#as with most things imdb is wrong about this movie
talesfromthecrypts · 1 year
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I'm going to commit murder at midnight. I'm going to kill someone you know. Someone close to you. 
New Year’s Evil (1980) dir. Emmett Alston
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previous anon gets offended that white American dudes are behind a lot of the most popular films in a world that's kind of ruled by American pop culture, which is definitely not fantastic despite being the current state of things, but then they immediately jump to calling women "females". Be the change you want to see in the world and start requesting films made by women, POC, and other minorities, there are plenty of popular amd acclaimed films made by people who are not white American men. It's very reasonable to expect the owner of the blog to go through IMDB and Letterboxd's top films first.
Yeah, the use of the word "females" definitely rubs me the wrong way but some people just have a different opinion on that.
A lot of people seem to view this blog as primarily one for recommending movies and, while I don't have a problem with people using this blog to find new movies to watch or submitting movies simply because they want to promote their favorites to a new audience, I do think it's important to remind folks that this blog was created with the goal of seeing how popular well-known and/or critically acclaimed movies are to the Tumblr user base. Obviously this is going to result in a large number of posts about movies directed by white, American men because, for a variety of reasons, those are the films that tend to receive the most amount of publicity and critical acclaim. Heck, the reason that I chose to start with the IMDB list first instead of any other "top films of all time" list is because the IMDB list is widely looked upon as a sort of "entry level" list, AKA the list people start with when they're only just getting into movies and haven't done a whole lot of research into films outside of what has received mainstream success.
If I were making a blog with the specific intent of recommending more obscure films or films by marginalized directors then it would be in an entirely different format than this one and frankly would not involve using any sort of "top films of all time" list as films on those lists have already garnered a decent amount of publicity.
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iolaussharpe-24 · 1 month
I've realized something.
Brian Petsos movies don't have a lot of fans. Oscar Isaac fans like his characters in Brian Petsos movies. We don't talk about Revenge for Jolly!; we talk about Cecil. We don't talk about Ticky Tacky unless we're praising Lucien and/or comparing/connecting him to Anselm. We don't talk about Lightningface; we talk about how pathetic Basil is and compare him to Steven Grant. We don't talk about Big Gold Brick unless it's to bash it, talk about the cast, and obsess over Anselm. I didn't think this at first, because I just assumed I was the wrong kind of viewer for Petsos projects (I previously mentioned that they kind of reminded me of Jim Jarmusch movies), but the more I've looked around online at reviews and discussions, I've been finding this pattern of negativity. It seems like everyone just kind of agrees that Brian Petsos doesn't really make good movies, but Oscar Isaac makes them worth seeing at least once. And, yes, I am aware that there are things Petsos has done without Isaac, but when you search 'Brian Petsos' the first things that come up are the ones that Oscar Isaac is a part of. This includes The Letter Room, which was written and directed by Elvira Lind but Petsos does have a part in solely as an actor. Even on his IMDb page, there's little to nothing about him but half of the available information is, and I quote, "frequently works with Oscar Isaac". In my opinion, that's pretty telling on it's own. I'm not trying to be mean here, I just think this is kind of an interesting thing to note. If you disagree, please let me know. I'd be happy to debate this. Personally speaking, I've watched Revenge for Jolly!, Ticky Tacky, Lightningface, and a tiny bit of Big Gold Brick. (For the record, I know that Petsos didn't direct Revenge for Jolly! but he wrote and starred in it.)
One thing I will say in Petsos' favor: There's very clearly a lot of genuine passion and love in his work and it does show. Interviews with him, the proud displays of nonsensical strangeness, and the fact that he's able to keep making movies all reflect that. You can tell that the people involved are having fun and I think that's the most important part. I think his weakness (to me) is that his projects feel like they lack something. Revenge for Jolly! didn't feel like it was going anywhere for most of it's runtime. Like it wanted to be and do something but didn't know how. It had fairly decent moments... in the first half. But those moments only landed out of shock value, and they very quickly became predictable. (Also, what was up with that bar scene?) Ticky Tacky and Lightningface felt flat. Like bread that didn't rise. Maybe they needed more time to really explore their premises and characters. Like, if we saw Lucien and Claire together before he finds out about the cheating, or if we get to know Basil before the lightning strike. Both of these are about people going crazy, but without that sense of who they used to be, it doesn't really hit that hard and leaves you wondering 'what the hell did I just watch and why?' This is one thing I think Revenge for Jolly! understood, because we get to see Harry, Jolly, and Cecil before the inciting incident of the movie. We get a sense of their relationships with one another. I can't speak for Big Gold Brick because I haven't seen it in full so I'm not going to bother saying anything for the bits I saw either. That's just not fair for anybody.
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silvermoon424 · 6 months
Do you have any TV horror recommendations for someone who cannot do gore because the moments replay in their head after for weeks and ruin their day? (it's me hi I'm the problem it's me) I like horror and scary stuff like Southern Cannibal or CreepyFox narrations but the graphic stuff just isn't good for me. Live action or anime are both fine, I was able to finish Gakkou Gurashi and liked it, have you seen it/read it? Thanks!
I know you asked for tv shows, but I'm going to give you a wide array of recs! I can't personally vouch for all of these (as I have not seen everything on this list), but they all have good reviews!
TV Shows
Twin Peaks
The Haunting of Hill House
The Twilight Zone
Tales From the Darkside
Channel Zero
Are You Afraid of the Dark (aimed at kids so there's zero gore, and the stories can still be pretty spooky)
Cabinet of Curiosities and Masters of Horror (both are anthology series with each episode directed by a different person, so there is gore in some episodes of both series. I recommend just doing research ahead of time for each episode)
Creep and Creep 2
The Witch
The Blair Witch Project
It Follows (there is a scene of a disfigured body in the very beginning but that's about it for gore. I recommend fast forwarding through the first 3 minutes or so and you'll be good)
The Babadook
The Ritual
Carrie (there's the infamous "pig blood pouring on Carrie during prom" scene but that's about it for blood)
Also, here are two resources to help you avoid gore:
Does the dog die? - This site has really comprehensive lists of all kinds of "emotional" scenes that might bother people, not just animal cruelty. It includes things like sexual assault and physical mutilation, down to phobia-specific things like spiders. It's a great resource.
