#at least in finding out who to block and unfollow i guess
gentil-minou · 5 months
"This is more about your ego and pride than Palestine" No its about putting pressure on a party that is supporting genocide
It's about logic
Biden and the DNC would rather cause dissent and dissatisfaction within their own party rather than call for a ceasefire
They know they can get away with it because they're a better option than Trump, because they know they could murder babies in front of you and you'll still vote for them.
So why would they call for a ceasefire when they don't need to?
That's why putting the pressure on them, saying they won't get our vote or saying we are looking for other options is so important.
Because that's the only way they will change.
By saying "Vote Blue No Matter Who", you give him and the DNC permission to permit genocide despite the vast majority of public opinion. You say they can do whatever they want because you will vote for them anyways.
You tell them they don't need to do anything else. That in fact they can do whatever they want. You've shown them you are so terrified of your own government that you would rather lie down and let it walk all over you than put any pressure on them at all
They have a year to make a change. Biden could end this all tomorrow, but why would he when he has you doing his dirty work?
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Bye to Wind and Lightning
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Did you know that in 2020 when the pandemic held us all in a chokehold I decided to reread One Piece and Bleach, but consciously decided not to touch Naruto, as if I knew that I'd be sucked in real bad if I read it again? I was right. In 2021, I randomly thought "No, I will read it now" and then I did and boom I talked about nothing else for that summer and to channel my thoughts I made this blog right here separate from my main and not as a sideblog. I wanted to start completely over at a different place.
I had a terrible summer in 2021, constant mental breakdown. I don't want to bore you with the details because you don't care, but just being back doing the stuff I loved when I was 16 was such a blessing. I was truly happy in the first months here, especially with the discord servers and the oc talk and the friends I made. My boyfriend commented on it all the time, that I looked so very happy. And I was! But these things never stay.
The problem with me is, I want community, I want to talk headcanons and to bitch about characters I don't like and promote ships I love and cry and laugh and hug all of you for liking the same things as me and at the same time I'm terrified of rejection, of people hating me, of people spreading lies behind my back. I guess school does traumatise you in some way.
I can't survive in a cutthroat fandom like this one, I take things too personally too quickly. I don't understand that if you, a normal person with your own wishes, likes a thing I don't like or dislike a thing I like it doesn't mean you automatically hate me. You are just a different person and that is ok! It's not you. It's me. NO I'm not just saying that. It really is me.
Did you know that when I started out here I didn't tag my stuff? Especially not my OC stuff (and I still rarely tag it). The fear that someone might find it, hate on it, send me hate, make fun of it etc, sits so deep that I rather have my work not be seen at all. Yet, I need the attention to keep going because without the reblogs and likes and asks I feel like an utter failure.
My boyfriend says I am not good with the public eye on me and he is probably right. I envy those of you who can stand their ground and be self confident in their arguments. I envy those who don't care what others say, who can block and move on, who don't get a knot in their stomach when someone they had nice interactions with unfollows. I shouldn't care, but I do.
On my first tumblr blog I never looked at my followers, I never got asks either or was deep in fandom or anything, but I reblogged my stuff and posted my thoughts and was feeling good. I love tumblr, its the best social media out there for a reason. Yet, with this one, I got so self conscious about my followers, about what I can and can't say. If my presence would offend or not etc etc.
I was kinda looking forward to 1000 Followers because it is an insane number, but now at 997 I'm throwing in the towel. Isn't that like giving up before the finish line? Maybe, but I'm so tired and I want to be unknown again. I want to be nobody again. I want the naruto fandom to move on and forget I was ever here.
So I'm leaving! Sorry, I guess! At least for a good while. I might be back to finish the requests still pending on this account and then disappear again, but I don't know if I'll ever permanently come back. If you by any chance really, really really care about my presence, you can find me under @kikuneesama as a general spam blog with all sorts of things and under @konohamaru-sensei for anime-only stuff. This is also where my Naruto posting will be moving.
If you are a moot I will follow you from Kikuneesama again.
Thanks, I guess, for over two years of hanging out. I'm sorry I am such a lame loser.
One thing is for sure: Though I am moving to a blog named after Konohamaru, Kakashi will always be my love.
tschüss und auf wiedersehen, ~Nisi
PS: I'll q this a couple of times so I'm sorry if you have to see it a few times in the next few days. I swear I'll be gone after that.
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doyouknowthisgame · 13 hours
What do you mean by "pro-shippers"? I feel like everybody uses that term differently and I can never tell which one it is
This is a genuine question by the way, I really do struggle to find a universal definition for that word since the ones I see range from like "anyone who ships anything other than canon pairings" to "someone who actively romanticises CSA" and basically everything in-between because different people draw the line at different points, like some people apparently count the enemies-to-lovers trope as going too far? Not to mention all the discourse over kink and RPF
I mean I assume that people who have it in their DNIs probably aren't using the "any non-canon ship" definition but how do I know? I've met some people who are really passionate about messing with the canon ships and consider it to be an insult to the author
I never know how to react when I see "pro-shipper" so I tend to just avoid anyone who has it in their DNI just in case, because that's easier than asking every single person individually to define it, but I already submitted a game months ago so I kinda wanted to follow at least until that poll came up so idk
Sorry if this is too much of a bother, if you don't wanna respond I can just wait a couple of days and then unfollow by default, or you can just block me (I think you can block anons, I'm not sure)
I mean I guess it's one of those "if you have to ask, the answer is no" cases, and like I said usually I would just assume the worst and leave, but.. idk, I guess I'm just being selfish because I want to keep following
do people really say that? I haven't heard of anyone using it in that way
Anyway by "pro-shippers" I specifically mean people who get their rocks off on CSA/abuse/incest/otherwise nasty shit. Specifically people who ship characters that depict those things, but it could go for anyone who uses it for wank material.
There is a massive difference between using heavy material in a story to explore those topics and using them as some kind of sick fantasy. The intent is pretty easy to suss out when you're looking at it.
I'm not going to delve very deep into my opinion on this since this blog is meant to be E for Everyone but basically, nobody wants to read that shit, keep it to yourself.
