#anyway this is not a serious post. have to say it for legal reasons. but pyrrha dve is my wife or husband whichever she prefers.
crepuscularqueens · 2 years
can't believe that ive seen ppl saying their dealbreaker for loving pyrrha is her being a corpsefucker. in these, the corpsefucker chronicles. its fine that we all joke about harrow wanting to fuck a corpse she doesn't even know but pyrrha fucking a corpse being possessed by her dead girlfriend is where we draw the line. fine.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 2 months
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Canadian Newspaper Globe And Mail: Conservative Leader wants harsher jail sentences for repeat offender auto thieves.
Nora Loreto, self-described Socialist: Stealing cars is a victimless crime!
Loreto: Also, most people in our jails are innocent!
Loreto: As long as you use the extremely technical definition of “jail” that means “a place where people are usually held before trial and are therefore legally innocent”, which is not how it is generally used.
Loreto: I say this while ignoring how car theft means there is a victim, by definition.
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Some idiot also claimed the real issue was car manufacturers making a ‘defective product’, and the “logical step” should be the government going after them for obvious collusion with insurance companies.
The intellectual titan agreed.
Even though about five seconds thought would go “wait, wouldn’t having an insecure car reduce sales? And don’t insurance companies try to avoid paying out money? And isn’t car insurance mandatory anyway?”
She has a substack post about it, and it’s, uh, special. As in Ed. (archive)
>For me, I understand a victim to be someone whose life is irrevocably impacted, negatively, by forces they cannot control.
>You’re not a victim if things can be made well through consumption.
If someone spills my drink in a bar, I'm still a victim even if they or I buy me a new drink. It doesn't un-spill the drink.
Even if I get a new car, that’s a lot of trouble to go through.
>You’re a victim if you’ve experienced something that means that you’ll never again be the person you were before.
Because no one's ever been permanently traumatized by someone using force to take their stuff. Even leaving aside the times where the thief assaulted and seriously injured the car owner.
>My immediate, half-serious reaction, that jailing people for a victimless crime is ridiculous, caught a lot of heat.
Ah, yes, the classic "I wasn't serious (except when I was)" dodge.
>Thousands of men told me how much they love their cars, how their cars hold them at night and make love to them. My emails and direct messages filled up with lots of “if you steal my car I will kill you”s and “where do you live so I can steal your cars”es. The people were mad that I could assert such a thing.
Along with the classic "let's make this a gender issue, for some reason" and "talking about the harassment so I look more like a victim while ignoring the actual criticism".
>It’s the formulation that this object is so premordial that anything that may befall a car, whether a jacking or an overpacked highway, is a personal attack on the car’s owner. It’s silly.
And naturally, a red just starts making up entirely new arguments for and assumptions about the critics from thin air instead of addressing the actual criticism.
A carjacking is a violent theft of an occupied car.
Which means the operator must a) be removed, by force and/or threat of force, or b) become a hostage of the 'jacker. Sometimes both.
It's amazing that this intellectual titan can even type while she's staring so hard at her navel. Or...another body part. From the inside.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 3 months
Gonna throw my hat into the ring here, as someone who very recently had a streamer they loved and supported go down for serious allegations and crimes. Feel free to skip around my long ass response, I'll break it down into parts:
---Public Reception
Part of the reason I despise these situations is because people online don't ever know enough to make 100% accurate assessments, but will act like they do anyway (I don't care if its authoritarian, I want a bill where people on Twitter can't post about drama until after at least 5 minutes of being forced to critically think). Having said that, here's my opinions on how everything should go forward:
-Shelby shared her story in order to spread awareness on domestic abuse and the signs, so that others can read those signs and keep themselves safe (or leave an actively abusive situation they've been convincing themselves isn't that bad). That is the priority here, that is what people should be focusing on. If you make this situation about stirring drama with the other CCs, you're a dumbass and you need to stop posting. Give support to Shelby, uplift the voices of women like her sharing their stories, spread awareness on what domestic abuse can look like so everyone can learn, and wait for more information. Its that simple.
-CCs don't owe statements for conflicts they weren't involved in. Philza, Tommy, Quackity, Charlie, and other CCs close to Wilbur who aren't part of this don't owe you an explanation. They're people, they're most likely having to come to terms with the fact that a dear friend, someone who could've been like family, isn't who they thought he was. Have a fucking heart and cut it with the parasocial entitlement. I'm hoping Quackity will remove Wilbur from the Qsmp, but just like with Forever, he probably won't make a big announcement of it, and that's perfectly ok. I understand wanting to make sure you're not supporting a CC who would defend someone guilty of committing domestic abuse, but its still not your right to get anything from these people. If they share, they share. If not, then they don't. If you can't handle that, then leave.
-Having said the above, its worth noting that CCs aren't just a fun group of friends, they're coworkers. Much of what they say publicly and when they say it can be shaped or restricted by situations that can affect their careers or get them in legal trouble. You don't know these people personally or what goes on behind the scenes, its a network and you can't measure their responses the same way you would your own opinion piece. The CCs will always need to be careful about how they respond to an issue, and they will most likely respond in "safe" ways considering what's on the line. Not accusing anyone of anything, nor demonizing them for it, just something to keep in mind. They're human, but they're also working a job.
-If you have Lovejoy or Wilbur-related merch, DON'T THROW IT AWAY OR DESTROY IT. I've seen lots of people pointing out merch can be donated to thrift shops or shelters, and its more eco-friendly than burning or trashing. Remember, anything can be repurposed; a book, a hoodie, there's always someone who can find a use for it. Likewise if you want to keep your old merch, that's fine to. You can wear it if it brings you comfort, or if its something you just like the look of. As long as you're not supporting the source, you already have the merch so don't let people pressure you into thinking you're bad for keeping it if you're not ready to let go/throw away those $70.
---My Opinion Regarding His Response
Everyone and their cousin has been dogpiling on Wilbur's response (rightfully), but I think people online don't understand how public responses work when there's legal team and PR interference. The tweet for me had a weird lack of personal touch and emotion from the guy I've observed to be very personal in his writings, whether its his music or a community post about a life update (blah blah parasociality I know, but I'm letting you know the observations I've made of his behavior simply as someone who notices these things). He also never explicitly stated Shelby's name, rather saying "that person" (you even had the textbook 'black text on a blank white background' screenshotted response). Finally, there was a consistent standing on Wilbur 'not being aware of how the other person really felt' regarding his actions. What I'm trying to say is... y'all really gotta start putting two and two together. Its a textbook PR response. As in, I'd be surprised if Wilbur had over 50% involvement in making it because the wording is exactly how it reads when a response has been initiated by someone's lawyers rather than themselves. The reason he doesn't take more accountability and openly admit to having abused Shelby (other than the obvious public backlash) is probably cause his lawyers are banking on the feigning ignorance angle, that Wilbur didn't intentionally abuse Shelby and was ignorant to how his actions affected her. Its the best way to get him out of hot water on the legal side, because again, this isn't messy drama; its a genuine accusation of a crime. I don't think the response is tone deaf and unaware, I think its a deliberate and measured legal move not even fully created by Wilbur himself. This isn't to say I think he's innocent, but I do know that Shelby and others have brought up some serious accusations, and Wilbur is lawyering up as a result.
Prefacing this part by saying that things are not looking good for Wilbur in regards to what other CCs have brought up about him, and I fully believe and support Shelby, hence why I support that the community should start distancing from him and his work. But I would like to take this opportunity to look into the greater aspects at play. We are within a system that brings up men to do what they want without teaching them to be considerate and aware of the consequences. Men are taught their harmful behavior is perfectly fine, often at women's expense, which makes these situation a very different story depending on who's telling it. Its because of this that we need to critically analyze the system and how it causes men to turn out as they do, instead of giving an immediate opinion without any nuance.
There's a possibility that Wilbur is being genuine in not realizing how bad his actions were. There's a possibility he truly is a manipulative liar who knew exactly what he was doing. He could be a piece of shit. He could be genuinely trying to improve and do better. We don't know. I'd say its pretty cut and dry that he hurt Shelby, and for that I'm glad she's getting justice for herself and spreading awareness. But if we're to entertain the idea of redemption, we need to look at situations like these with nuance so that we can understand the "why". I'm not trying to justify Wilbur's actions or even give him the benefit of the doubt, I have no idea what's going on in that guy's head. I'm just putting this out there because its something I want everyone to think about, especially when it comes to topics regarding narcissism and mental health issues. Don't support him or Lovejoy, just keep something like this in mind for the future.
---The Community/Now Displaced Fans
To everyone who's immediately telling Wilbur's fans (the ones that don't support his actions and are actively mourning no longer being able to enjoy his stuff) to just listen to other music or move on, and who are celebrating each negative new thing that comes out about Wilbur's current status, sincerely, shut the fuck up. You are completely lacking in empathy or emotional intelligence, and what you're doing is the last thing the community needs. Wilbur and his work could have and for many did get fans through some of their hardest moments, and losing that wonderful sense of community you get from streamers and their work (especially with the roleplay stuff) is awful. It fucked me up losing that after almost a year, for some of his fans its been even longer.
If you're a (former) fan of his, its ok to feel like shit. We're human, we get attached and we grieve losing something like this because that's how capable we are of loving. Take your time, as long as you know where to stand (supporting Shelby and raising awareness on domestic abuse), you're doing good. You can keep enjoying his characters and work and making content about it, separating the art from the artist (though don't stream his music from platforms that would give him the money, find a way to pirate it).
