#anyway since i know this is gonna be read in bad faith:
ourflagmeansgayrights · 11 months
i truly hope the whole “negative metas about X character gives antis the rhetoric they need to justify harassment and therefore the people who make those posts are responsible for that harassment” take (aka the Stochastic Terrorism argument) lives and dies within the confines of the ofmd fandom bc if that escapes to the general fandom ecosystem there will be no end to people sending themselves anons or making throwaway accounts specifically to be like “i got hate bc you made a post about how my favorite character is sexist!” or whatever. like we’re about to take twelve steps back on the conversation about how fandom continually fixates on white male side characters to a very disproportionate degree if we don’t get this one under control.
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barbarianprncess · 4 months
annabeth chase and her many losing dogs: an (incomplete) anthology
read on ao3
chapter one: a (brief) introduction to the game and it's players
She gives Cerberus her red rubber ball.
Because he’s a monster, but she doesn’t think he means to be.
Because he’s a lonely dog and she is lonely the same way. The kind that doesn’t know how lonely it is until a person shows up and reminds them. The kind that wishes to just be left in loneliness long enough for companionship to be forgotten altogether.
The ball will make him happy. He will destroy it within minutes, it will disappear after he does nothing but be himself.
(She does that sometimes too.)
First Round: Frederick Chase
Bet Type: Blind Faith; awarded via mass tradition.
Made with no experience. 
Trust given without the knowledge that trust must be earned. 
Annabeth is four years old and hungry. 
She hasn’t eaten since dinner last night. 
Dad is playing with his planes again. The fancy small piece ones that Annabeth is not allowed to touch, ‘not now, not ever.’ She’s not supposed to bother Dad when he plays with his planes. 
Plane time is Dad’s very special ‘by himself’ time. He’d explained a while ago that he has lots of very hard work to do, and then he has to take care of her which is even more lots of hard work,  and sometimes he needs his special ‘by himself’ time, because Annabeth is a big girl now who can read her books and not touch the sockets. 
(She wonders why he doesn’t do his special ‘by himself’ time when she’s taking her naps. That way they could have their together time when she’s awake.)
This would be fine, but she just ate the last of her super secret dad-is-in-his-study snack stash that she hides under her bed last week. 
She wants to go in and ask, but the last time she’d interrupted him, even though he smiled at her, his eyebrows got all scrunched up together. He was not happy to see her.
(Sometimes, she wonders if he ever is.)
Annabeth is really very hungry.
There are bananas on top of the fridge.
Annabeth creates a plan. 
The plan goes south almost immediately and she ends up dangling from the top of the white mountain with glass and bananas all over the ground. 
“Christ! Annabeth!” She is being yanked from her very small cliff and carried into the living room and Dad’s voice is very loud and his face is more than scrunched eyebrows and Annabeth is ashamed.
“What were you doing?”
“I was climbing on top of the fridge. I knocked over a vase.” 
That was the wrong answer because somehow his face gets even angrier. “Yes, I can see that. What were you thinking?”
“I wanted a banana. They were on top of the fridge.” 
He pinches his nose. That wasn’t the right answer either. “You just had breakfast.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did. You had the fruit circles.”
“That was yesterday.”
He hesitates. “Okay, well you did wake up late, you couldn’t have waited until it was time to eat lunch?”
The clock on the microwave says 4:13 pm. “It is lunch.” 
He looks at the clock. Closes his eyes. When he opens them, he still looks angry but not at her. His voice is much quieter. “Why didn’t you come get me?”
“Last time you got sad. You were in a groove, you said unless it was an emergency not to come in. I thought I could reach it.”
She watches his face change. His eyebrows are still scrunched up but his eyes get gentler and sadder all at once. He sits down on the couch and lifts her up into his lap. It’s been so long, she sits on his knees like he’s a chair. He turns her around in his arms. 
“You’re such a quiet kid, Annabeth. Sometimes I forget you're here.”
She doesn’t think he said it to make her sad, but it does anyway. Which is irritating because she didn’t do anything wrong and she feels bad anyway. 
“I was a quiet kid too.”
She doesn’t want to be quiet. She wants to scream. She wants to cry. She wants to hit him. She wants—
“I’m gonna clean up the glass and then we’ll have mac and cheese.”
She nods and lets herself be sat back on the couch.
Second Round: Ms. Helen (from Dad’s work)
Bet Type: Good Faith; awarded via proxy.
Made with no experience. 
Trust given without the knowledge that trust must be earned. 
The first time her father forgets to pick her up from daycare, she is too young to remember. She was also too young to remember the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th times. 
She remembers the sixth.
Ms. Helen, dad’s work friend that has come to dinner  every wednesday for four weeks, shows up at school wearing black yoga pants and a messy-on-purpose bun.
(The kind that always looks strange in the bathroom mirror when she tries it on her curls in the morning before they leave.)
She smiles at her teacher, tight and pinchy. She does that laugh/talk/sigh thing adults do when the words they're saying don’t really matter. And before Annabeth knows it, she's staring at the backseat of a minivan.
“What’s that?”
Ms. Helen raises an eyebrow. “The car seat?”
Annabeth nods but looks down. She said it like it was obvious. Annabeth knows obvious things.
“Don’t you sit in one of  these to come to daycare?” 
“You just sit in the seat?”
“You're too little. It’s not safe to sit by yourself.”
Annabeth doesn’t know what she's supposed to say. This happens a lot. Adults do this thing where they ask you a question that they want a specific answer to. Annabeth has developed a skill in which she can always tell when the truth is not what an adult wants to hear. It has, so far, been a pretty useless skill because she has yet to master the skill of knowing what it is that they actually want to hear. 
(Sometimes, she figures it out and tells the truth anyway. Those times she doesn’t really mind getting in trouble after.)
“Your father must’ve put you in one of these.”
Annabeth shrugs. Her talent has deduced that Helen does not want Annabeth to say that she has never been in one of those, and figures nonverbal is the safest option because she would like to go home.
Helen crouches down and gets way up close to Annabeth's face. Her grown-up face-paint is smudged around the corner of her left eye. She smells like dish soap. 
“I borrowed this from my friend when your father called, so we have to get you your own. From now on, you don’t get in a car without one of these. Understand?”  
Annabeth nods.
Helen is looking at her with something strange and sad in her smudged up eye. She takes a deep breath.
Annabeth crawls into the backseat and waits to be tied in.
Fourth Round: Thalia Grace, Grover Underwood & Luke Castellan
Bet Type: Calculated Risk; awarded to an individual after carefully evaluated outcomes
Made after a great loss, in which perceived benefits outweigh potential detriment. 
Trust earned after a win. 
Thalia is frowning at her. 
Annabeth hasn’t been with her and Luke for that long, but she knows that this is not cause for too much concern because she’s usually frowning. 
Luke is the one with the smiles, and the cuddles, and the soft spot for the helpless strays—dogs and girls alike.
Thalia is the one with the frowns. 
(Annabeth can tell she has a soft spot for Luke though.)
Before she can muster up the courage to ask, Luke beats her to it. “What’s up with you?”
“Her hair.” Thalia has a talent where she can frown and speak at the same time. Annabeth wants to learn how to do that.
Luke smiles at her before fixing his eyes on her puff. She gets that feeling in her stomach she used to get when her teachers asked her questions about her house, like she should be hiding behind her fathers legs. 
(The last time she tried, Helen had snatched her arm and told her she was being rude.)
“Her hair.” He repeats in a way that tells both Annabeth and Thalia he has no idea what the problem is.
Thalia ignores him, and scribbles something down on his arm. “I saw a beauty supply store down the road. I need you to figure out a way to get this stuff.”
Luke frowns over her shoulder. (Uh-oh.) “That’s gonna be a bit of a stretch.”
“So stretch.”
She looks up at him and her eyes are all intense like when she’s fighting a monster. “They weren’t combing her hair. I took the hair tie off and it’s staying put. She’s only been on the run for 3 days.” Thalia looks back down at her. “Right? That’s how long you were by yourself?”
“Yes.” Annabeth nods. One of her favorite parts about being with Luke and Thalia, is that the truth is always enough.
Thalia looks back at Luke with something in her eyes that’s even softer than when Luke sleeps. “They weren’t combing her hair.”
Luke nods, a new kind of frown. The one he had when they found her. “On it.”
He winks at Annabeth and tweaks her nose which makes her laugh. Then he’s gone and it’s just the two of them. 
Annabeth and Thalia have never been alone for that long before, except for bathroom trips and when Luke gets them snacks.
Annabeth knows it wasn’t Thalia’s idea for her to join the two of them. Annabeth doesn’t think she wanted to leave her there, but she knows Thalia liked it when it was just her and Luke.
She’s looking up at the sky muttering something angry in another language. “What’s Luke going to get?” 
Thalia considers her for a moment and then sits down leaning against the brick alleyway. “Some hair stuff. Basics.”
“I thought we only took risks for food.”
Thalia smiles a little and it makes Annabeth's chest feel fuzzy. 
“You’re a smart kid.” She pats the ground next to her and Annabeth goes to sit next to her. 
“My mother…had a bad time. Things that aren’t supposed to be hard for mortals were very hard for her. And sometimes that made her not very nice to me.” She pauses and Annabeth waits patiently, doesn’t dare speak a word.
“She couldn’t really take care of herself. So, she couldn’t really take care of me either. My hair is curly like yours. And hair like ours needs special attention. When you don’t give it the care it needs, it gets stuck like this.” She takes Annabeth's hand and brings it up to her head, lets her tug on one strand gently. 
“I like your hair a lot!”
“Thank you. I do too. But, it wasn’t my choice. My mother let my hair loc up so she didn’t have to comb it every day. You should get to decide whether you want your hair like this. Did you ask to have your hair up in a bun for that long?”
Annabeth could tell her how her Dad used to braid her hair on Sunday nights. How they would sit and listen to music and he would spray and comb and braid until she fell asleep on his leg. How when he and Helen got married, he suddenly had no time to do anything that Helen could do instead. How her slick, shiny, and smooth haired stepmother would wrinkle down at her curls, yank a brush through her head and tell her she was ‘impossible’. 
But, she doesn’t. She looks down at her shoes and doesn’t say anything at all.
Thalia, even smaller than before, says, “Your parents weren’t very nice to you either. Were they?”
She doesn’t answer. 
She doesn’t have to. 
‘You’re such a quiet kid, Annabeth.’ 
(When Luke gets back, he and Thalia spend three hours spraying and combing and braiding until Annabeths hair isn’t stuck anymore.)
(In a few months, a satyr named Grover will take them to camp. 
Thalia will not make it across the border.)
(Annabeth will refuse to let anyone touch her hair for a year.)
Final Round: Perseus Jackson
Bet Type: Wild Card; awarded to an individual that fails to qualify through conventional procedure.
Made with gut feelings, no logic, and excruciating human defiance. 
Trust is given without measure.
Annabeth's first thought when she sees him for the first time is, “He must be the one.”  
She’s sure of it. She says it out loud. Chiron tells her to hush, and she doesn’t even care. 
He's the one. 
She's not sure how she knows. She's waited for so long, seen so many campers. Many were far more promising than he is.
That's her second thought. He's skinnier than she thought ‘the one’ would be. Skinny and pale and more gangly limb than person.  
He’s blinking up towards them but his eyes are unfocused and hazy. That's her third thought. He's fading. They’ll have to carry him. 
‘Percy’ Chiron calls him. It’s a hero’s name. 
She wonders if whoever gave it to him knew he’d be the one too.
‘He’s the one.’, she thinks again. It feels strange and tingly in her head. 
Strange, but not false. 
Hello, Percy Jackson. It's nice to finally meet you.
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hachimitsu-rofu · 7 months
Title: Random HCs Pairing: 「 Shikamaru x GN.Reader  」||「 Choji x GN.Reader 」 「 Shino x GN.Reader  」||「 Naruto x GN.Reader 」 「 Kankuro x GN.Reader 」||「 Kiba x GN.Reader 」 Plot: Some random relationship headcanons, reader is gender neutral as possible Warnings: N/A | Please notify if needed in ask format ’’’  ’’’  ’’’ Word Count: 3,087 Read Time: 11 minutes, 14 seconds ’’’  ’’’  ’’’ Author’s Note: Well I haven’t written anything in a hot moment, but here’s some headcanons I’ve had in my drafts for a while. If something needs to be tagged let me know! Anyways, please enjoy!