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loumands · 1 year
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I blocked this anon but i wanted to use it as an example of a few things i feel it embodies very well:
1) The treatment of abuse and sa victims in this fandom is absolute garbage. People i follow are generally lovely but outside of them there are so many fans who have fucked up ideas of how abuse works and don't have any genuine sympathy for victims. I already noticed it when the show was airing and some fans mocked others who dared to have a strong reaction to hyperrealistic domestic abuse depicted in the show, like what did you expect from a show about blood-drinking monsters you're so fragile etc., as if fantasy violence that is distinctly imaginary and dv that is a very real existing destructive thing were in any way comparable. It shows as constant excusing and erasing of Lestat's actions and victim blaming against Louis and Claudia because people think only if you're perfect you can be a real victim when in reality anyone can be abused and it doesn't have anything to do with their moral character. I feel the way this fandom treats abuse victims is regularly rude and dismissive. If this anon is an abuse victim themselves like they claim it just makes it sadder because i would never talk another victim in this way and i did nothing to warrant a response like this
2) As this anon makes abudantly clear, the earlier Jonah discourse didn't really have much to do with Jonah or his relationship with Louis or any genuine analysis about the show, but some fans' enthusiastic desire to find more flaws in Louis to bring him down a peg and make him appear more evil so that other characters' actions would appear less awful. By 'other characters' i mean mainly Lestat because lets be real it's almost always the Lestat fans, and usually (white) book fans, doing that because they can't accept that the show unlike books doesn't act like the sun shines out Lestat's ass, so they need to find ways to make Lestat and Louis more equal in their shittiness so that Louis would be less of a victim in their relationship (because again, they imagine person's innocence and goodness define how much they're a victim). It's so stupid for many reasons but especially because Louis is already a very flawed character in canon! And Louis fans are usually the first ones to acknowledge this like i've seen close to zero Louis fans acting like he's a saint, his flawedness is a part of why we find him so interesting. He was a pimp exploiting women and in the present day he lives obscenely rich in a city built on slavery paying poor migrant workers to drink from them. You don't need to make up additional theories of him being a sexual predator to validate yourself. And you definitely don't need to insist a headcanon you made up based on one ambiguous line is actually irrefutable canon and other fans are abuse apologists when not agreeing with you. Good lord
3) Last but not least, going back to the first two; some people in this fandom have some very weird and harmful ideas about sexual abuse and are not taking it seriously enough. It left a bad taste in my mouth how many people acted like the whole Louis/Jonah thing was some smug "gotcha" moment and talking about in humorous or performative "oh i'm so shocked" way. I also found out there are alarmingly many people in this fandom who think someone in their late 20s having sex with a 16 year isn't sexual abuse. I'm asking everyone who thinks that to unfollow and block me. I guess that line of thinking is predictable considering how deeply the books are entreched in pedophilia and rape apologia so that many people who are big fans of them are going share Rice's deranged opinions. This is one of the fandoms where i'm happy that it's going to expand and have more and more non book readers who are capable of taking their lestat and rice goggles off, and the shitty section of old fandom will get more and more inconsequential
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queerofthedagger · 2 years
So a while ago, my sideblog @arthurpendragonprotectionsquad reached 1k followers. This isn't a post to brag or do a celebration, but it did get me thinking about like... Idk, I guess some things about fandom in general so I'm just going to ramble about it for a bit.
I made that blog about 1,5 years ago; considering that I made maybe 5 original posts on there and otherwise just queue stuff, it reached that follower milestone relatively quickly. When I made it, I had been in the Merlin fandom for about a year. I posted a lot about Arthur on main, and I kept being baffled (and annoyed) by just how much hate I saw aimed at his character, which is how that little spite appreciation blog came about.
Now obviously people can think about characters whatever they want, and I can ignore/unfollow/block, and I'm also not going to fight with anyone over it. What got me thinking though is that back then, I did also get a fair few people, both in asks and DMs, who were grateful for seeing positive stuff about him on their dashes. Some were just happy, others downright told me that they sometimes felt they were the outliers for loving him.
And I could go on a whole thing about proper tagging and how to maybe engage with fandom in a way that doesn't constantly step on people's toes, but honestly looking back on all that, on the love and engagement my silly little sideblog still receives, etc etc -
I think my main takeaway is just: sometimes it might look as if certain opinions or takes are super prevalent in a fandom when, in fact, they are simply the loudest. There are always going to be people who share your opinions and who will be happy about anything you contribute. If I had focused on how annoying I found all the - imo frankly bad - takes I saw when I came into the fandom, if I hadn't blocked a lot and all that, I most likely would've gotten frustrated and moved on to another fandom.
And I'm not like... the most generous person, tbh. I bitch a lot in my private little group of friends, and at least some of my persistence is certainly spite, but it doesn't really matter why or how. I just think there is something to be said for putting out what you'd like to see more of, and about ignoring what annoys you as best as you can, and you'll probably find your people.
Honestly, I don't even know if this sounds preach-y but it's been on my mind for a few days so. You gonna have to deal with it if you made it this far. ❤️
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utilitycaster · 2 years
On the talk about unfollowing and all, the anon that said you're blaming it all on matt while it was all the players' fault got me thinking, I think part of the people being uncomfortable with this kind of criticism might be that DMs tend to relate to other DMs a lot, thinking about what they could've done in the same situation, and therefore feel bad seeing people criticize what they reason they would've done similarly to matt in this case. On the other hand I feel like it's easier to detach themselves from other players and go "wow that was bad player behavior but *I* wouldn't do that because I'm a better one" so it's easier to read criticism to the players, but doing it to the DM is something that "crosses a line" by hitting a bit close to home. I dont know if this makes sense but it's something I found myself thinking, I guess because of the nature of DMing and roleplaying, it feels like roleplaying is something unique for each person and character, while a DM might just find themselves in the same exact situation as matt, or something like that.
Anyway, my messily written out thoughts aside I'm glad to see you and other people's honest commentary on the episode, I never could stand the part of the fandom that idolizes Every choice the cast makes/"positive vibes only" to shut down any kind of criticism. Open discussion like this is very helpful to read and consider as a dnd player, but also simply for someone who watches the show to figure out WHY they're not enjoying the recent developments like they've always enjoyed the other campaigns before.
Without going into detail, said anon sent at least seven rather unhinged hate messages after I stopped publishing. I'm fine and I've blocked them; I'm only saying this to say I would not take them as a serious and valid defense of Matt's choices, and also that I might delete those and rephrase anything worthwhile in my arguments in a post, so just as a heads up, that context might be lost in the future.
I do agree that this might be why people take criticism of DM choices so hard; I think I try to temper this with the fact that like...I am a DM, though not necessarily a great one, and also I try to compare DMs I criticize with their own, better work; it comes from a place of "I know they are capable of better." Which doesn't necessarily help if people are feeling defensive of DMs but like...I guess leading into your final point, yeah, I respect wanting to curate a positive experience on one's dash, and I don't want to intrude on that. I also personally find "positive vibes only" to be a genuinely offputting and actively unsafe sentiment for a pretty large number of reasons, and one I've never been able to relate to. So I'm glad you also enjoy thinking through those criticisms!
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sxperflxity · 2 years
*    knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,    repost,    do  not  reblog.
