#anti Renee Dwyer
Would Renée really have been miserable if Bella had chosen to accompany her to Florida to be with Phil, or was that mostly in Bella’s head?
That was the thing, Bella didn't know Phil had gotten a permanent position. At the time, the misery was that Renee had to stay with Bella when she could have otherwise been traveling with Phil (as Phil had to travel across the country constantly for games). The Florida thing was a new development in Twilight and what Renee pitches to Bella at the end of the novel: they're now in a permanent place in a sunny state and Bella doesn't have to stay in Forks.
As for what happened... I personally think it's a mix of both.
Bella was with Renee, unable to travel with Phil, and I imagine Renee was acting upset about it. They'd just married, she was a newly wed after many years, and now she can't be with her husband. I'm sure she did drop comments, sigh and stare out the window, and wish it didn't have to be that way.
What she probably didn't intend/didn't say was that Bella should move to Forks so that Renee could ditch her to be with Phil on the road. Going to Forks in Renee's mind was not an option, at all, and it came out of left field for her completely that Bella would do this.
Though... it is worth noting that we see Renee at the beginning of Twilight and while she protests and is upset, she's not as upset as she otherwise could be and not protesting that hard. There's a very token, "Sweetie, why are you doing this? Email me when you get there". But not an extreme insistence that Bella not leave.
Note the offer for Bella to come back didn't happen until Renee was secure in Florida and could stay with Phil and Bella. That was several months later, and happened only after Bella had been hospitalized after a tragic accident after Renee had never told Bella that she was int he process of moving to Florida.
Bella on her end absolutely feels like a third wheel, that she's ruining Renee and Phil's relationship, and that she's only getting in the way of her mother's happiness. And--for all Bella despises herself and doesn't see how others value her, I don't think she was entirely off the money either.
Renee clearly wasn't happy at Bella going to Charlie, and absolutely wanted Bella to live with her in Florida and loved having her come to visit later in Eclipse, but it's telling how little we see of her throughout the series and that she's either absent entirely or sending Bella panicked emails that don't actually ask Bella for any useful information/how her day was or what's happening in Forks.
Bella doesn't even tell her mother she had a boyfriend, Renee didn't find out until she was visiting in the hospital and spots Edward there and goes "oh, shit, she's not going to live with me huh".
Renee loves her daughter but one of the fascinating things about the series, to me, is how well it portrays that Renee, while far from the world's worst mother, wasn't really mother material and never really seemed to mentally mature beyond her early twenties.
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queenofglassbeliever · 6 months
Bella's childhood is textbook parentification and it's not talked about enough.
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magicianpanache · 1 year
Who is Renée Dwyer ?
Who is Renée Dwyer ? Bella seems to have a pretty positive opinion of her. She's slightly condescending, and a bit insecure, but overall Bella seems to really love her. However, let's be honest here, Bella is a terrible judge of character, so I wanted to explore her a little.
Most people seem to have one of two views of Renee
A well meaning woman who got pregnant too soon but did her best. Things weren't perfect, but she tried to encourage Bella to try new things.
After all, she seems to really care about Bella. She's frantic when she goes to see her in the hospital in Twilight, they seem to have a good relationship... In fact, Bella doesn't seem to resent her in the least.
She signs up Bella for ballet, and accepts that Bella doesn't like it and lets her drop it, which suggests she respects Bella's opinion.
2. A neglectful woman who shouldn't have gotten custody, emotionally abusive and narcissistic
Why would I think that ? Bella cooks too well for a seventeen year old and seems to have been responsible for paying the bills for a while.
Most egregiously, Bella knows the last words her mom told her dad before leaving. Why, in God's name does she know that ? It screams enmeshment and parentification on Renée's part.
Where do you stand ?
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theangelyouknew · 1 year
“So she’s not getting all intense and Charlie-ish about this.” - Renee Dwyer’s thoughts in MS
1) I never realized how much Bella actually takes after her dad.
2) I knew she didn’t love Charlie but damn dude lmao
Hearing her thoughts is very illuminating. I can def see why people don’t like Renee on here.
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edwardsmate4ever · 2 years
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
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emmett-mchearty · 4 years
Dude Renee is not a narcissist. She gave up many things and put herself through school and work to take care of Bella when she left. That’s not a narcissist and she doesn’t treat Bella as her own therapist that’s just one line from stupid ass Meyer and y’all continue to run with it for some reason when y’all know how she is. Nothing about Renee says narcissist. She actively loved and wanted to spend so much time with Bella The way y’all butcher her character so hard because u hate women i can’t
"Nothing about Renee says narcisist" okay buddy pal friend, as someone who grew up with a narcisistic mother I can tell you that ding dong you are wrong.