「                                    Misc. HC’s                                   」
Nara, Shikamaru
☀ It’s already known he would be the best nap buddy. But you know what’s even better? Is he willingly, and I mean willingly! Stays up for you when you need him or want him to. (Although he’d much rather wrap himself in a blanket with you and call it a day.) But yeah. That five hour long play you want to go to? He’s up and paying attention the WHOLE damn time. Maybe complains a little, but he’s up! You need a study buddy? Well yeah- duh, he’s gonna help you with it. Though he will probably request a kiss here and there as payment though. Sparring partner? Also yes. Although he’ll try to end the session faster just so he can reap the reward of cuddling sooner.
☀ He is faithful but uh- he still does quite a bit of rubbernecking out in those streets. Man has eyes and he will be looking. Won’t touch the displays. So that is something if you’re wondering. He doesn’t feel very bad about it either because he doesn’t think much of it- and why should he if that’s all he’s doing. It’s not like he’s his old man who was actively partaking in his window shopping.
☀ When he first introduces you to his parents his mom is excited. Finally someone other than the Nara men she had be dealing with for so long! Not that she doesn’t love them that is. But when he sees how you and her interact he knows he made a good choice in calling you his.  Which just inflates his already giant ego more.
☀ He doesn’t talk about it, nor does his own father, but he does have a mild form of depression. It sneaks up on him and he doesn’t ever know what to do with it or himself. In fact it makes him more down trotted since he knows how to handle or do so much else. What he does know is that when he’s in this slump and you are beside him. He will have his face in your chest (even if you don’t have much), a hand interlocking fingers with you, and a quiet breath. In short you are a peace for him during the storm. Allowing him a momentary retrieve.
"Tsk.” Shikamaru was ready for the session to be over with already. He wanted to curl up into a ball with you in bed. Yet here he was, bent over the kotatsu table with you, helping you study for this irritating exam. He knew you didn’t really need his help even though you insisted on it. Glancing up with his charcoal black eyes, Shikamaru looked at you and sighed. He didn’t want to admit it, he liked that you wanted him around so bad- made him feel needed even if it was for something so benign. That small smile creeping up on his face that he didn’t even notice until he could feel the dimples form against his cheek. 
Akimichi, Choji
☀ He would ditch spending time with Shikamaru to hang out with you if he could. Like he likes his best friend, but you? Opfh, he loves the fact you indulge in him for all that he is and could be. 
☀ Yeah sure he loves to eat and cook with you-- but do you know what else he likes to do with you? Video Games, man has bought so many co-op games just to play them with you! When you two are both able to you’ll usually end up having at least one date night that consists of all game playing! Mixed with popcorn and sodas and also a dedicated wind down movie session for when the games get too heated or you guys get burnt out. Either way you usually end it at that.
☀ He likes working with his hands. Likes being able to mess with things physically. That’s why when he finds out there’s a pottery class he takes it up and makes you some cups, plates, and little knickknacks. If you have a favorite animal he’s making it, favorite color(s) will be used as paints, like plants? Babe guess what you got a new pot! Cooking? Man be building you plates and what not.
Let him show you he loves you with whatever he can build.
☀ Please let this man do your hair. Please, oh PLEASE, let him do your hair, (If you have any that is.) You won’t be disappointed at all with the magic he can weave. Man can do all kinds of braids and styles like it’s second nature! It kind of goes along with the whole- working with his hands thing.        If you got curls (Such as 4C hair for example of this) he will give you some of the best hair care he can. When it’s time to wash out those curls, man is right there either to keep you company or to do the washing for you. He’ll wash them, dry them, and even willingly stand around for those long hours putting them into box braids. He’s committed to doing them right and does still try to be nice about it.       If you often wear scarves/hijabs he’s going to try and learn how to knot and tie them into some faux hairstyles. He thinks he almost has a faux mohawk style down- but it’s still rather messy. But he does try!       If you sport facial hair. Man is also going to help your trim and care for that too! He’ll help you scrub your face, put in that beard oil, and brush out any knots you might have! Plus he’ll help braid them to boot!       If you don’t have hair then that’s also alright. Man will instead help you with your facial routines and scalp care. (If you shave it, he doesn’t get a single nick on your head that’ s how dedicated he is!) You’ll be delighted at the care he does with putting your lotion on your face. He will sneak a kiss in though.
☀ If it’s raining he’ll try to focus on putting the umbrella on you even if you insist that he keep it on him. He doesn’t care if he gets a cold from it, he just wants you to be covered.  Besides, if he gets sick maybe you’ll take care of him. ☀ If you want to give him a treat that isn’t food related then a back massage would do best for him. You’d be surprised by how tense his muscles can get.
"AH! Y/N! Guess what!” Choji announces as he practically bursts through the front door with a bright eyed smile. Holding a delicately wrapped boxed to his side, bow and all. Only to present it to you like a child on their birthday receiving a gift themselves. “Go on! Open it! Take a look!” Practically beside himself with joy as he watches you take it from him. As if seeing you happy made him happy.
Aburame, Shino
☀ He takes his time with introducing his partner(s) to his friends and family. He wants to be secure in knowing that whoever he’s bringing around will actually stick around. So if you meet his father in a proper introduction at home with the dinner and everything. Just know, he is very serious about you and he would hope you feel the same way too.
☀ Will usually seek you out to have lunch with you when he’s able. He likes having his meals with you so you two can talk about the recent events of the day and unwind a little before getting back to it. Although if either of you are unable to, due to schedule conflicts or what not. He’ll ultimately send one of his insects to just hang around you- with your knowledge of course. 
He finds tracking his partner without their knowledge to be quite a disrespectful thing to do. You should trust your partner after all.
☀ He isn’t the type to argue even with his petty instincts kicking in. He’ll only actively argue with you if the stakes are high and even then he’ll try his best not to let it get to him. He loves you and wants to handle things like adults.
☀ He will suggest you two do a class of some sort together! Just to have more quality time together despite any busy schedules either of you may have. Personally he’ll point out a sewing, knitting, or possibly some jewelry making. Just because that’s something you two could easily do at home as well! Not only that, if you do decide to make jewelry together you could always gift each other something to wear. Something you can keep on you to always know the other is there for you even when your thousands of miles apart.
☀ While he isn’t much for PDA (Public displays of affection) he still tries to keep a hand on you. This usually is touching the small of your back or hooking his pinky with yours. It’s stealthy and easy to hide, something that could be brushed off.  This isn’t to say he’s embarrassed of you, he just get’s flustered easily when other’s point out his soft spot. Which is you.
Sitting under the umbrella covered garden table set, Shino fixed his usually closely held sunglasses onto his face. He was just enjoying the warmth of the spring sun on his, unusually, exposed skin. Allowing you to see the traces and trails of the small almost invisible scars of his body. It almost distracted you from noticing what was in his hands. A needle and thread, looping some beads together. The beads were in a colorful array with flowers and beetles. Looking up from his creation he caught your eyes. Smirking at you from the side of his closed lips. 
Uzumaki Naruto
☀ As we know the boy is actually good about taking care of plants! One could even say it’s a hobby of his! But what they don’t know is how many he grows just to gift to his partner. Yes, yes he grows his own favorites too. But if he knows his partner has a particular favorite- well then he is going to be growing a few bundles of them in his small apart. Just so he can have a piece of them around when they’re not available and something to gift them later when they come by. Although your smile is far more than enough of a reward for him to take in return.
☀ He’s a board game man and no one can convince me otherwise. Y’all got a closet full of them and come every Thursday night when you are both at home in the village you two will play. Sometimes you invite friends, other times it’s just you and him. It doesn’t really matter what you play together! He’s just happy to be with you.
☀ Yes, when he was younger he wasn’t the best at keeping tidy. But as he’s gotten older he’s gotten much better about it. Especially when he found out that you had a particular scent you liked to smell. It might be a little pricey but he’s going to grab the candle or the fabric softener, whatever it is.  Though admittedly the first time he does this he might have gone overboard and nearly knocked himself out from the singular smell taking up the small, cramped space. After that he tried to keep it to one thing at a time. Changes it from item to item or space to space. 
☀ Out of the Konoha boys Naruto is the best dancer. He knows how to move his body in tune with a beat. Combo that with his talk no jutsu and one could say he is a smooth criminal on that dance floor.
”Oooiii!” Blonde hair on end as he straightened his back out, arms crossed behind his head pulling his grey tee-shirt above his midriff only to fall and hide that golden trail once more. He had been sitting there on the cold hard floor. Papers scattered all over the small table before him. “Can’t we go get Ichiraku now? My eyes are about to fall out from all this stupid paper work.” He groaned, only to perk up and lean into the hand that found it’s way into his hair. Maybe it wasn’t so bad if it meant some affection.
☀ Please let this man do your makeup. (If you do wear any of course. If you don’t, he’ll probably ask you at some point to let him try and put some on you. For practice reasons of course.) PLEASE. He’ll be so delighted, and chaotic, when you finally let him attempt it. 
☀ He doesn’t look it but he is the type to find a copy of your favorite book and read it. In private of course. He doesn’t let you in on the fact that he now owns a copy, that he’s read every line that he could over and over again until he memorized it completely. 
You won’t know it until he’s slipped in a line you yourself know by heart. 
☀ Will puppy dog eye you with love when you’re not looking. He doesn’t even notice it. But he falls in love with you a bit more and more the longer you’re together. He’s the guy that will realize after YEARS of being with you that he loves you. That as time has passed as you two are holding hands as you walk through the market place it suddenly hits him how much you really do mean to him.
☀ While he’s not the marrying type his life and yours would be completely enwrapped in one another’s without the legality of it all. What is his is now yours. What is yours is his. You need not worry about his loyalty as he is all yours. Now if it’s that important to you he will propose and you’ll have the whole wedding and cake and what not. But just know. He doesn't want or need some silly paper to let you or others know he’s yours and you’re his. He just needs you in his home to share the good moments, the bad, and any others you’re willing to share.         But also take note, his puppet will be in the front row somewhere.
☀ He likes to kiss the back of your neck when you sleep. A soft smile on his lips as he enjoys the feeling of you stirring underneath his hands. Something about the quiet of the room and you in his arms makes him so at peace. He can honestly say in those moments that he must’ve done something good to deserve you.
Kankuro tossed the water that pooled in his hands up and onto his face. Clearing up the debris of now shaven facial hair off with the leftover shaving cream he had applied earlier. Once down he grabbed the maroon colored hand towel, patting his face dry and further wiping anything off to ensure a clean canvas for his toxic face paint. “Hey dork! Hun’! BABY!” He shouted across the apartment to garner their attention. His head peaking out from the bathroom door frame to see them do the same from the living room. A look of bemusement written all over as his lips spread wide into a grin. “Chicken butt.” He snorted as they rolled their eyes and went back to what they were doing.
Inuzuka, Kiba
☀ When he brought you home to officially meet his mom and sister. The man, well boy to them, tried so damn hard to tell them not to embarrass him in front of you. Practically threatened them not to do or say anything because he didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of you. They both chuckled and agreed. But what did he do when he brought you in? Tripped up over his own two feet and actually fell face first into a wet kibble bowl. Man is his own circus. But ultimately he is your clown.
☀ He’s a little insecure at times so watch out when he does get jealous. Because it’s a flip flop from being wildly accusative to wholeheartedly distant. Although if he see’s someone trying to hit on you. He’ll rush up right behind you, wrap an arm around you, and make it known that you and him are a serious thing.  He knows it’s not attractive of him to do this. He’s gotten better about it the longer your relationship has gone on. It’s just that deep unsettling gut feeling he gets that maybe you’ll up and leave him without even a single note.  Once they’re gone he becomes somber but quickly tries to pull it off by acting like the hot-headed idiot you love. He just doesn’t want to lose you.
☀ If he was a dog breed he would be a German Shepard, fierce and loyal but one of the more dramatic breeds out of the K-9 family. 
