#and... theme/icon change too but uh
sanguineterrain · 8 months
Hi I’m back because couples who aren’t together just yet are EVERYTHING
And the new theme?? The icon?? Sanne 😍
May I request “you matter so much to me” with Dick? A little angsty if you’re feeling it?
hey there!!! thank you hehe i felt it was time for a theme change bc fall ❤️ hope you like it! thanks for sending a request 🥰
dick grayson x gn!reader. tw: reader is injured but not much description of the injury, mention of bombing, dick being a protective sweetheart, love confession.
You're probably being paranoid.
You probably don't need to call Dick. He'll definitely be busy right now. And you call him way too much as it is.
Wally had asked last month if you two were dating, which had been a humiliating conversation, so you've been vigilant about not clinging to Dick so much. You're just friends. That's all you'll ever be.
These two guys at the train station are really freaking you out, though. What do all the posters say? See something, say something?
You take a deep breath and dial.
"Hi, Dick," you say tentatively.
"Hey!" Dick says, sounding slightly breathless. "Hey, how are you? I've missed you, what have you been up to?"
The smile in his voice makes you ache. Fuck. You should've just called an Uber.
"Hey. I'm okay. Sorry for not calling, I've been, uh, swamped at work."
"That's okay. It's nice to hear from you."
You melt. "It's nice to hear from you, too."
One of the guys across the station tosses a duffel bag inside of a storage closet and closes the door, then locks it. Right. Back to why you called.
"Dick, I think these two guys at the train station might be up to something. I could be wrong! I-I'm probably wrong, but—"
"What are they doing?" he asks, and you can hear him shifting to Nightwing Mode.
"They threw a duffel bag into a closet, but they don't look like workers. And—"
One of them lifts his coat, and you see a holstered gun. Shit.
"Oh my God," you whisper. "One of them has a gun."
"Get out of there," Dick orders. "I'm on my way. I'll pick you up. Meet me on the corner of Mason and Jewel."
"Okay," you say, heartbeat rabbiting. "Okay, um, Mason and Jewel. Got it."
"It'll be okay," he says, a little gentler this time. "I won't let anything happen to you, alright? Go somewhere where there's a lot of people, and stay on the line."
You take a deep breath. "O-okay. I trust you."
You head for the stairs when the ground rumbles under your feet. People begin to shout and you run faster, trying to make it out of the station.
"What's happening, honey? Talk to me," Dick urges.
You hardly register the honey in your panic.
"The ground's shaking. Dick—"
Something knocks into your back and you crumple to the floor, phone falling from your hand. Everything goes black.
You open your eyes to blackness, and for a moment, you're afraid you've lost your sight. But then the shadows become clearer, and you can make out distinct, albeit dimly lit, shapes.
You try to form a word but the air has been sucked out of your lungs and it sounds more like a wheeze.
The surface beneath you is soft and firm. There's a blanket over your shoulders.
You rasp out a sound that's an attempt at 'hello.' Your lips are cracked, and your throat feels like you chugged cement.
A hand rests on your forehead. You try to sit up.
"Easy, easy. Don't try moving just yet."
Dick is in his Nightwing suit, but the mask is off. You blink at him slowly. You'd almost forgotten how blue his eyes are.
"Can you tell me your birthday?" he asks, continuing to stroke your face.
You tell him your birthday. Your throat feels like sandpaper, and a straw is pushed to your lips. You drink the water greedily.
"Wha' happ'd?" you ask.
"There was a small bomb. Half the station collapsed." Dick sucks in a deep breath and seems to steel himself. "You, um, you hit your head pretty hard. I found you and brought you back to the Batcave. I want to monitor you overnight just in case."
Your eyes widen. "Batcave?"
Dick smiles. "The one and only. I'll give you a tour later."
You frown. "Shouldn't you be out there?"
"Oh." Dick rubs his neck. "Well, uh, the others have got it pretty much covered. But I can give you space, if-if you're tired or something. Uh, Alfred's upstairs if you need anyth—"
You shake your head. "Not kicking you out, Dickie. Just don't wanna keep you from important stuff."
Dick leans in, looking at you intently.
"You're important."
You smile and look away, belly swooping at his seriousness.
"Oh. Thank you, Dick."
"I mean it," he says fiercely, then swallows. "You are... you're one of the most important people in my life. You matter so much to me. I should've said so earlier, and I guess today was the kick in the pants I needed."
You turn to him, eyes wide. "What are you saying?"
Dick slips his hand into yours, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb.
"Every day, I see how fragile life is," Dick says. "Witnessed it for myself, too. I can't—I don't want to pretend that I don't care about you as much as I do. That I don't wish we were more. And if you don't feel the same way, then that's okay, but I needed to say something before—"
"Dick," you murmur.
He stops. "Yeah?"
"Kiss me."
He blinks once, twice, then wastes no more time. Dick cups your jaw with both hands. It's almost overwhelming, the way Dick Grayson kisses you like you're the only person in the universe.
His hair is just as soft as you imagined, and you tangle your other hand in it, massaging the base of his neck. Dick makes a quiet whine in the back of his throat, and you hungrily swallow the sound.
You flinch apart, and Dick covers his mouth. He glances at you through his lashes, and the look promises that he's not finished with you.
All excitement about said promise self-destructs when you see Batman standing ten feet away. Even under the cowl, he looks unimpressed.
"Nightwing," he says. "Taking care of our patient?"
Oh God. You're never setting foot in Gotham again.
"Excellent care," Dick says, apparently used to Batman's cheek.
"Hn. I expect a report of the station incident tomorrow."
"Of course. Do you need me out there?"
"No. It's handled." Batman looks at you. "You are welcome to join us for dinner."
He swooshes away with a truly unnecessary jump into the Batmobile. You wait until he's gone before groaning and putting your face in your hands.
"Oh my God, I just made out with you in front of Batman. I can never face him."
Dick pulls you into his arms, kissing your temple.
"Are you kidding? He basically just welcomed you into the family. I knew he'd like you."
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lxndonorris · 1 year
hard tires - lestappen
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Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc Theme: Smutish, Teasing, Touching Max surprises Charles right before the first training session in Monaco x word count: 1570+
After a year of anticipation, Formula 1 is back in Monaco, Charles' home race. The first training session is about to start in around 45 minutes, and he is still sitting in his motorhome, ready to change into his racing attire.
His team had already left for the Ferrari garage, and he asked to be left alone for a while, mentally preparing for the upcoming weekend. It's going to be a tough race, but that's the way Charles likes it.
He doesn't want to win effortlessly, not in the slightest, and his current car isn't making it all too easy for him. He shakes his head, a coy smile forming on his lips, thinking about racing this iconic track again.
He gets up from the sofa and walks towards the cupboard, his red fireproofs and red racing suit already waiting for him behind the wooden doors. Charles opens them, looks down, and licks his lips nervously.
"Okay." He breathes deeply. "Time to do this."
At first, he unbuttons his jeans, feeling them slide down his thighs to his ankles. He's already wearing a pair of slippers, so that makes it way easier for him to change. Charles steps out of his trousers, and with a quick comforting touch, he lets a hand brush over his crotch. Licking his lips again, he picks up the tight fireproofs and easily slides into the lower half.
He enjoys the feeling of fabric against his skin, how tight they are, flattering all of him. Again, Charles touches himself; this time, however, he pulls at it to fix it lovingly. He starts humming as he takes his Ferrari shirt off, with the faint scent of his cologne clinging to it.
Tilting his head, he feels a little stiff, partly due to excitement but also due to his nervous mind. Shaking his head and snapping out of this thought, he puts the upper half of the fireproofs on. As the fabric brushes against his nipples, he giggles to himself.
Unable to help himself, he starts to stroke himself once, then twice, getting more and more into it.
"Alm.. oost." He purrs, running both of his hands across his chest, his abs, and again, further down his body, feeling a tent forming in his trousers. Confidently, he hums again, barely hearable, yet his whole body vibrates slightly.
Now, he picks up the beautiful red racing suit and admires it for a second, looking at his name and the Monegasque flag, before he puts it on.
Charles enjoys this moment the most: getting ready to get into that car, flying along the track, and most importantly, living his dream. Not to mention how good he looks wearing this. With the upper half hanging down, he puts on shoes before stepping in front of the mirror. His eyes wander all over him before he lets his hands encompass all of him once more. It feels so good.
Charles closes his eyes, taking this moment in.
Then he regains his composure, opens his eyes, and runs both hands through his nicely-done hair. He looks perfect, as always. Smirking at his reflection, he nods.
"Enjoying yourself, Charles?" A voice penetrates his mind, snapping him out of his thoughts completely.
