#angsty quotes 💔
best-jrwi-fic-quotes · 7 months
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from Heart of the Sea by earlgay_milktea :)
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💔 Angst
💙 Angsty Fluff
❤️ Fluff
💛 Platonic
✔ In Character
✖ Out of Character
➖ Both
For Better Or Worse ❤️✔
A Kiss and A Key Pt. 1 (Happy Ver.) 💙 ✔
Family Man 💙
Forever and Always 💔✔
A Kiss and A Key Pt. 1 💔✔
A Kiss and A Key Pt. 2 💔✔
Choices, Choices, Choices Pt. 1 💙✔
Choices, Choices, Choices Pt. 2💙✔
Lighter Pt. 1 💔✔
Lighter Pt. 2 💔✔
Lighter Pt. 3 💔✔
Lighter Pt. 4 💙✔
One Little Slip, A Lifetime Of Regret Pt. 1 💔✔
One Little Slip, A Lifetime Of Regret Pt. 2 💔✔
Till Death Do Us Part 💔✔
Wedding Vows 💔✔
I Didn't Mean That 💔✔
Welcome Home ❤️✔
You Promised💔✔
Guilt-Tripped💙 ✔
Guilt-Tripped Pt.2💙 ✔
Phone call(tbrn) 💙✔
My Heart Will Go On💔✔
THE NANNY FILES(to be renamed)
Choices, Choices, Choices Pt. 1 💙 ✔
Choice, Choices, Choices Pt.2 💙 ✔
TF 141
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Information Pt. 1 💔💛 ✔
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Information Pt. 2 💔💛 ✔
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Information Pt. 3 💔💛 ✔
Alejandro Whump HC💙✔
College Kid
Princess of Nothing
Ghost's Nanny
Tortured Omega
Omega Rights
Poly!141 Suicide Mission
Only the Characters Fanfics
Pirate AU idea ➖
Filler Episodes Idea➖
Beach Day Pt. 1💛➖
Pt. 1
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tv-obssessions · 2 months
What made you fall in love with Gallavich?
I loved watching their love grow; from the young south side boys to the men who are not afraid to show the world how much they love each other. I’ve always loved how they always come back to each other.
How long have you been a fan?
Started watching Shameless a few years ago and never finished after season 8 Gay Jesus. Picked it up again in November 2023 and have been obsessed since.
Favourite Gallavich moment/scene?
Ugh, so many to choose from! Top 3:
*The always iconic club kiss 🔥❤️
*The prison mutual ‘I love you’s’ and kiss 🥰❤️
*When Ian admits himself to the hospital and the reassurance and hug Mickey gives to Ian in that time. I knew then they were something special. 🥺💔❤️
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey?
Mandy Milkovich, she’s such a badass, I wish we would hav gotten more of her, especially with Mickey, Ian, & Mandy.
Do you write or draw or make edits?
I wish! 😩 I’m so in awe of all of the talent in this fandom!!! Honestly, y’all are so talented! ❤️
Favourite type of Gallavich fics?
Honestly all! Some days I love me some sweet canon fluff, others a slow angsty burn does the trick. I always love multi-chapter AUs too, I love reading how no matter what these two goobers always find their way to each other! And of course, I love some Gallavich smut 🔥❤️, those two are so obsessed and into each other there is always so much to read! 🤣
Favourite Gallavich quote?
From Mickey: ‘Ian, what you and I have makes me free.’ ❤️❤️🥺❤️❤️
From Ian: ‘I like the way he smells.’ ❤️❤️🥰❤️❤️ and the proceeds to always smush his nose into Mickey when he hug him. 🥺
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
Haven’t been in a fandom in quite a while, back to my Gilmore Girls, and Outlander days…so exited to hang out with all you lovey people! Thanks @callivich for encouraging me to jump in!! ❤️❤️
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rheakira · 3 months
There seems to be a few people that think that quote I wrote on that Staroba art I made came from somewhere?
Nah that came from my brain lol I mean I'm sure it's been said similarly in other media, since it wasn't very unique, but that was just me putting angsty words on the post. 😭💔
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harbingerofskulls · 9 months
😨 - fearful,🌙 - moon, ✏️ - pencil, 💔 - broken heart!!
:3c thank you for the ask!!
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Mattia has no shame in the fact that he will choose flight 90% of the time, if scared. Running is a defense mechanism, and one that he's more suited to than trying to fight someone or something!!
