#back alley abortions
isawthismeme Β· 21 days
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grennseyelashes Β· 2 months
I just don't think a story that begins with the mysterious disappearance and later death of a girl, and that repeatedly asks us "What is the life of one boy against a kingdom?" and answers "Everything." would end by answering "What is Lyanna's death against Azor Ahai reborn?" with "Ehh... sad, but true".
I think the many hints to the reader in the text about Lyanna being Jon's mother (that fly in the face of all in-universe evidence!) are an exercise in complicity, to draw readers in and ultimately show them just how easy it is to believe in fairytales like the characters do, and to show the cost of doing so in a way that truly hurts, and makes us think harder about these things. Prophecy has power in ASOIAF, both indirectly because the characters make them come true through mundane acts, and also because there seems to be a magical mechanism that sometimes brings them to fruition in unexpected ways, but this "magic is sort of real" concept is not applicable to reality, and so really isn't very deep– it's just not really worth writing about!
What is applicable to reality is that a sword you get by tempering it in Nissa Nissa's heart is not worth having.
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merlinmyrddin Β· 2 years
I have an other story brewing, a merlin related one this time, more than likely a one shot, but god does it feel good to write again!
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If anyone fancies a trip down memory lane, have a look through my ao3 page ❀️
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Remember: the Supreme Court decision will not end abortions in these states. It will end safe, legal abortions for those too poor to travel to another state.
Brought to you by the party of small government and personal freedom.
Image source: NYT.
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gwinforth Β· 2 years
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I know keeping track of things longer than a week ago is tough, but voting Dem in 2020 was too late.Β As anyone who knows anything about politics had been warning about since the 2016 Republican primaries, the critical election to vote for Dems was 2016. And you didn’t.Β β€œI didn’t vote when it really counted, so I’m going to NOT VOTE HARDER. I am very smart”.
Checkers moves in a chess match smh
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synonym-pie Β· 1 year
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new beloved birb
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magnetothemagnificent Β· 2 years
I am begging people to understand that reproductive rights is as much the right to become and remain pregnant as it is to terminate a pregnancy.
Encouraging all people capable of being pregnant to get their tubes tied or get a hysterectomy isn't the solution you think it is.
Most people who get abortions do so because they want to be able to get pregnant in the future.
Back-alley abortions often leave people unable to become pregnant again, even if they want to. Legal, safe abortion ensures that a person can terminate a pregnancy while still retaining the option and ability to become pregnant again.
PoC, disabled people, and trans and intersex people have historically been barred from the right to get pregnant and reproduce. These marginalized groups have faced sterilization and maternal mortality for a long time.
If you think reproductive justice is only about the right to *not* be pregnant, you are woefully misinformed.
Reproductive justice means people should be able to control their own bodies, whether it means ending or preventing a pregnancy, or becoming pregnant and remaining pregnant.
Reproductive justice means that healthcare providers should and must address the barriers and dangers PoC, disabled people, and trans and intersex people face when it comes to obstetrics and gynecology.
Reproductive justice means lowering the maternal mortality rate for black people in America.
Reproductive justice means not sterilizing disabled people and providing safe options for disabled people who want to become pregnant.
Reproductive justice means acknowledging that trans people may want to become pregnant and not mandating they be sterilized in order to legally transition.
Reproductive justice means not sterilizing intersex babies and children in the attempt to make them fit into a dyadic, binary sex.
Reproductive justice is not just about abortions.
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isawthismeme Β· 18 days
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clockwayswrites Β· 7 months
Totally didn't write Tim being confused.
WC:1174 Masterpost
β€œSo are you going to want in on it?” Jason asked without looking over at Tim. If his brother wanted to follow after him on his mundane patrol, let him.
β€œYou’d be okay with that?” Tim asked, unable (or not trying to) keep the surprise out of his voice.
Jason just shrugged, sure to exaggerate the motion to show through his armor. Tim had done him a favor with this research, Jason figured he earned a spot on the bust. Besides, Jason was… trying. He couldn’t make up for what he’d done to Tim, but he could try to be better now.
β€œYes, sure,” Tim said in response to the shrug. β€œJust let me know when and I’ll make sure the others know to cover my route that night. Or nights, if you need help planning?”
Gut reaction was to growl at the offer of help planning, but Jason forced the sound back down into a noncommittal noise. He was better now. He didn’t need to do everything himself. His goons, and god he still didn’t like that name but whatever, proved that. Crime Alley was better because of them. β€œMaybe. Lemme look over your data first. I’ll let you know.”
