#anniversary letters
bellafragolina · 1 year
Roseli, my PLA oc that I haven’t done anything for in a while, she/her. A letter from Laventon? Could be love letter that he’s too scared to send.
Hello, my dear Hello, my friend! You've been gone for a week now, off on a mission wit the Security Corp. Jubilife is the same as ever, but without you, I feel somewhat lonely. Your stories about your life were always wonderful to hear, and I wish you were here to tell more. Or maybe I could tell you some! And you'd be impressed with me
I hope to be able to speak to you once you return. There are many things I'd like to discuss. Not only about the dex, mind you. Your aid with my research is invaluable and greatly appreciated, but I'd prefer to talk one-on-one. Discuss our the future.
Not that you'll ever read this. Hopefully it gives me confidence, bravery, like you always carry. Legends help me.
Forever yours,
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corallapis · 6 months
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I HAVE BEEN INFORMED VERY LATE THAT IT IS THE PRINCE AND THE FOOL ANNIVERSARY. (school has been kicking my ass I am a bit behind 😭) how people saw this and STILL think zukka is an ‘out of the ass’ and ‘nonsensical’ ship is amazing to me
anyway is that all you and sokka were, or were to one another?
no, i think not
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iroh said:
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cspcrashing · 8 months
⚖️: it's been a year since, hasn't it ? … time moves fast.
🌱: is that your way of saying you can't get enough of my company ?
⚖️: heh. do you need my attention this badly ?
🌱: how can i, when you spoil me so ?
… sleep, general. we will still be here tomorrow.
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morepeachyogurt · 5 months
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some kind of long distance love
1. @homidiotic | 2. @carfuckerlynch | 3. @ophanic | 4. hanya yanagihara | 5. @stuffedgrapeleaves | 6. george mallory | 7. image | 8. ryan o’connell | 9. @sunlightafterdark on instagram | 10. @latifaalajlan | 11. unknown | 12. image | 13. @plangentia | 14. hallie bateman | 15. @werenotreallystrangers |
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bts-trans · 1 year
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230613 RM's Instagram Post with Jimin's Comment
RM: 10주년 💌
JM: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀여운데 이건 좀 나도 ㄱㄷㄱㄷ
RM: 10th anniversary 💌
JM: Hahahaha this is cute but wait wait for mine too
Image Translations: 10th anniversary congrats, congrats
See photo or 230613 RM's Weverse Post for letter translation.
Trans cr; Annie & Aditi Typset cr; XPXOXD @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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godzillachloe · 7 days
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One year ago I went to L.A. to celebrate the release of September Letters' book. I was super nervous to go by myself. However meeting my hero Brittany Snow was amazing and it was totally worth it. Her story has really inspired me and being able to tell her that was a memory I will cherish 💙💜
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julietapark · 1 year
Jimin soul… in a letter.
I’m going to start writing this post with this…
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That smile.
I feel very thankful that a singer, has create such and intimate song for me… I’m totally convinced that the first part is for me but never not only me.
In a serious mode this man is talking about his feelings, the shared path that we have walk together… a promise to be near me… yes… yes me too… I will always love you and your music…
But it all gives me goosebumps…because there is something subtle not said… an ambiguous vibe…don’t know how to define it…
And yet his voice was so solid, so intimate at the same time… beautiful and emotional… with the company of a guitar…
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This smile while singing
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Ohh that’s a bit…
it has more…
it has more…
don’t want to guess why this exactly type of smile appears on his mouth… don’t want to guess if it was intencional to bright up the mood as “that” part arrives…
How can this man be so delicate and sincere delivering his hide feelings?
How can he be so smart yet ambiguous at showing a secret at plain sight?
(How can I love this smart man so much? 🤷🏽‍♀️)
Where are the waves?
Where is the harmonica?
Where is the soft percussion?
Is there something else?
Is there something else so low that you have to make a big effort to hear it?
Is there another soul almost hidden singing?
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Ahhhhhhh HIM!!!!!
(Sorry but for me, at the end of the song Jimin is blushing or about to)
Have a good Festa!! And enjoy life!!!
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A year of September Letters
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bellafragolina · 1 year
Hi! Just saw the post and I really couldn’t help myself!
