#apparently she told her about the trip & now she wants to come with us even though she doesn't know me???
cheekblush · 1 year
i don't get people who just insert themselves into others' plans....
#like i'm so baffled rn..#for context: my friend & i are going on a weekend trip to another city next week#she just texted me asking if a friend of hers who i don't know can come with us#apparently she told her about the trip & now she wants to come with us even though she doesn't know me???#at first my friend asked if she can stay in our hotel room & i said absolutely not like wtf????#then she asked if it's okay if she books her own hotel room & just hangs out with us...#i reluctantly said yes bc i don't want to be a bitch but like i can't be the only one who thinks this behavior is super weird??#like when someone tells me about smth they have planned my first thought isn't to ask if i can join??? idk this is so strange to me#idk if she's gonna be in the same train as us as well bc we booked everything weeks ago#i was really looking forward to this trip but now i'm kind of disappointed already..#my friend clearly thinks it's not a big deal but plan your own trip with her maybe???#idk am i overreacting?? this is an introvert's nightmare tbh 😭😭😭#like what if i don't get along with her?? and i end up like a third wheel bc maybe they're closer friends???#my first impression of her already isn't the best bc in all honesty who just inserts themselves into others' plans like that???#asking to stay in our hotel room??? like the audacity??? idk i could never#girl i was really looking forward to this trip but now i'm just worried i should've just said no but as always i have to be too nice 🙄#☁️
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AITA for ruining my cousin's birthday party?
Please read the whole thing before making a judgement.
Real names not used.
So I (25M) bought a nintendo switch for my younger sister Sara (16F) for her birthday. However, mom decided that Sara would be sharing her birthday party with our cousin Cody (12M) as a celebration for him just recovering from having cancer. Mom had also said that it would be family only so Sara was not allowed to have her friends over for her 16th birthday. She was of course upset over that because she had plans on what she wanted to do with her friends. But Aunt (Karen) had told her not to be selfish about it because "you see your friends every day at school."
The rest of our relatives who had been invited hadn't been prepared for it to be a celebration for Cody as well, so none of them had gotten anything for him. Karen decided that it would be fair if Cody got to choose some of the gifts for himself. Of course as soon as he saw Sara open the wrapped up Switch, he had snatched it saying that it was his now. Sara was upset about that because she didn't think it was fair to let him do that, but the rest of our aunts and uncles scolded her for being selfish and being mean to "poor Cody". And "Cody has been sick, just let him have this. He deserves it. You are being greedy for wanting it."
Sara locked herself in her room for the rest of the party and didn't even come out for the cake. She only came out after everyone had left. Her eyes were puffy from crying and it was obvious that she did not have a good birthday because of everything. If anything, the party had been more about Cody while she had just been shoved to the side.
Fast forward a few months to the day of Cody's birthday. Aunt planned a big party for the day. All of Cody's friends were invited along with all our family. Sara refused to go and planned to go hang out with friends instead, but she was forced to go in the end because other relatives were calling her selfish and cruel for not wanting to celebrate Cody's birthday. She said she would only be there for an hour before leaving, and I said I would drive her home.
Aunt and Cody had gone out to buy the cake, so I went to their home early. Luckily for me, Uncle (Tony) was home. He hadn't been there for Sara's birthday party because he had been away for a business trip. He had let me inside when he saw me and I told him what had happened at Sara's birthday. Apparently he hadn't know what had happened. I asked him if they kept the box for the Switch, and he had said yes.
Tony had not stopped me when I packed the Switch back into its box (I removed the game that was in it and put that back in its case). He didn't stop me when I took the packed up Switch out to my car. He said that I was allowed to have it, so I did. I took it back to the store I bought it from and returned it. Luckily, it was still within the return window, so I was able to return it. I bought a few new Switch games for Sara (Some of her friends had banded together and gotten her a Switch). I never went back to Cody's house after that. Instead, I stayed at home with Sara because our parents relented and let her just stay home instead. I played games with her while our parents were gone.
Hours later, Mom and Dad come home bringing Karen with them. Karen was livid. She screamed that I ruined Cody's birthday party by stealing his Switch and that we must hate him for being sick. She knew I had been at the house because the doorbell ring showed I had been there. Apparently they had planned party games that would revolve around the Switch so all of Cody's friends had been disappointed when there was nothing to play. Karen screamed about how Cody had been crying and that it was not right to make the birthday boy cry. I pointed out that they had made Sara cry on her birthday. And Karen said "Sara shouldn't be making a big deal out of it, she is being childish for crying over a game system that she doesn't need. Cody is still a child, and you are giving him a bad childhood."
Karen decided that she would be taking Sara's Switch and giving it back to Cody and that she had no right to be taking Cody's things. Sara argued with her saying that it was her Switch that her friends gave her, but Karen screamed that she was just making excuses to be a thief and "you would probably be happy if Cody died, wouldn't you?" Mom and Dad had made her leave, but Karen has been blowing up our phones since then calling us (but mainly me and Sara) assholes for ruining Cody's birthday.
Yeah I know that taking the Switch back was mean, but I don't like how Cody just has to be the center of attention for everything. Sara's birthday was not the first time he got all attention when the party had been for someone else, but those are stories for another time.
AITA for ruining his birthday?
What are these acronyms?
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roosterforme · 2 months
The Younger Kind Part 58 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley is hesitant to drive his family to Disneyland, and he's even more hesitant to make love to you. All he seems to be able to think about is the baby and his desire to plan the perfect, low-key wedding, but you make sure he takes some time to relax.
Warnings: pregnancy topics, swearing, smut, angst, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley couldn't ever remember being this stressed out in his life. Well, besides every single time he had to deal with Meredith. The weeks had absolutely flown by, probably because he was not so secretly dreading driving up to Disneyland for Thanksgiving weekend. He'd voiced his opinions and concerns several times, but apparently your doctor's answer overrode his. Disneyland was happening, and the only thing he'd been able to insist upon for his own peace of mind was the addition of Nat.
Thanksgiving dinner at Mav and Penny's had been relaxing and peaceful. Bradley hadn't been home for the holiday the past two years, and it felt good to have a day to just appreciate everyone around him. Having you there made all the difference, and he knew he wanted you with him for every holiday from now on. You tried to help Penny cook and clean up, but everyone else insisted you rest and just enjoy yourself.
That was just a few hours ago, and now the sun had set, and Noah was in his pajamas. Bradley buckled him in the backseat of the Bronco before checking to make sure all of the bags made their way in as well. That's when he heard the argument coming from the sidewalk. 
"You can sit in the front," you insisted. "I don't mind sitting in the back with Noah."
"No, no," Nat replied, "I insist. I'll sit in the back so you can sit with Bradley."
"But I kind of want to sit with Noah," you told her. "You can sit with Bradley and talk about work."
"Or," Nat replied, "you and he can hammer out some of the wedding details while you sit in the front with him."
"Are you both serious right now?" Bradley asked as he slammed the tailgate shut. "Neither of you want to sit with me?"
He held his arms out to his sides, and you rushed over to give him a hug with a little smirk on your face. "I'm sorry, Daddy," you whispered, pressing your cheek to his chest and giving him a hug. "It's just that Noah is so sweet, and he'd probably hold my hand until he falls asleep."
Nat used this opportunity to get herself situated next to Noah with a bright smile on her face. "You know, I expect this kind of thing from her, but not from you, Princess," Bradley said before kissing the top of your head. "Get in the front and hold my hand instead?"
Thirty minutes later, Bradley was driving up the highway, and he was the only one awake as your hand rested softly in his. He stroked your knuckles and your ring as he wove along the roads on the way up to Anaheim. "I can't believe what you've done to my life," he whispered, shaking his head but smiling. At the beginning of the year, he'd been stressed out pretty much all the time. He would have never planned a trip to Disneyland just for him and Noah, because every day felt impossible back then. If he was honest with himself, every day still felt challenging now with Noah getting older and the baby on the way, but nothing was ever harder because of you. It was always better.
He heard rustling in the backseat, and when he glanced in his mirror, he saw that Nat was awake. "Javy texted me," she said with a yawn when she met his eyes. "He said your dog is a pussy magnet."
Bradley snorted. "Let me guess. He took her for a walk and women came out of the woodwork to talk to him?"
She hummed and said, "Maybe leaving Skittles with him for the weekend was a bad idea."
"Nah," Bradley replied, stifling his laughter. "I'm sure he told them that he already has a really mean girlfriend and that she would kick their asses if they looked at him too long."
She leaned forward and smacked the back of his head. "I'm not mean."
"Sure, Nat."
"Hey, I did the impossible by finding you a wife. That's nice person shit right there."
"Yet with the undertone of condescension," Bradley replied, making her laugh. "I do owe you though. And you won't even let me say thank you."
This time she patted him gently on the back of his head. "You can say it one time."
"Thanks, Nat."
You vaguely remembered half walking and half being carried up to the hotel room in your state of exhaustion. Thanksgiving had taken more out of you than you thought considering you barely did anything to help Mav and Penny with dinner or dessert. But apparently the turkey made you sleepy. Everything was making you sleepy now. But you were finally past the progesterone shots, and your doctor said everything was looking good.
Friday morning when you woke up as the sun just started peeking in through the window, you jolted up in bed naked. Bradley was still asleep next to you, snoring softly, but you looked around the room a bit frantically. "Daddy," you gasped, shaking him awake. "Bradley! Where's Noah?"
He rolled onto his back and looked up at you through barely cracked open eyes. "Princess?" he rasped, simply reaching for you and trying to pull you back against him. But the other bed was empty, and your heart wouldn't calm down.
"Where's Noah?" you repeated, and now he started to sit up.
"Next door," he mumbled. "He's in the other room with Nat, Baby."
You placed your hand over your heart and eased yourself back down onto the pillow as you whispered, "Right. Right. Sorry, I just barely remember you even bringing me to the room last night."
"Don't apologize," he murmured next to your ear as he pulled you closer to him. "You're the best Mommy." His face was pressed against your neck and shoulder, and his arm was like a boa constrictor, tightening little by little until around your ribs until you were snug against him. You felt protected and loved as the sound of his steady breathing calmed you down. But he had morning wood, and you could feel Bradley's erection firm and long against the back of your thigh as he spooned you. 
It had literally been months since you felt his cock thrusting inside you. You and he hadn't had vaginal intercourse since before he left for his special flight mission in Japan, and now you were aching painfully. Sure, you'd had fun getting him off with your hands, mouth and breasts for the last four weeks, and he'd been very generous with his lips, mustache and fingers. But you wanted him to fill you up. 
"Bradley," you whispered, trying to figure out if he'd fallen back to sleep again behind you, but when he grunted your first name, you moaned. He bucked against you even though you knew he was trying not to. "My doctor said it's okay now."
His rough thumb was stroking your nipple as he rasped, "I know, but maybe we shouldn't risk it. I can wait until after the baby is born."
An absolutely scandalized noise escaped you. "I love you for that, Daddy, I really do, but I don't think I can make it five more months."
"I'll go down on you," he said, letting his hand skim along your growing belly until he was cupping your pussy. "Happily." But you were pinned between his rock hard cock and his hand, and you knew exactly what you needed.
"I want your cock," you demanded. "It's perfectly safe for the baby now that my uterus is fixed up. And I want it."
Rarely did you ever tell him that you wanted something, and you almost never whined, but the combination of the two seemed to set him off a little bit. He was twitching and pulsing against your leg, and you felt him reach down to free himself from the confines of his underwear. Skin on skin was enough to make you whine his name a little louder. When you eased your leg up and back over his hip, you could feel the tip of him rubbing against your wet pussy.
"Take me just like this. Nice and slow from behind," you whispered, and his only response was a long string of obscenities as he pushed his cock just an inch or so inside you. 
"Baby," he ground out as his hand squeezed your hip. "Slow. Real slow. I don't want to hurt either of you."
You gasped, "You won't," as he slid himself deeper and deeper before eventually bottoming out with his hips pressed to your butt. "Oh god, you feel so good."
Bradley kept himself still, just like that, barely moving but filling you up regardless. "Shit," he whimpered next to your ear. "Fuck, it's been months." His voice was so rough, and his hot breath left goosebumps trailing down you back and arm. When you wiggled back against him, he grunted. "I'm not gonna last."
"I don't care," you told him, guiding his rough fingers to your clit and enjoying every sensation his body gave you. He smelled good, and he was warm and strong and big. Big everywhere. His lips found the spot right behind your ear, and he sucked gently. Your nipples were tender peaks, and your belly was just starting to show proof of your pregnancy. There was evidence of those days of rough sex from the summer all over your body, but right now he was gentler than ever.
"Am I hurting you?" he whispered before taking your earlobe between his lips. His thrusts were smooth and languid, and you could feel every bit of him.
"No. You're perfect." That had his fingers working a little more frantically on your clit, but he kept the same pace with his thrusts. Slow and steady and never rough. 
But he got you there. "Baby," he whined, punching and plucking until you were sure your clit was a tight little ball of nerves against his fingertips. You started to squeeze around him, and he held still, more filthy cursing filling your ears as he spilled his cum inside you.
"Oh. Daddy," you moaned softly as you came in his embrace with his body pressed to your back. You couldn't stop yourself from bumping back against him as you fucked yourself gently along his cock, enjoying every little tremor and tremble.
"Tell me I didn't hurt you," he whispered, easing his wet fingers up along your belly, cupping where you imagined the baby was right now. "Please."
You turned to look at his earnest eyes over your shoulder and said, "You didn't hurt me."
"I love you, Princess." A series of soft knocks made you jump in his arms, and Bradley groaned as the knocking continued. He was still inside you as he said, "That's gotta be Noah."
You realized there was a door conjoining the next room with yours, and you could hear Noah's little voice calling out. "Daddy? Mommy? I want to meet Mickey Mouse."
With one more kiss to your shoulder, Bradley withdrew himself from your body, inspected his cock and then pulled his underwear back up. "Go make sure you're okay," he commanded as he stood. "I'll take care of Noah."
Carefully, still blissfully aware of the way that orgasm left your skin tingling, you made your way into the bathroom as Bradley's cum dribbled down your inner thighs. You cleaned yourself up, and there was no sign of blood at all. You took a quick shower, and you felt amazing. When you eventually emerged from the bathroom all wrapped up in your towel, you found your boys both dressed and ready to go and sitting on the edge of the unused bed.
"Mommy," Noah whined. "I'm hungry and I want to meet Mickey Mouse."
You bent and kissed his soft curls as you said, "Well take care of both of those things for you. Promise."
Disneyland was simultaneously the most wonderful and most anxiety inducing place Bradley had ever been. The look on Noah's face as the four of you explored the parks together made Bradley smile, but every time you started to look tired, he wasn't sure it was worth it. But then you'd smile at him, too. He'd give you anything you wanted.
"Are you okay?" he asked, collecting you in his arms as Nat rode the teacups with Noah for the third time in a row. "You sure I didn't hurt you this morning?"
A little smile curled along your glossy lips before you kissed him softly. Then you kissed him again and again. It was bad enough that you looked so much younger than him; he got a few raised eyebrows here and there. But then you always called him Daddy with absolutely no shame whatsoever. It always got under his skin and made him run a little hot, but now you had your belly pressed against him as you kissed your way back close to his ear.
"Daddy," you crooned. "You didn't hurt me one bit. You gave me exactly what I needed. Your big cock."
"Baby," he whispered, squeezing your hips in warning. "Don't get us kicked out of the happiest place on Earth."
You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You know what would make it even happier?"
"Don't say it," he rasped, shaking his head as you looked up at him. "I'm begging."
You just smirked. "Sneaking off to that family bathroom..."
Bradley tipped his head back and groaned while you giggled. "You said it."
Finally having sex again in the hotel room this morning before Noah practically kicked down the door in search of breakfast seemed to make you extra clingy. Not that Bradley minded one bit. He didn't. He loved it. But you had been alone when you had to go to the emergency room last month, and he was still on edge about everything that happened when he was in Japan. 
When you started tugging on his arm, he shook his head again. "No. Not here. Only where I can be as gentle with you as possible."
Then you were in his arms again telling him how sweet he was, and Bradley was just a lost cause. 
"I'm tapping out," Nat announced as she and Noah walked over hand in hand. "That ride is okay the first two times, but after that, it's evil."
"I loved it!" Noah announced as Bradley picked him up. 
"Of course you did," he said, kissing his son's cheek. "What do you want to do now? Another ride? Get a snack?"
"Meet Mickey Mouse!"
Bradley groaned for an entirely different reason. The line to meet the characters was pretty long, but you'd insisted on buying something called an autograph book, so he said, "Sure, Bub. We can go meet the main mouse."
Bradley held hands with both you and Noah while Nat led the way, talking with her hands and bouncing like she was Tigger to make Noah giggle. Bradley was right, the line was long, but it was worth it. Noah didn't complain about how much time it was taking, but he did ask you to pick him up over and over again.
"Let me hold you," Nat offered, but Noah kept reaching for you instead. When Bradley told him he was too heavy, tears filled his eyes and his face scrunched up.
"Sweet Noah," you whispered, kissing his cheek and kind of cuddling up with him while he was in Bradley's arms. "Don't cry. I'm right here. I'm just not allowed to lift things like big, growing boys who love dinosaurs and coloring books, okay?" You wiped at his tears with your thumbs, and Bradley was once again mesmerized by you. "That's better," you told him. "I don't want you to cry right before we get to meet Mickey Mouse."
Noah sniffled and nodded, and you didn't move away from his as the line moved up. "You're amazing," Bradley whispered. "Mommy of the year."
"There he is!" Nat gasped, perhaps more excited than all of the kids in the line put together. "Mickey! And I'm not talking about Fanboy!"
Bradley chuckled as the Mouse beckoned them forward to take photos. 
"How about we ride something else?" Bradley asked, but you watched Noah tug him back toward It's a Small World. 
"This is my favorite!"
"Noah," he laughed, "you've said that about every single ride all day long."
"No, this one," Noah insisted.
"Just one more time?" you asked, also tugging on Bradley.
"We've been on it seven times in a row," he insisted, shaking his head.
"Six times," Nat replied, pushing him from behind. 
"Natasha, the song is going to kill me," he said, taking a few steps toward the line queue again. "I'll never be able to get it out of my head."
But the three of you won, of course. Because he was willing to do anything that you and Noah wanted. And that included riding a boat past legions of slightly creepy, singing, animatronic children. "You'll be fine," you insisted, rubbing his abs. "After this, we'll feed you dinner."
"You better," he mumbled, winking at you. "And I need more Mickey shaped snacks, too."
To your delight and Noah's, Bradley willingly rode It's a Small World three more times and sang the song nearly the whole time. "I'm going to annoy you with this forever," he whispered in your ear as the little boat sailed along. 
You looked up at him and said, "Please do. That means you'll be around forever."
His eyes widened in soft surprise. "I'm not going anywhere." You felt his thumb run across your engagement ring where he was holding your hand in his lap. "Just a couple more weeks and we'll be married."
The fact that he was taking care of most of the planning without showing any signs of stress was amazing to you. As the song played on repeat and the dancing animatronics spun around, you tapped your foot. "You really want to get married so soon?" you asked him. 
"Hell yes. I already told you I did."
"Even if it's just a backyard wedding?"
Bradley gave you all of his focus like you were the only thing in his world when he said, "All we really need is both of us and Noah for it to be perfect."
"Technically we also need Natasha," you added, and he rolled his eyes.
"Fine. We also need Natasha. But that's only because she got ordained online. Other than that, I don't really care about the details too much. I just want to see you in a wedding dress."
You bit your lip and moaned. "Nothing fits me great right now. And I feel like my belly is really going to pop out one day soon."
"I can't wait," he grunted, making you shiver at the tone of his voice. "Jesus, I hope your belly gets bigger in the next three weeks."
His lips found your neck, and this time you were the one who had to remind him that you were very much in the middle of Disneyland sharing a seat in the boat with Nat and Noah. But now you had a better idea of what kind of dress you should get; you'd been holding off, hoping to figure out how to get one that would still fit for the big day. 
"So you want to be able to see the bump in the wedding photos?"
"Princess," he grunted. "God, yes. But don't you dare make me hard on It's a Small World."
You were still laughing as the boat floated up to the exit and you climbed out.
"Stop," you and Nat whined in unison as Bradley started singing the Small World song again on the drive back to San Diego on Sunday. But he just smiled and finished, dodging away from your hand as you tried to cover his mouth from the passenger seat. This time, he saw you and Nat playing rock, paper, scissors to see who got to sit in the back with Noah. Your rock lost to her paper, so you were in the front with him. 
"This is your punishment for being mean," he said as Noah napped. "And I'm talking to both of you."
"I'm just happy that you loved Disneyland," you said over his singing. You were looking at wedding dresses on your phone and holding the selections up for Nat to look at. Bradley had to fight to keep his eyes on the road instead of the screen, but he honestly did want to be surprised. 
"Hey, what am I supposed to wear?" he asked, realizing that you'd seen him in most of his nicer clothes when he was leaving you at home with Noah to go on app dates. He'd have to buy something new, something just for you. Something to make the day special.
"Doesn't matter," Nat said followed by a low whistle as she held your phone. "Nobody will even notice you if your wife is wearing this dress. Holy shit."
Bradley glanced in the rear view mirror to make sure Noah was still asleep. "It's that good?" he asked as you looked a little bashful next to him. "Buy it. Put it on your princess card."
"It has two-day shipping," Nat said. "If you don't like it, we can go out and look at some other options on Wednesday after work."
"I don't know..." you said, hesitating as you took your phone back and looked at whichever dress Nat thought was perfect. 
"Buy it, Baby, or I won't shut up for the next hour." Bradley cleared his throat and started singing, "It's a world of laughter, a world of tears. It's a world of hopes, and a world of fears."
"Fine!" you said, scrambling with your phone as Nat covered her ears. "I'm buying it!"
Bradley smiled at the road before him and muttered, "Gotta love Disney."
If you have Princess wedding dress inspo (that will show off her little bump just like Bradley is hoping) please send it to me! I'm thinking we will end up with 62 parts for this story, which is absolutely wild to me. Thanks for reading! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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starkwlkr · 1 year
omg can you write charles reaction to baby leclerc first kindergarten boyfriend and how jealous he would be 🥹🥹
no boys allowed | charles leclerc
in honor of my birthday, here’s one more baby leclerc fic <3
Ruby woke up ten minutes earlier than she should’ve. It was a new school day and she was more excited than ever. While her mom slept peacefully, Ruby was in her bathroom trying to untangle her hair, but each time she would end up with a knot in it. She gave up and ran to her mom and dad’s room with a brush stuck in her hair.
“Mama, I need help. Mama, wake up.” Ruby poked Y/n’s cheek repeatedly until her eyes fluttered open.
“Baby, what? What’s wrong?” Y/n rubbed her tired eyes. She then saw the mess on Ruby’s head. “Oh, baby girl.”
Y/n was alone with the kids since Charles was coming back from Italy for his home race. Mathéo slept in his nursery. Y/n got out of bed and took Ruby to her bathroom to fix the tangled hair.
“Why did you do this, Ruby?” The mother asked.
“Because I want to look pretty for my boyfriend!”
Y/n choked on her own saliva when she heard Ruby mention the word ‘boyfriend’. “When did this happen, Rubes? Does papa know?”
Of course Charles didn’t know. If he did, he would immediately change Ruby to a different school. Even if it was a pretend boyfriend, Ruby was still too young to be thinking about boys in his eyes. Thank god Charles wasn’t home.
“Yesterday he told me he loves me. Papa doesn’t know . . Yet! Can I tell him?” Ruby jumped up and down, eager to tell her papa about her love life.
“Not right now, baby. He’s working. But you can tell me all about him. What’s his name?” Y/n asked as she continued to brush through Ruby’s hair.
“His name is Ben and we’re getting married! Can you be my flower girl, mama? And uncle arthur can give us a ring.” Ruby said. “I want uncle pierre and kika to be at my wedding. I love Kika.”
Y/n chuckled. Ruby reminded Y/n of a younger version of herself, planning out her dream wedding, not having a single stressful moment. Y/n wished her Ruby would stay little forever.
