heroinmyhands · 1 year
So I was at the doctor's office and I thought I weight 60kg (132lbs) at 5'9 but turns out I'm actually 50kg (110lbs)!!!
So reblog for suprise weight loss or something
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naramdil · 7 years
hey appa! i was wondering if i could have some advice, as you're so wise and i really have no one else to turn to. I've just recently become aware that my sister's anorexic from accidentally stumbling on her tumblr when i was on her phone and I'm really not sure what to do about it. she's leaving for her first year of college abroad in a couple months and our relationship isn't one that we could discuss this but I'm super worried and can't tell my brown parents so I'm not sure what to do
hey jaan I’m so sorry for not replying to you sooner, iA will keep you and your sis in my prayers. honestly even if you’re not close, I think it would be good enough for you to just pull her aside and say ‘hey, I know we aren’t that close but I want you to know that I am here for you if you even need to talk about anything or need help with anything because I would hope that you’d be there for me too if I ever needed it. I just wanted you to know that because you’re going away soon and it’s important for me to know that you can depend on me’ just like show her that you care and open that space to to communicate so that she can come to you on her own terms? bc it’s really difficult to just come out and be upfront about what you know about her- that might make her feel attacked and often people who are going through things like that will deny it and she might distance herself from you even more. so I think it’s better to try to focus on building that bridge for communication with her first before taking any other steps. I’m sure there are hotlines that would also offer helpful advice but I don’t know any so maybe also research that to see if you can get the advice of a professional. wish you and your sis all the best, iA you’re able to have a better relationship with her and that she is able to get the help she needs. ❣️❣️
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do people ever catch you staring at their food like it’s the greatest treasure ever, because same.
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bulimia159 · 6 years
Self-induced GlycosuriaA Novel Method of Purging in <b>Bulimia</b>
long noted in association with anorex- ia nervosa, only recently has bulimia been recognized as a distinct diagnos- tic entity.1. Recent studies indicate ...
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Indicators, Causes & Treatment.
Nothing at all delivers fulfillment to an eclipse chaser in comparison to seeing and the other day our company couldn't have sought a better one! When breathing greatly, the body needs to handle the extra air can be found in, which eventually can enhance bronchi capability. A way to have the emphasis off his personal diabolism. Dia berhenti untuk memeriksa cederanya, mengangkat celananya untuk mengungkapkan luka berdarah di tulang keringnya. Seung-won mengatakan bahwa ia memiliki seseorang untuk ditunjukkan kepadanya, dan pada saat isyarat, Dae-gu menurunkan dasinya dan So-yoon muncul. Also, preliminary research study presents that details antioxidant substances in syrup have been actually presented to hinder the development of cancer cells. This may be a little weird, yet I enjoy the conviction as well as try to maintain this in thoughts when I wander the planet. Ji-won bertanya apa yang akan dia lakukan jika dia mengakui perasaannya, dan dia bertanya apa yang harus dia lakukan. Even regular tap water possesses potassium in that. Potassium insufficiencies are actually practically unknown apart from in depriving individuals, anorexics or those which have diuretics. Capitalists must keep in mind that all of the sales over the in 2015 have actually occurred at prices significantly lower than today's rate today also. It is actually only fair to advise you diets-and-sport.pt that this gal could seriously believe she's in affection, and also locate various other males appealing concurrently. And so the business growth was actually more powerful compared to that plus 5%. SunPower's long-term advantage is a near-term weak spot in the current markets as residential sales are actually experiencing. And also in Sunlight and also Skin Layer Care, we anticipate to grow all natural web sales reduced to mid-single fingers by means of tough development, market expansion, and circulation increases, featuring strong natural growth in Bulldog. Any person which occurs to be standing in her brilliant direct sunlight believes the coziness. Kirsch has composed for "The Times," "The Guardian," "The Onlooker" and also "The Daily Email," along with numerous U.K. lifestyle and also health and wellness publications. However many Aries individuals are typically healthier in service or even the innovative arts, where they are actually thus anxiously needed to have.
