#at least in the book he was a better father 🥲
cheeseburger443 · 1 month
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🎣 ...
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kittenbradensgf · 1 year
once again missing shu!darkling
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
I just saw the Percy and hime dream and WNWNWNWN imagine them switching universe 💀 I’m def bias since I was introduced to your books cause of Tsunami but Omg honestly Hime would suffer SO MUCH ☹️ especially if it was hime who just left the house and is still under her father’s belief of obeying your elders 🥲 she’ll probs live cause everyone interested in her water powers she’ll def be eyeing everyone’s especially Poseidon titties and the concept of love with these gods GOSH she’ll think it’s normal especially since incest runs in her family too (even tho she doesn’t know that 😫)
Percy would go in swinging tho but will lose eventually with these men surrounding her.
omg my two unfortunate mcs switching universes??? yeah their situations won't get ANY better. at least with mizuhime she'll have that "ignorance is bliss" thing going on since she'll be isekai-ed very early on AND there's no sukuna to warn her about the dangers she's in
percy's gonna know immediately that her new family isn't normal. she had a very loving family and friends and a normal-ish life, so she'll automatically get red flags from how yandere her dad is and how empty her mom is. she'll also be sus of gojo once he gets too touchy cuz "um, im ur student dude, stop touching me pls???". regardless of that, she'll still be screwed because the entire plot of jjk is just tragedy after tragedy 💀
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g-on-ef · 2 months
Okkk, I just read the recent chapter of the heart was build to break and I loved it , can't wait for the next arc especially niko's mafia side and the kidnapping arc. I am so excited for it , for all the drama with lan and Jeremy and niko and bran getting together
So take all the time you want
And as I have said before I am also eagerly waiting for your other fics too especially born sinner and to kidnap a lotus flower especially the drama and angst it will bring
Love ya and your works 😘😘
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You are an angel I love you and I'm so excited to see your reactions to my stories I'm also excited for you to read my new nikobran book it's gonna be epic ^^ along with the heart was meant to bleed which is the lanjere side and omg I'm so excited for you to read it ^^
Anon asked: Hello, I just recently read all your fics and I loved it.
Especially born sinner and to kidnap a lotus flower. I just love how you changed the dynamics and made nikolai more dangerous type.
And after reading the first chapter I just need more and all the hints that you are putting here and there is not enough. ( I am not forcing you to update early I am just saying that I love your stories)
Also in to kidnap a lotus flower, I am excited to see how bran reacts to all this, how everyone will react, family fighting for their kids and I can't even imagine how Levi will accept nikolai after the stunt he pulled, also I am excited to see who finds bran first It's leaving me with more questions like in born sinner how will nikolai figure out the other stalker of bran and to what extent is the stalker gonna go to get bran.
How will lan and bran fix their relationship. Also will there be any war between lan and niko
Last but not the least I hope everything gets better in the heart was build to break, I am crazy excited for the mafia arc and kidnapping arc, I just want to know what triggered nikolai to kidnap bran, who will be the culprit who hurt bran before P. S I hope you will update soon 😁
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Thank you love ^^ I love kidnapping scenes so whenever I can I write them and hopefully I can change them around instead of having the same thing being written ^^
To kidnap a lotus flower is gonna be a blood bath families going against each other secrets being revealed and there's a scene I wanna write where one of the Elites isn't the biological child of someone and have the mother cheat on the father but I feel like that's to much I may or may write but we'll see how it goes either way there's a lot of drama to keep you all in suspense ^^
Levi...is gonna be an interesting character
I keep leaving hints but trust all will be answered asap just know his hands are tied and he can't do anything to help his son
Yall are gonna see how far this kidnapper is gonna go in born sinner he is out for blood as well and spoilers {ill be adding it to the warnings} someone dies yep someone is gonna die ^^ or permanently maim idk yet
Niko will figure it out but by than it's gonna be to late because Bran is already taken ^^
Bran and Lan are gonna have an interesting dynamic I can't wait to explore trust they are in for a wild ride ^^
Lan and niko oh boy Lan and niko are yeah you guys are gonna have to read to find out what happens ^^
Anon asked: Hi, I read your heart was build to break and I loved it, I am excited to read the next arcs especially mafia arc and the kidnapping arc. I am presuming everyone in king family except for bran and glyn knows that niko is in mafia ( I mean lan already knows) I am excited to see bran's reaction when he finds out that niko is in mafia and I am curious whether niko will find out or not that lan was the one who hurt bran btw I want lan to fix his relationship with bran ( my heart broke for him 🥲) i can't imagine the family's reaction when bran goes missing can't wait to see how niko is gonna win over them
I also read your other fics, I am excited for kill for you die spill blood for you Born sinner and to kidnap a lotus flower is also my favorite.