Startled, he turns around to see a figure standing in between the doorframe of his motorhome, arms crossed, casually leaning against it. It's none other than Max Verstappen, one of his biggest rivals since forever.
Charles feels his face flush with color instantly, accompanied by searing heat.
"It's not…uh…what are you doing here?" He stutters, his eyes darting from left to right, and then straight back to Max, who's just standing there, a sly smirk slowly spreading across his lips.
"I was going to ask you the same." Max smirks, still leaning against the doorframe.
While Charles' face is bright red, he tries to regain his composure again.
"I was just getting ready for training." He says, his soft voice barely hearable, a dozen thoughts racing through his mind.
"I can see that." Max tilts his head, his eyes now wandering down Charles' body, seemingly admiring what they see. He takes a step into the motorhome, his eyes still all over Charles' well-formed body.
He feels Max's eyes on him, causing him to blush even harder. They've been seeing each other for a while now, trying their best to keep their dating as private as possible, but at times, both of them are craving the other's attention.
Charles uses this opportunity to have a look at Max's body now too. He's already wearing his dark blue racing suit, and he looks so good in it too. The fabric adulates his form perfectly, and he is totally aware of it. Sadly, his suit is fully closed; even the collar at the top is tightly shut. Max would always do that to tease Charles, not letting him get a sneak peek at that beautiful body.
On the other hand, he enjoys the feeling of the fireproofs exposing his trained physique just enough to tease anyone able to see him like that. And it's working perfectly on Max right now.
He is now just a step away, but Charles knows that he is already wanting more, just by the way he is looking at him. Those shining eyes now slowly wander up his body once more until their gazes meet again.
"Fuck. You look hot." He breathes deeply, his voice almost growling.
Confidently, Charles tilts his head now.
"Is that so?" He says this, lifting his chin slightly. Moving his chest slowly, he makes sure to show off a little. His muscles are now testing the limits of his clothes as he flexes his biceps.
Biting his lower lip, Max takes a step closer again, one hand immediately reaching for Charles' arm, the other steadying himself against his firm chest.
As soon as he feels Max's hands on his body, waves of pleasure pulsate through his entire body, causing his muscles to tense even harder. With Max's fingers around his biceps, he flexes again, and the two of them let out a low groan, with Charles humming again.
He watches Max's eyes follow the movements of his hand while stroking Charles' chest with the other, brushing over his hardening nipples with the tip of his thumb.
"Like what you see?" He grunts, slowly blinking, and before he looks down at Max's body, all of him is tensing and bulging as well.
Returning the favor, he uses his other hand to stroke Max once, then twice, before letting his hand run down his chest, abs, and right to the enormous tent forming inside those pants.
"Oh yeah." Max growls, his body now reacting to Charles' loving strokes.
Then, Max moves his head just enough to look right into his rivals' eyes again. Their faces just inches apart, Max leans in, just to let his lips brush over Charles'.
"It's not like seeing you in this is giving me an instant hard-on every time." He growls, both of his hands now touching Charles' firm chest. who's taking one deep breath after another to steady himself.
Enjoying that gentle touch, he feels his body getting stiffer by the second when the faint scent of Max's cologne swirls around his nostrils. With one deep breath, he inhales all of it—that familiar smell, one that he will never forget.
For a while, what feels like an eternity, he closes his eyes, all of him taking this moment in, when he feels Max's hand move again, this time further down his body, tracing the visible outlines of his abs with the tip of his fingers, sending shivers down his spine.
"Fuck." A soft moan escapes Charles' lips, just to Max's amusement.
"Yeah, good." He grunts, breathing against Charles's skin, making it even worse to stand straight.
"Max." Charles moans again, leaning in for a soft yet passionate kiss. Steadying themselves against each other, both of them start touching each other's chests firmly while kissing again and again.
Max being the first to take it a step further, his hand finds its way back down, right between their thighs, to feel Charles' excitement grow harder and harder.
"That's... so good." He moans into Max's mouth, giving him goosebumps.
Just then, he pulls away, just enough to still feel Max's lips on his.
"We don't have time." He says it breathlessly, and Max nods.
"I know." He smirks mischievously again.
"This has to do, for now." Charles enjoys that hand still on his length, bulging inside his clothes, as he smiles shyly.
"I'm glad you came." He says, placing a single kiss right on his lips again.
"Me too." Max smiles, letting his hands wander all over Charles' body one last time.
"It's going to be hard hiding that now." He grins, feeling himself firmly. Charles' eyes are now back on Max's huge bulge before they follow his hand back across his chest.
"Same here." He mirrors Max's movements perfectly, and the two of them giggle.
"Uh. I'll leave you now." He blushes slightly, taking a step back towards the door. Charles nods, his eyes appreciating Max's body once more.
"See you on track," Charles says, and with a smile, Max is gone.
Taking a long, deep breath, Charles turns around again, looking at his reflection. His eyes instantly wander down again, and with a gentle stroke, he feels himself still being hard.
"Whatever." He shrugs, puts on a cap from the sideboard, and leaves his motorhome as well.
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charleecat-bat · 11 months
So a handful o fyou actually were interested aside from one person by the time i’m making this so yeah uh. look away. don’t wanna be upsetting.
NOW i do want to clarify that I made this in the sense to be a black comedy sort of AU due to watching so many skits and shorts of horror characters in comedic situations, that was my main inspiration. 
my buddy @barsikscorner​ has been helping me develop ideas for this weird lil au.
enjoy below
please keep in mind it’s def not for sensitive softhearted people. I want to entertain with my ideas as weird as they are.
Sonic- A supernatural being who has memories of being alive but doesn’t remember what happened to him or how he died. It took him a long time to understand it but having a ‘life’ of inactivity and seeing so much more bad stuff when you’re not properly alive made him want to take action and he soon learnt how to. He toys with victims and tries to scare them into righting their wrongs but if they’ve done something unforgivable or irreversible or refuse to change, he kills them in a creative fashion. kinda based off freddy kruger but less nasty and gross.
Amy- A slasher known as either the Cupid Killer or the Rose Ripper. Goes after abusive partners and sexual predators due to her idealistic image of love so seeing this sort of behaviour makes her fly into a rage. uses her iconic hammer mostly for her kills. She wears a heart themed mask. 
Tails- a sort of 'cyber' ghost. he had died and his spirit became ingrained into tech and cyberspace. He can sort of 'appear' outside of tech and into the material world but not for too long. Can communicate with people, mostly his victims, through their tech. He targets criminals and terrible people of all sorts online and either forces them to repent for their crimes or just makes their life a living hell until he decides to end it, whether it be for him or making them doing to themselves.
Cream- mostly normal. Has a strange connection to monsters and creature however and hence the chaos. They protect her. Chaos have a bit of a 'yes they're cute but they can be dangerous' reputation in this AU. they definitely have taken care of people that have threatened the sweetie bbies life and safety without her knowledge.
Vanilla- A protective mother who either lost her first child or almost lost Cream herself so she started to become a serial killer who went after child murderers, abusers and predators. She keeps this side of her away from Cream and is a loving mother nonetheless. Her main weapon are garden shears that can be seprated into a pair of blades and her mask is deocrated with flowery designs. 
Knuckles- an undead/ghost like slasher that has become one with the woods he’s connected to, quite literally having roots and such all over and even inside of him (being exposed in old wounds he has). He’s cursed to walk amongst the mystical land that he was murdered on and now protects it and keeps people out. He’s very easy to anger but he’ll never attack people like lost children or people who are obviously not looking to trespass and are lost. Anyone who does trespass and does anything he deems disrespectful to the land or just refuse to leave he handles violently. He tends not to leave the area and hasn't even tried to. He might be able to. Might not.
Shadow- A space-like being that can shapeshift into horrifying forms. He was taken and experimented on a spaceship but grew close to a human girl named Maria on board. They used this to have a chance to study him without the risk of him being aggressive. After she was killed during a government break-in and he was captured and taken back to Earth. He went on a vengeful rampage in the base and now just does his own thing on earth since he can't exactly leave. He was tempted to destroy everyone but now is content on just watching the stupid shenanigans and occasionally tormenting someone he doesn't like. And gossip. Inspired by Pennywise/It and Predator
Rouge- a seductive slasher that has very strange desires and doesn’t really have any motivation other than she wants to. She likes to take bones (and occasionally the blood) of her victims to make accessories and jewellery out of them. She’s not completely heartless though and has standards and there stuff she won’t do. She uses her beauty and appearance to lure victims most of the time, to appear innocent and harmless or sexy and sultry depending on what she wants. She wear’s a beautiful decadent mask, and sports specialised finger blades she created into gloves.
