#aster birch
ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 years
today i found out there is something called oral allergy syndrome where certain fruits & vegetables can essentially give you hay fever bc the proteins are structured similarly which tbh could explain why i, someone who developed a grass allergy in college, suddenly developed a melon allergy like a year ago, but somehow doesn’t explain the pumpkin spice allergy i also developed in college
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theroadtofairyland · 1 year
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Forbidden Blues
Watercolor On Birch Panel
2022, 18"x 24"
China Asters, Callistephus chinensis
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themanicnami · 1 year
💖Witchcraft Correspondence: Love💖
Love is one of the parts of life humans chase after in many ways. Not just in ways of romantic desire and sexual interactions but the love of family, friends and love of oneself. It is a common topic when it comes to magic and divination so with that - may this be an easy reference for all of you looking to incorporate love of any kind into your craft. Please note: this isn't every possible correspondence out there - this is more a quick reference guide. Happy witching~
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💖Herbs for Love: Anise, Basil, Bay, Catnip, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Coriander/Cilantro, Clove, Damiana, Dill, Fennel, Ginger, Hawthorne, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Meadowsweet, Myrrh, Parsley, Rose, Rose Hip, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Spearmint, Thyme, Vanilla, Valerian, Yarrow
💖 Flowers for Love: Aster, Baby's-Breath, Bleeding Heart, Carnation, Cherry Blossom, Daffodil, Geranium, Hyacinth, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Orchid, Rose, Sunflower, Tulip
💖 Fruit for Love: Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Cherry, Cranberry, Fig, Guava, Lemon, Lime, Mango, Nectarine, Orange, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Pomegranate, Peach, Pear, Plum, Raspberry, Strawberry
💖 Vegetables for Love: Artichoke, Asparagus, Beet, Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Endive, Leek, Lettuce, Onion, Peas, Pumpkin, Radish, Sweet Pea, Tomato, Zucchini
💖 Foods for Love: Chocolate, Pistachio, Rye Bread, Sugar (sweets), Wine
💖 Crystals for Love: Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Emerald, Garnet, Green Aventurine, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Onyx, Pink Topaz, Pink Tourmaline, Pink Quartz (dyed), Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Tiger's Eye, Rose Quartz, Ruby
💖 Oils for Love: Anise, Basil, Bay, Birch, Cardamom, Clove, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Juniper, Lemongrass, Lemon, Lime, Marjoram, Mints, Myrrh, Rose, Rosemary, Vanilla
💖 Incense/Scents for Love: Amber, Bamboo, Catnip, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Dragon's Blood, Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Patchouli, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Ylang-ylang
💖 Colors for Love: Pink, Red, White, Orange, Purple, Gold, Silver
💖 Moon Phase for Love: New Moon, Waxing, Full Moon
💖 Day of Week for Love: Friday
💖 Elements for Love: Fire, Water
💖 Zodiac for Love Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Gemini, Pisces
💖 Planets for Love: Venus, Moon
💖 Animals for Love: Beaver, Butterfly, Cow, Crane, Dolphin, Dove, Elephant, Flamingo, Hare, Horse, Ladybug, Lion, Lovebird, Owl, Penguin, Starfish, Swan
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warrior-names · 7 months
Warrior Prefixes: White Cats
Words that aren’t derived from things found in North America or Europe aren’t included.
60+ prefixes under the cut!
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blimbo-buddy · 2 months
Bug World No Mercy: Naming Systems in the Bug Kingdoms
Before we proceed: I want to note that with all of the names listed, they can also be translated into other languages and it will still suffice as a name for the bug.
For example: If you translate “Leaf” into Spanish, “Hoja”, it will still be a valid name because of the word it was translated from. So without further ado:
Slugs of the Garth/Timberland
Before the Great Division Of Slug Country, the Slugs all had the same naming system.
Their names typically followed things associated with nature, wild-grown fruits, trees, leaves, plants, etc.
When the Slugs of the Garth formed their empire, they took on names associated with things you might find in a garden:
Fruits: Banana, Watermelon, Berry
Vegetables: Cucumber, Spud, Carrot
Nuts: Pistachio, Pecan 
Legumes: Chickpea, String Bean
Flowers: Lily, Daffodil, Aster
When the Slugs of the Timberland stayed in the forest, they retained many of their old names, pre-division. These were names that associated with things found in the forest:
Bodies of water: Creek, Lake
Wild-grown fruits: Gumnut, Aronia
Trees: Pine, Birch
Plants: Fern, Ivy
Words relating to the forest: Woodland, Bosky 
There are, however, “ grey area” names that arose after the division of Slug Country, as these names related to things that are present in both gardens and in nature:
Strawberry, Nectar, Apple, and Honey are some examples of these names
However, a slug can actually have a quote attached to them, created for themselves and by themselves. 
