#anti latino racism
dragynkeep · 6 months
"the writers are racist but the show isn't", yeah the totally not racist actions of having their first black character be a scantily clad thief subservient to a white woman or their first asian character be a nonsensical mashup of chinese & japanese cultures or one of their girlboss characters being based off a nazi or killing off their first south asian character in her first five minutes or getting their native american character's last name entirely wrong or having their latina character wear booty shorts & a chainmail in the desert while she's participating in human trafficking or having their racial allegory be mainly represented by white characters while allegorically stealing the experiences from black americans as admitted by the creative director or —
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I'm so glad i never watched Teen Wolf.Imagine having to deal with not only everyone insisting your brown biracial mc is actually the sidekick to his white boy comic relief best friend AND the white boy in question getting nonstop queerbait accusations over an adult white man even though both of them are high schoolers.Scott Mccall stans and minors in the TW fandom in lending you my strength since they ain't shuttin' up ever even i can tell
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
Okay,so let's pretend the afrolatino Jason headcanon is racist because of how often nonblacks and gringos shovel stereotypes that aren't even canon to him in their content of it(it's not,that's not how it works but just play along with me for a bit)and that you guys are right that nobody should hc him that way due to it.Now that i've set the scene,i have some questions:Why do you never say the same about the autistic Tim hc even though it's so often used to infantalize him and erase his actual personality and ironically by extension his actual positive autistic-coding or the bi trans man Dick headcanon even though there's an overabundance of him being potrayed as extremely sexually loose and into toxic dynamics if they involve men and feminizing his apperance so much that he dosen't even resemble his canon design anymore even though it's almost always after he's finished transitioning and finding a million ways to call him a girl as a joke?Where's the energy against stereotyping when it comes to ableism and biphobia and trans///phobia?What,does it only 'count' when it's black people and latinos of color having fun by making a character we love be like us and we're just not allowed to because our oppressors ruined it for you?Hablenme enserio payasos
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Sticking this on here even tho it's a general Sitewide Problem - I'm sick of people making excuses for retroactively adding more bigotry into tf2. It feels like people are only capable of thinking about marginalized people (especially "in the past") as our suffering, so writing a gay character, or a trans character, or a black character, or etc. must involve them suffering somehow. People go to such fucking lengths to pull hypothetical marginalized people out of their ass who LOVE writing about characters like them experiencing hate crimes as "coping", but In My Opinion your coping should not involve publicly making a bunch of joke characters from a comedy video game get called real slurs that affect people in real life. Even if your point is "bigotry is bad", not every single fucking thing that has a black character or a gay character in it has to be About Bigotry. You all let white characters just be characters, but the minute you wanna put Demo tf2 in your fanfiction you need to take some great stand against racism and choose to do this by portraying him suffering. I don't care if it's to show that Racism Bad - you NEED to learn to love marginalized people more than you hate bigots. Never mind everything I could say about how actually no, it would not be "period accurate to the 1960s" for everyone to constantly be spewing or facing racism and homophobia. Acceptance and taking stands against bigotry aren't new concepts. Your "historically accurate" tf2 fanfic has done absolutely nothing except show a bunch of already marginalized people that our suffering is more important than our joy. In My Opinion
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queer-kid-thoughts · 1 month
White people be like: oh no I don't speak Spanish and I grew up in California but my great great great grandfather's uncle was from Mexico so I'm totally latinx! I love Taco bell! Oulah amimgous!
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brazilspill · 11 months
Lol retard imagine thinking anyone cares about you're retarded monkey ass culture that gave the world such innovations as the "Brazilian butt lift". Imagine living in a "country" renowned for its tranny prostitutes
If we're monkeys we're some damn smart monkeys, seeing as we've invented
Chest photofluorography for screening for tuberculosis
The Jatene procedure for arterial switch operation (a type of open heart surgery)
The first scorpion and spider antivenoms (in 1908 and 1925)
Caller ID
The wristwatch
Phone cards for payphones
Voting machines
Radiography (x-ray images)
Rice strainer
The Kinect for X-Box
3D cinema
The artificial heart
The most green light bulb in history
Havaianas flip flops
Automatic transmission
The solar bottle bulb
The first radio transmission
Two kinds of martial art (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Capoeira)
The portable stereo cassette player
The Walkman
Hot air balloons
The first plane able to do unaided takeoff and flight (the Wright brother's plane needed a catapult)
Brain-Machine Interfaces
and discovered
The pathogen, vector, host, clinical manifestations and epidemiology for Chagas disease
The pathogen for epidemic typhus
The disease cycle for bilharzia
What about you? what have you invented?
Or are you not as smart as us monkeys?
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icanseethefuture333 · 7 months
I'm honestly so repulsed right now at the racism that I've just seen within my classroom. I had to watch a video lecture of a non black man speak in AAVE then proceed to call it "improper english" and say something along the lines of it being for the "uneducated, low class social groups, or low status people". I have heard the stories of what it's like to be within a PWI but the fucking audacity of the professor to be pretentious and racist towards black people honestly infuriates me.
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Some of you Dinluke shippers really took Pedro calling himself a white Latino as an excuse to write the most racist stereotypical violent portrayals of Din as possible huh…
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princessnijireiki · 2 years
The author was the one who told Sacheen’s sisters they weren't Native and then cited THEM as the source of the information.
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Oh that's WILD?!
My main impression of the article tbh was that it was very scheisty & exploitative for the author to have clearly either done this research & sat on it until Sacheen died, OR made this her weird little research mission immediately after Sacheen's death (and I don't follow her drama, so I didn't know this in advance, but apparently this very much tracks for Jacqueline Keeler + she has a strong bias against Black & Latino Natives). But the main thing lending it any nuance was the fact that her sisters were willing to go on the record & say all these things.
