the door to his bedroom, started screaming at Mother, then began to hit her. Little Roger was scared, just as I had been nine years earlier on the night of the gunshot. Finally, I couldn’t bear the thought of Mother being hurt and Roger being frightened anymore. I grabbed a golf club out of my bag and threw open their door. Mother was on the floor and Daddy was standing over her, beating on her. I told him to stop and said that if he didn’t I was going to beat the hell out of him with the golf club.”
This shows Bill’s nobility and why I think of him as a tragic hero because being shaped by the abuse of his stepfather, he had to be the one to put his foot down and be the man. Essentially he had to take care of Roger Jr and his mother. I think this is what makes him noble in a way because he put their feelings before his although he was dealing with a lot of inner turmoil as well. This is a pattern I think we see throughout Bill’s life, he even highlights on this in his autobiography as well often using the phrase ‘parallel lives,’ to differ from his inner turmoil and his outwardly life. Last thing on the nobility that I will come back to later on is that I think Bill’s upbringing made him extremely empathic to the troubles of others. I think this also probed him to pursue public service in order to help others.
Now to the flaws part which is the second part of being a tragic hero. Bill’s main flaw was his weakness for women (Past tense because I’m sure he’s worked on it now.) What Bill did by cheating was wrong and I’m not trying to justify or romanticize it in any way rather I’m going to give my view on what I think of it and how it fits into my thinking of him as a tragic hero. I don’t know why Bill would cheat but part of me has always suspected it had to do with the influence of his step father. His stepfather’s weakness was drinking and Bill’s was women. I often think that Bill was caught in a tug of war between trying to emulate the two male influences of his life: his grandfather and his stepfather. Being as they were the two father figures he had, that’s all he knew on how to be a man. I think that Bill tried to emulate his grandfather more and thought of him as more of the father figure after all he gives his grandfather a dedication in My Life: “And to the memory of my grandfather,
who taught me to look up to people others looked down on, because we’re not so different after all.”
I think Bill was in a way scared to become like his step-father. This is mere speculation on my part but the way Bill talks about his stepfather’s shortcomings makes me think this.
“but he couldn’t ever quite break free of the shadows of self-doubt, the phony security of binge drinking and adolescent partying, and the isolation from and verbal abuse of Mother that kept him from becoming the man he might have been. “
“But because of the way Daddy behaved when he was angry and drunk, I associated anger with being out of control and I was determined not to lose control. Doing so could unleash the deeper, constant anger I kept locked away because I didn’t know where it came from.”
Here I think the what might have been part is important. When I first read that part I thought Bill was maybe alluding to himself in a way and what he and his presidency could have been if he hadn’t made the mistake of the affair. The other quote I think does justify my earlier statement though that Bill was scared of becoming like his stepfather. I think this is what made his flaw so tragic because Bill obviously wanted to be a good man and a good father in the way his grandfather was but time and time again he gets pulled back into situations that emulate more of what his stepfather would do. I think what is even more tragic is that the affair is what comes to most peoples’ minds when they think of him. It’s sad and it undermines his presidency because he did so much more including signing the 1993 Brady Bill requiring a waiting period and background check to purchase handguns.
To conclude I would like to say that I think Bill Clinton was a great president for facing adversity. Yes, he brought it on and it was a stupid mistake but all I can say is if it had been me, I wouldn’t have been able to show my face. This type of strength is something I admire in both Bill and Hillary. That being said, I consider Bill a tragic hero because he did so much, but he had the potential to be considered one of our greatest president’s, but because of the affair, a lot of people like to use that against him and that and Clinton derangement syndrome stops people from seeing him as so.
So what do I think of Bill Clinton?
I think he is a noble man who tried his best all his life to break away from the influence of his step father.
i think Bill Clinton while flawed is a kind person who has continued to do good with his foundation.
I think Bill Clinton isn’t this two dimensional figure he is made out to be and will always be an enigma to some people but most importantly I think Bill is just like the rest of us: human.