β€œRight, sure, of course,” Tim said with an aborted flutter of his hand. β€œJust let me know.”
Fuck, Jason really should say yes, let Tim help. β€œYeah, I will. Just need to go over what you’ve got, get my head around it, you know?”
Tim nodded. Some of his hair slipped out of the hair tie that he had it pulled back into. Jason thought it was good for the kid to be growing his hair out, getting out of that perfect corporate box he put himself into too much, but he didn’t know how to say that in a way that wouldn’t offend Tim or make him feel judged, so Jason kept quiet.
In the quiet it was very easy to hear a too familiar voice growl, β€œI said back off! I’m not interested!”
Jason sighed, the noise threatening through the modulation of the helmet, and turned to run over the roof tops towards the voice. He could feel rather than hear Tim change directions with him, ever the loyal shadow.
Tim perched on the edge of the roof that Jason was leaning over.
β€œCome on, my money’s good,” huffed some dude. He must have gotten out of his car to confront the sex worker who had turned him down. Which beyond being rude, no still meant no even if the person was a sex worker, it was clear the worker was done for the night. They were carrying two handfuls of plastic bags and Tim could smell the food from the roof.
β€œI said no, dude,” they said. β€œGo find someone working a corner if you need it that bad.”
β€œYeah, they don’t have what you have,” the guy said. Then he did the stupidest thing he could have done and reached out while the sex worker pulled away.
Jason was already over the ledge of the roof before Tim had twitched. He landed with a purposeful crunch on the battered asphalt and had his gun drawn and pointed as the guy spun around.
β€œYou new to the Alley?” Jason growled.
The guy (who looked two seconds away from pissing his pants) shook his head.
β€œThen you should know the rules,” Jason said. He stepped forward and pressed his gun against the guy’s temple.
Tim’s gaze flicked between Jason and the sex worker, who was looking on… fondly? Something else was going on here.
β€œI see you fucking with people like this again and you’ll lose something important, got it?”
β€œGot it,” the guy squeaked.
β€œGet out of here.”
The guy scrambled back to his car and took off with a squeal of tires. Tim jumped down silently while Jason holstered his gun and turned to the sex worker.
β€œHood!” They said with a bright smile.
β€œDanny,” Jason growled. β€œWhat are you doing out here at this time of night?”
β€œDelivering some dinner to Nickie and the girls,” Danny said, holding up the plastic bags in his hands.
Jason’s fingers twitched like he wanted to run a hand over his helmet (or strangle the other). β€œDressed like that?”
The worker, Danny, pouted and looked down at his outfit. There was a large sliver of stomach exposed between the bright green crop top with a pattern of cartoon ghosts, tiny black shorts with magenta details, and knee high black boots. Tim sort of thought the look worked for him in an eye searing way.
β€œOh come on, I’m going to see Nickie. You know I have to dress right or she’ll drag me off to another makeover. I can’t take any more makeovers, Hood. And… don’t you think I look good?”
β€œOf course you look good,” Jason said.
Tim’s head whipped over to stare. He had to purposeful close his mouth before he caught flies.
Danny’s pout grew. β€œThen what’s the issue?”
β€œThe issue is people are going to think you’re a hooker.”
Wasn’t he?
Danny rested a hand on his hip and raised a brow at Jason. β€œYou say that like being a hooker is a bad thing. Do I need to tell the girls you said that?”
β€œYou know what I mean!” Jason argued. β€œYou just had a pushy John try to pick you up!”
β€œAnd I was handling him!”
Jason growled again and took a threatening step forward. Instead of being cowed by it, Danny stepped up into Jason’s space, basically pressing himself along Jason’s looming form. And then Danny stood up on his tip toes and pressed a kiss to Jason’s helmet, right where his mouth would be.
Tim could hear the dial up tone in his own mind.
It only got louder when Jason sighed and just slumped, the fight going out of him.
β€œI’m fine, Hood. Look, I’ll take the food to Nickie and stay with the girls until you can walk me home. Or your little shadow can.”
When Jason’s head jerked up to looked at Tim, he couldn’t help the instinct to raise his hands innocently.
Jason just grumbled and let his helmet drop onto Danny’s slim shoulder, which started shaking with laughter.
β€œShut up,” Jason said.
β€œYou forgot he was there, didn’t you?” Danny asked. He transferred all the food to one side so that he could run a hand over the helmet and down to Jason’s neck.
Jason letting someone touch him so casually, especially as Red Hood wasn’t helping Tim’s brain reboot.