She took Bella away from Charlie when his parents were dying. His parents were on their deathbed and SHE blamed HIM for not leaving with her just cuz she had a case of wanderlust.
Bella was worried about the bills getting paid when she moved out, and was only comfortable doing so because of Phil. Enough said.
"Put herself through school" name one degree Renee has. Name one thing her flaky ass has finished. I'll wait.
She also made Bella feel guilty for moving in with Charlie even though it was the better choice for her.
Got angry at Bella for not emailing her back immediately, when she had JUST settled into town.
"She actively loved and wanted to spend time with Bella" Yes. She did. Abusers can love the people they abuse, and more importantly, how that person makes them feel important. And people can love their abusers. This does not negate the fact that Renee frequently puts her own emotional and physical needs over Bella's.
Missed her only daughter's high school graduation because her husband broke his leg.
Actively kept Bella from Charlie and demonized him to the point where Bella didn't even call him Dad anymore and if that isnt toxic parenting idk what is.
"Y'all butcher her character because you hate women." My sweet summer child. I hate Renee because she's a bitch, not because she's a woman. You don't see me coming at Sue Clearwater do you? No, because she didn't make her children feel as if was their responsibility to take care of her and put her feelings first. *John Mulaney voice* Ya know, like a narcisist.
You only end up as self-sacrificial and co-dependent as Bella is with some severe narcisistic abuse. And Bella's is to the point where any self pleasure of any kind brings guilt(her inability to accept gifts/take care of herself before others).
This is all off the top of my head, but I know @bellasredchevy could elaborate a LOT more, as they are also a Renee Dwyer hate blog, and I'm interested in their take.
Also, if you really stood by this opinion, you'd say it off anon, with your whole chest. ✌
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afaimsarrowverse · 3 years
Personae Dramatis:
 Eigentlich wollte ich ja keines für diese Fic machen, aber da es doch sehr viele Gastauftritte gibt, hier eine Übersicht über die handelnden Personen für alle, die nicht alle Serien schauen:
Barry Allen, der Flash, ein Speedster
 Chris Xodar, ein geheimnisvoller junger Mann mit besonderen Kräften
  Bewohner von Central City:
 Iris West-Allen, Barry Ehefrau, eine Reporterin, hat eine traumatische Erfahrung mit Spiegeln hinter sich
 Joe West, Polizeicaptain, Vater von Iris, Ziehvater von Barry
 Cecile Horton, Anwältin, Joes Lebenspartnerin, besitzt empathische Kräfte
 Frost, Meta mit Eiskräften, Mitglied von Team Flash, teilt sich einen Körper mit Caitlin Snow
 Caitlin Snow, Ärztin, Mitglied von Team Flash, Freundin
 Cisco Ramon, Vibe, ehemaliger Held, immer Tech Support von Team Flash
  Allegra Garcia, Mitglied von Team Flash, Mitarbeiterin von Iris, hat Lichtkräfte
 Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man, Barrys Teamkamerad
 Harrison „Harry“ Wells, ein Wissenschaftler von Erde-2
 Jesse Wells, Jesse Quick, seine Tochter, ein Speedster
 Sherloque Wells, Harrys Doppelgänger von einer anderen Erde, der größte Detektiv des Multiversums
 Nash Wells, Mythbuster, Harrison Wells Doppelgänger, Mitglied von Team Flash
 Jenna West, Tochter von Joe und Cecile
 Kamilla Hwang, Fotografin, Ciscos Freundin, Mitarbeiterin von Iris
 David Singh, Polizeichef von Central City
 Sue Dearborn, Love Interest von Ralph
 Leo Snart, Citizen Cold, Leonard Snarts Doppelgänger von Erde-X
 Eobard Thawne, ein Speedster, der die Gestalt von Harrison Wells angenommen hatte, Barrys Erzfeind
 Eva McCulloch, Mirror Mistress, Gebieterin über das Mirrorverse, hatte Iris gekidnapped