Could I get a letter from Ingo to Ophelia (she/her)? She was invited to go study Miniors in Alola and it’s been a month at this point, but she’s expected to come back in a few weeks. But Ingo still can’t help missing her so much and (if this part is fine but it’s okay to leave it out) also tells her how much Emmet misses her too. But also excited about hearing and seeing what she’s learned in person.
Thanks so much, hope your day goes nice!
My love, I hope you're having the best time in Alola. You were so excited to get to go and study there, and I hope it's been everything you've dreamed of and more! I cannot wait for you to return and tell me and Emmet all you've learned about.
However, on that topic, I wanted to let you know we both miss you sorely. Emmet has taken to sleeping with one of your shirts wrapped around a pillow to try and emulate your presence in his bed. I admit it is not a bad idea, and I might take it up myself. I miss having your warmth by my side each night.
Please know we are thrilled you get to study out in the world, do what you love to do. But we can't help but miss you at the same time. You are our everything, our sweetest darling, and we have formed a three-car train. Even though Emmet and I have operated as a two-car train for some time, I can't help but not want to go back to such a time, especially now that we've gotten to experience your car connected to ours.
Please enjoy yourself. And know that when you come home, Emmet and I will be celebrating alongside all our friends and family! You deserve to be celebrated!
I love you,
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ghostsmp3 · 7 months
people will call letter to you just a solid album like it didn't literally change lives
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funkyt0wnn · 9 months
From the small group of people simply enjoying the game, to the large fandom it’s grown to today. Undertale had gotten so many of us through difficult times, wether it be loneliness, boredom, or even depression, many of us have found respite and freedom in both the game and fandom. It allows us to connect to others, and in a way, embrace what makes each of us unique.
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Happy 8th birthday Undertale, thank you for the years of joy you’ve brought us all :)
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
And I cried 🥺
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chair002 · 1 year
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absence makes your heart grow fonder,
substance makes your heartbeat stop
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theangel-aziraphale · 1 month
Dearest @thedemon-crowley ,
On this day centuries ago, we made a promise to one another. Well, a promise of sorts.
The Arrangement.
I know, at the time, I was hesitant. Quite frankly, I was terrified. All the trouble we could get in... especially you. But you wanted me to trust you, and I did. I had for a long time, really. It was Heaven and Hell I didn't trust. They were the ones who would punish us in the end.
But enough about them. I'm writing this letter because I'm feeling rather sentimental. You see, I hadn't thought much of this arrangement of ours when we started it. I scratch your back. You scratch mine. But it became more than that. We became more than that.
We started to go out to eat. Go on walks together. Watch humans do their Thing. It was all rather lovely if we ignored the fact that we would discuss work too. I could almost pretend we were together back then. Being Us.
I think part of me used it as an excuse to see you more. Maybe that's what those meetings were to you, too. I'm incredibly grateful that you convinced me to do so. I think it strengthened our bond considerably, and now I have the pleasure to call you my confidant.
No, actually. Now I can call you my best friend and partner (not in crime, but I suppose technically we were doing illegal activities according to our boss'). The one I trust most in this universe.
I love you. More than anything in the world. You mean quite a bit to me, and frankly, I hope we can make more "arrangements" to spend time with each other forevermore. If you'll allow me, of course.
Yours faithfully,
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Nick Anderson
* * * * *
January 6, 2024
JAN 7, 2024
Today, three years to the day after the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol to prevent the counting of the electoral ballots that would make Democrat Joe Biden president, officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested three fugitives wanted in connection with that attack. 
Siblings Jonathan and Olivia Pollock, whose family owns Rapture Guns and Knives, described on its Facebook page as a “christian owned Gun and Knife store” in Lakeland, Florida, and Joseph Hutchinson III, who once worked there, are suspected of some of the worst violence of January 6. The FBI had offered a $30,000 reward for “Jonny” Pollock, while the other two had been arrested but removed their ankle bracelets in March 2023 and fled. 
Family members of the fugitives and of other Lakeland residents arrested for their involvement in the January 6 attack on the Capitol insist their relatives are innocent, framed by a government eager to undermine their way of life. The Pollock family has gone so far as to erect a monument “in honor of the ones who lost their lives on January 6, 2021.” 