β€œRed, get your ass over here,” Jason said.
Tim figured it was best to listen with whatever the fuck was going on here. He slipped out of the shadows while Danny turned around, tucked himself back into Jason’s arms, and smiled at Tim.
β€œRed, Danny. Danny, Red Robin, one of the Bats.”
β€œHi,” Danny chirped cheerfully and held out his empty hand.
β€œHello,” Tim said, shaking it mostly on instinct. What the fuck was going on here?
AN: Oh look! Another Bat finally meets Danny! Tim is so, so confused. I'm not feeling well at all, so I went back to the tried and true fic that I'm not writing. It's been a while since I haven't written it, hasn't it?
I no longer tag, but you can subscribe to the masterpost here.
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β€œDo Americans know-β€œ
Yes. We know. We fucking know. Just shut up we fucking know. Most of us are just trapped in this fucking nightmare okay? Idk what you all think we have the power to do when some of us are barely fucking surviving over here.
And a lot of us won’t survive at all.
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gwydionmisha Β· 2 years
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hurthermore Β· 2 months
In β€œπ™° π™Όπš’πšœπšŒπš˜πš—πšπšžπšŒπš 𝚘𝚏 π™»πš˜πšŸπšŽβ€ imagine if reader got pregnant with Alastors baby haha…unless?? πŸ‘€
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Pairing: π™·πšžπš–πšŠπš—!π™°πš•πšŠπšœπšπš˜πš› 𝚑 𝙡!πšπšŽπšŠπšπšŽπš›
Warnings: π™Ώπš›πšŽπšπš—πšŠπš—πšŒπš’, πšπšŠπš•πš” 𝚘𝚏 πšŠπš‹πš˜πš›πšπš’πš˜πš—, πš˜πš‹πšœπšŽπšœπšœπš’πšŸπšŽ πšŠπš—πš πš™πš˜πšœπšœπšŽπšœπšœπš’πšŸπšŽ πš‹πšŽπš‘πšŠπšŸπš’πš˜πšžπš›, πšπšŠπš•πš” 𝚘𝚏 πšŒπšŠπš—πš—πš’πš‹πšŠπš•πš’πšœπš–, πšπšŠπš•πš”πšœ 𝚘𝚏 πš–πšžπš›πšπšŽπš›, π™°πš•πšŠπšœπšπš˜πš› πš‹πšŽπš’πš—πš 𝚊 πš‹πšŠπš πš™πšŠπš›πšŽπš—πš
πšƒπš‘πš’πšœ πš’πšœ 𝚝𝚘 πš‹πšŽ πšπšŠπš”πšŽπš— πš πš’πšπš‘ 𝚊 πšπš›πšŠπš’πš— 𝚘𝚏 πšœπšŠπš•πš πšŠπš—πš πš›πšŽπš–πšŽπš–πš‹πšŽπš› πšπš‘πšŠπš πšπš‘πš’πšœ πš‘πšŠπšœ πš™πš˜πšπšŽπš—πšπš’πšŠπš• πšœπš™πš˜πš’πš•πšŽπš›πšœ πš‹πšžπš πš’πšœ πš—πš˜πš πšŒπšŠπš—πš˜πš— πšŽπš’πšπš‘πšŽπš›
A/N: 𝙸'πš– πš—πšπš• 𝙸 πš’πš—πš’πšπš’πšŠπš•πš•πš’ πšπš’πšπš—'𝚝 πš πšŠπš—πš 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 πšπš‘πš’πšœ πš›πšŽπššπšžπšŽπšœπš πš‹πšŽπšŒπšŠπšžπšœπšŽ 𝙸 πšπš’πšπš—'𝚝 πš πšŠπš—πš 𝚝𝚘 πš”πš’πš—πš 𝚘𝚏 πšœπš™πš˜πš’πš• πšœπš˜πš–πšŽ πšπš‘πš’πš—πšπšœ πšπš˜πš› π™Όπš’πšœπšŒπš˜πš—πšπšžπšŒπšβ€¦ πšœπšŠπš’πš’πš—πš πšπš‘πšŠπš, 𝙸 πš πš’πš•πš• πšŒπš˜πš—πšπš’πš›πš– πš›πš— πšπš‘πšŠπš πš›πšŽπšŠπšπšŽπš› πš πš’πš•πš• πš—πš˜πš 𝚐𝚘 πšπš‘πš›πš˜πšžπšπš‘ πš™πš›πšŽπšπš—πšŠπš—πšŒπš’ πš’πš— π™Όπš’πšœπšŒπš˜πš—πšπšžπšŒπš
πšƒπš‘πš’πšœ πš’πšœ π™½π™Ύπšƒ 𝚊 πšŒπšŠπš—πš˜πš— πšŽπšŸπšŽπš—πš πšπš˜πš› π™Όπš’πšœπšŒπš˜πš—πšπšžπšŒπš πšŠπš—πš πš’πšœ πš“πšžπšœπš 𝚊 πš πš‘πšŠπš πš’πš
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First things first: I have canonically made Vincent infertile in Misconduct; it’s literally the least I could do for our poor reader, and I never planned pregnancy to be a part of the story and it won’t be. There’s so much that’s yet to be discovered in Misconduct but maybe this could help kinda let you guys theorise wtf is gonna happen?
