#anti neopronouns
Message to young LGBT+ and Queer exclusionists:
If you really cared about the queer community, you'd eventually understand that the history of our rights hasn't been this long-winded so that you can yell at other young people being openly queer online
You don't like the adjectives they identify with? The pronouns? The nouns? That's a shame, leave them alone and stop assisting the enemy by bullying them online
If you think an identity label that's not known outside of Tumblr is a threat to the queer community, I expect to see you actually fighting back against things in the real world that seriously hurt the community
"The problem with the LGBTQ+ community today" is not labels or pronouns on Tumblr or TikTok or Twitter - it's the fact that we're still facing violence, and a huge amount of the next generation are still stuck hiding from the world by spreading online hate instead of spreading the word
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"Anti-terf/radfem" yet both of you don't like trans people who don't fit your gender essentialist boxes, don't like nonbinary people AT ALL or think our pronouns/genders are real, AND you hate mspec people which is separatist (as in radfem) bullshit ON TOP OF ahistorical AND bigoted. You're just radfems who don't claim it
I never claimed I didn’t like non binary people first of all, I can’t remember what Roxy put, but that is not what I put.
Number two, mspec is just plain stupid, theres no point in having fifty different labels that mean the exact same thing when you just have the term Bisexual
AND also where do we ever exclude trans people? Xenogenders just don’t exist I’m sorry,
“Faegender” and “Genderqueer” don’t exist, they are just for people who want to be quirky, same with neo pronouns.
Please don’t come to our inbox and cry that we’re radfems/terfs when you don’t have evidence to back it up ;>
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thejdog2000 · 2 years
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I felt a little salty about this today.
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transonlyspace · 4 months
(note: op is pro xeno, im just curious)
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aikoiya · 1 year
Neopronouns can absolutely die in a fire. I'm not kidding.
Like, just how narcissistic do you have to be to think that you're too good to use the same damn words for yourself as everybody else?
Like, "Oh, look at me! I'm just so special & unique that I'm going to use a word that I just pulled out of my ass to identify myself & go effing mental whenever someone fails to use it! What? There are already 2 perfectly good pronouns? Fuck that, those are for plebs!"
Seriously! If you need a brand new word to describe yourself in all your youness, then maybe you need to stop, go outside, & think about someone other than yourself.
Even worse are those idiots who identify as inanimate objects, animals, & it's.
Why would you choose to depersonify yourself?! That's rediculous! Like, plenty of people already have to deal with other people dehumanizing them & trust me, they don't enjoy the treatment they get because of it.
Slaves were regularly dehumanized & reduced to little more than cattle. So, why would you want that?? If you are not human, then that suggests that you don't want the laws that protect humans, to apply to you. That you don't want your rights.
If you really, truly identify as an object, then people have full clearance to break into your home & rob you blind because things can't own other things.
All I'm gonna say is, if you insist that I refer to you as an animal or object, then I'll do just that.
I'll completely ignore anything & everything that you have to say because neither animals nor objects talk. As an object, I won't even acknowledge you. If you identify as an animal, I'll only talk to you as if you were an animal & depending on the animal, I'll react differently. Meaning that, if you're a cat or a dog, I'll infantilize you. And if you get too aggressive, I'll call animal control to come get your ass!
I might even ask why you insist on walking on 2 legs. Because, if you really identified in such a way, you would walk the way the animal you identify as walks.
And the insistence by 'cake genders' that they go by cake because they feel neither male nor female & instead feel 'fluffy & sweet?' Yeah, I hate to break it to ya, but 'sweet' is a very traditionally feminine word, so by identifying with things like sweets, you're gonna come across as feminine regardless.
And that's not even getting into how much of a target literally identifying as food would be to cannibals. Like, just wear a sign saying "eat me" why don't you? I mean, in this day & age, all they'd have to say to get away with it would be that they were "affirming your gender identity."
Like, serious. I already have trouble remembering names & faces. I do NOT need neopronouns to keep track of too.
And then there's this trigender nonsense! Like, dude, there's already an identity for that & it's called genderfluid!
If you use neopronouns, the only person you're helping is yourself.
Besides! What's the deal with the freaking stereotypes? We spend all this time proving that you can be a girl & like masculine things while still being a girl & that was okay only to turn around & say that "no, if you like masculine things, then either you're gay or you're trans?"