Granted: racial claims aside, it seems like there was a fairly big family disjoint & had been for a while (Sacheen's sisters weren't personally notified of her death, they weren't invited to her funeral, and they claim her fabricated Tragic Indian backstory pulled from their dad's life, not her own, and unfairly maligned their parents), and the fact that they would even lend credence to a blind claim like that suggests there was more going on— like if I died tomorrow and a journalist called my sisters saying my description of our heritage was made up, they'd block that journalist & have the whole family talking evil on them in a heartbeat, yk? That just means these are old women with a complicated family story, but it makes me take pause a little bit, because... that's a strangely specific thing to go along with if your suspecions weren't already leaning that direction.
But I think what's saddest is that at the end, Keeler clearly tries to lead them to condemn Sacheen, and they still don't. (Quote: "When asked if she thought Littlefeather’s life or career would have been better if she had never claimed to be American Indian, Orlandi demurred.") Even when they say, "Yes, this is my take on what happened, yes, this was a lie," both Rosalind & Trudy refused to take that specific bait.
Either way, what happened at the Oscars, regardless of the degree of pageantry behind it, did still occur. And that was always Sacheen's big claim to fame. And either way, it was long overdue for the Academy to acknowledge they owed her an apology. But even accounting for the shady & malicious intentions behind this reporting, this whole thing feels like a glimpse into a very sad situation that may or may not have one or several grains of truth in it, but which was certainly and deliberately crafted to allow for no rebuttal from the dead.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months
Ok so, a little bit of context behind this. Erica Mena, a mixed latina, called Spice, a dark skinned black woman, a monkey along with blue monkey. Then wished her death.
I just want y’all to peep how the BW defending Erica calling Spice a monkey sound like.
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It went from “Black people come in all shades and colors!” To “The monkeys are all shades and colors too! If you call a black person a monkey, it’s not a racial epithet!”
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Here’s a helpful article about Erica Mena and the clip of her yelling monkey at Spice
Also, question to the Afro-latinas who see this, do y’all even see Erica as Afro-latina ? Considering she says she’s Afro-Latina
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buckttommy · 9 months
Minority communities that have the nerve to be anti black are so embarrassing. bitch they hate you too lmao
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segasister · 2 years
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My nephew and his (well, our) cousin were wrongfully arrested yesterday morning. My mom (his grandmother) is trying hard to have this story make, at least, local news. She goes by @JaniceTheBroker on twitter, so I'd appreciate it if you not only spread this around, but give her support for her, for my nephew, for my sister (his mom).
Transcript below:
Most of you know me - REALLY know me. You know that I come from a long line of service to both Country and New York State. I am the daughter of an Army Sergeant who served in Korea, the niece of three Army Sergeants - one who served in Vietnam, I am the mother of an Army Medic, the sister of a Marine and an Aunt of a Marine. I served the City of New York FAITHFULLY as a NYPD Cadet, then as a Police Officer and retired as a Sergeant after a total of 24 years of service. I am also the grandmother of a Marine, who is half black. He's never been in trouble with the law - not one time!!! It was his dream to join and become (dare I say it - a NYFD) and firefighter.
He went home yesterday after spending the day with his family at the beach, and while looking for parking - a male white came out of his house and began calling him and my 16 year old nephew "n*grs", he came at my nephew with a knife and my grandson IN ORDER TO STOP THE ASSAULT, punched the guy in the face causing the guy to fall to the ground - just one punch. They stayed at the scene and waited for the police. When the sector arrived and then the sergeant, they went to the white family first then walked over and immediately place my grandson and nephew in cuffs. Witnesses confirmed what happened and what was said.
Let me tell you all something, I am NOT ONE nor have EVER BEEN ONE to throw or use gender or race in anything I do and I certainly have raised my children to do the right thing because its the right thing. My grandson defending my nephew and himself from a man wielding a knife and the patrol sergeant said that was MENACING!!!!!!! Since when do we arrest a black victim of a hate crime who is defending himself? My grandson and nephew are now sitting in the pens of the 123 precinct.
For the first time in my life, I contacted the press about this and tweeted it. The mayor, the NYPD commissioner, the news, their elected officials etc. I never EVER thought I would be writing such a post.
This is out of character for me to say and ask but PLEASE PLEASE PRAY AND SHARE!!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Calling yourself an antifa because you're pro problematic content and saying 'Kill the cop in your head' over hard kinks.........Ah yes,because as we all know,there's nothing fascists and the police hate more than unchecked bigotry propaganda and domestic abuse and they just CAN'T STAND treating kids badly.In other news,your gender is what's in your pants,there's no such thing as autism,it's okay for nonblacks to say the n word and legos are for he/hims and Barbies are for she/hers
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
Can y'all go ahead and report @all-inmoderation,she ships Miles/Miguel and is a grown ass cis woman
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thottyoptimusprime · 1 year
"Westerners are always talking about this" when the topic is about anti black racism
"You guys are so American centric" when the topic is about anti black racism
"Not everything has to be woke" when the topic is about anti black racism
"Gringos need to stay over there" when the topic is about anti black and anti indigenous racism started by afro latinos
People who talk like this and believe everything is an American/Western point of view love to ignore the blatant racism my siblings face in their countries.
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battyarchamac · 2 years
Encanto is seen!
i have watched the entirety of Encanto and let me tell you as an older sibling, I feel personally attacked. I have THOUGHTS about this movie and I kinda adore the characters and the problem is as a basic ass white bitch I know this movie isn’t for me. What can I do to make sure I'm engaging with the content and the intended culture respectfully, both with authorial intent(fanfic) and in general just talking about it in general. If there’s anyone in the Latino or Hispanic communities on this site that can give me some food for thought I'm honestly eager to learn  
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