#anyways i tried to post this once already so lets home this works...
pomefioredove · 1 month
now I'm actually invested in this idea. maybe I'll write a full length fic someday idk... for now I have short hcs
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | bad ending
summary: crowley decides to "give away" yuu to the highest "donation" for financial reasons type of post: headcanons characters: all nrc students additional info: can be read as platonic or romantic, except malleus is pretty romantic, second person pov, yuu is gender neutral, maybe a little ooc I wrote this as soon as I got up
crowley has had his fair share of "what the fuck" moments from you but this was really taking the cake
he acts so... casual about it?
swaggers into ramshackle one morning and says times are tough and your personal expenses are straining the budget so he's decided to "put you in someone else's care"
"The screening process will be vigorous to make sure you end up in good hands!" like you're a cat or something "Your expenses will be covered and you'll have somewhere to go during break!"
okay great. pretty obvious you have no say in this, so you don't even argue. what's the worst that could happen?
Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel find you the next day to say they're pooling their money to buy you
"To what?"
Epel shrugs. "Oh, well Crowley said we need to offer a donation to prove we're capable of supporting you..."
(you think that if not for the laws of this land you would have slaughtered that old fart)
Jack goes on a really long tirade about how shady and underhanded this is, making sure to reaffirm that he believes you should be free to make your own choices
"So you'll let me go once you get me?"
Ace thinks once they buy you you'll have no choice but to do all of his homework for him
Deuce says that's not really how it works- and even if he tried, Riddle would kill him
(they've already gone over this twice before finding you)
Epel happily volunteers to take you home with him over breaks, probably the only positive in this mess
even if he thinks the whole thing is kind of funny
incapable of keeping his mouth shut, Ace accidentally spills the plan to Riddle, who is understandably aghast
you can't just give away a person under your care like a toy!
of all the irresponsible things...
of course, he'll have to put up his offer, too
purely for your sake! with a nicer room and a brand new copy of the dorm rules, maybe you'll stop getting yourself into trouble
he's got some family money (doctors, naturally) and considers this a worthwhile purchase, for his sanity and yours
of course, Trey and Cater overhear and may or may not be pooling their own cash for a chance, too
going behind Riddle's back on this is a risky venture, but hey, someone's gotta be on your side, here, right?
I mean, between a bunch of sixteen year old boys, the housewarden, and them, who would you choose?
actually don't answer that
...not that it's much of a secret, anyway. Cater's already got their gofundme equivalent link in bio
Leona initially plans to have you become a live-in lackey like Ruggie
but then he really starts thinking- and, hey, the possibilities are endless, right?
for one, you'd make a really good pillow
he might have to kick Grim out for your full attention, but you could learn to live with that
and malleus would hate it
...that's reason enough for him
plus, he's got money to burn, so why not?
either way, he sets his bid at a reasonable (maybe too confident) price and sits back to watch the chaos unfold as everyone scrambles for a piece of the pie
news travels fast around school, after all
then Ruggie finds out that you could dethrone him as Leona's #2 and is understandably a little annoyed
that's his cushy post-grad job gig, thank you! he's worked hard for that!
besides, why should Leona get to hoard you? the guy can barely take care of himself!
so, Ruggie ends up outsourcing to a few dozen classmates for the necessary funds at a steep I-owe-you price
he's gonna be eating nothing but dandelions for a while...
now, Azul is annoyed
once the news goes school-wide, it's all anyone can talk about
talk about good marketing...
why didn't he think of such a brilliant scam? he could have negotiated with Crowley to have a café brand deal tie-in!
of course, he's already set his bid, with Jade and Floyd offering to pitch in as necessary
it's a risky investment, sure, but a worthwhile one
Azul tells everyone that with the prefect's "obvious" popularity, having them at the café a few nights a week would drive sales through the roof
though that's really just what he says to shirk suspicion
a likely excuse coming from him, though, really, it would just be nice having you around
and if not for his own affections, Floyd's incessant begging and Jade's subtly manipulative comments about "how nice" it would be having a new face around would be enough for him to cave eventually
"Kalim, no," is the first thing that Jamil says
"I strongly advise against this. It's another one of Crowley's silly scams and you could end up a target bec- are you even listening?"
hint: he is not
the second Kalim found out that he could get to take in his favorite magicless student like one of his treasures, he was all over it
(AKA infinite sleepovers)
and for what? a little optional donation to prove he's got the funds? he's got cash to spare!
he's already got your new room in Scarabia set up before he even puts his bid in
right next to his of course :)
and despite what Jamil insists, he himself might be working behind the curtain just a little to ensure he's the one who ends up with you
after all, why should Kalim get everything? this might be a valuable learning opportunity for him
You don't always get what you want
as much as Epel tries to keep the rest of his dorm from finding out, it's inevitable
he's actually a little surprised that the news didn't get to Vil sooner
with Rook around campus, surely he must have said something...
when Vil does find out, though, he just sighs
oh, of course. what next, will everyone meet each other in the arena and fight to the death over the prefect?
of all the silly, immature things...
oh? what's that? he's bidding anyway? of course he is, silly potato. he can't have some unwashed miscreant making you sleep on polyester bedding
(really, he's the only person on campus worthy of your time)
Rook has also been mysteriously absent from the dorm lately, though his initials on a poem and a strangely large sum of money end up in the donation pile
but really, that could be anyone... Rook would never dare betray Vil again, right?
Ortho finds out directly from the other first years and sends Idia the details immediately
with a little note of encouragement, of course: "could be excellent for improving your social skills!"
Idia understandably freaks out
"WTF!!!! nooo way! this is a person, not a chatbot we're talking about here! I can barely keep virtual pets alive!!!!"
(...but this is still different)
the conversation ends there, but semi-anonymous bid from someone named "gloomurai" gets cashapp'd directly to crowley
everyone in the room immediately turns to Malleus
"For the record, I think it's wrong to be bargaining over a human being," Silver says first. "But if anyone could handle it with grace, it's you."
Lilia laughs. "Oh, you're just saying that because you like the prefect so much!"
"Father, you're the one who likes the prefect so much,"
"Oh, right! carry on then. After all, I'm sure we could share,"
Sebek is the only one relatively against the idea, though Lilia luckily manages to get him to lower his voice after his third speech about how you aren't good enough for his liege
Malleus is rather quiet through the whole evening, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with any of the points made
he disappears for a short while, and when he comes back he seems a little more confident
though, of course, he goes to you first
seeing him at Ramshackle in the middle of the night is a familiar and welcoming sight after all of the chaos of your week
and he's in a great mood!
"Child of man! I've come with news," he says. "I have heard of your predicament and have come up with a solution!"
you immediately sulk. "Oh, no. You know I think this whole thing is terrible, right?"
"Yes, Silver mentioned you might not like the idea of being bought and sold like a trinket. But worry not, I do not plan on paying for you in money,"
you pause, at a loss for words, and then tentatively continue. "You're not...?"
"Of course not. What a primitive idea, I was baffled to hear it myself. My proposal will be more traditional: a modest sum of treasure, and a generous amount of livestock and the finest crop Briar Valley can offer,"
certainly he's not this naive, you think
"You really think Crowley is going to accept that over money? I'm pretty sure Kalim just bid away an entire country's worth,"
he laughs. "You speak as if this is some kind of business deal! I'm quite confident that my dowry will be best,"
huh. that was a strange way of putting it
but then again, you still didn't really understand how things work here, so you go along with it
and you allow yourself to relax. he seems confident in his offer, and he doesn't even see you as some kind of prize to win!
"Oh, well, alright. Thanks! I'm glad you're on it,"
he smiles. "Rest assured, child of man, you're in good hands. My dowry will far outshine the others, and the wedding will be even better,"
"I was honestly getting a little nervous for a momen- wait- wedding!?"
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horrorartsworld · 4 months
Hi, I don't know if the request is open, but if it is, could you smut Adam x fem Reader, his dear wife is going to pay a visit to his work while Lute He's out there and he takes advantage, I love your posts and sorry for my terrible English
a/n: hiii darling ! i can surely whip that up for you >:) and no worries!! i hope you enjoy this since this is my first request i’ve ever done EVER and i’m super excited to share it with you ^^
angel baby
adam/angel wife f!reader
warnings: smut obvi
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Your husband Adam has been hard at work the last few weeks and you’ve barely had time to actually be a married couple.
So you decided upon yourself to put something cute on and head over to his office.
Knocking lightly on the door once you got there, hearing his gravely voice yell, “Come in!” in which you opened the door peaking your head in first.
Taking Adam a mintue to look away from what he was doing to finally look up at you with his eyebrows furrowed at first but then instantly softening realizing it was you and not some random.
“Hey angel baby!!” He greets enthusiastically, watching as you then come completely into his office shutting the door behind you. Letting him get a good view of your ass in the dress you were wearing before turning to face him, in which he licked his lips thoughtlessly.
With a bright smile you walk over to him with your heels clicking along the surface of the floor till your behind his desk with your arms outstretched as he then pulls you onto his lap having you straddle him as he hugs his arms tightly around your waist kissing you deeply.
Trying to force his tongue into your mouth as you tried to pull away, but he grabbed the back of your neck before you could to keep you in place as he practically shoved his tongue down your throat.
Pulling away breathlessly with your chest rising and falling rapidly a long with his, as you see him starting to wiggle his eyebrows at you.
Slapping his chest playfully you huff, “You’re so annoying Adam.”
“Now is that anyway to talk to THEE ADAM, the original balls of this establishment?” He tutted letting a clawed finger trace up and down your side while his other hand slowly glided down to grope your plush behind.
You squeak as you try to shoo away his grabby hands that seemed to find their way back like a magnet making your body heat up within an instant, your thighs squeezing against his lap making him smirk at how needy you already were.
“Besiiiiides Lutes not here angel cakes..so that means we can fuck till the cows come home.” You hated how cheesy and hot he could be at the same time seeing as he started to adjust himself against you, angling his hips up to let his hard-on press against your clothed wetness as if sweeting the deal just a little bit more.
Though your face was still poker faced as if trying not to give in to this little game of his though you oh so wanted to play.
“Come onnnn, I know you want it baby~” He whispers huskily, his fingers going to raise the sides of your dress making your breath hitch.
“F-fine but will you shut up if we do~” Snickering he doesn’t waste anytime hiking your dress all the way up to your chest and undoing his robe to release his throbbing cock.
“You know better then i do that won’t happen”
As he moves your soaked panties to the side he lets his cock rub against your entrance with just the tip making a soft mewl erupt from your mouth. Teasing it back and forth seeing it get soak with your juices.
“Damn it baby you’re so wet just by the thought of us fucking huh…”
“I-I’ve just missed you~” You say with a pout on your lips as you wanted to so badly to sink down onto his cock as he kept teasing you so tantalizingly.
“Missed this cock too?…fuck” Nodding gingerly as he then grabbed a hold of one of your hips guiding you down onto him with a long moan coming from you and a hiss from him as you squeezed around him. “Still so tight after all this time you little slut? I thought you would’ve been used to this big cock fucking you by now..s-shit!”
Adam babbles on as you adjust to him once more. Slowly grinding your hips together causing a delicious friction between the two of you. Rolling his head back against the chair as all this time apart was really hitting him along with how good you were feeling. He started to get fed up with this vanilla bullshit you guys had going right now, humping like two jack rabbits.
So he had to pick things up a little (literally).
A low growl coming from him as he picks you up in his arms with his arms under your legs and his hands holding your ass in the air with all his might and pounds up deep inside you letting head of his cock hit repeatedly against your g-spot.
“O-oh my g-god Adam~!” You whimpered out loud as Adam shushed you for using the lords name in vain.
You looked at him meekly your mind completely fucked out as you threw your head back with the sudden force he was using making tears prickle at your eyes as it felt all too good.
Back to back to back mercilessly hitting your g-spot until you came undone, shaking with a pitiful sob as your walls started to milk his cock until he releases all inside you not too shortly after. Painting your insides white as he then continued to hold you there for a moment before he muttered,
“Fuck i missed you too angel…” As he started up fucking you once more going again and again until his cock was molded into your pussy and Lute had the not so pleasant suprise of finding the two of you still in his office on your seventh round of that day. Sounding like complete and utter animals.
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joonsytip · 2 months
Only for Love || Mingyu [Teaser]
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Pairings: Mingyu x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Husband!Mingyu, Cold Wife!Reader, Arranged Marriage au, Contract Marriage au, Divorce au
Synopsis: When an accidental discovery has your perception of happy married life crumbling down, you do what you think is the best for everyone involved. Naturally, your opinion of the best doesn't cater to your husband's. So what happens when things spiral out due to unforeseen events?
Warnings: Reader is cold but also shy, Mingyu is gullible and impulsive, lack of communication, misunderstanding, miscommunication, reader is objectified once, hurt, crying, profanities, mentions of divorce, sexual intimacy, mentions of pregnancy, rest will be specified under the part when published
Main story out now checkout here!
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"Let's get divorced."
When Mingyu came home late at night to see you awake and waiting for him, there was an uncanny feeling that settled within.
Your hands are crossed, face void of any expression. If not for your next words, Mingyu would think he's hallucinating.
"We can decide on the terms and clauses, all as per your convenience.", you stress, "I do not expect any trouble from your side."
Mingyu finally registers everything you have said till now and everything hits him all at once.
"W-What are you talking about? Why do you want a divorce all of a sudden?"
Your monotonous tone rather asks him another question, "We have been married for over two years, nearing it's third anniversary. Do you want to be tied in this marriage?"
Though Mingyu thinks he doesn't know you well enough but he knows you enough to catch the wind of your words.
His gaze turns towards his office room and his suspicion confirms to be correct when he sees the door opened ajar.
"Why did you enter my office? I had clearly warned you about not doing so.", he says in a strict voice.
"That doesn't answer my question.", you say getting up, "Anyways it doesn't matter anymore, I want you to move out of our shared bedroom right now and shift to the guest room. I'll get a lawyer, you get one too and proceed with the divorce."
As you turn back, you feel your husband's hand wrap around yours.
"How are you so calm? Why are you not asking me anything? Do I really mean nothing to you?", you hear a string of questions falling out of his lips, "We are married for almost three years now and your cool headedness after, I'm assuming, knowing everything makes me aware of the fact that I really don't know you."
You jerk your hand out of his grip and turn back to look at him, "And how is that my fault? Maybe you've never tried to know me.", your voice drops another octave, "You can stop with the doting husband act, now that I know the truth."
Mingyu doesn't miss the way your eyes show vulnerability for a moment. Your words strike a chord within him.
"I'll sleep in the guest room.", Mingyu says in defeat, "And we're gonna talk it out tomorrow morning.", he sounds sincere when he says, "I'm sorry. I hope you'll give me a chance to explain everything."