Isn't that a step backwards?
And, honestly? What even is the point of trigender? The idea that you feel like both male & female, as well as non-binary, all at the same time? Isn't that just the basic human experience?
Like, gender is just not a thing I have ever thought about so it boggles my mind seeing how obsessed with it people have become.
And for the love of all that is holy, please stop using gender like it's an indication of your personality! Because it isn't!
It is a label. A very simple label that needs no further thought put into it than the surface. One no different that being called a blond or a brunette or a red-head or blue-eyed.
It's the same thing. And you shouldn't treat it as anything more than what it is.
It's not a cage & if you treat it as such, then that's an indication that you're using it incorrectly.
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keeno666 · 1 year
My view on the Trans discourse debate:
You need dysphoria to be trans.
People without dysphoria are not Trans.
Nonbinary people are valid.
Aces/Aros are valid but should not speak above Trans people in Trans discourse.
Pansexual is phobic, Bisexual is valid.
I am pro-ship because it's FICTIONAL.
Neoprouns are NOT VALID and this is coming from an autistic person.
Autism isn't a gender.
I am a therian. This means I act like a cat occasionally. It has nothing to do with my gender, my pronouns (he/him), or me being Trans Male.
I have dysphoria about my chest, voice, curves, lack of body/facial hair, and strength. I have no bottom dysphoria but that doesn't mean I like having one either.
And finally: "oh we as tucutes aren't hurting anyone".......YES YOU FUCKING ARE. IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU PEOPLE THAT TRANS PEOPLE AREN'T TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
Happy holidays!
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honey7jar · 1 year
⚙️ and people fucking RECLAIMING GROOMERS?? HUH??
⚙️ wh what the fuckle is this shitarooni
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nicryukyo · 4 months
I'm at a point in my life in which I do not care about your pronouns anymore.
I still won't take u seriously if u use cat, flower or idk alien as pronouns. But, fuck it. You wanna use xe/xir? Zu/zam? Or whatever? Go w it idc anymore I ain't your mom nor the pronoun police so
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friedloverballoon · 2 years
A story in three parts
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Form your own opinions, this encapsulates almost all of the people on the "mogai" side of replies to my post thing, and it's so funny that this person exists somewhere in the world and actually sat down and copied and pasted a Wikipedia article into almost 40 replies and then went to go eat a Kinder Bueno thinking they defeated me or something 😭 the amount of time you guys have on your hands is astronomical, I think I broke that account 😳
Tumblr is actually fun again, thank you to everyone for making it so entertaining ALSO, bonus, that problematic opinion post has been getting so much positive attention recently (what did you people think reblogging it was going to do, make more people see it, durr), and this human who also exists somewhere on earth just posted yet another reply to bless my evening ✨
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Why do all the people calling me transphobic keep proudly claiming to be "trenders" while telling me I'm hurting the community by talking about the anti-trans laws, that's a goofy coincidence 💀 I will continue to be pro-trans, you can continue to be trans for a trend, thank you goodnight 💅
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Can someone explain neopronouns to me?
This is genuine. I went through both the anti neopronouns tags and pro neopronouns tags, but neither explain their sides good enough. I have questions for both sides, and I want some genuine answers without people getting mad at each other. For people answering, I ask that you keep in mind that these are genuine questions. Please don’t get mad.
For people answering, you don’t have to answer all questions. I know some of these questions are pretty heavy.
For both/neutral to answer:
• What are neopronouns?
• When and where do they originate from?
• When and why did neopronouns become more popular recently?
For pro neopronouns/neopronoun users to answer:
• Why do you feel most comfortable with these pronouns instead of pronouns like they/them?
• How do you come up with these pronouns?
• I’ve seen posts of neopronoun users adding more and more pronouns to their profiles just to spite an anti-neopronoun person. Are they truly comfortable with those pronouns being used on them, or are they just doing it to spite these people?
• Do you use these pronouns in real life?
• If so, how do you get people to use your neopronouns in real life?
• How do you use neopronouns like bunny/bunnyself in a sentence?
• Neopronouns like paw/pawself don’t really make sense grammatically. And some people don’t like using grammatically incorrect sentences. How do you get around that, and how do you help people who are uncomfortable with using grammatically incorrect sentences?