“Okay, all done. Go get dressed, I have to get your brother ready.” Y/n pressed a kiss to the top of Ruby’s head and watched as the little girl ran off to her room. Before Y/n walked to Mathéo’s nursery, she grabbed her phone and texted Charles.
Good morning my love. I’m going to take Ruby to school and when you get home, I have news to tell you. It’s important.
Good morning mon amour❤️ tell Ruby I love her and I miss her. Are you not going to give me a hint? I can’t wait that long
Well it’s about our daughter. That’s all I’m telling you.
You’re an evil woman
I love you ❤️
Love you more 🥰
She left her phone on her nightstand and walked to Mathéo’s room where he was not laying awake staring at the ceiling. “Good morning my little boy. Let’s get you ready for the day.”
After both kids were dressed, the Leclerc family was on their way to school. Ruby kept telling her mother about Ben and how good he was at drawing, counting from 1 to 100 and apparently he knew about f1 because of his dad. The school wasn’t that far away from their home so they walked.
“When is papa coming home?” Ruby asked.
“He should be here tomorrow or maybe even today.” Replied Y/n. Mathéo squealed from his spot in his stroller. “You’re exiting to see papa, Théo? He misses you too.”
“I can tell him about Ben! Can Ben come to the race with us? Please mama!” Ruby stopped walking to face her mother.
“I don’t know, Ruby. We have to talk to his parents first.”
When Ruby got to school, she refused to set foot into the classroom until Ben arrived. Five minutes later, a little boy with a Ferrari cap on ran towards Ruby and hugged her.
“Ben! Don’t run! You’ve tripped enough already!” A woman about Y/n’s age scolded the boy.
“Mama! He’s Ben, my boyfriend!” Ruby yelled as Ben put his arm around her shoulder.
“Nice to meet you Ben. I’m Ruby’s mom.” Y/n said to the little boy.
“So I guess we’re in laws?” Ben’s mom laughed. “I’m Clara, Ben’s mom. I’ve heard so many things about your little girl. Were you invited to their ‘wedding’?” Clara asked.
Y/n nodded. “You’re looking at the flower girl.” She joked.
“I’m jealous, Ben told me I have to pay for the whole thing!”
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After school, Pascale, Lorenzo and Arthur would always arrive at Y/n and Charles’ house just to spend time together. Ruby absolutely loved it. This time, Charles joined since he had taken an early flight from Italy so when he got home, he found Ruby and Arthur doing some crafts on the kitchen table while Pascale, Y/n and Lorenzo were with Baby Mathéo in the living room.
“Papa!” Ruby threw her crayon on the table and ran to Charles.
Charles let his suitcase fall to the ground. He wrapped his arms around Ruby and picked her up, spinning her a couple time as she laughed. “You didn’t cause any trouble, did you?” He kissed her cheek.
“No! I’m a very good girl. Ask mama and Théo!” Ruby giggled.
“Okay, I’ll ask them right now.” Charles set her down and turned his attention to the rest of his family. “How was my boy while I was gone? Was Ruby good?” He sat next to Y/n on the sofa.
“He didn’t cry at night often, but he did miss his papa a lot.” Y/n passed the baby to Charles. “And yes, she was an angel.”
“Just him and Ruby missed me?” Charles teased.
“I missed you!” Arthur spoke from the kitchen table.
“Anyone else missed me? Anybody?” Charles looked around, ignoring Arthur. “I’m kidding, I missed all of you.”
“Oh! The news! Ruby, want to tell papa now?” Y/n prepared herself for Charles’ reaction. Everyone did.
“What news, Ruby?”
“I have a boyfriend!”
“Mon amour, grab Théo please.”
Y/n took the baby from Charles’ arms and watched his confused face.
“Baby, you can’t have a boyfriend.” Charles said to Ruby. “You’re too young and he is too.”
“But I already made him a card! Uncle Arthur is helping me!” Ruby pointed at Arthur, who immediately dropped the marker from his hands and froze.
“Arthur! Why are you helping my daughter make a card for a boy?!”
“She didn’t tell me it was for her boyfriend.” Arthur defended himself.
“Yes I did. I said ‘uncle arthur can you help me make a card for my boyfriend?’ and you said yes.” Ruby innocently said.
“I thought she was joking.”
Charles shook his head. He knew it wasn’t a real relationship but he still didn’t like the idea of his little girl already thinking about boys and relationships.
“And you haven’t even heard the best part yet. They’re getting married.” Lorenzo added followed by a loud laugh.
“No one is getting married!” Charles announced.
“So you and mama aren’t getting married?” Ruby asked.
“We are married, baby.” Y/n said confused.
“But Ben’s parents got married two times. He told me.”
“So his name is Ben. Where does he live?” Charles asked and before Ruby could answer, Pascale hit his arm. “Maman! This Ben can’t date my daughter!”
“They’re kids, Charles.” Pascale said, bringing in her granddaughter for a hug.
“You’re telling me you’ve never had a girlfriend when you were a little kid?” Y/n asked Charles. Not that he could remember, no he never did that.
“And you had a boyfriend when you were little?” Charles rolled his eyes, and watched Y/n stay silent. “No, someone was your boyfriend before me?!”
“This isn’t about me, now excuse me I have to practice my flower girl skills before the big wedding.”
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dreamskug · 1 month
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NOT "Gramps". Not for you, anyway. Just my name.
Why, checking if we’d match? Hah. Was told I’m a Scorpio. 'That check out?
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With platforms or without?
If we vibe, nothing else matters. An incubus with neat taste in personalities, I guess.
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So, some Scandinavian blood in me - half, actually. Can speak the language, too - 'least something neat daddy gave me, not that the fucker's outdone himself in parenting. Mom’s an American, born in Badlands. Ever heard of her clan? Messed with witchcraft a lot, and summoning even more. Know what I’m getting at? A perfect fuckin' match, weren't they?
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- Yeah no. Don't even start with anything citrus. Especially don't peel this shit in front of me, alright? Nasty shit. [Interviewer]: - Just wondering, how do you feel about cardboard boxes? [Ívarr] : - Ain't purring for you, man. But nice one.
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Fuck summer. You ever felt what's that like - the real winter nights? Pitch fuckin' dark - quiet so thick you hear the snow falling. First time I saw those snowflakes as a kid - can swear I thought they were bees.
Cherry blossoms? The fuck I know, man. Ask my mainline, I grab whatever he likes.
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Expecting me to be like - "Muahaha, the smell of fear"? Seriously, it's apparently a pheromone released in your sweat or some shit. C'mon I'm joking, it isn't my fav - keeps stinking up this damn city. Alright, a freshly baked cake is something I'd kill for.
Yeah coffee I guess? Rich, strong, black, with a splash of something fun, make it whiskey.
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Woke up just yesterday 'cause my mainline was pulling back my eyelid, imagine? Scared the fuck out of him, no seriously, can sleep through a fuckin' bomb and I'm not joking. Average hours - a shitton honestly? That's how I got my very first cat - Dad got enough of me breaking down every single morning, cause fuck mornings. And he'd be like - this is Snowy, she's gonna live with us and she already had her breakfast, so get the fuck up. How'd I argue with Snowy? You don't mess with Snowy.
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See? Check it out - cat fur. Here too. I'm claimed, man - gave up cleaning it up a long time ago. Not to be dramatic, but if there's anything human in me left - it's for them. Fur kids, all mine, what can I say. Two of them adopted - and you bet each of them has a bigger personality than an average gonk.
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Dream trip, jeez... Somewhere not fucking hot?
Balrog has style, y'know? Gotta be honest, I feel for the dude. Imagine yourself sleeping deep within the mountains for thousands of years to get awoken by a bunch of motherfuckers? I'd go nuclear too. And this one too, ehh you know GoT? The Targaryen, her, yeah. Burn them all, girl. Boss move.
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Man, your questions. I dunno, a half? With my ass covered, or not at all. Bed king sized, lights out, make it pitch black with the window open and you got me passed out.
One doesn't have to actually summon a demon to get them to come play, d'you know? There's one watching you through my eyes right fuckin' now. Should I introduce him?
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Late to the party, but I remember many of y'all have more than one OC or just created new pixel babies that haven't participated yet, so I'm tagging (with no pressure):
@therealnightcity @wraithsoutlaws @sammysilverdyne @theviridianbunny @th3irin
@a-pirate @chessalein @halkuonn @luvwich @shimmer-like-agirl
@kdval @cybersteal @cyberholic77 @chevvy-yates @morganlefaye79
@anxious--ace @mhbcaps @wormskul @silver-samurai @androgymess
@winkyblinkyandstew @astarionhistears @valsilverhand @drunkchasind @themermaidriot
@pinkyjulien @skelior @medtech-mara @lokiina @timaeusterrored
@tokyofuturnoir @aggravateddurian @sifofasgard @elfjpeg @aurorartz
@lucky38-2077 @dustymagpie @gloryride @stannussy and anyone else who wants to! Also pls DM me if you don't wanna get tagged🖤
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yan-lorkai · 6 months
Imagine yandere Lucifer punishing his darling but instead of spells or line writing he goes for the silent treatment or just leaving them in a dark and enclosed space so and now there darling is getting flashbacks on how they were punished as a child and is begging him not to leave them
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, guilt tripping, child abuse, panic attack + comfort for the said panic attack, toxic relationship, probly some typos (❁´◡`❁)
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You can still hear them, your parents screaming, their voices reverberating off the walls until everything goes silent. It is common for fights of this type to occur now; your father tries to protect you from your mother's extreme punishments, but he can never convince her to tell him where the basement keys are hidden.
Your father, blessed be his heart. He's was not good at defusing tension, throwing insults and punching things, and using a tone of voice so angry that it makes you shake and hold back crying.
Your childhood was like this, silent, ignored and sad, you often observed the world from behind the door lock. You could hear very faintly the news on television, you heard songs that your mother sang in an arithmic and out of tune tone, she gossiping with her friends, and above all you imagined a different life. A different world, with someone who loved you, with someone who protected you.
Things got even worse after your father's death, but you never told Lucifer these details. It wasn't a pleasant conversation to have, even though you trusted him a lot and you knew he would calmly comfort you and ease your fears, there was still distrust and pain present in your heart. You used to imagine a pink, pretty and glamorous love, and really Lucifer was all of that. But he had an additional danger lurking in the darkness of his heart, in his sharp-toothed smile and in his hands with huge claws that encircled your waist.
He was a demon and like all demons, the Morningstar loved possessively, a love so suffocating that it stole your entire essence. But you didn't care, you didn't know better and you let him take whatever he wanted from you without thinking twice. Lucifer was an extremely sweet and soft boyfriend most of the time, but he also was incredibly methodical.
Stopping to think now you don't know if he ever really loved you or the idea of ​​you. The idea of ​​a human lover who was strong and survived the seven lords of hell, the idea of ​​a lover who was kind and funny and so fragile he could rip you in half with a single punch. Maybe that was why Lucifer loved having you on his lap so much, resting his face on your neck while he worked, he needed something weak to feel strong.
Just like your mother needed you to blackmail your father. The strong overcoming the weak, hunter and prey. And once again there was nowhere for you to run or anyone to help you.
The problem with ideas is that they are fragile, they break easily. Today instead of you coming to spend your time with Lucifer like you always did, you preferred to spend time with Simeon and Luke. They were your friends, it was only natural. But apparently it wasn't something that pleased Lucifer, he didn't like it one bit and he let you know this with the severe expression attached on his face.
"I will give you a chance to redeem yourself," ruby ​​eyes staring into yours as if he withheld all the truth in the world and you were the most lying human he had ever seen. As if you were a flower that he needed to cleanse of the weeds that corrupted you. "Apologize if you will."
There was something different about him as soon as you found him. The soft sound of piano coming from his record player as the open windows let the air in and the dark atmosphere sink into your bones, a shiver went down your spine just like it did when you witnessed Lucifer punishing one of his brothers.
A bitter taste spreading in your mouth as you watched him cross his arms and smile. But it wasn't the same smile he gave you as soon as you got a good grade on your test or right after you two woke up. That smile was one of fascination every time he whipped Mammon or killed a demon, dark, sly smile that made a knot curl in your throat and tears of fear come to your eyes. A dark smile.
You remembered your father's voice. You remembered the slaps you received from your mother and your little world in the basement. You trembled, not knowing how to respond or act, only being able to count how many times Lucifer sighed or the number of times his feet made contact with the floor. The silence stretched until it seemed obscene. And the Morning Star had reached the end of his patience, disappointed in your silence and angry at being your second choice.
He crossed his office with slow steps, his expression now more neutral, Lucifer held your face between his hands tightly, his nails bruising your skin. You waited for anything, screams, attacks, except Lucifer touching his forehead to yours and looking into your eyes as if you were a dumb little thing. There was tenderness and there was fear, and there was a little of everything, your heart beating confusedly inside your chest as you drown on your own feelings.
"My sweet, naive summer child, you don't know what you did, do you?" He uses that condescending tone that almost makes you roll your eyes, but you don't, realizing that you're already in trouble and you don't want to irritate him even more. "Lovers are always each other's first priority, MC. Ever."
Your eyes widened as Lucifer freed your face from his hands and turned onto his back. "Wasn't I good enough for you, Mc? Have I not cared for and loved you always, as a good lover would? So why am I not your first priority like you are mine?"
Oh. You had hurt him. Oh my, you had hurt him.
You denied, pulling his arm so he turned to face you again. "No, no, I love you very much, Luci, I don't have eyes for anyone but you and I'm sorry if I made you doubt my feelings."
But he remained standing with his back to you, thinking, Lucifer was unpredictable when he was hurt, he was angry in his actions and vengeful in his words, and when he was quiet like this you always felt a little apprehensive. He walked away without saying anything in return, back to his paperwork, as if you weren't even there.
Was he ignoring you? You decided to move closer to him, guilt pounding in your chest as you sat down in the chair he always kept next to his. The same chair you left empty today while you were having fun with the angels, not thinking about how lonely he must be feeling being alone all day.
Were you really so wrong about spending time with your friends? Several minutes passed in silence, broken only by the sound of a pen dragging over paper and your breathing. It was so uncomfortable, the silence, you turned to see the closed expression that had closed on Morningstar's beautiful face, eyebrows twisted, lips set, he wasn't happy at all.
"Lucifer, can we talk?" You asked.
Lucifer, however, remained silent, not giving in to your words. He hummed his favorite song as he read and signed documents, smoothing his bangs as they fell in his eyes. In other times he would be reading to you out loud as you had confided in him that you loved listening to him speak, you would pull your chair closer and lay your head on his shoulder. You hated the silence.
In the silence you remembered the days spent in the basement, the sleepless nights and the shadows that crept from the walls to you, close to touching you before disappearing. And then the cycle repeated itself, your parents screamed, you listened the news and the gossips, night came and the shadows return, tauting you, mocking you.
You looked down, feeling the depth of the wound you had caused. The silence persisted, heavy, as you remained distant from each other, trapped in a moment of disagreement and hurt. The tightness in your heart became unbearable, suddenly you were back in your small basement room, the light fading, the cold crackling over your skin.
You looked down, your feet chained to the walls again while roachs and rats runned past you. And Lucifer... Lucifer had abandoned you because you ruined everything. Your body tightened, you took one, two breaths until you realized that the oxygen was not able to reach your lungs.
'He hates you.' An annoying voice screamed in your mind, making you flinch on your seat. 'He's going to break with you. He's going to leave you alone again.'
'If even your parents couldn't love, why he should?"
'Undeserving and ungrateful, good for nothing human.'
Too much noise. Too much silence. Too much everything. Invisible hands started to climb up your body, leaving you trembling and gasping for air.
Everything is crashing down on your already overwhelmed mind. You were stumbling in the darkness, without a light in sight, no end in the horizon. No switch to flick the light on, no Bringer of light in sight. Trapped forever here, alone. You clutched onto your chest with weak fingers. Your lungs were rising and falling at a far rapid pace, one you couldn’t gain control of. Everything was burning. What was this?
A panic attack? A heart attack? 
A pair of hands found their place on your shoulders, nails digging straight into your skin, burning, scratching. You felt lightheaded, a thin line of sweat bathing starting to run down your neck as you tried to breath. Your eyes were open but you saw only darkness in front of you, you could breath only darkess, for it was only you and darkness that existed right here and right now.
The only good thing on your life was your relationship and you destroyed it so easily, so mindlessly.
There, in the darkness you could see your mom's face wearing a twisted smile. You struggled against your shackles backing away from her at every step she took on your direction, red painted nails trying to reach you, trying to harm you again as she always did.
“Breathe in, darling.” Lucifer’s voice cut through the panic, voice sounding too angelic for a demon like him. “Look at me, darling, I'II help you.”
You still looked at her, smile on her lips, eyes wild with angry. You whimpered, trying to put some more distance between you two.
She disapperead as soon as Lucifer placed your hand on his chest, freeing you from her mirage. “Slowly breath in!” You followed your lover's instructions, breathing through the nose at the same time as him. If anyone could save you from the darkness and the pain now, it was him. “And out- keeping going, darling, just like that.”
There was urgency in his voice you realized. But why? Why would he care when he hated you? The voices on your head had lied to you? But he also had leaved you alone - though you did the same to him just earlier, it's true.
“Breath in-” Light. It was you how would describe him, black as coal hair being lightned by a broken halo. He held onto you so softly, wiping the thick tears that you haven't even realized that were falling. You could see that he was confuse, scared even, since not even Mammon behaved like this after or during a punishment. "Everything's ok?"
The cat seemed to have caught your tongue, your head lolling forward as your entire body collapsed into his chest. Tired, that's how you felt, tired of the pain, tired of the darkness and having to remember that person.
That person who should love and protect you. That person that made your life a living hell just because she could, because it was fun, the same person whose house you would return after the exchange program.
Sobs erupted from your chest, trembling again in Lucifer's arms but from a different reason now. From exhaustion, from fear. Your arms circling his torso with enought stregth to knock him up if he was a puny and weak human. But he was not. He was not, if he was cruel like her then he would be laughing now, he would bellitle you.
He was not cruel. And he couldn't know that ignoring you would trigger such reaction. It was all your fault.
You looked at him, brows furrowed, apprehension on his eyes as he hold you, hands rubbing your sides and back. Lucifer was nothing like her, would never be like her even in a million years.
"I'm sorry." You whispered unable to formulate a better apologize. "Don't hate me, please."
Please, don't leave me. Please don't take the light away. Just please stay, you wanted to scream, want to let him know what happened. But couldn't, eyes blurry with fresh new tears, lips trembling, and Lucifer held you gently. He knew you couldn't talk right now, could see in your eyes that you were unable right now with panic and fear swimming in them - any and all reasons for your sudden outburst forgotten while he comforted you so gently.
The awful silence was replaced by your lover's loud little kisses that he peppered your face with. "It's ok, love, I've got you."
IBut you were right, he was nothing like your mother. In fact, he was worse and he recorded this entire event on his mind, replaying it, trying to find a reason why you reacted that way.
With time he could use this to shape you, could train you to never leave him, to never look at anyone else, to not even thinking any dumb throughts. He smiled, bringing you much closer than before, there on the floor, for you have fallen without realizing, hugging him, you felt safe again, felt loved, if only you realized that his love was toxic and suffocating... But it's too late now.
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~4.3k
Summary: You and Wanda attend your high school reunion.
A/N: This was fun to write. Wanda gets kinda mad. It’s so cute. Part one of the  jealous Wanda series. 
Warnings: jealousy😈, thoughts of violence, fluff
Going to your 15-year high school reunion sounded unappealing anyway you thought about it. You hadn’t really liked high school because of how stressful it was, and how mean people could be. You didn’t remember it fondly and when the phone call came one day, and the emailed invitation the next, Wanda found you in the kitchen scowling at your computer.
After a long discussion, Wanda had convinced you to at least give it a shot. She’d promised to take time off to go with you, and given that it was almost all the way across the country, it would be a three-day trip. The appeal of spending time away with your wife was much higher than that of going to your high school reunion, but you decided to worry about this later. You’d left Boone with Yelena, and Fletcher would get a couple of visits a day from Steve while you were gone, so they would barely miss your absence.
Right now, as you sit beside Wanda as she drives you through an unfamiliar part of the airport, you’re very confused. You look to your wife who takes off her sunglasses with a sigh before turning down a road that leads dangerously close to the runways.
“Uh, Wands.”
You’re supposed to catch your flight soon, but Wanda had driven you both somewhere that doesn’t seem anywhere close to the terminal. She smiles at you before realizing that you look a little worried, but she doesn’t have to wonder about it long as you voice your concerns hesitantly.
“Why are we here? Don’t we have to catch our flight soon?”
Wanda simply smiles at you as she turns down one last road and pulls into a small garage. You’re too focused on the plane that you drive by and you’re staring at it with an impressed look as Wanda explains what’s happening. You’d told her about your reservations about this trip, and she’d wanted to make everything as stress free as possible for you both. For this reason, she’d dealt with organizing your travel and your hotel room. You were just along for the ride until the reunion.
“We’re here, detka. This is our ride.”
Your head whips back around toward your wife as your jaw drops in bewilderment. You must have heard her wrong because Wanda definitely wasn’t saying what you thought she was. You followed her lead and got out of the car before peeking out of the garage at the damn jet that was not twenty feet from you.
“I’m sorry, what?”
Wanda smirks as she opens the trunk and grabs your bags before handing you your backpack with a smile. She reaches out to push your chin up to close your still gaping mouth, and she can’t help but chuckle under her breath.
“This is one of my planes.”
Wanda walks toward the jet where you now see someone is coming out to meet her. He looks like a pilot, but you can’t even comprehend this right now as you chase after your wife. You had so many questions, but the first one that you asked was arguably the most relevant.
“What do you mean you have a jet?”
Wanda smiles before she grabs your hand so you can meet the pilot and then the small three-person crew that will be with you on this flight. They offer to take your luggage, and you’re too stunned to protest as you follow Wanda up the stairs into the plane you’ll apparently be taking to Miami.
“It’s not just mine, or ours rather, but I made sure we could use it so we can enjoy the trip.”
Wanda leaves out the little detail of her not being able to fly commercially like you. She’s a known criminal and she’s pretty sure that if she stepped into the airport with the intent to ride on a passenger plane, they’d refuse if not arrest her for simply trying. Seeing your wide eyes and the awe in your expression, she realizes that this was a good choice. She doesn’t think you’ll mind this surprise as you take in the small yet somehow spacious interior that looks more comfortable than anything you’ve ever sat on.
“Oh my God.”
There are sets of four seats that are divided into two groups on each side of the plane. The leather recliners are paired with tables that have drinks already set up. There are also two televisions on each side with charging stations beneath, and you can’t stop yourself from sitting down in the nearest chair. You turn to your wife with a stunned expression that you’ll probably wear for the entire trip.
“This is amazing, Wanda. Were you ever going to tell me about this?”
Wanda just shrugs as she takes off her coat and sits down beside you with a smile. She just wanted you to enjoy your weekend, and as she says this you can’t help but kiss her. She’s so sweet and you can’t wait to go on this trip with her. It’s been too long since you’ve had quality time alone and although reuniting with the high school mean girls wasn’t something you were excited about; you at least were going to enjoy the ride.
The 4-hour flight seems to fly by and when you and Wanda leave the plane you almost wish it had been longer. You and Wanda arrive to the hotel that she’d booked and you are once again surprised by Wanda’s choice. It’s very reminiscent of the one you two stayed in during your honeymoon, and you’re already recalling how much fun that was as you and your wife step into the elevator.
“So? How’s the trip so far?”
Your wide smile is enough of an answer for Wanda, but she doesn’t complain about you offering you a verbal response as well. You are the only ones in the elevator so you don’t resist the urge to kiss your wife appreciatively. You sneak a hand in her hair, careful not to knock off her sunglasses on her head as you deepen the kiss with a sigh.
“It’s perfect, Wands. Thank you for this.”
Wanda’s hands squeeze your hips before she buries her face in your hair. She turns so she can kiss your neck before leading you off the elevator as soon as you reach your floor. The top floor.
“Of course, detka. I want you to enjoy this weekend, and not stress about the mean girls. I promise I’ll beat them up if they look at you wrong.”
