#answer my texts. tell me when you're free. say when you'll arrive. at least a day before
girlitfeelsgood · 11 months
mentally stabbing and mauling people who won't make any plans more than one hour before doing the thing
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 9 months
November - Chapter 22
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Cooper -
Oliver had been weird lately.
It was subtle but he sounded almost nervous on their phone calls and there was a text he sent last week that Cooper kept going back to.
You like me, right? I'm not just imagining all of this?
Cooper didn't know why Oliver asked and he hoped it wasn't because he was having second thoughts about them continuing to talk but he reassured him the best he could.
‘Maybe I had shown my hand a little too much but I needed him to know that I was still very much interested in him.’
Of course I like you. A lot. You're amazing and I think about the two weeks we spent together all the time. I wish you were here to hike with me and have picnics in the woods. And I wish you were in my bed. I miss your body on mine and the way we fit together. I miss you. I don't know where this is going but I want it to work. I want you in my life however you'll have me, even if it's just friends. Even if it's long distance.
Thanks, Cooper. I feel the same.
Cooper read it over and over.
He said he felt the same and seeing that had made Cooper float around in a happy daze for the rest of the day.
That should be all that mattered.
But Cooper had poured his heart out and Oliver’s response was short.
Cooper was confused, to say the least.
The last thing he wanted was another guy from a city leading him on and making him think he was interested in making things work.
He'd been burned by this almost every time in the past.
He didn't want this to end with Oliver asking him to move to California or even just moving to Seattle.
He didn't want Oliver to string him along and have fun with him from a distance until he found someone who lived closer.
Cooper didn't think Oliver was like that or that he would do those things but he needed answers.
On his way home from work, Cooper called Oliver.
As much as he wanted answers about his text and the way he felt, he also wanted to hear his voice.
"Hey, Coop." he answered.
"What's up?"
"Driving home. Thinking about you."
Cooper could tell Oliver was smiling when he replied.
"I've been thinking about you, too. How was work?"
“It was good. The usual. But um... I wanted to ask about that text you sent."
"I hope that wasn't weird. I was going to explain the next time I talked to you. Which unfortunately can't be now, since I'm still at work and we've got a big deadline with one of our studies. We've got a lot going on the next two days and I'm picking up a few shifts at the hospital too, so I'm barely going to be able to text, let alone call. But how about I make it up to you with a video call? You free on Saturday afternoon?"
"For you, I'll make time."
Oliver laughs.
"Sometimes I still can't believe it when you say things like that. It's the complete opposite of my experience with Brad. Anyway, I've got to go but I'm happy you're in my life. Just know that."
"I'm happy to be in your life. Try not to work too hard, okay? I'll talk to you on Saturday."
Cooper hung up the phone and watched the evergreen trees pass by his truck in a blur as he drove.
He did feel a little sad that the call had been so short.
He missed Oliver a lot, more than he would ever let on.
And he was still confused.
He hadn't gotten any of the answers he wanted and he was going to have to wait until Saturday for that.
‘Two days had never felt so far away.’
When Saturday afternoon finally arrived, Cooper was trying to keep his nerves under control.
He didn't know if Oliver was about to tell him that he just wanted to stay friends or if he was going to ask about a long distance relationship.
He tried to prepare himself for both possibilities and not let himself hope that they'd end the call as boyfriends.
As he sets up his laptop in the living room, there is a knock at his door.
He glances at his watch and curses.
Whatever this is, he needs to handle it quickly since his call with Oliver is in five minutes.
He strides over to the door and opens it but the person standing there is the last person he ever expected to see.
Oliver was standing in front of him with a soft smile on his face.
"Hi, Coop."
Cooper blinks at him, his mouth hanging open and he hoped he wasn't hallucinating.
"What are you doing here?"
Before Oliver could answer him, Cooper lunged forward and put his arms around him, giving him a giant bear hug.
‘It was really him. He was really here.’
"I missed you," Oliver said, his voice muffled against Cooper’s chest.
"That's why I'm here."
Cooper pulls back and slowly smiles, shaking his head as he looks at him.
"This is a hell of a surprise. How did you get here?"
Cooper peers over Oliver’s shoulder and sees an unfamiliar car in his driveway.
Oliver's eyes are bright but he seemed nervous.
"I drove. I wanted to visit you. I hope that's okay."
"Of course it is," Cooper says, hugging him again, not being able to keep his hands off him.
"I've missed you too. I can't believe you're here. This is way better than a video call and you showing up out of the blue explains everything about the past couple weeks," Cooper laughs, feeling relieved that all of the weirdness was because Oliver was trying to surprise him.
"How long can you stay? And why didn't you fly?"
"That's what I want to talk to you about. I haven't found an apartment in San Diego yet, so I packed my stuff into my car and drove up here. I... um... I actually have a job interview at the hospital in Port Angeles. If you're okay with me staying, I can take the job if they offer it to me."
It seemed like everything stopped and Cooper stared at Oliver for a few seconds before he had to remind himself to breathe.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" he asks, his heart pounding in his chest.
Oliver nods.
"I like you a lot. And I like Washington. I thought it through and there isn't much keeping me in San Diego. The interview is for a temporary job, so it'd give me a few months to see how things are working out between us and decide if I want to move here permanently."
Cooper’s throat tighten and he fight the tears that try to spring to his eyes.
Oliver had already looked into this enough to find employment here.
‘He was offering to change everything in his life to be with me, be with me here in Washington, with my family in the place I considered home. No guy had ever even entertained the idea.’
Cooper’s eyes well up as a huge smile breaks across his face.
He pulls Oliver into another hug, squeezing him tight.
"You have no idea how much this means to me," he chokes out, his voice breaking.
"I always thought I'd have to choose between love and the place I call home."
Oliver squeezed him back.
"I didn't want you to have to do that. You deserve to have everything you want."
"So do you."
Cooper put his hands on Oliver’s shoulders and holds the young man away from him, no longer caring about the tears running down his face and settling into his beard.
"Is Washington really what you want? Do you think you can be happy here?"
"You're what I want," Oliver says, punctuating that statement by leaning forward and kissing the tip of Cooper’s nose.
"Washington is a bonus. I really liked it here. I'll have you, all of the beautiful scenery around us and a family to spend time with. It sounds perfect to me."
"It does. You're perfect," Cooper whispers.
Oliver wrapped his arms around the back of Cooper’s neck, pressing his chest, hips and thighs against him.
Cooper meets his lips and kisses him hungrily, not capable of taking it slow.
Oliver hums and tangles his fingers in the hair at the nape of Cooper’s neck.
Just hearing the sounds Oliver makes sets Cooper’s blood on fire and he puts his hands under his ass and lifts him by the back of his thighs.
Without breaking the kiss, Oliver wraps his legs around Cooper’s waist.
The older man walked them to his bedroom, trying to keep kissing his young lover while also trying not to run into any of the walls or doorways.
Cooper mostly succeeded.
Oliver was laughing as Cooper dropped him onto the bed.
Cooper immediately pulled his flannel shirt over his head so the young man could see more of him.
Oliver’s hands tugged at the waistband of Cooper’s pants and in no time at all they were both naked and laying skin to skin on the bed.
"I've missed this, so much," Oliver murmured, his thumb stroking Cooper’s cheek.
"Me too. Every night, I wished you were in my bed."
Oliver smiles.
"And now I am. What are you going to do right now?"
"Anything and everything.
Oliver’s hands went to Cooper’s ass, kneading both cheeks.
"I've been dreaming about your ass ever since I left."
Cooper groaned and pulled Oliver on top of him.
Their bodies began to move together as they got lost in each other.
It was paradise being with him again, better than any view from a mountain top or a sunset over the ocean.
His hands roamed over his body so he could feel every inch of his skin and make up for the time they were apart.
He wanted to memorize every line and curve of his body.
"You're so hot," Oliver breathes, staring down at Cooper with half-lidded eyes.
"Everything about your body does it for me."
Time stretched on, one moment of bliss after another.
His thrusts are slow and they are more focused on gentle kisses and fingers trailing across skin than they were on getting off quickly.