• How do you pronounce pronouns like xir/xem/ey, or other pronouns similar to those?
• Some people think that neopronouns are causing harm to trans rights. They also think that neopronouns are making it harder for trans people to be taken seriously. Do you agree or disagree? If you disagree, can you explain how neopronouns are not causing harm?
• What would you do if, hypothetically, neopronouns were genuinely causing harm? Like they are causing harm to trans rights, like some people think they are?
• What can people do to help make you more comfortable?
• Any other things you would like to add?
For anti neopronouns to answer:
• Why are you uncomfortable with calling people by neopronouns?
• Are you alright with pronouns like xir/zen/ey etc.? If not, why?
• Alternatively, are you alright with pronouns such as void/voidself? If not, why?
• If you said that you were alright with one but not the other, why?
• Some languages don’t have gender neutral pronouns like English does, so there are neopronouns in other languages for gender neutral people. What are your thoughts on that?
• Some people think that neopronouns are causing harm to trans rights. They also think that neopronouns are making it harder for trans people to be taken seriously. Do you agree or disagree? If you agree, can you explain how neopronouns are causing harm?
• What would you do if, hypothetically, neopronouns aren’t causing harm? Like they had no effect on transphobia, like some people think they do?
• Any other things you would like to add?
To people that answer these questions, thank you so much for your response!
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Hey yall I've realized that we've gotten alot of attention the past couple hours and everyone seems to think we're satire 🤨🤨🤨 so this is an announcement ‼️‼️‼️
We are not satire and we are a genuine anti xenogenders/neopronouns/trenders blog. if you're a similar blog too we'd appreciate a follow so we can be part of the community
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-‼️mod kk‼️
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"Don't call me a terf! I'm saying terf shit but it's different I prommy, my transphobia is okay"
Grow up dude lol
Also maybe read what I said?? Its not transphobia, it literally looks bad on trans people
Stuff like puzzlegender or whatever people come up with doesn’t help the trans community lmao,
And idk about you but I wanna help trans people by calling out the bad apples
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gender-mailman · 1 year
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Wha-...huh!?!????!?? Its the same person even, i had stoped cause they said they were just asking it for a doc of sorts, but, this?!???!??!???!?!????? Wtf??????
Edit: heres what was before that
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cozycourse · 2 years
Hi, lmao.
Hello! This is my side blog where I talk about discourse such as non-traumagenic systems, mspec lesbians/gays, "narc abuse", self diagnoses, etc.
My main blog is cozymogai, that means I cannot comment or reply to comments w/ this blog. Keep this in mind. (Do NOT go to that blog and spew discourse, I won't reply.)
You can see my DNI, if you want, here. Since this is a discourse blog I feel like it's kinda silly to have a DNI, but I'm giving it out anyways so you know my stances. (Even though there's no DNI, I still have a block button and will use it.)
For the sake of simplicity, call me Deva and use he/they prns. I have a fuck ton of other prns but I wanna keep it simple here. (You can use others if you want, though.)
I'm autistic. I probably won't understand you the first time or I will need you to "dumb" it down for me to understand your point. I am also prone to just not replying at all. Discourse is very stressing and annoying, I'll reply to your bitching on my own time. /lh
I have low empathy, this will make it hard for me to see the other side of the argument. Please keep this in mind.
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bandumblog · 4 months
Ugh god I hate neo users (not Gabe tho), “neos have been around since forever!!” Okay?? And??? They’re still goofy as hell and no one takes you seriously. You are just making our community look even worse.
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reiningsoral · 3 months
dyall. people. bitches. stop making a fuss over ppl's identities.
"but they have genderfluid and also mlm in their bio!"
fuckin. so what?????
"but they use it/its pronouns!"
doesnt affect you. shut the fuck up.
"but they use neos and emojis as pronouns!"
literally so what?? it's harmless!!!
"but they wont label themself for me!"
idgaf, not your business.
"but they say they're an animal!"
literally ok? how. does that affect you.
"but they think that theyre something that doesnt even exist!"
yes and that's very cool of them
"but they use animals and nouns as their pronouns!"
do i look like i care? no? that's because i dont.
"but they-!"
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