This sucks. I feel it as a casual fan who was once hugely into his content, I can imagine what its like for those who were huge supporters all the way up until now. You didn't do anything wrong supporting someone you thought was a good person, its just a thing that happens and its so fucking shitty. You ain't alone though, I know some of you have that knee-jerk reaction to avoid anything to do with him but reaching out to others in the community and actually processing it all is way better, you won't be bottling it all up. Don't be afraid to continue engaging with this part of your life until you're ready to move on from it in your own time, and be kind to yourself. From someone who went through exactly what you are now, trust me, you'll get through it.
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virgincels · 4 months
tw - sa mention, noncon mention, dark content discussed briefly but not explicitly
hi okay sorry for the unfathomable amount of bullshit clogging the tags the past few days. i keep seeing it labelled as gilfhub drama which is pissing me off as i haven’t said anything at all, i’ve stayed quiet throughout unless you follow me and read my posts. while i haven’t outwardly inserted myself into the situation im the one being witch hunted ig, i’m making one last statement which sounds way too serious for this corny and unserious situation.
anyway, i'm mostly making this for my own benefit, because i would feel more at peace after posting this lmfao. first of all, I’m being called a pedophile which is a fucking insanely serious claim to make with no concrete evidence! i’ve never written underage characters. if you’ve mistaken my ddlg content as pedophillia i beg you to get your brain checked! your skull must be so thick it couldn’t be caved in with a baseball bat. other than that i mainly write about LEGAL age gaps bc I am 19 and leon is fucking 47 as of now he is the creep actually.
i’m being called a rapist and a paedophile and all sorts of shit. im a victim of sa, it’s happened both at the hands of someone i trusted and at the hands of those i didn’t know well. some of my writing is to cope with this, none of my fics have ever romanticised rape and made it seem like something flowery and cute and fun? i don’t know who pulled that out of their ass but my fics that involve this sort of content are usually about toxic codependent relationships, it’s quite literally about trauma bonding.
this moves me onto my next point - people say this content belongs on ao3 and ao3 only. i don’t know if you’re 11 and new to the internet, to re fandom in fact, as dead dove has been a consistent theme within re fics since forever. since i was a kid i saw fics like that and even as a fucking 10 year old i managed to scroll and mind my business. tumblr has always had dead dove, when it rebranded and the guidelines changed they messed up their tagging system. this means that even if you tag tw incest it’ll remove your fic from the TAGS not from tumblr itself but from the tags as a whole. however, if you tag tw noncon your fic will stay up, it’s glitchy and dumb and shouldn’t be seen as a reliable source on why dead dove isn’t allowed on tumblr. that’s never been the case ever.
people who write dead dove don’t have to be victims and they don’t have to be mentally ill, they are also normal people with jobs who pay taxes and have normal fucking lives. because it’s simply fiction. people who read/watch american psycho are not murderers or rapists. people who watch any form slasher horror are not murderers. people who enjoy resident fucking evil and like wesker don’t fucking believe in eugenics. i could go on and on and on and on about so many different examples in extremely popular franchises.
as aforementioned, tumblr’s tagging system fucking sucks, so to combat this i give a warning even AFTER i explicitly tag my fics correctly that says ‘tumblr has started to remove fics that use tw non-con, tw incest and any nsfw tags in general. for this reason, as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags so i can have the same reach as other authors, please understand that this fic contains dark content under the cut. reading this comes at your own risk.’ for some reason I didn’t specify remove from the TAGS not from TUMBLR because tumblr doesn’t care 😭 that was totally my mistake for not checking if that disclaimer made sense but i guess i hoped the following sentence (‘as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags’) made it clear that i was simply speaking about tags. not tumblr removing my content.
if you are genuinely adults on this app, you should know that on the internet sometimes you will see things you don’t like! because it’s the internet and everyone is on here with their own opinions and their own tastes. it is YOUR responsibility to cater to your own needs by blocking content you don’t enjoy. so what another dark content blog pops up? as soon as you see a content warning you don’t like, BLOCK THE AUTHOR? or ignore it! scrolling is very simple. it’s insanely easy to mind your fucking business.
i'm kind of tired of the endless harassment both in the tags and in my inbox! if you are genuinely doing this in the name of victims and in their best interest just know you’re harming other victims in the process 😭 i am not easily triggered but the shit in my inbox is really gross and i got called a racial slur like… is fictional content that’s easy to block so deep to the point where you have to stoop that low? everyone copes how they cope, it’s not wrong and it never will be, psychologists recommend dark content as an outlet, you can literally google this. therapy is not a fix, it can’t fix mental illness. sometimes it doesn’t help. in my case counselling made everything worse. the ‘get help, get therapy’ comment comes from a place of privilege, not all of us have the money, the support system it takes to get therapy. some of us have had experiences where therapists discriminate against us. in my case that has happened, im a woc in britain they don’t care about us not about our psychical or mental health LMFAO.
im sure im missing a lot of what i originally wanted to say here, but overall i honestly wanted to clear my name of the pedo allegations lmfao because i’ve never written anything like that about underage characters or readers. anyway if any of you have a brain you can block dark content creators in a few easy steps! sorry again for yapping in such a formless, inarticulate way but i'm kind of exhausted by all the stupidity 😭
overall, dark content creators shouldn’t be allocated a little hovel in the corner of the internet in which they should privately discuss matters. we’re allowed to post it freely because CONTENT WARNINGS EXIST. dead dove will always be a thing and always has been. just because i post my content doesn’t mean it’s open for harassment and death threats and rape threats or anything? you can be an adult and get on with your day! and if you really need an outlet go talk to friends with the same opinions as you! i see ooc leon fluff all the time everyday and i don’t give a shit, i move on because leon isn’t real.
i pride myself on characterisation and if you have so obsessively read my fics to point out and circle random words in red that don’t correlate like we’re in a fucking crime show, then you would know that half the time i actually flesh out his character, i hate posting smut alone. i simply like exploring topics that are dark both to cope with my own problems and because i think they’re interesting to write about. however, as soon as something is mildly dark and sexual you guys cry mischaracterisation. leon also isn’t lighting candles and throwing rose petals but I don’t fucking judge what people write because if I don’t like I don’t read!
i promise, posting screenshots of my fics untagged with no warning is more harmful as you’re showing it to people who didn’t ask to fucking see it. i promise that harassing me will do nothing for you, you’re literally just sending vile shit to a real person who has struggled with the things she writes about LMFAO sorry again for yapping. i genuinely want to move on and post my regular shit but this has consumed the entire leon tag and i feel like im partly responsible. if you did get through this thank you! it’s mainly just ramblings and not read over so excuse me once again
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Hello hello again! It's good to have you back for a little while! Unfortunately there is a lot of infighting in the critical sphere right now and it's not very fun to follow. And worse still Lily is as smug as ever. People are too invested in who ripped off what, who's disrespecting this or that, they should just be having fun at Lily's expense. That's what Saiscribbles has done, and you can tell how effective it is because Lily has tried every strategy in the book to prove how not mad she is.
You know what?
I think I would like to poke fun at the whole thing. I mean, it's sounds like she's gotten a bit ridiculous since I've been gone. (Ridiculous sounds like an understatement, thought.)
I've done serious and it's exhausting. You can only take her serious for so long before you realize she doesn't really even know or believe what she's saying.
As for the fighting, well... It's a shame, but let's try to focus on what's at the core of this blog: Gossiping about Lily.
...But I do have one thing I want to get off my chest, so I will mention it here and then move on. It is under the read bar just so those who don't care can ignore it.
I do have one thing to say about the drama, and that's about Ethel.
They are a liar liar pants on fire.
Seriously, I watched Evangeline Skovs video, which was one of the better coverages on the subject and there was no plagiarism. Not even of me, and I was a source!
Never mind that fact that Ethel legit lied about my blog in their rebuttal, claiming that Levi couldn't find anything on my blog about their video, or glade, so Evangeline was lying.
Their proof? Levi used the search bar, used the word minor and glade, and nothing came up except one post...
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Fun fact: I'm bad at tagging things, and my search bar is kind of useless because of that.
(Side note: why would I use glade's name? Why would I want to draw attention to someone who I assumed wanted to be left alone? I'm pretty sure that was made clear in the video.)
Anyway, if you used my archive you could easily find TONES of posts from me talking about the video in question with details.
Here's one that Ethel conveniently left out:
And you know what's hilarious about that? They reblogged this take to try and rebuke it on their tumblr. (That they have long since abandoned.)
I decided to ignore it, because obviously I'm not going to try and get in a fight with them, and Ethel was so mad by that they messaged me directly to try and threaten me with legal jargon.
So I blocked them.
But hey, since I'll probably never bother with this again, here are the messages. Enjoy old drama from like...2 years ago:
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Image text here:
[Okay, I've put this off for as long as possible, but please, read this case study as right now you are parroting harmful legal advice. Victim testimony not only constitutes evidence, but can be sufficient evidence to convict, a fact that was tested in Commonwealth v Gustavo Gonzalez Santos in Massachusetts.
I’ll highlight two relevant sections in case you don’t have the time to read the entire thing: ��The defendant's sole argument on appeal is that the evidence was not sufficient to support his convictions. The defendant asserts that "there were no witnesses to the alleged assaults," "no physical evidence," "no medical or forensic evidence," and "no expert testimony." He argues that "there was absolutely no conclusive evidence presented at trial that suggested the [d]efendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."” And: “Here, the victim testified to facts that constituted each element of the charged offenses. Her testimony, which the jury found to be credible, was sufficient, standing alone, to support a finding beyond a reasonable doubt as to each of the convictions. See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Lawrence, 68 Mass. App. Ct. 103, 104 (2007)
("The victim's testimony was sufficient evidence of [indecent assault and battery on a child under age fourteen]"); Commonwealth v. Gonsalves, 23 Mass. App. Ct. 184, 185 (1986) ("The victim's account of what the defendant did to him in the apartment was sufficient to overcome the defendant's motion for a required finding of not guilty of rape"). The idea that long infected our legal system that the victim's testimony in sexual assault and rape cases is less credible than the testimony of victims in cases involving other types of crimes -- an idea that reflected nothing more than sexism and an unwillingness on the part of our courts to treat sexual crimes as the gravely serious matter that they are -- has been rejected both by statute and by common law.”