 Nora West-Allen, XS, zukünftige Tochter von Barry und Iris
 Wally West, Kid Flash, ein Speedster, Bruder von Iris
 Ronnie Raymond, eine Hälfte von Firestorm, Caitlins verstorbener Ehemann
 Eddie Thawne, Polizist, Vorfahre von Eobard Thawne, starb als Held
 Ramsay Rosso, Bloowork, ein Feind vom Flash
 Joanie Horton, Ceciles Tochter
 Savitar, Zeitrelikt aus der Zukunft, das Iris töten wollte
 Wolfgang Wells, Wells Doppelgänger von einer anderen Erde
 Jay Garrick, Flash von Erde-3 und Wissenschaftler, Doppelgänger von Barrys Vater
 Joan Garrick, seine Frau, Doppelgängerin von Barrys Mutter
 Hartley Rathaway, Pied Piper, ein Frenemie von Team Flash
 Carla Tannhauser, Ärztin, Mutter von Caitlin Snow (und Frost)
 Barry Allen Erde-90, der Flash, ein Held von einer anderen Erde, der sich geopfert hat, Doppelgänger von Barrys Vater
 Barry Allen von einer anderen Erde, jetzt auch der Flash genannt, Barry traf ihn während der Krise
 Breacher, ein Freund aus den Weiten des Multiversums
 Hunter Zolomon, Zoom, Feind vom Flash
 Clifford DeVoe, Thinker, Feind vom Flash
 Orlin Dwyer, Cicada, Feind vom Flash
 Francine West, Mutter von Iris und Wally
 Linda Park, Barrys Ex-Freundin
 Patty Spivot, Barrys Ex-Freundin
 Tina McGee, eine Wissenschaftlerin, Partnern von Barry-90 auf seiner Welt
  Aktuelle und ehemalige Bewohner von Star City:
 Oliver Queen, Green Arrow, Spectre, ein Vigilant und Held, tot, vermutlich
 Laurel Lance, Black Canary, verstorbene Heldin
 Laurel Lance Erde-2, Black Siren, Black Canary, ehemalige Schurkin und Heldin mit Schallschrei von einer anderen Erde
 Laurel Lance Erde-X, Siren-X, böser Meta
 Dinah Drake, Black Canary, Polizeicaptain, Vigilantin und Polizistin
 Felicity Smoak, Olivers Ehefrau, Mutter von Mia, Hackerin
 William Clayton, Oliver Queens Sohn
 Mia Smoak, Tochter von Oliver Queen und Felicity Smoak, machte eine Zeitreise in die Gegenwart
 John Diggle, Spartan, jetzt ein Green Lantern, Soldat, Freund von Oliver Queen
 Sara Diggle, Johns Tochter, eins von Barry aus der Existenz gelöscht, lebt auf Earth Prime wieder
 John Diggle Jr, Johns Sohn
 Lyla Michaels, John Diggles Ehefrau
 Thea Queen, Olivers Schwester
 Damien Darhk, böser Magier, Vater von Nora Darhk
 McKenna Hall, Ex-Freundin von Oliver
 Shado, Ex-Geliebte von Oliver
 Malcolm Merlyn, Vater von Thea, Frenemie von Team Arrow
 Slade Wilson, Deathstroke, Frenemie von Oliver Queen
 Tommy Merlyn, Olivers bester Freund
 Quentin Lance, Vater von Laurel und Sara
 Moira Queen, Olivers und Theas Mutter
  Aktuelle und ehemalige Bewohner von Metropolis und Smallville:
 Clark Kent, Superman, ein Kryptonier, größter Held seiner jeweiligen Heimaterde in fast jeden Universum
 Lois Lane, Clarkes Ehefrau, berühmte Reporterin
 Jonathan Kent, Sohn von Clark und Lois
 Jordan Kent, Sohn von Clark und Lois
 Martha Kent, Clarks Adpotivmutter
 Clark Kent Erde-96, Superman, sieht aus wie Ray Palmer, ist aber ein Kryptonier
  Die Legends:
 Sara Lance, White Canary, Captain der Waverider, eines Zeitschiffes
 Ray Palmer, the Atom, Wissenschaftler und Ingenieur
 Mick Rory, Heatwave, Pyromane und Bestseller-Autor
 John Constantine, ein Magier
 Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, Gründer der Rogues, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends, Freund vom Flash, verstorben
 Nora Darhk, Gute Fee, Ehefrau von Ray Palmer
 Ava Sharpe, Co-Captain der Waverider, Saras Partnerin
 Charlie, Clotho, Gestaltenwandlerin und Schicksalsgöttin, läuft in Amayas Gestalt herum
 Zari Tarazi, eine Influencerin aus der Zukunft, Johns Freundin
 Nate Heywood, Steel, Historiker und Superheld
 Zari Tomaz, eine Hackerin aus der Zukunft
 Behrad Tarazi, Träger des Windtotems, Zaris Bruder
 Professor Martin Stein, Wissenschaftler, Teil von Firestorm, verstorben
 Amaya Jiwe, Vixen, Heldin aus der Vergangenheit
 Astra Logue, Constantines Patentochter, wuchs in der Hölle auf