You laugh as you follow Wanda into your room that resembles the rest of the hotel in its extravagance. You see your bags in the room already so you just hurry over to the king size bed and fall face first on it with a sigh. This weekend is proving to be unpredictable, but luckily, it’s in a good way so far. Hopefully this will continue to be the case as the reunion rolls around, but you have no real way of knowing.
Wanda comes to lie down beside you, and you adjust so you’re more comfortable and able to put an arm around her. You know that regardless of what happens tomorrow, you’ll have Wanda by your side and you couldn’t be more grateful for this. You appreciated your wife’s support and despite the fact that you would not let her beat up anyone for you, it was nice to hear that she would be in your corner. You hadn’t seen any of these people in nearly 15 years and you were nervous to say the least.
You hadn’t been popular in high school, but despite keeping to yourself you knew that you’d be recognized. You had no idea how people would remember you but you hadn’t been out of the closet then yet, so maybe some of them would be surprised to learn Wanda was your wife. You weren’t ashamed of anything, but you’d rather talk about how much you loved being a vet and maybe see some people’s puppy pictures. However, you were going to take what you could get, and not worry too much about it. You’d prefer anything to having to talk about Wanda’s less than legal career because that could definitely get dicey.
“Thank you, Wands.”
The rest of the day is mostly spent in bed ordering ridiculously expensive room service. You didn’t want to go out much before the reunion and Wanda understood. You were anxious and you’d rather just hang out, and luckily for her you were in the mood for sitcoms and cuddling. Her two favorite things. It wasn’t until you fell asleep that night that Wanda considered how tomorrow would go for you two.
She wasn’t too worried about being recognized because anyone that knew her there would have a secret of their own to keep. She supposed she was mostly wondering how meeting your former classmates would go. You’d never told her much about your time in high school, but from what she’d gathered you were more studious than social. You mentioned friends occasionally, but you didn’t really keep in touch with them anymore. You only talked to vet school friends every now and then, but never high school.
She wonders if you really wanted to go to this or if you felt guilted into it. Wanda sighs as she lies down next to you to finally go to sleep. It’s nearly midnight and she’s just been watching you sleep for the past hour. She supposes she should try to get some rest. Tomorrow will surely be exhausting with how much you’re going to have to socialize.
This is what you’re thinking about as you and Wanda arrive at the venue where the reunion is being held. You try not to cringe as you see the large banner that says ‘Welcome back class’. You’re regretting your decision to come here, but you choose to focus on the food you’ll hopefully get to eat and your beautiful wife that’s accompanying you. She’s wearing a dress that should make you jealous, but instead you’re proud to show her off to your former classmates. The dress isn’t overly revealing, but the black accentuates her assets and is complemented well with her bright red hair.
“Are you ready for this, my love?”
Wanda smiles as she takes your hand and leads you into the building. You come up on a table quickly and see it’s full of sticker name tags that you’re going to have to stick to your shirt. You smile at the unfamiliar woman sitting behind it. She’s blonde and you definitely could buy that she used to be a cheerleader, but you can’t be sure. You’re certainly not going to ask.
“Hi there, welcome! Let me try and guess?”
You don’t get to respond and you just watch as the blonde looks at the names in front of her curiously. You are actually surprised when she guesses right and you accept it with a small smile before Wanda’s handed a blank tag to fill out with her name.
“I remember you, Y/n. You dated my friend!”
You’re a little confused by this and when Wanda stops in the middle of writing her name you realize she is too. You don’t get to ask ‘Hannah’ for clarification before two other couples come in behind you and force you to move on. You just shake your head as you hold Wanda’s hand and whisper under your breath.
“I have no idea who she was talking about.”
Wanda just laughs at this as she follows you through the hall to the ballroom. The sound of a room full of people chatting makes you tense a little, but Wanda squeezes your hand and offers you a reassuring smile. You take a deep breath before kissing her cheek and leading her the rest of the way to the open doors.
“Let’s do this.”
You were optimistic to say the least about how this day was going to go. You’d believed that it would be fine and you could just mingle with your old friends and try to kill time. This had worked out for the first half hour, but then the group you’d been talking to decide to venture off to talk to others. You’re fine with this and after bidding them goodbye you look to Wanda with a smile.
This was all a little anticlimactic if you were being honest. Given who you were, you’d feared that something dramatic and uncomfortable would happen to you. However, you and Wanda had chatted and actually had a decent time catching up with your old acquaintances. You’d introduced your wife and told everyone that she was in sales. Something boring-sounding but potentially lucrative, yet not specific enough for anyone to try and look her up.
“Thank you for coming with me to this.”
You say this a little while later when the two of you are alone with your snacks. You’re sipping on your drink when Wanda takes one of your hands with a smile. She’s glad that she came here with you. She can tell that you’re less on edge and you’re almost enjoying yourself when someone new comes up to you.
Wanda hadn’t seen the other redhead here as she’d glanced around casually while you talked to your friends. She was pretty and Wanda hates this fact as soon as she realizes who she is or rather was to you.
“Dr. Y/L/N. Look at you all grown up! You somehow look even better than the last time I saw you.”
The urge to crawl into a hole and die overwhelms you as you force yourself to swallow what you’re chewing before you turn toward the familiar voice. You were torn between horror that you’re running into her, and shame at the fact that you’d forgotten about her existence up until this moment. As you turn around to face her you have to stop yourself from doing anything other than smiling.
She looks as good as you remember, albeit briefly forgot, and you meet her blue eyes before looking away to her shirt to remind yourself of her name.
“Jessica. Hi. I didn’t expect to see you here!”
It wasn’t exactly a lie given that you’d forgotten a majority of high school due to the sheer amount of stress it had caused you. Your tactic had been to repress whatever you didn’t want to remember which ended up being most of it. This happened to include your brief, trivial fling with the redhead in front of you.
She’s smiling at you still as she leans in for a hug that you feel obligated to give. You try to keep it short and you bounce uncomfortably on the balls of your feet as you watch Jessica shrug as she looks around the room.
“Of course! How else am I supposed to catch up with everyone. I knew for sure it would be the only way I’d ever see you again.”
Wanda notices that your smile is a little pained, and she doubts this could indicate anything good. She doesn’t have much time to consider this further before you’re reaching out for her and looking between her and the redhead who’s still staring at you.
“Jessica, this is Wanda, my wife. Wanda, Jessica was one of my friends.”
It would have been too lucky for this introduction to go unchallenged. You could feel the color drain from your face when Jessica laughs as she reaches out to shake Wanda’s hand. You can tell she’s confused and you want to explain, but not here and now.
“Mostly friends, sometimes with benefits.”
Wanda’s eyes widen when the other redhead says this, and she can’t help but frown as she turns back to you. You hadn’t told her about any relationships you’d had, other than that short stent with the guy you went to prom with. You take a deep breath before releasing an uncomfortable laugh that seems to spur Jessica on. You take a moment to look at her, and you see that she doesn’t have a ring on her finger. This could mean many things, but unfortunately for you it means that she feels free to flirt with you. Despite the fact that you’re wearing a wedding band and your wife is holding your hand, she’s bolder than you’d feared.
“It’s so good to see you! I hate that we lost touch.”
You run a hand through your hair yanking a good bit of it out as you use work as an excuse. It’s a valid one considering how busy you’d been, but you also hadn’t said a word to Jessica in person or otherwise since graduating high school. She couldn’t have forgotten this.
“Yeah, school was just crazy and now work is crazy.”
You talk a little bit about work when she mentions that she’d read that you were a vet. You ask what she does in return and you listen to her marketing spiel before realizing that Wanda’s near frozen beside you. She’s watching Jessica carefully as she speaks to and continues to ogle you. She’s amazed by this woman’s boldness; her blatant disregard for her presence as she looks at you like she’s imagining you naked.
“I bet you’re amazing at that. You were always so passionate.”
When she reaches out to touch your arm Wanda considers smacking her hand away. She looks to you as you let her do it for only a split second before stepping away. You tug at the hem of your shirt needlessly before covering your discomfort with a cough.
“Ahah thanks, um. If you’ll excuse me.”
You run off before either redhead can stop you and they just frown in unison before turning their attention back to each other. They’re sizing each other up and it’s fairly obvious to any onlooker as Jessica’s frown deepens before speaking up.
“So how long have you and Y/n been married?”
Wanda doesn’t need to think about this at all and she tells Jessica the truth. She has to remind herself to take comfort in the fact that she’d been with you for years, and you’d never once mentioned her.
“For 5 years, but we’ve been together since before she started vet school.”
Jessica nods before she looks toward the doorway that you’d disappeared through before grinning at your behavior. You’d always been a skittish thing until she got you alone, and it was then that you’d find your confidence. She remembers the time she spent with you fondly, and despite wanting to rehash some of that, she has a feeling this won’t happen since Wanda’s here.
“She did always have a thing for redheads.”
Wanda’s still scowling when you return from bringing the car around. You’d wanted to flee and you considered taking Wanda with you but she hadn’t followed you so you decided to just make it quick. You ran back into the building hoping to avoid any drama, but seeing your wife near glaring at Jessica’s smug expression, you realize you’re too late.
You walk back over to them quickly and reach out for your wife’s shoulder with a smile.
“Wands, are you ready to go?”
She doesn’t hurry to respond as she considers what you could have seen in this woman. Beyond her looks, Jessica is pretty intolerable and Wanda opens her mouth to say this when you cut her off. You’d seen the look in your wife’s eyes and you knew that things were about to get ugly if you didn’t get her out of here now.
“Jessica, sorry to run off but we have a flight to catch. It was nice seeing you.”
Two minutes later you and Wanda are sitting in a suffocating silence as you drive back to the hotel. You hadn’t bothered to say goodbye to anyone else because you were mostly worried about your wife. You’d made such a hasty exit that you wondered what rumors were spreading, but that thought is cut short by Wanda’s voice.
“Why didn’t you give me a heads up about her?”
Your grimace isn’t missed as Wanda turns to watch you come up with a response while trying to focus on driving. You hadn’t been able to think of an answer to this question that wasn’t more annoying than Jessica, but you didn’t have a lot of time or the courage to come up with a lie.
“I forgot about her, Wands.”
The responding scoff is probably paired with an eye roll you don’t see as Wanda crosses her arms in annoyance. She hadn’t thought that today would go like this. You’d given her no reason to believe that things would go so sideways, and that’s part of the problem and the reason why she’s ticked.
“Bullshit. You didn’t forget about her, Y/n.”
You open your mouth to protest but you realize you have no excuse so you just stay silent. Wanda seems to get more annoyed at this and she huffs in exasperation as you pull into the hotel parking lot.
“How could you? It sounded like you had a really nice time together.”
The sarcasm in Wanda’s voice makes you cringe in realization. You’d really fucked up and in more ways than one. Not only had you neglected to tell Wanda that you had a friend with benefits in high school, but you’d also just let her flirt with you right in front of your wife. You’d be mad too which is why you’re not surprised when Wanda gets out of the car and storms towards the elevator in silence.
“Wands, come on. I was just a kid it didn’t mean anything.”
She’s just angrily pressing the button for the elevator when you reach out for her only for her to jerk away. She watches the elevator crawl down to their level with an inaudible sigh. She really wishes that they’d just stayed in bed today.
“Well, you didn’t rush to tell her that did you? You just let her fucking flirt with you.”
The ride up to the room is made in silence, and you’re almost afraid that Wanda won’t let you go in as she practically storms out of the elevator.
“I’m sorry, it made me uncomfortable, but I didn’t want to risk her saying more.”
You realize too late that this is admitting to remembering something about your time with Jessica and Wanda zeroes in on this immediately. She opens the door to the room before turning to watch you sweat as she backs up.
“More about what, exactly? What more do you remember, detka? “
You’d like to lie down and cry right now because you’d almost been having fun. You’d been starting to think that it was a good thing that you’d come out here to see old friends, and then this bullshit happened. Sure, maybe you’d liked Jessica a little in high school, but that was 15 years ago. You’d moved on and had an amazing wife and you loved the life you shared with her.
“I remember that we had meaningless sex in the theater changing rooms. However, it’s not something that I’d ever want to think about because it wasn’t memorable.”
Wanda scowls at the confirmation that you’d had sex with the other redhead, and she can’t help but hate that she’d had you first. She knew it was irrational. You’d been in high school around the same time as her, but on completely different sides of the country. You would have never met her at that time.
“I also have it way better now because I’m married to my wonderful wife.”
Wanda sighs in frustration before she turns and walks over to the bed with a frown. She sits down on her side and crosses her arms and legs as she watches you follow her tentatively. She is mad at you for not telling her about this sooner, but unfortunately, she’s starting to forgive you for that. However, she’s still pissed that you hadn’t said anything to deter her from flirting with you, and she wants to remind you of this.
“I shouldn’t have had to watch her flirt with you.”
You’re nodding before Wanda’s even finished speaking, and you creep toward the bed as your wife continues. She’s shooting you a look that makes you want to agree to anything that comes out of her mouth. She’s furious and you don’t want to ruin the rest of your trip because of your stupidity. She watches as you kneel at the edge of the bed and just wait for any indication that you’re not welcome.
“You’re mine and you should have told her that.”
Again, you nod furiously in agreement as you do your best to placate your wife. You need her to know that she’s right, and that you will always be hers; never anyone else’s.
“I know, you’re right. I’m yours.”
Wanda’s eyes darken and she stares at you for the longest time before she lays back against the pillows behind her. She doesn’t want to fight with you about this. However, she’d love to teach you a lesson that will hopefully prevent you from doing something like this ever again. Her arms are still crossed as she watches you fidget nervously, and a smile creeps onto her lips as she decides what your punishment will be.
“Prove it to me then.”
Your head snaps up and you meet your wife’s hard gaze with a puzzled look.
Wanda’s smile widens as she leans forward and takes a moment to look you over. You’re tense and flushed and Wanda has a feeling you’ll be very compliant given that you feel guilty for not standing up to your ex-friends with benefits or whatever she was. She plans on taking advantage of this, just so long as you’re game. 
“Prove to me that you’re mine and I’ll forgive you.”
To be continued...
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kaihuntrr · 3 months
part thirteen: the scarlet witch.
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Martyn meets a deadly foe.
Martyn’s footsteps crunched against the cold, silent dirt streets. Grian and the others weren’t too far ahead of him. Martyn could see them walking a few dozen paces in front of him, but something about the walk back made it feel longer than it should have. Maybe it was the way his head buzzed over the two shots of liquor, maybe it was because of the eerie howls of the wind and the dark clouds above him, or maybe it was the lingering thought of the empty street.
Martyn’s stomach grumbled. It could be hunger, too. 
The stories the people in the tavern told him filled Martyn’s mind as he walked. He passed by dimly lit streets and tall buildings as he pondered on their words.
A woman who made a deal with the sea princes. A deal that gave her magic. She even saw their treasure. How did she do it? How did she communicate to the beasts? 
Why did a sea prince guard the island?
Martyn shuddered. Was it the same one that he saw? What had stopped it from eating him then, if it destroyed any hunting ship that left? 
…Perhaps Martyn alone didn’t look like a threat.
How could he be? The titan was hundreds, if not thousands of times Martyn’s size. It could have easily swatted him out of existence with a simple flick of its tail. 
…So why didn’t it?
Martyn’s vision became a slight blur as he nearly tripped over his own feet, only to be caught by Cleo.
“Watch your step,” Cleo held Martyn’s arm up and let him lean against them. “You almost fell.”
Martyn shook his head and leaned away from Cleo. He was a little shaken, but he could stand on his own. He’d walked all the way here by himself, didn’t he? Scar and Grian paused their conversation to look at Martyn warily, and Katherine was idly looking around, her arms crossed.
“I’m fine,” Martyn smiled, a small hiss escaped him as the throbbing pain of his headache hit. He looked at his friends and sighed, “I’m just… thinking.”
“About what?” Scar tilted his head. Martyn hummed, unsure of how to start. He knew if he opened his mouth he’d likely ramble. Scar raised an eyebrow as he glanced between Martyn and Grian.
“We heard stories about this island in the tavern,” Grian crossed his arms as he looked at Katherine, Scar, and Cleo. Neither of them were there to hear it, and it seemed Martyn didn’t want to speak. “Apparently, the island is called Crescent Bay, and it’s haunted by a witch who made a contract with the sea princes.”
“Who’d make a deal with those monsters?” Cleo hissed and narrowed their eyes.
“Someone who saw their treasure,” Grian sighed. The three’s eyes widened in surprise. He shook his head, “So we’d best stay wary of this place. I have no idea what she could do to us.”
Martyn could see the gears turning in their heads, just like they had in his. A human had already seen the sea princes’ treasure, and she was given magic in return. It sounded unbelievable, but Martyn felt like it wasn’t too far-fetched. The island looked sketchy already, and the thought of facing off against a sea prince before they left filled Martyn with both adrenaline and fear.
After all, how could he fight something so large and imposing, when all it took was a growl to send chills down his spine?
“We’d better prepare for a fight, then,” Cleo hummed. “The sea princes are trouble enough, what more trouble could come if someone made a deal with them?”
Grian nodded. “I agree. We should work on making the ship heavily defended. If we can’t get a boat for the Kites soon,” he looked behind himself, listening to the distant crash of waves against the wooden poles of the port, “We just have to make them cooperate with us.”
“I’m sure they would, considering the circumstances,” Katherine let out a weak chuckle, “Especially if you’re going to be fighting a sea prince….” She shook her head, “But for now, let’s turn in for the night. ”
Grian led the group back to the docks to meet back up with Joel and the others. It was a simple walk. There didn’t seem to be too many people outside, if there were any earlier, there were fewer now. It was odd. Despite the tall, ominous buildings, there didn’t seem to be too many residents of the isle. 
It made Martyn’s skin crawl thinking about what could’ve happened.
“What sort of deal was it?” Katherine asked, “Do the islanders know?”
“Magic for blind following,” Grian shrugged as they continued to walk. He crossed his arms, “Though I suspect there may be more to the story than they gave us.”
“They also mentioned that a sea prince guards the island, and that no hunter has ever left this place alive,” Martyn spoke. He shrugged with a smug smile on his face, “While I don’t want to brag, I'm certain we’ll be home soon.” He clumsily put one foot in front of the other and would have tripped, if it weren’t for Cleo catching him.
Cleo smiled and rolled their eyes with a small huff, “And get something off of the beast.”
“What are you talking about?” Katherine raised an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t just escaping be enough?”
Right. Katherine wasn’t a Canary.
Would it be alright to trust her? She’d been nothing but friendly with them. Who would she tell, anyway? Perhaps she’d tell Kites, and maybe then would that noisy crew cooperate with the Canaries. 
It should be fine to trust her on this.
Grian stopped and looked back at Katherine. “Do you promise not to tell anyone?”
The two stared at each other for a long moment. Katherine’s face slowly scrunched up while Grian furrowed his eyebrows.
Katherine looks uncomfortable.
Katherine glanced between the three Canaries with narrowed eyes. “...Sure,” she finally spoke. “I don’t like the way you’re all looking at me.”
Grian hummed in agreement. “We were commissioned by the king to bring back a sea prince,” he began to walk. Katherine followed, staring at the captain with wide eyes. He looked straight ahead, “Some naval commanders challenged us to who would lead the hunt. We’re planning to bring home a scale as proof so we can lead.”
“Huh. That’s an awfully big task for just one hunting crew,” Katherine muttered, putting a hand on her chin. “You all must be very capable.”
Scar nudged Katherine’s shoulder. “We’re the best hunters around,” he proclaimed. “So we’ll be back in no time!”
Katherine laughed along with Scar before she turned to Martyn. “Enough time for you to go back to your special someone,” she giggled as Martyn’s cheeks flushed red. The others started chuckling to themselves as well. “I wish the best of luck to all of you. It’ll be a challenge to get a scale off of one of them, I’ll bet.” Katherine’s gaze faltered, her amused look turned into a contemplative one. She crossed her arms as she became more and more engrossed in her thoughts. Perhaps she was doubting them. Martyn couldn’t fault her- it was a difficult task!
It was bound to be a challenge, no doubt about it, but with the Canaries, Martyn felt like anything was possible. 
Or maybe that was just the alcohol getting to him.
Whatever the case was, Martyn had promised Scott that he would make it home alive and well. That meant he had to come home with something from a sea prince. Now that he knew for sure that they were very real, it was only a matter of time until they snagged something from it.
“Just you wait!” Martyn proclaimed, raising his voice. His friends turned to look at him in amusement. “The terror of the sea princes will be gone soon.” He was sure of it. Even if that sea prince was hauntingly confusing to understand. Martyn probably needed some time to think–
“I wouldn’t say that,” a new voice spoke. It was loud, clear, and sounded like it came from above.
The hunters stopped walking, looking around the empty streets for the source of the voice.
Martyn whipped his head around. “Who’s–”
A loud thud hit the ground, and Martyn’s eyes widened as he turned around and saw the figure in front of him.
Her hair was long and chestnut brown with lighter tips. She was dressed like some pampered noble with her dress shirt and corset, and her red hooded cape with golden moons stitched into the hems. A pair of sickles hung from the sides of her belt. 
But the most intimidating thing about her was the huge angry red scar over her left eye. It didn’t look natural, as if it was purposely carved on her face. Martyn took a step back.
“It’s so lovely to see the island’s got some new faces, and they’re hunters too,” the stranger had an eerie grin. She laid her hand on the hilt of one of her blades. “I think you’d be some good entertainment. It’s been so boring lately.”
“Who are you?” Grian’s hand hovered over his gun holster.
The stranger gasped, putting a hand to her chest. “Me? Haven’t you heard about me? The islanders just love to tell every visitor all about me.” she laughed. She rolled her eyes, drawing her sickle and swinging it around casually. She looked at each of the hunters, her eyes strangely luminous in the darkness. “I know hunters are dumb, but you’re dense.”
Her sickle. Her twin sickles.
Martyn squinted his eyes to get a better look of them. They were shaped like crescent moons. The stranger wore a red hood.
A red hood and twin-blades shaped like the moon.
“You’re…,” Martyn’s voice quivered.
She laughed, sheathing her blade as she cocked her head. “The Scarlet Witch, at your service,” she bowed with a sense of over dramatic flare. “Though I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
The witch stood up to her full height, looming over them, and placed her scythe hand on her hip. She rolled her eyes and turned around, glancing back at the hunters before waving her hand. She chuckled, shaking her head like someone said a joke. 
“I’ll see you around, Hunter.”
The witch broke into a sprint, disappearing in a blur of red as mist began to fill the empty streets. The cold chill of the winds brushed against the hunters, Martyn shivered. 
Martyn stared straight ahead, looking down the misty street. He wasn’t sure what it was, but everything in his heart told him to follow. The light buzz in his head only got worse if he thought about turning around like nothing was wrong. 
He couldn’t possibly leave without getting answers.
“Wait!” Martyn dashed after her into the misty streets, hoping to find that blur of red.
Martyn could hear a set of footsteps running after him. “Martyn– don’t go after her!” Grian’s shouts did nothing more but encourage him further. Something about the witch was so engaging. He had to follow her, he had to know more. He couldn’t let her slip away.
“I have to!” Martyn glanced behind him. He stopped as he saw a blur of red on a street to the side. He took a sharp breath before breaking into a run in that direction. “I need to know what her deal is!”
“Martyn!” Grian’s shouts became distant. The twists and turns Martyn took, plus the mist beginning to grow into thick fog made it hard to see and hear.
Yet, Martyn could hear the clinks of metal from the witch’s sickles and her running footsteps just ahead of him. He had to keep chasing, he didn’t want to end up lost. He took another deep breath and followed the sound.
Martyn passed by silhouetted buildings, thankful he hadn't run into anything yet, as his heartbeat drummed in his ear. He shook his head, trying to unhear the phantom sounds of the sea prince’s heartbeat echoing through his head. 
Somehow, the scenarios were similar. It was hard to see anything, and Martyn kept pushing on to the point of hearing a loud heartbeat echo in his ears. He couldn’t get his mind off of that sea prince. Those inhuman eyes. Its vast, almost incomprehensible size. The way it simply stared at Martyn before it left. 