Silver- a mysterious spirit that’s tied to a cursed object. he has telepathic and telekinetic abilities and can burn disturbing images and distort a persons mind and body possibly, even mind control if he wants to need to decide how he functions properly more so inspired by samara/sadako and possibly think of other inspirations like bagul from sinister
Blaze- an otherworldly being that is hinted to used to be a normal person in one lifetime but no longer is. She works by supernatural means and tortures her victims horrifically but doesn’t do it indiscriminately. Mostly only does it when she wants, especially to those that try to summon her and use her power for themselves. Inspired by pinhead mostly but also could take elements of candyman
Big- a wild beast man that didn't have a regular upbringing. He has a werewolf-like condition where he turns into a beast against his control, for his own safety and everyone else's safety he lives in isolation. He as a special connection to animals and even has befriended Froggy who is a monstrous being that can disguise itself as a frog, it’s been named the loveland frogman when caught in one of it’s many forms. His uncle had raised him alone and kept him in the dark about how dangerous he really could be and mostly did his best to keep him safe, so out of all of them he is one of the most innocent as the worst he does is literally against is control and he's unaware of it since the most he'll know is that he'll wake up and just look around adn see blood and gore or see it on himself. He has more animal friends than mobian friends. 
Vector- a justice-seeking serial killer. He worked as a main detective with cops but grew tired of seeing not only horrible people go free and dodge the law and their punishment but even see the people that are 'supposed' to be the good guys be horrible people and letting shit slide. So he decides to take the law into his own hands and goes after anyone who he sees needing a just punishment in his city, dirty cops, abusers, predators, politicians, basically anyone who he thinks are utterly awful people that deserve to be punished. He can be quite sadistic and torturous with them and is very thorough with his research. was initially inspired by Jigsaw but he's not a hypocritical prick like Kramer.
Espio- He’s in a strange state of being an ‘undead’ being. He can’t quite tell if he’s alive but no longer mortal or if hes’ dead but still around on the mortal plane. He's kinda just... stuck in between. It’s a very strange situation. Theres evidence supporting both, he can still bleed the tiniest bit but no longer feels and still occasionally needs to eat and drink but he definitely doesn't have as much limitations he was when he was mortal/alive. Vector had found him when he broke into and ‘dealt’ with his abductor and ‘murderer’, they Vector and Espio got quite a fright when Espio was somehow still alive. Since then Vector has looked out for the lone chameleon despite being confused about his situation. He works as an assistant to Vector and they do have a very 'big brother' 'little brother' bond. He wears an Oni-themed mask. He has strange markings on his body such as his hands his back and chest, he still doesn’t know wha tthey mean but feels they have something to do with what happened to him. 
Charmy- normal mostly but can see ghosts and even repel them in a way but he doesn’t realise it. winds up protecting vec and esp from a lot of unseen danger and also is unaware of this. Charmy frequently will talk to ghosts but Vector is honestly fine with this due to all the weirdness he's run into, and initially, he just thought it was Charmy having imaginary friends. He is not involved at all in Vector and Espios 'business' because they dont' think he needs to know about that. 
Mighty- a murderous and protective spirit. he was murdered by 'accident' (if you call taking abuse too far an accident) by his father due to all the physical abuse but it was made to look like an accident so his father could save his reputation. His little sister was enraged by this injustice and in an attempt to find closure and just to talk to her brother again, his spirit was summoned and he became a vengeful being that wanted to protect her. She unleashed him on their father as a result. Matilda either summons his spirit or he just makes his own way to protect innocent people, mostly children but anyone they feel needs protection… or anyone they just want to suffer. When not angry Mighty is actually still the same form what he was in life, minus a bit of more of a temper.
Matilda- a creepy and slightly unhinged girl that studied the occult. She had done a ritual/seance to summon her brothers spirit again when he was murdeed and now he serves as her murderous protector. or just annoying ghost borther who watches and judges anything she does that he doens't like. Judgemental eyes from the grave from your brother is very annoying.
Ray- ghost boy that got attached to Mighty’s spirit and Matilda. they let him stay as he really doesn't do anything to harm then and is just lonely. He doesn't really do much of anything but can lure mighty to people, startle them to shit or even attack them but he leaves the more lethal stuff to Mighty. (kinda like toshio from ju-on/the grudge)
Nack- a heavily abused slightly mentally unstable hybrid that was abused by his small town heavily until he finally snapped and went on a rampage, killing some and driving the rest out. The village became run down and abandoned very quickly, becoming overun by nature again. The only thing intact is a scrappily made shack that Nack made himself in the middle of the land. He lives on the large property of land and guards it and does anything and everything to keep people out due to still being traumatised and afraid of people and thinking they're going ot hurt him and just not trusting them.  He is proficient with guns and prefers his shotgun but can and will use other weapons, a hunting knife, machete or even a chainsaw. He's shown to be incredibly strong despite his small size, being able to run with a chainsaw in hand. (inspired by leatherface and mick taylor)
Bark- a cold serial known as the Billionaire Butcher that targets greedy billionaires, getting a distaste for them after growing up surrounded by like-minded people. He drains their accounts and steals money and while he does pocket a small amount for himself, he doesn’t keep all of it because he doesn't want to become what they are. Most likely just keep his own regular reputation as good hearted philanthropist by donating a lot of money to good causes. His main methods include using an ice-pick as his main weapon due to experience with the tool. He met Nack in a rather awkward way but they quickly became friends and he was the first person allowed on Nacks property.
Bean- A mentally unhinged boy that has a penchant for fire and burning things. Just a very strange kid. he escaped from a mental hospital and ran onto nacks property and he and bark just let him stay as despite his mental stability of there lack of he was mostly harmless to them.  he doesn't talk a lot about his past but has shared tidbits, including stories of abuse, burning his own home down and mistreatment and abuse from the hospital. he ever has burn scars. He tends to chill out in the attic of their home and just likes to appear out of nowhere. (sort of inspired by billy from black christmas)
Infinite- A telekinetic and telepathic being who was ostracised by a large ration of people in his home town, mostly the religious types due to thinking he was a devil-child. He snapped after thinking he lost his family when his house was set on fire.As a result he went on a rampage destroyed the a huge chunk town with his powers and killing the ones who were responsible. He now lives and deals with a lot demons and strangeness... literally. He’s not aware his family actually survived they just didn’t even give him a moment to hear this and he left before he actually got told. DUMMY (Inspired by Carrie)
Gadget- a victim of a wannabe cult, they wanted to sacrifice him but it didn’t work and he became possessed by an incubus, a demon of lust. He struggles with his urges due to the demon and at first fought it and then finds an arrangement thanks to Infinte, his boyfriend. Actually kills people while doing the deed with it and if needed, feeds on their bodies, not the extent of Storm. (Inspired by Jennifers Body kinda) The demon has a slightly different voice and changes the colour of his eyes when it's speaking through Gadget and Gadget definitely has a demon form that is either physically attractive or purely terrifying depending on the taste. It’s not an entirely pleasant situation btu Gadget learns to handle it. 
Jet- a insecure and pissy lil birb boy that got into a life of serial killing after his cousin got possessed and needed flesh/blood to survive. At first, it was nerve-wrecking but he quickly got a taste for it as he enjoys making people feel powerless and afraid, he toys with them before finishing the job including phone calls, threatening messages and taunting them verbally while going after them. Inspired by Ghostface. He gets mad fun of a lot by the other professionals. 
Wave- a dark web guru. She has a massive powerful following on the deep dark web and does a lot of dark illegal things, such as selling body parts on the black market and even doing strange videos and documentation of experiments. She was also not involved initially but due to the situation their cousin got into she quickly did and then quickly found out about how much money they could get and also get rid of a lot of the body parts. Win-win situation in her mind. She has definitely gone a bit crazy due to all her experimenting and the shit she does for the dark web. She wears a plague doctor-inspired mask when recording and documenting stuff for the dark web. 
Storm- While originally only doing little crimes like thievery for money, he also was the victim of the same wannabe cult that Gadget was and it also failed, becoming possessed by a demon of gluttony. It makes him want to devour flesh and blood and he unfortunately had no choice. When he gets to the point where the demon demands for him to consume, he cant eat anything else even if he tries. It just comes right back up and he starves. He’s still coming to terms with it and grew depressed and got a bit of a tricky relationship with food. he gets some help from gadget so shit doesn't suck for him entirely anymore. The Demon definitely is based off of Venom is some silly way. The demon is a bit of a screamer and talks loudly to Storm and since only storm can hear it 90 percent of the time he gets VERY tired of it (i initially wanted him to be food related like a killer chef but god i didn't want him to be a willing cannibal that's just another level of ICK)
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i don't want to bc i changed my. uh. everything about my blog too recently, but the urge to change my icon/theme to the Hot Pink Bitch Named Nibbly. it's strong as fuck.