Regardless of that, there’s no harm in what ifs, so let's begin.
-For this imagine, Vincent is not in the picture-
Alastor would genuinely tweak tf OUT
Alastor does not want children; but if it's what will make you happy he’s very much willing to sacrifice everything just to see you smile
If you want an abortion, Alastor would find the best back alley abortion β€˜clinic’ for you so you got the healthcare you deserved
If you wanted to keep it, Alastor would sneak bits of human meat into your dinner to get the cannibalism rolling early w his offspring regardless of if you knew about it or how you felt about it
Alastor would already do anything for you - it’s not a joke he would set the literal world on fire for you. So pregnancy doesn’t instil a want in him to do more for you then he already can
Saying that, ofc Alastor will get you anything you needed, or anything you wanted without the factor of pregnancy; so just be careful with the power you hold
Doesn’t want a kid, Alastor hates kids, BUT… He would ONLY love the offspring if you loved it; if it came out of you and you hated it he would throw it so far into the orphanage i'm not even kidding
If you were a bad mother, Alastor would genuinely just believe that you were doing your best and could never see you in a bad light; he believes striking a child is fine and is good parenting (they're in the 1920s, they're basically barbarians) so he wouldn’t care whether you were a good or bad mother
I find this funny, but if you fell over and hurt yourself, Alastor would fret over you so much, worrying about you and treating you with care that was over the top for a fall; but if it was your kid who fell over? Alastor would just deadpan his expression whilst side eyeing your crying child
Despite the hardships of parenthood, Alastor would grow to love the child; but you would always be his number one priority, aka if he had to choose between you and your kid i'm so sorry but he is picking you.
If that pisses you off then Alastor will just lock you in his cellar. WHO SAID THAT???
Because Alastor would grow to love the child, he would become insanely obsessed with your child's safety; e.g if your child is getting bullied he will kill the kids parents as a warning and use their meat to make an awfully large dinner
The best outcome for your child is if you love it whilst also giving Alastor all the attention he craves from you, otherwise your kid is gonna have a bad time
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Everyone after reading this:
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visenyaism Β· 7 days
why do game of thrones people think cersei is gendry’s mom
cersei mentions having and losing a brunette trueborn son of robert’s to catelyn in the show which is a humanizing moment between them. which would be nice except it subsequently cuts out what is to me the more important character beat of her immediately deciding to have a secret illegal medieval back-alley abortion the one time he actually gets her pregnant, risking her own head for treason rather than have her rapist’s baby, as well as her own obsession with her children as components of the prophecy cause now there’s just a fourth one. all in favor of a β€œall women are mothers and understand each other” bonding moment which is. a bit eurgh to me.
anyways then people with too much free time on their hands started being like what if cersei’s son who died as a baby was actually smuggled away for some fucking reason and is gendry. your guess is as good as mine as to why
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jymwahuwu Β· 1 month
Last one was great!
Poor arrogant reader soon will be fired from her position as head of the Family for some fabricated case, she is now basically jobless with all her belongings and money arrested and guards are not letting her leave Penacony.
She is such a mess now, so stresssed out with her career ruined she isnt even noticing that she hadnt got her period for several months.
But who will she come for help, who will accept a mess like her at such low point of her life?πŸ€”
Of course our angelic prick will take her in. Reader doesnt have a choice to be honest. She doesnt have money to pay for shelter, food and medical care for her condition anymore?
I also hc Penacony being really expensive place especially in terms of healthcare. And abortions are strictly prohibited.
Well, clean house, homemade meals and some other nightly services could cover those expences. Our arrogant girlie will have to humble herself a bit.
And kid being born out of wedlock? Not on Sunday's watch!
