#anyway michael sheen looks so angelic here
pommedepersephone · 7 months
I keep rewatching s2e6, and I am convinced. Aziraphale KNOWS Metatron is lying.
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(Note, Michael Sheen is just an icon - incredible mastery of both micro expressions AND tone of voice and I get distracted by him speaking. Just me? Yeah, didn't think so.) So I watched the end of s2e6 with the sound off to focus on his physicality, just watched Aziraphale. Angel looks TERRIFIED and trying to hide it. The moment when Metatron says he's been looking into Az and Crowley's working relationship, Az looked like his heart stopped. Even his little speech to Crowley screams scared-and-faking-it. Aziraphale KNOWS he is walking into the lions' den getting in the elevator.
The thing is that everyone, including Aziraphale himself, underestimates our poor angel. Metatron assumed if the ineffable idiots were divided, he'd be the easier one to control. Heaven should know better, that for softness to survive, it must also contain some serious steel.
I just love Michael Sheen's quote and it is giving me life as I pine for wait for s3.
"We as a society tend to sort of undervalue goodness. It’s sort of seen as sort of somehow weak and a bit nimby and 'oh it’s nice.' And I think to be good takes enormous reserves of courage and stamina. I mean, you have to look the dark in the face to be truly good and to be truly of the light…. The idea that goodness is somehow lesser and less interesting and not as kind of muscular and as passionate and as fierce as evil somehow and darkness, I think is nonsense. The idea of being able to portray an angel, a being of love. I love seeing the things people have put online about angels being ferocious creatures, and I love that. I think that’s a really good representation of what goodness can be, what it should be, I suppose."
So anyway, I will be over here just thinking about fierce Aziraphale for the next three years...
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mamuscript · 8 months
On the Idea of Forgiveness:
For all that Aziraphale is a “being of love,” (and don’t get me wrong - I’m an Aziraphale defender until actual Armageddon) he consistently avoids opportunities to tell Crowley how he feels about him, while Crowley is consistently telling Aziraphale what he means to him, albeit also not explicitly.
The closest that Aziraphale comes to telling Crowley what he means to him is after the duo performs The Bullet Catch, and he says, “I knew you would come through for me. You always do.” Aziraphale clearly demonstrates how he feels about Crowley, thanks in large part to Michael Sheen’s sublime and peerless performance: the way he looks at him; the giddiness with which he grabs Crowley’s hand and drags him to the dancefloor; they way he relies on him; the way he bounces out into the world every day, full of conviction that Crowley will be by his side. And Aziraphale tells Crowley again and again, despite resistance from the demon himself, that he is a good person, a nice person. That is so important - Crowley needs to hear that, and he needs to know that Aziraphale believes that about him - but it’s all so subtle.
On the other hand, Crowley expresses to Aziraphale, again and again, that they’re a team. When the world is about to end and Crowley can’t think of any other ideas, he asks Aziraphale to run away and be with him. He shows up to protect Aziraphale time and time again, including from himself. He shows that he knows Aziraphale fully - “You have three reasons for calling me,” etc. He threatens everyone who poses danger to the angel. After the fire at the bookshop, when Aziraphale appears in his spectral form before Crowley, the demon tells him, “I lost my best friend.” Aziraphale could comfort him in this moment, he could return the sentiment. But instead, he only says, “I’m so sorry to hear it.”
And this one hurts the most - Crowley keeps letting things go and coming back to apologize, even though he isn’t wrong.
When they argue at the bandstand, it’s because Aziraphale is being deceptive, cruel, and sanctimonious. The angel is willing to sacrifice their relationship for his ideals, while Crowley is willing to sacrifice everything for their relationship. Aziraphale is clearly in the wrong, and yet Crowley comes crawling back - “Whatever I said I didn’t mean it. Work with me - I’m apologizing here.” When they argue over Gabriel, neither of them is wrong, per se, but Crowley has an excellent point - Gabriel is a significant threat to them both, and in particular to Aziraphale. Once again, Aziraphale dismisses him out of hand. But when Crowley learns that Aziraphale is in trouble, he comes back and apologizes (even though he wasn’t wrong) in order to protect the angel.
Crowley keeps putting himself out there, making himself vulnerable, swallowing his pride, and Aziraphale not only doesn’t do the same, he never even acknowledges it.
This is what withers my heart about that final scene. Crowley has put himself out there for Aziraphale again and again over thousands of years, has come far closer to telling Aziraphale what he means to him than the angel has to telling him. And despite the inevitability of the rejection he’s about to receive, he does it again. He makes himself vulnerable, he tells Aziraphale that all they need is each other - my guy comes so close to telling him that he wants to spend eternity at his side. And Aziraphale shoots him down again.
Not only does he cast Crowley aside, but he has the audacity to tell Crowley that he forgives him.
I’m not going to dissect that particular act of forgiveness (not right now, anyway).
But I will say this: that despite the ever-present topic of what Crowley may or may not have done to get cast out of heaven and whether he’s worthy of mercy, despite Aziraphale priggishly deigning to offer Crowley forgiveness not once but twice, despite the fact that Crowley has the black wings and Aziraphale the white… Despite all of that, in an ironic twist of fate (or rather, due to the unparalleled and masterful achievement of the storytelling here) the next time we see these two, it won’t be Crowley who will need to earn forgiveness. It will be Aziraphale.
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seenthisepisode · 1 year
hi! I saw your post about the why episode title change why 11 scenes cut why lamp etc etc and I know some of it but not all, and I was hoping you could elaborate on spngate— if it’s not too much trouble— or point me in a direction where I can join you in the spn gate?
I feel ashamed for HOW LONG i let this ask just rot in my askbox (it's from january, apparently, now it's april. i thought maybe two weeks passed but NO. it was months. ANON I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART) but now with the power of this url and the wine i am currently sipping, let me give you the best, most thought-out answer that i possibly can.
I don't know how long you've been following/watching spn, so I won't get into real deep iceberg theories that go back to season 8 and jeremy carver, for the purpose of this essay answer I'll just stick to the year anno domini 2020, and will try to do my best to tell you what happened.
Okay, maybe 2019. So, in june 2019, when the first scripts and drafts for s15 are presented, these things happen: 1. apparently, according to Berens, the confession scene is the first thing that was written for season 15. 2. Jensen Ackles is sat down and asked if he would be okay with this. (question is asked: why would they ask jensen if all he does in this scene is look at cas, he doesn't say anything, he does not confess, it changes nothing about his character, etc.; if you put the real tjlc tinfoil hat on you'd ask hey , maybe they asked him if precisely that is okay, if he is okay with the fact dean is practically silenced here but that's Deep) 3. Jensen apparently is okay with that, because it happens.
also this thing happens around the same time: 1. they write the ending for the brothers, and no matter what version of the finale we're talking about, Dean dies 2. Jensen Ackles is Not Okay with this. he calls Kripke who then, in a call and/or email assures him it's a good ending (Jensen says that) and also very quickly after that Jensen is announced to play Soldier Boy in Kripke's The Boys. make of that what you want
They film, blah blah, march 2020, covid happens, they stop production right after they film the confession. Last episode to air is 15x13, last episode they film is 15x18, they almost have a plane crush when flying to vegas con, and then, a loooong break until august 2020. Now, from what we know, there were two versions of the finale - the pre-covid finale they were supposed to film if the filming schedule wasn't interrupted, and the finale that happened.
What was supposed to be in the Original Finale/Pre-Covid Finale, we still don't know exactly, but from what the cast said, there was supposed to be a big cast reunion, Harvelle's Roadhouse in Heaven, Kansas Band (why are they dead?) playing there after Dean gets there and so on.
Anyway. July 2020. Misha does a livestream with Michael Sheen (the SuperGood campaign) where he says he is going back to filming the last two episodes in a few weeks. he said it LIVE. it's on youtube. people analyze the background from Misha's livestreams and photos and conclude he is in Vacouver, where spn is filmed. He also says that he is going back filming in a few interviews. Also here.