 Gary Green, Constantines Lehrling
 Rip Hunter, ehemaliger Time Master, der die Legends gründete
 Jefferson Jackson, zweite Hälfte von Firestorm nach Ronnies Tod
 Kendra Saunders, Hawgirl, Heldin
 Carter Hall, Hawkman, Held
 Gideon, die K.I. der Waverider
  Aktuelle und ehemalige Bewohner von National City:
 Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Kryptonierin, Reporterin und Heldin
 Alex Danvers, Soldatin und Ärztin, Karas Adpotivschwester, eine Heldin
 J’onn J’onzz, Martian Manhunter, grüner Marsianer, ein Held, Freund von Supergirl
 Nia Nal, Dreamer, eine Heldin
 Querl Dox, Brainiac-5, außerirdischer DEO-Agent und Held aus der Zukunft
 Lex Luthor, Wissenschaftler, Feind von Superman und Supergirl
 Lena Luthor, seine Schwester, Wissenschaftlerin
  Lillian Luthor, Mutter von Lex, böse Wissenschaftlerin
 M’gann M’orzz, Miss Martian, weiße Marsianerin, J’onns Gefährtin
 Malefic J’onzz, J’onns Bruder, lebt am Mars
 Kelly Olsen, Psychologin, Alexs Lebenspartnerin
 William Dey, Reporter, Partner von Kara
 Ruby Arias, junges Mädchen mit einer besonderen Verbindung zu Alex
 Sam Arias, ihre Mutter, teilte sich den Körper mit der Weltenkillerin Reign
 Reign, eine Weltenkillerin
 Mon-El, Daxamit, Held, Karas Ex-Freund
 Maggie Sawyer, Cop, Ex-Freundin von Alex
 Lura, ein halb-kryptonisches, halb-daxamitisches Kind
 Kathy, ein Adpotivkind
  Bewohner von Freeland:
 Jefferson Pierce, Black Lightning, ein Held
 Anissa Pierce, Thunder, Jeffersons Tochter
 Jennifer Pierce, Lightning, Jeffersons zweite Tochter
 Lynn Stewart, Jeffersons Ehefrau
 Peter Gambi, Jeffersons Ziehvater
 Tobias Whale, Mörder von Jeffersons Vater, Black Lightnings Erzfeind
  Aktuelle und ehemalige Bewohner von Gotham:
 Kate Kane, Batwoman, eine Heldin
 Mary Hamilton, Ärztin, Kates Stiefschwester
 Luke Fox, der Tech Support von Batwoman
 Alice, Beth Kane, Kates Zwillingsschwester und Erzfeindin
 Beth Kane, Alices Doppelgängerin von einer anderen Erde
 Jacob Kane, Kates und Beths Vater, Marys Stiefvater
 Sophie Moore, Kates Ex-Freundin
 Bruce Wayne, Batman, Kates Cousin, erster Vigilant
 Tommy Elliott, Hush, ein Feind von Batwoman, der Bruces Gesicht gestohlen hat
 Julia Pennyworth, Sophies aktuelle Freundin, Ex-Freundin von Kate
 Regan, Kates Ex-Freundin
 Magpie, Feindin von Batwoman und Schwester von Regan
 Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow, entwickelte das Angst-Toxin
 Der Joker, ein Verrückter Clown
 Harleen Quinzel, Harly Quinn, Joker Fan-Girl
 Renee Montoya, eine Polizistin
 Mar Novu, der Monitor, ein gottgleiches Wesen
 Mobius, der Anti-Monitor, ein gottgleiches Wesen, das das Multiversum vernichtet hat
 Astropos, Schicksalsgöttin
 Lachesis, Schicksalsgöttin, residierte einige Zeit in der Hölle
 Ryan Choi, ein Wissenschaftler
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I love the implication that Bella suddenly started acting completely different after Light became her. Bella speaks fluent Japanese now. She suddenly starts rambling about "justice" every now and then. She's suddenly at the top of her class. But she's also still... Bella. Definitely.
Anon's referring to this post.
To be fair, the implication is she suddenly changes just when she moves to a new environment. The people of Forks (including Charlie really) don't know Bella's acting any different from usual.
It'd be Renee who'd go "huh" but she uh doesn't talk to her daughter long enough to notice... Which is saying something...
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queenofglassbeliever · 9 months
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Rosalie meeting Renée and realizing "oh now I get why Bella is okay with not being a mom."
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queenofglassbeliever · 9 months
Renée turned Bella's bedroom into a yoga studio as soon as Bella was gone.