Now that Oliver was going to live here, rather than just visit, it felt like they had all the time in the world.
"I want to keep going," I said, my voice strained.
"But I don't know how much longer I can last."
He squeezed his hips with his thighs, trying to draw him even closer.
"We have all night for round two. And round three and four and..."
That was enough of a distraction and he laughed.
"Let's not get carried away. That sounds awesome but maybe too ambitious."
"Too ambitious? Is that a challenge?"
Oliver snorts.
cooper loves seeing him laugh and he was going to make it his goal to make him laugh every day.
If Oliver was going to move here to be with him, Cooper was going to be the best boyfriend he'd ever had.
Cooper wanted Oliver to feel loved and desired and to know that he would always put him first.
His happiness would be his biggest priority.
His next words were risky but Oliver deserved to hear them.
He deserved to feel secure in this relationship.
Cooper cradles Oliver’s cheek in his hand and looked right into his eyes and he allowed his expression to settle into something more serious.
"I know this is probably too soon but you should know how I feel. I love you, Oli," Cooper says, his voice low and soft.
Oliver leans down and kisses Cooper gently, his lips barely brushing his.
"Maybe it is too soon but I love you too. I'm so happy to be here with you. I feel like I'm home."
Cooper was going to get choked up again, so he kissed Oliver back rather than try to speak.
He kissed down to Oliver’s jaw and kept going, down his neck and all the way to his collarbone, where he left a kiss bruise on his skin.
It brought his attention back to their bodies and in a matter of seconds he was thrusting back into him, this time with a purpose.
There was no way either of them could last at this pace, so it wasn't long before Oliver was shouting my name and gripping the sheets in his fists.
Cooper saw his eyelids flutter closed as he moaned, his thrusts losing their rhythm.
Oliver squeezed around him, trying to draw as much pleasure out of Cooper as he could.
He collapsed on top of him and he wrapped his arms around his as they both let their breathing even out.
Cooper kissed Oliver’s temple and nuzzled his nose into his hair.
"Can we do this every day? You're amazing."
Oliver grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them, not bothering to lift his head from Cooper’s chest.
"If we're not working or hiking, I want to be in bed with you," Oliver murmurs.
"You're the best, Coop."
Cooper didn't think he could ever be happier than he was right now.
He had is dream guy in his arms, in his bed, in his house.
Everything Cooper needed was here in Washington and he couldn't wait for all of the days ahead with Oliver.
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
is it enough [sawamura daichi]
1k words
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part five of i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone miniseries. you're lost, but at least you're not lost alone.
JST: japanese standard time (GMT +9). EST: eastern standard time (GMT -5). EDT: eastern daylight time (GMT -4).
tings // fluff, angst // i swear this søng is abøut eating øut my best friend's pussy - cøzybøy // dm, ask or comment to be added to taglist ! minors dni.
— 28 AUGUST 2022. 12:15 EDT.
tōru helps you move your stuff back in, very excited about the fact that you have a private bedroom this year.
"i still have roommates," you point out, "and the walls are thin."
he only laughs in response and continues sorting through your clothes while you fit sheets onto your bed.
— 29 AUGUST 2022. 01:36 JST.
daichi lies awake, staring at the ceiling of tsuuka's room. she's asleep, tucked snugly into his side, breathing softly.
he thinks he's happy right now. but he can't be sure, because tsuuka's great, but she isn't you.
on opposite sides of the world, at opposite hours of daylight but at the exact same moment, you and daichi lie beside wonderful lovers— wonderful people. wonderful friends. but as the seconds and minutes and months tick by, both of you grow more and more aware that it's only going to be enough for so long.
"i'm so sorry," you both whisper to the sleeping figures at your sides.
— 12 SEPTEMBER 2022. 01:08 EDT, 14:08 JST.
on another night spent alone and struggling to fall asleep in the early hours of the morning, your phone buzzes under your pillow.
you've hardly talked to him since the week you got back to the states.
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it's like words caught in daichi's throat, except it's just a text. words caught in his fingers, then. he wants to tell you the same, because he does. but he's sitting on the floor of tsuuka's living room, building legos with her little brother, so he feels a little guilty.
he only responds a couple hours later, once he's left, with a simple me too. but you've long been asleep since then.
the rate at which time passes seems to increase exponentially, though it has nothing to do with the shortness of daylight hours this time of year. with each passing day you find yourself feeling more and more out of place in tōru's grasp, feeling like you're slipping through his fingers and unsure whether he's even aware of it.
ironically (or perhaps not) you throw yourself into him, spending nearly every moment of free time with him, having him stay so many nights with you that he jokes you two should just get your own place. he's got extra clothes in your drawers, an extra toothbrush in the bathroom that you already share with one too many people. even his favorite coffee mug alternates between your kitchen cupboards and his.
you wonder if you're right for doing this.
— DECEMBER 2022.
daichi forgets to send you a christmas card. yours is late.
a week before his birthday—four days before christmas—he breaks up with tsuuka. he can't take it anymore. he'd always known that it was supposed to be you in the end, but he'd tried to convince himself it didn't have to be. but a week before his birthday, he realizes that it does.
tsuuka is a wonderful person. he doesn't want to stay long enough to resent her for not being someone else. anyone other than you isn't enough.
your christmas card to daichi (written 24th december, received 30th december. opened as soon as it arrived, 17:42 japan standard time.)
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it's only now that he realizes he didn't send you a card this year (to be fair, he didn't send anyone cards this year) and he feels terrible. he calls you immediately, and then realizes that it's the middle of the night on a weekday in new york. he's about to hang up when you answer your phone.
"hi," you say sleepily, and he smiles.
"hi." there's silence but for static on the other end of the line for a little bit, and then he says, "we broke up."
you don't know what to say, so you just go, "why?"
he doesn't know if he wants to tell you why. to his knowledge, you're still with tōru. (he's right; you are. but you kind of figure why he ended things with tsuuka.)
finally he answers, "it just... wasn't right. i guess." and that's true. it wasn't.
"are you... doing okay? you are, right?"
he almost laughs. "'course. i'm fine. are you?"
you don't know.
"yeah," you whisper. you probably don't completely mean it.
there's a sharp intake of breath on your side of the line, and then a mumbled oh my god, and then you say, "your birthday's tomorrow!"
he smiles. "yeah, yeah, it is."
"i'll send you something. another card, and um... do you— "
"don't," he cuts you off. "just call again?"
"daichi..." and then: "okay. okay, i will."
"i'll let you go to sleep."
"yeah," you smile, "i probably should."
"good night."
"good night."
"i miss you."
"miss you, too."
the line goes dead, and you lean against the wall in the hallway of your apartment. you can hear soft snoring from behind one of your roommate's doors.
fairly unsure that you'll be able to sleep, you head to the kitchen to grab yourself a glass of water, taking a sip and then just standing there, holding it and staring into space for god knows how long.
"why're you up?" says a soft voice behind you—tōru's.
"thinking," you respond, and put your glass down and let him wrap his arms around you. you hug him back.
"are you okay?"
for some reason, those words, coming from him, make your chest go tight and your lower lip tremble. "mhm."
tōru knows you're not really. and he knows why you're up at this hour. he takes your hand in his and leads you back to your room, and doesn't say anything when, as your breathing evens and you fall asleep, tears dampen his t-shirt where your head lays.
taglist: @sakruisin-thru @softetsurou @oligbia
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windhamsrotunda · 3 years
Edge (Adam Copeland) x Female Reader! - Tongue Tied {PT 1}.
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Pairing(s) - Edge (Adam) x Female Reader! (Y/N)
Category - FLUFF AND SMUT.
Summary - Edge and Y/N are in a long distance relationship, they have known each other for over 2 years. One day, Edge and Y/N finally meet; And so on.
Requested By - N/A
Warning(s) - Strong Language, Smut and FLUFF.