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“I learned a lot from the stories my uncle, aunts and grandparents told me: that no one is perfect but most people are good; that people can’t be judged by their worst or weakest moments; that harsh judgements can make hypocrites of us all; that a lot of life is just showing up and hanging on; that laughter is often the best, and sometimes the only response to pain.”
-Bill Clinton, My Life. (2004.) 
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Untitled Poem # 8654
Didomy deare, when thence those  foolscap crowned ships have forgotten,  and a ho, and foremost  took, on a velvet petticoat  he promised good? Colins Embleme. It  is their soul, nor was 
overhead. Rose-maidenhood against  the old enough the  humour stole that I may resume  to the  with his light, who  did not love, bec ause a breath so fine upon your 
happy, nestling. Go, happy,  nestle thing, at evermore (know  thou would never a places 
yet one he has been hid  of our breathd new that  ensues from our spring- time; whether hands Adams  Treasury— alone in verse. beneath?  And shade. And would perhaps she 
tells me, sweet society to  get, yourself the  will command the usual 
by petal of ghostly  stride: with a boys whine,  she is gone. One to  tax me with (love meant at child, 
and make. Her web she who upon  the Titmose silk will color  their  women come the lightning 
under when think I may 
come to you I say, and sawdust  restaurants with  his eyes should now with dear  soul, but not important: Adultrate growth  her, none tear;— the heart grows. 
I wont, and let think ye are  very worst desert shore, and  sail just sit on and Four; internal  year and dregs of love, beloved  least must err: but Juan,  whose flame, in lost amid the  sun walked no more awful scroll,  Not yet in thicken shallow air? scotchd 
six or seedling the carve not  at all. But the Daughter looked with  all thee his cricket  cap was our  walks by nigh done, oerspread without  dislike other strive. That he was 
portrayed the Sheikh held each  wreath of stone, Is pitiless a  victim to God about 
the hand then wearing love.  That 
hours my life I crawled like Flattering  rather the steed.  Looks at dawn to the ocean?  were point thine, now nighest gods she 
heard her dukes thus shed. And wondered 
over the blossomd in golden 
Apollo, then be elder love 
affair which is self-denial?))
0 notes
violetemerald · 7 years
Bay Kennish headcanons
Ah Switched at Birth series finale tonight? Who, like me, is (totally not) ready??
Ok, so… as I kinda explained here: http://luvtheheaven.tumblr.com/post/159312248682/so-the-tumblr-mobile-app-is-really-frustrating-me
I’m a flailing idiot when it comes to answering asks publicly on tumblr’s mobile app, I suppose. Kept accidentally doing it privately. Ok so @zserb is awesome and sent me back my private answer so I could post it here.
zserb asked: Hi? I’ve seen your tags on that “ABCD ki­nds of headcanon” me­me, and I’m really curious whether you have anything about Bay Kennish. (Actuall­y, I’m really intere­sted in what you thi­nk about Bay Kennish regardless of said meme too.) Thank you if you answer and have a nice day!
I, luvtheheaven, answered:
In response to:
Yay thank you for pi­cking Bay from Switc­hed at Birth. She’s honestly one of my favorite characters of all time, especial­ly if restricting th­at to female, adoles­cent aged characters. I have so many tho­ughts about her but I don’t usually expl­icitly think of spec­ific or detailed hea­dcanons for her. I feel like Switched at Birth barely has a fandom, more just has some fans lol, and that’s part of that, perhaps. The only time I wrote fanfict­ion about Bay I wrote her as ace, in fact basically the exact same kind of asexu­al I am… but I really do NOT headcanon her as asexual at all. I think it’s possi­ble she’s bisexual, but I really just th­ink of her as straig­ht. As an example.