NAME:     jamie. preferably jay. PRONOUNS:   she / her. PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:     tumblr ims are absolutely fine. if we’re plotting or we become friends, then i am definitely good with discord, also. you can add me at jamie#1380 - I have issues adding people on discord, as I can’t for some reason. NAME OF MUSE(s):     Way too many to list, please don’t ask lol. EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   I honestly don’t know. i rp’d on and off on the wb boards, myspace, livejournal, other places, before coming to tumblr lol. probably since the early 2000′s. BEST EXPERIENCE:   It’s kind of sad but I don’t really think I have a best experience lmao. I made a best friend years ago, but my memory is shit and some of those memories are shrouded in depression and heartache. If anything, I’d probably say I really enjoyed my first group rp in the wrestling fandom lol. RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  Well, there’s kind of a few, but I tend to give people three chances, even then. I guess, overall, I’m not into the purity culture of the rpc. I won’t block/unfollow unless you’re incredibly rude about it in your posts/tags though, because I consider that a form of shading/vagueing. And, also, I have PTSD about being close friends with rp partners and then them blocking me and trashing me with other people for no actual reason other than petty jealousy, so I’m not a big fan of the whole ‘blocking people and not explaining why you’re doing so’, especially if you are considered friends or talk out of character a lot. While you don’t have to explain to people you don’t really know, I do find it unfair and cruel to block friends without at least an explanation. MUSE PREFERENCES FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:    I love all three, to be honest. I prefer fluff over everything, or angst that leads into a bucket-full of fluff, because if something is too angsty it can actually affect my mood. So fluff and then angst. As for smut - I enjoy it, if we have an established ship. Haven’t written it lately though. PLOTS OR MEMES:   Again, both. I enjoy memes and I enjoy plotting - or memes turned into plots. So definitely both. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:     Honestly, medium replies. I can never focus for too long on long replies and too short of a reply is nice sporadically, but not too often. Hence, medium. BEST TIME TO WRITE:    I’m sporadic in general because of my work hours, but on my days off, any time is fine as long as I have something playing in the background - like right now, I’ve been binging doctor who. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):     I have over 1000 muses on this blog lmao so uh, yeah, I’m sure there are some that I’m like and some that I’m not like. Stolen from: @galaxycrxss originally, then i took break, saw @fleetadmrl’s post and remembered to finish this lmao. Tagging: @crispyblonde @murkyhazed @peacefaithed @malaprt @malbcrtha and whomever else wants to do it.
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tarosin · 3 years
the not so great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo and ranboo
this is an extra episode to the great adventures series -
people included: platonic! jack/tubbo/ranboo/tommy
please read what is written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 15 years into the future and is heavily inspired by bo burnhams song ‘goodbye’ this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out. i’m sorry HOWEVER i am currently writing how y/n made friends with everyone so you have that to look forward to. i am sorry to the new people who requested to be on the taglist as this is the first thing you’re being tagged in
cw: angst, cursing
it had been around 14 years since ranboo moved to the UK, a year after the day you all met, to be with you tommy and tubbo. you were all thriving; you were living with your best friends, were all some of the most watched creators, you were constantly making new memories with everyone. you even had a wall full of photos of you all from every adventure you had been on with a picture of ranboo poorly edited into the background which made you laugh as you passed the wall every day. almost every evening you would all watch something on the tv, often re watching your favourite tv shows. the past few months had been pretty rough, there were days you didn’t even want to leave the house. you and tommy would fight over the smallest things. for example, a few weeks ago you were both arguing about who was responsible for forgetting something whilst out shopping.
“you were supposed to remind me to get it!”
“i told you to make a fucking list tommy, how is this my fault?”
“because i told you to fucking remind me but you were too focused on playing around!”
“you’re not making any sense tommy!”
“oh fuck off, y/n! i don’t even want to look at you right now!”
“so long tommy i’ll see you when i see you!”
and with that you left to stay with jack until you were ready to go back home, it was around now you lost your love for streaming, however jack encouraged you to stream for a little while so you fans don’t think you’ve left them in the dark. 20 minutes into the stream you felt like you were slowly loosing power even though it hadn’t even been an hour into your stream. A week later you were still with jack, that’s when you got the notification from tubbo.
bo: y/n... we’re sorry we tried our best to make him stay
boo: y/n come home as soon as possible
*tommy has left the chat*
*tommy has blocked tubbo, ranboo, jack and y/n*
bo: he blocked me??
jack: and me
boo: ...yeah
jack offered to drive you back home, which you gladly accepted. the ride was silent, the pair of you still trying to process what just happened, your friend of over 14 years had enough and left you all, until you finally spoke up your voice shaking as you tried not to cry.
“so this is how it ends heh?”
“well at least i’ll save fuel driving taking us all on adventures.”
“youre really joking at a time like this..”
“i was only trying to lighten the mood.. you know you’re being rather selfish not everything is about you. you’ve always been like this.”
“jack, i know you’re upset, i am too, please don’t take this out on me.”
“get out the car.”
“well stop the car then for fuck sake, i’m not getting injured because of you.”
as soon as jack pulled over, you got out and began the walk home, your vision became blurry due to the tears forming as you watched jack drive away. you ended up sitting in a cafe for a while to calm down. none of this felt real you pinched yourself, hoping to find out you were stuck in some nightmare. jack must have returned by the time you made it to the cafe as the community was now spamming questions on twitter asking why jack has now left and unfollowed everyone, followed by your mods telling you to check twitter. your fan base were hurt as their favourite streamers were falling apart and blocking each other. followed by them asking why you’ve not been streaming, you felt like you were going crazy as everyone else was able to stream and enjoyed doing so but you were struggling to stream with no one laughing in the background. you ended up sending a dm to your discord announcements knowing that they’ll share the news.
y/n: so long, goodbye for now. you guys have been extremely supportive over the past 15 years. however there is a lot going on right now (i’ll spare you all the details) i’m going to be taking a break for a while. after all does anybody want to joke when no one’s laughing in the background? i’m sure we’ll meet again, until then my loves!
10 minutes later you decided you should probably go home to the others, after all they’re all you have left.
“i promise to never go outside again.”
as soon as you walked into the house rather than being met with tubbo asking if you were okay, you were met with a notification.
*bo has left the chat*
he stood with his bags near the door
“this is all your fault, i can’t look at you anymore”
“you’re really joking in a time like this...right?”
“you were looking for a reason hide again.”
“trust me buddy i found it.”
ranboo pulled you as close as he could crying into the crook of your neck, you wrapped your arms around his waist as tubbo left the house. it felt like he took the happy memories with him. as soon as ranboo let go, you ran to your room locking the door trying to hide away from the situation, ranboo sat on the other side of the door not wanting to be alone.
“am i going crazy? would i even know? am i right back where i started 14 years ago?”
“y/n let me in.”
you unlocked the door and practically fell into ranboos arms, once you felt strong enough the pair of you sat on your bed, nothing could separate the pair of you right now, you both lost the people you cared about.
“i swear to god all i ever wanted was a little bit of everything all of the time. i’ve finished playing and i’m staying inside.”
“y/n i’m sorry..”
“im sorry too, ranboo, i guess this is the it.”
“at least we have each other.”
“and that fucking photograph wall.”