Slugs of a high rank - Such as royalty, scholars, guards, advisors, etc.- are the only ones who can acquire a quote, according to Slug Law
These names can take a while to create, think of it like a thesis
High rank slugs must spend a year outlining, rough drafting, and finalizing their quote
This process also includes a month spent out in the forest to be alone with their thoughts
Trusted scholars are tasked with teaching upcoming high ranks multiple lessons of how to craft the perfect quote for themselves
The name itself must remind the others of that particular slug.
Example: “For what is the weakling slug, if they had moistened the soil into mulch, with the flesh of their enemies.” aka (Queen) Mulch.
These quote titles originated from the beginning of the Slug Country, thousands and thousands of years ago. The two warring sides of the previously known Slug Country have retained these types of names since then.
Cockroach Kingdom
Due to the Cockroach Kingdom's closeness to the humans and their society, they've taken on names that have to do with general products of human society, such as:
Human-made objects: Fork, Knife, Wire, Trash Can
Food/Drinks: Pizza, Soda, Hamburger
Buildings: Apartment, Prison, Greenhouse
The domestication of rats and pigeons by the Cockroach Kingdom is one that dates back thousands of years, theorized to be even before the Great Division of Slug Country. This led to titles pertaining to “Pest Tamers”, as the bugs call it, to be created: 
Cockroaches that handle rats are given the title “Rat Tamer” before their name
On the other hand, cockroaches that handle pigeons are given the title “Pigeon Master” before their name
Hammerheads of the Gastropods (Hammerhead Worms)
Hammerhead Worm names generally follow a "4-part rule", going as such: Sir/Madame Gastro- (Given Birth Name) -Pod.
For shortening reasons, one may call a Hammerhead Slug: Sir/Madame (Given Name), Gastro-(Given Name), or (Given Name)-Pod.
Example: Madame Gastro-Grate-Pod, 
Or: Madame Grate, Gastro-Grate, Grate-Pod
In Hammerhead Worm society, it is considered incredibly rude and disrespectful to only refer to one by only their Given Birth Name.
These Given Birth Names will typically be based off of:
The Hammerhead’s physical appearance: Mottle, Splotch, Stripe, Brindle
Physical actions: Scrape, Drag, Grate, Clutch, Trek, Smear
Believed to be the second oldest bug kingdom to perfect “Pest Taming”, Hammerhead Worms classify themselves into small categories, based upon the bird that acts as their steed:
Example: Robin Jockey, Finch Jockey
Moth Citadel
Moths are typically named after:
Organic materials that they eat: Cloth, Shirt, Hair, Blanket, Wool, Silk
Dark-themed words: Dim, Dull, Shade, Bleak
Moths also have a secondary part to their name.
Depending on what stage of the moon they were born under, that will serve as their last name.
For example: Blanket Waxing Crescent.
These last names fall under "Moon Families", although not every moth in the same Moon Family is related to each other.
Cicada Burrow
Since Cicada society puts lots of emphasis on a past life that a cicada has had, their names reflect such beliefs.
Cicada names include their current life's name alongside their previous life's name: (Current life’s name); Once-(Previous life’s name)
Cicada names are typically based around:
Types of trees: Redwood, Oak, Sycamore
Noises: Hum, Buzz, Bang
Words relating to plants/roots: Pith, Root, Stem
Nectar/Juices/Saps: Phloem, Mango Nectar, Apple Juice
An example of this would be: Sycamore; Once-Lily Nectar
Note: If a Cicada has just begun their cycle (Meaning that they are the beginning life of a rebirth cycle) then they will have just a singular name
Beetle Dynasty
Due to the dynasty's heavy emphasis on being defensively strong and armory, their names are ones that sound very heavy/strong/sturdy. This includes
Minerals/Gems: Titanium, Talc, Calcite
Trees/Words relating to trees: Lumber, Branch, Redwood
Words relating to rocks: Sedimentary, Boulder, Cobble
Metals: Cobalt, Copper, Steel
Example: Titanium, Sedimentary, Talc, Lumber
Beetles within the nation may also be granted a special title alongside their name. Usually connecting with a specific achievement
Special Title Example: Tungsten the Artificer, Strata the Batslayer
Worm Empire
Due to their entire empire (and association) being within the dirt, Worms take on names that have something to do with the earth
They can be based off of minerals in the dirt: Sulfur, Dolomite 
The types of dirt: Peat, Clay
Shades of brown: Umber, Beige
Tools used to dig up the earth: Trowel, Shovel 
Words connected to digging and moving around: Wriggle/Wriggling, Tunnel/Tunneling
The leader of the Worm Empire has the title of "Earth Master"
Worms who forage for food are given the title of "Processor"
Example: "Earth Master Excavator" “Processor Bronze”
Butterfly Pavilion
The butterflies take great pride in their appearance and beauty, so it's only fitting that their names reflect that. Many of their names are based on:
Colors: Blue, Amber, Aqua
Positive adjectives: Handsome, Bright, Clever
Flowers: Dahlia, Zinnia, Allium
Words/sounds associated with birds: Whir, Caw, Vane
Bird species: Robin, Hawk, Condor
When born, the caterpillars have their names prefaced with "Beautiful Sprout" and will keep this title until they form into a cocoon.