☀ He and you will be getting matching necklaces. He needs it like the ring on your finger you’ll eventually be getting. Because, one might be shocked, he actually does want to settle down. Will he force you to have a wedding? Not at all, but he will be a bit heartbroken over it.  It’s a big celebration of you two being together and officially tying your families into one after all. So if marriage isn’t for you he will at least ask you to wear a necklace of the Inuzuka clan marking.
"But babe!” The Inuzuka whined as he gripped his partner’s middle close to his face. Rubbing his nose into their clothes, catching their scent as he inhaled deeply and let out a loud disrupting huff. “Tsk,” His tongue clicked to his roof with an aggravated toss of his head onto their lap. Loosening his hold on them with a dramatic flair as he slipped onto the ground next to Akamaru. Who was none too please with his partner’s antics. “I want to go with you, what if someone tries to hit on you and whose gonna make you laugh like I do?” Kiba was being ever the silly dramatic at their friend’s night out. Not meaning any of it in a toxic manner, but more so to make his love chuckle.
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weaselbeaselpants · 9 months
Legit Bad-take/Bad-Faith Helluvaverse critics you should not trust if you see them
Interpersonal squabbles within the critical tag are irrelevant, sorry. This here is a genuine warning against users you should keep your distance from in regards to any VivziePop drama-discourse because their names may come up and you should know what it is that crossed the line.
Starlatte/Starvader/HonestHazbinCritiques/OhGodDude and Woomycritiques/RaySquid - Serial harasser(s). Long story incoming. Starlatte was/is a Vivcritical who got involved in the fandom back in 2019/2020 when she was a minor and didn't tell anyone. Her blog on tumblr was HonestHazbinCritiques where she made some good points but also managed to find/be a part of everyone else's takes in the critical community. Her relationship with several criticalblogs turned sour when she started lashing out, talking over people, being accused of faking her age, and doing stuff like arguing with irl sexworkers abt how they should feel about Angel Dust. Whatever her age actually was at the time, she was also sending her own rewrite scripts and fanwritten episodes to Spindlehorse in order to 'fix' Hazbin. In 2021 Star returned to Tumblr under the name "Oh-God-Dude" w/o disclosing to new people who she was while also starting shit. When said new ppl found out her past and got mad at her, she proceeded to block-backtalk every one of them.
Woomycritiques (twitter handle: Raysquid) is a critical blogger who stans Star and calls everyone else in the critical community an obsessed stalker while lashing out herself. She accused others of racism (unfounded), her friends of predation just for being proship (not the 'cest and underage is good'-kind, the "I like some problematic stuff in fic-context"-kind), and heckled Dirgentlemen over how much they should hate Helluva, and more.
Regardless of if you believe Woomy and Star are the same person, which ppl do, they are both -by now- adult persons who have been asked to stop and DIDN'T, which is why people don't trust them. Star and Woom were asked to tone it down, stop making accusations and even asked by many criticals to leave and stop talking about Helluvaverse as she/they seem to have nothing good to say about it. To put that into perspective, cuz I know some HH/HB fans are gonna be reading this: the people who've self-styled themselves antis and criticals begged this person to leave cuz she had nothing nice to say and was being a nuisance. I know the stans think that's all of us anyway, so let that sink in.
LincarRox aka ToyTaker - Creep. Nasty jealous stalker freak who got kicked out of Helluvaverse servers and Aminos for saying nasty shit like how he "wants to put a baby" in Viv. No really. He took his shit and grievances to BadWebComics wiki under the name TheToyTaker while also seemingly trying to get work at Spindlehorse in order to have access to Viv directly and to 'fix' her show. He did so by faking his animation portfolio. BWW did eventually catch on and kick him out but yeah....bad. May or may not still be going under his old pseudonyms, but regardless if you see someone talking weirdly sexually abt Viv while saying they were "let go" both by SH and BWW, get out now. That's probably him.
Animation Call-Out - Bigoted shitlord. Twitter user who rags on Vivz' controversies w other people but also hates gays and BIPOCs. Admitted to submitting one of the anonymous reviews against Spindlehorse "for fun" amidst legitimate ex-employees. All of the reviews, even the ones that seem the most validating/believable should be taken with a grain of salt I believe especially since they are coming to us anonymously, but when a racist person admits to def being one of those fake reviews for "Lolz" sake, that's def when shit's hit the fan.
DoodleToons - Also bigoted creeperlooser. Altright white kid who hates BIPOC existing in anything and admits to hating Viv's stuff for their LGBTisms and 'demons'. Yes, there legit are bad-faith critics who are homophobic. Just because Viv and her crew have a way of saying that's EVERY critic of her work doesn't mean there aren't shitty people out there.
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nite-puff · 4 days
Favourite head-canons for your favourite ships/characters?
okay let me itemize this.
kiyotaka: my pr scheme headcanon. i love that headcanon for thematic reasons, and just think of the possibilities if taka ever finds out about it. if anyone wants to read up on it, here’s the link.
mondo: i love him being crafty. idk how much this counts as a headcanon because it’s pretty backed up by canon, but i digress. i love him being in touch with his artistic side. i want him to whittle and make wooden sculptures while he pursues carpentry. i want him to expand his experience in embroidery to other fiber arts. i want him to paint on walls and canvases like he would on his motorcycle. i want him to experiment with makeup outside of his eyeliner. HES JUST HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL TO BE AN ARTIST BUT HE WONT LET HIMSELF INDULGE IN IT. LET HIM BE CRAFTY.
takemichi: i love giving him survivor’s guilt after he finds out about what happened to mondo and the rest of the diamonds. he’s the last crazy diamond standing and if that doesn’t take the ultimate toll on him, then i don’t know what will. especially since his whole deal in the gang was to protect mondo. finding out mondo died, even if there was no way for him to interfere, convinces him that he failed his one job. and hearing that the diamonds have all died, EVEN if there was no way for him to interfere, convinces him that he failed the owadas even more by being a shit leader and not protecting them while mondo was at hope’s peak. i wonder what that mindset will do to him. mentally. HES SO NORMAL GUYS. anyway.
okay now to dynamic stuff
ishimondo: yes, physical touch and general acts of service will mean so much to them when they’re together, but i need to zero in on the act of cooking specifically. the act of cooking for one another is so special for them. like growing up, both mondo and kiyotaka had a tricky/bad relationship with food (with kiyotaka not having money to eat anything other than his typical rice balls and mondo not eating much due to body image issues and needing to “stay in shape”) so reaching that time in their lives when food becomes a comfort to them (due in part because of their influence on each other) is going to be so special. they know each other’s favorite foods and will cook for each other, they’ll make time to cook together and enjoy that quality time. and if they have some extra money to spend, they’ll go out and try something new with each other. i could probably make this sound better if you give me some time but just know that they get each other to appreciate food so much more and see if as something more than just a task to get done or a nuisance they have to deal with.
mondo and michi (platonic): the ultimate besties, what can i say?? michi had to deal with all the times mondo had a crush and was rejected by said crush. he practically became the ultimate shoulder to lean on as they grew up and mondo’s feelings only got bigger. when mondo would tell michi that he was gonna confess one day, michi would already be prepared with movies and snacks to help mondo get over the rejection (it’s not like michi had no faith in mondo. he just knew the chances of mondo actually getting a date were low. he’s seen how he gets when he’s nervous. he’s just being realistic). i recently came up with the scenario of how they would deal with valentine’s day. mondo would always be disappointed he didn’t get any chocolates by the end of the school day, but would never say it out loud. and michi is always tired by the end of the day with him having to lug around his bag of chocolates he’s received and having to dodge any potential confessions he saw coming (and rejecting the ones he didn’t see coming). mondo always tries to avoid talking about how he feels when he sees michi after school, but michi always catches onto mondo’s sourness. he just offers his chocolates to share with mondo without saying another word about how either of their days went. mondo always appreciates it. and they spend the rest of their day winding down and watching movies while downing michi’s entire stash (mondo always ends up having more because he has a bigger sweet tooth. michi doesn’t mind).
anyways yeah uhhh… idk if these headcanons are my most favorite (i love them all, don’t get me wrong) but they were the first ones to come to mind. hope y’all like them.
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topguncortez · 3 months
its been a couple of days since i made the tough choice to cut ties and temporarily walk away from a place that i love really really deeply.
but i’ve had some time to reflect and come to some conclusions about myself.
now excuse me while i vent out loud:
1) the phrase “once an addict, always an addict” is true. just because i don’t take pills anymore doesn’t mean i haven’t found a way to feed the craving of being addicted to something. im not 100% sure what that addiction is; maybe it’s that im a sucker for pain, maybe it’s i can’t walk away when i know i should, maybe it’s fucking caffeine (it’s 97% caffeine).
2) everyone heals and handles things differently. again, back to my past with addiction; some addicts can heal with still being able to be around the thing they are addicted to. i learned a long time ago, i am not that person. i have a hard time knowing when to walk away, but once i do… its like breathing fresh air. it hurts like a bitch sometimes but its also one of the best things for you. sometimes we get so blind with those rose colored glasses on, that we truly can’t see our own faults until we step back and reflect
3) i’m an angry person. i always have been and probably always will be. i’ve dealt with a lot of shitty things in my life. i’ve lost people who didn’t deserve to be taken away. i’ve watched some of the most vile humans get away with horrible offenses. i have been abused and assaulted. i’m angry. and there’s little i can do to shake that anger. however, i can control it. i can lock it away and deal with it in a healthy manner than just let it explode all over the place.
4). God knows what’s best for you. now, i don’t mean to get all religious on yall. i have struggled with my faith for years. I went through a period of time of questioning who God is and what his intentions are. If this great and almighty God sent his son to die to end our suffering… why are people still suffering? I still struggle with my faith, but i am relearning to put my trust in him and know that He is putting things in my life he knows I can overcome.
And finally,
5) never feel bad for doing things for yourself. i have been so well trained to put other peoples feelings above my own. for years, i have bit my tongue and told myself “i can’t say that, that’ll hurt their feelings” and let people continue to roll over me. believe it or not… i hate conflict. i hate awkward situations. i hate feeling like im being suffocated and i can’t breathe. i have become more vocal (good and bad thing) in speaking up when i have been hurt. it’s a slow learning process and sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass cause i’m thrust into another situation i don’t know how to handle and the anxiety builds and then there’s tears and all that shit. but i have learned i should never feel bad for doing things for myself.
anyway, i know this is just a long ass vent that nobody is gonna read, but i hope maybe, just maybe this reaches someone who has been feeling the same way i have these past couple months.
i know not everyone has a great support system in real life that they can rely on when things get hard. i can honestly tell you that without some of the people in my everyday life and online life being there and helping me and offering me an ear to listen while i vent and scream at the world… i don’t think i’d still be here. but i want yall to know, if you need a place to vent and scream at the world, i am here for you. and i’ll do whatever i can to get you the help and resources if you need it. or if you just wanna get shit off your chest.
i’m here for you.
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Hello! I enjoy your writing of Lucky Break and was wondering if your requests were open. If not Just wanted to stop by and say I enjoy your writing style and to keep it up!
If your requests are open would write something about the Straw hat's having a crew mate who is struggling with depression and (if you are okay with writing about this) suicidal thoughts?
I appreciate your time and effort into writing.
Before I get into this, I just want to remind anyone reading this that if you are struggling with depression and/or suicidal thoughts, you should confide in someone you can trust. Even if you feel like it's not that bad, it never hurts to have someone in your life that’s aware you're struggling with these things. I hope whoever requested this is doing well.
Warnings for discussions of depression and suicidal thoughts. Since this is such a heavy topic, I chose to leave out yandere themes from this.
Straw Hats x GN!Reader
This is a tight-knit crew with more than their fair share of trauma and emotional struggles, so it really won't take long for them to pick up on it. When one of them becomes aware, the others are soon to follow because they’re all quick to talk to each other about it. They’ll ask if anyone else noticed your behavior and discuss how to approach it.
Nami has a pretty high chance of noticing it first. Despite this, she is not the first to act on it. Not because she doesn’t care or anything, she’s extremely concerned, but she can admit she isn’t great with emotional stuff like this and she does NOT want to risk making this worse. She’ll confide in Robin, hoping that her cool and calm demeanor will be better suited to deal with this. 