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bonnielunkas · 26 days
i think i followed you a million years ago for something else because idont know jack about kirby but i looove how decorated your blog is. is pink your favorite color? whos your favorite kirby character? tell me a bit about em :)
uhhhh pink IS my favorite color actually!! uhhh it used to be purple but now it's pink- i change ot every once in a while
anyways uhhhh the girl in my icon is my favorite kirby character!!!! her name is susie haltmann and i love her a lot. she's my favorite character ever actually ^^'
i am. going to be talking a lot and some of it might not make sense since its nearly 5am but here goes
her home game's kirby planet robobot where she's one of the primary antags!! kirby runs into her 4 times over the story and she has actual dialogue which is really cool since a lot of kirby games don't really do that. uhhh she's the secretary of the haltmann works company and she's helping lead their mechanization occupational project which is a plan to mechanize people and planets against their will which is. not good obviously. and in the end when kirby defeats the main antag star dream susie flies off to go restore the company!! but she focuses it on helping people with haltmann works co.'s instead of forcing them to become mechanized!! she did bad stuff but one of the main themes of kirby ( to me at least ) is forgiveness and redemption and susie is a pretty good example of that.
her body language is REALLY good. ( probably because outside of her eyes she can't really emote, at least not with her face ) here are some of my favorite poses from her, all from robobot :]
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look at her!! she's so cute!! she's so full of life!! the way she moves contrasts the whole point of the company she works for and i think that does wonders for her design.
susie's concise with her words. VERY calculated. she thinks pretty highly of herself and she's got a bit of sass to her. she's also ( at least during robobot ) full of some terrible ideals that are shared with the president of the haltmann works company and her father. that everyone who resists is below them and most be put in their place. yeah.
AND HER BACKSTORY- okay so susie and her dad, max profitt haltmann, president of the company were working on restoring a machine called star dream, right?? and one day star dream sucks susie through a portal and spits her out in a place called another dimension, which she stays in for who knows HOW long until she finally makes it back home. but uhhh. haltmann doesn't recognize her, since star dream was feeding off haltmann's memories. so susie takes the role of secretary, likely to try and steal star dream so haltmann will stop digging a grave for himself. along the way she picks up the ideology her father / boss has and then that leads to what we see in robobot.
so yeah, shes uh. quite the sad character. but there's still a lot to be happy about with susie too!!
she loves singing, she loves ice cream, she's a pianist, she's terrible at marketing, she's got a rivalry with the mage sisters ( specifically francisca ) and i find that pretty cute all things considered. she's clever, she seems to love dressing up, she seems to genuinely enjoy kirby's company enough to consider being a star ally, she possibly makes some friends that she desperately needed. those last three were moreso inferences than canon facts but still - -'
and uh- yeah!! that covers most of my thoughts abt susie, lol. at least the canon-adjacent thoughts. susie's overall a rlly complex character who has quite a bit to talk about, lol
here's my favorite picture of her, its from a short series called " it's kirby time " and i dont remember which episode this one's from sadly,,,,
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wardenred · 9 months
Sapphic September 3: 3 AM
Pretty much a free writing exercise, I guess.
The familiar ringtone I haven't heard in six months rips through the silence of my apartment. Shabby, my ancient cat, twitches an ear in her sleep and stretches, pushing the phone off its usual charging place on the edge of my mattress. On the floor, it continues singing the song of the past, and I should really pick it up—the phone, not the call, any wise person would simply ignore the call—but I'm frozen.
"Meow," Shabby says. Her eyes are still closed, but her annoyance is apparent. I nearly fall out of my desk chair as I scramble up, then down on my knees. I stare at the phone screen. The initial followed by a sparkling heart emoji blinks back at me. I remember changing that heart to a broken one on the evening of our oh so amicable break-up, then deciding I was being too dramatic and refusing to save the change.
The song goes on and on, an old melancholy tune with a trace of hope in it. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You. What did I ever expect, really, with a song like that to serve as our romantic theme? She all but warned me on the very first night when I heard her sing in that dumb karaoke bar for the first time.
Behind the paper-thin wall, a neighbor coughs. I draw a breath. The last two brain cells I possess vote unanimously for tapping Dismiss, and like the fool that I am, I go for Accept instead.
"Yes?" I've got the perfect excuse for my shaky voice, for how long it's taken me to respond. Just look at the time!
"Hey you." She dares to sound just like herself, like all these months of distance have never happened, and I think I'll never breathe again. Consider me dead. "So what are you doing awake at 3 AM for the fifth night in a row?"
"How do you—"
"I can see you online on Discord. And Facebook. And basically everywhere."
Oh. Right. We're still friends on basically everywhere. Messengers, socials, she's on every contact list I have. I'd lie if I said I don't still waste unreasonable chunks of time just staring at her userpic, the same across all of the Internet. A photo I took with a filter she applied. Except I don't see her online all that often, and when I do, it's always with some stupid red status icon. Busy. Away. Do Not Disturb.
"I ran into your friend Maggie tonight," she continues,as if this was a perfectly normal conversation. "She said you’re dating her brother."
"Uh." That's not quite true. John and I have agreed to go on a date. Next week. It hasn't even happened yet. In truth, I'm not sure I want it to happen. Maybe I will conveniently get sick right around Friday evening. Or there might be a food poisoning. Or a sprained ankle. Normally, I prefer excuses focused on last-minute work projects I couldn't say no to, because I have this stupid conviction it makes me look like a responsible adult. Alas, those don't fly so well on the weekends.
"Don't do that," she says. "I don't want you to."
Such a simple request, worded so confidently, like she has any right whatsoever to dictate what happens in my life. The life she's no longer even a part of.
I can't help but laugh at the sheer audacity. Shabby opens one yellow eye and peers at me in such abject displeasure I am forced to reach out and give her all the pats to compensate for the inconvenience.
In a certain light, her eyes look yellow, too, though they never lost their green. Like an autumn lake with golden leaves floating over murky waters, illuminated by the last rays of sunset.
"So?.." I repeat after her.
"You won't do that, right?"
"Darling," and I meant to use her name, I swear I meant to, but the usual endearment flows way too easily of my lips. "I don't think you get a say in what I do or don't do any longer."
"Well, no one else is running an intervention, so I kind of have to!"
"What on earth makes you think I need an intervention?!"
"Duh. You own stupid plan? Come on. You don't even like guys most of the time."
"Some of the time I like them just fine," I counter. "And it's John. He's—he's sweet."
"If you ever liked John that way, you would have both gone for it a long time ago.”
He likes me that way, though. He has for a while. And that's why I should feel guilty for how the chances of me getting food poisoning on Friday are plummeting down. I kind of want to go out with John now. Just to give her an excuse to run more interventions.
This is reckless. Twisted. Not like me at all.
All the things she's always brought out in me.
"You won't go, will you?"
"Why are you up at 3 AM on the weekday stalking my socials?"
Neither of us gets an answer we want.
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forter-from-meteos · 5 months
What is this silly meteos stuff
oh! ohohoho
I took a quick peek at your blog because of the thirnova icon, and love the theming you've got, but i didn't see any meteos posts (which is fine) so I'm gonna give the full rundown 👍
lemme just start by dropping a few links: Miraheze Meteos Wiki - Meteos Wikipedia Page - if you want comprehensive, objective stuff
Alright! Now time for the Cliffnotes version of that stuff, plus my own subjective info
Meteos is a game series consisting of Meteos (2005) for the DS, Meteos Wars (2008) for the Xbox Live Arcade (Xbox 360 online store), and some other titles that I'm not knowledgeable on, like the now defunct Meteos Online and Meteos: Disney Magic (which is just funny to me)
The very basic plot is: The planet Meteo is sending out streams of destructive matter called meteos, which is threatening to destroy all the planets in the universe. The various alien civilizations discovered that when the meteos group in a certain way, they change direction, and launch the meteos falling from the sky back out into space. Now they're fighting back against the meteos, and one of the civilizations has created the Metamo Ark, a spaceship made of meteo ore, to sail to Meteo and defeat it. There's some details I'm leaving out, but this isn't an award-winningly deep plot we've got here.
Actual gameplay is essentially just a match-3 game, but with a twist: meteos (matchable blocks) fall from above, and by moving them through the columns, you match them, and they launch upwards. The real kicker is the many different planets with different mechanics. For example, Forte (the home of my namesake) has a playfield 9 columns wide, has relatively low gravity (stacks fall back down slower) low-ish horizontal launch power (matches where the blocks are next to each other instead of above/below) but very high vertical launch power. And now that I'm typing this, I realize that I'm just saying words, so, uh, I'm just gonna drop another link to this playlist of gameplay samples for every planet in the original Meteos DS. The uploader is playing pretty fast, but it should give a basic idea.