When you and others continue to parrot the myth that victim testimony does not constitute as valid evidence, you are harming victims of rape and abuse. This is straight up rape culture and, since I’m pushing back any video coverage on the matter until I’ve finished dealing with Lily because I don’t want to muddle things, I need you to stop promoting falsehoods. We have legal members on our team who have passed the bar, Patchie does not, Opal does not, and neither does You Can Eat Hearts. You are causing unnecessary harm to victims by breathing life into myths constructed by rape culture. To be clear, I am not asking for your denouncement of certain people, just for you to please, stop publishing bad legal takes.
This is also the case in Canada, if you're wondering - https://www.accused.ca/evidence.htm
Sorry, I just realized I didn't give you the US case study. Here it is - http://masscases.com/cases/app/100/100massappct1.html#:~:text=The%20jury%20found%20the%20defendant,We%20affirm. ]
Oct 30, 2022 9:16 AM
Whew, you have no idea how long I wanted to spill this tea.
Alright, I've said what I've wanted to say on this topic. I'm now going to focus on laughing at Lily and her horrible incest stories.
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Chuuya Relationship Headcanons
Character(s): Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Tags: SFW, fluff, headcanons
Warnings: Brief mention of sex
Notes: Originally posted on ao3 here
God help whoever even thinks about hurting you, because Chuuya is protective when it comes to his lover. Anyone who so much as lays a hand on you is putting their health at serious risk, to say the least.
He's possessive as well, so the same threat goes for anyone who would hit on you and not let your rejection, nor his withering glares deter them.
As a quick aside, if the two of you ever run into Dazai for whatever reason, Dazai will flirt with you and Chuuya will lose his goddamn mind, which is exactly the reaction Dazai was hoping for.
Those kinds of situations aside, Chuuya makes a genuine effort to keep his temper in check for your sake. He doesn't want to snap at you and end up hurting your feelings, and he'd definitely never hurt you physically.
You're going to end up arguing with him at least a couple times, though, and it's going to be incredibly frustrating. It's probably actually going to be something small that causes your first big argument; he can be reasoned with on things that are genuinely important, but he will get unreasonably heated over an debate about, say, if a hotdog is a sandwich or some dumb shit like that. Once he's had some time alone to cool off, though, he'll make it up to you. You can expect flowers and wine to go with his apology. Also, the make-up sex is going to be mind-blowing.
Speaking of flowers and wine, Chuuya is going to give you a lot of 'classy' gifts like that. Flowers, wine, expensive chocolates, jewelry, the whole nine yards, really. He'll also want you to match his aesthetic when you go out together, so if you don't have any nice clothes, expect that to change very quickly.
If you're taller than him, playfully tease him about his height sometimes, and he will have the most adorably annoyed reaction.
if you're shorter than him, though, even if just by half an inch, the roles will be reversed and he will not hesitate to tease you about being short. But, you can still turn the tables on him by pointing out that he's one to talk.
Actually, there will probably be a lot of back-and-forth teasing in your relationship in general. It'll all be light-hearted in nature, though- again, he doesn't want to actually hurt your feelings.
He honestly gets a little embarrassed about saying he loves you out loud, but he'll manage to say it at least once just so you don't have any doubts about his feelings for you. The gifts, the protection, even the teasing in a way, are all his ways of showing his love for you instead of saying it.
When things started between you two, Chuuya didn't really think he'd want a long-term commitment; between the nature of his work and just, his general personality, he didn't think that sort of thing was in the cards for him, but you've managed to make him rethink that. He still doesn't want to actually like, get married, at least legally (why would a guy in his line of work ever want to get the law involved in his relationship anyways?) but if you want to move in together? Get a cat or something? Hell yeah, he's down for that.
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autisticandroids · 5 months
15, 21, 23?
15. something you learned this year
i don't know if i can say i learned a new skill as such. but one thing is like... i really enjoyed making three card stud. and it really opened my eyes to like, how much of what i like about the practice of fanfiction is the meticulous remixing/reinterpretation of canon. there's a way in which the AMV is a more... analytical art form than the fanfic, because you are literally forced by the constraints of the medium to keep to the text. all you have are song lyrics and the kuleshov effect to convince your audience to take the new meaning you intend to convey from stuff already in the show. and i brought that ethos to three card stud even though i did add stuff. in a lot of ways three card stud was just me listing off things from canon i think a lot about and saying eh? eh? like. hoping the context would make it clear *why* this stuff makes me crazy. and i think that was a lot of the motivation behind the fic i'm currently working on, which is about dean and cas getting caught by the police. that fic at this point is mostly lists of things that have happened in spn episodes, placed in a new context by baffled feds and cops. which is the fun part. so like basically i learned that this is really fun, listing off canon facts in a new context
21. most memorable comment/review
so the most memorable traditional comment as such i got was probably this one, on i fold in half so easily (ifihse tends to generate the best comments because it's extremely dark without the ways in which it is dark being obviously flagged. so people are more shocked and more forced to think). "Cas: no officer i am very happy please dont tell dean im emotionally complex" is so funny and true that's literally what happens in that fic.
another top contender is this one, on getting serious, which generates good comments for the same reason ifihse does, though it's a lot less intense.
but in terms of my favorite *response to my work,* it was the breastfeeding anon saga (in chronological order here) which was a response to my fic smorgasbord.
and then i wrote a fic based on those anons, and then i got these very funny tags on my fic post:
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23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
when i tell you about the 120k deanvictor fic which is literally 90k of victor henriksen hunting down a serial killer dean winchester while becoming a little (sexually) obsessed with him and then 30k of victor knowing about the supernatural and moonlighting as a hunter while he and dean suck each others dicks so much.
and also it's about victor's relationship with his two ex wives and his former stepdaughter who he is still emotionally a parent to even though they have no legal relationship and the coworker he had an emotional affair with who he doesn't speak to anymore and how he feels trapped in his life and his job and dean represents this escape for him this total freedom. just living in his car on the road and not having to worry about what your boss thinks or needing to quit smoking. while for dean victor represents this stability and adulthood dean can never achieve. and dean leaves three spare pairs of underwear in victor's divorcé bachelor pad as a kind of little... fantasy. of what life could be like.
anyway the most compelling scene from that, IN MY MIND, is a scene where victor STILL thinks dean is a serial killer. and now he has him in custody. and against his will he's... charmed. by dean. because dean is charming and pathetic, shaking and sweating from mild alcohol withdrawal but still cracking jokes and being friendly and observant and extremely young-feeling, for 28. and earnest in a way he didn't expect. and they're forced to work together against a demon siege, a spin on jus in bello where victor still doesn't find out about the supernatural he's just protecting himself and a prisoner from a threat. and he has the uncomfortable realization that he's attracted to dean winchester (serial killer) (guy he is trying to take down) (has killed so so many people). and he's like well. we can table that for later. and then dean escapes.
so i've been trying to figure out a way to scoop out just that scene and turn it into its own fic because that's actually manageable for me.
the dean and cas pursued by the cops idea also comes a bit from frustration that i can't write this, though the feds in that one are ocs bc it's later.
from here
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anaalnathrakhs · 14 hours
Yay!! Your doing ship bingo!! Love it when you do asks!! Vinikki, Tommyvince and terrorcest and to spice it up how about a rare pair John corabi and Mick (don't think they have a ship name) :D
yeah don't worry i love subjecting people to my rants. will never stop. thank you for asking you brave soul.
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Reverse-colored evil star, they are the opposite of silly. They're constantly in the divorce proceedings. Every night they divorce and every morning they get back together. They CAN fix each other but CERTAINLY not by kissing. Cmon guys you can be reasonable I believe in you. I'm not as much of a fan as sooooome people in this fandom but I think they have a fascinating dynamic and I love writing their interpreations even though I've rarely written one myself.
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...cannot be encapsulated by this bingo. They're so casual it hurts. So bestie bros it hurts. They'll never divorce because they were never married, but that FWB arrangement includes cuddles and will last until the end of times.
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DOUBLE BINGO DING DING DING. They can fix each other, but that doesn't mean better for other people around them. In the same band for over forty years that's more marriage than a lot of people who actually went and tied the knot legally. Perfect dynamic, unhealthy 100% functional and arriving rapidly at your location. The only ship Tommy manages (almost) not to make So Silly :3 because of its radioactive levels of serious doomed love toxicity. His constant no-homo on instagram have moved from silliness to straight up a little sad. I'm obssessed w them.
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I'm not gonna lie I know very little about Corabi as a person. This is just an educated guess based on... not much? A couple photos and some social media posts in the past decade or so. Anyway.
I think Mick would get a kick out of being weird and mysterious towards the new guy for a while to confuse him. So that's a REALLY silly thing to base a relationship upon. But I don't know, I think it could work if it happened, they both seem calm and reasonable enough to make anything work. If anything, the divorce would be amicable. Motley crue is a wonderful dynamic that crushes the chosen four and probably isn't very fun for the others either, so I don't think kissing would fix them in the long run, but I think they could have a nice few years of being a nice calming presence in each other's lives. Secret under wraps of course, but they're much more friendly on the outside due to... not having over a decade of baggage at that point.
I have no idea what I'm saying at this point. Hope this makes a modicum of sense lmao
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
You seemed to be very informed on the Queen situation, is it okay if I ask a simple question?