August 2020. They go back to filming in august 2020 to film 15x19 and 15x20.
August 20th, 2020, Misha's birthday.
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I wasn't on set TODAY. so casual. of all days i wasn't there today.
August 24th, 2020, day 6/8 of filming 15x19, Angel with a Shotgun is hash tag Song of The Day while filming scenes of 15x19 (scene 28, 31).
September 4th, 2020. ALL THEY FILM, for the whole DAY, is one scene. They usually film a few. They film one. Song of the day? The Night We Met.
Somewhere before the episodes starts to air again, Dabb says only 30% of the audience will like the finale. Anyway, everyone concludes, Misha is filming, destiel is more or less going canon, but everyone including bibros is sure Misha is filming and will be there for the finale.
Originally, "Despair" was called "The Truth".
Finale airs.
It feels shorter (apparently it's not) but it does have an additional ad break. For Walker. But it feels shorter because of the "carry on my wayward son" cover montage that lasts too long and later it's discovered thanks to scripts that dropped that there are ELEVEN scenes that were filmed,, but didn't make it to the episode. The script that drops is also very telling, where scenes are just [OMMITTED]. It was explained that they wanted to have actor there but they didn't want actors to quarantine for two weeks to film one or two scenes BUT then that's exactly what they did with Jim Beaver lmao.
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So yeah. I also remember Misha at a con (DarkLight?) where, after asked about the original ending, he answers that the original ending was something that would be better explored in fanfiction anyway. Theory rises he filmed and was cut off the episode without his or Jensen's knowledge because Misha sat down his kids to watch the spn finale (which was the first episode they were supposed to watch ever, why would he do that if he's not there?) and then, CW SPN twitter posts a goodbye video that has everyone from the cast and their mother BUT MISHA AND JENSEN ARE NOT THERE. Jensens sexy silence starts.
November 25th, the Spanish Dub. 15x18 drops in Brazil and Dean says "and i you" to Cas, after he confesses. No "don't do this cas" but "and i you". Tumblr stops working for two hours, people on discords are screaming, no one knows whats happening, someone claims Jensen was called in September 2020 to record some adlibs? To record the muffled sobs Dean does while on the floor. Theory is supported by the fact that in the Bazil version? When Dean sits on the floor? The sound that plays are birds. Chirping birds. Sounds don't match, what was Dean saying while crying on the floor, question arises.
Everyone decides there was a Rogue Translator who managed to hide from The CW Sniper (who is the reason actors just dont tell us everything) and translated some kind of Original Script. Voice Actors are invited to a podcast where they debunk this saying that it was added because the translator felt this was the right response or something like that. Anyway they debunk the fact that there existed, at any time, a version of a script, that maybe was send to them, where Dean says I love you too. This was a wild night, no one slept.
And like. I could make this post longer, but I am planning to, one day, make a huge masterpost with real sources about that because honestly you could write a book about it.
But tl;dr spngate is a theory that misha did film for the last 2 episodes and the changes they made were truly last minute (september 2020), they were going for a canon destiel, possibly human!cas engame, dabb was always on our side, and it's based on stuff like jensen actively hating the ending to the point he made his prequel after 2 years of radio silence, 11 scenes just cut from the finale, misha saying he is going back filming, and people like mark pellegrino saying the last scene he filmed was with alex and misha. also the onion field. why lamp is the theory that cas is represented and symbolized by lamps throughout the show and when dean dances with a Lamp in a drug induced dream instead of, say, some kind of a lady he is actually thinking about cas.
also there are little things like when jensen at an online con before the finale says that oh yes i am wearing a grey flannel but tomorrow? who know it could be blue and green. and we all collectively lost our shit. like when he said he is most excited to "tackle" with cas in season 15. or that "dean has no taste, clearly". WHY WAS YOUR PERMISSION NEEDED JENSEN
there are a lot of things i didn't mention here because i simply can't unflod this whole thing just like that but
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but if you understand this picture you might be entitled to financial compensation
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Anyways this was a post I wanted to make like a month ago but it got deleted when it was still a draft but I think I must do it for azirafeast. It talked about how aziraphale looks ethereal and angelic while doing some "angelic" stuff, and here's some examples
I can't find all the ones I wanted to put but here are some of them
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So Michael Sheen shows lots of micro expressions while acting so his expressions here aren't completely the same but they have just a something angelic and ethereal that just mfjwuksxjekmwndhwuwkbdhdiekm
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amanda-melly · 8 months
My Good Omens Season 3 fan project
I spent most of my day fleshing out "my 3rd season of good omens" and I have to say I'm pretty damn proud of it. It's structured in 6 episodes and all.
I don't know if I'll have the time and patience to type everything. I wrote it on a notebook. I'd actually prefer to make a podcast or maybe a video narrating everything, but I guess people prefer to go to AO3 or something like that...
Some "spoilers" of my headcanon:
* hilarious scene of Crowley doing confession in a cathedral in Oxford to get a chance to talk to the priest (Crowley wears a full body raincoat and extra padded boots).
* Aziraphale starts the story overseeing the 7 angels practice playing their trumpets (they need to be ready for when the 7th seal is broken) as part of the insufferably useless corporate routine the metatron imposed on him. Another one is supervising incense production. Lots of incence in the book of revelation.
* there's a crown court hearing/ trial taking place at Oxford (that's a real thing and real name, I didn't make it up) that moves the plot forward. There are 12 jurors as a reference to the 12 apostles (that's the real number of jurors for these cases). The trial at Oxford triggers flashbacks to Crowley's trial. Back in Crowley's trial, Aziraphale tries to testify in his favor but the heads of Heaven, especially the metatron, subvert everything he says to make Crowley (Starmaker back then) look guilty. An angel - none other than Pre-Fall Dagon - comes in as accusation witness, Crowley says hey, you rebelled too! And dagon says they were a special spy infiltrated under superior orders and all their actions will be pardoned in exchange for them testifying. Dagon's testimony seals Crowley's destiny, and later, once all the rebels have been sentenced, Heaven sentences Dagon to hell anyway claiming the deal was invalid because of some ridiculous technicality. Season 1 was a chase story, season 2 was a mystery story, season 3 is a trial story (not exclusively, of course, but it's important. The whole theme of the second coming is Christ judging everyone, one by one. There's no escaping the "judgement" theme here) (I'm a lawyer so I'm pretty confident to approach this theme).
* did you know that Milton Keynes was designated as a new town in 1967? Do you know what else happened in 1967 in season 1? And do you know that both Crowley and Aziraphale took credit for Milton Keynes to their respective head offices, in the book? Put 2+2 together and we get an amazing flashback including Aziraphale and Crowley's first ever dinner at the Ritz! (for reasons I already explained in another post, no, they don't kiss before the s2 scene, so hold your horses).
* possibly a flashback of Aziraphale and Crowley during the wars of religion in Wales that serves to showcase some of their conversations trying to understand Christ's message and why humans misanderstand him so much. It's included for a number of reasons: we need to have something in Wales for Michael Sheen (now that David Tennant got to do his Scottish accent!) plus they really should talk about how ironic and tragic it is that so many people have killed each other over religious differences concerning Christ's message of peace and love among all persons and all peoples. Including the commandment of not killing each other. Seems to have gone right past people somehow. (this flashback also helps to give us some lighthearted Aziracrow early on, because Aziraphale and Crowley only really hit it off again by the end of episode 3 and only really get back together in episode 4).
* a new human character named Abel J. Ryuss has an important role as well. His full name is Abel James Ryuss. We get some 4 ou 5 new human characters that are important to the plot.
* Crowley kind of calls attention on a new human prophet and "outs" him as a prophet by accident and the dude ends up becoming a famous influencer - aka the modern equivalent of a prophet.
