#azula stfu
azulathetrashyler · 2 months
What’s good twinks and queers /aff
I return from the depths of depression, but it’s most certainly not gonna be often that I stay alive-
on a negative note, the cat didn’t make it. March 3rd or 4th, idk exactly what day, I dissociated hardcore for the literal rest of the month- /srs /gen
Anyway, on a positive note, I saw the Eclipse today! (April 8th) and it was FUNKY /POS
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madefromdyingstars · 9 months
people saying zuko shouldn’t/won’t become a much more impressive firebender, that he’s not objectively one of the THE BEST firebenders by the end of the series because he’s always struggled or whatever frustrates me sm because y’all really said that only the ones with natural talent, natural power, only the gifted ones and the innate prodigies will ever be truly great and The Best. zuko fought and struggled for every ounce of power and prowess he has in firebending, and y’all really said sorry that’s not good enough. ❤️ stfu.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Avatar:The Last Airbender,show of extremely bad and liberal messages such as 'Genocide and imperialism is the ultimate evil','being gendernonforming is good and empowering and dosen't make you unattractive or lame','women are just as good as men and don't have to conform to be a specific type of femininity or behavior to be considered female','all cultures of color are valid and deserve to be preserved after being oppressed' and 'kids are people'
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azulas-daddy-kink · 8 months
Okay so I've been re-watching AtLA and it is apparent just how far off fanon!Azula really is.
Canon Azula is cruel, mean, savage, and has absolutely no mercy toward her enemies, firing lightning at them without a care in the world and with zero hesitation. Idk how so many people have convinced themselves she's a precious little meow meow who did nothing wrong. Do y'all even like the real Azula at all or do you just like your idea of a "redeemed" version of her?
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nerdyerror · 2 months
I headcanon that Zuko managed to get Azula to go to therapy with him, she got better, then she was an amazing and crazy auntie who brought a bunch of really expensive toys for her nieces and nephews, I also believe that zuko had multiple kids though he didn’t mean to. Which I will make another post about this. Oh and she’d get married to Ty Lee after Zuko legalized gay marriage
Here is my Ursa take:
Zuko kids + who they are take (maiko warning):
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zuko-always-lies · 11 months
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juniperhillpatient · 6 months
absolutely hilarious to me the contrast of writing happenstance while occasionally getting inspiration & drafting stuff for my next project which is… drastically different 😅 here’s a wholesome scene about the power of friendship & love 😊 ok now here’s a family of deeply hurt & flawed individuals with absolutely no hope of salvaging any of their relationships ever 💔
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akiizayoi4869 · 2 years
"Why did Azula do that? That's such a terrible thing to do to someone!" For fucks sake, she's the damn villain. Literally what did you expect?
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 1 year
Izumi is Azula and Mai’s daughter obviously  
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wellfckidk · 2 years
i need the atla mfs to read and watch both haikyuu and blue period because wtf??n
talented people still work hard !!
geniuses still work hard !!
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azulathetrashyler · 8 months
y’all remember when I theorized that bloody was upset about being replaced by Lunar back when they were FIRST REVEALED??- Like Spinel from SU but more murderous??
bro I think it’s real now- not upset about being replaced with Lunar by ECLIPSE like I originally thought, but definitely upset about being “replaced” by Lunar in some way- I theorized that they would be like a much more aggressive and crazy variation of Spinel personality wise, and it’s kinda going that direction nowadays- 👁👄👁
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0smorh1za · 1 year
The fact that I can be subjected to bad opinions about Azula is so fucked up tbh no human being should have to bear them
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crybabylulu · 4 months
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kideaternomnom · 5 months
It’s so tiring atp when I constantly see people compare Zuko or Azula’s truama. I’m re watching ATLA and both are so tragic and went through horrible stuff just in different ways. They both deserved better and they’re honestly two of some of the best ATLA characters for me. 😭
“Zuko had it harder” “Azula had it harder” stfu. Both had equal amounts of problems and hardships by their god awful father that’s that. 🙌🏻
Anyways fire sibling GIF of them being adorable asf
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ilikepjo24 · 8 months
On the topic of live action Azula...