It was haunting and alluring at the same time.
When I come home, I can tell Scott the wait is nearly over.
Martyn could picture the concern on the ginger’s face when he told him about the hunt. Martyn never wanted Scott to worry too much. He should be worrying about something else- maybe about his tavern business or some petty squabble Martyn wasn’t aware of, just something not so dire. Martyn should- would be just fine. Oh, how Martyn longed to be back with the man already. He always felt homesick a few days into a hunting trip before he got used to being on the ship again, but this time, he was so ready to return home.
The uncertainty of this whole commission might be sending imaginary alarm bells in his head, but Martyn pressed on. 
I can’t wait to tell you everything.
It sounded unbelievable enough that Martyn was on an island guarded by a sea prince and terrorized by a witch. Martyn couldn’t wrap his head around it being so bizarre. It was a step closer to understanding the sea princes however, and Martyn couldn’t waste that opportunity.
The sound of Martyn’s steps changed from a mix of dry dirt and a stone path to creaking wood and the rush of water. A bridge over a river, good to know. He made himself stop. He didn’t want to fall over the edge. The heavy fog slowly lifted as Martyn waved away the air and revealed the entrance to a dark oak forest. The trees in front of him were tall and dense, its leaves were tightly packed so that there were only small hints of light filtering into the forest.
Martyn looked up to see the darkened clouds pull back ever so slightly, letting the ominous moonlight trail down to the ground around him.
The Scarlet Witch was there, too. She had her back turned towards him, facing the entrance of the forest. She stood completely still as Martyn pulled his gun out of its holster and aimed it at her. Martyn saw a slight twitch from her as he cocked the gun.
“Don’t move.”
“I won’t even try,” the witch shrugged. Despite having her back turned, Martyn could tell she was smiling. “What do you want?”
“I want answers.” Martyn’s grip on his gun began to shake.
“About what?”
“The rumors. Are they real?” Martyn tried to stop his heart from speeding up. He’d never done this before. He’d never threatened a person. But this was his chance to learn more. He needed to learn more. Martyn pointed his gun at one of the witch’s hands, noticing a small twitch, “Put your hands up.”
The woman raised her hands up. She laughed, “Oh, those things?” she nodded. “Yes, they’re very real.”
“Including the sea prince?” Martyn gripped his gun tighter.
“Yes, including the sea prince,” the witch sighed. “Are you going to talk my ears off about what goes on around my island, or can I leave?”
How did she act so… casual? For all she knew, Martyn could pull the trigger then and there, and she’d be dead. Was this not serious for her? Still, Martyn was learning from this.
“So they are real…,” Martyn muttered, glancing to the side and lowering his guard to think. He wasn’t sure if the sea prince guarding this island and the one he saw near the world border were the same, but they were the same accursed species lurking around. He aimed the gun back at the witch’s back, “How did you find the treasure?”
“You really want to know, don’t you?” the witch turned her body, showing the calm, murderous glint in her eyes as her lips formed a small smile. Martyn flinched at seeing the long, strange scar on her face. Martyn has seen and worn some nasty scars on his own body, but the witch’s scar was jagged and odd-looking. It looked like it was supposed to stretch longer, but it was all scrunched up. Clearly, there was something very wrong about her. She giggled, “I’ll admit, you’re a very eager hunter.”
“I said, don’t move,” Martyn growled, his hands shaking as he pointed the gun at the witch’s face. “Or do you want me to shoot you?”
The witch rolled her eyes. “If you do shoot me, you won’t get your answers,” she laughed. “So how about you play nice?”
Martyn glanced between his gun and the witch. She called his bluff. In all honesty, Martyn couldn’t dream of shooting a person. It just felt… wrong. At least with monsters, they don’t feel. They scream and writhe in pain, but it's not the same as hurting a person. 
Martyn lowered the gun, his grip beginning to loosen as he took in deep breaths. 
“There, that’s better,” the witch smiled. “And for good measure…”
In one swift motion, Pearl leapt forward and tackled Martyn off the foot of the bridge and into the dirt.
Martyn felt the back of his head collide with the ground first, the rest of his body flailing as the witch used her arm to pin him down, pressing it against his neck. Martyn tried to form words with his mouth, but her arm pressed harder on his neck, making them sputter off into nothing. She sat on top of his chest, pushing her weight on Martyn’s chest and shoulders.
“Get off of me!” Martyn choked. His legs thrashed against the ground as he tried to push the witch off of him, but she only shifted her weight higher. She wrapped her hand around his throat and squeezed, her nails biting into his skin as the other hand grappled for one of her sickles.
The witch grinned, her expression darkening, “What? You get to threaten me, and I can’t do the same to you? On my island?” She grabbed the hilt of one of her sickles and whipped it forwards, stabbing the tip of it into the dirt, dangerously close to Martyn’s neck.
Martyn gulped as the weight behind her grip on his throat lessened enough so that it wasn’t choking him anymore. Where was his gun? He moved his hands along the ground to find it, but when his fingers brushed against his gun’s handle, the woman twisted to kick it away. It skidded off the dirt path, falling into the long grass.
Martyn glared up at her. “You don’t, because you’re withholding vital information about the sea princes.” He tried to take steady breaths, but with the weight she still held against his throat and the blade so close to his neck, it was useless. “And as a hunter for the king, I’d say you owe me some respect.”
The witch’s eyes widened. “A king’s hunter, you say?” her grin split wider across her face as she bent forward over him. “Tell me this, what’s your crew’s name called?”
Martyn couldn’t think straight anymore. “We’re the Canaries,” he spat. “And we’ll leave this island alive, and show the world to not be afraid of the sea princes anymore.”
For some reason, that answer caused the witch to lean back, her grin dropped. Had she heard of them? She looked away from Martyn and hummed, he could see the gears turn in the witch’s mind for several moments before her eyes widened and she looked straight back at him. She giggled for half a second, then erupted into full-on laughter.
Martyn wanted to laugh too, in order to ease the tension in his mind, but his eyes darted back and forth to the witch and the blade next to his neck and he kept quiet.
“Little birds who flew too close to the sun,” the witch rolled her head, smirking at Martyn. “I’d say I’d feel bad, but I don’t. I’m excited for the carnage, actually.”
She leaned in close. Martyn wished he could look at anything else other than the piercing witch’s blue-green eyes. “Now be a good little bird and sing somewhere else,” she hissed. “Unless you want to try the open waters… Die like the ‘heroes’ you want to be.”
Her voice sounded different. Martyn could’ve sworn it sounded like thunder with how the ground seemed to tremble as she spoke.
The witch leaned away, her face illuminated by the moonlight. “But, to be nice, I’ll tell you my name, little bird,” she put a hand on her chin and smiled, her teeth almost looked like fangs. “My name is Pearl Moone. Welcome to the island.”
Pearl Moone. An odd name for an odd lady.
Pearl chuckled to herself before lifting her sickle from the dirt and delicately grazed Martyn’s left cheek with it. He flinched and hissed as a stripe of pain cut along his cheek, under his eye. She quickly got off of him and stomped on his gun as she passed it, somehow breaking it immediately. Martyn cupped his bloodied cheek as he stared at Pearl with wide eyes.
“Consider that as a welcome gift,” she grinned mockingly at him, “I’ll see you soon.”
Pearl spun the lightly bloodied sickle and watched as drops of red liquid flew away. She rested the twin crescent blades on her shoulders before casually striding into the forest. The mist grew thicker until it was covering the entrance, obscuring the red cloaked witch until she disappeared into the darkness.
Martyn stared after Pearl. He didn’t realize how quickly blood began to pour out of the cut on his cheek until it began to leak out of his hand, dripping down his arm. But he couldn’t move. It was like staring at that sea prince again. There was something about her that made Martyn stop in his tracks even as his heart raced.
Pearl was just as scary as a sea prince was.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
pulling out of the angst listening to "A Pirate Today" for the chaggie spear kid and tripping directly into them and vaggie being pirate nerds together while disney princess charlie SUFFERS
Billy: “Mom? How come mom has a super cool epic eyepatch, and no one else at the hotel does?”
Charlie: “Be-caaauuse she’s… missing an eye?”
Billy: “Oh! Why’s it missing?”
Charlie: “Uh.”
Billy: “Did someone TAKE it?”
Charlie: “Well-”
Billy: “Are we gonna get it back for her?”
Charlie: “That's a nice thought but I don’t think-”
Billy: “Was it glass, like a marble? Or was it REAL? Did it bleed?? Did someone cut it out of her head with a knife after she refused their dastardly orders and paid the price in her own flesh!? Is that how she met YOU and lost her heart as well!???”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “You’ve been reading Vaggie’s pirate books again, haven’t you.”
Billy: “She says I’m too young to read ‘em.”
Charlie: “Uh-huh. Which one are you on?”
Billy: “The Curse of the Skeleton Crew and the Bedding of Bonnie Bodyripper’s Beautiful Bounty Huntress.”
Charlie: “And the WHAT OF THE WHAT NOW???”
Billy: “There’s a lot of boring parts I skip past… but the fights are AMAZING!”
Charlie: “…I.. think we should get you some of your own pirate books. CHILD APPROPRIATE pirate books.”
Billy: “’kay. But what about mom’s eye. Can we really not get it back for her?”
Charlie: “You’re really hung up on the eye thing tonight huh.”
Billy: “She bumped into a table again.”
Charlie: “Aww, kiddo- she’s done that so many times, she’ll be okay!”
Billy: “… I was the one who’d moved it. And didn’t put it back.”
Charlie: “That’s okay too. Everyone makes mistakes-”
Billy: “It was a pirate ship and she was picking up the old bottles uncle Husky let me use for secret messages, after aunty Angel Dust almost slipped on one in his heels. Mom dropped some when the table bumped her.”
Charlie: “Well sounds like someone forgot to sing their ‘clean up, clean up’ sea shanty song~” (grins)
Billy: (doesn't grin back)
Charlie: (droops) “Did you help her spiff up the ship?”
Billy: “I was TRYING to! I just wanted to hand her a bottle, only I was on the wrong side and she reached out too far and touched my hand and-”
Billy: “…”
Charlie: “…the flinching again?”
Billy: “The bottle broke when she dopped it, that time.”
Charlie: “It’s okay.” (hugs them) “You know it’s not about you, right?”
Billy: “Someone hurt her didn’t they.”
Charlie: “Mm." (hugs tighter) "Vaggie’s had a pretty, adventurous life, even before I met her and we started the whole hotel thing.”
Billy: “Did the person who hurt her look like me?”
Charlie: “Oh baby that’s not why-”
Billy: “So they did.”
Charlie: “NO. Not at all. They don’t have your big smile or silly laugh like you do.” (hugs them closer) “There’s no one anywhere who’s like you, and Vaggie doesn’t want you to be anyone else ever.”
Billy: "Were they a bad person?"
Charlie: "I don't do the whole bad-person good-person. They were. Not nice."
Billy: "Like a pirate?"
Charlie: "I think calling them that'd be an insult. To the pirates."
Billy: “….was mom a pirate with them?”
Charlie: “She… she’s more of a pirate now, kinda. One of the good ones.”
Billy: “Saying fuck it to dumb rules and laying it all on the line for her new captain and crew?”
Charlie: (wincing) “I need another talk with your ‘uncle Husky’. Also, Vaggie doesn’t have a captain.”
Billy: “But if the hotel’s her ship, and you founded it, then-”
Charlie: “-then we’re co-captains!”
Billy: “Mom. That’s not how ships work.”
Charlie: “It is on THIS one.”
Billy: “Her being your first mate makes more sense though!”
Charlie: “Noooope! Our ship, our rules. AND our rules still include bedtime!” (scoops them up)
Billy:  (grumbling) “There’s gonna be mutiny over this someday…”
Vaggie: (slipping out of the shadows) “Aye, but not until you’re old enough to yell about it not being a phase, apparently. Ye scallywag.”
Charlie: “I STILL can’t believe dad told you about that.”   
Billy: “Mom! I-” (shyly) “…sorry about the ship. And the, glass and the stuff.”
Vaggie: “More of a shipwreck, yeah? Don't worry.” (smiles) (holds up note) “The broken bottle had a message in it.”
Billy: “Oh that’s-!”
Vaggie: “It’s got SEKRET written on it, in something that’s probably not blood-”
Billy: “Aunt Niffty helped with that.”
Vaggie: “…written in something that’s probably just rat blood...”
Charlie: (groans) “Great. More ‘child appropriate environment’ talks.”
Billy: “Heheh.”
Vaggie: “Anyway, here.” (hands over note) “Pirates respect each other’s secrets.”
Billy: (gingerly taking it without touching her) “No they don’t? None of the ones in your books do.”
Vaggie: “My books- sweetie, which my books?”
Charlie: “Bonnie Bodyripper.”
Billy: “Curse of the Skeleton Crew!!!”
Vaggie: “Oh thank ff…eather dusters…. Not one of the wild ones then.”
Charlie: “THAT’S not a wild one!?”
Vaggie: (shrug) (at kid) “Did Bonnie Bodyripper read the bounty huntresses letter when she found it lying on the cabin floor while looking for her clothes?”
Billy: “No…”
Billy: “She’d’ve seen the betrayal coming sooner and could’ve stopped it, if she had.”
Vaggie: “But she wanted to trust the huntress. You read the ending?”
Billy: “It’s the best part! The huntress swings in and saves her! They kill SO MANY guards together and blow up a SHIP and and and-”
Vaggie: “Yeah okay right, uhhhhh- the actual ending. On the last page.”
Billy: “Bonnie says she fell in love with a huntress who could hurt her and she was okay with that.”
Charlie: “Ehhh.”
Billy: “It’s like with the sea, mom. There were parts of the huntress maybe Bonnie’d never find out about, and she was okay with that too! Because the parts she did know were something the huntress had shared with her.”
Charlie: “Aww, that’s…”
Billy: “And then they wrestle.”
Charlie: “…still not something you should be reading yet, yep.”
Billy: “What’s boring wrestling have to do with anything?”
Vaggie: “Forget the wrestling. Point is, people hurt each other sometimes, sweetie." (tickles them with a wing) "What matters it what they do after.”
Billy: “Heh!" (wiggles) (grins) "Did the person who took your eye say sorry afterwards?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “No.”
Billy: “Okay.” (thinks for a moment) “So I’m not like them.”
Charlie: “MUCH cuter.”
Vaggie: “You… are stalling, you sea rat.”
Billy: “No ‘m not!”
Vaggie: “Bellow decks and into bed with you.”
Billy: “Where’d you get the eyepatch??”
Charlie: “That’s a story for tomorrow, kiddo! Bedtime is crucial to a child’s development!”  
Billy: “I’m enveloped I’m enveloped! Pleeease just five more minutes-!”
Vaggie: “Nuh-uh, you heard your mom. Captain’s orders.”
Charlie: “Don’t you start.”
Vaggie: “Babe, it really doesn’t make sense for there to be two captains at one time.”
Billy: “HA!”
Charlie: “What does it even matter anyway? We’re running a hotel, not an actual ship-”
Vaggie: “And I’m the hotel manager, which makes me your first mate.”
Billy: “See mom? TOLD you!”
Charlie: “But you’d look good in that fancy captain’s outfit!”
Billy: “Oh so that’s why you stare at mom’s book covers before confiscating them..”
Vaggie: “Charlie, it’s not about who looks good in it- It’s about division of duties onboard and proper crew management-”
Billy: “Tell her!”  
Charlie: “This is a hotel!”
Vaggie: “Guest management. Whatever.”
Charlie: “You just like that I’D be the one in the long coat and ruffles!”
Vaggie: “It’s a perk. But that’s not the point.”
Charlie: “This whole thing doesn’t have any point to it and if I’m captain then I can just promote you to captain too so HA!”
Vaggie: “Pirate captains are elected, babe.”
Billy: “They’re elected, mom.”
Vaggie: “It’s a popular vote thing.”
Billy: “I think maybe YOU need to read the books too, instead of just going gooey eyed over the covers.”
Charlie: “I’m starting to think no one in this family should be reading them…”
Vaggie: “Fine. Let’s vote on it.”
Charlie: “Oh come on!”
Billy: “All in favor of being historically accurate hotel pirates say aye!”
Vaggie: “Aye.”
Billy: “Aye!”
Charlie: “ARGH!”
Billy: “Out voted~”
Vaggie: (pats charlie’s shoulder) “Good job getting into the spirit of things though.”
Billy: “Pirates didn’t really go ‘Arrg’ did they?”
Charlie: “Well THIS one sure does.” (leads the way to bedtime) “What’s the point of being captain anyway if you don’t win any arguments?”
Vaggie: “We’ll let you win the next one. Pirate’s oath.”
Charlie: (sighing) “Argh…”
Billy: “You mean. We’ll let her win the next, the-” (giggles) “-the next ARGHument, right?”
Vaggie: (groans)
Charlie: “…okay.” (cracks smile) “THAT'S worth being a pirate for.”
132 notes · View notes
leftrightnomin · 8 months
Please, Sir! || Yuta Nakamoto
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Pairing: Yuta Nakamoto x Reader
Summary: You found yourself sitting at the dinner table of the Nakamoto household. Rest assured that you are safe for the night. Maybe.
Genre: Smut, Rated R (18+), Bestfriend's Dad x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Unprotected sex (wrap it up, ppl), Cheating (Yuta is married), Praise kink, Begging, Degradation, Fingering, Lots of dirty talking, Size kink, Oral sex (nky receiving), Dumbification,
A/N: Hi, did anyone miss me? Well, here's a little something for all of you. Enjoy!
~ • ~ •~ • ~ •~ • ~ •~ • ~
You had been trying to avoid going to the Nakamoto’s home. You were trying to avoid conflict with your best friend's smoking-hot father, Yuta. It wasn't like you were always around their home, Giselle lived in her own apartment. For that reason, you were thankful. When you were younger and in college you would often go over for dinner with Giselle or she’d go to your family’s house. But it wasn’t necessary anymore. You were both grown adults now with 9 to 5 jobs to attend to.
This time, however, Julia A.K.A Mrs. Nakamoto was throwing a small dinner party for their family, close friends, and relatives. Apparently, Mr. Nakamoto got promoted at his company and from what you heard, the newly acquired title comes with a six-figure salary. A big deal really. Giselle had told you that her mom and dad wanted you there.
Of course, your father would want me there. You thought.
It wouldn't be an actual crisis if you and Yuta weren't indulging in each other's warmth behind closed doors, away from his family's eyes. Or anyone at all. You'd have to be playing the poker face like crazy at the dinner table to protect what you and Yuta shared. Certainly, you wouldn’t do anything with him with all the people around.
But still, you are sure that you will be having a hard time pretending. Not now and obviously not sooner. Not when you've had a taste of the great Yuta Nakamoto. You were in for a long night now that you knew what he was like, how good he was, how wild he could get, and just how hot and filthy he could be.
You made the choice to use a panty liner solely because you thought it would be handy. Having your panties wet and also probably your pants or anything to show through your clothing wouldn't look good. You didn't anticipate needing it, but you were also aware of how frail you had become from a quick glimpse of Mr. Nakamoto.
If he even extended his hug or spoke to you in a deep, seductive voice or if he smiled too broadly while flashing those dimples, you were pretty well doomed. So, yes, for practical reasons, merely a just-in-case moment, you wore pantyliners.
You were picked up by Giselle as scheduled. The trip to The Nakamotos' home took close to 30 minutes.
"Are you alright?" Giselle maintained her focus on the road. She detected something about you. She simply had no idea what.
"Yeah. No doubt. Why?"
"You've been quiet since you got in my car. It reminds me of when we first met in junior high or worse," she chuckled as she hastily cast a short glance your way.
Prior to her arrival, you made an effort to relax. You calmed your stiff body and mind through meditation, chamomile tea, and a bite of dried ginger. You practiced some meditative yoga while listening to soothing background music. And you thought it was beneficial.
But as soon as Yuta's text message chimed into your phone, your pulse shot up and you started to sweat heavily. All that effort you put into calming yourself was for nothing.
He didn't say anything other than that he was anticipating seeing you after asking you if you were still coming. There it was. His communications contained nothing sexually explicit or provocative. Without trying, he did that to you. Hence the need for wearing pantyliners was a must.
You shook your head and laughed at your friend's remark. "No, I'm alright. Just worn out. Last night at the restaurant was a long one. Not exactly a lie, but I had barely arrived home by midnight."
And that appeared to be a suitable response. Giselle didn't inquire more about your strange behavior that evening at least.
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There were Yuta's brother and his wife. The parents, husband, and cousin of Mrs. Nakamoto, a friend from down the street and a neighbor. Then, you and Giselle. That's it.
A delightful modest supper with dessert was served along with drinks. some musical selections. It was lovely to see everyone chatting while outside. However, you were agitated and making an effort to force yourself to stop staring at the man of the moment. Your cheeks and neck warmed up each time your sight met his, sending shivers down your spine.
Control yourself, Y/N.
It's a celebratory dinner for Pete's sake.
You shouldn't even be thinking of it.
You got along well with Yuta over dinner. He treated you as the best friend of his daughter. It was good yet at the same time you detested it.
You wished you could join everyone else in laughing at his jokes while sitting on his lap and encircling his shoulders. You desired to boldly kiss him in front of his crowd and hold his hand. But it was clear that wouldn't happen.
The man's wife was always close by. And after all, he was only secretly yours. With the door locked, in your apartment, and covered in fabrics. He was only yours in the absence of sight and hearing of others.
At supper, you barely gave him a glance as you were eating. Not even when he was speaking to everyone and expressing gratitude for their attendance. You restrained yourself from glancing at his face. You admired how his eyes sparkled and how his lips twitched, how he made motions with his hands and ringed fingers while he spoke, and most importantly, his smile. You knew it would only cause you trouble if you did.
At the conclusion of his little thank-you speech, he turned to face you and raised his glass. Along with the others, you raised yours skyward before taking a sip collectively eyes fixed on him. Even if it just lasted a few seconds, it made you warm. Hot enough to have your thighs pressed closely together beneath your white linen dress.
When everyone was mingling and strolling around the backyard, Yuta had the chance to walk up to you.
He placed his hand on your bare shoulder and whispered into your ear, "I missed you, sweetheart."
All of your encounters with her took place there at your residence. He sometimes spends a night there and even a whole full day.
However, you were scheduled to work and cover for a few servers who couldn't arrive for whatever reason because you had been busy. Additionally, Yuta was absent for nearly a week due to a business trip. Typically, you and Yuta met once a week at most. He hadn't spent any time in your bed in a few weeks.
It's true—you really did miss him.
"Do not leave until you and I are able to have a chat."
He squeezed at your exposed skin as he emphasized the word chat, and as he started to leave, he glanced down at you and winked.
A panty liner was indeed required.
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You assisted Giselle in replenishing some of the empty bottles and replacing the cooler's ice. You made an effort to keep busy and avoid thinking about what Yuta wanted to "chat" about. Or suppose "chat" was a code word for something different.
At the gathering, a neighbor approached you and entertained you with his jokes. He appeared to be friendly and outgoing with everyone. You could understand his invitation and the Nakamoto's preference for him as a close friend. He was extremely hilarious. In fact, chatting to him and hearing his outrageous college narrative got you thinking back to your own experience while making you giggle. He assisted you in temporarily forgetting about your small taboo affair. He temporarily distracted you from Yuta.
Yet, Yuta didn't like how you and Johnny were laughing.
You were smiling when Johnny gently took hold of your forearm and moved in to speak to you. And so, when the man stood right next to you and your new friend, the brief respite you got from thinking about Yuta and swooning over him abruptly ended.
"Y/N, I need your assistance with something," He furrowed his brow and indicated the home, "Would you help me, please?"
You took a breath and nodded, "Sure, Mr. Nakamoto."
You gave Johnny a courteous grin and walked with the broad-shouldered guy into his house.
Yuta escorted you upstairs and into a spacious bathroom which was never used in silence. He quickly ushered you inside and secured the door with a click sound of the door lock. He undid the cuffs from his pale pink button-up shirt while you watched in silence, then raised his eyes to meet yours as he rolled the material up his forearms.