But little does he know, you've already closed the room for any diversions, that you've decided to part ways with the person who has betrayed your trust.
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip.
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savannahsdeath · 10 months
hiii i love ur fics ive read them all i ws wondering if you could like do a 18+ with a extremely jealous ellie??
thank you sm ily😭💞and yes ofc i tried my best!!
mdni please<3
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summary: els didnt like some of the messages she found on your phone..
warnings: 18+!! smut, jealousy(obv), language
writers note: sorry it took me so long to post it😓ive actually written it like one day after you requested but i had already some posts planned and i didnt want to change everything now💔
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You came back after a meeting with your co-workers to see your girlfriend waiting for you. As soon as she heard the door open, she leaned on the doorframe of the living room, looking at you with an undefined expression.
"You're late." She mumbled, her voice sounding mad but the way she planted wet little kisses all over your face said otherwise.
Ellie's closeness wasn't just out of greeting, but out of an act of possessiveness and jealousy that you grew accustomed to in the relationship.
You sighed and looked at Ellie for a second, before saying, "Yeah, I'm late. Sorry." You gave her a quick kiss too while looking for your keys. "Meeting ended late." Your voice wasn't as cheery as it usually is.
Ellie then rolled her eyes. "Did you really had to stay that long?" She muttered loudly, trying to hide the jealousy that was so clearly showing.
"It was important." You said, finding your keys and pulling them out of your pockets. You didn't sound upset because it was hard to be upset with Ellie. She was like a little kitten who was possessive and needy at times, but still oh so sweet.
Ellie rolled her eyes again but smiled, and she leaned onto you with her arms wrapped around your waist in a hug. This was where you felt safe and home.
"C'mon," she said softly, "let's go to bed."
You nodded. "I'll just go to the bathroom, 'kay?" You asked, giving her your bag, like you always did after work - she'll lug it upstairs for you.
"Of course, darling." Ellie smiled as she took the bag from you, her expression now fully warm and affectionate. You were lucky to have her, and you knew that.
You went to the bathroom and started to wash your face and brush your teeth, taking a moment to yourself.
After a few minutes, and a good splash of cold water on your face, you exited the bathroom and made your way upstairs. Ellie was waiting for you in the bedroom.
She was doing something on your phone, which didn't surprise you - she was probably just going through your gallery, staring at your pics. You had nothing to hide anyway.
She often did that, smiling widely and mumbling things like 'my wife's so pretty'.
This time, though, she was silent and had a frown on her face.
"Who's Steve?" She asked when she saw you.
"I don't know." You answered honestly. You had no idea who is she talking about, probably a random boy following you.
"You two texted." She passed your phone to you with an opened short conversation. He replied to your story, complimenting you, you thanked him, that's all.
"Yeah, I remember now. What about him?" You lied down next to her, curiously staring at the screen, expecting some more messages to magically appear and explain the situation.
Ellie sat on top of you, playing with the hem of your shirt. "He's hitting on you." She said as she got more bold, now not only fingers but her whole hands sliding up and down your waist.
"I don't know him. He just texted me once." You shrugged, reading the conversation over and over again to find which part made your girlfriend act like that.
"Yeah, and what does his text say?" She smirked, not in her usual innocent way, but in a 'think twice before you answer' way.
You scrolled to his first message and read it out loud. It was simple "stunning💞" in a reply to your story - a photo Ellie took of you at the beach a week ago but you forgot to post it before.
"Exactly. Now, what are you wearing on that pic?" Her smirk widened as she started to undo the button of your jeans.
You didn't pay much attention to her moves, focusing on her orders. "A swimsuit. I mean, we were at th-"
She shushed you, pressing her lips against yours. She pulled away after a good minute, leaving you breathless. She forced the phone, which slipped off of your embrace while she kissed you, back between your fingers.
"Stop explaining yourself or I'll think you actually have something to explain. For now, I'm just asking simple questions. Do I look like I'm mad?" She held your chin with one of her hands, while the other was unbuttoning your formal-looking work shirt.
She really didn't look mad, but you knew it's just her ability to camouflage.
You let out a relieved sigh as soon as you catched your breath. "Oh. Right. Look, it's not a big deal, I told him I'm-"
"Busy. Yeah, I know." She cut you off. "Pretty pathetic excuse."
"What was I supposed to say?" You barely managed to say as she started tracing a path of messy, wet kisses from your neck down your body.
"Are you seriously asking me that?" She laughed and you could feel the vibrations in her breath caused by her sudden outburst on your stomach, right were she stopped to answer you.
You stayed quiet, not wanting to make it worse or seem even dumber in her eyes than you already do, if that's even possible. She noticed your confusion and didn't pressure you to read her mind.
"That you have a girlfriend. That she told you to post it. That she took this pic." She made a pause after every sentence to cling her tongue, followed quickly after with her mouth, to your core, watching your body slightly squirm. You didn't even realize when she arrived that low, and when she took off your underwear, but that wasn't important anymore. "That it was her idea to go to the beach. That she helped you pick your swimsuit. That she saw you in it first..."
"Els... Stop..." You moaned out, feeling jealous of how unbothered she looks while you were already soaking.
"Stop what?" She laughed, sucking on your clit while taking off her rings.
This simple, two-words question, turned out to be more difficult to answer than you'd thought. Actually, what did you had in mind while telling her to stop? Hers 'that she...' calculations? Her hand placement, which had a bruising grip on your thighs? Or her tongue, that had definitely affected you the most, making you drop the phone, screen-down on the bed, and hopefully hold into the bed sheets?
"That's what I thought." She said before you could think of a correct answer.
She had a whole scolding prepared in her mind, but you wasn't honoured to hear it as she had a better plan. Still, she wanted to talk to you through it, watching you do your best to answer or just understand her while she makes you look and feel like a total mess. In order to not leave your cunt hopelessly tremble, right after she took her tongue off of your clit, she pushed two fingers into your entrance.
You gasped, squeezing your thighs together, which made Ellie laugh. It was a normal reaction - her move was unexpected - but your eyes rolling back always got a reaction out of her.
"Back to the topic, want to tell me why you decided saying 'you're busy' will work?" She smirked, her fingers pumping in and out, clenching and unclenching, in a painfully fast and rough way. Her thumb rubbed your clit, replacing her tongue.
"I... If I-'d" You stuttered, taking a deep breath after every letter you managed to say.
"Y-Y...You what?" She mocked your mumbling, her smirk turning into a smile.
Your back arched, making your hips move higher, but Ellie held them down with her free arm. Even though her nails were trimmed short, so she won't have to worry she'll hurt your pretty cunt, you swore you feel them digging into your waist.
"That hurt-s..." You whispered, but you weren't really bothered by it, even though your eyes were starting to get teary.
"Yeah? Don't worry, I'm sure Steve would make it hurt more... if you'd give him a chance, that is. But you didn't and won't." Her free hand let go of your hip, taking your phone and staring at the unlocked screen, clearly thinking or considering something. "I know you're mine and you know that too." She finally concluded, but right before she put the device down, you got a notification.
She mischievously smiled as she saw who's the message from.
"You got yourself a fan." She laughed as she opened your conversation with the reason of her jealous behaviour. "'Still busy?' and a fucking winking emoji. Jesus, that's just embarrasing."
You couldn't help but admire how good her attention span was - one hand making you a whining mess, other typing on your phone, eyes barely looking away from you (only to read his text, she typed hers blindly), mind probably racing with ideas to make him, or you, or both of you, regret your little conversation. She was obviously overreacting, but then again, your profile was full of Ellie and there's no way he missed all the cute posts about her.
"Should I show him how 'stunning' you look right now?" She chuckled and shook her head. "Nah, this view is for me only."
"What d-id you do?" You stuttered, trying to take your phone back, but she placed it out of your reach and aggressively grabbed your wrist.
"I liked it more when you moaned instead of asking questions." And just as she said that, she got faster again, making your cunt tighten even more around her fingers. Even though it may seem she's not paying much attention to how precise she is, she kept violating your sensitive spot, not missing it once.
Your head hit the pillow, leaning back on it and exposing your throat from which many signs of your pleasure came.
She was wondering again, her eyes looking you up and down before finally staying at your face. Her smile faded as she looked at you for a few moments. Then, she picked up your phone and passed it to you, following by simple but stern words; "Block him."
Your hands were shaky, so instead of pressing the block button, you almost accidentally called him a few times.
Ellie's smirk came back as she looked at you obediently fulfill her requests. She knew she could make you do anything she wanted now, but she didn't feel the need to. The only thing she needed was you with her - her only.
She took the mobile from you, whispering soft 'good girl' as she saw you succeed to do what she asked you to.
"Next time, if someone bothers you, just tell me straight away." She patted your cheek, her focus going back to what's her right hand doing.
This boy didn't bother you at all, he was just nice. But you knew what Ellie meant - he bothered her. Without arguing, you silently nodded, knowing this is the last time you posted a swimsuit photo on your account.
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sleepingpillscosmos · 10 months
Congrats on 300!!! You deserve it! I love the event idea, so can I request the prompt “"my sides hurt" cue the other character getting a pillow thrown at their head when they start smirking "I DIDNT EVEN SAY ANYTHING"” with Michael Kaiser? (I hope I don’t come off as rude or anything, I’m just really awkward over text)
SMUG — michael kaiser
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pairing: michael kaiser x fem!reader.
warnings/content: mention of sexual activity. reader is not really an early bird.
wc: 1k.
requested: yes, by anon.
a/n: well guys.. remember when yesterday I said that would have posted another request? well.. I totally forgot to post this, I even forgot to let someone beta read it. so sorry guys.
anyway thank you for the congratulations! I'm convinced this prompt was made for him. and you didn't absolutely come off as rude or anything!
prompt: "my sides hurt" cue the other character getting a pillow thrown at their head when they start smirking "I DIDNT EVEN SAY ANYTHING".
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You turned in your bed as you slowly woke up, the sheets sliding against your naked skin and the morning sun making it glow under the light of its rays.
You sat up on the bed, keeping the sheets close to your body. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the light of the room.
Michael wasn't in bed with you, but you already knew that, even before waking up. You were used to it. He always woke up pretty early to stretch and go for a morning run, then he ate a quick breakfast before leaving your shared apartment to go to the morning training and come back around 10 am, when you usually got up.
You tried to wake up and start your day with him multiple times over the three years you lived together, but you've never been much of an early bird, so it never worked. You always ended up knocked out on the couch by the time Kaiser came back from his run, and he ended up having to take you back to your bedroom every time.
After a good five minutes where you stayed sat on the bed looking in front of you, you finally decided to get up and start your day.
Once you took your first step, you immediately stopped, hissing, taking your hands to both your sides. Fucking Michael.
You recollected yourself, taking your panties and an old t-shirt of Michael's to cover your still naked body. You gave the clock a quick glance and read 10:37 am. Micheal should already be at home, and the noises coming from your living room confirmed it.
You went to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. When you were done you went to the kitchen to eat breakfast, making a quick stop in the living to say good morning and give a quick kiss to Kaiser. As usual he sat at the table with his glasses on and his laptop in front of him, checking the videos from the last match he played.
You approached him and hugged him from behind, and as soon as you did it you could see the little smile on his face on the reflection of the screen in front of him. He turned his head a little, so that he could give you a peck on the lips.
"Good morning." You said to him smiling, resting your chin on his shoulder. "Good morning." He answered back, pausing the video that was currently playing on his laptop.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked turning his body, so that you could slot between his legs and he could hug your body with both his arms.
You nodded, still smiling at him, "Yeah, I was really tired."
"I could tell." You looked at him confused, raising one eyebrow.
"You were snoring really loudly." He said, trying not to burst out laughing. You scoffed, looking at him annoyed, then you flicked his forehead before going to the kitchen to finally have breakfast. He shook his head laughing, then he turned his body back to the laptop to resume his work.
You prepared your breakfast, then you sat on the counter while eating it and drinking a glass of orange juice. Once you were done you looked around the kitchen, which was a bit of a mess, so you decided to tidy it up.
You quickly wiped the counter and the stove, then you started to wash the dirty dishes, which was the longest part. They accumulated in the sink since yesterday morning. Nobody wanted to clean them, so they just piled up, filling the sink to the top. Usually you both would have just put them in the dishwasher, but unfortunately it broke a few days ago.
When you were finally finished, and your fingers looked like the ones of a 90 years old lady, you grabbed your phone and went to the living room to relax a bit on the couch.
You sat down, ready to watch some stupid stuff on your phone and laugh at them like a psychopath, but the constant pain in your sides prevented it. You shuffled on the couch trying to find a comfortable position, but every move seemed to make the pain worse, making you hiss over and over.
Micheal looked at you from his seat, knitting his eyebrows in confusion, "..are you alright?".
You stopped moving and took a deep breath. You already knew that if he knew the reason of your discomfort he would be smug for the rest of the day or even more. But on the other hand if you said that you were alright, which you obviously weren't, he would annoy you until you confessed the truth. After considering the two options, you decided to just get it over with.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes, "..my sides hurt..".
You opened your eyes and looked at him, seeing that he turned his gaze back to the video, with a smirk slowly growing on his face. You scoffed, then you grabbed the first thing beside you, which was one of the pillows of the couch, and threw it at him, hitting his face.
"I didn't even say anything!" He loudly said, throwing the pillow back at you, but missing you completely.
"I know what you were thinking!" You retorted, then finally you found a comfortable position on the couch. The smirk on Michael's face didn't go away, but you weren't surprised of that, so you unlocked your phone to busy yourself with something.
"Want me to help with that?" He grinned, his gaze still on the computer. "You've already done enough."
After a small pause, he found the perfect come back. His smirk grew larger, "Well, that's not what you said last night."
He had to thank the universe that you didn't have rocks beside you.
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lucid-loves · 4 months
Taste Like Venom ~ Simon "Ghost" Riley Part 4
Pairing: Ghost x assassin!reader (fem!reader, no use of y/n, callsign “Hex”)
Word Count: 3.6k
CW: angst, violence, blood, strong language, scars, enemies to lovers trope, slow burn, fluff, clear attraction and sexual tension, smut later on, reader POV and ghost POV, minors dni, Soap lives in this AU
Let me know if I missed any CWs.
Story Synopsis: After Makarov gets away once again, Laswell decides to force a favor from you, the world’s greatest assassin and best-kept secret. You are now expected to help the 141 with taking down Makarov in addition to playing nice with them. It’s hard to play nice when you have always worked alone. It doesn’t help that one of the team members, Ghost, gets curious about you in each interaction. 
Chapter Synopsis: While you are alone in your own hotel room, the men talk about you over Italian cuisine. This includes speculation on Ghost’s feelings for you. Meanwhile, you are already gearing up for infiltration to tap the target building. Ghost decides that he wants a front-row seat to your show.
