#as for people: i have no fucking clue
transmascissues · 10 months
I love you lifelong vaginal atrophy
i love you topical estrogen that treats atrophy and doesn’t interfere with testosterone at all. i love you modern medicine that makes safe and harmless transitions possible. i love you health professionals who explained the risks of taking testosterone to me calmly and told me exactly how we would respond to each one if they ever became an issue because they’re not scary or unmanageable if you have good, competent people on your side.
i hate you terf rhetoric that completely ignores the actual reality of testosterone hrt in favor of portraying it as poison. i hate you transphobes who try to make me scared of the medication that gave me my life back.
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thecatspasta · 4 months
One of my favorite and most interesting thing about Jon is that he sorts peoples actions into Human and Monster
To him, the actions of monsters cannot be forgiven, as seen with Daisy, Helen and Jared
But along with that, the actions of humans always have an excuse, like Basira and his grandmother
The most prime example of this is with Jurgen where, prior to his meeting with him, he wrote Jurgen off as evil and when he did meet with him he dubbed Jurgen as just a spoiled confused child
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And what makes this more interesting is how he perceives himself as a monster. He sees himself as unforgivable and monstrous, even when hes just doing what he needs to survive
He forgives people who hurt him, like his grandmother who neglected and obviously resented him and Basira, who threatened to kill him if he so much as stepped out of line, because they are human. They are people against a monster
The only time he doesnt blame himself for something is when he can blame another monster, like in mag 146, Threshold, where he blames the Web, another, different monster
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And what makes his mentality so much more devastating is that many avatars, the monsters in his mind, are shown to not often be in complete control, whereas humans do have entire control
Avatars have to spread fear and hurt or they themself will die. In more explicit cases of lack of control Jon himself has stated he often doesnt realize what hes done until after its happened and Daisy becomes completely mindless by the end of the series to the point of only recognizing two things, a hunt and Basira (daisy also sorts people into monster and human, but thats because of hunt reasons)
Humans dont have these restrictions, humans are entirely free to do what they please, with the only con being they are significantly weaker than avatars
When Basira threatens him, she is doing it entirely through her own choice, whereas when Jon hunts statement givers he is doing it partly because hes forced into that position. But he will still forgive and rationalize Basiras actions while condemning and scrutinize his own, because she is the human and he is the monster
Anyways I like Jon he needs therapy
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rhythmmortis · 1 month
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foolishnpd · 4 months
Me: I want thousands of eyes on my work, I'm dying if I can't have that, I want compliments on my posts
*gets it*
uhmmmmm actually i need personal love and attention from people I specifically deem as worthy to compliment me
*gets it*
hey actually i thinkh i'll jsut kill myself nothing is good enoguh
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decolonize-the-left · 4 months
Artists creating specifically to sell and trading off (some of) their own style to do it, activists begging for attention and shares and media coverage because they aren't being paid enough attention, UNWRA desperate for donations, the percentage of people who don't mask in 2024 compared to deaths and disabilities, ppl who need to be convinced to vote with principles that save lives and that genocide is unacceptable, how a living wage or UBI is believed to be "unrealistic" despite the trillions in shareholder investment accounts.
....I'm starting to think Mainstream People™ fucking suck, ngl. In fact, dare I say that Mainstream People are the biggest obstacle to progress now.
Malcolm X said it was the white liberal as did a lot of other revolutionaries and thinkers.
I, however, think anyone who can hold their own comfort over someone else's suffering is the problem.
Why are the rest of us constantly begging and shouting and changing ourselves and our bodies in an effort to make them care about us? To make them see us? To give us rights? To bless us with the support needed to make a living?
Same shit, different generations. And idk about y'all, but I would love to be the last generations who ever had to hate themselves to survive.
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catofoldstones · 7 months
The oldest jonsa fic on ao3 is from 2009, from even before the show was conceived, from even before adwd was released
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I will not say anything except for
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emberglowfox · 1 year
This is kinda spoilers, but can you draw your reaction after getting all the dragon tears?
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how bout both
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chappellrroan · 5 months
people who still hate Joe Alwyn need to get a life asap
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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benny wants what the king has. and so do i
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mjfass · 9 months
It’s unbelievable how wrestling fans judge wrestler’s bodies: “Adam is too skinny”, “Eddie is too fat”, “Jade is too muscular”, “Orange is too small”, “Bayley is too thick”, “Alexa looked better when she was thicker”, “Claudio used to be more muscular”, “Bryan has a weird body”, “Kota gained weight”, “Kevin is too fat”, “Charlotte looks too skinny and muscular”, “Deonna needs to lose weight”, “Jordynne looks like a man”… all of these are things I’ve actually read on social media and I feel DISGUSTED by it. No one is enough.
These people put their bodies through so much in order to entertaining us and THIS is what people actually care about. FUCK IT.
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beyondthislifetime · 13 days
People who truly dislike Edwina Sharma are wild. Heaven forbid an 18 year old be charmed after being almost relentlessly pursued by an older man. Three married women, including her mother, are for the match. THE QUEEN is for the match. The only person saying he isn't right for her is her sister and like I'm sorry but my sister could swear that a man wasn't that into me and I would not listen if he BOUGHT ME A HORSE!???!!?!!
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Okay, we all know that Simon's love for Wille is symbolised by purple, right? But I was thinking, Wille's love for Simon must be symbolised by orange.
Remember that interview with the costume designer and she said that Wille wearing an orange sweater when he first saw Simon in S1 E1 was "Wille making his way to Simon, but he doesn't know it yet"? And we all know the story of that very orange sweater with Simon in S2.
And the most interesting detail to me is Simon wearing a lot of orange in S2. Obviously it's his palette colour, it makes sense for him to wear it, but something about Simon coloured in Wille's colour of love, especially when he's trying to move on. How he's actively trying to move on but the realization of Wille's ever-consuming love and his love confession looming over Simon's heart like a cloud, not letting him move on.
Like trying to move on with Marcus:
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Or meeting Wille after the Christmas break:
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Or be it Simon presenting his song he wrote for Wille:
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And my favorite thing probably Simon wearing the orange sweater and actively embracing Wille's love because he just can't help it:
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And something equally interesting to me is Wille wearing purple in S2. Something about Simon's love embracing Wille without even him realizing it, real and tangible and just as consuming.
Like when he confesses that "it was better not knowing how it can feel":
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Or the day after Simon kisses him at the Ball:
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Like it's driving me insane that Wille's colour of love is orange, a colour that is a part of Simon's palette, something that represents Simon's personality because Wille loves Simon for who he is.
And Simon's colour of love is purple, because purple is often associated with royalty but Simon is redefining its meaning and making it a symbol of his love, just like Wille's royal status is the thing that outwardly defines him but in the end, Simon loves Wille, not his status.
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penofwildfire · 3 months
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Plagued by FSM thoughts tonight
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bistaxx · 10 months
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No fucking way- TONY HAWK?!
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saucy-mesothelioma · 2 months
People who don't watch Mystery Science Theater 3000, explain what's happening in this scene:
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swagging-back-to · 5 months
it is not controversial to say that if you cannot finacially, emotionally provide for a child and/or your genetics would lead to them suffering then you should not have said child.
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