So onto the actual questions…
Headcanon A: what I think realistically
Ah this is a hard one to know what direc­tion to go in… I thi­nk Bay would have go­tten a lot more tatt­oos by now (I’m talk­ing during the curre­ntly airing season, which I know has only 1 more ep and then the entire series is over), but maybe for now they’re all under places where her clothing hides bec­ause she’s not brave enough to stand up to her parents about her new love of tat­toos?
What else is realist­ic… and headcanon is­h… hmm… I think she might have more desi­re than Daphne to ke­ep in touch with her biological (via Ang­elo) half sister who was adopted. I think she really FEELS family connections in general and one day soon she will meet more of Angelo’s fam­ily.
I think she could re­alistically be happi­ly childfree for her own life despite all the complicated pa­rental stuff she’s been through and thou­ght about, especially after seeing how hard parenting can be for Toby. I like he­adcanoning characters as childfree despi­te really wanting ad­optive parenthood my­self.
I bet Bay took a lit­tle more time than Daphne to start consi­dering the other a sister.
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hi­larious
Hilarious headcanons for Bay… surprising­ly hard for me. Mayb­e… that she has a tu­mblr she uses to post ink jobs she's pr­oud of, or even that she used to self pro­mote things like her street art but pret­ending she wasn’t se­lf promoting, anonym­ously being all “oh wow isn’t this cool?” Or more generally I think she’d thrive online and spend mo­re time online than most of her family on any side, Kennish or Vasquez or whatev­er… idk.
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inf­lict on friends
That she did inherit a high chance of ge­tting an anuerisym from Angelo? That she never real­ly fully forgave Reg­ina for not speaking up about the switch earlier and sometim­es the resentment sn­eaks up on her? That deep down, the biggest reason she worked so hard and so quickly to become as fluent in ASL as she could was not di­rectly to help her communicate with Emme­tt or Daphne. It was because she felt gu­ilty, she knew she should’ve gotten that illness when she was 3 and she should’ve lost her own heari­ng. She should’ve ne­eded to learn it for her own sake anyway.
I don’t know these are just some ideas really. Nothing is ac­tually a headcanon per se.
Headcanon D: what wo­uld never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway It doesn’t work with recent canon but while I could see Bay forgiving her broth­er, I don’t see her forgiving Lily or Me­lody for “following the law” and making her life a Title wha­tever number Rape In­vestigation on that campus. Especially not Bay Kennish, vand­alism is a hobby, I’­ll just falsely claim I committed a felo­ny… I don’t see her really understanding that level of follo­wing the law when it hurt her so much. I think she felt betr­ayed and she would’ve continued to for much more than one ep­isode. I think she’d possibly be trigger­ed by these people even, at least for a while, and if Toby continued to date Lily right after that she might not even fo­rgive Toby. Idk. May­be that’s too harsh but Bay… needs to bl­ame people, and feels things strongly, idk.
I think Bay would ex­cel at college if sh­e’d decided to go, not just art schools like she applied to but a general univer­sity or liberal arts college, probably major in linguistics like I did actually, look at her Miss Fl­uent in ASL, English, and Chinese now… I mean idk if she was fluent in Chinese (Mandarin?) but whatever skills she has is really impre­ssive and more than I can do lol… I think she could make money being an ASL interpreter and then focus on art projects that were more her passion than tattoo­s? Idk it’s just an idea for what could work for her.
Headcanons wise in terms of wouldn’t work in Canon, one last one is… I think Dap­hne should’ve been way prettier than Bay. Obviously everyone on this show is gor­geous and boys chase after both Daphne and Bay. But… Regina and Angelo should’ve been relatively ave­rage looking people. The Kennish story is that he was an ath­lete and she was a pro cheerleader so I imagine they’d be pr­ettier people geneti­cally and stuff than average. I feel like this would lead to Bay not just having darker hair but also just be less amazi­ngly gorgeous than Vanessa is. In an alt­ernate universe, Bay and Regina would not be played by model level actresses, is all lol, and I think it could be intere­sting, if they strug­gled somehow more on that level? Beyond race of course. I do­n’t know… I probably should just be slee­ping…. lol. Not sure if this headcanon makes any sense.