Is it okay to feel awkward about jokes being made about the queens death? Like you get squirmy at people making jokes about a person who just died
i know she did awful things but, it’s okay to not feel good about making jokes involving a person who just died right
It's fine to feel awkward and not to want to post jokes. I didn't post any, in part because I wanted to keep the focus on the actual stuff I was saying, which was a lot more serious than the memes etc. However, it's also important to recognize why a lot of people were making those jokes, what the deeper historical context for their existence was, why the British monarchy has massively benefited from a lot of undue public adoration that almost completely obfuscates the deeply harmful force it has been in the world for many centuries, and especially how that related to the 19th-21st centuries of colonialism, imperialism, exploitation, and "civilization." No, QE2 did not start the British Empire, nor was she responsible for its most massive expansions. She was also the monarch during the time when a lot of those colonies won their independence post-WWII. But that does not make her "responsible" for decolonization (especially as the British state apparatus did not want it to happen but was forced to accept it by postwar economic and political realities).
Many people in many countries all over the world, even if those countries are now independent from the British Empire-turned-Commonwealth, have personal memories or family histories directly impacted by those actions. They have seen the effects of British colonization to the present day, in financial, economic, legal, cultural, social, political etc spheres, while the British monarchy is given glowing and deferential coverage around the world and any critical perspective, a la mine of yesterday, is yelled at to SHOW RESPECT. Yes, QE2 was a human being with a family, and it's all right to feel some sympathy for them, if you want. But she cannot be divorced from the immense symbolic, statutory, legal, social, and, yes, political power that she wielded, the impact that the institution she proudly defended and upheld all her life has had in the world, and the consequences that continues to engender. The idea that she was just a sweet harmless old granny is meant to deflect any responsibility from her and to keep us obliged to praise both her and the institution, as if her service to it was a good thing. So. Yes. People have strong feelings about that, and an undeniable sense of relief that she is gone, especially as Charles doesn't have nearly the popularity and respect that she did, and will most likely hasten its disintegration somehow.
Anyway, yes. Nobody is forcing you to share the jokes, or find them funny, or anything else. But I feel as if it's helpful to consider the ultimate reasons for their existence, and then decide whether they are really the most bad-taste thing about this entire situation.
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justmossyall · 2 months
about me <3
hi! the name’s sunny. she/her, a minor, INFJ, aggressively neurodivergent
a bit about me: i’m a christian, an author, an artist and an actor. i’m a huge dork and love infodumping about my favorite things, so my asks are always open if you want me to rant to you 😭
the general stuff: no nsfw, don’t be weird, just remember that i am legally (and honestly mentally) a child before you say anything weird or are mean to me lol. also i have pretty bad anxiety and emetophobia, idk why that would ever come up but I figured I would mention it??? just…………….don’t stress me out or mention vomit ig????? bro idek anyways
side blogs because i have an obsession:
this is my main, a lot of reblogs about the things i like
my horrendous thoughts @justmossyaps
art blog @justartyall
writing blog @justmosswrites
photography blog @raindropsonmushroomcaps
ask game! drama ask game! can you tell i like ask games! here’s a fourth one!
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shows i like: gravity falls, arcane, bluey, bee and puppycat, amazing digital circus, toh, wandavision (not a marvel fan in general but i love that show), dance moms (don’t judge im a sucker for reality tv), and way too many kids shows. what can i say my mental age is like 4 (@person4924 and @sweetronancer know octonauts is where it’s at 😭)
movies i like: first of all i am a huge ghibli fan 😭 anyways the tinker bell movies, ratatouille, wall-e, the muppet movies, spiderman: into/across the spiderverse, brave, random 90s movies that I watch with my parents
books i like: psych im not listing all those, there’s way too many 😭 (kotlc and the scythe series are my favs though)
games i like: undertale/deltarune/undertale yellow (y’all should know by now how obsessed i am with that franchise), stardew valley, animal crossing, zelda botw (i have not played totk yet :( im hoping to soon though!), ddlc
special interests: psychology (especially neurodivergencies, specifically autism and tic disorders), writing, undertale/deltarune/uty, gravity falls, arcane, tadc, bee and puppycat, some oddly specific medical stuff (mostly things like autoimmune disorders and the like, i just hate gore and tbh the cardiovascular system in general), kotlc, bluey, coding, embroidery, linguistics/etymology for some reason???
i do a lot of writing, my first novel is actually fully drafted and i’m hoping to have it edited within the next 2 years so i can publish :) other than that main one + my other main-ish novel i have about ten million wips 😭
as mentioned above i am also an artist, i mostly just draw though i also embroider and dabble in clay and watercolor. my art blog is linked above so you can go check that out :) i also do photography! it’s not a very serious hobby but i enjoy it, photography acc is also linked above
i’m also an actor (yes i like to suffer creatively in many ways) so naturally i’m quite dramatic. i frequent the 😭 emoji and often use all caps. i love to sing though and i love music so if you have any cool songs you think i would like feel free to send them to me. OBSESSED with the oh hellos
speaking of which, my spotify is @/-sunflowerskies- if you want to search me up. here are a few of my fav playlists ~ ~ ~
also as mentioned above, i am a christian! if you ever want me to pray for you or are curious about the faith, my asks and dms are always open :)
i have a huuuuge sweet tooth. it’s so bad but I love candy so much
idk what else to put here???? i am, as the kids say, neurospicy so im sure none of my posts are coherent lol. also im having a lot of health issues recently with a lot of brain fog and fatigue affecting my overall functioning, so apologies if the posts are even less coherent than normal lmaooo
honestly send me asks whenever you want, i am incredibly bored all of the time and love making new friends <3 literally rant to me about anything idrc but i apologize if i don’t answer for a while lol, i go through on and off phases of being on this site
i guess that’s about it?? love you guys have a wonderful day!! <3
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qedmirage · 4 months
As most of my international followers know here in the US we're having a presidential election this year. Well, that means each major party has to select their candidate, and the process for that has been going on for a while now. See, in the US, state-level parties have a lot of say in how they select candidates, so they randomly jockey for more important slots than each other, and this is why the party elections for their candidate take months and not, like, a week. Well for the past several months, in the lead up to actual voting, we've been obligated to pretend that several people with a snowball's chance in hell were serious candidates to control the world's [EDIT: second-] largest nuclear arsenal. I want to briefly commemorate/memorialize one of those candidacies, that of Ron DeSantis of florida.
See just a few days ago we had the iowa caucuses, a silly way to select presidential candidates that is ALSO unrepresentative of who the final nominee will be, as the winner secures an objectively tiny amount of points (called 'delegates') towards gaining a party's nomination and the system is designed to make it impossible for introverts to participate. You get like a tiny sliver of a party's membership voting in caucuses and it's weighted to favor the freaks and fanatics. And yet that simple, first contest, was enough to cause all but two of the field of GOP candidates to give up and go home. Because throughout the pre-pre-election season they would give fawning, obsequious praise to Donald Trump - the best president since Washington, possibly even better - and then be asked: "Isn't he also running for president? Why should people vote for you over him, if they like Trump?" to which the answer would be some vague mumbling about his legal challenges or age or how statistically most of the country wants to murder him with knives. (The notable exception here is wannabee mafioso Chris Christie, who at least does not forgive trying to kill him). Anyways, in final results Trump got 20 points, Ron DeSantis got 9, Nikki Haley got 8, and 4chan shitposter Vivek Ramaswamy got 3. Of those, only Trump and Nikki Haley didn't immediately give up. So anyways. Ron DeSantis. Actually presently a governor of a major state, and Florida at that - one which has shifted from 'swing' to 'republican' over his tenure. You could be forgiven for thinking he's a skilled politician. And yet. He repeatedly promised that his first day in office would start with war with mexico, which he never described in those terms. Rather he'd just
blockade mexican ports
shoot mexican nationals on the southern border without a trial ('people who have backpacks', apparently)
Send US military forces into mexico to kill more mexican citizens without trial
Cool. Normal. We're allies with that country, you know? He'd say such policies were informed by his military service as a lawyer in Iraq and then (he does not mention this part) Guantanomo Bay. Yeah, I bet they are. Though, for some reason, he always leaves off the "as a lawyer" part. DeSantis's team also produced some of the most deranged and openly fascist ads of a major candidate. See, the DeSantis campaign was oriented around "the war on woke", his efforts to use state power to roll back civil rights in general, progressives existing in government, and the rights of LGBT people in particular. Already cloaked in the language of online reactionaries it was always gonna attract freaks, and as a result, the ads made by younger staffers (released, not by the official campaign, but to pro-DeSantis meme accounts secretly run by his staffers) are totally deranged. Here's one of them; I'm going to warn you, it's intensely homophobic, to the point that a republican presidential candidate had to apologize for the homophobia.:
crazy ass moments in american politics on X: "The Ron DeSantis campaign team post a Trump attack ad feat. phonk. (2023) https://t.co/cwaWnZInG7" / X (twitter.com)
For those who don't wish to watch such things, the core thesis of the ad is that the republican party under Trump was captured by and coddled LGBT people, and DeSantis will restore strong masculinity and crush LGBT americans. DeSantis is paralleled to noted straight Achilles, those sigma chad memes, and fictional murderer Patrick Bateman, all while heavy bass music plays. My personal favorite stills:
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Again, these are from an ad for a guy who quit after literally the first contest. Truly a fighter.
But even that pales in comparison to the "running up that hill" ad. That one is one of the most straightforwardly fascist pieces of advertising a modern american politician has made. While perhaps less directly offensive, viewer be warned, this is nazi shit: Luke Thompson on X: "The @desantiscams account just deleted this video after at least one campaign staffer RT'd it. I wonder if this was also made in-house. https://t.co/JA1D9qqONF" / X (twitter.com) (It was, in fact, made in-house).
