#anti reylo for ts
userpeggycarter · 9 months
your 'won't reblog' list is so funny imagine being a loser who hates fun that much. imagine being such a sad little butt baby you can't interact with anyone who likes things you don't. couldn't be me!
wow. i don't even know where to begin.
it's kinda hilarious that **I** am the sad little butt baby but you're the one having a meltdown in my inbox? being butthurt because a stranger has a "won't reblog" section in their about page????? do you have self awareness??? read that second to last sentence I just typed again. read it. HOW CAN YOU NOT GET IT???? 😱
second of all, the "won't reblog" section is a guideline for tagging me on posts. i don't reblog that stuff for a reason. it's not a DNI. in fact, I do interact with people who reblog and make content about (some of) that stuff listed in my blog because the morals of media consumption are complicated and very personal. some things i draw a very hard line on, some i don't. let me explain each of those "forbidden media" in my blog for you in basic terms like I'm talking to a child (because i am):
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Wizarding World: JK Rowling is a TERF, an antisemite and a racist. i thought this one was self-explanatory. it's 2023 ffs
MCU!Maximoffs are white-washed, anti-romani and very antisemitic. google that stuff if you don't know. next question. (i did reblog a MCU Wanda gifset recently btw, but a mutual tagged me on it and i felt awkward ignoring it, but when that happens i tag those posts with #mcu wanda because some people blacklist that tag and for good reason. also it's a subtle way to say I'm not okay with her. i wish these awkward situations didn't happen but they do and i like to support creators, despite your allegations that i don't.
starker is a p*do ship. thorki is inc*st. duh
ngl reylo is not necessarily problematic i just think it's lame lol maybe it shouldn't be on the list because all of that other stuff has serious problems (IN MY OPINION!)
red/orange/color-washed content is racist if done with POC (and it's even a bad look if you're dealing with white people, to a lesser extent ofc)
i don't need to explain johnny depp do i? christ
henry cavill dated a teenager. google it
the last of us's creator is anti palestine and pro genocide.
elizabeth olsen said the G slur on air in the Graham Norton show AFTER he told her it was a slur!!!!!!!!!!! again google it.
gal gadot is also anti palestine. remember the IDF cunt post? iconic
taylor swift: same thing with reylo, i'm just not interested in her, even though she's not exactly a saint either... but honestly i put TS on the list mostly because most of the gifmaker community loves her and i was worried people would tag me on TS content and that would be an uncomfortable situation, because i don't like to ignore tagged posts but also i like to have boundaries/preferences, even though YOU deem them silly or stupid (like if that's your right to do so lmao alexa play toxic by britney spears)
i'm betting money it was the taylor swift thing that pissed you off lol maybe mcu wanda???? both?
stolen/reposted content is also self-explanatory right? or are you that stupid? considering the tantrum i think you are but hope springs eternal i guess...
LAST, but not least, i'm gonna end on a positive note because unlike you I'm not a cunt (derogatory). I'm gonna address your first message here:
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listen, i get it. i get frustrated with notes too. the grass is always greener and there's always a bigger fish i guess. you envy me and i envy other creators bigger than me. but we shouldn't do that. first of all, it's not a competition. my "success" (it's tumblr at the end of the day... silly stuff!) is not a threat to you or anyone else. people can reblog my gifs and yours, they don't have to pick a creator. unfortunately, tumblr has been suffering from lack of interaction lately and it's just getting worse. all creators are complaining about it. creators of different sizes and different niches, btw. we complain in private and in public. and what tumblr does in return? text posts complaining about us complaining get 50k notes in a day. it's tough. we shouldn't be treated this way, even though no one is obliged to reblog stuff and we aren't owed notes. but it's natural and fair to feel sad about lack of recognition and complain about. tumblr's lack of engagement is going to kill the website, but that's a conversation to another day.
i want to end with this:
you need to create because you want to create. you need to create because you want to get better at your craft. recognition is good and it's natural to want and feel upset about the lack of it, but it shouldn't kill your creative spirit. social media has poisoned our brains. 50 notes might not sound a lot but imagine 50 people in real life complimenting you. you might be someone's favorite creator. you might be a niche creator who is carrying your community on your back and people in that niche are so grateful for you, even though they don't say that. because unfortunately, hate speaks louder than love. case in point, this hate mail. for every one of you out there, there must be 10 people who like my work. but i never hear from them and that sucks, but i must believe that they exist and be thankful for them. sometimes people will recognize my hard work and i'm very grateful for those moments. they do motivate me, but they aren't the only thing that motivates me. making posts i wanna reblog but won't exist until i make them motivates me. getting better at my craft motivates me. making friends because of my craft motivates me. knowing i'm entertaining people (even though they're very silent about their appreciation of my work) motivates me. tumblr is a social media platform and social media is made by its users. if anyone stopped posting, there wouldn't be anything to do here. my gifset might not change the trajectory of someone's day (sometimes it does!), but it's my drop of water alongside thousands of other drops of water from other users that make this ocean that we all swim in. don't give up. keep making gifs. you will get better at them. people will follow you. you will get more notes. might not be enough followers or enough notes in your opinion, but we shouldn't put a number on our value.