* the story begins with 4 out of 7 of the apocalypse seals already broken (aka the 4 riders of the apocalypse). When the 5th seal breaks, the dead arise. When the 6th seal breaks, in episode 5, Gabriel and Beelzebub return. But they're foreshadowed in episode 4 by the appearance of a blue bird with a fly flying around it in a tree in the background.
* the trio of angels: Michael, Uriel and Saraquiel each makes very different choices and have very different endings. One is irrelevant, one is killed and one ends up as the supreme archangel.
* heaven has at least 3 different factions with different agendas working to their own ends simultaneously. Hell has 2.
* catastrophical destruction followed by huge battle.
* In the end Gabriel and Beelzebub become consultants.
* careful with those to claim to speak for God.
* a marriage at south downs - and it's not Crowley and Aziraphale's! It's another couple we love. Aziraphale and Crowley needed a reason to go to south downs in the first place. Then they can take a walk and stumble upon a lovely cottage that just happens to be for sale.
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neoputo · 8 months
okay, here we go
[ first of all, a lil disclaimer: these are my thoughts + opinions, this doesn't mean they're 100% right, at all. it's just some stuff i kept wondering abt after reading some theories and thought might be fun (?) to share. just to provide a look from a different angle, and to bring more questioning to the table. needless to say, i very much respect the authors of these theories, and i think their analytical skills are on another level! i would've never been able to come up with all that by myself! AND this post wouldn't exist if it wasn't for those analysis. so yeah, just wanted to make this clear. ]
anyway, these are some things i found that i think the following theories don't cover/might've missed out/might be wrong abt:
first, about "the *original* original sin theory": i feel like something's missing. this something being: there is no explanation for aziraphale's weird ass smile in the ending/credits scene. like, while i was reading the theory, i found myself nodding most of the time, and when i was getting closer to the end, i was hoping there would be some explanation for that final scene. but there wasn't! look, i'm not that smart, so i find it really hard to figure out why azi would smile like that after everything that happened, specially if we consider this theory to be true. something doesn't add up. there's something so wrong abt that smile. like,, on that same scene, crowley looks DEVASTATED and it makes sense! i feel aziraphale should look just as sad and broken, tho, and he doesn't. i mean, if it was a fake smile, i'd believe it was to deceive metatron, or pretend he is okay with his decision in front of him, or whatever. but it's not a fake smile. it's not a genuine one either. it's a very weird, kinda creepy smile??? like, michael sheen, you're amazing! but also, what the heck?! why would azi do that? (i have no idea. this is just me pointing this out, i don't have the brains to figure it out lol sorry!).
now, the other theory, "the magic trick you didn't see": i actually found this analysis very interesting and backed up with a lot of evidence as well! BUT (of course there's a but), i also feel like the author was kind of pushing it a bit too much sometimes. let me explain myself: i feel there are some moments that the author catalogues as "metatron's intervention/manipulation of memories" that, in my opinion, dont seem much like that... let's exemplify!
the "before the beginning" scene: honestly, i thought this scene was lovely! and i don't think metatron could've manipulated to draw aziraphale away from crowley. at all. in this scene, crowley is pictured as a cute little baby angel; so pure, so filled with excitement and curiosity and hope. he's also a bit naive, too, specially in comparison with aziraphale, who, on the other hand, looks baby but not so baby... he knows how things work up in heaven, he knows angels aren't that good (tho he might not admit it or say it out loud), he knows they aren't as free-willed as they might think they are, or want to be. so ofc, when crowley starts making questions + suggesting a suggestion box, aziraphale worries abt him. cus he knows how things work. and he knows angel!crowley could get in trouble for that. and he likes angel!crowley, boy! he so obviously does. so, aziraphale, much more aware of the situation and the way things work, is not withdrawn by crowley's innate curiosity. i think he actually likes that abt him, he might even think it's adorable. azi is just scared of what could happen to baby crowley, and i think he's trying to protect him. in conclusion, i personally think both aziraphale and crowley feel very much in character, which is to say, this memory doesn't feel/look manipulated or altered by metatron. not to me at least.
—i think there might be other scenes that the author labeled as "metatron's intervention/manipulation of memories" that i don't agree with, but i don't remember rn. guess i should read the analysis again to refresh my memory, but i won't do that rn, sorry!
also, i've already mentioned maggie's possible autism on another post!
okayyyyy,, this is it. i hope y'all (whoever you are) enjoyed reading this & thanks for taking your time! pls let me know what you think! i love discussing theories and thoughts on good omens with strangers lol but fr!
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thinking about the wall push
in the book, when aziraphale says "i've always thought you're really a nice person", crowley just looks miserable and says "tell the whole blessed world, why don't you"
i like to dissect character motivations and internal monologues to hell and back so here's why the Wall Push happened instead of the above
-crowley already has the background stress of losing the antichrist
-crowley is trying So Hard to be a Big Scary Demon who does Evil Things, like make people spontaneously kill each other, and is Embarrassed that even after all this time of being a demon, he doesn't have the heart to go through with it (like hastur burning down the satanic convent and instakilling one of the nuns. that's the expected type of demonic behaviour, right?)
-he doesn't even have the heart to let aziraphale *believe* that that's what he's doing. he hears aziraphale's upset voice and immediately confesses "no, they're not Actually killing each other", ashamed of it as he is
-a demon can get in a lot of trouble for doing the Right Thing, and crowley is embarrassed that he sucks at being a demon, is still compelled to be mischievous intead of Evil at worst, and doesn't and has never fit in with the other demons. he obviously must never have fit in with other angels when he was an angel, seeing as how he fell, and he's got no choice in the matter, he Has to be a demon, and it's a demon eat demon world where his fellow demons often kill each other for a laugh. if anyone else finds out that crowley is nice and sucks shit at being a demon, his entire identity and existence is on the line
so he shoves aziraphale up against the wall and says no FUCK you i AM a Big Scary Demon, see, i'm a Twisted Fucking Cycle Path, i might even hurt YOU (he would never, obviously)
and aziraphale... he's known crowley since the beginning of time. he knows this is all a facade. he doesn't react at all to the Wall Push other than being taken off guard at first. instead he just looks at the proximity of crowley's face to his and goes oh interesting.
(i'll never find the gif on mobile but i saw a gifset of michael sheen in another movie, in a scene where he tenderly kisses a woman and looks at her longingly, eyes half-lidded, after she pulls back. IT IS THE EXACT SAME FACIAL EXPRESSION I SWEAR TO GOD. THIS IS A DELIBERATE ACTING CHOICE)
anyway, all this to say that crowley is essentially This Image:
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and that's how aziraphale sees him, i think, just "yes, dear, you're Very Scary And Evil, can we get on with things, please?"
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dduane · 2 years
Dear Person Who Anon’d Me Saying “One Of Your Mutuals Is A Cannibalism Fan” and some more stuff along those lines and then added “You Disgust Me”...
Let me state here (to start with) that I have 1800 or so mutuals. (Among whom may well be Hannifans of various sorts. Can’t cope with fiction? Your problem, not mine.)
Anyway. If (as I think) so unrevealing a message about one of them is all you’re going to give me to go on—one that makes it impossible for me to look into the issue myself and determine whether this is indeed an issue, or something you made up in your head—I have to assume that the post, regardless of the way you attempted to frame it, was essentially destructive in intent.
It is also difficult to avoid the conclusion that the message was merely a bid for attention. This is, frankly, a bad move. The attention likely to ensue is unlikely to be the sort you sought.
Whoever you may imagine yourself to be—since you’re unwilling to take enough responsibility for your own actions to identify yourself in the act—then all I need to say here is:
Your unwillingness to assume any name when making such an accusation means you have no power here. So (in the words of the angelically-inclined Michael Sheen): Very fuck off.
Meanwhile, insofar as you give Them the ability to do so (because consent is, as usual, an issue for Them): may the Powers that Be look kindly on you. Because it really looks like you may need it.
