#athena parthenos quest
missedthememo · 2 years
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Very happy to present to you this awesome coloring book!!!!
It was a project full of amazing artists who are a part of Percy Jackson Universe during the summer. Had such a good time during this project and hope to bring attention to it so more people could enjoy it as well.
This whole project started due to this amazing person on an account @pjocoloringbook 2022! So hop on and check it out. If you want to color in this piece or the whole book check out this link
- oh and also, please tag me so I can see the result, I’m very interested on your take to the book
- sorry for the long hiatus btw (I’ back!!)
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barredandromeda · 9 months
wouldnt it be so funny if i killed off valentina and connor, jasons only friends, and left leo almost dead at the end of both wars and his full recovery takes years
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blahwithasideofblah · 5 months
Ok, but how did I only just realize that their fatal flaws are the reason Percy and Annabeth fall?
Like, we've got Annabeth, who's fatal flaws is pride, who has known her fatal flaw is pride since she was thirteen! And here she is riding high after beating the quest noone else has even survived!!! She found the Athena Parthenos!!! She beat a giant spider using only her wits!!! Of course she managed to cut all the spiderwebs first try, of course she doesn't need to double check that!!!!
And Percy. Percy "my fatal flaw is loyalty" Jackson. He doesn't even think. Of course he's not letting her go. Letting anyone go would be a betrayal, but this is Annabeth. Nothing else matters!!! No! Other! Choice! Matters! It doesn't matter that they'll probably die. It doesn't matter he might be more help above. It doesn't matter that he's been missing for a year and has not seen his mother once that entire time!!!!! It does not matter!!!! Because Annabeth is hanging off a cliff and he's the only thing keeping her from falling and letting her go would be a betrayal of the highest order and he cannot do that. So of course he falls with her. What other choice is there?
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
yknow what i feel like we don't acknowledge enough the fact that for basically all of the Team Statue quest Nico was literally tied to the Athena Parthenos. Like. he made himself a little sled dog harness and he was just. wearing that the entire time.
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We need to acknowledge Nico's dumb little statue harness more. it's so silly.
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greekcomedy · 5 months
athena fucking up her relationship with annabeth on levels comparable to the quest for the parthenos in season ONE
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percyisadamsassgod · 19 days
Am I the only one who thinks that satyrs on quests are so weird. What mean is that sometimes the satyr counts, and sometimes they don't. Quests are supposed to have three participants, right? And satyrs count. The og trio is Percy, Annabeth, and Grover. They are a group of 3.
In tlh Coach Hedge doesn't count. Piper, Jason and Leo are the trio and he simply doesn't count. But when he goes with Reyna and Nico to deliver the Athena Parthenos, he is considered part of the quest and it is a considered a trio.
Am I just reading too much into this? Someone make it make sense.
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lilislegacy · 3 months
honestly..I think annabeth kinda became what luke once was to the other campers in a way one of the oldest campers with massive skill and experience got a quest and survived a big sister and a protector who would do anything to improve their lives the only thing was she did it without betraying them
thanks for the ask!
oh absolutely. 100%. in the lost hero, jason said everyone there looks to annabeth as their leader. she loves that camp more than anyone. it’s her home. she carried that camp on her back. in addition to the sky. and… the argo II quest. and the mission to find the athena parthenos. you know, that woman must have serious back issues
but yeah. i would argue that annabeth is the leader of the camp and percy is the heart of the camp. those two would do anything for that place and the people there. and annabeth has spent more time there than anyone. she’s like a sister to everyone there. she’s everything to camp half-blood.
and unlike luke, no amount of anger or resentment could make her betray it.
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bellaramseystan · 2 months
Some of y’all don’t realize how POWEFUL of a demigod that Annabeth is. It took until the third book of hero’s of Olympus for me to realize that Annabeth didn’t have the advantages that other demigods have, their powers. She’s the only member of the prophecy seven that doesn’t have any supernatural abilities. In fact the only magic item she did have, her invisibility hat, was taken away. That girl went into her solo quest with no powers, no magic, and a fucked up ankle, yet she still came out on top and secured the Athena Parthenos. (Not to mention she was facing her biggest fear and the direct source of her childhood trauma) anyway annabeth solos, I love my girl.