I am loving it how you changed the dynamics. Can't wait for the next chapter of born sinner, I hope niko and lan will team up to save bran
In to kidnap a lotus flower, I am so excited to see how lan is gonna react when niko kidnaps bran that too in front of him 😆 and levi's reaction to it, no way is levi gonna allow bran to be with lan.
Although I wanna know for how long can niko keep bran away from his family because it's a fight between bratva and king family directly
You can take all your time 😁
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Mmmm Eli Creigh and Lan definitely know the rest of the Kings ie their parents not so much its gonna be interesting to see how they all react once the truth is out ^^
Bran is gonna find out in the worst ways like I'm talking what the fuck Niko way ^^
Lan and Bran will mend their relationship but its gonna take a lot of groveling especially since Niko isn't gonna let Bran out of his sight ^^
I'm so excited for you to read what I have in store trust it's gonna be epic ^^
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topperscumslut · 2 years
my thoughts reading the first umbrella academy comic book as someone who’s been a fan of the show for years (spoilers for all seasons of the show and the first book)
•damn so we’re really getting right into reggie being an alien huh??
•can we talk about how he named his lil moon robot ben and still has newspaper articles about the academy and one about ben’s death 🥺
•literally how anyone can hate him i don’t understand
•TELL ME WHY I JUST SAW VANYA’S WHOLE CHEEKS- was the thong really necessary gerard???
•also it still feels transphobic calling her vanya even tho she doesn’t become viktor in the comics bcuz viktor’s transition was written for elliot page like ik she’s still a cis female in the books but saying vanya still makes me feel… grimy idk
•”father’s really dead, isn’t he, pogo?” LUTHER ILY
•he still calls allison rumor and is still wearing the academy mask wow luther hargreeves really is the right where you left me by taylor swift character huh
•tears are streaming down my face in a barnes and noble cafe luther are you OKAY
•someone get these siblings therapy i beg
•klaus definitely seems very similar in both versions
•”because what i found wasn’t just a place where i could hide” five trying to time travel not cuz he’s a stabbing a table with a butter knife cocky little shit but a literal child trying to hide from his abusive father is going to make me combust anyway fuck reginald
•more crying
•the A+ on luther’s paper and the D- on diego’s diego deserves better i am sobbing
•so it’s diego that thinks reggie was murdered in the comics instead of luther?? interesting
•luther and diego are so angsty jesus
•”so start acting like homo sapiens so we can bury your father” POGO PLZ-
•i have SO many questions
•i think im too dumb for this book
•which is embarrassing cuz it’s a comic book
•who in the motherfuck is dr terminal
•aidan gallagher was such a perfect casting for number five omg
•”i guess you’re right… [reginald] didn’t love me. but i haven’t spent my life pretending he did.” hello???? are we sure this is the same luther as the luther from the netflix series??
•is it just me or does klaus kinda look like mikey way???? like ik gerard wrote the series so…??
•not five bringing pogo into the fucking coffee shop- 💀🤚
•the way agnes literally does not question the fucking MONKEY god i love her
•five brutally massacring the commission goons and yet still stopping to pay for his drink and thank agnes omfg
•how are y’all shocked allison SAed luther in s3 when she literally SAs him hardly five chapters into the first book??
•it was literally out of nowhere too like- there was BUILD UP and CHEMISTRY and FLIRTING in the show and at least some villain era motivations for allison but in the book they’re literally just talking about claire and allison is still calling her Luther’s NIECE and then she just rumors him into kissing her out of nowhere??? i just audibly gasped in this barnes and noble i am sorry
•vanya is SLIM THICC
•everything is happening so fast in comparison to in the show omg
•is there *something* going on between diego and vanya like there is allison and luther?? or why is he so emotionally attached to her?? please tell me there’s not istg-
•klaus saving the day slay!!!