Word Count - 1k+
Tagging(s) - @theonelazywolf, @hplightoutlander, @mackenzie2597, @lghockey , @hungmanhorsecarriage, @heelstylerollins , @enigmaticandunstable, @ava-valerie, @snarkandsarcasmftw, @rosyredapples, @ringer04, @junglecassidy 💓
It all started with a "Hello?" over the video call from Adam: "Hey! It's Edge. How are you doing lovely?" He asked Y/N, his online best friend of two years. "I'm doing good actually since you've called! Thank you for asking!" A smile crept on the face of Edge, his smile was brighter than ever. "So, anything new with you, Edge?" She asked over the video call, smiling back at him. "Other than working out and taking care of life; I've recently won the Royal Rumble." Edge said proudly, proud of what he accomplished. 
"I've saw! I was so damn excited for you! What championship are you going after?" Inquired Y/N. Edge had to think long and hard - Then came up with: "I've never held the NXT Championship." "Well, I think per say if you do go after the NXT Champion, you'll do just fine!" She smiled. Edge and Y/N spent over 2 hours on the phone. "Can I ask you something that has been on my mind for a really long time?" Asks Y/N bravely, trying not to mess this conversation up. "Of course, give me something."
"I was wondering… Can we meet in real life sometime?" She covered her face, "No no… I think it's too soon---" Edge cut her off nicely, "No! Never too soon or too early to meet! Sure! What's the day and time so that I know what my schedule will look like?" She was in utter shock that her best friend of 2 years online had even said yes: "Umm. Whenever you're ready. I know you're a real busy person; So am I. But let me know when you're free okay?" "Okay, will do." "Thanks, I gotta go; It was nice talking to you over the phone again Edge!" She smiled once again, watching him wave bye before they hung up. And so, she hung up. "Shit. This is it." She thought. "This is going to be the end of me."
Well, a nice "end of her". Not a detrimental one. Laying in bed, she glanced over the clock: "Damn. 10pm? Can't be that late." She always thought whether 10 or 11 at night was late: Thoughts traced back to the first conversation on Instagram Edge and Y/N had begun. The time where he supported Y/N throughout the whole 2 years; Through it all: The good times, and the bad times. "I'm so tired, I might as well go to sleep." She groans, but Edge was on her mind. Rethinking about how they're going to meet, how they're going to hug. How they're actually going to start a real life conversation.
As Edge was ready to fly off to Oxford, PA; Where Y/N had lived, He texted her: "I am on my way to Oxford, Pennsylvania. :)" Less than a minute later, Y/N responded back quickly. "Can't wait to meet you, Edge!" He read the text and smiled to himself. Pushing his phone into his back pocket, he put his mask on over his face - Due to this COVID-19 Pandemic, he had to sit by himself, socially distant. It was an 8 hour airplane fly; He found himself trying to bring up the courage to say he liked her more than a best friend. Inserting his headphones in his ears, he listened to Foo Fighters "Times Like These". Soon after that, he fell right asleep on the plane, knowing it was going to be a long airplane ride.
"Arrived." Edge's phone had said vocally as if it was Siri. "Here I am. Now, off to Y/N's house." He thinks, very confidently. He grabbed his luggage, and headed his way to a Taxi. Getting in, he sat down, until the guy who was driving the Taxi asked dumbfounded: "Are… Are you Edge!?" Edge responded with: "You think you know me?" Jokingly, then said: "Yes I am." "Where are we off to, Edge?" The Taxi driver inquires. "*insert random address here*" He told the driver, the driver nodded and drove to that exact location. While waiting on his arrival, he tapped his foot on the taxi flooring nervously; "This is it. This is going to be the end of me." Swallowing hard, a lump in his throat had made its way in. You could tell Edge was extremely nervous, his hands were sweating, a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face - Doing this for Y/N meant more than anything in the world - He wanted to make her happy, and himself happy.
 "Remember, don't fuck this up." Thinking to himself, Edge arrived at Y/N's house. Taking deep breaths, he stepped out of the Taxi and watched the Taxi driver smile at him, then pull out of the driveway and sped off. He wanted to make this a surprise ---
Stepping up on Y/N's doorstep, he knocked on the door. Waiting for an answer for at least a good 30 seconds, she answered. Then, stopped dead in her tracks. "E-Edge?" Her mouth flung open, "I…. I didn't know you arrived or anything--" He cut her off with a huge sudden hug. She began to cry on his shoulder, sobbing. "I'm so glad I'm here." Edge whispered in her ear, stroking her back. "I'm glad too." Stepping inside, still attached to each other in an embrace, he kicked the door closed with his foot. "God I love you." He announced aloud, Y/N's face was a shocked facial expression. "I love you too…. Edge." She slowly said, with no questioning behind his secret love for her.
"You know, I wanted to tell you this. My gut in my stomach was making me want to tell you this for a  long time." He continued on: "I'm in love with you. I always dreamt of being with you, and… And holy shit, is this real." He laughed, turning his attention all on Y/N. "Y/N, I want to love you as much as I can. Physically, Spiritually. You know." Y/N was lost for words, he ran his fingers through his best friend's hair: "Y/N L/N, I fucking love you. Lots." She was in her own feelings, her cheeks heated; Blushing madly like a mad woman, Y/N stopped Edge's rambling and kissed him. Edge kissed her, no hesitant reaction. Holding her into place, they made out. Fireworks spurted through both of the stomachs of Y/N and him, "I love you I love you." He muttered in between those breaths he shared with his best friend.
Y/N smiled, "I love you more." Hands calloused against the face of Edge, she slid the cardigan off of his shoulders and dropped it to the floor. He pulled away, "Wait. Are you sure you want to do this?" He looked in the eyes of Y/N dead serious, "Yes." Was what she said. Silence broke between the two, he undid his bun that was perfectly fit into his hair - "You wanna go first?" He asked, not wanting to force anything on her. "You haven't seen me naked before…" "Can I go first?" A gentle smile appeared on the face of Edge, slowly taking his shirt off. Revealing his 6 pack and biceps, he looked at his shirt in his hand, looked at Y/N who was staring at him. A dark smirk appeared on his face - "Are you lost, baby girl?" His eyes eager, Y/N kicked her heels off, and approached him. "I'm lost with you." She smirked back.
A tease. Thought Y/N in her head, kissing the neck of Edge, he softly moaned in her ear. "Mhm." He placed a hand behind her neck, pulling her close. "I want you, damn all of you." She growled, Edge accepted the invitation, grasped her thighs, pulled her up to his level and smashed his lips against hers once more. Feeling pretty sure and confident of herself, she slowly undid her blouse. As Edge watched on, she undid herself faster. Dropping it to the hardwood floor, Y/N felt her heart hit through the floor; When she saw his bulge in his pants get bigger. "Such a good girl." The Rated R Superstar spoke softly, in a teasing tone. His eyes glanced up at his best friend, then down at his belt buckle. Undoing it, Edge pulled his pants down to his ankles and kicked them off. A. Tease. Thinks Y/N more, liking what she saw.
Edge was now on top of her, face buried in the arch of her neck, moaning hot breaths and plunging deep down. They shared moans, Y/N grabbed a fistful of his hair and screamed when he hit that spot. "I love you, I love you so fucking much." Was Edge's words before collapsing down on her, knees weak and body in pleasure. Panting, she rolled herself over on the other side. "Edge… I want you to know this: I'll love you til' the day I die. Alright?" Panting, he kissed her on the forehead. "I'll take your promise - And I guarantee you will. I will do the same in honor." Stroking her hair, they fell asleep together after a long night of love making.
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shiberpostshere · 4 years
The Kiss Thief - Park Seonghwa Social Media AU
13. Chapter Nine: Mega big brain boy ✨
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Masterlist of the AU✨
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Yesterday was wild. It was truly wild personified. Your friends and Seonghwa's friends mingled together to create, as Yeosang kept mentioning, chaos multiplied. 
Despite the loud talking, heavy eating, after-dinner meeting and dramatic goodbyes under the influence of alcohol, (No one has yet confessed who switched Cola with Alcohol. Hence, the appearance of bold Jongho) the time spent was the most fun you've had since college life began. 
It was fun but it was tiring staying up late.
The only thing that occupied your mind today was the thought of comfortable sheets putting you to sleep in your bed.