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raya-rhaenyra-ahsoka · 5 months
The Mark of Athena except, instead of it being a coin given to Annabeth by Athena/Minerva, it’s a tattoo burned onto her forearm. Hear me out.
The tattoo has a tribal design of an owl, an olive branch, and the Greek letters A.Θ.E on it. And it's carved and burnt onto her skin. It glows red when Annabeth’s alone on her quest, and it would slightly hurt as the red glow would also be burning on her skin. It would look like a regular tattoo on her arm when it’s not glowing.
Their encounter would’ve been like:
Athena grabbed Annabeth’s right arm and dugged her nails onto them causing a burning sensation surging through her arm. “Follow the Mark of Athena,” She said. “Avenge me.”
“Mom…” Annabeth winced in pain as Athena’s nails dugged deeper into her skin. “What are you talking about? What mark?”
Then she saw the mark Athena meant. Her mother was placing the mark on her. On her skin, she saw a drawing of an owl, an olive branch and the greek letters, A.Θ.E. It looked like it was carved and burnt onto her skin.
“Avenge me or leave me.” Athena had said.
Annabeth had to pull herself from her mother’s grasp and ran without looking back.
She had tried scrubbing and washing it off, but to no avail. And ever since that day with Athena/Minerva at Grand Central, she only wore long-sleeved shirts to hide the mark on her forearm, as it would only remind her of her last encounter with her mother.
She didn’t tell anyone about it. Not the Head Counselors, or her siblings, not Jason, Piper, and Leo-her crewmates in the Argo II before sailing for New Rome, and not even Chiron.
Annabeth tugged her shirt's sleeve when Ella the harpy recited the prophecy concerning the Mark of Athena fearing anyone will know about it. Wisdom’s daughter walks alone, the Mark of Athena burns through Rome…
She discovered that the mark on her arm glowed a fiery red while she was at Fort Sumter in Charleston. There was also a mark of Athena that glowed on the walls when she became trap inside a dark room with the mark burning spiders away.
No one else knew about it until Piper asked her what the Mark of Athena was while the seven of them were in a meeting in the Argo II's mess hall. She pulls out her sleeve and shows it to the rest of the seven. Some of them were fascinated by it to the point where Leo says it’s dope and I want one! Others, particularly Hazel and Percy recognizes that it looked like it was burnt on her skin.
After the 2nd Giant War, the tattoo faded and now permanently looked like a wine-stain birthmark after the Athena Parthenos was returned to the Greeks and placed on Half-Blood Hill.
Her Dad, Frederick freaked out when he saw the birthmark-esque tattoo, and her cousin, Magnus basically snorted and said, Your mom placed a mark on you? Oh, my gods, Couz, what did you do?
So, yeah, just a thought. 😊
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Okay, I make a lot of jokes about Jason drinking poison just because Nico asked him to and drinking poison because someone said "If we're friends drink this poison" is a wild thing to do. But it's also like... this is kind of Nico's answer to Jason telling him to take a risk and trust that Jason really is his friend and really does want to help him? Jason says "If you want to belong anywhere you're going to have to take some risks and trust that people want to be your friends", Nico is now turning around and saying "If you really want to be my friend, prove that you trust me instead of just asking me to trust you". Nico's been burned before by trusting other people blindly! Basically everyone he's ever cared about has let him down in a really big way! But he tells Jason to trust him and Jason does without a moment's hesitation. And it's like... people usually don't trust Nico, the Seven in particular (Hazel aside) have been looking at Nico with nothing but distrust since he got out of Tartarus. And here's golden boy Jason taking this poison without hesitation because Nico told him to and in doing so saying "Yes, I trust you with my life, I have faith that you really do intend to help". That would mean a lot! Jason is willing to literally put his life on the line based solely on Nico's word that it's necessary! That's a level of faith that basically no one else shows in Nico, especially in this series! Even when characters do trust Nico, it's usually because there's no one else who can do what he's doing (no one else can lead the Seven to the Doors, no one else can shadow travel the Athena Parthenos, and honestly given he's not actually one of the Seven he's... kind of expendable as far as the quest goes). But Jason just... trusts him, without hesitation or reservation.
