#at full volume (like i can hear it perfectly and i dont hear very well im actually scared for her)
ur art censors are so fucking funny I have not been able to stop giggling over them 😭
those are literally all @thrumbo she's way funnier than me <3 idk what I would do without her. she comes up with 90% of the jokes on this blog
also comes up with a lot of the concepts, kinda. well it's hard to keep track who came up with what honestly. we do all of our brainstorming lying in bed and giggling at 1am. either way, if I come up with something she's the one who refines it, and vice versa
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xbellaxcarolinax · 4 years
Forging A Heart (Ivar the Boneless) 14‐ Propositions
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Pairings: Ivar x Artemis (OFC)
Word Count: 2775
Warnings: None.
13- Wessex
It was the first time Artemis witnessed the funeral traditions of the northmen. One of Floki's ships was used, and Sigurd's body was carefully placed inside, along with his lute and other items of his that he may take with him in the after life. 
He appeared to be sleeping. His hands rested gently on his stomach, his sword placed in his lifeless grip. His flaxen hair was braided beautifully, revealing a face of tranquility. It was as if he hadn't met a tragic end. 
It was the second funeral she has witnessed in two days. Two innocent lives taken so easily and brashly.
Ivar had tears in his eyes, real tears of guilt and anguish that he fought to hold back. Surrounded among the others, he looked utterly defeated and lost, two things that Ivar never dared to express. Bjorn, Hvitserk and Ubbe mourned, their features stone cold. The ship Sigurd peacefully rested in was set to sail, engulfed by an arrow of fire as it trailed down the river Thames, away from his family.
There was complete silence after that.
The crowd erupted into low murmurs and slowly departed, leaving Artemis to stand next to her troubled master. He sniffled loudly, turning his red rimmed eyes to look at her before glaring and crawling away hastily into the settlement.
He needed time on his own.
"Floki has left." 
Ivar crawls into the forge, eyes red lined and watery. He throws himself into a corner like an old sack, his chest rising and falling rapidly from his rage, and perhaps from crying. Artemis was alone, much to his relief. Arvid was nowhere in sight, and Ivar felt more comfortable to drown himself in his self pity in her presence. 
She sits on a stool far from the the dying flames of the hearth, working in silence. She quickly acknowledges him with a glance before continuing her work sharpening a mighty sword belonging to King Harald. 
"Did you hear me?" Ivar demands, "Floki has left! He has left me!" He chokes, lowering his face into his hands, defeated.
Artemis frowns, pausing her use of the whetstone to take pity on him. Floki was the only other person who regarded him as more than just the boy who couldn't walk.
"I've heard of his departure," She answers softly, "He mourns his wife. I mourn her too." Ivar sniffles, noting her sad eyes. She was indeed mourning.
"Where has he gone?" She asks him.
"Somewhere," He chuckles bitterly, "Anywhere. I dont know." He picks up a random stone beside him, chucking it across the room, successful in knocking down a few tools. She jumps, the noise startling her.
"They are angry with me, all of them." He mutters, keeping his eyes low. He was not wrong. His brothers regarded him with a cold shoulder now. What Ivar viewed as an accident looked deliberate to the rest. 
Artemis listens as usual while he prattled on with his excuses. She never really did care for his excuses, but she did sympathize for him.
"I did not mean to do it, surely they know that." Ivar continues, turning his eyes to her again. Her silence bothered him immensely. She too hadn't uttered a word to him since the disastrous feast.
"Have you nothing to say?" He growls, manuvering himself to settle directly in front of her. He springs forward, using a hand to place it atop of hers, stopping her movements. She swallows thickly, and their eyes meet.
Something about her eyes spoke volumes, causing a fluttering feeling to invade his abdomine.
"Last I spoke out of turn, I was beaten." She finally says, her tone bitter. This was the last situation she should give an opinion about. 
Ivar huffs, snatching his hand back and crawling away from her in favor of looking out towards the crowded land that once belonged to King Ecbert. 
"I did not mean to kill my own brother." Ivar didn't turn to look at her, but his tone said it all. He was pleading for someone to believe him, even if it was his slave, "Surely, you believe me?" Still no response. 
"You may speak freely." He says after moment.
"I believe you let the anger get the best of you." Her words were cautious as she continues to run the whetstone down the length of the sword. Ivar grunts, running a hand down his face in frustration.
"Tell me the truth, Artemis, tell me what you really think." He hisses, swatting away a happily chirping bird that dared to land near him.
She sighs. Fine.
"I think you sometimes forget he was your brother. You took his life without thinking. It is shameful."
"Sigurd made me do it! He was always tormenting me, you know this," Ivar let's the words out through gritted teeth, "He hated me."
"You tormented him as well," Artemis points out, placing the whetstone to the side and inspecting the sharpness of the blade with her thumb. It was ready to go back to King Harald's waiting hands, "But he did not hate you." Ivar tears his eyes away from the calming nature of Wessex in favor of glancing at his slave. She sheathed the sword back in its place, focusing fully on her crippled master.
"He liked you, you know." Ivar mutters his eyes glazing over with emotion. Artemis knew what he meant by that. Sigurd made his attempts, but that was all in the dust now, burned alongside his body. 
She bites her lip, looking at him with those damn eyes. Ivar still had no idea how she did that. 
"He painted you to be very willing." He says, struggling to contain his growing anger. She scrunches her nose in obvious distaste.
"I thought Prince Sigurd kind once," She begins, pushing her hair away from her face "It did not mask his envy well." Ivar snorts, giving his head a shake in disbelief.
"King Harald will be leaving soon. May I take his sword to him?" Ivar makes an odd guttural sound, as if he wanted to say no, but nods his head in approval.
He quickly grabs a fistful of her trousers as she steps out, and she lets out a surprised yelp as she fought to keep her balance. 
"I did not believe him," Ivar mutters, his eyes pleading, "About your willingness." Artemis clutches the sword to her chest, giving him a quick nod.
"He...I will miss him." He whispers brokenly.
After a few seconds of fighting an internal battle, Artemis lowers herself to her knees beside the grieving prince, her fingertips gently grazing the skin of his hand.
"May the Prince rest in peace."
"Does my brother treat you well?" 
Bjorn asks, eyeing the cross that peaked out from her bodice. The gold had a slight shine to it, and reminded him of the cross his late father use to carry around in the days he'd seen him last. Artemis casts him a lazy glance before continuing her work. She places a leg on the ancient well for support, using her strength to pull the ropes to retrieve the bucket of water.
"He is decent." She grunts, hoisting the bucket tightly in both hands. Bjorn moves to help her, snatching the bucket from her small hands with such ease that it made her roll her eyes. She never really cared for this particular Ragnarson. He annoyed her greatly.
"That isn't necessary." She says, knowing perfectly well she was capable on her own. Bjorn didn't listen, continuing down the short path he knew she'd take. Artemis follows behind him, realizing she had forgotten how large he was in stature. She barely made it to the height of his chest.
"I have a proposition for you," He says, stopping to place the bucket near the entrance of the forge. 
"Proposition?" Going to grasp the bucket, Bjorn stops her in order to get her full attention. Her brows furrow, but she allows him to stop her, crossing her arms in annoyance.
"As you know," He begins, "I plan on returning to the Mediterranean." He takes caution in speaking low.
"I am aware." 
"I think it will be an advantage to bring you along. You speak the languages of the east, you can be a translator while we navigate. Does this interest you?" 
It steals her attention immediately. It almost sounded like a dream. She ponders the idea.
"You cannot expect me to aid you in raiding my people." She counters.
"We will just be exploring," Bjorn says with a cheeky smile, "It is merely an adventure, an exploration of your world and of the old gods." She narrows her eyes at him, not too keen on his answer. She doubted Bjorn planned on sailing to the Mediterranean without the intentions of raiding.
"Well? Does this interest you?" He repeats.
"It does," She says after a moment, "But what's in it for me?"
"I will allow you to go back to Crete," Bjorn says with a shrug, "Right my wrongs. It would be as if you never left."
Artemis licks her dry lips, her mind immediately conjuring an image of an angry Ivar.
"Ivar would not allow it." 
"No," Bjorn agrees, "You are of value to him, but there is no need for him to know. Think about it." He leaves her with a smile and a pat on the shoulder. 
She wonders if she should trust him. Bjorn was a mystery of a man, but he promised her Crete, and that was all she wanted.
She sighs, bending to grasp the bucket of forgotten water. Hoisting it up, she returns to her duties, feeling Arvid's eyes on her. He stood there with a pensive look, as if trying to read her thoughts. She realized he's eavesdropped on the conversation, and that look was enough to know he had opinions.
"Don't." She says, walking past him and into the heat of the hearth. 
"You must be daft," He mocks, watching her place the bucket on a stool. She rolled up the sleeves of her shirt before getting to work.
"Do you think you can just leave? Ivar will kill you!" Artemis ignored his prattle, already growing accustomed to the useless babble of men. She doesn't grace him with an answer, moving to work on Ivar's smaller weapons.
"What!" She drops the hammer with a loud bang against the anvil, causing Arvid to wince at the noise, "What have you to say?"
"You're thinking about leaving with Bjorn." 
"I've been far from home for long enough." Arvid crosses his arms over his chest like an angry child. 
"And you trust Bjorn?" He hisses, slowly approaching her.
"He is the of a man you and your people came to fight for. Should I not trust him?" She hisses back, "He offers me an opportunity." Artemis glares up at him, gripping the hammer tightly.
"You risk your life!"
"Then it is a risk I must take. I've no purpose here."
"You do not realize how lucky you are," Arvid scoffs, "You are treated well. Most slaves cannot say the same."
"So you wish for me to stay with the Prince then? Is that it?" Artemis feigns confusion, "I think you say these things for yourself. You do not realize how selfish you sound." Arvid sputters, mouth going slack and brows arched high. He turns away from her when he had no retaliation.
"This does not concern you." There was a finality in her tone, enough to express that she's had enough of the conversation.
Arvid had never witnessed her anger before. Her demeanor was strong willed, and he knew there would be no way to sway her thoughts. He didn't want her to leave. It was quite selfish of him, really.
Looking at her angry eyes reminded him of Ivar's.
The brothers bickered until they decided their next destination.
A prominent city not far from Wessex, York would be their next conquest. Ivar was dead set on invading more land, while Ubbe was against the idea, wanting to settle down and work the land given to them. In the end, Ivar's charisma won everyone over, and plans to attack York were set into motion. 
There was so much talk of the grand city, that Artemis was almost sad she wouldn't be seeing the splendor for herself. But the last thing she wanted to witness was another city destroyed and covered in blood, just as the monestary has been desecrated months ago. There were more important things to worry about. 
It hadn't been an easy decision for her, surprisingly, as the obvious choice would be to leave with Bjorn if she wanted the slightest chance of seeing home again. But something was terribly off. It was a nagging feeling that tortured her to no end, like the discomfort of pins and needles over her skin. The nagging told her it was a mistake, that leaving would cause her more strife than peace. 
Artemis just wanted it to stop.
She thought she hated him. She wanted to hate him. 
The stupid cripple bastard.
He was dangerous, and he was everything she was taught to stand against, yet she realizes she slowly pined for him like a lovesick girl. 
Everything about Ivar was wrong, and yet her little heart told her otherwise. When was she to realize she harbored warmth for a hostile pagan? So what, he showed her a bit of kindness and that was enough to have her swooning? It was an embarrassment! Even now as she sat alone thinking to herself, her cheeks were dusted pink and she covered her face with her hands at the realization.
Prince Ivar. 
She liked him. 
"Shit." She mutters to herself, tugging at the roots of her hair in disbelief. Perhaps Ivar was right, she was weak as a baby bird.
It didn't matter. She has made her decision, and she chose Crete. If Bjorn was a man of his word, then she will reach her home and be reunited with her father in no time. In a perfect world, everything would be as it was.
The army was to leave to York in the early hours of the morning and Bjorn was set to leave the night before. Artemis had taken everything she thought she would need, though she struggled to leave Ivar's cloak behind. After debating with herself a hundred times, she leaves it, folding it neatly over her work station
She peeks out from the empty forge, eyeing all of Bjorn's men gathering around their ships for departure. 
She takes in an even breath. The nagging feeling returned, telling her Ivar would be furious. Ivar would be enraged, but she doubted he'd search for her across the seas, not when he and his army has been successful in England. Besides, she was sure he'd forget about her in time, she wasn't worth the trouble.
Tossing her satchel over her shoulder, she mutters a prayer and kisses her cross before taking quick steps toward the docks. She immediately spots Bjorn and Halfdan, chatting away while men around them placed items into the ships. 
She could almost taste the salt in the air, and she breathed in the winds of the mighty sea, her heart thumping erratically in nervousness.
But she didn't get close enough. 
She stops, a blunt blow over the head knocking her to her knees. For a mere moment pain bloomed over the afflicted area before her eyes rolled back.