IMDB - Most movie pages have a link to a "Parent's Guide" in the "Storyline" section. The parent's guide usually lists any violence or gore.
EDIT: I was wrong about recommending Midsommar, there actually is gore in it. Thanks to everyone who corrected me!
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tomcat-reusables · 8 months
Why Asteroid City is Better Than the Reviews, IMDb Isn’t Always Right, and You’re a Shitty Painting - an essay of sorts
Asteroid City (2023), despite what critics would have you believe given it’s rated just a sliver above the 2012 adaptation of Dr Seuss's “The Lorax '', was (to me) genuinely a fantastic movie. For its entire run I sat there in the theatre, thinking “why can’t people appreciate this film!”. I’m sick of the reviews blatantly coming from the place of the critics analysing it from the lens of a science fiction story when in reality, it’s more-so an abstract exploration of the delicate relationship between art, artist, portrayal and probably not aliens.
ASTEROID CITY IS NOT A SCI FI MOVIE AND I'M GOING TO BOMB THE IMDB HEADQUARTERS IF I SEE ONE MORE BIG SHOT MOVIE CRITIC INSISTING THAT IT IS (for all intents and purposes this is a joke, to the fbi agent looking through my webcam I’m a pretentious teenager year old without the technical knowledge to make any kind of explosive device)
Or maybe it isn’t supposed to be understood at all, maybe that movie was simply an excuse to build a fake town in the desert and some puppets. And in a way that’s just as beautiful, postmodernism is more than worthy of critique, but when it looks pretty and makes us feel anything at all, it’s safe to say it’s at least partially doing it’s job
Asteroid city however, is merely an example I used to express my burning personal hatred for movie critics. I actively avoid reading the reviews for anything that brings me joy, because I’m aware at this point that the statements I read are going to contain some of the most insane, infuriating possible opinions anyone could have of a piece of media, and I am beginning to suspect more and more that critics, not just of movies but of genuinely anything in existence that can possibly be critiqued, aren’t expressing their legitimate opinions but rather spewing whatever inflammatory nonsense they believe will cause some kind of controversy or outrage, because outrage sells. If one fact has been proven over the course of human civilization, it’s that outrage gets more clicks, more views, more exposure. 
Obviously anyone in their right or wrong mind understands that someone else’s opinion doesn’t at all determine the objective quality of a given ‘thing’, but it can often be hard to NOT give what they have to say a chance. I genuinely resent possessing the empathy to consider the thoughts of others despite how objectively incorrect they seem. But they’re people too! They could have a point! I say to myself as they tear apart something that is personally very meaningful to me. Curse in disguise I guess. But in the end, what is objective quality? if something at its core is bad, but you receive personal enjoyment from it, or it’s even sentimental to you or has made a positive change in your life, does it quality or lack of matter? Does it really matter what some 45 year old man sipping on a glass of champagne as he adjusts his spectacles to spew pretentious nonsense into the IMDb critic reviews, might think about a movie that got you through a rough time, or an album you grew up listening to? Are we allowed to enjoy ‘bad’ art? And most divisive of all, is there such a thing as bad art?
I once read an article about a museum of bad art, submissions would often be rejected for being too good. And yes, the examples of art displayed within this unique exhibition were unnerving, technically poor, but meaningless? I’m not at all one to determine that. Even absolutely meaningless, humorous, random art has a meaning, and that meaning is derived from the fact that no matter how positively offensive to the eyes or ears may be, it was still created. Think about everything that’s ever come into existence within the fabric of our reality, no, think about everything that hasn’t. It’s impossible for us to imagine the magnitude of the things that are possible but simply haven’t been thought of, conceived. Maybe it’s a hit to your self esteem to think your parents could have given birth to the next DaVinci, the next Stephen Hawking, the second coming of Christ! But instead gave birth to you. Do you consider yourself a work of bad art? Does your life have meaning? 
All this to simply explain that the interpretations of a few writers put on a pedestal shouldn’t have any place to decide our stance on a piece of media. Yes these reviews can certainly influence the way we feel, or articulate the points we have, but if or when you feel genuinely hurt by the fact that someone disagrees with, misunderstands or dislikes something that’s personally meaningful and enjoyable to you, their opinion doesn’t always matter regardless of the status their name may have achieved (this is of course, excluding when the media in question is blatantly problematic, which poses another debate in itself. Is it still homophobic if I like it? Find out next time on I’m Getting Overly Passionate About Seeing Some Reviews I Disagree With)
In conclusion, it’s ok to enjoy what you enjoy, regardless of the subjective or even objective quality of it, we as the consumers are the ones to truly decide how “good” or “bad” something is. That’s the core concept behind why critics exist, to guide those who don’t wish to form an opinion for themselves, to do the job for us, but when we’ve done said job for ourselves it’s never wrong to disagree with someone over something that is personally meaningful to you. It’s almost guaranteed someone will disagree with the points made in this essay of sorts, but that doesn’t make either of us right or wrong. In the end, these previous 962 words have truly amounted to one encompassing phrase: “you are entitled to your opinion”
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whogirl2011 · 2 months
So last Saturday at my work was wild. I got to speak to Sloane Siegel from Dwight in shining armor / Gotham knights.
So there was a signing event for the voice actors from Gotham Knights in California last weekend. I posted it in a discord with my friends that I played Gotham Knights with. Since Gotham Knights came out in 2022 and all of these people are constantly busy now doing their own things and working on various projects, I was sure this was going to be a rare occurance. And with this event being in California and me living across the pond in Scotland now, I was kinda bummed.
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What I didn't know at the time was one of my friends from that group that lived in Cali was trying to figure out if he could make it down there.
He did, but didn't know if he could until really last minute.
I got a message from him later saying he'd found the comic store they were doing the signing at but it was still super early and the place wasn't open yet.
Later that evening at work when I had gotten everything ready for us closing for the night I checked my phone and noticed I had gotten a missed call over discord.
You know when you have little things going wrong all day and they just pile up? This was that day. So when i got a call from my friend I was expecting he was calling to tell me something along the lines of he couldn't get the signatures. I called him back, expecting to hear just that.
He asked me if i was free and I said I had a few spare minutes. He told me he mentioned me to them while he got the signatures and the VA's all knew me from either me posting and rooting for them on all their work they were doing along with some of them even liking pics of my plushies I show off that I make 😱
What I had not expected was him to keep me on hold because he was going to give the phone to Sloane so I could talk to him!