Upon emerging, the butterfly leaves behind their Beautiful Sprout title
Higher ranking butterflies can gain the title of Weathervane, alongside the number at which they rank at within the group of 10 Weathervanes
They can “rank up” whenever the Weathervane ahead of them retires, dies, or is overthrown
Example: 4th Weathervane Caw
Fly Cluster
Unlike the other bug kingdoms, flies don’t have an actual kingdom due to their nature to roam around and eat things that many bugs wouldn’t even eat as a last resort. However, despite this vagabond-esque culture and lack of a “proper kingdom”, the flies still have a system of names, typically based off of: 
Death-related words: Corpse, Carrion, Muerte
Fungus and fungus genus names: Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Mucor
Bacteria and viruses: Shigella, Rabies
Words relating to decomposition: Decay, Rot, Spoil
Spider Province
Though spiders have a wide array of naming systems that pertain to their kingdom, often you’ll find specific patterns in their names. Some names have a bit to do with their proximity with humans. You’ll find spiders named after:
Carnivorous plants: Sundew, Butterwort 
Words relating to crafting: Concoct, Forge
Words relating to thread spinning: Intertwine, Weave, Spindle
Quiet noises: Mumble, Whisper, Hum, Hush
Clothes: Shirt, Jacket, Sweatshirt, Shoe(s)
Animals: Wolf, Viper, Python (Thanks to @imagination-confusion for this!
Something to note is that all spiders, no matter their age, will have the title of “Mandrel” due to their natural web-spinning capabilities being compared to the likes of that specific weaving tool. 
Example: Spindle the Mandrel
Pillbug Domain
This kingdom of small, armored bugs puts lots of emphasis onto their outer exterior. So it’s only natural that their names reflect such cultural importance in one’s outside shell. Pillbugs will typically be named after:
Outer casing and frameworks: Shell, Chassis, Pod, Hull
Words related to spinning/fast movement: Spin, Bowl, Twist, Sweep
Metals: Aluminum, Steel
Trees/Words relating to trees: Redwood, Oak, Palm, Timber
Nuts: Walnut, Cashew, Pistachio
The Pillbug Domain’s high ranking bugs will sport the title of “Lord Pill” or “Lady Pill”. 
Example: Lord Pill Swing 
Something that you might notice is that many of the names of the Pillbug Domain are similar to the Beetle Dynasty’s names. This is because at some point, the Pillbug Domain was a part of the Beetle Dynasty, however would later on separate from the kingdom due to the Pillbug Lord disagreeing with many of the other leaders. 
Dragonfly Lair
Dragonflies have names that they take great pride in, much like butterflies or cockroaches. Unless you are a close familiar, they demand that you refer to them as their full name or don’t refer to them at all. They carry names based on:
Positive adjectives: Courage, Brave, Gentle, Wise, Wisdom, Lionheart
Quick words: Whip, Snap, Zoom, Swift, Curt
Birds: Robin, Hawk, Falcon
In some rare cases, however, a dragonfly may be named after an old ruler from Europe. This is rarely the case, however. But it’s unknown to the bugs - including the Dragonflies themselves- how exactly knowledge of these European rulers became known.
Dragonfly society consists of a sibling monarchy and 2-4 advisors 
The monarch dragonflies are born with the title “Eye-snatcher”
The advisor dragonflies are given the title “Lecture-wing”
Example: Eye-snatcher Ambition, Lecture-wing Sparrow
The Mosquito Flock
A kingdom that has functionally become a society that advocates for the death of the individual through hunting the sweet nectar of human blood. The Mosquito Flock carries many names based on:
Blood diseases: Sickle Cell, Anemia
Blood-related words: Ichor, Hemoglobin, Hematic
Drinking-related words: Sip, Guzzle, Swig
Eating-related words: Feast, Consume, Ingest
Words relating to a mosquito being killed: Slap, Swipe, Thwack
Bodies of water or general water-related words: Lake, Ocean, Puddle
Mosquito society has in place a title that all mosquitos must call each other by: Brother, Sister, and Sibling. 
This holds a symbolic meaning, as mosquitoes believe they are all united as a “family”, it does not mean that they are all related to each other.
Firefly Faction
Due to the relatively unknown society of the firefly faction, it proved to be difficult to record their types of names for a while. Until now. Typically, a Firefly will be named after:
Fire and heat related words: Flame, Burn
Light related words: Sunshine, Spark, Day
Shine related words: Glimmer, Flicker
Quick motions: Flutter, Blink, Wink
The Ant Colonies
Ant colonies typically do not name their ants, except for some exceptions.
There are head ants in the colony that serve as managers for the different ant ranks, Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer, the latter of which is responsible for what food comes into the colony.