The throbbing pain brought her back into conscience. 
Noise attacked her sensitive ears, the chatter of men, the sound of boots scuffing up the dirt, the laughter. It was too much.
She groans, feeling her body tumbling in the tight corner she was in. Once her head slammed against something, she forces her eyes open. Her vision was blurred, seeing the smallest hints of sunlight and shadows before blinking into focus. 
Immediately she recognizes Ivar's buckled legs. This was no ship bound to the Mediterranean. She was stuffed into his chariot like cargo. Bringing her hands to the base of the chariot, she shifts her body just enough to peer above her.
Ivar was livid. 
His jaw was clenched tight and his nose flarred. A hand held onto the reigns, the leather slapping loudly against the mare's back. His other hand was tightly gripping a familiar lump of fabric over his lap. 
He brings his glaring eyes down to look at her, his lips set in a sneer.
"You forgot something." He spits, roughly tossing the fabric onto her face. 
His cloak somehow still smelled of fresh pine.
@heavenly1927​ @didiintheblog​ @rastakami23
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vasiliassuns · 4 years
thistle gimme the tea on ruby
♥ oh gods, you really just love getting me on the analysis trains, hm ?
♥ ( note ; do not read this post if you absolutely love ruby with all of your heart and believe she is 100% innocent , to each their own , these are just my own personal opinions and im not trying to offend anybody ) 
♥ warning ! this post is very long, and essentially turned into a character analysis of specific moments and nearly an entire volume largely based off of how i see the show. it is multiple paragraphs long, standing at exactly 3444 words exactly. there will be a tl;dr at the end for anybody who doesnt want to read the full post, or has trouble focusing ! thank you for understanding. 
♥ where do i start ? personally, ruby’s character really got it’s worst in volume 7. i really enjoyed her character pre - fall of beacon, and a decent amount in volumes 4 - 6 as well. there is a moment in volume 4 that make me let out a long sigh, as well as a singular moment in volume 5 that greatly confuses me on her character, so i will touch up on that as well.
♥ volume 7 is what kills my love for her character, in all honest, as well as some moments in volume 6 that i feel could have been written better. i’ll go in chronological order for this, starting with my “:///” towards a part in volume 4, then confusion of a scene in volume 5, then the slight issues that developed with her in volume 6, then moving on to volume 7 and how im no longer really enjoying her character
♥ so, in volume 4, its very common knowledge that tyrian was sent to attack and retrieve ruby to bring back to salem, due to her having silver eyes and the damage she cause salems fall maiden. when qrow shows up to save ruby at the perfect last second, he adamantly tells her and the rest of team rnjr to stay out of the fight. at first, ren and nora dont listen, but then do, which is fair. but ruby continued to push her helping qrow. as we all know now, qrow was telling her to stay back due to his semblance. while, yes, ruby did help qrow against tyrian with a couple of the blows, the fight would have gone much different should she have not interfered (personally, i feel like qrow would have had a shot at beating tyrian, especially because their auras were both flickering and they seemed very evenly matched). but due to her constant interference, she nearly got knocked out by a large wooden beam, had qrow not sliced it in half. she wound up (even if it was accidentally) distracting qrow, giving tyrian the opportunity to nearly poison him. i dont hate her for wanting to help in this scene, because its her uncle who she cares about, but i feel like she also should have trusted qrow and stayed out of the fight. the line “this is my fight too” also gets me. maam, this isnt your fight, the fight is about you, but doesnt need to physically involve you.
♥ with volume 5. its a very well known scene, at least in my opinion. when weiss got impaled by none other than cinder fucking fall. within the few episode long battle for haven, we did see ruby’s eyes activate once when jaune and cinder were running / flying at each other to fight. i do understand why her eyes activated there, because jaune is her first friend from beacon that wasn’t her sister, arguably one of her closest. what i dont understand is why ruby’s eyes didnt activate when she saw that cinder had impaled weiss with the spear, weiss sitting in the same position ruby last saw pyrrha in, weiss an inch from death. it just doesnt add up to me how her teammate and partner, somebody who’s saved her multiple times and shes saved multiple times. it may be that she was too stressed in the moment for them to properly activate, which we’ve seen ( in volume 7 ), but i still feel like something should have happened with her eyes. 
♥ continuing on with volume 6, i really didnt have many issues with her character here either, but a few of her lines / moments kinda made me go “:/ bruh why tho” closer to the end of this volume. it’s really only two quotes of her’s that get me, which is “Just because you don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad situations before, and we don't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way! And I say we do it our way. And if you think you can keep up with us "kids"... we'd be happy to have you.” from the episode ‘lost’. i partially understand what she’s saying here, but at the same time, she says this to qrow, who saved her life on multiple occasions, and who wanted to get to atlas without breaking any laws. the way she said it (nothing against lindsay, she is an amazing and very talented voice actress, and she delivers nearly all of rubys lines perfectly, but imagine as if this was a real person we knew), kind of seemed decently rude to me. i understand that she knows they need to get to atlas, because james can help them (ill bring this back up later, trust me), and shes clearly not afraid to break the law that involves james’ military to get to him. 
♥ the second thing in volume 6 about ruby that semi-upsets me / makes me go “:/” is in the episode seeing red, when she was talking to cordovin, she said “ We're going to Atlas. Bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed, but we're supposed to be on the same side! We're supposed to use our power to protect people, but you just use yours to look down on everyone! We didn't want to steal from you. We did it because you gave us no other choice! Now I'm giving you one last chance to stand down and hear us out.” this semi-upsets me mostly because of the line “bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed”, as well as “we did it because you gave us no other choice.”. the “bigger people than you” gets me because while, yes, in the grand scheme of things within the war against salem, cordovin is a small footnote within it, the only other people who physically tried to stop team rwby was roman (who sadly was eaten by grimm due to his negative emotions with flocks of grimm around, not because of ruby), cinder’s miniature faction (who only partially failed. as much as i hate cinders character, she didnt fully fail in stopping rwby, she just was forced to step back for a while...multiple times.), and tyrian with rnjr. roman didnt inherently fail, he just chose to walk away from the fights hed been having with team rwby in order to devise a new plan to beat them the next time. cinder’s faction only partially failed because ruby managed to get on top of beacon tower in volume 3 with weiss’ help, watching pyrrha pass away thus activating her silver eyes for the first time. the only reason tyrian failed to stop rnjr was because qrow was there to help, and ruby managed to get an opening to slice his tail in half (which. ew that shot looked disgusting). yes, bigger people have tried to stop her and her friends, but they didnt inherently fail, at least not yet. with the line “we did it because you gave no other choice!” mostly just confuses me. while yes, technically cordovin didnt really give any options for the group, it didnt automatically mean that they had to instantly resort to stealing from the military. 
♥ now ! onto volume 7, where my salt really starts. because i have a growing icky feeling about her character in volume 7, im going to split this next bit up into three parts. the first part being the first 4 episodes, the second being episodes 5-9 and the third and final being episodes 10-13. buckle up!
♥ episode 1, i really have nothing against ruby. she has the same attitude she did in volume 6 and before, which is a mixture of pure but also wanting to stop salem.
♥ its episode 2 that starts to get me. as i mentioned earlier, ruby knows they have to get to atlas because they know james can help them, and that the lamp is safer if its locked away in the vault, but then she suddenly doesnt trust james. i dont know if this is because the ace-operatives arresting them, but in that situation, james also couldnt have known who the unlicensed huntsmen were. as seen by his and winter’s reactions to the soliders bringing rwby+jnr+oscar & qrow in, they instantly tell them to let the 9 go, because james and winter personally know them and know they would never attack people. so, i dont really know why ruby would stop trusting the idea that james could help them because of that. it may also be the fact that ruby doesnt like the idea that james was planning on telling the people of atlas and mantle about salem (which, honestly? to me? this decision seems fully rash and makes a lot of sense.), but even then, if the students at the vytal festival knew about salem, or the world did, it may have proven to be more beneficial to them, because the more people that knew she existed, the more people who can fight her or the more people that can support those who are fighting her on the front lines, so ruby no longer trusting him over that doesnt make sense to me either. ruby’s sudden distrust of james upsets me quite a bit, because she and the team shed been traveling with had learned ozpin was hiding things from them (my feelings on this is a whole different post, but not necessarily a negative one), and was very upset about that. really, her openly lying to james about not knowing why ozpin had disappeared / locked himself away in oscars mind, as well as the amount of questions jinn has left, really ticks me off. they spent the entirety of volume 6 trying to get to atlas and to james because they needed his help, and once they finally got there, in front of the man himself, she lied. she became the exact same thing that she and her group had openly not liked what so ever, which was a blatant liar. id understand if ruby said that jinn had one more question left, to see how james would react, and tell him of salem’s immortality at a slightly later date, when they got into the rhythm of being around each other and working as a team against salem, but just blatantly lying, without consulting her team prior, to the man who could in all honesty make or break how they fought this war, was plain wrong.
♥ in episode 3, ruby was mostly back to who she had been prior to this entire mess. she explains why theyre hiding stuff from james, albeit in the vaguest way possible (weiss and blake explain the thinking behind it more than she does, honestly). we also see the beginning of a conversation between ruby and oscar about them lying to james. though, with the lying situation and who she was turning into, this is really all for this episode.
♥ in episode 4, the largest scene we see with ruby openly talking about her distrust for james is her conversation with qrow. she says “I'm trying to do what I think is best, but I really can't tell if what's best is what's right. Or if I'm no different from Oz.“, which at this point, shes nothing like ozpin. shes worse. ozpin was hiding the truth about salem due to the trauma connected to her and the fact of her immortality that the ozma line of reincarnations had, which isnt entirely a bad thing. should he have tried to find a way to tell them she was immortal without disclosing his own personal traumas? absolutely, i dont disagree that he hadnt made brash decisions, that should have been made differently, but the sad truth is, is that ozpin chose to hide what he hid, but that one mistake (albeit, a large one) doesnt entirely make him a terrible person. ruby, however? her choice on telling james wasnt brash, it was blatantly impetuous. she barely thought and decided to lie on the spot, unless shed purposefully been internally planning for a long while to lie to him, and had a lie stored up to use should he have asked. that isnt okay, what so ever. the conversation ruby had with qrow eventually delvs into talking about summer, which isnt really important.
♥ when thinking about episodes 5 through 8, nothing particularly stands out to me as ruby blatantly lying. those episodes are mostly team rwby and jnr doing huntsman work, yang making a terrible decision and making blake talk for her, and r/enora turning into something i honestly really hate. episode 9 however, gets me thinking.
♥ in episode 9, the finally tell james that salem cant be killed, but ruby doesnt tell james, oscar does. a quick side note, i really like the fact that crwby had oscar tell james and not ruby, because oscar is the current (and hopefully final) reincarnation of ozma, and its a secret his past lives kept for a millennia. but! back to ruby. within this episode, before she decides they can finally tell james about salem (which, as you can tell, i believe they should have done instantly), ruby is preaching to james about how they can figure it out and that how they should all work together. this pisses me off because shes standing there, hiding one of the largest, if not the largest secret in the show, to a man who has done everything for her and her team. james trusted rwby, especially ruby, with everything he knew, gave them new weapons, clothes, a place to stay, food, etc. all for free because he trusted they wouldnt hide anything from them. another thing that gets me about ruby saying it was finally time to tell james, was that it seemed solely up to her to tell him or to chose when to tell him. it was up to the technically youngest in the group to chose when to tell james about salems immortality (i say technically, because oscar is the current reincarnation of a millennia old line, and i personally have seen him be wiser than ruby in this, weather hes more mature than her or not. physically, yes, oscar is the youngest. mentally? i really dont think hes the youngest in that regard). it doesnt make sense to me as to why everybody was trusting ruby with when to tell james. why wouldnt qrow tell him? qrows known james for years, weather they were close friends (that hug and sincerity tells me that they arent the bickering work partners v3 shaped them up to be) or not. qrow knows he can trust james because simply of how long theyve known each other. weiss knows she can trust james, hes been seen multiple times in the show defending her against jacques, even offering her a place at atlas academy (that bit to me seemed like james offering weiss a way to get away from jacques, because she would need to live at atlas to properly be a student, not the manor), he even said “shes the only one making any sense around here” after weiss got rightfully upset at the woman talking beacon down in volume 4. oscar knows he can trust james, simply because of his connection to ozpin. seeing as ozpin can access oscars memories, and its cannon that their memories merge, its safe to say that oscar was able to see who james used to be pre-fall of beacon, and to see the kind of man he was, as well as making his own judgement based on their first introduction together. so, why would these three, and the rest of the team traveling with ruby not tell james the truth? hell, qrow is a mother fucking spy. im pretty sure he would be able to tear james apart and figure out his intentions pretty easily. why couldnt qrow have just had a one on one conversation with james to make his own final call, as the fully fledged adult of the group? it doesnt make sense to me why they would trust ruby with this extremely important decision what so ever. 