•i don’t know how to feel. i just got so much information in so little time.
•i have so many feelings
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xeresmalfoy · 6 months
Thank you for your quick response!
I’m so excited we will have a Christmas one shot and another long story! I’m currently reading The Clover and the Tartan, which so far is a nice breath of fresh air after the delicious tension of Will You Teach Me!
I hope one day we get to see you write daddy Stephen with a little girl. I always found it so unfair in the show/books that Jaime never got to raise the children he so desperately loved, and then you hit me with a, “He would have loved to know them, to watch them grow up…” in the epilogue of WYTM 😭
Stephen harmed so many in canon, and even in WYTM, and suddenly finding himself the father of a tiny, innocent baby girl in world unkind to women…oof!
Whether it ever happens or not, thank you for at least entertaining the idea! I look forward to your next projects, and I’ll finish up The Clover and the Tartan in the meantime! I’m sure I’ll pop in again when I’m finished reading that, and of course your other smaller Stephen/Brianna fics. Take care, Merry Christmas!
I know right?? Tbh it broke my heart to write the ending because I would have loved to see Stephen as a baby girl daddy for the exact same reasons but the ending is the first thing that I thought about and what actually made me create the entire fic so I couldn't change it 🥲
But don't worry, the ending of The Clover will be much better for him🥰🥰🥰
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thewaywardcasgirl · 2 years
random ep 6 thoughts in no perticular order (big dragon)🐯🐉
i had completely forgotten what the conflict between yai and mangkorn was since last ep and had to speed watch the end of ep 5 in the middle of today's episode when the confusion got the better of me 😅
stupid mangkorn never explicitly said that he was engaged against his wishes that he was trying to look for a way to end the engagement without hurting anyone and that's the big problem NO COMMUNICATION 🥲😭
they're totally idiots but not like adorable idiots they're stupid fucking dum dum idiots it's very frustrating 🤦🤦
yai is missing his mom so much 💔 poor kid just wants to be held by his momma and lucky for him mungkorn's mom is here to pick up the slack🫂💘
he's being a bitch to his father and his step mom tho i wanna slap him on his head and knock some sense into him on this matter 💀
nine was let down gently, it was so well done i was surprised it all came out of yai's mouth, like he can be mature and reasonable and polite?? so all his irrational brattiness is for mungkorn's benifit only🤔 not that mangkorn is complaining 😏
this nine dude isn't backing off and yai knows it he literally sighed in relief when he finally left after delivering the slushie, bro was literally brozoned so hard and refused to take the hint he saw the NO and batted it right outta stadium ⛳
the part about their childhood was a surprise tho didn't have that in the book but at this point nothing is going by the book 📚 so 🤷
ohmygodss mangkorn don't mop around infront of your non finance, tell her what you did right before he dumped your ass and she'll smack you across the head and tell you what an idiot you were and then fix it for you just tellll, don't act like a kicked puppy you brought this on yourself
i missed our sweet lesbian couple this ep, in the book they just runoff into the sunset (or england same thing) their book exit was wayyy too quick so i was hoping we'd get to see more of them here and their pov about the arranged marriage but with only 2eps left i don't have much hope 😔
i dont know if yai ever saw that mangkorn put his number in yai's phone under 'boyfriend' he must have right? right? mangkorn calls him so many times, we never see this acknowledged, like how do you not see 'boyfriend' in your missed calls and add two and two togather 😵‍💫
their kiss tho mangkorn was like words don't work with us so direct action it is 💏 maybe i can kiss some sense into him or at least calm him down lol ( i really hope nine saw that kiss🙏) it was jaw food dropping 🍿&🍦hit the ground lmao
next eps preview looks mostly fluff and a challenge between mangkorn and nine, me likey 👀👀 in the preview when nine says i was here 10yrs ago where were you then i was like bruuuh you're in so over your head like my man my dude if it's first come first serve you're holding onto then just give up
I'm looking forward to their mutually agreed upon boyfriends era, finally they'll be on the same page for once before the big faen fatale 💔 whatever it is and i for one am here to enjoy the fluff before the angst that makes the angst huurt even more 👌
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caveatscriptor · 1 year
S.A.B. S2: Episode 4
Did they really took out Mal so there would be a reason why alina might slip and start having feelings for nik? They really had to take out my man Mal like that, otherwise it wouldn’t happen. He has been nothing but supportive and has actually valid reasons when he speaks with Alina. I like him so much 😔 “I came here for you” 🥲
Btw Vasily can choke. I had to be remembered how much we suffered with him in the books. He really had be me begging the darkling to end my suffering and he fully delivered it in the same episode 🤣 Now that’s having my prayers answered swiftly 😇
We have our Baghra and Genya combo, it honestly made me feel better that Genya had Baghra on the very least. But the whole set up with their cages in the middle of the room was so off putting to me. What the hell? Yes, let’s have the alkemi stand and you know what? Let’s put in the cages here as well for ambiance.