"Isn't Johnny a great guy?" Yuta finally spoke up, leaning against the wide vanity sink with the wall-length mirror opposite him and crossing his arms over his wide chest.
"Yeah," you smiled sheepishly as you nodded, "He is nice. Funny too."
Yuta pursed his lips and slowly scanned your figure, taking you in.
He had seen your attire and had daringly glanced at you all evening, but he was unable to hold his stare for very long. Hence, nothing he experienced was gratifying. It wasn't enough to allow himself to see your ass's curvature or the point where your neck and jaw connected. He was now relieved that he was finally able to get the close look at you that he had been craving for all night.
"What were you two discussing?" Yuta jutted out his hips and displayed his stunning bulge for you as he uncrossed his arms and placed his palms on the marble top of the vanity behind him.
Acting with knowledge, I see.
"Well, sir, absolutely nothing actually. He was relating stories to me from his time in university. We were exchanging stories from college."
"Yeah? Did you discover after that the two of you have a lot in something in common?" He furrowed his brow.
You glanced briefly at his crotch before returning to his face. It was an uninvited glance. He saw where your eyes wandered, and even though you didn't mean to, it made him smile.
"No. Not really," you thought as you reciprocated his sly grin with your own and crossed your arms over your chest.
Over the months, you had grown to know him a little, and this small detail about him straight away made you feel at peace. He liked playing with you, teasing and building up your hunger for his heat.
"Why do you have a lot of questions about Johnny? Are you perhaps interested in him?" You crack a joke.
"No, I'm not," said Yuta, cocking his head and widening his grin. "Come, move closer."
You took the few sluggish steps necessary to narrow the distance between you two while biting your lip and uncrossing your arms. Your hips aligned with his as soon as you were within arm's reach of him.
"I'm just worried that I haven't been able to fuck you in what?" He then pulled you into him by your waist and said, "A span of three weeks?"
You chuckled softly and nodded, "Almost, 18 days to be exact."
Yuta smirked, "Counting the days without my cock are you?"
You placed your arms around his shoulders, saying, "Yes," with a big smile and a giggle. "I missed you so much, Mr. Nakamoto."
Yuta admired your lips briefly before returning her attention to your eyes, "Unfortunately, the house is crowded with visitors."
You frowned, "I'll be quiet, Sir. I promise."
"I bet you'd love for me to bend you over so I can fuck you right now in this bathroom, wouldn't you?" Yuta murmured in a low, raspy voice as he moved one of his hands up to your face and thumbed over your cheekbone.
You quickly separated your lips while nodding, "Yes, please, Sir. "
Yuta scolded, "So filthy. So fucking desperate. Do you need me that much, baby?" As you reached your tongue out to taste it, his thumb lightly touched your bottom lip.
You looked at his eyes with lust and a hint of greed. You needed his cock so bad. You wailed as you attempted to encircle his thumb with your lips, but he quickly withdrew his hand from your grasp. He was suddenly slipping between your legs and was pulling you such that you were pulled up onto the counter.
"When was the last time you had an orgasm?" he asks as his palms go underneath your dress and grab hold of your thighs.
Your words were breaths, "This morning."
"Really, how horrible was it? You don't seem to be content with anything. You used your fingers, right?"
"Yes, Sir. I used my clit sucker, too," you grinned and ran your fingers down his chest, "Pretended it was you between my legs."
Despite how cool he was behaving, you could see his dick hardening in his trousers and knew he was getting turned on.
"And you're still in such need? Does your little pussy require a lot of care or are you just pure filthy greedy for it?
"A little bit of both, Sir, " You let out a heavy breathe.
"I bet you're drenched as hell."
You gasped as you saw what he was about to find as his hands traveled upward toward your panties. Your wet underwear liner. Hardly that, seductive.
He stopped with a perplexed expression when his index finger touched the crotch of your pants. It felt unique not typical.
"Are you perhaps on your period, angel?" He said as he examined your underwear by pushing your legs apart and removing your dress.
When he ran his fingers down the edge of the cotton in your panty liner, he recognized what it was which earned you a light frustrated groan.
"No," you jerked your head. "It was only for keeping dry."
Yuta licked his lips and poked his middle finger beneath the crotch of your pants, and when he grasped what you meant, his eyebrows went up. Your underwear was dry, but the liner was sodden. As he kissed your lips, his fingers found your crease and softly played with it.
Both his fingers and the kiss were gentle and easy. He massaged your soaking pussy lips while you whimpered and ran your hands through his hair.
He kissed you briefly before removing his hands from your underwear and saying, "Like I said, our home is crowded with people."
"I bet your wet pussy would feel fantastic wrapped around my cock, right now," he kissed you soft lips once again. "I'm going to fuck my fist tonight thinking about how wet you got for me before I even touched you, princess."
"Please, Sir. Please." Angry, you yanked at his hands and begged, "I'll keep quiet, I promise. We can do it silently. I just —,"
You let your head down and closed your eyes tightly from too much need and frustration.
He raised you chin so that you could meet his equally lustful eyes, "Wow. Look at you. So frustrated and needy."
"I don’t know baby," you felt his hands on your thighs again. "I really don’t think it’s a good idea.”
He squeezed your thighs, his eyes growing darker and the bulge under his pants, pushing hard at his zipper.
“Please, fuck me, Mr. Nakamoto,"
"You’re the only one that can satisfy me,”
"I really need your cock,"
You were practically a mess by the time, begging so desperately for what you've been need the past eighteen days.
Yuta let out a laugh through his nose and shook his head, “Although that's a fact, I still think it's just too risky.”
Although he held your thighs firmly in place and used his pink tongue to moisten his lips as he peered down at your cleavage, his body language belied what he had just stated.
You were aware of the risk as well. However, you had another thought. You'd already politely asked him even added a please. He just wanted to continue acting as though he didn't care about you. He wanted you to beg for him.
And you did. Like a whore thirsty for cock, you desperately did.
"I want your cock, Mr. Nakamoto,"
"I don't think a toy will do for tonight,"
"I really fucking need your cock,"
He knew he had the upper hand, "You're gonna have to be patient little one."
You figured he'd hear you pleading with him once more. Of course, with a bargain in mind.
"Sir, I cannot wait now. It hurts," you pouted.
You brought his hand back to your front and held it in place, "Feel me, Mr. Nakamoto. Feel my aching clit hungry for your touch."
He shut his eyes and clinched his jaw as you stared. He was aware that you were playing with him to get what you want. After all, he was already wrapped around your tiny little fingers.
"Oh my sweet, sweet princess,"
"Would Johnny reject my request if I made it?" You asked with a raised brow as your last attempt of seducing him.
"You are such a fucking brat, princess," he shook his head, eyes glaring intensely at yours.
His comments sounded mean but they sounded so good to your ears. Accompanied with a smirk on his flushed face, he pulled your pants with its liner down your legs, tossing it onto the floor, and immediately undid his pants, pulling his cock out from the front of his briefs.
When you first saw his girthy, warm cock unconstrained, you couldn't help but groan. You moved to the edge and positioned your bare feet on the counter top so you were spread out and readily available for him to access as you reached down to touch him. Ready for him to ruin.
"Is this what you were hungry for?" Yuta already had lust in his eyes, His gaze was heavy as he eyed you and cupped his cock in his hand while holding his tip to your wet hole and asking,
"Mhmm," you hummed as you felt the tip of his pulsating cock.
"Wanted to be fucked by a married man in the guest bathroom?"
Fuck, his voice sounds so good.
"Wanted to get with my daughter and wife merely down there?"
So fucking good.
"Wanted me to fuck you with a house full of strangers wondering where I am?" Yuta's strong voice eventually broke through your tight muscle as he spoke lowly into your ear.
"Fuck, yes please, Sir." You desperately nodded, "I don't care if there's people downstairs. All I want is your cock."
"You better be true to your word, sweetheart." Yuta warned you. "Be quiet or else, I'll stop."
"Yes… yes," you mumbled as gently as you could and clung to his shoulders to keep yourself steady, as you gasped at the way his huge cock started to push past your soft and wet walls.
Yuta watched as his cock gently dipped inside your pussy and heaved a trembling breath mingled with a gasp. You were already so drenched in your own juice that Yuta could hear when he pulled back an inch before diving in even deeper.
"Can't help myself, Y/N. You're pussy is choking my cock so deliciously."
He started to push and cant his hips, sinking so far into your cunt that each time he came to the bottom, his balls hit you "My sweet girl is doing such an excellent job taking me in."
Yuta pushes in accompanied with either a soft groan or a whimper.
"Ugh, so tight sweetheart,"
Thrusts in.
"Fuck, yes,"
Pulls out.
"Ooh, more please,"
"So good,"
You were relieved that the only sounds were gasps, pants, and the sound of a pussy being pounded.
Yuta leaned in so he could reach for your lips and fuck you slowly, trying his best to minimize the sound of skin sticking and slapping while you clung tightly to his shoulders.
Your limbs were starting to tire, and your head was spinning from too much pleasure. Your thighs were kept wide by Yuta's painful yet pleasurable grip.
"Fuck, Yuta," You gasped as he released one of your thighs and put his thumb to your clit exactly as you needed, "Right there, Mr. Nakamoto. Don't stop, please!"
This was one of the things you couldn't resist. He always understood your needs perfectly.
"Here?" He smirked as he started to lose rhythm while fucking into you. "Do I make you feel good, baby? Are you gonna come for me?"
"Oh fuck yes," you covered your mouth in an attempt to silence your moans. "So good, Mr. Nakamoto. You're cock fills so fucking good."
Your stomach started to burn and your thighs began trembling as Yuta's lips remained over your mouth and he kept rocking his hips in. You sobbed into his mouth and tightened your hold on his shoulders.
"Such desperate little whore you are," Yuta himself said in a tense, labored voice as he felt his balls contract. "Couldn't even wait for a couple more days,"
He always met his demise too quickly thanks to you. He felt like he was a horny teenager once again every time he was with you. There is no turning back when it comes to you. Your immaculate, tight and slick pussy, complete with bedroom eyes and full lips — he wanted it. He had a similar burning desire for you. He desperately need you.
“Desperate for you, Mr. Nakamoto," You panted and felt the hot decadence of your insides begin to unfurl as Yuta’s thumb expertly rubbed and circled your clit. "Want you so bad. I'll let you ruin me all day and all night."
He sensed you starting to close in on him and, anticipating your climax, "M'coming, Mr. Nakamoto. So fucking close, fuck!"
"Come for me, sweetheart," he covered your mouth with his. "Come all over my hard cock."
You saw stars and writhed onto his thumb as he continued to thrust into you with deep, powerful strokes while he kissed you hungrily. He was couldn't help himself back either at each twitch your cunt made and the slick noises of your pouring orgasm.
"Fuck, baby. I'm gonna come,"
"Come inside me, Sir," you caressed his hair as you came down your own high, "Give it all to me."
"Fuck," He rutted into you forcefully while panting into your mouth, shoving himself so deeply that his come could adequately coat every part of your body. "Oh, feels so good, Y/N."
He slowly drew away from you and then fucked himself back into you until he was balls-deep in you, all of his juices smothered your warm walls.
He pulled your legs up over his hips as he leaned in to kiss you, removing his thumb from your overstimulated clit and placing both hands on your thighs. His cock was still pulsing as he came down, and as he pressed his mouth against yours.
You laughed in his face, "Mr. Nakamoto, we were both desperate for release."
Knowing that he was in the same situation as you made you smile.
You finally dropped your legs as Yuta gently hissed at how sensitive he felt as he pushed himself away from the kiss. It wasn't the same, despite the fact that he had been torturing himself with thoughts of you every night. He desired your pussy to be content, just as you desired for his cock.
Not only his cock, either.
Mr. Nakamoto was essential.
It started to become an obsession. Your obsession.
Yuta brought his finger up to your lips after dragging it along the area where his come was starting to escape from you. He smiled at your greed as you quickly sucked his warm sperm from his fingers.
Your cheek was lovingly stroked by his knuckles as he said, "You are my sweet daughter, aren't you?"
You chuckled and gave him a sly smile, "You're just too hard to resist, Sir."
"What day off are you taking next?"
"Wednesday. Why?" You gave him an expectant smile.
"Stay free on that day." He handed you your underwear and casually stated, "I'm coming over," before pulling his pants back up.
"What if I already had plans that day?" You hopped down from the counter while grinning as your panties were being dragged up your legs.
He encircled you, palms flat on the vanity counter on either side of your hips lightly pinning you against the counter, "Cancel them."
Why would you refuse? You couldn't even though you should. You even loved to tease him a little, but you weren't going to anyhow. With him, you can never say no. It's the same way as he could never resist you.
"Okay. Fine. My scheduled has been moved, Sir. Considering how lost and hopeless you are without me."
Yuta shook his head and laughed through his nose, "Such a mouthy brat."
He gave you one final kiss before straightening himself up in the mirror and exiting the bathroom as if he hadn't just screwed his daughter's best friend while his spouse and other relatives were present.
You groaned and smiled as you turned to face the mirror. Such a mistake. But he was in such excellent spirits.
And even though he was married, you were well aware that he belonged to you.
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clemblog · 26 days
Caine’s Lesson - Part 8
A few days had passed, Gummigoo having spent said days slowly chipping away at a pistol for Poms! It was sleek and a lot smaller than what he was used to, perfectly weighted to the sizing of Poms hands! He grinned as he gave it a final check over.
"Nice one Gummi, another perfect piece, just like Pa taught you!" He hummed happily to himself, leaning to pick up a paint brush from his tool kit to write Poms name on it. That way anyone would know from a first glance that it was hers.
He took a few moments to careful write 'Pommy' in curly writing to go along with the rest of the style of the weapon.
Now, all he had to do was go pester his Ma and see if she had any spare holsters lying around!
"Yes Gummigoo?"
"Ya got any old holsters lying around?"
"I'm not sure, we might! If you come stir this pot of soup for me, I can take a look!"
Gummigoo hummed at this, walking into the kitchen. He handed over the pistol to his Ma as he took the ladle from her.
"Ooh! What a beauty, my boy." She cooed, softly as she looked it over. "I'm sure we have a perfect holster for your friend Poms."
"Thanks Ma." Chuckled Gummigoo, stirring the soup his Ma was working on. If he had to guess it was most likely a gummy fish based stew.
A few moments later Ma walked back into the room, holding a ruby red leather holster in her hand.
"Oh! Ma, are you sure?" Spoke Gummigoo, eyes widening slightly.
"You know I don't shoot anymore Gum, besides I trust Poms. She seems like a fine young lady." Nodded Ma, gently placing the holstered pistol in his hands. "Now shoo! Out my kitchen, I got meals to cook."
Pomni was just relaxing in the barn, it was hot day today, so she didn't exactly feel like being out in the sun. She looked up when Gummigoo entered the barn, hands behind his back.
"O-Oh! Hey Gummigoo, what's that?"
"It's a surprise, for you Pommy~" He grinned. "Made it myself."
Pomni's eyes widened slightly as she looked over the item, taking it slowly from his hands.
"W-Wow- Gummigoo- I don't know what to say-" She eeked, slowly.
"How about whether or not you'll be joining me and the lads on our trip tomorrow~?"
"O-Oh absolutely!"
"Snazzy, I'll get Max and Chad to get you a ride before tomorrow-"
"Wait- Gummigoo, do you mean a horse-"
"So, Ragatha, you feeling any better?" Hummed Zooble, curiously.
"A little!" Smiled Ragatha, sheepishly. "I'm not really thinking of Pomni so much anymore- I'm still worried about her- But it's not like taking over my life- Like I’m still worried but I can do other things-“
“We got it Rags, don’t worry.” Mused Zooble.
“Y-Yeah! It’s nice to hear you’re feeling better.” Nodded Gangle in agreement. She was still drawing, but was now drawing things for herself or what she wanted to make or plan out. Apparently it was a break, but Ragatha didn’t really see that as a break in her honest opinion- Gangle was happy though, so she left it be!
It just meant she could start to theorise on what to make Gangle as a present!!
Truth be told, with everyone sat talking together, Caine having been absent from the circus for a week now. Jax was feeling rather… lonely. Even [————-] got lonely- But that was the downside of being, well an [—-]. Nobody stuck around much in situations like this.
So, he’d decided to get even more familiar with the circus, see if their where anymore secrets to find! They might be useful! You never know- You can never do enough slinking around!
He’d been walking around for a few minutes when he found a door he’d never seen before, it looked old and untouched. Except for the disturbed dust on the floor, indicating the door could in fact open.
“Hello door! You don’t mind if I-“ He hummed, opening it and stepping inside.
What Jax wasn’t expecting to find was Caine, however.
“Uh- Caine, buddy? I didn’t realise this was how I got to you-“
“JAX!” Exclaimed Caine with a large grin. “You made it just in time to go on your next adventure!”
“Oh an adventure? Finally~ Let me go get the others-“
“Nono, theirs no time! Off you go!”
Jax found himself being engulfed by a portal before he could get another word on.
“Uh… Max- Chad- I don’t really know how to ride a horse-“
“Don’t worry! It’s easy as riding a bike!”
“Uhm… Okay-“
“You’ve got this!”
Max then proceeded to slap the butt of the horse, causing it to charge off with Pomni sat in the saddle.
That’s to say Gummigoo wouldn’t be leaving Pomni alone with Max and Chad again anytime soon. He took over Pomni’s riding lessons, and after a few laps of the field, Pomni was feeling a lot more confident with her new mare! She decided on naming her jingles. She was a very sweet blue and pink coloured gummy horse. The sweet girl was anxious just like her but she could run fast! Pomni had no doubt that the horse could help her travel and keep up with the trio of bandits on their next adventures!
This was nice, building up a home, some skills and a form of transportation. It helped make her feel more human.
Part 9
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sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
#1 Fan
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Famous!Reader
Summary: Corroded Coffin opens for you on tour and you get to see your best friend for the first time in forever.
Word count: 5906
Eddie Masterlist
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“I’m sorry you want Corroded Coffin to play where?” Disbelief is thick in Eddie’s voice as he stares wide eyed at the phone's receiver. 
“Mr. Munson, we'd like for your band Corroded Coffin to open for our main act here at the Clyde Theatre June seventeenth.” The amusement is evident in the man on the other end of the call as he repeats what he had already shared but Eddie doesn’t care he’s too much in shock to even notice.
“Am I being punked right now?”
“No sir, Ms. Y/l/n was adamant that if she was going to perform here your band had to be the one to open.” Your last name causes him to still before a wide smile splits across his face.
“Alright we’ll do it but we need some tickets for family you know how it is, first big gig and all.” He tries to act nonchalant instead of freaking out the way he wants to.
“Of course just give us the address to send them to with an idea of how many you need.”
When Eddie hangs up the phone he fist bumps in the air whooping in celebration. This was it, Corroded Coffin's time to shine. And it was apparently all because of you and he couldn’t be more grateful for it. He doesn’t stop to think about it much before he’s calling Gareth to get the other guys around for an emergency band meeting so he can tell them the good news.
Eddie bursts into Steve’s house jittery and late for weekly movie night with everyone. He’s almost an hour late and even though the sound of Robin going ‘finally’ from the other room would normally make him cringe he can’t get himself to feel any sort of shame for being late. He’s in too good of a mood, he’s spent the last few hours celebrating with the guys and trying to start figuring out what songs they’d want to perform. 
“Look who finally decided to show up!”
“Shut up and sit down, Harrington. I’ve got the best news.” 
“Hey!” Eddie trips over Dustin's outstretched legs on his rush to stand in front of the TV. He just offers his friend a sorry smile or at least tries to but he’s so euphoric that it definitely doesn’t come off as apologetic.
“I’m not sure if I like how smug you look right now.” Robin sits up straight from where she was lounging on the couch moving to the edge of her seat, almost kicking Mike in the head while she does so. The boy in question dodged just in time getting El to duck with him so she wouldn’t get hit either. 
“Corroded Coffins gonna be the opener at the Clyde Theatre in five months!” He spreads his arms out as he blurts it as if the excited energy in his body needs another way other than the bouncing on his heels to come out.
“What?!” All of his friends freeze, some mouths gaping, some starting to grin as much as he is. 
“Really?” Eddie nods excitedly looking towards Dustin who fist pumps at the affirmation.
“So I’ve been with the band to tell them and start picking songs to do and we got a little carried away with our celebrating hence me being late.”
“Who are you opening for?” 
“Y/n Y/l/n.” Gasps echo throughout the room and El and Max look at each other in excitement while Robin smacks Steve multiple times in the chest, shocked laughs falling from her mouth.
“You’re punking us right?” Steve asks while grabbing his best friend's hand to stop her excited attack on him. 
“Nope, why would I do that?”
“You’re actually opening for the sensation that is Y/n Y/l/n?”
“Yeah, I’m actually opening for Y/n. Didn’t realize you were that into her stuff Harrington.” If Steve was the same man he was years ago he would’ve cleared his throat and schooled his face to make it seem like he didn’t care.
“How can someone not be into her stuff? It's great! Did you at least score us tickets?”
“Figured you guys would want to come support the band so when I told the guy how many tickets we’d need I included you all in my count but I don’t know if we’ll actually get as many as I asked for. So no guarantees that you’d all be able to go because the guys get some of the tickets too and Wayne and Dustin are definitely getting tickets.”
“Why does Dustin definitely get a ticket?” Mike asks wanting to go see his older friend perform on a big stage more than anything.
“Because I’m his favorite.”
“Actually if I were to pick favorites it’d be Red but I don’t play that way. He gets a ticket because of other reasons.” Other reasons being he picked up the phone in the trailer once when you were calling and Eddie made him a deal that if he didn’t tell anyone he’d get a ticket to the first real concert the band ever did and Dustin took it being Eddie’s biggest fan and all. 
“Max is your favorite?” She sticks her tongue out at Dustin as Eddie just shrugs.
“I see her all the time, she’s the annoying little sister I never had.”
“Okay, fine.” Dustin gets up from his spot on the floor and moves to stand next to him. “Y/n calls Eddie sometimes, they talk.” He emphasizes the word talk and everyone looks at Eddie in shock.
“You know her?” Robin's eyes would be bugging out of her head if this were a cartoon.
“We grew up together and stayed close until she graduated and made it big. So I knew her but now we only talk every once in a blue moon so I don’t really know her anymore.” Eddie explains while shoving Dustin for telling everyone his secret. The boy scoffs before continuing on.
“Once in a blue moon being on birthdays and holidays and then you talk on the phone forever.”
“Eddie I’ve literally played her music around you, you know how much El and I love her, why wouldn’t you tell me you know her?” 
“It’s not really something I want to commercialize. I don’t want people to decide they like me just because I’m friends with someone famous or that they like Corroded Coffin for that same reason. Besides Steve knows her and she knew him, granted that was back when he was still a dick.” Steve cringes at that, he only vaguely remembers you from school but since you were friends with who was considered freaks he never actually interacted with you. “Can we watch the movie now?”
A little after Eddie gets home late that night the phone rings and as he picks it up he gets nervous that it’s the guy from before calling him to say they’ve changed their mind.
“Is this Mr. Edward Munson? We’re calling about all those tickets you wanted.” Your deepened voice comes through the phone causing a small laugh to fall from his mouth.
“So you heard about the tickets then?”
“Oh yeah, the theatre called and said they wouldn’t be able to give that many tickets away even if it meant you guys wouldn’t open for me.” Eddie cringes a bit at hearing that, looks like he’ll have to be prepared for everyone to start trying to butter him up for a chance to go. “I of course told them to give them to you anyways and I’ll just pay for the portion that they can’t freely give you.”
“You didn’t have to do that just for us Y/n.”
“Eh, I would’ve done it for anyone. Besides I had to make sure the guys would be able to have their families around for this pivotal moment for the band.” On your end of the line you sit on the hotel bed and glance at your nails as you speak. “Oh! I upgraded them to meet and greet tickets too so you better come through and open for me because I miss Wayne. And I wanna meet that kid Dustin so you better bring him along too.”
“We were gonna open for you even if we didn’t get the tickets. This is huge for us and the guys are excited to see you after not hearing from you for so long.”