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
already answered! tl;dr: he wants to leave his family behind as much as he can, and he's going to eventually end up hunting down a giovanni to wear their skull as a mask because his sire wants him to do so :) it's going to be so healing for him, not for that guy tho
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
Hm. Aside from the quote from Depeche Mode's Blasphemous Rumors that I mentioned in another ask, I can't think of anything at the moment. Anything decently Angsty and/or religious, with overtones or direct references to death fit him pretty well though haha. :D
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💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Oof good question. Currently, he's not in any relationship, but in the future, he and his new Sire are headed towards one.
He's decently infatuated at the moment, even if he doesn't realize/won't acknowledge it. So there's little that Anton could do now to break his heart, except maybe find someone else. That would hurt him, and he wouldn't know why, except that he'd feel abandoned again.
In the case of them actually being together... I can't think of anything really that would be in character for Anton that would break his heart. Most of the things that Mattia would cut someone out of his life for (revolving around not respecting his autonomy/not respecting his leaving the Giovanni) are very much what Anton is also trying to combat for him. They're very much on the same side of things, and it would take a lot of strange happenstances to break his heart I think.
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mottlemoth · 2 years
I'm having surgery soon and will be down for the count for 3 weeks minimum. What shows and/or movies would you recommend I binge watch while laid up?
I hope all goes well for you, friend ❤️ These are all just personal favourites, but the characters are easy to like and I find them very rewatchable/relistenable:
Cabin Pressure - actually a radio drama, but I feel like I've "seen" it a million times now (and will see it a million more). Very very funny, with lots of heart as well and fantastic characters. So easy to binge. If you like Good Omens, the writer of Cabin Pressure is now involved with season two and I'm so excited about that.
Black Sails - the first season is... very different to the rest. They were finding their feet, trying to be Pirate Game of Thrones. Then season two takes off and it's amazing. Flint 💔 My sad grumpy son. It's angsty and queer as hell and glorious.
Lewis - if you like British murder mysteries, I love Lewis. James Hathaway (the detective sergeant) is also a sad grumpy son I shall keep forever. Mydwynter has written amazing fics where he gets a lovely boyfriend to sort him out. (Also, because it's a British murder mystery, you can play Where Have I Seen That Actor Before.)
Galaxy Quest - awesome movie, all about fandom. Just the best movie. The best plot, the best ending. Alan Rickman's absolute peak.
Megamind - I feel so bad for Megamind, it kinda got buried under Despicable Me when it came out, and I think it's amazing. Really funny and warming and clever. (If you're like me and love queer-coded villains, this is the film for you.)
God's Own Country - intense and deep and healing, especially if you're gay. Superb acting and directing. I wept for days. I love that it's so emotionally complex and still has a happy ending. Gheorghe ❤️
Rings of Power - my wife and I just finished watching series one, it was good! I'm obsessed with the dwarves. Elrond is also now in my collection of adopted sons.
Ocean's 8 - I'm so mad that hysterical men got this written off as a bad film, it just isn't. It's funny and clever and cool.
Jumanji - the new one, with the Rock in it. I feel bad for assuming that this would be a bad film. I don't even know why I thought it would be. It's fantastic. (I like things that are funny and have some heart to them, and this does.)
Ghosts - I haven't caught up with the new series yet, but I love these guys. I've loved them since Horrible Histories and I will love them in everything else they ever do. (I first watched Horrible Histories in my mid-twenties - it's hilarious for adults as well as kids, I can quote maybe 55%-60% of it and sing all the songs. I should have put this higher up the list. It's fantastic easy viewing and always makes me feel better.)
Taskmaster - it's not fiction, but it's British comedy at its best, easy to watch and so very very bingeworthy. Season 4, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are my favourites so far. Comedians do stupid tasks; it's as simple and beautiful as that.
That's... probably enough for now, I think? I hope you find something to amuse you ❤️ If anyone else has any recommendations for good shows and movies, please add in the replies.
(Or if you are a fan of any of these things and want to yell at me about them, DM me pleeease.)
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
ANNIE! ❤️ For the emoji ask game!