Anyways, subjective opinion time. First of all, the gameplay is simple, but it's really good. Second of all, the art and general visual design is just, also really good. This post is already on the bulkier side, so look through the miraheze wiki if you want some images. I just, I just like it a lot, especially the aliens. They're all just color, no shading, just flat shapes, and the lore is bare-bones, but what's there is so nice and creative! It's beauty in simplicity, and it's a perfect little base to build off of!
Ok, but how could I play it? Well, the roms for both Meteos DS and Meteos Wars are easy to find, and the emulators DesMuMe and xenia are too! The company that made Meteos is defunct now (sad), so I don't think supporting the devs is something you can really do here, but if you really wanna play legit (or if your computer can't handle Xbox 360 emulation, like mine) and you have the consoles, then Meteos Wars is still available for purchase from the XBLA, and there's copies of Meteos DS still floating around on online marketplaces.
In summary, Meteos is a simple but good game (series) with very nice visual design, with easily available roms. If you're thinking about playing it, do. Please. /lh
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faifromthewild · 1 year
One of my favorite platonic relationships: Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing
Aka my ramblings on two of my favorite characters from The Untamed and their beautiful friendship.
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I will never get over these two. I know some people ship them, and that's fine. You do you. But what makes these two so special to me is that their deep connection isn't romantic. It's an unlikely friendship between two mad scientists cultivators, founded on shared trauma and loyalty to each other.
And get this! It was purely on accident that we got this version of their relationship.
I haven't finished the books, but I don't think they interact nearly as much as they do in the show. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). And there's some pretty damning evidence that the creators of the show were setting Wen Qing up as a love interest but eventually decided to stay faithful to the books (I am eternally grateful btw).
So what we got in the show was a unique accident. And it's perfect. I love it so much.
The result is a relationship that reads as platonic but still has tenderness. There's real love there without the creators feeling obligated to give a reason for it. Bc that's what creators usually do.
"Oh no, there's actual affection here... Uh, what do we do? Um I guess we'll make them siblings? Or lovers?"
Like there's no other option. Which is hilarious bc friendship is like... right there.
"But omg there's no way a woman and a man can be friends with that level of devotion ew..."
You can't see it, but I'm rolling my eyes so hard right now.
Anyway, back to my point. These two are allowed to be friends. They're allowed to tease each other. And be concerned about each other. And make life-changing sacrifices for each other. They love each other so much.
There are a lot of scenes that fuck me up when I rewatch this show. But scenes between these two have a special place in my heart. One scene that comes to mind is when Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing are arguing about how to help Jiang Cheng. What breaks me is Wen Qing's line, "What about you?" She asks the question with heartbreak in her eyes bc she SEES Wei Wuxian. In this moment, she sees him better than his own siblings see him. It hurts me every time. And then there's THAT scene. It's one of the most devastating scenes in the whole show for me. You know the one. When Wei Wuxian has hit rock bottom, Wen Qing makes a choice. She sticks the needle into his shoulder. Bc he has his back to her. Bc she's one of the few people he trusts, so of course he can turn his back to her. The way he whirls around so fast. The anger and betrayal on his face. How she says "I'm sorry," and looks like she's going to cry. The contrast between them in this scene is gut-wrenching. He yells and scrambles for a solution. She calmly counters each of his desperate pleas with reason. It's the cruelest kindness. I love how close they get to each other in this moment. I don't care what the reasoning was on the creators part. It's refreshing to see. Wen Qing moves to sit closer to him and even puts her hand on his head. The touch is intimate without being romantic. He shakes his head pitifully and says her name a few times as he falls into unconsciousness. A final plea to change her mind. All while that painful music plays. And then she says the iconic words: "Sorry and thank you."
So yeah, I love them. Honestly, I love most of the characters in this freaking story, and yes, I actually ship some of them too. I just happened to be thinking about Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing today.
And it just destroys me how we almost didn't get this. And how it could've gone in a completely different direction.
Maybe it's because showrunners don't think friendship sells? I mean, we know it sells to kids. There are the "friendship is magic," and "with the power of friendship" themes. But those themes seem to be limited to animated/children's shows. There are plenty of movies and shows about teamwork and camaraderie. But displays of affection or acts of great sacrifice for one another are rare in those stories. Especially if the characters are of different genders.
I'm actually struggling to think of an example of a piece of media made for adults where two characters of different genders are friends and are allowed to show this level of true love and affection for each other. I've definitely seen it between men (Lord of the Rings anyone?) and women (tho most are limited to best friends and family) and queer folks (you know, the gay best friend trope).
If you can think of an example, please let me know bc I love friendship so much. I love romance too, but platonic love is something I don't see celebrated enough.
Gosh... As a queer non-binary person who has queer and non-binary friends I consider to be family, it would be nice to see more media that reflects my experience.
ANYWAY... Part of what makes this relationship so unique is that Wei Wuxian is bisexual, so yeah, he likes women. But he never treats Wen Qing as a potential love interest. He treats her like a friend. Like family. And Wen Qing is framed (at least in the show) as someone who is attracted to men, but she has zero romantic interest in Wei Wuxian. But these two would LITERALLY DIE FOR EACH OTHER. In fact, in one scene, they argue about exactly that.
Haha I think that's enough rambling for today.
These two are really special to me. That is all.
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wallacejwriting · 1 year
descent snippets; #6
From Chapter 6
So it might surprise you to know that TMI involves quite a few themes from Christianity and Catholicism, partially because Nicki is Catholic and it's fairly important to his character. This chapter is where we start to see those themes. It's not a story about religion, but Nat is from a small town and small towns do religion like no one else. So Nat's faith, especially post family-murder, is a factor to their character.
cw for: anxiety (as always), religious discussion & themes (christianity & catholicism)
As always, writing is under the cut.
There’s no way she’s going to be able to read Nat’s phone screen through the window, not with the smudges and the light. The text-to-speech icon hovers in the corner of Nat’s note app. Will it sound ridiculous? Better than nothing at all. “Looking for Sage. Am Nat.” The phone’s voice is more normal than Nat expects. Gentle, and a little more feminine than Nat likes, but nice enough. More like a voice for VC than a substitute for Nat’s own. The woman’s eyes narrow. She’s a big woman with lovely round cheeks that hold a light pink to her light brown skin. Her thick, comfortable looking arms fold across her lap. Her hair, curls that just brush her chin, tips with the motion of her head. “You’re Nat?” Some of the friendliness drops out of her voice. Nat knows hostility. They take a step back from the door.
“You know what an Alpha is?” asks Sage. Nat nods. Of course they know what an Alpha is. Especially with all the news stories in the last decade. The explosions. The deaths. The destruction. The awesome, terrifying power that, if Nat were more whimsical, they might have said could rival ancient gods. Yet Nat couldn’t say how many were alive. How many lived in the city. If any did not. Only that they exist, and they are strong, and most laws around metahumans exist because of Alphas. “Right. So, there’s seven in Veda,” says Sage. Nat sucks in a breath. Seven. Seven Alphas? Seven minor gods? That’s a pantheon. A pantheon walks in Veda. “I’m number five,” says Sage. Oh.
“You haven’t been around a lot of powers before, have you?” asks Sage. Nat tilts their head back to stare up at Sage. They’re staring up at the sky, lavender hair askew and some of it sticking to their face. Nat manages an, “Uh-uh,” and shakes their head. Sage smiles down at them. It’s smaller than before, and it makes their face softer. “It’ll pass, y’know,” says Sage. “Not the power changes, those are forever, but the fear that comes from it.” Sage lifts a hand and stares at it, flexing it. Their hands are broad and calloused. They wear a wedding band. Their nails look nicer than Liesel’s. “Our powers are a part of us, like a muscle. The more you use them, the easier it gets.” Sage shrugs. “The less you fear.” Nat shrugs. It’s different for them, than it is for Sage. Sage’s powers are probably way beyond anything Nat could ever be. They can’t imagine what it’s like to be that strong. To be so powerful than less than two dozen people in history stand beside you. To be a part of humanity that most fear or hate or live in awe of. They shiver. They wouldn’t wish it on anyone. They don’t know what they’d do, if they were that strong.
