#anyways if you want some fun transitions~ deep in love to how to love by day6 is sm fun
blizzardfluffykpop · 1 month
recently reminded myself how much i loved day6 and i've just been having sm fun rediscovering old favorites and listening to new songs and just falling in love with them all over again-
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weepingchronicles · 2 months
I just read your hunter yandere head cannons, it was adorable and beautifully written, good job! <3 My question is: how do you think Hunter would help (y/n) transition into their new life with him?
a/n: eee tysm!! i love this question
tw: kidnapping, restraints, starving, drugging, manipulation
There was a couple of things I left purposefully out of the original post but Hunter originally wasn't going to take the reader that day, at least not till later. The reason he collected plushies from your house was to remind you of your actual home. The room for you wasn't actually finished, we don't want you sleeping on some old mattress now, do we?
But because of how things turned out... his plans were a bit rushed. So, you'll be sleeping on only a mattress for awhile till he saves up. Maybe he'll even clean his room for you to sleep on his bed while he sleeps on the couch. Maybe. It's too risky since the only thing stopping you from escaping is the chain connected to the bedframe.
Once he actually saves money, he'll spend time actually decorating and making your room well, your room! Depends on how cooperative you are of your situation but he will definitely try and ask you what kind of things you want. No, reader you can't go outside I asked what books you wanted-
Anyway, he sees this as making your kidnapping more adaptable since it's just like your old room! Except with chains making sure you can't leave and tons of locks on each door!
Another thing is that he is very patient! Of course you're going to be scared, confused and angry when you awake after being fucking tranquilized! Hunter, he gets mad easily but he never really loses control around you. He is delusional in thinking he is protecting you and giving you a home but deep down, he knows it is wrong hurting you and flipping out is expected.
Once you "settle down" and stop screaming every time he comes in your room, he'll give you certain privileges for good behavior. Oh, you want to watch tv? Then you'll have to eat the food he makes you(most of the time it's drugged).
If you misbehave however, like hurting him, trying to escape or just overall doing what you're not supposed to he'll take away basic necessities. You hurt him badly enough he'll lock you in the room for a day, no food or water. If he catches you trying to pick your chain, oops, you just lost your whole bed for a week. Now you're even more restrained with your hands and feet tied. Which means he'll have to feed you and carry you to the bathroom if you need to go, which is NOT fun.
Soon, you'll start following the rules whether you want to or not. You might still be plotting escape or hating his guts but he doesn't really care.
He'll also be kind of sweet? Like, picking flowers on his way home that reminded him of you or make smiley face pancakes. Getting a cute teddy bear or gum at a corner store. Very dad things. I don't know about you but if you're anything like me, if I hate someone, it's kind of impossible for me to be rude if they are nice to me. You'll begrudgingly accept his gift and mutter a thanks and he's all like :D
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gamesception · 5 months
Sception Reads Cass Cain #32
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Batgirl (2000) #14 writer: Puckett pencils: Scott
Different inker this time, John Lowe instead of Campanella. I'm not enough of a connoisseur of comic art to really notice the difference. Honestly, I've been favoring pencil art in this series in general and not really mentioning inker & colorist. Should I be crediting/calling those out specifically? Let me know.
Anyway, we're back to the main series. Last time Cass was riding high after saving a repentant assassin from government agents. It fit more or less right in with the sort of one shot story we've seen a few times in her series, so there really wasn't a reason to expect any follow up from it, though the tone was a notable break from the usual Batgirl benchmark somewhere between sombre and miserable. This time is a return to form.
Before we get into the issue, that note about the tone does tie into that DCWomenKickingAss post that's been making the rounds again recently (link), the one with the interview with Scott Peterson where he describes the original instructions he gave to Kelley Puckett for designing the new batgirl as:
“Hey, new Batgirl. Young–late teens, I think–and Asian. And cheerful and chipper and always up and good natured and she has a complete and total death wish.”
As much as the Cass we got ended up being my favorite comic character ever, it's unfortunate that the 'cheerful, chipper' aspect - which is definitely there in the character, I've talked in previous posts about how much she loves being Batgirl and how critical that is to her character and to the overall themes of the book - is rarely the dominant tone of her ongoing. The quote from Puckett above implies book that on the surface is bright and cheerful, with a subversive undercurrent that fades into the background only to rear up and slap you in the face unexpectedly, where as what we got is an unrelenting 'long darkness of the soul' situation, punctuated by brief flashes of light that more often than not turn out to be the headlights of an oncoming train.
Which brings us back to the current issue.
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We start with some government suits watching video of Cass and debating whether she's a metahuman or not, before being surprised by the fact that they have no matching info for her. Still pretty fun and lighthearted, but it does establish the idea that these guys are going to be a problem.
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we also re-do the goodbye scene from the end of last issue...
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Only this this time Puckett adds this bit where the assassin realizes he'll never get to see his family again, dampening the mood, setting up for what happens to him later, but also putting this divide between himself and Cass. Last time this guy could be read as a sort of self-surrogate for her, someone parallel to her situation as a former assassin, and by saving him Cass was sort of getting the chance to save herself.
Here, though, the guy establishes himself, however briefly, as his own person, with a life and a family. All the things that Cass's unique history and circumstances have denied her.
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Things that Barbara is extremely concerned that Cass may have permanently cut herself off from ever having in the future by letting herself be recorded by the government outside of costume.
Cass, of course, can't imagine a future for herself. Because she's going to die within the year when Shiva returns. And because she doesn't want to be anything other than Batgirl. But mostly because deep down she doesn't believe she deserves a life or a future, and doesn't want to think about why that is.
As it is, Cass doesn't think she has any connections, so isn't afraid of losing them.
Bab's dialog implies that she's going to go to Bruce about this thinking maybe he could get through to her, but Bruce, consciously or otherwise, has been actively isolating Cass, so can he really be counted on to prevent her from isolating herself even further?
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There's this transition page where Cass wakes up to find Bruce instead of Oracle in the Tower. I don't talk about color much, but Jason Wright does a good job here, the colors not just conveying a transition to night but also the switch to a darker emotional and narrative tone, despite still being all smiles, not knowing what happened.
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Just like John way back in issue two, we have another guy who Cass thought she had saved, and let herself feel happy about, only to find out that the villains had come back for them later. And once again it's a pretty gut wrenching twist.
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Cass asks Bruce's permission to hurt these people, not just take them down and capture them, but to personally punish them, and he grants it, which is a pretty gross dynamic all round.
Remember this bit from issue 4, when Bruce is talking about how 'perfect' Batgirl was?
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Better even than himself, not just as a matter of skill, but more importantly for how she was untainted by any excess cruelty. It's why he was so shocked to find out she might have killed someone, despite knowing Cain had trained her from birth to do just that. It wasn't something that the Cassandra the he knew was capable of. But a few short months working for Batman and...
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This isn't 'gentle'. This isn't someone you'd be shocked to find out had killed someone.
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Remember this bit from issue 4? Bruce all high and mighty about what David Cain did to Cass. But for all the painful and potentially lethal extremes of his training regimen, and for all the evil he intended her to do, David raised a girl who, once she understood what killing was, chose to abandon her life and her father - despite loving both - rather than kill again.
A few months exposure to Bruce is eroding away the humanity and compassion that compelled her to seek atonement in the first place.
Bruce, his methods, the way he treats his friends and family, he's actively making Cassandra worse.
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On the way home Bruce says he's sorry, but it's about what happened to the assassin, he's not sorry for what he's doing to Cassandra himself, what he's taking from her. He's not even done taking things from her this issue, as he doesn't take her back to the clocktower.
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Of course. Of course he's fine with throwing away even the possibility of a future independent of him and his mission. You can just imagine how the conversation with Babs went too, at first trying to appeal on Cass's behalf, Bruce just not getting it, switching to practical threats to the mission, how Cass's exposure potentially exposes Oracle, in the hope that he'll respond to that - only for Bruce to respond by taking Cass away entirely, severing the one lonely link to someone who at least tries to care about her as a person in her own right.
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When Babs was trying to appeal to Cass earlier, she brushed her off, convinced that she didn't have anything to lose anyway. You can feel the realization dawning on her that yeah, she really did have something to lose.
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And the issue ends with this panel that makes her tiny to emphasize how completely isolated she is now.
This issue is a major emotional low point in Cass's early series, maybe *the* major low point. Bruce at his worst, Cass at her most alone.
Things will slowly improve from here, though sadly never in quite the way they needed to, with a direct confrontation of Bruce himself.
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Notes on Hamilton International Tour (Manila, Oct 28, 2023 matinee)
No list of who specifically in the cast was on for the day, the programme only had the full cast list.
Act 1 notes
-Deep voices, deep voices everywhere
-They kept the “Laurens I like you a lot” line for international!
-I love the lighting! Some of the lights even create polygons
-Laurens was so drunk by the start of the toast
-Angelica had such a pretty voice
-Everyone enjoyed the King. YBB was delivered in such an angry incel kind of way
-“I’m so blue” *the King stomps and the lighting turns blue*
-The transitions during the wedding and toast are so beautiful and smooth, it almost felt magical
-Burr’s “How does a—-“ narrations really reek of his jealousy
-Desr Theodosia was so so good, mmm the vocals
-Some USA-specific references weren’t that understood by the audience, understandably
-Washington’s voice is so perfect for the role, I love him.
-The war scenes were so well choreographed I loved them!