The Head Ant names consist of a First and Last name that:
sounds violent and/or is linked with organs and bones
Example: Lieutenant Snap Neck, Director Rip Molar, and Head Rationer Flesh Maim 
In ant colonies, there are also secondary ranks to the main three:
Soldiers: Watcher, Scout
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
To each of these ranks, there is typically a single leading ant (Although more than one isn’t uncommon in bigger colonies). These leading secondary ants share the same last name as the head ant of their main rank, and will have their name prefaced with “Lead”:
For example, a Leading Constructor ant who works under an ant named “Director Rip Molar” will be named: Lead Constructor Stab Molar 
Meanwhile, the rest of the ants do not have any names given to them, they are typically referred to as their rank, whether they’re Soldiers, Workers, Rationers, or any of the secondary ranks. 
Regular ants can however be referred to and refer to each other as their designated rank (Food Guard, Watcher, etc.)
Drones are typically only referred to as Drones, but ants from the same colony and queen as a drone ant will sometimes refer to him as “Drone Brother”
The Queen Ant will have a violent sounding name, although not one that is formatted like the Head or Leading Ant's
The Queen's name will be prefaced by "Mother" and the name itself may be based off of:
Weapons: Sword, Sling, Crossbow
Torture methods: Keelhauling, Giridrion
Causes of death: Drown, Burn, Blunt Force 
Violent words: Maim, Snap, Rip, Gnash
Organs/Bones: Tibia, Tooth, Stomach
An example of this is: "Queen Mother Macerate II" or “Queen Mother Gnash”
The Bees of the Hive
Though hundreds of beehives reside close to each other, all of differing histories, they all generally share the same types of names. Much like the Ant Colonies, Bee Hives have three main ranks: Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer. Alongside that, they have secondary ranks:
Soldiers: Watcher
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard, Greenskeeper
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
However, unlike the Ant Colonies, Head/Lead bees don’t have first and last names, only first names. Their names will be based around: 
Flowers: Wisteria, Oleander
Jams/preserves: Strawberry Jam, Apricot Preserves
Herbs/Teas: Chamomile, Earl Grey, Mint
Fruits: Apricot, Avocado
Descriptions of their personality: Wonderful, Humble
Regular bees are not actually properly named, instead, they are categorized by their hive's abbreviated name, their rank, and a designated number.
So for example, a drone bee from the Southern Creek Bound hive would be named: SCB-Drone-1033.
The Queen of the hive is given a proper name once she rises to the rank and successfully destroys her competitors. Like the Head and Leading bees, Queens can be named after:
Descriptions of their personality
The queen bee's name is formatted as, "Queen (Name) of the (Hive name abbreviation(if needed)) Dynasty".
A queen's name may be something like: Queen Mango Jam of the SC Dynasty
The Wasp Swarms
Wasps share some of the same name aspects as both the bees and ants. Wasps have three main ranks like the bees and the ants: Workers, Soldiers, and Rationers.
And like with the bee and ant kingdoms, there are lead wasps for each main rank: Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer.
With those ranks comes secondary ranks:
Soldiers: Watcher
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard, Greenskeeper
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
Just like ants and bees, leading secondary ranking wasps will have the title of Lead prefacing their names. Like bee society, wasps don’t have both first and last names, only a first name. These names will be based off of:
Quick actions: Dart, Strike, Jab
Fruits: Pear, Plum
Weapons: Machete, Hammer
Example: Lead Brood Guard Jab, Lieutenant Razor
The rest of the wasps don't have proper names: They are named after the sectors that they are hatched in and what rank they fill
Alongside that, wasps will have the name of the queen they were born under as part of their identification
For example: Battle Queen (Name), Sector F Soldier
Regular wasps can, however, be referred to as/refer to others as “(Sector) (Rank) Sister” or simply just “Sister”. While drones will be referred to as “(Sector) (Rank) Drone” or simply just “Drone”
Example: Sector A Sister, Sector E Drone
Just like the Head and Lead wasps, the Queen Wasp(s) will have names based off of:
Quick actions
Their name will also be prefaced by "Battle"
Example: Battle Queen Prickly Pear III, Battle Queen Mangosteen 
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mousetoe-wc · 8 months
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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lovestruckspider · 5 days
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♡ Plant / Floral / Botanist NPTs
[PT: Plant / Floral / Botanist Npts /End PT]
Requested by an Anonymous spiderling !
Most if not all names on here are of english / French and Italian origin , no closed languages !
Contains both Masc and Fem names !
