#auguste bataille
francepittoresque · 10 months
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27 juillet 1214 : bataille de Bouvines et victoire des Français sur l’empereur Otton IV allié des Anglais ➽ http://bit.ly/Bataille-de-Bouvines Opposant les troupes de Philippe Auguste à celles du Saint-Empire romain germanique, allié du roi d’Angleterre Jean sans Terre qui aspire à se venger de la perte de la Normandie, cette bataille, au cours de laquelle le roi de France est jeté à terre par des fantassins armés de crochets, marque le début du déclin de la féodalité
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akakiiromidoriaoi · 2 years
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I recently finished playing WoodsyStudio's game CrimsonSpires and (although there was a couple of bugs with unlocking CG's and a couple of story plot-holes) I loved the game, it was well rounded and I am 100% Team August! <3 
So another Otome Bracelet design!
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armee-histoire · 2 years
Le règne de Philippe Auguste dura 43 ans pendant lesquels le roi agrandit la France. Intelligent et habile, il sut écarter le grave danger que les Anglais faisaient peser sur la monarchie, et renforcer son pouvoir. Il fit de Paris la plus belle ville de son royaume et contribua à l’extension et à la renommée de la capitale.
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storyofthenauseouseye · 5 months
The Duality of Woman: Anais Nin
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Vogue Magazine, Anais Nin talks about being a woman, 15 October 1971
Anais Nin is a woman of duality. It's been a well-known fact for those who know or love her that she is truly a two-sided coin. She said it herself in her book Henry and June,
"I will always be the virgin prostitute, the perverse angel, the two-faced sinister and saintly woman"(bookquoters.com).
From her intense marriages to two different men on opposite sides of the country, to her literary career, to even her personal reflections and essays, Nin was a figure bathed in duality. How does one split the image of Anais Nin ideally in half? You just have to find the seam between diarist and eroticist.
The Diarist
Anais Nin is most well-loved by her adoring fans because of her published diary. As a young girl, Nin wrote her father a letter begging him to return to the family he had abandoned (The Anais Nin Foundation). This was the beginning of Nin's diary, which would be published in seven volumes, with four unexpurgated diaries later appearing after their original publication.
Her diaries were incredibly personal, full of secrets and thoughts she never thought would come to light. The biggest secret within these diaries was that she was married to two different men simultaneously, something she would remove from the diaries upon initial publication. Years later, Nin compiled the removed sections into one volume, the first of her unexpurgated diaries. It was called Henry and June, and detailed the letters and writings the two shared. The duality of Nin stretched throughout every aspect of her life.
These highly intimate journals struck twentieth-century American women directly in their souls. As one journalist famously put it in an article for The Conversation,
Anaïs Nin dreamed, in all senses. She dreamed of lives and possibilities. She dreamed in slumber and allowed her dreams to leak into the day. As I regularly committed the cardinal social sin of recounting my dreams over breakfast, she seemed a soulmate across oceans and generations (Gorman).
These teenage girls and their daydreams were instantly hooked on Nin's likeminded wonder and splendid prose. She became a sensation after the diary publications almost instantly, giving her a decent seat in literary history.
It wouldn't be long until something else gave her another boost of fame.
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Ramon Casas, Decadent Young Woman. After the Dance, 1899
The Eroticist
In the late 1970s, Anais Nine published three volumes of erotic short fiction, each containing approximately ten stories. Despite their popularity, the term erotic is a tad inappropriate. Although she wasn't a follower of the transgressive art movement like Georges Bataille, Anais Nin's erotic stories are more disturbing and controversial than actually arousing.
Nin wrote about such topics as sexual abuse, incest, pedophilia, and other forms of sexual violence within her stories. These works would go on to shock and challenge readers even today (Maza).
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Lost Lenore Antiques, Anais Nin ~ Little Birds and Delta of Venus ~ 1st Edition Books ~ Vintage Erotica, 27 August 2021
Works Cited
The Anais Nin Foundation. “bio — The Anais Nin Foundation.” The Anais Nin Foundation, https://theanaisninfoundation.org/bio. Accessed 11 December 2023.