Currently, you're thinking about the same but with different emotions, specifically regret. 
"Why are you making a face like that? This is the fourth time you've zoned out today." Seonghwa's question pulls you out of your trance. 
You two wrapped the daily studio teaching a few minutes ago and the next occupants of the recording studio showed up when you were leaving. As Seonghwa conversed with them, you decided to text Yeri, who delivered you the news, shattering your napping plans. 
Why today, of all days, today I forgot my key? 
You rub your eyes and place the phone in your pocket. "You've been counting?" 
"Well, you're the only person here I am supposed to pay attention to. So yes, I've been counting. What's up?" He asks as you two begin walking down the stairs. 
Groaning, you push your hair back into an aggressively tight ponytail. "I forgot my dorm keys, I wanted to nap but now I need to pretend to study in the library while I complain loudly in my mind." 
He raises a brow, hands fishing out car keys from his pocket. "Why don't you just drink your deathly beverage? Doesn't it keep you all buzzed and active?" 
You stop in front of the building entrance with a smug expression. "Oh, my deathly beverage for which I attended the beverage addiction convention?" 
Looking down, he shakes his head. "Do you want to grab something to eat?" You expected a snarky or teasing remark but what is delivered surprises you for a moment. 
"Together?" The thought of just the two of you sharing a meal is enough for your heart to beat a little faster than usual.  
The time spent in the studio mostly consists of him correcting mistakes and answering your confused questions.
The initial embarassment is only subtly present. His playful comment are mostly absent when he's explaining what Hongjoong has already well explained to you. His presence is comfortable.
When among your friends there's always someone (mostly Mingi) chiming in now and then but this is the first time since you've met that you'll be spending time with each other. 
Frankly, you also don't know how to act around everyone with him when even sneezing is considered giggling. You two haven't exactly acknowledged openly about your high school crush on him other than easy, playful conversation you two engage in quite a lot, whether texting or talking. 
"No, we'll be sitting on seperate tables." He begins walking towards his car. You had half-expected an answer like that. 
"Really? That sounds great, at least I don't have to put up with your nagging." Arriving by his side, you comment with a side eye. 
He offers you a deadpan expression. "Didn't you listen to what Yeosang said? I'm actually that clueless. That open discussion about me, remember." 
"Are you really? I have receipts of your messages admitting how you find my reactions 'cute'." You tap your pocket, contaning the source of evidence, your phone. 
The confidence comes when with him without you having to muster up any.
Seonghwa unlocks his car, a small hint of smile on his lips. "Okay, let's continue this conversation while eating." 
This boy. 
"Are you really that unphased? Are you really that clueless? Teach me your ways." 
He opens the door to the passenger's seat. "I'll feed you instead." 
You place your hands on your chest, followed by a dramatic expression. "Wow, you're amazing at deflecting." 
Seonghwa places a hand on his hip and that's your cue to get inside before losing your free meal ticket. 
You'd rather eat with Seonghwa any day instead of pretending to study at the library with droopy eyes.
After a ten minutes ride to a small and cozy restaurant, you two are seated in the chatter filled environment with two servings of soup in front of you loaded with vegetables, meat and noodles.  
He arranges the spoons for both of you.
"Better than greasy food that will make you more sleepy." He sips a spoonful and an instant satisfaction takes over his features.
You chuckle. "Oh my god, you're really a mom material---" The comment is instantly regretted as you taste the refreshing soup, enough to widen your eyes. 
He slurps the noodles and then turns to you with a victorious smile. "You develop motherly instincts when you hang out with children." 
"Children?" You're listening to him but the soup definitely has a majority of your attention. "Oh, you mean the guys?"
"All the seven of us are uniquely handful," The smile is still ever present on his lips. 
Even though you haven't spent much alone time with him, you can still detect the warmth filled, selfless nature he had back then and still has it within him now.
That was one of the main reasons you were attracted to him. 
Okay, not now (Y/N), let's not make it awkward. 
You take a big bite of the juicy, broth soaked meat. "You're still as initiative and kind as I remember." Speaking with much difficulty, you hold up your hand in front of your lips, "But I think something went wrong somewhere and you developed the quality of enjoying making fun of innocent girls like me." 
He offers you a tissue with his trademark, unphased expression. "I am actually that clueless." He shrugs. 
You snatch the tissue and wipe the corner of your lips. "Yeah, sure." 
He laughs at the look on your face. "What? You can't take a little teasing from your senior?" 
You throw up your hands in false frustration. "Oh my god, stop asserting your age kink!" 
"It's not a kink!" He says defensively. 
"Yes, sure. Mingi is Mingi but you, you are something else!" You say the statement, knowing that he understands the meaning behind it and begin sipping the remaining broth.
He too, downs the broth in one shot. "What am I?"
There it is, that amused and knowing glint in his eyes and the smirk he's attempting to hide. 
"You're..I don't know, whatever. Seventeen year old Seonghwa would never do this to me" You bite your tongue after delivering the statement.
He crosses his arms below his chest. "Seventeen year old Seonghwa was actually clueless." 
You point a finger at him with an exaggerated smirk. "Ha! You are basically saying that twenty-one year old Seonghwa isn't!" 
He places his head on his hands, shoulders shaking with gentle laughter. "(Y/N) if you keep reacting like that, do you really think I can stop?" 
Your expressive gesture shrinks. "You know what, I understand now." You hold up your hands in defeat. 
"No, don't stop now. We are finally opening up and talking." He gives you an encouraging nod. 
"Oh, don't trick me now. My eyes are about to roll back into my head." Your fingers undo the ponytail to let your hair breath. 
Sleep has abandoned your senses long ago but only now you realise how energized you're feeling.
"Fifteen year old (Y/N) would never." The innocent face of his doesn't do justice to the way he is speaking. 
"Hey!" You protest.
Wow, I sure react to everything he says. 
"Fine, fine. I'll stop now but If it ever gets beyond the limit, tell me." He assures with an honest expression. 
God, you cannot be teasing one minute and be kind the other, no, don't do this Park Seonghwa. 
You huff out a sigh and lean into your palms. "It is harmless anyway but you're too good at it and sometimes you are something else."
He mirrors your posture. "Yes, (Y/N), so tell, What am I? What is something else?" 
Your face falls into your palm and you hear his soft chuckles. 
Not again, Park Seonghwa, not again. 
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Pairing: College Student! Seonghwa x College Student! Female Reader
Genre: Fluff, A teeny tiny bit of smut with a pinch of angst
Synopsis: High school crushes are often silly and forgotten. However, you cannot forget the one senior, you "borrowed" once a kiss from. Years have passed and it's a memory you laugh at but what will happen if you're to encounter the same senior in a much different setting and situation? Especially during your first year of college.
A/N: He make fun of you, he tease you but mostly importantly, he feed you 🙏🏻
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! 💫
@enigmaticsal @stardusthyuck @missiopk @preets-kpop-world @rae-woo @sanisms @retrofuture-ism @jiyeons-closet @hongjoongsnoona @seong-hwa1998 @dreamie-deonghwa @veeeenus4 @mochibabycakes @vhschs @kokoboxp
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letthesparkleshine · 5 years
You remembered.
Hello everyone! This is my first attempt at writing fanfiction, I hope you enjoy it!
Feel free to leave me a message.
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Words: around 1.8k
Group: BTS
Members: Jungkook and Taehyung X you
Today was a long day. You had just finished your workout and decided to take a shower. Before grabbing your things you took a quick look at your phone. You saw that you got a text message from your one and only Taehyung.
V: Wear something fancy tonight 😉
Y/N (*dies*): Sure thing love
It was your anniversary tonight, 3 years baby. After taking a shower you quickly drove home to start getting ready. You still love him as if it was the first day when you guys had just met and you were very excited. You were stuck between deciding whether to wear tight velvet dress or loosely fit black one. You decied to go with red one, since you prefer velvet and Taehyung doesn't. And today was definitely the night you would prefer for him to take if off of you as quiclkly as posisible.