“that’s a problem for another night..please get some rest.”
it took a while but eventually you fell asleep in his embrace. you may have lost the others but at least one of your best friends stuck around.
taglist (sorry guys)
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @c1loudee
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
Ok so this might be a weird question to get out of the blue, but: how do you keep your passion?
Like I've been in fandom since like 2009 and it's been a decade and I still have my pieces of media that I'm passionate about whether it's something big like Naruto or something small by one creator who had like maybe 40 other fans. But recently, I've been finding it difficult to interact with fandom because of all the policing that's been going on. Like I mainly hang around people who don't do it, but it still somehow manages to bleed into my space which I don't like. And this isn't like a "back in my day" type of deal because in other areas, fandom has grown excellently! But I'm reaching a point where I'm tired of having to moralize fictional characters, and I'm kind of sad that I've reached this point because transformative fandom has been such a big help to me
First of, I am sorry to hear that fandom has become so exhausting for you. It should be a fun place to talk about what joys and interests you have and not feel like you constantly have to maneuver around opinions.
In my case, I guess I just got the worst of the worst done early? When I was about 14, maybe 15, I was shipping one of those "horrible, terribly, bad" ships. The tag was full of hate, which set off a friend's anxiety, and taught me pretty early to just block whenever I even just vaguely dislike the vibe of a blog. To help her, I decided to reblog a bunch of posts every day so she wouldn't have to check the tag, which eventually led to me getting a death threat. Over a """"pedophilic""" ship that I was shipping. At fourteen.
After that you honestly just kind of stop giving a fuck about what moralizing goes on in fandom. Nothing justified the way I got treated over a god damn ship or character interpretation. People, who wanted to "protect" me from "bad" fandom influences were the ones making me feel awful like this was a Puritan church. It just made me spiteful, angry in the wonderful teenage "well now I'm definitely gonna continue" way. I'm one of those people who will write quite long fanfics out of spite and spite alone.
If you "mainly" hang out with people who don't do it, I'd suggest turning that into an "only". It's exhausting to keep having to block people, yeah, but after a while, it clears up. I rarely see such moralizing on my dashboard anymore because I just block/unfollow. (Yeah, my list is quite long). Running private & small discord servers just with the people you know you like and enjoy is a great way to remain passionate and not be exposed to the greater bad stuff. Another friend of mine stays completely away from the BNHA fandom because it is quite awful and only reads fanfic. It sucks that we have to keep curating our own space like this because it kind of feels like you keep fixing the holes in your ship and sometimes can't keep up, but it's kind of the only way I can really see working.
Make your own little fandom corner somewhere on discord with just your kinda people and block the hell out of everyone on tumblr. I like chatting with my friends, hell, they even let me ramble (and consequently drag) them into media they're not a part of and suddenly it's not just me again but 2 other people with similar tastes I can talk to.
I'm sorry this is probably not the super uplifting reply, but I wanted to be honest. I hope it helped at least a little.
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5uptic · 3 years
Hi! I moved here cause I can’t get a lick of sense from the people on bird app. Idk how to feel about this shitshow that I just witnessed. I just remembered there were more reasons as to why that person was banned. That person initially harassed a member of 5up’s community in which the mod defended. So the group disliked the mod too and continued to shit on them privately and publicly.
Next, thirst tweets can be funny to some. But others find it really uncomfortable which is understandable. They have made suggestive remarks about the pink man and even steve before (that peeps overlooked) but it’s not like the cc themselves are bothered (?). So idk even anymore.
I’m don’t know if I’m making any sense. I’m sorry for the spam ;( This is just the first time I just felt genuinely anxious seeing all the things said about 5up so I word vomited here.
oh my god. i had an entire response done and tumblr just GLITCHED in my face WHY
hey anon, don’t worry about it!!! tbf, i feel pretty much the same. i think the situation as a whole is pretty frustrating to see, especially with how it blew out of proportion in every way possible. honestly, feel free to vent in my inbox whenever you want!
with that said, though,
(because this will be kinda long, i guess)
overnight, it became clear that the nsfw part of the issue is not really an issue, besides being the recurrent meme for this situation. i read from various people that 5up explicitly said that he didn’t have a problem with the nsfw tweets when discussing this with the mods, but that he took that decision based on the harassment, which. ok another can of worms. to me, the thing is... smart fandom behavior is to always push away the things that you don’t wanna see. so nsfw jokes/tweets might be not of your liking. what should you do? the correct answer is, unfollow/mute/block the people that make them, and in general every person that you wouldn’t wanna share the fandom with. that’s to me the only way you can genuinely enjoy fandom as intended lol. but there are cases in which we do not take the smartest option. and we somehow make this our problem, which is the most typical case of twitter entitlement, that reads like “you’ve posted something i don’t like. Prepare To Die.”
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when i saw the tweet pictured above in the thread, i was like ooooooooooh so this is just. typical twitter drama. which already highlights the entire issue with this... this is just twitter drama. why is twitch involved? how did the person get banned in both of 5up’s channels? if it were for twitter drama, or this person tweeted something i don’t like!, i’m sure hundreds of people would be arbitrarily banned. so that’s why it’s handled differently on twitch. now, i don’t know jasfer, like i’ve never talked to the guy, but i’m familiar with him. as someone who’s been a fan of 5up for like a year now, i know he’s been here from the start and he’s also a beloved chat member and person in the twitter portion of the fandom. it feels like insult to injury because it wasn’t that jasfer had a bad reputation in 5up’s chat or a bad relationship with most people in it. it’s just... such shitty luck on their part tbh lol
imagine if it were anybody else, like, two randoms on twitter. the best outcome to that would probably be an eventual block on both sides so they just stop talking about it all the time, right? except that this didn’t happen here because one of them happened to be a mod for a chat that the other person frequented. i think by now you know i don’t agree with the decision at all, then.
thing is, i can understand everyone’s sides and empathize with everyone. i understand why 5up stood up by his mods, i understand why the mod was anxious/felt targeted and resorted to this option, i understand jasfer’s anger/sadness from the outcome of the situation. but i’d still side with jasfer, nonetheless, because he’s the only one with no power here. the most that he can do is bring attention to what happened, but he can’t unban himself, or return in other account and expect everything to go well, etc. and it’s like, urgh. like if i was on their place i would be genuinely devastated lol.
now, i could be talking completely out of my ass, right? because i don’t know what really happened. maybe jasfer genuinely did incredibly shitty things and corralled the mod team and 5up into taking that drastic decision. but that’s just another part of the whole twitter drama of it all, isn’t it? see, when i was more active in twitter (in another fandom), if you didn’t like someone/something you’d talk shit about them in your rant. that’s how it went, and everybody did the same. in that part, i can understand how things grew out of proportion, but again, does anyone know what really happened besides the mods and jasfer? not really. and it’s hard to take a real stance because the whole thing happened on private twitter accounts. which yet again highlights how bad of a decision banning jasfer from both 5up twitch channels was, because, how are we ever gonna know if it was deserved? jasfer didn’t do anything wrong in chat, which is what should matter. and if the so called harassment (that we have to take 5up’s word for it!) happened in private rant accounts... is. is it really harassment? or like, was it just a case of people being (understandably) reactionary and doing what everyone else usually does in twitter dot com?