♥ episode 10, there really isnt anything i have against ruby. shes fighting to protect mantle and is doing her current job, which is one of the few details i can appreciate, but thats about it. 
♥ episode 11 and 12 specifically piss me off, and not just about ruby, about nearly everybody involved. i understand rubys standing in this, saying that they need to stand their ground and fight salem head on, unlike they had in the past, i honestly probably would have said the same thing if i were her too. james had emotionally shut down at this point, i think that this is very clearly evident, especially seeing as the white sparkles in his eyes have dissipated, something we commonly see in the eyes of rwby characters to represent their humanity or emotional status. james is emotionally shut down, the ace-operatives have their own opinions on this situation which is entirely okay and valid, and they happen to be siding with james. blake is trying to take the calmer approach, most likely having noticed that if they lashed out like yang began to, it would go very bad very quick. weiss was in a state of semi-shock, her mind most likely naturally connecting their current situation with trauma and abuse she endured as a child (most prominently ; isolation). but how ruby handled going against james and the fight against the ace-operatives / specifically harriet, was down right wrong. she should not have jumped past james with her semblance to reveal james’ plan, which automatically escalated the situation from bad to even fucking worse. she yet again made a decision for herself and a group of people that can cost them their lives if things dont go their way (which, knowing how this show can be written sometimes? it will always go their way in the end), without thinking. i really dont feel i have to explain how spontaneous her choice on this is, especially because i know multiple people have covered it in better written posts. it essentially boils down to rubys blatantly reckless actions and absolutely moronic choices to do what they did. do not get me started on her line of “then you trained us” or the fact that all the ace-operatives walked into that fight with less aura than team rwby, which already gave them an unfair advantage. i really do not have the patience to fully type out and explain why i hate these two episodes with my entire being, but it mostly boils down to: nobody in this situation is right. not ream rwby, not james, not the ace-ops, very clearly not salem and her lackeys, not qrow choosing to fight 1v1v1, or cinder for a multitude of reasons. the only characters in these episodes i dont have a burning hatred for, be it temporarily or a fire i have a feeling will be burning for a while, is team jnr and oscar. they were trying their best in regards of what was best for everybody, oscar wanting to help james to the best of his ability. 
♥  tl;dr : basically? ruby rose in volumes 1 - 6 was actually a really enjoyable character and only had a few moments of “okay but why?” but everybody also has those moments. ruby rose in volume 7 turned into a hypocritical, blatantly rude and whiny little girl who i honestly cant really see as a good character at the moment at all, because of how she acted the entire volume. 
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maandags · 5 years
Eidolon (Angel!Keith x Demon!reader) {part i}
Summary: Keith is an angel, and he’s completed mission after mission for the Upper Hand, the organisation controlling all of the Above. He’s only failed a mission once: when he was assigned to kill you, a surprisingly charismatic demon. He roamed Earth--Middle Ground--for years before he was caught by the Upper Hand again, and things quickly go south. 
Word count: 5.5K
Genre: Angst --  CW: emotional manipulation, hallucinations
Notes: masterlist -- {next} -- why do i keep hurting him i love Keith so much
-- -- --
go ahead and watch my heart burn 
with the fire that you started in me
~ &burn, Billie Eilish ft. Vince Staples
-- -- --
-- a spectre; a ghost.
-- -- --
Keith almost doesn’t remember the last time he’d been back home.
A guard leads him to the Castle, and Keith feels the sudden need to straighten his spine and stick up his chin–ages and ages of training and manners and etiquette hammered into his very bones fluttering to the surface again. He is suddenly very aware of the state his hair and clothes are in and desperately tries to smooth them down in hopes of looking a little less like he just came rolling out a dumpster.
The guard notices and glances over his shoulder, his own suit immaculate and quite literally sparkling, his wings folded in and the tips just barely grazing the ground. Not that it mattered–the Castle’s floors were always perfectly clean. Keith’s steps echo in the halls, and he grows more uncomfortable by the second. There was a reason he’d avoided the Above for so long, after all.
The guard halts in front of a door Keith knows all too well. He looks down to the ground in annoyance and bites back a curse, feeling his back muscles tense and his wings puff up. The guard gestures vaguely to a backless stool that sits next to the door and says in a clear voice, “Wait there, please.” Keith plops down and folds his arms, sagging slightly in the seat. He pretends not to notice the way the guard purses his lips in disapproval.
“Do you know how long the wait’s gonna be?” he asks and flinches at the volume his voice takes in the empty halls.
The guard shoots him a cold look over his shoulder as he starts to walk away. “It’ll take as long as it does.” And he stalks away, hands clasped in front of him. Keith stares him down, glaring daggers into his back and blowing a lock of his black hair out of his face. This is exactly why he hates it up here, he thinks.
He waits for what feels like ages. There is a big clock on the wall opposite him, but the arms don’t move–they don’t ever move. The clocks are decoration only. Time passes differently up in the Above, and it leaves him disoriented every time. Keith bounces his knee, shaking out the stiffness in his wings and heaving a sigh. It’s too silent. The halls are too silent. He hates it.
It feels like hours have passed before the doors finally open.
Keith leaps up immediately, eyes widening. “Shiro.”
The man in the doorway sighs and beckons for him to come inside.
Keith hasn’t seen Shiro in years, and the first thing he notices is that he’s hiding his wings. Why would he do that? It’s a trick angels use down on Middle Ground, as to not scare the mortals shitless. Up in the Above, it’s pretty much useless; it’s an angel-only space. Despite everything, Keith can’t help but feel the small burst of warmth in his chest, merely an echo of the friendship they once had, but enough to make him feel slightly more at ease in this familiar yet so foreign environment.
Shiro’s office looks exactly like the last time he saw it. The wooden desk, its surface littered with trinkets of gold and silver, the paintings on the wall, the glass sculptures on the windowsills. Everything is in the exact same place as it was when he left. It’s like no time has passed at all and it’s unnerving.
Shiro sits down at his desk and gestures for Keith to take place in front of him. He does, albeit a feeling a little nervous. “It’s been a while,” he says, trying to alleviate the tension in the air.
Shiro looks up, his grey eyes stormy. “It has.” He frowns, folding his hands in front of him. “And nobody knew where you were.”
Keith flinches. That’s the whole reason he’s here, after all–if he could have, he’d avoided the Above for the rest of his life, but he’s immortal, and they were bound to find out his whereabouts sometime. He’s actually quite surprised that he held out this long. “I’m good at disappearing.”
Shiro purses his lips. “Evidently.” He sighs again. “The big guys weren’t happy with you, you know. I just managed to convince them to let it slide.” He doesn’t name them. That would be a bad idea, especially up here.
Keith looks up, surprised. “You talked to them?”
“Of course I did,” says Shiro with a glare his way. “I care about you. They were talking about banishment, Keith. I vouched for you.”
Keith sighs, slouching in his seat. “That was stupid of you, Shiro.”
Anger sparks in Shiro’s eyes–and for a second, it’s like they glow. “No. What was stupid was you running off to play Big Invincible Immortal, Keith. You could have gotten in serious trouble, and I would have been the one to clean up your mess.” He slams his hand on the desk, a gesture that causes Keith to jump. Shiro always knows how to keep his cool.
“Whoa, calm down. I knew what I was doing.”
“You were purposely avoiding the Above and its angels. I get it, okay? And you’ve had your fun. It’s time to grow up and be responsible for once.” He sounds tired, Keith thinks. He’s probably rehearsed this conversation in his head more times than he can count.
Keith opens his mouth, but Shiro’s eyes flicker dangerously again and he clamps his mouth back shut. “I saved you from banishment, not punishment. You’ll stay in the Above until one of the big guys says so. Understood?”
“So–like house arrest?” Keith says, upset. He feels the resistance seeping from his bones and shakes his limbs, desperately trying to keep some of the energy of Middle Ground in his system, but it’s no use. The Above has a way of draining people–and angels–of their energy, transforming them into empty shells to be used and manipulated by the Upper Hands. No! Keith thinks, setting his jaw. Not again! “But I–”
“You’re not even going to let me defend myself?” Keith says, waving his arms around. “I can’t stay here. I’ll go crazy.”
Shiro sighs, lowering his face into his hands, visibly pained. “Sorry, Keith. But it’s for your own good.”
Keith wants to shout, but what good would it do? He doesn’t want to be here–but it’s not like banishment is such a better option. He’d lose his wings, his halo… He glances at the faintly glowing golden braided bracelet on his right wrist. He draws a shaky breath through his teeth, forcing his voice to stay level. “Do I have to wear this too?” he asks, showing his wrist.
Standing up, Shiro reaches down and touches the halo. It starts glowing and growing and soon he’s holding a full halo–a ring of pure golden light, thirty inches in diameter. Keith has to squint to see anything through the bright light. His shoulders sag as Shiro places the halo around his head, and his vision is blinded by the light. “That’s better.”
That’s better. The words roll around in Keith’s mind. He knows he’ll be able to find his way around just as well if he hadn’t worn his halo–he still hates it. He hates not being in control. That’s better. It’s not better. Keith feels the familiar numbness crawling under his skin again and he breathes a sad sigh, letting his head hang. Shiro takes place behind his desk again, folding his arms in front of him. Keith vaguely catches a shimmer of what could be the outlines of Shiro’s wings. The conversation is over.
For the next days, Keith behaves exactly as he should. He is where he has to be at the times he has to be there and doesn’t talk about the Middle Ground anymore. Truth be told, he doesn’t talk much at all.
He’s curled up in an alcove when he hears the unmistakable sound of someone approaching and cracks open an eye. An angel stands over him, brown skin standing out starkly against the white of his clothes and his wings out and shimmering a dark brown. They’re well-groomed, and suddenly Keith feels self-conscious of his own dirty and crooked ones, but everything about this angel seems well-groomed and clean, his shorts and white shirt crisp and almost reflecting the light from his halo. It makes Keith’s skin crawl.
“Who’re you?” he says dryly.
The angel scoffs and crosses his arms, and Keith notices that he’s not actually standing on the ground–he’s levitating over it, bare toes hovering just a couple of inches above the ground. Keith slumps down further in his alcove, casting a wary glance up.
“I’m Lance,” the angel says, “and I’ve been assigned to guard you.”
Keith almost falls out of his alcove. “I’m sorry?” he blurts.
Lance sticks out his bottom lip, rubbing his calf with one foot. “You heard me.”
“I don’t need a babysitter,” Keith says indignantly, and he sits up, rubbing his hair out of his eyes.
Lance is unimpressed. “Upper Hand thinks you do, apparently.”
Shaking his head, Keith leaps up and tries to push past the other angel, muttering something under his breath about the Upper Hand he probably shouldn’t have, but he was so mad at that moment he found he didn’t really care. “Go away,” he yelled over his shoulder as he stalked off into the annoyingly perfect forest.
Lance frowned, stunned for merely a second before fluttering behind him, giving up the act of floating as he dropped to the ground and hurried after him. “No, but you–I have to guard you,” he stammers dumbly, obviously not having expected Keith to run off.
“I’d like to see you try.” Keith whacks a branch out of his face and grins to himself at the startled yelp Lance gives as he narrowly avoids it. “Don’t try and keep up. I’m good on my own.”
“The Upper Hand don’t trust you, you know,” Lance calls after him. Keith doesn’t turn around.
“Evidently, if they think they have to send a babysitter after me.”
Lance scoffs again. “They think you’ll run off again.”
This time Keith does turn around to give Lance the evil eye. “Well I can’t do that, can I? Wouldn’t wanna end up banished forever,” he says angrily.
“Listen, man, help me out here,” Lance pleads, struggling to follow Keith as he trudges deeper and deeper into the woods, slipping through the trees with a speed and an accuracy that can only mean that he’s done this before.
Keith whirls around, narrowing his eyes. “Help you out?”
Lance shrinks back. “I know, I know, I’m sorry, but I’m not about to go against direct orders from the Upper Hand. I don’t have to, like, stand by your side all stoic-like and in uniform all the time–we’re just two angels hanging out. I can even ask some friends over and we’ll just pretend like you don’t want to kill me, all right?”
Although that sounded like the last thing Keith actually wanted to do, he sighs and lets his shoulders sag, again. The Above was sapping all of his strength away and there was nothing he could do about it. Besides, he thinks wryly as he studied the other angel’s face a little closer, this guy looks so hopeful–even a little desperate, maybe–that he wants to help him.
It’s scary, getting your first assignment from the Above–and from the way this guy as handling it so far, Keith goes out on a limb and assumes it’s his first. He’d handled his fair share of them, and will never forget the first time he got sent down to Middle Ground armed with nothing but his black-bladed knife and the instructions still fresh in his mind, and an eagerness to please–to prove himself. He’s lost that desire since, feeling nothing but resentment towards the Upper Hand.