Just adkajf;lsdkjfl;daskfjdslkfj it's so much????? Jason and Nico's relationship is so sosososososo good whether you read it as romantic or platonic! It's honestly wild to me that Rick managed to make these two's very close relationship work and feel incredibly real with such a rapid development, because... yeah, there isn't actually a lot of time between Split and Nico leaving with the Athena Parthenos, but the clear affection and concern between them and how they worry about each other while they're separated and how delighted Jason is to see Nico again (and presumably vice versa but we're in Jason's head at the time) at the final battle and Nico actually letting Jason hug him still all makes sense. This is a friendship that is still in its early stages but clearly already means a lot to both of them just because of the circumstances they established it in and the way they mesh as people (and probably because neither of them have a lot of friends as it is, Jason is popular but I don't get the sense he has a lot of friends and Nico is Nico, but that's sad so let's not dwell on it), it's fantastic! I'm really disappointed that we don't get to see them interact in ToA and I really hope there are flashbacks to them interacting in TSatS (and/or Jason's ghost shows up) because I would love to see what their friendship is like after they've had a chance to settle into it in a non-apocalyptic situation. Clearly they stay very close post-HoO given how broken up Nico is after Jason's death and him missing Jason to an incredibly tragic degree in TSatS (assuming that doesn't get changed in editing), but I want to see them! Let me see them being friends, Rick!
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stylintwirlforu · 4 months
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-her dad got remarried to a woman that literally started to hate her for "endangering her children" knowing DAMN WELL it wasn't her fault. Even if her stepmother changed for the better it wasn't always the case. -Step mom kept her from interacting with her step brothers and especially her father -she was tormented with nightmares of her biggest fear -she ran away at the age of 7. How about I say it louder? SEVEN! not enough? Lemme spell it out. S E V E N! she was SEVEN when she ran away. And for a time before she met Thalia and Luke she was ALONE she left her family and made her own. But it didn't last because a Cyclops nearly killed Thalia and she was turned into a tree and pronounced dead. -she had to get over that at the age of 7 because she arrived at camp the same age she left her previous home. -she had to bear the fact that Luke had betrayed them. Someone she looked up to and loved. -she had to be reminded of cyclops when Tyson came into the picture. -Yeah she accepted him as her own brother and family later but having a cyclops, the same thing that she thought took Thalia's life on the team bore down on her like betrayal hand the hands of Chaos and was pressing on her shoulders -speaking about pressing on her shoulders, let's talk about how she bore the weight of the sky. Percy got 2 visions. One where Luke passed the sky to Annabeth. The other when Artemis took the sky off of Annabeth's shoulders. These 2 visions were separate. Meaning that Annabeth was holding the sky for quite some time. Definitely longer than Percy. She was COMPLETELY drained and exhausted. More so that Luke left her to carry it alone. -she was told Luke died but couldn't believe it -Luke visited her but she couldn't bring herself to kill him. A promise she kept, but like didn't. -not as important but the whole "perachel" thing -her half brother died in front of her after passing his work to her -she then proceeds to get stabbed in the shoulder for Percy and nearly freaking dies AGAIN -the person she loved but then loved as a brother started to thrash her around, even if it was another entity in control -HER blade was the one that killed Luke. HER BLADE. imagine how she must have felt holding and fighting with it after -then she got a break -SIKE HER BOYFRIEND DISAPPEARED FOR 8 MONTHS CAUSING HER TO OVERWORK HERSELF TRYING TO LOCATE HIM -she was called worthless by Athena, her own mother, and was given a coin that could have led her to her death -oh they got reunited JUST BEFORE NEW ROME WAS BOMBED NEARLY WIPING ANY CHANCE OF BECOMING ALLIES -realizes she needs to go on a solo quest that ends with the mother of the spiders that have been tormenting her. Seems easy right? Yep! You could even do it with a broken ankle! -she gets the Athena parthenos 🎉🎉🎉 ….aaaaand promptly falls into Tartarus with her boyfriend -puts all her trust in Reyna, who she had probably interacted with for 20 minutes tops to escort the statue of her mother -demon grandmas blind her and make her think Percy broke up and left her -she watches her boyfriend nearly choke a goddess with some scary blood bending shit -she had to step down as a leader and leave Bob and Damasen. Do you even know how much that may have DESTROYED her!? -then she embarks to where her mom and soon-to-be father-in-law's rivalry started to then battle the literal Earth's children, get tossed back to CHB, quite literally, and promptly starts fighting like they weren't just done with mass murdering her great great grandma's other children -immediately thereafter practically watches Leo 'die' -as she is about to go to college and finally get an ounce of a normal human life her friend Jason dies. You guys don't even know how strong their bond must have been after all that. They are so similar but so different at the same time. No way that they didn't bond. -then she learns Nico is going back to Tartarus to get Bob and it hits her that she didn't even think of Bob. She felt so damn guilty
She is scared of tiny spiders, but not of plummeting to her death from a set of monkey bars. Go figure.
