#batfam brainrot
hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
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annapoofle · 1 year
"My child is fine" your child is obsessing over batman's parents' polycule
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ashoss · 1 month
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tweedle dee and tweedle dum
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redfirerai · 9 months
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They are eepy 🥺
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frappegoddess · 6 months
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Nicest threat I've ever heard
In a nutshell: "Batman's rule on guns doesn't apply to me :)"
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grimlin-gromlin · 1 year
~ The Bats as textposts
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sporkberries · 1 year
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@coffinbirds got me thinking of blackbat!tim
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fakakta-art · 1 year
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Jeez, Tim. Boundaries, much?
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distort-opia · 2 years
God, obsessed with the idea of the Wayne Manor being haunted. Being placed under a curse, and everyone in the house being able to feel it, except Bruce.
Jason hears cruel laughter and Sheila’s voice, following him down the corridors. Dick keeps seeing movement out the corner of his eye; the room is suddenly cold and he swears he can hear the cheering of a crowd, the thud of bodies hitting the ground. Both Ace and Titus whine and cower, bark and then retreat at an unseen presence; all of Damian’s pets are unsettled, scared, and Damian dreams of dying, dreams of being dead, wakes up one night with a sword in his hand in front of Bruce’s bedroom door. Tim keeps seeing his father’s face in the mirror, stained with blood, mouth moving soundlessly and forming words he’s only ever heard in a phone call.
Death, death, death. It bites at their heels, taunts them with ghosts of the people they lost, the people they used to be, the people they fear of becoming. They’ve all been drenched in it; some have been dead themselves and spat back out, and now the house has become a gaping maw that feeds on it... but the worst of it is Bruce.
They bring it up to him, but he dismisses all the signs, as if he’s blind to it all. He keeps going on patrol, keeps being Batman, but every time the Family goes down to the Cave the Batsuits are black twisting monsters within their glass cases. It’s so cold they can see their own breaths. Bruce has dark circles under his eyes, looks pallid and exhausted, feels so very far away. There’s a swarm of bats following him around, screeching and red-eyed, and the first time he sees it Dick’s heart jumps out of his chest.
They’re always behind Bruce, faces empty and devoid of emotion. Bruce seems utterly unable to see them. Thomas and Martha Wayne, blood staining their clothes, dripping down. Wherever Bruce goes, they flicker into view as well, sometimes as horrid rotten corpses and sometimes smiling and loving, ghostly arms wrapped around him from behind; and Damian’s the one to shout when the image of Alfred, neck twisted and broken and eyes wide open, peers over Bruce’s shoulder.
The Wayne family portraits keep changing from day to day, moving within their frames. Thomas and Martha Wayne look more and more full of despair, and the child Bruce in the painting keeps getting greyer, torn, skin rotting away as if he’s being devoured from the inside. It doesn’t take long for them to realize it’s all coming from Bruce. The Manor is turning into the nightmares that plague his head, becomes a nest of fear and loss and grief that never healed. They need to undo it, save Bruce before he becomes the haunted house and the ghost that haunts it, before he turns into his own grave.
After all, how much death can you take, how much grief can you fill yourself with, before you become it? How many ghosts can you preserve and chain to yourself before you join them?
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brightlyburnt · 27 days
I've been thinking recently about a tweet that said that for A Death in The Family in The Batman universe, Bruce should replay footage of Jason from his camera lens over and over and I think I may have to write a fic about this because it just WON'T get out of my head
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deadly-kalopsia · 7 months
fuck “jason todd and damian wayne meet in the league of assassins” (not actually, i love that trope) i want “tim drake and damian wayne meet in the league of assassins”
imagine, either damian doesn’t go to bruce when he should so damian is still at nanda parbat when ra’s enlists tim and they meet through that OR
and hear me out
ra’s kidnaps tim after finding him stalking batman and robin and brings him back to nanda parbat. from there you could either have him train tim alongside damian, have him be damian’s teacher, or make tim have the utmost respect for damian.