🥺 🤡 💔
diana my love ❤️❤️❤️
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I really, really love when I can show that characters just get each other, if that makes sense? Like especially with JJ and Kiara, I love showing their quiet communication that only they really understand. I think they have such an interesting way of communicating and existing in each other’s space, and I love the moments when they know whether they need to give each other some room or push each other a little bit. It was mostly a headcanon after season 1, but they really leaned into it in season 2 and I loved loved loved seeing those scenes!! I also love to write the scenes where they reassure each other - whether it's as supportive friends or as romantic partners. It’s such a simple thing but for two very insecure characters, I think it really means the world. I probably have dozens of half finished drafts in this same vein.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
this might be considered cheating, but at times, Kiara in pltc takes heavy influence from my younger sister, who is probably one of the funniest people I know, so there's a lot of shit Kiara (or one of the boys) say in pltc that I've stolen from my sister after it made me laugh out loud. Like, 75% of chapter 26 (when kiara gets high for the first time 💀) is inspired by her. Specifically, "go crazy, go stupid, everything in your life has led up to this moment" while eating pizza is an actual direct quote from her. I want to cross stitch it on a pillow for her at some point aklsdjfhlaksdf
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
I usually think my fics are a lot less angsty than they are but I did really lean into it with hurricane girl! It started as an explanation for why Kiara wasn't at the Kook Academy, and then it became more of an exploration of her grief. Writing Kiara at what's probably the worst moment of her young life was surprisingly easy (let's not delve into that too much lmao) but it was also really heartbreaking to imagine her like that, and to picture that period where she thought John B and Sarah were dead. I love Kiara so much and I just want her to be happy aksdjfhlaksjf
Send me an emoji ask!
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Here for the ask game!!
💬 Xiani
🔊 Griffin
💔 Cadan
🎃 Obil
📦 for anyone :)
Oh, Potato, please don't kill me because some of these are painful. But I have to tell you this is just a small excerpt because I have so much more.
💬 favorite line they've said (for Xiani)
Oh, Potato, this one's hard. She has so many quotes I love but here are three I love most.
“I do not care what happens to me.“
“I think I fell in love, Suzy. His smile makes my heart beat faster, the way he speaks calm me. He is one of the few I tolerate around me. Suzy, he is one of the only ones who can calm me once I let my anger control me. I trust him with every bit of my core.”
“All I know is that the greatest pain is when you see it in their eyes that they did not want to lie to you but still did it because of the promise they made. Or the sense of duty they had in that moment. And now we are here. Shattered hearts and a the feeling of absolute betrayal. And while you want to cry you cannot. Because crying would show weakness.“
🔊 a song that reminds me of them (for Griffin)
Oh, I've so many, I've a whole playlist for him and cam semd you all songs in pm too but if I had to choose two it'd be Immortals by Fall Out Boy and The Last Kingdom by John Lunn.
💔angsty headcanon (for Cadan)
When Obil was swept away by the raging current and Cadan thought he had lost him. Then when Cadan almost died.
🎃 something i think they're afraid of (for Obil)
eternal loneliness. he is scared to lose anyone he loves and be alone again like he was three summers ago of the beginning of Ballad of Empires. Besides that, disappointing his loved ones.
📦overall feelings about them (for anyone)
I love them. Even if I destroy them in books and am cruel, I love them. They get happy endings. Most of them at least.
[asked by @writingpotato07]
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"What is a home if not the first place you learn to run from?" - Chelsea Dingman
The fact that even tho everything that is happening he is still so damn proud of Magnus for sticking up for himself, I😭😭
CAMILLE!!! I HATE YOUUUU!! LEAVE MY BOY ALONE!! God, I would have given all my money to slap her too...
I hate that Robert is right about them not being able to fall apart😭😭
OMFG I LOVE THE BROTP OF JACE AND ALEC!! The way they are there for each other is just🥺🥺 it reminded me of  “I lost her to heartbreak,” Jace says quietly. “But I’ll be damned if I lose Alec to it too.”
"Sometimes people need space. Sometimes love makes it hard to heal. So, you need to be away and just be with yourself.” he is so sexy when he says wise shit like this💙💙
Dont worry Max. He will just bring you the love of your life🥰
Herondale-Fairchild angsty angst is making me emotional😭
*sigh* fucking Herondales and their fucking fancy castles
“Like it’s still waiting for its story,” My boy is a prophet!!!
“One can hardly grieve someone when all they can remember about them is pain.” I LOVE THIS MAN!!