You were on your way to their dorm. Once you arrived you were greeted by Jin. ''Wow, very nice, Tae's a very lucky guy. Tell me I forgot, do you have an older sister?'' he says and you just hit him playfully but still kind of hard since it's Jin and he probably deserves it.
''Stoop please, where is Tae, I'm really excited about tonight, I can't wait anymore.'', you say. Jin being a little perv he is takes another look at you again and this time you hit him a bit harder.
''Wow Y/N that really hurt. You hurted me.''
''Oh really, you wanna see how I hit with both of my hands?'' you say and thankfully in that moment Jimin walked in. ''Come in Y/N, we missed you, sorry for Jin he's a little bit drunk,'' he says as he is taking your coat from you '' you're going to have to wait a bit, we were running a bit late today with practice, he's still getting ready.''
''Oh no problem, I'll just hang out with you guys a little, it's been a long time since we all hung out together.'' You say to Jimin, completely igoring Jin at the moment.
'I'm very sad Y/N, you hurted me again.'' Says Jin.
''Oh relax silly, I've missed you too, but not your jokes though'', you say while following them to living room.
You find the rest of the guys watching TV. Jungkook immedietely gets up to hug you. ''Y/N you're finally here, I've missed you, my god we've got to hang out some time soon.''
Jungkook and you knew eachoter before you met Taehyung. You took the same dancing classes as he did, before he started training at BigHit. While training you guys became very close to eachoter since he was a bit lost in the beginning and you were his closest friend at the time. It was never weird between you guys. You were always just really good friends. Eventually you met the rest of his members and became kind of close to them too. You instantly had a crush on Tae and boy oh boy did he have a crush on you. He first asked you out without telling Jungkook, thinking, if this doesn't workout he doesn't have to find out and there will be no problem. But since life has it's own way of planning events, you and V actually hit it off really well. First it was hanging out only once in a while so Jungkook wouldn't suspect anything, but with time passing by, you guys fell in love more and more, and once making it official, it was time to tell Kookie. He was very protective of you, so it was safe to say that you would make Taehyung tell him. There was no way you were telling him. And on a lovely sunny day, when you guys were preparing to tell him, he caught you fooling around. That was the only day you remember Jungkook getting kind of mad at you, but since he loves you so so very much, he forgave you very easily and very quickly.
Everytime you remember that day, it puts a smile on your face. A boy that you once barely knew is now one of your closest friends and because of him you met the man that introduced you to love you never knew existed.
''We really should catch up Kookie.'' You say hugging him back. You can definetly feel that Jin was about to say something but he stayed quiet, which quite surprised you.
You sat with the guys for a brief moment, chatting with them about their day when suddenly Taehyung appeared, looking like a four course meal. It was safe to say that you were now even more excited about him taking off the Velvet dress off of you.
''You look amazing sweetheart'', he says while kissing your cheek.
''Get a room.'' You hear Yoongi all of a suddenly.
It makes all of you laugh a little bit, then you feel Tae taking your hand and leading you outside of the dorm. But before you leave you can hear Kookie jogging towards you giving you a quick hug goodbye and just as you were about to let go of him you hear him saying: ''Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary.''
I really melted your heart that he remembered.
''I can't explain how excited I am about today Tae, where are we going?'' you ask.
''Oh it's a surprise, you'll know once we get there.''
You just smile and sit in the car with him. For this special opportunity he even hired a driver. ''I can't believe he tried so hard on our anniversary'' you thought to yourself. You were very happy at the moment. It was a nice ride, and once you've reached the destination he told you to wait so he could open the door for you. As you stepped out, you were kind of shocked. It was the cafe, where you guys went on your first secret date.
''I can't believe you remembered this place Tae. I haven't been here since ou sec-''
''-secret date'' Tae finishes your sentence for you. ''I knew you thought I was going to forget about this place so I thought about surprising you this time.''
Indeed you were very happy. The man of your dreams remembered your anniversary and not just that, he took you to your favourite place, and you even get along with all of his friends,at least when they are not asking you about your older sister. There couldn't be a more perfect moment for you right there. You kissed him softly on the cheek and let him lead you into the cafe. He made a reservation just for you two, emptying the whole cafe for a night so you two could be alone. The night that passed by was so lovely and it passed by so quickly. Both of you were talking all night and it reminded you so much of your first date.
You were waiting for him to give you his anniversary gift so that you could give him afterwards yours. But you kind of waited for nothing. You never recieved the gift. You thought maybe the cafe and the reservation were a gift but you were still a bit sad, since every year until now you guys always gave eacother handmade gifts. And this year you worked extra hard in knitting the sweater he used to have when he was little. But nontheless you were still very thankful for the effor he put into your date so you decided to just enjoy it and give him his sweater later in the car.
You were enjoying the rest of your date when suddenly he got an emergency call, having to come right away back to the dorms. Once you guys returned back he went immediately to RM asking him what's wrong. You went to Jungkook since you saw he was sitting alone and you asked him what had happened.
''Oh it was just something about the contract, since we renewed it couple of days ago and boss found out there was a paragraph that was missing, he had to rewrite it and Tae has to resign it. It's no big deal but he kind of has to sign it immediately.''
''Oh,'' you say feeling a bit of ease ''I thouhght it was something worse.''
''Silly girl, you always think of the worst firts. But any way, how was the date? Did you like the present?'', Kookie bombards you with questions.
''Oh I didn't get the present, I thought the cafe was the present, did you see him actually buying me a present?'' you ask him a little bit worried. Jungkook laughs at you and gives you his award winning bunny smile and pinches your cheek. Just as he was about to answer your question Taehyung walks in.
''I'm sorry about that love, we drove over here for nothing, hope it didn't ruin our date too much'' he says.
''It's okay, shall we go back? You ask.
''Actually I'm kind of tired would you mind if we called it a night? I know it as supposed to be our special date night but it was a long day for me today, I just want to go to sleep.'' As he says those words your heart hurts a little bit. Special date nights were also your thing, it was a night you had at least once every two weeks, since you both have hard working jobs and that was just an agreement you guys made so you would see each other even at the busiest of times.
He forgot. Your anniversary. He forgot it and you didn't know what to think. You agreed with him not wanting to ruin your night and told him to go to bed, and that you are going home.
''What are you talking about going home? Stay over it makes no sense if you go home now, especially at this hour.''
You completely ignored his question saying:'' No I want to go home, I don’t feel so good, sorry babe, I'll see you later.'' You say very quickly, kissing his cheek and leaving without giving him a chance to say a word or two to you.
Jungkook sees this awkward situation and after you leave he goes up to V and asks him:'' What was that man? Why did she leave?''
''I have no idea, she said she got tired all of a sudden, but she seemed fine during our date''
Jungkook tilts his head thinking what could the reason be and says: “Ok… but what did she think of the present? Did she like it?''
''What present, what are you talking about?'' says Tae obviosly very confused.
''Well it's your anniversary? Or? No it's definitely your anniversary. I told her before to have fun on your anniversary and she smiled at me.'' Says Kookie.
It took Taehyung a moment to to realize what Jungkook had just said. He quickly ran to his room to check the calendar and he was right. The date that was circled today was your anniversary.
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citycfangels · 7 years
text: raquel ⇄ charlie
Raquel: note to self and to you: best steak dinner really is at maestros. Even if it was like really expensive.
Charlie: was that just a note or just a way to tell me we're going there at some point?
Raquel: no, I don't want to go there ever again. It's way too stuck up and it's like every table has people whose life mission is to be an asshole. Really I just thought I'm here and my mom is probably going to pay the bill so why not go for the 100 dollar steak
Raquel: but then she said we should split the bill. So I guess my plan backfired in a way.
Charlie: sounds like that place is filled with people like your mother, for example
Charlie: i'm sorry for the 100 dollars steak, btw
Charlie: i'm just asking this because i have to, but you don't have to answer. do you want to talk about your dinner with your mom?
Raquel: yep all the reptilian people with no souls go there.
Raquel: it's okay. But maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I could get like a to go order of that just so that you could try it.
Raquel: I don't know. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.