-I can sometimes hear undertones of the actors trying to approximate the OBC’s voices, especially with some of Alexander’s lines
Act 2 notes
-Jefferson had no drawl (he had some tiny French accent as Laf tho)
-Sally didn’t show the letter near Jefferson, instead she held it above her head like she wanted Jefferson to work for it to read
-“Whatever the hell it is you do at MON-TI-TELLO!”
-“These ~VIRGINIAUUUGHNS~ are birds of a feather!”
-Philip was as fun as usual, and also he’s taller than his dad
-“Angelica tell my wife Vice President’s not a real job anyway” earned a lot of laughs because we currently have a shitty VP (Look up “Sara Duterte Confidential Funds”)
-Say No To This, oh boy (They kept all the scenes for international!)
-Congress is fighting over where to put the capital: “GEORGIA!”
-Daddy’s calling got a lot of laughs
-The King was as insane as ever, shifting from sad to angry to jolly. What Comes Next was fun
-That was my wife you decided to fuuu- got laughs
-The Philip death arc still brought me to tears even if I already listened to it a million times before
-Someone said out loud “Aaron Burr is a loser!” after election of 1800
-“Weehawken” became “Jersey”
-I love the choreography during Ham’s duel monologue, it was so creatively done
-WLWDWTYS was Emotional for sure
The overall pacing was really like as if you were listening on a music app, save for some instrumental interludes and some lines of dialogue. Some of the songs had parts that were slowed down for some actors’ own spins, such as the Laf/Jeff actor going a bit slower in some of the lines.
Admittedly the Angelica actress overshadowed Eliza a bit but tbh it kinda fits, with her being the “leader” amongst the three.
Overall it was a magical experience, and the seven-year wait really paid off. I have been a big fan of Hamilton since I was in high school, and now I’m on my last year of university. It really felt so rewarding to be able to watch this.
This cast was composed of actors from varying places, mostly Australian and American. I really recommend checking out this international tour as they were really a blast to watch, and definitely live up to—even exceed—expectations. Their next stop after November is Singapore iirc.
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mingisdoll · 2 months
Ateez as other r&b songs
Listed below are the r&b songs released by other artists. It's gonna be a mess since I listen to other artists besides Bryson Tiller lol I thought long and hard about which songs I associated with Ateez
Hongjoong - Say You Love Me by Kai
We all know how possessive the captain is of Atiny. Literally the lyrics in this song say "Just say you love me tonight. Don't make me jealous tonight." Plus, the instrumental is something that Hongjoong would produce if given the chance. Idk. Maybe I'm just being delulu and manifesting an interaction between him and Blaq Tuxedo. Blaq Tuxedo are an r&b producer/singer duo who have worked with big name artists such as Chris Brown, Doja Cat, and Tank. To name a few. Anyways, I'm getting off track here. So. Manifestation. Hongjoong did say that Ateez will be in the States for a while so yeah. Hoping this happens.
Seonghwa - When The Rain Stops by Hoody
I'm not going to lie. I was going to originally have a Miguel song but I forgot which one so this was my backup plan. If ya'll don't who Hoody is, she's the Korean r&b QUEEN! And that's on PERIOD! Fight me hoe. Anyways. I took a listen to this song and bruh. Tell me why I imagined Seonghwa's soft voice covering this song. If he decides to do another cover yet it isn't another DPR Ian song, I highly recommend this one. It'll be a musical asmr type of thing.
Yunho - Ice Queen by Baekhyun
Let's face it. This big bitch is the human embodiment of sunshine. If he ever sang this song to me or another hotteok, they'd fucking melt on the spot. Yunho's vocals are heavily under fucking rated and they need to be showcased more.
Yeosang - Open Passionate by Kehlani
Ever since I heard this doberman's deep ass voice in Halazia and Dune, I always wanted him to sort of test his range a bit. This Kehlani track is two songs in one and I feel that he can handle the transition. Plus I can't hear the lyrics "What if you slip up? What if tequila grabs your neck and says, 'Don't bitch up?" without hearing his soft voice entering my ear and hitting my brainwaves.
San - With A Little Help From My Friends [Soul Mix] by Omarion
So for a bit of context, the original artists of this song is a band called The Beatles. I'm sure everyone knows about them so I'll spare you the explanation. When Omarion covered this track and then put an r&b twist on in, I immediately thought of San. This man has such a huge heart and he loves his bandmates more than anything. The airiness of his vocals would fit perfectly with this track.
Mingi - We Need A Resolution by Aaliyah
There's really no context or connection to this. Mingi is my ult. This track is my all time favorite r&b song that isn't made by Bryson Tiller. If Hoody is the Korean r&b queen, then Aaliyah is the American r&b queen. I guess the only thing I have to say is I can picture Mingi's raspy voice singing the lyrics and doing the adlibs and stuff.
Wooyoung - Die 4 You by DEAN
Like San, Wooyoung loves his bandmates more than anything. However, the way these two boyfriends go about it is different. While San would prefer to stay professional and handle a scandal or conflict in a calm manner, Wooyoung will not hesitate to call you out on your bullshit. I feel like another reason why he and Yeosang are best friends is because they will stick up for each other no matter what. But that's a different story. Anyways, musical aspect. Like San, Wooyoung has an airiness to his vocals yet I feel as though he won't put as much power into it like San will with his cover. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course! I just feel like he'd have fun with this song a lot. I'm unsure if he listens to Dean but if he does, I want him to cover this single.
Jongho - Bad News by Kehlani
Contrary to Next To You by Bryson Tiller, Jongho can showcase his powerful vocals in this Kehlani track and even do some insane harmonies. However, due to the soft nature of this otherwise slow jam/ballad, he would definitely have to focus on balance. That way, his high notes can be heard yet still put the listener at ease.
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localicecreambiter · 3 months
Zelda Main Theme/Title screen tier list
before we begin, this is my own opinion and preference in music! we all have different taste, so dont let mine invalidate yours!
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im putting explinations for my choices below the cut, so if you wanna hear me yap about zelda music nows your chance
Triforce Heros: 10/10 i absolutely ADORE the triforce heros sound track! (actually listening to it as I type this) its such an underappreciated title (being the "bootleg" four swords lol) but has such good composition its hard not to love it. its similar to botw's rito songs in which acordians are found in a lot of the tracks- anyway back to the topic of the main theme: its great. a refreshing change from the main zelda theme (as was trend with the DS games) and has a lot of character to it. high energy too!! exactly what i want to hear! a straight vibe that id wait to start the game just to listen a little longer
Spirit Tracks: i think we all know why this is 10/10 spirit tracks is another one of those underrated titles, especially for its music! i love how the melody (extremely catchy by the way) is played by a flute here, corresponding to the instrument you get in game :) it feels like im about to embark on an epic cross country ride
Wind Waker: even without knowing the plot of the game it feels like a sailor tune that would be played at dinner on a ship. its simple, and cutesy like the games art style, but fun and catchy too! a classic, one that really gets you into that sea fairing mood
TOTK: The only reason this one isn't higher is because I don't like that beginning bit with all the weird whisper singing. it fits the game really well! its just not my favorite sound in the world, but the melody hits HARD and really plays with the emotion of the scene that accompanies it in game. its high energy, but not in the same way triforce heros was, rather in an epic way rather than bouncy (if that makes sense?) its composed SO well, AND THAT BIT WITH THE SMALL BIRST OF PICCOLO??? chefs kiss. favorite part. not to mention the small zelda's lullaby motif at the end?? THE BOTW MOTIF??????
Skyward Sword: ballad of the goddess is genuinely just SUCH a good song, and the way its composed for the main theme gets you in all the right ways. the deep brass makes it very dramatic, especially with the drums it uses (love me some boomy drums). I love the woodwinds playing with the brass too! scratches the itch just right
BOTW: another great theme! it manages to change up the format a bit, but still keeps that dramatic vibe a zelda theme should have (for the more serious games, I mean, triforce heros doesnt count-) the acordian returns!! the melody! oh my god the melody!!!! its definitely a breath of fresh air (hehe get it?) it manages to encapsulate what a plesant breeze blowing against your face feels like somehow, and im living for it. i love the use of the dragon instruments after the pause! it feels like all the different cultures of botw hyrule has been rolled into this song with the instruments and all that
hyrule warriors: bet you weren't expecting that one, huh? its the only semi-traditional zelda theme in the top tier, and why? im a bitch for motifs, okay? I wasn't diging it at first, because it just sounded like a recomp of the classic zelda theme just really damn epic, but then it hit me with that tiny twilight princess motif and I knew I was in for a ride. THE BALLAD OF THE GODDESS MOTIF GAVE ME CHILLS i was not expecting it at ALL! and tHEN IT TRANSITIONED INTO HYRULE FIELD FROM TP??? AND THEN IT DOES IT AGAIN LATER IN THE SONG? i love you hyrule warriors NOT TO MENTION THE OTHER MOTIFS IT SHOVES IN THERE?? OOT?? MORE TP????? i am unapologetically a motif lover and i will stand by my decision
Minish Cap: i was ranking the track "story" since the intro screen was just 8 seconds and not really a song. i love how peaceful it sounds, and really befitting for a legend. ironically, it reminds me of The Legend from deltarune in a way. the whole song feels like an exposition, and personally one of my favorites which is why it ranked so high
Age of Calamity: ah, hyrule warriors' more popular, edgy, younger sibling. i wont lie to you, the melody is killer! and i love how it goes from eriee to epic final battle-esk music half way through. it feels like a final stand, and my GOD is it good
Twilight Princess: its so empty and woeful sounding, yet oh so full of hope and light i can't help but love it. its so pretty, so SO pretty. it does so much with so little and thats one of the things i love about it. i think the best compliment you can recieve is "you look the way the twilight princess main theme sounds" plus the wolf howl at the end is so funny
Ocarina of Time: i love that OOT makes the ocarina the main melody player and started the trend of the main game instrument being featured in the title/main theme. this one is pretty in a different way than twilight princess, this one is peaceful which is so misleading from the actual game story that i love it even more
Links Awakening (2019 Switch Remake): I separated this one from LADX because its VERY different from the original opening. Obviously, this one isnt retro music and that kind of adds to it, but its also the different beginning bit that sets it apart. the small mabe village motif before the actual zelda theme plays? love it. i really liked how they composed this version with all the different koholint instruments, it was like giving the song a new coat of paint. i love the classic zelda theme, but once you hear it so many ways it can get a little old, so it was great to see them do it like this :)
Majora's Mask: this is really only ranked so high because clock town is an absolute killer song, and I listen to it on loop. the only other reason is because that sharp turn at the end? my god its so disruptive but so good at the same time. the way the background cello gets intruppted by an ominous bass that grows louder, and how the clock town melody abruptly stops? such an amazing and indirect way forebode the dark theming of the story. both MM and OOT have such peaceful themes for their story lines, its good to see mm actually show that in the theme music
The Legend of Zelda: a classic, and what started it all. its simplistic with a great, strong melody, and i like how its paced a lot slower than most of the other games. that opening bit and the transition with the bassline is my favorite part.