Istg one day I'm gonna find a way to do necromancy and I wil bring back Albert just so I can kill him🔪🙂
Alec in every possible situation: so, ummm, you wanna see pictures of my family? 🥰
Istg David talking and smiling and giggling when he first sees Max is my reason to keep going and I'm not even kidding!!!!! ITS SO PRECIOUS 🥺🥺
David is chewing on a pancake and staring at Thomas. “He looks at you when you’re not looking.” You got caught Alastair!! You aint that subtle honey!!!
Clary be like: I've only had David for a day, but if anything happens to him I'm gonna kill everyone in this room and then myself🥰
Of course he was "on a call" 👀
JACE AND DAVID>>>> Honeslty tho him giving David his Chain almost made me cry😭🥺
Then he raises the boy’s hand to his mouth and kisses the inside of his wrist. “My bapak says kisses heal boo-boos faster.” DONT TALK TO ME I'M GOING TO DIE OF CUTENESS KDHDIDHDI THE WRIST KISSING I AM NOT OK
Moral of the story? ✨Never let Lightwood siblings go on a trip by themselves unless you want them to return with a child ;)✨
The staff is so wise and badass😎 Also no one can blame them. Everyone could be bribed with David’s baking tbh...
"Then perhaps you should think about why your children feel the need to lie to you.” I kind of love her too💙💙💙
They are both scared of the power they have over each other bc they want to protect their kids 😭
I loved, loved, loved Alec and Clary having this conversation. I think it was necessary and the way they just talk about their struggles and being a parent is truly heartwarning💙💙💙
Ok, but Clary is so right. It can become toxic for both the parents and the kids and I am so, so, so happy it is addressed here <3333
You can only be so much for other people before you forget who you are to yourself. fuck!! This one hits a lot💔💔
God, David really has no idea how much Max loves him!! I'm gonna cry😭 also Alec saying all this is sooooo beautiful!!!
David is so wise and smart. Can this boy take a break from being the best man ever?!?! I am in love with every thing he said😍😍
"People don’t have to have a breakdown to feel better. Sometimes you just do. Don't feel like you need to feel pain in order to heal.” I kinda needed this<3
Alec going from not wanting Magnus to go back to telling David he should do what he wants and needs?!?!? That is called ✨growth✨
"It’s not fair to ask someone to endure pain for the sake of love.” I WILL TATTOO THIS QUOTE OK BYE
"Cool. I’m going back to the mansion. Do you want to come with me? We can take the front door this time.” he can be a little shit huh jebekdjdjdk
"You keep this one. This is Max. This will always be Max." 💙💙💙💙💙
Honest question. How is he the governor?!?!? jdhdjdjd jk, jk. I'm love him🥰
Song rec: Hate myself by Tate McRae
(The song was so angsty wow tate mcrae hits different)
thank you so much for this.
PS - the starting quote is quite similar to another quote from tlnd. I was shooketh!!!!
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 5 months
alrighty let's do this
wip it! a wip ask game
[pt: wip it! a wip ask game end pt.]
this is split into three categories: characters, quotes, and process! send the relevant emojis to people who reblog to ask about their wips (either original fiction or fanfiction) (also, the characters section can apply to original characters or your takes on preexisting character as it applies vis-à-vis the wip in question)
[pt: characters: end pt.]
(send in a specific character with the emoji or get an answer for all the characters/most of the characters in the wip!)
❤️ {red heart} - give a quick pitch for this character (age, interests, gender, whatever you feel like mentioning)!
💔 {broken heart} - who's your least favorite character in your wip?
🧡 {orange heart} - what are some things that challenge this character?
💛 {yellow heart} - who are this character's best friends?
💚 {green heart} - what is this character's heart's desire? will they obtain it? find out that it's different in the end?
💙 {blue heart} - what's this character's day to day routine like?
💜 {purple heart} - is this character queer? in which ways? (or are any of your characters queer + which ones? if asker can't think of a character to ask about)
💖 {sparkly heart} - what's this character's love language/how do they show people they care?
💝 {present heart} - talk about this character's family, found or biological!
🖤 {black heart} - what's the darkest thing this character has done/experienced?
🤍 {white heart} - what's this character's favorite of something? (send clarification with this ask, be it favorite food, favorite color, etc)
💞 {pink hearts} - do you have any ships with this character (romantic or platonic) in your wip?