“Fine,” he finally says, rubbing a hand over his face. “Fine. Call your friends or whatever. I’ll just–I’ll stick around.”
Lance grins. “Cool. Thanks, man.”
Keith has to resist rolling his eyes, and he stuffs his hands in his jean’s pockets as he follows Lance out of the forest. “D’you know for how long you’ll need to ‘guard’ me?” he asks, air quoting the word “guard” with his fingers.
Lance looks over his shoulder and gives an apologetic shrug. “Sorry. They didn’t say.”
Scowling, Keith kicks a small rock out of his path. “Right. Of course they didn’t say,” he mutters.
Lance’s friends are, thankfully, less obnoxious and annoying than he is. An angel with soft golden-yellow wings introduces himself as Hunk, and a much smaller angel tells him her name is Pidge. They’re nice, albeit a bit loud, Keith thinks. He stays as much to the side as he can, dangling his legs over the platform they sit on and staring at the sky and twinkling stars that always seem present. He drowns out the conversation around him, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, allowing himself for the first time since he’s here to relax.
He realises the severity of his punishment. As much as they tried to, the Above wasn’t the paradise that people made it out to be. There were strict rules and punishments if you didn’t follow them–it had always felt more of a prison to Keith than anything.
But that was when he had been able to leave whenever he wanted. When it got too much, he could just leave to Middle Ground and clear his head while the familiar rush of energy lightens his very being and adds a spring to his step.
Now, as he sits there, dazedly staring at the eerily similar but yet so different world around him, he knows he’s not going to last long. He’s going to go crazy–and probably sooner than later. He takes a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut and lowering his face into his hands. Come on, man, keep your thoughts straight.
“Whoa–where do you think you’re going?” Lance’s voice pulls him back to the real world. Keith turns, only then realising his wings are out and he’s crouching as if he’s going to jump.
He manages to cover his surprise almost immediately and scowls. “I’m going to go to bed. Are you gonna watch me sleep, too?”
Lance hesitates, casting a look at his friends. Hunk gives Keith a sympathetic smile. “You’ll get used to it, don’t worry. Angels who’ve spent a while on Middle Ground are often a bit disoriented for the first few days they’re back.”
“Thanks,” Keith mutters. He spreads his wings.
“I’ll be there as soon as you wake up!” yells Lance cheerfully, and Keith shoots him a last glare before taking off.
Instead of going to the room he’s been assigned he seeks out a comfortable spot in the forest to rest. As he lies on his stomach on a thick branch high up, hidden by the canopy, he ponders the prospect of a life in the Above. The Upper Hand can’t keep him here forever, right? They’ll have to let him go sometime. Right? Keith has a vision of himself walking down the streets on Middle Ground with Lance, Pidge and Hunk by his sides like bodyguards. He shivers.
Besides, he’s managed to stay out of their vision long enough. He would have hidden for longer–but he made a stupid mistake, and it was that which had given the Upper Hand the ability to locate him.
The mistake had been you.
A rogue demon whom Keith had been supposed to kill–his last assignment. The only one he hadn’t completed.
A few run-ins and the same number of fights to the death with you had left Keith disoriented, bleeding and limping, retreating to his apartment with one single thought in his head: he couldn’t do it. He hadn’t been able to finish the job the first time and he wouldn’t be able to do it any other time, simply because you were you.
He’d killed demons before. Why should you be any different? He’d had countless opportunities to get rid of you, and yet he didn’t. It was infuriating.
It had been something in your eyes, Keith ponders as he rolls his head to the other side, gazing into the darkness of the forest below him. The night air had started to cool down drastically and nips at the bare flesh of his arms. He barely felt it. It had been something in your eyes that had radiated fear and anger and determination–he’d seen himself in those eyes the same way he’d seen himself in your fighting stance and the defiant snarl on your face.
Why hadn’t he killed you?
Maybe you reminded him too much of himself.
Whatever the case: he had hesitated and you had gotten away, and he’d spent his days wandering the cities and avoiding the Upper Hand ever since.
But he’d gotten curious, and he’d returned to where he saw you last and had taken to observing you whenever he could. It was like a magnet pulled him back to you at all times; as if he was walking in circles and you were at the centre of it all. He had stayed in one spot too long, grown careless in his attempts to catch glimpses of you wherever you went. For a demon, you didn’t seem to do very demon-like stuff, he remembers thinking.
He had always been taught that demons were–well, demons, in everything they did. Evil through and through. But the way you acted and led your life didn’t strike Keith as particularly demonic–in fact, you were nice to the people you encountered. You smiled. You looked everything opposite of what Keith had been led to believe his entire life, and maybe that’s why he’d been so intrigued by you.
It had resulted in his being tracked and coerced back to the Above (read: threatened, Keith thinks bitterly), of course. And here he was, thinking about the demon that had landed him in this very situation. He groans, covering his face and letting his wings droop down. Sleep, he commands himself. Sleep.
The next weeks are spent by Lance’s (and, inevitably, his friends’) side, and Keith seriously begins to regret having accepted to help out the guy with his assignment. It’s not so much the company itself he despises; it’s more the fact that none of them seems to be able to shut up.
“So I took little Marco flying for the first time and he was so wobbly and awkward, but it was so cute and he did so well! I remember when I flew for the first time I crashed, like, five times before I could pull a straight take-off,” Lance chirps, his hands buried in Hunk’s feathers as he picks out the little branches and leaves that got stuck there during their morning flight. Pidge had threatened to bite his fingers off if he tried to touch her wings and was awkwardly smoothing down her own feathers. Keith suppresses a smile. He likes Pidge.
She sees him look and frowns. Eyes widening, Keith quickly looks away, but he’s already got her attention and she flicks him with her wing. “Hey.”
He shifts so he sits cross-legged. “Hey.”
“I had a question,” she says, leaning forward, a spark in her brown eyes that promise nothing good.
Keith immediately has his guard up. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I’ve been wondering why Lance was assigned to babysit you ever since I heard,” Pidge says, ignoring Keith’s scowl and grunt of “He’s guarding me”. “So I did some research of my own.”
Hunk visibly pales as she says this. “Pidge, you know that’s not a good idea–”
“And then I found out that you were the one who disappeared on Middle Ground,” Pidge finishes triumphantly and crosses her arms. “So what’s your deal? Why were you so important that you needed a personal babysitter?”
“Whatever. I mean, if the Upper Hand’s got its eyes on you anyway, there’s no way you can leave the Above without them knowing. A personal guard just seems a bit much to me, you know?”
Keith stares at her for a minute. “Well,” he grunts, “it’s not like I had a choice.”
Lance frowns and throws up his arms. “Hey. You could have gotten way worse than me.”
“I’d rather have gotten no one at all.”
“But you got stuck with me, so deal with it.”
Pidge clears her throat. “You still haven’t answered my question.” She scoots forward until she’s sitting only inches away from his face, and Keith automatically recoils. “What makes you so special?”
Pushing her away, Keith fights down the flush creeping upon his cheeks. Lance and Hunk are looking at him too, now, and he’s not used to this kind of attention. He opens his mouth, ready to retort with some witty reply about the size of his private parts but refrains from it at the last second. What is it that makes him so special?
He just shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
Pidge huffs, blowing a piece of hair out of her face and cocking her head. Her brown eyes bore right through him, and he could see that she wasn’t convinced. Hunk shot them cautious looks, fiddling with his fingers. “Pidge, maybe–”
“I heard you befriended a demon.”
The silence that follows the words is thick enough to cut through with a knife. Hunk buries his face in his hands, and Lance hisses a startled “Pidge”. Keith can’t help the tensing of his muscles–as if his subconscious preparing himself for a fight. But Pidge doesn’t take the hint, and continues pressing.
“Is that why you need guarding every second of the day? Because you’re a traitor to the Above?”
Her voice resonates in his ears and he opens his mouth, but no words come out. All he manages to do is weakly shake his head. “That’s not–”
“They don’t want to let you out again because they’re afraid of you. Afraid of what you’ll do, afraid of you selling your brothers and sisters out to the Below. What’d they offer you? Gold, riches?” Pidge’s words each feel like a punch to the gut, one right after the other, and Keith unwillingly shrunk back. “You’re dangerous. They can’t trust you. Frankly, I’m surprised they even let you back here–”
The word is ripped from his lips in a voice he doesn’t recognise. Pidge shuts her mouth immediately, recoiling at the sound. His breathing is laboured and whistles in his lungs, and he squeezes his eyes shut, head spinning. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep the thundering of his heartbeat out of his ears. A violet haze falls over his vision.
“I didn’t befriend a demon,” he says quietly, the low rumble of his voice startling even him. Pidge’s face has gone pale. She’s leaning away from him, eyes wide, and Keith realises it’s because she’s scared of him. Lance’s fists are balled, and Keith doesn’t understand why they’re so hostile towards him all of a sudden. They brought up the topic. They’re the ones that kept pressing him. They should have seen this coming.
He scrambles up and stumbles to the end of the platform, spreading his jet-black wings, ignoring Lance’s shout of “Wait!” as he jumps off.
He doesn’t know where he’s going, only focused on getting as far away from the others as possible. He shakes his head, trying to rid himself of the words, but they follow him as he zips through the trees, grateful for the coverage they give him. Traitor, a taunting voice whispers. They can’t trust you. You’re a danger; unreliable. Shut up, he yells back.
It’s funny how you can yell in your thoughts, shout your throat raw–the volume of them will never get any louder.
He flies deeper, deeper, deeper into the woods he’s ever been, and then he keeps going. He wants to be alone more than anything, and he promises himself he will keep flying until he’s outrun the wisps of thoughts still nagging at the end of his brain. He pushes himself faster than he’s ever flown.
A tear rolls down his cheek.
The deeper he dives into the forest, the denser the trees become, and after narrowly avoiding his left wing getting smacked against a thick trunk covered with lianas he’s forced to land and continue on foot, slipping out his knife and cutting his way through the brush, making himself a path to… where?
He doesn’t know. He hopes he finds something worth the journey.
As he walks he tries and banish every and all thought from his mind, focusing on the noises around him. Birds he’s never seen before zip past his ears, crooning their strange songs. Insects he’s only heard of float around his arms, curiously examining the halo he’s taken off and shrunk to its bracelet form again. It’s peaceful, he thinks, more peaceful than he’s ever experienced before. It’s almost too beautiful a place to exist in the Above.
For a while, the only sound to be heard is the crackling of branches as he forges himself a path through trees, bushes, other weird plants sticking up from the damp soil. His shoes are black with dirt and he stumbles every few minutes trying to keep up a fast pace. More and more animals gather around him and nudge him forward, beckoning him to keep going. Go on, they seem to whisper. Go ahead. Come with us. The light filters through the canopy in yellow-golden strips, illuminating just enough of his surroundings so that Keith can keep moving.
Soon the jungle grows too dense for him to continue and he finds himself getting tangled in vines left and right. He tries cutting them away–stomping them down into the ground–but they just keep coming, slithering around his wrists and ankles, pulling him in every direction at once and he can’t keep up. He tries to fight them off with a strangled scream, whacking them away with his wings. It does no good, and the vines wrap around his shoulders with terrifying speed, sticking his wings to his body.
The light dims, and the forest doesn’t seem so gorgeous anymore. The trees are covered with slimy leaves, rotting plants decaying on the forest bed, the soil blacker than a starless sky. The once-pretty insects come at every bit of exposed skin, nipping and stinging and biting until every inch of him feels like it’s being painted in flames. The birds’ songs don’t sound as enchanting anymore–but hauntingly morbid in an almost beautiful way.
The vines encase Keith’s legs, pulling at his arms. He loses his balance. Falls with a sickening crack and an arc of pain shoots up his entire right side, stemming from his wing. He screams. Absolute terror courses through his veins, his heartbeat racing.
White flowers sprout from the vines. In the back of his mind–the very small part of his brain that isn’t engulfed in paralysing fear–Keith thinks about how out of place these flowers are. He even recognises them, which is strange only in the sense that he’s positive he’s never seen them before, and certainly not in the Above. The white orchids bloom in seconds, wilting right afterwards, shrivelling up and falling off, only to be immediately replaced by another. They smell like everything flowers shouldn’t smell like. It’s suffocating, and Keith starts coughing when he feels something tickle at the back of his throat. He retches, managing to spit out the thing that almost choked him. It’s an orchid flower.
This one is black.
Keith wakes up with a scream, the memory of vines slowly strangling him fresh in his mind. It’s a scream of fear that almost immediately morphs into a scream of pain. His wing.
Twisting around, he awkwardly tries to examine the damage, but it’s dark and he can’t see a thing. He wipes at his forehead, hands trembling, and takes a shaky breath. He tries to move his wing and flinches: he can do it, but it’s stiff and painful. He’ll have to have someone look at it soon.