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⟣ Feminine Names : Flora , Daisy , Poppy , Lily , Ivy , Rose , Bloom , Peony , Acacia , Lotus , Tulip
⟣ Masculine Names : Cedar , fern , Aster , Basil , Forest , Berkley , Florentino , Oakland , Sage , Thorne , Huckleberry
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⟣ Pronouns : Ny/Nym , Thon/Thons , Ve/Vem , Fern/Ferns , Buck/Horns , Plant / Plants , Tul/Tulips , Mos/Moss , Stem/Stems , Root/Roots , Leaf/Leafs , Basil/Basils , Birc/Birches
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⟣ Titles : The botanist , [Prn] who plants ( can be left as this or added with your favorite plant ) , The floral one , [Prn] who is covered in vines , [Prn] who absorbs the sun ( like plants do ) , The gardener , The florest , The one who gives life ( Kinda related to plants as planting them brings life )
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Little note: Sorry if this is bare bones :( she wanted to start small because a lot of names in Npts are often of closed languages and he didnt wanna add them in
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okiesoapie · 2 years
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fireside chats
diluc x adventurer!reader
notes: gn! reader, budding relationship, mutual pining, wounded reader, softie Diluc i am feral for this man, fluff, sfw
The land around Dawn Winery was even more beautiful at night. The Windwheel Asters blew gently in the breeze, petals turning in the wind ever so slightly. You didn’t have time to appreciate the beauty of the environment however. The gash on your thigh felt deeper than it did earlier, making the trek to the estate almost unbearable.
And you were late too.
You and Diluc had made plans to have dinner at his home. It had all started when you teased him about being the worst cook after he had accidentally charred a steak while using his pyro. Diluc, being the competitive man that he is, insisted that he definitely was not and you should try his cooking some time.
The two of you blushed after Diluc said that. A fiery red dusted his cheeks and spread down his neck. You thought he would take his words back immediately. However, Diluc’s unfaltering (and embarrassed) gaze told you that he was serious.
Knocking on the large double doors to mansion (was it made of fir wood? cedar? birch?), you hoped to every archon that ever existed that “showing up wounded on their doorstep” wasn’t on the list of the Top 10 Ways to Ruin a First Date.
Not that you thought this was a date. Did you? Yes, you had been harboring a crush on the redhead ever since he came back to Mond. Yes, you had fallen in love with him as you spent more time together after you found out he was going after the Abyss Order.
Still, Diluc was a busy man. Nothing could or should come between him and his duties. Not even you and your silly, little crush that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard you tried.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the door swung open to reveal a disgruntled Diluc, who was clearly unimpressed by your tardiness. Before he could voice his unhappiness, his eyes widened at the state you were in. Your clothes were tattered, your hair slightly singed, and your body wounded.
You smiled weakly. “Sorry I’m late…?”
Diluc immediately picked you up in a bridal carry, rushed but as gentle as ever. He kicked the door closed behind him while you were still processing what he just did. Diluc’s arms were bare, unrestricted by his coat, and you could feel them press against your back while he cradled you.
“Just hold on to me.” Diluc mumbled, worried that if he spoke any louder, his panic would sleep through the cracks of his calm facade.
When you felt the soft couch cushions under you, a blush started creeping across your face. You hadn’t even realize Diluc had left until he returned with a first aid kit. His expression was soft as he knelt before you, gaze unfaltering once more. It felt like he was taking in every part of you. Like he was consuming you whole with just a look. The fireplace helped you hide your embarrassment, casting an orange glow on your features and hiding the redness of your cheeks.
“Stop squirming.” Diluc muttered, voice somehow gentle as he grazed the area around your wound. Pain shot up your leg and you grabbed his shoulders for support. “How did this even happen?”
“Took a commission to retrieve a stolen cart. Turns out a group of treasure hoarders are much less cooperative than I thought they’d be.” You said before whimpering in discomfort. “One of their knives got me, but I’m fine everywhere else.”
Your grip on his shoulders made your fingertips turn white, but Diluc didn’t complain at all. The silence at the moment wasn’t the usual comfortable atmosphere that you both shared. It was tense. Awkward.
“I’m so sorry for being late, Luc, I really am. I tried to come here as fast as I could.” Despite the stinging ache from Diluc wrapping up your wound, you still uttered apologies and explanations. “I was so excited for tonight, I didn’t mean to be so late. I know how busy you are.”
After a few beats, Diluc spoke.
You stumbled over your words. The grip you had on his shoulders faltered as you stared at him in shock. There was no trace of anger or even contempt in his expression. His lips were slack and his face was cold, but his eyes held something you couldn’t quite place.
“You’re stupid for thinking that I would rather see you hurt than wait for you.” Diluc said, leaning closer to look at you again.
“I hate seeing you hurt.”
“You know why.” Diluc came even closer, the firelight behind him enhancing his silhouette. Like a spotlight, it called all your attention to the man in front of you. Your eyes drifted to his fiery red hair, the slope of his nose, the curve of his brow, then finally resting your gaze on his lips.
Diluc was always one step ahead of you. He pressed his lips against yours, ever so gently. You kissed him back, feeling his warmth and the depth of his unspoken feelings. Diluc cupped your cheeks as if you were fragile, pouring every feeling he had never said out loud against your Cupid’s bow. He kissed you over and over and over, so you kissed him back just as many times.
