#batman ventriloquist
hollowsart · 8 months
Hi! I recently found your Arnold and Scarface designs and I love them!! I wanted to ask, I saw that they both wear rings, are they married to each other? bcs if they are I think that's such a cute little detail!
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Just a puppet and his handler.
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@bunny-j3st3r tfw you're married to a sentient ventriloquist dummy mob boss.
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coralcatsea · 1 year
Started watching the animated The Batman series the other day. So far I really like the aesthetic and theme song. As for the rogues in this version...
Not sold on all of them yet, but the Clayface story was really good and tragic. I like how they gave us several episodes to get to know the character first. The scene where he starts changing and runs out into the streets calling for help, but is unable to speak properly – good stuff. 👌
Riddler has a weird, very different design from what I'm used to, but I don't mind it? Him playing 20 Questions with Batman to figure out his identity was hilarious, I loved that. Wish they used him more.
Penguin...is a bit annoying, but at the same time he's annoying in almost a funny way. Can't believe he's voiced by SpongeBob. 😆
Joker has potential. It's cool that he can actually fight pretty well here. Kind of feel like this show overuses him and Penguin, though, to be honest.
I like Catwoman's outfit and hair. Glad her ears aren't just little devil horn points, but they're also a bit /too/ big. Appreciate that she has cats and cares about saving animals, as that's an important part of her I feel gets left out sometimes, but it still needs more focus.
Bane, Manbat, and Freeze aren't grabbing me so far. Don't know why they bothered to use Freeze if they're just going to reduce him to a thief, as if we don't have enough.
Not sure about Firefly, though I like that he's voiced by the guy who does Kovu (Lion King 2), Haku (Spirited Away), and Max (Goofy Movie).
Scarface and the Ventriloquist seem decent. Not much to say about them, they're pretty similar to the BTAS versions. Scarface's appearance is kind of weird, however. He looks very skeletal.
Poison Ivy is interesting so far. It's cool that they actually made her younger here, as it sort of makes them go a different route from having her be a seductress, plus we got to see how she tried to help plants before she became Poison Ivy. She's way underutilised here, though. Why did they wait so long to bring her in?
Ragdoll is a villain I haven't seen before and honestly thought he looked like Scarecrow at first (too bad he isn't in this). I enjoy him so far. His voice and personality are entertaining. Then I found out he was Jeff Bennett, who also voices the Creeper, who was a fun character. No wonder.
For Killer Croc, I think it fits well that they gave him a Cajun accent. that comment about how he might have trifled with the wrong kind of voodoo opens up interesting possibilities. I still always find it strange when he looks so completely crocodilian, though.
Speaking of strange, I enjoy Hugo Strange so far. He's a character who has a lot of potential for fun scenarios.
That's all for now, I'll probably make another list soon.
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kstarlitchaotics · 1 year
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In the end you can't ignore a bit sorrow for him
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arabriddler · 3 months
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Character design is my passion
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batmananimated · 5 months
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Batman's Rogues Gallery by Nicholas Winand
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illustratedartist · 6 months
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Jervis Tetch A.K.A The MAD HATTER 🎩🫖
OK So someone sent me an ask on here and unfortunately I can't find where it disappeared to-SO I'M VERY SORRY!
This person asked if I could make a reference sheet of my Hatter and share some headcanons, if I had any. I've never really done this before, or even had many headcanons so please bare with me lol. I didn't go into too much detail, Im not really a writer so I just tried to get the main points through.
Down The Rabbit Hole:
Has paranoid schizophrenia, and often hallucinates, especially when stressed. He mostly sees characters from Alice in Wonderland, seeing the Cheshire cat or “Alice” the most.
When very stressed or feel like hes losing control of a situation, he begins to stutter horribly. His words get jumbled in his mind, and thats when he starts reciting quotes or poems from AIW relevant to the situation hes in. Before he became the Mad Hatter, and became a criminal he stuttered constantly while speaking to anyone. 
 Jervis controls people by drugging and hypnotizing them, But the strongest form of mind control he has are the masks he puts on his “Guests”. 
For goons or regular street thugs he manages to get, he mostly uses cards on them instead of wasting materials to make masks for them. Figuring It would be easier than having Batman break them and forcing him to constantly  remake the same ones over and over. 
Also its a chance to call his thugs the “Card Guards” which amuses him.
His goons don’t matter much to him, but if he assigns you a specific character, you are highly important to his “Tea Parties” and are at risk of being forced to attend indefinitely.
 For his “Tea Party” guest list, he has crafted actual masks for them to wear, in correlation to the Character he assigned to each guest. He does make sure the guests are drugged with his special tea before putting the masks on them. Wouldn’t want to risk having you manage to break free of his control during the party! Or ever.
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March Hare=Scarecrow, Dormouse= Riddler, White Rabbit= Ventriloquist, Cheshire Cat= Catwoman, The Dodo= Penguin, Mock Turtle= Mr.Freeze, Queen of Hearts= Poison Ivy, The Walrus= Bane, The Jabberwocky= Batman  
He customizes the masks so they even resemble the actual people.
His closest friends are Jonathan Crane, and Edward Nygma, his March Scare and Dorrat.
Jonathan was a psychologist so he knows how to handle Jervis, and can tolerate him for the most part. Edward on the other hand may think Jervis is a useful ally, but he's not nearly as patient with him as Jonathan is. Neither of them like being called by their "nicknames" Jervis gave them.
Jervis fell in love with the woman he had been working with, before he became a criminal, that put everything into motion. Her actual name wasn't Alice, but they both bonded over their fondness for the story, and he started to call her Alice as a fun nickname or inside joke. Though his obsession with her had already begun.
After losing it, and becoming a criminal and kidnapping "Alice" he was defeated by Batman, (Much like how it happened in BTAS). "Alice" fled Gotham after this, but Jervis doesn't know that, and is too far gone to realize that she would leave him. SO he roams the streets of Gotham looking for his beloved "Alice".
OK THAT'S IT! At least these were all I could think of. Obviously my Jervis is heavily based off the Arkham series and BTAS. But I love this little crazy guy.
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king-magppi · 2 years
The first thing uses a snippet from the It's Nice That article where they interviewed the main three of the cast of DHMIS in 2016! I couldn't get the idea out of my head so I had to sketch out my interpretation of the image I had in my head! This is the result:
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Also misc. Shrignolds, a Batman reference, and a funny Brain Friends image!
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nahla-art · 1 month
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Rudest guy on earth
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bubscreations · 1 year
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Some more BTAS Villains since you guys enjoyed my previous post! 🥰
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momachan · 4 months
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"Nightwing... You just told me you've almost died tonight. Go home. I've got this. Dick... wait... Nothing. Just... just tell Alfred I'll be home late."
Batman: City of Madness (2023-) #2
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comic-art-showcase · 9 months
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Bat fight by Dan Hipp
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hollowsart · 2 years
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~disembodied puppet voice~
“I ain’t cute.. flattery gets you’s nowhere.”
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Batman: The Animated Series Heroes and Villains
By Tim Levins
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snuize · 10 months
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I read the batman adventures for the plot (silly little guys)
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not-another-robin · 1 year
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Redraw moment!!! Og under the cut!! Inspired by this post :]
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