She looks beautiful
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twoidiotwriters1 · 27 days
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I think it's so funny this chapter comes out on Mother's day (México) -Danny Words: 2,407 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Call Your Mom' -by Noah Kahan ft. Lizzy McAlpine
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LI: I’m Currently Having the Worst Time of My Life, Thanks for Asking!
One thing about demigods is they will expose their trauma to the room. And if Ara's dad was her monster under the bed, Jason's mother was his Roman Empire (pun intended). All he ever did was based on the one lie she'd told him when he was a toddler.
"So pleased to meet you, son of Jupiter," Antinous smiles. "Listen to your mother. You have many grievances against the gods. Why not join us? I gather these serving girls are your friends? We will spare them. You wish to have your mother remain in the world? We can do that. You wish to be a king—"
"No. No, I don't belong with you." Jason replies in a dazzled state.
"Are you so sure, my fellow praetor?" The son of Janus asks. "Even if you defeat the giants and Gaia, would you return home like Odysseus did? Where is your home now? With the Greeks? With the Romans? No one will accept you. And, if you get back, who's to say you won't find ruins like this?"
"That's a lie," Ara steps in.
Jason raises a hand to stop her and replies to the other boy. "You were a legion officer—A leader of Rome."
"So were you. Loyalties change."
"You think I belong with this crowd? A bunch of dead losers waiting for a free handout from Gaia, whining that the world owes them something?"
The crowd closes around him. Piper uses charmspeak. "Beware! Every man in this palace is your enemy. Each one will stab you in the back at the first chance!"
"Dearest, be sensible," Jason's mother insists. "Give up your quest. Your Argo II could never make the trip to Athens. Even if it did, there's the matter of the Athena Parthenos."
"What do you mean?"
"Don't feign ignorance, my dearest. Gaia knows about your friend Reyna and Nico the son of Hades and the satyr Hedge. To kill them, the Earth Mother has sent her most dangerous son—the hunter who never rests. But you don't have to die."
Jason looks at the girls, then back at his mother. "What do you want? What brought you here?"
"I want life! Youth! Beauty!" The woman leans in looking crazy. "Your father could have made me immortal. He could have taken me to Olympus, but he abandoned me. You can set things right, Jason. You are my proud warrior!"
"You're a mania," his voice quivers. "A spirit of insanity. That's what you've been reduced to."
"I am all that remains. Embrace me, son. I am all you have left."
"No!" Jason steps back. "My loyalties haven't changed. My family has just expanded. I'm a child of Greece and Rome. I'm no child of yours." He makes the claw sign over his chest and his mother vanishes.
"Well, then," Antinous sighs. "I suppose we'll just kill you."
Ara tosses the platter she's holding at some ghouls, expands her shield, and draws out Almighty. Her friends join her and pull out their weapons. Watching Jason fight when angry, is one of Ara's favorite things. He throws amazing one-liners, like the one he uses when he pierces Antinous through the chest: "Enjoy the Fields of Punishment." 