The fire was beginning to flicker, and the food on the table grew cold, but none of that mattered to either of you. Since Diluc, being the fiery and soft-hearted man that he is, was enough to keep the both of you warm.
a/n: I’ll probably do MAJOR edits later. I have a few papers to finish but I prioritized this first lol.
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healing-fire--rewrite · 5 months
Gale // Galeshine
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Advisor of Glittering River
A fluffy black she-cat with long whiskers and dark green eyes.
Wears smooth river stone for Lade Riverripple // Aster petals for Lord Greywing // Cardinal feathers for Lade Birdflight // Birch leaves
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. ₊ ° . ☆
Unknown family - Foundling
Trained by Brambleshine †
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. ₊ ° . ☆
Calm, Wise, Stubborn
Trans Female / She/Her
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. ₊ ° . ☆
Shine - an advisor skilled in guidance
Canon Counterpart - Unnamed she-cat
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spunknbite · 10 months
South Downs, revisited
The garden faces south.
Wisteria and lavender. Borders of delphinium. Brilliant violet asters, peonies and shock-white hydrangeas. Hostas that could use splitting come spring. Hollyhocks thriving, standing ten feet easy. Lady’s Mantle, climbing roses, snap dragons. Yarrow, a lot of yarrow.
Grow you a garden. Start from seed, from the beginning, the inception. Dirt under fingernails, cracked terracotta pots, noon sun high. Watch stalks rise and flowers bloom, creation, something new and whole and yours.
There’s lattice-work arches too. A little neglected, water-warped wood imprinted with decades of climbing tendrils tattooing the grain. The clematis has fallen back, overstretched and thinning at the apex, but still the stains of its vines remain on the wood, revealing past summers. The patio stones that dot the perimeter are smoothed almost slippery from years of use and rain. Initials are carved in the trunk of the overgrown birch that shadows the back gate. SM + RB dug deep in testament, a fine layer of moss creeping at the edges.
Loved, this garden was loved by its former caretakers. Could be loved again, certainly.
There’s room enough to spread out. Add some colour — daylilies, cosmos, bellflowers. Coax some ivy up the brick. Mint as ground cover, along with flowering thyme, lily of the valley, phlox. 
He could build an awning off the back wall, offer some more cover. Move the hostas – they’d be happier under the protection. Plant some astilbes, coral bells, some begonias in the summer. Add a few lounges, a place for an angel to read while it storms. 
Maybe an apple tree, if he’s feeling bold.
“I quite miss the country,” Aziraphale says one afternoon. A sip of tea, the familiar clink of cup on saucer. “It’s been centuries.”
“Centuries since I’ve holidayed properly. The occasional day trip hardly counts.”
“You can’t leave this shop.”
“Not permanently, maybe just to get some air. See the sky again.” Saucer meets desk. A smile his way, blue eyes alight,
“And I will make thee beds of Roses  And a thousand fragrant posies,  A cap of flowers, and a kirtle  Embroidered all with leaves of Myrtle”
“For Satan’s sake, you’re invoking Marlowe of all people?”
“And why shouldn’t I? Just because he’s been a smidge overshadowed by —”
“You know he was an atheist, angel?”
“Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”
“And that broken clock can write poetry too?”
The bell above the shop door rings, and Aziraphale is off. 
The third bedroom is just a nook really; it peaks out of a dormer window overlooking the back garden. It has built-in shelves along one wall, inset and bordered with the sort of colonial crown moulding that Crowley imagines only Aziraphale would truly appreciate. Grandmotherly; shelves seemingly meant to house sun-faded doilies and ceramic cats.
But it could be a library. Granted, a small one, but there was space enough for a collection of the essentials with room to spare under the window for a desk. An angel must keep up with his correspondence, after all. 
Dear angel, he’d written once, centuries ago. Then scribbled it out.
Dear angel, he’d written again, not long after. Then burned it.
Dear angel, he’d written again and again and again. Wasted paper made pulp made paper again, never sent.
He buys the damned cottage. 
Dumb idea. Impulsive, really. Like a lot of what he did, what he still does — gets a notion in his demonic skull and just charges on, unencumbered by reflection. As if he trusts some higher power is looking out for him, has his back – the absurdity of it. Once upon a time before the beginning of the world, he’d sauntered vaguely downward without really considering all the consequences, the ramifications of it all; hadn’t weighed and measured, worked out the celestial maths. No, he made a choice and paid for it without knowing the price.
(he would have kept sauntering on anyway, knowing where it would ultimately lead — earth and humans and their wonderful cars and Aziraphale and and and — but he hadn’t known then, couldn’t have known, just what shape his damnation would take, and that was rather the point; he was a careless idiot)
Here too, on earth. We can run away together — Alpha Centauri. Get an idea, a cocked up, stupid thought and go all in on it. 