Imagine some time later her former coworkers, heads of other Families or her former subordinates witnessing reader going out for groceries or just going out for a walk with Sunday holding her hand firmly?
She does not seems like arrogant bitch anymore, her belly is swollen, clothes are modest, matching rings at couple's fingers.
so sorry for the long delay in replying!!
I've been meaning to find the time to write this... and thank you for writing it in such detail. super love the content about arrogant reader get humiliated. this is awesome πŸ˜½πŸ’—πŸ’– sunday brings it all to you but you started it first, right?
part 1
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cw: yandere, dub-con, brainwashing, mind control, housewife kink, pregnancy, inappropriate traditional concepts (language about serving husband and family)
Sunday used to always forgive your arrogance and intrigue, but that's the past.
Since you like this trick so much, Sunday brings these back to you. In this dreamy and fallen city, your reputation is completely destroyed in half an hour. (He was at the party, shaking his glass and socializing with the guests.) Some Bloodhound family guards burst into your office and led you away , in full view of everyone and a lot of chatter. They grabbed your hands and dragged you forward. (He stretched his hands into fists, put them to his lips and chuckled.) It was almost a crime of betrayal to Xipe and The Family. Listen to harsh words and sign documents. (The money ejected from the machine flies into the sky. The scale of the clock is turning.)
These days of interrogation have left you exhausted. One day, you open the door to your home with the usual verification, but there is a notice on the door that it has been sealed and frozen. That was locked and confiscated. A cold stab of fear stabbed your back. There is no way to book a hotel room or rent a new house. Your bank account is also blocked.
The final straw is the realization that you haven't had your period in months. Used the last of your credit points to take a pregnancy test. The result is a baby growing inside you. There was no doubt that it was that wing bastard's baby. A baby destined to have a halo and wings.
Your eyes were sore, and tears welled up in your eyes and flowed down your cheeks.
The eyes of birds these days are staring at you from every height, corner, and alley. Your pregnancy test results are sent to Sunday's phone. His glove patted your back gently. He whispers to you, the aura continuing to send out gentle waves, shushing you. You whimpered, pushing him away in annoyance. "Get away, you bastard!"
"I just did to you what you've always wanted to do to me. Don't make a fuss." The rising corners of the oak leader's mouth only added fuel to his raging anger at you. What happened to him? He's really terrible! You point at him and take a few steps back. "Don't fucking touch me! You hypocrite."
He frowned.
"No swearing."
"What the fuck-" Just like last time, a cheerful and harmonious arrangement of notes penetrated your mind. That ethereal and strange light appears before your eyes and captures your thoughts. You obediently followed Sunday to his mansion.
What Sunday offers you comes at a price. He provided for you, after all, didn't he? You can no longer be so arbitrary, arrogant and rude. You need to pray at the dinner table, kiss him on the cheek, and be grateful to Xipe and the nutritious food he provides you. Or have him pinch your cheeks and feed you. Now that you have no job and no money, you should have time to sweep the floor, right? Keeping the house tidy is important. He checked the dust on the vase and scanned the floor. Of course don’t forget to suck his cock and spread your legs at night. He will be very, very careful. (Sex during pregnancy is always slow. You whimper when milk is secreted from your buds.)
And witnessing that humiliation! Yes, in the past, you and he competed in the workplace, and the atmosphere was tense. Everyone knows you hate Sunday. And now other family members can see the changes in you. You held his hand tightly, intertwining your fingers with your belly swollen. Those luxurious clothes of the past have disappeared, replaced by your simple, loose skirts.
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rashoumon-homo Β· 5 months
No Such Tastes In Men (Dazai x Reader)
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Dazai x Male Reader, NSFW
-> Content Warnings: oral (Dazai receiving)
-> 750 words
(Request sent in by @suru1990 - Thank you!)
As one of the ADA’s informants, overhearing conversations is literally your job. But somehow, you didn’t expect that one-liner from Dazai would be so jarring. Even now, as you lean against the alley wall waiting for him to arrive so you can give your latest report, you can’t help but snicker behind your hand.
I mean seriously, β€œI have no such tastes in men?” He’s as bisexual as they come; the statement was so ridiculous it caught you off guard at first.
Fashionably late, Dazai slinks in from the shadows and leans against the wall opposite you. He smiles, that perpetually smug expression of his barely visible in the dim light.
β€œSo,” he says, β€œNotice anything suspicious lately? Anything the ADA should look out for?”
You shake your head. β€œIt’s been uneventful lately. Although I did hear one thing that surprised me.”
β€œOh?” Dazai cocks an eyebrow.