“Do you not tell them when I tell you to say hi to them for me? I’ve been meaning to send them letters but I haven’t had the time.” 
“Um so I don’t actually tell anyone that we talk.” Eddie scratches the back of his neck sheepishly at the confession.
“What?!” You screech before lowering your voice so as not to wake up your assistant in the room next to yours. “Why not? No wait, that's sort of a stupid question huh? But why wouldn’t you tell the guys? You know I was sending them stuff earlier on and trying to keep in touch with them too.”
“Yeah but then you stopped even calling for a little while and we all thought you got too busy to keep in contact. I didn’t want any of them to feel like I was getting special treatment because of you just calling me.”
“Obviously they’d expect you to get special treatment Eddie, you ar- were my best friend.” You’re quick to correct yourself before you can call him your best friend still. You’re not too sure if he still thinks you are and you definitely don’t talk enough for it to be plainly obvious that the two of you are. It certainly doesn’t help that you still have a stupid giant crush on him even though you haven’t even seen him in years.
“You know I wouldn’t be able to deal with their teasing, I’m sensitive.” Eddie pouts even though you can’t see him but you laugh anyway.
“Yeah right, I’ll believe that when I see it. Alright, I gotta go Eds. I have to go on a morning show tomorrow to talk about the tour. I actually have a lot of press and what not to do and then the tour starts so the next time we talk will probably be the concert itself.”
“Alright, I’ll see you then.”
“See you then. Good night Eddie.”
“Night Y/n.” You both hang up the phone wishing you would’ve heard the nicknames you called each other back before you left town fall from the others lips.
“So Y/n you start your tour soon are you excited?” The last talk show host you have to answer questions from asks from the seat across from you.
“I’m so excited! We hit the road tomorrow for the first show.”
“And this time around you have a show close to your hometown of Hawkins right? I’m sure it’ll be nice to be close to home.” You perk up even more.
“That’s actually the show that I’m the most excited for. Don’t get me wrong, I’m psyched for the whole tour but the band that’s opening for me, Corroded Coffin, holds a special place in my heart.” You talk with your hands the whole time and they eventually land resting on your chest. 
“And why’s that?” 
“Oh, right I always seem to forget that people don’t know this about me but I was really close with them while I was still in school. The lead singer was my best friend, we grew up together, and I grew close to the guys in it now my senior year of high school when they joined it. I was even a part of it a few times.” There’s a goofy grin as you talk about them from thinking about good times with the band and Eddie.
“You were a part of the band?”
“Not all the time but sometimes Eddie would write something that he said would only be good with my voice and I would sing while the rest played. Or I’d stand in for someone if they couldn’t play one night at a gig or something.”
“Have you had much contact with them since you left Indiana?”
“Not as much as I wish I did if I’m being honest. But I get to see all of them at the show in June and when the tour is done I think I’m gonna take a little break from it all and maybe see if they wanna spend some time together and catch up.” Really you want to visit Hawkins in general to see your family and get out of the limelight for a little bit. Because this was honestly exhausting, rewarding and everything you’ve ever wanted in life but exhausting. You’re so glad this is the last interview you have for a while. And even with the really nice apartment you have in New York you just want to go home to good food and warm hugs from your two favorite men in their shabby trailer.
“So all of your openers for each show are different, most not even heard of before, why is that?” The interviewer changes topics to get back on track 
“Well I know that my whole becoming famous this was a fluke and how hard it is for bands and solo musicians to get discovered when they start in someone's basement or garage. So I wanted to bring some of the ones I’ve discovered in my own travels into the spotlight a little bit, maybe give them a nudge in the right direction of getting noticed. So each one of the openers are undiscovered artists from the general area of where we’re performing.” You speak with your hands again, unable to contain your excited energy. This was your favorite thing about this tour. “It’s actually one of the reasons it took me so long to announce it, I was going to places I hadn’t really been before to find underground artists. There’s a little bit of everything genre wise throughout all of it.”
“She literally seems so nice.” Max says with El agreeing with her as they watch the interview on the floor of Eddie’s trailer. Max tends to hang around his trailer most of the time now that he’s taken on the role of the older brother Billy should’ve been. She doesn’t even knock anymore and invites El over as if it’s her own. Eddie doesn’t have an issue with it though, he’d rather she hang around and feel at home in his trailer than sit in an empty trailer and get stuck in her head and besides he likes the super powered girl she calls her best friend. The last thing he wanted was for her to go through another PTSD episode alone.
The man laying on the couch behind the two girls looks at them from behind his book. They’re both looking at him expecting some sort of response. Eddie shrugs, sitting up and placing his book on his knee stretching his arms behind his back.
“This whole tour idea thing isn’t something I knew about but it’s definitely a Y/n move. She’s always been someone who cared about others and their dreams. She’s one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet, that’s probably why she made it big so fast after graduating. Good Karma and all that.” 
“I can’t believe you might not take us to the concert.”
“Oh, did I not tell anyone yet? We’re getting the amount of tickets I asked for and they’re all meet and greets now because Y/n upgraded them.” Both girls' eyes go wide and their mouths open and close like they’re fish out of water.
“So we’re, we’re meeting her?” El’s the first one to speak during their stunned silence.
“Ya.” Eddie barely has time to move his book from his knee and onto the couch next to him before he’s getting tackled in hugs. 
“Oh my god you’re the best! We have to tell Steve and Robin, can you drive us to Family Video?”
“Fine but only if you let me tell them.” 
It’s busy inside of Family Video when they get there. Everyone must be there for the new movie that just came out to VHS that Eddie can’t remember the name of. The girls hop out of the van before he can even finish parking it and he has to speed walk to catch up with them at the doors. Inside they find Steve stocking a shelf  and Robin stuck behind the counter with a line of customers to deal with.
“Oh, hey girls, what are you doing here?”
“Eddie has something to tell you.” Max shoves Eddie towards Steve and he smiles and shakes his head knowing the minute he starts talking she’s just going to interrupt him.
“I got-”
“He got all the tickets he asked for and we’re all going to see him open for Y/n.”
“And we get to meet her.” El adds on and Steve’s eyes widen.
“What?!” He drops the movies he was juggling in his arms causing people from the aisle to look at him. “Shit. Eddie tell me they aren’t lying.”
“Nothing but the truth.” A choked sound comes out of his mouth as Steve picks up the movies he dropped and puts them on the shelves quickly and haphazardly. He rushes over to Robin getting behind the counter and spinning her to face him instead of the customer she’s ringing out.
“Steve what is it? I’m a little busy here after losing that rock paper scissors match. Sorry about this.” She turns back towards the customer as she addresses him.
“Robin, Robin listen to me. Look at me. We’re going to meet Y/n Y/l/n when we go to the concert.”
After months of perfecting their songs and getting ready for the concert it was finally time to hit the road for Fort Wayne. The band is packing up the van with their stuff in front of Gareth's house when the gang pulls up in front of it piled in Steve’s mini van, which he decided to get when he realized he’d be driving more than just Robin around all the time after Nancy left for college.
“Don’t you have a hotel to check into Harrington?” He calls out as Robin's window rolls down and Steve leans over to say something.
“Mike and Dustin wanna go with you, something about not wanting to listen to all of us sing on the way up. Is there room in the van for them?” 
“Jeff’s driving the guys up because we’ve got the amps and stuff in the van so I have the passenger seat free.”
“Dibs!” Dustin yells practically pouring out of the full minivan in his rush to get it first.
“Eddie, what if I sit in the space between the seats?” Mike begs as he stands half in and out of the car. 
“It’ll be a little cramped but sure you-” He stops speaking as Mike slams the door shut and rushes to Eddie’s van to be able to get in. “Lucas, you wanna try to jam yourself in there too?”
“I’ll stick to having my own space instead of being stuck so close to you three but thanks.”
“Suit yourself.” Eddie shrugs before placing the last amp into the back and shutting the doors.
“Does this mean we’re meeting you at the hotel first or is it still the venue?”
“Still the venue, I wanna get this shit out of the van as soon as possible and make sure I won’t forget chords or anything. These twerps will just have to suffer with not picking which of the rooms that Steve got they sleep in.”
“Sure it’s about the chords.” Gareth laughs as he gets in the passenger seat of Jeff’s car.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Eddie’s face scrunches up in confusion and Steve picks that moment to peel down the street wanting to miss the fight he thought might break out.
“Probably that you’re just hoping to see Y/n sooner and using everything else as an excuse.” Adam teases getting in the back seat and Eddie freezes like a deer in headlights.
“No that, that’s not what this is.”
“Whatever it is Eddie, let her know we’re excited to see her.” Jeff winks before pulling out of the driveway.
“What was that about?” 
“Shut up and get in the car Wheeler.” Dustin laughs at how grumpy his friend seems at how his band saw right through him deciding to keep any thoughts he might have to himself. He’ll let Mike realize everything himself if they do actually meet Y/n.
Between Mike and Dustin deciding they needed to go to the bathroom at different times of the drive and insisting they stop in a drive thru to eat since they’re missing dinner with Steve and everyone else going with Eddie the drive up, which was only supposed to be about an hour, ends up being close to two hours. Eddie never thought he could hate his friends this much as they pull into the backlot for the venue to see Jeff’s car already there parked next to the tour bus that has to be yours. Okay hate is a strong word, he’s just so annoyed with them at the moment that he wants to yell. As they get out of the van Eddie makes his way around it to open the back doors.
“Where do you two think you’re going?” He stops them in their tracks in their attempt to escape their annoyed friend. They turn to look at him, Mike cringing at the look on Eddie’s face. “Get over here and help unload.” Eddie hands each boy a guitar case and a part of Gareth's drum set. “When you get in there tell the guys to get their asses out here.”
“On it.” Dustin salutes him before leading Mike into the building.
“He’s really in a mood huh?”
“He’s just pissed because we prevented him from possibly seeing Y/n early. He’ll get over it.” Dustin shrugs as he talks to Mike knowing that he’s right but hoping it’s sooner rather than later.
“Did you guys see her already?” Eddie asks the guys after a while of silently unloading the van with them.
“Yeah, we got here early enough to talk to her, she just went to start her sound check though.” Gareth laughs at the groan Eddie lets out as he realizes if he were here even ten minutes earlier he would’ve seen her.
“How is she?”
“She’s good, she looks and sounds great too.”
“Shut up.” Eddie slams the back door shut instead of shoving Jeff like he wants to for teasing him like this.
“She also made sure to let us know all about how the two of you talk and you purposely don’t tell us when she asks about us.”
“She’s such a fucking tattler. Now move it gentlemen I’ve got kids to strangle before we do our own sound check.” He knows that even though there will be an hour between when their sound check ends and the show starts he won’t see you then. If he still knows you the way he used to you’ll be napping because you didn’t really sleep the night before. So he won’t see you until after the show, he’s hoping he’ll get lucky and see you in between their set and your own but he knows that’s a long shot too.
Eddie’s still buzzing from the applause and cheers they got by the time you get on stage to perform. It was unlike anything he’s ever experienced. All of their instruments and equipment have been piled up and placed in the area to the exit but the moment Eddie heard the cheers for you to get on stage it was like he was under a spell. Next thing he knew he was as close as he could get to it from backstage and watching you look like you’re having the time of your life. He’s absolutely enchanted with watching you move around the stage.
“Hey Eddie, let’s get everything in the van.” Jeff suggests once he realizes that the concert’s almost over. Like him the rest of the band also just stopped to watch you perform. The thought of all of their stuff still sitting out had completely blanked their minds since they were all just happy to see you again after so long.
“Yeah the shows almost over now, we should probably get everything packed up before everyone starts leaving.” Gareth laughs at how absorbed Eddie is with you as he agrees with his bandmate.
“It’s almost over?”
“Yeah man come on. You don’t want to be stuck packing it up when we’re supposed to be seeing her when she’s done right?” Adam’s words break him out of his trance and Eddie’s whirling around to make his way out.
“Come on numbskulls what are you doing standing around we have a van to pack up.”
To you the concert goes by so fast and before you know it you’re being ushered into the meet and greet area in the back waiting for some of your favorite people to show up. You greet a few fans that paid for their meet and greet tickets and sign a few things, take a few photos. But there aren’t many that weren’t part of Eddie’s group of tickets because they took up most of that type of ticket. Sure you basically sold out your own meet and greets for this show which was already limited due to the venue's rules and the headlines would probably have a field day if they knew that but you’re allowed to be happy and have things without having people who don’t even know you call you selfish.
“Wayne!” You almost squeal when you spot the man who was like a second father to you entering the room. A smile overtakes your face as you finish signing a poster for the last fan before turning and meeting him halfway wrapping your arms around him.
“Hey there kid!” He wraps you up into one of your favorite bear hugs and it feels so much like home that you want to cry. “How have you been?”
“Good, what about you? Eddie’s not driving you too crazy is he?” He chuckles as you pull away.
“Nah, not too crazy. I think you’ve got people who want to meet you though.” He steps aside and your attention goes to the group behind him, some of whom seem starstruck.
“Hi, are you guys a part of Eddie’s group?” You wave to them all with a smile on your face.
“So he does actually know her.”
“Shut up Steve.” The older two of the group seem to try to whisper while the girl digs her elbow into Steve’s side. One of the younger ones rolls his eyes and is the first to approach you.
“Hi I’m Dustin.”
“Dustin! Hi, it’s nice to put a face to the voice.”
“Same here. I guess I’ll introduce these guys since most of them are idiots.” He turns back towards the group and starts with the two younger girls in the front of the group who are bouncing with excitement.
“El and Max.” Your mouth moves as if you’re saying ‘oh’ but nothing comes out and your eyes widen slightly. 
“You’re Max? I’ve heard a lot about you, Eddie talks about you all the time.”
“Oh my god you know who I am?” The boys in the group's eyes widen due to how high pitched and excited her voice sounds. It’s so out of character for her to them.
“Course I do, if I didn’t grow up with Eddie I’d probably think the two of you were brother and sister with how often he brings you up when we talk.”
“Can I hug you?”
“Of course!” You open her arms for her and only start to part when she initiates the break the way you normally do with fans. “I know a little bit about you too El, but not as much sorry.”
“Do not be sorry. It’s crazy that you know anything.” You hold your arms out for her with an encouraging smile and embrace her when she makes her way for a hug.
“It’s nice to meet you both.”
“Mike and Lucas.” Dustin points to two of the younger boys.
“Ah, the other Hellfire members right?” They both nod and go to shake your hand. When Dustin goes to introduce the others you stop him. “Wait, I think I can figure out the rest of them. You’re Will Byers right? You went missing my senior year and I had photography with your brother.”
“Yeah, Jonathan always said you were really nice and about how worried you were when I was missing.”
“I went to your funeral too. I wanted to help support Johnny the best I could. How is he doing?”
“He’s good.” Will smiles at how you ask about his brother, glad to know he had a friend there for him then he knows how few Jonathan actually has. “It’s an honor to meet you seriously, you’re one of my favorite musicians.” A lot of people tell you that you’re their favorite but it warms your heart to hear it each and every time.
“And then you’re Robin?” 
“Yes! It is so so so cool to be able to meet you! I listen to your music like all the time!” Her excitement causes you to beam at her.
“I’m sorry if we did and I forgot but did we meet in school at all? Your face just seems so familiar.”
“No, we’ve never met. I would've definitely remembered that. But I was in Jonathan’s grade and in band so you might’ve seen me at pep rallies and stuff.” You snap your fingers and point excitedly.
“That’s where I recognize you from! Not the pep rallies, god Eddie and I hated those things. I joined band for like barely even a couple months before quitting my junior year which would’ve been your freshman year.”
“So you were in band with me?”
“It wouldn’t have been for long and I didn’t really interact with anyone when I would go but yeah.”
“That’s so cool!” She lunges at you for a hug before quickly pulling back. “Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.”
“It’s fine, you can hug me.” You barely get the last word out before she’s jumping on you for another hug and causing you to laugh.
“And you’re Steve the hair Harrington. I definitely remember you, never would’ve thought you’d be at one of my shows.” Your eyes narrow and you cross your arms over your chest. Steve rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Yeah, look-” He gets interrupted by the door to the room swinging open.
“You guys took way too long, it’s like you’re trying to kill me or something.” As soon as he’s in the room yours and Eddie’s eyes meet and the biggest smiles overtake your faces.
“Eddie Bear!” You rush past Steve and Robin bumping his shoulder as you run to jump into Eddie’s arms.
“Sweetheart! You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
“Bet I missed you more. You’re the one with the giant friend group now, I bet you forget all about little ol’ me all the time.”
“I could never.” He whispers it into your hair holding you closer than either of you thought possible and yet not close enough. The two of you stay like that for a while before Dustin clears his throat causing the two of you to separate. “Did you meet everyone yet?” He grasps onto your hand like a lifeline as he leads the way over to his friends.
“Yeah, I was just getting reintroduced to Steve before you came in.”
“You would not believe how different he is now than back in high school. He’s like a brand new man.”
“Would I really be friends with him if he wasn’t?”
“You have a point there.”
“You guys know I’m still here right?” Steve joins in, astonished at how in your own world the two of you are. He’s never seen Eddie like this with anyone or anything other than his music and when he���s DMing.
“Well it’s nice to meet the new you Steve.” You hold your hand out for him to shake, hiding a yawn with your other.
“You’re tired.”
“I’m fine.” You roll your eyes at Eddie’s observation knowing he’s about to get all protective.
“No you’re not, you need to sleep. Are you staying at a hotel tonight or on your bus?”
“Overprotective Munson is back!” Gareth jeers as he swings an arm around your shoulder causing the rest of the band and yourself to laugh.
“I’m staying on the bus. But I really wanted to meet all your friends.”
“Well you’ve met them, you’ve greeted them. Now it’s time for you to rest for your next show.” He tries to steer you towards the exit but you stand your ground.
“An introduction isn’t a proper meeting, I want to get to know them.”
“And you can when you come home after your tour. You have what, two other shows left? You can talk to them more in three days when you end up staying at the trailer.”
“Fine.” You sigh out and take your hand out of his so you can go hug Wayne again. “I’ll see you soon Wayne.”
“See ya kid. We’ll keep the trailer warm for ya.” You smile and wave to the rest of them before following Eddie out to the back parking lot, your hand back in his own.
“I really have missed you a lot, you know.” Eddie’s thumb rubs circles around the back of your hand as he walks you to the bus.
“I have too. I haven’t really felt at home since leaving Hawkins till I got a hug from Wayne and you.”
“Really? But Hawkins is awful.”
“Yeah, but home is where the heart is y'know?”
“Sweetheart, are you saying I’ve got your heart?” Eddie stops only a few steps from the bus entrance.
“Now hold on that’s not what-”
“Oh not what you meant huh? So if I were to ask you on a date for when you come home you’d say no?” He’s teasing you know it but you can tell he’s serious about the date by the look in his eyes.
“I’d be crazy to say no to a date with the lead singer of my favorite band. I am your number one fan after all.” He pulls you closer to rest his forehead on your own.
“And I’m yours, always have been, always will be.” You smile at each other and when you go to kiss him he places a finger on your lips. “Nuh uh, you need to rest. We’ll save the smooching for our date. I’ll see you then.” He pulls back and starts walking away.
“I hate you Edward Munson!” He turns, smiling at you and continuing to walk backward.
“You love me!”
 “Yeah, I do.” You say it just for yourself but he hears it and can’t stop the beaming smile on his face the whole rest of the night.
Eddie Taglist (Closed): @sadbitchfangirl @notbeforelong @munsonswhore86 @navs-bhat @emotionaldreamer @magicalchocolatecheesecake @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @fangirling-4-ever  @gaysludge @audhd-dragonaut @eddiethesexy  @mazerunnerrose @tvserie-s-world @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions​ @spacedoutdaydreamer  @livslifeonline @mushroomelephant @hb8301 @ginnupp @saramelaniemoon @kaylshunter @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @let-love-bleeds-red @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @gloryekaterina @quixscentsposts @wormm-mom @eddiemuns0nl0ver @spookyemorockbabe​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind @matchamunson @bubsonnobx @practicalghost @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr
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crystillyzed · 9 months
at the rainbow's end // mysta rias
pairing: mysta rias x gn!reader
word count: 4.1k
genre: fluff, staff!reader, mutual pining, wingman elira
content warning(s): swearing, unedited
After nearly a year of hearing each other's voice, you finally meet him.
a/n: this was originally going to be released as my 100 follower celebration since i hit that a while back and to make up for the lack of event since i don’t have the time to host one. but with mysta’s graduation this past weekend, i didn’t want to keep this in my drafts since i’ve been working on this for like practically a year now.
this fox-dog man means so much to me, even though i can’t really catch his streams due to timezone differences, but he means So Much to me. i got back into writing because of luxiem, but he and shu were the ones who got me back into the swing of writing which is amazing bc i love writing. i just lost all the motivation to do so until i found them last year. even though he’s no longer in niji anymore or mysta anymore, i will keep writing for him. in fact, i actually have like 3 or so mysta works in the drafts lol
and speaking of writing, this is the first long fic i’ve written in 3-4 years. i’m considering crossposting this onto my ao3 as an alternative access to read longer fics bc ik how tumblr is poopy with loading long text posts. i’m a bit rusty when it comes to writing long fics, but i hope you’ll be able to enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing this 🧡
links: luxiem m.l || main m.l || ao3 ver (if tumblr dies)
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You twist your head from your phone back towards your monitor, displaying the Discord window showing your current private call with your blue dragon friend.
“Mysta’s WHAT?”
“Yeah, he’s coming along on the trip,” Elira laughed. “You didn’t know?”
“Apparent-ly! What the hell!! Luca, that motherfucker, I’m gonna beat his ass when I see him!”
She howls with laughter as you ramble on and on about how Luca told you everything about their planned trip but didn’t tell you about Mysta’s planned involvement. Once you’re done, she takes many deep breaths to calm down. “You should come with us! It’s gonna be fun. And, you’ll get to see him again.~”
You can’t really see each other’s faces, considering you’re both in a voice call. But god damn, you can hear the eyebrow wiggle in her teasing tone.
“I can’t,” you groaned, “I have finals when you’re there. As much as I wanna skip it, I really need to pass.”
“Damn, you can’t even get a referral from staff to get you here for a business meeting? Unlucky.”
“Can’t even do that anyway. I already told my professor that my trip’s been canceled, so now I have to take it.”
Though you’re not a liver for the company, you are, however, a staff member for the company. Specifically one of the staff in charge of promotions. Of course, you mainly focus on promoting EN and sometimes the other two now-merged branches. In fact, that’s how you got close to some of the livers.
As one of the staff promoters, you have to speak with the associated livers about PR stream offers and their convention appearance invites. Since you’ve been interacting with the livers the most, you’ve become friends with a few of them. Some namely Elira and Mysta.
Honestly, it’s not that you play favorites with the livers. You try your best to keep your relationships professional with them. But your bond with a specific fox-like man says otherwise.
You see, Mysta has been a joy to be around with. Although you haven’t met him in person yet, you have played some multiplayer games with him. Sometimes you check out the EN Minecraft server to see if the installed mods are working properly. Weirdly enough, almost every time you visit the server, Mysta is online. In fact, that’s how your not-so-business relationship started.
When you first entered the server, after double checking if no one was streaming at the scheduled hour, he was the first person you met. You thought you would run into Selen, Pomu, or perhaps Uki during your visit, but you were pleasantly surprised at his sudden appearance. Luckily, he was kind enough to show you around the server while teaching you some mods. With, of course, the trademark Mysta Rias experience packaged with sexual innuendos and teasing about. Well, except he didn’t go completely sexual considering it was your first time meeting him. He has some decency.
After that, you’ve run into him almost every time you visit the Minecraft server. Every visit eventually turned into hangouts, just you two (and sometimes another liver) chatting and building projects in-game. Soon enough, you and Mysta started to play other games together. You both played games such as Overwatch, Clubhouse, and sometimes League if you felt like torturing yourself for some reason.
Obviously, you had to keep the professionalism on both sides somehow. Your fellow staff members, especially some livers, noticed your close bond with the detective. So they usually send you to his DMs to discuss about any promotion offers involving him. Whenever you have your cameras on for a meeting, he somehow always flusters you with sudden flirtatious marks or something of the sort mid-conversation.