The Bentley, raging down London streets. A sharp, nearly blind corner. Is there oncoming traffic? Could he stop if he wanted to? Who’s even in control, has he ever been? Has he gone from one master to another to another?
You go too fast for me, Crowley.
So he buys the damned cottage, because what else can he do?
Aziraphale gets in the elevator and Crowley gets in the Bentley. He doesn’t know where he’s going, but it’s not South Downs.
Also on ao3 for anyone interested.
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libraryofmoths · 1 year
Moth of the Week
Isabella Tiger Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella
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The isabella tiger moth is part of the Erebidae family and was first officially named in 1797 by James Edward Smith. The caterpillars of this moth are referred to as woolly worms, woolly bears, and banded woolly bears. In Canadian folklore, these caterpillars serve as predictors of harsh or east winters depending on their hair’s length and color.
Description The isabella tiger moth’s body and wings range from tan to yellow-orange. The hindwings are a lighter shade than the forewings with both marked by black spots and faint lines. In females, the hindwings have a pink tone. The body also has a black spotted pattern with reddish-orange forelegs. The moth’s color darkens at the head to a red-orange or brown.
Average wingspan of ≈4.35 cm (≈1.7 in)
Diet and Habitat The caterpillars eat many plants and trees such as grasses, asters, birches, clover, corn, elms, maples, milkweed and sunflowers in deciduous woodlands and prairies. Adults drink nectar from host plants. They use a proboscis, which is like a feeding tube. These moths are found in all of the United States except for the states of Alaska and Hawaii, much of Mexico, and southern Canada. The isabella tiger moth also can be found in the Arctic.
Mating The isabella tiger moth produces two generations a year in its northern range and usually a three generations in the south. In May during the evening, females let out pheromones from a scent gland from their abdomen to attract mates. Males fly in zig-zag patterns and mate with the females. Females lay clusters of 50 or more eggs on the host plants. The eggs will hatch in 5 to 12 days. The eggs hatched in the fall will give way to caterpillars that will freeze in the winter, thaw in spring, and continue the cycle.
Predators Woolly bears will curl into a ball if feeling threatened. The stiff hairs protect the caterpillar from wasps, flies, mantids, birds, and other predators, such as humans. Touching a woolly bear is discouraged because these hairs may cause dermatitis, however they are not venomous and typically don’t cause irritation.
Fun Fact Woollybear festivals are held in several locations in the fall with games, costumes, and a winter prediction.
(Source: Wikipedia, Moth Identification, BugGuide, Minnesota Seasons, iNaturalist, Iron Tree Service, Wildlife in Winter)
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theroadtofairyland · 7 months
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Forbidden Blues
Watercolor On Birch Panel
2023, 18"x 24"
China Asters, Callistephus chinensis
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ashhearthelps · 7 months
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Below the cut will be a masterlist of plant based names. There are 26 feminine names on this list, 33 masculine names, and 39 gender neutral names. Please like or reblog if you found this useful. :)
Female. -
Male. -
Forrest. / Forest.
Oak. / Oakley.
Gender Neutral. -
Thorn. // Thorne.
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Love the fact that you gave Hawthorn ADHD ( not Far from Canon Ink) but i wanted to know some things (if you don't mind ofc).
1- Is Hawthorn already diagnosed? He seemed to be a hyperactive kid in the past. If yes, does he take medication? If not, how he deals with it without help?
2- is his ADHD important to his character? In a way of affecting the way he sees, feels and experiences the world around him?
3- I also noticed that he shows signs of emotional dysregulation, is he a very emotional person in general (compared to other people)?
4- A Lot of ADHD peeps also have sensory issues, does he have any?
5- What type of ADHD he has?
6- Does he stim??
7- Does he have or did he had problems at School? Does people treat him differently because of the way he is?
8- Does he have hyperfixations? (Like Canon Ink)
(im so Sorry about the number of questions! im Just.... So in love with Hawthorn)
1- Is Hawthorn already diagnosed? He seemed to be a hyperactive kid in the past. If yes, does he take medication? If not, how he deals with it without help?
yes, he is diagnosed! he doesn't take medication, he feels like it doesn't work for him and his relationship with medications is questionable. (idk if ill get into it but i can drop a little about it, it has to do with aster and also pre-adoption things)
he........barely deals with it. if i'll be honest, LOL
he's good at managing it at times, but it gets bad too
2- is his ADHD important to his character? In a way of affecting the way he sees, feels and experiences the world around him?
yes!! absolutely!!!! a lot of it will affect his relationships and affects a lot of his reasonings
3- I also noticed that he shows signs of emotional dysregulation, is he a very emotional person in general (compared to other people)?
4- A Lot of ADHD peeps also have sensory issues, does he have any?
he doesnt have much sensory issues, only around certain textures and incredibly bright lights. if you can call his agoraphobia a sensory issue, that too! it's more of a connection to canon ink plot though
5- What type of ADHD he has?
he's more of a combination
6- Does he stim??