So what if the city swallows people? So what if Sage thinks Nat can’t handle it? Who do they think they are, anyway? …Other than one of the most powerful metas in the whole damn world. Someone whose power Nat had only just glimpsed back on that rooftop. Nat stumbles. There’s a window open at this house and despite the late hour Nat can feel a television on inside. The smell of lemonade wafts from nearby. Nat waves the smell away and pushes past the house with their head down. The city seems emptier than before. Darker, too, despite the lights. Nat turns toward the brightest source of light without lifting their head. They can feel it, more than anything else. A streetlamp that glows a little brighter than the rest. A pair of lights on the gate of a stone building. Nat stares up at the building, wind blowing at their hair. A large, stained glass mural depicts an angel coming down from heaven. Probably to warn someone of an incoming disaster. Where was Nat’s warning?
Why are they here? They lift their head and glare at the mural. Sure, maybe this is a place to rest, and maybe the humming isn’t so bad, here, but it’s just another reminder of everything that’s gone. Everything that’s lost and never coming back. And even if it wasn’t, why would Nat want to spend their time somewhere they didn’t belong? God isn’t real. If he was, Nat’s family would be alive, Nat would be in Heron, and no one in this fucking city would know their name. “Some God,” mutters Nat. “’Tis now the very witching time of night, when graveyards yawn and Hell itself breathes out contagion to this world.” Nat startles. There’s a man, standing in the aisle. The man’s voice is warm and steady, low but not nearly a whisper. Hamlet. Nat licks their lips. “Hamlet.” He startles, staring at them, and Nat flushes both from his eyes and their own hoarse voice. They spoke to someone. They haven’t spoken to anyone since… Bile brushes the back of their tongue and Nat swallows. They touches their fingertips to their lips, focusing on the present. They spoke. The words didn’t hurt. Their throat feels good. Normal, even. Maybe things aren’t as terrible as they think. If they can get their voice back… “My apologies,” says the man, his voice low and tinged with a softness Nat can’t place. He speaks with a light English accent that Nat couldn’t place if you paid them. That lilt, as much as his words, brings them back to present. “Hello.” He nods his head to them. Nat nods theirs in return. “Hello.”
“Is…” Nat hesitates. “Is there anything you wouldn’t do for your family? Y’know, to prove that you love them?” asks Nat. They look at Nicki. Something Nat can’t name passes over his face, gone half a second later. “No. Nothing.” His voice in low and wispy, his expression faraway. Nat swallows. The words build and build, bubbling up in their throat until they can’t stop them from tumbling out. “What if someone hurt them? What if you lost them? What would you do?” Go to the police. Run away. Grieve and move on. The same things everyone else has been telling Nat this whole time. “I’d go after them,” says Nicki. Nat’s head snaps to one side to stare at Nicki. He watches them with a quiet, firm expression. “You would?” asks Nat. He nods. “I’d tear them apart.” He looks to the cross. “A sin is a sin is a sin, or so we are told. If you can ask forgiveness for one or the other without difference, then why not choose the one you really want to pursue?” He shrugs and meets Nat’s eyes. Nat holds their breath. They cannot look away. “Go big or go home.”
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
My dream tonight was fucking insane. I'll just write bullet points.
First off all the baki anime was getting rebooted so this time they'd fucking made Baki a furry. Not as in he was anthro, no, he had to put on a fucking suit (it was a cute big cat :) ) and i was so maaad about this change because the old outfit was iconic enough and this was being made to appeal to a larger audience or something.
Also i think they killed off Jack Hanma or something i was mad about that too
Next thing i remember I was outside, in some hike. I always dream about being outside.
I don't remember shit i did except for the fact when i was tired i decided to lay down in the middle of the fucking field for no reason and i threw a pillow and a blanket and it was a wide thick blanket this magenta color, close to this one,and i laid down i started seeing in the horizon with the clouds all going down one was coming over which very clearly brought rain and i knew rain at night while i sleep on the grassy ground was like a death sentence but i just didn't feel like moving to the house a few blocks by where other people lived because i'd fumbled it pretty hard before.
My death wish wasn't granted however because one woman and some maybe male pal of hers came over. She was blonde and had an eyepatch. I pretended to be fast asleep so she wouldnt try to move me. She didn't, instead, she covered myself with a plastic wrap (head to toe btw i got scared for a second about it but decided to just trust her y'know?)
Lady said i looked cute and retold a story about one time i helped her, something related to her eye prob. I think her name was "one-eyed Jackie" btw. Also, i didnt feel like an adult in this dream, i felt like a kid, put a pin on that.
Now cozy and safe i decided to quote a poem from memory to sleep a poem which does not exist and of which i dont remember enough to write it down but the main theme was about holding on against the unstoppable crushing pressure and this was all illustrated on a comic in a dark pool where the character (fucking PG btw idk how he didnt short circuit also im really normal yes thanks for asking) started floating but then there was no water and he was just gripping the edge to not fall and he never did but the poem ended with the repetition about gripping on. It was a somber one but bc my loving nature i just wanted to save him tm and i kept (no pun intended with that last one) thinking of two people walking across different landscapes like a documentary montage. It was nice.
Unfortunately i was almost ran the fuck over while i was trying to dream in peace.
I jumped to the side and avoided the truck but my devices were there and i told to Jackie "My phone is there :( " and she was like no they retrieved it now stop worrying about that are you ok?!
I think it was then when it fully transformed into a movie, or perhaps the earlier scene with Jackie was, either way, i am now no longer me and im instead L.L.
And for dear life I'd not explain to you what happened in this movie although i think they mentioned Sam Raimi made it? It did have some horror things like uh, a fucking werewolf. Like out of our pals, he was just a werewolf and he'd transform each part whenever he wanted. It was nuts, hilarious too.
There was a big bad and his team too at one point they set our little clown shack (bc it was the size of a letrine yet like 8 people were inside it) on fire.
The ending was nutty too actually papyrus fucking died i just remembered. There was this giant freezing mechanism and he (who btw didnt look like paps he was naked his head was very rectangular and cartoony and bigger than his arms, also he was my height) was like "i'll just wait for them to come back to talk this out! :) and i was like PAPYRUS NO! but then it was too late he was head to toe frozen with a smile still on his face....... tried to whipe the moisture from his face maybe w some heat we'd save him but a girl in my team just was like cmon we need to go so i had to leave him.
And then we faced the big bad who was literally just some guy who kinda looked like uh. Hang on. Well i cant find his name but the guy from bg3 who looks like a fucking clown and people love to hate or something. Except w longer crazier hair. And he did fucking kil my epic werewolf bestie but we managed to get rid of him locking him up Somewhere i guess for him to die.
and then we were all coming back from the intensity of it all and the girl from before is like "you gotta admit, that was the best terrible movie ever" and i didnt dare to say i actually loved it
also i forgot if i mentioned this but this movie had a fandom and fanart and somoene had drawn my wolfy pal (who my brain keeps insisting on calling trevor but im pretty sure that's an unrelated werewolf. Also this guy i remembered his looks, his fur was grey and black but he was pale and blonde w short hair sticking up, like, platinum blonde) like "yeah im a werewolf despite that never being explained ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" which is why when it happened i didnt question it, ironically.
anyway i think i brought up the poem and this is when you take off that pin because now one of my childhood friends from primary school (or a representation of her) started talking about how she wrote a following poem or maybe i was talking about a different one idk but she talked about how it opened doors in her life and she annoyed me so i went to sit somehwere else.
And i remember this scene where someone went to sleep so we were told to be silent and a friend was looking thru my drawings adn they were all things i never drew of characters that dont exist and it had this tangible mischevious energy like we were two kids trying to not laugh annoying each other who might get in trouble.
Then i finally sat down in a corner with a friend, could have been my childhood friend (only one i still talk to who's male) or my platonic partner (eye, if you're reading this, hi! ^_^) and we just started talking about friendship, with him mentioning i'd go talk to the rest in the main table instead of lingering here alone but i conter argued i'd eventually do it, it'd just take me a long time. After all, it did take me quite a bit to get close to him, did it not? this was fine.
I woke up so groggy i wouldnt have been able to tell you my own name if you asked me but that whole thing just felt like, such a peaceful story. So fun ! Sad i couldnt save the wolf but you cant save everyone out there tbh
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rupturedtaleblog · 1 year
Anonymous Letter + Responses
”Hello! Hope you’re doing fine!”
Yello! I’m doing alright! I just checked the askbox and saw this, thought I’d give a few responses and clarify a few things given you went out of your way to type down all this.
“I’m just here to mention how much I love Rupturedtale! Well, I only discovered it yesterday, but it’s been a wild ride since then. I love what you did with the minor characters in the Ruins! I expected Napstablook to launch more self-deprecating non-jokes, but, meh, can’t all show random humans we’re depressed now, can we?”