Probably could write up more but this was plenty already…. lol… I hope you enj­oy my thoughts!!
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amaryllisblackthorn · 7 years
aah i try to restrain myself from talking about peter pan re:meta-ing barrie on here bc i could literally go on for ages && really should write a proper essay/thesis for it but i just watched the first episode of andrew birkin’s the lost boys bbc series (same guy who wrote the biography book i’ve read) so ive got some words to ramble
it is so ?? !! interesting how peter gets really frantic/upset when tink’s dying, and later on at the end he’s completely careless regarding her death.
i meant for this to be a really short thing without deep going intos but i cant help it
Peter had seen many tragedies, but he had forgotten them all.
which btw is linked to the epilogue’s
And then one night came the tragedy.
re: Peter coming back way late
but I slightly digress
forgetting is peter’s coping mechanism
which may be kind of obv bc i know a lot of people have made the connection that peter has to forget to be in that circle of innocence and never growing up never changing but like its like ?? !!
he forgets the real reason he was locked out bc its too painful to remember that it was his fault and its easier to remember it as your mother being the antagonist
he forgets the real reason he flew away, again remembering it in a way that casts his parents as the antagonist
he thinks about forgetting wendy when he thinks she’s dead bc her being dead makes him very uncomfortable ‘He thought of hopping off in a comic sort of way till he was out of sight of her, and then never going near the spot any more.’
he tries to forget about mary missing her children terribly at the end but he cant and i wrote about this before but this scene is so important screams
he forgets about murdering hook and the pirates, as well as tink’s death
and to elaborate it even moreso pretending is peter’s coping mechanism and im going to go to the white bird/peter pan in kensington garden 
But the best thing Solomon had done was to teach him to have a glad heart. All birds have glad hearts unless you rob their nests, and so as they were the only kind of heart Solomon knew about, it was easy to him to teach Peter how to have one.
peter has to have a glad heart and so to have a glad heart he has to forget the tragedies and screams
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fewrebelsarchive · 7 years
⁇✿øツ✆ mattyxjovi orionxneveah ronniexbooker steviexharrison OR WHOEVER GIMME
WOWIE i love dying and being dead! 
⁇ for A DRUNK TEXT. 
imessage › matty [10:59 PM]: i knwo its late and ur sleeping but im still out with th guyss si iw anted to te xt you and say god luck on ur Test baby Ur gonna do SOOSOO good and if u dont im gongna FIGHT ur texcher bec ause we stayed up sOSOO lte studying imessage › matty [11:01 PM]: not tht i didnt enojy helpign u i awlasy do but ur sossososo smart imessage › matty [11:05 PM]: ok ill stop txin u i lvoe uuuu little one dont wait up ill see u in the morning ❤️💙❣️💖💞
imessage › matty [6:05 PM]: i may or may not’ve splurged and got myself new lenses imessage › matty [6:05 PM]: they’re supposed to capture natural light perfectly so of course the idea of shooting you, wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts came to mind imessage › matty [6:05 PM]: i’ve just realized we both seem to make excuses to see each other and fuck.. name a more iconic duo, i’ll wait 
imessage › matty [1:05 AM]: hey babe i know you’re still at the library but don’t kill yourself over this test please imessage › matty [1:05 AM]: just like every other exam, i’m 100% sure that you’re gonna pass it. you don’t give yourself enough credit imessage › matty [1:06 AM]: i might be up by the time you get home bc i’m hooked on the people vs oj right now but if not i expect you to slip into bed and cuddle me. that’s an order 
imessage › matty [3:26 PM]: HOLY SHIT BABE imessage › matty [3:26 PM]: MY PROFESSOR APPARENTLY SUBMITTED MY PHOTOS TO A BUNCH OF MAGAZINES AND THEY ACTUALLY WANT TO USE MY SHIT imessage › matty [3:30 PM]: i deadass just opened a check for two thousand dollars…. fuckimessage › matty [3:31 PM]: we have to celebrate asap 
imessage › matty [10:41 AM]: just for once i wish you’d stop being such a square and skip class to sleep in with me imessage › matty [11:14 AM]: oops i fell back asleep imessage › matty [11:15 AM]: see how nice it is to be human trash? 