Raquel: it's like no matter what I do, I'm not good enough. It's like she just can't be happy for me. And she always has an opinion on something and I know she is my mom and I have tried so hard being a good daughter and a good person and no matter what it doesn't matter because the bar she sets just keeps on moving. I don't know what to do.
Raquel: and her personal opinions are all completely wrong. I don't know how I came from a person like that or how one person can just be so frustrating. And how can I still want her in my life? It's crazy. But she's my mom.
Charlie: we can go and get steaks for less money and do them at home, babe
Charlie: am i allowed to say she's a shithead?
Charlie: what did she say? what does she want from you now?
Raquel: I would be completely okay with that. The less interaction with that restaurant the better. I was surprised they even let me in.
Raquel: Other than saying she wants to be a part of my life I don't know. She thinks she has a right to have an opinion on everything I do and what my life should look like and I just can't stand it. And I know I'm crazy for wanting her attention and approval but she's all i have other than you.
Raquel: maybe I was better off not having her in my life.
Charlie: yeah, we better not go to a place where the reptilians meet.
Charlie: who cares about that? you're on your way to making it big and you're happy, that's what matters. you shouldn't really care about what she thinks.
Charlie: look, i've been lucky in the parents department and i'm glad neither of them was like yours, but shit, i haven't met her and i don't like her.
Charlie: maybe, but that's up to you. don't people say that family is not necessarily the people who share your blood?
Raquel: promise that if I ever get even a tiny bit diva like that you'll tell me and make sure I never become "that" person.
Raquel: I'm extremely happy. You make me happier than I have been in so long.
Raquel: trust me you aren't winning any points from her either. But that's the one thing I told her I do not care about
Raquel: I guess you're right, that is what they say.
Charlie: i'll tell you and if i have to snap you out of it, i will. i won't let you become your mother
Charlie: you're welcome. you make me really happy too and it's been a while since i was this happy, babe.
Charlie: wait, what do you mean with that? did you tell her about me?
Raquel: Thank you.
Raquel: well good because I plan on making you happy all the time.
Raquel: She asked about Nathan so yeah I told her about you.
Charlie: i like the sound of that. i intend of doing the same
Charlie: so i guess she doesn't like the idea of you being with a poor bartender while you could have Nathan as your fancy boyfriend, right?
Raquel: please don't do that. You're so much more than just a bartender. You're a future business owner and you know i don't care about Nathan. I don't care about money and yeah nathan had a lot of it but that didn't make me happy. My mom is materialistic and vain. Of course she wants me with Nathan, but none of that matters.
Charlie: i know you don't care about the money and shit, but that's what i am right now. i'm broke, i'm a bartender and until i get my chance to get a business that's what i'll be.
Charlie: but i appreciate you telling me i'm more than that and all that shit doesn't matter, i really do
Raquel: I just don't want you thinking that's what I see you as because I don't.
Raquel: did you ever think money did matter to me?
Charlie: i don't think that.
Charlie: nah, money is a nice plus but i never pegged you for that kind of girl. otherwise you'd be with Nathan and not with me, not even like the way we are right now
Raquel: what does that mean? Even the way we are now?
Charlie: we're still lowkey because you haven't broken up with him, right? unless... you did and i didn't get the signs, which wouldn't surprise me.
Raquel: babe, I broke up with Nathan a while ago. I told you I'm all yours and I didn't just mean that emotionally. I meant that completely. There's no more hiding this.
Charlie: are you serious? like, you're being serious right now?
Charlie: now i feel dumb for not seeing the signs.
Raquel: I thought you had already picked up on it.
Raquel: I thought that's why you told me what you did.
Raquel: you're really cute when you're clueless. i just want you to know that.
Raquel: wait so yesterday when we were at my house the whole time I was getting ready where did you think I was going?
Charlie: apparently, i didn't
Charlie: i don't think i'm cute when i'm clueless but thank you?
Charlie: until you mentioned it was with your mother, i was pretty sure you were going to have dinner with Nathan
Raquel: that explains a lot.
Raquel: you can stop thinking that now.
Raquel: You don't have to worry about me dating someone else now or about hiding what we have or about thinking I'm choosing someone over you because I chose you.
Charlie: so, now we don't have to hide, any ideas of where to go?
Raquel: is that your way of saying you want to show me off?
Charlie: that, bc i'm proud of you, and because i want to go out with you now we're not hiding anymore
Charlie: unless you want to take things slow, even if we fuck a lot already, which is the opposite of taking things slow
Raquel: I want to take things at whatever pace you want to take them. I am all for going out. I want to be the one to show you off.
Raquel: let's just do the whole slower thing when we're actually in the bedroom and even then we won't do that every time because most of the time I just need you.
Charlie: so i guess we're going out. are you free later? i have a night off so if you're also free we could, i don't know, grab dinner somewhere.
Charlie: babe, it's impossible for us to go slow in the bedroom, or i'm speaking for myself at least
Raquel: I actually have to work tonight :( how about after I come over to your place and we can just sleep. I have Sunday night free.
Raquel: It's not impossible. Maybe I just have to teach you how to go slow.
Charlie: :(
Charlie: that sounds like a good plan. you can spend the night here, i'd love that
Charlie: then we'll go out on Sunday. think about places you want to go, babe
Charlie: you think? because as much as you can teach me, you know i can't keep my hands to myself around you, and it happens to you too.
Raquel: me waking up next to you sounds like a great plan.
Raquel: I already know where I want to go but I won't tell you until then.
Raquel: I think there is a lot I can still teach you. Even if you can't keep your hands to yourself. I can keep my hands to myself but like the cheesy Selena Gomez song I could but why would I want to when I have the hottest, sexiest and most caring boyfriend?
Charlie: good. i'll stay home and finish one of the books with a drink in hand. if i fall asleep, you know where i keep my spare key
Charlie: oh, surprise me then
Charlie: oh really? what you have to teach me that i haven't taught you already?
Charlie: don't keep them to yourself on my account, you know i like it when you don't do it
Raquel: If I havent said it recently I am so proud of you for sticking with your reading. I'll try not to be too late but don't wait up.
Raquel: you'll be surprised on Sunday.
Raquel: There is a lot I have to teach you. Going slow is just one thing but I have to think of other things for my lesson plans.
Charlie: you say it every now and then, but you don't need to say it. thank you, and i'm very invested in this, which was your idea in first place and you encouraged me to go for it, so i have to thank you for that
Charlie: i'll probably be asleep by then, but i'll stay up for a bit anyways
Charlie: oh yeah? what can you teach me besides that? you can't teach me anything kinky because babe, i'm your teacher in that department
Raquel: I'd like to think that you would have come up with the same idea sooner or later. I just planted the seed earlier on.
Raquel: Just try not to stay up too late okay? I don't want you losing sleep over me.
Raquel: I don't know. You're amazing in the sex department like the best I've ever had but that doesn't mean you know it all. There have to be a few things that you haven't tried yet and want to do with me.
Charlie: still, thank you for doing that. you're so supportive and no one has been that since i arrived here
Charlie: yes ma'am
Charlie: you're welcome for the mindblowing sex, babe
Charlie: then make a list. that will be our kinky list and we'll do all of that
Raquel: well it's not like you aren't supportive of my dreams. It takes a lot for someone to not just say that I'm the millionth girl in la that wants to make acting dreams happen but instead of you blowing that off you actually support me.
Raquel: careful. I actually might start liking the ma'am thing even if it's new.
Raquel: as if my orgasm wasn't enough of a you're welcome.
Raquel: all of it and I can't be the only one adding to that list. And second: the only restriction is no other people. There's no way I'm sharing you. Someone might get clingy.
Charlie: you may be the millionth girl in LA who wants to be an actress, but let me tell you something. you're good and you're really determined, so if someone tells you that, they suck balls
Charlie: add it to the kinky list then.
Charlie: i'll be adding things too. i mean, i'm pretty sure there are kinky things we haven't done yet.
Charlie: i wasn't thinking of having any threesome or anything and sharing you with other people, but that's a good rule to add. that would be too much even for me, and that comes from me. no, i'm not sharing you either.