Jason and Ara run through their opponents fast and mercilessly, with clear progress in their teamwork after eight months of knowing each other. The boy summons lightning while Ara keeps changing her weapon to different things, Annabeth jabs and beheads, and Piper tosses food at the spirits while shouting stuff using charmspeak.
Jason lowers his sword only a second and Michael Varus stabs him with rage before Piper kills him. Ara drops Almighty in shock. Piper tries to pull out the sword but Ara shouts at her in a commanding voice. "Don't! That'll make him bleed out faster!"
"Gods..." Annabeth gets to them, pale and shaky. "Oh, gods."
"Thanks," Jason sinks to his knees. "I was afraid it might be bad."
"Piper, press around the wound—Annabeth, get help."
"You're going to be fine," Piper tells the boy. "Girls, ambrosia!"
Ara draws her Octopi from under her cloak and hands it to Piper. "Don't do anything yet, hang on—"
"Imperial gold," Annabeth stammers. "It's deadly to demigods. It's only a matter of time before—"
"The Argo!" Ara urges her. "Send them a message!"
"Iris messages won't work—"
"Leo is watching, you don't need those!"
"Morse code," Piper pulls out a tiny mirror from Ara's Octopi and hands it to Annabeth. "Here."
Ara grabs her sister's head and kisses the top of it. "Clever!"
Annabeth goes away and Ara tries to ignore how Jason's looking as she kneels before him. "How many times I've saved your ass, Jay-G?"
"Don't call me that," Jason grunts. "And the answer is too many."
"You have no survival instincts man, I keep telling you," Ara rips his shirt open and sees the tip of the sword protruding from his abdomen. Fear starts to seep through. "He's not coughing blood so no organs were touched... maybe. This will hurt, blondie." She looks at Piper. "Pull it out."
Piper pretends she'll count to three, and pulls it at one. Jason crumbles swearing like he's never done before.
"We gotta stop the bleeding," Ara stops him from squirming too much.
The girls rip parts of their dresses and press them against both sides of his wound. Ara sings her heart out, and now Piper knows the healing tune, so Ara hears her singing voice for the first time, which is much nicer than hers and therefore more effective.
"Keep singing!" Ara makes her old mixture of ambrosia and nectar, but there's no time to wait, so she pours it raw over the wounds. "Hang in there, Jason, don't fall asleep."
The boy barely reacts, which is not a good sign. Piper rolls him over and pours the rest at the other end of the wound. Ara tries to keep him awake and cradles his face. "You know, for a moment I feared my dad would show up but I guess he prefers to stay dead. At least your mother kind of loved you!" She jokes, but her voice falters.
Jason shakes his head. "It wasn't a part of her I could save. Don't count your blessings, Birdy, your dad might be waiting for you in Athens."
"And I'm sure you'd like to meet him so you can personally kick his ass, so keep your eyes open!" Ara searches through her Octopi bag, smearing blood on it, and pulls out bandages to keep the pieces of fabric in place. "Annabeth!" She calls anxiously.
Jason sits up groggily. "Maybe I could fly ..."
"Don't move!" Ara says sharply. "Gee, you get hit on the head multiple times and—"
"Shut up!" Jason scowls. "Gods, kind of wish I had died so you would drop the joke already..." It's the first time the boy snaps in such a way, so he must be in a lot of pain. Pain is good, it means his body is still responsive.
Ara laughs despite how frightened she is and Jason matches her grin. "Yeah, at least it wasn't a head injury this time, huh? I stayed conscious the entire fight..."
"You defeated, like, two hundred enemies," Piper kisses his temple, keeping pressure on his wound. "You were scary amazing."
"You guys helped."
"You're welcome," Ara nods solemnly. "If you're lucky this will make Leo stop switching your camp shirts with Hazel's."
"I knew it! I should anoint Nico as my new best friend..." Jason winces. "Oh gods—Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge, they're in danger. We need to warn them."
"We'll take care of it when we get back to the ship," Piper eases him. "Your job right now is to relax. Besides, those three are a tough group. They'll be fine."
"Fuck!" Ara exclaims. Jason's injury has dark smoke coming out of it. "The stupid lullaby isn't working!"
"Ara," Piper says in a careful tone. "You need to stay calm."