But it does not honor the law enforcement officers who were killed or injured. It honors the insurrectionists: Ashli Babbitt, shot by a law enforcement officer as she tried to break into the House Chamber through a smashed window (her family today sued the government for $30 million for wrongful death), and three others, one who died of a stroke; one of a heart attack, and one of an amphetamine overdose. 
The monument in Lakeland, Florida, is a stark contrast to the one President Biden visited yesterday in Pennsylvania. Valley Forge National Park is the site of the six-month winter encampment of the Continental Army in the hard winter of 1777–1778. After the British army captured the city of Philadelphia in September 1777, General George Washington settled 12,000 people of his army about 18 miles to the northwest. 
There the army almost fell apart. Supply chains were broken as the British captured food or it spoiled in transit to the soldiers, and wartime inflation meant the Continental Congress did not appropriate enough money for food and clothing. Hunger and disease stalked the camp, but even worse was the lack of clothing. More than 1,000 soldiers died, and about eight or ten deserted every day. Washington warned the president of the Continental Congress that the men were close to mutiny. 
Even if they didn’t quit, they weren’t very well organized for an army charged with resisting one of the greatest military forces on the globe. The different units had been trained with different field manuals, making it hard to coordinate movements, and a group of army officers were working with congressmen to replace Washington, complaining about how he was prosecuting the war.  
By February 1778, though, things were falling into place. A delegation from the Continental Congress had visited Valley Forge and understood that the lack of supplies made the army, and thus the country, truly vulnerable, and they set out to reform the supply department. Then a newly arrived Prussian officer, Baron Friedrich von Steuben, drilled the soldiers into unity and better morale. And then, in May, the soldiers learned that France had signed a treaty with the American states in February, lending money, matériel, and men to the cause of American independence. When the soldiers broke camp in June, they marched out ready to take on the British at the Battle of Monmouth, where their new training paid off as they held their own against the British soldiers.
The January 6 insurrectionists were fond of claiming they were echoing these American revolutionaries who created the new nation in the 1770s. The right-wing Proud Boys’ strategic plan for taking over buildings in the Capitol complex on January 6 was titled: “1776 Returns,” and even more famously, newly elected representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) wrote on January 5, 2021: “Remember these next 48 hours. These are some of the most important days in American history.” On January 6, she wrote: “Today is 1776.”
Trump has repeatedly called those January 6 insurrectionists “patriots.” 
Biden yesterday called Trump out for “trying to steal history the same way he tried to steal the election.”  
Indeed. The insurrectionists at the Capitol were not patriots. They were trying to overthrow the government in order to take away the right at the center of American democracy: our right to determine our own destiny. Commemorating them as heroes is the 21st century’s version of erecting Confederate statues.
The January 6th insurrectionists were nothing like the community at Valley Forge, made up of people who had offered up their lives to support a government pledged, however imperfectly in that era, to expanding that right. When faced with hunger, disease, and discord, that community—which was made up not just of a remarkably diverse set of soldiers from all 13 colonies, including Black and Indigenous men, but also of their families and the workers, enslaved and free, who came with them—worked together to build a force that could establish a nation based in the idea of freedom.  
The people at the Capitol on January 6 who followed in the footsteps of those who were living in the Valley Forge encampment 246 years ago were not the rioters. They were the people who defended our right to live under a government in which we have a say: those like the staffers who delayed their evacuation of the Capitol to save the endangered electoral ballots, and like U.S. Capitol Police officers Eugene Goodman, Harry Dunn, Caroline Edwards, and Aquilino Gonell and Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone, along with the more than 140 officers injured that day. 
Fanone, whom rioters beat and tasered, giving him a traumatic brain injury and a heart attack, yesterday told Emily Ngo, Jeff Coltin, and Nick Reisman of Politico: “I think it’s important that every institution in this country, every American, take the responsibility of upholding democracy seriously. And everyone needs to be doing everything that they can to ensure that a.) Donald Trump does not succeed and b.) the MAGA movement is extinguished.”
Unlike the violence of the January 6th insurrectionists, the experience of the people at Valley Forge is etched deep into our national identity as a symbol of the sacrifice and struggle Americans have made to preserve and renew democracy. It is so central to who we are that we have commemorated it in myths and monuments and have projected into the future that its meaning will always remain at the heart of America. According to The Star Trek Encyclopedia, the Federation Excelsior-class starship USS Valley Forge will still be fighting in the 24th century… against the Dominion empire.
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