Soo-jin bertanya-tanya mengapa dia bertanya, jadi Pil mengakui bahwa dia tidak yakin Jae-hyun adalah orang yang baik, dan mungkin ada sesuatu tentang dia yang dia tidak tahu. Kemudian, sebuah kekuatan mistis mencengkeram Seok-tae dan mulai menariknya ke dalam lubang. Dae-gu ambruk ke lantai sambil menangis dan meminta Seung-won mengucapkan terima kasih kepada hyung-nya untuknya. Saat dia menuju ke dalam, dia menemukan Eun terpampang di dinding dan bertanya apa yang sedang dia lakukan di sana. The lesser purchases were actually primarily in SLF USA from ongoing pricing field and 2 big indiscernible sales in the fringe benefit and also stop-loss and also lesser purchases in individual insurance coverage in SLF Canada. They clasped palms and also she left, including, "I; want you good fortune." The Scorpio remained to hold her palm, I appeared deep right into her eyes along with burning intensity, and an-S swered gradually, "And I prefer you really love. Oh-gong berpikir mereka semua menyebabkan masalah yang tidak perlu dengan menjadi terkenal, dan Mawang membantah dengan saksama bahwa mereka semua tidak memiliki pandangan jauh ke depan untuk hidup sebagai pecandu pengangguran seperti Oh-gong. Seperti dugaan Main Choi, Yoo-bum membawa paspor dan tiket pesawat untuk hari itu. Yoo-bum dengan marah mencuci tangannya di kamar mandi dan mengatakan pada dirinya sendiri bahwa tidak apa-apa, karena belum berakhir. Leos hardly ever chat quickly, run or even stroll rapidly (unless there's an Aries or Gemini ascendant or Moon, for example). These are actually words that have actually led me to journeys from a life-time, to coming across remarkable new buddies who I certainly never would possess experienced if I were too hectic fussing concerning the future, outside point of views, or even financial results, as opposed to residing in the instant and remaining accurate to on my own. He will walk into your home, put up his coating, and also take a seat right away to address his courses. Mawang ada di berita keesokan paginya karena dia adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak tokoh masyarakat yang membawa obor Olimpiade, dan sorak sorai saat dia bersiap menerima nyala api dari calon presiden Kang Dae-sung.
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Thanks to U, we used A Little Work. @fergie What’s up Ferrari Fergie Ferg! I’m Raúl Guisado. First of all, I’m learning English so I’m sorry if I have mistakes.
I am very grateful to be able to tell my story and the story of a friend. Both stories have one thing in common: you.
As a child I was diagnosed with a very serious kidney infection. My parents always told me that it was not so important and now they take many measures. Later, two of my dogs died and it was very difficult for me to assimilate because I was very young. Years passed and my maternal grandmother gave her a stroke and broke her hip. It was very bad and then my grandfather died. Then two puppies of mine died. I am currently suffering from stress due to studies and ‘A little work’ gives me more strength.
My friend’s story is more dramatic. They started bullying her from school but she focused more on family problems. When the institute started, everything got worse. They insulted her more and his academic qualifications dropped. Consequently, she repeated course. That led her to depression and she began to self-harm and became anorexic.
But thanks to you, we have overcome many problems and I have managed to be happy. I thank you, as an artist and as a person. Thanks for everything! I wish the best to one of the best singers of this century! Thank you!
I have an Instagram account, @art_by.raul, where I published a draw of ‘hungry’. Soon I will publish the ‘love ia pain’ draw. It’s the least I can do for you. :D
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eveline-m · 7 years
"Când am avut parte de prima despăţire, iar eu nu mi-aş fi dorit nici în ruptul capului să încheiem relaţia, m-a cam durut sufletul o vreme. O vreme în care devenisem o umbră, mă chirceam seara în pat, adormeam când se trezeau găinile, îl visam cu X, cu Y şi mă trezeam mai obosită decât mă culcasem. Crunt, a fost crunt. A fost şi prima mea relaţie pe bune, prima în care am spus te iubesc, prima în care mi-am mâncat nervii. După cum se poate observa eram la început de drum dacă vorbim despre dragoste. În primul rând, deşi este extrem de greu atunci când iubeşti, acceptă decizia celuilalt. Şi ia-ţi timp în care să deplângi ceea ce ai avut. Deşi ai vrea să se întoarcă celălalt la tine, acum e timpul să te întorci tu la tine. Să realizezi ce eşti, ce vrei să fii şi ce trebuie să faci pentru a ajunge unde îţi doreşti. Nu te adăposti în viciuri, cere cât mai puţine sfaturi pentru că doar tu ştii ce a fost între voi şi fiecare este construit diferit. Nu uita să mănânci, altfel o să ajungi anorexic şi te ia vântul pe sus. Să apelezi cât mai puţin cu putinţă la relaţii pansament căci s-ar putea să superi şi alte suflete. Este o vorbă „evenimentele ne formează, alegerile ne definesc” – despărţirea este un eveniment, dar ceea ce facem cu noi este alegerea noastră. Lasă-ţi sufletul să se elibereze de trecut pe cale naturală, fără prea multe intervenţii din exterior. Şi să continui să crezi în iubire căci, ţi-am mai spus, vei trăi multe iubiri, dar doar un singur om se va potrivi cu iubirea ta. Şi să nu-l condamni pe cel alături de care până de curând ai trăit ceea ce părea povestea vieţii tale. Şi nici nu-i pune iubirea la îndoială pentru că oricum nu vei avea adevărul şi mai rău îţi faci irosindu-te prin diverse scenarii. Şi crede-mă când îţi spun că ce este al tău este pus deoparte, doar trebuie să ai sufletul deschis pentru a-l primi."