While she lets Robin handle that part of the issue, she does make her own efforts to improve your mood. Namely, retail therapy. Do you wanna go shopping? Well you’re going to anyway! Whatever you want, you’re getting it because she has no idea what else to do. She knows this isn’t enough to make your problems go away, but she hopes it’ll make your day at least a little better.
She also just kinda… lurks around you. Suddenly she goes from wanting complete silence and solitude while drafting sea charts to insisting that you must be with her. She’ll talk to you the whole time and explain the charts in extreme detail, trying to make you feel included. Nami also insists on having you sleep in her bed with her, making up an excuse that she’s been having nightmares. In reality, she’s scared you’re going to get up in the middle of the night and hurt yourself.
Robin, despite Nami’s faith in her, isn’t as equipped to talk with you as she would like to be. She’s prone to dealing with everything by herself, depending on others is very foreign. Her first course of action is to be around you more and make her own observations. She had her suspicions about your mental state, but now that she’s actively looking for the signs, she feels foolish to have not put it together sooner.
Her method for discussing your mental health is indirect. She pushes to have a book club with you and purposely chooses books that cover themes of depression. During your meetings, she really focuses on that aspect of the book, hoping that speaking generally on the topic would be enough to get you to open up on your own. She’s an excellent listener and will make you feel very loved and supported.
Similar to Nami, she also worries about you harming yourself at night. There’s a good chance she’ll wind up cramming herself into Nami’s bed with you too so that you’re in the middle. If you ask her why, she’ll say that she was feeling left out and wanted in on the slumber party you two were having. 
Sanji feels more equipped to deal with this. He cares a lot about you, and also is likely to be the first to notice. As soon as he gets suspicious, he is gonna go out of his way to be around you and compliment you more. He’s also going to be making your favorite foods, but he’s going to rope you into making them with him. Partially as a means to keep an eye on you, and also a way to keep your mind occupied. He’ll also use it as a chance to talk to you and pick your brain a bit, but he won’t push it if you start to look uncomfortable.
If you do decide to open up, he will drop everything to listen. You could wake him up in the middle of the night and he’d spring out of bed to make some tea and a snack for your talk. He’s extremely understanding and talks through every issue in depth to try and get everything off your chest. He’s distraught to hear about your suicidal thoughts, but sadly does get it. He makes you promise to come talk to him any time you want, and will get up to check on you several times a night if you aren’t in the same room as him.
He’s responsible for clueing in the other guys to your troubles. As much as he hates to air out your dirty laundry, the possibility that you could hurt yourself makes him realize that you need as many eyes on you as possible right now.
Zoro needed to be told the most. He just thought you were in a shitty mood, and may have made an insensitive comment on it accidentally. Sanji damn near caves his skull in when he hears this and drags him off somewhere to yell at him and explain what’s going on. Zoro genuinely feels bad and will apologize to you afterwards, and not because Sanji threatened him.
He doesn’t let you know that he’s aware of what’s going on, not having a single ounce of faith in himself to be able to talk about this stuff. You do notice that he tends to be around you more. Suddenly he becomes insistent on you training with him. Nothing too intense, just enough to get your blood pumping in hopes that the exercise will help your mood even a little. On top of that, you’re now his napping buddy, and there is no getting out of it. If he lays down on the deck to nap, he’ll grab you as you’re walking by to join him. If you try to slip away to sleep by yourself, he shows up and squeezes himself into your bed. 
Usopp was already onto you, Sanji just confirmed it. He has experience dealing with these kinds of things from his time with Kaya, so helping you comes naturally to him. Like with Kaya, he’s constantly telling you the most absurd, comical stories he can come up with. He’s also encouraging you to do the same. Come on, you never know when you’re going to need to bullshit your way out of a situation! You should practice with the master now while you can! He tries to get you to hype yourself up in these tall tales too, hoping to trick you into a sort of fake it til you make it mentality. 
He’ll also drag you into pulling pranks on your crewmates because laughter is the best medicine! Be warned though, he is going to hide behind you if y’all get caught because he knows that no one is going to get seriously upset with you right now. Even if you don’t understand it, he’ll try and show you how to make nifty little contraptions with him. Even if they don’t work, he’ll make light of it and work hard with you to make it functional so you can have something to be proud of.
Chopper kinda beats himself up about not piecing it together. He isn’t that kind of doctor and really hasn’t researched mental illnesses that much, and now he’s kicking himself for it. Chopper is, unlike the others so far, not subtle about why he’s suddenly all up in your business. He’ll ask point blank what’s bothering you and implore you to tell him everything so he can help. Just because he wasn’t super familiar with this before doesn’t mean he can’t figure it out. He spends all his free time reading up on depression so he can best treat it.
He wants to go somewhere with cherry blossoms, surely that will help you! He’ll show you pictures in the meantime, though. You struggling with suicidal thoughts stresses him the hell out, he’s constantly afraid that you’re going to hurt or sacrifice yourself. This leads to him following you around in any dangerous situations, just to make sure he’s there to stop you from making a bad decision. You can expect him to be sleeping in your bed for the foreseeable future.
Luffy didn’t need Sanji to tell him that you were struggling, but he did need a push to say something to you first. Luffy is far more observant than anyone gives him credit for and is very emotionally intelligent. He knew you needed help, but he just kinda assumed you would ask for that help on your own because that’s what he would do. The idea that you were planning to just suffer in silence is baffling to him. They’re all your friends, why wouldn’t you say something?
Like Chopper, he’s blunt and doesn’t beat around the bush. He wants to know what’s wrong because the sooner he knows, the sooner he can fix it! He’s convinced he can take care of whatever is bothering you, so when he hears you out and realizes your problems aren’t exactly punchable, he’s stumped. His next move is to ask everyone else what to do. This isn’t something he knows how to deal with but he wants to change that. 
His form of help is an amalgamation of what everyone else does with his own twists on it. He’ll take you out for walks to explore whatever island you’re on this time, making you look at all kinds of new things and places. Admittedly, talking things out isn’t a talent of his, but he tries to listen and give his unique brand of advice. You think people don’t like you? That’s stupid. They all like you, and anyone who doesn’t like you doesn’t matter. Something is bothering you? Punch it! You can’t punch it? Punch something else and pretend you’re punching it! His response to like 95% of your problems is along the lines of ‘just don’t worry about it’.
The suicidal thoughts really throw him for a loop. He doesn’t know what to do besides just be extra clingy because this definitely sets off his abandonment issues something fierce to think that one day you might just not be there anymore because of yourself. You and Luffy are basically one entity now, good luck getting him to stop before he’s convinced you’re doing better. Anywhere you go, he goes too. The bathroom is not an exception. He’s like a dog with separation anxiety sitting outside the door and whining until you come out (he will panic and break down the door if you take too long or it sounds like you got hurt in there). Your bed is also his bed now. He doesn’t even ask if he can sleep there, you just wake up to him making himself comfortable in it, and then he never leaves. You can expect to wake up every morning to Luffy wrapped around you like a second blanket, holding onto you for dear life. 
Overall, they worry a lot about you and will go out of their ways to make sure you’re okay. There’s going to be (at least) weekly sleepovers where everyone piles into one room to have a fun night hanging out together. They’ll make sure you know you have a loving found family with them.
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saintjosie · 8 months
I agree the joke was tasteless, no intention of defending it, but assuming bad-faith is a very good way to make using the internet a miserable experience. I'm not saying you have to take the time to educate people who are wrong and saying horrendously stupid or out of touch shit. I'm just saying life got easier for me when I approached situations like that with the perspective of "what's the least hostile reason they could be saying this" bc 9/10 times unless someone is spewing actual hate speech or making threats their either just uniformed or phrased things poorly leading to misunderstanding.
Anyway I hope people stop bothering you about this.
im getting a lot of these in my inbox and this one is one of the nicer ones so im just gonna respond about demilypyro this once
look i get it. i really do. ive been doing tiktok for years and that first year was absolutely miserable because i didnt know how to do that. now, 95% of the time, i just block and move on cause it genuinely isnt worth my time to care about it.
and what ive found is that directly addressing hate speech pretty much goes nowhere and is just bound to end up in frustration for me and fuel for the fire elsewhere.
but i promise that im not just reading with bad-faith intentions. this isn't the first time that something that demilypyro has said that has rubbed me the wrong way. and tbh, i had no idea who she was until i got on tumblr and i saw a lot of people circulating the occasionally very funny things she has to say. i do my best to give people the benefit of the doubt (especially on text based social media) but after following her for a second and seeing a lot of "shitposts" that were questionable at best and several that were just downright distasteful, i decided that i didnt care for her and unfollowed and moved on and since shes fairly popular on here, i also started unfollowing people who would rb her too.
recently i had to unfollow someone who said something incredibly icky involving minority consent and so i went through and followed some people who had followed me and who i thought posted funny things bc thats mostly what im here for. and one of those people just so happened to rb something she said that just triggered me so hard with the sheer stupidity and harmfulness of it.
i have a very very sore spot for religious trauma (something ive always been super open about) and i have little to no tolerance for when people say dumb privileged things AND i have little to no tolerance for specifically when white (or in this case white passing) trans femmes specifically say privileged things. and this just hit all of those spots. it was quite cathartic for me to say what i said and i have no doubt that there's gonna be a lotta people who disagree and unfollow. there's some people who will get it, a lot of people who won't, and maybe even some people who might change their minds and this is important enough to me that it's worth it.
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lazywitchling · 2 months
Alright, here we go. My review for The Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft by Fire Lyte
Final rating: ??/10 - it broke my numbers system.
TL;DR - I like the book. I'm angry at the author. It's great for new practitioners. If you're going to get it, please get it from the Spiral House Shop, get Alex Wrekk's two witchcraft zines to go with it, and go look at/reblog/contribute to the original Dabbler's Week project.
(Also I think this is the longest review I've written yet. I'm sorry.)
This book is very good. I'm mad about that. The author is an excellent writer. I'm mad about that. I want to dislike this book but I can't, and I'm mad about that.
So let's get into the breakdown of why.
First up, a housekeeping thing: "Fire Lyte" is a pen name that I don't believe the author uses anymore, so I will be referring to him as Don Martin, the name he is using on his current projects. I know he's on TikTok, formerly of Inciting a Riot podcast, now of Head on Fire podcast.
Second, some links relevant to the review-which-is-actually-just-a-rant:
The breakdown of things I found that were taken uncredited from Tumblr
I COULD be making this up and reading it in bad faith, but this bit about 'heteronormative marriage' has my alarm bells ringing
Why I hate the title of this book
The original Dabbler's Week project links
I picked this book up specifically because of the title. It's been 3 years since it was published, so it took me a while, but I remember looking at that title when it was first out and thinking "Hey... the timing of this... did this person just wholesale lift the 'Dabbler' idea from Tumblr?"
The answer is: Yes, probably!
(He also summarized the Malachite Dick post from February 2020, but he actually credited Tumblr along with relevant usernames, so that's good and also made me laugh.)
But... yeah. The fact that he's crediting Tumblr from something that specifically happened in February 2020, when the original Dabbler's Week was from late January 2020 and seems to have inspired his whole book? Don, would it have killed you to mention ANYTHING about that project and the people involved?
He's very big on talking about following trails of information, listening to podcasts, listening to the podcasts of people talked about on those podcasts, reading books talked about on those podcast, and so on. But if he doesn't start off by saying "Dabbler's Week was a project issued by asksecularwitch on Tumblr", then how is anyone supposed to follow THAT chain of information, hmm? If his whole advice on finding good witchcraft resources is to follow the chain of people who are sharing information from each other, but he makes no mention of where he got the whole idea for his book, then what?
Side rant: I'm real tired of how Tumblr information is simultaneously treated as too shitty to ever bother reading or mentioning, but good enough to screenshot, repost on other sites, recite word-for-word on tiktok, and apparently write a book about.
ANYWAY. I'm angry about it. I'm gonna be angry about it. Here, please look at these links to the shenanigans that began the original Dabbler's Week, because Don certainly won't tell you about this part.