Gorman, Alice. “The book that changed me: journeying to the self with Anaïs Nin's sensual, transgressive diaries.” The Conversation, 25 April 2022, https://theconversation.com/the-book-that-changed-me-journeying-to-the-self-with-ana-s-nins-sensual-transgressive-diaries-176135. Accessed 11 December 2023.
Maza, Sarah, and Paul Herron. “Swinging: The Double Life of Anaïs Nin.” Public Books, 19 February 2018, https://www.publicbooks.org/swinging-the-double-life-of-anais-nin/. Accessed 11 December 2023.
Nin, Anaïs. “Quotes from Henry and June: From "A Journal of Love"--The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin by Anaïs Nin.” BookQuoters, https://bookquoters.com/book/henry-and-june-from-a-journal-of-love-the-unexpurgated-diary-of-anais-nin. Accessed 11 December 2023.
Further Reading
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istadris · 8 days
Un futur album doit introduire Octavius.
Baby Auguste doit faire son entrée. Revenu pour un temps de ses vacances de ses études en Grèce.
"Octavius, la bataille va commencer!"
"mais mon oncle, je me sens un peu faible, je dois être malade =("
Parce que Octave/Auguste c'était apparemment tout dans la tête.
Mais dans ce cas là, Marc-Antoine doit aussi faire son entrée. Et l'occasion a été manqué trop de fois maintenant vu que c'était quand même le général "favori" de César XD
Ho ho hooo, Octave l'hypocondriaque ça serait totalement un gag récurrent digne des albums ! Et en plus ça permettrait de faire des blagues du genre "ah Octave, je sais pas trop ce que je vais en faire, ma soeur et moi on s'inquiète pour son avenir, il risque de finir seul et oublié de tous s'il ne se reprend pas en main" etc etc
Un peu comme Brutus et son couteau XD
Je pense que le "problème" de Marc-Antoine, c'est qu'il serait difficile à présenter sans aborder le fait que c'est censé être un ami proche de César mais on ne l'a jamais vu, ou alors qu'il va finir avec Cléopâtre...
Ou bien la BD exagérerait ses traits à fond pour en faire un fanboy casse-pieds dont César se débarrasse régulièrement en l'envoyant en "mission spéciale" à l'autre bout de l'empire.
Personnellement je suis de l'avis qu'il s'entendrait à merveille avec les Gaulois, surtout Obélix...au grand dam de César XD
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literally-1894 · 5 months
Parallels Between Kaze to Ki no Uta and Blue Velvet
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Whenever I read a manga, I take notes and such on the side as I'm reading it. I went through those notes for Keiko Takemiya's Kaze to Ki no Uta, which was an even more rough read for me than the first time that I read Berserk, and I had a thought; the scene in the first arc which has this page is oddly similar to the scene in David Lynch's Blue Velvet where Frank Booth is introduced. CWs; discussions of drugging, sexual violence, misogyny/patriarchy; everything that happens in Kazeki and Blue Velvet, pretty much.
What happens in each scene is very similar; a horrified protagonist powerlessly witnessing a rape in the other side of the room which they are in. The impact is very similar, one of terror and confusion with a level of the absurd. The thematics are very similar as well, with Frank Booth's sexual violence throughout Blue Velvet *always* being half an attempt at real sexual pleasure, half an attempt at forcibly asserting a position of patriarchal dominance. The parallels are much more pronounced in the OVA, since that's in a semi-cinematic medium rather than manga, but the feeling was always there. Much of this came to mind when I thought to myself about how similar Auguste Beau and Frank Booth are conceptually. They both function as living examples of the Lacan quote which goes "masculinity is the pervert's position", they both obsessively control an otherwise picturesque rural environment through intimidation and shadow power, they both use a mix of blackmail, rape, and mercenary violence to torment and suppress those who pose a threat to them, and they both have a high level of familiarity with drugs, though Auguste doesn't have a cpap machine filled with strong drugs. I'm not sure if a parallel could be drawn between Dean Stockwell in the film and Jean-Pierre Bonnard in Kazeki, though both serve as the other half of their respective shadow tyrant's double-bind. Since Kazeki started a full decade before Blue Velvet, the latter could not have inspired the former and I don't know if manga piracy was advanced enough for it to reach the United States for David Lynch to read after his Dune adaptation crashed and burned. However, if I was to ask this to David Lynch, he'd probably tell me that they were both drawing on the same experiences, emotions, and ultimately societal systems. I remember once joking to my therapist that the plot of Death in Venice happened three separate times in the first Drakengard game and since he's a Jungian, he joked about Yoko Taro having the same "collective unconscious connection" as Thomas Mann. If a