[pt: quotes: end pt.]
🌑 {new moon} - get a quote with the names blacked out, or just a mystery quote!
🌒 {waxing crescent} - get a completely random quote, dealer's choice!
🌓 {first quarter} - get a quote that the author is really proud of!
🌔 {waxing gibbous} - get a funny quote!
🌕 {whole moon} - send a word, get a quote back with that word!
🌖 {waning gibbous} - get a quote that's got good prose!
🌗 {last quarter} - get a quote that the author's not too sure of, maybe provide a bit of feedback for them if they want it!
🌘 {waning crescent} - get an angsty quote!
[pt: process: end pt.]
🌼 {daisy} - what's the most recent thing you've written on this wip? give a few sentences or a summary!
🌸 {cherry blossom} - talk about one aspect of this wip you really like!
🏵️ {rosette} - talk about where your inspiration comes from!
🌹 {rose} - give a quick pitch for this wip!
💐 {bouquet} - who are some of your biggest supporters? tag them if you'd like!
🍀 {four-leaf clover} - what's the luckiest thing that's happened during writing? (ie something falling into place, you already wrote something you were dreading and forgot, etc)
🌿 {branch} - are there any plotlines that are currently catching your attention? talk about those!
🌲 {tree} - talk about world-building that you've done if you find that sort of thing interesting!
🌵 {cactus} - what's the hardest part of writing/what parts of your wip are difficult for you!
🍁 {fall leaf} - is there anything that makes you feel more comfortable while writing? what's your routine (if you feel comfortable sharing)
🍄 {mushroom} - talk about an experience you've had while writing, be it funny, sad, whatever!
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best-jrwi-fic-quotes · 2 months
Not to submit a screenshot from my own fic… but also… this part makes me want to Scream sometimes when I remember it
(“To Your Joy, I Tether” by sodaquail)
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dtchloedecker · 5 months
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//So, most of my drafts are done and I have nothing to do AND I don't get Christmas this year, so if you wouldn't mind, PLEASE send me some memes.
//Instead of reblogging said memes and blowing up your dash, I'm going to put links to each meme all in one post.
send “🌿🍒” (or “mistletoe”) for my muse’s reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
Send me  🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) …
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they'll confirm or deny it.
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
Send 💀 for my muses biggest fear regarding your muse. Send ‘fear’ if you can’t see the emoji
Send two names to find out which one my muse would rather fuck. Specify muse for multis!
Put 'wow' in my ask box and I'll reply with...
FUCKED  UP  KISSING  MEME  bc  who  needs  soft  kisses  when  you  can  have  This   ! (   send  me   ‘    💔  ’   to  generate  the  angsty  way  that  our  muses  kiss.  feel  free  to  specify  a  number  or  who  is  kissing  who  if  you’d  like.   )
send fuck, marry, or kill depending on what your muse would do to mine. alternatively, send “⭐” and my muse will answer if they would fuck, marry, or kill yours.  ( feel free to replace fuck with kiss if it's not appropriate! )
Feel free to also send some to Buffy, Hayley, and Angel.
0 notes
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//So, most of my drafts are done and I have nothing to do AND I don't get Christmas this year, so if you wouldn't mind, PLEASE send me some memes.
//Instead of reblogging said memes and blowing up your dash, I'm going to put links to each meme all in one post.
send “🌿🍒” (or “mistletoe”) for my muse’s reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
Send me  🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) …
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they'll confirm or deny it.
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
Send 💀 for my muses biggest fear regarding your muse. Send ‘fear’ if you can’t see the emoji
Send me one pro and one con you could see with having sex with my character.
Send two names to find out which one my muse would rather fuck. Specify muse for multis!
Put 'wow' in my ask box and I'll reply with...
FUCKED  UP  KISSING  MEME  bc  who  needs  soft  kisses  when  you  can  have  This   ! (   send  me   ‘    💔  ’   to  generate  the  angsty  way  that  our  muses  kiss.  feel  free  to  specify  a  number  or  who  is  kissing  who  if  you’d  like.   )
send fuck, marry, or kill depending on what your muse would do to mine. alternatively, send “⭐” and my muse will answer if they would fuck, marry, or kill yours.  ( feel free to replace fuck with kiss if it's not appropriate! )
Feel free to also send some to Buffy, Hayley, and/or Chloe.