β€œApparently you’re not into men,” you say. β€œNot to your tastes, or something like that.”
Dazai’s ears tinge pink, but you can’t see it in the darkness. β€œI’m not,” he insists. β€œI’m straight.”
You can’t help but laugh. When he doesn’t crack and join in, you furrow your brows. β€œSeriously?”
Dazai nods.
β€œShame,” you say, hand trailing down to your crotch. β€œI’ve always kinda hoped I’d get to hook up with you once or twice.” You don’t miss the way his eyes follow your movements or the way his Adam’s apple bobs when he sees you tease at your zipper.
You straighten and step towards him, closing the few feet between you. Your palm rests against the alley wall beside his head, loosely caging him in. β€œSpeaking of taste…” Your eyes trail down between the two of you. β€œGot anything against me getting a taste of you?”
Dazai’s eyes widen. For once, you’ve managed to catch him off guard. β€œAre you offering to suck my dick?” he asks incredulously.
You shrug. β€œIf you’re comfortable with it. Even if you’re not into guys, a mouth is a mouth, right?” You lean in to whisper in his ear. β€œI promise you I can make it good.”
He shudders, almost imperceptibly. β€œOkay,” he says quietly. β€œBut this doesn’t mean anything.”
β€œI know,” you say with a grin, sinking to your knees. You make quick work of his belt, pulling his pants and boxers to his mid-thighs. His cock is already rapidly stiffening, brushing against the hem of his shirt. You smirk and wrap your hand around it, giving it a light stroke. β€œAlready hard?” you tease.
Dazai tries to frown, but doesn’t really succeed. β€œShut up,” he mutters.
β€œOoh, dangerous words to say to the guy literally holding your dick,” you say, then before he can get a retort in, you start pumping him for real. He lets out a low moan, more of a sigh than anything. Now that he’s fully hard, you cautiously lick at the precum beading at the tip. It’s bitter, not your favorite flavor by a long shot, but the way Dazai’s spine tenses and he lets out a breathy grunt is delicious.
Without a second thought, you take him into your mouth. The shape of his cock is perfect, like you were made for him or the other way around. You grip his thighs as you start to bob your head. A symphony of grunts and moans fill the air, increasing in pitch.
He seems unsure what to do with his hands, so you guide them to the back of your head. His fingers curl in your hair, tentatively guiding your movements. Then his cockhead hits the back of your throat and yeah that’s good. It brings tears to your eyes and feels a little like choking, but you don’t even care.
How can you care, when he’s downright whimpering; grasping desperately at your hair and moving his hips in little aborted thrusts?
It hasn’t even been five minutes and he’s already gasping and moaning, β€œFuck… gonna cum…” It seemed like he was going to try to pull out, but his orgasm hits too quickly.
Your throat is flooded with his warm spend and you’re drowning in it. What a way to go; lost in the salty, slightly bitter taste of Dazai’s cum.
Next thing you know, he’s pulled you off of him and you’re coughing on the dirty ground in the alley.
β€œSorry, are you okay?” he asks. It’s the first time you’ve heard him apologize. And you’re paid to listen to his bullshit all day.
β€œFine,” you say. Your coughs turn into laughter, a sort of euphoric hysteria. β€œYou’re my exact taste in men.”
Fun fact, I actually had a different plan for this one originally where Dazai would be the one giving the reader a blowjob so if people like this one I might do a part 2 with that plot!
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queenshelby Β· 9 months
Business As Usual (Part Four)
Pairing: Dark!Thomas Shelby x Wife!Reader
Warning: Dubious Consent, Reluctant Smut, Loss of Virginity, Arranged Marriage, Religious Themes, Angst, Termination, PregnancyΒ 
Words: 2,145
The rain poured relentlessly outside the grimy window of the narrow back-alley abortion clinic.
You sat on the uncomfortable wooden chair, your mind clouded with doubts and fear.
Lizzie Stark, a woman you only recently met, had given you the contact details of a doctor who specialised in illegal procedures like the one you wanted to have performed but questioned yourself about.
"Am I really going to do this?" you whispered to yourself, your hands nervously fidgeting in your lap. The sound of a baby crying from the adjacent room reached your ears, the piercing wails tearing at your already frayed emotions. Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing a frail-looking doctor with weary eyes peering out from beneath a pair of thick spectacles. His expression was grave as he motioned for you to follow him.
"Y/N is it?” the doctor asked in a hushed tone and you nodded, unable to trust your voice to convey the turmoil within you.