Four Swords Adventure: this was another one I wasn't digging at first, but once you got into the meat of the song it was really nice. It starts as one melody, but gains a trumpet echo and a violin. its somehow chaotic but cohesive? i like how that reflects on the game
Oracle of Ages/ Seasons: OOA/S has nearly the same exact theme as LADX and four swords, only composed slightly differently. It keeps things simple, yet its very effective and plesant to listen to. a bouncy rendition of the main loz theme, just like FS and LADX. the only reason this one is ranked higher is because i liked the lower tone of the ooa/s rendition compared to LADX
Four Swords: im going to be honest, the retro sounding bassline with what i think is a snare? it felt a little strange, but i liked the little bits of the higher sounds acompanying the melody here with it. it felt like it was trying to be grand, but didn't quite hit what it was aiming for all the way. it was the beginning that through me off, really-
Links Awakening DX: simple, effective, yet a little too simple compared to the previous two since its the same rendition just with different make ups (if thats the right term) i know it was literally the 4th game to come from the series, but the original zelda theme felt like it had a bit more going on. still a good rendition of the main theme though! i like its bounciness
A Link to the Past: iconic. but, this was difficult to categorize since theres not much of a title theme? theres the selection screen music, but that became the fairy theme so i dont know if that counts either? either way its an 18 second clip or the fairy theme, which both are good, but just not really a show stopper (dont come at me alttp fans i dont mean it like that!! spare me!! mercy!!!!)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: why are you so LOUD holy cow- i like the theme, its pretty, but its short so it gets repetative if ykwim. i like the part with what im assuming is supposed to be some sort of bassline :) its my favorite part
Phantom Hourglass: i know its a wind waker sequal and i guess it makes sense, but just reusing the great sea music and changing up a part slightly felt kind of lazy to me? i do like the parts they added though! i think they're great sounding! but still feels a little lazy :(
A Link Between Worlds: I know what you may be thinking: "why is it so low? you LOVE albw" and to that I have to say, you know me so well, dear reader. You will also know, that just like the game its made after, there isnt really a title/main theme. the intro bit is about the same length as alttp so it gives you little to work with in terms of song. plus after the opening bit, it just kinda repeates the same few notes. going through the playlist i was kind of disappointed getting to albw, because at least alttp had selection music. this game has some of my favorite tracks to come from the series in it too so the intro being as it was (outside of a music standpoint, the intro is absolutely epic, don't get me wrong) i was just sad
anywayy! that was all of them!! if you actually sat there and read all of that, im proud of you. thanks for reading my yappage
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pastelsalmonsworld · 11 months
My personal timeline as a multi shipper
Here’s my controversial MHA (I know I know) ship timeline. I see a pattern of simply liking a ship because the two characters had an interesting interaction or exclusive to Izuocha, where Ochako can only likes Izuku. This is in order by timeline. I want to to spread this to show people that you are not hated by 100% of a group of anybody. We are all multi-faceted beings. My ships are based on interesting dynamics not canon-ness thereby superiority. This list is based on a timeline, not my interest.
‘Shipping’ in my case is simply enjoying the characters in a fanart or fa fiction outside of canon which is deemed more than is needed to understand the charcters. Support romantic or otherwise fanart with mainly two characters basically. It doesn’t even mean I see how they would be together in canon. Before bakudeku, I read most of these at the same time. I felt I had to have one ship only at some points too which isn’t true.
Maybe shipping for me is just liking an aspect of a story.
Izuocha. I liked this ship because it seemed like it was going to be obviously canon. I enjoy a lot of canon-ships like NaruHina, KanaTanjiro or just about any of my favorite shoujo and boys love pairings. Also a few spare girls love comics too; cute! I just thought that’s how it was. First friend and supportive and obvious.
Kacchako. I enjoyed their fight in the Sports Festival arc of mha because Katsuki didn’t hold back. I agreed with most of the crowd, he’s /kind of/ insane in how he acts at his point in the series. I fully believed he would go Sasuke or Villain route in this part of the series. I liked that he didn’t treat her differently because she’s a girl despite his intentions. Ochako put up her best fight and found something new in herself that she hadn’t before; the wit and quick thinking to fight back against a super strong unrestrained Enemy. I ended up seeing a BEAUTIFUL fanart of him sitting at a desk and Ochako sitting at a wind that was amazingly rendered. I read a lot of— let’s just say extremely out of pocket fan fiction about this rare pair. I felt insecure about this ship because it got made fun of online. Also Bakugo’s ‘nothing frail about her’ comments in the relationship connection extras. Regardless, interesting, fun, imaginative, unexpected.
KiriBaku. This seems to be the mostly widely /accepted/ ship in my opinion. I feel like it has the most support in the American fandom. Kiri was super popular at the time I joined my hero and I was deep in the weeb-tok era of 2019 through 2021(anyone else miss the “Iwa-Chan, kageyama!/ I know that I’m gonna slaughter dis” sound? And OH the cosplays). MAN I miss it it was so fun and less dodgy than boring-ass takes and blind fighting on twitter. I was a bakudeku hater at this time because I blindly believed the death threats were true. I didn’t hate the ship personally feel deep down but I thought actual death threats would’ve been too far. I often dumped mean and repetitive comments on anti-bakudeku tiktoks. I really enjoyed an actor au where the author switched the moha characters to playing their Japanese voice actors. Baku go/okamoto really wanted to play a canon gay character in the drama they were actors in but Izuku got it first which caused his continued resentment of izuku because he assumed he was not gay. It was really fun and some of the fics were very memorable and wholesome. Good times! At the transition between these two ships the fandom was all happy and the fanfics were funny and Bakugou was being supportive of his friends in his own way at this point.
Bakudeku. The plot twist of the century. But, not really. See, I hated bakudeku mostly because I wanted to fit in with the popular opinion and simple “they hate each other!!”. In order to seem normal and not insane since it was so hated. Again, I already thought bakugo’s character because it humanizes a bully in a realistic way. I usually live for those crazy ass villains anyway; it’s just anime. Death Note??? But obviously, I never would have put Bakugou in Izuku together. Rewatching season 1 that shot was terrible as fuck and heart wrenching and I feel so bad again after watching and I can see why I absolutely hated Katsuki when I watched mha. I can see why people still hate him. Again, I started looking at the fanart out of spite and saw a lot of fanart with one of them looking at the other back and watching them from behind. It’s really true to the series. It is so heart wrenching to watch and read. That’s why I like reading it. I’ve read SOO many fics where either of them die mostly Izuku, because of the suicide comment, but eventually with the event of black whip, mostly Katsuki for obvious reasons. There’s a deep theme of saving and winning and even the horror of death when you love someone so obviously I was captivated. Some fics, and I mean A LOT, basically predicted word for word the hospital scenes. I don’t like ‘I know your secret power’ tropes, but it’s there. There’s just so much between them it’s crazy. The way /The Way You Used To by: edema ruh/ has like the exact hospital scenes that LATER!!!! Happened in the manga… the death, the emotional power-ups, the connection of a separate soulmate ( ‘nother person in your body thing like the vestiges) quirk, PLUS ofa transactions inspired by two heros that canonically seem like they’re about to happen. You’ve got the Volume cover and everything to show for it too. Themes of almost Spider-Man and Gwen???? I rewatched Spider-Man 2 and it’s like huh??? And also Izuku is inspired by spider-man as well? Oh SHIT, is bakugo Izuku’s failed save? I’m gonna be SO FUCKINNG MAD if that happens, but I’m one of those people who enjoys angst a lot at the same time and I will appreciate it. I’m so everything for this ship for this ship platonic friendship or not I may just ship their friendship
TodoIIda. Usually, I don’t find a lot of my ships seeming canon except for this one. I already know that any important relationship or friendship between characters can be shipped but since they aren’t seen interacting on screen much next to the scene where iida saves him instead of going ahead, it really stuck. That must have been Horikoshi’s intention because he came back to them recently like they matter to each other. I JUST remembered the stain arc and how IIda and Shouto’s can relate on wanting revenge. Iida’s motto to help someone anywhere any time relates to Todoroki’s helplessness as a child. They’re important to each other. Friends, family.