Alexander is really out here brining out his mother’s favorite dessert as incentive??? This has the same energy as asking mal for Alina’s favorite flower and getting it the next moment 😂
Nina brought Kaz to Pekka…. I didn’t like that. Sorry. I just… it doesn’t sit well with me. Otherwise, kaz really was the devil, making Pekka’s little kid watch as his father was arrested. That said. WHY WAS THERE NOT A FULLY FLEDGED FLASHBACK FROM BEGINNING TO END? I just hate this type of edit. Wholeheartedly. Specially because Kaz’s story was a prime source for a really good flashback. 😣😞😒 I’m just disappointed.
Wesper is the cutest. Thing is. WE WERE ROBBED!!! Where’s their first meeting? What is this? ☹️
Anyway… we had my Nikolai being so cute with Alina. Which made me feel like shit because of Mal. 😫 but nikolai 😍 ahhhhh
“I have not intention of hurting you.” Stop. Being. So. Damn. Likable. You are the villain!
“I have seen what you truly are and I’ve never turned away.” 😣
“You don’t want me to destroy the fold. Because I’ll the destroy the only thing you have left.” Well… now Alina really hit the nail on the head.
But truly, the whole “only I can help you” that the darkling is doing… well… it’s really effective, I can see why alina would sway a bit 👀
Oh. And do not talk to me on the Kaz and Inej convo… 😭 please.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
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I Got You. I Fucking Got You.
OMG where is Magnus???
My twin has no chill 🤦🏻‍♀️
Alec growls, his cigarette dangling on his lips. Maybe Shinyun kidnapped him. Alec wouldn’t put it past her.
When in doubt, blame Shinyun!
“Then we go to London,” Izzy says.
I am love Izzy 🥰🙌🏼
Raphael looks at him lazily. “Do I know you?”
“Alec!” a girl squeals. “It’s you.”
“Do I know you?” Alec asks in surprise.
These people will become successful adults?? Really??
Raphael is a King
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Alec bristles.
“He said he is sick! You should let him be.”
“As if,” Alec rolls his eyes and starts walking.
Brother your Cher Horowitz is showing 🤭
Oh no Magnus 😭
Alec doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know anything about this. He fears he might say the wrong thing. “Do you want me to wait here with you?”
This is extremely relatable, I'm never sure about what to do for other people, my silly brain just goes MAKE IT BETTER!! without providing the how 😭
Alec finds Magnus’ phone buried under a pile of books on the desk. He grabs it and deletes all the texts.
He is ashamed to admit that he doesn’t know much about it at all – or that whatever he knows seems to be misinformed.
At least you're trying sweetie I'll be less bad
“Once,” Magnus says quietly. “Just before Cambridge. I…I had to be hospitalized.”
Fuck Camille 🤬
God knows what he will do if he ever loses Magnus.
Must you twist the knife every possible chance Daniela!?!?! (If you were latina that's what Dani would be short for) Must you????
“She broke up with you after you told her, didn’t she?” Alec asks.
She's a heartless bitch
Alec doesn’t know who this woman is, but he hates her with all his heart.
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“It seems unfair to me that we can laugh together but when you cry, you have to do it alone,” Alec tells him.