Esme, not a fighter and knowing Bella for less than a day, was ready to protect Bella with her life.
Renée and Esme are at opposite ends of a spectrum.
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queenofglassbeliever · 9 months
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Fuck Renée. Give Bella the mother she deserves.
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what if renee was the one carlisle turned after edward and esme was bella's divorced-and-recently-remarried mom?
Well, the thing is, you say that like any of these things would happen or we'd get to canon.
(As a side note, I love it when you guys do this. You assume you can switch things around and we'll totally end up exactly where canon was with no changes, right? Totally.)
But let's start with the Cullen side.
Carlisle Turns Renee
Edward's horrified. He considers Renee to be a self-centered monster (note that Edward approved of Renee in canon but... only really in her relation to Bella and that she brought Bella into this world. He considered her to be a very selfish person based on what Bella told him and her thoughts).
She gets the Rosalie treatment tenfold.
I imagine this drives Edward out the door sooner and... likely means he doesn't come back as now instead of Esme and Carlisle (whom he adores) he'll have to deal with Renee and be unable to get Carlisle to get rid of her.
Edward considers eating people he finds to be morally repugnant while despising himself.
As a result, Carlisle may or may not turn the rest of the Cullens and if he does they may or may not go to Forks. If they do, then Edward's not there to have his romance with Bella Swan.
Esme is Bella's Mother
Unclear if Esme and Charlie would have gotten divorced. The Renee and Charlie situation sounded like a complete mess all around, one where they never should have gotten married, and maybe that happens with Esme and Charlie but...
The thing is that Esme in canon does everything for her child and she has the best chance of supporting them if she stays with Charlie who has a stable job and cares for his daughter. She left in canon because her husband was abusive and would put her and her child in danger.
More, Bella would be a completely different person growing up without Renee. Bella's character is greatly informed by growing up with her mother and feeling she had to be her own parent.
Bella with Esme, even if Esme remains married to Charlie, has a very strong and supportive mother figure. Bella may still have her self-esteem issues, may still have her issues with her parents, but probably not to the same degree as she did in canon and probably not the same longing for the Cullens who she sees as the perfect family unit.
She'd probably still be attracted to Edward and have her fling, as he's a very hot boy who notices her, but we'd see a lot more concern on Esme's end and a lot more devastation from Bella on having to leave both parents behind (and assuring herself they can totally email, totally)
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queenofglassbeliever · 10 months
Leave Bella's plain cooking alone. She was just 6 years old when she took over the cooking. She probably had to teach herself. Maybe Renée added seasoning to her food, but that doesn't mean it was good or edible. There's plenty of bad combinations of spices. Renee's bad cooking could also mean that she burned a lot of dishes or left food undercooked.
"Oh what about when Bella was older? Couldn't she have learned how to season food properly?"
When Bella was older she was doing all the housework, doing the grocery shopping, and balancing the budget. She was making sure that the bills got paid, that there was gas in the car, that Renée wasn't spending too much on whatever frivolous hobby she had that week. Bella was reminding Renée to do things like pick up the dry cleaning or perhaps that there was a school open house. Bella was probably the one grading the homework Renée brought home from work, because Renée's scattered brain self frequently forgot. On top of all the adult responsibility, Bella was also a child/teen keeping up her grades at school. She had so much responsibility that developing cooking skills was not a priority. So Bella just stuck to the dishes that were simple to make and that she knew would be edible. Even if they are plain.
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Do you think Charlie and Renee would ever get back together, and under what circumstances?
Their marriage by all accounts in canon was a disaster and each party acknowledges as much. Their relationship in the after math could be worse, but it's not great. Bella seems to have been very poisoned against her father by her mother (her dad is 'boring', Bella's too much like her dad, Forks is terrible, etc.) and we don't see Charlie talk much to Renee barring the various crises in canon.
They're in contact primarily for their daughter, and even then, Bella before canon had reduced time with Charlie to a few weeks in the summer.
By the end of canon, both have moved on romantically (Renee with Phil and Charlie with Sue).
I don't think anything would get them back together.
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emmett-mchearty · 4 years
I saw your post about Renee being a narcissist (which, yeah... her skipping Bella's graduation never sat right with me, even when I was an oblivious tween - as an adult who knows better, it's worse). Can you tell me where you got the part about Renee taking Bella away when Charlie's parents were dying? I believe it, but I haven't heard about it before.
I got it from Charlie's wiki page actually. His father was dying of cancer and his mother had dementia so it was hard for him to take care of her alone. He was their only child and couldnt leave them. It isnt mentioned in the books at all though.
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