PS: You may in fact be spam. In which case, your predestined fate has already fallen upon you! See how that works? :)
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Rewatching the series because, surprisingly, I haven't in awhile. At least not start to finish, I've referenced gifs and pictures hundreds of times.
Anyway, I find it adorable that Crowley is Aziraphale's safe person from the very beginning, confiding in him about the sword and everything.
One thing I didn't really notice is how MUCH he's confiding in Crowley in the next scene. He's clearly been holding his doubts inside, but then Crowley comes around and he just bursts out with how God is "a bit tetchy lately" and is basically screaming in his unspoken subtext angel language how much he hates it.
Like look at that, it's basically, "Oh thank goodness you're here!" (Well okay in the gif it's more pronounced but still he's basically bursting at the seams to tell SOMEONE what's going on, and it very well can't be another angel.)
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There it is, that's it, he's hooked after that.
Also, no one can convince me that Aziraphale accidentally said, "Oh, well let me tempt you" in Rome. He meant it. 100%.
I think I'm just mostly surprised at how much Aziraphale flirting I missed, just because he's not (always) openly gazing at Crowley. But it makes sense. His language is very much between the lines, inferences and implications so that he never has to ACTUALLY commit blasphemy, but he gets the point across regardless.
Edit: Also more Michael Sheen appreciation because he plays anxiety so well. 10/10 my exact body language with anxiety and also when I want to express something I know I'm not supposed to say out loud.
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edhelwen1 · 4 years
So we really enjoyed the Amazon Live interview with @neil-gaiman and David Tennant in our house.
I put our son down for his nap and then watched it with our 3yo daughter.
The instant David appeared on screen, she was super excited. "Crowley! Crowley is there! But..." [insert inquisitive look here] "... that's not Aziraphale. Where is Aziraphale?"
We explained that it was Neil, and he was the author, see look he's on our wall, he wrote a Doctor Who episode, etc.
"Oh yes," she says. "But why no Aziraphale?"
Michael is probably busy. I'm sure he'd be there if he could.
"Is Neil a real person?"
Then we had to remind her that it was David Tennant who is an actor and played Crowley, not Crowley himself talking. So funny when they get reality mixed up with movies.
And then Michael Sheen sent in a video question.
"AZIRAPHALE!!!! See Mum! There he is! I love you, Aziraphale!"
Keep in mind, this is full-shaggy Michael Sheen in all his gorgeous bearded glory, not a bleached hair in sight. I think I must show her a lot of pictures of him that she recognizes him so well...
She was very disappointed that was all the time they devoted to him, but enjoyed the whole interview anyways.
I tweeted the dialogue (in brief, because Twitter) at Michael.
And he replied.
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I thought his beautiful face needed to be seen in more locations that just my Twitter. So here it is.
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She recorded a video saying "thank you Aziraphale", which I'll link to on the Twitter thread here. (Side note: yay I figured out how to link to the tweet properly!)
Feel free to share these two beautiful angels!
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ahsbitch · 4 years
Something Strange In The Air (Part 2)
Word Count: 2544
Summary: In the aftermath of your...incident with Michael, you’re still tumbling to figure out what you’re doing. 
Warnings: It’s probably bad idk, oral (male receiving), face fucking, degradation, Mean!Michael & Being Mean To Michael, blue balls, waxing poetic, lots of cursing (as always), idk i can’t think of any others 
A/N: Sorry this is really short and sorry it took so long I’m in college so I’ve been busy and I was writing a oneshot for a different fandom which took some time, the next chapter will have more plot to it and stuff I promise, my apologies for shitty writing and being a super slow writer, I’m doing my best I promise. As always, comments (even just in the tags) are always ultra appreciated!!!!!
Mini Tags: @wroteclassicaly @1-666-coven @michaellangdonstanaccount uhhh there are others but i can’t remember if i forgot to tag you i’m sorry pls remind me 
There was poetry flashing through your mind.
Some say the world will end in fire
Bits and pieces. 
Death, be not proud
You couldn’t get him off your mind. 
Doing a man’s work, though a child at heart 
Couldn’t get your dream off your mind. 
For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams 
The way he had looked at you, in it, how he had held your hand.
He kindly stopped for me-
Michael often called you little witch,
Leave my loneliness unbroken 
But he had never called you his little witch, as he had in the dream. 
There will be time to murder and create
He was beautiful, almost angelic in appearance, you had to admit.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
And he pulled you in, in spite of how hard you tried to ignore it
I can no longer remain away from you
It was almost disgusting, how much you thought about him. 
Curse, bless, me now with your tears, I pray
There was something about him that frightened you.
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
A lot about him that frightened you, actually. 
A waking on a morn
“Y/N,” Cordelia spoke, and you could tell from her tone that this wasn’t the first time she’d said your name, “Are you with me?” 
Shit, you’d gotten distracted. 
You’d been called to a meeting in Cordelia’s office, made it to one of the chairs, and immediately spaced out. 
You hadn’t really seen Michael in almost a week, nothing more than passing glimpses in the halls and quick pulses of his energy in the air. You’d been avoiding him. Or maybe he’d been avoiding you. Honestly, you couldn’t remember. You hadn’t spent a single night in your bedroom, instead floating around to parties and going to the swamps to practice your magic rather than spend time in the study room. 
Fuck, things were getting complicated.
“I’m with you,” You smiled cautiously at her, “I’m sorry.” 
She smiled back, something you couldn’t quite determine just behind her eyes. Concern, of course, her whole aura was clearly very concerned, but something else, and then she was speaking, her voice as calm as ever, “Don’t be sorry. Are you feeling okay?” 
Of course not.
“Of course I am!” 
“Try again,” Her hands were folded neatly on her desk, and you dropped your gaze to look at them, Cordelia’s words making you feel a strange sense of shame, “I’m a little worried about you, Y/N.” 
Your ears were burning, your heart jumping wildly in your chest, “I’m sorry.” 
She sighed, shaking her head, “Don’t be sorry. Just... what’s going on with you? What’s going on between you and Michael Langdon?”
“What do you mean?”
“You haven’t been sleeping in your room, or studying in the house,” Cordelia looked at you strangely, and you held your breath, “Have you still been fighting?”
She didn’t know.
Thank fuck. 
“Yes,” You responded, perhaps a little too quickly, “Yes, we have. We just can’t seem to agree on anything.”
Not entirely untrue.
She nodded sympathetically, and you were relieved to feel that she believed that was it, “I’m sorry. I feared something like this might happen. But Y/N, you need to return to your room.You can’t be out every night, and you can’t do all of your studying in the swamps. You’re still a student here. You have to be present, at least sometimes.”
“Okay,” Nodding, you worked on getting your breathing fully back to normal, “I’ll be back in my room tonight.” 
“Good,” Cordelia reached out and squeezed your hand gently, “I’m proud of you, Y/N. You are a powerful witch, and a good woman. I believe in you.” 
Not able to make yourself respond, you simply flashed her a smile and bolted for the door, blinking back tears.
Fuck, she’d bee so disappointed if she knew the truth. 
You were barely out of the office when the door to a closet opened and someone tugged you inside, slamming it shut. 
“What the fuck, Michael?” You snapped, blinking into the darkness. 
Michael’s hand clamped over your mouth as he let out a growl, “Be quiet, little witch.” 
You worked your mouth until you managed to clamp your teeth onto the skin of his palm, biting as hard as you could. 
“Fuck,” He hissed, jerking away from you, “That hurt!”
“Good,” Glaring, you reached for the cord on the light and tugged on it, the weak bulb flickering overhead, “What the fuck?”
Glowering at you in the dim light, Michael crossed his arms, “What did Cordelia want?”
“None of your business.”
“I’m pretty sure it is,” Shaking his head, he scoffed at you, “It was about me, wasn’t it? Does she know?” 
It was childish to play dumb, and you knew that, but you were doing it anyway, “Does she know what? Why would we want to talk about you?” 