and let me tell you a secret: when your goal is numbers, you're never satisfied. believe me, i learned this lesson. i thought i would be happy with hundreds of followers. then i got hundreds of followers. suddenly they weren't enough, i wanted thousands of followers now. and then i got them. guess what? i still seek validation through numbers (google David Foster Wallace's This is Water btw). but it will never be enough because you are now and i was then looking at the wrong solution to the problem. i need to FEEL enough, not be told by numbers or people that I'm enough. I'm the one that decides that. and i am enough. I'm good, even. hell, I'm great. and in theory, so do you, but god that attitude... it ain't it. it will only cause you pain. and worse, it's causing you to try to cause pain in others. isn't that sad? isn't that shameful? i do say try because newsflash pussycat, it didn't work. i was baffled by your hate (thankfully i don't get a lot of hate around here!), but i wasn't hurt. because I'm not threatened by your perception of me. because it's superficial, childish, hateful, you name it. i know myself. i love myself. in the words of my beloved URL namesake, i know my value. do you know yours? it doesn't seem like you do. and that type of attitude only lessens your value, babe. this is not getting you anywhere in tumblr or worse, in life.
this would be the moment in which i would wish you the best, but you know what? fuck you. i hope you get no notes until eternity. but in case an innocent person is reading this and is also battling with their self-worth due to tumblr notes: i wish you the best. don't give up.
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levyfiles · 2 years
Shane is probably trolling with r*ylo the same way he likes to rile up B*cky fans + also that recent tweet about TS new album. He clearly knows how controversial that ship is. Both Ryan and Shane follow Rahul Kohli, and Rahul got harrassed to no end by the shippers for just mentioning the ship this summer. Iirc, both of them even liked Rahul's tweet. So, it's most likely trolling on his part.
The thing is I really do think he likes Reylo (and that's fine; shipping is a neutral activity and I refuse to join a camp that says all ships must be pure and unproblematic when I've been shipping messy ships since I first read the words "enemies to lovers".
Having said that, as someone whose own inner contrarian is activated by antis quite often, I'd say that his genuinely liking Reylo and his wanting to be a troll are two features of his personality that can co-exist.
I respect wholeheartedly the energy of people in fan spaces who interact with the things they know and love with a level of trollishness. I think he and Ryan have that vibe about them where they lean in hard to really rile people up when they can which is why they're so fun to watch together but the thing that makes the opinions less insufferable to me is that I know they mean them.
So yeah, while I'm in the camp of wishing Shane would be more genuine rather than trying to be the funniest quirkiest person in the room sometimes, I hold that in this instance, he's kind of serious.
I do think it's ironic how anti-Stucky they both are by virtue of the opinion that Bucky is dull as hell and yet Shane is out here stanning Dr. Strange like man, what? Make some sense now and then.
And that's the limit of my opinion on the star war ship and a little hint of an mcu opinion.
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sersi · 4 years
the clone wars needs to hurry up and come out so we can take the swed*t tag back from the rey/los 🙃
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pinpilinpaux · 5 years
daisy, after basically saying reyno is abusive: i can’t get behind the ship. reynos: she said she can’t get behind rey and ky|o, not rey and ben. rey and ben still can happen. me:
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I’ve been seeing a lot of comparison between Sylkie and Reylo, and I honestly can’t wrap my head around it. 
Sylvie vs Rey (Female Characters deemed by many to be Mary Sues)
Sylvie is a bland character in badly written show. The number of powers and skills that she has actually do not make sense. With Rey, one could actually reason that she found manuals and holo-vids, for flying and fighting, in the ships she scavenged from.  With Sylvie, constantly moving from place to place since she was a little girl, where would she have picked up information for anything? 
Loki vs Kylo Ren
There was a time when Loki and Kylo Ben had a lot in common as characters. That time is long past. I would say Loki is cartoon version of himself, but the Simpsons special showed a cartoon Loki who was more in character than the version of him that we see in the show, so...
I would make more comparisons between the two, Sylvie and Kylo Ren, Loki and Rey, but the show is so poorly written, there isn’t much character development/revealing dialogue to work with. It seems like the main similarities they have with each is a back to back choreographed fight scene and another scene where they hold hands- but the context and content is completely different.