A/N: I am adding a taglist from now on for those who want to be a part of one. I made a post asking people to like it if they wanted to be part of it. If you would like to comment that you want to be in a taglist, you can do so on this post~
Taglist: @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction @dory-98 @cum-tea-and-towels @completelymarveltrash
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 9 ~ Part 10
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Good God, authentic pizza was absolutely amazing. The standard for pasta was incredible as well. It beat the standard cafeteria food back on base by a landslide. The 141 grimaced as they thought about someday having to return to the food back home. Even the food they’ve eaten out of your fridge has been refreshing to their taste buds. Soap was the most vocal about his dread of the mass-cook cafeteria food as he devoured another slice of heaven. “Christ, going back to bland spinach and soggy rice is going to be fuckin’ painful!”
“Remember when they tried to do a taco night. Fucking hell, the lettuce was dripping fat like a sponge.” Gaz added as he took a swig of whiskey. It wasn’t the Italian choice of liquor to pair with food, but it was the 141’s choice. Not Ghost’s though. He missed his Kentucky bourbon. 
“Last Thanksgiving was the most painful for me. Turkey was drier than my fuckin’ belt.” Soap chuckled, trying not to drip sauce onto the bed with how his whole body laughed with him. They were eating in one of the double queen hotel rooms, away from the public eye. When they were all together in a group, they often garnered attention. Such was the price for being such large, capable men.
“Anyone reckon that Hex is up yet? Food is gonna get cold.” Price inquired. They had saved some food for you. A plate full of different things since no one knew what you liked. Even Kate didn’t know when they called to ask her. Still, they tried their best anyway. And their best was getting cold on a ceramic plate.
Soap shook his head in refusal. “I’m not gonna knock on her door. The lass scares the shite out of me.”
Gaz laughed out loud. “Soap? Afraid? Never thought I’d live to see the day.” 
“Hey, you weren’t the one that nearly lost an ear! With fuckin’ car keys of all things.” He defended, taking a long swig of his own drink. He clearly wasn’t going to forgive you for that any time soon. It made him annoyed when he thought about the fact that you probably didn’t care. 
Price shrugged and poured himself another drink. “You were kinda asking for it, Johnny. I think I would’ve nearly killed you too if I’m being honest.”
“Well, Lt. made the joke first and he didn't nearly get stabbed.” He continued to argue, looking to Simon for an answer on how it was different when he cracked the joke. Ghost just stared with indifference, sitting in the corner with his mask halfway up. Even if he was with the people he trusted with his identity, he just felt more comfortable hiding his face while he ate.
The room went quiet for a moment as the men thought about it. Out of all of them, Ghost seemed to be the one that was able to get the closest to you. You still pushed him away by miles, but it was definitely closer than they were getting. Kyle took another slice of pizza, the fresh basil so vibrantly green that it looked like it was glowing. “How do you feel so comfortable pushing her boundaries, Lieutenant? One attempt at our lives is enough for us to back off. Yet, you seem to keep going back for more.”
The men waited for an answer, an idea crawling into each of their heads. Price had already picked up on it by now. He noticed as soon as Ghost lifted you in his arms. Gaz vocalizing his observation out loud just now triggered Soap to realize it too. A slow, knowing smirk crept along Soap’s lips. Simon scowled at the insinuation, reading all of their minds. “All of you can bury your ideas six feet under. I’m just trying to get her to trust us. The mission will go a lot smoother if she does. The sooner we do that, the sooner we can go home.”
All of them returned to enjoying their meals, unconvinced by Ghost’s protest. Was Simon attracted to you? Absolutely. Did he like you? Well, he certainly didn’t hate you. The biggest problem for him was that you were dangerous. Not just from an ability standpoint, but from an emotional standpoint. While he did want to get close to you, he still wanted to keep you just out of arm’s reach emotionally because he knew that you would burn him. Poison him with that venom of yours. He knew if he really did fall for you, he would never stop falling. 
For the sake of the mission and his own preservation, he convinced himself that you were only a temporary attraction. A beautiful woman with incredible power that will return to the unknown as soon as this is all over. His teammates knew better, though. In all their time of knowing Simon, he has never shown interest in women. Always too busy. Always too focused on work. Not even making time for hook-ups. When you came into the picture, you got his attention in a way they have never seen before. That meant a lot to them.
“Regardless, you have the honor of delivering our assassin her dinner, Lieutenant.” Price smirked, abusing his power as Captain to avoid feeding the feral woman next door. Ghost clenched his jaw, cursing out John in his mind as he got up.
The men continued their lighthearted conversation as Simon walked out, plate of food in hand. Taking a deep breath, he walked to your door and knocked. When there was no answer, he thought that perhaps you were still asleep. So, he took out his spare keycard to the room and welcomed himself in. 
The room was dim, large shadows casing over the beige walls. A few laptops were running on the desks, already hacked into the security cameras of the target building. You’ve actually been up for a while and have been busy getting things ready for your infiltration. It was alarming when you woke up in your hotel room instead of the car at first. However, it didn’t take you long to figure out that someone must’ve carried you. You were pretty sure who it was, but you didn’t dwell on it. There was work to be done and you had wasted too much time with sleep. 
Kate helped you get into their systems. From there, a layout of the building was mapped out along with the IDs of everyone working for Makarov. You have watched enough security footage to take note of the guard routes. All that needed to be done was planting the taps to allow you to listen in on everything. Nothing was going to be unheard. Not even the sound of a guard taking a bathroom break.
Simon watched you fasten a black belt tight around your hips that carried a collection of small throwing knives. You wore new pants, a long sleeve turtleneck with a hood, and boots. All tight. All black. His hands ached to reach out in order to trace your prominent curves. He wanted to feel the thin fabric of your shirt, the heat of your skin exuding through it. 
Instead of that, he placed the food down on top of your dresser, resisting the temptation. “Not going to eat first?”
You didn’t even glance his way, something he wanted to fix immediately. “No. It will weigh me down. I had room service bring up some fruit earlier. It will tie me over until I get back.”
“You’re leaving now?” He questioned, anger rising in his tone. You should have let them know that you were awake. That you were set up with the tech. That you wanted to proceed with the mission with a lookout. You shouldn’t have intended to do this alone.
But, you couldn’t help it. This is how you have always worked. Besides, to you, there was no reason to waste time with unnecessary things like knocking on their door to let them know you were ready. What were you? A fucking dog looking to be let out? “Now is better than later. Security usually lets their guard down after meals. It’s not too late in the night to expect intruders too. Now is the optimal time for me to place the taps.”
Simon scoffed at your unapologetic reasoning. “And you were just going to do this alone? Not even someone to watch the cameras out for you? What if you get compromised?”
Here we fucking go again. You grabbed the taps sitting on the desk, putting them in a small satchel securely tied to your belt. “Can you not criticize the way I do things every fucking conversation? I’m doing what I do best, Simon. I’ve never been compromised before. That’s a streak I intend to keep.”
He stepped towards you, his frame menacing as he towered over you. Hearing your name come from your lips was still something he wasn’t used to. Despite that, he wasn’t going to let you do this alone. This time, his tone was gentle yet resolute. “I’m letting the force know and I’m going to monitor the cameras.”
Looking up into his eyes, you could see that he wasn’t going to waver from his decision. There was no point fighting about this, you finally decided. Not even twelve hours ago was your last fight with him. A part of you was getting tired of it. Stepping back towards the hotel window to leave, you threw in the towel. It wasn’t going to stop you from getting the job done anyhow. “Do whatever you want. I don’t give a shit.”
“Hang on.” Ghost stopped you, his hand reaching out to grab your wrist. He pulled you towards him, using the advantage of his strength to have you close to him. Anticipating you to either reach for your knives or strike him with your other hand, he prepared to guard himself. However, you never used the same trick twice in a row. 
Like a forceful tango, you stepped your full weight forward to catch him off balance. You then pushed further as he was forced to step back lest you headbutt him, your hand now having the room to land on his chest with a quick, sharp force. In Simon’s fall, you swiped his sheathed knife from his own belt. Before he knew it, he was laying on his back on your bed, you straddling him, his eyes locking with yours that blazed with victory. 
Ghost’s strong hand was still wrapped around your wrist, but your free hand had his own knife pressed against his chest. Right over his heart that was thudding against his chest like it wanted to break out. The hot blood in his body was pumping into overdrive. Not in fear of death. No. In pure, passionate attraction. He swallowed hard, fighting back the urge to still pull you down and kiss you through his mask. Even if it would cause the knife to be plunged into his heart, the thought of being able to share a passionate kiss with you didn’t seem like a bad tradeoff.
Tendrils of your hair fell past your face, framing a beautiful jawline he wanted to trace with his lips. The image of you gasping in shock and pleasure as he squeezed your hips flashed in his mind for a second. It wouldn't have been hard to do. His other hand was still free but frozen as you pressed the tip of the blade into his chest. He also imagined the potential sweetness of your tongue, giving him a taste of dessert after dinner. He wanted to be the one to catch you by surprise and submit to his will. Only, you would love it and beg for more through feverish kisses and the grinding of your hips against his.
Christ, he was getting a boner. 
He wasn’t the only one who was feeling it, though. The sound of your own heartbeat was flooding your ears. You couldn’t seem to pull away from his blue eyes that so heatedly begged for you to come closer. The heat already felt from your body pressing against his didn’t feel like enough. Especially when you began to feel his growing hardness pressing against you. That just made your own sex tingle with need.
You got off of him quickly, putting distance between the two of you. What the fuck were you doing?! What the hell was wrong with you?! You haven't been with anyone for so long, but it was no excuse to get so swept up like this. Not with someone like Ghost. Not with someone like Simon Riley. You needed to get a fucking grip. Get your head on straight. Damn it, you were better than this!
Slowly, he sat up and cleared his throat, trying to pretend that what just happened wasn’t the sexiest thing he’s ever been through. His knife was tossed onto the bed next to him, your movements quick as you rushed to get the fuck out of there.
However, when Simon called your name, you froze. He sounded a little breathless, his voice making you shiver. “Hex, wait.”
Simon stood from the bed to grab something from the desk. Cautiously, he walked towards you, now learning his lesson that it wasn’t a great idea to just grab you so suddenly for multiple reasons. At a slow pace, he opened his large palm to show you a small earpiece. Still being careful with his speed and touch, he lightly brushed your hair behind your ear and inserted the earpiece for you. You flinched as his fingers brushed against your jaw, butterflies erupting within you.
“You’ll be able to hear me through this. I won’t say anything unless I really have to. You’ll be able to talk to me through it too. Whatever you want, whatever you need, just say it.” Ghost promised. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. You feared that using your voice would reveal just how flustered you were over what just transpired. Instead, you gave a simple nod and headed back to your window.
The nighttime breeze flooded in as soon as you opened the window, the chill seeping into your bones. Good. You needed to cool off. Without looking back, you slipped out into the night, leaving Simon behind to wonder if supposed enemies were supposed to be attracted to each other like this. 
The shadows concealed you, the moonlight accentuating them on every surface they could touch. Quietly and quickly, you moved from shadow to shadow until you stumbled upon the targeted building. From the outside, it looked like a rundown, abandoned office building up for sale. The place was hidden away, tucked behind the forefront of what Italy wanted to offer instead. Beauty. 
You watched armed men standing guard, looking out into the alleyways for enemies. Sticking to the shadows, you crept along the side of the building before spotting an open window just above you. Taking a deep breath to focus your mind, you sprung into action. With a few wall jumps, you were right in one of Makarov’s weapons depot. 
From the laptops back at the hotel, Ghost carefully watched the footage, almost holding his breath as he searched for you. His team gathered into the room once he told them you had left already. They had assumed that all the time he spent missing with you was just him helping set up the tech. He didn’t correct them on this. Like you had said before, never underestimate the power of assumptions.
Relief washed over his shoulders as soon as he saw your figure invade the building. Just as fast as you had entered, you hid, dropping a tap that was modeled to look like a dead fly onto the dirty tile. The place was dusty, the smell of stagnant air filling your lungs. The men here didn’t care about the cleanliness of the place. Fortunately for the 141, that meant that they wouldn't have to worry about anyone cleaning up the “dead flies.”
All of the men watched the footage as you swiftly made your way from room to room dropping flies. Soap double checked to make sure that the enemies’ own footage was still scrubbed as you worked. Regardless, you moved so carefully that any video of you just looked like a weird, black glitch. You were in your zone. This is what you did for years. This is what you have secretly missed doing.
Every move you made was calculated, following a strict regime based on the men’s own schedule. As you dropped more and more taps, Price began to check if they worked on his end. Sure enough, they could hear everything.
Gaz noticed that Ghost’s body was rigid, his eyes refusing to leave the screens. He was keeping track of you like he would lose sight of you if he blinked. Wanting to ease his worries, he began to prepare some tea using the hotel’s electric kettle. Kyle was always one to look out for his friends like this.
A hot cup of black tea was placed in front of Ghost, the smell already releasing the tension in his muscles. Gaz pat his stiff shoulder. “She’s gonna be alright, bruv.”
Ghost gave a silent nod, finally taking a moment to let his eyes wander off of the monitor to have a sip of tea. Now that he was more relaxed, he viewed your movements in a more admiring way. None of them could pull off how smoothly you moved. How easy you glided through like a gust of wind passing through. Even when you were close to an enemy, you kept your cool, refrained from killing, and moved on without detection. 
You were a god damn modern-day ninja. A fine one at that.
In less than an hour, you had swept through the whole building without detection. Every tap was planted. Not once did you hear Simon in your ear either. You were glad. You felt like if you heard his voice through the earpiece it would break your flow. But, a part of you did yearn to hear his deep voice so close to you. 
Getting out was the easiest part. Having no one seen you come in, you took the same route out. When you came back through the window, you were met with grateful smiles and words of praise that were foreign to your ears. Ghost wanted to be the first one to say something about your skills, but loud-mouth Sergeant Soap beat him to it. “Damn, Lass! I think you just set a record for 141!”
“That was quite impressive stuff there, Hex. It was like you were never there. Kate was right about you.” Price grinned as he thanked you in his own way.
Gaz hopped on the headphones to listen to the taps as soon as his Captain moved. “All of them are working just fine. I’ve only ever seen moves like that in movies and video games. Job well done!”
You were unsure of what to do with all of this attention, never having experienced it before. When you worked alone, there was no one to tell you that you did well when you got back. You didn’t know if all of this flattery made you feel good. In all honesty, the confusion you felt about it made you a little sick to your stomach.
Weaving past them all, you grabbed your cold plate of food that Simon brought to you earlier and left without a word through the door. After receiving some worried glances from his soldiers, Price provided some words of reassurance. “Don’t worry, men. Hex probably isn’t used to having people wait for her like this, let alone praise for good work. Give her time.”