It took only a single step for Michael to back you against the wall, pinning you there with his hips, "Don’t even bother with that shit. Answer the fucking question.” 
You shoved at his chest, although even you had to admit that it was a halfhearted push. His proximity, especially after so long away from him, was overwhelming, and you felt your mind slipping to a place you didn’t want it to be, “Get the fuck away from me, asshole.” 
Another shove, and he wrapped his hands around your wrists, holding them over your head, “You weren’t asking me to do that last time we saw each other, were you, little witch? Now. Does Cordelia know?” 
“No,” Growling, you tried in vain to pull your hands back, “We talked about you, but she doesn’t know about that. Now let me go.” 
Tilting his head to the side, Michael laughed at you, “How many times do I have to tell you? You’re not the one in charge here.”
“Fuck you,” You spat, beginning to shake with something between fury and a feeling that you didn’t quite want to acknowledge.
“This is a pretty color,” Michael shifted both of your wrists to one hand and brought the other down to trail across your lips, tapping at the soft flesh, smudging a bit of the golden sheen, “Did you put this on for me?” 
Ever since that day in the study room, not that day but the one before, you had taken to wearing more and more lipstick, coating your lips in a new color everyday. 
Today was gold, one that shimmered when the light hit it, and if you were honest, yes, you did put it on for Michael. Every time you reapplied a coat of lipstick, today and every other, he flashed through your mind, the sneer on his features, the echo of his words in your ear when his fingers were down your throat. 
“You look good like this...Gagging...You wear revealing clothes and you act like you’re doing it for yourself...But really you’re just a dumb, depraved, desperate little whore who wants nothing more than to be dicked down by your rival.” 
Fuck, just thinking about it sent a wave of wetness gushing through you, and you tensed your legs in an effort to ignore it, and the smirk on Michael’s face told you that he had noticed. 
Yes, you were wearing it for him. 
“No,” You had to crane your head to glare at him with how close he was, “I don’t know if this is the first time you’re hearing this, but not everything is about you, Boy Wonder.” 
He hummed, drawing his fingers along your cheekbone, and you cursed yourself for the way you leaned into the contact ever so subtly. After a moment he pressed his lips against yours, and although you fought to keep yourself in control, to keep from kissing him back, cursing yourself once again when you couldn’t hold yourself back, your noses smashing against one another, your mouth slipping open with a groan, quickly intruded upon by Michael’s tongue, which battled fiercely with yours. 
And then suddenly he pulled away from you and stepped back, and you fell to your knees as he chuckled, his hands unbuckling his belt, “All the same, little bitch, I think that color would look wonderful smeared all over my cock, don’t you?” 
“I fucking hate you,” You glared up at him through your eyelashes as one of his hands gripped your hair, the other pulling his dick out of the confines of his slacks. 
“That just makes this all the more pathetic, doesn’t it?” He slapped your cheek with his dick gently, and it wasn’t lost on you how perfect it was, the size and the ridging and and the pulsing veins and the furious pink of the tip all making your mouth water, “Get up and walk away if you want, little witch bitch. But I don’t think you will. I think you want this. I think that being a little whore is the calling you’re pulled to most.” 
Get up and walk away.
You could do that. 
He pulled his hand from your hair, letting your head drop back, and you knew that if you moved to stand he would release you, would let you go. His precum had leaked onto your face as he continued to hit your cheeks, waiting to see what you would do. 
Just get up and walk away. 
But you couldn’t, couldn’t bring yourself to walk away without having the chance to taste him, not when the very thought was sending arousal roaring through you, and while you wished you could directly blame this on Michael, could say that his magic was holding you in place, that simply wasn’t it. 
You opened your mouth as wide as you could and in an instant his cock was down your throat, Michael setting off to fuck your face at an intense pace. 
Gagging, you brought your hands up to his thighs, and when your nails scratched against his legs through the fabric or his dress pants Michael let out a high, desperate groan. 
Although you couldn’t quite smile at that, with how full your mouth was, there was a little voice gloating in the back of your head, and you squeezed his thigh tightly, drinking down his moans as you moved until his own back had hit the wall, his hands desperately moving from your hair to your shoulders to simply slamming down on either side of his body. 
“Your mouth is good for something, I guess,” Michael grunted, as though he wasn’t as desperate for you as you had been for him a week ago, “You’re much prettier when you’re not talking, did you know that?” 
You managed to flick back your middle finger enough to flip him off, although you didn’t pull back to make a verbal response. There was something urgent about this, and the idea of dropping him from your mouth seemed too great a sacrifice to make, when the harmony of Michael’s shockingly soft, animalistic moans mixed with the lewd, wet noises of his dick hitting the back of your throat was so disgustingly lovely. 
Michael’s hands twitched, as though he was going to grab at your hair again, and at that moment he seemed to finally notice your own magic in the air, holding his wrists in place.
“You little bitch,” He snarled, straining against the magic, but all he could do was buck his hips into your mouth even harder, letting out a hiss as your teeth grazed him, as your tongue swirled around his head, “Let me go.” 
But where’s the fun in that? 
You didn’t let him go, and you didn’t stop. If anything, you grew more intense, your hands managing all over him, sneaking past the fabric of his clothes to leave angry scratches on his skin, so smooth underneath your touch. Eventually one of them trailed to his balls, tugging and toying with them roughly as he began to strain even harder, began to make a choked noise at the back of his throat that made your thighs clench, and you knew he was going to cum soon. 
You pulled your mouth off of him. 
He looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, panting, desperate, watching as you trailed your tongue over every inch of his dick, pulling his balls into your mouth and sucking them slowly, and finally you pressed a kiss to the skin just above his cock and leaned back with a grin.
“What the fuck,” Michael growled, although his face showed a kind of manic desperation that he clearly wasn’t used to, “Get back to it!”
“No, I don’t think I will,” Your smile got even wider, although your mouth was sore and your voice scratchy, you decided it was worth it, “You call me a little bitch all the time, but who’s the bitch now, Boy Wonder?” 
“Y/N, I’m serious. I will ruin you,” Snarling in spite of the pained expression starting to grow on his face, he thrusted against you, and you let out a giggle at that. 
“It’s so cute that you say that while you’re humping my leg like an unfixed puppy,” Shaking your head, you took a step back, out of the range of his hips, and looked down to admire his flushed, throbbing dick, “You were right, y’know. The gold does look good on there .Especially the contrast it has with the blue of your balls.”
He looked down to see that your words were true, the skin becoming overtaken with a pale, bruise like color, and when Michael looked back up at you there was something murderous in his eyes, “Quit fucking around. Let me go, and finish.” 
“Why should I?”
Arms straining against their magical containment, face twisting with the growing pain in his balls, Michael’s voice had grown croaky, “Do it. I will never touch you again, if you walk away from this, do you get that you desperate little whore? You want me. You need me. Do what I fucking tell you.” 
“I think there’s been a serious misunderstanding here, Langdon. I don’t need anything from you. You keep saying you’re the one in charge, but look at you. You’re nothing but a little blonde bimbo. So fuck you,” You scoffed, trailing a single hand across his chest and giving his nipple a harsh pinch, letting out a laugh at his angered whine, “And by the way, Cordelia says I have to move back into our room. I’ll be back tonight. I’ll see you whenever you get around to being the powerful warlock everyone thinks you are and break through my magic.”
With that, you pressed a quick, chaste kiss to the corner of his lip and turned away, not bothering to fix your own appearance before you went out, turning the light off before you closed Michael in the closet. 
You were proud of yourself, you had to admit. 
Scared, perhaps, of what he might do, and curious as to whether or not he’d keep the promise that he’d never touch you again-not that you wanted him to, of course, you were just curious-but you were proud all the same. 
Fucking Michael Langdon. 