Togachako. I didn’t consider this a ‘ship’ per se until recently, but I was obsessed with how Toga wanted become Ochako and the people she loves also how they like the same boy I guess?? Izuku seems oblivious and somehow even unrelated to their relationship even though it started it. There was this one cosplay tiktok with a poppy sound on it and I was OB- SESSED. I told you I love me some crazy simpy villains and Toga is just that. Unexpected was how Ochako starts to focus on her specifically and want to save her. I was NOTTT expecting her to say she was jealous of her smile. I was so sad when Himi said she didn’t want to talk to Chako anymore so I was PUMPED to hear people spreading the misleading togacjako canon on twitter. Toga biromantic/sapphic vampire whose blood-sucking is like kissing, is getting blood from ochsko for the rest of her life. I don’t know if toga really cares anymore. I also enjoy their possible relationship to Yuki-onna. Would love if something came out of them in canon, though I just realized toga explicated said she wanted to go out with Izuku so why can’t she do it for ochako?
dabihawks. I was SO confused why people shipped this when they barely showed their interactions. I only realized when a mostly canon style fan manga dubbed did a dabihawks comic. I then realized they are are almost the same childhood reflections of each other, neglected, abused by their parents
As an end note, I learned that every ship dynamic has to be romantic, but usually it is because of recent fan culture. I’m 15 but I know a lot about older fandom because I was an avid Kaichou Wa Maid Sama fan and used the less popular fan fiction.net. People are a lot nicer on fanfixtion sites than on social media sites, I’ve learned also older fandoms didn’t get massively hated on like MHA does. There’s just more people in the world who watch now. Remember to be yourself because there’s always someone feeling just like you out there, I promise. Chaio;3
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radley-writes · 1 year
Tell me! About the new wip! Yell things! Plz!
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mundus transit et concupiscentia eius
Age range: MG or YA (haven't yet decided the MCs' ages...) Genre: urban fantasy, high school fantasy, light horror Main characters: Zack, white British bi trans boy, 13-15, absolute coward and proud of it. Sour and sneaky, he doesn't know how to do this whole friend thing and doesn't intend to start. Reacts to kindness like a feral kitten to strokes; would lie about getting bitten in a zombie apocalypse. Zoe, Pakistani-British hijabi bi cis girl, 13-15. Fun-loving and adventurous, she's the sunshine to Zack's scowl. In fact, she's a little too eager to throw herself into danger. She has all the self-preservation instinct of a gingernut biscuit and (worse yet, if you ask Zack) a deep-seated desire to do the right thing. Vanderloss, Black British disabled Ehlers-Danlos enbie, 26-ish. An overpowered disaster of a teacher. Despite caring deeply for all xer little brats, xe remains an extremely distractable dork. Has lost children on school trips. Will do it again. I love xem anyway. <3
Every night in Cambridge, the Time Eater clock strikes twelve.
Then it strikes thirteen.
And the monsters come out.
Reality and Dream: two worlds in a locked orbit, converging only at their furthest-flung edges. During the thirteenth hour, when time traps mortals like flies in tree sap, nightmares seep into our realm and devour human minds. They leave comatose victims in their wake, lost to the deadly Sleeping Sickness, as well as a constant, palpable undercurrent of fear.
But the nightmares should be frightened, too.
Beneath the grand Gothic vaults of Trinity and Kings lies another world of academia - one far more ancient, devoted to the arcane. Every year, a hundred humans are born a step outside of time, able to walk through the inverted lightscape of the Thirteenth Hour as if they too are spun not from substance, but surreality. The Sandman Academy gathers these youths, grants them their hourglasses - containing solidified granules of sunlight, the only effective weapon against dreams - and trains them to fight for all humanity.
And to die.
Torn apart by their worst nightmares.
So, when Zack Strange is chosen as one of humanity's guardians, you can see why his reaction is no way in hell. Allergic to risk-taking, conflict, things that go boo in the night (and, some would say, fun) Zack just wants to restart his nice, normal life at his nice, normal school, under his new name. And to find a binder that's comfy for PE class. Is that really too much to ask?
In contrast, when Zoe Ansari received a giant hourglass and was told she would train to slay nightmares, her only question was when do we start? Zoe quickly falls in love with the warped Escher-world of the Thirteenth Hour. She knows no fear. She knows no danger. She knows, if you ask Zack, far less than she thinks she does, and is likely to get herself and everyone in a ten-mile radius dead - which makes it a crying shame that he's her training partner.
Zack grudgingly joins the Sandmen in the hopes that they can save his grandma, who is in hospital after having her mind stolen by a dream. But shadowed secrets lurk in the heart of their new school. When Zack and Zoe discover a dangerous truth about the Sleeping Sickness, they will be forced to question their loyalty to the school and each other, and what it truly means to be brave.
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lizzie-boo · 2 years
Not Like I’m In Love With You
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Request:  I have recently become obsessed with this song called Not like I’m in love with you by Lauren weintraub and I was thinking that Eddie and the reader are best friends but she afraid to tell him how he feels so maybe after one of his gigs she goes and performances this song for him idk if you want :)
Requested by: Anon
Summary: You decide the best way to confess your feelings for your best friend is by performing a surprise love song or three. 
Words: 1,206 
Don’t forget that my follower celebration is going on now. Check it out here! 
A/N: First off, this request was so much fun to write. The song this is based on is soooo good and I ended up adding it to my playlist so thank you for that. Also, this very much reminds me of the one scene in Gilmore Girls where Lorelia goes to sing to Rory and then Luke shows up. Anyway, I thought about that scene a lot while writing this. 
You weren’t entirely sure how you had managed to do this but somehow you had convinced the bar to let you open for Corroded Coffin. Normally they only had one band play a night, but this was important, and it took everything in you to convince them. So here you stood on the edge of the stage waiting for your cue to go on. So far you had managed to avoid your best friend, Eddie Munson, who still wasn’t clued in on your plan to open for his band. 
If everything were to go according to plan, then he wouldn’t find out until you took the stage in a couple of minutes. You knew that if you saw him before then you would back out of your perfectly curated plan to confess your feelings. 
It had seemed like a great idea at the time. Taking the stage to sing a love song directed at your best friend, what could go wrong? Now standing here you felt jittery. The nerves finally setting in as the rush of horrible ways this could end filled your head. The last thing you wanted to do was push Eddie away and lose his friendship, but you weren’t sure you could go keeping your feelings a secret for much longer. So, you had spent nights pouring over different love songs and painstakingly picking out the select few you wanted to sing to him. 
You watch as one of the employees takes the stage to introduce you. Wiping your hands on your jeans, you take a deep breath. You shake your hands trying to release some of the building nerves. The man on the stage begins to wrap up his introduction and as he finally welcomes you to the stage Eddie rounds the corner. He calls your name, the shock painted all over his features. 
Ignoring Eddie, you take one last breath and make your way to the microphone stand. “Thanks for having me,” your voice cracks as you stare out at the waiting crowd. 
You scan the crowd and contemplate backing out. If you leave right now you can still cling to your friendship with Eddie and not risk throwing it all out. The doubt creeps in slowly growing louder. Instead, you reach for the microphone, fingers tightening around it, grounding you in the moment. 
Glancing to the side of the stage you catch Eddie’s eye. From where he stands, he is beaming at you like he couldn’t be prouder of what you're about to do. That is all it takes to know that you have to do this. Even if he doesn’t like you back, he would never stop being your friend. That’s all you need to tell yourself to decide that you’re actually going to do this. 
You start singing the first song and slowly the crowd begins to get into it. One by one they start to dance moving in time with the music. Letting go of the last of your nerves you begin to move around the stage. The cheers from the crowd have you smiling while you sing. Transitioning into the second song you turn to gauge Eddie’s reaction. The stage lights flash illuminating the empty spot where he was standing only minutes ago. The ache in your chest becomes hard to ignore as you continue the song. Turning back to the crowd you let their excitement wash over you, distracting you from the way your heart was breaking. 
Then as you finish up the song you notice Eddie leaning against the bar. He must’ve moved to get a better view of your performance. Either that or he was trying to drink away the thought of your confession. 
There’s a lull in the music as you prepare for your last song of the night. The big finale to fully put your feelings out there. As the music fades in you turn to look at Eddie. He leans against the bar, settling in for the song. 
“We’re just friends, right? Like we’ve been right?” you sing as the first verse kicks in. The words seem to catch his attention and he pushes off the bar to make his way towards the stage. Your eyes follow him as he moves closer. 
As the chorus approaches you prepare for what you’re about to do. You needed to make sure he knew that this song was directed at him. That every word you had sung tonight was all for him. Your bold and very public declaration of love for him. 
“It’s not like I’m in love with you…shit,” you sing while pointing at Eddie who now stands directly in front of the stage. 
The crowd erupts in cheers as they watch you point him out in the crowd. Moving to the front of the stage you kneel, reaching your free hand out towards him as you continue singing, “I want you more than anyone else, want your body all to myself.” 