As the team brought back some of the tech to monitor from their rooms, Ghost stepped out into the hallway to look for you. He initially thought that you would be in one of their rooms to use the microwave, but you were nowhere in sight. While he wanted to keep looking, a call by his Captain to help made him call it there for the night. 
And so he spent the rest of the night bunking with Soap, listening in on private conversations and thinking about you. Meanwhile, you spent your night eating a cold dinner alone on the hotel rooftop. Overlooking the city, your own mind occasionally wandered against your will towards Ghost and how it would feel if his heat saved you from the autumn winds chilling your skin.
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ynsvnte · 4 months
So on and on — Yang Jungwon
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Genre: fluff, crack, fake texts. wc: 412 warnings: kissing, pet names, teasing, pairing: bf!won x fem!reader
Synopsis: You and Jungwon go on a date but once you get dropped off home. You already missed Jungwon. Maybe bothering him will change his mind to stay over
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“Okay babe love you!” Jungwon said, kissing your cheek.
You smiled at him before pecking his lips. You unlock your door and enter inside your apartment. You turn around and still see Jungwon standing there. He gives you a quick hug before walking out and waving goodbye. You close the door after he walks out and sigh. God you’re so down bad for him. You already miss him. You finally managed to go on a date after a while. Especially since you know how the both of you get so busy with work.
“I miss him already..” you talk to yourself slightly pouting at the thought of him. You walk over to the sofa and plop yourself onto it. You get lost in your thoughts before pulling out your phone texting Jungwon. Fingers hovering over the keyboard. You hesitate to text him. “What if he thinks I’m clingy..” you start to overthink. Ehh it doesn’t matter. You literally his girlfriend he wouldn’t mind, right?
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You turn off your phone giggling to yourself. You head towards your room changing out of your clothes and getting into way more comfortable clothes. You dreaded removing your makeup but still did it anyway. Now with a bare face and a comfy outfit you just wait for Jungwon to arrive. Which didn’t take long after hearing the doorbell ringing. You jump out of bed and rush to the door opening it quickly and wide. Jumping on top of Jungwon hugging him tightly.
“You miss me that much” he asked. Which to you only nodded your head to agreeing to his statement. “Missed you so much..” you let go of the hug before letting him inside.
“So what do you wanna do..?” You asked Jungwon. Jungwon removes his jacket and shoes before looking down at you.. “hmm..we can cuddle and watch a movie in your room..?” He suggested. You nodded your head. Jungwon grabs a hold of your hand dragging you towards your room. He opens your bedroom door and heads to the bed first laying down. Motioning you to lay next to him. You lay next to him. Feeling his arms wrap around your waist. You grabbed your laptop and placed it onto the bed. Playing a random movie.
“So are you staying over tonight..?” You asked him. Jungwon thought to himself..
“Hmm. No.”
“What do you mean no!?” You were shocked.
Jungwon laughs before saying. “I’m kidding, baby. Of course I'm staying over for tonight.
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Author’s note: hehe tried getting my wife to help come up with a new title but umm it’s the oh I guess 🦧 UMM I LOVE TJIS HELP WHAT. Also kept my promise posted it same day (delivery 💪🏼)
© ynsvnte copyright 2024
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lucy90712 · 5 months
pls could write a Jude Bellingham x reader YN is Jobes best friend since they were like 5 and YN moved next door, she always had a crush on Jude and everyone could tell but he always turned her down and then he sees her tryna move on and he’s like what’d u think ur doing
WC: 2.8k Ever since I was born pretty much I've known the Bellinghams. When I was born Jude was a little over a year old and then Jobe was born about a year after that. Our parents were friends before any of us were born and they lived just down the road from each other so all of us have been around each other pretty much from the day we were born. As we grew up I only became closer with both Jude and Jobe but as we've gotten older I have gotten closer to Jobe as he's around more and I just feel like I have more in common with him than I do with Jude as he's older so he can always do things before we can. 
One of the other reasons I think I'm not as close with Jude is because I've had a crush on him for a while, when he moved away to go and play in Germany my feelings for him started to change. It seemed like he became a man all of a sudden, he wasn't the Jude I used to know from when we were in our early teens he was different, all of a sudden he was the most attractive man I'd ever seen. Whenever he came home all I could do was admire him and the muscles he'd clearly been working hard to get as well as his face which just seemed so perfect. It was obvious to everyone that I has a crush on Jude even Jobe made fun of me a few times for fawning over his brother. There came a time when Jude sat me down and tried letting me down gently saying that he thought we were better off as friends which hurt a hell of a lot at the time but I've since got over that disappointment. 
Sadly I never got over my feelings for Jude instead I just distracted myself with other guys who were nowhere near as good as Jude and honestly half of them I didn't even really like but it was only a bit of harmless flirting I never went any further as I just didn't want to. I know one day I'll meet a guy I love as much if not more than Jude and then I'll be happier than I am now pining over a guy that doesn't even like me back. It's been a while since I've seen Jude as he's been so busy with the end of the season which has actually helped me quite a lot as not seeing him and trying not to pay much attention to things he posts has kept him out my mind. All of this has been on purpose too as my birthday is today and I didn't want to only be thinking about Jude on my birthday. 
With it being my 18th birthday all my friends have convinced me to go out clubbing with them. They've all turned 18 already and have been out quite a few times and they want me to join them. There has been times they've tried to convince me to get a fake id but I refused as I'm not bothered about going out plus it wouldn't work anyway as quite a few people here know who I am because of my friendship with Jude and Jobe so I never bothered. Sadly Jobe can't come and enjoy my birthday with me as he's not 18 yet but I promised I'd spend the rest of the day with him as he said he didn't want to not see me on my birthday. We've spent all of our past birthdays together and I couldn't be the one to ruin that tradition plus I think I'll enjoy spending the day with Jobe more than I will then going out. 
As it's my birthday I wanted to sleep in for a bit longer than I usually would but that didn't happen as the sound of my phone notifications woke me up. When I looked at it my home screen was flooded with notifications of texts and Instagram posts from my friends. I answered a few texts before there was a knock on my bedroom door and my mum came in with breakfast for me which she'd spent her morning making. She had to go to work but she promised that she'd give me my presents later before I go out which didn't bother me as I don't need any presents I just want to enjoy my birthday. 
Once my mum had left I went back to looking at my phone and replying to people, at some point I went on Instagram and saw that Jude had tagged me on his story and I don't think I've ever clicked on a notification so quickly. He had posted a picture of the two of us from when we were younger covered in mud from where we'd been playing outside in the rain with a caption wishing me a happy birthday. It made me feel all warm inside that he bothered to post something instead of just texting me as he doesn't post much that isn't to do with football. 
After I'd caught up on my notifications I got myself out of bed and got ready so I could go and see Jobe. He wanted me to go to his so I text him just before I left the house so he'd be expecting me. Seeing as its only a few minutes down the road I was happy to walk plus it's such a nice day that I wanted to get outside and soak up the sun even if it's only for a few minutes. When I arrived I didn't even get the chance to knock on the door before it swung open and Jobe tackled me straight into a hug. Jobe has always been like this with me we are just so close that we are always excited when we get to spend time together especially on special days like birthdays. Eventually he let go of me and allowed me inside but he quickly covered my eyes as he said he had a surprise waiting for me in the living room. I was a bit nervous as you never know what a Jobe surprise will be but I had a bit of faith that he wouldn't do anything I'd hate on my birthday. 
It felt like we walked forever but eventually we stopped and Jobe instructed me to open my eyes. It took a second for my eyes to adjust but when they did the first thing I saw was a smiling Jude sat on the sofa. If it were possible my jaw would've hit the floor as Jude wasn't supposed to be home he was supposed to still be in Germany for another week but there he was and I definitely wasn't seeing things. 
"Happy birthday y/n/n" Jude said 
"What are you doing here I thought you still had to be in Germany" I questioned 
"You didn't think I'd miss your 18th did you plus I may have lied to be able to surprise you" he said 
"I'm so happy you're here it's been ages since I've seen you" I said 
He got up and gave me a hug before ushering me to sit down while him and Jobe ran off somewhere. They came back a minute later holding far too many presents which they piled on my lap so that I couldn't move anymore. I tried telling them off for getting me so many unnecessary presents but they insisted that it was necessary as in their words you only turn 18 once. Seeing as they were both so excited about it I opened the presents in whatever order they agreed on which did involve a bit of arguing but we got there in the end. They got me so many nice things that made me feel so loved but also a bit bad as I could never afford to do the same for them. 
"Thank you guys so much I really appreciate everything but you shouldn't have gotten me so much I'll never be able to top or even match that" I said 
"It's ok we don't need you to do anything for us we just love having you around" Jobe said 
"Aww you're going to make my cry" I said 
"Don't cry instead tell me what you've got planned for today" Jude said 
"Well first I'm hanging out with you guys but then my friends convinced me to go out tonight" I said 
"Is it just you and your friends going?" Jude asked 
"Yeah me and I think 3 of the girls the rest can't make it" I said 
"Well I'm coming with you whether you like it or not I'm not letting you go out for the first time without someone to keep you safe" he said super seriously 
"I'll be fine Jude I won't even drink that much" I said 
"I don't care it's not safe for you to be going out with just a few of your friends I promise I'll leave you be I just can't let you go alone" he said 
"Fine you can come but be prepared the girls will go crazy" I laughed 
I spent the rest of the day with Jude and Jobe just hanging out like we used to do all the time when we were a bit younger. They even got me a cake which they definitely aren't supposed to eat with their diet but they did and made me promise not to tell anyone. A bit later I had to leave to get ready but not before Jude cornered me to make me promise to text him when I was ready to go and he'd come over so we could go together. I was still anxious about him coming as for one I don't want to get drunk and say something stupid to him but also I didn't want him to be on my mind all night. Tonight was supposed to be the night I get to let go and enjoy myself and maybe find a guy I like to flirt with but I feel like I can't do that with Jude around as my mind will be on him the entire time. I appreciate his concern about me going out but I can handle myself and I'd be fine without him. That being said it's been a long time since I've really spent any time with him so it will be nice to have Jude there. 
Once I was home and getting ready I was texting my friends to get their opinion on my outfit as I don't really know what to wear out. They helped me get it down to two options but once I told them Jude was coming they picked the shorter tighter dress straight away as they know I like Jude so I guess they are being good friends. Seeing as they picked a nice dress I decided to go all out on my hair and makeup too and if I do say so myself I looked pretty good. After I'd done a few touch ups I text Jude to let him know I was ready and headed downstairs to put my shoes on as I knew he'd be a few minutes. 
Jude arrived and honked the horn of his car to get me to go outside (let's just pretend he can drive) so I made my way to the car slowly trying to not fall over with my heels on the gravel of the driveway. Jude must've noticed my struggle as he got out the car and helped me into the passenger side of the car. 
"You look beautiful" he said 
"Thank you" I said feeling my cheeks turn pink 
"You know you don't have to drive if you want to drink we can get an Uber" I said 
"No it's ok I won't drink I'm only going to make sure you and you're friends are ok" he said 
"They're all really excited that your coming I think they might spend more time with you than they will with me" I laughed 
"I won't let them you'll barely notice I'm there" he smiled 
We arrived at the club and true to his word Jude disappeared as soon as I was with my friends although he did instruct me to put any drinks I had on a tab he'd make for me as he didn't want to me pay for anything on my birthday. He'd gone before I could argue with him so I didn't bother I just did exactly what he told me to and got myself a drink before heading to dance with my friends. As I was dancing my friends told me that there was a guy who wouldn't stop staring at me so I managed to sneak a glance in his direction and he was actually really cute. He noticed me looking at him and shot me a smile before making his way over. 
Straight away he complimented me but not just on my outfit which made me let down my guard a little bit as I could tell he was genuinely interested in me. Once he found out it was my birthday he wished me a happy birthday and offered to buy me a drink which I was happy to accept. As we both sipped on our drinks we started properly talking and we just got on like a house on fire. We actually had a few things in common and he was such a nice guy that it was hard not to get along with him. Once we finished our drinks he took me back to the dance floor and we danced together. To begin with he didn't have his hands on me but I grabbed his arms and put his hands on my waist as I was feeling little more confident than usual. 
I was really enjoying myself dancing and laughing with this guy my mind was only thinking about him and not about Jude at all. It's been so long since I've thought about any guy in front of me and not compared him to Jude, it was honestly so nice to have finally found a guy that made me forget about Jude and that clearly had the same feelings that I did. My enjoyment was short lived though as not long after I felt someone grab my arm and pull me away, I was about to punch the person until I got a look at them and realised it was Jude and honestly I still kind of wanted to punch him as he was supposed to leave me be and I was actually enjoying myself. 
He dragged me all the way out of the club and back to the car which is when he finally let go of his grip on my arm and I just stared at him. Neither of us moved nor said anything for a good few moments until I decided I wanted to go back in if he wasn't going to talk but as soon as I turned around he grabbed my arm again and brought me back to face him. Again the staring ensued and I was really starting to get annoyed. 
"What's going on Jude if you aren't going to say anything let me go I was enjoying my time with that guy" I said 
"I can't let you go back in" he said hastily 
"Tell me why then as I'm not going to stand here forever" I said 
"Because I'm jealous ok I don't know why but seeing you with that guy made me realise that I've been lying to myself for a long time I do have feelings for you I've just been trying to tell myself I don't as I don't want to ruin our friendship" he admitted 
"What you have feelings for me?" I questioned in complete disbelief 
"Yeah I do I know that I made it seem like I didn't see you that way but I have had feelings for a while I just didn't want to change things between us or make things awkward with you and Jobe as I know how close you both are but I can't keep lying I want to be with you y/n" he said 
"I think it's pretty clear that I still have feelings for you and I really want to give us a go I know it will be different but let's be honest Jobe’s been wishing we'd get together for ages so I'm sure everything will be ok" I said 
"Then will you be my girlfriend officially?" He asked 
"I would love to" I smiled 
"Now let's go and have some proper fun" he said taking my hand to lead me back inside 
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Paring: Simon “Ghost” Riley + Wife! Reader 
Summary: Simon comes home late and finds you already asleep and in trying to crawl in bed next to you wakes you up, fluffy moments ensure 
Warnings: Fluff, slight self-doubt? 
Song suggestion to read this to: Work song by Hozier
I’M BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!! I just got sucked into a fandom I know hardly anything about and it's about a game I don't even play but there is something about these masked men that get me every time. Anyway sorry for the long hiatus of me not posting I hope you enjoy this and remember to stay safe, beautiful, and remember to drink your water 🌸✌🏽🦋
 Ghost knew it was late when he arrived home from his latest deployment and all he wanted to do was crawl into bed with you and sleep in until late in the afternoon the next day. Quietly he unlocked and opened the door to your shared house and stepped inside leaving his shoes and bags in the hallway as he walked to the bedroom. He noticed a light coming from the slight crack in the door and he silently opened the door to see your sleeping form curled underneath the covers. 