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," she holds Jason's hand, trying to absorb something, but nothing comes out. "Look at me, tough guy," she snaps her fingers, but Jason's dilated pupils hardly focus on her face and she swallows a cry. "Jason, please, don't do this to me..."
"Annabeth's coming back," Piper announces.
The girl walks up to them dragging her foot. Jason looks at her with half-lidded eyes, he's getting weaker. "Are you hurt?"
"It's fine. Just the old break from the Roman caverns. Sometimes when I'm stressed... That's not important. I signalled Leo. Frank's going to change form, fly up here and carry you back to the ship. I need to make a litter to keep you stable."
Annabeth and Ara work together, the younger girl passes the materials while Annabeth weaves. "How are you doing that?" Jason asks in awe.
"Learned it during my quest under Rome," Annabeth mumbles completely focused on the task. "I'd never had a reason to try weaving before, but it's handy for certain things, like getting away from spiders..."
Ara turns Almighty into a rectangular shield (the one Leo made is circular and wouldn't support Jason's body properly) and places it above the harness made with pieces of cloth and leather straps. Ara stands on it and pulls.
"Sturdy enough," she steps out.
"Wait," Jason stops them. "A bed—There was a special bed in this palace."
Ara frowns. "So what?"
"The marriage bed was sacred. If there was any place you could talk to Juno... Juno!"
Ara only cares about getting him out, but then in the distance, an olive tree spurts out into view. "Great, we definitely should waste our time talking..." She groans.
"My heroes," Juno greets them.
"Hera," Piper mutters.
"Whatever," Annabeth scowls. "What are you doing here, Your Bovine Majesty?"
"Annabeth Chase. As charming as ever."
"Yeah, well, I just got back from Tartarus, so my manners are a little rusty, especially towards goddesses who wiped my boyfriend's memory, made him disappear for months and then—"
"Honestly, child. Are we going to rehash this again?"
"Aren't you supposed to be suffering from split-personality disorder? I mean—more so than usual?"
"Whoa," Jason tries to sit up and fails. "Juno, we need your help. We—" he makes a guttural noise and falls back.
"First things first," Piper says firmly. "Jason is hurt. Heal him!"
"Some things even the gods cannot heal," the goddess raises a brow. "This wound touches your soul as well as your body. You must fight it, Jason Grace... you must survive."
"Yeah, thanks... I'm trying," he pants.
"That was super helpful," Ara remarks. "But if you could please just give us more intel..."
"I am grateful that you called upon me. I have spent weeks in a state of pain and confusion... my Greek and Roman natures warring against each other. Worse, I've been forced to hide from Jupiter, who searches for me in his misguided wrath, believing that I caused this war with Gaia."
"Gee, why would he think that?" Annabeth taunts her.
"Fortunately, this place is sacred to me," the goddess ignores her. "By clearing away those ghosts, you have purified it and given me a moment of clarity. I will be able to speak with you—if only briefly."
"Why is it sacred...? Oh. The marriage bed!" Piper exclaims.
"Marriage bed? I don't see any—"
"The bed of Penelope and Odysseus. One of its bedposts was a living olive tree, so it could never be moved."
"Who cares?" Ara exclaims impatiently. "Lady Juno, please!"
"Sail around the Peloponnese. As you suspect, that is the only possible route. On your way, seek out the goddess of victory in Olympia. She is out of control. Unless you can subdue her, the rift between Greek and Roman can never be healed."
"You mean Nike?" Annabeth frowns. "How is she out of control?"
"Explaining would take too long. I must flee before Jupiter finds me. Once I leave, I will not be able to help you again."
"What else should we know?" Jason asks hoarsely.
"As you heard, the giants have gathered in Athens. Few gods will be able to help you on your journey, but I am not the only Olympian who is out of favor with Jupiter. The twins have also incurred his wrath."
"Artemis and Apollo? Why?"
"If you reach the island of Delos, they might be prepared to help you. They are desperate enough to try anything to make amends. Go now. Perhaps we will meet again in Athens, if you succeed. If you do not..."
Juno vanishes and Jason faints.