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anckinskywalker · 4 years
just saw a post comparing r*ylo to rebelcaptain and i’m SICK
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him-e · 3 years
Oh absolutely, I am not expecting S&B to have even a quarter of the reach SW has, but I do think the Darklina discourse will prevail between hiatuses because there are Reylo antis with MASSIVE followings and a passionate need for internet clout who will eagerly latch onto this ship since Reylo is yesterday's news. They thrive on likes/retweets. So why not introduce your followers to this new problematic abusive white man. S&B won't be that widely known but antis will try to make Darklina famous.
Forgot to mention this in my last ask about clout-seeking antis: What I am really interested in seeing is if the anti-Darklina stuff will be received as well as the anti-Reylo stuff since Barnes is traditionally attractive and a beloved actor with an established fanbase. I wonder if the majority of anti-types will give Darklina the Reylo treatment OR if they will cave in to their thirst and take the Ani/dala approach: "I ship them but only BEFORE the abuse began!"
Oh, anti takes on this are going to be wild. On the one hand, yes, antis are now desperate for a next big creepyship they can target as the source of all evil, on the other... Ben Barnes is so cute... that they’re already trying to move the goalposts in advance. Tbh, some of them aren’t even doing that, they’re just starting to thirst without even registering the double standards, because of course the definition of problematic is “something that I personally find irritating” and nothing else. I’ve seen infamous purity-wanking authors be like “finally a villain love interest that doesn’t make me gag”, which is extra hilarious since the Darkling literally does all the textbook abuser stuff like lying, manipulating and trying to isolate Alina that they baselessly projected on Kylo. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with being into a ship (problematic or otherwise) purely because you’re attracted to an actor, but I won’t forget how this was one of the arguments most commonly used against us. The hypocrisy is jumping out.
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janiedean · 4 years
SORRY i just find it really really rich how you can be a braime shipper and can clearly see the unhealthy and toxic relationship jaime has with cersei (also brienne was literally bullied by men) and ship be able to ship reylo, ignoring the clear abuse and toxicity in that relationship. its not enemies to lovers if they keep killing/hurting each other every time they interact. do better. im not saying you cant be a braime shipper but please... cognitive dissonance...
now, never mind that I could ship whatever the hell I want and I could be as incoherent as I want, but.
anon, have you watched these movies? reylo is basically the lovechild of jb and jeyneptheon in space. no, really. also:
to be an abusive relationship two people need to have… a… previous relationship. fyi rey and kylo in tfa met, he tried to read her mind, she read his and she kicked his ass, then they fought, she kicked his ass again, that was it. that’s not an abusive relationship. they fought and she kicked his ass, that was it;
in tlj……. they didn’t even fight because they found they had the force bond, they talked, she realized he was more than she thought, he realized she actually would listen to him if he talked, they basically comforted each other up to the point where they touched hands, then she bodily sent herself to his ship to get him back to the good side, they fought together and he killed his abuser for her like………. and then he was like HEY WANNA RULE THE GALAXY TOGETHER and she said no and that was it, like…. again, I’d like to know where the abuse and toxicity is because in tlj they made each other better and comforted each other like…….. jc is actual abuse because it’s been going on since they had a conscience, reylo is straightup enemies to lovers and it’s actually tame for that trope, come on;
they tried to hurt each other literally twice in tfa, never in tlj and in tros….. pal, they fought and when she accidentally stabbed him without meaning to she LITERALLY HEALED HIS WOUND in the best healer king trope in existence and… he… literally brought her back to life sacrificing his own like………. nvm that the last bit of it was shit but do y’all realize that it’s character development? abusive? toxic? where?
like. it’s straight up tame enemies to lovers. idg where you get it’s toxic, idg where you get it’s abusive but in order to be abusive and toxic they have to have had a previous relationship before they met and to make each other worse, which they don’t (but jc do since you’re bringing it up). it’s literally jb (enemies to lovers + swordfights + making each other better) meets theonjeynep (he overcomes the fear of his abuser for her, he’s an abuse victim and she’s the only one who treats him like a human being) in space. like. obviously it has the problematic elements an enemies to lovers ship has, but anon, honestly, my younger cousin grasped that kylo was in love with rey at nine after watching tfa, I think it’s high time this fandom at large admits that of all things this ship actually had sense of existing and was telegraphed from the beginning.
also, it’s high time this fandom realizes that kylo ren isn’t at all the monster people decided he is but honestly………… this movie for all its faults has a scene where han solo straight up tells him that kylo is dead and ben solo is alive and that he loves him, what more do people the narrative to do to say that kylo ren isn’t anyone’s abuser least of all rey’s?