“Hello? Helloooooooo? Is someone there??”
Elira’s voice yoinks you out of your thoughts. Oh god, were you spacing out this entire time? How embarassing.
You clear your throat then respond as if you weren’t thinking of someone just now, “S-sorry, did you say something?”
“Oh my god. It’s that bad,” she mindlessly mutters.
Blink blink. “Huh?”
“Nothing,” she quickly retaliates. With a slight hum, she speaks again, “Since you’re gonna be stuck in hell… Want me to get you something? Like a souvenir or a limited edition thing? I literally have your address, man.”
Oh right, she does. Sometimes you and Elira send gifts to each other like figurines or plushies at random times.
“Nah, I’m good. Thanks for the offer, man.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I’ll still probably send some pics buuut… Y’know… Just saying…”
There she goes again, doing that thing where she wiggles her eyebrows even though you can’t see her fucking face right now. Goddamn it, why did you tell her about your… thing with Mysta? You should’ve known that she’s NOT going to let it go.
You groan, “Just. Just surprise me.”
“That’s so vague! Do you know what that means?”
“Yeah? So? Surprise me.”
“Man… You have no idea how much power you just gave me.” She cackles for the next few seconds, making you start regretting your decision. “Okay, I’ll surprise you. Just don’t forget you asked me to, alright? And no complaining!”
“Okay, alright, fine! I won’t complain! Jeez… Now get to bed, nerd, you have a flight tomorrow.”
“Sheesh, what are you, my mom?” You both chuckle at her remark. “Okieee~ I’ll go pass out now, I guess. Good night!”
“Good night, Ewiwa. Have a safe trip.”
And you both leave call. Well, maybe you should get to sleep too. It’s getting super late, after all.
Mysta stares at Elira across the table in disbelief. “Finals? Of all times? Bruh…”
“Haha, yeah! Super uncool and lame and not something I have to worry about soon,” his penguin colleague beside him laughs with a dreadfully crazed look in her eyes. She anxiously reaches out for her soda and starts drinking rapidly.
“Wh— it’s not like I can control it or anything. Shit happens!”
“I know, it’s just…” he drawls off as his gaze lowers to the table. Admittedly, it’s difficult for him to hide his expression. So naturally, the two girls noticed his disappointment. Elira and Petra awkwardly look at each other, then to him, then back at each other.
“Hey, it’s okay, Mysta,” Petra says as she pats his back. “You can always see them next time! Like Nijifest!”
The dragon nods, “Yeah! Or you could see them the next time you take a break. Like going on another vacation or something.”
“If I have enough money for it,” he sighed. But he gives them a small smile to appreciate their attempts to soothe him.
Petra frowns. “If? Mysta, you’re literally one of the top livers in EN, like? Hello? Mr. One Million?”
“But I still don’t know when that’s gonna happen. Might as well be in a year or maybe like half a year or something.”
Elira’s eyes narrow. She quietly listens to their conversation, or bickering at this point, while taking some occasional sips of her drink.
For the past practically a year, Elira’s been one of the victims to both of your hopeless gushing.
She already knew about your friendship since you’ve talked a lot about it before. She knows the stupid hijinks and drunken confessions that you and Mysta told her about off stream. Her eyes closes as a confused thought crosses her mind, Seriously, how are you two not dating already?
Of course, she’s quite aware that the rest of Luxiem are both of your victims. Hell, when Elira’s alone with the other boys, it’s usually them talking about how astonishing that you and Mysta aren’t together. Sometimes, they make bets on who’s going to confess first. It’s obvious!
Even with the two going back and forth, practically becoming one with the background, she closes her eyes and hums in thought. Finals should be finished next week, she mused. Her visible eye opens as she takes a glance at the ashy haired male. But he’s been so busy lately that they haven’t spoken with each other…
The entire EN branch had a full schedule for the past few months. In fact, their schedule was so full that sometimes the livers couldn’t make their own streaming schedules nor stream in general. Mysta, of course, was no exception. As one of the most popular livers in EN, he’s one of the most busiest people she’s ever known. On top of that, you too have been busy recently too. You haven’t been able to hang out with him as of late despite being a staff member yourself. Life really likes to fuck anyone over, doesn’t it?
She could tell that you two haven’t been able to find the time to talk with each other. The staff picked up many projects that practically almost everyone is unavailable, and you were one of said unavailable members. The only times the livers could contact you was through Slack or by email for business inquiries. But things should be slightly slowing down, for now that is.
Although, it would be nice to have you two meet each other once at the same time, even if it’s a coincidental encounter.
Wait a minute…
A devious smirk lifts her lips, her eyes glinting with mischief in mind. She chuckles to herself as she entertains the thought. Hell, it even looks kinda creepy to the other patrons. ESPECIALLY to her coworkers who’s now staring at her with confusion and a hint of fear.
“…Elira? Are you okay?” Petra asked the dragon.
“Hm?” She blinks out of her thoughts as the penguin’s voice pulls her back into reality. Elira stares at her and Mysta, who also looks a bit dumbfounded, before grinning at them. “Oh, don’t worry about it. Just thought of something.”
Blink blink. “Like what?” Mysta asked this time.
Again, she lets out a chuckle and flicks her wrist to wave off the concern. “Like I said! Don’t worry about it! Y’all will see it eventually.”
Soon enough, the waitress arrives with their orders. Elira turns to face her and helps her with the food. On the other side of the table, the two livers tilt their heads in confusion and eventually give each other an unknowing look as the table is served.
You lie in bed snuggled underneath your covers, but the lights are still on as you scroll through Twitter on your phone.
It’s been about a couple weeks since your call with Elira. She’s been sending you updates, videos, and pictures of the group’s adventures in Japan. Sometimes, she’d call you before going to bed to tell you what happened during the trip in case it was a story she couldn’t explain over text. Of course, there were times when another liver like Reimu and Nina would join in the call and give you the tea. As much as you wished you wanted to be there while dying in exams, you felt warm as you saw the livers enjoying themselves on their vacation.
Then, you noticed how fast the month flew by. Eventually, it was time for the livers to fly home and say goodbye for a while. They all had different flights, obviously, but there was a specific person who didn’t leave the country yet.
You were looking on Twitter while watching the members’ story time streams on a pop-up viewer. Although, you didn’t see Mysta’s waiting room or tweet indicating his return to streaming yet.
Suddenly, you remembered why.
“He wants to stay back for a bit,” Elira answered over the sound of her packing. “Dunno why, but I don’t blame him. He was in Japan for work last time.”
That he was. Though disappointing it is that you can’t hang with him for a while longer, at least he’s having fun.
“Oh, remember the thing I asked you about?”
She asked you something? When?
“What thing?” You asked.
“Uh… The souvenir thing?”
Oh shit, you forgot about that. And apparently, she noticed your forgetfulness as indicated by her laughter.
“I got you something,” Elira continued, “but I’ll send it to you when I get back.”
“Why not now? You can just ask headquarters to send it to me.”
“It’s not something in a box though.”
You blinked in confusion, unanswering.
On the other end of the line, you heard her chuckle, “You’ll see.”
Your brief conversation did, in fact, make you scared. Although it’s Elira, your local dependable dragon, sometimes she can be as unpredictable as… well… the rest of Nijisanji. Not just EN, but Nijisanji in general. Remember that one time you watched her stream where she suddenly jumped into a hole in that Forest collab? Yeah…
Now, some time has passed since the trip and she’s been home for about almost a week. It’s something not in a box, right? So what’s taking her so long? Is it digital? Or did she fuck up somewhere with the delivery?
Currently, you’ve been juggling schoolwork, personal work, and work-work. Needless to say, it’s been a stressful time, especially around this type of year. Seriously, why is everyone so goddamn busy around this time? Idle thoughts aside, you’ve also been anxiously waiting for Elira’s souvenir. For the past week, you’d constantly check your phone and your PC for any email or DM from Slack and Discord with Elira’s name attached to it. Every time you get DM’ed or emailed, it’s always been another liver or staff member whose name doesn’t start with Elira and end with Pendora.
But hey, at least you got funny memes from Luca and Mysta in the mean time!
Honestly, at this point, you might as well just give up. Maybe she did run into issues, or she just forgot.
You let out a sigh as you refreshed your feed for the umpteenth time tonight, accompanied by the ghost’s voice eminating through your speakers. Yet suddenly, a notification banner from Discord slides down onto the screen.
Elira Pendora
So she didn’t forget??
Confused yet astonished at the same time, you pull down your notifications bar and tap on the DM to see what she sent.
As the iconic Discord logo pops up on your screen, it eventually loads your conversation with Elira. When you look past your previous chat, a message larger than it should be fills about a third of your screen.
A plane ticket to London next week. Seat number and all. And most notably, it has your name.
You frantically tap on the textbox and type.
Elira Pendora
your souvenir! ☺️
Elira Pendora
I had to pull a few strings with staff
just normal coworker things
Elira Pendora
but like you should go!!!
I didn’t go through all that just for you to not see him
and you really needed a break so 😎
but hes Still in japan?????
Elira Pendora
yeah but he’s flying back home next week
I asked him earlier and had to like try to figure out how to get you to meet him at the same time
or like
around the same time 😌
man idk if i should thank you or yell at you
Elira Pendora
better get ready!!!
wait what about the hotel
Elira Pendora
what hotel? ☺️
i’m sure he wouldn’t mind letting you stay for a few days tbh
and yes I will also pay for your return trip
Elira Pendora
I KNOW 😭😭😭
but it’s worth it! go get your man bitch!!
but :thonk:
I think I’ll try to pass out now since I have something scheduled tomorrow soooo
GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
gn ewiwa :D
Well! Looks like you have a trip to prepare for.
The gray haired detective lounged comfortably in the AirBnB’s living room, resting on the sofa as he scrolled through Twitter. He let out a chuckle here and there, sometimes full on laughing whenever a funny meme popped up on his timeline.
“Meesta!” Elira called out to him from the kitchen island.
He turned around to look at the unusually giddy dragon. Confused, he asked, “What’s up?”
“When are you heading back?”
“Uh…” Pulling out his phone, he quickly went through his gallery to find a screenshot of his ticket. Once he found it, he examined the ticket for its boarding time and date then put it away. “In like a couple or so weeks. I thought I told you?”
“I don’t think you did,” she answered.
She motioned him to give her the device, or at least show her the screen. Of course, he complied. Though insane she is, he does have immense respect for her and Lazulight. Mysta stood up from his seat and approached her. Once in the kitchen area, he flipped his phone towards her, letting her singular visible eye take a peek.
Elira hummed as she inspected the ticket details then pulled back. “Cool. Thanks man!”
She walked away from the kitchen, carrying a glass of water upstairs leaving him even more confused.
It’s been three weeks since his unusual encounter with Elira. He sits idly at a bench by a luggage conveyor in the airport, waiting for his bags to unload from the plane. While waiting, he leans back into his seat and lets out an exhausted sigh. Luckily, no one is seated beside him, so he could just take up all the space on this uncomfortable bench. Still, he couldn’t help but reminisce onto their conversation.
Was she planning something? Was she just curious? What was she cooking?
Now, he’s back in the dreaded land of England, land of the beloathed. He pulls out his phone and immediately checks Discord. The EN server is lively as always, everyone’s practically home but the sense of energy radiates from the screen despite being digital. Like any other liver, he hops in the conversation a bit, sometimes memeing around with the others in the general channel.
Although, he noticed that your icon hasn’t appeared at least once since he landed. He was even paying attention to the top left corner of his screen for a red dot indicating your message. Normally, you’d send him a meme or something to see while he’s asleep or busy. But strangely enough, you haven’t yet. Maybe he should send you something? Or maybe call?
Mysta continues to catch up and reflect on the livers’ vacation in Japan on the server, his attention eventually caught by a familiar bag on the conveyor.
Welp. Looks like he’ll call you later.
Thank god Elira had the brain cells to make sure your flight isn’t after his own. Of course, she had to take in account about the flight times since you’re both literally across the globe from each other going to London. To avoid missing him right after landing, you were booked super early into the morning. But sometimes, there’s a possibility that you might be too early when he lands. And, unfortunately, that seems to be the case.
“He lands around midnight,” Elira told you on phone prior to checking in. “So you should be a biiiit early.”
Yeah, by like, 2 hours.
Man, what the hell are you supposed to do for two whole hours? Well, at least you have your phone AND your luggage. You could even people watch in the lobby. But that’s 2 hours!
What’s even more fucked up is that you can’t really use your phone unless you find the wifi. But airport wifi is kinda shitty, especially in England of all places. Talk about a British debuff.
You let out a heavy sigh and collapse into your seat. Napping is out of the question, even though you’re still kind of tired from the flight. Don’t wanna risk missing him by a smidgen, of course. So you ended up roaming around the airport for a while, getting yourself some drinks and snacks to keep you occupied while waiting for your friend. Luckily there were plenty of places to lounge while waiting, so you found a place to sit and enjoy your haul of snacks while waiting.
You did get to connect to the public wifi to look at some memes, but again, it’s the airport wifi. With how slow your phone’s been loading, you eventually disconnect yourself from the wifi after moments of mindless scrolling.
But then you realized something.
You have absolutely no idea what gate he’s in.
Panicked, you scramble to pick up your bags from your side and stand up. Shit, did Elira tell you what airline he took? God, having data in another country would be so helpful. There’s absolutely no way you’re gonna reconnect to the public wifi, it’s too damn slow! If you did have data, you’d look back to your DMs and scrub through your brief conversation from last night.
With a quick glance at your phone, the clock flashes briefly on the screen. 9:20pm, that means his flight’s arriving in less than an hour. Oh shit.
Immediately, you pace briskly throughout the terminals. As you scrounge through the crowds just to take a good look at the terminals, you ask staff for international flights from Japan along the way to help narrow down as much as possible. Throughout the search, you occasionally checked the clock on your phone. 9:40? Shit, his flight should be here now or soon.
“Mysta!” You suddenly shout, passerbys looking at you strangely as you start calling for his name. Your luggage rolls and bumps against the crevices of the floor, bags jostling as you promptly continue your search throughout the terminals. “Mysta Rias!”
Meanwhile, in the same area…
An ashy gray haired man stands in front of the carousel, waiting for the rest of his bags to drop onto the conveyor belt. He pulls out his phone from his pocket, taking a quick glance at his notifications and Discord. His mouth lowers into a frown, his brows furrowing in worry as he notices the lack of notifications from you. Did they really fall asleep?
Sunset kissed eyes shift towards the carousel at the sound. Spotting his luggage on the conveyor belt, he walks over to his revolving baggage and lifts them onto the ground. Maybe he’ll shoot you a dm later when he gets home. The handle on his large case clicks as he pulls it up, soon dragging it on its wheels behind him as he heads towards the direction of the exit.
You continue running and searching for him, frantically calling his name throughout the terminal. Your head turns left and right as you look into the surrounding late night crowd, your gaze briefly analyzing each arrival for any hint of his gray hair or his tallness. As you remain standing in the middle of the hall, looking for him, you see a tall man wearing small shades on the bridge of his nose. Gray side hairs framing his face sway into the air as he lugs his bags from the baggage claim and towards the nearest exit.
Without a second thought, your feet starts moving towards him. “Mysta—“ you call. “Mysta!”
After seconds and minutes of searching for him, calling his name and pushing through the crowd as you chase after him. Just a little more…!
And finally… Finally, you see him.
With a clear shout of his name, the gray haired man halts.
Bewildered, he looks left and right until he turns around to see you panting. His heart stopped as he stares at you astonishly. The ambience of the crowd and muffled intercom speakers drowned out as he zoned onto you.
He looked at you.
The person standing just centimeters away from him.
The person who he thought was someone he’d never meet face to face ever.
The person who helped him find a reason to keep going even in the darkest of times.
It felt like hours just staring at each other. It didn’t even feel like there was an ocean of people swarming about and passing by. Without a second thought, Mysta slowly approaches you as if he were to scare you off. As if he didn’t want to wake up, if he is dreaming.
As he gets closer and closer, you didn’t make a move. No, you merely stared at him with wonder and excitement im your eyes.
You both stood across each other, only a few centimeters apart. He blinks several times, even pinching his wrists to disprove his thoughts. But he felt a stinging pain on each part.
An airy huff somewhat resembling a laugh escapes from him. Relief washes over him, and he whispers with a smile, “…Hi.”
You smile back.
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canyouiimagine · 6 months
Showed Me | CS55 x Black! Reader
✧ Paring: Carlos Sainz jr x Heiress black!reader
✧ Warning: Mean reader, cursing, mentions of cheating.
✧ Summary: In which reader is a bad person but a good friend.
✧ A/N: I obviously don't know Carlos Sainz, this is just for entertainment. <3 Also, English is not my first language so 👉🏾👈🏾.
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You and Anna had always been polar opposites. She was nice, you weren't. She was sociable, you weren't. She was passionate, you weren't. But there is one thing you guys had in common, you both hated losing.
Your best friend was currently curled up in your bed. The same bed she hadn't left since she came knocking at your door 2 days ago, bawling her eyes out. For a man. Carlos Sainz - the man she was crying about - was handsome, you'll give her that. But the man was a fluorescent red flag, you could see he was trouble from a mile away. You told her to be careful, but she didn't listen. 
Anna was an optimistic person, you weren't.
Anna and Carlos met almost two years ago at a private party in Ibiza. She had just graduated Valedictorian and wanted to celebrate with a weekend on the island.  It was love at first sight she said.  She was minding her business, dancing to the beat when suddenly she felt someone rubbing up on her and trying to grope her. She turned around to give the person a piece of her mind, but he got mad and raised his hand to hit her. Anna braced herself but nothing came. Instead, she heard – in her words - "a deep sexy voice speaking sexily in Spanish" and saw a tan hand holding the arm of her harasser. 
They started dating shortly after and Anna was over the moon.  To her, Carlos was sweet and caring. He flew her out places, bought her expensive gifts, and gave her his time whenever he could. She was rich, she didn’t need trips and gifts, but she appreciated the thought. To you, he was a prick who had convinced your friend that it would be better to keep their relationship a secret so he could feed her crumbs and use it as an excuse. Carlos was a Formula 1 driver, so they were apart a lot. Sure, she would sometimes attend races, but they couldn’t interact in public. Apparently, the media and fans had bullied his ex-girlfriend into breaking up with him and ever since he had opted to keep his love life private. 
A few months in their relationship he had given her the keys to his mansion in Madrid. “For whenever you miss me” he had said. “It’s our home” he had insisted. Anna went there as often as she could. So often in fact that she knew every corner of it. And the one this Instagram influencer was posing in was no exception. At first, she thought “it has to his cousin or something” but after clicking on her profile and scrolling through her feed she accepted the hard truth, he was cheating on her.  There were pictures upon pictures of her at the same places she had flown to meet up with Carlos. Pictures upon pictures of the same hotels and homes they stayed at together. But the worst part was the timeline of it all. All the posts were made a few days before or after she had been there. Carlos had been cheating on her, perhaps the entire length of their relationship.  Coming to that realization had her spiralling. She didn’t even know who was the side chick, was it her or the other girl? Had he met the both of them at the same time? Were there other girls? She tried asking his housekeepers for answers but all they did was give her looks of pity and sad smiles. She called and tried to confront him but as soon as he understood what was happening he hung up and blocked her.  Carlos was an asshole, and you couldn’t resist the urge to say -
“I told you so.” “Y/N!!” She cried out to you. “But I did, didn’t I?” This might seem harsh but you knew Anna more than anyone and you knew what she needed right now was a slap back to reality. You had let her cry and wallow in her pity for a few days but now she had to get herself together and be the bad bitch she knew herself to be.  “You’re supposed to be supportive! I gave him two years of my life. Two years!” You had been supportive. You had listened to her talk again and again about that man when you didn't even like him! Instead of replying you let out a sigh and caressed what you presumed was her head under the blanket.  
After a few minutes she finally let her head out to look at you, mischief written all over her face.
“Y/NNNN?” She said, smiling. “No.” You replied, giving her a pointed look.
You already knew where this was going. You tried to get up but she grabbed your wrist.
“We can’t let him get away with this, Y/N!” She whined, letting go of your wrist to put your hand in between hers. “We?” You looked at her incredulously. You didn't remember this being a "we" problem. “Who’s we?”
“We need to make him pay Y/N/N.” She said, frowning.
The minute she used your nickname she knew she had won.
Anna Lang was emotional, you weren’t. But Anna was your best friend and there was little you wouldn’t do for her.  She wanted revenge and she knew revenge was what you did best.
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Hope you enjoyed it 🥹💖
Here's my ko-fi in case any of you want to support me by giving donations 🥰: https://ko-fi.com/canyouiimagine
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kekaki-cupcakes · 9 months
Hi uhm sorry if I bother you: could you please write Percy x daughter of Disciplina (minor Roman goddess of discipline) who’s very uhm well rules-oriented, similar to Jason and cold and military though secretly loves cute and chaotic things (though doesn’t partake) so it’s kind of a rival to lovers situation please? And they meet when Percy arrives at the camp Jupiter? Thank you so much and feel free to decline ofc! Bye bye! Ps: loved your Nike series and I can’t wait for the Hypnos piece too! Take your time though, ofc!
This was a cute idea <3 and I liked writing about Camp Jupiter I haven't had any roman demigod requests before! sorry it took so long I'm multitasking so much haha but this ended up as 2.1k words lol <3
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rules orders kisses instructions---Percy Jackson x roman child of Disciplina
»»————- ★ ————-««
-First of all, it wasn’t your fault that you managed to bring the most chaotic, rule breaking, cute, carefree, demigod into Camp Jupiter.
-You were posted just inside the borders, watching for monsters and the like, and though you’d never admit it, it was one of the quietest and therefore dullest spots for patrol. Nothing ever came through, and you spent most of your time sharpening your weapon and spotting cloud animals. Until something did come through, namely, the bane of your entire existence. 
-He came running over the hills with a panda pillow pet and a bronze sword, followed by a hoard of screeching monsters, telling ‘Perseus Jackson’ that today was the day he would die. At the time, rescuing this random demigod was the right thing to do, but looking back, if you had just let him be trampled by the contents of Tartarus, it would have fixed a lot of your problems. Instead you opened the gates to Camp Jupiter and let him in.
-Both of you stood beyond the gates, which were made out of some solid metal that the Trivia kids had installed. They had never disclosed what it was that vaporized the monsters the second they touched it. You should probably check in with that, now that you think about it. 
-Perseus had made quite the fuss when the first cohort and the praetors showed up, making giant hands out of one of the rivers that ran along the edge of the city and then being introduced by a god. He took it all in his stride, and even had the nerve to back-talk Octavian [something you’d never admit to wanting to do yourself]. 
-You hated him immediately.
-Well, maybe not hate, hate was a strong word for simple feelings. You would just rather if Percy [he had corrected the use of his name immediately. You were grateful. Perseus was a stupid name.] had a bit more respect for the way Camp Jupiter worked, and stopped teaching the younger soldiers swear words during meal times. 
-A few days into his stay, he approached you in one of the large canvas tents set up. You’d been mapping out which of the hills you were going to use as a base in the next war game with Dakota, when he tripped on his shoelaces and righted himself, grinning at both you and Dakota. 
-Apparently he wanted to thank you for not leaving him out the border to fight off the army of monsters on his tail, and volunteered to help out on your team during the war games in return.
-You told him you would consider once he learnt to tie his shoelaces properly.
-You’d then assumed that would be the last of it, thankfully, [although for some reason you’d scan the fifth cohorts section sometimes for a mess of black hair, but you were just trying to keep the younger soldiers vocabulary appropriate. Obviously.] and spent the rest of the day taking poisonous bows and quivers off the children of Mercury, and explaining to the daughter of Pluto that she wasn’t allowed to ‘have a go at summoning a horse skeleton for funsies’.
-Reyna marched between the canvas tents with her metal dogs, barking instructions and sending out a few Helios kids and legacies as medics.