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and the fact that the mod liked this tweet afterwards... isn’t that just incredibly petty? celebrating a personal victory after banning someone that has no say in the matter? jasfer said they tried contacting 5up through discord, and only made the thread days later because they never got a response. so it’s clear that 5up (understandably!) took their mods’ side and was loyal to them, but it came at the cost of what could’ve been a smarter, better decision for everyone involved. but now, because jasfer was left with no tools other than bring attention to his side of the story, twitter blew it out of proportion and everyone is very kindly sending dead threats to everybody involved.
sigh. it’s just... a big mix of terrible luck and bad choices. i usually agree with 5up when it comes to twitter stuff, but making it seem like he’s going against everyone is ignoring the fact that some twitter drama should’ve never made it to his twitch channel(s) anyways, and that a better decision should’ve been taken. now it’s just the worst of both worlds and no one got anything good out of it. like, arguably, the mod got what they wanted, but also got multiple death threats too. i doubt there’s any chance of jasfer ever coming back to 5up’s chat, at least not in the way it was before. because of the twitter thread including sapnap and this being a bad decision in general, a bigger audience now regards 5up badly and this will probably be a passing mention in the eventual cancelling 5up thread when twitter gets boring enough. like, meh. it’s just a mess to watch and it’s just depressing from every angle.
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troubatrain · 3 years
afterglow - k. hayes
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a/n: a repost from my old blog!
You were having the day from hell. You were late for a work meeting, which only ended in being berated by your boss for the third time this week. You were positive she was just trying to push you to quit, which is just wonderful. You’d barely been working there a year, and the thing that you sacrificed for that job was one of the hardest decisions you’d ever made. Then, in true New York City fashion, you were six blocks from a subway station and it started to downpour on your walk home. You finally walk into your apartment, kicking off your now soaked beyond belief heels, walking into your kitchen immediately and grabbing a bottle of wine out of your fridge. You sigh, pouring it and taking it into your bedroom.
The worst part of your day was still looming. You pull out a box, filled to the brim with the memories of your past relationship. You called Kevin a week ago, after running into Mika at the Starbucks a few blocks away from MSG. You remembered you had a box with his, and you offered it to him when he came to play the Rangers. You didn’t think you would even get an answer, and you knew Kevin left things everywhere and he’d just replace them like it never happened. You couldn’t even remember how many ties of his would go missing by the time he would come back from a road trip. But, Kevin answered that he would swing by and grab them after his flight landed. You hadn’t seen Kevin since the night you kicked him out of your apartment, far too livid at him to form words.
February 25, 2018
You were on edge all day. Kevin had mentioned to you when you started dating that he might not be in New York all season. You both decided to ignore that, pretending like it wasn’t happening until it was. You had only been seeing each other for a few months, but with Kevin, you knew it would be him forever. 
You stared at the TV in shock, mouth hanging open at the news.
Kevin Hayes traded to the Winnipeg Jets
You didn’t care what the Rangers had gotten in return, you didn’t care about how far away Winnipeg was, you cared that your entire world was just torn apart. You hadn’t been dating long at the time, a mere six months, which put you in a bizarre position about what the future would hold for the two of you. You sat in your apartment in the West Village, waiting for Kevin to make the short trip from Chelsea. 
“Babe?” You hear him unlock the door with the key you’d given him a month ago.
“You’re leaving,” You whisper lowly, not wanting to admit to yourself.
“Y/N, it’s going to be okay, we’ll work it out. You can come with me, in the off-season I’ll sign a new deal and we’ll start making a new home for ourselves,” Kevin says softly, baby blue eyes looking into yours as he kneels in front of you on the couch to get eye-level with you. 
“Kev I can’t just pick up and leave, I have work and a life here,” You tried to explain, you’d moved to New York when you were 18 and headed to NYU, bright eyed and full of hope, and stayed after graduation, building a career for yourself in the city. You loved New York, the culture, the atmosphere, and on most nights the people. You’d just taken your dream job, and you weren’t in any position to give it up.
“I can take care of you, come September we’ll be able to settle down somewhere else,” Kevin whispers, resting his large hand on your thigh.
“I don’t want that Kev!” You shout, not realizing your voice had risen, “I did all of this on my own, I’m not going to let you just take care of me, you know that.”
“Y/N what am I supposed to do? This my job, I don’t have a choice, I told you this might happen,” Kevin shouts back. 
He was right, he told you after your first date that he wasn’t sure if he would even be a Ranger for the rest of the season. His contract was going to expire and the team was in a rebuild, he knew if he had a good season he would be gone by the deadline.
“Kevin, I’m not that girl,” You start, you were upset and you were lashing out at Kevin for even asking you to leave New York, “I’m not going to follow you around and give my dreams for your job.”
“I’ve never asked you to be,” Kevin shouts back, “Can you be the kind of girl who’s there for me?”
“I’m sure you can find her in Winnipeg,” You deadpan, crossing your arms at him. It was the first time you’d ever fought, and most definitely the first time Kevin’s ever raised his voice at you. His face was red, veins popping out of his neck. He was mad, and you were mad that he couldn’t understand where you were coming from. Kevin was more traditional than you, and while it made him a gentleman, it made it hard for him to get that you liked to work.
“You want me to go off to Winnipeg and find another girl?” Kevin asks, his tone harsh, “It would make road trips fun again.”
His last words were muttered under his breath, but that didn’t mean you didn’t hear them. The second the words slipped out of his mouth, you both went silent. His sentence rocked your world. You never thought Kevin would cheat on you, he’d always made it clear to you that he was yours and you were his. But, the way the words fell out so easily made your skin crawl. You wanted to scream, cry, and fight with him for the next day - but you weren’t being given that time.
“Kevin, just go, I’m sure you need to pack,” You say, tears threatening to spill. 
He stands in the doorway, debating whether or not to leave, he looks at you defeated and walks out of your apartment. You sat on the floor of your apartment that night, tears flooding out of your eyes while you wore Kevin’s too big Red Sox hoodie that you loved so much.
You wipe a little dust off the box, it's been almost a year since that night. You’d seen Kevin, on the internet at least, not being able to stop yourself from Instagram stalking your ex-boyfriend. You unfollowed all of his friends, and most of his family - only following his sister just because you liked to see pictures of his niece. Which was fine, until she posted a video of Kevin trying to braid her hair when they headed to Winnipeg to visit, and you cried in the bathroom at work. You opened it, trying to even remember what was inside.