Some bad things:
I mean, the plagiarism. I keep hesitating to use the word 'plagiarism', because to me that seems like wholesale lifting entire works and slapping your name on them, when all Don did was fail to credit a few Tumblr users he quoted. But then again, if I did that on a research paper in college, it would be called plagiarism, so.
This book is in fact not a great guide for 'dabblers'. The point of Dabbler's Week was that if someone didn't know if they wanted to commit to witchcraft but wanted to fuck around with casting some spells for a week to try it out, there were week-long guides on things someone could do to try that. This book is not for fucking around with magic, it's for people who are already sure that they want to make this a thing in their lives. It handles some heavier topics (e.g. vetting mentors and not getting sucked into a cult) that are very very important for someone who is BEGINNING, but may be too much for someone who just says one day "lol I think I'll cast a spell for fun". A far more accurate title would have been "The Beginner's Guide to Witchcraft", but then he'd lose that punchy and marketable and googleable term 'dabbler'. (Yes, I'm going to be petty about this.)
"Wow Jes, it sounds like you really hated this book."
Some good things:
The author has a writing style that I enjoyed very much. This is a personal preference, but I like when books are either written so that the author is fully invisible (Bree Landwalker's books do this wonderfully), or the author is fully visible, like they're sitting at the table having a conversation with you (Kelly-Ann Maddox's 'Rebel Witch' comes to mind, as does Alex Wrekk's 'Brainscan 33: DIY Witchery'). Don Martin is the table conversation kind. That makes this book very easy to read, while also getting information across in an easily-understood sort of way.
This book fills a very necessary gap in modern witching books. It talks about the online community of witches, and a lot of the pitfalls that have come along with the bonuses of having so much witchcraft available at our social-media connected fingertips.
He gets very in depth with things like cultural appropriation. That's something that you can find in a lot of modern witch books, but Don actually spends the time breaking the concept down and explaining WHY it's harmful, HOW it affects people, and quotes people from the affected minority groups. I have seen the appropriation topic come up in a lot of the witch books I've read, but Don is the one who has covered the topic the best, imo.
He spends time on topics that I myself would have been dismissive of. The example that comes to mind is the chapter 'Can I Make Sh*t Up?' My knee jerk reaction was "Yes, you can make your own spells, you don't need to get someone else's permission. Next question." But Don goes through the full breakdown of yes you can make up your own spells, yes you can make your own correspondences, but no that doesn't mean you can just throw a water soluble crystal in your water bottle because you think it's good for cleansing.
Actually on that topic, he covers a lot of the why not just the what. It's not just 'appropriation is bad', it's 'and here's why'. It's not just 'research your herbs', it's 'here's some examples of things that can and have gone wrong.'
SPELL CANVASES! There are 11 'spell canvases' in this book, and they're pretty much all just kids/teens science experiments (e.g. dissolving an egg shell in vinegar, lighting a tea bag on fire so it flies, and using food dye to color a white flower). He does not give intentions for these spells, but gives a spell technique and then some examples of how you could apply your own purpose/intention to it as needed. It's actually pretty smart, and now I wish there was more stuff like this.
He actually explains what UPG means. Man, 'UPG' is one of those things that I keep seeing as a 'I don't know what that means and I'm to afraid to ask' blog post. When someone pops into the witchy social media circles, we can throw the term 'UPG' around as if everyone knows what it means, and forget to actually explain that it's Unverified Personal Gnosis and what that means. Don's got us covered. Good on you, Don.
The one throwaway line about why you don't have to buy fancy witch things. Tucked away in chapter 12 is this almost nothing-sentence mentioning why you shouldn't be "going broke hoping to buy your way into 'effective' magic" (pg. 161). I have seen, reblogged, probably written posts about 'No you don't need the fancy tools! You can just use whatever! But you CAN buy them if you want, you just don't NEED them.' And we've all seen those around, right? But damn, if Don didn't just get to the heart of it. You can't buy your way into skill. YES, Don, THAT!! THANK YOU.
Alright. I'm running out of words. This isn't a review, it's a rant. Holy shit. Let me shut up with a TL;DR
Almost without doubt, Don liked Tumblr's idea enough to write a book about it, but failed to give credit. But he's an excellent writer and covers a lot of topics that are not often written about in printed books, and to get those blogosphere-ideas onto bookshelves is invaluable. This is a good book for beginners starting out in witchcraft, but not for dabblers who just want to screw around with some spells. Do the pros outweigh the cons? Is it ethical to buy a book when the author gets royalties but the bloggers he got the idea from do not? I don't know. I can't tell you that. You'll have to weigh all this against your own moral compass and decide for yourself. My recommendation is that if you're going to buy it, please buy it from the Spiral House Shop, because if Don Martin's going to get paid for this book, Alex Wrekk should too. Buy Alex's zines. Reblog Sec's posts. Links are up at the top.
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coraniaid · 4 months
One of the things I like best about the second half of Season 7 -- one of the few things I like about it at all, if I'm being honest -- is the fact it lets Buffy accept that she's still growing up and figuring out who she is as a person.  "I'm not finished becoming whoever the hell it is I'm gonna turn out to be", as she tells Angel in Chosen.  She doesn't have to have all the answers, she doesn't have to be defined by the choices and mistakes she made when she was a miserable and lonely teenage girl, she doesn't have to have found a perfect relationship or future life partner before her twenty-third birthday.
The show ends with Dawn asking Buffy what they're going to do now that she isn't the singular Chosen One, and she doesn't offer an answer because she doesn't know yet!  "That's kind of the point," as she also told Angel earlier.
I think that's a really good and emotionally satisfying place to end the series on -- with Buffy finally free of the destiny that she's been forced into ever since we met her, not because she's been forced to stop being a Slayer or because she’s sacrificed herself to save the world, but because she's no longer The Slayer but merely one of many.  The story of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is over, but the story of Buffy Summers has just begun.  Who knows what will happen next?
It's why I've never been at all tempted to read the post-Season 7 comics, because there's no way that they -- or anyone -- can better that ending. By definition, a future of infinite possibilities is better than any concrete suggestion.  (Also, yes, lots of the specific details I've heard about the comics make them sound pretty bad anyway, that's also a factor.)
It's also why I think it's kind of pointless to spend time arguing that Buffy definitely would or wouldn't end up in a relationship of some particular type, with somebody she knew before she was old enough to graduate college.  Maybe she does get back together with Angel or Riley or Spike.  Maybe she finally realizes she's attracted to Faith, or to Willow, or somebody else she met before the show ended. (Maybe Owen Thurman is still alive.)  Maybe she meets somebody new. Maybe they get married, maybe they don't.  Maybe they have kids, or adopt, and maybe they don't.  Maybe Buffy decides she's happier single. Maybe she doesn't get to have the sort of romantic relationship she'd want at all; maybe other things get in the way.
Some of those possible futures sound like happier endings to me than others, and some seem more in keeping with the direction I'd like to imagine the story going if the show had continued.  But anyone who tries to argue that they know which of those things would or wouldn't happen because they know what the sixteen or nineteen, or twenty-one year old Buffy would have wanted is, I think, not being serious.  The show itself explicitly rejects this idea. Even though her mother's death has forced her to take on more adult responsibilities, Buffy herself is still growing up.   We don't know what will happen to her a year, or five years, or ten years after Chosen.  We don't know what she'll want, we don't know who she'll be.  Buffy herself doesn't know that, so how could we possibly know?
As Buffy said, that's kind of the point! 
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skayafair · 3 months
Part 40
Ok so I've slept on it and have a few thoughts now.
First, I'm glad HG decided to tone down the emotional intensity of drama and tragedy - I thought it's gonna be difficult to listen to the finale after some s3 episodes, but s4 was mostly ok and the finale turned out to be lots of fun! I was smiling widely for the most of it. It even made me somewhat like Kayne! A little bit but still!
Second, we didn't "see" Noel die - great, he lives until proven otherwise. Arthur survived a similar injury, people in this universe are surprisingly durable. Noel lasted this long with a neck injury and didn't die - if Kayne didn't yeet him to some wilderness or worse, he'll live. Possible to pol up later.
Third, I thought Arthur was robbed of all his newfound allies, but I was wrong. Daniel and Marie are still in the picture, so Arthur has human "anchors", he's not alone anymore.
Who Arthur WAS robbed of, are allies who can go with him. Oscar is in the hospital and is abandoned in general, Noel... who knows where, and the surprising newcomer in Butcher's face is obliterated. It reminds me of how a lot of official "uncanon" spin-offs of different show return to status quo in the end of he series because they need to keep the cast the same and otherwise the whole outline of the show may change a lot. I'm not sure if that's the case with Malevolent since... yeah, we had a full season of a wider range of characters, but they were concentrated in the same location, which was convenient. How would this work in other cases? Plus, Arthur and John wete going on a vacation trip without anyone else anyway. Also, damn you Kayne for ruining this! They deserve the vacation!
So all in all we're back to where we started, more or less. It was a neat wrap up of the season, together with the location, new characters, some side quests and even a few answers (wild, I know).
For instance, now we know Yellow actually WAS the King in person. Seems like John is rather a big piece of him if Arthur didn't even notice any difference in the entity at first. I kinda liked my idea that Yellow might have been Kayne's creation completely, a simulacrum just for funsies, because Kayne's idea of fun is cruel. So there would have been Arthur suffering from loss of his dear friend and dealing with this ye olde version if him, John suffering either in Dreamlands or in the Dark World, and Yellow, suffering from all the confusion regarding his identity. Imagine how painful it is after all the efforts to remember, to be what you think you were, just to find out that you never were in the first place. All the "I AM THE KING" gone sour and groundless. That might have broken a newborn consciousness of Yellow, his adopted identity. But he also could have explored it and become something new altogether. Man I'd like to read a fic like that.
But he's the KiY, which is why not, too. He has some new info to work with. New lasting impressions to process. I bet those little adventures in the human world and time with Arthur, time with Larson, short and heated but still... connected argument with John won't go without a trace. Damn I wanted them to talk properly SO BAD and now we're unlikely to get it, ever 😭 But at least there was John, clearly uneasy with the idea of killing Yellow. I don't think it's just his concern about himself vanishing as well. He souned rather sympathetic towards Yellow when they talked about him with Arthur. This warms my heart.
Right. There are 3 things related to this.
John's attitude towards Yellow and the King (Yellow still has amnesia so I can't consider him the King, the personas are different) in pt 40, towards the complete separation from them reminded me of going full no contact with abusive/toxic family. It's hard, and one would often wonder if they survive on their own. Arthur having faith in him didn't ensure anything but helped, I think.
The King and John are fully separated now, so John must be safe-er (if Kayne didn't lie) and his journey is more his now. It isn't even remotely perfect since he's still stuck with Arthur but it's still good news. And I believe they don't have to worry about the King anymore. If he regains his memories, he'll know John is of no use to him anymore, and there's no use to try and hunt these two down since they'll win SOMEHOW eventually, anyway. They have powerful patrons. *wink wink*
Maybe some time later, like, muuuuch later, they will be able to talk properly. Like equals. To exchange experience, impressions. The King values art and knowledge, and so does John. I believe his curiosity is an inherent trait they both share. C'mon. The King is too possessive to let such a chance go. GIMME THEIR CONVERSATIONS I NEED THESE
Also, I'm concerned about Larson. Sure he's half-dead (seriously, 3 gunshot wounds in the body - stomach and back, - strangulation, eye snatching, and he's STILL alive, can he just roll over and die please? As a treat?), but physical form has never been his forte anyway. He successfully brainwashed Yellow and tried to do the same to John (ahaha that was a funny attempt, well, would have been, be John not losing himself at the moment, but the outcome was still pretty much predictable and laughable), his power is in his mind. His words are poison, and he can still speak. I am NOT ok with that. With what he can do to Yellow/the King. What if he talks him into something terrible again. Leave my bby be ffs, Yellow deserves some peace and quiet of his home in Dreamlands. Seriously, Larson is terrible to children and I've said it multiple times that Yellow really reminds me of a rebellious teenager.