The esoteric nazi symbolism did not go unnoticed. Nor the fact that it ends on DeSantis's paramilitary "florida guard" (not the national guard!) marching forward into a bright dawn while he looks down approvingly. The aide who made that video was fired, but it's no wonder he felt at home; DeSantis's whole appeal is about threatening to use extralegal power against conservatism's enemies. He tried to revoke Disney's special tax statuses based purely on an extremely beige statement in support of LGBT rights they issued, and again, established a paramilitary force under his command. There are far more examples than those two. Not a 'normal' politician. Aside from setting millions of dollars of republican donor money on fire, DeSantis's campaign leaves behind a legacy of the various 'posting is life' type laws he enacted in Florida to raise his public profile. These include a raft of laws that target and victimize LGBT americans: [Thread of several such stories, reported in major outlets]
And he was also a noted figure in the conservative turn against COVID precautions, defenses, and vaccinations. While we'll never know such things to precision, Florida's COVID deaths record was considerably worse than many other states, despite its wealth and good climate. They chose not to pursue safer methods so as to buoy DeSantis's future presidential ambitions, now dead in the street. Like most failed presidential primary candidates he will probably not have a long future in national politics; DeSantis is a weirdo who eats pudding with his bare fingers, he's profoundly uncharismatic, and he's fought against his team's de facto leader. But before it's all consigned to dust of history, I'd just like to take a moment to remember all the real people who have suffered for his campaign, and for what? So he can make a 72 second ad with him shooting lightning from his eyes, get 21% of the vote in Iowa, and give up after 8 days.
A statesman for the ages, truly.
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switch-writer · 1 year
Liyue’s Laws
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Lee!Scaramouche/Wanderer, Ler!Yanfei
A/N: ALRIGHT! So, ahem. Let me start out by saying isn’t my fic but rather one by a extremely close friend of mine (whom, dare I say, is my best friend). I personally loved reading this and asked if I could post it for them due to them wishing to be anonymous for various reasons! The pairing being Wanderer and Yanfei is actually due to us playing Genshin Impact quite often recently and I recently began to main Wanderer while they main Yanfei! Sooo it was a very self indulgent pairing but still one that actually works quite alright! And I do ask be gentle with this fic. This was my dear friend’s first time writing for Genshin Impact, along with these two characters and I believe they did very well so I wanted to share it! I hope you enjoy! :D
Description: Upon arriving in the City of Contacts, Scaramouche meets up with a familiar legal advisor who has to teach him a bit about the laws!
“And for civil cases like this, I charge-“ Yanfei paused, looking away from her potential client and seeing a familiar face. “You know what- Here’s my card. Let me write my prices on the back for you- One moment… Okay! Here you go- I know this is only a civil case that you’ll need my help with, so I’d be happy to discuss the case further with you on another day… perhaps in two days?” She smiled at the client as they nodded and took the card, walking out.
With that, the adeptus stood up from her desk, quickly placing a ‘Be back in 30!’ sign down on said desk.
“How’d you manage to sneak into my office?” Yanfei questioned the wanderer with a smile on her face.
“I dunno..? The door was just kinda… unlocked.”
“Shoot- I knew I was forgetting something. What are you doing in Liyue? Wait! Don’t answer that. I bet I can guess- Are you just traveling through?”
Scaramouche replied with a shrug.
“What an awfully detailed answer. Well! Lucky for you, I was about to go on my break anyway. Now- Did you need me for a legal situation, or were you just stopping by?”
“Bold of you to assume that I’m in some kind of legal trouble, but I’m just stopping by.” The anemo user snickered, leaning on the doorframe to the office.
“Well, I *am* a legal advisor, and you did show up to my job. At that point why wouldn’t I assume?”
Yanfei sat back down, motioning to the seat in front of her desk for Scara to take a seat. The two had spent some time chatting about the wanderer’s travels with the traveler and their floating companion- Or as the traveler affectionately referred to her as, ‘emergency food.’ Though knowing those two, it didn’t take long for the conversation topic to switch to something more serious.
“Now, I personally find that topic to be quite interesting to debate on. Mainly because I enjoy hearing people’s opinions on the Northland Bank! Though my *actual* favorite topic would be discussing Liyue’s laws. Ooh! Wait! Do you have a favorite law from Liyue specifically?”
Scaramouche stared at the pink haired woman, shaking his head.
“No… I never particularly studied the laws here. At least… studied them to the extent that you do.”
The adeptus snickered, shaking her head. Though she suddenly got an idea. Albeit, a mean idea, but it was an idea nonetheless.
“That’s just a shame. They’re a good thing to know, y’know! Although I guess if everyone knew the law, there wouldn’t be a need for jobs like mine… However, I could teach you some of the laws! Maybe some of the important ones?”
The anemo user continued staring at Yanfei, slightly in disbelief before just shrugging. He knew there was no stopping her when it came to one of her favorite topics like this, and frankly, he didn’t mind it.
“Sure. Do you have a favorite one or…” The wanderer questioned, watching as the adeptus started to smirk. “…And you’re smirking… whyyy?”
Yanfei stood up, walking around her desk and standing next to the chair that Scaramouche was currently sitting in. She leaned against her desk, thinking for a moment.
“Sure, I’ve got plenty of favorites. Although, I don’t have any paper to write them down on… uh… and I can’t use ink on your hand- It would just rub off eventually.” She lied. She did in fact have paper. Though the ink thing was true.
“We could always save it for another day then, Yanfei.”
“Hm… Oh! Wait a second. I just remembered that there *is* another way I can write it down for you, but you’d really have to rely on your memory, because I’m not gonna use ink. May I have your hand?” Yanfei smiled, holding out her hand.
Scaramouche looked at her hand, then at her face, then back at her hand before just holding his hand out, palm up.
“Great! Now, this first law is a personal favorite- ‘Commercial Law of Liyue,’ Chapter…” As she spoke, she used her index finger to trace out the words on the wanderer’s palm. Almost immediately, he closed his hand up, grabbing her finger.
“Aha! I knew it. I had a feeling that you were ticklish!”
“Who said anything about me being ticklish? I just closed my hand.” Scaramouche quickly replied, opening up his hand again to avoid any further suspicion.
“…Now why do I get the feeling that you’re not being totally honest with me, hm?” Yanfei questioned, raising an eyebrow. “Anyhow… Liyue’s Laws, Chapter 54, Section 3…” She paused, looking up at Scaramouche, who was currently smiling and biting his lip.
“Are you okay…?”
“Yeah yeah yeah- I’m good. Keep going.”
The legal advisor smiled and nodded. “Article 5 stipulates that-“ Yanfei was cut off by a burst of giggles from the wanderer. She looked up with a knowing smile, deciding that the reaction was adorable from the stoic anemo user.
“Ihihi’m sohohorry-“ Scaramouche giggled, closing his hand once again. “Ihi dihidn’t mean to cut you ohohoff.”
The adeptus smirked, getting an idea.
“Ohhh it’s more than okay. It’s not like you cut me off or anything.” She crossed her arms, joking with him. “However I think I just may need to take you to court for that!”
“Wha-? Can you take me to court for that?”
“Oh totally! It would certainly be a big case, I know that.” She paused, bringing her hand up to her ear as if it was a phone. “What’s that? Oh, of course! Yes, your honor!” Then brought her hand down. “Scara, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news…”
“Did you just use your hand to talk to someone-? Why and how did you- Uh- Okay… Give me the good news?”
“You’re getting off easy.”
“…And the bad news…?”
“You’ve been sentenced to… 5 minutes of me tickling you!”
Yanfei giggled seeing Scaramouche’s wide eyes, then watched as he tried to stand up to make a quick escape.
“Oho no you don’t!” The pink haired girl was quick to grab the wanderer from behind, wrapping her arms around his midsection before clawing away at his sides. “Tickle tickle tickle!”
Though Scaramouche yelped upon being grabbed, he immediately began squirming around to try and get away. And while he was able to hold back his giggling for a moment, he quickly bursted into a giggle fit.
Yanfei’s hands danced over his sides, then crawled over to his tummy. She traced out a few shapes before suddenly switching to quickly scribbling her fingers over the sensitive skin. This caused a squeal from Scaramouche, then he quickly dissolved back into giggles. All the while, he kept up his squirming.
“Hmm… Clock’s ticking! I gotta find that sweet spot of yours!”
With an incredibly lucky guess, and her ability to use logic, she decided to test all the spots she could think of. She started by quickly scribbling at the wanderer’s ribs, earning some giggles. Then she tried scribbling under his arms, causing his arms to glue to his sides, and some softer giggles. Tracing and scribbles on his back earned a squeal, then some calm laughs. Finally, she tried scribbling at his hips, earning slightly more frantic laughter, and a few stomps.
“Now I know this may be speculation, but is this your sweet spot?”
“I believe that reaction in itself says enough!” Yanfei snickered, beginning to squeeze at Scaramouche’s hips.
Scaramouche responded by stomping a few times, frantically squirming, and of course, cackles.
“You lied in the court of law?! You definitely deserve this then! This is what you get for not abiding by the law!”
“You most certainly did!” The adeptus switched to drilling her fingers into the hip bones, which caused a whole bunch of stomps and attempts to get away. “Wohohoah! It’s getting difficult to hold onto you!”
Yanfei shook her head, smiling as she rapidly squeezed at the wanderer’s hips. She was certainly enjoying the laughs and squeals and frantic reactions that he was giving, and she knew that he certainly didn’t genuinely laugh enough.