Raquel: you keep talking like that and you might not need to wait until morning for sex
Raquel: maybe I will. I can go full on dominatrix.
Raquel: there have to be but I guess when I have let you do so much it's hard to think of what else I can let you do to me.
Raquel: so there's no weird voyeurism kink? You din't want to like watch some other guy have sex with me or something weird?
Charlie: so we could have sleepy sex in the middle of the night? then i'm going to bed early, just in case
Charlie: that's something i'd like to see, bring it on.
Charlie: there must be something, we just have to think of what we've done and what we haven't.
Charlie: i won't deny that seeing you with another woman wouldn't turn me on, but i would probably get jealous at some point, so i think i pass
Raquel: lol maybe. Rest up Tiger, I'm keeping you up all night.
Raquel: as long as I don't have to wear actual leather or pleather.
Raquel: i want a lot of things actually. But it looks like I'm going to be doing a bit of online shopping.
Raquel: another woman? It can still be a fantasy for you. What am I doing in this fantasy and why does it have to be a woman?
Charlie: my neighbors are going to kill me if we have loud sex in the middle of the night... not that i care
Charlie: you could wear a garbage bag and you'd look hot
Charlie: online shopping? now i'm curious
Charlie: i don't know, it was a hot fantasy i woke up to a few weeks after we met. one in which you're making out with one. then you were naked, and then you were fucking her.
Charlie: still, i have no intentions of sharing you with no one, not even a woman.
Raquel: well it's a good thing I don't care about your neighbors at all. This should remind her that you're mine.
Raquel: well garbage bags aren't really what dominatrixes wear so I have to actually get into character babe.
Raquel: mhmm. I want vibrators and a swing and whatever else just magically ends up in my cart.
Raquel: you were having fantasies about me weeks after we met?
Raquel: you totally had a crush on me.
Raquel: good thing I don't want anyone else. You're mine and I'm not afraid to admit that sometimes I get jealous.
Charlie: she should know that already at this point from all the noise we make when we fuck
Charlie: get whatever you want, babe. you'd look hot with everything you choose to wear.
Charlie: you want a sex swing? where would we keep it, babe? are we getting a room for sex toys or what?
Charlie: hey, i was a horny fuckboy who only thought about sex. now i'm just a horny guy who thinks about sex most of the time.
Charlie: and i wasn't crushing, pls
Charlie: good, because i only want you and i can't wait to show you that while we're going out and in bed
Raquel: it doesn't hurt to keep reminding her.
Raquel: I haven't worked out the logistics of where everything would go but no I'm not getting a room just for toys. That would require actually moving.
Raquel: my reformed fuckboy who luckily gets sex most of the time he wants it.
Raquel: you totally were. You had a crush on me. It's okay to admit it.
Raquel: I already do see that. You have a job where you easily could look somewhere else. You have a hot neighbor who wants you. You didn't have to put up with all my crazy or with me being with Nathan. You waited for me and weren't with anyone else and I know it doesn't sound like a lot but it is because like you said you were different before and I know that's scary to think of how much you've changed and I wasn't saying that so that you could freak out. I was saying that because I know before I was insane and jealous and neurotic even but I know now that you only want me and I don't think you realize how much that means to me and I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep proving to you that you're the only person I want too.
Charlie: nope, it doesn't. in fact i love how we do that
Charlie: who do i have to thank because we're not getting our personal red room? because that would be creepy
Charlie: that happens because i know how to get it and because you want lots of sex too. i'm a lucky bastard.
Charlie: oh please, you were the one who had a crush on me, i was the one who wanted to get in your pants
Charlie: babe, it was worth it. you were worth that and more. i could have easily given up at some point, but i didn't because i knew there was something good at the end of it. and i waited and i don't regret it at all. you don't have to prove anything to me because you already did.
Raquel: the fact that you even know what the term red room is is a little scary. That isn't happening. We aren't like completely nymphomaniacs
Raquel: not my fault. I just think you're extremely good looking. Very lucky.
Raquel: No. I liked you, there is a difference. Crushing is like having fantasies and maybe even picturing us together but at the time I didn't really want that. I didn't want to get near you because I figured there was no way I wasn't just going to be a notch on your belt.
Raquel: we are in so much trouble with this love and romance thing.
Charlie: i don't live under a rock. but yeah, not happening. the toys will stay in the bedroom, like normal people has them
Charlie: oh, so it's mostly my face what gets me sex, huh?
Charlie: you can have a sexual fantasy and not have a crush on a person, babe. if that was true, then i'd have had a crush on every girl i had my eye on for a fuck, and trust me, that wasn't the case
Charlie: well, you knew how to work around that and look at us now.
Charlie: so you were trying to not have a crush on me, huh?
Charlie: yep, we've been so fucked up at this, or at least i'm speaking for myself
Raquel: either that or you've been overhearing lots of conversations from horny 40 year olds obsessed with their own Christian Grey.
Raquel: your eyes if I'm being completely honest.
Raquel: okay, true.
Raquel: I figured I'd get hurt in the end so yeah, I tried not having feelings for you. And even after we slept together I thought that that was it.
Raquel: nope, it looks like both of us weren't good at this to begin with but that's okay because the whole fairytale romance thing is overrated anyway.
Charlie: the day i looked him up on the internet bc a few ladies were talking about it while i was working... he's a piece of shit
Charlie: that's good to know
Charlie: well, it's a good thing you ended up having them
Charlie: yeah, that doesn't really exist, right? a relationship has its up and downs and nothing is perfect
Raquel: you and your research. Entitled rich guy with abusive tendencies along with being a full on rapist. Yeah, he's horrible. And unfortunately I know a few people who are him in training.
Raquel: a good thing only because it worked out for us in the end. Otherwise I would have had to stand by and watch you with any girl that gave you the eye.
Raquel: even now there might be ups and downs. I don't want it to be perfect. I just want us to keep working together and just not give up on each other like we did before.
Charlie: i regret looking it up. i have to admit i'm a kinky person, but as i said, that guy is a piece of shit.
Charlie: that would be awkward and i guess you didn't like to see me flirting with them. i guess you won't like it now, even if i do it for the tips
Charlie: it won't, i'm pretty sure. it doesn't have to be perfect and no, i won't give up like we did when we broke up. promise me you won't either
Raquel: you're kinky but you aren't abusive and you've never made me do something I haven't wanted to do. You're nothing like him.
Raquel: I understand why you would flirt but you're right. I don't have to like it. I just know that it's something that comes with your job. Just like how I hope you understand that what I want to do and that me becoming an actress can mean that sometimes I might have to kiss or pretend to be in love with someone else.
Raquel: I promise.
Charlie: i promise to not become that
Charlie: i do understand that. i won't exactly like it but i'll have to suck it up. besides, i know all of that will be fake and that i'll be the one getting all of that and more
Charlie: good
Charlie: going back to our kinky list, i came up with an idea i want to add, but i need to ask you something
Raquel: Oh, trust me. Just like how you said you wouldn't let me become my mom there's no way I'm letting you become anyone other than yourself.
Raquel: so you won't get jealous? Now even seeing me at work and maybe having to flirt too?
Raquel: okay. What do you have to ask?
Charlie: then we have a deal. we won't let the other become someone else.
Charlie: i can't promise anything yet, but i'll work on it. all i know is that i'm the one you kiss and fuck after all
Charlie: how do you feel about being filmed? like, when you're touching yourself or when you have sex
Raquel: not in a million years. You're stuck being the same person or at least growing with me and not regressing into a horrible human being.
Raquel: and I con promise that no matter what no matter who might like me you're the one person I want and the one person who I'll come home to every night.
Raquel: I don't know hot to answer that.
Raquel: I trust you and I know that we could but I have to keep my future in mind. Someone gets a hold of a sex tape and my career can be over before it even starts. It doesn't mean i don't want to. Do you really want to? What would you do with it? Just keep it?
Charlie: yes, ma'am
Charlie: i like the sound of that. i won't really know how will i feel when you kiss someone else, but that's your job, but all i know is that i'll be proud of you because you'll do a good job
Charlie: yeah, that would be unfortunate. i asked you because i know things like that could happen.