 It was apparent you had tried to stay awake till he got home but lost the battle to sleep and had left the bedside lamp on. Ghost lingered in the doorway letting his thoughts take over as he watched your sleeping form, what did he do right in his life to deserve you? He had so much blood on his hands and demons constantly crawling in his mind but you didn’t seem to care. You would hold him gently late at night when his mind would play tricks on him and chase his demons away with whispered words of comfort followed by gentle touches. 
  Ghost knew he didn’t deserve a gentle soul like you to come home to but Simon was glad that he never had to go home to an empty and cold house like he had to many times before. Shaking his head he walked over to switch off the light and bent down beside the bed once you started to stir and wake up. He tried to get you to settle down and go back to sleep but failed once he saw your eyes open.
“Baby is that you?” You said groggily as you turned on the lamp he had just turned off. You lay back down as you looked at your husband happy that he was finally home, a smile blooming across your face. It faded slightly though once you saw he was still wearing the mask. Gently you reached out and placed your hands at the end of the cover causing his hand to reach up and gently grab your wrist. Stoping your movements you looked into his eyes “I’m not going to hurt you, is it ok if I take this off? I would like to see my husband.” You gently whispered. 
Ghost’s eyes flickered up to yours taking in your features for a moment before moving his hand away from your wrist. Smiling gently you gently and slowly start to take the mask off giving him every opportunity to stop you if he wanted to. Once you got the mask off you set it on the nightstand before looking at the uncovered face of your husband. Reaching out you gently place your hand on his cheek 
“ There he is.” You say as you run your thumb across his cheek making him close his eyes and lean into your hand. No other words were said as you scooted over letting him crawl into the bed next to you before turning off the lamp. You let him cuddle into your chest as his arms wrapped around you holding you close to his body. It often went like this when he came back home and you never questioned it knowing that he just needed to remind himself that he was home again as he grounded himself into realizing that you were actually in his arms and not just a figment of his imagination. You carded your fingers through his sandy blonde hair as you slowly started to fall asleep again content in knowing that your husband was home, he was here in your arms again. Faintly as your eyes started to close you caught a glimpse of your wedding ring glinting in the moonlight that has filtered in through the curtains and a soft smile grazed your lips before sleep took over your body. 
Simon stayed awake a little while longer listening to your heartbeat and soft snores as you peacefully slept in his arms. At that moment he knew what he knew from when he first decided to marry you in that small church up on the hill in the British countryside. No grave would be able to hold his body down, he would always crawl home to you. 
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold dark earth
No grave could hold my body down
I’ll crawl home to her. – Hozier “Work song”
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petrssecrethideout · 1 month
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"Bro, do you wanna hear about something crazy?"
"I mean sure, go ahead,"
"Alright, so I was just relaxing, scrolling TikTok,"
"Already a bad idea."
"I know, I got beef with that fuckin' algorithm let me tell you. I follow a couple of bodybuilders, post a couple of gym vids and suddenly my For you page is filled with the biggest assholes alive. Anyway, I'm scrolling, and I see this guy, he's doing that whole 'alpha top dog' thing even though he's not that big."
"Okay wait pause, how big is not that big?"
"I don't know, I have more muscle in my arms than he has in his whole body, real gym influencer type."
"Alright, for anyone listening to the pod at home, I should probably just say that this guy could be anywhere from 150-300 pounds from Dale's description of him, okay? He's not good at judging what normal guys look like anymore."
"Yeah, okay, you got me. Anyway, this guy keeps going on about his great advice, so I stick around to hear it. You wanna know what he said? 'Stop Cumming, its killing your natural testosterone' What kind of bullshit is that!?"
"I mean that is a big part of the current fitness world, these guys will say anything to get more followers, and a lot of their followers are so desperate for progress that they'll take whatever advice they're given."
"It's a shame, because he's also wrong! I tried that whole 'No Nut Whatever' and its been the only time in these last 5 years that I've plateaued."
"... Really?"
"Yeah! If I'm not cranking a load out every day I can kiss any potential gains goodbye."
"Like after my workouts, when I got a huge pump going, I just have to crank one out, like what good workout would it be if I didn't"
"Dale c'mon,"
"And its not like I can just hit up a guy on Grindr and go to town every time I need to, there aren't enough guys on Grindr for that."
"Uggggh dude, we are never getting a sponsor with you talking like this."
"What, so all the straight alpha dudebros can talk about semen retnetion and get a ton of followers, but I get censored for talking about jacking off and getting tons of ass?"
"Yeah, we will."
"Well then, listeners, go subscribe to the patreon so that I can talk about my actual tips for growing, and so that you can help Mark get bigger. I'm telling you, I'm gonna make this boy huge with your help. Audio listeners make sure to check the videos so you can see this boy get huge. Now bro, help me out here. You don't want those Tiktok gymfluencers to win do you? How often are you jerkin off?"
"Oh god I can't believe I'm answering this... A couple of times a week maybe?"
"A week? That's fucking crazy. My average is like 4-5 times a day. More if I'm really feeling horny. If I'm being honest I jerked off a few weeks ago on the pod, like I forgot to before I came here. One of the comments mentioned something about my grunting that episode."
"Jesus christ dude, how do you even manage that?"
"Well, you gotta work up to it. I couldn't do that starting out, but once I started growing I was so horny I had to do something about it. I think that's what these guys don't get. You gotta get those balls working, give them a reason to keep making that sweet testosterone. How are you supposed to do that if you aren't jacking it? Honestly dude, I feel like I gotta prove these guys wrong now."
"What, you're gonna be a cum warrior?"
"Hell yeah man, I'm gonna be fighting the war on jerking it, on the side of jerking it!"
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caraetdeul · 1 month
They Can't Take What's Ours
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idol!Yoon Jeonghan x reader
Sometimes, we just need to be reassured in order to survive.
TW: online bullying
a/n: I tried to write for Jeonghan but I don't know if I gave his character justice. But either way, I had fun writing this, especially since I want to make a tribute to Taylor Swift and her newly released album, The Tortured Poets Department. This was also inspired by her song, Ours. Anyways, have fun reading caratdeuls!
~Main Masterlist~
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Hanniemyluv: What did he even see in them?
Jeongcheol4ever: No wonder Jeonghan’s having a hard time lately. I mean, just look at that poor excuse of a person he calls his significant other. They don’t deserve him.
Sighing, you rolled on your other side before hugging your pillow tighter to yourself. You felt a stray tear rolling down your face and landing on the pillow but you made no move to wipe it off. You weren’t typically the type of person that would let a stranger’s words get to you but when you’re already having a bad day so far, they tend to cut deeper than they normally would. You were only trying to relax and put the day behind you while checking out the notifications that you got on your latest post that featured you and your boyfriend on a date night but it only made things worse. You already promised Jeonghan once before that you wouldn’t even try to look at the comments but you just can’t help yourself this time. It was already served on a silver platter before you even got a chance to look at the menu.
That was how Jeonghan saw you once he got home four hours later. It was also a long day for him resulting from a full schedule due to his work as an idol. Now, he just wants to relax his mind and body while cuddling up to you all night long.
Opening the door to your apartment, he took off his shoes one by one before trudging towards the living room. He sat down unceremoniously, closing his eyes for a bit. He called out to you, announcing his arrival, but when he didn’t receive any response after a few minutes, that’s when he opened his eyes wide and alert. It was unusual for you to be this silent whenever he arrived. And it was far more unusual for the apartment to be this dark and quiet every time he got home before your usual bedtime. Music would typically be blaring from the kitchen which will then be accompanied by your singing. He then will walk towards the source of the sound only to find you dancing wholeheartedly to the song while preparing for dinner. But now observing the room, Jeonghan knew that it wouldn’t be a time like that tonight.
He immediately stood up, searching for you in every room before finally reaching your bedroom door. As he neared the door, the sounds of your sniffles and quiet sobs reached out to his ears. Even more alert than before, he called out to you cautiously while trying to contain his panic and overthinking tendencies. He opened the door, slowly revealing your bundled-up figure on your side of the bed. At the sound of the door, you turned towards it. Once he sees your tear-stricken face, he then wonders if you can hear his heart breaking in pieces or if it is just in his mind.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jeonghan calmly asked sitting at the edge of the bed closest to you. He’s trying his best not to let you hear the panic in his voice knowing that any sign of distress can only make the situation worse. If there’s one thing he learned as your partner for a few years now is that it is best to just let you take your time to gather up your thoughts and just be there for you in any way that you need. And just like any other time, that was what it took for you to finally open up.
You let him pull you into his arm once he saw your eyes filling up with tears once again but it only made you cry harder. You tried to tell him the reason behind your breakdown but all that came out were broken words and hiccups. Jeonghan only shushed your attempts, replacing them instead with reassuring and calming words in your ears. Based on the snippets of your jumbled-up thoughts you were trying to convey as well as your phone facing up and showing a portion of your post’s comment section, he can already tell what happened and it only broke his heart even more. You didn’t deserve any of this hate in any way whatsoever. He then started to plot how he would address this the next time he went live for his fans and the general public.
It took you some time but eventually, you started to calm down. Even then, Jeonghan stayed quiet, waiting for you to start talking while still rocking the both of you.
“I’m sorry.” you sniffed. Jeonghan gently pulled you apart only to make you look at his confused face. 
“What are you apologizing for?”
“For crying all over you,” you pouted. He swears that if you weren’t just recovering from your breakdown, he would coo over how cute you were right now. But alas, this wasn’t the case so he kept his thoughts at bay albeit unwillingly.
“Oh honey,” he sighed, “there’s no need to apologize for that. You know I’m here for you no matter what.”
“I know,” you sniffed, “but you’re already tired enough from practice and you don’t need me to add to your exhaustion. Speaking of, did you have dinner already? I can fix something up for you. I’m sure there’s food in the fridge I can heat up for you. What do you wa—”
Jeonghan put his finger on your lips, effectively shutting you up. You can only slump your shoulders in protest knowing this is his way of letting you know that you don’t get to get away from talking through this with him. Once he was sure you wouldn’t be attempting any escape plans at the moment, he took his finger off your lips and softly cradled your face with both of his hands.
“You do know that I love you, right?” he asked. You nodded in response with a pout but Jeonghan only shook his head.
“That’s not enough.”
“Okay, fine,” you sighed, “yes, I know.”
“No. still not enough.”
“What do you mean it’s still not enough?”
“I want you to repeat after me.”
“Okay?” you answered unsurely.
“Jeonghan, my most handsome and loving boyfriend, loves me.”
You blinked twice, trying to make sure he’s serious. But when you only saw genuine determination in his eyes, all you could do was sigh and follow his words.
“Jeonghan, my most handsome and loving boyfriend, loves me.”
“I am the most beautiful human being to ever grace this planet.”
“I am the most beautiful human being to ever grace this planet.”
“Haters gonna hate so I’m just gonna shake it off.”
“Haters gonna hate so I’m just gonna shake it off.”
“Shake it off.”
“Shake it off.”
“The stakes are high.”
“The stakes are high.”
“The water’s rough.”
“The water ’s rough.”
“But this love is ours.”
“But this lo— are we actually just quoting Taylor Swift lyrics right now?”
You narrowed your eyes at him but he didn’t even budge for one second. You then rolled your eyes before fully repeating the last line.
“See? That wasn’t so hard. Now I need my kisses.”
You shrieked when he pushed you onto the bed and before you knew it, he started showering you in kisses all over your face. You can only laugh over his antics, trying and failing to push him off of you. At the sound of both of your laughter, it was safe to say that the darkness of the night was now ignored by the lightness you both felt in your hearts.
Taglist: @moonwonuu @belladaises
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hwavsg4ch4n · 8 months
Men I Trust || L.F
Warnings/tags: fem!reader, bestie!Felix, soft dom!Felix, college au, Cheating, mentions of alcohol, penetration (F receiving), cursing, foreplay, public teasing, slight degradation
Note: omg haiii, I haven’t posted in so long wowwww. It feels good to be back tbh. I wanted to give you guys a good length worth of plot and smut as an apology for disappearing for so damn long. I have a lot of Ideas brewing, might end up looking like an unofficial KINKTOBER lol. Maybe next year I’ll do an official one haha.
Description: Felix wants to support you in anyway he can, even if it means bending his morals ever so gently
this is a work of fiction, not real… yeah
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It was like a frown was permanently etched onto your features. “Girl…” you looked up from your textbook with tired eyes, being met with your friends' lively ones. You hummed in response, “Where is your boyfriend? Wasn’t he supposed to pick you up like 2 hours ago?” your lips parted as you flipped over your phone, thinking you missed tons of phone calls, secretly you were hoping you did miss calls; it would help the anxious thoughts. 
At last, nothing. Not a text, not a voicemail, not a missed call, nothing. You sighed, “maybe he got caught up with something.” while offering your friend a tightlipped smile that she didn’t buy, you tried calling your boyfriend. Your already fake grin faltering as it went straight to voicemail. While being focused on your phone, you didn’t even realize another friend of yours reaching your table. “Hey girls!” You didn’t register his voice, too busy trying to figure out where your boyfriend was; did he turn his location off?
You called again, and again, all while looking down at the lacquered wooden table, scratching at the waxy surface too embarrassed to look up and face your friends. “Anthony!” you chimed as he answered after the second to last ring. “Y/n i’m busy.” You frowned, your heart racing as you heard laughter and music in the background. “Oh, I thought you would be picking me up. Did you forget again? Anthony, you- where even are you?” 
Felix raised his brows in question, looking to your mutual friend that sat next to him in disappointment. He knew about the problems between your current boyfriend, he once had to call him for you on his phone; you were too scared and didn’t want to be perceived as pushy or clingy. However, it’s common sense to know a person can only be pushed but so far.
“Y/n please, not this again. I don’t have time for this, you can find a ride home baby. Maybe ask Felix? Lauren?” You scoffed as he sounded annoyed, “Find a fucking ride home? Are you serious? I’ve been waiting in this damn library for you, for more than 2 hours. Now I need to find a ride home?” Your friends watched as tears of frustration welled up into your eyes. “How about I make it up to you later, hm? You know where my spare key is.” You knew what he was suggesting, and somehow it made you even more upset. First he bails, and then tells you to wait up to 3 more hours at his empty apartment just to have the worst sex of your life, as an apology. Nevertheless, you said okay tiredly, mostly to just hang up.