Your heart thundered in your chest, fear and anticipation intertwined. This house, where your choice would be made, seemed to shrink around you, suffocating you with its sterile walls and unspoken possibilities. You took a deep breath, your trembling hand clutching to your purse for support. This was it. The moment of truth, where everything would change, for better or for worse.
β€œReady to make your little problem disappear?" the doctor then asked as you walked into the procedure room and your eyes widened as his words sank in. The procedure room was stark and sterile, the air heavy with the scent of antiseptic. The doctor instructed you to lie down on the uncomfortable metal table, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Actually," you began, your voice trembling slightly, "I'm not sure if I can go through with it,” you told the man and his face twisted into a scowl, his patience evaporating like smoke in the breeze. "Time is money, Love. If you're wasting mine, I have no qualms about showing you the door,” he said rudely and you swallowed hard, feeling a sudden surge of bravery. "I'm sorry, but I just can't do it” you told him as silence hung heavily between you, tension thickening the air.
The doctor's eyes bored into yours, searching for any hint of insecurity, any crack in the armour you had gathered around your resolve.
"Fine," he finally muttered, his voice laced with disdain. "But don't come crying to me when you're stuck with a child you don't want,” he told you and, with those haunting words, he retreated into his office, leaving you standing in the desolate waiting room, grappling with the weight of your decision.
Week after week then passed, and you continued to live the misery of your life while, secretly, watching your body change and adapt to the fact that you were carrying a child you did not want and about which your husband knew nothing about.
Week after week, you watched in secret as your body transformed, silently adapting to the growing life within you. The weight you carried was not just physical; it weighed heavy on your soul. Each day, you meticulously hid any evidence of your pregnancy, ensuring that Tommy remained oblivious to the truth.
In the depths of your heart, a mixture of fear, guilt, and resentment simmered as you plotted to leave this mess behind. How did you find yourself in this situation? The life growing inside you was not one you wanted, yet fate had deemed it otherwise. Your secret burden became a constant reminder of the choices you thought you had control over but ultimately surrendered to circumstance.
You had no say, a slave in your home called Arrow House, and as you struggled to navigate your own conflicting emotions, you couldn't help but wonder how Tommy would react if he ever discovered your secret. What would become of you? Would he understand your reasons or resent you for keeping him in the dark? These unanswered questions coiled tightly within you, sealing your lips and strengthening your conviction to conceal the truth.
With each passing day, the weight of the secret grew heavier. It whispered its taunting presence, reminding you of the façade you had woven around your life. You became a master of deceit, expertly masking the signs of pregnancy—sickness, tiredness, and the telltale physical changes—through careful planning and cunning improvisation.
But this wasn’t everything you concealed. You also concealed the fact that you were disgusted and hurt by the fact that your husband was treating you the way he did.
He slept with other women, mainly whores but also a fellow criminal named Laura Manning. Laura was a pawn in his game. He did not love her and yet, you couldn’t help but feel despair towards her. She worked with your husband while he did not allow you to work at all. He kept you as his prisoner, and eventually, you just sought solace in the routine of your days, feigning normalcy while the life within you flourished.
You pursued mundane activities, but behind the smiling facade was the war of emotions raging within you as you plotted to leave, somehow, going back to America. The love and attachment you should have felt for your unborn child by now was also overshadowed by the overwhelming sense of entrapment. Arrow House was nothing but a gilded cage and, week after week, you continued to play your role and maintained the illusion that everything was as it should be while you longed for the day when you could unburden yourself of all this.
You needed your own money to leave and had no access to a large amount of funds. Your husband controlled everything and, just recently, he even took away the little money you had saved beneath your bed after he caught wind of the plan you were plotting.
A fight ensued, following which leaving Arrow House was impossible for you. You were a prisoner now and with that, the secret of your unborn child was seeping into the cracks of your arranged marriage. The guilt gnawed at your soul like a relentless beast as you wondered how long you could keep the truth hidden.
You were several months pregnant now, showing slightly and just as Tommy came home again after a lengthy trip, smelling like another woman, you had enough. You could not take it anymore.
Thomas returned home earlier than you had expected. The stench of his infidelity clung to him like an invisible layer of betrayal. The moment his eyes met yours, you felt a shiver of anguish run down your spine.
His presence alone commanded attention, silencing the air with his dangerous aura. Thomas, eyes cold as steel, glanced at you, his penetrating gaze making you feel bare, vulnerable.
"Knitting, eh?” he teased you, seeing that this was how you had spent your days now that it was raining. You knitted out of boredom and his statement caused you to nod in silence while tears began to form in the corner of your eyes.