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Ara takes her friend straight to the sickbay and does her best to bring him back, she gets more blood on her clothes but in the end, the dark smoke diminishes. Jason is sleeping now, but he looks dead and ironically that makes her want to kill something.
Piper says she'll call the others for a meeting, but Ara suspects she just wants a moment alone to cry the stress out and pick herself up. Ara should've kept an eye on Michael Varus. 
Someone knocks on the door and when she turns she spots Leo staring at her with worry. "Is that..."
"It's his." Her eyes brim with tears and Leo approaches her quickly. Ara releases all of that pent-up anxiety, burying her face in his curls as he wraps his arms around her waist. "I couldn't absorb his pain, he's dying..."
Leo hushes her. "He's with us, he'll be okay."
She tries to keep him away when he tries to hug her tighter. "I'm covered in blood—"
"That's okay," the boy keeps her in place. "We can wash up later."
Her grip is weak. "Juno said something about Apollo, maybe we can—"
"Shut up," Leo stares at her as if searching for something. Ara waits in confusion. The boy strokes her cheek, outlining the dry blood on her skin. "What are you feeling?"
The girl blinks. "What?"
"Eros said you needed to reconnect with your emotions, right? So before you go back to being a General, talk about your feelings," he raises his brows. "So?"
Ara blushes at his sweet gesture. "I'm scared and remorseful, but I'll have to push through it, I can't change the past."
"You sure you don't wanna call your dad?" He tries to joke. "We can make a short stop at the next gas station and give him a call."
Ara pouts and sniffs. "Man, don't even... if I think about home I'll be sobbing like a baby for another hour."
Leo looks at her not knowing what to do to help her, then sighs. "My guy Jason... always gets the worst deal, huh?" He makes a face. "I'll have to fix the showerheads."
The girl senses his awkwardness and smiles softly, leaning into his touch. "Do you know how much I love you?"
He visibly relaxes and grins. "Can't hurt if you say it again, can it?"
"I love you," she kisses his forehead. "A lot."
"Love ya' too, doll... But you reek like a butcher, go get a shower."
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Next Chapter –>
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phoenix--flying · 2 months
I just realized, after TLO in ur Pjo AU, do Luke and Annabeth ever find out that Percy survived and is at camp? Also I’m kinda wonder how HOO would go now too
I assume you're talking about the TA Percabeth AU? If so, then no! They aren't aware Percy survived :)
Annabeth is approached around HOO by her mother who sends her on a quest to Rome, despite Alabaster, Ethan and Lukes protests, Alabaster goes along with her and they meet Percy again in the area Annabeth finds the Athena Parthenos, the Argo Crew having gone there following the advice of Bacchus
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thecreategatsby · 4 months
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nico di angelo | heroes of olympus
nico had proven himself in other ways. he'd kept the camps' secrets for the best of reasons, because he feared a war. he had plunged into tartarus alone, voluntarily, to find the doors of death. he'd been captured and imprisoned by giants. he had led the crew of the argo II into the house of hades…and now he had accepted yet another terrible quest: raking himself to haul the athena parthenos back to camp half-blood.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Whatever you do don’t think about how there’s a very subtle implication in TTC that when Nico first joins CHB and learns about demigods he’s absolutely thrilled at the concept of being a hero. His special interests both relate to heroes and adventure - Mythology/Greek mythology, pirates, etc. He’s enamored with Percy because Percy is his idea of a perfect hero - with them literally meeting with Percy arriving to try and save them from the Manticore. He tries to sneak off to join Bianca’s quest before Percy stops him, because he wants to go on the adventure with his sister.
But then Nico learns that most people are scared and unsettled by him (or before his death powers kicked in, just annoyed and unsettled by him), and no matter what he does he can never change that. And on his adventures he’s tortured and tormented and alone and keeps getting kidnapped and nearly dying. And every time he helps people he can only do it from the shadows, or if he is able to be prominent in his acts of heroism he’s often overshadowed. In TLO he’s so proud to bring reinforcements and be the center of attention for just one moment, saying dorky one-liners and sassing Kronos in his fancy thematic armor while being all dramatic. And after the war the Ares cabin thinks he’s cool and not scary, just for a week or so. But it’s all forgotten so quickly.