You put your phone down with a heavy sigh, finally looking up to see who joined your table. Even Though it was subtle, a smile spread across your face. “Hey, Lix.” He smiled back in an attempt to hide his worry. “Hey, wanna share what that was about?” he let out a little chuckle. You huffed, “I told Anthony that me and Lauren would be studying so he offered to pick me up at 4pm, obviously he ditched me… again. I should’ve fucking known,” at this point you were ranting, your friends didn’t mind. “He’s never been on time before so why now, right?” You let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Also, can you believe that he tries to make it up to me with sex every fucking time? Sex, that’s not even good? I bet he can’t even spell the word clit!” your friends' mouths were parted at your outburst, Felix chuckling as he held back a blush. You apologized, “I’m sorry it’s just… I’m stressed. He stresses me in every which way.” Your hands rubbed at your neck in an attempt to soothe.
“Wanna go to the club?” Felix suggested. You looked at him straight faced, trying to figure out if you heard him correctly. “The club? really?” Felix shrugged, “why not? You guys study almost every night. That’s enough stress already y/n, you need to let loose, have a few drinks.” He shot a smile at you. You looked at Lauren who was nodding along. “Why not, girl? You have too much on your plate. Maybe you’ll meet someone better tonight. I know I will.” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully. You rolled your eyes, looking at the time. 5:30pm.
You looked down at your textbook and notes. Sighing, you muttered a “Sure.”,  giving in quicker than usual. Felix clapped excitedly, ushering the nearby librarian to pay him with a hurried “shush”.
You fit into your cutest outfit. A black mini skirt paired with a black lace lingerie bodysuit snug against your figure. You felt serene as your music hummed in your room. Singing along to your favorite songs as you put on makeup. Dolling yourself up almost felt like meditation. You took in deep breaths every time you applied something to your skin, exhaling when you blended it out. It felt good… you felt good. At least until your phone dinged, and you found yourself hoping it would be Anthony begging and pleading for forgiveness, asking why you’re not at his place. Nonetheless, the dings were just YouTube notifications with the occasional email and period tracker app making it known you’re ovulating.
You were applying your deep brown lip liner when you heard a knock on your cracked door. You hummed as a signal to let the person come in. In the reflection of your vanity mirror you saw Felix with a completely different outfit from earlier.
A black t-shirt, a bit shorter than usual, if he raised his arms you could see one of the reasons why he’s so popular with the opposite sex. His oversized cargo pants fit him like a dream. His fingers clad with his favorite rings.
“You look pretty.” he complimented. You smiled at him through your reflection in gratitude while reaching for your lip gloss. “I bought you that ring didn’t I?” Felix gave you a bright smile, nodding as he plopped himself on your bean bag chair. “You did.” He muttered. He watched you as you applied your lipgloss, deep in thought. “Y/n,” he says, you hum back urging him to continue. “You deserve better, you know that right? I don’t think I need to tell you that but… I figured it wouldn’t hurt to tell you.” You turned to look at him, “Sometimes Felix, I feel like I have a huge stamp on my forehead that reads garbage.” You chuckled. “But I’ll get over it.” You shrug, carefully putting on your favorite gold hoop earrings.
He shook his head, sitting up straighter. “Absolutely not, no. Some men are just … dickheads. It’s not your fault, it never will be I promise. You’re amaz-” you let out a hearty laugh as he rambled at a lower octave, watching you turn around and douse your face in one more layer of settling spray. “Lixie,” he looked at you wide eyed to show he’s all ears. “Save the pep talks for tomorrow and just help me get drunk and have fun tonight, okay?” Felix raised his hands up In defense, nodding. “Deal.”
You smiled, getting up and walking to your closet, “Now help me pick out some heels, please and thank you.”
The music blared as two of your closest friends pulled you straight to the bar. 
Lauren urged you all to take shots before the lot of you left, telling you that some of her friends are there, that shes plans on leaving with them. Felix complained and you took two tequila shots, no biggie. But now she’s yelling at the bartender to open her tab and give you each 4 shots of 818t. You didn’t protest, just giggling at Felix’s look of bewilderment as the 4 shots were placed in front of him.
The two of you watched Lauren down her first two. “Ever heard of pace yourself?” Felix yelled over the blaring music. The crowd cheered as the smoke machine turned on, becoming one with the strobe lights. 
You turned to Felix after Lauren told him to shut up. “Fuck it!” You giggled, downing all your shots. Felix laughed along, downing his as well. 
“Here babe,” Lauren passed you two more, justifying her reasoning by saying “it’s for good luck!” Before she got lost in the crowd of movement to find her friends. You tilted your head back. It hit you, all the shots you took hit you like a truck. Teetering the thin line between tipsy and drunk, you grabbed Felix’s hand. “Dance with me Lix!” You smiled sweetly at him, hoping off your barstool and tugging him behind you.
After finding a comfortable spot within the crowd of moving bodies, your arms made their way around Felix’s neck. You smiled up at him excitedly, he looked down at you smiling, chuckling as he tried to keep you steady. “You drunk yet?” Felix winced as you yelled a bit too loud, forgetting that he’s closer than you think. 
“I’m trying to fight off the drunk, but I think I’m falling.” His words were slightly slurred, his freckled cheeks were tinged pink. You laughed, “I can tell, your cheeks are redder than the lights.” Felix shook his head as you tapped his cheeks, using whatever sobriety he had left in his being to keep you from bumping into too many strangers.
“No more talking, I’m dancing!” Before Felix could respond you turned around, your back pressing against his front, in an acceptable proximity Felix didn’t think twice about. But then his brain froze when you took his hands and placed them on your mid section. The cool temperature of his silver rings chilled your skin mildly as you felt it through your lace top. You sighed at the contrasting feeling, the rest of your body felt on fire and the alcohol warms you. Unbeknownst to you, your head fell to his shoulder slowly while your eyes closed in euphoria. You needed this, an escape with your friends. You sighed, relaxing into Felix as the music controlled your movements.
“Oh.” He muttered in surprise. His body heated, the tequila making him more aware than he should be. Felix gulped, licking his lips as he looked down. Taking In your skin, he witnessed you putting on body glitter when you all left the house. He didn’t let it soak in before, but now his vision is slightly blurred and the glitter was extra shiny. The strobe lights, blue and red, were hitting the highest points of your body that was exposed to him. We’re you fucking glowing? His breathing started to labor as you pressed against him harder, moving your hips with his at a pace that had him questioning if this moment was real. 
“Y/n…?” He muttered, “Yeah?” You sighed out, sounding almost breathless. “W-what are you doing?” He breathed into your neck, blinking slowly as he observed your closed eyes and sly smirk. “I’m dancing, idiot. What else?” You raised one of your hands and pulled him down by the back of his neck so your lips grazed his ear. “You need to keep up, Lix.” You say playfully.
His breath hitched, his hold on your midsection tightening slightly without his control. He was warm, he felt really warm, almost on the brink of breaking a sweat.
You swayed, grinded, giggled and tightened your grip on the back of his neck ever so slightly as your other hand stroked his forearm. It felt heavily to be touched this way, you didn’t know the last time you had been. Your foggy drunk mind didn’t care that the touches were from one of your closest friends, if anything you felt safer. The only thing you could think about was the smell of his cologne, the music and the heat radiating off him. It felt overwhelming in the best way possible, you hummed while following the rhythm. Feeling his grip on your torso tightening, you bit your bottom lip. Heat pooling to the place that has craved proper attention for months.
Felix cleared his throat, trying to slow down his heartbeat. And then he felt it, you slightly brushing off him only to deliver a deep grind against his center. He huffed, “Y-Y/n.” You shushed him. “Just feel the music, have fun.” His breath labored as he felt you grind against him harder, swiveling your hips, bending your knees slightly, your mostly exposed back brushing against his chest, he was sure your perfume would be embedded in his shirt.
“Shit” he thought, the heat, all the flustered heat that he felt was now migrating to one place. He tried his best to fight it, he really did. But when you smell like this, when you look like this, when you feel like this, Felix couldn’t help it. The tent in his pants formed and took shape against your bottom. Your movements started to focus only in that area; you knew. Of course you knew, you’re not dumb, it was painfully obvious that you didn’t care either.
Felix fought for a steady breath as you moved against him. He cleared his throat now and then trying to remain sane, trying not to fuck up whatever was going on. And then it dawned on him where you two were. “Y/n, we’re uhm, we’re in public.” His words came out gruff and breathless.
You didn’t stop moving as you responded, “What are you suggesting?” You smirked, slow turning around to meet his eyes. When Felix met your eyes in the blaring lights, his member pulsed. “Cat got your tongue Lixie?” His lips parted only to close when your thumb traced his Adam's apple gently. “Jesus.” He whispered, you couldn’t hear.
“Can I kiss you here?” You ask slightly slurred. “Uhm, w-what about Antho-” you frowned, shaking your head. “Don’t fucking worry about him, he’s not as much man as you are.” You knew how to stroke his ego perfectly. Felix nodded, “Only if you’re sure.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s only a silly peck.”
It wasn't just a peck, it was a parted lip, heated, wet kiss planted on his adams apple. Followed by a sensual lick that trailed to the side of his neck. You sucked gently and carefully, all the while planting kisses and small bites. Felix was lost in the feeling of you, sighing, whimpering as he buries his head into the crook of your neck. His grip on your waist tightens as he pulls you closer. “Fuck it.” He whispers, you heard that.
 His hand that was adorned with rings grips your jaw with soft urgency, guiding your parted lips to his. He kissed you deeply, taking your breath away as he tilted his head so his tongue could reach every inch of your mouth. You breathed in from your nose as your hands braced themselves on his chest. His lips were soft, so soft as you tasted your cherry lip gloss transferring onto his lips. 
It felt as if the blaring music faded away as the two of you made out in between dancing bodies that were too drunk to even notice you. You gasped a proper breath as Felix detached you from him by your jaw. “My place or yours?” You answered with a dazed, “Huh?” He chuckled, his other hands moving down your back to softly pat your ass as an attempt to snap you back to reality. “I said, my place or yours darling?” 
The door to Felix’s apartment barely closed before you grabbed Felix by the neck and pulled him in for another kiss that would’ve been a bit too raunchy for a night club. You kicked off your heels as Felix did his shoes, never thinking of breaking the kiss. He grabbed your waist and turned on his dim warm kitchen light. He guided you to lean on his dark marble counter, “How you feeling?” He asked, pulling away slightly, unbuttoning his pants slowly as he waited for your response.
You looked down between your bodies, watching as his fingers pulled down his fly, exposing his black Calvin boxers. He took two fingers to fix your gaze back to his “I asked you a question.” His eyes were almost as dark as his voice while he looked at you. “I want you.” You almost didn’t recognize your own voice. You could remember the last time you sounded so needy, being in a situation that made you this way didn’t cross your mind. If you were sober you’d be entirely embarrassed.
Felix grinned, reaching behind your back to unzip your skirt, pushing it down your legs gently. “That’s not what I asked you.” He reminded. You racked your brain, trying with all your might to think of the question that seemed so simple. Then his lips met your neck and your mind went blank. “Answer me, y/n.” He rumbled. “Can you- can you repeat the question?” You stammered. He smirked against your skin, giving your hip a squeeze. “I asked how you’re feeling, are you tired? You need a break?” You shook your head in disapproval. “No, no I’m okay. Keep going, I’m okay, please.”
Felix nodded, stepping back to look at your lace bodysuit that now acted as lingerie. He tsked, biting his lips while his finger traced the intricate detail on your hip bone. “You’re beautiful, so beautiful.” You looked up at him, flustered. “Any smart man would keep you to himself, if he knew what was good for him that is.” You shook your head in embarrassment and he smirked. “Feel what you did to me, y/n.” He takes your hand in his, kissing the back of it before guiding you into the warmth of his pants. His member hard and pulsating, warm as you hold him. 
“Felix...” He grins, “Oh I know, I’m taking too long, hm?”. He takes your hand out of his pants, pushing you deeper into the counter. His lips find yours again. He gropes at your flesh, and bites your bottom lip all before he rips a hole in the lace he adored so much; right where you need him the most. You gasp but he only takes that opportunity to kiss you deeper. His fingers slip past your folds to feel the wetness that accumulated throughout the night. He hums, gathering your moisture to rub your bundle of nerves sweetly. You moan pathetically into his mouth, you needed this more than you thought.
Felix breaks away from your lips only to pull down your top, exposing your hard nipples. He sucks and licks on them with a small nip to keep you from melting into pleasure completely. “Ohh, Lix there, there, god.” You breathed out, guiding his hand to where your clit loves it the most. Your head falls back as your other hand grips his hair. “Not yet,” he mutters against you. His fingers slide down your slit with ease, plunging into your leaking hole with a squelch. You bite your lip and close your eyes, flustered by the noises your body is capable of making due to your close friend's hand.
He pumps his fingers into you, earning a few groans as you look down. “It feels better with you.” You groan, he’s elated, his bulge twitched against your thigh. “Oh baby, I bet. I fucking bet.” He rewards you with the curl of his fingers, stimulating the most delicate part of you. You lurch forward, one hand shooting to your unoccupied mound for support as the other pulls his mouth off your now puffy bud. You press your foreheads together, “I wanna cum for you,” you breathe out, Felix parts his lips, fingers not halting. “I want you to feel how hard I can clench around you, think about my pussy milking you that way, want you to feel it Lixie.” You never spoke like this, the words flowed from your dirty lips like a river, Felix grew close to overwhelmed.
“Fuck, do you hear yourself baby? Such a fucking slut for me aren’t you?” You nodded quickly, your brows furrowing as you felt the knot you longed for tangle in your tummy. “Close lix close please, I need it.” He pecked your nose, quickly switching to stimulating your clit right where you placed him last. Your head fell back again, letting out a groan as Felix attached his swollen lips to your neck. “Fucking creaming on my fingers baby,” you let out hushed and quick yes’s. He hummed while grinning, “Cum, y/n. Give it to me.” And you did. You went silent as your mouth gapped, your chest heaving and your knees buckled as he rode you threw it. Pressing kisses to your chest and soothing the purple bruises he littered across your neck.
You fought to catch your breath as Felix ripped the hole in your lace wider, “Sorry darling, I’m not done, if that’s okay with you.” Instead of verbal confirmation, you turned around on shaky legs and leaned forward, nipples pressing against the cold marble. You propped one leg on his barstool and arched your back, exposing your sopping heat and puffy clit. 
You whined, wiggling your bottom, signaling you wanted more from him. Felix was astonished, almost prideful, he didn’t even bother pulling his pants down. He pulled his member out, hissing as his tip came in contact with your heat. Then it was like a lightbulb came on, “I’ll go get a condom.” You huffed in protest, “Raw, fuck me raw. I’m on the pill lix, I’m clean. I always made him use a condom. Raw please.” You tripped over your words, grinding on his length in an attempt to push him in yourself.  His cock jumped at your pleas, “You want me that bad?” You nodded in response, flinching as his tip brushed your clit.