You pulled out a few of his hoodies, because his clothes were always thrown around your apartment. You laugh, pulling out the Patriots hoodie you’d borrowed after the first night you crashed in his apartment. You wore it on the walk back, ignoring hollers about the sports team on your chest while you weaved through the streets of Manhattan while you took a walk of shame back to your place. You hold the gray fabric in your hands, remembering the way it felt - soft like Kevin always was with you. You pull out a couple of his beanies, remember how many he would leave at your house and then just buy another because he forgot about it. You pulled out a few ticket stubs, random concerts you’d both been to that you tossed in there when you broke up. Then you hit the two small velvet boxes that you never stopped thinking about.
You pulled out the first box, opening it to reveal the necklace Kevin had gotten you for Christmas. It was so perfect, you were positive Brady’s girlfriend had to have helped him pick it out. You only tried to wear it once after you broke up, but the memories that flooded back when you put it on was too much. Then there was the other box. Kevin had gotten you the most beautiful ring you’d ever seen in your life for your birthday. He claimed it didn’t mean anything, but when his eyes sparkled when you slipped it on your left hand, to try it on in the restaurant you were in, you thought it may mean more than he was leading on. It was your favorite piece of jewelry, the ring was dainty and small just the way you liked it. You were surprised Kevin even picked it out, considering he lived by the motto that the bigger the better, but he told you he knew you needed it when he saw it in a shop window on a roadtrip in Chicago. You drop the box, hoping maybe he would give it to someone else one day, if there wasn't someone else already.
You hear your someone try to buzz into your building and you knew it had to be Kevin. You carry the box with you in the living room, buzzing him in and dropping it on the island in your kitchen. You sigh, hearing his heavy footsteps come down the door, opening it and letting himself in.
“Hey,” You say, your voice small.
“Hey,” Kevin breathes out, you were both nervous which you guess could be a good thing. He looked different, his hair was a little longer and his beard a little fuller. 
Suddenly, as if the universe decided to lay it all on you today, the power in your apartment shuts out, a loud crash of thunder following. You jump, feeling Kevin’s large hands on your shoulders when you do.
“Fuck, give me a minute,” You mutter, running into your room to grab some candles. You spread them around your apartment, lighting them until your apartment wasn’t completely dark.
“All of downtown is in a blackout,” Kevin says, reading the news on his phone, “Like all of it.”
You bite your lip, debating your options. You shouldn’t let Kevin go back out in this weather, and with no power on one half of Manhattan, it wasn’t a great idea. 
“You should stay, til this all blows over,” You offer, gesturing to your island where the box sat.
“That’s my stuff?” Kevin asks, opening the box and smiling at the contents. You watch them sift through the box, a wide smile on his face that could barely make out in the glow of the candles that littered your apartment. His hands gripped the same velvet box you dropped in just before he arrived.
“You should keep these,” Kevin says, “They were gifts.”
“Give them to someone else one day,” You whisper, sitting on your counter while you watched him, “That’s what you wanted right?”
You didn’t realize the words came out of your mouth. You’d been harboring this feeling of resentment for so long, your entire world was crushed in a matter of a night and you just wanted some closure. You thought you could get it by just giving him his stuff back, but it still wasn’t enough.
“I didn’t want that,” Kevin says back, “You said it first!”
“You asked me to be someone I wasn’t Kevin,” You say, your voice rising, “That wasn’t fair to me!”
“It wasn’t fair to me that I had to leave, but I did,” Kevin shouts, “And all I wanted was for you to come with me, because I love you.”
“Do you think that it was fucking easy to let you go? Or that I didn’t spend months of my life regretting it? Because I did,” You yell, tears welling up in your eyes, “Congrats Kevin you win, I was fucking miserable without you and the reason I stayed in New York isn’t working out.”
You stomp into your room, slamming the door and sliding down it. You finally just let yourself cry. About that fucking night. About losing the love of your life for some job that isn’t working out. About ruining your own happiness because you could just compromise once. Kevin knocked lightly on the other side, finally giving up after what was probably his hundredth time, sliding down the other side of your bedroom door.
“It was really lonely up there” Kevin whispers, loud enough for you to hear through the door, “In Winnipeg.”
Kevin talked for an hour. He talked about Winnipeg, how no matter what he did he couldn’t stop thinking about you. How he wishes you could have been there. He talked about his summer in Boston, mentioning how his sister got married and he wished you were there. He talked about how his mom asked about you all summer, but he just kept brushing it off because he couldn’t tell her it was his fault. Which leads up to now, where he is finally getting to the new city he set roots in.
“-I like Philly,” Kevin whispers, “You would too, everyone there is great. You’d love my teammates, and they’d love you.”
“Kev?” You finally say, your voice still trembling, “What happened to us?”
“I don’t know,” Kevin says back, his head tapping the door, “I didn’t mean what I said, I don’t know why I said it, but I didn’t mean it.”
“We were both upset, about everything,” You say back, standing up and opening the door, “I’m sorry for telling you to go find someone else.”
Kevin stands up, his hands finding both sides of your face to wipe away the stray tears that were left, “I’m never going to find someone else.”
“Kevin, I can’t pick up and run off with you,” You say, repeating the same thing you did a few months ago, “Just not right now.”
“Philly is barely three hours away,” Kevin counters, “I’m willing to do it if you are, because I can’t walk out of here without trying.”
You finally place your lips on his, soft and slow at first. But when your hands found the back of Kevin’s neck, playing with the hair that was starting to curl, you could feel him grunt into your mouth and you smiled against his lips because you knew it drove him crazy. That was the point, you knew everything about him because he was yours, and you were his.
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curiousartemis · 3 years
Tagged by @vtforpedro thank you very much 😭💗
1. Why did you choose your url? "Artemis” is my chosen name, and “Curious” is from Alice in Wonderland, and when I made this blog I was at the tail end of working on my doctorate in kiddie lit, so not only was I having to read Lewis Carroll but Alice was also my chair’s favorite book. 2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
@casienyedlin is my OC’s blog @nirnwrote is the blog my friend @alxxiis made for our writing group 3. How long have you been on tumblr? I joined in 2010 so about 11 years. 4. Do you have a queue tag? I used to, but queuing posts seems to have fallen out of favor, so I stopped. I realized for me at least there really was no point in queuing, and that people on tumblr were moving towards interacting in real time - it was becoming more facebook/insta/twitter than a simple blogging site.  5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? I was on an anime forum; that was where I spent most of my time, and a friend there convinced me to check out tumblr.  6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? Believe it or not, it was an act of bravery; I’m very uncomfortable with my real life appearance on account of my gender identity but my friends and I made picrew versions of ourselves, and they said this one looked a lot like the real me, and that made me very happy b/c to me this image looks very genderless or leaning masc. The non-binary flag was also maybe the first time I was publicly admitting to being non-binary. 7. Why did you choose your header?