My friend had asked Sloane if he knew someone that followed him on insta by the name of whogirl and he did. He told him he was there on my behalf since I was in Scotland. When my friend told him he had me on the phone and asked if he wanted to talk to me he was like: " I would absolutely love to talk to her." 💀💀💀
Then when he took his phone he instantly said "So THIS is the famous whogirl." 💀💀💀 Guys when I say Sloane Siegel is insanely sweet, it's an understatement. He answered questions and we had a lovely conversation about projects he's got in the works along with me living in Scotland. I told him Dwight in shining armor was my comfort show and I thanked him for that character and he told me it was a comfort show of his too 🥺🥺. He wished me a good rest of my day and my shift at work and hoped that he wasn't getting me into too much trouble since i was at work. (He wasn't, luckily my manager understood because when do you get a chance to talk to an actor on the phone?)
It definitely made my day. The month of March is rough for me for many reasons so this was definitely something that made this month so much better and definitely gave me a boost.
If anyone reading this is a fan of his like I am, please support his stuff. He voiced Robin / Tim Drake in the game Gotham Knights. He's in an independant band called ICYDAY making music with a fellow actor and friend David Bloom that was with him in gortimmer gibbons and another mutual friend named Isaac. Their music is on spotify and most streaming platforms now and at this time they have 3 songs out. He's currently working on a comic that's been in development for the last few years and I am really looking forward to seeing more of his writing. You can also watch episodes of Dwight in shining armor either on BYUTV for free in the US or across here in the UK on BBC I Player. He's also acted in various shows and movies you can find on IMDB.
I look forward to getting my signed item from all these amazing people in the mail and will update when I get it. But for now, here's a pic of the four from the event from the event organizer's insta.
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fangsforthevenom · 10 months
why i have abysmally low expectations for the fnaf movie, as someone who has been a fan of fnaf since 2015 or something:
ok. to start. I looked at the director's page on imdb, and her only other movies have been low rated. This is not a good sign. But, of course, I have seen first hand how wrong the movie critics can be about a subject. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Necessarily. So this cannot be submitted as hard evidence as to why it might suck huge nuts, to put it plainly.
This film is also being produced by Blumhouse. Blumhouse has a few good movies, sure, but mainly it's average, very much imo, though. When I heard that BH was producing, I fell into a fit. The FNAF movie deserves to be show-stoppingly good. BH will likely not produce a movie that critics will enjoy. It will, at best, be kind of good. But most likely it will not be a good movie.
once again, past performance/future results, but still. the sample size is large enough to make predictions, as opposed to the director, who has only directed two movies.
They should have let me write and direct it. Just saying.
OK. I don't expect that there will not be much lore in this movie. They're bringing this down to nine year-old levels. Those are poopy diaper baby levels. This is THE child death series. And they're marketing it to kids who weren't even there in the trenches.
I'm aware I'm gatekeeping. However, I think it's fair enough considering the levels of child death, gore, killing, and all around unpleasantness depicted in the series.
The addition of the quirky little girl -- ostensibly to provide sympathy for the main character -- is bullshit. We all know she's going to wander off. Because kids in horror movies don't know how to follow directions. She's going to wander off, almost get killed or something, and the whole time we're supposed to be like "OH MY GOD! No way! There can't be child death in the Child Death series!" And there won't be! Because this is a studio film marketed to nine year-old boys. Nevermind the likely PG-13 rating.
But the girl won't die. She only exists for the main character to get into Situations. Shenanigans. Scenarios. And we're supposed to be scared for her.
I'm not sure why they included the whole forest with the children thing; maybe to stretch it out? Watching Josh Hutcherson press buttons and check security feeds can't be that entertaining, anyway. I'm not sure what they're trying to do with it, because the trailer already has him saying that their spirits are in the suits, iirc. So that's not the reveal. It has me worrying that they're going to try and shove the most simplified version of the lore into one movie. In my experience, they do this with movies they're not confident are going to gross well enough for a franchise. See the travesty that is Ms. Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. So the appearance of Springtrap is a concern. It looks like Springtrap at least, or maybe it's Afton before the Squishening in the Easter Bonnie suit.
Why is Vanessa there? Vanny? I wonder if this is also going to be a false start, like the whole thing with Mike Schmidt is likely going to be. In all likelihoods, they're going to set her up as a love interest. But even if they don't, her involvement is baffling.
I'm worried, to say the least. This is all just speculation. But I'm not going to go into the theater expecting a good movie. All I want is for the series to not be fucked around with. Is that too much?
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I watched Goncharov 2 so you wouldn't have to
I love seeing Goncharov have this weird renaissance on tumblr. It’s like when we all decided to get collectively obsessed with Dracula and the Epic of Gilgamesh. but did you know there's a sequel??
granted it's pretty obscure, like Eighties Bulgarian Treasure Planet levels of obscure, but you can actually watch the whole thing on YouTube for free. I can't even find the original poster, just this shitty DVD cover from Amazon:
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released in 1985, long after anybody would've given a shit about the original
features none of the original cast (except, weirdly enough, the guy playing Andrey's driver, despite Andrey himself being absent)
SOMEHOW passes the Bechdel test
was apparently produced by Benito Mussolini's kid???
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the movie starts with a weird, pointless nightclub scene with a ton of characters who get shot dead and are never seen again. it went on for so long I genuinely started thinking this was a Troll 2 situation, where somebody slapped completely unrelated movie's name on this for free clout; but no, this is actually supposed to be a sequel! the plot is that Goncharov's brother, who is also called Goncharov, just wants to sell flowers in Milan but his uncle Vladimir Espinoza (lmao) finds him and drags him off to fight a Galician crime lord named Iago for reasons that aren't clearly explained (and shamelessly rip off the Rocky training montage while they're at it). His Designated Love Interest™ is “Marina”, (imagine a Costco knockoff of Sofia with way more cleavage), whose job is to get kidnapped a lot. She sadly doesn’t get any sapphic undertones aside from a couple weirdly horny scenes with a nameless assassin masseuse who is inexplicably called “the Algerian” despite being portrayed by a Japanese actress (yikes).