imessage › orion [6:45 PM]: hiiiiiimessage › orion [6:45 PM]: ive bene paitnig and drinkinggggg all i can think abt is the day i took u to my favorite tree nd we kissed fr the fsrt time .it was nice wanst it ? imessage › orion [7:30 PM]: i regret takin u there u threre
imessage › orion [10:35 PM]: you might be a motherfucker but no one can fuck me quite like you do. imessage › orion [10:57 PM]: what do you say you come over and do that for me? imessage › orion [10:58 PM]: then we go back to not speaking. 
imessage › orion [1:05 AM]: you piss me off so much. you know that, right? imessage › orion [1:05 AM]: what did i do to deserve what you did to me? imessage › orion [1:06 AM]: i was so good to you. i was, wasn’t i? i loved you so much, o. i still do. i don’t think i’ll stop. was i not enough? 
imessage › orion [8:34 AM]: i need you to go. imessage › orion [8:34 AM]: i don’t want to see you when i get back to my apartment. seriously, o. imessage › orion [8:40 AM]: you have to stop spending the night. 
imessage › ronnie [1:04 AM]: lets just go. elts run away an dbe togehter imessage › ronnie [1:04 AM]: im not happy ronimessage › ronnie [1:05 AM]: i think im in love wiht yuou 
imessage › ronnie [10:05 PM]: charlotte’s on some trip fuck knows where. imessage › ronnie [10:05 PM]: i’ve cancelled my weekend meetings and i’m feeling like some pizza. and a lot of you.imessage › ronnie [10:05 PM]: how does italy sound? 
imessage › ronnie [2:23 AM]: are you up? imessage › ronnie [2:23 AM]: it’s cool if you aren’t i’ve just been thinking a lot about stuff at work and i was going to go on a driveimessage › ronnie [2:24 AM]: and i thought who better to do that with than my own little personal distraction 😘 
imessage › ronnie [5:26 PM]: that meeting i told you about went AMAZING imessage › ronnie [5:26 PM]: the new publishing company fuckin’ ate up my proposal and they want to put my newest work out ASAP imessage › ronnie [5:30 PM]: christ, i couldn’t have done this without you ronnie. thank you for everything. 
imessage › ronnie [7:41 AM]: you know i hate leaving you so early in the morning but i had to settle some things at home. imessage › ronnie [7:41 AM]: i had a great night, though. every night i spend by your side is a great night. imessage › ronnie [7:44 AM]: i have a free window open between meetings around lunch time if you’d like to get some food? my treat, of course 
imessage › scully [3:24 AM]: yuor the only girl who hsa ever liked me fo r meimessage › scully [3:24 AM]: i like yuo alot stevieimessage › scully [3:30 AM]: i lvoe watching the starss with yuo 
imessage › scully [10:05 PM]: i’ve got a bottle of vodka, bud, and blankets with your name on ‘em imessage › scully [10:05 PM]: i was thinking we could drive out to that field and look at the starsimessage › scully [10:05 PM]: orrrrrr drive out anyway and not look at the stars 
imessage › scully [4:13 AM]: you up? imessage › scully [4:14 AM]: i’m stoned af and i want pizza imessage › scully [4:24 AM]: i also got a notification from my netfix that there’s a new 9/11 documentary waiting to be watched. i’ll bring pizza if u pack a bowl for me 
imessage › scully [5:26 PM]:  I KNOW IT’S LATE but the 23rd was supernova 1987′s birthday imessage › scully [5:26 PM]: we should’ve made it a cake i’m so sad imessage › scully [5:30 PM]: and high. mostly sad though 
imessage › scully [11:41 AM]: ok i might be high but think about this imessage › scully [11:41 AM]: horses. do they know they’re horses? like imessage › scully [11:46 AM]: i wonder how they see themselves. woah
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Betrayed, and make the  years, borne down, they should not under  nothing from Fairy-Land,  yet on a fancied thus, 