difference were to be drawn between Kazeki and Blue Velvet, it might be that the latter is much more optimistic. Despite how horrific, lurid, and simply bizarre Blue Velvet is as a genre pastiche of 50's Film Noir films such as Sunset Boulevard or Double Indemnity, Blue Velvet is ostensibly a film about the hero defeating the bad guy and saving the day. It was set at a point which was deep enough into the Aeon of Aquarius that the segmentary systems of heirarchic violence which sustain patriarchy, portrayed in the film as sexual or mercenary violence going downward from a symbolic father to those who are contained within his regime, had imploded so heavily that Patriarchy was rapidly ripping itself apart and self-destroying. The film, furthermore, takes a similar position to patriarchy to what Marx is described by Bataille as having taken about Capital, where once all of its various obstructions toward Human Development are simply removed, Humanity will flourish once more. With Kazeki, however? It's set during a time when there are some old people who were alive when Mary Wollstonecraft was still alive, when universal suffrage is many decades into the future, when the authoritarian rule of the church and the nobility is *only beginning* to be contested, when colonialism is at its highest levels of brutality (which the manga makes very clear, connecting Auguste's brother's incest and generalized sadism to his position as a colonial official in French Indochina), and in which the development of all of the forces of oppression and unfreedom present will not begin to be possible to assail until the First World War destroys their productive capabilities at least. Auguste Beau isn't as much of a cartoon villain as Frank Booth, furthermore, and has an ability to check his boundless hatred for all which is young and beautiful for the sake of self-preservation, rather than simply erupting into ultimately self-destructive violence at the slightest notice.
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favvn · 1 month
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
Last song I listened to: still listening to The Correspondents' Fear & Delight (going on +48 hours now ahahahaaa. But the lyrics! Carmelizing them in my brain.)
Currently watching: Star Trek: TOS slowly, yet surely lol (if I'd stop being Compelled to work on/finish other things, I'd be further along)
Currently reading: ....mmm I have very questionable reading habits (multiple books at once, swapping between them if I get bored with one or hit a wall/get read for filth/etc.) but Storygraph tells me I am currently reading
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (the Maude's translation)
My Name Is Barbra by Barbra Streisand
Audrey: Her Real Story by Alexander Walker
Collected Essays: Slouching Towards Bethlehem, The White Album, and After Henry by Joan Didion
And even though I haven't added it yet Erotism: Death and Sensuality by Georges Bataille (I wanted to finish reading it in full before posting about it, but... that post had been cooking since March. If I sat on it any longer, it would've been deleted for good. I'll kick myself later if more pieces stand out, assuming I don't actually drop it)
Currently obsessed with: ....my blog has inadvertantly become a Star Trek blog after years of just being aesthetic stuff. Like. I have hit the Obsession Level of writing fanfic for it (I haven't written since August of 2020! Wow!). Sorry to the people still following from before I watched The Naked Time and wondering when I'll stop trekposting, but I'm alive & having a blast!!
Fave color: still in my yellow phase 💛
Tagged by: @hope-of-enterprise, thank you!
Woof tag nine people uhhh. If you see this & wanna do it, consider yourself tagged by me!
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pompadourpink · 10 months
bonjour maman, avez-vous aucun de recommandations de poésie de guerre?
Hello child,
*Avez-vous des/quelques (aucun: negative, singular). Oui, here are a few famous ones, from easier to harder to read:
Liberté - Paul Eluard
Demain - Robert Desnos
Ce coeur qui haïssait la guerre - Robert Desnos
Après la bataille - Victor Hugo
Le dormeur du val - Rimbaud
Consolation à Idalie - Tristan l'Hermite
Le cor - Alfred de Vigny
La Marseillaise - Claude Rouget de Lisle
L'idole - Auguste Barbier
A l'Italie - Guillaume Apollinaire
Qaïn - Charles Leconte de Lisle
Ballade contre les ennemis de la France - François Villon
Au Roy - Nicolas Boileau (old)
Hope this helps! x
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Sous-marin allemand U-185 coulé après une attaque combinée de plusieurs avions de l'USS Core (CVE-13) – Bataille de l’Atlantique – 24 août 1943
©Naval History and Heritage Command - 80-G-77196
Lors de sa 3ème patrouille dans l'océan Atlantique le sous-marin allemand U-185 de type IXC/40 commandé par le Kapitänleutnant August Maus est coulé le 24 août 1943 par des avions du porte-avions d'escorte de la marine américaine USS Core (CVE-13).