like, sorry but there’s zero cognitive dissonance in shipping both reylo and jb…… since they have half of the same tropes going on. and fyi I didn’t gaf about reylo until tlj when it hit me smack in the face that they were gonna go the redemption route and it was going to go there regardless, and my investment in reylo isn’t anything like what I have with jb or theon/jeynep or any asoiaf ship, but I’d be more worried about my cognitive dissonance if while shipping jb I said reylo is the worst ship that ever happened. *shrug* sorry but nah. I think I’m not changing my stance. ;)
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angel-deux-writes · 4 years
tbh I know this is a dumb take, but That One SW Ship is what we as a culture deserve for putting up with fascists and the people who apologize for them by insisting ~all violence is bad~ and ~both sides are the same~ and that we should ~tolerate the fascists~ bc of ~free speech~ or whatever the argument is
of course people are romanticizing an abusive relationship b/w a space fascist and the woman he spent 2 movies trying to use, manipulate, and kill. this is just like...where we are as a global society lmao.
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thejgatsbykid · 7 years
1, 7, 14, 21
For the salty fandom asks
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Mmmm I’d hesitate to say I “don’t get” any of them? Like even if I don’t ship it I can still recognize that the shippers must see or enjoy something I don’t. Ador ibull (from dragon age) maybe, but that’s because i was hardcore cullrian from the get-go. Re ysma? Except we always need femslash, so I’m behind that even if I don’t like it for itself. Just cause it’s not an otp i like doesn’t mean i don’t understand how others can like it.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Oooh tough. Um. Supernatural and Doctor Who, I guess, although it’s not just so much that I “can’t stand” them as I just kinda outgrew them. I could take or leave The 100 too, but I still read way too much bellarke fic to say I can’t stand it.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I have salt for DAYS about smut culture in the re ylo fandom (which is funny considering i basically never read smut, like I’ll skip it even if it’s in an otherwise-sfw fic, so i just see everything meta-side in the fandom. maybe i’d be less of a bitter son of a bitch if i read the smut). Like I keep my mouth shut bc honestly who cares anyway like it’s not hurting me most of the time, but christ if we could just stop referring to literally all sexual activity in fic and fandom as ~sin~ that’d be swell. Also I’ve salted and gotten blowback for it before but i’m really, really, really over calling adam driver “daddy” as often as it happens (which I think it’s happening less often now or I’ve just unfollowed the people who did it the most that it was bothering me). i think it’s creepy, frankly, bc it’s one thing to do it to a fictional character, but it’s something else to do it to a real person who’s pretty clearly uncomfortable with being sexualized (see: anytime he’s referred to as a “sex symbol” or whatever and he gets visibly awkward about it) and that’s like.... like for me it always feels like crossing a line to call any real person by something so distinctively kinky? like they didn’t consent to that. i’d be creeped out if strangers called me daddy, i can only imagine it’d be worse if i were him. Like i know it’s an expression of appreciation, i’m not stupid, i just wish we could pick something that was less..... weird, i guess? idk how to say it. it feels like it falls too far into kink to be a mainstream way of just calling someone hot. also like the sw fandom in general is a dumpster fire, but I feel like that’s not really “unpopular opinion” so much as it is essentially an objective fact.
21.What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I think they’re fun! I love crackshipping. Esp in the weird culture that’s sprung up where apparently being canon is a make/break factor of shipping (which...???????) it’s nice to have ships that are just so out there and free of all that, you know? I’d consider some of my ships a little cracky in that they’re really not canon possibilities at ALL but I don’t have any proper crackships as it were.
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softgreylo · 4 years
holy FUCK are antis clowning on my post tonight
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bedcorpse · 4 years
the fact that i distinctly remember a reylo making up some bullshit about finnreys threatening to shoot up the shipping panel at swcc but now they’re the ones making violent threats... it’s almost like this is what they think is normal and where their brains have been at the entire time
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pinpilinpaux · 5 years
i’m sorry. i just really hate rey|o. it’s my most hated ship next to chair. 
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earlgraytay · 5 years
...what do you bet that there’s going to be exactly enough Reylo Bait in TROS that the more obsessed fans can find something to confirm their interpretation, and not a jot more? 
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fcrce-dyad · 4 years
I am just realizing that Leia not giving a shit about Ben because of that "prophecy" is 100% pandering to the antis who headcanoned Leia as someone who doesn't care about her son and would much rather adopt Poe Rey or something
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him-e · 4 years
So now antis are arguing that a kiss doesn’t mean a ship is canon bc “they never were in a relationship.” How far are these goalposts gonna move
"yes, they kissed, but ARE THEY HAVING SEX ON A REGULAR BASIS, do they CUDDLE, have they COOKED AN ENTIRE MEAL FOR EACH OTHER, have they MET EACH OTHER’S PARENTS, did they GET MATCHING BRACELETS? if not, your ship ain’t canon uwu sorry I don’t make the rules”
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