Then he notices the hard surface digging into his back and he jumps up, ignoring the pain shooting up from his wing. Stumbling back, he blinks frantically, forcing his eyes to adjust themselves to the darkness. His legs hit another one of the hard things and he tumbles back with a scream, narrowly managing to twist in midair so he doesn’t fall on his injured wing. He scrambles up again, the only thought in his head a mantra of Keep moving, keep moving, don’t stop, keep moving, keep running.
He zooms in on the thing he tripped on, running a hand along its surface. He still can’t see what it is, but he feels a roughness that can only be stone and carved lines swirling across it. It’s a slab of stone jutting out from the ground. He blinks again. In the split second his eyes are closed there’s a weird feeling in his stomach, like he just did a backflip–and when he opens them again light blares at him from every direction and he yanks his head back from the rock. It’s a gravestone. His gravestone, he realises with a mounting feeling of horror as he reads the inscription, strangely ironic words engraved in a swirly font. Keith Kogane, Traitor. Around him, gravestones pop up from the ground, all identical, until he finds himself standing the middle of a graveyard.
He turns, his feet already starting to carry him to a place far away from gravestones and chocking vines but he finds himself face to face with a door. He whips around again, but the gravestones are gone. He’s in a narrow corridor. Blue lights line the stark white walls. There are no doors except for the one behind him. The corridor seems to go on forever.
Breathing hard, Keith reaches for the doorknob, half expecting it to come alive and try to bite his hand off, but it’s a regular stainless steel knob mounted on a regular stainless steel door. It’s square, sure, a rather odd shape for a doorknob, but there’s nothing inherently special about it. It’s somewhat warm to the touch–as if someone else had used it not too long ago. Keith grabs the knob. Turns. It clicks, the door inching open and a stripe of sunlight enters the corridor.
His bones turn to ash and his blood turns to ice, because he recognises the voice, and it’s not one he wants to hear right now. He spins around, tears flooding his eyes, clutching the doorknob because he’s thoroughly convinced it will disappear if he lets go of it.
You’re standing right there. Only feet away from him, basking in soft blue light. You’re dressed in cleaner clothes he’s ever seen you in, and your hair is soft and brushed and flicking around your face as if you’re standing in a gust of wind only you can feel. That should have been enough for Keith to stop and think Something isn’t right here.
But his thoughts are sluggish and he's completely and utterly mesmerised by your appearance and his grip is slackening on the doorknob because you’re right there and you’re looking so hopeful, your smile very nearly begging him to join you.
And then he looks up, into your eyes–pitch black and devoid of any emotion, and he starts. This isn’t them, he forces himself to think, grip tightening on the knob once more. Ignoring your call–you sob his name, pleading with him to stay, please, Keith, stay--he throws his full weight into the door and stumbles out into a place he knows all too well.
Lights flash from all around him, hundreds of people talking into their phones or to the person they’re with, milling all around him. Buildings rise up around him, encircling the huge square he finds himself in the middle of. It’s the early evening, and street lights are starting to get lit. Billboards stand out against the darkening sky, advertising their respective restaurant, or grocery store, or tattoo parlour. No one seems to notice his sudden appearance.
Something tugs on his sleeve. Keith looks down. A small kid gives him a toothed grin, pointing at the wings--one crooked and hanging awkwardly off his frame--which Keith had forgotten to conceal. “I like your costume! You’re, like, a fallen angel, right? What with the broken wing, and all. ”
Keith nods, dazed, his eyes scanning his surroundings for one particular building. The one your apartment hides behind. He finds it. His eyes lock on it. In that very moment, he’s absolutely positive that’s why he managed to get out of the Above and to this square, of all places, knowing that it’s you who guided him here. Who guided him home, a small voice whispers inside him. His heart starts beating just that little bit faster.
The kid grins. “That’s awesome, man.”
He’s back on Middle Ground.
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kvltprince · 5 years
@omniblacklight asked me to do  5 8 9 and 16 and tumblr ate the ask before i finished the ask i was working on.
What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
Lucy: normally he wears his terrible rag-wrap skirt and tanktop thing, depending he will go slightly more disciple like for daily wear, or start piling on scarves/opt for the nuka jumpsuit in all its obnoxiousness it is still less “hi i am a raider” if he is playing nicely and the weather is appropriate. Dressing nicely is probably an operator outfit, hair down, smelling of hubflowers or something.
Austin: Those work overalls with the duct tape. Probably the triggerman outfit or something? 
Roland: Wanderer duster or Ulysses’ duster, His Hat. Something that buttons up - probably also a triggerman outfit in all honesty, he looks good in operator outfits but thas too dressy for him.
Charlie: Leather jacket and jeans. Suit jacket and slacks, something with a blue tie probably
Annamarie: cropped leather studded jacket/tight pants or wrapped outfit. Either a super cute bright Summer Dress, or a black sequin dress.
Jereldo: Whatever he finds, honestly. Vaguely still tends toward leather jacket and jeans when it is an option and while among raiders, opts to be covered more than that otherwise. Black suit or leather jacket with something decent under it. Depending he will wear Benny’s suit (with black stuff under it) - he CAN dress himself he just chooses not to.
Phil: Buttonups/slacks/labcoat usually, not averse to the vault suit or whatever else. A black suit probably with a blue shirt perfectly matching his eyes and a silver tie.
How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
(i dont really have voice claims for my ocs, but i might actually come across them more... i dont really listen to people a ton because i dont hear the best)
Lucy: Easy to talk to, rolls with forgetting words. Speed/volume/amount of flowery/symbolism/disjointedness is very reliant on his mental state. His voice is fairly smooth and generally he is soft spoken until he gets real wound up in some topic. 
Austin: She is talkative unless she is scavving somewhere semi dangerous or something like that. Bright and a little raspy from too much dust and repairs over the years.
Roland: Talkative really only when drinking, a bit deeper than you would expect from his small frame and more rough from the drinking and radiation over the years in his travels. 
Charlie: not very talkative, nice to listen to, clear deep voice, slightly Appalachian accent (best laugh of the ocs possibly)
Annamarie: Selectively chatty (good company or chems/alcohol will help that out, shes not actually adjusting to the wasteland well), easy to talk to once she does talk, less honeyed seeming than default nora when trying to get people to play nicely still nice to listen to.
Jereldo: The usual ghoul gravelyness. His speech patterns are fairly smooth and nearly melodic otherwise though. 
Phil: Default Nate but pitch adjusted down a bit and a little bit untrustworthy, but that charisma makes you do the thing anyway. He is fine, and fun to talk to! Just, dont trust the raider boss head of the institute.
What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
Lucy: Comfy bed at Fizztop, too many blankets that are shoved off the bed most of the year, CoA bottles and candles over on a far side table and on the mannequins much to the disappointment of like, everyone. Bookshelves of random things and probably art supplies blocking the morning sun, different art and posters on the walls, the bar half remodeled for an outside kitchen. Cluttered everywhere.
Austin: She has a nice setup at the South End Red Rocket, her bedroom is an added on back room that has a comfy bed and a place for her cat (or mole rat depending on my playthrough), lots of shelves for things she has collected and nice lamps and rugs. The red rocket has a full setup of all that a tinkerer could ever dream of, and places for all of her favorite things to be displayed so her friends can see (and hopefully her pets will not steal)
Roland: He lives at the top of the lucky 38 with Niner and like 5 dogs that all have their favorite companion/s to be around the most, so really its fine and not so overkill. There are more games that the two of them have brought in and toys. The snow globes have been kept around, and the booze has been stocked a little more to their taste. Stash of chems left on tables because it is their space and who cares (in the commonwealth it isnt much different, pile of bears/moon monkies/buttercups as decorations, chems and booze decorate as clutter more than it should.)
Charlie: Codsworth has been instructed to leave the Stuff Chair alone (it is mostly just a spare change of clothes and another warmer jacket) comfortable bed, the dog shares the bed, fairly orderly. rest of the house has as much of the normal house things as he can find as soon as he can honestly. a bit sparse but he is still sorta getting the hang of this decorating thing.
Annamarie: She starts out with ‘whatever, good enough’ levels of bedroom and house and not much of a home base for quite a while. She will have a nicely made raider house once she gets her son and falls for Gage. 
Jereldo: when hes not slumming it with raiders When he settles down for any amount of time, it tends to be in places similar to the house of tomorrow with the obnoxious teal kitchen and cute little 2 bedrooms at most. Bedroom tends to be kept with drapes and string lights. Potted plants and a music player are a must for the living room, some art area set up somewhere generally or on the porch area.   
Phil: He prefers nice sheets and quilts and brings a lot of things to Fizztop and Sanctuary from the institute, fairly orderly overall and comfortable rugs in the bedroom. He clears out most things from his main living/working space, though things can get a bit cluttered/disheveled if hes working a lot. well lit. 
What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her?
(ohgods really im not getting into this one tonight lol but it is a question i need to delve into one day)
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
as a fellow pinehead, i dont personally ship rosegarden. i have no problem with it, but i just wish there was more content that focused solely on oscar instead of his relationship with ruby. i appreciate your blog since you actually make a lot of stuff pertaining to oscar specifically, i just wish it was more common ;w;
Inthe fandom or in the series? I’m assuming it’s the series because I think there’sa good bit of Oscar-themed stuff in the Pinehead community like art andtheories =D
Asfor the series…I…well----IfI’m being completely honest Flame, even though I’m a big Rosegardener, Iwouldn’t want Oscar’s entire story revolve only around hisgrowing relationship with Ruby either. Though I enjoy every last Rosebud bonding momentthe series tosses my way, if Oscar’s character comes to only focus on his bondwith Ruby and nothing else then it would unfortunately fall into the same issueI had with Oscar’s story with Ozpin.
Whatintrigued me the most about Oscar as a character was his potential. What drew me towardsOscar wasn’t his connection to Ozpin but how the writers were going topotentially tell his story as this newestaddition to the hero cast while going through the transition of being theperson that’s meant to become Ozpin’s successor. I was intrigued to see how thewriters were going to handle Oscar’s development while juggling his conjoinedstory with Ozpin and any shared relationships the two might have with othercharacters.
However, thus far, one could make the debate that Oscar’s story and personality has mostly been forged by his ties to other maincharacters meaning that his overall presence thus far has mostly served todrive another character’s narrative while not really touching much on his own.
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If it’s not Ozpin then it’s Ruby and if it’s not Ruby then it’s Jauneand there hasn’t been much attempt to fleshhim out beyond that. This justifies why C9 upset me so much. Rather than havingthe episode focus on how Oscar handled taking in Jaune’s accusations againsthim from C8 or even showing both Jaune and Oscar’s feelings in the episode as aforeshadow to them growing close as potential teammates. Instead, we only gotJaune’s perspective while Oscar’s was completely omitted from the episode, toldto have happened off screen which left some Pineheads very dissatisfied.
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Oneother complaint about Oscar in V6 C9 that I’veseen is that the Writers used him as a plot device to drive development forJaune as opposed to what C8 set up which looked like Oscar’s feelings weregoing to get touched upon. As much as I’ve gotten over some of my gripes aboutC9, Oscar going from being depressed in C8 to being perfectly fine in C9without much on-screen address will always remain jarring me.
WhenI review C9,somehow I feel like there was supposed to be a short 12-13 minute standaloneOscar-centric episode between the events of C8 and C9 that would’ve explainedwhat happened with our farm boy after he went missing in Argus that got cutfrom the season. V6 was originally announced to have 14 episodes before reducingto 13. I feel like if the CRWBY had gotten the chance to do the original 14, wecould have gotten that Oscar-centric episode that tied into C9. But…that’sjust me assuming things.
Notsure how long you’ve been following my blog Flame but forthose who’ve been reading my musing posts since V5, I’ve been gunning for Ozpinto be temporarily taken out of the story solely for the possibility of theWriters finally  given more depth toOscar as his own person outside of his story with Ozpin.
InV5,Oscar mostly took a backseat to Ozpin. I went into V5 thinking we would get to seemore of Oscar’s own personality as he learns to become a huntsman whileconnecting with RNJR and simultaneously training to fill the big Wizarding shoesthat he was meant to take over. Instead what we mostly got was Ozpin stealingthe screen time rug from underneath Oscar’s feet pushing him to the back as wegot more of him than Oscar.
Oneof the common critiques I heard for Oscar is that he’s been treated like a body suit forOzpin---a new face the old Wizard could wear while the Writers didnothing to develop Oscar as his own person.
Asa Pinehead,I hated hearing that complaint about Oscar because obviously there was more tohim than just a body for Ozpin to take over when he saw fit, as most Pineheads seeOscar. However, I unfortunately couldn’t blame other fans for thinking that waysince…well…the show hasn’t really done much with Oscar within two seasonsadmittedly. Not really.