You stare into his eyes, and it feels as if no one else in the room exists. As if you’re singing to only him and not a packed bar. Standing you make your way back to the stand, never breaking eye contact with your best friend. 
With your heart trying to beat out of your chest you finally sing the last line, “I’m in love with you.” 
The crowd goes wild, their screams and cheers making your ears ring. Biting your lip, you put the microphone back on the stand and give them a shy wave as you make your way to the edge of the stage. Eddie is already waiting for you, a smile stretching across his face. 
The second you enter his eyeline he reaches for you pulling your body flush against his. He pauses for a second, searching your eyes for any sign that you changed your mind. Not finding any he pulls your face to his lips meeting in a hurried kiss. His cool rings press into your cheek as you try to deepen the kiss. Letting your hands tangle in his hair drags a moan from the depths of his throat. 
When you finally break apart, he leans his forehead against yours. His warm breath tickles your skin, and you bask in the moment. Everything you had ever wanted was right here in front of you. 
“I’m in love with you too,” he confesses. The words send your heart soaring, and you can’t help but place another kiss on his lips. 
When you decided on this plan you had thought through countless possibilities of how this would go but none of them compared to this moment. None of them had captured the amount of pure joy you would feel when he held you in his arms. 
As the guy from earlier announces Corroded Coffin you start to pull back, ready to let Eddie go play his set. At the last second, he pulls you back to his chest, giving you another deep kiss. One that leaves you panting and wanting more. 
“We’ll continue that later,” he tells you with a wink before following the rest of his band onto the stage. Leaving you staring at him from the sidelines imagining everything you would do later. 
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bloodyethanol · 7 months
Review of each individual song on OK Computer go
This is so embarassing cuz I did ramble..... maybe I am still a radiohead fanboy deep inside........... Bad idea to ask me this anon. Terrible even. Awful. Kinda long too, I. Wgnhmjmj
Anyway I'm cringe but I'm free
1. Airbag
Very good intro, but I also don't think there's a single RH album I don't love the intro of. I really like how the drums are kinda intercalated (for lack of a better word)! Listening to it reminds me a lot of how I'd put the album early morning to go somewhere
2. Paranoid Android
It's the first radiohead song I got really really into. I love it so so much but anything I can praise about it has been praised to death already LMAO
3. Subterranean Homesick Alien
The lyrics are so fucking literally me and the song probably has some of my favorite lines.
4. Exit Music (For A Film)
It's a very beautiful song, I didn't care as much as other people for it at first but I really like it now, the way it picks up is super nice to me and makes it a lot more emotional :]
5. Let Down
"Disappointed people clinging onto bottles" ME!!! Anyway! That song is so fucking good (I'm also glad it was featured in that the bear show cuz my boyfriend likes the song too. you are not immune)
6. Karma Police
I used to leave it on repeat for so long! I don't fully agree with anyone that says it's overrated, might not be on the top of my list but it deserves it's place
7. Fitter Happier
I used to stare at people who skip it weird. I might still but I get it. This might be my "I'm 14 and this is deep" side but the lyrics and the poorly played piano with the strings? Yeah... I also don't mind the TTS at all
8. Electioneering
Shame they forgot this song fucking exists, but I think it's interesting it was meant to be one of the singles for the album (I assume since it's more energetic it'd keep the attention people got from the previous album?), anyway it's a fucking great workout song!!! Seriously I did so much cardio to this.
9. Climbing Up the Walls
MY BABY GIRL MY FAVORITE MY PRECIOUS TREASURE I WILL RAMBLE ABOUT THIS SONG!!!! It's my favorite radiohead song ever together with Ful Stop and it deserves more love imo, I love the creepy strings (shame you can't hear them as well in the mix, but they sound so fucking good isolated), the lyrics, the scream at the end, and it sounds so atmospheric to me.... I relate to the feeling a lot
10. No Surprises
I really like how it comes after CUTW, specially when it sounds so soft. I also like how it's a little slowed down, it sounds really bittersweet to me.
11. Lucky
I love lucky so much, it was one of the songs that drew my attention first in the album. It sounds like a sunny afternoon to me and idk it makes me happy!!! I like how it's an indicator of their transition from the bends to okc too
12. The Tourist
I didn't care that much for it at first and part of me wanted polyethylene to be here instead (cuz I fucking love polyethylene), but I've grown to like it and I genuinely appreciate it as an album closer! There's not a song in this album I dislike, really
I don't think anyone is gonna read this far but this was actually kinda fun to write, oh well, whatever,
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victimofthemusic · 2 years
Hi. Hello. Just a little personal note❤️
So, I usually keep my tumblr pretty lighthearted and fun and I don’t ever really go super deep into my personal life, but occasionally I tend to open up and let you guys in on what’s going on with my life, whether it’s personal or mental health check ins or just little notes on what’s currently going on in my life. And this will be one of those little moments.
So, it’s currently 1:34 am where I’m at in the world and I’m laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, anxious and spiraling a little bit, because when I walk in to work tomorrow morning—less than eight hours from now—I’ll be handing in my two weeks. And I’m absolutely terrified.
I’ve been at this job for seven years, it was my first job and I started working there right after I graduated high school. It’s come with a lot of highs and a lot of lows, but bad has always outweighed the good, but I stuck with it because I needed the money and I’ve always been so worried about how having “too many jobs” looks terrible on a resume. So I stuck it out, worked my way up to store manager (retail, yuck) and I just…can’t do it anymore. I feel trapped there, I feel stuck and this job was never intended to be a career. When I started, I was in college, but I dropped out for various reason, but this job slowly took over my life. I just feel like if I don’t get out now, I never will, but I’m also terrified, because I hate change and I also have no back up plan. I’m jumping blind without a parachute and I’ve never been more anxious about something before in my life. But I can’t wait anymore. I feel like I’m being reckless and irresponsible, because I have bills to pay, but I just have to get out for my mental health and overall well-being.
Am I crazy? Probably. Is it worth it? I hope so.
I’m just so ready to spread my wings and fly somewhere better. There’s so many things I want to do and things I want to accomplish and I’m so sick of waiting and making excuses, you know?
I guess what I’m asking for is just some encouragement, some good vibes, advice, anything y’all got for me as I take on this scary chapter of my life. I fear the unknown more than anything and not having a plan is terrifying, but I feel like I have to do this.
Anyways. Thank you guys for all the love and support—this blog has grown into something I never dreamed it would and I’m so thankful for each and every one of you. You guys are the best and sometimes the only thing that keeps me going and I adore you guys💖 whether you’ve been silent followers, have reached out to me personally or just interact with my posts—you guys are amazing.
I hope you guys are doing well. Taking care of yourselves and living your best lives. Thriving, as you all deserve💛
I’m hoping this new transition will allow me to get more writing done, because that’s what my true passion is in my life and I hope to make it a career, someday🖤
Anyways. If you got this far, thank you for reading and I promise it will be back to our regularly scheduled programming soon💛
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succubratty · 2 years
Lili's Kinky Diary: Two smelly girls in a grindcore gig
Hello guys, gals, they, them, and others! 💖
It's been a while since I posted my stories with Emma. 
If you haven't read it already, here, you can check the three-part story that started it all: How I knew my best friend had amazing farts: PART I | PART II | PART III and final
We are on summer vacation now, visiting my hometown; my real hometown is Santiago, Chile; but I moved to California when I was ten, to LA, to be more specific.
A sad short story we moved with my little sister because my mom died of cancer, and the only family I had was here in LA, which was my uncle and my grandmother; maybe someday I'll talk about more of that, but it won't be kinky, so next time possibly.
So let's start with the main story!
I was a very die-hard metalhead girl in high school, I was from gig to gig back in those days, and I met so many cute and stunning girls, punk, emo, gothic, skin girls, and of course, metalhead girls, too.
This was pre-transition; before coming out, I was just boy-modding everywhere; just imagine a tiny femboy metalhead, a mix between a twink and cub, a twub? I was trying to get my hair to grow longer and all; I was trying so hard to look more feminine.
I had just turned 19 and was in my last year of high school. Parenthesis: I had to repeat the fifth grade because that was the year I moved to the USA.
There was a big gig with local grindcore bands; I was really into crust punk, grindcore, power violence, and other sub-genres alike in those years.
I was going to go alone because my metalhead friends (all cis het males btw) were more into power metal and progressive metal stuff; they didn't like the noisiness of grindcore, don't get me wrong, I love progressive metal too, but I also love this messy shit.
It was the perfect scenario to try a metalhead girl outfit and be lowkey; I looked on Pinterest for what thing could suit me best; checked my savings from selling pirated DVDs.
With a lot of courage, I went to the downtown distro stores in my city that also have metalhead clothing, bought some metal girl apparel, and got a basic makeup kit.
I was so happy with my outfit; I wore a mini skirt with my bullet belt, a pair of purple striped pattern stockings, and my favorite military boots; my ass looked amazing on them!
A Napalm Death tanktop; I didn't have boobs, but my collarbones looked nice, I guess?; I bought some fabulous buckled arm warmers; I loved those things!
It was everything in black, of course.
I tried simple makeup because, to be honest, I didn't know what I was doing, some foundation, mascara for my lashes, and black lipstick; I tried to do eye shadow, but I looked like a raccoon, so I removed it.
I looked very tomboyish with my pixie haircut; for the first time in years, I was happy with my look, the best decision ever.