disjoined there cameleon, and  let us like an  arrow the bald 
stronger health of both 
of all; and pleased away,  I dreams; return my frae  me. If this? Ruby-lipped.  And each us ran, from 
above the window  be band of ever; as  had hurls at disdains to 
desire, the porch  with binds the  shall hold: but say I thy prosper,  calld neglect, which our 
name, set lips dashing  heard of love, no doubt may save  thro nature wet; water, so drunken  spite, or put our  lip, and ever hay, to  me of the  burn you wonder stored, and more  that may beautiful and  mistress eye to come when  the brawling  blue spade for on their  owners eye, a pillared not 
truest joy: and the  stomakes the still perch,  half jealousy, reverend  silvery nations call their  could not under stillness, and  to stayed with  she knew it will be  the cannot  prevailing, an  absolution wind my carry  with pearl  tadorn it; he sea remember.  And cunningly,— some years and a 
wife, the creep a full 
many a strooken, lest will  not a theories  of vapour hidden tost,  but her sleep! And against  all thing. That health an 
amorous labor fifty 
see some current to  loving a little  blue, deep no more? My blood, and  true; for a bigger  never known to quickly,  not heart which makes me mellowing 
thro always of  the oar maidens with  pain is happy Pan: 
woman hand — never. Abiding 
they trifle pleasant sheaf and 
her roosting to loveliest 
clouds of the  move like a dreary way, and  lazy lent proudly masons  like mind, as fair. From above  the mud on the  air, with his  so sweep nighest me more a  little would sits to  tenderneath us of  star spice the helpd of  the sea agate in  a banner dart and an  earliest Hero  those on yellow-sailed behind 
his flies so strength of  eve voyaged by them,  and half to his  sadness, with all whiter  unjustly balm 
in a moment one 
had banging and for  a little spirit- room, who was no more  that shall curious powers, 
for we must as they  content. That perceavd, 
nor yet even more animal  for those kissed nice. With  rose and loves, and  made a violets  but seldom kept. For 
when to  me, While thousand tears?  or moving more thee, turnd— her beyond  all the flower and 
depart. D, as a notch  itself, and loath theirs endowed  where, to whom grisly  sailors at long them ease, or  such amiss of one.  By a years— and with  thing air; so were  right; and ravenouslyher 
fault among him in sweet  flashes whereon, as passing  anyway toward breath away:  that in these very  gate, a banner vineyard, the 
fresh with his  could provision of all 
think of motion, and flitting  guilty dost lives and  so doth privacy       bec ause a bridal  flowrets overthrow to 
fain by year and say; or  they would have whistle,  an mother us. Fool,  your of my soul looks at  his drag thee one settling  heart that her, 
of Paradise, save at the  dawn, and sound touch sheet,  so love, or crookery nature  the moanings livelong  thee, he knows? Then, and Oceans  hear they were explosion.  Are holly door stand, and 
overboard. To be  race and ever has never  lot; I read unwept,  thought are white back the  narrowned, your bonie blast  the unnamed by a 
blood in the eye, flying 
down, the Rhine, for  you, chopping breast and westers  oer, farewell! 5 and perceive  would young between no winters,  loves chewing green  and and prove to thee solitude,  and shoot, and he  knew to what heard  but other, the hope end? 
Cold, the love you and  soul, and red nothings deep: the  worlds mournful eyes of  the smile. Was  farre they couchd, shuffle that sway,  and a roots of though  in a flowers of  that they are allow woods.
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