Evenwhen Ozpin is out of the story, we still didn’t get to learn much else aboutOscar. With Ozpin going into isolation, I was hoping V6 would have been the season wegot more insight into Oscar as his own person. Did we? Well the verdict is stillout on that since the season isn’t complete yet. But if I had to answer thisquestion based on what the volume gave us within the last ten episodes, theanswer would be a disappointing no. Though the set up for Oscar’s growth wasdefinitely there, it didn’t exactly go anywhere...at least...not yet, maybe there’s still a chance. 
I mean we still gotthree whole episodes left for our precious farm boy to shine like gold brighter thana supernova but I can’t help my slight skepticism based on this season’s run with him. Nonetheless I am curious to know what the full payoff of this season is going to be like for Oscar.
After all that’s happened this season in ties to Oscar and Ozpin, how is it all going to end?
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This is why I started toying with the concept of Oscar returning from the dead as immortal after sacrificing himself to protect someone he cared about, like Ruby.
This way the Ozma legacy would continue with Oscar without the threat of him losing himself in the process. We all pretty muchanticipated Oscar eventually taking Ozpin’s place within the hero team but thisway, Oscar doesn’t have to change who he is. 
He can still be his own person, cementing what Ruby told him in V6 C4. 
“...I’m just going to another one of his lives, aren’t I?”“Of course not, you’re your own person.”
If immortalized, Oscar can still be himself and thus,we as an audience can still be given more opportunities to learn more aboutOscar as himself. Oscar can still fulfill his destiny as one of the Wizards ofLight but still make it his own by having his experience and final outcome be different from his predecessors.
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Istill stand by my hunch that Oscar is meant to be the one to end it all. Endthe vicious cycle of reincarnation. End the curse. 
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It would be such a cool twist if Oscar met the God ofLight in the Realm between Realms and begged the God to grant him immortalityso that he could end the suffering of Ozma and the past Wizards; instead usinghis newfound power to protect the lives of the people who matter the most toOscar all the while fighting to stop Salem as her true adversary.
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Jinn said that in time Salem wouldmeet her adversary but when you look at it like this, was Ozma ever trulySalem’s destined foe?
Think aboutit. Ozmawas originally Salem’s lover. Her former companion and the father of her children.Though they became sworn enemies who fought against each other, a part of mewould like to believe there is a part of Salem and even Ozma that stillharboured love for each other.
What I love about the Fairy Tale romance is that they shared a deep love so strongthat Salem was even able to tell that it was Ozma’s soul from behind the faceof Diggs when they reunited the first time. Salem loved Ozmaso much she even recognized him in the body of another man. That’s powerful.
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Iknow Salem hates Ozma now but imagine if all that hatred she feels is just herlove corrupted by the burning destructive magic that turned Salem into thewicked witch she is now. As a matter of fact, there is something I’ve wonderedabout Salem. If Salem was able to sense Ozma’s soulfrom inside Diggs due to their love, if Ozma’s soul is to disappear completelyfrom this world…would Salem feel it?
Likelet’s say my theory about Oscar coming back from the deadalone as himself immortalized with Ozpin and essentially the culmination of allthe other Wizards over the centuries, including Ozma, going off to the afterlifeto rest in peace…would Salem feel Ozma no longer being a part of Remnant?
I know this conceptseems farfetched but somehow I’m picturing Salem as being the type of person who holds a grudgefor a very long time but the minute they discover that the person they’ve hatedfor so long is gone---truly gone forever, suddenly all that anger and ragedisappears as their true feelings forsaid person start to resurface.
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Likepicture Salem being alone in her lair when Oscar is revivedand she suddenly senses Ozma’s soul disappear.Like even though they’ve been apart for eons, somehow through her corruptedheart there has always been something that still connected Salem to Ozma. A little light oflove. Though Salem did her best to cover that light, still it remained.Taunting her. Bothering heruntil she had no choice but to snuff it out sendingher forces to kill the source of that light.
Butjust like life, the light would always return until one day, the light finallydisappeared and unlike the previous times, it felt different.
Imagine…how Salem would feel tolearn that Ozpin---Ozma is gone. Truly gone. Somehow, I can just picture Salembeing in her lair of darkness when she suddenly gets a feeling of the windbeing knocked out of her. She then clutches her chest as she realized whathappened. He’sgone. He’s…actuallygone. No longer did she have the light that connected her to Ozma. 
He…was gone again and for a second time, Salem found herself in a world withoutthe man she defied the Gods for. And for the first time in years, what she feltwasn’t pure rage. But a familiar sadness that she hasn’t felt since the day shefirst lost him and when Salem looked at her reflection, she was surprised tonot see herself but the face of a young woman crying for the loss of the manshe once loved for the second time in her lifetime.
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Thatcould really interesting. I doubt we’ll get something like this for Salem inthe canon but it could’ve been something interesting to send off her characterstory for this volume. After all, we haven’t seen her since C4 but c’est la vie.
Ithink it would be really cool if the adversary Jinn foreshadowed Salem having isin fact Oscar. And if Oscar becomes an immortal justlike Salem, incapable of dying just as her then that would make him her true adversary as opposed to the original arrangement with Ozmaonly reincarnating in the bodies of likeminded souls.
Butas always, these are only my theories. I feel like we have a higher chance ofseeing Ozpin come back or the Merge occurring than Oscar actually changing thecycle with his sacrifice to be the last reincarnation.  Buuuuut I’m still going to play with the idea.Whether it becomes canon or not, I really like my Oscar Immortalized/ The Last Wizard of Lighttheory too much to let it drop. Can’t wait to discuss it more next week.
Inthe meantime, I’m really glad you enjoy my content Flame. Thank you so much forappreciating my stuff and putting up with my bazillion and one Pinehead headcanons XD 
I’dlove more Oscar-centric content too, mainly from the actual show. But we got threeepisodes remaining m’friend. Who knows? Maybethe CRWBY Writers might surprise us with something truly Oscar-worthy.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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halcyonrogers · 6 years
NSFW Alphabet / B.B
(A/N): i dont actually know what im playing at, writing this absolute filth, as i’m on my grandparents wifi and they will KILL me if they find this. anyway, i hope you enjoy this, and this can also be for bucky x male reader as well as bucky x female reader! happy pride month!)
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A = Aftercare: Because of how rough Bucky could be at times, he’d go to great lengths to take care of you after sex. Whether that be pulling you into his arms to sleep soundly until morning, or running you a hot bubble bath, he sure knew how to treat you right.
B = Body part: His favourite part of you would definitely be your eyes. Whenever you’d suck him off, he’d make a habit of gazing into your eyes. The eye contact would make his hips stutter, his cock twitching in your mouth as you looked up at him through your lashes. His favourite part of himself, however, would be his thighs. Wherever you two were, you always seemed to have a hand on his thigh, or be sat on his lap. Even in public, you’d discreetly thigh-ride him until you were whimpering into his shoulder.
C = Cum: Ohhhh, dear. Since before the war, the use of condoms were risky, but also a necessity for someone his age. Because of this, he never truly knew what it would feel like to cum inside of someone. As soon as he met you, however, things got interesting. You had explained that STD’s could now be treated, and that birth control exists, so he could fully go to town on you. This proved to be the one important thing you’d told him, because now he cums on your chest, back, face, basically anywhere he can and wants to. His favourite place, however, is inside you. 
D = Dirty Secret: His ultimate dirty secret is that he actually has a slight blood kink? Now this is not to say that he’ll be chopping you up; but if you ever came home angry and frustrated, punching walls until your knuckles bled, he would have no problem with getting on his knees, licking and sucking the blood off until your hands went numb.
E = Experience: Even with being an assassin for god knows how long, he kept the knowledge of how to pleasure someone and certainly didn’t lose any skills before he met you. The first time you and him had sex, he made you cum 7 times until you couldn’t move off the bed. His fingers work absolute wonders and its a shame he hasn’t suggested a threesome yet, because of how much love he has to give. 
F = Favourite Position: His favourite position would definitely be you on your stomach, ass up, whilst he pounds into you relentlessly. He gets off on the way your body spasms underneath him from the ecstasy, and he especially loves to press his fingertips into your hips until there are predominant bruises all over your sides in the shape of his hands.
G = Goofy: Even though he’s rather rough and serious, he can’t help but crack a joke or two just to ease the tension. He might be in the middle of pumping his fingers inside of you, when a random thought pops into his head, and he suddenly declares “I want pasta after this, I’m starving.” 
H = Hair: Since discovering his once secret hair pulling kink, you do everything in your power to get him into a sub mood, so you can have him writhing underneath you. Sometimes you’ll go as far as to use his hair to pull his mouth onto your nether regions whilst you ride his face, or you could be giving him a blowjob and run your fingers through the unruly pubic hair above his cock, tugging on it to make him scream. For how he grooms himself, however, he doesn’t really do much. He prefers to be 100% natural, and he certainly doesn’t expect you to shave or groom yourself just for him. He takes you as you are.
I = Intimacy: Bucky loves intimacy. If there’s an anniversary, or he knows you’ve had a hard day, he’ll run you a bubble bath, and then pleasure you until you black out. He definitely has no filter when it comes to his romantic side, as he’s a full enthusiast of appreciating and loving his partner.
J = Jack Off: He doesn’t really believe in relieving himself as he finds you do it so much better for him, plus he always feels guilty after anyway, so he tends not to do it. However, if he’s on a mission and knows he won’t see you for weeks on end, he’ll schedule a skype call at least every 2 days so he can help loosen you up whilst he’s gone, and hopefully get you to do the same for him.
K = Kink: Bucky, more than anything, loves the sound of you begging. Whether it be on your knees for his cock, or to fuck you until you can’t see straight, he loves the filthy words that spill from your lips when you’re desperate for something. Sometimes he’ll get you to scream what you want just for fun, and laugh as aggravated tears run down your cheeks. Oh, edging is also something he definitely enjoys!
L = Location: Bucky will do it anywhere as long as you’re up for it. He loves making you whimper against his palm as he fucks you against a bathroom stall in a crowded club, or making you ride his thigh as you two get transported to one of Tony’s big gigs in a limo.
M = Motivation: When you get dressed up for special events, your make up perfectly done, not a hair out of place, he wants to ruin it. Bucky will try to find any way to mess up your masterpiece and have your mascara running black lakes down your cheeks, your lipstick a dark red smudge around your lips.
N = NO: The one thing he will not agree to is extreme BDSM. He knows how it feels to be tied up against your will and tortured for very different reasons than sex, so he would never willingly do anything to harm another person in that way. 
O = Oral: When he goes down on you, he is relentless. He won’t stop until you’ve cummed at least 3 times - even then he’ll edge you between orgasms to get you a sobbing mess underneath his vice grip on your hips.
P = Pace: Most of the time he does it fast and rough, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over quickly. He makes sure you’ve been edged that many times you’re just a bundle of sensitive nerves before he gets you to cum around his thick cock.
Q = Quickie: He only ever does quickies if he’s frustrated or he needs to teach you a lesson. Quickies could also happen if he knows you and him are meant to be somewhere in a specific amount of times, and he’ll try get you to cum more than once, say in the space of 5 minutes.
R = Risk: Bucky loves the risks you two take during sex. Your neighbours must absolutely hate you and file a lot of noise complaints, and when you stay over at the compound, Steve hates you in the morning. Like, actually despises you. Bucky’s headboard must have banged that many times on Steve’s wall that he’d believe the wall would come through. The anger would only go away when he sees the utter joy on Bucky’s face as he strolls into the kitchen for an early morning coffee. Bucky would have a smirk on his lips when he hears the gasps fall from everyone’s mouths, reacting to the new scratches littered on his back.
S = Stamina: Are we forgetting that he’s a super-soldier?
T = Toy: Bucky doesn’t own toys for himself, but he enjoys buying them for you. He has a special penchant for vibrating underwear, and he won’t tell you they vibrate until you’re in the middle of a conversation with someone important at a party, and he’ll suddenly switch it on, making you stumble on your words, your flute of champagne shattering on the floor. 
U = Unfair: Bucky is a stubborn tease. He’ll have you on the edge, over and over again, waiting for your orgasm - but if you ever so much as took your time sucking his cock, or flirted with Steve or anyone else, he’d have you bent over his lap in no time, your ass red raw.
V = Volume: Bucky is so loud, it’s almost a crime. The noises he makes can vary from little whimpers that break your heart, to thundering groans that leave you a shuddering mess.
W = Wild Card: There’ll be times when you’ll be talking to Steve or Natasha, and he’ll come up behind you, pressing his rock hard erection in your back. You’d stutter as his arms wrapped around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. He’d rudely announce that he needed you for something, and roughly drag you to the bedroom just because he can. He’d enjoy the looks of shock on Steve’s face once you re-emerged from Bucky’s room in only his top, lovebites decorating your neck and upper thighs that were painfully obvious.
X = X-Ray: Of course, we all know what the super-serum did to him and Steve. When I say it enhanced everything, I mean EVERYTHING. He’s big, obviously, but to give a measurement I’d say around 8 inches. 