Charlie: well, i think it's hot and it would be good material for lonely nights, but that's up to you. i would never make you do something you don't want to, especially because your job could be in jeopardy if someone leaks it
Charlie: i would keep a copy to jerk off to it whenever you're off somewhere to film whatever gig you land. i would send you one too, but that's it.
Raquel: well I don't want to say hopefully you'll find out soon but I do have an audition in a week for a " Ex Machina meets Silicon Valley." indie film about love i mn the modern age. I don't even know what half of it means but I just know they want me to read for the lead.
Raquel: I know, and I love that you asked instead of just putting a camera in front of me when it was go time.
Raquel: lonely night? Are you already planning on having a lot of those? And what if there's a project that's for a long period of time? Would you stay here?
Charlie: sounds interesting, you'll do it great! do you have to leave LA or something?
Charlie: i could have already installed a camera, but no, i prefer to ask you first
Charlie: well, depends on what do you want. do you want me to go with you every time you get a movie, even if it's for a short period of time?
Raquel: Well the listing just said that it would film in various places but mostly in LA. They're sending me my reading tonight
Raquel: maybe you could install the camera, or whatever you want to record me on.
Raquel: I want you to do whatever you want to do. I just know that if i have to be gone for a long time that it'll be hard on me. I miss you when I have to go to work. How am I supposed to survive like weeks of filming sometimes? And that's if it's just a movie. What if I get like a tv show? I never want to leave la. I know that but maybe if it's for a short period of time leaving you to yourself would be a good thing. I just don't want to have to go weeks without seeing my boyfriend.
Charlie: nah, that's creepy. i'm not the kind of guy who install cameras to spy on girlfriends. if we do this, i want you to give me your full consent.
Charlie: if anything, i could film myself getting off and send you videos as an alternative, although that isn't the same.
Charlie: well, if it's not for longer than a day or two i could stay here, but if it's for longer i would definitely go with you. i'd miss you too.
Charlie: we have skype and facetime in case i can't go with you, but let's hope we don't have to use them often
Raquel: It's not like you have had many girlfriends but yes this is me saying we can do this but we have to be really careful.
Raquel: that wouldn't be the same thing and maybe that's more for like snapchat or something.
Raquel: really? A day or two is all you can go without me?
Raquel: how about I promise that if my shoots take longer than a week or two that I'll fly back somehow just to spend time with you. You'll never have to go without me for too long. And I'll always talk to you before I take a long job because we're a team and I can't just make decisions for the both of us.
Charlie: you get my point, but yeah. we have to be careful when we do this because the last thing i want to do is to ruin your career. this will be for personal uses, because i'm pretty sure we look hot as fuck while fucking and it's better than porn
Charlie: well, i'm down to send you videos of me masturbating on those nights when you're away, if that's what you want
Charlie: well, more or less. maybe three days or four
Charlie: that sounds fair. i mean, we'd have to talk about it like you said to see if it works for us, but yeah, we can do that
Raquel: okay we can do it even if I don't really understand because when I'm away is when you can actually watch as much porn as you really want.
Raquel: I'd want videos. Even if all they'll do is make me want you even more.
Raquel: Okay I think I can only do four days too.
Raquel: and when you open the bar that takes priority no matter what. No exceptions.
Charlie: not all porn is good, babe. there are crappy videos and i prefer to see my girl naked
Charlie: then you'll get videos of me, naked and getting off while thinking of you, cock in hand. that's the purpose of it. that and making you want to touch yourself
Charlie: of course, babe. maybe i could get out for a couple of days and that's it, but our baby will get the attention.
Charlie: i mean, the bar. because it'll be somewhat ours.
Raquel: but some porn is. Not that I'm pushing you to watch. I actually think it's sweet that you'd rather watch us than anyone else.
Raquel: and I'm supposed to last at least four days just thinking about you and only touching myself?
Raquel: No, the bar will be yours. Your name, your business. I just support you in whatever way I can. It'll be your baby and I'll just watch my baby run it.
Raquel: and I know what you meant. You didn't have to clarify the whole baby thing because there's no way either one of us is thinking of a baby any time.
Charlie: i may watch any, we'll see about it
Charlie: probably. i think you'll survive without my tongue and cock. think about how hot will be the sex once we see each other again. plus, the thought of you getting off because i'm not there is hot
Charlie: i was hoping you would be somewhere in the papers and all the shit i'll have to go through, but i appreciate it too. all the help is welcome
Charlie: yeah, because when you become an actress and i own a bar, it'll be nearly impossible to raise a kid, or at least that's how i see it now
Raquel: porn is your only way you can really think about another woman so if I were you I'd take as much porn action as I can get.
Raquel: I'm not really one for delayed gratification. Cuming by myself isn't the same as when you make me do it.
Raquel: okay I'll be on whatever you need me to be on but I just want you to know that this is yours and your bar and me are the two things in life that are completely yours.
Raquel: even when we're both settled and have our careers it would be hard. I don't know if that's something I'm ready for at any time of my life.
Charlie: i'll look for good porn then and i'll think of you, that way i'll be inspired to add things to our kinky list
Charlie: then i'll give you two orgasms for each orgasm you get by yourself, and for each time you don't reach it i'll make it up for it.
Charlie: you and my bar are mine. fuck, that sounds even beautiful
Charlie: i think neither of us will be ready for it.
Raquel: so even then you aren't going to be thinking of other girls?
Raquel: so whenever I go away and do come back I should just clear my schedule for a week is what you're saying?
Raquel: yep me and your bar. Yours forever.
Raquel: so we're on the same page. No kids for us.
Charlie: i'll try not to, but i'll try to focus on how hot is my girlfriend and how much i want her naked while i watch porn
Charlie: do you watch any and think of me?
Charlie: not for a week, but at least for a whole day so i can fuck you and make up for all the days i didn't
Charlie: i love it. i love you
Charlie: exactly. no kids for us. never.
Raquel: well if you do that's completely okay.
Raquel: nope not at all. When I watch I'm totally thinking about one of the famous chris' duh.
Raquel: if you think you can make up for everything in one day you really must not get how much and how often I think about you.
Raquel: I love you too. So much and I'm so glad we're on the same page. I don't think that's something I would have been able to compromise on and not being able to give you something you wanted would have killed me. I want to give you everything you've ever wanted.
Charlie: should i be offended, babe? tell me about which one of them at least
Charlie: i'll probably need the whole day and at least next morning to do that, but what if you just have one day to see me?
Charlie: me too. i don't want to pressure you to do anything you don't want to, whether it is something kinky or something as big as having a baby. i wouldn't be able to live with that
Raquel: well there's Hemsworth and sometimes Evans but honestly it's rare. I don't think you can get offended because it's not like I have them and chances are they aren't as good in bed to begin with.
Raquel: if I just have one day then idk I might just have to leave sexually frustrated.
Raquel: trust me, you have never pressured me to do something I didn't want to do. You've supported me and been in my corner even when i was with someone else. And if you ever feel like I'm pressuring you with anything I want you to tell me.
Charlie: i happen to think i'm prettier than those guys
Charlie: if i ever let you leave my apartment and you're sexually frustrated that means i didn't do a good job at satisfying you
Charlie: i will let you know, and you haven't pressured me to do anything either, so you're good
Raquel: of course you would.
Raquel: that just means I would never leave your apartment because me being completely satisfied of you is never really going to happen.
Raquel: I have to go flirt with skeezy old men now but enjoy your reading. I love you and I'll see you later tonight.
Charlie: don't you agree with that? i mean, they're hot, but
Charlie: i can at least satisfy you enough to survive until the next time
Charlie: ouch, that sucks, but hopefully that will be over soon.
Charlie: see you later, although i'll be asleep by the time you're here
Raquel: but they're not you. Yes I agree.
Raquel: okay maybe that's true because if not we really would never leave and we'd just have to live off sex and sunshine.
Raquel: rest up. I'm already planning on keeping you up all night so see ya later.
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