-Ten minutes before the game officially started, when the opposite side were posted up too far away to see their silhouettes on the mountain ridge, and the children of Mars were untying the war elephant from its posts and readying it for battle, Percy burst back into the tent. One of the leopards getting a spiked collar attached to its neck growled, but settled back down when Dakota spoke sharply to it. Lavinia went to shoo Percy out, but something about the easy grin on his lips made you wave a hand, and Lavinia went back to instructing the Vulcan children. 
-Percy ran to you, and in quite the untimely fashion, kicked one of his feet up onto the battle plans, mud and dirt smearing across the maps and charts. Before you could yell at him, you spotted his shoes. 
-“How’s that for being allowed to fight?” Somehow, in the few hours he’d had spare, Percy had acquired a pair of purple velcro sneakers. 
-You stood there for a moment, and then narrowed your eyes at him, folding your arms as well, just to make your point. “If you left Camp Jupiter I will have to report you, you know that, right?”
-He just smirked. “You like me too much. And don’t worry, I traded Octavian's diary for them, some Venus legacy guy had a spare pair. Purple isn’t really my color, but watch!”
-Thankfully, he took his feet off the table, but a moment later he was running across the cramped tent, and threw his arms out for balance as small wheels popped out of the soles of his shoes. A coat of shields crashed to the floor, and the leopard in the corner jumped to its feet and scampered out. Someone yelled and Percy proceeded to spin in a circle and then slip and fall.
-For the first time, you became annoyed that your reflexes were so good, because Percy was sprawled out in your arms, which were under his, keeping him from becoming impaled by a stray electric spear. You held your breath for as long as you could, pulling your expression into one blank of emotions, but then you couldn’t hold it any longer. 
-You laughed.
-Pery turned around, pulling his shirt down and skidding a little on the floor. His green eyes you only just noticed were the same shade as the lake near the stables were wide, and he was slack jawed. 
-Your stomach started to hurt as you giggled, “what?”
-“You can laugh!”
-“Of course I can laugh, Perseus, I am a person.”
-“I didn’t know you could laugh. And it’s Percy, don’t make fun of me.”
-You went back to glaring at him quickly, and he visibly dulled. You just rolled your eyes and began brushing mud dewy grass of the battle plans. He peeked over your shoulder, hair tickling your neck, so you planted one of the little markers Dakota liked to use to show where people would be patrolling. 
-Percy pouted, and you quickly looked away from his mouth [why were you even looking at his mouth?], “can’t I be the horse?”
-“The Pluto girl is the horse, she’s making sinkholes along the tracks to our base, trying to dilute the flow of soldiers. You can be the dog, it’s cute.”
-“You think I’m cute?”
-His smile when he said that was in fact, cute, but you didn’t tell him that. Instead you picked up another of the little coloured markers, and moved it to where you’d initially put the dog. “Fine, you can be the toucan, because you’re an imbecile.” 
-“No wait, I wanna be the dog now... And what did toucans ever do to you?” 
»»————- ★ ————-««
-You became quite accustomed to the sound of smooth clicking, a scrape, and then Percy yelping and bumping into the back of you over the next few days. 
To the north, beyond the gods, lies the legion's crown. 
Falling from ice, the son of Neptune shall drown.
-You didn’t see him off. 
-You knew it wasn’t polite, the entirety of the army stood on the shore as Percy, the Pluto girl, and the boy who cared for the war elephant waved them off. But you stayed at your post by the border instead, watching cloud animals and pretending not to see someone sinking to their death in each one.
-But the army didn’t sit with him at every meal because technically, you were a superior and didn’t have an assigned legion, you had just usually sat with Reyna or Jason. You’d eat the breads and nuts and fruits the satyrs and harpies brought while Percy ate everything in sight that was even slightly blue. 
-The army wasn’t given a daisy chain as a crown when you showed Percy through the gardens, the trees and flowers acting as borders to the paths leading across the city in the direction of the universities and shops. The army didn’t find an old basketball in the weapons shed and learn to play with Percy, because he couldn’t remember playing before, but he was good. 
-The army didn’t sneak him into the stables because really you weren’t allowed but somehow the rearing black stallions calmed him when his breathing got too fast and uneven. 
-The army didn’t sit at the edge of the river bed while he ducked under and splashed around like a happy duckling. That stopped when the prophecy was first spoken. Percy skirted around puddles on the last day.
»»————- ★ ————-««
-There was blood. Lots of it. Smoke wafting from the scattered fires and screams piercing the muggy air. 
-You held your weapon tightly in your hand, back to back with Dakota as he brandished a baseball bat wound tight with thorny vines that curled and writhed like snakes. 
-Monsters crawled over the mountain ridge in waves, at least half of them squashed by the giant stomping in circles and roaring, creating miniature earthquakes with each step. Alcyoneus was forty feet tall, his skin a metallic sort of color that shone like the sun Helios was bringing into the middle of the stormy sky. 
-The fifth legion ran into places, maps and diagrams you’d drilled into them, finally being put to use as they worked effortlessly. The war elephant had doubled, somehow, and both charged at the violent giant currently ripping the roof off the stables, knocking him sideways.
-For a short moment, you assumed maybe a finger had been cut off from the monster, as a bronze sort of color streaked across the horizon, but then it came to a stop in front of Lavinia, who was dragging an unconscious demigod across the battlefield in the direction of the hidden medic base by the university. 
-Hazel, the Pluto girl [you’d finally learnt her name] sat atop a stallion, her cavalry helmet over her curly hair. You made eye contact, and her shoulder sunk, but you weren’t sure if it was with relief or disappointment. You couldn’t see her expression from across the bloodstained distance, but you could see the blue harpy foaming at the mouth behind her, talons outstretched. 
-You turned to Dakota, but he was already kneeling a little, bracing himself as you stepped on one of his hands, and then he launched you forwards and up, up into the smokey air filled with screams and wails. 
-Time slowed a little as you positioned yourself, wind whipping your eyes and making them sting. Hazel ducked as you flipped over her and landed on the Harpies back, rolling it away and further down the hill. Talons raked your cheek, and you whacked it over the head, hard.
-The bronze streak was gone already. Somehow the horse was running vertically up the side of the giant, and then began circling its neck.
-The sleeve of your purple shirt was ripped free and you held it to your face, the deep cuts dripping down your neck and already staining your skin in dark red blotches. Pain prickled, but you felt a chill down your spine, and by the time you had turned, the horned snake’s jaw was already unhinged, fangs dripping with something dark and oily and ready to bite.
-Your heart slowed, or maybe it sped up, all you knew was that it was the only thing you could hear.
-You held your arms in front of your scratched up face and tried to roll, but the snake's tail was already heavy across you, pining you to the blood stained cobblestone ground. You reached for where your weapon had been lost in the wrestle a moment before, but then there was a dragged out squelching sound and a ‘shing’. 
-The snake froze, and then its head slipped off its body, landing by Percy’s feet.
-He launched forwards as quickly as the snake had, only he pulled you from the cocoon of scales, panting. Your hands shook, and Percy’s eyes widened when he spotted the splatter of blood on your neck, his face going pale.
-You shook your head weakly, “just my cheek, it’s not bad.”
-He nodded, and then you were once again wrapped up tightly, this time by Percy’s arms. You noticed vaguely that he was actually pretty buff, but then you felt your eyes prickle with emotion.
-He stepped back quickly, ducking his head, “sorry, I..”
-“You didn’t drown.”
- “I technically did but it’s all good now-” 
-You cut him off with another hug, your face buried in his shoulder, probably covering him in your own blood as well, but Percy didn’t seem to mind when he hugged you back, chest heaving. You sniffed, trying not to cry, hands tight around his hoodie, “you smell like incense and hay.”
-“That, yeah that explains a lot of it actually.”
-“You don’t get to go on another quest without me, that’s an order.”
-“Yes please.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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formula-hamilton · 1 year
Antarctica (Lewis Hamilton x Reader)
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Summary: You and Lewis have been dating for some months when suddenly the video of him in Antarctica with a girl on his lap emerges. 
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: Angst, stupid Lewis, swearing, mentions of cheating, but not really (no real infidelity), fluff.
A/N: I wrote this because I really wanted to read this type of fic as soon as I saw the hot tub video. If anyone has written anything similar, please tag me because I live for these kind of fics and I would love to read it. Also I obviously don’t know what went down in Antarctica, so this is purely fiction. No hate to the hot tub girl. 
Stupid. So stupid.
That was how you felt as you sat at your desk at work staring at your phone. Just almost wanted to roll your eyes at your stupidity. Instead you closed your eyes and tried to hold back the tears you felt prickling behind your eyelids. 
You were supposed to leave work early this Friday. Lewis was going to fly you out to LA to celebrate his birthday Saturday and then you were going to stay with him for the coming week. He was going to introduce you to his friends. A few you had already met, but he insisted that it was time for you to meet the rest of them. 
You’re gonna love them, I just know it.
No need to be nervous about it baby, I’ve told them loads about you and they already love you.
He would always beam with excitement when talking about them. His smile would hold so much pride. 
You felt stupid for assuming. For being naïve. You never talked about being exclusive. Meeting friends, meeting family, you assumed that the two of you were serious about each other. That you were on the path to making your relationship official. Sitting at your desk you came to the realization that this thing wasn’t a relationship. It was clearly just a situationship and honestly that wasn’t what you were looking to find yourself in.
Maybe this is how it is dating someone not normal, you thought. Maybe there are different rules to follow. You hadn’t realized this before, but clearly the two of you were living in two different realities. 
For Christmas he brought you on his family’s ski trip. Just for a few days as you had your own commitments for the holidays. But he brought you, introduced you to everyone, held your hand in front of his family, kissed you in front of his family, called you his when you were in bed at night. He never called you his girlfriend and that didn’t bother you until now. You didn’t even spare it a thought until now. When you were younger, you and your friends always joked that if you kissed someone in public in daylight, it meant that you were official. If meeting family wasn’t enough to make a relationship official, to make it exclusive, you really didn’t know what it would take. 
24 years old. The woman, if you could even call her that, was 24 years old. That was all everyone talked about. Apparently this was not unusual for Lewis. Apparently she was just his type. Young and beautiful and a model. But still, Twitter was going crazy. 
Normally you didn’t indulge in gossip surrounding Lewis and F1 in general. You didn’t even seek out this piece of information yourself. Your younger sister sent you the video on Instagram. You almost missed the ending where Lewis sat in the hot tub having the time of his life with someone sitting on his lap. 
You wish you could erase it from your brain. Go back to the fantasy in your head. But you couldn’t. Instead you found yourself dug down in a Twitter hole trying to soak in every single detail possible. What stuck to you the most was how they apparently used to see each other in the past. If that wasn’t proof enough, you don’t know what was. You normally thought it was crazy how people found so much information about celebrities. You and Lewis always joked about it. Joked about how the fans would make great detectives. And then you would laugh about how none of them had any clue about the two of you. 
You were a very well kept secret. You both liked it that way. It made everything easier. Made the whole “getting to know each other” stage more simple. Obviously, people close to you knew, but the public didn’t. You couldn’t help but wonder if this was part of Lewis’ grand plan. By keeping his flings secret he could have one in every city he visited. Maybe you were just his London bed warmer. 
Silly of you to think that dating in your thirties would bring more maturity to the table. Honestly, the men were just as immature and on top of that, they brought all the baggage from shitty relationships in their twenties. For some reason you thought Lewis was different. Your heart ached for him to be different. 
You almost jumped out of your chair when you heard a knock on the door. Fuck. You quickly blinked the tears away and sat up straight before calling for the person to enter. Your boss poked his head in.
“I didn’t expect to see you here still, don’t you have a flight to catch?” He asked. 
“Yeah, but I have quite a lot of work to do so I think I might just stay a bit longer,” you said while trying to smile without it looking forced. You must have looked weird because he looked worriedly at you. “Really. It’s no trouble. I still have time before I have to leave for the airport, and if not I can always take a later flight.”
“Well, do whatever suits you, but remember to relax during your vacation. You deserve it,” he said while smiling. As he left, you slumped back down in your chair. You looked up at the ceiling while massaging your temples. What the fuck am I gonna do? You thought. 
It was clear to you that going to LA wasn’t an option. You didn’t want to continue whatever the two of you had going on. You didn’t want a casual thing. You had even told Lewis that. Told him that you were finally content with your career and was ready to pursue a serious relationship. You had shared your thoughts and your dreams for the future. You thought that he wanted the same things even though you hadn’t explicitly talked about in the context of your relationship.  
You knew that you were falling for him. You thought that he was falling for you as well. Stupid of you to assume when none of you had said the words. 
Your phone buzzed on the table. It was a text from him. You quickly opened it. 
Have a safe flight baby. Looking forward to seeing you again x 
Your eyes narrowed as you read the text again and again. Surely he must have seen the things being said about him in Antarctica. Or someone must have told him. His lack of explanation annoyed you immensely. It proofed to you that he didn’t even view it as mistake as you had maybe hoped he would. Clearly you were the one on the wrong page. 
You wiped a few angry tears that had escaped and typed out a reply. 
I have decided against going. Sorry for the late call, but I’ve realized we clearly want different things and I think it would be a mistake going knowing it would just postpone the inevitable. I hope you enjoy your birthday. All the best. 
As you hit send you noticed your shaking hands. You hastily turned off your phone and shut down your computer before grabbing your coat and bag. You almost ran out the office and decided to walk home instead of taking the tube. The thought of the tube right now was almost enough to send you into a full blown panic attack. You needed fresh air and to clear your head. 
As you shut the door behind you to your flat, you almost stumbled over your packed suitcase. “What a fucking shitty day, for fuck’s sake,” you mumbled to yourself, as you pushed the suitcase away and kicked off your shoes. Finally, you reached your destination, your bed. You told yourself that you would spent the weekend indulging in self-pity and then Monday you would try to find something to do for the rest of your stupid work break. 
But of course the tears wouldn’t come now that you were finally in the safety of your own home. You decided that they needed a little push and therefore turned on your phone again and found a playlist on Spotify named “Sad songs”. Perfect, hopefully that would get the job done. The messages popping in on your phone didn’t go unnoticed by you, but you chose to ignore them. Instead you opted to go to Instagram again to speed up the pity party. 
After taking a quick scroll through her Instagram you decided to spare yourself for further damages. There was no need to start comparing the two of you, that would only make matters worse. This was about Lewis. It wasn’t her fault that he couldn’t commit. Whilst putting down your phone, you finally felt the tears making their way. As you sobbed your way to sleep that night, you kept wishing that this would all just be a bad dream. 
When you woke up the next morning you had an awful headache from clenching your jaw too tight all night. Rolling to your side, you grabbed your phone. 8AM the display read. You’d slept for almost 12 hours. You couldn’t ignore all the notifications anymore. You quickly answered your sister that you were okay and that you had ended things with Lewis. Some of your friends had texted you and wished you a nice trip. You chose to ignore those messages. You would fill them in at a later time. Lastly, you got to Lewis’ texts. He had also called you numerous times. 
Please pick up the phone
Has something happened? I’m really worried. Pls call me
I just wanna talk to you to make sure you’re alright. I’m sure we can fix it baby
I just saw the video. I’m so sorry, it isn’t what it looks like. Just let me explain
Nothing happened with her, I promise you. I would never do that. Just pick up the phone so we can talk
You tossed your phone to the bottom of your bed. You were so angry. Both at him and at yourself. You were angry about his excuses. You had heard them all before and in the end it always turned out to be true. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, your past experiences told you. You were angry at yourself for trusting him, for letting him into your life. For hoping that what you had was genuine. It had all been too good to be true. 
As the days went by, you got better and better. You were hoping to book a vacation for somewhere sunny, but they were all too expensive because it was so last minute. Instead you found yourself content with living in your bed and catching up on all your favorite tv shows. Lewis kept calling and you kept ignoring his calls. You almost felt bad about it because of his birthday Saturday, but then you decided he could fuck off. If this had affected his birthday it was his own fault. Monday afternoon you were dozing off while watching the newest season of Grey’s Anatomy. Suddenly the doorbell woke you up. You hurriedly wiped some droll from your chin and tried to fix your hair in a ponytail before waddling to the door. 
As you opened the door Lewis appeared with the biggest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen in your life. You almost wanted to shut the door on his face and just go back to sleep. As if he could read your mind he stepped forward just enough for you to be unable to close the door.
“Please let me in baby. Let me explain everything,” he quietly pleaded. He looked like a wounded puppy. Dark circles under his big sad eyes. You had never seen him like this before. Always happy and positive Lewis. Sometimes too positive, you had thought before. Seeing him like this made you realize that you’d rather see him disgustedly positive, than this sad ever again. 
Deep in your mind you had a feeling he might show up like this. You were now wishing that you had just picked up the phone so you could be spared this interaction with him. Nevertheless, you gestured for him to enter your home. You noticed how he glanced at the forgotten suitcase in the entryway. 
“So, explain away,” you told him as you both stood in your living room. You with crossed arms and him with that ridiculously big bouquet in his arms. 
“I’m really sorry about that video,” Lewis began slowly, as if he wanted to test the waters. You scoffed and cut him off. 
“You’re sorry about the video? What the fuck Lewis? Did you expect me to not find out or what? Or did you think I wouldn’t care?” You angrily said. “Fuck the video, I’m glad I saw it. I probably never would have known if your friend wasn’t stupid enough to share it. I’m glad that guy was so stupid. At least he spared me wasting any more time on you, on us. I can’t believe I thought there was an us.” You felt the tears were about to appear once again and wiped them away with your shaking hands before it got too bad. 
“You know what? I kept feeling stupid and angry at myself for thinking we were something real. But I realized I’m in my full right to feel angry at you and not at myself. I don’t know what delusional celebrity world you’re living in, but in the real world, stuff don’t work like that. Bringing someone round for Christmas kinda means that you are not fucking some Instagram model the week after in Antarctica!” You yelled at ham. You had never yelled at him before and Lewis wished for you to never do it ever again. He hadn’t understood the seriousness of the whole situation before now. 
“I, I didn’t. I didn’t sleep with her,” Lewis said with eyes so wide it looked like they might pop out. If it wasn’t such and awful situation you might have laughed. He took a few breaths and seemed to collect his thoughts. 
“I know what it looks like, but nothing happened. She sat on my lap because there wasn’t other seats. I didn’t think, we were all drinking, and I didn’t think anything about it. I can see now how it looks from the outside, but that was the closest I was to her the whole week. I know that people are saying the she was my guest, but I didn’t invite her for the trip. She was with some other guy. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by pushing her away. I know you probably know about our history and I didn’t wanna be an asshole to her, but it was wrong of me to have her sitting on my lap like she was my girl.” The tears welled in Lewis’ eyes. He felt absolutely awful for the way he had made you feel. 
“I understand if it’s over between us, but it’s very important for me that you know I didn’t cheat on you. I know that’s your worst fear in a relationship and I would never ever do that to you,” Lewis finished and tried to make eye contact with you. Tried to get a sense of what was going on in your head. You looked down at your feet and closed your eyes. Trying to think of what to say. What to believe. You wanted to believe ham, but a part of you wasn’t ready to let go of the doubt. 
“You looked very comfortable with her sitting there. Very happy.” You finally looked up and your eyes met. Only for a second though. This time Lewis was the one to look down. 
“I wasn’t. I was happy with my friends, but I wasn’t happy with her sitting there. As soon as there was a free seat I pushed her off me and she sat there instead. I am so sorry that I let her sit there in the first place, but I promise you, nothing more happened between us.” Lewis felt his tears well over and run down his cheeks. He tried to wipe them with his shoulder seeing as his hands were full, but it didn’t really work. 
“Bringing you to meet my family was so special to me. I haven’t introduced anyone to my family in years. This isn’t something I just do with anybody. Since we met in September you have become such an important part of my life and I haven’t opened my heart to anyone like this before. I’m so sorry for hurting you and making you think you’re stupid. I’m the only one stupid here. This wasn’t how I wanted to tell you, but I’m in love with you. I’m so sorry that these are the circumstances I’m telling you under, but you deserve to know, ” Lewis looked in your eyes and tried to read your feelings. His eyes were filled with hope. You just stared at him while nibbling on your bottom lip and he couldn’t decipher what you were thinking. He decided to break the silence. 
“These are for you,” he said while handing you the flowers. “I hope that you can find it in yourself to forgive me, but I’m gonna leave you to it. Once again, I just wanna say how sorry I am.” As you stood there with the bouquet, Lewis slipped out of your living room and out of your flat. Out of your life, just as you had wanted. 
You stood and watched the flowers in front of you. Thoughts running wild in your head. Thoughts about how people always brought baggage from previous relationships. You never thought it applied to you. Yes, Lewis had made a mistake, but you didn’t have any reason to not believe his words. He hadn’t given you any reason to believe that he was like your exes. It wasn’t right of you to let past trust issues follow you into this thing with him. You had finally made a decision.
The flowers got thrown on the table and you ran to the suitcase in the entryway. Zipping it open, you threw the clothes on the floor until you finally found what you were looking for. A little box wrapped in green gift wrap with small bulldogs on it, tied up with little gold bow. You slipped on some sandals and ran down the stairs. The cold January air hit you hard as you ran to the street. You were only wearing sweats and a t-shirt. You looked around you, trying to search for Lewis. Hoping he hadn’t already left. You jogged down the street and frantically tried to see if you could spot him. 
As you crossed the street, you finally spotted his car. Parked, just a couple of cars in front of you. You let out a breath of relief and slowly walked towards it. As you got closer you could see Lewis sitting in the driver’s seat with his head in his hands. It was obvious that he was crying and you felt a deep sting in your chest. Carefully, you knocked on the window to the passenger seat, trying not to startle him. You didn’t succeed as he jumped slightly in his seat. When he looked at you, you smiled softly and give him a small wave. He leaned over and pulled the handle on the door for you.
As you sat down just rested your hands in your lap and held the small gift on your thigh. 
“I’m in love with you too Lewis. These past four months with you have been the most amazing months in my life. I’ve been so happy, but I’m also so scared to get hurt again. Obviously I don’t approve of the hot tub situation, but I know it was wrong of me to shut you out like that. It’s difficult for me to trust people, but I already trust you so much even though we haven’t known each other for that long.” You took a deep breath. “What I wanna say is, I forgive you and I wanna give us a go. Officially.”
Your hands reached out to Lewis’ face. You wanted to wipe his tears away, to wipe away any sadness he might feel in the future. He looked at you with the kindest eyes you had ever seen in your life. You had never seen eyes as beautiful as his before. As your fingers stroked his cheeks you hesitantly leaned in. Noticing what you were trying to achieve, Lewis did the same and met you halfway. When your lips finally touched after being apart for two weeks, you knew that this was the right decision. One of Lewis’ hands found your hair while the other found your thigh. Nothing had ever felt so right in your life. 
Remembering the gift, you pulled away from Lewis. 
“I have something for you. For your birthday.” You handed him the small box.
“You shouldn’t have.”
“I know. I wanted to.”
Lewis smiled at your choice of wrapping paper. He carefully tore off the paper. Inside was a small jewelry box. Inside the box was a necklace with a small moon pendant. 
“Remember the moon on our second date?” You asked and he nodded, smiling so big he thought his face might break in two. 
“Of course I remember baby. The moon was so bright that night. You looked so beautiful in the moonlight.”
“You looked so handsome as well and I remember thinking already back then that you were someone special. Someone I wanted in my life. And then you later told me to always look at the moon when I’m missing you. That that was what you did when you missed me and I just thought that was so sweet. Every time I miss you I look at the moon and I instantly feel better. So I wanted to give you something so you always have me with you when we’re not together. Your own little moon,” you told him while smiling.
“Thank you so much sweetheart, this is the best birthday gift I ever could have wished for,” Lewis beamed while pulling you into his chest. You crawled onto his lap and straddled him. He took your face in his hands. “I really love you,” he told you before connecting his lips to yours once again. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip and you instantly gave him access to your mouth. As you started to grind down on him, he interrupted the two of you.  
“Come on, let’s go upstairs again baby. I wanna show you how much I’ve missed you,” Lewis said with a smirk as he pulled you off him. You let out a small whine at the loss of contact, but eventually gave in. You held hands with swinging arms and you both laughed as you ran back to your flat. 
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