The dialogue is so truly awful I strongly suspect English was not the writer's first language. At one point Uncle Vladimir tells his nephew to “gouge out their livers like a beak of the mad kestrel”. I'm 100% certain the guy playing him was hired for his weird resemblance to Al Pacino and not any acting talent; he delivers every line like there's a gun to his head but he also swallowed 30 Ambien. Iago is supposedly Spanish(?) but played by one of the whitest guys I've ever seen (Xander Crane, who has an objectively cooler name than his actual character — dude sounds like a Bond villain). He does a godawful fake accent and keeps accenting the wrong syllables. The part where he screams GON-CHAAAAAA-ROV!! has to be seen to be believed. The mangled English also makes the torture scene unintentionally hilarious, especially when Iago asks “Are you trying to f**k me?” and creates 20x more gay vibes than every Andrey/Goncharov scene combined.
some moments (ex. not-Sofia and Uncle Vlad keep mentioning Katya, but they talk about her like she was this Goncharov's lover) makes me wonder if they started the screenplay before watching Goncharov 1 all the way through, and it was supposed to be about OG Goncharov but they had to quickly rewrite it to be his brother instead. I really hope that's true cuz it would be hilarious and explain why they made a sequel to a movie where most of the characters die at the end.
Aside from (holy shit) Val Kilmer as one of Iago's bodyguards, no one involved with this film has worked on anything else you've ever heard of. The writer isn't even listed on IMDb, and Giuseppe Stromboli's entire filmography consists of this, a kids' cartoon called Spaghetti Briefcase and a bunch of weird Italian chewing gum commercials (which are also on YouTube btw). Matteo JWHJ pops up in the credits as a producer so I can only assume he was desperate for cash.
so yeah. Goncharov 2 is objectively terrible and problematic and lacking in gay vibes or juicy Goncharov lore, but if you want something to get drunk and laugh at with your friends it's got you covered
join me next time and we'll talk about the Goncharov director's cut
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
I prefer to use metacritic over RT for the reason anon listed below. Still, there were several critics that rated it 0/10 with some saying it was unwatchable and a waste, and almost all critics watched it through the lens of “famous blockbuster actor with a huge following tries something new” which is wrong if you’re familiar with his pre Spider-man work. I think some critics went into watching that show looking for reasons to dislike it.
… “The Beach” has a 21% RT score and 53 metacritic score, and I desperately need Tom to see that score because that movie is not perfect but deserved MUCH better. Leo was hugely typecast after Titanic (which I think is his real gripe w superhero/blockbuster movies). Titanic released in 1997 and Leo didn’t have a critical hit until 2002 Catch Me if You Can, and that was a Spielberg film.
At the end of the day, Leo’s most famous role will always be Jack Dawson. It’s the role most “normal” people will always associate him with, but now he’s done enough movies opposite of Jack’s character people take him seriously.
You're right, I'll have to check out Metacritic more often. I'm so used to always looking on RT or IMDB lol.
Anyway......Great points about Leo DiCaprio Anon. 👍🏾 I know he's referred back to that time and how crazy it was for him in many various interviews over the years. And YES, I think that's probably one of the main reasons why Leo advises young actors against doing superhero films. He probably saw himself how the largely popular and successful "Titanic" role really probably stifled him career-wise for years. 🥴
I just think it's hard period for younger actors who have done such an iconic role, to really break free from that, because ppl like to pigeon-hole actors (and just ppl in general) ALL the time. 😒🙄
It may take a few years, but I definitely foresee Tom breaking out of the superhero "bubble" that it seems some in Hollywood have put him in. And don't think that Tom is the only one who's going through this. Actor Chris Evans (Captain America) gets typecast and stereotyped all the time due to his previous Marvel role. Why do you think he was okay with hanging up the suit? 👀
Honestly? Leo doing CMIYC was probably the best thing he could have done for his career. I could see Tom doing a role like that honestly. He certainly has the charisma to pull it off! 😉
I actually think that Tom's career is perfectly fine tbh, and I love how diverse his filmography is! I'm sure he will be called one of our great leading actors in the future.... mark my words.
If I were to give Tom any type of advice career-wise to get over this "period" however (not that he needs my advice on anything.... cuz who am I but just a fan? Lol 🤭 😆), it would be to:
Take a little bit of a break from the mentally-taxing/mentally-troubled roles for a little while. You can still show people that you're a great actor, that you're naturally gifted, and MORE than just "Spider-man" without doing dark/edgy/mentally-taxing roles 😔 I think the Fred Astaire biopic is a perfect choice for example 😌👌🏾 Especially since he will be able to finally showcase a talent he's had since he was a kid onscreen!
Do some lighter roles that showcase more of his natural charisma (and maybe even humor) 😌👌🏾
Take on a few roles that showcase him using his regular English accent
Don't pick roles based on "gut feelings or emotions".... pick roles more strategically and analytically (I know he said he hates doing that lol 😄) based on a GOOD SCRIPT, a great cast, and/or an awesome director, with a storyline that interests him👍🏾
Do an ensemble film again (kind of like TDATT) where he's not the main focus of the film, but a very important part of the storyline along with other well-acclaimed actors. Ensemble films are GREAT. And the entire film (or its success) isn't ALL on your shoulders.
And finally (and I know this will make some fans angry lol 😆), but if I were him, I would actually not return to the Spidey role for another 4 years 👀 Can't Sony still keep their rights to the Spidey character if they just keep making another animated Miles Morales film for a little while? 👀
Anyway, that would be my personal advice! 🤷🏾‍♀️
But hey, I'm nobody but a casual observer, so my advice could be crap for all I know rofl 🤣 But from the outside looking in, this is the direction that I would go if I were in his position. 😊
I think the thing that frustrates me the most with Tom and critics trying to pigeonhole him, is the fact that if they ever watched Tom's EARLIER films prior to Spiderman, they would see that Tom was really more of an indie actor!
The problem is, people either never saw his earlier films, OR, they never really paid much attention to him, so when SM HOCO came out, THAT became the barometer that they used to judge him and his acting 🙄, when in reality, they should be taking his entire filmography as a whole into consideration imo.
Anyway, let me stop with this dissertation lol..
Great points Anon 👍🏾
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tessofthedooby · 3 months
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"Plenty" - 1985 film
I am going to resist regurgitating the IMDB synopsis of what this movie was about as I barely remember it so I will just try to share my thoughts. Be warned, I am no longer able to watch movies with the same focus I did during my uni years. I can't seem to dedicate my attention to just watching a film. I am always in between a chore or sometimes scrolling on my phone.