from there you have tim being stuck there for several years and being groomed to be ra’s heir or….something tim eventually escapes and finds his way back to gotham becoming robin after jason dies, still trying to subtly get used to non lethal attacks that were literally beaten into him.
a year, two years, however long passes and now damian is walking into the cave and tim makes eye contact.
and depending on how he was raised, either alongside, above, or under damian you’ve got three options.
a cutesy one where damian tackles him yelling “ahki”. tim looking guilty as he holds damian as close as possible muttering apologies and checking over him to make sure he isn’t hurt. insert batfam being confused and fluff ensuing and tim and damian being the best brothers
a more neutral/angst one where damian stiffens up and prepares for orders because tim is his teacher, his mentor his grandfathers chosen. the others watch tim stiffen too, his entire body language changing, his eyes becoming cold and hard. they listen to tim bark an order in league dialect and watch as damian immediately answers, standing as still as possible. watch as tim stalks forward, confused because who is this? their son, their brother doesn’t move like this. they watch tim walk a circle around damian before he nods, walking forward and cupping damian’s cheek. watch as damian melts, tims eyes softening as he talks gently to him before patting him on the shoulder and turning damian around to introduce him.
or pure angst where when tim makes eye contact with damian, he drops to his knees and bows, muscles tense as if preparing to be hit. tim says something along the lines of “i am so sorry my prince, forgive me, let me serve you” etc in league dialect. depending on how their relationship is, damian can either stalk over to tim and slap him across the face or damian can look disgusted and tell tim to “rise timothy, you are not to call me that any longer.” and then they bond and it’s great.
idk, once again this is probably WILDLY ooc but just….imagine dude. i love tim and damian bonding.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
before i mentioned cat villain! reader being friends w/ benefits with other villains right
just thinking
the batfam are awfully fixated on fixing reader a lot. they want you to stop your kleptomaniac ways. for you not to hurt people for the sake of your ideals.
i feel like it’s only with other villains where reader can truly be themselves and not be judged
which would make for some interesting dynamic where yes, they could be given a chance at redemption and be with the people they love.
but on the other hand, there are also these people who don’t care if you’re the worst of the worst as long as you’re with them. they’ll accept you for who you are and more.
like whenever you propose taking down someone(admittedly corrupt/evil) through violent means, the boys would most likely be like “hot but no.”
but your villain buddies would be like “that’s so hot, yes!!”
they’re just unequivocally devoted and supportive of what you and who you are that they’d be literally disappointed if you act in a way that isn’t you (but still love you anyhow)
like if reader is usually very prideful and greedy for example
maybe you worked with a friend for a heist and they ask to keep all of the money cause they either need it or will be using it for future projects together
but naur reader is like “uh no.”
but then villain friend continues to insist.
and reader goes “i’m keeping half and nothing less. and by nothing less that means stealing all of your share if you refuse.”
and villain friend, instead of being mad is just like, “as expected my dear i knew you wouldn’t go down so easily.”
they’re just so smitten with you
and it would make for one big bloody fight for when the batfam starts influencing you with their icky ‘justice’ driven acts.
(fucken realized that writing this just cements that Jason is the best match for Cat Villain! Reader good lawd cause you know he’d be supportive for everything they do but makes sure Reader stays grounded)
(im rotting)
(im rotting so badly)
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annapoofle · 1 year
Hey pro tip: if you're the type of neurodivergent that makes you want to shout about how much you love your blorbos from the proverbial rooftops, DON'T join the batfam fandom, because odds are you WILL stan Dick Grayson, and you WILL live to regret it.
I'm currently having to learn the hard way that you can't just say shit like 💖DICK MY BELOVED💖 without raising a few eyebrows. It's basically my own personal brand of hell
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emryarts · 6 months
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Middle child support group
aka jason and tim are the brothers ever to me i love them they have to put up with so much shit
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I can see Jason Todd wearing these with a strapless high slit black dress and his red hood jacket
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fandomfive39 · 28 days
Tai Lung and Tigress are so Jason Todd and Tim Drake coded ngl
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