Unfortunately, he was reaching his limit. Scaramouche wasn’t used to being tickled, let alone being wrecked like this, so he was running out of energy pretty quickly.
“But you’ve still got like… a minute thirty! Lemme at least try one more thing.”
The legal advisor smiled and nodded, leaning her head down and blowing a raspberry onto his side.
“AHahahaHAhaHAHa- YAhaHAnFeHEi! PLehEHeAse! ENohOHouGh!”
“Ahahalright! Alright! I’ll stop.” Yanfei finally let go of Scaramouche, who quickly rubbed away the phantom feelings on his side and hips.
“Ohoho jeheheez- Thahat was cruel! You did that and I didn’t even do anything wrong!”
“Perhaps that was the case.”
“I- Alright… Considering you’ve still got about… mm… 25 minutes of your break, give or take, I’ve got a question for you. Are *you* ticklish?”
Yanfei just smiled at the question, turning a bit red and shying away, staring at the floor.
“Ihi uh..”
“I’ll take that as a yes! I’ll give you a 5 second head start. 1… 2…”
And Yanfei ran straight out her office door.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
What’s an entertainment ban in China?
That's a really broad, vague question.
There are many entertainment restrictions in China, so this question could be answered in multiple ways depending on the context you're asking about.
Disclaimer: these are tricky, politically-charged topics, and verified information can be difficult or impossible to find. What follows is my understanding based on my study of this industry over the past few years, and will of course reflect my views and values. YMMV.
I think maybe the likeliest context you were asking about is the 'ban' around specific national days or events, when people do not share or discuss topics related to entertainment or other frivolous subjects out of respect for the occasion. Fans are asked not to post about their idol at that time, as it is a sign of irreverence and disrespect and can lead to trouble for that star.
There are a wide variety of restrictions around entertainment for censorship reasons. What people are allowed to do, wear and say, who is allowed to participate in particular types of roles, etc.
There are certain entertainers who, because of their behavior or the behavior of their fans, may be quietly or openly banned from certain types of public roles or appearances, or whose projects or status in the industry might be put on hold temporarily or permanently. The severity varies depending on the situation. Zhang Zehan is someone most readers will remember as being 'cancelled' fairly comprehensively in this way.
China's entertainment industry is tightly managed by the government, with a stated goal to help shape and guide the values and behavior of the population and embody communist ideals. Entertainers who are not deemed appropriate role models, or who show through fan behavior that they aren't able to appropriately guide people onto righteous paths will come heavily under the scrutiny/punishment of the government and of the public, so these things are not trivial concerns.
If an artist's fans don't properly observe national occasions, for example, and they post a lot and discuss a lot about their star on a national day of mourning or a date of significance to the party, they would be putting that star at serious risk of being cancelled both by the government and by the public.
Over the past few years the government has openly targeted fan culture and has been cracking down heavily on it. Fan groups are viewed as leading young people astray, causing major disruptions and problems, corroding social values and overall needing to be brought under control. Many restrictions, policies and statements from the government have been enacted toward this end.
The government takes a very dim view of any group that can rapidly mobilize based on shared ideas or values that are not government-sanctioned. LGBTQ groups have been heavily targeted in recent years for this reason. Pride parades are no longer allowed, and pro-LGBTQ groups have been shut down without any warning.
It's not because homosexuality is 'illegal' or 'banned' as many Westerners assume. Homosexuality is legal in China and there are even some limited rights afforded citizens and that benefit homosexual couples (more on that in Pie's excellent post). Rather, it's because of the threat to authoritarian power that large, impassioned movements can tend to represent.
This is actually why a lot of gay men who are turtles will avoid sharing their turtle status openly; because they don't want GG and DD to appear to be leading or inspiring a political movement.
Anyway, I hope this somewhat answers your question. If it doesn't, please feel free to write back with a more specific question.
A few related posts:
Nationalistic posts and why they shouldn’t be mined for candy - directly relevant to point 1.
Propaganda and false equivalence - relevant to point 2.
Politics in the fandom - relevant to all of this.
You can also explore the related tags for more on these kinds of topics. But make sure you do so directly from my blog (rather than from your news feed) or you'll get a bunch of unrelated posts from all over Tumblr.
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readerhead · 2 years
All along
summary: he was the worst that had happened to you, right? (part 2 of "the fella over there", but you can read it independently)
pairing: Matt Murdock × fem!reader
warnings: drinking but none really I think
word count: 3.4k
a/n: first of all thank you so much for love you gave my first fic! I'm really excited, it has almost 100 notes and it feels surreal. I really enjoyed making it and I hope y'all liked it at least as much as you liked the first part. Not gonna lie, I'm a little afraid of ruining it by making a second part, but hey! I'm posting it anyways. This took me longer than expected but here I am. Also, sorry if there's any legal inaccuracy, I'm more of science girl :)
"Karen, please, entertain Matt. I need to make a call." she nodded and got up straight to Matt's office. They were working on a case and Foggy knew that Matt wouldn't like that he was calling you for help. He hated feeling like he was betraying his best friend but they really need you so he searched for you in his contacts. 
"Hey Foggy Bear, how's it going?" you loved to call him by the nickname Marci gave him when they were together. It wasn't that funny but his reaction would always be hilarious. 
"Ugh. You know I hate it." 
"That's the main point of doing it." you laughed. "Uh, you aren't complaining, what do you need my help for this time?" 
"What? No-" his high-pitched voice gave him away. "Shit, alright... I might need your advice in a legal case" 
"Uuuh. Now that's interesting. What's about?" you were intrigued. 
"Some health insurance issue" 
"Sounds fun. Fuck-" you had to go back to your work, a mouse just escaped from its cage. "See you at six at your office, I'll bring dinner." Foggy was going to warn you that Matt would be there too, but you hang up. 
You trapped that slippery mouse successfully, maybe if you ask the now broken flask that was in your way it wouldn't use that word but it was an object, it doesn't have an opinion. You finished your work and went to the Thai place you loved. You ordered more than enough food because you thought that maybe the new secretary they had hired not so long ago would be there. You took the food and began your way to your best friend's office. In the meantime, Foggy tried to convince Matt to leave the office but he was being so suspicious about it that Matt stayed out of curiosity. They were arguing about it when they heard a knock on the door and in that moment he recognized your heartbeat. 
"Damn, Foggy. Her? You know she doesn't stand me." Matt sighed and closed his eyes while rubbing his forehead. 
"You don't make it easier for her, you're always bothering her." Foggy tried to reason. 
"Yeah, because every single time I tried to be nice to her, she didn't care and made the most bitter comment. So now at I least have some fun about it." 
"You know it wasn't always like that" and just before Matt could say anything Karen opened the door. 
"Hi! You must be Karen." she knew you were coming, Foggy told her about you. "Foggy told me a lot about you. He was right when he said you were pretty." you smiled at her and she returned it with a light blush in her cheeks. 
"Yes, that would be me. I suppose you are the famous college friend who taught him how to comb his hair." you laugh at the memory of Foggy's appearance when you met. 
"We had almost the same length of hair back then." in that moment he stepped out of Matt's office. 
"Stop mocking about my old look, we have serious work to do." you couldn't help it. You ran towards him and hugged him, he was almost like a brother to you despite being your best friend's ex. When you finished, you smacked his shoulder. He was beyond confused but not surprised. 
"You don't have any type of shame. You only call me to meet when you need my help. You'll have to invite me to that horrible eel liquor so I can forgive you." 
"What about you help us and then we go to Josie's?" 
"Dea-" just when you were about to settle the agreement Matt entered the room. "Shit." you spat that word almost inaudible. "Foggy didn't we talk about this?" you whispered to him. 
"About what?" Matt asked. 
"That every time we met in the office you wouldn't be here." Foggy just couldn't lie to Matt, could he? 
"Oh, so her being here is normal?" he sounded more in disbelief than offended. Karen was watching curiously the uncomfortable scene develop. 
"Relax, Murdock. I only spat in your mug twice, the other times Foggy was watching." 
"I was talking to him." he hissed. 
"Sometimes?" Foggy tried. "I don't know. She is my friend and I want her to see our accomplishments, like having our own office." 
"Enough of the chit-chat. It's his office too, of course if I came it was a matter of time that I came across him. I just hoped it lasted longer." you were well aware that they were not only best friends but also associates, you knew this was coming sooner than later. "So Foggy, show me the files, we have work to do. He can join if he is able to be in the same room as me, it's his case too after all." you entered the conference room before letting Matt a chance to talk and Karen followed suit. Foggy went to his office for the documents. 
"You can come if you behave." 
"I'm not a dog, Foggy." Matt groaned. 
"Well, they have good hearing and smell." Foggy pointed out before entering the room where Karen was filling you up about the case while you spread all the take-out. 
"So the insurance company has sued them for fraud? What fraud can a medium-low class family of Hell's Kitchen commit?" you were asking just when the guys walked through the door. 
"The company says that our clients are not related and they are using the family insurance because it's cheaper." Foggy explained while giving you the files. 
"And I suppose you already searched for every document confirming that the father is the legal guardian." The ones that caught your attention were their medical records. 
"Yes, and we have them. But we need to know what's the proof of said accusations to build the case." you break the chopsticks to eat while you read the files. 
"Oh fuck, that surgery isn't cheap, they really need this." you said when you saw that the father needed an aortic valve replacement. 
"Thanks for stating the obvious." 
"You're welcome, Murdock. I knew you needed it." he could be the best with the flirty comebacks but with the poisoned ones he would never beat you. 
"Hey guys, no fights." Foggy warned. "Just make some kind of truce for tonight." 
"Ugh, alright. I brought enough food for the four of us so I guess you can have some." 