I had to be careful because it was a total secret from my family, I lived with my grandma and my little sister back then, and I was afraid they wouldn't understand.
So I left the house without getting seen and left a note in the fridge to let my grandma know where I was.
The venue was full of crusties and street punks mostly.
I don't want to feed a stereotype, but people in punk and metal communities always make fun of crusties because they're pretty smelly or have poor body hygiene. Especially cis male crusties; this is a dumb assumption because most of the crusties I've met are so tidy.
Anyway, so I was hanging out at this gig; not going to lie, I felt lonely, I didn't know anyone, and I was afraid someone could call me out and scream slurs at me and all kinds of similar fears.
So I just took a deep breath; I told myself that nothing wrong would happen; I reached for my backpack to light a cigarette; I used to smoke a lot in those days.
And then suddenly two beautiful crusty girls appeared next to me and started talking to me, they asked me for a lighter and started chatting with me, they offered me some beer, everything was so chill between all the screamings of the bands and the big moshpit in front of us.
I was fascinated by their styles and makeup; I just wanted to try their clothes.
One of them had purple lockhawks whose name was Chloe, and the other girl had a silver curly mane that was Dominique; they had been in an open relationship for almost two years, and both had lots of cool piercings and tattoos.
Chloe was tall, almost 170 CM (like 5' 7, I think); she was 22 and studying law. Dominique was a little bit tinier than me, maybe 155 CM tall? (like 5' 1), she was 24, and she had a workshop on her clothing designs; my little lesbian heart was melting; we talked a lot of stuff, the bands, the venue, about us, and we followed each other on Instagram too.
I told them that I was still in the closet and trying to figure things out with my gender identity but that I was pretty sure that I was a lesbian girl and that my gender expression was completely femme-oriented.
They were so lovely to me; Dominique was so enchanted; she would love to try some designs on me and told me I should visit her workshop. Chloe asked me if it was my first time doing my makeup; I said "yes" with an insecure expression on my face, —Well, I would love to teach you some stuff. You have such a pretty face— softly touching my chin.
I was with heart eyes looking at Chloe because girls taller than me get me so subby Idk why, so that's when I noticed her body odor, a very soft armpit smell mixed with her sweat. I'm trying hard to focus because I'm getting numbed by her scent (and also horny, not going to lie). 🥴
Suddenly Dominique said something like —uh Chloe? Can you come to the toilet with me? Gotta pee, and these beers are making me so gassy.— So we took a break while waiting for them outside the bathroom.
I took a deep breath because, gosh! They're so kind to me and also so hot.
Was I in love already?.
An open relationship? That was so new for me, they explained how it worked for them, and I think it was pretty cool, and then the last thing that Dominique said about getting gassy made me blush a lot.
After ten minutes, the girls came back laughing and talking about how dirty was the girl's toilet. While we returned to the stage, they gave me tons of yucky details:
Chloe said between laughs —Dominique had to squat and pee with her butt in the air avoiding a massive shit that the girl before us did; she warned us she was too drunk to aim.—
And Dominique grabbed my arm and said —The thing was all over the toilet bowl's edge, while Chloe was holding the bathroom stall door while I was making a huge effort not to fall and pee inside the toilet.
My mind was like:
"Google search: how to fake disgust, error 404 not found", so I laughed with them, hoping they didn't notice how aroused I was.
Then, out of nowhere, some guy from the moshpit got pushed so hard that she stumbled with Chloe and fell over me.
I got pushed against a wall; she put her hands over it to not crush me more, but my face got sunken inside all her cleavage, and my glasses were over my forehead.
The sweat smell from her boobs and her armpit smell was all around my nose; I almost died from an orgasm right there, It was just a matter of seconds, but it occurred in slow-motion for me.
She pushed the guy back, and Dominique told him to "fuck off." —I'm sorry, Lily! Did I squash you too hard? God! You have my boob sweat all over your face, I'm sorry, I'm smelly, I know, I'm trying a new deodorant, and the thing is failing me—
She said all these things with an embarrassed expression while cleaning my face with some tissues she had in her backpack.
I was with a dizzy face trying to put my glasses back —Yeah, sure, don't worry, it happens to all of us— Inside, I was screaming, "kiss me already f*ck!".
Then Dominique told me —You gotta smell her when she doesn't wear deodorant; she's like a bit of an onion.— She was giggling, and Chloe —You naughty bitch! Don't tell her that! Your farts don't smell exactly like roses.— with her red face.
—No, they don't smell like roses, but they don't smell like onions, that's for sure.— Making a big laugh.
It took me a lot of courage to do this; Still, I put myself on the tip of my toes to tell Chloe in her ear —I like the smell of your body now, probably I'm going to like it if you don't wear deodorant too.— She looked at me with big eyes and a red face, then gave me a cute smile.
She then approached Dominique and screamed —You little skank!— and spanked her big bubble butt; it sounded deafening, and she started kissing her; then she told her something that I couldn't hear.
And I'm there looking so blushed with a little smile. Both looked at me at the same time with a flirtatious smirk, then Dominique said —You know, we had a hunch with you, Lily; you looked so cute standing there looking at the bands and at the same time so lonely; you seemed in fear, and then we knew why.—
And Chloe added —You ended up being a cute, closeted, kind little trans girl who enjoys one of the most aggressive music styles in metal.— We laughed together, and my eyes started to shine a lot.
—And you're so hot too— She finished saying this lustily, leaning forward to me, kissing my lips! She did so slowly and well; it wasn't my first kiss, but it was my first in a long time. Suddenly she leaned toward me, looking into my eyes.
My heart was racing at a hundred rpm, but I had to stop her because I was getting a boner, and it was making me feel uncomfortable.
I told her with signs what was going on, and she was like, "oh!" she giggled —I'm sorry, maybe we could do it in a safer place?— Looking at Dominique, she looked so entertained as she approached significantly closer to us —I would love to take this cute girl to a safer place— While grabbing my tank top to give me a very ominous french kiss.
Oh my god! What was going on with these girls? What was going on with her tongue?. I thought they were so amazing, and I couldn't believe this was happening to me.
Then I started to feel a powerful smell like rotten eggs, but it had a distinctive scent. I know this smell very well; it was a beer fart smell!.
When she finished her great kiss, she immediately said to me —I'm sorry I fart a lot when I kiss, oopsies; I hope you don't mind.— Giving me such a confident but horny expression. —Baby, you reek; you will scare her with your farts!— Chloe said, faking pinching her nose and making a fake angry face.
I was speechless; I needed to say something, and I exclaimed —I like your farts; I don't mind getting farted on, I mean kissed on, yeah that." Then I realized what I had said and just put my hands over my mouth because my brain was not making coherent words.
My embarrassment was so huge that l was red from the shame. The girls gave me that flirtatious look again, Chloe made a big "aww" and said I was adorable, and Dominique was looking at her cellphone. —So two bands left; we wanted to see these guys.— Showing me the flyer from the venue.
I answered enthusiastically because I also wanted to see that band; they were the main event. —I just love them! Their lyrics are like a kick on your face, and the vocalist is nuts; his growls and screams are unique.—
Dominique looked at me with a squinting smile —Oh yeah? Do you want to meet them? It's my big brother's band; he's the singer. They are chilling there, waiting for their turn to play.— And she pointed to some chill bearded, long hair dudes with black shirts drinking beer in the corner while watching the current band play.
I seriously couldn't believe it. I was so excited; I'm such a fangirl; I said yes immediately.
I met with the band, and they were so cool about everything. We drank some beers, the girls were with me the whole time, we kissed several times, kisses of three are amazing! I never got misgendered; between the aggression, the growling screams, and the crazy moshpit, it felt lovely; really, I just had a great time.
The venue started to fill up because the main event was about to begin, and then we watched them play; the thing was crazy; we went stage diving, someone spilled a big bucket of beer, and I got beer all over my tits, I stanked of beer.
So the gig ended, and Dominique said to me —You coming with us? You need to shower, you smelly girl; you can wash your clothes too, and I'll call your grandma, so she doesn't get to worry if that is okay with you.—
I was so tired, but I got blushy anyway. I just answered —Yes, I'd love to— with a soft voice and nodded.
Her big brother drove us to Dominique's apartment; Chloe had her arm over my shoulder, and indeed, she smelled like an onion, but I was in heaven.
I just rested my face over her boobs and fell asleep.
So that's it, for now.
Chloe and Dominique were my first girlfriends; they are my family and helped me start my transition; they helped me figure out my kinks in general; their kinks and fetishes have much in common with mine, but they have their favorites besides eprocto.
They took care of me in a very delicate moment of my life, and they helped me to move to study in San Francisco, where I met Emma; I won't tell you which college is, but it is an art school. 🤭
I talk to them on facetime almost every weekend, and I usually spend my summer and winter vacations with them or my grandma and sister.
Fun fact: people often think Dominique is my mom or older sister because we look alike, especially when my face started changing because of hormones.
Both are Eager to know Emma, so I wrote this entire story because it is the story I told Emma while driving to LA.
I hope Emma can get along with them too. 🥰
Finally, I could update this story.
I hope you enjoyed it.
With love.