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I'm sick and tired of people hating her on Azula's new design because they think it's not right. Her outfit isn't right, that's true, but what's with everyone complaining about her facial features? The only off thing about her facial features is her eyes not being gold.
That being said, some of y'all's complains are uncalled for.
"I always pictured Azula with razor sharp eyes."
Okay but... Why?
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Her eyes can very much be wide. And they can also be narrowed and sharp. Can I tell you a secret? The way your eyes look changes depending on your facial expression. I know, it's crazy! Who could have thought that when Azula is concentrated or upset, her eyes would narrow because her eyebrows would frown. And who could have also thought that her eyes can be wide too, if she's surprised. It's almost like she has a normal face that moves and her eyes can take different shapes, and if she's just resting her face and not making a particular expression, her eyes will have normal, semi-narrow, semi-wide shape. Who could have thought Azula has a face that works the way faces do 🤯
"Her cheeks are too chubby for Azula because Azula works out so much!"
Azula begs to differ. Look at those curves.
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She's so round she could be a freaking circle. In the second picture she almost is a circle. That's how round she is. And that is called "baby fat" and Azula has it because she's 14, she's still, like, kid kid at this age. People grow up a lot. She's still very young. Now, I know this might be a hard pill to shallow but, and hear me out here, Azula is a young teenager who had barely hit puberty and her face shows it because that's now faces work. I know! It's crazy! I mean, Azula being a person?!? Who came up with that?
Seriously tho, even at The Day Of Black Sun, where her design is arguably the sharpest in the show, she still has a bit of roundness.
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"Her cheeks are sunked tho, like Ozai's!"
On a scare from 10 to 10 to ∞ to Toph, how would you rate your blindness?
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"Her face looks top baby-ish! She's supposed to be evil!"
What's wrong antis? Is it finally next to ignore that Azula is literally a freaking child and you got hit by the realization that you've been antagonizing a baby? Does it hurt your pride to have to acknowledge just how ridiculous you're being for having a beef with someone who hasn't hit puberty? Do you feel silly knowing that no one is going to take you seriously anymore when you try to make everyone think Azula's the devil, because she actually looks young and innocent, which is what all 14yo look like? Did you forget to put on your clown make up today?
In any case, og Azula is a drawing, and actors tend to be real people, so obviously she won't look the exact same, but she's pretty close, okay? So unless you're talking about something that is actually inaccurate, like her clothes, or the color of her eyes, just stfu, cause no one is interested in listening to you complain about a casting that has already happened and won't change.
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Possibly unpopular opinion (Or perhaps not idk): I love what they have done with Zuko and Ozai's relationship in the live action Netflix Avatar show.
In the cartoon we never get the ~vibes~ that Zuko has a complicated relationship with his father, only that it is abusive and one-sided in the sense only Zuko craves Ozai's approval, while Ozai straight up hates him, wants him dead or has no problem with him dying (Why doesn't he kill him if he has Azula? We don't know, plot has to happen, he sent Zuko to find the avatar in order to get rid of him, probably, or actually canon idk or remember), clearly prefers Azula to him as successor, etc, etc, etc (+ later the comics literally overkilled this trend "she was born lucky while..." omg stfu). Zuko is basically the perfect character to prove the fire nation is not all evil (Oh look, they hate him too, he is inherently their victim too from the very beginning).
So when Zuko switches sides in the cartoon, what I see as an adult rewatching is someone giving up on luxory, physical safety and... that is pretty much it. Sure it is a big deal to give up on those things to do what is right (Few would) and still awesome that he did the right thing in the end, but if you really think about it, he is not giving up that much, he is not giving up anything truly valuable to him. Respect? Honor? Sure he is said to have received it back after Azula "killed" Aang, but we never truly see it. For all intents and purposes his sister has that and wayyy more of it. His father's love and acceptance? Never had it, so he didn't truly "loose it" when he spoke up for those soldiers, got the scar and was banished, it is not really shown to have suddenly popped into existence when he was said to have killed the avatar. He literally had nothing in the fire nation, literally nothing. This could only make "doing the right thing" a lot easier for him, and for the adult audience (At least for me), his arc is just him realizing what is almost irritatingly obvious for us: That no one in the fire nation truly loves and respects him so might as well switch sides (Basically if we weren't also shown that Zuko is compassionate and does care about the horrible things the fire nation is doing, Ember Island Players would have gotten a bit of truth in it).