"He would love some, he loves that Thai place." Foggy interrupted before Matt could have the chance to speak. You were upset with yourself for having the same taste as him. 
"Thanks" he muttered like a scolded child. 
"Did they tell you that he was his biological son?" you asked when you started reading de son's record. You had already read the parent's files and all the insurance papers. 
"They didn't use that word but they were very graphic about his birth's story." Foggy grimace at the memory. "Why?" 
"Well, then those are some fucked up news to give." 
"What happened? Did you find something?" Karen asked. 
"Do any of you remember anything about basic genetics?" their looks were as if you were talking in Chinese. 
"Like dominant genes?" Karen tried. 
"Tell us what you found." Matt was getting frustrated. 
"A 'please' wouldn't kill you." you murmured "The son's blood type is AB, so his parents would have to be A, B or AB." 
"I'm assuming they aren't, right?" Matt was the first to understand your line of thoughts. 
"Both 0. Either they lied to you or the hospital changed their baby." 
"They didn't." how could he be so sure? Not like he was he a human lie detector or something.
"So when we win the case, we can sue the hospital, too." Karen was pretty excited, after all if their clients received that money they would be the first to pay that month. Or year. 
"So does that mean celebration? I really need that drink you owe me." 
"We haven't finished the case." of course Mr. Grumpy would have something to say. 
"Come on, man! We had been all week in this case, I think it can wait another day." Foggy put his puppy eyes but it was impossible that Matt knew that. 
"No problem, if he wants it so bad he can stay here." Matt's jaw tensing didn't go unnoticed by you but you didn't mind. You got up to pick up the remains of the take-out and threw it in the trash.
"Actually, I wanna go." your smile dropped a little, you hoped he wouldn't come and he smiled knowingly. Bastard. 
You took your purse while the others were archiving the files. The four of you headed to Josie's, you were talking to Karen while the boys were behind. You grew very fond of her, she was a very sweet woman but the fire of bravery clearly escaping her eyes. When you arrived at the place, Foggy wasted no time to go and get the drinks. You spent all the time catching up with Foggy and getting to know Karen better. You were a few drinks in when the conversation took a strange turn. 
"What do you think of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen?" Karen asked. The boys were now focused on your reaction, you would have noticed it if there wasn't alcohol in your organism.
"Oh I actually like him. And he's hot." you took another sip. "You know all that whole altruism vibe is attractive as hell. And I don't know, all the guys I've liked always have some big red flag, guess his are his anger issues." Foggy was laughing too hard but you didn't care.
"And if he was someone like Matt?" where did that question come from? Surely it was just Foggy trying to mess with you.
"How can Daredevil be blind?" you were kind of confused.
"No, I mean if his personality was like Matt's." you let an understanding sound.
"He wouldn't Matt so I guess it would be alright. I mean, I'm sure the two Ds don't stand for Daredevil… More like 'dat dic-"
"Fine, we heard enough." Foggy cut you, Karen was laughing out loud and you could see Matt trying to hide how funny he found your answer. Weird. He usually would make some comment on how ordinary it was.
"Why? You don't like him?"
"I like him. But you're making me nauseous."
"I'm going for the next round." Matt got up and headed to the bar counter but the smile didn't leave his face, it amused him that much?
"So what's the problem between you two?" curiosity was one of her most obvious characteristics.
"Always so straightforward, blondie?" you had a habit of giving people nicknames after knowing them for a short time.
"I just like the truth." she shrugged. 
"Right." you stopped to think how you could tell the story. "I don't hate him, it's just that I see his face and I can't help getting upset."
"It wasn't always like that." Foggy continued. "The first night they met they slept together." Karen gasped, she evidently didn't expect that. You punched him in your mind.
"You're making it sound like we had sex!" you rubbed your temples. "We just cuddled." Foggy looked at you as saying 'if you don't tell her I will'. "And we might have made out" you say loud enough so they could hear you and try to avoid the scarlet in your cheeks. 
"Now all makes sense!" you looked at her confused while taking a sip. "All that back and forth is accumulated sexual tension!" the liquor almost came out of your nose.
"Are you crazy?"
"I think she's right. If it hadn't been for Eve you two would had fucked and probably be in a relationship right now." the expression on your face was as if you thought that an alien with a Norwegian accent giving birth on your couch made more sense.
"Who's Eve?"
"It's the nickname she gave Matt's ex. Her name was Elektra and their relationship was kinda… toxic. She was pretty reckless. And him being catholic just made it the perfect nickname." probably Karen was discovering more stuff about the boys in one night with you than in all the months she knew them.
"So you're mad at him because he chose her?"
"What? No. In any case, I'm sulky because after a week of spending one of the best nights of my life at that moment he was fucking one of my best friends. Not like I cared about that but instead of making another friend I lost one. I didn't even want a partner, I just thought we connected in some way"
"Is that true?" you froze in your place, afraid to turn around. He had to be there, could it be more cliche? What's next? Josie was going to start singing about how she lost the love of her life for fear. You could see the apologetical looks on Foggy and Karen's faces. He said your name and this time you turned around.
"Oh, hi Murdock! Didn't see you. I was just messing around with my new friend." it couldn't have sounded more awkward and anyone could tell that you were lying. You couldn't read his face. Was he mad? Disappointed? Just curious? What the hell was he thinking?
"Was that true?" he repeated, leaving the drinks at the table. 
"I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of answering."
"Don't be childish."
"It is not, it's law related. I'm abiding by the fifth amendment." you cross your arms in your chest.
"Karen, I'll take you home." you heard Foggy and saw them going in your peripheral sight.
"Why did you start this bicker when you didn't want to?" 
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Don't gaslight me. Is it because you were jealous of Elektra? I thought she told me that you were mad about some boy you had a fling or something." 
"You're kinda stupid for a summa cum laude." you whispered under your breath.
"Cut the bullshit and explain something." he raised his voice.
"I fucking liked you, Matthew!" you finally exploded, now all eyes in the room were looking at your direction.
"What?" his brows frowned.
"God! You were the guy, I just never told her about you and she liked you so I wasn't going to ruin my friend's happiness by being selfish."
"So it was better treating me like shit?"
"It wasn't fair but it was the easiest. She was possessive so if she thought I hated you she wouldn't get mad at me."
"So you never hated me? Then why do you keep the act?" the sound that left your mouth seemed like a laugh.
"Because now I do. I really hate you. Not only you had to make me think that not every boy was going to treat me as shit like my stupid ex did, but you also have to take one of my best friends from me. I suffered because of you." a tear of helplessness slipped down your face until it reached your chin. "And the fucking worst? You were fucking oblivious to everything." you took your bag and left the bar.
"Are you blaming me for falling for Elektra after you started treating me like shit? I didn't even knew you two were friends at that moment." he followed you outside, he wasn't done.
"Listen, Matt. I could have dealt with that, believe me, I did it. But I have not seen my friend since then. I ended up alone and shattered because of you. I don't wanna think how miserable I would have been if I hadn't met Foggy and Marci." your voice broke. Shit, now he would know and you just wanted to go.
"That's not fair. I wanted to go on a date with you, but the next time I saw you I was confused because you didn't even look at me. Believe me, I never wanted to do anything to hurt you." he reached for your hand and you were so focused in the conversation that you didn't even notice.
"If you weren't a flirt, she wouldn't have fallen for you and we could have gone on that date." you sighed, tired of fighting.
"I didn't even flirt with her, I was nice to her because I was in a good mood thinking of you but the next day I tried to call you and you didn't even bother to answer." in that moment you realize he was really close and your hand in his, heat making its way up your face.
"Guess now you know why." you looked away. One touch and you were all soft for him.
"I never hated you." you looked at him again. You went silent trying to organize your thoughts.
"I think I didn't either. I think I just paid all my frustrations with you." you admitted in a low voice, only for him to hear. "Should we start over?"
"Not a chance." you were very confused. "There's no way I could forget the night we met. We can start from there if you like." 
"I would love that." a wide smile appeared across your face.
"So… Can I take you to that date?"
"Now? Everything except Josie's is closed." he let out a small chuckle.
"I was thinking more about this weekend. Now I could walk you home."
"Oh, right. Yeah. Perfect." you were blushing too hard and you cursed yourself for acting like a teenager with a crush.
You two talked all the way home. Sometimes your responses were bitter commentaries out of habit, but the rest of the time it felt like that first magical night. He didn't let your hand go since he had taken it out of Josie's and you didn't want him to do it, that spark that kept you glued to him dancing years ago was now a fire, you had to assume that you could get drunk in his touch even if it was only his finger lightly tracing your arm. Right at that moment, you hated your apartment for not being more far away, but you were totally sober by then. You stopped at your door and turned to face him.
"This is mine's." How the fuck someone says goodbye to your enemy who you recently realized you liked? You were a little lost in your thoughts when he called you.
"About earlier… I mean it. I never, not even for a moment, have a trace of hate for you. In fact, it was the opposite. I liked you a lot and it hurt me thinking it was one-way." you saw his sad expression and it mixed with his low voice. In that moment, you regretted every decision you made about that situation. It wasn't your fault, but neither was his. All those miscommunications led to making it the bad time for you two. Or perhaps it was fate, so now both of you could be here, at your doorstep, pouring out your hearts to each other.
"Matt…" your hand reached his cheek, getting both of you closer and he leaned on it.
You didn't know what to say, so your body took action. You closed the space between you two with a kiss. His right hand found your waist and his left one unalced your fingers to reach for your neck, right under your ear. It was a soft kiss, kinda melancholic. Your feelings were showing through it. When his tongue made the way into your mouth, all that changed. It was the passion of all those years of waiting. If his touch was inebriating, his kisses were the definition of being high because of a bad hard drug. And you realized you were screwed, the withdrawal effects were going to be wildly unbearable. You were the first to back up, but give him a little peck before speaking. 