Next, I've missed the first 5 minutes or so, so I don't know if it's relevant, but CAN SOMEONE PLEASE explain to me like I'm 5 what was up with the Butcher? It was the most out of blue twist ever. Why did he agree to help? Why did he go against Larson when he was so persistent before? I understand maybe admitting defeat and a respect towards Arthur and Noel who caught him, but helping? Was he promised to be set free of smth? I'll relisten fron the very beginning but uh will it really clear thus up?..
Also. When I said "some answers", it was really just a few. We still have no idea what's up with the 3 soldiers, that woman in the woods, the stone. Is Kayne going to show something about that?
And do we just leave the ultimate purpose, the separation device, sitting in that underground place, just like that?
And I did NOT like how defeated, lifeless Arthur sounded when he agreed to go with Kayne. What's the big deal?? He KNEW John was hiding something, knew it was important, could deduce there was some lie due to Johns intense interest in white lies topic, and it wouldn't have been a stretch to assume John really DOESN'T LIKE lying to him if it can be helped and wouldn't harm them (intentionally). Which, it couldn't. All this, prior to Kayne's appearance. All that conversation did was fill in the blanks. Now Arthur has a clear picture. John didn't say anything that could put a blame on himself. If anything, his actions and behavior make so much more sense now. Arthur is WELL aware about the fact that being left alone in the Dark World is John's WORST fear that came true and lasted. It was one thing to end up there the 1st time. Terrible, traumatizing, but how much WORSE it is to be thrown there again after John learned what it's like to NOT be alone, to be himself? To have hope? Just to lose it all. He called to Kayne only after a long time, when there was nothing to hope fore anymore and he could stand it any longer. Did he hope for Arthur to find him? Even if just a little? Just for that to never happen? And then Arthur's words in the mines, about "let's find each other there". Damn, my heart 💔
I understand Arthur may be somewhat shoked and there was no time to process, but if he's gonna be bitching up bout ANY of that, I'll be angry.
It just. It's the only explanation I can find for why he sounded so... like he gave up. Like the backbone he was relying on betrayed him. When none of that actually happened.
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sungbeam · 3 months
spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
hi anon! thanks for sending this in :') im always so bad at posting these things, but i can def do this one. i don't know if i would classify them specifically as favorites, but more so people i've interacted with the most 😭
@justalildumpling : i don't even need to go on besides saying that this woman is my soulmate. "in another life" but we're gonna beat the universe and meet in every life, type of connection. the girl who has seen me at my worst and has still treated me with as much kindness and compassion and care as she did the first time. i feel like in certain ways, we're kind of polar opposites, but also the same? i mean, on paper we can be so different, but when we talk abt what we like and dislike, when we laugh together, it all becomes something of the same and she restores my faith in other people again. she's the person who constantly makes me want to be a better person.
@ethereal-engene : one of my two beloved 姐姐's on this site skfnrknf but i remember talking to ash so many nights abt just any and everything. i am so happy that we're comfortable enough to be able to joke around, share our niche interests, have deep conversations, and even pen pal!! like i think it's crazy how SIMILAR our families are; we could legitimately be long lost sisters haha but also the blood of the covenant runs thicker than the water of the womb sometimes, so that makes sense. she's one of my comfort people, and honestly, i feel like we both come out of nowhere with some topics, but either person will hop right into the convo regardless and just vibe 🤧
@winterchimez : my second 姐姐 on this site !! my older sisters def take care of me well and i am so grateful for that :')) ally is always so supportive and yet so energergizing to talk to. she's def seen a lot of my brainstorming and i feel very comfortable bouncing ideas off her. she's always so generous with me too, like care packages??? RAH 😭 obviously, i love her for reasons besides the material goods, but it's a love language nonetheless. ally is prob one of the warmest and most welcoming presences on this hellsite tbh, so if ur ever looking for a new friend/mutual, she's the best.
@loveliestfelix : nana is another reason why im still around. i like to thank that beomgyu drabble every day for kickstarting our friendship because i have never met someone i have had such lengthy and fun brainstorming sessions with. nana is the type of person i would love to meet irl and just share stories over coffee with, though i feel like i always associate her with train rides and coffee now HAHA she's also one of my greatest writing inspirations, like i was and have always been blown away by her mind, and her word counts. i love calling her the queen of angst, and you will never be disappointed when reading something of hers.
@jaehunnyy : chip's been here for a really long time, like guys, no one can compete when she's been here since i had park jisung as my pfp and she had jeno as hers 😭 i think i really treasure our friendship and how much it's grown over the past two years :')) so much has happened over that time, and i think that if i met her in real life, i would just be blown away by how pretty she is like TT anyways,, i always love talking to her because of how much chaotic energy we create when we do, like i feel like we can power an entire city grid with how much chaos we make, and it's all the better for it. i love her very much, and i hope she understands just how wonderful of a person and friend she is.
@mosviqu : oh, my beloved bar, i love u to bits and pieces. i think recently you've become one of the few reasons why im still here writing and posting. like i am so utterly, from the bottom of my heart, grateful for all of your support and the love you've given and shown me. and even when we moved to dms to converse, i just realized how cool you are as a person, and how similar we are (in the best way possible). it's really nice to be able to connect with a person on multiple levels, and im really happy that was the case with us :') as soon as i saw ur love for tomorrow by chanyeol, i knew there would be something more to our friendship. i am so very fond of you, and your writing blows me away every time i read it.
@zzoguri : moni :( i hope ur doing well, friend, and i know you haven't been active here lately but i do wish you all the best. i love how passionate and committed you are to improving in writing and developing your own creative writing style, and it's so impressive to read your writing in general :') i love the confidence you advocate for yourself, and how real you are. thanks so much for being a friend; i just really appreciate all the support and hype you've given me during my time on deobiblr, like thank you for being such a thoughtful person.
@wuahae : cat and i have definitely interacted more off this site than on this site, but i felt that it was dire she was included here nonetheless. like bro, thank you for literally being the reason i come out of my apartment (or in most cases, invite people to my apartment), and for thinking of me! i think i once told you how hard it is to find friends in college, but you've made my experience here far less lonely. i love getting dinner with you, planning outings, and making weird animal noises together on the streets 😭 also, cat's writing is literally so poetic, and just her explaining to me her plot ideas tears visceral reactions out of me TT
@yunhoszn : i feel like me and fawn are low-key on the same wavelength a lot of the times, but in general, i think fawn's just such a rad person. i've told her once or twice before but i genuinely love her writing style because it has so much personality in it. it just makes reading her fics such a fun and enjoyable experience. also even off this site, i have so much fun interacting with her, like just commenting on her instagram posts like the gremlin i am, i know she's gonna hit me with the best response back skfnkejd (waiting for the day i go to where u r so u can do my makeup low-key... ur so fly, pls do my makeup...)
@goldenhypen : em, my lovely twin :')) i know our interactions have def decreased, but i don't think that's decreased the fondness we hold for one another. i remember when em first started interacting with my works and then followed me, i literally rolled off the couch cuz i started fangirling 😭 and she is one of the most genuine and brightest presences here. she is a follow forever, bro, you better follow her forever. i just adore her compassion for others and her absolutely adorable fic concepts, and omg don't even get me started on her work ethic 😭 i wished u the best everyday you had requests, i don't know how u did it. you are literally superhuman.
@hqrana : i haven't spoken with noa in quite awhile, but im guessing it's cuz she's girlbossing her way through to that nursing program 🤧 my favorite woman in stem girl in this hellsite, she is my beloved xnonie 😭 i think i just appreciate noa's undeniable presence and character so much, like she brings so much energy to my inbox whenever she's here, and her support of my ideas and fics just makes me 🙇🏻‍♀️ like thank you for being here. and to know we both love marvel and taylor swift? i feel like she has to be like,, my best friend? like she needs to be my best friend?? sending hugs and well wishes your way, always.
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fellow-traveller · 2 months
This is gonna be long, so if you don't have the time to read it, it's cool, I'll summarise it like this:
I think I'm back. Kinda. Expect some blasts of Hol Horse fanart that I missed sharing here since November 2023 (if you followed my Twitter/X, you might have seen them)
Okay, I know excuses can be bad but here's mine to kinda justify my absence.
I admit that I had been feeling depressed with what's happening in P@lest1ne for the past 6 months, because I had never seen it happening in real time, in videos and interviews. 20+ years ago, anything about them came in the form of stories from actual P@lest1nians whom I had the privilege to meet during my volunteer work in school, and newspaper articles from local publishers. Our local broadcasters still chant FTRTTS whenever they talk about them. But the real-time atrocities and the aftermath really got me hard. I'm not one to shy away from real-life gore - true crime is my go-to documentary whenever I'm relaxing - but what's happening there - the injustice, the brutality, the depravity - can be too much for me to bear.
I'm not saying I'm used to it by now...I still hear my heart break with every dead and hungry child I see on my screen, but at the same time, I feel a bit more hopeful. Mainly because I believe in the P@lest1nians' faith and resilience, and I believe in mine.
Apart from world events, on a personal level, my company moved to a new building in December, about an extra 30 minutes drive away from my home, so I was almost on a blackout from online stuff back then. Didn't even touch the 1 Day 1 Hol Horse challenge (but thankfully they are done now...will share them later). The move-out was done around the end of January 2024, and then I got busy again with work in February. Work had been very hectic because everything had been disorganised since the move. Even now, we don't really have internet in the new building and had to use our phone data for that.
Wanted to get back last month, but delayed it until today because my cat was sick with cancer. My cat, little Vee, whom I had for 12 years, just passed 2 days ago, 1 day before my birthday ;-;
Anyway, all that said, I think I'm ready to be back now on tumblr. I know I missed a lot of drawings that I kinda promised myself to finish (like the Halloween Hol), and also posting the 1 Day 1 Hol Horse doodles. I missed other people's Hol Horse and HolPol fanart as well. I also have a few thoughts I wanted to share of our favourite JoJo cowboy too...
So in the next few hours, I'll be doing just that. I apologise for the massive spam that's about to come beforehand. Just note that if you cannot wait for the fanart blast, you're welcomed to dig for them on my Twitter/X.
On current notes, I'm in the middle of doing The Emperor Month Challenge. Basically, Hol Horse with the other Part 3 characters. I missed 2 days now, but I'll be catching up. This will be on until the end of this month.
For now, I won't be doing requests/art trades because I wanna start drawing for my JoJo OCs. I have been neglecting them for months.
Hopefully the depression will simmer down. The world is a mess, and I'm trying to soldier on.
Oh, and to my Muslim followers, Happy Eid-ul-Fitr. ♥
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pixeldistractions · 1 month
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Lou was coming up on her thirtieth birthday much faster than she wanted to admit. While she had no qualms about getting older, she wasn’t a fan of the unwanted changes that came along with it. For example, was that a shooting pain in her lower back just from playing hopscotch? These days, she would also much rather hang out with her sister and niece after a long week of work than go bar crawling on a Friday night. Especially if her sister promised a bottle of wine to share.
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Lou was proud of Maria for doing something new and creative for herself. Or, it may turn out, that something might benefit both of them if the wine ever turned out good.  
“I dare you to drink it first,” Maria laughed.
“On three,” Lou said. “One, two, three, chug!”
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“Huh, not bad. I like this for you,” Lou said. “It’s better than knitting, huh?”
“Don’t knock knitting,” Maria said. “It sounds very relaxing. But you like this better because you get to drink the wine with me. I don’t think you’d be as appreciative if I knitted you a scarf.”
“Truth. Just, like, just don’t go and develop a drinking problem on my behalf.” 
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“So, Jamie wants to move in together,” Lou said. 
“Oh my gosh, did she say that?” 
“No, she would never. But her sister is all talking about moving in with Ian, which just makes Jamie have this constant look, like… the perfect mix of expectation and disappointment at the same time.”
“Moving in together is a big deal,” Maria said.  
“I know, right? But do you think if we moved in together she’d stop swooning for a baby?”
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Maria’s eyes went wide. “No! She would do the exact opposite. Lou!”
“That’s why I’m not asking her to move in! I mean, I wouldn’t mind having her there full-time. We’re good in that way, but god, ever since this whole science baby breakthrough. It’s all she ever reads about, thinks about, talks about. Isn’t it wonderful? Isn’t it amazing? Everyone can have a real family together, even people like us… Like, what makes a ‘real’ family anyway? And besides, if I had her baby at my place, who would watch your baby all the time?”