Felix groaned, pushing himself in. Your mouth gaped, your eyes shutting in untter bliss; you were full to your heart’s content. “Perfect.” You moaned, pushing yourself back on his dick. He let you do your thing for a while, watching as your past orgasm made itself known on his shaft. A white ring coating him as your walls squeezed him with warmth. 
“You feel so good,” he growls. He takes your hips, meeting you in the middle as he thrusts into you. You cried out his name, your palms flat on his table when you felt him spread your ass cheeks apart, pushing into you with fast deep thrusts. All you could let out was huffs of air and strangled profanities as he hit places you thought were myths. 
“Taking me so well, y/n. So fucking good.” He muttered, placing his hand at the base of your back for more leverage. “You’re creaming me darling, you hear that?” The sloshing sound of your cunt was almost as loud as the slap Felix delivered to your ass.
His hand rubbed at your puffy clit, you had no choice but to tear up. “Oh my god.” You sobbed. “I need you to cum baby, I need you to cum so I can hm? Be nice to your Lixie.” You bit your lip, the intensity of your nearing climax being felt in the tip of your fingers as your thighs shook. “Fuck!” You groaned loudly, hearing the sound of your pussy gushing and juice’s hitting the floor was the least of your worries as you saw stars. You swore at that moment you reached nirvana. 
Your body had a mind of its own as you pulled your cunt off his member and got down on your knees before him. “Record me, record how you cum on me.” You muttered while looking up at your closest friend. Felix had to act quick, the sight of your mascara running and tear stained cheeks, your eyes low and tongue out waiting to take whatever he would give was now embedded in his mind as a core memory. 
He reached for his phone in his back pocket, swiping to his camera and hitting record with flash as he stroked himself quickly. You looked filthy, your pussy was dripping, your body was glistening and your hair was messy. You didn’t seem to care as your manicured nails that your sorry excuse of a boyfriend pity paid for, excitedly gripped Felix’s cargo clad thighs in anticipation.
“Shit shit.” He came, on your tits, on your nose and of course on your tongue. He groaned as you suckled on his twitching tip, kissing and licking. Felix looked at you through his camera, his free hand caressing your face, wiping your tears and hair away. Thumb lingered down to your soft swollen lips, pushing passed as you sucked gently. You smiled up at him just as he stopped recording. 
“Thank you Lixie.” You whispered, fucked out and hazy. He smiled sweetly at you, “No baby, thank you.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Bath time y/n. Come on.” He pulled you up gently.
Your hands drew circles on his chest as he stroked your naked back.
“Y/n?” You hummed in response, breathing in his body wash.
“What should I do with that video?” You looked up at Felix, with a small smile. “Send it to him and brag for the both of us, only if you want to.” You laid back down sighing in content. Felix played with your hair and chuckled. He knew you were groggy and not confident in your words. He settled for a simple screenshot, one where anyone could barely tell it was you. His ring clad thumb in your mouth as you sucked. 
The picture is attached with a short but sweet message.
“Sorry bro.”
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
featuring : cypher, sova, chamber, yoru, raze and killjoy, phoenix
a/n : HELP ok omg i didnt think people would actually like my shitty writing !!! im now oddly motivated to write? :0
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anyways! lets begin!! tw for cyphers part, i like cypher angst..
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cypher truly loves you, but he is still recovering from losing nora.
be patient with him, he still has a lot of trauma and stress in his life that he is dealing with.
he often needs reminders to take care of himself. he usually gets lost in his work
if he is having a bad day, he locks his door and buries himself in his work.
if he let you inside on a bad day, he would be a bit grouchy. he is used to keeping his walls up. but after a few reassurances, loving touches, and kind whispers. he would crack.
he feels weak when he cries, he tries his best not to but he cannot keep it in sometimes
when he cries, he is soothed by the feeling of your hands on his masked face and your loving whispers in his ear. the mask often feels suffocating, but he just cannot bring himself to take it off.
he is extremely insecure...after years of battles (both with himself, and Kingdom) he has quite a few scars littering his body. he mostly covers up fully with his mask and long sleeves. he wouldn't show you himself until he really was ready to, so don't push him! he will when he is ready.
when he does show you though, you know he really trusts you.
he melts everytime you kiss one of his scars gently, it made him love that part of him self a little more.
if you have had a bad day, he will drop everything to help. if someone made you upset? oh boy...are they in for it.
he has a lot of bad days so this is nothing new to him, he knows how you feel and knows exactly how to cheer you up.
you are definitely his rock, your presence grounds him.
he is extremely sentimental. he would definetely gift you a photo album of all the key points and locations in your relationship.
he is a worrywart, if your on a risky mission he is keeping tabs on you at all time..
he often has nightmares about losing you or losing his home. once you found out, you got him to sleep in your bed. his nightmares happen significantely less since then..
he has experience in relationships..he was married after all.
his love language is words of affirmation!!!
"im so proud of you حبي.. you did so well darling!"
be careful with this man's heart, it is already extremely fragile..
if he lost you too, he would lose himself.
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his love language is definitely quality time!!!
he loves to spend time with his lover, he definitely plans tons of sentimental dates!
sentiment over price kinda guy. you could give him a dead flower from the area you met and he would be touched deeply.
he is not afraid to cry! he encourages you to express your emotions rather than bottling it up.
after a particulararely long mission, he would arrive at your room and the second you open the door he would bearhug you.
when you are upset, if you like physical affection he will carry you to the bed and cuddle with you.
if you are not up to doing basic things such as eating or bathing, he will pamper you :)
he would always be delighted to cook you a meal or wash your hair for you in the shower if you were not up to it.
he would whisper reassurences into your ear and cradle your face in his large hands
this man LOVES cuddles
big spoon, but on bad days he likes to be held
his favourite thing is when you run your hands through his hair !
he is not afraid to show his love for you in public, not as a "their mine" sort of way, he just loves to show his love for you at all times
he would greet you with a deep kiss on the lips as his handles cradled your face
he isn't an really jealous person, he trusts you and your judgement and he knows that you won't leave him. but if he sees someone getting a little too close to you and you don't pick up on their motive. you will probably feel a big hand go around your waist as he glares down at the person.
he is a big guy with a big heart :)
"лисичка..I love you so much, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
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this man doesn't really understand some social cues.
for example...he will still flirt with other women. its kinda just how he is
but if you feel upset and he (somehow) noticed on his own, he will get worried.
"mon beau? what's wrong...you have been acting strangely lately......oh...oh no no darling i am so sorry...i promise anything i have said i don't mean...i love you so much."
he has a big fuckin ego....
compliment him, he will love you forever.
he loves to tease you, but he knows the limits.
he isn't the best at comforting people, he usually just settles for a pat on the back and wrapping an arm around your waist or neck.
he would be a decent partner. he loves to overuse the petnames though
he used to buy you expensive things thinking he could buy your love, but then he realized that price isn't what matters.
you definitely helped him grow as a person. though he still is quite cocky.
big spoon. have you seen this lanky ass mf???
he LOVES bragging about you.
he will make sure everyone knows that your his partner. he will kiss you in public.
if someone is flirting with you, oh he will waltz right over and press a deep kiss to your lips.
"ready to go mon chéri?"
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hes a tsundere, obviously?
he really cares about you, often giving you "disgsuting goo goo eyes“ (- Jett, 2050)
if you called him out he would immediately look away and deny it though.
he is much softer with you in private, opting for a loving hug when he is alone with you
this man is so touch starved
if he is in a bad mood, he gets really snappy with everyone. he tries to shut you out but in the end he either never has the heart to or he says something he regrets.
"shit...im so sorry..i didn't mean to say that ダーリン ..i am just really tired right now, ok?"
if you were to forgive him, he would be treading carefully. trying his best not to accidentally say something else upsetting to you.
if you had a nightmare, his heart would break at the sight of your crying face. "doll..can you tell me what you need right now so i can help you?"
he would wrap you in a hug, pushing your face against his chest. he would be whispering sweet reassurances into your ear as you began to drift back to sleep.
oh if you tease him in the morning about it though he will absolutely deny everything.
he tries to act like he doesn't like you, but he really just doesn't know how to show his affection.
if you got sick, he would be at your bedside with warm food (that he definitely did not make himself. it's not like he cares..), medicine, and your favourite movies.
"shut up...i am only doing this so you arn't a liability on the mission ok?? we don't need a sick person.."
he is extremely domestic, but he would never admit it
expect to spend the next few days curled up to his chest as he lovingly stroked your hair, tucking peices behind your ears.
he is not much of a gift giver or a words of affirmation kind of guy. he struggles with his words. he is definetely a acts of service and quality time kind of guy!
he would rather have you in his arms then a stupidly expensive gift in his hands.
"愛してます idiot..."
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◜Raze and Killjoy◞
POLY !!!!!!!!!!!!
having these two as your girlfriends would be amazing.
they are so different yet so similar!!
raze is the loud extrovert, killjoy is the omnivert!
raze would definitely be the more physically affectionate of the two! killjoy would be much more emotionally affectionate.
raze would greet you with a chaste kiss on the cheek, a bearhug, or (if she feels bold) a kiss on the lips! she would not be scared to do it in public either. she gives off "THATS RIGHT!!!! THIS IS MY PARTNER AND I LOVE THEM!!!!" vibes.
killjoy is the total opposite, she is not a big fan of pda. in public she would greet you with a light hug or a highfive. but in private? she would be all over you. she would pepper your face in sweet kisses and eskimo kisses! she also loves to hug you from behind. she is much much more shy about being public than raze is though!
when they are together you are often sandwiched inbetween them. raze offering physical love while killjoy is more emotional.
if you were upset, raze would freeze up. she isn't very good with emotions...if she were upset she would just go blow some stuff up and problem solved! but that doesn't always work for others.. she would still offer you a gentle hug and would trace shapes on your back similar to what her mother did for her as a kid.
if you were upset around killjoy, she would rush to comfort you. "please leibling...talk to me. i am here...i hate seeing you like this..".
Killjoy is a very good listener. She would patiently listen to your troubles as she rubbed your back sympathetically. She has had her fair share of anxiety so she understands what you are going through.
overall, they equal eachother out.
you are grateful to have your girlfriends, you recieve and give equal love to them and nobody feels left out.
raze is more a gift giver while KJ is totally a acts of service person!
raze would probably try (and fail.) to make you baked goods if you have a sweet tooth!
"I'm sorry darling!! I tried to bake you cookies but it was taking too long....so I used my blowtorch and they burned....T-T"
killjoy often has to pick up the peices (literally. the peices of the charred cookies. Seriously how did raze think a blowtorch could bake cookies?!"
can you tell I love these two??
these two are the perfect girlfriends!!!!
"i love you so much maus." "hey!! what about me? :(" "pff, i love you as well schatz." "much better :)"
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he is a softie for his lover and my guy is not afraid to show it
he will give you big hugs as a greeting or if you did really good on a mission
"fam that was simply amazing! i am so proud of you!"
he really loves to show you off to the other agents
"look at my brilliant partner! arn't they just so cute?" "......phoenix you literally have showed us this picture like 20 times holy fuck."
he is a big physical affection guy, he loves to wake up holding you in his arms as you softly snore into his chest. he would give you a sweet and gentle kiss on the forehead before snuggling closer to you and drifting off to sleep. yoru wouldn't mind if he missed training for a day..
if you were trying to tell him something serious or just generally looked distraught, his playful and carefree demeanor would instantly vanish and turn into a caring and concerned gaze.
"is everything ok love? you don't have to tell me anything if you are not ready yet. but just know i am here for you and whatever it is... i will support you."
if you opened up to him, he would be by your side in an instant and holding you gently in his arms and softly pressing kisses to your forehead and temple.
"oh darling...thank you so much for telling me this. i am happy you told me. i love you so much alright? please don't ever feel scared to talk to me."
if you woke up with your face pressed into his back, his soft snores filling the silence in the room. you sure were not about to complain.
he really cares for you, and will do anything to make you feel better
you are his everything, and he is truly grateful that you want to keep him around..
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a/n : i really enjoyed writing this!! you can probably tell i struggled to write chambers part...i thought he would be easier to write LOL. anyhoozies i hope you enjoyed this!!! and thank you so much for the support on my last post, waking up to so many people liking my post had me giggling and kicking my feet around i swear <333333
as always i am looking forward to some feedback!! let me know what i could do better, if i used anything wrong, or even just if you liked it or not!
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augustvandyne · 4 months
Angela x reader
In a relationship but not out to everyone yet and they get caught after a undercover mission making out
i hope this doesn’t suck too bad lol.
also i had writers block which explains why i haven’t posted in a few days.. anyway, send in some asks because i have one for andy and im out!!
going undercover
You weren’t even completely sure how you got roped into this undercover op.
All you knew this morning was that there was an op, a description of what was going on, and that Lucy wanted in. So that meant you were leaving yourself out of it.
At least you were, up until Nyla and Grey had specifically asked for you.
Something about you being open about liking girls, and that was needed in this op.
You tried to explain that you didn’t want it, that Lucy wanted it and that she could act way better than you could—but Nyla was not having any of it.
She wanted you on this, and that was final.
But she also wanted, surprise surprise, Angela on this as well.
You already knew of the case, because the LAPD has been following it for almost a year now, and still haven’t been able to arrest the gang of three.
They were traffickers. For all of it. Drugs, guns, and people.
So your guys’ job was to keep tabs and to eventually bust them.
Angela would work at a bar to keep tabs on a few members who hung around there, and you’d keep hidden. Try to blend in along with the gang.
Angela hated the idea of putting you in that kind of danger, but she couldn’t say anything to jeopardize your guys’ relationship.
Nyla and Grey said the operation would take at least a week, so the two of you tried to see it as a good thing.
You’d be alone for a week—and you wouldn’t have to hide.
The two of you were sent home to pack your duffel bags, and then you were off.
There was a small apartment set up above the bar the two of you would be hanging around at for the next two weeks, and that was where the two of you would be staying.
You and Angela had the rest of your night to yourselves until the real job started tomorrow, and so the two of you spent your time in bed together.
You took turns holding each other, not knowing how much time the two of you would be able to spend holding each other within the next week.
Angela lays with her arms wrapped around you, your hand resting on her cheek as you lay with your head on her chest.
“No matter what happens—“
“Don’t think like that,” Angela cuts you off, lifting your head so you were looking at her. “ever.”
“I’m sorry Ange,” You look down, only to have Angela force your stare back up to her. “I can’t lose you.”
“And you won’t,” Angela gives a smirk. “I won’t have it. Not under my watch.”