The film opens up in somewhere in France during "the war" and Meryl's character is a brit working for her government in efforts against the war. I don't think they ever say what her position is, but I got the idea she fills whatever role is needed so it wouldn't feel correct to call her spy (not in the way you normally think of a spy I guess) but some of the work she was called upon to do was "covert". Perhaps the hesitation in calling her a spy is because the title of "spy" may evoke ideas of selflessness, dogged determination for a cause, slight fanaticism and violent bravery that is characteristic of a substance abuser (probably whiskey). Meryl's character, Susan, is not any of those things. She seems self-absorbed and too interested in her own pleasure during these times. Worse yet she betrays what can be described as "British sensibility"- being cold and unfeeling no matter the circumstances. She gives way to her emotions easily and there is a scene where she cries because she felt scared and angry after she and her companion are chased by armed forces. She gives in to her impulses which tends to result in her giving impassioned speeches during boring work meetings and deciding to have a baby with a man who (has fallen in love with her but that) doesn't love. But of course, as we all now know, the war ends and she has to go back to a society that won't countenance an errant woman spouting political rhetoric and shacking up with just anybody. Logically and without fuss she decides to marry a colleague (?) I like to think that she thought her moxie would save her from the tragedy of domestic life but she is wrong. She struggles to play the role of the supporting wife and meddles in her husband's political career by... you know... giving her opinion in front of his colleagues . The husband isn't a bad sort, in fact I thought he was devoted to her but they both live in this society and sometimes putting your head down and going along is the only way to survive. Yes, she doesn't think of the consequences of her actions on others but how can we not feel for someone who can't accept her assigned place as a heavily medicated housewife? A very complicated character and who is right (I really do agree with her on most things) but very easy to hate because as a seemingly wealthy (white) British woman, what is she complaining about? Her troubles seem petty and like a childish longing for the past (ehem... the war). No honey, we can't stay in France and play war games forever, at some point you have to go home and play "house" instead.
I don't recall this ever being explicitly discussed by the characters in the film, but the question begs, why was it more acceptable for her to work abroad in potentially life-threatening situations but when she returns home to the UK the idea of her continuing with the work is not even thought of? Not even by her? Maybe somewhere between going to the bathroom or cleaning the kitchen I missed that scene.
I want to rewatch this on a grey and rainy day. The green grey color treatment gave serious Twilight vibes.
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normanbased · 1 year
i’ve been trying to ask you for anthony perkins movie recs for like three days in a row but every time i accidentally write “do you have any norman bates movie recs?” and then i close the ask instead of sending it. anyway. recs? 👀 i skimmed his imdb page but a lot of them look pretty bad ngl so i figured it’s best to get some pointers
So many of them suck you’re not wrong 💕💕 like the MAJORITY of his filmography is kinda mediocre….. BUT there are lots of good things spattered about, and for the most part any garbage movie you can guarantee that he’s the best part about it — (we don’t talk about the late career work some of that stuff is just awful 💀)
Here’s five goodies tho :]]
• Friendly Persuasion 1956 — His second film and his only Oscar nomination — An Amish family wrestles with their philosophies on non-violence and other vices during the civil war. He plays Josh, the eldest son :]]
• The Matchmaker 1958 — Hello Dolly! without the music. Arguably my favourite role he’s played. Two store clerks get bored and go to New York to find girlfriends. Lots of cute moments between Tony and Robert, worth watching just for that.
• Psycho AND Psycho II — this is a Psycho II propaganda blog at heart, I’ll stand by this movie til the day I die. It had no right being as watchable as it is.
• Catch-22 1970 — it’s not really much about Tony’s character but he’s in it quite a bit and it’s still a good movie, and in the book he’s a way more important character. The first line of the book is still insane to me and I’m shocked there isn’t more middle aged men yaoi about Yossarian and the Chaplain 💕 watch the film then read the book that’s how I enjoyed it
• The Trial 1961 — Knowing the production history of this movie makes it so funny to me, Tony and Orson were losing their fucking minds by the time they’d finished it 💀 it’s also just a good movie I’ve seen it a few times now, switch up your rewatches by imagining different mystery crimes for Joseph K to have committed
The rest of his filmography is sooo hit or miss so explore at your own trepidation. I like Pretty Poison even if it’s a bit stilted, it’s not bad for a late 60s flick. OH Crimes of Passion is silly, and I like the Fool Killer even if everyone else doesn’t (the book is on archive.org, you’re WELCOME everybody 🙄) and ermmmm…. OH THE TIN STAR TOO 💕💕💕💕 SILLY SHERIFF COWBOY MOVIE 💕💕💕💕
let’s ask the audience 🙏😇 @ all the Tony girlies what are u recommending?
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thehitchhikerguide · 5 months
Season 2, Episode 3: Face to Face
Okay this one was a bit better than the last episode. When I saw there was an episode about a transgender character in the 1980's I was a bit worried. But I think for the most part, it didn't do too bad a job with it.
This one starts off a bit artistic with juxtaposing shots. First we see a doctor getting ready for surgery.
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That's Robert Vaughn, who was a very well known actor and was in a lot of movies from the 1960's & 1970's. Being the age I am, I mostly know him from Superman III and as a spokesperson for some ambulance-chasing lawyers from Boston. But his IMDB page shows a very full career.
He seems to be giving a monologue about how he is a sculptor like Michelangelo (only with skin).
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There was another notable star in this one.
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I had never heard of this person but it's a special appearance! I guess she's an actress who is famous mostly for B-movies. If that's the case, this show seems right up her alley. The hospital scenes are cut with scenes of a mystery woman getting ready for the day.
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Oooh, nice nails.
Back at the hospital, another doctor (or nurse?) gets horny for Dr. Love.
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Wow, not obvious at all.
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Turns out the mystery woman is Carmen Sandiego. Where in the world?
We don't even get the Hitchhiker until 3:25 into the show, which is a pretty long opening. This is the first one where he just wanders on screen without interacting with any of the characters. The show has gone full Twilight Zone.
The doctor is Dr. Christopher Hamilton, who is a plastic surgeon with ambition and a sharp scalpel. He sees a face and he wants to change it. But unless he looks deeper, there are some things he's not going to see, like a dangerous smile even on the most perfect face.