“Thank you, by the way,” Maria said, “for agreeing to watch JoJo. She’s kind of sour over it, but I’ll bring her with me the next time. Twenty-four hours is gonna be rough, even if it’s also fun. I really think we need to focus on each other.”
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“In bed…” Lou crooned, and they both laughed. “Can he afford all these trips?”
“He’s paying for this one, I’ll pay for the next. It’s even. It should be, right? Aren’t you a feminist?”
Lou gave her sister a disapproving stare. “I don’t know, equality and all that, but… that money is for you and JoJo. That’s why Joseph left it to you, so you’d be taken care of. Not to spend on your boyfriend.”
“I know,” Maria said. “But anyway, he’s never asked me for money. He’s not like that. He’s not materialistic at all.”
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“Does he know you have it?”
“Uh, no, he probably doesn’t.” Maria took a long sip and settled into that new worry, while Lou’s thoughts drifted to her own concerns. She had planned to ask Jamie to sleep over tonight, but now the idea felt loaded. So she thought instead about organizing that girls’ night. Pajamas, board games, and campy movies was a lighter topic to think about. Maria could bring the wine. But trying to sync up everybody’s busy schedules was harder these days as they all settled into their nearly thirty-something careers and relationships.  
“Lou,” Maria said delicately. “You said ‘her’ baby. Not yours together.” 
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Lou felt called out. “I did, didn’t I?” Lou nodded, then she let out an exhale so heavy it could blow the whole subject away. Too much reality for a Friday night, and the buzz from this wine was finally kicking in.
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“This isn’t bad, by the way,” Lou said. “Kind of like cider, but not too sweet. It could definitely be stronger, though.”
“Then we’d definitely develop a drinking problem,” Maria said. 
— from “boxes and squares #4.2: then have some faith” (2/5)
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story notes: = the reason Lou and Jamie are on again, off again, over and over again?
Also, so Maria is a little bit loaded? That’s not meant to be a secret, exactly, but it hasn’t been mentioned for a while. She mentioned it all the way back here, talking about how she didn’t really need to work, but liked to work when Jordan was on the schedule. She receives a military death benefit from the government on Joseph’s behalf, but Joseph also had a bit of family money which he left to Maria and Johanna. It’s not a ridiculous amount, but it’s enough.
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atsadi-shenanigans · 3 months
Feeding Alligators 36 - Glee
On the properties of blood rejuvenation and the history of the world (i guess).
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On AO3.
“A devil? Astarion’s voice is sharp and just this side of a whine. “Now we’ve got a devil after us?”
Voices from below. Gale and Shadowheart and Lae’zel. Y’all should probably regroup. You try to focus as you climb back down (easier, as you’re laying on your belly, but also harder, as you’re already shaking and shivering).
The rest of the crew look between worried and grim. Lae’zel has relaxed back into her “breathe on me and die” stance. Only you seem to still be having a physical reaction. Possible because you’re the only one suddenly dumped ass over tea kettle into an unasked for crisis of (un)faith.
The others debate about it. Or discuss it, since nobody seems to be outright in favor. Wyll is dead set against the entire concept. But it’s Astarion that draws your eye. He wants to use the parasites, you’d gathered from snippets over the last day and a half. He’d said so to the others after the whole dream intruder episode. Man seems pretty down for snatching any form of power (or supplies) he can get his hands on.
But when you look at him, he wears a dark look.
“He’s playing with us,” Astarion says when you ask. “He reminds me of…well. Creatures like them don’t play games unless they know they can win.”
That fuckface hunting him.
“I don’t want any kinda deal with a devil,” you say. “We got stories about that where I come from, and they all end bad.”
Which piques Gale’s interest. You really should take an evening and let the man go whole hog on your stories. He’s been so helpful and curious. Might be a good idea to get a wizard on your side anyway. Short of finding some butthole ship flight recorder, he might be your best shot and getting home again.
All your troubles are starting to run together. Problems gained, nothing solved. You’re not even sure you’re remembering everything outside of “Wyll’s demon” and “Halsin with goblins.” Seems like there’s more you should be remembering.
This line of thinking usually means y’all should set up camp. You ain’t gonna get any less crotchety. Maybe if you offer Gale a Q and A session you can get another vote in “we should stop for tonight.”
Gale is only too happy to swing the vote. To be fair, Wyll don’t even protest. Whole devil thing really rattled everybody. Y’all find a stream, start setting up tents, and Astarion is the first one to march over with an arm of clothing.
You still ain’t done nothing with that scrap of linen he gave. You don’t know how to sew, and you don’t have the supplies. You been pondering scavenging another belt and just rigging you up a goddamn loincloth. You suspect it’d look weird and bulky underneath your trousers, though. But maybe you should, just to get used to it. You been here a week or so; it’s maybe another week until the cramps kick in and you start bleeding. You read enough history to know a loincloth is your best bet for dealing with that (you’re gonna have to keep an eye out for more rags or shirts that ain’t all mildewy).
Thoughts of drawers aside, Gale is ecstatic to sit you down and pick your brain. He hands you a scroll and a quill and an inkpot (“For your own keeping. One never knows when one might need to take notes”). He talks to you until most of the others have retired for the night. Talks to you as Astarion finishes his first watch (he sends you both a weird look), and only seems to notice when Shadowheart emerges from her tent to take second shift.
“Oh, goodness, I’ve completely lost track of time!” he says, scribbling furiously.
He’d started with what you remember of Mesopotamia—quickly sidetracked into prehistory and the entire theory of evolution, and then veered into parallel world speculations you didn’t quite follow. He taps his lips with the tip of his quill. They’re not, you notice, full feathers like in the movies. He actually cuts them much shorter, leaves only a tuft of feather on the far end. You wonder about that, until you realize the trim brings the thing down to about pen length. Huh.
“But if that theory is correct, your people would have had to be on Ay-arth for a significant amount of time. Far beyond even the creation of Toril.”
He looks up. Blinks. And that’s how you learn Faerun is the name of the continent. The planet is Toril. Neat.
You leave him still muttering. He kind of waves, murmurs a “Thank you, Eleanor. Rest well.” And then he shuffles towards his tent, still reading his notes, quill still tapping his lips and you don’t have the heart to tell him he’s got ink on his fingers.
Shadowheart nods as you approach. “Late night?”
You groan. “I barely even got started. He wants to know everything I do and I been learning for years.”
She hums. Glances to the wizard settling in at a reading desk he probably pulled out of his magic bag. You don’t think he’s going to sleep at all, tonight.
“So you’re a scholar, then?” she says.
“More of a hobby,” you say. “My people got access to a lot of information real casually. I don’t got the brain juice to explain right now, sorry. Though, could I ask you a question?”
Her face is cool in the orange glow of firelight. “That depends on the question.”
You know very little of her, aside from hating Lae’zel, and she’s got jesus hands. Also that she’s got mean girl tendencies.
“That potion and your magic, the healing? Does it speed up, um, blood production? Not the fluids but, like, the bits it carries?”
She holds up a hand. “I’m aware of how blood works and its components; I’ve seen enough of it. And yes, a healing potion or my spells encourage the body to heal any recent injuries; so more than just replacing the water in the blood. Why?”
There’s…a suspicious fucking edge to the last word, there. Ain’t no time to be subtle.
“Feeding the vampire,” you say and fuck it, being honest with doctors makes their job easier, right?
Her suspicion turns scathing. It takes all you got not to squirm.
“Really?” she says.
“It helps him fight,” you say.
“So would a feather bed, yet we’ve all been managing fine without.”
But she didn’t feel the monstrous hunger ripping through her innards. Not more than the barest flash Astarion had let slip during his impromptu group chat.
You been hungry before. It was one of Mother’s favorite lessons, hungering for the grace of the lord. His salvation made physical through the hands of the shepherd he sent to guide the unworthy. Deliverance could only follow punishment, though. As your unclean thoughts or actions separated you from the light and bounty of the lord, so did your physical body have to experience that loss. Plus it left no marks for any outsiders to see and be concerned over.
(raspberry and artificial lemon and the stink of dirt)
(No, there’s no root cellar here.)
It’s an awful feeling. And if your body is fine (and soul firmly tied down) you don’t want to let that carry on. Not if you can do something.
Nobody came to help you. Not for a long, long time. Not until Sasha.
You can do your best to be a Sasha, too.
“Is it gonna hurt me in the long run?” you say.
Shadowheart’s voice is as flat as her expression. “No more than letting a vampire at your throat usually is. Are you sure he didn’t dominate you?”
That word again. It’s enough to break through the nasty turn your thoughts were taking. You wonder if that’s a sex thing in Faerunese, as well in English.
“I am of sound mind, making choices of my own volition,” you say. “I used to do this back home pretty regular. Not with vampires, though; we don’t got them. Donating blood helps people with medical emergencies. And my dad’s side…helping your people is a cultural thing. You go to any of my relatives and you barely get a ‘hi’ outta you before somebody’s asking if you’re hungry and they got food in the kitchen, help yourself. It’s real…people-oriented. Helping each other. Or it is when people are trying to do right, anyway.”
Gale still mutters over his desk. There’s ink stains in his beard, now. You wince, but you’ve committed, and you ain’t gonna out yourself at this point. Let him think nobody noticed and salvage his pride.
“That sounds like a people that can be taken advantage of,” Shadowheart says.
That hits. It’s a subject you get stuck on, too. Maybe if the first people the Spanish and then the English had found had been less generous and more murder-happy, y’all wouldn’t have been decimated by disease and then force-marched off all y’all’s land.
Or maybe your ancestors still would have lost, eventually, and without that caring, y’all would have torn yourselves apart during the chaos that followed. Maybe y’all wouldn’t still be here.
“I helped you on that ship,” you say.
Her frown is a sharp, vicious thing. A razor embedded in a ball of ice. “I believe I’ve already repaid that debt a few times over.”
You hold up your hands. “More than that. I’m not trying to hold that over your head. You’uns are the only reason I’m still alive, so thank you. I’m just saying, people survive better when they work together. I ain’t gonna ask any of you to let him chomp down, I just wanna know if it’s safe for me to volunteer. If it ain’t, I won’t.”
She stares silently for a long moment. So long, you’re sure she’s gonna walk off without giving you an answer.
Only she sighs. Puts her hands on her hips and glares at Astarion’s red tent. “You should be able to manage every three or four days, given you have a potion or someone to cast a lesser restoration spell.”
You look at her. She looks at you.
She throws her hands up. “Alright, fine. Find me in the morning after I’ve had my breakfast. But if he drains you dry, you’d best let everyone else know not to come to me to revivify you.”
The too-tight muscles at the base of your skull relax a tick. There’s one thing off the problems list. Or, well, piled onto your plate. Still, you’re gonna count that as a win because fuck it.
“Thank you,” you say.
“Don’t thank me for this. Ugh. And keep you…feedings to yourselves. I doubt anyone else in camp wants to see that.”
You give her a two-fingered salute and let her begin her patrol.
Finally, you can sleep. Deal with all this tomorrow (when maybe y’all find a demon woman to kill). You’re trudging by the time you make it to your tent—next to Astarion’s; somehow, that’s become the official set up. You hadn’t really noticed before, but they did it even when you died passed out, didn’t they?
“Well?” His voice is smooth and low in the dark. You valiantly try to catch yourself when the startle tangles your feet and you end up plowing into your own tent. The poles creak as the whole things sags under you.
His laughter is high and light. Exactly what you think some fancy boy at a rich bitch party would sound like if the staff dropped a tray of teeny, tiny little pickled fish eggs or roasted peacock asshole or whatever those dipshits eat.
“Fuck you, too,” you say on instinct.
On bad instinct.
“Feeling rather forward this evening are we, darling?” Astarion says. The dick. He’s not actually inside his tent; has plonked himself down all criss-cross applesauce right outside the flap. He sits completely unmoving, the only giveaway the shift in eerie eyeshine as he tilts his head back to regard you.
“Ain’t you just a creeper,” you say.