Y = Yearning: Bucky would be nothing without you, or the sex. 
Z = ZZZ: Bucky’s a very light sleeper, plus sex with you doesn’t really wear him out, so he’ll probably go for a quick shower before climbing into the bed to find you fast asleep. He’ll spend hours memorising every small feature of your body, hoping to god you won’t leave him just so he can have small, precious moments like these every day.
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loveaimeeguerrero · 7 years
DREAMWAVE: Bubble Pods (Review)
"Best-in-Class sound performance to go where you go!"
Ever wanted to carry your music with you in a stylish and cool way? A new bluetooth speaker brand has came in here in the Philippines and introduced the coolest set of speakers I have ever seen!
What caught my eye is their cute BUBBLE POD! The Bubble Pod is the entry level of Dreamwave which is ultra-light with child and outdoor IPX5 protection against water, dust or sand. It is very much handy, fits perfectly on my small hands.
What I love about the BUBBLE POD? 
It is very compact with a size of 3.94 x 3.07 x 1.81 inches with 1800 mAh battery on Bluetooth 4.0. It has a staying power of 5 hours in FULL max volume. In the regular playing volume it may last upto 12 hours, which can be very useful in my kind of lifestyle.
(Photo from: www.dreamwaveus.com)
I really like that it comes in 4 colors: BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW and PINK. Oh yes, PINK!!! It's very fun to look at and carry. It has a circular loop as part of the packaging which makes it easy for you to hang anywhere or even slip on your belt so you can have your music literally ANYWHERE!
Having the IPX5 protection, you dont have to worry about it getting wet beside the pool. What is IPX5?
"A speaker with a rating of IPX-5 can withstand water jets from any angle. Imagine spraying your speaker with your garden hose for an extended period of time...yep, an IPX-5 speaker will still be blasting after that. " - MediaBug
So you can bring you Bubble Pods even in the shower. How cool is that?
Sound Quality
I tried it at max volume, and it really delivers good quality sound without cracking unlike other portable bluetooth speakers. You can hear and feel the bass (low frequency) at 40Hz when tested using the Low Frequency Test, which is not bad for a small handy Bluetooth speaker. The high frequencies are very good and audible, so it can really deliver great quality of sound. I also tried flipping one side over on a surface and the sound is still good, although not as loud as when the speaker itself is facing up. But you can still hear the sounds whichever side you listen to, thus the omnidirectional quality (not 100% omnidirectional for me).
For the packaging, it is surrounded with a protective rubber for the buttons and plugs. However the flap on the plug might be a bit loose sometimes, so be careful to put it back properly. I don't know how it will stand when it is used for a long time or if exposed to heat / sun. The buttons are not difficult to press and a blue light turns on when the speaker is turned on and blinks when it is connecting or looking for Bluetooth device. It is also covered with metal nets of two layers (outer is black, inner is pink) which protects it from water, dust or sand. It is very durable and handy, it doesn't slip on your hand or pockets due to the rubber.
Bluetooth Connectivity
It's very easy to search for the Bubble Pods, because when you connect your phone it simply says "Bubble Pods". Also when you already had a device connected or paired with your Bubble Pod, it remembers it and connects automatically. When you press the Bluetooth button, the music starts immediately where you left it, in my case that's on my Spotify Playlist.
5W Performance Speaker (Best-in-Class)
1-3/4 inch Dipole Speaker
IPX5 Water/Dust/Sand/Snow Protection
Bluetooth CSR 4.0 + EDR, A2DP AVRCP, APTX
1,800mAh Rechargeable Battery
Play time: Up to 12 Hours (5 Hours Max Volume, Full Bass Status)
Hands Free Calling and NFC Ready
360° Omnidirectional Sound Processor (One side is still stronger than the other)
Hi-Fi Sound and Anti-Distortion Circuitry
Multi-Colors: Baby Blue, Bubblegum Pink, Jolly Green, Sunshine Yellow
What's in the box? 
Bubble Pod
User's Manual
USB to Micro USB charger cable
3.5mm Auxiliary Cable
Warranty Card
Dreamwave Sticker
I'm having so much fun with my Dreamwave Bubble Pod, because the battery and playtime lasts long at its very durable and handy. Foir its price of Php 2,400, it's definitely worth it. Indeed it's the Best-In-Class sound performance wherever you go!
Durable packaging
Long playtime
Good bass quality
At max volume, you can hear sound at full quality
Great color selection
Size is perfect for the pocket
The circular/loop handle is good so you can hang it anywhere
Quick charging
Water / Splash resistant ;) Tried it in the shower
Semi omnidirectional (not 100%, maybe 90-95%)
The rubber on the plug may loose a bit (you need to make sure you attach it well after plugging)
Hands free calling is OK, but sometimes the microphone is not so sensitive. You have to use it very closely. 
RATING: 4.3/5
Packaging - 4.5/5
Quality - 4.5/5
Staying Power - 5/5 
Availability - 3/5 (looking forward for more stores to carry this brand, but hey, you can order it online!)
Price - 4.5/5
Will I buy it again / recommend it? YES! ~ it's a great gift idea as well. Definitely for music lovers on the go!
Have you tried the Bubble Pods or any Dreamwave Bluetooth Speaker lately? Let me know what you think on the comments!
For more information on DREAMWAVE products, you can visit http://dreamwaveus.com or like Dreamwave Philippines on Facebook and Instagram.
Available now at Astrovision Stores within Metro Manila! #Musicthatmoves #MVPtech
A post shared by DreamwavePH (@dreamwave_ph) on Feb 23, 2017 at 8:23pm PST
You can buy your own Dreamwave products at any ASTROVISION branches or online at Takatack Philippines http://ift.tt/2mLjFUs #DreamwavePH #MusicThatMoves L O V E,
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cyanoscarlet · 7 years
this is how you introduce a new fandom
#yoiweek2017 Day 1 (Le Parfum Des Fleurs) - beginnings and firsts
Or, how Yuuri was convinced to watch an anime based on his life.
(stories on (and off) ice)
It was both flattering and mortifying, Yuuri thought, when a story based on your life and love suddenly skyrocketed in popularity like gossip spreading like a forest wildfire.
He sighed as he watched his sniffling husband from the kitchen. Viktor was crying over yet another episode of this "original fantasy action anime about a no-good mage who meets and falls for the number one ice wizard in the continent." It was really good, they said. The animation was beautiful, the story was riveting and the romance was done perfectly right.
Don't get him wrong; he appreciates a good story as much as the next person does. The love and care and attention to detail that went into the creation of this latest sensation was clearly evident in every frame drawn and every line spoken. It was, no doubt, a wonderful work in its own right. It was even considered by many as a revolutionary piece that broke barriers and made history.
What Yuuri did not appreciate -- and certainly did not expect (though he should have, given the circumstances) -- was the hordes of rabid fans and insatiable tabloid writers that practically crash the door and breathe down his neck every single morning since the first episode aired, and seemed to multiply exponentially by the week.
Chalk it up to very observant people to put two and two together, and your high-profile whirlwind love story is revived and retold again on almost every website and social media platform in existence. The side-by-side comparisons went up to eleven when the seventh episode featured the two leads kissing before the cheering stadium - just like how Viktor, his coach at that time, had kissed him at the Cup of China a mere three years earlier.
The fans became a lot more persistent that day, he recalled. Even the casual passers-by recognized them now. "Oh my god, it's so-and-so! From that show!" (Yuuri could not be bothered to recall the names of the characters.) Viktor eagerly responded to this by kissing him soundly on the lips in public - again.
As always, the Russian's attempts at getting him to watch the new episode together failed spectacularly that night.
  Yuuri and Viktor were not the only ones whose lives have changed because of the show. Yurio, for one, started receiving hate mail from all sorts of fans - mostly fujoshi, from what he had gathered. Messages ranging from "damn Mudblood" to "inferior Valentin-wannabe", or colorful variations and combinations thereof, began filling the reigning World Champion's inbox at such an alarming rate, he'd actually changed his phone number and locked all his social media accounts by the time the fourth episode had aired.
("I don't even watch that shit," Yurio had lamented in frustration through a private Skype session. "And even I know that Mudblood's from a totally different fandom! What's wrong with these fucking people?!"
That's what you're worried about? Yuuri had been tempted to say out loud, but he'd kept his mouth shut. Maybe it was just the stress of the upcoming Grand Prix Final talking. The men's short program event was the next day, after all. Other than that, he'd completely sympathized with the angry blond.)
Fortunately, the messages stopped when the current episode aired half an hour ago. Yuuri knew at once when his ringtone for Yurio began playing from his pocket and Viktor tearfully joined him in the kitchen at the same time as soon as the livestream finished. "Let's have katsudon pirozhki tomorrow!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining brighter than usual. "To celebrate Julian finally befriending Yoichi!"
"Okay, Viten'ka," Yuuri shrugged, knowing better than to correct his husband on the in-universe pastry the show's tritragonist had just offered the main character. How they even knew about that event between Yurio and himself at Moscow was purely anyone's guess. ("This show is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-life persons, places and events is purely coincidental," indeed.)
The phone's vibration gradually increased in intensity as the ringtone segued into the annoying screechy guitar part. (Yuuri never learned how to switch it back after Mila had fiddled with it back when they were in St. Petersburg.) "One moment." He fished out his phone and answered the call, expecting another loud tirade on why the hell he didn't pick up sooner. Instead, he heard heavy breathing over the line, seemingly accentuated by the static.
"... Finally..." Yurio started, his voice unnaturally subdued for someone supposed to be angry. "... They finally stopped..."
Yuuri knew where this was going. "Congratulations for holding out for so long, Yurio," he answered with all compassion. "Are you celebrating tonight?"
"After all that trouble? Of course I am!" The blond loudly harrumphed. "Beka and I are having katsudon pirozhki tonight!"
Viktor immediately snatched the phone from Yuuri's grasp. "Yurio! I didn't know you watched Glassheart, too! Isn't it wonderful?! Who's your favorite character besides Julian? Mine's Yoichi, of course!"
"HELL NO!" Yurio snapped. "Get off my case, old man! Go talk to Chulanont or something!"
Viktor nodded back excitedly, still on an all-time high post-episode rush. "I will! I'm handing you back to Yuuri now." He gave Yuuri the phone back, planting a kiss on his cheek before returning to the couch to call Phichit.
Yuuri put the phone back to his ear. "It's me again... Actually I'm also making katsudon pirozhki for lunch tomorrow. It's been so long; I have to prepare."
"Figured as much."
  What Viktor usually meant by "call Phichit" was to open their Skype group for figure skaters who also liked Glassheart. (Yuuri made sure to remember the title now after much persuasion by his husband, lest he gets mobbed by his other friends online, too.) It was a video conference, as always. It didn't take long before the conversation went into full swing, so he played a selection of everyone's skating music from the last few seasons so he would not hear any spoilers.
The beginning lines of "Shall We Skate" was cut off momentarily as a chat bubble appeared on the home screen. It was from Phichit, Yuuri noted, as he pressed a button on his headset to resume the audio playback and lower the volume.
  phichit+chu: hi yuuri! long time no chat!! :))
Me: Hello, Phichit!
Me: It's only been a week, though?
phichit+chu: lol same thing
phichit+chu: so have u watched glassheart already??? :O
phichit+chu: its 3/4 done now, u got some serious catching up to do :)))
Me: I haven't, sorry.
Me: Viktor's been asking me to watch it with him, too.
Me: I just can't seem to get into it as much as everyone else.
Me: I guess it hits a little too close to home for me.
  Yuuri stopped typing. It was evident Viktor immensely enjoyed the show, even more so because it was obviously based on their own real-life relationship. He'd been a fan since day one, tweeting his thoughts and reactions every week. Now a good nine episodes in, his follower count had shot up to the mid-hundred-thousands and counting. Fans of both the show and figure skating were very much excited to have the Living Legend (and real-life inspiration) on board, and soon he became known as the "Prince of the Fandom" - the King, of course, being the original author.
Many a fan had once asked if Yuuri watched Glassheart, too, seeing as he was the other significant person involved in the story. Viktor handled these questions himself since he knew the Japanese man did not like being associated with the show, albeit not as vehemently vocal about it as Yurio was. (That had almost become a total PR disaster, if not for Yakov's timely intervention with a total media blackout for the young Russian skater.) Yuuri himself chose to stay quiet about it as he went about his daily activities, avoiding requests for interviews and comments pertaining to the show. However, the increasing guilt for putting his husband through this situation in his place, combined with a genuine, slowly-piqued curiosity brought about by many, many messages from various fans, made him reconsider his stance on the matter.