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sleepymccoy · 4 years
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It’s radio good omens week! The radio play is fucking wild, the only thing i can really remember from it is that Crowley’s voice is outrageously sexual. Like, dripping with fuckability. He’s a total flirt and he knows it. Every time he speaks it’s like his tongue is remembering other things it could be doing better. He talks like he knows this conversation ends in a blowjob under the table. His throat is permanently raw from the horniness of his tone.
Anyway, it’s very fun and i recommend you listen to the radio drama if you haven’t already. Aziraphale’s prissy voice is a tonne of fun too, but it does sit in the shade of Crowley’s rumbling bass note of sheer sexuality imo
descrip under cut
it’s not really a comic layout so much as a collection of sketches of one evening. Comic-y style, coloured in flats with a dark red squiggle instead of a background
The first picture shows Crowley pouring Aziraphale a glass of wine, rather generously, as he runs a finger down Aziraphale’s face. Crowley is in a black leather jacket and has the wildest hair i’ve ever had the pleasure of drawing. It’s sorta like a cross between a cobra and a disrespect of gravity. There’s a big elvis-on-crack flick on top, then two matching curls over his shoulders. Each large whack of hair is as big as his head, making him look wildly huge next to little Aziraphale. Crowley’s face tattoo is a light curl of snake that ends above his eyebrow
Aziraphale is wearing a pale blue vest with khaki diamonds on it. His collar is undone with no tie. He has a mop of hair on top in tight white curls that would be groovy if he weren’t overshadowed by Crowley’s outrageous hairdo. He looks more like Michael Sheen than Crowley does Davit Tennant, but he’s kinda pokey and fussy, ya know? But in like a cute way
In this picture Crowley is saying, “Don’t make a fuss, angel, don’t. I know you like to be coy, and it does suit you, it does, but just let me pour, yes?” and Aziraphale is smiling and saying, “I’m not- I’m not making a fuss, dear.”
In the next picture Aziraphale and Crowley are looking fondly at each other. Crowley is looking kinda spaced out, while Aziraphale is more amused. Crowley is saying, “Oh, I- I forgot what I was saying. You’re beautiful.” Aziraphale says, “Oh, shush.” and Crowley says, “You’re breathtaking.”
The second image is all the one scene, in three parts. Crowley is crowding in on Aziraphale, they’re sitting next to each other and Crowley has one hand on Aziraphale’s knee (riding up to his thigh) and his other hand raised so his thumb is touching Aziraphale’s mouth very tenderly. Crowley’s speach bubb;es say, “Shh, angel. Stay here. I’ll get you a fresh pinot. I’ll be back soon. <3″
Then there’s a picture of Aziraphale sitting along, looking down at his (khaki) pants, which are tenting in a very obvious erection kind of a way. Then the next picture has Aziraphale crossing his legs tightly and looking to the side Crowley wasn’t sitting and saying, “Yes. Well. It’s going to be one of those nights, I guess.”
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famousmortimer · 2 years
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I posted 2,422 times in 2021
37 posts created (2%)
2385 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 64.5 posts.
I added 3,894 tags in 2021
#good omens - 1606 posts
#aziraphale x crowley - 1329 posts
#aziraphale - 208 posts
#michael sheen - 198 posts
#sheen x tennant - 133 posts
#prodigal son - 108 posts
#martin whitly - 93 posts
#crowley - 84 posts
#staged - 74 posts
#good omens extended universe - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 61 characters
#norman: the moderate rise and tragic fall of a new york fixer
My Top Posts in 2021
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46 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 05:18:16 GMT
Not surprisingly, Aziraphale’s human form smelt of ancient books mixed with musty book shop and old clothes. It was the sort of smell that one might wrinkle their nose at, perhaps even assigning the phrase ‘charity shop’ to it. His barber insisted on trying to convince him to mask it, but that only ended up adding more aromas into the mix.
Crowley knew exactly what Aziraphale smelt like. When he’d miss his angel, he would open a yellowing, slightly crumbling book and inhale deeply.
Some might look at a photo of Crowley’s human form and think leather or spices. But, the sad truth was that he really did exude more than just a faint whiff of brimstone. No matter how much body spray he used, the smell of Hell still managed to seep from his pores. If he really needed to, he could use the power of his imagination to make himself tolerable to the humans, but other occult (and ethereal) beings could always detect the telltale sign of evil lurking about.
Crowley might stink of rotten eggs and farts, especially under high stress situations, but Aziraphale loved him anyway. 💕
50 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 01:27:09 GMT
"So, uh ... You're a duck, aren't ya? I'm not hallucinatin' this?"
"Aye, I'm a duck. And, what manner of creature are you?"
"I'm a man. Er, a human."
"Ye kinda resemble a beagle with your lack of a bill. I've never seen someone such as yourself."
"Likewise. You're not exactly what I was expectin'."
"If I recall, you did tick 'all' on yer profile under what type you were interested in."
"Yeah. But, I assumed that they'd match me with a fellow ... human being."
"Honestly, I was picturin' someone with a wee bit more feathers. I dinnae suppose you're hidin' a cloaca under there are ya?"
"No. Well, I don't- I don't think so. I'm not really sure what that is. If, um, you don't mind me askin', I can't help but notice that you're not wearin' pants. Where's your uh--"
"I keep it inside. It'll shoot out when I need it."
"Do you still wanna do this?"
"..... yeah, why not?"
(not much) Later -
Roland lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling - clothes askew, duck bites on his love handles.
"How was it for you, laddie?"
"Confusin'. I'm not sure what the fuck just happened."
"You got a visit from Scrooge McDuck's majestic corkscrew is what happened."
"Are you free this weekend? I'd like to do that again."
"Aye. It's a date."
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51 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 16:59:23 GMT
Incredibly late, but here’s a round-up of the fics I posted to Ao3 in 2020. Enjoy. 💕
Black Is The Night (E) Aro x Peter Vincent
Violet Is The Sky (E) Aro x Peter Vincent
Serendipitous (E) Roland Blum x Kilgrave
Ignite  (M) Aziraphale x Crowley
Clandestine (E) Aziraphale x Crowley
Reunion (M) “The Bat” x Piers Pomfrey
The Serpent’s Kiss  (M) Aziraphale x Crowley
Grateful (T) Aziraphale x Crowley
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58 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 05:56:18 GMT
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With vigilant eyes I do see
Those arsing birds plot against me
They sit on the sills
It’s a battle of wills
If they fly at my head I will flee
74 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 14:54:46 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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commando-rogers · 2 years
I’m literally about to combust over that photo like ok aziraphale is clearly enraptured and concerned and focused on listening to the mystery person (remembering past stuff gaiman has said abt potential plot points and characters and how inspiration for some s1 angels were from s2 plot points so maybe a new angel ????? anyway) and crowley. Crowley is making no effort to be welcoming or warm. that is an obnoxious grin. of the shit eating variety, perhaps, but it may also be threatening. he doesn’t smile like that to be happy. he’s leering. and behind those glasses oh god I can’t even comprehend what thoughts may be going on and what look is in his eyes
I think the part that’s getting me the most feral is just the fact that like. that’s michael sheen and david tennant. IN CHARACTER. they’re in character as aziraphale and crowley. they’re working on this as we speak, and it’s a labor of love that came to be because of the love everyone involved in the project and the love that the fans have for this story and these characters.
and they’re doing it!!!! they’re making acting choices and directorial choices and story choices!!!! the reason I became so enamored with good omens is in large part because I’m an aspiring actor, and I fell in love with not only the masterclass performances sheen and tennant gave, but the thinking behind them. the stories and characters are so nuanced and I just have such a yearning to know every motivation and thought and internal monologue because how the hell did they create such INCREDIBLE performances????? I go crazy over it and admittedly have stepped back from fandom over the last year or so but this is launching me right back in
I just can’t believe this is happening and they’re making even more choices and thoughts and expressions with intention. there are intentions!!!!!!! this show’s wonderful team has said “here’s the story we have, here’s what we want to accomplish, here’s what needs to be conveyed” and it’s happening!!!
god I’m so sorry I’m in an allergy induced haze right now and should be working but here we are. I’m just so excited and grateful ignore me
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moonah-rose · 3 years
Let Me In
Once again, for some reason, I get a sudden burst of creative energy around midnight. I was only thinking, god, if this scene had been in then TTDS would have had to be very different (for the better), so here it is.