That's a really beautiful sentiment 😍
He holds him and whispers promises for the future. “I’m never leaving. No matter how bad it gets. I’m never leaving. I promise. I’m never leaving.”
Rafeee!! Mi bebé hermoso 🥰
“No,” she says. “You are my first choice. Everything else comes second.”
I'm gonna take this pre-pain moment to gush about Anjali THE QUEEN!!! Her perfection and greatness is something else, I believe Rafe when he says he doesn’t have a degradation kink because I too would let this wonderful creature trample me and be grateful about it!!! Not that she would but if she wanted too I'll let her...!!
Maxwell stop interrupting!!!
“Your loss,” Max shrugs. “Don’t know how you gonna fight all the hot professors in NYU.”
🤣🤣 Max please!!!
“Not really, love,” he replies. “I’ll just stay here for a bit.”
Oh Magnus 😭 I just want him to be happy 😭
The Episodes are killing me 💔😭
Max opens a word document on the laptop. Rafael looks at Max in surprise. “You wrote an essay on Edom?”
Oh is the essay!!
Max needs love the way a plant needs sunlight.
You need love too Rafe!!
My poor Rafe hasn't been able to fully enjoy the "University achievement" 😭😭
Wait... Alec hasn't been able to enjoy the "Governor achievement" either 😭😭
But bapak doesn’t come back.
I don't like it... something bad is about to happen 😨
In the distance, he hears his father on the phone.
“Thomas? It’s Alec. Do you have a minute to talk?”
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I'm dead, bury me in the sea of tears shed for this fic
Oh thank Mavid!! 🙌🏼 Sarah and Tony are already coming back 😌
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I'm extremely worried about Rafael though 🥲
Note: these hoes mad.
No Max, those tricks of yours only work on mere humans Anjali is a Godess 🙌🏼
But Max is a hoe first and a human second.
Same! And I'm not ashamed 😌
Ooh David you smooth prince charmant looking cutie pie 🥰😍🥰😍
“David,” Max tries again, looking up, as they grind against each other. “What’s wrong?”
What's going on???
Note to self: Find her. Find this woman. For David. 
Ok ok... we need a plan!
David gives him a weary smile. “My heart has been doing all sorts of reckless things lately. I thought I might as well do this too.”
Come on Max!! What kind of Alec level dumbness is you not getting this blatant love declaration!!!
Note to self: Try your hand at poetry so you can tell this Jack Dawson looking motherfucker how much you like his hair. 
😮 he does look like Jack Dawson!!! How haven't I noticed this before???
“You do have a type!” Max grins now. “You like misunderstood assholes with good hearts!”
Please!! Is the obliviousness contagious??
“After dinner,” Elyaas says, turning around. “Anything for your lover, Master Max?”
🤣🤣 Elyaas is perfect!! What a King!!
Ok but Mavid needs a Roncom moment!!
Note to self: What kind of therapeutic striptease is this?”
The notes are keeping me alive...
And the questions!!!!
Max lets out a chuckle. “As if.”
I have to...
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Ooh he told him about the ice cream... 😍 listen if David shows up for ice cream night I will most likely get a visit from the police because the screaming will not be normal!!!
“As if my ass could get into Harvard,” Max chuckles. “What do you want to do after?”
Of course you can Max!! You're brilliant, rich and well connected!! Is what their wet dreams are made of...!!
“Did I fail the vibe check?” David grins and buries his face in Max’s neck. “You don’t stan?”
[From: Lover (Taylor’s Version)]
Yas queen 💅
I am love everything about this conversation and David's new name 🥰🤣
He wants David.
Dad will understand, right?
If Max explained how much David means to him, dad will understand, right?
He will... I know he will... I trust my twin.. Just don't tell him right after the photoshoot, that won't be a good time!!
Note to self: The crossaint is officially in the oven.
He is halfway through the mint chocolate chip, when someone slides into the seat opposite him. “Mind if I join you?”
Max looks up.
He smiles.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
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I'm so happy right now!!! MAVID!!! My ship is sailing!!!
Thank youuuu Dani 💚💚💚💚
For making me laugh - as always.
A mavid tiktok for you 💛
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