Huh? Is this some sort of riddle?
When this woman walks into the hospital, it appears she is disfigured as people recoil and a young kid points and laughs.
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But when we finally see the mystery woman, she looks like...
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A bit masculine, but nothing hideous. Nina Russell, a makeup artist, is meeting with this doctor because she has had gender re-assignment surgery, but wants plastic surgery on her face to make her look more like a woman. He takes the job but not without telling her that the best makeup looks like the woman is wearing no makeup at all. Funny thing to say to a makeup artist.
So this is where it pleasantly surprised me. The doctor treats Nina with respect, addressing her as a woman. However the episode is not perfect and I will get into where it kind goes into not-so-great territory. This is the 80s though.
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Woah this guy's assistant is a bargain basement Eugene Levy.
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Back at Dr. Hamilton's apartment, things are really heating up. Ick, what does she see in this guy?
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The ladies' love Dr. Hamilton. I'm guessing this is the B-movie actress? And what is that behind that tree? Was that other doctor stalking him?
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Dr. Gold is introduced to this famous actress that happens to be one of Dr. Hamilton's patients. He is totally star struck.
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Those eyebrows deserve a Golden Globe.
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We are back at the apartment and woah what's going on here? Drugs and cognac, definitely the perfect combo for a plastic surgeon. Dr. Hamilton is partying with the B-movie actress even though he has surgery in the morning.
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Can't forget the strawberries!
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Here he uses his scalpel to cut off her bra straps. Hey those Frederick's of Hollywood bras are not cheap! Well actually, they kind of are. Nevermind, cut away.
Back at the hospital, Dr. Eyebrows has a conversation with Nina about the surgery. She is totally confident that Dr. Hamilton will do a great job. This doctor doesn't seem too sure.
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We get actually a pretty touching speech from Nina here, going into details about her life and how she felt like she was in the wrong body from age 6. So far nothing really to cringe at.
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Dr. Hamilton gets a rude awakening from a phone call wondering why he's not in surgery. Uh oh, what time is it?
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Oh God, no one else sees this? This can't be good.
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His eyebrows say it all here, that was not a good cut.
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Dr. Eyebrows is here for the big unveiling and informs Nina that her doctor is getting on a plane to Paris right now. He starts to remove the bandages and...
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That's not a good reaction. She asks for a mirror and is shocked at what she sees, however we don't see it!
Dr. Hamilton is at the airport, flying to Paris, when he spots another attractive woman he wants to bang.
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A sexy flight attendant. Seriously what is the appeal of this guy? She entices him with her foot...
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Why was this a thing in the 80's? Did everyone have a foot fetish back then.
When that doesn't work she decides to steal his boarding pass so he can't get on his plane.
When she shows him she has it, he asks where they should go. She of course suggests her place.
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Wait a minute, her place is a plane? Those pre-911 days when the airport was just one giant un-supervised playground.
He tells her she is beautiful and then she says the best makeup is like no makeup at all. Now where did I hear that before....
Yes! I knew someone was going to rip off their face!
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I'm impressed she had enough time to put a new face on when she was just recovering in the hospital a few minutes ago. If I learned anything from Mrs. Doubtfire, it's that a montage like that usually takes several hours.
Now we see her actual face. Ummm...is this the dangerous smile on the most perfect face? Because I don't think that's accurate.
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Oof that's pretty rough. It looks like Edward Scissorhands is her doctor. This is where it takes a not-so-great turn as it shows the transgender character as a scalpel wielding maniac. She attacks the doctor's face.
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Hmm actually he doesn't look too bad here. Maybe he is a good plastic surgeon.
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Oh great now he's Two-Face. He is still reciting that damn monologue from the beginning. Or actually it looks like he is writing it down for some reason.
The ending cuts to the Hitchhiker telling us that Dr. Hamilton took an oath to heal and care but when all you care about is feeling good, there are things you are going to miss...like vengeance working out its own kind of justice.
Yup he definitely deserved it.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s5e1 sympathy for the devil (w. eric kripke)
SAM I-it's weird. Uh, tell you the truth, I'm fine. No shakes, no fever. It's like whoever...put me on that plane cleaned me right up.
DEAN Supernatural methadone.
(that's not how methadone works but okay. great minds think alike [sort of because i do know how methadone works 🤪])
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wtf is wrong with them. in the middle of this very serious episode we're gonna go harder into a joke about fans. specifically fic writing wincest shippers. why. was it supposed to be like, good natured teasing? because it comes across as just making fun. of your most committed fanbase. big eyeroll.
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ginger snaps (2000) emily perkins as brigitte
hardly recognize her without that atrocious wig (and our girl katharine isabelle looking adorable as ever, she's worth the watch of the movie for sure - and it's very menstruation-positive!)
BOBBY Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off...I want you to lose my number. You understand me?
no fucking way bobby would ever say that, even i was like duh, dean. he's possessed. AND like bobby wouldn't have any anti-possession stuff on him/tattoo/what have you.
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dude playing nick was in an xfiles episode but he's not in any of the imdb photos and i don't think i have the energy to dredge one up. fine fine. he's been in a good number of well known things but nothing i watched/cared about.
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the x-files s7e3 hungry - mark pellegrino as derwood spinks
i watched all of 4x22 without the need to look things up or snark about anything, it was a good episode! and i thought okay maybe i can watch more than one episode in a day for once! well. i did.
anyway, i'm glad ruby's endgame finally came out and she's dead. that was a long ass road.
DEAN I got no idea. But what I do have is a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude, and I'll figure it out.
appreciate the morsel of backstory. and also feels a lot more realistic than sam managing to get into stanford/graduating high school at all with the amount of moving around they did canonically.
got feelings i can't quite articulate about the issue of trust, dean saying he can't anymore.
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gooddaykass · 8 months
The Broken Hearts Gallery: a review
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Before actually watching this movie, I absolutely didn’t, not in a thousand years, think that I would merely even enjoy it. I had my reasons, or rather excuses for the negative presumption, just like how I seem to have my excuses for everything else in life. The movie wasn’t famous, none of the actors were well known, the IMDB rating wasn’t looking too interesting, it seemed to be just another typical romcom, blah blah blah. 