0 notes
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//So, most of my drafts are done and I have nothing to do AND I don't get Christmas this year, so if you wouldn't mind, PLEASE send me some memes.
//Instead of reblogging said memes and blowing up your dash, I'm going to put links to each meme all in one post.
send “🌿🍒” (or “mistletoe”) for my muse’s reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
Send me  🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) …
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they'll confirm or deny it.
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
Send 💀 for my muses biggest fear regarding your muse. Send ‘fear’ if you can’t see the emoji
Send me one pro and one con you could see with having sex with my character.
Send two names to find out which one my muse would rather fuck. Specify muse for multis!
Put 'wow' in my ask box and I'll reply with...
FUCKED  UP  KISSING  MEME  bc  who  needs  soft  kisses  when  you  can  have  This   ! (   send  me   ‘    💔  ’   to  generate  the  angsty  way  that  our  muses  kiss.  feel  free  to  specify  a  number  or  who  is  kissing  who  if  you’d  like.   )
send fuck, marry, or kill depending on what your muse would do to mine. alternatively, send “⭐” and my muse will answer if they would fuck, marry, or kill yours.  ( feel free to replace fuck with kiss if it's not appropriate! )
Feel free to also send some to Buffy, Angel, and Chloe.
0 notes
chaomother · 2 years
I CAN tell you this;
My main OC, Ivory, was originally made to be included in the Sonadow ship (so Sonivadow☠️) because at the time I couldn't decide for the life of me and just stuck with it
She had a gf (Sylvia👹) who she was MADLY MADLY in love with (they even promised to walk off the face of the earth and get married together I want this)
But one night they get into some argument right?
Shit is said
It's so angsty waaa waaa 💔
(I love angst.)
So Ivory storms out bla bla bla she calls Amy bla bla bla make up bla bla bla
Next day she shows up with some flowers and llets herself in, but due to her sensitive sense of smell she smells...
Blood lol.
And she rushes into the kitchen and Sylvia is on the floor, the kitchen is a mess, and me personally I would never let this slide if it were me but that's just me personally I'd have to get violent/j
She goes over, Sylvia kinda has a pulse, she's clutching two engagement rings and Ivorys like omg no way *calls 911*
And AT the hospital the doctor comes out and tells Ivory that there's a really good chance at Sylvia making it out, and they let her talk to Sylvia
Whoooooo then makes her promise that in case she doesn't make it out to, she quotes, "It doesn't matter who they are, or where they may be, I want you to find someone that makes you just as happy as me."
The doctor comes back and tells Ivory to wait outside
A few minutes later the doctor comes out and tells Ivory Sylvia "didn't make it" (mind the quotation marks.)
And Ivory goes into depression for a whole what 6 months almost a year maybe ☠️ (I'm such a good person/j)
I'm getting high off of those flavored water packets and expired swiss rolls in case you can't tell/srs
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silverhallow · 3 years
200 Followers Celebration Prompts
Any Bridgerton Canon Couple... or Platonic Friendship
🎶 Song fics -🎶 (any song by one those artists)
🎶Ed Sheeran 
🎶Spice Girls 
🎶Britney Spears
🔥Spicy Section 🔥
🔥Sticky Situations 
🔥Angry/Make Up Sex 
🔥 Coitius Interuptus 
🔥 Dangerous Liaisons 
🔥 Kinky (please ensure you have read After Dark as I will not be repeating a Kink unless it’s modern.) 
(if you send me something I am not comfortable writing I will politely decline it so please do not be offended but somethings are just no…) 
(side note… please don’t ask for anything other than canon couples here…)
with a happy ending but I’ll break your heart and soul in the mean time 😂
💔Sick spouse/child 
💔 Couple Struggles
 💔 “leave me alone” 
💔 “I can’t do this anymore” 
💔 “am I not enough for you? 
🥰 All The Feels 🥰 
🥰 Courting/First Dates 
🥰 Making sure their SO eats and drinks 
🥰 Bringing flowers/ something as they noticed their SO is feeling down 
🥰 A Perfect Surprise
 🥰 A Promise
✨Quotes ✨ 
✨ “You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.” 
✨ “…Did you just sniff me?” 
✨ “I am nothing if not consistent.” “Yeah, a consistent pain in my ass.” 
✨ “You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.” 
✨ “Of course I noticed, I notice everything about you.”
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