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Book Review: BIG LITTLE LIES Saya suka dikejutkan dengan sebuah buku. Satu-satunya hal yang saya sesali adalah saya terlebih dulu membaca review di Goodreads dan melihat halaman Ucapan Terima Kasih sehingga akhirnya mengetahui kalau buku ini tentang bullying dan domestic violence. Dari buku ini juga saya mengetahui kalau bully (dirisak) itu dalam KBBI artinya mengusik/mengganggu. Sementara selama ini saya hanya tahu dalam bahasa gaulnya yaitu 'gencet' atau 'penggencetan'. Narasinya dari sudut pandang orang ketiga dan bergantian jadi kita bisa memiliki gambaran tentang masing-masing tokoh dengan baik. Sementara untuk alurnya yang awalnya maju mundur sedikit mengganggu saya dan membuat bingung tapi setelah itu saya bisa menikmati cerita. Buku ini bercerita tentang banyak hal seperti verbal abusive, bulimia/anorexic, domestic violence juga tentang bully dan efeknya. Memang perihal bully merupakan topik lama tapi ini masih sering terjadi dan ada dalam berbagai bentuk. But most of all, saya melihat dalam buku ini kalau isinya tentang orang tua yang obsessed dengan anaknya 😁 Tokoh favorit saya adalah Madeline yang penuh semangat, sangat perhatian, open minded, ceplas-ceplos, setia kawan dan saya suka selera humornya. Walau saya tidak setuju dengan mottonya yang "Jangan pernah memaafkan, jangan pernah melupakan." Saya sendiri lebih setuju dengan "Selalu memaafkan, tapi jangan pernah melupakan." Jangan pernah melupakan karena itu bisa menjadi pelajaran bagi kita. Bukankah pengalaman itu guru yang baik? Namun dengan seiringnya cerita, Madeline pun berubah (ke arah yang lebih baik). Dari awal tahu kalau buku ini tentang domestic violence, saya sudah menebak kalau Celeste lah yang punya masalah domestic violence karena, omg, that kind of relationship is just too perfect and feels like too good to be true. Namun jujur, ini membuat saya tertarik untuk membaca pengalaman orang-orang yang mengalaminya. I'm proud with Jane who finally can made a peace with her past and conquered her fear and restore her confidence. My favorite quotes: "Berbohong itu rumit, Mum." "Ia pernah membaca artikel tentang bagaimana hubungan itu seperti 'rekening cinta.' Melakukan hal baik untuk pasangan itu sama dengan setoran. Komentar negatif merupakan penarikan. Triknya adalah menjaga agar rekening dalam keadaan kredit. Membenturkan kepala istri ke dinding itu adalah penarikan jumlah besar. Bangun pagi dengan anak-anak dan menyiapkan sarapan merupakan setoran." At the end, Liane is such a great story-teller and she is definitely become one of my new favorite writer. I can't wait to watch the mini series.
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heroinmyhands · 1 year
Anyone from my past seeing me now: Wow, you lost so much weight! What's your secret?
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heroinmyhands · 1 year
I finally can wear big jackets and not looking like a whale ✨
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heroinmyhands · 1 year
When I was 200 lbs I was ten times more healthy than now. Now I'm 130 lbs at 5'11 and I just left hospital for a second time this month. My weight loss is mostly because of my chronic disease.
Please don't assume that if someone lost some weight or is not overweight they must be healthier. Obesity is related to some sicknesses but being overweight is not. You can be healthy and happy at BMI 27.
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