#atla ai
m00nchildwrites · 7 months
So, I ran the Fire Lord Zuko AI through a Zutara run and I had to share, because it was just too funny.
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Little punk called her "Popsicle".
Link to the Zuko AI below:
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deemsum · 8 days
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Our fire nation royal siblings to start the summer -but make it 2024 ver. 🔥🔥🔥
Also happy Pride Month everybody 🏳️‍🌈
(+ A behind the scene doodle of sibling antics - tried out cute poses but terribly failed)
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ai-pussy · 3 months
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very important chart built with @durandal-1707
feel free to add ur favorite little ai fellas
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azula-brain · 4 months
PSA: Just a heads up that @longing-for-rain has been passing off AI art as art that they have made themselves. Which is a slight problem when you have a tip jar and no disclaimer.
This is just a general FYI do not harass them please.
Under the cut is just proof.
The first thing that ticked me off was the wildly differing art styles all posted under one artist, here's some examples:
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The last one's hand is also a dead give away
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The most obvious sign however is that this artist has had an impressive development of their skill over a short period of time.
Here is an example of what they were posting before
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The second one was posted in May 2023
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And then in just under four months they were posting art like this
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Some of this stuff has gotten really popular. To be fair numbers like this are not a regular occurrence, but averaging over 100 notes is still a fair bit of people thinking they're seeing someones hard work.
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This would be a different story if they put any sort of disclaimer anywhere on their blog . I only felt the need to make this PSA because they allow tips and I think you should be transparent with people when money gets involved.
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Now because I know what site we're all on: please please please please don't be an asshole and harass this person. If you are upset, just refrain from engaging with their posts.
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comradekatara · 1 year
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when in doubt draw sparkly katara
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arc-of-smiles · 11 months
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"what do we do when something goes wrong?"
everyone in ygo: *proceeds to trauma dump*
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dinixdream · 8 months
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longing-for-rain · 4 months
This is unacceptable behavior
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So this morning, I found this blog who has apparently taken it upon themselves to “call out” anyone they suspect of using AI in either fan art or fanfics. No proof needed; just send them an anon ask and they’ll start throwing people under the bus.
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This person is harassing artists, writers, and anyone who questions them. They’re even demanding that artists upload videos of themselves drawing by hand to “prove” they’re real.
Reading their blog gets even more disturbing. Apparently “suspicious activity” for artists can be something as simple as experimenting with a different style, having trouble drawing hands, improving too quickly, uploading too quickly, or even using digital watercolor. So essentially, artists deserve harassment for being too good, not good enough, or if they don’t use 100% traditional techniques. Do you really think that’s helping artists? All you’re doing is intimidating people away from their hobbies and encouraging toxicity. Cut it out.
For context, yesterday @azula-brain messaged me in my DMs to accuse me of AI usage. I explained that a) I don’t consider my images “AI art” in the sense of “push a button and it makes a picture” because I only use it as a filter over my existing work, b) that I’ve posted detailed explanations of my artistic process before and that still didn’t stop people from harassing me over anon. She also accused me of charging people for art, which I very clear state in my pinned post that I do not accept commissions.
I’m committing a crime by not using fully traditional art, and by having a tip jar (keep in mind, many blogs simply use the built in tumblr feature which is easily understood to be for tipping bloggers they like, not art commission payments). I told her I suggest she simply block and move on if she was unhappy, but apparently that wasn’t good enough, so she called me out by name instead along with the above noted misinformation after I refused to bow to her threats over DMs.
But anyways, I’m done caving to threats, and so should the rest of you. Nothing you do will ever appease the mob, and I’m sick of these literal children making blogs like this thinking they’re saving the world, when literally they’re just stirring up drama and harassing random artists who were doing nothing wrong.
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senjuchihalyn · 2 months
Postei um novo capítulo da fanfic ZUKAANG
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soupycashew5423 · 1 month
Did one of these with characters my friends picked out!!!
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Sans was so fun to draw 💀💀
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m00nchildwrites · 7 months
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More of my fictional husband. Actually tried for ages on the damn background on this one. 😐
*note: This blew up for all the wrong reasons. Yes. Y'all, this is an ai generated image from the Zuko chatbot ai that I am working on releasing for you guys. I didn't say I drew him, but I can see the reason for confusion. That said- I've been talking about it on my blog, but I guess I need to remention it on any development posts I make, which I will from now on. The program I am using to make a Zuko you can talk with, complete with voice (sadly not Dante Basco because ick without permission), uses my original art- one I did post on my blog, and official Zuko images from the show, the comics, and other official released art of Adult Zuko. I also used a few Korean male actors from period dramas to feed it for the hair and clothing mostly. But anyways, yes. This is ai. Argument concluded.*
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anonanonacct · 1 year
Goob has multiple issues surrounding racism, ableism, misconduct with minors, animal abuse, gore, and is an extremely manipulative individual.