The desktop header is a picrew of Casien and Ulfric; they’re there because I love them, obviously!! The mobile header is Garak from Deep Space Nine and it’s very Garak and very gay, need I say more? 8. What’s your post with the most notes? I have one where I just copied a dialogue sequence between Cole and Iron Bull; it has over 5000 notes. Granted it’s a pretty funny banter, but I grew to hate that post as there was no way to block notes back then. 🤣 9. How many mutuals do you have? Yeah I don’t think there’s any way to easily find this out; in any case, mutual culture is WAY overrated on this site. Just because someone isn’t a mutual doesn’t mean I dislike them or even don’t consider them a friend. I also follow and unfollow and re-follow people all the time. A blog is a personal online space, and I may not always like what you share in your personal online space, and that’s okay. Doesn’t mean I don’t like you anymore (and vice versa).  10. How many followers do you have? 720 11. How many people do you follow? 347 12. Have you ever made a shitpost? Probably? 13. How often do you use tumblr each day? I wake up and after feeding the animals and watering the plants, I check my dash and maybe do some replies if needed. Then I’m basically off and on all day. If I’m home, I’m checking tumblr.  14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won? Wish I could say no. But luckily I’ve learned not to respond to baiting and harassment. And I delete rude/taunting asks and messages without responding or acknowledging. 15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? Fastest way to get me to not reblog something. 16. Do you like tag games? Definitely! 17. Do you like ask games? Absolutely! 18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? Not entirely sure what that would entail? And I don’t feel comfortable tagging anyone as that might make them feel awkward. Probably some of the artists I’m mutuals with might be considered tumblr famous. I guess if you get hundreds of notes on a post, you’re tumblr famous. 19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? I don’t get crushes on real life people. 20. Tags?
YOUR TURN!! @alxxiis @the-mushroom-queen-writes @translimen @tishinada @dharmaserenity @maraleestuff @bee-sneezes @sister-dear @razrogue @r2smuse @archesa @musetta3 @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 @bigbraincel @polymathicdragon
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astrorising · 3 years
this whole drama shit with tarot blogs is so dead and so dumb 🤣 JUST BECAUSE THEY DONT INTERPRET THE WAY YOUR FAVORITE BLOGS DO, DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE WRONG!! tarot is a tool, energy is constantly changing, fate vs free will... you guys get the point. this is why some of us get completely different readings because you can pick up different energy! 😵 isnt that amazing!?
the way some of y’all are so fake to your favorite blogs and run to another blog to talk all your shit behind anon shows EVERYTHING we need to know about your character. and if you’re a fellow reader and blogger, FEEDING into this, GOODBYE. the toxicity you allow on your blog shows everything we need to know about you as well.
this isn’t the same blog that has been mentioned on our blog before. this is a completely new blog (forgot the @, but just looked on their blog and it was childish af) i’m talking about here. this really isn’t my business, but there’s been SO much toxic, unnecessary, CHILDISH drama about tarot blogs (targeting specific blogs) i really felt like i needed to repeat myself.
these blogs who are also fellow tarot reader and/or content creators, trying to @ another blog is HILARIOUS to me. how the fuck you gonna tell someone else how to create THEIR OWN ART? girl bye 😂 you’re a fan, that’s definite fan activity. and yes girl since i’m not a bitch, i’m definitely @angelicawildrose talking to YOU. stay in your own lane and own business. the call out you TRIED to handle was messy and pointless.
@cheriiangel @fairycherii i’m so sorry you’re getting targeted. i’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but hang in there. all of this shall pass ❤️ turn off your anon asks... i bet it’ll go away real quick 😇 at least that’s what i heard 🥴
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
ML Prompt (Salt/Angst)
Here’s an idea featuring Alya guilt, Sadrien, and Angrynette. None of which in a good way.
Ladybug has decided to give more permanent members of the Miraculous Team a try and presents the Fox Miraculous to Alya to hold onto as part of a trial run to test if this would work out. Alya is honored and vows to prove herself to Ladybug. To show she’s deserving, she decides to use the Miraculous for good.
And what greater good could she do than help Ladybug’s best friend and get Marinette to stop accusing her of telling lies? She’s only doing it out of jealousy after all, so she would be helping Lila by protecting her and helping Marinette by getting her over her issues. It’s a win-win!
So Alya uses the Fox Miraculous to cast an illusion over herself to appear as Adrien so she can talk to Marinette about Lila. She figures that since Marinette’s antagonism towards Lila is just due to her jealousy over her crush, that she could make a difference by having “Adrien” step in to ask her to be nice to Lila and not let her jealousy keep them from being friends.
She expected Marinette to listen to “Adrien” and back down. She expected her to admit to being wrong and apologize. She expected her to accept anything “Adrien” told her.
Obviously, that was not what happened.
To Alya’s shock and confusion, Marinette is livid. And she’s mad at HIM. She chews “Adrien” out. That it was bad enough that he just sat back and let Lila lie after knowing the truth. That he had said they were in this together. Accusing him of lying to her.
“What happened to ‘as long as you and I know the truth’, huh?”
She full on sobs.
“I guess it really doesn’t matter to you at all.”
This tells Alya two things. First, that Marinette’s hang up over Lila wasn’t just about Adrien. And two, that whatever beef Marinette had with Lila, Adrien KNEW about it and had apparently supported her.
Which is when Alya realizes she made a serious error in judgement.
It comes too little too late though, as Marinette runs away.
But this wasn’t anything too big, right? This was just a minor setback. Marinette loves Adrien after all, so of course her crush will pull through and she’ll forgive him and everything will be okay.
The next day, Marinette ignores Adrien. Flat out refuses to acknowledge or speak to him. She makes it clear she wants NOTHING to do with him.
Naturally, Adrien is hurt by this because Marinette is one of his closest friends and now suddenly is acting like she hates him and he doesn’t know why.
Alya is internally panicking. It’s just leftover anger from the illusion the previous day. It’ll fix itself, right?
Then Marinette invites Alya to her house after school to help her trash all the Adrien pictures. Unfollow him online. Block his number. Delete his thank you video.
Oh. Shit.
Alya fucked up. Big time.
This is a huge circle of angst and hurt that Alya unintentionally created. Marinette is angry at Adrien because of what Rena Rouge did but doesn’t know Rena was responsible. Adrien is upset because he lost a dear friend and doesn’t know what he did to upset her. And Alya is feeling guilty as hell because she caused this and can’t fix it without admitting to someone she’s Rena Rouge and what she had done with the power, which will get back to Ladybug and cause her to lose her Miraculous.
Alya can’t accept that. So she tries to find ways to “fix” things. Without actually revealing her involvement. So she starts setting up situations for Adrien and Marinette to be alone together in hopes it will rekindle Mari’s crush.
Adrien appreciates these moments for all that it hurts him because it at least gives him a chance to try and talk to Marinette. Marinette does NOT appreciate these moments because it’s coming off like Adrien is continuing to try and shove his stupid high road in her face or make her feel bad for being upset.