Then why did I want to watch the movie to begin with, you ask? Well, I have a habit that once an actor really impresses me, I’d watch their entire filmography. It seems obsessive at times and most of the time I would only find mediocre movies at best, in which the actor played a mediocre character, but there are still those very few times I’d find those mind-blowing films buried deep somewhere on the internet no one knows about but me and those moments keep me going. 
This time, it was Dacre Montgomery. I, like many of us, was captured by his incredible performance as Billy Hargrove in Stranger Things. I found it very impressive how he was able to embody the tension, the venom, the violence that Billy always carried around, yet still beautifully humanised him and made the character resonate with the audience. The complexity, depth, and potential of this character need their own post, and that’s future-me’s problem.
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As expected, I then watched through almost everything written in his filmography section on his Wikipedia page (in which I realised I had watched Power Rangers before and remember nothing about Dacre in that movie!) and eventually came The Broken Hearts Gallery. I will spare you the rant about how much I did not want to watch the movie in the beginning, but just this time, okay? 🙄
Well, I was painfully wrong. The movie was absolutely amazing. It has been a while since the last time I enjoyed a piece of romcom that much (though to be honest, romance isn’t exactly my thing).
Essentially, the movie is about our girl, Lucy (Geraldine Viswanathan), and her journey of building her own gallery, getting over her ex(es), and gaining a new (boy)friend, Nick (Dacre Montgomery), along the way. Lucy is a girl filled with passion: she loves art and dreams of owning her own gallery one day. During a big event at the gallery she is working at, she catches her boyfriend, Max, cheating on her with his ex. Hurt and drunk, she makes quite a scene at the event, consequently getting herself fired.
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After the event, she calls an Uber to get home but gets into Nick’s (the love interest) car instead, for that she mistakes him for her Uber driver, and he drives her home anyway since she refuses to get out of the car in her drunken-in-misery state of mind. Lucy then complains about the disastrous night with Nick on her way home. They meet the second time when she follows Max and his ex-turn-girlfriend into a restaurant and Nick pulls her out of it to prevent a scene from being made. The two of them get close while she is helping him with building his dream hotel in exchange for gallery space there at the hotel. Overall, the movie has a very light mood, things didn’t get too serious.
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The movie is bright, lighthearted, funny, sweet. It is bright, not the blinding brightness at midday but rather the first spec of light at the crack of dawn from the window of your bedroom. To me, the movie feels like the giddy, happy feeling you get staying up all night talking to a close friend you haven’t seen in a while. You talk about everything in the world, from the crazy project you’ve been working on to the cute kid in class you’re having a crush on. You talk so long that when you look out the window, the sky’s already lighting up. The sun’s not up all the way, the sky is still in a deep shade of blue, but it’s slowly waking up, light spilling into your room.
what I love about the movie
Lucy herself is probably the best part of the movie. The list of reasons I have for loving her could go on and on but the biggest one has got to be because she has so much chemistry with everyone and everything. There is a scene where she was playing around with a sock hand puppet by herself and it’s way more interesting to watch than, like, 50 shades or something (shhh I know it’s a bad joke).
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Another point I would love to add is that Lucy is very passionate. She has enough passion to fill the world’s void, probably. She loves art, she wants to open her own gallery, and that’s the goal she’s been actively working towards achieving for the past 8 years, maybe even her whole life. She sees art in everything, just like her mother, and even though she was fired from her job at the Woolf gallery, broken up with, and humiliated on the same night, she stands back up and in turn, turns her dream into reality (and arguably she helps quite a lot in making Nick’s dream come true as well). 
Not only this but she really approaches everything in life with the same amount of passion. She sees a campaign collecting signatures and she stops to sign even though she was in a hurry, she sings with all her heart in karaoke (and also, does Dacre really suck that bad at singing or was he faking it?), she comes across an old sofa she loves and proceeds to carry it 40 blocks back to the Chloe Hotel on foot while wearing a stunning sundress. This woman is wonderful, a total blessing to all of us. Geraldine is such a talented actor and I hope to see her more in the future.
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The special friendship Lucy’s trio has is absolutely amazing. Right from the get-go, we have an adorable scene of our friends group set 8 years before the main events of the movie. They were sorting through Lucy’s “cave of souvenirs” from old relationships. The three were already blooming with chemistry with their banters and snarky comments and I LOVE THEM because THEY’RE TOTALLY MY FRIENDSHIP GOAL!!
It’s so funny how despite being the best of friends, Nadine and Amanda are so different. It’s amazing how the snarky, sarcastic, lawyer-to-be Amanda with the weirdest taste in men ever and the loving, sensitive, fashionable stay-at-home model Nadine, whose list of girlfriends no one could ever keep track of, looked at each other and went, “Yep, that’s the one I’ll be attached at the hip with for the rest of my life” but I’ve got to say, great choice, the three of them. Lucy, Amanda, and Nadine’s energy fit together like pieces of Lego and they create such a piece of wild art. The foundation of their friendship must be very strong. 
Despite their stark differences, they have an endless amount of unconditional support for each other. They might be unconventional, a bit crazy and otherworldly but the first thing these girls give each other is support and sympathy. You have an opinion? That’ll have to wait. Even when they give each other snarky comments, they know each other well enough to not get offended and to know that no harm is intended. I must say, from personal experience, this takes a very long time and a lot of understanding and trust to establish.
There’s this scene when Lucy tells her friends she and Max broke up and she was fired from her job, Nadine and Amanda instantly know what to do. They wrap her in a blanket, get her snacks and drinks, and sit next to her in a cuddle puddle. The scene is incredibly cute!! Literally friendship on another level. Top-tier besties.
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The cool thing is, I think they know exactly how to care without crossing the line or trying to solve other people’s problems. For example, when Nick comes to their house to tell Lucy that he would stay away from the hotel on the night of the gallery opening due to the terrible fallout of the encounter with Chloe (his ex), Amanda and Nadine give him some (very comical) threats since he hurt Lucy’s feeling but they never try to actually stop Nick from seeing Lucy. I think they knew whatever was happening between the two of them, they needed to figure it out themselves. This detail is quite memorable to me because I realised I’m a bit too nosy for my own good sometimes (and I’m trying to work on it :D).