“A what?” He sounds more amused than insulted.
“Creeper. Some guy lurking all creepy in the fucking dark.”
He ponders that a moment. Then lets out his high, little “ah-ha!” giggle. The firelight catches that predator’s eyeshine again. “Vampire, darling. It rather comes with the territory.”
“I guess.” He’s got a point, goddamnit. “You eavesdropping again?”
“Of course. Especially once I caught that juicy little conversation with our dear cleric.”
You’re so tired. You sway on your feet. Sitting down sounds great, and it’s the polite thing to do, but you know the second your butt touches the dirt, you ain’t getting back up.
“Tomorrow night,” you say. “I’m way too beat right now. But you can feed tomorrow.”
“Oh ~darling~” the man fucking purrs. “I was so hoping you’d say that. I’ll come to you then, when you’re snugly wrapped in your bedroll, and we can have a little privacy. And this time, I’ll make sure I’m quiet. We don’t want to disturb your rest. Later on, when we are at rest, I will eat you right up. Just enough to give me strength and just enough to leave you wishing for more.”
“Um,” you say. Scratch the back of your head. “I think I’d prefer you don’t come in while I’m asleep?”
So of course he plays right onto that, because he’s a horrible person. The firelight catches his face as it pulls down into a leer. “Prefer to feel my lips on your skin again?”
He can see in the dark better than you, you gathered. Hopefully not enough to catch the wash of heat over your cheeks.
His tongue on your neck. It’s the most intimate you ever been with somebody.
“A strange man slipping in and biting my while I’m asleep, hmm. You do know that’s exactly what I meant when I called you a creeper, right?”
“We’re hardly strangers at this point.”
“I’ve known you a week.”
He seems on the verge of firing something back. Reconsiders. His smile, when it comes, is a touch too composed. “As you like. You’ll wait for me, then? After the others have gone to rest?”
Making it sound like a damn hookup.
You’re honestly too tired to keep up with this pointy-eared dork. “Sure, sure. I’ll wait up for you. Do me a favor, though, and if I do fall asleep, wake me up?”
The reflected glow of his eyes dips as he places a hand over his chest and gives you a seated bow. Maybe it’s your own tired, or maybe (just a little), the teasing is (kinda) fun. But you dip into a fancy bow back. You been itching to do that.
Which lights up his whole face in delight.
“Night,” you say before he can kick off another round of being weird, and you duck into your still-sagging tent.
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Your Help is so Sugary Sweet
Thoma x Fem!Reader
Summary:   Y/N has never been the best at baking now or ever. But when your very adorable baby cousin asks you to bake cookies, welp time to go to the kitchen. Even though the first round was a struggle it can’t be too bad, especially with some newly acquired help.
Words: 2,135
AN: Thank you @milkstore for the confidence boost while I was writing this fic. Also for confirming that this was as funny as I thought it was and for catching an error I had. You are the best!
“Thank you so much for showing up so last minute.” Y/N rushed Thoma inside her home. “My baby cousin signed me up to bring sugar cookies for his class’s bake sale. I told him it was okay. I mean it's just sugar cookies, right? It can't be that hard. Ugh, I’m such a fool.”
“Calm down. I’m sure what you made isn't that bad.” He placed down a few grocery bags on a dining table nearby. 
“If you don’t think it's that bad why do you have all of that?” Y/N motioned towards the bags he had brought. “Even then it just smells like burnt flour in here. How am I ever gonna get that smell out of my home?"
Thoma pulled a candle out of one of the bags he brought. "Well, Ayaka and I tried candle-making last week. You could try lighting this if the smell bothers you so much." He handed the candle over. It was in a Mason jar with a wick pre-cut down ready to be lit. The wax was placed in uneven layers of reds and blues swirling together to create a few shades of purple. 
Y/N took the candle. The label was homemade as well. Sticker paper with a marker telling the scent was vanilla blueberry. There were drawn-out silver sparkles with a pen that had been slightly rubbed off from being touched too early. "I love it. How could I ever light this?"
"We're supposed to try again next week with Ayato. There will be more so just light it before I do it for you. I remember where you put your lighter still."
"There's no way you do." She looked back up at his face trying to read if there was any sign that he was bluffing.
"In the second drawer on the left near your fridge pushed all the way to the back because you'd rather use wax melts than a candle most days." 
Frustrated yet impressed, Y/N threw a kitchen towel that was lying on the table before going to light the candle to hopefully shut up Thoma's laughter at knowing her all too well.
Thoma followed behind heading into the kitchen only to be met with the sight of burned sugar cookies and ingredients used up on the counter. It was his own personal nightmare. Dishes were stacked high in the sink. Flour and sugar covered the floor except for the gaps where someone had walked. On the counter where the cookies were rolled out, there were spots where dough stuck to the counter from not enough flour being placed down. There was a bowl that contained the yolks from eggs for some ungodly reason. 
"I was wrong to have faith in you," was all he could say as he processed what he was witnessing.
Y/N turned around, lighter in hand. “Thoma!” She whined.
“You have a bowl of egg yolk on the counter. How else am I supposed to react? It's like a tornado came through here.”
“I thought the cookies would look less yellow. If there’s white cake and yellow cake, doesn't that mean there should be white and yellow sugar cookies?” It was a genuine question with a train of thought that ran off the rails off a cliff into the ocean in the middle of a hurricane.
“The yolk is an important ingredient for the cookies.” He rubbed his forehead with flashes of some of the horrible things that Ayato had come up with maybe the same train of logic. “What else did you do?”
“I may have used half the recommended amount of sugar. You know so the kids that eat them don’t get a sugar high. It's more healthy for them anyway. That way they can snack on the cookies and they would still be tasty since there would still be sugar anyway. Why is it when I say this aloud I just know I’m in trouble?”
“Cause you’re evil. A villain!”
"A villain?"
"Yes, a villain. Don't you know when baking, that the recipe is the law." 
"Aren't baking and cooking the same thing? If you can throw spices around as you please when cooking, why can't you when baking?" Y/N lit the candle and placed it on top of the counter before placing the lighter down next to it. Poor candle trying its best to cover the burnt flour smell.
"Baking is more of an exact science. And even then you shouldn't throw spices around while cooking. You'll put something in that shouldn't be there. You are doing it out of not knowing better, Ayato does it out of curiosity, and Ayato’s ideas rubbed off on Ayaka. It's a miracle how the three of you made it this far."
"I'm genuinely trying to get better though.” She explained. “Doesn't that count for something? The only reason my baby cousin signed me up to help him out was cause that one time you helped me babysit him we all baked brownies together. The memory really stuck for him. I just didn't want to let him down."
Thoma sighed. "Go start washing the dishes. I'll start cleaning up in here and then we can start baking."
Y/N perked up. "So you aren't upset with me?"
"I knew what I was signing myself up for. Even then I'm just glad you didn't burn your kitchen down yet."
"I wouldn't go that far. I know how to put out a kitchen fire. I've done it before." Y/N spoke with way too much pride for someone who just admitted to actually almost burning down a kitchen.
"Please start the dishes before I get a headache." He couldn’t be that mad anyway but was still very worried about the lack of general baking knowledge.
Y/N laughed before following her savior's wishes.
“Even though the recipe says two and three-fourths of flour we are putting a little less in so when we roll out the dough the cookies won't have too much flour on them and fall apart on us,” Thoma explained as he measured out the dry ingredients before setting them aside in a bowl. “And we are doubling the batch so that means there should be five and a half cups of flour.”
“So you can adjust the recipe!” Y/N stood nearby watching tasked with the vital job of not touching anything and paying attention to hopefully learn what were her many mistakes. 
“Yes, I can adjust the recipe. You have to know what you are doing before you do whatever you want. If the batter is too wet, we add more flour. If the batter is too dry then you can add milk or eggs. But you add very little until you reach the correct consistency.”
“And when we add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mix it in slowly.”
“I remembered that part. It’s so easy.”
“You want to do it?”
“Yes. It’s the least I can do.” Y/N took over happily, finally having a real task again, ready for redemption.
“While you work on that, I’ll prep the cookie sheets and the counter for when the dough is ready.” 
"Then we can cut them out to bake?"
"Yes. It's the easiest part. You should be able to do it by yourself while I make the frosting."
"You should wait to make the frosting. When I rolled out the dough before I couldn't get it thin enough without it falling apart and then it was uneven too."
"I'll give you a pass on that one. Learning the best way to roll out the dough can be tricky."
“So I’m not a lost cause.” Y/N teased
“I never said that.”
"But you were thinking about it."
"If I was, I wouldn't have given you the dough to mix. Are you finished with it yet?"
"Yes. Show me how it's done please." She brought the bowl over to where Thoma had cleared off the counter.
Thoma grabbed a clean measuring cup, dipped it into the bag, and took out the flour before sprinkling it over the counter. He rolled up his sleeves before hands with flour reaching in the bowl to grab the cookie dough and splitting it up in twos and then in twos again. 
He took one part of the dough placing it on the center of where he had flour on the counter. "There's some rolling pins that have bands you can place on them. You just place the height you want on them and don't even have to think."
"My rolling pin is just wood and didn't come with those. How does that help me?" 
"If your cousin wants you to make cookies again and I'm not around to help."
Y/N stuck her tongue out at him. "Just teach me already you meanie."
He continued trying to make his point. "If you don't get that rolling pin you should get a heavier one, this one is too light."
"Wouldn’t that just smash that dough down and be harder to move?"
"We want the dough to get smashed evenly but a heavier rolling pin isn't that hard to move around. The weight makes it easier to do the pulls and pushes more evenly since you aren't personally putting so much pressure on the dough."
"Ohhhh so I was pressing too hard into the dough."
He nodded his head. "You also need to turn the dough as you work so that when you are rolling it the pressure is placed around evenly."
"Yeah, I definitely wasn’t doing that."
"Then if you want to check to make sure it's the right size you should kneel down so you're at eye level with the counter. If you work it slowly and check every so often you should have no problem. Other than that, I think that’s all the advice I can give you.”
“So demonstration time then I get to try again?”
“That was the plan but like I said, your rolling pin is really light. It’s going to be hard to learn on this so I’ll do it for you this time if that’s alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I think I'd rather watch to see if I even understand first anyway."
Thoma took some more flour covering the rolling pin before getting to work, easily demonstrating his own advice. Roll the dough out, turn the dough, and repeat. It was so mundane yet surprisingly hypnotic. Odd. 
It wasn’t normally a task that Y/N found herself distracted by. It had to be the sight of the dough becoming wider and thinner that she must have been enchanted. That couldn't be it though as her eyes kept drifting towards Thoma's arms. Even more odd.
Yes, Thoma was an attractive guy but it’s Thoma. That was her friend. He’s a sweetheart and a goof. His arms looked amazing as he worked on the cookies but this was the same guy who had made countless sweaters for Taromaru. Then again that might be a plus. Maybe Y/N was just overthinking things. Instead of thinking of how nice it would be to be held by those arms, it would be better to think back on when Thoma had tried the Kamisatos’ latest hotpot creations and how he remained on the floor for 30 minutes after consuming it.
Actually no. She had been late to that dinner and should have been there earlier to stop him. For someone so helpful and important in their lives, they could at least help him out every now and then and not put him through things like that. Even though he laughs through it and says it’s fine, isn’t better to see him smiling like he was doing now.
His smile was so warm and comforting, filled with so much love for those around him. With everything he was doing right now, it wasn’t hard to admire him. Which led her back to staring at his arms. It’s just from a sense of admiration, so it must be alright to do.
Thoma’s hand began to snap in front of her face. “You there? Left space yet?”
She blinked stumbling back a bit. “I’m here. I’m here!”
“I asked if you could get the cookie cutters three times now. What were you even thinking about?” He question. The rolling pin had been placed on the side of the counter.
“Uh, It was nothing. I just zoned out. That’s all.” She moved quickly out of the way heading to the drying rack to to grab what he had asked for. 
Thoma frowned. He didn’t like being lied to but he didn’t want to push for an answer. Especially for something that over all wasn’t too important. “I’ll let you cut these out while I start the frosting. I’ll roll out the next batch once you’re done.”
“Thanks. I appreciate it.”
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