β€œDon't you have something more productive to do?" Tommy drawled, asserting his authority as he always did. You raised an eyebrow, your resilience fighting back this time as your ever-changing hormones got the better of you.
"Perhaps I would have if I wasn’t a prisoner in this fucking house and if my husband hadn't been busy gallivanting with his mistress yet again," you retorted, your voice dripping with bitterness. The tension grew thick between you, the air electric with unspoken words. Thomas took a step forward, his voice low and venomous.
"My personal affairs are none of your concern, eh. Our marriage is a sham, so why should I be faithful to you?” he questioned, his arrogance seeping into every syllable. Your jaw clenched, a defiant fire igniting in your eyes.
"If this is a mere sham for you, why keep me prisoner Thomas? Just let me go, after all you have done to me…” you told your husband before implementing a threat of your own.
β€œYou know, I have told my family about your lack of liaison with me on the export provisions and I am sure it will be addressed during the next business meeting. So perhaps then you will just have to set me free” you determined to which Thomas smirked, his arrogance momentarily shifting into amusement.
"That’s funny Love” he taunted. β€œSince it was your uncle and aunt who made me keep you out of the family business. I wanted to keep my fucking promise to you after that awful night we shared. I thought that I owed you that much, but your family begged to differ” Tommy then said, dismissing your words with a flick of his hand.
β€œExcuse me?” you say surprised while a twisted smirk graced Tommy’s lips.
β€œI am doing exactly what your family wants from me Y/N and it is in both our interest to do so, at least for now. Trust me” Tommy told you as the room fell into an infuriating silence, tension hanging in the air like a blade waiting to strike.
Thomas stared at you, his stormy eyes searching for a hint of weakness. "But you are not as powerless as you think Love. Not against me and not against your family" Thomas finally spoke, a dangerous glimmer dancing in his eyes.
"You just need to learn how to put your foot down when sitting with the big players in this game,” your husband told you and, by that point, your heart raced, the weight of your secret threatening to suffocate you.
β€œThis game?” you asked. β€œIs this what this is to you, Thomas? A fucking game?” you asked, causing your husband to chuckle.
β€œYes, I do. It’s a game of power and fucking respect, both of which you need to earn if you want to make it to the top and I am at the fucking top now” Tommy exclaimed, causing you to break out in anger.
β€œWell, I played the game too Tommy, when I agreed to marry you. My marriage to you alone should earn me some fucking respect, but no…you are out there, fucking every whore in this town, and it isn’t even the whores that bother me. It’s Laura fucking Manning” you told Tommy, your frustration seeping into your voice. "I went into this marriage, fully aware of what I was getting myself into. But I thought that, at the very least, my commitment to you would earn me some respect” you went on to tell your husband who was stunned by your newfound confidence.
Your tone of voice conveyed your frustration and annoyance as you confronted Tommy about his affair. This arranged marriage was already far from what you had envisioned, but to discover that your husband was being unfaithful added an extra layer of irritation.
You had resigned yourself to the fact that your marriage may not be built on love, but mutual respect and fidelity should have been a given. Yet here you were, realising that even the minimal expectations you had were not being met.
Tommy's actions felt like a direct attack on your dignity, making it even more difficult to maintain any semblance of a positive outlook. The bitterness in your voice was a perfect reflection of the resentment simmering within you.
But rather than let your emotions consume you completely, you chose this moment to confront Tommy. You wanted him to understand just how much he had wounded you and how unacceptable his actions were.
As the words left your lips, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, even in your angry state. You were determined to make him face the consequences of his choices, and this confrontation would be the first step towards that.
Thus, with a determined resolve, you squared your shoulders and met Thomas's gaze head-on as he was standing there, speechless.
"I am not one to be underestimated, Thomas. You'll soon learn that," you declared, your voice laced with the strength you barely knew you possessed. Thomas chuckled, a low, mocking sound that resonated with arrogance. "Then show me, Love. Show me who you really are, " he challenged. As the tension between you rose, you felt a strange mix of anger and desire. The lines between love and hate began to blur, a dangerous dance on the edge of emotion.
Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot echoed from outside, shattering the fragile tranquillity. Thomas's eyes flickered with a flicker of alarm before he composed himself, slipping back into the role of a cold, calculating leader.
"Seems our conversation will have to wait, eh," he muttered, the urgency in his voice betraying his calm facade. "Stay here,” he then ordered, and you nodded silently, watching as he rushed out of the room with a swift determination.
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