"You want… Um…" you were hesitant but you knew what you wanted and it was him. "get in?" You didn't know where your usual fierceness was. This was odd, but when you looked back into his eyes you knew why. You were vulnerable for him, but what really startled you was your next conclusion: you didn't care.
His response was grinning and going back to your mouth. Through the kiss you tried to find your keys and how you did it's still a mystery to you because the feeling of his lips, tongue and hands was the most deconcentrating experience you have ever had. You tried to make your way to the bedroom but the couch was closer and both of your clothes were disappearing by seconds. Maybe Karen was kinda right, maybe all that hatred was instead something else. Maybe it wasn't only sexual tension. Perhaps, it was more. Maybe and just maybe it was love all along.
a/n: kinda feel 'The night we met' by Lord Huron fits it, idk.
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fishklok · 8 months
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Happy Friday.
I needed to study for my torts class, and what better motivation is there than spite? Unfortunately, I did block this anon so they will be spared from my lecture lol. This is for me now.
Let's get some disclaimers out of the way.
The point of my post was not "Magnus would be found innocent because Nathan hurt his lil face :(". For one, I am talking about civil law, and innocent/guilty is criminal law terminology (a lot of self defense law is carried over from criminal law, but that's a different matter). The point of my post was whether, Magnus could use his own injuries to argue against Nathan's self defense claims. Magnus would still be liable for battery, but there is a chance he could have Nathan hit for a similar (perhaps lesser) claim. I thought I was clear in my original post, but there's a chance I wasn't and I'm sorry.
I'm just using scenes from the show to exercise my law student brain. It's really just a fun exercise trying to work through events and ask "well, how could this point be argued?" or "what if x happened instead?" I'm not a lawyer and I'm definitely not giving legal advice. There is a chance that I'll learn something next week that will tear apart everything I'm about to write in this post. That's fine - I'm still learning.
You might be thinking that I'm wasting my time dwelling on this. To that I'd say, yeah. I know anon and I have nothing going on this Friday night, so I might as well spend it doing some fun legal research.
Anyway, let's get to these points.
"Nathan would be completely in his right to fill magnus with lead, let alone punch him for magnus' ATTEMPTED MURDER."
Anon is actually right here. Let's assume that when Magnus went to stab Nathan, and Nathan responded by pulling out a gun and shot him, many courts would find this is sufficient to count as self defense. For Nathan to be justified in using deadly force against Magnus, he would have to prove that he had "reasonable apprehension of loss of life or great bodily harm." Scales v. State (1961). Then the court would have to argue over what constitutes as "reasonable apprehension", but it's likely that most courts would find Magnus literally attacking him with a knife to be more than enough.
"At what point does assault with a deadly weapon not justify a person's right to respond in equal if not excessive force to protect their own life?"
This is actually a very interesting question that's at the root of a lot of cases. Here's an example of a disagreement that comes up frequently within the law: what if someone is able to retreat? If someone could have fled the scene, but instead chose to defend themselves with deadly force, can they still claim self defense? The Restatement (Second) of Torts § 65 (1965) says that a victim may use deadly force, only if there's reasonable doubt they could escape safely. However, most courts hold that someone can use deadly force to defend themselves, even if that force results in the death of their attacker. But this is a very complicated issue that you see pop up everywhere from courtrooms to high school debate club topics. But relevant for this spiral of a post, if Nathan killed Magnus to defend himself from being stabbed, it would be sufficient to count as self defense. Also Magnus would have a harder time arguing otherwise.
(Also, just to be even more of an asshole, for the sake of this hypothetical I'm considering Magnus' crime battery, not assault with a deadly weapon. It's still a serious tort, but I don't want to get too mixed up with criminal terms in this civil law example. Also I'm being pedantic.)
"There have been cases of people winning self defense when the attacker died using a less deadly weapon."
I don't doubt that; I've even read some of those cases. However, this is not the issue at hand.
My point was that, if Magnus was brought to court, he could make the argument that Nathan used excessive force against him. Not by punching him after the initial attack, but by repeatedly punching him when he no longer had the means to fight back. If the initial attack is no longer a threat, the privilege of self-defense is terminated. The cases my text book cites to illustrate this point are Germolous v. Sausser (1901), Drabek v. Sabley (1966), Edgar v. Emily (1982). There is a point in the series of events where the self-defense distinction becomes murkier, and Magnus could use that murkiness to his advantage. It could be argued that Magnus stopped committing the battery the moment he no longer had access to his weapon and he was prone on the ground. When it comes to proportionality of force used in self defense, courts often consider the differences in strength and age between the parties. So if Magnus wants to present himself in court as a weak old man getting punched in the face by this beefcake metal vocalist, it might be able to help his case.
So what does this mean for Magnus? Does this mean the court would find him innocent? No, because "innocent" is a criminal law term, and I just spent an eternity talking about torts. But in a civil case, Magnus would have grounds to argue against Nathan's self defense claims. Does this mean he would win? Unlikely. At most, I can see Nathan being considered liable for battery as well, not definitely not as severe as Magnus' claim. Nathan might have to pay him some damages, but it probably wouldn't even be enough to make up for the money Magnus would owe him. And at worst, the court would look at Magnus' argument and say, "yeah....but you did stab the guy, so no." It really depends on the jurisdiction and the nature of the arguments. But it is an argument that Magnus, this fictional cartoon man, could make. There is no guarantee he would win.
"You're going to make a horrible lawyer."
I don't know what kind of lawyer I'm going to be.
Anyway, lol. Lmao, even.
(I was able to seriously bulk up my tort law notes for today because of this, so I don't consider this a waste of time at all. It's a waste of everyone else's time lol).
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taruruchi · 6 months
I just finished the archon quest.. and.. UHUUUUUUUU WHYYYYYY 😭😭😭
Warning: Long post ahead. Sorry ^^"
Tbh, I wasn't that fond of Furina when I first met her in game. I guess she was an okay character for me? Though her personality was.. interesting to say XD Though I didn't like Fontaine's culture of making a trial look like a show because.. well, being in trial at a court is a serious thing.
Anyways, further along the story, a part of me did think Furina was possibly pretending, but I couldn't of a reason why. I also thought that maybe Neuvi was the real Hydro Archon? But then we find out the truth and... Gosh. 500 years of having to pretend. I feel that. I feel for Furina. Furina the human. And for Focalors the divine to sacrifice herself, and ohmygosh. Her message for Furina before she vanished. To live her life. UHUUUUU I CRY. THE PAIN. THE SORROW. UHUUUUU 😭😭
And after finishing the Finale, I don't know where she is. Like, is she okay? What will she do now? Will she return to Fontaine? I haven't started her companion mission yet. Will probably find out soon but it still makes me think. SHE NEEDS A HUG!! TT
Also, I thought the big fight would be.. well, bigger. I feel like the fight was too short for me XD And I need to know what happened to Childe while he was in there!! I want to see it with my own eyes!!! And why did he leave so soon after the battle TT (I missed Childe huhu)
Hmmmmm.. let's see, what else.. I feel like my mind is overloaded with information. I'm thinking about a lot...
Does it mean that Fontaine doesn't have an Archon anymore? Why does Sigewinne look more human than her fellow melusines? And that thing with the Gnosis being "remains of the Third Descender"?
...I'll be reading some lore. But maybe not now. Again, the story leaves me with more questions than answers XD
God bless the archon quest was a RIDE. And don't worry about it being long, I will talk about fontaine ANY day
I get how you feel. Especially the law part because I've always had an interest in it and know a bit about it sjdnkfks Their legal system is definitely weird, from the way they treat their trials to the laws themselves. Which leads me to realize this really is the tarucore nation because it's the land of justice and I personally think they should let me be a judge or something /j
(More under the cut bc it's getting long!)
THAT PART IS THE PART THAT MADE ME CRY. She did it for so long and for others' sake, even in the moment where he wanted to badly to share to the traveler SHE STILL PICKED THE PEOPLE OF FONTAINE OVER HERSELF 😭😭😭 I love all the fontaine characters dearly, hoyoverse did well with this region
Now that you mention it, maybe it was a bit shorter than one would expect? Raiden's DEFINITELY felt longer and so did Scaramouche's. But the Furina's whole story distracted me from that fact, so I don't have much of a problem with it. I still don't really get why Skirk had to appear though? But maybe we're getting closer to more stuff about Celestia and stuff 👁️👁️ I'm curious what was going on with Childe though. What did the guy do in there.
Focalors is dead + Furina is fully human now without a curse and she's not presenting herself as the archon, so I guess they don't have one? But Neuvillette has the archon's power so?? I guess this means he'll also be the one handing out visions? Eh idk I don't wanna think about it or else my brain will explode jsmdkfks
I'M CURIOUS WHY SIGEWINNE LOOKS MORE HUMAN TOO. She says she's a melusine and she does act similar, but she doesn't look it? Maybe hoyoverse just wanted to make a playable melusine but needed her to look more appealing to players 😔
I'M ALSO CURIOUS ABOUT THE DESCENDER STUFF!!! I'll admit, I didn't pay attention to the sumeru quests after the dream loop thing, so idk the other context sondkfkdf but it means there were other "travelers", right? 🤔🤔 But my brother told me that the other sibling doesn't count as a descender so...??
YEAH I'M JUST. I DON'T FEEL VERY SATISFIED. Maybe because I don't want to leave fontaine too but it felt so short 😭 And it actually IS shorter than Sumeru's. I'm hoping there's still a biiit more, I'm not ready for fontaine's stories to end :(
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