And by HoO it’s so clear he’s given up on the dream of his idolized hero completely. He’s willing to waste away and die with no one acknowledging his contributions so long as the job gets done and everyone is safe. He’s physically a wreck, one foot in the grave while Reyna is arriving with the Athena Parthenos in a huge flourish with the blessing of a goddess and getting the glory for their quest. And his disillusionment kind of comes across in his bitterness towards Jason at first - Jason who got to be Camp Jupiter’s best and most perfect hero just by existing most of the time while Nico’s been putting in all of his effort to try and fight against people’s distaste towards him and put good into the world.
Nico just wanted to be a hero </3
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chironshorseass · 2 years
mari where is the essay about annabeth not being cursed where is the essay
she’s an interesting one alright. so actually annabeth is the savior. i mean. u think abt it and she rly is. she’s elpis in pandora’s jar she’s the anchor she’s the olive branch she’s the daughter of wisdom!!! leo and piper and jason all go on a quest to free hera and coincidentally jason is the lost hero, but so is piper and leo bc they were old enough to have been claimed years before but they weren’t. they’re just as misplaced as jason and blah blah blah they find their purpose and their true selves thru tlh. then there’s percy (in this version he’s keeping the curse of achilles) and hazel and frank. three people with curses. one was raised from the death and is haunted by it + she summons cursed jewels that eventually take those she loves away (they die lol), and the other 2 interestingly have their mortality tied to one thing. the difference is that one fears death (frank) bc he feels it so incredibly close and the other (percy) has lost sight of his mortality—which is what makes the curse of achilles a curse rly. and ANNABETH is the only one who can ground him. ANNABETH was the only one who could ground luke as well. in hoo she is now the seven’s only hope. like there’s the group who has an identity crisis 24/7 (is jason roman/greek? does piper want to embrace her mother’s side of herself/does she embrace her father’s heritage? what is leo’s place as a member of the seven?) and the other group is quite literally cursed and in some way it has to do with death and while one half of the seven is on a path of discovery the other half is on a path to freedom of their binds. annabeth stands in the crossfire since the very beginning. she plays the role of the mediator since pjo and she didn’t realize this until tlo—when she broke thru luke’s shield when she convinced percy to give him the knife. annabeth understands perfectly who she is. she knows her place as a leader and she isn’t held back by death. there isn’t anything like that stopping her per se….even if she doesn’t have any flashy powers at her disposal. all she depends on r her wits and intelligence but there’s something else that people forget:
annabeth’s so good at understanding people. she’s very in-tune with her emotions, despite what others say. she has this impact on people, this mark of wisdom that rly makes her stand out, and maybe that’s part of why luke and percy saw her in the river styx. bc she’s so so human and one of the best examples of a moral compass they can see and touch. like all she does is see the good in things and she follows her heart and she understands herself so deeply that she wasn’t even surprised when the sirens revealed to her that her fatal flaw is pride. she’s the true hero of pjo, and arguably of hoo, bc she saved everyone’s asses tbh. i mean without her they wouldn’t have gotten the athena parthenos and without the athena parthenos there was no hope, AT ALL, that gaia would be defeated. same with luke and a single choice shall end his days. some could say that she is “the seventh wheel” but truly what she is is the one who has to rise even higher than the rest of the seven. there’s a reason why she had to look for the mark of athena alone. there’s a reason why the seven would always look to her immediately for help. while percy and jason have an alpha male conflict annabeth is the one who mediates and annabeth is the one who can steer the ship besides leo and annabeth is the one to help frank figure out the chinese handcuffs and annabeth is the one to make hazel and piper feel right at home. and while she can be the seven’s biggest strength, given she doesn’t fit into the two trios of demigods, she can still be their downfall. bc if percy still has the curse and if she holds his life in her hands and if she is his anchor to his mortality and if percy loses sight of that too late and if she carries the actual weight of what they must do to succeed on her shoulders and if she fails….the pillars can all fall apart very very quickly. in a way, they all depend ENTIRELY on her.
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