She leans down, leaving a small peck on your lips.
You take in a breath, all the anxiety hitting you at once.
“I’m scared,” You admit.
“I know,” Angela presses her lips together, her eyes casting over you in a scared and concerned manner. “I am too.”
“We’ll watch out for each other,” You nod.
“I know we will,” She kisses your forehead and the two of you fall asleep that way. You, wrapped in her arms, your hand on her cheek, and her lips pressed against your head.
You were beginning to hate this undercover operation all together.
Not only did you hate watching Angela be buttered up and flirted with all night, but you also hated being ogled yourself. You could feel Angela’s stare on you, and you were worried she might give the two of you away.
You played into whatever the men had needed and they bought every single one of your words.
They’d let you in on when trades would be going on, and where, but Nyla and Grey insisted you wouldn’t be able to bust them until they saw it in action. They may just be bluffing, they told you.
And so they wanted you to get in on a trade, but Angela hated that idea.
When you guys had checked in a few nights before, she’d fought them on it, all but shouting at them. Nostrils flared, teeth bared, jaw clenched.
She would have started screaming at them, had you not put your hand on her thigh to calm her.
“We’re just on edge,” You’d said in order to keep the two of yours relationship a secret. “She doesn’t want me to die, that’s all.”
“I sure hope not,” Grey chuckled.
And since then Angela had kept a close eye on you. Dreading the moment the men gave in and gave you their full trust.
Which was the main reason you’d seen her eyes on you every time you looked up.
“We could use another round,” Pierce said, finishing his glass of beer off.
“No problem,” You smiled, placing your hands on the table to you could push yourself up.
The men stare at your behind as you sway your hips over to the counter.
“Another round,” You requested to Angela.
“I don’t like this,” Angela says, taking her time to pour the several beers.
“So you’ve said,” You laughed nervously. “The last four times I’ve come up here.”
“I don’t like you drinking this much,” She starts on the second cup.
“I’m still on my second,” You assured her. “The others are drinking my round.”
She gives you an angry look.
“When this is all over..”
“I’m going to smack you,” Angela squints at you.
“No you won’t,” You say cockily.
“You’re right,” Angela sighs. “I worry.”
“Don’t,” You cut her off. “There’s a trade tonight. They’ll take me. I’m sure of it.”
“This will all be over tomorrow,” Angela blinks, trying not to show excitement on the outside.
“It will,” You nod.
You grab the four beers and place them on the table several feet away.
“Drink up princess,” The boss, Leon, demands in a low voice. “We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”
“Us?” You tilt your head, your eyes locked on Angela’s as you down the rest of your beer.
“Us,” Keons right hand man, Noah, confirms, grabbing your hand from across the table.
It takes everything inside of you not to pull your hand away from him and hurl.
It also takes everything inside of Angela not to march over to the table you’re at and kick all three of the guys’ asses, but she is able to contain herself and help the next customer in line.
To Leon’s word, the three of them do bring you along to the trade, although you didn’t realize you’d be the thing they were trading for the human portion of the trade until you arrived.
Thankfully, they’d needed another round before heading out, and you’d given Angela the location and time.
When they pulled up to the destination, you prayed Angela, Nyla and a team were somewhere around the place to save you.
You’d played as nice as you could as the trade was going about. You smiled nicely, and did whatever Pierce, Leon, and Noah asked of you.
You were beginning to give up hope as they handed you off to the man who bought the big three, just as they were busted.
“LAPD!” Nyla stood behind the three of them, who got shot the second they reached for their own guns.
“Down!” You heard your girlfriend shout, and so you did. You dropped to the ground, the grip of the man behind you releasing as he’d been shot in the shoulder from above.
You looked up to see Angela above with her sniper.
“Clear!” Nyla shouted as the man behind you fell to the ground in pain.
Lucy and the rest of the gang came out from their hiding spots.
You launched off the ground into Lucy’s arms, needing the feeling safety.
“Where’s Angela?” You looked around frantically.
“I don’t know,” Lucy says, holding onto you tighter. “I’m just glad you’re okay. And I promise I’m not mad over you getting the part. I don’t know what I would have done in this position. And you did this on three beers? I would’ve been dead on my feet—“
“I love you, Lucy, but you’re breaking me,” You wheeze out.
“Oh, I’m sorry—“
“Officer Chen!”
“I’ll be back,” Lucy gives you one last squeeze before hurrying off in the direction of where her name was called.
You made sure no one was watching you as you all but sprinted in the direction of where you last saw Angela.
She caught you off guard as she grabbed you and pushed you against one of the many large shipping containers that are placed around the docking yard.
“I hate you,” Angela all but growls in your face.
“No you don’t,” You grab her head in your hands and pull her down to your face.
“You’re right,” Angela breathes out.
“I’m okay. I promise.”
“You better be,” Angela pulls her lips away from yours, looking over you for any scratches, just to be sure.
“I am,” You insist. “From now on, no more undercover. I need to make sure you’re okay too, I love you and I can’t lose you either.” You say, pulling her face closer to yours, everything around you drowning out.
“Oh-“ Grey turns away as Nyla comes to see what it is.
Angela pulls herself away from you as you put your hands up to your face.
“What-“ Lucy says with wide eyes.
“How long has this..” Nyla points between the two of you.
“Uh..” You make a face behind your hands.
“How did you even hide this?” Tim shakes his head.
“We’re very good?” Angela scratches her head.
“My office,” Grey says looking between the two of you. “First thing tomorrow morning.”
“How—“ Lucy just shakes her head.
“I have a feeling this will still be going on, and we’ll need to fill out paper work,” Grey nods, turning to walk away, everyone but Lucy turning to follow.
They were in disbelief, to say the least.
You lick your lips nervously, “No problem.”
Angela chuckles, turning back to you, taking one of your hands in her own. She lifts your knuckles to her lips and gives them a soft kiss.
“Let’s go home.”
“I just— how?!” Lucy says as the two of you leave the secluded space.
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Hey, I've tried searching your blog for this but I could only bring up posts advocating against rack systems (rightly so obviously)
I recently got an adult ex breeder BP, she's massive (5'7") and was kept in a 12 gallon bare bones rack tub for her whole life. I got her because a pet shop near me that bred snakes is shutting down, I did pay for her which I feel bad about but they aren't breeding anymore so I guess I'm not funding unethical breeding? Anyway that isn't really relevant I just am rambling
I've heard that taking a BP from a rack system and putting them in their forever enclosure can be really really stressful for them so right now she's still in her tub on my desk but I feel really bad keeping her there.
I have a 6x2x2 set up, I wanted to get a 6x2x3 or 6x3x3 even but couldn't afford it so I'm hoping that's good enough for her.
But how would you transition her to that enclosure? I recently gave my house snake a bioactive enclosure and I love it so the 6x2x2 for the BP has been cycling as bioactive for about 3 weeks (Ive had her 5 days) and seems stable but I'm worried that it's too much and she'll hate it and go off food and stuff (she's quite skinny too:()
But yeah I would really appreciate, if you have the time, any advice on this front. Thank you very much and keep up the good work 👍💟
I just went through this with my new Borneo python, Hobie. Just like your girl, he's spent his entire life in little tubs in racks.
You're right that transitioning a snake like them into their full enclosures is something that should be done delicately! I'll tell you my process and what I do to make it easier for them.
One challenge that you might have is with your enclosure already being set up as bioactive. That's probably going to be quite a bit more overwhelming, and my main concern there is with the lighting. If she doesn't respond well, it's going to be hard to tell if that's because she's just adjusting or because she just doesn't like the lighting (some ball pythons just don't, but unless she's albino or another melanin-reducing morph it's not a bad idea to give it a try).
If it's possible, my idea for you would be try to try transitioning her to a less overwhelming enclosure first. I set my Hobie up in a 40 gallon for now, even though he's going to be moving to a 6x2 later down the line. If you do that, you'd be able to slowly get her used to the lighting once she's adjusted to a larger enclosure itself. If you can't do that, consider adding as much shade as possible for her and even keep the lights off for as much as you can.
Alright, so my process for transitioning former breeder snakes to more appropriate enclosures prioritizes going at the snake's pace and ensuring their comfort.
The first thing I do is put their tub directly into their new enclosure. Just right on top of everything, don't even worry about it. Your goal is keep your snake in a familiar environment while also exposing them to new stuff. Check out Hobie's setup - literally just the tub, substrate, and a water bowl plopped inside the bigger enclosure. You're going to feel tempted to give them lots of new clutter and enrichment - don't. Keep it simple and easy for them, you don't want to overwhelm them!
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Then, be patient and let them explore at their own pace. Some snakes will leave their take-home tub almost right away, some will take weeks. Hobie took three weeks before he started feeling comfortable and confident enough to explore outside of it. During this time, offer food and feel free to handle a bit, but keep it short and sweet.
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Your snake will likely retreat back to the tub a couple times, but eventually they'll find their new hides and check them out! Wait until they're comfortable - calm, resting, and relaxed inside their new hiding places - and then you can take the tub out.
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Once they're comfortable in their full enclosure, it's time to introduce them to enrichment! They'll probably need you to show them their climbing branches and other enrichment items - snakes like them just aren't used to being able to do natural behaviors. Hobie had a great time when he learned he had a swimming pool all to himself!
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Take it very slow when you add new things, and don't be afraid to backtrack if your snake gets spooked. Hobie got a little stressed when we tried adding more tunnels for him to check out, but it's fine to take things out and re-add them if your snake isn't ready just yet.
Your snake probably won't know quite how to interact with their environment at first, so just be patient with them! Right now, Hobie's going through a phase where he just hasn't realized he needs to avoid burrowing in substrate that is wet, but short-tails love to soak anyway so it's not a big deal. There will be so many opportunities to find joy in watching them learn and explore!
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All the best to you and your girl! It can be a little heartbreaking to get snakes like her adjusted to their new setups, but with time and lots of patience, it doesn't need to be stressful for either of you! Remember to go at her pace and lean into what makes her feel most comfortable.
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e-102 · 1 year
SORRY LONG POST, scroll for atsv spoilers
thinkin about spiderverse movie and it’s soooo smart the way hobie acts and talks. when he realizes who miles is he’s already formulating how to work the entire situation out in miles favor. it’s not just the palms trick, hobie tries to get miles out of spider society IMMEDIATELY.
when jess drew says they’re all coming with her hobie says “i don’t follow orders, neither does he” which is funny! and you don’t initially understand why he would say that other than the fact that hobie has demonstrated he’s a non conformist for even the silliest things, so of course he would say that right? but after miles goes along anyways hobie puts his head in his hands because he was giving miles AN OUT.
hobie knows who miles IS he knows why miles is being called in and he’s already planning to get miles out.
he then subtly hints that things are a little less cool under the surface. hobie warns miles when no one else does, when he’s stealing parts for gwen’s watch (because once again, he already knows what’s about to go down) “bet you’ve got a nice set up, nice parents” Hobie KNOWS what canon events are and knows miles is before the big ones. miles says he’s in a fight with his parents and hobie says “that’s a bloody shame, cus you’re not ready for everybody else”
all of this while he knicks tech out of the wall and flaunts it to miles. once again it’s funny, an audiences first reaction is most likely to pick up that hobie is alluding to something, but be distracted by the comedy of his charismatic personality. it’s so smart, because even while he’s taking things he says “bet this doesn’t even do anything” (HES TALKING ABOUT DISRUPTING CANON EVENTS) miles replies talking about the tech “maybe it did before you ripped it out of the wall” to which hobie says “it’s propaganda bro”
and it IS. spider society as a whole is propagandized as a necessity to the stability of the multi-verse. they push that canon events MUST HAPPEN, but hobie doesn’t believe it or care. he’s purely looking out for miles, who is the little guy in this situation and an ‘anomaly’ from the moment they met hobie was looking out for him.
all of this culminates before the chase where hobie gives him the means to escape, visibly calms miles down and holds up his palms to remind him how to break out. then quits and disappears to wait for gwen so they can group back up. so good.
and anyways i have more misc thoughts about why hobie is in spider society anyways but that’s based on speculation so it’s going under the cut
okay the more you see that hobie is truly an anarchist punk who opposes authority and authority structures you have to think, why the hell would he join up with a spider society????
i think that’s it’s probably because of gwen. in the same way that hobie recognizes miles is at a disadvantage, he would definitely recognize that gwen is in a bind.
gwen has a trans narrative in this movie, she’s essentially been kicked out even if it wasn’t explicit, because she’s spiderwoman. she was taken in by jess drew and miguel and i assume she mostly stays on earth 928 with them or with hobie on his earth. that’s why her toothbrush and her sweater are at his place, because he lets her crash there since she’s essentially homeless.
i have to add that gwen’s position in spider societal is shaky. jess drew may have let her join up, but it’s shown many times that jess is unwilling to defend gwen to miguel. gwen KNOWS this, when she answers to jess drew she begs her not to tell miguel when she’s messing up and jess is largely unsympathetic.
gwen’s last interaction with her father ended with him pointing a gun at her. it’s not a stretch to say that gwen is really unsure of whether or not her father would’ve hurt her. she desperately does not want to go home because of that, and also because she doesn’t want to trigger the canon event that she KNOWS will end in his death.
gwen desperately, desperately, does not want to go home.
as for hobie, hes clearly shown to be someone gwen likes a lot, her inflection when she talks about him and the fact that she stays so often makes me believe that hobie has clearly taken gwen under his wing. i think he’s done the same for pavitr as well!
pavitr opens up his intro by saying being spider man is easy. once again the truth of the statement and it’s meaning is somewhat obscured by comedy, considering being spider-man is really difficult for the protagonist, miles, who we’ve seen struggle with his parents for most of the movie until then.
but pavitr says this because it IS easy for him, he hasn’t gone through any canon events. he’s been spider man FOR 6 MONTHS ONLY!
hobie is shown to really love pavitr, they have a brotherly and playful friendship and play fight excitedly when they see each other. i don’t think it’s a stretch to say that hobie has taken both gwen who is balancing on a tight rope, and pavitr who is ignorant to the larger system that will soon press him down, under his wings.
so why would hobie join spider society? probably to look after kids like gwen and pavitr!
and this is also more speculation that gets looser as i go on, but i wouldn’t be surprised if hobie was waiting for miles specifically to cause some chaos in spider society.
i don’t have the exact line but when he realizes which spider-man miles is, he refers to him by his dimension number of 1610. (this line is the basis of my belief that hobie planned to help miles out from before the beginning) but anyways, doesn’t it follow that if hobie doesn’t believe in spider society, doesn’t believe in canon events, and is allied with them anyways that he is looking for the opportunity to oppose them?
it’s his ideological code to oppose oppressive power structures, and he clearly likes miles as a person and what miles represents.
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