The stuff with Blook was written a while back and I didn’t really have self-deprecating non-jokes in mind for them. I tend to not touch the stuff in general.
“It’s been an absolute (and delightful) shock when it was revealed the blue voice actually was Toriel. And the mercenaries, though KINNNDDDA annoying at first, became quite eandearing over time. Even though he’s kind of immature and uses bad language at times, I liked some of Madjick’s wording, ‘cause it really showed Monsterkind went through some stuff. I think I teared up when Jack visited Toriel’s bedroom. I didn’t get she actually was in his head yet xD”
Cursing was a bit more prevalent in earlier drafts of the AU, mostly in regards to Jack, given he’s meant to be an outsider and a moody teenager. It was toned down over the years as I’d rather it be used for the more “important” moments.
“Reusing the unused soundtrack “stars” for Knight Knight’s battle made it all the more epic. I really got into it, and kinda got attached to them.”
A lot of AUs tend to use Star for either Chara or Frisk, but given it was meant to be used for Madjick, I decided it’d ultimately be better used for The CORE Mercs instead. Mostly Knight Knight, all things considered. Given she’s kind of tall and imposing. 
“Ah. And of course. G R A N D P A.”
Don’t wake him up.
“I must admit I couldn’t quite fathom having a friendly flowey in the beginning. But I came to understand that this was a “failed pacifist ending” and not a “leaderless ending” as I was speculating, which actually allowed what I thought were plotholes to make a lot more sense.”
All I can say without going into spoiler territory is that his behaivour is not without purpose.
“Snowdin, at its beginning, has been a real nightmare. :D Keep in mind I thought this was a leaderless ending. Seeing Sans acting like he did, like nothing changed at all, got me, uh, unbelievably angry. 
Then it was made pretty clear a lot changed over time, and I got incredibly sad instead. :D 
That talk in Snowdin he’s got with Jack, about hate being a cycle… made me realize he’s got time to carefully mull things over. 
And me, I will never get over the fact that he’s now wearing Papyrus’ frigging old fedora. I’ve never seen someone able to reconcile heartwrenching and utterly hilarious so well. xD Fits Sans!”
Sans was kind of a nightmare to figure out how to write given the context of what occured prior to Jack falling down. But like with Flowey, I can tell you his behaivour is not without purpose.
I’m glad you like his fedora. Snowdin in general was meant to showcase various old concepts that didn’t make it into Undertale proper, like the 98 Robots and Papyrus’ old hat.
“THE ROBOT 98. WOW I LOVE THEM?! The Puzzle Punisher or whatever he’s called is by far my favorite I wish Papyrus met him I’m sure they’d find a lotta common ground. Well that’s maybe a lie 'cause my favorite is Ninety, or, since it’s Papyrus’ headcanon, Nintwo. I was very skeptical of him, but then he grew on us, I guess. His theme is awesome and his battle was too, and he and Dodge kind of remind us of Sans and Papyrus, but since they’re taking up their role in Snowdin that’s not much of a surprise. “
I’ve been told a lot of times that the 98 Robots are probably the most iconic thing in this AU, and I am not at all surprised to learn that.
I’m glad you enjoyed them as much as you did. The 98 Puzzle Punisher in particular is the best and most powerful character I have created for this AU. If there is a God out there He trembles in fear every time The 98 Puzzle Punisher is spoken of.
Jokes aside, I do not recall if Ninty and Doge being a bit similar to the brothers was done deliberately or if it was an accident on my part. At the end of the day you will find that they do not share the same ideals as them, which is what matters the most at the end of it.
“Oh my God, Jack crashing on Papyrus’ grave. This absolutely abominable act made my day. This is probably when I truly fell in love with this comic (hence the love letter.)”
“Visiting Sans and only Sans’ house was sad. It’s clean. The kitchen is empty. 
…The sock is picked up. 
That was all very wrong.”
“Oh also, let me tell you how much I love the OST! I already mentioned Knight Knight and 90’s one, which are my favorites, but I’ve gotta say the one that plays during Snowdin area, the “Home Of Papyrus” one, and the remix of Toriel’s OST are also huge hits in my heart at least. “
I’m glad to hear that. The soundtrack for this was something I wanted done for a long while now. You’ll come to find the future tracks even better.
“So. If I got all this right, Asgore is alive. I’m so glad he is, I love him xD I’m also sad because this means he won’t get into Jack’s head -._-. This is crushing all your fan theories that went like : “RupturedTale, the AU where instead of collecting dead human items throughout your journey, you collect dead monsters’ voices in your head.”
I was truly waiting for the point when Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asgore would have been commenting Jack’s every move with “helpful” remarks, though…. 
This sounds like a lightly complicated situation, doesn’t it?”
Having the entire cast of Undertale in my head sounds like a fate worse than death. Imagine the noise.
“Asgore is still in charge, the human attempted a genocide run and got stopped at Undyne, which makes for empty ruins, empty snowdin, and empty waterfall. From there, Undyne could have died alongside the human— but judging by the something’s presence it’s unlikely. Something must have happened, and Undyne got both herself and the human disabled somehow— one of ‘em, Undyne particularly, is probably the something, judging by the fishlike shadow we can see following Jack around. Maybe both of them. I don’t really think determination melts humans, though…..”
If only you knew how bad things really are.
“Obviously, at this point, it’s got pretty clear that what we thought was cold acceptance from Sans is anything but. He wants to “rat out” the something, particularly if it IS the human. He’s going to the extent of looking creepy and trying to “use” Jack to do so. This means it’s more of a priority to him than he lets it show.  
Why is that? I couldn’t tell you: Asgore seeks it out too perhaps? …Or maybe he’s got something against this human. (How would I have guessed!) 
Or does he simply just want to “see how it all ends?”
That’s some weird, cryptic, mildly concerning sentence. Particularly concerning the double meanings this statement has. That’s our Sans alright.”
You’d find that Jack is someone who, at the end of the day, get things done.
One way or another.
“Anyhow, MTT probably took the place of the CPTN considering his G L A M O U R O U S shows. I wonder what motivated him to expand the royal guard… Alphys’s death? Her connection with Undyne? MTT doesn’t hate Humans in the first place, does he? Is the CPTN actually some other guy? 
What’s up with the capital? What’s up with Asgore? Can I hug Asgore? Will Sans ever give me his fedora, I want the same? Will freeing the amalgamates make Doge happy? I love Doggo, did he get a proper grave?”
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
“What would happen if someone went to Sans and said : 
“Hey dude, y’know that human you’re sitting next to?” 
“yup, i know him. we met a few hours ago.” 
“Well, uh, actually, this guy’s possessed.”
*Sans remebers the time Jack screamed alone in the forest and threw a tantrum for stress relief. 
“yeah, i know.” 
“Huh, no, for real. There’s two people living in his head.” 
“don’ worry, i suspected it went that far.” 
“And those people are like, the most important people in your life that just died a few months ago and put you through a tumultuous period of constant changes, depression, and internal crisis. Every time you talk to Jack, they hear.” 
“…huh. mind tellin’ me who those two people are?” 
“Sans. Your dead brother is living, and talking, and sometimes even stress-cleaning inside the head of this kid that’s currently watching TV right next to you.” 
Sans didn’t have much to respond to that. besides maybe, “…” 
“And the old lady you spent hours trading jokes with, that just happened to be your closest friend? She’s also living inside this kid’s head.” 
Sans looked at Jack’s coconut-sized skull. 
“must be crowded in there.”  “
That’s a hysterical visual.
Jack and his Monsterkind-shaped head:
“Love your AU!! Awaiting eagerly for the next part, more answers, and Jack’s sweet descent into madness as the voices take up most of his dominant personality. I’m happy each time they talk and give their wonderful advice and opinion.”
Thank you so much. I was delighted seeing this letter and the drawings amidst the sea of pretty silly asks. I hope you don’t mind that I responded to it. I’m truly touched to see someone talk about a story I’ve written like this.
As for the rest of this AU, while things are going to be a little different moving forward, I think you’ll very much enjoy what I have in store next.
Oh, and as always.
Embrace your ideals.