They are currently active in the webcomic, HLVRAI, and Warrior Cats communities. They've previously been active in the FNAF and ATLA fandoms. (thus why those fandoms have been tagged)
This document was compiled by four individuals and contains screenshots exposing Goob's behavior to warn others of their online presence. We are thankful for everyone who reads & interacts with this PSA.
 Do NOT go out of your way to doxx, harass, or raid their servers. Do not send hate anons, death threats, or try to hack their accounts. You will not gain anything by doing so. We do not encourage this kind of behavior in the slightest and find it despicable.
if you have had any experiences with Goob that you would like to share, please contact the ORIGINAL BLOG this post is from. Our DMs & Ask Box are open.
EDIT: Clearing up any misconceptions
None of this PSA was written in bad faith. The authors believe that with time and effort, Goob could change.
99% of these screenshots were public information from public servers or servers with members that wished to step forward about their experiences. The few messages taken from DMs were properly censored and all context provided.
Screenshots were not taken out of context. Any single message screenshot is a one-off message or had no relevant context. The reason why this document is so long is because of the context added.
It does not matter that Goob was 17 in a small percentage of these screenshots. These are repeated issues to them being 21 (and some situations still are extremely inappropriate if Goob was 17 anyway.)
Finally: No, this could not of been handled "privately". Attempts have been made and failed. Goob is stubborn and uses DMs to attempt control over the situation. They do not admit wrong doings.
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bigosaze · 1 year
I heard yall like Azula! She's one of my favorite villians ever! If you like these let me know who to do next!
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Now hang on just a moment-
What is this doing on my Christian Minecraft Server
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tired-demonspawn · 2 months
summary: "Li's uncle was just the kind of person the scarred swordsman needed right now: a kind and wise positive influence, who-
...who had “the coldest tea in Ba Sing Se” just a moment ago.
A firebender.
Jet looked away as a thought solidified in his head:
He needed to get Li away from that ashmaker.
The one where Jet assumes it's just Iroh that's the firebender and Zuko is being held hostage by him. Shinanegans ensue."
my first fanfic or smthn 👍
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fairmerthefarmer · 3 months
So I noticed a huge influx of followers, I kind of thought they were all bots, but after seeing some other posts from some of the blogs these accounts were following (thanks @bob-artist ) I think some of you may just be super new accounts and tumblr recommended me? (I’m very confused rn, my posts have found some people who like the things but they haven’t gotten THAT many reblogs or notes, this is a fairly new account itself)
ANYWAY if you are a real person welcome I guess, if you’re a bot I’ve been taking measures to do my best to protect my art from ai learning software and that’s gonna keep happening. If it turns out everyone’s a bot I’m gonna feel a little silly but I’ll survive.
So now I’m making an introduction post.
I’m Fairmer (The name is both because it’s my name in my stardew save with my sister but also cause I grew up with my dad being a farmer) I’m staying anonymous-ish for now, that may change. But being perceived on social media is scary so we are starting here.
I’m a graphic designer and illustrator living in Manitoba, who burnt out insanely upon graduation and stopped doing illustration outside of my job. I’m new to actually posting on tumblr, or honestly anywhere. Sometime I may link my portfolio here, but right now it’s under construction/being updated.
I’m also queer/bi, and have unexplained chronic pain that’s most likely from endometriosis but I keep most of my complaining about pain on my other blog.
I post mostly fanart so if you like:
- Nancy drew, PC games or otherwise. These in particular have motivated me to get back into actually drawing again.
- other games like Stardew Valley, Spiritfarer, Hollow knight, Hades, etc. (cozy games or otherwise) (also I was a teenage exocolonist except that’s gonna take me like a few business months if I decide to do art for it)
- Narnia, Lord of the rings, fantasy in general (Dnd?)
- Smosh, (current) dropout tv, starkid, tin can bros, shipwrecked, BDG,
- shows like ATLA, Ducktales 2017, ROTTMNT, The Owl house, Tangled the series, Hilda, Over the garden wall, etc.
- HTTYD franchise including riders/defenders of berk and RTTE, mostly rtte.
- like anything else, idk Barbie probably, maybe good omens or dr who? oh also I’m a theatre kid, big fan of hadestown and legally blonde.
You’ll most likely find me posting something at some point involving any of the above. I may post some originals too, but I’m not putting too much pressure on myself here.
Anyway, this is a pretty new account so I don’t have much stuff yet, but If you like my stuff you’re welcome to stay, apologies to any not-bots that attempted to follow me.
I may get into being open for commissions in the future, but for now it is what it is.
Also free Palestine
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