25 hommes du U-185 et neuf survivants du U-604, sabordé 13 jours auparavant suite à une attaque aérienne, ont été secourus.
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francepittoresque · 2 years
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27 juillet 1214 : bataille de Bouvines et victoire des Français sur l’empereur Otton IV allié des Anglais ➽ https://bit.ly/2JqOydp Opposant les troupes de Philippe Auguste à celles du Saint-Empire romain germanique, allié du roi d’Angleterre Jean sans Terre qui aspire à se venger de la perte de la Normandie, cette bataille, au cours de laquelle le roi de France est jeté à terre par des fantassins armés de crochets, marque le début du déclin de la féodalité
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overland-defender · 7 months
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06/06/2022 - Day 3
78 years ago today marks one of the most important campaigns of WW2 and it won’t involve too much driving today either. We were in for another potential treat providing Carl Liversage can sort something out apparently.. what that is we don’t exactly know but sounds exciting.
Todays agenda
Museum of the Battle of Normandy
Jerusalem War Cemetery
Ver-sur-Mer (British Normandy Memorial)
Museum of the Battle of Normandy
Literally a stones throw from the Château is the Musee Memorial de la Bataille de Normandie (Museum of the battle of Normandy) and this will be the first stop of the day. Upon arrival we notice a cemetery on right (Bayeux War Cemetery) which appeared to have some big event going on with diplomat plated Mercedes parked up at the entrance and Royal British Legion tents etc… maybe this is the ‘surprise’?
We regroup and walk past a few WW2 tanks M4A1(75) Sherman tank & a Churchill Mk VII Crocodile Flamethrower Tank towards the entrance of the museum. There are others tanks but these in particular were what I consider more interesting.
The museum it without doubt is one of my favourite museums that I’ve been to, having a vast amount of exhibits with detailed descriptions of how what and why etc. I would highly recommend a visit when in Bayeux.
Bayeux War Cemetery Ceremony
I’d previously mentioned we had noticed that there was a ceremony going on in the Bayeux cemetery… well we were informed after the museum visit we’d be attending. This was honestly an honour as we were will be allowed to sit behind veterans whom served on the D-Day landings and listen to them recite poems and stories of fighting alongside their friends and servicemen, prior to this we were even fortunate enough to witness a fly over by a spitfire and hear the bellowing 1700hp V12 Merlin engine. I mean this is pretty awesome given the context of the event.
Jerusalem War Cemetery
Our last bit of green lanes of rural France leads us to the Jerusalem War Cemetery. Just another cemetery you are probably thinking reading this. But this cemetery does have some significance in fact all do but this one in particular has the youngest allied fall soldier Private Jack Banks of the Durham Light Infantry who fell on the 21st July 1944.
His regiment, the Durham Light Infantry, had advanced around 20 miles into France. After six weeks had surpassed the battalion commander required three volunteers to take out an enemy machine gun post which was situated inside a farmhouse near Caen.
One of those volunteers was Jack and of course two servicemen, sadly these men were tragically struck and killed by enemy mortar fire when attempting their objectives and are buried together.
Ver-sur-Mer (British Normandy Memorial)
Being honoured to attend the ceremony earlier there another at The British Normandy Memorial that were also attending. It stands just outside the village of Ver-sur-Mer overlooking Gold Beach, one of the two beaches where British forces landed on D-Day. The memorial which was opened in 2021 records the (22,442) names of all those under British command who lost their lives in Normandy between 6 June and 31 August 1944.
The Memorial was for the first time the focal point of the commemorations in Normandy, as a place where people could come together to remember and reflect. This was televised around the world, again there were more veterans some from earlier and a couple others who had landed on gold beach 78 years ago today. There was a military band playing Elgar - Nimrod and The Last Post among others I’m not so familiar with but build such an atmosphere.