SuccuBratty 💖
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xreynadel · 1 year
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Reyna Antonella Delgadillo
Playing Next: 🎶
Sunday Kind of Love by Etta James [x]
Oh Yeah by Foxy Brown [x]
hope is a dangerous thing… by Lana Del Rey [x]
tw: mentions of abandonment issues and child neglect
Reyna was fun to develop because where the others this far had been inspired by my surroundings, Reyna was completely based off of a wanted connection and a conversation with Katie. Reyna was the product of the wanted connection for Rafael’s stepchild and a crazy idea. Not stepchild, what if Rafael had a child he never knew anything about? I mean, nothing shakes up one’s world like an 18 year old showing up claiming to be your kid. But plot twist, she’s not actually his child. Shoutout Katie for being all in, not knowing Reyna’s favorite talent would be giving Raf gray hair! <3
In all of this, FC choice was the easiest. Mexican-Italian decent and in her thirties, Selena made perfect sense. Funny story, the same week I applied as Reyna the episode of OMITB where we met Mabel’s dad aired, and guess who was playing her dad! lol just thought that was a funny little coincidence — anyway! Reyna grew up fairly well off financially, especially in comparison to my other characters. While some would consider her lucky, it made sense that her financial privilege be countered with a fairly emotionally neglectful upbringing. Though not intentional, being raised by a single mother with a demanding job until she remarried and started a new family that Reyna never felt quite a part of, it left Reyna with feelings of unworthiness and deep craving for love in any capacity. This was further heightened upon her arrival in town. Especially in the shadow of just how deeply Reyna was affected emotionally in learning who she thought was her biological father her whole life, he was in fact not.
Now Reyna’s life since meeting Raf was another adventure. She very quickly acclimated and attached herself to the lifestyle that not only working for Raf but being a surrogate daughter provides her, which made the transition from New York to Maine a lot easier. Being unofficially adopted into the Bardales family and learning all she knows about real estate from the best has allowed for her success to back up the overly confident, princess persona she puts on. And though it is mostly an act, a part of Reyna is that spoiled princess who believes that she is loved just enough by a very select few to not deal with consequences. This is how she gets away with what we lovingly refer to as her bullying people to show them she cares. And while her lack of affectionate upbringing plays into that as well, there’s a sort of you may not have created the monster but you feed it and have to live with it type of relationship to those closest to her.
However, just under the hard exterior, femme fatale aesthetic, and princess attitude is a very broken little girl. Reyna may have mended her relationships with all parental figures in her life on the surface, but she has a long way to deal with the emotional damage she has acquired due to the situation.
The broken off engagement was just for added drama. Reyna has had exactly two long term relationships in her life, the second ending in a broken engagement. That has only further built up her walls and discomfort with genuine affection. Though she isn’t entirely shut off to the idea of finding love again, she considers it to have been sound advice having been raised to prioritize her career over men, at this point.
When it comes to her interests and hobbies, Reyna is the girliest girl who considers herself one of the boys. She lives in a world of wearing diamonds and full glam to watch her beloved Yankees play. The Yankees may be the only team you hear her follow closely, due to baseball being the only sport I understand, but sports as a whole are a huge love for her. Her classic car collection is something inspired by my family. The only part of my own personality pulled into Reyna is our shared love of air conditioning and the fact that I too was one of the boys growing up with almost all brothers. That.. And our love of clothes.
Her fashionable aesthetic does not negate that has an easier time relating to and bonding with men, likely due to both her tumultuous relationship with her mother on top of having attended an all-girls catholic school, and desiring the sort of power that men hold in society at large. It was very much instilled in her growing up, that her career would be the path to that power. Her career is essentially, in her eyes, all she has. And maybe all she needs? That career is what allows me to relate to Reyna, as once upon a time in life, I too worked in real estate. Making her a luxury agent specifically provides for keeping up as close to a lifestyle in Maine as she was accustomed to — and working a food service job again being her worst nightmare. She is simply trying her best, while keeping up a persona she has put on long enough not to detach herself from.
Once solely out of insecurity though, she now has achievements and successes to stand on, unbothered that she may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Unless someone implies that she gets preferential treatment on the job. That’s probably the greatest offense in her eyes.
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
I WAS LITERALLY AVOIDING OTHWR MEDIA TOO SO I COULD PRESERVE MY HITTACHIN HYPERFIXATION and then my friend wanted to see a movie for their birthday,, fuck that friend in particular. how dare they make me consume outside media
my hyperfixations are usually really long. even if theres no more content of it for me to see, my headcanons and made up scenarios can keep it going FOREVER
in fact something really funny is that when i get a new hyperfixation i tend to just. completely drop the old one. i literally straight up abandoned a dsm p twitter stan account with nearly 1k followers and a bunch of close mutuals DAYS after starting danganronpa. once something grabs my mind it does Not Let Go
fortunately that didnt really happen with hitachiins to fruit brothers,, probably because there really wasn't much content for me to consume. i could rewatch the anime and it would last a few episodes, there's a fandom, but bullet train Just came out so there wasn't much of a fandom yet, and it wouldnt be on digital (or soap2day hehe) for a couple months or so.
anyway i really like that movie if you couldn't tell !!! personally i recommend it but fair warning its very gorey/bloody/violent (in that strange comedic way- think deadpool or kingsman) and made me CRY. like just sob. so the emotional damage was real but i loved it anyway
idk what it is that makes me love brother characters so much. i feel like its just so sweet to be to have siblings that are just ,, always there for each other. they grew up together, they've had each other through everything, good and bad, and they've survived at each other's side. they trust each other with their lives, even if they can't trust anyone else. its more than just a best friend thing too, because its an irreplaceable bond. its just,,, ougjfjhhjh its my favorite .
and thats probably indicative of some deep psychological issue but idc !! i just like silly brothers
how DARE your friend do that 🙄smh. war crime.
also i FEEL the dropping out of the other thing, altho mine is usually a slowish transition and i still make content for my other fixations occasionally......i p much dropped out of the AA hyperfixation but i still do love seeing fan art and reading fics it's just not my number 1 thing anymore (altho i will ALWAYS be down to talk abt it especially aa4.). i like to keep it around tho like all my other hyperfixations....just to revist every now and again. And to an extent asoryuu still has such a Grip on me. except certain hyperfixs i abandon Forever for one reason or another (not naming names but longtime followers maybe know the Big Two/derogatory im referring to)
I may put it on my to watch list (i have so many movies on there bro...) bc tho im squeamish with blood n gore on screen, i may enjoy it. I will look more into it :eyes:
And!!!!!!!!! REAL I love sibling characters..........characters in general who each other are their everything (co dependency my beloved/hj) and that's usually easier to find with siblings. I've also found?? I really just like. identical twin characters. just smth about having somebody who looks Just like you.....wadda hell. in some cases i like it when they cant Stand each other but also? when they're super close....mama mia. Close siblings man....melts into a puddle.
Hitachiins I guess struck it big with me bc 1.co-dependency 2.identical twins 3.i will not lie i Do kinda like twincest......so their funny little club act is mostly hilarious but also like......u do this For Fun ? 🤨 ALSO the ANGST potential with them.....esp bc Kaoru is such a depressed bastard.....IT'S ALL I'VE EVER WANTED !!
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
Story time? About my dreams? It’s more likely than you think.
Anyways remember that Macet, Daro, and Telle dream I had?! My brain did a remix while I was awake (yay for daydreams) that added Boheeka. Which is fine but!!! I ended up married to Akellan 💜💜💜 but apparently he was friends with Madred and liked to be cuckholded sooooo there was an ‘interrogation’ that used him and a bunch of his glinns(?). But that was after the free use party at Macet’s which had some of my friends and the guests were: Daro, Telle, Boheeka, Tekheny Gamor, Dukat (obviously 🤣🤣 because I was rereading your whole lizard list), and Madred. Anyways one of my friends ended up going home with Tekheny (I can’t spell I’m sorry) after. And also banged Ari! So yay! And another ended up with Madred. I got to ‘interrogate’ her first as a way to see if I wanted to join. But anyways we apparently got so good at it there was a real one with an actual suspected traitor! Don’t worry, Akellan got in on all of the ‘interrogations’ he just had to wait his turn for a very long time.
And then as I was falling asleep I had a pon farr dream with Taurik? There was a center unmated or Vulcans who’s partners couldn’t help for health or travel reasons went to and I got paired up with him.
Apparently my brain somehow meshed these together while I was dead asleep into me being somewhere deep in Cardassian space with a gul who had absolutely broken me. I blame stayneurotic’s keevan and the spy part 4 (which popped on my feed, I’ve only read part 4) because I read that during lunch. I WOKE UP about this one! Legit woke up, went back to sleep and continued it. Idk how because that never happens but it was AMAZING. 11/10 would recommend insert Chef’s Kiss emoji here times 36.
I’m not gonna like I read the mirror fic with Dukat 3 times yesterday and Bird of Prey twice. Why do I feel like Dukat insinuates Damar would be down to participate again in activities involving the reader??? I think it was my horny brain😭😭😭😭
Btw that McCoy as the only human scenario??? Definitely in love with it.
OH? MY? GOD?? *fanning self* I–
I'm fucking dead or feral or something about that dream/daydream! Omfg I...I have many emotions...and most of them are dirty.
*ahem* I guess I should try to be coherent, holy shit. Uh, okay. So. The Cardassian part of all that: I'm absolutely drooling oml. I can't even express how lovely all of that sounds. Taurik and the pon farr combo: Amazing! *chef kiss* I love this for you, and I approve of the combo. He's a v pretty Vulcan!