7- Does he have or did he had problems at School? Does people treat him differently because of the way he is?
he absolutely has! ive drawn old doodles about it of him. other than that, no, people don't treat him too different because of his naturally social nature.
he's managed to lessen his masking and learned to just endear others in his own way
8- Does he have hyperfixations? (Like Canon Ink)
oh absolutely, he uses art as his outlet for them
apologies if these are all so messy and also out of order or unspecific! lol a lot of hawthorn (and birch) is my own personal projection and experience with adhd, so forgive me if i cant provide much or dont have a lot to give!
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todaysbug · 8 months
October 19th, 2023
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Isabella Tiger Moth (Pyrrharctia isabella)
Class: Insecta
Distribution: Found throughout the United States, Mexico and southern Canada.
Habitat: Usually found in open, dry to slightly moist habitats, such as weedy fields, fallow cropfields, roadsides and occasionally forested areas.
Diet: Generalists; Caterpillars are minor defoliators which feed on the leaves of aster, birch, clover, corn, elm, maple, sunflower, as well as grasses and weeds such as dandelion, plantain and nettle. Adults drink wildflower nectar.
Description: The Isabella tiger moth is also referred to as the banded woolly bear due to its fuzzy black-and-brown caterpillar. The caterpillars' hairs are soft in texture and do not sting nor inject venom; still, care must be taken while handling these caterpillars as the hairs may trigger dermatitis in some people.
Perhaps due to being common insects with a cute, fuzzy appearance, there are many superstitions regarding the Isabella tiger moth's caterpillar. Some folklore surmises that the width of the brown band can help predict the severity of the coming winter, where winters will be milder if the band is larger, or where darker stripes are an indicator of a harsh winter. Another version claims that the weather can be predicted by the direction in which the caterpillar crawls, in which it will crawl southward to escape a harsh winter (though there is unfortunately no proof of their weather-predicting abilities!). Due to their prominence in folklore, there are a few festivals dedicated solely to woollybear caterpillars, such as in Vermilion, OH, Banner Elk, NC, Beattyville, KY, Oil City, PA and Little Valley, NY.
Surprisingly enough, the Isabella tiger moth can occasionally be found in extremely cold regions, such as the Arctic. It will overwinter as a caterpillar, where it will allow itself to freeze solid, including its heart, gut and blood. It survives by producing a cryoprotectant in its tissues, which minimizes damage from freezing and allows it to simply thaw in the spring and continue on its merry way.
(First image by Janice Stiefel, second by me)
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madefate · 3 months
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because every villain needs a tragic and compelling backstory !
striker was born the eldest son of his mother, aster, and his father, birch, and the elder brother of his younger sister sloane. he was raised in the ring of wrath, and his family made their modest living largely through their ranch - raising cattle and crops, and doing odd jobs for whomever would hire them. striker and sloane began working from a young age, but it was no different a life than anyone they knew.
when he was twelve, his mother was hired by a noblewoman, some princess, to tailor some clothing for her - and then to embroider when her skills were discovered. it still didn't pay much, but it fulfilled aster's passion, and her children were sometimes allowed to accompany her to the palace.
striker met decarabia, the daughter of his mother's employer, when they were both twelve, and it wasn't long before - even through infrequent visits - the two became fast friends. and then, of course, the older they grew, the more than friends they became. the differences in their stations, their upbringing, the cruelty of the world around them simply didn't matter. they had each other - maybe, if they dared to dream, they could find a life with each other outside the stifling walls of her goetia palace.
when it inevitably came crashing down around him, striker did not take it gently. one night, at sixteen, when he was waiting for decarabia at their clandestine meeting spot, it was her father who met him. a stern and distant man, they two had never spoken a word to each other - and they didn't, until the man had striker by the neck and accused him of poisoning and ruining his daughter.
confused and betrayed - she'd sold him out, she'd told on him - striker fought back. he tried to explain his love for her and was taught a lesson that would stick with him for the rest of his life: love cannot exist between the greater and the lesser.
by the time he licked his wounds, scrambled onto his horse bombproof, and galloped home, the ranch was already up in flames. he was stopped from running in by a neighbor who grabbed him and held on, and he doesn't remember much from that night - mostly the screams. the smell.
in the weeks that followed, he was housed by neighbors - did odd jobs, helped them on their farms, simply going through the motions. eventually, through a haze so thick he can hardly remember it, he drifted away. buried his grief in hard liquor and barfights. joined a few small time gangs in the worst parts of wrath. outside of the ranch, life was even harder; jobs for imps were few and far between, and most of them involved some kind of manual labor that their rich employers couldn't be assed to do themselves. that is, when the noble fucks weren't entertaining themselves at the cost of wrath's poorest - the livelihoods. their homes. their lives.
striker's family were only the first casualties at the hands of the elite that he'd witnessed.
and slowly, painstakingly, began to find a purpose for himself -
he was going to put every last one of those rich, privileged fuckers in the ground.
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