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Lucy and Nick’s first encounter is nothing new in the world of romance. The trope generally goes like this: they accidentally run into each other after a bad day, one person (usually the female character) complains about her life to the other character and the other person (usually the male character) listens and adds comments here and there (though admittedly forcefully). I find this niche trope rather relatable for many reasons which deserve their own post but in this movie specifically, the scene is hilarious and adorable. Really though, I giggle throughout the entire movie because almost every scene is so lovely I want to die.
more details I love
I feel like Dacre’s American accent in this movie is kind of awkward 😆. He did great in Power Rangers and Stranger Things but then when he played Nick he was like, “Nick would be more funsies if his accent is a bit more artificial and Aussie than he’s supposed to be” and that’s adorable.
The shirt!
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The gazillion weirdly relatable quotes
things I don't like
Of course, the movie is not perfect, no matter how much I wish it was. I really hate the Chloe plot. The entirety of it. What happened was that Lucy saw Nick and Chloe, Nick’s ex girlfriend and also the one whose name was on the door, go together after they had pretty much established that they were a thing. She appeared for 1 minute in total but was already established as a bad person (I am trying to be polite, okay?).
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Nick using her name to name the hotel was, I guess, understandable. People are not smart when they’re in love, but the miscommunication drama was unnecessary. The reason why Nick did not tell Lucy it was his ex’s name on the door was apparently because he “didn’t know when and how”? That was a terrible reason given that they spent all their time together building the hotel and preparing for the exhibition, probably before they even developed romantic feelings for each other. Besides, everyone hates the miscommunication trope.
Personally, I don’t think Nick and Lucy have ✨the spark✨. Like, you know, the ✨tension✨ people have with the one they find sexually/romantically attractive? The one that we all insist exists between the characters in the non-canon ships we love? Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. I don’t know if it’s just me but when I look at them and their interactions, I see two very close friends who love each other endearingly in a capital-P Platonic way. They ⭐sparkle⭐ because of the joy of purely being in each other’s presence, the same way Lucy, Nadine, and Amanda do when they’re together, not the ✨sparkle✨ that would lead to two naked people in one bed, which was what wound up happening in the movie.
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Still, I think this movie is a must-watch <3
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i swear the small things can often be the most obnoxious reminders that giant tech companies are not awesome.
for some reason that is truly baffling to me, amazon's website will not load when i am running my vpn--sometimes. it's not at all consistent! but it's one of the only websites that just refuses to engage with me unless i turn my vpn off.
this would be annoying but rarely important to me, since i don't actually use amazon all that often. but! amazon is slowly taking over the world!! and they already own imdb.
and when i want to review a movie and stick a poster of that movie above my review, like i always have, imdb is the main--and more frequently lately, only--source of poster images for movies.
so i will be going about my tumblr business, remembering that i need to set up a draft post for the latest movie i watched, that way i don't forget to review it. and a poster of the movie will pop up at the top of my search results, looks great, awesome.
...and then if i try to see the full image, the tab won't load, because all of imdb's images are stored on amazon servers and amazon can tell i'm using a vpn and how dare i use a vpn that literally ties me right back to where i live, just with vpn protection. no movie posters for me.
it's so random and dumb and it's not like i don't know why amazon is doing it, but it seems so useless to me? because when i do try to go to amazon to look up an actual product and it won't load with my vpn on, that doesn't convince me i'm wrong for having a vpn. it just means i place more orders from target and walmart and other direct retailers! maybe i'm just unusually stubborn that way.
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buzzingfly · 1 year
i’m late by a day but, i fell asleep before i could talk about this but NATM 4 review, WOO. please tell me if i got stuff wrong, as i kind of.. forgot half the movie, plus i’m tired. not really spoilers but watch out just in case I enjoyed it, but it’s not my favourite. The voices fit well in my opinion, some I had to get used to. Some lines I thought were unneeded but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I laughed at most of the jokes, but I think that’s because my humour is dead (I laughed more at a single frame than a single joke in this movie). The characters themselves were fine. I was happy to see that Sacajawea (Sacagawea?) had a lot more lines and had a role in the movie. Teddy’s rambling was funny and enjoyable. Nick, I don’t know how to feel, he fit but also doesn’t?? I don’t know how to explain it. Joan of Arc was cool, I quickly had to remember she was a saint to help me understand that she had visions, but overall I liked her! Plus, I know french so I felt pretty cool for knowing what she said sometimes from the like two things she said in french. Atilla was mainly there for fighting, but was fun either way. Laaa, I liked Laaa, some people are insulting him which is understandable, the jokes got old fast but I liked him. Now, I wouldn’t be talking about Jed and Octavius because honestly, I could not focus on any scenes with that bowlcut, I’m so sorry. Seth was my favourite, if you’re the god of chaos? You’re already perfect, he was so funny to me, even him talking to Kahmunrah while they were walking. And the comments on Kahmunrah’s daddy issues was funny as hell. Kahmunrah was fine, I think he was one of my favourite designs actually. He was funny, knew what he wanted and was fine. Just fine. Designs fit better with other characters and felt off with others, but I loved all of them. The animation was nice. I love in one scene you can Jed and Octavius in Nick’s pocket, and while he’s talking they just become stretched and slanted.  So, I’m the kind of person to take in every detail as if I’ll need it in the future. And during my commentary I did with my friend, I pointed out many small things, then made jokes about them since that’s the only way I can actually have a conversation. Most were like, really small, but I knew what the movie was doing so I didn’t exactly care, (for example: Pi no longer being the way to open the underworld, but using music as that is a connection to Nick and how Nick could save them all). The mistakes just made me think for a second, then move on. Just like everyone else, I was wondering why Ahkmenrah wasn’t there. On IMDb it said why, but I like to imagine Ahk was taking a long nap in his sarcophagus. It depends on where this movie is set in the “timeline”, I’m pretty sure after NATM 3. I saw someone say this movie felt like or was a “What if the tablet stayed in New York, while Ahkmenrah stayed with his family”, which is a interesting idea. For timeline, it somewhat fits between NATM 2 and 3. As, Larry is not a teacher in the movie, Nick seems to be going to school the next year (unless he was held back), McPhee not knowing about exhibits, etc. But it doesn’t fit as well. I could probably form some quick fix idea but I don’t know. After NATM 3, there’s some more issues. People are saying it could be an alternative universe, or as I mentioned before, a “what if”. and i was promised a jedtavius kiss and i didnt get one. overall, 6.7/10. enjoyable but not the greatest. And that’s fine. :)
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