As dark clouds close in on what has been a fantastic day, the trip was topped off with a flyover by a Douglas C-47 Skytrain (Dakota) and again to reiterate it’s a surreal experience to hear those WW2 warbirds. Now we say our goodbyes and head back to good old Blighty which is around a 9 hour journey (including ferry) to go back to normality.
The trip has been incredible, the agenda was spot on as well as the stories curated by Kieth Bowen as well as the rest of the team (Carl Liversage & Nick Gage).
Be sure to book a trip with
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armee-histoire · 2 years
Le règne de Philippe Auguste dura 43 ans pendant lesquels le roi agrandit la France. Intelligent et habile, il sut écarter le grave danger que les Anglais faisaient peser sur la monarchie, et renforcer son pouvoir. Il fit de Paris la plus belle ville de son royaume et contribua à l’extension et à la renommée de la capitale.
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dhr-ao3 · 8 months
Secrets and Masks (version française) de Emerald_Slytherin
Secrets and Masks (version française) de Emerald_Slytherin https://ift.tt/VpDScsh by MischiefManaged_BookClub Neuf ans après la bataille de Poudlard, la guerre fait toujours rage et tout le monde a beaucoup changé depuis leurs jours à Poudlard. Hermione est la soldate la plus redoutable de l'Ordre, passant ses journées en mission de sauvetage pour libérer des esclaves nés-moldus capturés et combattre en première ligne. Depuis des années, elle se rencontre en secret avec un espion infiltré parmi les rangs de Voldemort pour échanger des informations. Mais lorsqu'elle est capturée et faite prisonnière au Manoir des Malefoy, parmi toutes les manières sombres et maléfiques auxquelles elle avait imaginé que Malfoy la torturerait, elle n'avait jamais vraiment imaginé quelque chose d'aussi horrible. Words: 167394, Chapters: 30/74, Language: Français Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini, Astoria Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/XC9BVsu August 29, 2023 at 02:11PM
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emiebritonstudio · 9 months
Trailer of a French Fairy Tail Fanfiction !!
J'ai écrite cette histoire il y a déjà pas mal de temps (2018). Mais le trailer a été refait récemment pour mieux refléter le contenu de l'histoire. Vous pouvez toujours la retrouver en intégralité sur Wattpad :
A lire ici
Voici la synopsis :
"Il existe une ville au fin fond du Japon, où tous les personnages de FairyTail que vous connaissez sont piégés entre deux mondes. Victime du Neo-Eclipse, personne ne se souvient de sa véritable identité. Les fins heureuses n'existent plus et le temps est arrêté. Jusqu'au jour où une certaine Nashi Honō arrive dans la ville de Dezainkas et bouleverse la vie paisible de ces habitants.
Serait-elle la fille de Lucy Heartfilia et Natsu Dragnir destinée à lever Neo-Eclipse ? August, le fils adoptif du maire, en est convaincu. Du haut de ses 10 ans, il fera tout pour que Nashi, sa mère biologique, croit en son destin. Mais qui connaît la vérité ? Qui écrira le point final de l'histoire ? "
Cette fiction est un remake de la série Américaine "Once Upon A Time". Elle se déroule après la bataille contre Alvarez. ATTENTION AUX SPOILERS CONCERNANT LA FIN DU MANGA FAIRY TAIL !!!
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whencyclopedfr · 9 months
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Égypte Romaine
Les riches terres d'Égypte devinrent la propriété de Rome après la mort de Cléopâtre VII en 30 avant notre ère, ce qui marqua la fin de la dynastie des Ptolémées qui régnait sur l'Égypte depuis la mort d'Alexandre le Grand en 323 avant notre ère. Après l'assassinat de Gaius Julius Caesar (alias Jules César) en 44 avant notre ère, la République romaine fut plongée dans la tourmente. Craignant pour sa vie et son trône, la jeune reine s'allia au commandant romain Marc Antoine, mais leur défaite retentissante à la bataille d'Actium en 31 avant notre ère amena le fils adoptif et héritier présomptif de César, Gaius Julius Octavius (alias Octave qui deviendrait l'empereur Auguste), sur les côtes égyptiennes. Désespérée, Cléopâtre choisit de se suicider plutôt que de subir l'humiliation d'être capturée. Selon un historien, elle était simplement du mauvais côté d'une lutte de pouvoir.