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Percy Jackson & The Olympians Ep 5 thoughts
(From a book reader. Spoilers for episode 5 and the book ahead)
THE THRILL RIDE O LOVE. Was as cringy as I thought it would be, as it should be. Not sure why it depicted Hephaestus’ story except for it being a way to contextualize him. But as a cringey love themed ride? Nope, doesn’t make sense
Hephaestus showing up in person to Annabeth? I have mixed feelings about. I think it was a good moment theme wise to show that not all the gods are cut throat and backstabbing. But I wanted Annabeth to figure it out. Yes I liked her speech about not wanting to be like her mom. Yes it’s good character development. But it happens too quickly and too directly for my liking
I love that Percy’s water abilities are so chaotic right now and he directly says “yeah I’m figuring it out as I go”. Yes, seaweed brain, you have no idea what the fuck you’re doing and it’s amazing. You’re doing great sweetie
SEAWEED BRAIN. THE FIRST APPEARANCE. interesting that it’s in the context of her being vulnerable with him. The first instance in the book (if I remember correctly) was her legitimately picking on him, and then it later turned into bashful and loving name calling
The slow burn was burning this episode. So much growth. THE HUG AT THE ST LOUIS ARCH
omg Smelly Gabe’s tv appearance, his concern over the camero, framing Percy as a troubled kid who hurt his mom = fabulous, 10000/10. I want the scene of Percy taking to the news like “I know by dad wants to give away free appliances… cuz he just cares so much.” *fake cries*
Grover’s convo with Ares. Iconic. I like this. This Grover is much more confident than book Grover is at this stage. Boom one Grover was shaking in his custom insert sole flying shoes. Tv Grover is calculating and prying for info from the God of fucking war and twitter battles (loved that aside)
I do not necessarily like the changes to the Waterland / thrill ride o love. I may change my mind once I see non-book readers POVs and everyone’s analysis. But right now I don’t see it
I don’t like that Grover “found out” who the lightning thief is this early. Granted we don’t know if his guess is correct. But. Also. How did he jump to the conclusion that Ares had already caught the thief? What am I missing?
Okay also WHAT I LOVED ABOUT THAT CONVO is how Grover played into Ares’ hubris. And how it foreshadows Percy v Ares. The no death quick surrender wars he mentioned. Foreshadow to Ares backing down in his fight vs Percy on the beach
Okay but I do love Annabeth saying “I’m not leaving the underworld without your mom.” And how concerned she is
GIRL IS FALLING HEAD OVER HEELS IT IS ALL OVER HER FACE. The hug at the archway. The refusal to let him sacrifice himself AGAIN without protest. Makes me wonder how their relationship with develop in the show
The zoo truck yesss I am glad it’s still there
Zoo truck going to Lotus casino is an acceptable streamlined change
Hermes being at the casino? Uh, why?
They’ve met so many gods now. Dionysus. Ares. Hephaestus. Plus they’re going to meet Hermes and Hades and Poseidon. That’s half the main pantheon. So quickly?? And so much direct engagement with their quest?? In the books, I know they meet Aphrodite. But they don’t meet Hephaestus until much later.
So many thoughts so little time. Part 2, maybe?
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creelby · 8 months
not very long anonymous message here:
Your opinions are both shit and horribly amazing, I barely agree with anything you say but i still enjoy reading the stuff that you post because it's still fun.
Your taste in music slaps, your fandoms are cool and a little part of dies each time you change your blog theme, url, icon or header, because they're all cool but they still make me miss the one prior.
You actually have a great sense of humour and I can't tell you how much I've laughed at your stuff.
you're cool but you're also weird asf but in a very good way. i actually genuinely love you so fucking much /p
uh, anyways, I am too emotionally constipated to continue and i feel like if i did i might accidentally reveal who i am so have a great day/night!!
i’m pretty sure i know who this is
thank you!!!!!<333333
my taste in music does indeed slap like fr someone had to say it so thanks for being the one to say it anon👍🏻 (???)
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tragedykery · 2 years
Tumblr media
[ID: a screen that shows I’m editing my theme on mobile. my icon has been changed to a photo of the planet jupiter in the colours of the lesbian flag and my header to a photo of falling stars. the background has been changed to black, the bio text to a pastel pink and the accent colour to pastel orangey pink. /end ID]
I’d definitely need to edit it more (1 bc I just used the first pic I could find on pinterest for the header 2 bc I can’t see the colours very well with my night filter and 3 bc I’d need to edit my desktop theme too. and also editing images on my phone Sucks) but uh. new theme when
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AUOGH this review is already killing me xD
Hey at least there's Parknik xD
And baby Steve :DD!!
Hmm I bet it's like changing the baby's diaper or something huh
Iconic <3
Slay Shawn :D xD
Lol Steve's just vibing xD
OH and of course!!
Hi Shawn :DD!!!
Hi Lea 🥰!
Hi Steve :')))!!!
(tears bc he's so adorable)
Aww 10 minutes of snuggles :')) very nice is such a mood
Okay Shawn you will have to relax eventually bc it'll be hard to multitask but yeah I get it xD
Aww reading a medical book together xD
AAHHH yes I am also ready to say hi to everyone lol :))
Awww "I will miss you both" 😭😭❤️ y'all I'm not ready for this
It just makes me think of this season ending aaaahhh xdd 😭
Hi Glassman :D
Just btw xd but AAHHHH THAT HURT ME 😭😭
First last/last first intro xdd anyway I love them <33
Hi Morgan :)!!!
Hi Park :D!!
Hi Eden 🥰
(that is her name right xd)
Aww uh oh :(( poor bb
Oop y'all 😳 remember equal parenting if that's what you're gonna do xd
Hi Jordan :DD!
Sorry I'm fine lol
(I'm not sorry)
Hi Asher 🥰🥰!
"It's been today for like a whole 8 hours" dang XDD
Oop okay!! Good for them, glad they're still texting :))
Ayyy my besties hanging out :DD
Please no TOOO questionable decisions
What surgery xD
SFLGHDKHGS "No longer joined at the hip" J O R D A N that was illegal. slay girlie
Anyway AAHH Jerome mention :D lovely <33 (as in he is my lovely)
But yes besties :))
These two cannot get through a conversation without destroying each other. Love that for them
Yes thank you less questionable decisions xD
No don't call it that lol
Hi Kalu :)!
Ope xD I bet he'll go out with them eventually
Or he has a good reason
AAHH yes Papa Murphy :DD
AWWW immediate and hardcover (ykwim, physical) photos of Steve :'DD stop that's so cute <33
Slfkghsk the theme
Slay we love the books <3
Oop is he not on the schedule?
Ayy slay for Marcus :D
Hi Lim :))!!
Hi Dalisay!!
Happy for y'all Dalisay 🥰🥰
I hope it's not Lim girlie goes through enough xdd
Oop hopefully it's not a guy who sucks
Carefullll Shawnnn
Aww okay but don't rub it in Shawn xdd
Aww I hope he's okay :((
Uh oh
I hope he can get the transplant D:
OPE hi guys o.o
I mean at least it's only been two weeks though
Aww the whole name thing xd 😭😭
Not okay tyvm <33
Like Shaun being impressed the Lea revealing the middle name :')) I think Glassman suspected even if he didn't believe it though <3
Lol yeah he has nothing going on xD
He is beautiful 😭😭
Oh no Eden D:
Poor baby :(((
Didn't mean the baby part too literally but yk xd
Aww bb :((
Why are y'all looking so fashionable btw lol
I mena they always are but yk xD
Anyway hmm Park's being quieter
Hopefully Morgan doesn't cut him out-
Uh oh 😳
This is gonna become a thing at some point xd
And you're letting someone who knows you do it lol?
Oop of course yes Glassman! He can't operate anymore so might as well :D
Agh glad Glassman doesn't like this O'Brien guy either xD
Hmm I wonder how he'll solve it
I figured he'll end up doing it or put someone in but we'll see
Oop hi guys :))
Bb <33
So many babies this episode I'm gonna die xdd especially when they start being in danger 😭
Oop he's refusing her again 👀 I wonder if it's bc of Perez?
Oh no D:
oPE gosh xD
Maggots lol
Aww the comparison/the way it was phrased is sweet :')
The mom is beautiful btw
Aww guys :'((
Park please don't bring up the decision making thing now though xd
They wouldn't dare kill Eden but. . .
Probably xd
Aww glad they're good for now at least though <3 there for each other :')
Introducing themselves aww <3
I hope they don't end up getting torn apart :((
OOP didn't introduce Park 😬
Awww hi guys :D
Again Shawn, chill xd
Knew it would need to happen lol
Love you though <3
WHOOPS this post is way too long lol
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brokentoys · 1 year
hrrrghhh. i didn't want deep fried icons 'cos i'm kinda Over That trend. (tho my theme will remain the same 'cos i still love how it looks) i'm always making them bigger - 'cos i feel mine are a bit too small? originally mine are 50x50 (without the border) but i'm gonna make them 70x70.
uh here's a raw one vs a current one for example.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
still gonna give it a border as well ! and probs slap some color changes and/or PSD on it. but a light one - one that's much easier to see. think it's much easier to see at this size LOL! tho right now i'm kinda strugglin with color changin' - not rly liking anything. oh well. i'll keep at it
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