Michael tells Eleanor the truth from the start.
“Oh good!” Eleanor takes a sigh at the green counter flashing on the back of Michael’s office wall; “At least you’ve got a few minutes to read his file and prepare, right?”
Michael hums, still retaining that sheen of sweat on his forehead that she’s noticed since she entered. He hasn’t quite seemed his excited, determined tree of a demon-self since she walked in. He claimed it was just nerves which, fair enough, made sense considering humanity itself was counting on them.
He’d always seemed so confident since she met him on Earth. She can hardly speak for the Michael she had paired up with before, those memories were lost to her, or the brief glimpses of the ‘evil’ (still putting it mildly) manipulator she saw in the flashbacks of her and Chidi together. The only Michael she’s truly known up until now is the one before her now, the one who saved her and has been watching over her and her friends all this time, guiding them, their constant leader and protector...even if Janet ended up doing most of the physical protecting, the thought still counted, very much so.
This Michael...Her Michael...was no demon. He was their guardian angel buddy. And she didn’t believe anyone could be in charge of the experiment that would fix this screwed up afterlife more than him.
“Hey,” she gets his attention again, deciding that he’s going to know this before she leaves; “Whatever your plan is? It's gonna be great! We trust you.” 
His eyes meet hers, a smile full of surprised warmth appearing on his face.
“Your friends will always trust you.” 
No one has earned that trust more than this dude.
She gives Michael a thumbs up and turns to go out the back door so he can get ready to wake this ‘John’ guy up and get his shirt together. She dimly hears Michael muttering to himself.
“You go...I’m going...And I’m gone...”
Eleanor turns in time to see all six feet of her buddy’s skin suit crumble to his knees. 
She moves to catch him as he slumps against his desk, falling on the floor, her hands on his arm. No, no, no, what the fork is wrong?! Is he sick? Did Shawn or another demon poison him?! All sorts of horrors run through her head to the point she forgets what they’re even supposed to be starting in less than a few minutes, her focus entirely on Michael’s wellbeing. 
“I can’t....I can’t do it....” He starts to hyperventilate, looking at her, eyes wide behind those specs; “I can’t do it, it’s too scary...Oh no, oh no, oh no!”
She’s never heard his voice break like this. Fork, he’s always held it together around them, been their firm if quirky champion. Had that all just been an act?
Was the quivering wreck in her arms more like the Michael she befriended in the last reboot?
“Michael, look at me.” she takes his hand, clutching it tight; “I know it’s a lot but you need to get it together. You’ve got this!”
“No, I don’t! I don’t got this, Eleanor!” He starts to whimper, burying his face in his free hand; “I can’t do this, I’m nothing special, I’m just Middle Management!”
“Bullshirt! Dude, listen!” She says, fiercely; “You are better than all of the demons and Judges and angel nerds I’ve come across so far! You actually want to do shirt that matters, you try to get it done where they either give up or don’t care! You got us this far, man, farther than anyone has ever come out of this ridiculous system...You even got me to snap out being a selfish bench drowning in my nihilistic, determinist crab - You are...You’re our hero, Michael, don’t you get that? And you can be a hero for these humans we’re gonna welcome in too, and for every human that ever dies-.”
“You know you’re just adding to the pressure, right?” 
“Right, fork, forget that last bit.” Eleanor retreats, taking a breath; “Look, all I’m saying is, you have nothing to worry about. You can do this, I have faith in you...Me! I never had faith in anyone since I stopped believing in the tooth fairy after I stayed awake to try to mug her.”
Michael laughs with her, and for a small respite, Eleanor hopes she’s managed to crack through the stress and let him calm down. But then he meets her eyes again, his gaze lingering, before he crumbles into tears.
“No, no, no, I can’t...I can’t, it’s too much...Too much to lose...”
Eleanor looks at the timer. Three minutes thirty seconds. Damn, they don’t have long.
“Michael, what do you mean?” She asks, putting on her no nonsense voice; “We’ve always known what’s at stake, bud, this hasn’t phased you before, why now? What changed?”
He hangs his head, bringing his knees in close and hugging himself like a frightened kid.
Eleanor places her palm on the side of his head; “Talk to me! I just told you that your friends will always trust you, remember? That needs to be two-way, buddy. Trust me. Let me in. Can you do that?”
He remains frozen, meek sobs choking out, eyes shut.
“...For me?”
He looks up at her again, a shift in his expression. As if he’s only seen her there for the first time.
“Shawn called.” Barely a whisper.
Eleanor’s jaw clenches, her fingers tightening on Michael’s wrist.
“What...?” The fork?!
“B-before you came in...He called to say that...He wanted to taunt me about you all being tortured when...I-if we lose...” He sniffs, rubbing his nose; “B-but that also...He’s going to torture you by having one of the demons...w-wear a suit of me. So you guys think that I’m the one...I’m the one who...”
His voice breaks apart again as he shatters once more.
Eleanor’s guts twist in rage. How the fork dare that low-rent Satan mess with her buddy like that?! When they’re only a minute away from...?!
She puts her hands to Michael’s face.
“Hey. Hear me, bud.” She’s truly fired up now, “There is no way we are ever going to fall for a trick like that, even if we do lose, which we won’t. We’ll never believe any of those losers are really you. Especially now you’ve told me.”
“That’s it...That’s why I wasn’t going to...” He confesses, cringing with shame; “He said that he’d erase your memories of finding out. And...”
Another look of horror passes over him.
He tries to shuffle away from her.
“Y-you’re never gonna be sure if it’s me or not...Or if they’ve swapped me, you...” He shudders, uncontrollably, fingers clawing at his own face; “How can you ever trust me now knowing what I’ve told you?!”
He recoils as if she’s already voiced her rejection.
“Dude...It’s okay....” she tries to be soft at first, wanting to reach out and brush those tears off his stupid, pretty but stupid face.
He just shakes his head and keeps looking away.
Eleanor darts forward and reaches for his hands again, pulling them close to her. 
“Michael. I didn’t think it was possible to trust you more than I did five minutes ago but, after you just told me this, and seeing what it’s done...I trust you with everything, with every piece of this...hot soul of mine before you, ‘kay?” She tells him before reaching a hand out to stroke his cheek; “I see you. I know it’s you. And as soon as we get a moment, we can tell the others and organise some sort of plan to ease your worries about this, but for now....Just breathe. Go on.”
He obeys her, taking a deep breath in, then out. The anxiety remains etched into the lines on his face. No wonder, that little mental torture of Shawn’s clearly did a number on him at the worst time.
She reaches out to place her palm on his chest.
“Does that help? I see Jason do it all the time.” she asks, frowning.
Michael is able to manage a tiny smile amidst his distress, looking down at her fingers over the space where his heart should be (but isn’t).
“...It’s helping.” 
Eleanor shuffles forward on the floor and tugs him into her arms, wrapping him up in the tightest of hugs. She wishes, for a moment, she had the power to snap her fingers and take this message from Shawn out of Michael’s memories. Or just beat the shirt outta the guy. Or both.
No one messes with her demon.
“I know you, man. Even without my memories...I feel like I’ve always known you. I ain’t ever letting any stupid demon make me forget you again, or the real you.” She leans in and plants a lingering, sweet kiss on his cheek, leaning back a bit to look into his eyes; “We’re gonna win this. I’m sure we will...And none too soon, we’re gonna be celebrating that victory over Shawn by burning all those fake Michael suits and getting drunk off our ashes.”
He sniffs, raising his hand to stroke her hair, tears soaking his cheeks.