Since you mentioned it: I'm absolutely out of my goddamned mind over @stay-neurotic ‘s “Keevan and the Spy” series. It’s so fucking good, and I cannot praise it enough! 10000/10 *chef’s kiss* If you need, horta, I can link you to the series on AO3. It’s so fucking good and I’ve read through it more times than I should probably admit. Actually, I’m just gonna link it anyway, because I have no self-control and I love it. HERE! I love how that influenced your dream, though! Omg that sounds like it must’ve been such a fun time.
I’m glad that you enjoyed both “Eyes Wide Open” and “Bird of Prey”! And you’re not imagining things. I wanted that to be the impression that was given, even if it’s kind of like a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it kind of undertone. I was giving myself a sort of lead-in for a sequel in case I ever decided to write one. That way I wouldn’t have to find some way to add in heavy exposition and transitional stuff if I did decide to write a sequel. Let’s hear it for lazy sequel writing lol.
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mr-craig · 2 years
Since there was no response to those music asks I posted the other day, here’s all my answers anyway, just for the hell of it.
Your favourite album opener: Perhaps my favourite album of all time is Pony Express Record, by Shudder to Think. The opening track, Hit Liquor, is surely one of the boldest, weirdest ways to start a major label rock album. A single snare, then you’re hit by some of the gnarliest, most dissonant chords of the ‘90s. It took time for this album to grow on me, but now there’s no getting rid of it. And with this for an opening track, the album sets a very clear mission statement — which it lives up to. (Honourable mentions to So What by Miles Davis, Giant Steps by John Coltrane, Better Git It In Your Soul by Charles Mingus, Sea Song by Robert Wyatt, The Perfect Me by Deerhoof, All I Want by Joni Mitchell, Uncontrollable Urge by Devo, and so many more I could name if I was able to browse my collection as I write this.)
A song starting with the same first letter as your first name: Absenter, by Jawbox. (This is the 7” single version, not the redone version for the album. I had that single, but I sold it along with the rest of my vinyl collection when I moved. It’s one of only a few things I used to have on vinyl that I can’t seem to get a digital copy of. That and a Robert Fripp album that goes for silly money on CD these days.)
A song outside of your usual genre: I don’t really have one “usual” genre (as evidenced by my answers). That said, I’m generally not a follower of mainstream pop, but Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen is irresistible.
A song that reminds you of your favourite season: I like the transitional seasons — spring, when the winter is thawing and nature comes back to life; and autumn, when the leaves turn all those beautiful colours. (And, not entirely coincidentally, when the temperature is more moderate, neither sweltering nor freezing.) For spring I’ll say April in Paris, played here by Thelonious Monk. For autumn, it’s gotta be Autumn Leaves, particularly this version by Cannonball Adderley.
A song from a lifelong favourite artist: I first became a fan of the Beatles at age 9. Nearly 30 years later, I still love their music. Picking the artist is a no-brainer. The specific song, however… Because of the memories of singing it in harmony with my Mum, I’ll say Nowhere Man.
Your current “on repeat” song: Literally the only songs I play on repeat are my own when I’m working on them. Generally I prefer to listen to whole albums. The same song twice in a row annoys me unless I’m in work mode. (STAR STUFF OUT NOW ON BANDCAMP.)
A song your friend introduced you to that you ended up loving: My friend Den and I have a running joke that it takes me at least 5 years to start liking his recommendations. For example, he showed me Break Up Your Band by Chavez one day. Years later I re-played it and went “oh, actually this is amazing”, bought all their music (all two of their albums…) and became an ardent fan. (The music sounds like so obviously my kind of thing, I don’t know why I didn’t just love it immediately. My reactions are slow, okay?) A more recent example, my friend Mike got me to appreciate Peg by Steely Dan (after he pointed out how it was sampled by De La Soul in Eye Know). I had always written them off as airless, slick, MOR crap. Turns out they’re actually fun. (Slick still stands though, but turns out it’s a good slick.)
A song that speaks the words you couldn’t say: I Think It’s Going to Rain Today, by Randy Newman. (Especially the solo performance from his Songbook album.) It stirs up a deep sadness in me, a melancholy too strong and too deep for words.
A song that captures your aesthetic: Do I even have an aesthetic? If I do it’s probably normcore or something. I don’t like to call attention to myself visually. I’m not sure that’s captured in a song, at least not one I can think of.
A song about the place where you live: I’m not sure there are many songs about my specific little town, but my nearest city (Oxford) has inspired a few. Strange Ones, by Oxford’s own Supergrass, is inspired by the Cowley Road, where some of my favourite music venues and shops are/were.
A song by an international artist: Everybody is an international artist, are they not? 🤔 But to pick an artist who is from somewhere other than the UK (where I’m from) or the US (the most over-represented country in my collection) and who sings in a language I don’t speak — the brilliant Juana Molina is from Argentina, and Eras is a particularly excellent song.
A song you can scream all the words to: I don’t have the lung capacity for screaming, but I know all the words to a fair few songs. (Though I can be quite forgetful on stage, ahem…) How about A New England, by Billy Bragg?
A reboot of a song/songs you already loved (remix, mashup, acoustic, etc.): I’m not sure I fully understand this question, I’ve never heard a song called a reboot in my life. Does this include cover versions? I’m going to assume it does. So, a cover version I like while also liking the original… Stevie Wonder’s version of We Can Work It Out, originally by the Beatles.
A song with the name of a place in the title: California, by Joni Mitchell. This is a live performance from the BBC in 1970. If you only click one of these links, make it this one.
A song that reminds you of travelling: I spent the first 20-something years of my life compulsively listening to music on headphones whenever I was in the car, so certain albums remind me of certain times, places, trips… I remember listening to Joanna Newsom’s first album while on a family holiday in Scotland, watching the hillsides go past the window. The Sprout and the Bean is my favourite track from that album. (Still can’t get my head around the fact she’s married to Andy Samberg!) Also Secrets by Mission of Burma reminds me of watching raindrops crawl up the windscreen while we drove along the motorway in the rain. I can’t remember the destination or the year, just that image.
Your favourite childhood song: I’m not sure I could pick — but according to my parents, the first thing they ever heard me sing along to was Hip To Be Square, by Huey Lewis and the News.
A song that reminds you of a good time: Seeing the Bad Plus with Wendy Lewis in 2010 remains the best gig I’ve ever attended. I still remember the moment after they’d just played Radio Cure (originally by Wilco) and my dear friend Alan (sadly now departed) turned to me and said a single, awestruck word: “Amazing.” It truly was.
A song that reminds you of a bad time: I was listening to Fuck This Band by Mclusky when my car was hit head-on by another car mistiming their overtaking manoeuvre. That was pretty bad. (“Fun” fact: My headphones flew off but my glasses stayed on.)
A song from an artist whose old music you enjoy more than their new music: Honestly that’s most artists up to a point. But to name a band I adored as a teen, but who I’ve completely ignored since they reformed… Stand Inside Your Love, by Smashing Pumpkins. (From the last officially released album they made that I bothered with.)
A song that empowers you: I empower my own damn self.
A song from a local artist: Snow, by my lovely friends in Lucy Leave.
A song you related to in the past and present, but for different reasons: No idea how to answer this one, sorry. (I guess the obvious answer would be Father and Son, by Cat Stevens, but I could relate to both sides at any given moment, so…) Instead, how about a song I liked for a long time, but didn’t relate to until later? Dead of Winter, by Eels, written by the singer about losing his mother to cancer. Always a touching song, but my teenage self had no idea how much I would relate to it when, almost 20 years later, I lost my Mum to cancer too.
Your favourite cheesy pop song: I think I already mentioned Call Me Maybe. Cheesiness is subjective (and it’s generally not a quality I appreciate, even in detached irony)…. But damn this is such a charming song.
A song from a soundtrack (musical, movie, video game etc): I Know Things Now, from the original Broadway cast recording of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods. I could’ve picked so many Sondheim songs, I’m not sure why this was the first through the door of my imagination… but I’ll take it.
The song currently stuck in your head (or the song you’re listening to right now): I’m currently listening to Igor Stravinsky’s Petrushka, performed by the Cleveland Orchestra conducted by Pierre Boulez.
A song that taught you a lesson: James K. Polk, by They Might Be Giants, taught me about the political career of James K. Polk, eleventh president of the USA. “In 1844, the Democrats were split…”
An instrumental song: How about an entire instrumental album? Live From A Shark Cage, by Papa M (aka David Pajo). I’m particularly fond of Arundel, but the whole album is beautifully sombre, understated, and well worth your while.
A song you always skipped, but ended up loving it once you listened to it: When I first got Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band on cassette when I was a kid, I always wound on past “that weird Indian-sounding one” at the start of side two. Now I’d say Within You Without You is one of my favourite tracks on the album. It always pays to relisten to the skippable tracks every few years, your opinion may have changed. (Doubt I’ll ever love Don’t Pass Me By, though…)
Your favourite album closer: Another tough question but the one that springs to mind is In Your Eyes, by Peter Gabriel, the last track of So… as long as you’re not listening to the original vinyl version, which had a different tracklist to the CD because of reasons.
Your all-time favourite song: I have absolutely no idea how to judge that. But perhaps the song that has come to mean most to me is Rainbow Connection. I’ve been performing my own cover of the song for years, to the point that it feels like “mine”. My friends Ben and Poppy shared their first dance to it at their wedding, which was a great honour. And my Mum chose it to play at her funeral. There are songs I might think are technically better, but nothing will be as meaningful to me personally.
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