It comes to a head when Adrien finally has enough. He KNOWS Marinette is mad at him for something but can’t get Marinette to talk to Adrien. So he uses his status as her favorite superhero and tries to get Marinette to talk to Chat Noir.
Which is how he hears about Lila’s threat.
Said threat which happened to involve losing not just her friends, but also Adrien.
Adrien, who had apparently betrayed her by taking Lila’s side.
But...he hadn’t!
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zhansww · 3 years
Imma do a little confession. I use to follow this FB page for XZ and it was really helpful at times but then things got kinda crazy (if that's the right term) about how WY hates him and only used him for his career. I even commented at time about how anti's a lot and that I miss how they use to be, more or just friendship it didn't matter. And I was totally singled out and was called stupid and for being blind about what WY was and what he and his team was going to XZ. Part 1
Part 2. So I ended up unfollowing the page when I saw how kinda toxic it was but went back to see at least three more people say that this page is just a big anti-WY group and questioning the group leader. My heart hurt from it all but didn't lose hope that ggdd were still a big part of each other's lives and I just want then to be happy. I'm sorry for ranting your blog just helps with how mean people can be and I find comfort in it, I shall look to you and anyone you recommend for ggdd guidance
Ever since XZ and WYB’s popularity blew up, there have been many accounts on weibo that are just dedicated to making the most ridiculous theories about how gg and dd actually hate each other (paid haters are a thing in c-ent btw which is still insane to me). I noticed that this “trend” has also reached the international fans this year. I guess what’s worse than the idiots who spread such information are the ones who instantly believe it, not because any of it makes sense but because they want to. It’s unfortunate but there are many fans like that. Fans who judge reality based on what they want to be real, based on their emotions. I’m not surprised that they insulted you for trying to reason with them. When you try to discuss with them, it doesn’t matter how objective and rational you're being, to them it’s just like you’re questioning their feelings so ofc, they immediately get defensive and riled up and well, even more emotional. Believe me, I tried many of times but it always ended the same. If I may offer some advice, I know it may be frustrating to come across people like that but I think it’s best to ignore them precisely because you can’t reason with them and because you know they’re wrong anyway (lol). This is something that XZ himself does, too; he said that when he sees outrageous comments about him that are untrue, he wants to reply but he doesn’t cuz he thinks that time will tell. And at this point, this is what I do, too btw. I have no understanding or patience for “fans" like that. It’s obviously totally fine to like one of them without liking the other but any XZ solo who hates Yibo and seriously believes that he is working against Zhan-ge either doesn’t know shit about Yibo or has grossly misunderstood his personality. And the same goes for Yibo solos who hate Zhan-ge. That’s actually even worse imo cuz anyone who claims to be a fan of Yibo knows what kind of honest and straight-forward person he is and how uncharacteristically devoted he is to Zhan-ge and yet, they still delude themselves into thinking Yibo is giving fanservice to cp fans or that it must have been so hard for him to force himself to smile around Zhan-ge cuz he secretly hates him. Yeah, I don’t consider those kind of solos to be fans at all. I reckon they hate the possibility that their idol isn’t only theirs so much that they’d rather do anything they can to convince themselves that ggdd hate each other and their idol couldn’t possibly love someone else than their fans.
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(inserts random yz gif cuz long text posts look too boring lol)
It’s a pity that that XZ fan account you followed turned into a salty anti but for what it’s worth, if you ever come across those kind of antis again, just ignore them or block them if you have to. You can’t control what they do, only what you do. And I think the only way to counter such hate is with love and support for Zhan-ge and Yibo and with maybe spreading the reality - which is that they have a good relationship in private. “I just want them to happy” is a sentiment that I relate to so damn much. Friends or lovers, they deserve to be happy and to be able to publicly support each other and show that they are close if they want to instead of being forced to hide that. I want that for them so badly. The road ahead is still long but I intend to keep supporting ggdd until they get there someday. I hope you will, too! I’m so humbled that my blog can help you find comfort ^-^ To be honest, I have no problem ignoring antis cuz they’re simply wrong. They mostly just make me laugh cuz they sound so stupid and keep contradicting themselves, it’s embarrassing. Reality says the opposite of what they say so I don’t care about them in the slightest. You’re more than welcome to rant about them to me anytime (lolz) but I hope that maybe possibly explaining how little I think of them will make it easier for you to ignore them, too xD
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curiousscientistkae · 3 years
im going to get on a soap box a bit lol. Again, I hate I have to do this but some people can’t grasp others have different opinions this is just me venting. It’s tagged as it should be, under the cut, and I am not here to like go after anyone. Only say how i feel and maybe get others to at least understand a different side. You dont not have to read this and if you disagree with me, just ignore this post, block it, block me. I DON’T WANT TO ARGUE I just want to fuckin vent and express how I feel
anyway idk I am just very tired rn with how much the internet eats up c//a and like puts it on a pedestal. I can rant about how I don’t feel like it should have it or how it was poorly written or how it COULD have been great but falls short. But what I want to talk about is
how fuckin tiring it is to see it all the time when it is fucking triggering. Yes, I block the tags on like tumblr. I am happy i follow people who like tag that and if something gets untagged i block the post or maybe unfollow the person. If i am in the tags and see it somehow or someone it the icon, I block. I do it for my own sake
but so many other sites are not like that. Fuck joining discord servers now I am a bit on edge cause lol I don’t know who will have that as an icon and if they do I will block. or if people start to talk about it, I have to think to myself “will I be thought of as a ‘villain’ for asking to spoiler it or not talk about c/a at all” because yes a lot of people will respect me and my trigger but I have see SO many people disrespect people hurt by s/pop and c//a. So many times have people put us down or say we are not abuse victims or don’t understand it when MANY of us have been abused. When many of us see ourselves in Adora or wanted Catra to get better and saw us in her also. I cannot speak for everyone but so many of us wanted this to work out one way or another and all we got was a trigger and being bullied and harassed and told our abuse isn’t real (or we are racist or X-phobic when many of us are poc or queer)
there is just like no escaping c/a and it SUCKS as someone who is triggered by it. It sucks on sites where blocking is not as good as it is here, I have to play russian roulette. Fuck on youtube ill be watching a video and BAM a random c//a clip. It so fuckin tiring
and i loved s/pop. I relate to Adora so much so and that is why it hurts so much. ive been abused, I have been in toxic relationships, and I wanted good things for Adora and yet, now I got a trigger because s/pop was so poorly handled.
again I am not here to attack anyone, if you find comfort in c//a I am not here to change your mind. The fact of the matter is so many people got hurt by this. That there is another side to the story and we have been left in the dust. And it  just is tiring to be now walking on eggshells because you say one bad thing (which guess what you are allowed! to criticize shows you like! its how we learn from mistakes and get better!!!) and then you have a horde of people attacking you and saying your trauma, your experiences as a queer person or abused person or person of color is not valid at all.
it just fuckin sucks man
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