“Eleanor, I...It was so hard to have you guys forget me again but...Not having you trust me, or think I’d ever hurt you again, I...I can’t cope with it...!”
“Then don’t! Don’t let him get to you!” She urges, turning to the wall.
It’s not enough time. Not for Michael to suddenly clean himself up and be as normal as an only somewhat fake angelic Architect can be. He’s too shaken up. She can give him all the comfort in the cosmos but it won’t restore his courage in time.
Well. Eleanor steels herself. She’ll have to have enough courage for the both of them.
“I’ll do it.” She tells him; “I’ll tell John that I’m the Architect. You just sit in the corner and pretend to be my assistant.”
“What?” Michael blinks; “I....I can’t ask you to...”
“You don’t need to. I’m stealing that chair of yours, bud. I look better in it anyway.” She tells him, resolute; “I can fudge my way through it and then you help me work it out from the shadows, that sound good? Like I said. We’re gonna do this as a team.”
She takes his hand and interlocks their fingers together.
“Trust me?”
He glances at their hands and then at her, taking another deep breath.
She smiles, hoping she’s not about to make a huge fork-up. After all Michael has done for her, she has no qualms about taking this role on for him to get it together. 
As the last few seconds count down, she crushes him in another hug.
“Say it with me, man.” she whispers, feeling him tighten his hold as if she’ll disappear; “We’ve got this.”
He exhales, melting in her arms for the last spare moments, before they get back on their feet. Somehow feeling like they’re on the same level now, even with the silver devil still towering over her, a renewed spark of hope in his eyes.
“We’ve got this.”
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
Hello! I’d like to request a Good Omens analysis. Why did Aziraphale react so much (I’d like to say violently, but it wasn’t violent) in the scene with the knights during Arthurian times after Crowley said ‘every now and again’? There was a little pause before he said that, and it seemed like Aziraphale was just dropping the conversation, but after Crowley said that it was like he was cutting it off entirely. Why did he react like that? What was Crowley referring to? Just the Arrangement?
An analysis request! Oh that’s fun :D 
Personally, I think it’s because Crowley is making a lot of sense right now (yes, regarding the first seeds of the Arrangement) and Aziraphale is panicking over the fact that he’s actually being persuaded. Real quick, there are two key things we need to remember about Aziraphale’s characterization: 
1. He changes, but very, very slowly. Generations later we’ll see an Aziraphale who, contrary to this moment, is willing to stay sequestered in his bookshop and pretend like he’s fulfilling his duty as Crowley’s arch-nemesis. Undermining the plots of a crafty old serpent and all that. Definitely not spending his time on three hour lunches. Modern day Aziraphale is an angel who only provides the lightest of reprimands when reminding Crowley that he lied about starting the Spanish Inquisition and the Second World War. That’s an Aziraphale who himself lies to Gabriel… but he’s nowhere near that version of himself yet. 
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2. Aziraphale is also someone who, when faced with an ethical crisis, gets emotional and lashes out. 
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So picture the scene: You’re an angel. You’re trying to abide by what you think that means. But just like on top of Eden’s wall, this demon is proving to be rather persuasive. Surprisingly logical for someone who is supposedly only Darkness and Deception and all that jazz. The conversation they have basically boils down to: 
C: I’m fomenting discord. 
A: Huh. I’m fomenting peace. Look at that connection between us… 
C: So we’re just canceling each other out? That’s annoying. Working in all this damp for nothing. 
A: Omg it is damp isn’t it? 
C: Right? We should just tell our bosses we’re working but then, you know. Not do that. 
A: What?!? But that would be lying (゜ロ゜)
C: So? Does it matter if the end result is the same? Cancel each other out or not do anything at all. Same difference
A: Well we… we can’t do that because Michael would find out. And Gabriel. Definitely Gabriel 
C: I don’t think they will. Not provided they still get some kind of paperwork. You have anymore comebacks? 
C: …alright. Ciao 
Sheen, as has been pointed out with the use of this delightful GIF
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is a master of micro expressions and if you watch the scene in question, you can see how nervous he gets when Crowley rejects his worries about Gabriel. His eyes keep darting to the side and his mouth works like he’s desperate to interrupt. Up until then Aziraphale was actually agreeing and slowly coming around to Crowley’s suggestion. These working conditions do suck, don’t they? It would be nice not to keep doing this, especially when the end result is the same… He pulls back though because he suddenly remembers that it’s (supposedly) an impossible thing. They’d get caught. Aziraphale now has a super convenient excuse for why he doesn’t need to challenge his current belief system. It’s like if someone invited you to a party and you kinda want to go, but you also know it’s gonna be one of those crazy nights where everyone is doing things they’re Not Supposed to Do, and you’re really torn about it, but then you remember Mom expects you home by 10:00. Wow. So sorry, but I just can’t do it. This moral dilemma is totally out of my hands… up until your sibling barges in with, “No. Mom and Dad are away for the weekend, remember? You can go without getting caught” and then you have no excuse anymore and you start internally screaming. 
I think Aziraphale honestly believed that the threat of their bosses would end this enticing fantasy—remember that, death by holy water aside, heaven comes across as way scarier than hell. You can literally see Aziraphale’s horror at the idea of Gabriel catching him in a lie—and so he’s blindsided when Crowley challenges that assumption instead of ending the whole thing. He doesn’t know how to keep refusing him, but he’s also not ready to take that risk, so he reacts emotionally and falls back on what he “knows” about their relationship to straight up shut the conversation down. I’m the good guy. You’re the bad guy. How dare you tempt me like this. Aziraphale has a very strong pattern throughout the series of reacting like an Angel™, then Aziraphale the individual, then an Angel™ again if things get too dicey. 
You created this horrible revolution, didn’t you, foul demon! Oh, you didn’t? Right. …lunch? 
I knew it! These Nazis are working for you! It all makes sense now. …Ah no, wait, it doesn’t because you’re actually just rescuing me. Oops
We are destined to fight this war! Mortal enemies to the last! …hmm. No bookshops, you say? Well, I guess we can try to change things. Except now it’s all gone horribly wrong again—WE’RE ON OPPOSITE SIDES! I NEVER EVEN LIKED YOU! 
Here we’ve got the pattern in the form of: 
“What the hell are you playing at?” morphing into “It is damp, isn’t it?” back to “No! Absolutely not! I am shocked that you would even imply such a thing.” 
When everyone says Aziraphale is a bastard it really is 100% true. Because he’s so wound up in his own anxiety over what’s right and what’s wrong that he’ll chuck his lover friend under the bus to spare himself the horror of fully challenging his own beliefs. “I am shocked that you would even imply such a thing”? Aziraphale is not shocked. He was very open to the possibility up until it was real enough that he might actually have to, you know, do it. Aziraphale’s the guy who will talk to the outcast in high school, but then when the popular kids challenge him on that he’s all, “Me? Talk to him? I’m offended that you would suggest it.” He wants to talk to him. He does talk to him. He just can’t admit it yet. So he lies and puts on very exaggerated airs. I’m still a perfect angel who was definitely never tempted by this proposition that we’ll end up starting in a few hundred years anyway. I’m going to shout at you now to sell this. 
And Crowley, in his infinite wisdom, is just 
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That’s not the face of a demon at all hurt by this reaction. He knows damn well by now that this is their pattern and he’s actually quite happy to let Aziraphale maintain it. Because it’s what he needs emotionally; that very slow progression across thousands of years. Crowley is willing to play the long game. It’s only when the very fate of the world rests on them not just working together, but admitting that they like one another that Crowley starts giving Aziraphale ultimatums. Help me stop Armageddon or don’t. Admit we’re on our own side or don’t. Come to Alpha Centauri or don’t. We no longer have the luxury of this game, angel. 
For now though they’ve got plenty of time. In 537 AD Aziraphale can still afford to be lightly tempted by things, then panic about it, and finally make a big production of the fact that he’s still a goodie-goodie angel. 
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