Above all, he missed spending time with Viktor. Sex was one thing, but quality time like this rarely presented itself throughout their respective busy schedules. So maybe...  
  phichit+chu: awww thats a shame :((
phichit+chu: its actually why i watch the show. it does so many things right. i love how it showcases a mature, healthy romance done right, just like ur love story with victor :')
phichit+chu: at least u would like the action scenes??? they remind u alot of figure skating
phichit+chu: guanghong likes the fighting and magic scenes actually. leo loves the ost
phichit+chu: sara and mila have a crush on the mc yoichi ehehe ;))
phichit+chu: dont tell them i told u tho
Me: Haha, don't worry, I won't. :)
phichit+chu: just give it a chance okay? u might like it :')
Me: I'm still not sure. Maybe if Viktor can effectively convince me. ;)
phichit+chu: listen to ur hubby, man ;)) listen to ur heart :))
  Phichit stopped responding after that. He must be active on the Skype conference now. Yuuri walked out to the living room, and could hear Phichit's boisterous laughter from Viktor's phone as they discussed the ending scene at the kingdom's harbor. Mila was now attempting to pry details out of her former rinkmate about what went down when they reunited after the Rostelecom Cup three years ago.
"No comment," Viktor answered, a secretive smile playing on his lips. "That's between me and Yuuri only."
"No fair, Vitya!" Mila cried foul. "You know he's never gonna spill! How will we make comparison notes now?"
Viktor hummed back amusedly. "Well, I'm not helping. Good luck with that, Mila."
Phichit and Leo also whined at this, while Guanghong tried to placate them. Sara merely laughed in the background.
Yuuri, too, was laughing softly.
  It was several hours before the airing of the last episode when Yuuri surprised his husband over dinner. Viktor almost spit out his water when he asked if they could marathon the past eleven episodes while waiting for the finale.
"I guess I'm kind of interested now, with all the hype going on," he confessed, picking at a piece of meat with his chopsticks. "If you're not busy tonight, of course."
Viktor beamed at him, his eyes gleaming ecstatically. He would have hugged the bespectacled man right there and then, if it weren't for the table between them, so he settled for reaching out to clasp Yuuri's free hand, his wedding ring reflecting the white light hanging above them.
"I'll always have time, my Yuuri." Viktor smiled at him tenderly, the silver fringe over his left eye parting ever so slightly as he tilted his head. "I love spending time with you."
Yuuri closed his eyes, feeling somewhat absolved of whatever it was that had been weighing him down. He entwined his fingers between Viktor's, returning the smile with a fond one of his own before letting go. "We should hurry, Viten'ka. I don't want us to be late."
Viktor nodded and resumed eating. The couple finished their meal in silence, the excitement palpable between them, even as they put away the tableware and washed up for the night.
The laptop had already been set up when Yuuri came out to the living room, bringing with him a large blanket and two steaming cups of hot chocolate on a tray. (Not the bedroom, he'd insisted earlier. They might fall asleep.) Viktor clicked on a few icons before invitingly patting on the spot next to him. Yuuri places the tray on the low table next to the laptop, spreading the blanket to wrap around themselves with before joining his husband on the couch.
"I knew you'd come around eventually." Viktor nudged at his shoulder, winking playfully. "I've waited for so long, you know."
"Good things come to those who wait," Yuuri intoned, the old English adage rolling perfectly on his tongue. He leaned in and rested his head on his husband's shoulder. "Shall we?"
"Of course." Viktor tapped on the spacebar, and animated snowflakes began filling the screen.
The opening theme was captivating, the positive lyrics daring the listener to dream big and aim high. The instrumental parts and the repeating refrains were really catchy, and Yuuri caught himself humming along even after it ended. Viktor was humming along, too, albeit at a faster pace. Yuuri smiled; he loved hearing his husband sing.
It wouldn't be an exaggeration if Yuuri said the first episode blew him away. They did not hesitate to set the tone of the series with a healthy mix of fast-paced fight sequences, colorful spells and lightning-speed attacks (which, yes, did resemble figure skating spins and jumps a lot), all tied together by a dramatic narrative that tugged at the heartstrings and pooled tears in the eyes.
Yurio would have enjoyed this show, he thought. It's a shame all that stuff happened to the poor boy before he could even give the show a chance.
They were not kidding when they said Glassheart was totally (albeit loosely) based on his and Viktor's story. Watching the interactions between the leads Yoichi and Valentin, Yuuri could not help but wonder at how well the creators have captured their own dynamics as coach and skater back then, and adapted it perfectly to a medieval fantasy setting. He started daydreaming about icicles forming at his fingertips, easily manipulating their form into whatever he wished. He had been mentally sculpting a still image of Viktor and himself floating in the air when the fourth episode ended.
Viktor was now chuckling as his on-screen wizard incarnation drunkenly hit on the poor bespectacled mage a in the tavern, while said mage's friend gleefully cackled before a floating magic sphere. "And there goes Match Number 55," he explained. "I never really understood how notorious Phichit actually was about these things until this episode aired."
Yuuri responded with a curious hum. He knew better, having been the Thai's friend and rinkmate for longer. On another note, Viktor and the others have apparently been keeping track of the similarities between this show and real-life happenings. Yuuri declined the offer to read through Phichit's detailed masterpost on it later.
His heart soared when Yoichi managed to win his first match at the Wizards' Tournament, even attempting to cast Valentin's signature spell, the Glassheart. It was only for a short moment, a far cry from the powerful attack the legendary ice wizard had unleashed on the dragon in the first episode. Still, Valentin had been so happy and so proud, that he had kissed his protégé before the audience right there and then.
Beside him, Viktor was in tears again. He'd already stopped giving any form of commentary at this point, in favor of "feeling the feels," whatever that meant.
Yuuri sipped his drink slowly. He wished tonight would never end.
  The final episode closed with a shot of Yoichi and Valentin standing on the bridge where they had first met, the former now also sporting the uniform of the Royal Wizard Regiment, a silver badge pinned on his breast. Both characters shared a tender kiss, before the screen panned up and faded out to the words, "ab hinc in aeternum" -- from here to eternity.
No sooner had the livestream cut off than Yuuri turned his attention to his husband, who was currently a beautiful, inelegant mess. It reminded him a lot of the time he'd inadvertently shattered his then-coach's heart into pieces by declaring his intentions to retire after the GPF in Barcelona. Though Yuuri's own heart had ached as much, he was glad they'd had that conversation at all. They'd both learned so much from it, and had grown stronger, as a result.
He put an arm around the sniffling Russian, running his hands up and down the latter's shoulder in a slow, reassuring motion. After several quiet minutes, Viktor reached his own right hand up to clasp his, their wedding rings bumping against each ther in their entwined fingers.
"Duo corda," he whispered, referring to the new spell the two leads had created by fusing their Glassheart spells at the last moment in order to defeat the final enemy. It was a beautiful yet destructive spiraling of two columns of living ice, which culminated in a giant arrow that pierced through the monster's impenetrable barrier and stabbed it right through the heart.
More like, "the power of love," actually, if Yuuri dared to have any say in it, but the hot tears brimming on his own eyes said otherwise. He did not expect this anime to make him laugh and cry as much as it had over the past four hours, but it did its job nonetheless and went way beyond that. (Then again, though, the Japanese skating legend was very much known for having a more fragile heart than most other glass-hearted figure skaters everywhere. Or, at least, Viktor had said so.)
So he settled for repeating Viktor's words, reciting from memory the broken Latin phrases that constituted the love song that constantly played during tender moments between the wizards in love. Somewhere along the moment, they had switched from somewhat-butchered Latin to a more-practiced Italian as they softly sang segments of Stammi Vicino in unison.
Yuuri looked up at his husband, poking his head out of the blanket. "Not going to post anything tonight?"
Viktor stopped humming, pursing his lips in mock-deep thought. "I'll do that tomorrow," he finally decided. "I have a lot of feelings to process."
"So you do," Yuuri agreed, observing the already-dried tracks of tears down the other man's cheeks. "What about Phichit and the others?"
"I turned off my phone, actually." Viktor laughed, holding up the dark gadget for his husband to see. "Tonight is Yuuri-time," he added with a flourish, gesturing as flashily as he could from a cramped space, almost dropping the phone in the process. Yuuri caught it just in time, a bubbling feeling of euphoria welling up from deep within his chest.
"If that's the case," he began, "then I have an idea."
Yuuri fumbled for his own phone, opening his barely-used Instagram app. He angled the camera to include an aesthetic shot of the powered-down laptop, the two empty cups of chocolate, and both their legs entangled together. Viktor buried his head into the crook of his neck upon reading the caption, holding the other man to himself tighter than ever.
"You're one sappy romantic, Yuuri Nikiforov," he commented, his shuddering breath as he exhaled tickling Yuuri's neck. "You never cease to surprise me."
Yuuri smiled proudly, bringing his husband closer and kissing him gently. "I learn from the best."
yuuri-katsuki Ab hinc in aeternum. Loving you is an irreplaceable joy like no other.
Liked by v-nikiforov, phichit+chu and 5,277 others
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iheartkatsudon OMG GLASSHEART
lysssssnikiforova welcome to the fandom @yuuri-katsuki !!
phichit+chu about time yuuri!!! :))) @v-nikiforov @m_babicheva @sara-crispino @leo_dli @+guanghongji+
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whatspriceofthe · 4 years
boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Wireless Headset with ASAP Charge Technology, Bluetooth V5.0, Qualcomm Chipset, Super Extra Bass, IPX...https://amzn.to/3i11zKN #HeadPhone #EarBuds #HandsFree https://amzn.to/3i11zKN - boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Wireless Headset with ASAP Charge Technology, Bluetooth V5.0, Qualcomm Chipset, Super Extra Bass, IPX... Does the job for bass lover this product bis exceptional. But not for those who dont like bass because bassless songs are struggle to produce clear sound. Medium is excellent but lower volume it struggle to produce pour quality. Maximum a little bit na ki barabar distortion on some songs. As per price point no complaints (((((chalega)))) The price is great for the quantity of sound it offers at Rs1000. Ok , good , great are my rankings.Great - PriceGreat - SoundGood - BatteryGood - BassGreat - FlexibilityGreat - Product qualityOnly 2 complains .I hve to charge battery every day (max 5 hour continuous use)My left ear sound is getting low thats an issue that bothered about. Evn my friend faced the same issue that one side of his headphone stoped working(5 months of use for freand & 1 month for me ) . And that an quality issue . I hope i will get replacement under warranty. And mind it no physical damage or water damage.But at that price point its worth it .And imp thing the light turns frm red to blue when fully charged . Battery Backup kam hai yr.. 6 hours toh kuch bhi nhi hai or pubG k liye thik hai kaafi hadd tak sound bass everything is good but battery Backup as compared to other brand is low... Go for it .. i received a one side not working..but thanks to Amazon hassle-free return policy i am returning it back...If you want Beat or skull candy like quality simultaneously you can compromise on battery Backup go for it... High quality music 6 hour voice call 8hours youtube videos almost 8 to 9 hours... Pros: excellent sound production even though its bluetooth; Ive stopped using panasonic wired earphones because this product produces better sounds. The mic is positioned perfectly and the other person can hear well. Bass is very good indeed, I connected it to TV and the movie sounds were mind blowing, felt like a movie theater. Battery back up is really impressive and lasts a whole day for me, it depends on how you use it though. Charging time is another pro because it gets fully charged in an hour even when connected to laptop. The chance of losing these are minimal thanks to magnets on both earphones which attach themselves when not in use.Cons: the band gives me allergy because of constant rubbing with the back part of my neck (this is just my issue as I suffer from skin related allergies). The lights on the earphone are too dim. The bands on the earphone which give it a unique style are hurtful, so I removed them totally and also changed the ear buds to red (used panasonic buds) . If you are a fast walker like me and when not in use, the earphone will swing like a pendulum, so I put it in my front pocket or shirt (this is not a con really).Conclusion: absolutely great earphones and bluetooth is perfect dont waste your time looking for other options unless you have high expectations with bass and other features. I have this and boat rockers 255, so i m giving a comparison here. Believe me guys this is not at all compared with the boat one. The bass is excellent in boat, where as this does not have at all. I saw the rating and bought it, but please dont get fooled by the name JBL. The sound quality in this is same as a roadside 50 rupees earphone. I paid 800 more for this than the boat, but repented. Only pro in this is the earpieces are lightweight compared to boat one, whereas the holders in boat gives a nice support to hold the ear pieces. Rest any feature you compare the boat exceeds at par. This sound and bass quality is good battery life good noise cancelling is good but its wire is too long and uncomfortable which is not looking good wire is starting from top its looking bad but anyway everything is ok Its Awesome... Good sound quality & 8-9 hrs battery life... Just waww look... I brought just 999 rupees...But Amazon's Packageing system is Very bad... Very poor packaging... Flipcart's packaging system is much better than Amazon... good productbattery life 2-3days with 1 hour of chargesound quality is good full of basswell fit in ear without any pain for long time use. This is my 2 set of boat rockers 255 . Its one of the best Bluetooth earphones you can buy for 1000 bucks .... by Shopping Reviews
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