Lire la suite...
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breezey907 · 2 years
Fic Masterlist
Hunter/Hunted - WTNC, Fem!Hunter/Finn (Completed)
Aria Thorne, a renowned Hunter has been sent to the town of Lunaris to investigate a series of murders. Sounds easy-except it isn't.
There's a Vampire Clan, a Lycan and apparently a Demon in town, not to mention the small cult, which only complicates things. The evidence is slim-to-none and she's somehow the only one qualified to figure the mess out.
On top of that she might be falling in love.
Chimeras, Huh? - WTNC, One-shot, Fem!Hunter/Finn
After everything that has happened, Aria has a normal day for once in Lunaris. Well...as normal as you can get in this weird town.
Oh, Your Love Is Sunlight - WTNC, One-shot, Fem!Hunter/Finn
“Though there are other ways to show how much we mean to each other. Less permanent ways that doesn’t involve you being on the verge of death.”
Everytime The Sun Goes Down - WTNC, One-shot Collection
A One Shot collection of all my cut/alternate scenes for Hunter/Hunted, and also the smut that you were probably looking for.
Two Evils - WTNC, Pledge Route, Fem!Hunter (WIP)
In which Aria takes Harry up on his offer, because she'll do anything to protect those she loves.
We’ve lost all contact with the outside world. I still have no idea why the large towers appeared, or whether the rest of world fares any better than we do. People tried to leave, of course.
Even Chaos Needs A Catalyst - Crimson Spires, Erika/August (Completed)
They all died.
I’m the only law enforcement remaining in town. Lucky Me.
Like Adam & Eve - Crimson Spires, Erika/Liam (Completed)
“I’ll do whatever I can to redeem myself. I’ll prove to the town that I’m their friend, not their enemy. Just give me the chance.”
“You wanted me to lock you up!”
Once More Into The Breach - Crimson Spires, New Game Plus Novelization (WIP)
“I am surprised you feel it, too, Agent. What was your name again?”
“We don’t have time for this. We need to get out of here. If you agree with me, lower your weapon. We’ll form a truce, at least until we’re out of Bataille.”
A Possible Miscalculation - Detroit: Become Human, One-shot OFC/Connor
Detective Camille Carson made a mistake. Now she's has to deal with the fact that she was to stare at a replica of her friend. It looked just like him, but she knew it wasn’t. 
Picking Up Pieces - WKM, OFC/Damien (WIP)
Rowan Spencer has just been made the District Attorney. Life is great. She has a new job, she gets to talk to one of her oldest friends every so often. Then she gets a letter from another old friend. It's a Poker Night Party to celebrate something.
She doesn't even hesitate to go.
Only this night would change everything. For better or worse.
The Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To Is The One With You - DMC, OFC/Vergil, One-Shot Collection
"You could have gotten killed!" I pointed out, crossing my arms. Dante opened the door of Devil May Cry and we filed in. "If it weren't for me-"
"-That damn jester would not have escaped." Vergil interrupted, turning around; venom in his pointed words, and the air around him seemed to drop in temperature.
The Wizard & The Watcher - Pillars Of Eternity, Watcher/Aloth, One-Shot Collection
“Not quite how I’d hoped to get to know the neighbors,” He smiled at her. “Thank you for that timely assistance with that…awkward situation.”
She grinned at him. “Don’t mention it.”
Between The Stars - Mass Effect, Shepard/Garrus, One-Shot Collection
A one-shot collection of my Mass Effect writing because that game has a death-grip on me. Focusing mostly on in-between moments and my take on certain scenes.
One Dragon At A Time - Skyrim, Dragonborn/Teldryn Sero, One-shot Collection
A one-shot collection based on my Skyrim gameplay, headcannons and ideas I got while playing.
It's Just Hollywood Nightlife - Red Embrace: Hollywood, Ashe/Markus?
Everyone comes to Hollywood for a reason. Saints, sinners, artists, anti-artists, and all the beautiful people in America. On September 24th, 1996, I became one of those people.
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