Now, in the live action, where do I even start? It has been so good so far when it comes to Ozai and Zuko. That man, if he hated Zuko in a cartoonishly evil way almost from birth, he sure doesn't show it. Don't get me wrong, he is just as abusive (Creepily so in many scenes, made me feel so protective of Zuko and Azula), but he is also shown to "care" about Zuko as in having some hope left that he can mold him into another powerful genocidal mini me. Is Azula winning by far? Ofc, she is still the prodigy, I am sure I am going to see flashbacks of favoritism later on. But Ozai doesn't yet seem to favor her in a way that makes Zuko's craving for his approval (Or even Ozai's hope in him as heir) hopeless. It seems, from his scenes with Azula, that Ozai foments the rivalry and competition between the two siblings not only because he personally thinks Azula is the best (Which he also might in this version), but also as a way of control through fear (Especially for prodigy Azula), and to make them (Especially comparatively weaker Zuko) "better", something this version of Ozai appears to think is possible EVEN when he banishes Zuko. Now, he might have done this "to get rid of him" as in the original, but in the live action he seems super open to and genuinely believe the idea that the exile could make Zuko stronger and better, not to mention worthy of the throne if he succeeds. Ozai treats Zuko like the heir despite favoring Azula is all I am saying. Zuko's actions are therefore almost impossible, yes, but not hopeless or even naive. And if this trend of Ozai's respect and "love" (Super on quotes) being achievable continues, Zuko's eventual turn to the good side will be much more powerful. He will have to give up much more after spending a summer with his abusive parent love bombing him for "killing" the avatar. Zuko's choice will be solely based on his findings about the horrors the fire nation has committed and not wanting to be the cause of more suffering even though he could have it all. Even though it was his fate to be his father's "mini me"-> Something terrifyingly likely and not so quickly discarded by the narrative itself as it was in the animated series.
I think the best part about this subtle change in the father-son dynamic (If it was the intention of the writers, I am aware it could have been unintended) is that the scar tm was a direct result of Zuko's compassion for those soldiers and not just the excuse Ozai used to banish him or "final straw" because he preferred Azula sooo much more, as it is pretty much implied later on in the animated series and comics by focusing so much on how much of a perfect victim Zuko was pretty much from birth. The addition of the 41st surviving because of Zuko was also pretty nice, and so is Zuko's relationship with them, he will need fire nation allies when he gets to the throne and this is a good start, something the animated series never touched upon much.
I am on episode 6 btw so my opinion might change. I will edit this post if that is the case. BUT my thoughts on these first scenes doesn't change, they are good imho
EDIT (And spoilers): I just watched Zhao’s revelation where he tells Zuko that Ozai would never let him return and he just wanted to use him to motivate Azula. It does change things and invalidates most of what I said, but taking out just this one scene, as I said, the Ozai-Zuko dynamic is great in this show, and also, Zhao is obviously not the most reliable source, because he was allied to Azula and obviously wanted to hurt Zuko, as he was losing the fight with him. There is also the fact that Azula wasn't watching Ozai and Zuko when Ozai told his son that he was being banished and that it was in part so he could get stronger etc, that was all for Zuko and had little way of serving as motivation for Azula (Unlike the scenes where Ozai praises Zuko in front of her, those could have totally been him bullshitting his daughter to motivate her to work even harder). So all in all this scene doesn't ruin the overall impression I had of the Ozai-Zuko father-son dynamic in the life action show. In fact, it could be taken to confirm one of my impressions which was that Ozai likes pitying his children against each other to push them harder.
EDIT 2: Ozai's reaction to Zuko's possible death is further proof imo that his “test” was very much real (even if almost impossible) and everything I said earlier still stands. He wouldn't mind that much if he died, it would just prove his “weakness”, and he is very pleased with Azula, but he didn't look happy or even indifferent when he learned the news.
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